4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FTIIDAV, MAUCI1 14, 1002. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MEHTIO. Carl 111 drugs. 1 Stockert sells carpets and rugs. Met br at Neumeyer's hotel. Wollman. scientific optician. Pasturage, Judson, 2 th ave. Tel. I. Myrtle lodge. Degree of Honor, will meet thl evening. , Perry pictures for Ml. C. E. Alexander St Co., m Broadway. MIm Orac Waltermlre la aerloualy hi at her home, MH Avenue I. J. C. W. Woodward, architect, room I, Everett block. Council Bluffs. Ia, Mtasourl oak body wood. I.W -Ham Welch, a N. Main street. Tel. 128. Mra. Edward Murphy ,ot Omaha is ' y'"" ber parent. Mr. and Mra. Jamea Wlckham. Judge Wheeler will hold a short ""ton of district court Saturday morning to bear motions. ... . The Rebeksh Victoria club will meet ! afternoon at the home of Mrs. Oscar younkerman. The High echool cadet plan to give a dicing party Friday evening. April 4. In Royal Arcanum hall. Frank Fowler, former deputy city rnar ahal of thl. cliy. la voting old-time friend, and acqualntancea here. Rev. Jacob Flook of Omaha will occupy the pulpit of the First Congregational church Bunday morning. Mra Irwin of Washington avenue will entertain " the Woman'. Hellef corp. and Independent club thl. afternoon. For aale, -room house, modern, except furnace; lot 48x170. Do not call unless you want to buy. 132 Harrison street. Go to Morgan ft Klein for upholstering, mattreee mailing and feather renovating. 122 South Main .treet. Phone 648. Mrs. Charles Walters of Grace street will entertain the member, of Grace Episco pal church this afternoon at a Lnten tes. Contractor Wlckham began work yester day on the new Merriam block, which will have a frontage on Pearl and Main street.. For rent, office room, ground floor; ex cellent k cation for real Mat or Insur ance; centrally located. Addres B, Bee office, J. Hsrvey McUean and Mies Mabel B. Maxneld, both of Neola, la., were married Wednesday by Rev. 8. Alexander at his residence. For rent, two furnished or unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping, for man and wife; no children; rent reasonable. Ad dress M, Bee office. H. L Harvey, recorder of Harrison county, was In Council Bluffs yesterday visiting friends and in the evening attended the Elk' festivities. The Hoard of Education ha decided to increase the faculty at the High school to sixteen by the employment of an additional teacher at the beginning of the next term. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham of Washington, D. C, at the Woman's Chris tian assoclstlon hospital In this city, a son. Mrs. Graham was formerly Miss Gertrude Klrkland of thl city. Charles Roy. the negro who gave the name of Webb when arrested on suspicion of having robbed the Demlng residence on Fifth avenue, Is being held at the county jail pending Investigation. A marriage license was Issued yesterday to J. E. Andrew, aged 23, and Mary Barnes, aged IS, both of Oakland, la. Justice Bryant performed the marriage ceremony In the parlor, of the Neumayer hotel. Th Theta Delta Literary .oclety of the High school ha adopted an emblem In the shape of a .mall triangle set upon a larger triangle, with the letters of the society engraved upon the border. George Arth jr. Infant of Mr. and Mr. G. A. Prior, 835 Fleming avenue, died yes terday, aged iVi months. The funeral will be thl. afternoon at 8 from the residence. Burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Horace Lyon was arrested yesterday. Charged with the theft of a pair of shoea, a pair of overshoe, and two .oft shirt, belonging to hi. roommate, Carl Horner. The theft t. alleged to have been committed February (. Mr. J. O'Nell, Jefferl block. Bouth Main street, and a child In the Woodmansee family, 729 Washington avenue, were re ported to the Board of Health yesterday a. having smallpox. The Woodmansee child la reported to have attended the Washing ton avenue school a. late aa Wednesday. While on of th clerk, wa. raising the large awning In front of Culver & Wood bury's atore on Pearl street yesterday after noon a gust of wind took It out of the young man's control and It cam down with a rush, striking Henry Delxing. son of Rev. Henry DeLong. on the head, knocking th lad unconscious. Jesse James waa arrested on an informa tion filed In Justice Bryant'a court, charg ing him with the theft of a cow belonging to John Russell of Albright, Neb. The cow had' been left in charge of James foth.r mnA it in aliened he took It with other stock to Nebraska City, to which place the family is removing. He waa committed to the county Jail In default of ball and will have a hearing this morn tng. N. T. Plumbing Co.. telephone 250. Davis "lis glass. Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft Son Fuaeral of Bhepard Faruswortta. Th funeral of Shepard Farnsworth was yesterday afternoon from th family real Senc on South Eighth street and was at tended by a large number of friend, of th Seceased and bereaved family, among the mourners being many members 'of the Ma sonic fraternity and Elks, of which Mr. Ferreworth had been a member. The serv ices at th house were conducted by Rev. Qeorgo Edward Walk,' rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church. A quartet, consisting of Mr. W. W. 8berman, Mr. Ward. Measrs. Mitchell and Thlckstun, accompanied by Miss Oleaaon, sang. Th cortege to Falr vlew cemetery was a long on. Th pall bearers were Theodora Laskowskl, H. D. Harla, John Bereshelm, William Moore. 8. I. Keller. S. T. McAte. H. Haworth and B. I. Terwllliger. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read. 141 Broadway. Davis sells giasa. Accepted Fact BLATZ MILWAUKEB IS A QUALITY LEADER. Original Methods have had much to do with th unpreceden ted suceess et thee brews. Not a bottle of B'.ats Bear leaves I th plant that has not been thoroughly ma tured and atertllisd. BLATZ MALT-VIVINE (Non-Intoxicant) Tonic. Druggist or direct. VAL BLATZ MEWING CO.. Mllwayk. OMAHA BRANCH. Doaarla at. Tel. lOSt. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director tauoceaaar I W. C. Jtatapt an rkAKl. Tata)T. FARM LOANS 65E? j...ttd tm tuitri - Near (a w Ja N. Caay. , An BEER BLUFFS. PLENTY OF GOOD TIMBER Republicans Hate No Lack of Candidates to Choose From. PRIMARIES FOR ALDERMEN TONIGHT Fear Coateataat far May" Re pabllraa Ticket, anal Any Oae f Them I. gal4 to Be Wlascr. Th republicaaa will fir their first gun in th municipal campaign this evening, when primaries will be held for th nomina tion of ward aldermen. There la no lack of good winning timber to select from, and as several aspirants for aldermanlc honors are found In moat of the wards, there is likely to be a contest for each nomination. The fact that everything indicates a sweep ing victory for the republicans at th city election, March SI, has brought out a Bum bar of candidates willing to serve the municipality In th administration of Its affair. With on possible exception, all of the republican member of the city council are out for renomlnattofri. The exception Is Lewis Hammer, alderman-at-large, who is aid not to desire a renomlnatlon. Except ing Hammer, ther ar Ave republican al dermen and each will have a contest on bis hands at th primaries tonight. All five are confident of winning out. The alderman from th First ward at present is Charles Huber, democrat. The ward has been strongly democratic, but this year the republican hope to wrest It from the enemy, and the chance to do so look exceptionally bright. George F. Hamilton, It Is said, can have the republican nomina tion for ward alderman tonight if h will accept it and hi friends are urging him to do so, but up to last night be had declined to consider it, on the grounds of his busl ness preventing him giving the needed at tention to the office. In the event of Mr. Hamilton declining the nomination it will go to either N. P. Anderson or W. C. Dickey, although the latter Is being prom inently mentioned as on of the republican nominees for alderman-at-larg. E. H Ohlendorf and John C. Small ar being men tioned as possibilities In this direction. Contest la th Second. E. H. Lougee, present alderman from the Second ward, will have a. hi opponent for th nomination J. D. Johnson, a former al derman from this ward. Johnson has been making an active campaign and has consid erable strength In the Second precinct, but Lougee's friends were confident yesterday of carrying the primaries tonight. The only opponent known to be an avowed candidate against Alderman E. C Brown In th Third ward Is M. J. Kelley whose aldermanlc boom was sprung Tuesday night at th meeting of the Municipal Non partisan league. Brown's friends say they have things so lined up that his renomlna tlon Is a foregone conclusion. It looks as though Alderman 6. W. Mc Donald will be renominated in th Fourth ward without opposition.' Black Peterson bad been prominently mentioned as a can didate for the nomination, but yesterday it was said he had decided to leave Mc Donald a clear field. In the Fifth ward there are several as pirants to sit In th city council chamber and Alderman D. O. Clark will have an In teresting contest on his 'hands tonight. His friends look for him to come out, however, from the battle of ballots with flying honors. Those who are said to be willing to contest the nomination are J. C. Flem ing of the First precinct and Chris Loaeth and Hans Hansen of the Second precinct. Hansen is precinct committeeman. Battle Royal la Sixth. The Sixth ward also promises to be th scene of a battle royal at tna primaries, as Alderman Israel Lovett has a double decked contest on his hands tor ths renom lnatlon. A. C. Harding, former park com missioner, and John M. Harden, former street supervisor, are out after the nomi nation and, being old-time realdents of ths ward, are expected to make a strong show ing. The primaries for the nomination of ward aldermen will open at 8 O'clock and will be held in the same manner as tor dele gate to th city convention, except that when all present shall have voted the judges will declare the ballot cloaed and snail at once count the ballot and If there Is no choice snother ballot will be immediately taken and so on until soma candidate has received a majority of all ballots cast. They will be held at th following places: rrr.i vniwhler A Hereld building. Second Ward Mlnnlck's barn, M West Broadway. rm.Mh wM-Ifrmwi' hall, courthous. Fifth Ward County building, Fifth ave nue ana Tweirtn siren. Blxth Ward County building, Avenue and Twenty-fourth street. The republican city convention will be Thursday afternoon, March 20, and the pre cinct caucuse to select delegates will b Tuesday evening, March 18. Th demo cratlc city convention will be this evening at 8 o'clock In th county courthous. Candidates for Mayor. Four candidates for th republican nomi nation for mayor ar mentioned anyone ot whom. It I believed, will b elected If nom tnated and thus wrest the offlc ot chief ex ecutive, with th eontrol ot th police force, from the democrats. Th four candidate ar William Sapp. Dell O. Morgan, Charles ft. Hannan and 8- F. Henry. Mr. Henry, who nam was brought out at th meet ing ef th Municipal Nonpartisan league, says It was without bis authority and that he I a republican and not a member ot the league. . If accorded th mayoralty nomlna tlon . by th city republican convention he will gladly accent It. and at the same time feel honored If given th support or th Nonpartisan leagu. Frank True, th preaent Incumbent of th office, will be given renomlnatlon for treas urer without opposition, as will F. L Ev ana tor auditor. The election of Tru and Evans Is conceded by all. For th nomination for city solicitor H J. Chambers. 8. B. Snydar and J. J. Hess ar active candidates and th nomination ot either. It I said, means election. Other OlOeea. Thomas Toatevin, former city engineer. Is mentioned a th probable nominee for this office, as 1. Harley Mayne. but It is not known whether Mr. Maya would accept th nomination If given him. Frank Everest will be renominated tor city sasessor without opposition and his lection will b as sura John Olson will. It is Mid, be on of the nominees for alderman-at-large. Names mentioned aa hla running mat ar Dell G Morgan, provided he does not get the may oralty nomination; W. C. Dickey, 8orn Wl'-aon, H. O. MoGee and Oscar H. Brown For the nomination for city wetghmaster C E. Sackett and Jam Davis ar caadl dates. For park commissioners, C A. Tib bits is out for a renomlnatlon and Ah Mitchell of th Fifth ward I alio a candi date. Th present makeup of the board I republican and the indications ar It will remain so. Special sal for Friday and Saturday: No. 1 sugar cured ham, 11c per lb.; strictly fresh country eggs, IJtye per dosen, guar anteed. J. Zoller ft Co. Telephone 120. REGISTER 0RL0SE VOTE Tare Date Arc Open for Men to Get on Roll for Coming; City Kloetlon. All persons entitled to vote at the city lection March II who were not registered last November at th time of th general election, or who bar sine moved from th precinct In which they then lived, will hav to register. Th registrar will sit Thurs day and Friday, March SO and 81, and Sat urday, March 29, from ( a- m. to p. m. The places of registration in th different precinct and th registrars ars aa follows: First Ward. First Precinct Victor Jen nings' barn on East Broadway, near Ben ton street; John H. Corlles and R. T. Young, registers. First Ward, Second Precinct Marble shop 211 East Broadway; Jamea Peterson and W. M. Green, registers. Second Ward, First Precinct City hall on Bryant atreet; J. W. Blanchard and J. W. Bates, registers. Second Ward, Second Precinct Barber shop, 720 Weat Broadway; J. C Johnson and E. E. Batea, register. Third Ward. First Precinct Chicago house, 135 South Main street; J. H. Chlsum and C. E. Covert, registers. Third Ward. Second Precinct Atlantlo house, 901 Bouth Main street; Hugh M. Gosa and J. H. Bryant, registers. Fourth Ward, First Precinct Morgan ft Klein's store, 122 South Main street; C. G. Robinson end Vigo Badollet, registers. Fourth Ward, Second Precinct Kelly house, 1212 South Main street; D. J. Whit taker and Frits Ftohardt, registers. Fifth Ward, First Precinct County build ing, corner of Fifth avenue and Twelfth street; G. H. Acker and B. B. Bowman, real-tore. Fifth Ward, Second Precinct County building, 1611 South Thirteenth street; John A. Grimes and Bartel Nelson, registers. Sixth Ward, First Precinct County build ing, corner of Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street; P. J. Clatterbuck and Clint Mercer, register. Blxth Ward, Second Precinct Residence of George Cooper, near corner of Fifth and Locust streets; C. O. Hamilton and Carl Negethon, registers. On election day, March 81, the registers will be at the above places, except In the First and Second precinct, of the Fifth ward and the First precinct of the Sixth ward, where they will be at some con venient place, not within 100 feet of the voting place, and during the hours in which by law the poll, are required to be kept open, for the purpose of granting cer tificates of registration to persons who, being electors, are not registered; but no certificate of registration will be granted except to a person who was absent from the city during all the days fixed for regis tration of voters for this election, or to a person who. being a foreigner, has received his final papers since the last preceding day of registration, or to any person whose name on the preceding Saturday, and in his absence, waa stricken from the registry lists, and who on election dav shall prove to the satisfaction of such registers that he is a lawfully qualified elector In such voting precinct. Special sal for Friday and Saturday: No. 1 sugar cured ham, 11c per lb.; strictly fresh country eggs, - 12Hc per dosen, guar anteed. J. Zoller ft Co. Telephone 820. THIRTEEN LICK THE SALT Antlered Herd Hn Lively Dal ana on ' the) Occasion of Aeqnlrlna; Novitiate. There i were doings at th clubhouse of ths Council Bluffs lodge of Elks last night and th handsome building held the largest gathering of the antlered herd since th Ight of th dedication. The affair was en titled th annual salt lick of the lodge. Tho number 13 entered conspicuously into the ffalr. It was the 13th day of th month. thirteen aspirant to wear antler were Initiated into the mysteries ot Elkdom and th festivities did not com to a close until the big clock In the Bloomer school struck the thirteenth hour. Of th thirteen candidates initiated eleven were from Missouri Valley. They were J. B. Lyons, R. W. Harvey, C. J. Deur, H. R. Newton, F. L. Kelly, J. E. Murphy, William Newflnd, R. J. Tennant, Z. T. Notes, J. J. Amen, J. D. Alexander. The others, R. B. Wallace and Edgar Hafer, were from the cltjr. After th candidates had been duly In itiated a social session was held snd a splendid program enjoyed, among those tak ing part being Carl Relter, Stewart Barnes, Sidney Grant and James Cullen from tb Omaha Orphcum. Emmet Tinley responded to th 11 o'clock toast. Th festivities closed with a banquet served in the large bowling alley, which had been laid with a false floor for th occasion. It was then the Elks and the thirteen young ones, with their boms Just sprouting, "licked the salt" so generously provided. Ham and Bstst. No. 1. sugar cured ham. Ho per lb.: strictly fresh country eggs, 12Vic per dosen. Friday and Saturday only. J. Zoller ft Co. Real Estate Transfer. These transfers were filed yesterday in th abstract, tills and loan offlc of J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Bartley a O'Connor and wife to E. A. Clifton, lot 19. block 18. Howard , w. U f Ellen Nora Lively and husband to Au mAA maa A 450 gust iteinert. a zv-loot strip in nw4 ne4 84-74-48. w. d George L. Rust to H. E. and Mary C. McMullen, undlvVi Interest in wU IwU and U wtt nwU 8S-74-40. w. d.. 4.171 Francis T. Tru and wit to Basil M. Webster, 121.01 acres In 20 and 29-7S-43. w. d 7.000 4,400 P. A. Johnson and wife to Andrew J. Wallace. w se4 27-74-38, w. d Leonard Everett and wife to Helen Frances Veaey, seft sw 21-74-41, w. d 2.000 W. J. Wood and wife to William Thornton. nti swU 28-74-38. w. d ... E. L. Bhugart and wife to Elmer E. !. Bhugart, undlvH Intereat in w4 nw4 7-74-43 and elS acres nV4 12-74-44. w. d .7. 7. 1.112 Edward M. Steel and wife to William Bteele, 1 acr In n e 16-77-44. w. d 1.3(0 A. A. Dorn and wife to William 8 pears, 88 acre In nw e 7-77-41. w. d II James M. Kelley, referee, to Valentine fiumo, sb n ne- n-it-w, r. a Harriet Kadel to Henry Mauer, nwfc 2.400 2.000 .400 4 7 U0 1400 ne i-Tt-u. w. a Daniel D. Jones to J. C. Meacham, lv4 4-77-44. w. a Henry Boott and wife et al to Henry e4 ne z-ie-t2, w. a. Lou Johnston to W. A. Wells, lot 28, hlork a. Mavne'a 1st add., w. d Annie E. Swanaon and husband to R. U McKeown, lots l ana s, diock its, Crescent, w. d U. H. Whit and wlf to Thomas D. Metcalf, iota 14, ana is, diock j. Turley A White' subdlv., w. d C. 8. Lefferts and wife to Juila R. Myera. inirty-ma lot in venous additione. q. e. d.......... E. A. Davidson and wlf to C. M. Lewis, lot 3 and att lot t, block 14, Macedonia, w. d John F. Morgan to H. H. Field, lota 17 and 18. block . Pierce's add., w. d. Henry Rlshton and wife to Othella Fisher, lot 8 In subdlv. of lot 13 and part of lot I In subdlv. of lot 12'v original plat, w. d 800 500 760 Twenty-on transfer, total. .839.17 Caae la District Court. J. B. Bsrtlett. who a few day ago brought proceedings in ths district court to restrain D. L. Sherlock, saloon keeper at 3040 West Broadway, alleging that ke had sold intoxicating liquor to his two minor sons, following this up yesterday by Insti tuting suit to recover $1,000 damages from Sherlock aa th same alleged grounds. Of thi. amennt 8500 is ..ked as actu.l d.mages and $2,600 a exemplary damages. James Coyle. owner of the saloon building. Is namea as party aerenaaat. Frank Mllledge, through J. B. Sweet, an attorney, brought suit In the district court yesterday to enjoin John Achats, a Broad way taloon keeper from selling liquor. It Is alleged that Achats has been selling liquor contrary to the mulct law. Mrs. Caroline I. Davis brought suit In the district court yesterday for divorce from Oliver Davis, whom she married in this city August 8, 1898. She alleges cruel and In human treatment and asks for $20 a month alimony. Th plaintiff Is a whit woman, while the defendant I a colored waiter on a Northwestern dining car. t Today is th last day tor filing petitions i for the March term of court, which opens 1 March 2S. Th trial ef th personal Injury dsmsge suit of Mrs. M. A. Lett against th Chicago ft Northwestern railroad was resumed In ths superior court yesterday. NOTHING FOR FEDERAL JURY No Criminal Matter to no Presented H. A. Boyle Get Coat Against , tailed Rtates. Th federal grand jury which was Im paneled yesterday morning on Judge Mc Pherson convening the spring term et United States court will, it is expected bo discharged this morning. Prosecuting Attorney ' Miles had nothing to present to th Jury yesterday and it is not thought there will be anything for it to do today, This Is the first time in the history ot the federal court here that there have been no criminal matters before the grand Jury. The hearing of the petition of intervention of Stat Treasurer Gllbertson and C. J Thompson In th Crenshaw bankruptcy case I Wis continued tr Anril 1. Tha nrder with reference to the receiver not taking possession of the bank at Crystal Lake, la., as part of Crenshaw's assets was con tinued by th court. The original bank ruptcy action of the First National bank and other creditors of this city against Crenshaw will, it is expected, be taken up after the Jury cases now on the docket are disposed of. Judgment In the case of th United States against H. A. Boyle, charged with mlsap propriatlon of government money, was en tered for the defendant and th cost taxed to the United States. Boyle showed to the satlsfactlon of the court that the monev ha was charged wlh misappropriating had been used by him in providing for sick snd con- valescent soldiers, of whom he was In charra en route from Jacksonville. Fla.. to va- I rlous points in Iowa. The cases of Lawrence T. Brown against the Union Pacific Railroad Comnanv. United States against Frank P. Bradley, I Banrord against the Chicago ft Northwest- ern Railroad Comnanv. were rnntinn t I agreement. In the suit of Frank Hlaalna agalnst the Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul I Railroad Company Judgment waa entered for the defendant. The case against William Clark, charted i with violating Uncle Sam's Internal rev- enue laws, was dismissed. The motion for arrest of Judgment In tho I Council Bluffs Canning comnanr caaea. in which 3. J. Collins and Claudius Thomas appeared as, plaintiffs, were submitted Judge McPherson Intimated he would over rule them snd the attorneys for the plain .in it t)wji'M be taken ret -11 Inn o Shoot Wlf. Th polic" received word yesterday that Charles J. Graham had been arrested Wednesday night for attempting to shoot his wife. , Young Graham, who Is the son of a wealthy carriage manufacturer In Llg- onier, ina., was arrested here about a year ago in company with a young woman named Gussle Schuler who bad left her horn In Lincoln. Neb. Graham and the girl traveled over the country pretending to be deaf and dumb, selllna perfumed anan Th wer taken into custody here on complaint of Graham's wife and wer auhsemientlv Indicted by the grand Jury. The case agilnst tne young woman waa practically dropped, hrtben.lLhPermltte.dfct; B v ber own went over wl h ,w. n" .T went over with others docket until next term. vu v u VIIU1IURI DISAPPEARANCE OF CASHIER Town of Stout Excited Became John Hnanlnlns Vanishes After Dis pute Over Check. CEDAR FALLS. la.. Mareh i ro.-i.i i The town of Stout. Ia., Is much excited over th disappearance of John Husulnlus cashier ot the State Bank of Rto..t u. ,. an alteroatlon with a customer of tbo bank, The passbook of the customer and the ao- count which he kept did not agree. Ther appeared among his checks one which he declared was a forierv. in th. k.. ths araument ha nn.ni. im,,, ... u ler of forging his name and ensued in which the customer did not lose possession of th check. Th sudden dls- appearanc of th cashier after this inel- dent ha given rise to various rumors. A run on tna bank was attempted yesterday, out otnr moneyed concerns came to th reitue ana no serious trouble followed. SENDS THANKS TO MAYOR LOW Count .on B.-dlaatn B,.r... Cr.. Itudo for Favors to Himself nnd Crew. NEW YORK, Marcti IS. Rear Admiral Count von Baudlasln, in command of th German emperor's yacht Hohenxollern. lust J before sailing mailed a letter of thanks to ' the mayor of New York, which that official gave out today. The letter follows: Your Honor: Owim ta mm. .1.... board. I am obliged in tk ihi. of .Kpreaslng to your honorT In the nam. ui me ittw oi ni. majesty a yacnt, before leaving thia port, my most deeply felt and acncoer7edth,ant,'t fh0err.!h"frwSenif oTlSa manifold high-hearted and splendid en pres. slons of hospitality extended to each of us. wwl!,1 always" SfuVy 'A'membr ' Ihi time we have scent here. With the expression of my highest re spect, I have the honor to be. your honor's very oocaiem, , U. V. UAUDI8SIX. Leavee Money to Kmuioye. LONDON, March IS. James Dick, th so- cslled "rubber king." who died at Glasgow March T, bequeathed 100,000 for distribu tion among hi employe and th bulk of th balance of his fortune goes to charities. His cashier gets 5.000, his eook Is be- queathed 3.000 and other domeatlcs ar t receive In th aggregate thousand of pounds. Th clerks get from 800 t 800 each. LISBON, March 13. Portuguese govern ment troops - recently attacked twelve strongholds of th slave traders, near Pomba bay, Portuguese East Africa, and sfter a prolonged and desprat fight drove out th trader and liberated 700 slave. Forelsn Consuls to Settle Dispute. TIEN TSIN. March It Acting on In structions from Pekla. ths United State. French and British consul ar amicably adjusting tb dispul regarding salsitoj land. i WOMEN ARE DISAPPOINTED j House Defeat! 8nffrag Amendment by Vot- n- Indefinite Postponement SENATE PASSES M0LSBERRY BOND BILL Remove Limit of ladebtedaee oi Rulltonda Ularasslon of Brace Emmcrt Contest Vn finished. (Front a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. March 13. (Special.) The Iowa house disposed ot the woman suffrage constitutional amendment today without controversy. The amendment passed th senate by a large majority. A house com mittee recommended Indefinite , postpone ment. The report was made a special order for 10:30 today. The house galleries were filled by women who had com to witness the finish of th measure. Th report was called up and without a word of argument or controversy tb vote wa. given. The result was the adoption ot tb report to Indefinitely postpone and therefore to kill the measure by a vote of 6 to 38 as fol lows: Yeas- Barker Barkley Healer Hlakemor Boysen Hufschmldt Hughes Jcnks Jones Keagy Kendall KUng Kolllioft Koontx Langan of C'.lnton Larrabee Leech Lvman McClure McNIe Marshall Matte Meservey Mordhorat Nagle Payne Bokol ' Springer Stuckslager Sweet Temple Utterback Plpher Robinson Room flecor Walters Whiting Wilson of Washington Wise Wrlght-66. Cafderwood Cassel Cheney Chrlstiansoii Clarke Coburn Colclo Crulkshank Dodds Flenniken Frudden Ollhrlst Hamann Hertort Hllslnger Nays- Anderson - Freeman Powers Furry Prttchard Graff Stratum Greene Sweeley Hasselqulst Teachout Hawk Walden Head Warren Kerr Wlllett Langan Wilson of of Crawford Buena Vista McClurkln Speaker Moore Eaton 88. Nichols Ballev Buchanan Campbell Carden Carter Cowles Cronse Cummings Davenport Dunham Edwards Elker English Patton not voting. Absent or Fields, Greeley! Hurn, Townsena. paired, jaeger ana uonanue. Molaberry Bond Bill Passed. The senate passed tb Molsberry bill to remov th restrictions on railroad corpor- ations in the matter of issuing bonds in excess of $16,000 a mile, or two-third ot th capital stock. Th bill removes an re strictiona. The amendment offered by Healey, which provides that where money is borrowed in excess of two-thirds of the capital stock tho same shall not be used to retire stock or purchase th stock of other companies or corporations, failed, having oniy nve voieo for It. An amendment offered by the author of the bill to provide that the artl- cles ot incorporation of the companies shall fix the limit of Indebtedness so as to pro tect all stockholders, was adopted and the bill passed, 87 to 7, This is tho bill which It Is claimed is de- sired by tb Burlington Railroad company to enable It to complete the merger of th northern railroad companies. The senate passed a bill to Increase the payments to farmers' Institutes from 850 to 1100 esch. The Hayward bill, to require the tat to pay for support of all children at th Or- phans' Horn was debated, but not finished: Caae-Sheloy District lonteai. Th report of th commute on tho con- test from the Cass-Shelby district was read nd tBo subject made a special order for the afternoon session, when it wa taken UP on the two reI,rt or opinions. The afternoon was spem. m - Prt The democrntlo members sought to hv the mlnorlty report ubtltuted for tne majority and Senator Ball spoke at length In opposition to seating Bruce, The senat listened to discussion on th Bruce-Emmert contest all th afternoon and left it unfinished. The discussion wa confined entirely to legal questions. Important Reform Measure. Th house passed a bill by Payne to rs- pr.par. a complete nn.ncai state. ment and exhibit ot th anairs ot in county, and shall hav the same published In pamphlet form for general distribution and published also in the newspaper, in bill requires a much fuller report than has been mad and would show minutely all the financial transactions of th county. The barber examining board bill was passed by th hous. This provides for a b0r4 of examiners to examine barbers and to8U nae to nem. ana n enaii oe un lawful for anyon to do any kind of bar bering for par unless he holds a certificate of ompetncy. Th bill baa been befor a number of legislatures and has heretofore always failed. A bill to require that creamery owners I shall mak regular reports to th stat dairy commissioner was passed by the house, Mladea's Act Legallaed. Th bill to legalize the acts of th town 1 0f Mlnden, Pottawattamie county, which naa passed th senate, passed tho house. xha Barkley bill to increase th levy of taxes for library purposes was passed. Speaker Eaton announced at th opening of this morning's session that in the future when members ask to hav action on bill on th calendar continued beyond their reg ular order they must go to the foot of th calendar. In th past be ho permitted such bills to retain their places, but the result has been that the calendar has be come too heavily burdened. As a conse quence many bills were taken up for con- W,rUo? M. Tl' "a T ..X ' wui !.- "'". Cloao Primary Lleellon. I . .. - .... PT ' l" "0,u'"""- oi cuumj mci . iaiuii luw.ij some Interesting results this week. Tb republic, n.ml... tor county recorder s Miss Ida Evans, who was nominated over . field of levn other asulranta for th H-. t of them being men snd on. a woman. She received 608 votes out of a f -7Tf "Tis " 'lis 3 su!au, total of 3.E41. The next person In the race was only eight votes behind the successful csndidate and the other woman candidate had nearly as many. Hoipllal Superintendent Dead. Mlaa Nell d Noyle, superintendent tf the Methodist hospital, died this morning at 2:50 o'clock, after an operation tor ap pendicitis. Miss De Noyle was only 29 years of age and ber sudden death was a great surprise to her many friends. She was one of eight children, seven of whom are living. A brief service was held at th hospital this afternoon and the remains will be taken to Whitewater, Wis. Miners nnd Operator. President John Mitchell ot the National United Mine Workers ot America arrived thl morning from Peoria, 111., and will at tend the mine workers' con vest Ion tomor row. He spoke at a banquet tonight, at tended by the operators ss well as the miners snd mine workers. President Mitch ell will also address a public meeting to morrow night. The miners' and operators' scale commit tee met again this morning behind closed doors and the miners' delegate convention was called to order at 9 a. m. There being nothing from the scale committee to act upon, the convention adjourned to I p. m. It Is thought nothing will be accomplished today, but that tomorrow morning the Joint scale committee will have a report ready for consideration by the Joint convention. I'nltarlaaa Adopt Headquarters. The stat conference of Unitarians closed here today after a successful meeting, with about 100 present. It was decided that state headquarters should be made perma nent in Des Moines and the publication ot a state organ be continued. Examined for Commissions. A military examining board consisting of General Lincoln, Colonel Dowe, Major Lambert, Dr. Conkllng and Major Hlle was engaged today in examining a class In military science ss follows: George R. Clifton, elected second lieu tenant Company K, Fiftieth Infantry. John K. Hull, elected first lieutenant Company G, Forty-ninth Infantry. Clarence H. Froelich, elected second lieu tenant Company H, Forty-ninth Infantry. Lieutenant F. Corydon Ingram, elected captain Company A, Fiftieth Infantry. Will 8. Pauline, elected second lieutenant Company A, Fiftieth Infantry. James A. Hawkins, elected first lieu tenant Company E, Fifty-second Infantrv. Major Ernest R. Bennett, elected lieu tenant coldnel Flfty-flrst Infantrv. Captain M. A. Tinley, elected major Flfty-flrst Infantry. QUESTION STORER'S RETURN Officials In Mndrld Think American Minister Will Not Go Back to Spain. LONDON, March 14. Although it is said In official circles here, cables the Madrid correspondent of th Dally Mall, that Bel lamy Btorer, United States minister to Spain, who has left for America on account of the failure of the negotiations for treaty of friendship will come back in six months, the genersl impression is that the minister will not return to Spain. Bellamy Btorer has Informed the State de partment at Washington that he intended to come horn on a leave of absence, but the department has not yet received infor mation that he has left 8paln. SAYS REBELS ARE CRIPPLED Genernl Castro Reports Serloo Losses of Revolutionists Under Herrera. PANAMA, March 13. News ha reached her that the government generals, Castro and Ortli, hav Just arrived at Colon wit 400 men. They left a strong garrison at Bocas del Toro. General Caatro reports that the heavy losses suffered by the forces under the oommand ot the revolutionary general Her rera made it Impossible for the revolu tionists to attack the government for some time to come.. This information has been received with great enthusiasm here. Rebels Hold tho Interior. NEW YORK, March 13. Th revolution ists ar now holding all Interior provinces of the Isthmus outalde of Panama and Colon, cables the correspondent of the Herald. The Ecuadorean government, the dispatch ays, has sent special orders to the local authorities in Gusyaqull to make the visit of the United States cruiser Philadelphia as pleasant as possible. Formal protest has been made by the Colombian minister to Quito against ths Ecuadorean expedition on the eastern frontier. The protest Is baaed on the tri partite convention signed in Lima, Peru, in 1894. Rlehtoff Dislikes Action. BERLIN, March 13. Before the tariff committee of the Reichstag today the for eign secretary, Baron von Rlehtoff, criti cised the action of th committee yesterday in providing for higher duties on Italian flowers and vegetables. He said such ao tlon would maks it impossible to complete a commercial treaty with Italy. The gov ernment, th secretary continued, could not agree to such obstinacy, as it was deter mined to conclude trestles with Italy and other countries. Chinese Complain of Taxes. CANTON, March 13. There Is great dis satisfaction her at th extortionate taxes, which the mandarins are levying under the pretext of meeting the Installments of the Chinese indemnity. The merchant have pe titioned th viceroy for redress, announc ing that they fear tb action of th manda rins will lead to an uprising. Rnaalaaa FlarM In Manchuria. ST. PETERSBURG, March 18 A dispatch received here today at the War office an nounced that another fight occurred March 8 between Russian troops and 300 Tungu eses, north of Hubandsy, Manchuria. Two hundred Tunguseses were killed, Including their leader. Two Russians war wounded. Young Booth dolts Army. LONDON, March IS. Th report that Hsrbert Booth, third son ot General Booth, who was In command of ths Salvation Army In Australia, had withdrawn from the army 1 confirmed here. Ill-health I th cause of Commander Booth's withdrawal. FOR CONSTIPATION Tb best, safest and most effectiv Laxativ la lb world is eteral lutte Miasm! WeM. AsR for Hunyadt JAN05 (Ftill Nas) nl tit at you GJtT it. Don't ke imposed upon wttK Worthlo88 and Ifaranful Substitutes. to Wis, wttk m mmht. Thl sJgnatau Is on every box of th geoam Laxative Bromo-QuiniaeTabiat rvwwJy Uat eeuroa ooM In one day. Prompt Attention to tho Symptoms of Disease and the Little Ills of Life Will Save You Weeks and Months of Suffering. Paiiie's Celery Compound Will Quickly Banish Ycur Troublts And Restore Perfect Health. Prompt tare and attention to th nitu tils of life win often save weeks snd month! or suffering. If the common symptoms of rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, kidney troubles, and persistent headaches ar at tended to when first experienced, by use of one or two bottles ot Palne's Celery Com- pouna, tneee beginnings of serious troubles ar forever banished. If you are out nf sorts, have tired feelings, disturbed sleep. aerective digestion, aches in back or side, sluggish circulation, or poisoned blood, Palne's Celery Comnound will elve to n th functions of the body a fresh supr.!;' oi nerve iooci, establishing strength, and permanent vigor. Its ua encourages an abundant supply of cure, fresh blood, with. out which there can be no health, happiness or real nte. Fame's Celery Compound is a matchless remedy in cases of enfeebled nerves and foul blood. The use of nn. bottle Is sufficient to provs its value. Be ware of worthless Imitations sold by oms dealers. See that the name PAINE'S la on each wrapper and bottle. DIAMOND DYES give faster and brighter colors than any other dyes. DEPRESSED? TRY IW;iHNII TRY ii yiMaflt'MKBIi WORLD FAMOUS MARIANI TONIC Most effective, agreeable and reliable Tonic Stimulant for Body, Brain and Nerves. Try it when fatigued or over worked from any cause. VIN MARIANI MARIANI TONIC Maintained it Reputation during past 38 yean. All Druaalat. Kcfua Substitutes. Some other time isn't any time at all You will not mov then. If you don't rouse yourself now you ' will probably continue to put up with th cam inconveniences (or th next six years. Do they keep your offlc clean T Tour wlndowsT Th halls? Tb elevator t I th building a fir trap? Have they an elevator that runs one an hour on week days and not at all nights or on Sunday T Is your office hot In summer and cold In winter f Any other trouble? Th cur tor all thes Ills Is an office In The Bee Building. R. C. PETERS at CO., Ground Rental Agents. Floor 85.00 A MONTH Specialist In U DISEASES nd DISORDERS of MEN. 13 year la Omaha. SYPHILIS cured by th QUICK EST. aafaot and moat natural method that ha yet boon discovered. noon every sign ana symptom aisappeari completely and forever. No "BREAKINO 2UT" of th disease on tb skin or fao, our-that I guaranteed to bo permanent ror in. YIRICOCELE no detention from cured. Method new, without cutting, pain; work: narmanent nun guaranteed. wllAsC at KM from Eveeeve or Victim to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion. Wut. Ing Weakness with Early Decay In Young and Middle Aged, lack of vim. vigor and strength, with organ Impaired and weak. STRICTURE! cured with a new Horn Treatment, No pain, no detention from buelneoe. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Coaeultatloa Free. Troat-atoat by Mall. CHARGES LOW. tie . lata .. Dr. Ssarles & Sesrles, Omaha, Neb. s s The 3 9 ct. ( 0 1 9 I nroof 1 of the Pudding? is in tne i JSa ting. Have you trloa . Ugo Want Ad? rw w " ( 3$ Deputy 9tat Tetertaajtact, Food Tiis.i'aul'. H. L. tUU&CCiOTTI, D. V. S. CTTT vrTTrRTNaniAN. OfBca aad Infirmary, Uth and Maaoa art TilM-B U) eaaia. su. uiuwu . f