Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1902, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
Members of Borough Council Call Edward
Mere Figurehead.
Declare it Immaterial to Them What Indij.
vidua! Occupies Throne.
Bebuked as Disloyal and the Appn ( j
ay People Are Force to Pay
Thing They Do Wot Believe In
la Rnppartlng Coronation
'. i Ceremonies.
LONDON. March 18. During the fllscus-
Bton In the Battersea Borough council last I
venlng of the proposal to make an appro- Veragua; minister of agriculture and conv
prtatlon for public entertainments In com- merce and of public works, Senor Villa
xnemoratlon of the coronation of King Ed- nueva; minister of education. Count Ro.
ward two of the councillors who strongly
m f thA pnfnnlt Inn I
aid the king "wm merely a figurehead and
that It did not matter to the people of Bat
tersea what Individual occupied the throne.
They ridiculed the idea that the name of
the king should be mentioned wlth bated
The remarks of the two councillors were
kissed and the audience cheered the re
sponse of a conservative councillor, who
aid: "Traitors to the king ought to he
hot dead."
The proposal for an appropriation was
In the Southampton town council a mo
tion to appropriate 1.000 for the purpose
of celebrating the king's coronation was
declared to be preposterous and Illegal l and
to be "forcing the people to pay for things
they did not believe In."
Surprise was expressed that teetotaler
councillors should support such a motion,
seeing the Interest the king had recently
taken In beer-making and knowing also
that gambling and horse racing were the
curse of the country. The motion for an
appropriation was carried by a large ma
View of Announcement King
Edward Will Not Visit
the Island. '
lywnON. March IS Tha official an.
nouncement yesterday of the abandonment
of the proposed visit of King Edward and
Queen Alexandra to Ireland, whereby the
ministers assume the responsibility for
an imperial boycott, la quite unprecedented
In form and causes keen discussion, the
general tone of which Is distinotly adverse
to the action of the cabinet, which is in
terpreted as displaying petty spite and
Dleen. Tbn suggestion, ought .to. ba con
veyed, both by the announcement itself and
the comment of the ministerial organs, that
the decision arrived at waa directly due to
the outburst of some of the Irish members
In the House of Commons when the news
of the disaster to General Methuen's col
umn was officially communicated to that
house, Is declared by hostile critics to be
obviously false, as It was. announced weeks
go that the visit would be postponed
These critics also assert that there seems
to be good reason to believe that the king
and queen themselves all along deslrsd to
carry out the coronation visit, and though
they have deferred It on the advice of the
ministers, they have no desire of relieving
(he latter from the onus of the taotless
Irish View of It.
The Freeman's Journal voices the na
tlonallst views, saying:
The ministers have put a veto on the In
tended visit of the sovereign to a portion
of his dominion. It would be difficult for
ms majesty to reject the veto of his con
stltutional advisers, but It Is plain that he
Insisted that the responsibility should be
theirs and not his. His ministers could
not venturo to allow the king to see with
his own eyes and hear with nls own ears
of the barbarous methods of the castle
and the deep resentment of his people.
Ills presenoe here would have been a sore
encumbrance to the ooronatlonlsts. There
was Imminent danger that his visit might
have converted him to home rule or con
firmed hln existing conviction. Therefore
the ministers, In their own Interest, and in
the Interest of unionism, have forbidden
TBe London Times today prints a letter
dissenting from the suggestion that it John
Redmond had been In the House of Com'
mons when some of the Irish members
cheered the announcement of General
Methuen's defeat and capture he would
have rebuked his followers for their out
break ot exuberance. The writer refers
to the meeting at Chicago laat autumn, "in
honor of the Manchester murderers," which
Mr. Redmond addressed, and to the "pro
eeedlngs which were officially opened by
Flnerty, the dynamiter." After quoting the
resolution passed at that meeting, and also
referring to a speech at New York, In which
Mr. Redmond waa quoted as advocating the
hanging ot Mr. Chamberlain, the writer
asks: "Why should a man holding such
opinion restrain the rejoicings of his fol
lowers at a British defeat T"
Redmond Objects to Wyadham
During the debate on the civil service
estimates In the House of Commons today
John Redmond, the Irish leader, moved a
reduction of the salary of the chief secre-
tary for Ireland (George Wyndham) and
proceeded to criticise Mr. Wyndham's pol-
Icy, asserting that the latter waa engineer-
lng a conspiracy to misrepresent the con-
anion oi me country in order to give a
colorable excuse for coercion. Mr. Redmond
aid coercion would not kill boycotting, but
It would exasperate the Irish people at
home and consolidate them abroad. He
sincerely hoped, however, that the Irish
would not be betrayed into the commission
of crlms.
. Mr. Wyndham, In replying, said that al
ready a great many Illegal acta had been
perpetrated in Ireland. He wished it to bs
understood that he, both personally and
officially, waa responsible for whatever re
pressive steps were taken by the govern-
men. He admlttid that constitutional right
of the people to asaemble and proclaim their
grievances, but when a crime was about to
be committed and an assembly became un
ruly It waa the duty of tho government to
prevent It.
British Contract for Ships.
LONDON, March ls-Ths British ad
miralty has contracted with various ship
building companies for ths construction ot
Ave flrst-clasa and two third-class cruisers
and two battleships.
Rhodes iMti Strength.
CAPETOWN. March 13. Cecil Rhodes
passed a restless night, which has appre
ciably lull oa his etrength.
Declines to form Sew Cabinet tpoa
Resignation of OK
MADRID, March 13. The premier. Senor
Sagasta, today notified the queen regent
that the cabinet bad resigned when in
formed that the resignation ot the finance
mlnlater, Senor Urzaiz, was Irrevocable.
Her majesty asked Senor Sagasta to form
a new cabinet, to Include all sections of the
liberal party, but he declined to do so.
The queen regent will now consult with
the presidents of the chambers, In the hope
of finding a method to secure a representa
tive ltkl Ml.l.i..
The quoen regent Is anxious for the In-
A . .H.0v...
'llssldent liberals, but Senor BagasU
to act with them,
-'net crisis Is expected to last for
The existing Spanish cabinet was consti
tuted Mnrch 6, 1901, as follows: President
of the council, Senor Sagasta; minister ot
foreign affairs, duke of Almodevar; minister
of Justice, Marquis Teverage; minister of
finance, Senor Urzalz; minister of the in
terior, Senor Moret; minister of war, den-
eral Weyler; minister of marine, duke of
General Is Kspected Within
British Mnea at Klerkadorp
at Any Time.
LONDON, March 13. The war secretary,
Mr. Brodrick, announced in the House ot
Commons today that he understood that
General Methuen, who was captured, se
verely wounded, by General Delarey March
10, had been released and was expected to
arrive at Klerksdorp. southwestern Trans
vaal, today. The general's condition was
Mr. Brodrick added that the exchange ot
Genera, Mlthuen for Commandant Krit
singer had not been contemplated. The
trial of the commandant had been post
poned because consideration of the evidence
to be presented had not been completed,
Timothy M. Healy (Irish nationalist),
amid nationalist cheers, invited the govern
ment to show equal magnanimity and re
lease Commandant Krltxlnger.
Mr. Brodrick said subsequently that the
telegram specifically says that General
Methuen had not been released, but from
the fact that he waa In the hands of
British medical officers It was presumed
that the general had been released.
The following dispatch, dated Pretoria,
March 13, has been received from Lord
Kitchener: "General Methuen was brought
rierasaorp toaay. tie is aoing wen
Everything possible Is being done for him."
Danish Mlnlater Bays Bale ot West
ladles la Mutual .
Benefit. ' J .
COPENHAGEN. March 18. The treaty
providing for the sls of the' Danish West
Indies to the United States esme tip for
the first time in open session In the Folke
thing today.
The premier and minister. Dr. Deuntzer,
replying to several speakers, said Denmark
acted in the best interests of the islanders
in negotiating the treaty. Denmark, in
faot, was merely receiving compensation
for its obligations in connection with the
islands. The United States had acted in
the best faith and with friendliness
throughout the negotiations. The minister
felt assured the great republlo could and
would give the Islands a better position in
the world than they had enjoyed before.
Confidential reports received here from
the Danish West Indies declare there is in
tense excitement among the negroes of
those Islands over the sale, owing to their
belief that It will mean universal suffrage
and office holding. There are fears of In
surrection and serious trouble according to
these reports If the treaty Is defeated.
Mar. Sbarrettl Pope's Delegate to
Philippines, May Defer Visit
to Islands.
ROME, March 13. It is now reported that
Mgr. Sbarrettl,. who sailed for New York,
enroute for Manila aa apostolic delegate
to the Philippines, will on his arrival in
America receive orders from the Vatican
not to proceed beyond Washington on his
Journey at least for the time being.
In view of information on Philippines
matters expected shortly at the Vatican
from the American government, the pope
deema it prudent to auspend all ecclesiasti
cal action regarding the church In the
Mgr. Sbarrettt's stay In Washington will
be of prolonged duration unless it be that
the change In the Philippines leads to a
Journey to Cuba and Porto Rica, where sev-
I eral church matters are In an unfinished
I condition.
Poaltney avad Wife Ball for
York, bnt oa Different
(Copyright, lDttt, by Press Publishing Co.)
I LONDON. March 13. (New York World
I Cablegram Special Telegram.) Poultney
Blgelow, widely known as a traveler, author
I and lecturer, sailed tor New York Tburs
I day with the purpose of taking up his perm
I anent residence In America.
Mrs. Blgelow, who was Miss Edith Evelyn
Jaffray of New York, daughter of Edward
8. Jaffray, the noted merchant, will start
tor New York next week. It la sn open
secret In the American coloney of London
that her Intention la to obtain a divorce
from her husband.
The Btgeiows have been married eighteen
years and have three children, all daught
era, the oldest being 17 years.
February Installment Ilecelved
the Bankers' Commission
Today at Pekla.
PEKIN, March 13. The Bankers' Com
mission today accepted the February In
stallment (amounting to 1,820,000 tattls) of
the Chinese Indemnity, greatly to the satis
faction ot the ministers ot the powers.
Earthquake Destroys Towa.
VIENNA, March 13. A dispatch to the
Neue Krel Preese from Constantinople an
nounces that the towa ot Kyankari, north
east ot Angora, in Asia Minor, waa de
stroyed by an earthquake March 12. No
details ot the dlsaater had been rscelvsd.
Kyankari had 20.000 Inhabitants.
Vienna Papers Favorably Consider Effect of
Prince Henry's Trip.
Papers Declare It Brings Monarchies
and Repnbllca Rearer Together
ad Dispels Illusion of Mu
tual Antagonism.
VIENNA, March 13. The newspapers of
this city, commenting on the termination
of the visit to the United States of Admiral
Prince Henry of Prussia, declare this visit
will mark an epoch In the relations between
monarchies and republics.
The Nous Wiener Taggeblatt refers to the
visit ot the prince as a striking refutation
of the ancient tradition of antagonism be
tween American and European forme of
BERLIN, March 13. Emperor William, on
board the battleship WUhelm II and accom
panied by two or three other warships,
may meet the North German Lloyd steamer
Deutschland at sea and tranship Prince
Henry to the German war vessel. This re
port has reached the American embassy
The members of Emperor William's suite,
however, declare these arrangements to be
uncertain. It la thought that the emperor
wishes to have the first long talk with
Prince Henry and that this can be most
comfortably obtained before the latter
Emperor Goes Aronnd Island.
Emperor William's squadron anchored In'
the Weser this evening, having circumnav
igated the island of Hellogland In an at
tempt to land. Emperor William has re
ceived the famous harbor engineer, Herr
Franzlus, and has discussed with him a
project to deepen the channel of the Weser.
Herr Wlegand, general director of the
North German Lloyd line of steamships,
who arrived from New York today, has been
Invited by the emperor to meet him at
Bremerhaven tomorrow and accompany him
to Bremen. It is presumed that his ma
jesty desires to learn the result of the re
cent steamship negotiations at New York,
as this was the topic talked over between
the emperor, Herr Wlegand and Herr
Ballin, general director of the Hamburg
American line, before the steamship men
went to the United States.
Herr Wlegand, In an interview published
In Bremen, says that the shipping agree
ment In no way Impinges upon the Import
ance of the German companies, but that it
will benefit both German lines, laying a
solid basis for constant freight and pas
senger rates. Herr Wlegand added that the
agreement was as yet provisional, but would
be published in a definite form. He said
he was thoroughly satisfied with the result
of the negotiation. The Immigrant traffic
of the North German Lloyd company to
New York is so heavy that it has compelled
this company to oharter the steamer Ba
tavla from the Hamburg-American line to
take twenty-five Immigrants to New York
next Saturday.
BERLIN. March 13. Waldemar. eldes,
on ot .Prince rtlenrjr. will In a tew 8T
wlth his tutor, to Dr. Zahnman's sani
tarium. One of Dr. Zahnman's specialties
is nervous diseases, but why Waldemar
should be sent to this sanitarium mystifies
persons near the court. One such person
repeats the gossip that Waldemar develops
slowly mentally. He la 12 years of age and
physically fine looking. He spends much of
his time with his father, when the latter ia
at home. In outdoor sports.
Revolutionists In ' Veneiucla Have
Successful Encasements with
Government Troops.
SAN JUAN, P. R., March 13. Advices
received here from Venezuela say the con
dition ot the revolution in that country is
unchanged. The revolutionists are very
active and It Is reported that they lately
had successful engagements with the gov
ernment troops near Carupano, at Gulara
and at Pilar, but that they have not yet
captured any ports or cities.
During the night of March 8 the revolu
tionary steamer Bolivar appeared before
Carupano, took a launch and disappeared
in the morning without landing men or at
tacking the place. Some hours afterward
the Venezuelan government gunboats Res-
taurador and Miranda arrived at Carupano
with the Intention of attacking Bolivar. It
Is claimed that the revolutionary ateamer
has recently suffered terribly and Presi
dent Castro's fleet hopes soon to dispose
of it
Superior Cotton la Raised for German
Government by Booker Wash
lantoa's Pupils.'
BERLIN, March 13. The negroes of the
Tuskegee Normal and Industrial institute,
who were engaged In the latter part of 1900
by the German government to teach the
natives ot Togoland, West German Africa,
how to grow, cotton, have, according to
the report of the colonial committee, suc
ceeded In producing cotton which is graded
on the Bremen exchange above American
The Tuskegee negroes have demonstrated
that the land in Togoland Is suitable for
cotton, of which there is great abundance.
The only obstacle to the commercial utllt
zatlon of thla product is transportation, and
especially getting the bales to the coaat.
The colonial committee haa sent an ex
pedition of engineers to survey tor a rail
road from the coast town ot Lome to the
Interior, f
Boaadary Connections Still Exist with
Argentine, bnt Proposition
Would Be Considered.
officially announced that no direct settle
nient of the boundary dispute between
Chile and Argentine haa been arrived at.
but if a proposition on the subject is mads
Chile will not refuse to consider it.
Prtaee Cables His Tbaaks.
BERLIN, March 13. The text ot the dis
patch ot Prince Henry of Prussia to the
United Etatea ambassador here, Andrew D.
White, previous to the former's departure
from New York, Is aa follows:
ThouKh I am clad to be homeward bound
I cannot tell you how thankful 1 am for
the reception 1 met with In your country
Bllaht Hop fur Cecil Rhodes.
LONDON. March 13 Private cable mes
sagea received here by friends of Cecil
Rhodes lead to to belief that there la but
light hope for bis recovery.
t tab. Man Answers Query Concerning
Position In President
Cabinet., .. v
LOS ANGELES, March 13. William S.
McCorniek of Salt Lake City has tele
graphed to Senator Thomas Kearns of Utah,
at Washington, that he will accept the
position of secretary of the Interior In
President Rosevelt's cabinet should a
vacancy occur through the resignation ot
Secretary Hitchcock.
McCorniek was asked before he left Salt
Lake City, March J, If he would take the
cabinet portfolio were it ofTored to him, but
would not then make a positive reply. At
that time he telegraphr d to Washington
that his answer would t" sent from Cali
fornia, whither he was thwi bound. Soon
after reaching Los Angles Mr. McCorniek
received another request for an expression
of his sentiment tows pi nri eptance of tho
high honor. After furt; ir deliberation he
has replied that he wni1' -pt.
"AH that haa been iw," said" Mr. Mc
Corniek, "Is that Senator KVsms and Mil
lard have asked me wliciht" 1 would accept
the place and I answered fc.U ifthe presi
dent offered It I would;f.
WASHINGTON.. Marc-i ;r; . Suitor Mil
lard confirmed the repot', 1 had asked
W. 8. McCorniek If ho K'crpt an ap
pointment as secretary ef (l anterior, but
said that in doing so he 1 s.'ted entirely
upon his own responsiv e f a1 that he
had not assumed to revimcr t president
or any one else. ' , ...
He added that he had hertr Ony rumors
that there was to be a va.-M.t -. -t the bead
of the Interior department .and. Mr, Mc
Corniek being, in his Judt ruent, especially
aulted for the place, he fc.1 ,.i-ked him It
he would accept if the plat? ...inild be ten
dered him. , "..
Paroled Convict Is .Precluded by Uw
from Obeying Demands
' of Cupid.
ST. PAUL. Minn.,' : WarAh' . 13. Jim
Younger wants to get married.' He cannot
because he is legally dead; hejioe Is unable
to enter Into any contract: : '
Younger submitted tha question - of
whether or not he could wed to Governor
Van Sant, who has looked Into the matter
with some surprising results. - In Minne
sota a man who is a life prisoner is civilly
dead. The only way be caa make any
binding contract, in the eyes of the law, is
through the board which parolee him,-in
this case the- State Board of Control, which
board is empowered to Miter Into a contract
for him. It Is not probable, however, that
the three members of the board ot control,
separately or as a whole,: will agree " to
enter' Into a marriage contract with any
wbman for the benefit of the paroled life
convict. ' '''!. -,t ' , :
The only way for Jim Younger to become
a married man in' Minnesota Is to get a
pardon which will restore flra to the rights
of a living citizen. Another ,phase of the
law is that neither Jim lounger nor his
brother, If they establish.' ""business of
thole nn " -j'"i'.'?Wi V
car.'-.,.,..,,' ....vJ" " t r.'
r-, - .- .
questing tafWtnali'oli VV'ffght to
marry. Younger says nothing regarding the
proposed bride.
Remains of Victims In Steamboat
Wrecks Difficult to
VICKSBURO, Miss., March IS. The tug
Joe Seay, with Captain W. H. Morgan,
owner of the wrecked steamer Providence,
William Curbpey, president of the board of
supervisors, and several others, returned
from the scene of the disaster today with
the body of Walter Burns, colored, the
only one they succeeded in recovering.
Curbpey states that Providence Is lying
bottom up and that the bodies are prob
ably underneath the wreckage. Every ef
fort will be made to recover them.
-The launch Vivian left at noon for the
wreck, carrying dynamite to blow off the
submerged cabin ot the boat and secure
the bodies if there. It Is believed twenty
persons were drowned, four whites and
sixteen negroes.
Pilot Johnson stayed .In the pilot house
until the boat went over and bad to break
bis way out under water.
He was severely cut in the neck, head
and hands.
Clerk Kahn went down under the boat
and had to fight his way to the surface.
His escape from drowning was miraculous.
He was considerably bruised. He climbed
out on the upturned boat's bottom, where
ttose who were saved gathered until they
were taken oft by the rescuers.
Replies to Osborne that Rice .Might
Have Died from Oedema
of Langs.
NEW YORK, March 13. Assistant Dls
trict Attorney Osborne resumed the cross-
examination of Dr. John H. Girdner today
in the trial of Albert T. Patrick, accused
of the murder of William M. Rice.
Mr. Osborne described the medical hlBtory
of Rice's case from the prosecution's point
of view and asked the witness if, under the
conditions existing at 11 a. m., as told by
the attending physician, something must
not have intervened to causa Rice's death
at 8 o'clock In the evening.
"There waa quite sufficient evidence of
oedema of the lungs at that time," Dr.
Girdner replied, "to account for the death
without anything intervening."
Dr. Alexander O. Leuff of Philadelphia,
an expert In diseases of the lungs, was then
Andrew Carnegie Is Gratlded
Kumereua Applications from
Weil for Library Faads.
.NEW YORK. March IS. Andrew Car
negie was the principal guest and principal
apeaker this evening at the seventh an
nual- dinner of the New York Library club.
Among the other guests were 300 librarians
of New York City and vicinity.
Mr. Carnegie, on the subject of "Libraries
tor Rural Communities," said:
I have been much' gratified by the many
applications of small communities In ths
west for libraries 1 have dealt with about
forty of tneso applications today and am
glad to aay that In all except perhups two
caxes l nave seen my way to grant tlittm.
We hear a great deal about the Influ
ence of fiction. 1 have considered the cae
moat carefully. I would not deprive the
lover of books of his Action. Any sort of
book, except one wblch exercises a bad in
fluence. Is better than no book, but 1 be
lieve that If a man gives his fortune to
endow libraries he might do well to bar
fiction less than three years old.
Senators Block ths Opening of Bosebnd
i Reservation to Settlement
Acres . that Fusion Is Kecessary to
Their Success In the Antelope
State Sennte Passes Bill to
Divide Nebraska.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Piatt of Connecticut to
day blocked the bill for the opening ot the
Rosebud Indian reservation to settlement
by stating that aa the bill carried a free
home provision he was opposed to going
into the subject at this time, and the bill
went over without prejudice. It Is be
lieved that both Senators Flatt ot Con
necticut and Cockrell ot Missouri are op
posed to the free-home clause attached to
Senator Gamble's bill. They desire the
whole subject ot the opening of Indian
lands to settlement presented on its merits,
and as they want the settlers to psy as
much per acre for the lands as the gov
ernment Is compelled to pay the Indians
for them, It la doubtful If the free-home
provision can get through congress.
The way the bill is going at present it
is doubtful whether the lands In Gregory
county. South Dakota, will be opened tot
settlement before next fall.
The appointment yesterday of Mrs. Ella
M. Spencer aa postmistress at Dakota City,
vice Mell M. Schmeid, settles a trying con
test. This has been one ot the most press
ing appointments Senator Millard has been
called upon to make In some time.
Schmeid had exceptionally strong backing,
but the politicians throughout the etate
took a hand In the fight In favor of Mrs.
Spencer, and she gets the position.
The new appointee is the widow ot Judge
John P. Spencer,' who was one of the best
known men in Dakota county, and Is said to
be an exceptionally talented woman.
W. D. Parker of Waterloo, Neb., has been
appointed carrier on tho rural free deliv
ery route out of Waterloo upon the recom
mendation ot Senator Millard. Parker had
the endorsement of C. A. Goss, chairman
of the Douglas county republican commit
tee. Bryan Confers with Democrats.
. The presence of W. J. Bryan in the city
today, gave the Nebraska democrats in the
house aa opportunity to talk over home
pontic with him. Representatives Stark,
Robinson and Neville, at the request ot Mr.
Bryan, took breakfast with the latter in
his room at the Metropolitan hotel early
this morning and tor an hour had the field
practically to themselves.
The question ot fusion In Nebraska was
discussed and tho necessity for it was
agreed upon by all the parties to the con
ference. Whether the governorship waa
talked over could not be learned, although
It was Intimated that Bryan might be com
polled to accept the nomination in order
to bring about a coalescence ot the oemo
cratlo and populist parties In the Antelope
state.J ..
ra c.r Kenreaentativa snaueB
berger of Nebraska, who is a warm personal
friend of Colonel Bryan and of the memDers
of his family, took luncheon with Mr, Bryan
at the home of Carter T. Bride, where
Bryan lived when comparatively an un
known congressman. Mr. Bryan left this
afternoon tor Culpepper, Va., where he la
to deliver an address tonight He will re
turn to Washington tomorrow and may pos
sibly be present at the caucus of democrats
tomorrow when the members of the na
tional congressional committee are to be
chosen, as well as a chairman of the com
C. J. Bowlby ot Crete, who has been in
Washington some time with a view ot se
curing a mitigation of the sentence of dls
missal from West Point passed on nis son,
Harry L. Bowlby, left for Nebraska today.
Representative Stark and Mr. Bowlby saw
the secretary ot war yesterday in relation
to the matter, but were referred to the
Judge advocate general, where they made a
showing as to why thsy tliougni tne sen
tence should be mitigated, Representative
Stark alleging that the sentence was harsh
and excessive.
Star Routes In Nebraska.
Bids were advertised today for a slx-days-
a-week service on the new star route to be
established from Alliance to box uuue,
This service Is to supersede the present
service from Hemlngford to Box auue ana
u to be effective July L The mange in
this service, which waa recommended by
Senator Millard, was made at the instance
ot the people ot 'Box Butte, who desire
rinanr connection with Alliance.
Senator Millard and daughter left tor
Omaha thla afternoon, a day earlier than
thev had anticipated. They expect to re
main in Omaha a week or more.
The nresldent today nominatea noss
Hammond for postmaster at Fremont and
J. W. Huntsberger for postmaster at Pender.
CaDtain Jacob H. Culver or Minora, wen
Is In Washington financing his proposed
railroad In the Philippines.
Senators Dietrich and Millard presentea
Bruno Hermann, editor of the Lincoln free i
Press, to the president today.
Judicial Dlvlsloa of Nebraska.
Senator Dietrich's bill to divide Nebraska
into two Judicial districts was passed by the
senate today, as waa Senator Millard's bill
authorizing the sale of a part of the Fort
Niobrara military reservation to the village
of Valentine tor $1,440, and his bill to pro.
vide suitable medals for the officers and
crew of the United States vessel of war
Kearsarge, which sunk Alabama off Cher
bourg, France. June 19, 1864.
Senator Warren today secured the passage
ot his bill which provides tor repayment
of moneys paid Into the United States
treasury for persons who made first pay
ment for desert landa under the act of
March 3. 1887, but were unable to perfect
entry thereof.
The bill Introduced by Senator Clark ot
Wyoming, granting homesteaders on aband-
t oned military reaervatlons ot Forts Brld-
ger. Saunders and Laramie, Wyoming, the
right to purchase one quarter section of
public land of these reservations as pas
ture or grazing land, was passed by the
senate today.
Pablle Building; at Laramie.
A favorable report was made to the sen
ate today on Senator Warren's bill pro
viding an appropriation of (100,000 for the
erection of a public building at Laramie,
Wyo. Congressman Martin wag at the White
Houae today to arrange for a conference
ot the South Dakota delegation with Presi
dent Roosevelt next Saturday morning.
Congressman Martin's bill relating to the
pay of assistant surgeons in the volunteer
service has been approved by tbe War de
partment. The bill provides that surgeons
who served during the war with Busts gS
captains, but who did not receive pay as
such, shall be paid the different be
(Continued on Second Page.)
Forecast for Nebraska Increasing Cloudi
ness end Colder Friday; Probably llaln or
Snow In Northwest Portion; Cold Wave
at Night In West Portion. Btiirriny,
Fair In West; 8now or Rain In F.sft Por
tion; South Winds, Shifting to North.
Temperature at Omaha Aeterdnn
Hour. Dear. Hour. Don.
6 n. m ..... . 1 p. m ..... . tin
O a. m An a p. m T
T a, m 4t J p. m
a. m 4T 4 p. ra '
ft a. ni ...... Ml r p. m ...... ,H
10 a. m fS p. m
11 I, n OO T p. m ...... a
11 n 6il 8 p. m rt
p p. m . i 6T
Eminent Preacher Rests Quietly and
Can Resume Journey to
NEW ORLEANS, March 13. Rev. T. De
Witt Talmage ia resting quietly st the St.
Charles hotel, greatly Improved and will be
able to continue his Journey to Washing
He arrived last night from the City of
Mexico, accompanied by bis wife and daugh
ter and Dr. Lawrence Shields, chief surgeon
of the American hospital in the City of
Mrs. Talmage and Dr. Shields were fairly
bombarded with letters and telegrams from
all parts ot the world, asking as to the
condition ot Dr. Talmage's health. But tbe
doctor was not able to arise from hla bed
or see anyone. Mrs. Talmage sat patiently
by his bedside, unwilling to allow anyone
to attend to his trivial wants.
Dr. Shields, who will accompany Dr. Tal
mage and family to Waahlngton, gave out
tbe following signed statement to the As
sociated Press:
Dr. T. DeWItt Talm was attacked
with influenza In Mexico City March 3, two
days after his arrival. Owing to the alti
tude or tnat city it was deemed expedient
to remove him to his home In Washington.
His present condition is favorable, having
steadily Improved after leaving Mexico,
the debility following: his malady being
the only affection at this time. He will be
a nie to resume nis worK in aoout two
weeks. He will depart for Washington
Friday morning.
Nephew of Former Senator Disap
pears After Making Collections
May Have Met with Font Play.
NEW YORK, March IS. (Special Tele
gram.) Louis Rodney Berg, a real estate
agent at 35 Nassau street, has reported to
the police the disappearance of James O.
Thurston of Nebraska, who has been em
ployed as a collector of rents.
Mr. Berg informed the police that when
Thurston disappeared, on March 1, he had
collected at least $800 In rents from the
tenants ot several fashionable apartment
houses, among them being the. Warwick
Arms. Mr. Berg waa unable to say whether
bis collector bad met with foul play.
"We have not yet been able to go over
all the books," said a clerk in Mr. Berg's
onT.ce today, "and therefore we are not able
to tall how much rent Thurston had col
lected." Thurston came to New York several years
ago with a,trBS letter from his uncle.
then senator from Nebraska, and through it
he secured the position with Mr. Berg. He
had been living at 490 St. Nicholas avenue.
Several months ago it was reported that
he was soon to wed a young woman whose
family is socially prominent, but this rumor
was subsequently denied by the young
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Make Another
Clfort to Reach Boer
CHICAGO, March 13. A second letter In
the shape of a demand has been sent to
Becretary of State Hay asking for pass
ports for Dr. and Mrs. Hiram W. Thomas
to visit the concentration camps in South
Africa. The letter to Secretary Hay Is
signed by John A. Knight, who was ap
pointed by Governor Yates to arrange with
the State department for Dr. Thomas' mis
sion. Peter van Vlisslngen of the Chicago
Transvaal league said today:
If the British government objects to Dr.
Thomas because of his well known pro
Boer utterances we will select someone
else. We have SSOno in hand and in Phil
adelphia there is 13,000 more waiting, and
all over the country It is the same. In
Europe there are many who want to send
similar relief.
Governor of Virginia Objects to
Measure for Beneflt of Con.
federata Veterans.
RICHMOND, Va.. March 13. Governor
Montague today vetoed the Joint assembly
resolution appropriating 3300,000 for pen
sions for confederate veterans on consti
tutional and technical grounds. His mes
sage say In part:
The Justice and expediency of pensions
are not Involved. All are agreed that the
state should do Its utmost to aid the needy
and deerving veterans, out an must con
cedn that the needy and deserving alone
should be the reolpient of the money ap
propriated, rne present law is far from
satisfactory, resulting In irregularities and
injustice which should not be possible
under any future pension legislation.
Last Day as Chicago's Guest Is In-
veatful for the
CHICAGO. March 13. The last day of
General Funston's visit in Chicago was a
quiet one for the soldier. He spent some
time talking with General Otis and devoted
the rest of the day receiving callers and
answering his mall.
He will leave for Washington over the
Pennsylvania road at 6:30 o'clock this aft
ernoon. Movements of Ocean Vessels, March 13.
At Hamilton, Bermuda Arrived: Im
perial German yacht Hohensollern, from
New York.
At New York Arrived: Westemland,
from Philadelphia, for Liverpool. Sailed:
L'Aqullalne, for Havre; Lresden, for Bre
men. At St. Vincent, C. V. Arrived: Luigl
clampa, from Seattle and t'oronel.
At Hamburg Arrived: Totmes, from Sin
Francisco, Molltmdo, etc., via London;
Palatla. from New York.
At Hong Kong Sailed: Empress of Japan,
for Vancouver.
At GenoaArrived: Latin, from New
York via Naples.
At Queenstown Sailed: Nonrdland, for
Philadelphia: Teutonic, for New York; both
from Uverpool.
At Antwerp Balled: Nederland, for Philadelphia-
At Kotterdam Sailed: Byndam, for New
York via Boulogne.
At Liverpool Arrived: Ivernla, from
At Boston Arrived: Sazonia, from Liver
pool. At Scilly Passed: Kron Prins Wllhelm,
from New York, for Plymouth and Bremen.
Tremendous Labor Warfare Averted bj
Mutual Agreement of Leaden.
Union Delegates Meet with Officials and
Employers' Representatives.
Brings Factions Together and Effects Disso
lution of Tieup.
Fully Twenty Thousand Workmen,
Idle for Four Days, Will Be
Affected by tho Arbi
tration. BOSTON, March 13. Through the unite
efforta of representatives of the great mer
canttle bodice of the city, seconded by the
chief executives of the city and state, in
conference with the recognized leaders of
organised labor, the great general strike of
freight handlers and kindred trades repre
sented in the Allied Freight Transportation
council, was broken tonight. Fully 30,000
men who have been Idle for four days will
go to work In the morning. This result
was attained at a conference thla evening
at the office of Governor Crane. The de-
clslon was at once reported to the Allied
Freight Transportation council at a spe
cial meeting tonight and unanimously en
dorsed. The eettlement wss the result of aa x
pressed determination of Governor Crans
and those representing the merchants ot
Boston to bring all possible pressure to
beer upon the Nsw York, Now Haven A
Hartford Railroad company to adopt ths
rules in force upon the Boston eV Mains
railroad forbidding freight handlers to un.
load teams except at their own option and
Preference to Old Men.
All of the old men for whom place can
be found will be taken back by tbe rail
roads tomorrow, but owing to the sudden
ness with which the strike wss ended aud
the large number of new men who hva
been installed It Is likely that many of ths
old employes will tomorrow And no vacan
cies ready for them. Eventually It is be.
lieved they will all regain their old posi
tions. Teamsters and "longshoremen will find aa
unprecedented demand for their service!
and traffic of all descriptions, which hat
been virtually at a standstill for the last
three or four daye, will be resumed tomor
row with a rush.
The Brine Transportation company, th
loading and unloading of whose nonunion
teams precipitated the strike of the New
York, New Haven & Hartford freight hand
ler, does not appear to have figured In ths
settlement of the present controversy and
as far as that company la concerned the
sentiment against it on ths pan of the labor
unions is as bitter as ever. Under tbe new
arrangement, however, union men will nol
be required to load or unload that com
pany'g teams.
Day of Conferences.
The day was filled with conferences be
tween representatives of the various labor
unions aud the city's business Interests,
In which Governor Crane, Msyor Collins,
Secretary Easley of the National Civic Fed
eration and the State Board of Arbitration
took Important parts.
Among those present at the decisive con.
ference were: Mayor Collins, J. Richard
Carter and John M. Little, representing tb
Associated Board of Trade; A. A. Lawrence,
A. C. Farley, E. B. Wilson and E. H. Wal
cott, representing the Merchants' associa
tion; Jerome Jones and George H. Leonard,
representing the -Chamber of Commerce;
President Lucius Tuttle of the Boston 6
Maine railroad. General Manager Barnes ol
the Boston A Albany railroad. General Man
ager W. E. Chamberland of the New York,
New Haven & Hartford railroad, Presldenl
Arthur Cox of the Allied Freight Transpor
tation council, President Hartnett of the
Teamsters' union and many other official
of the various labor bodies ot tho city.
Committee to Formulate Plan.
The outcome of the meeting was the ap
pointment ot a committee of seven to de
vise some plan that might be mutually
agreed upon as a basis of settlement In
consultation with Governor Crane. Mean
time a large number of labor leaders had
arrived at the state house and they went
into conference in the council chamber,
which adjoins the office of the governor,
Governor Crane, while impressing the fact
that be had absolutely no authority to make
pledges for any of, the Interested parties,
made the following proposition:
If the strike is declared off and those of
the men who can will return to their
work, I will, aa governor ot the common
wealth, use my best erTorts with the New
York, New Haven & Hartford railroad tq
have them adopt rules that will be In con.
formlty with those already adopted by th
Boston & Maine railroad regarding ths
loading and unloading of teams.
Tbe Boston ft Maine road'a rule Is thai
freight handlers are not required to g
upon trucks of forwarding concerns and
assist In unloading freight.
The governor further agreed to see the
officials of the Boston ft Maine, Boston ft
Albany and New York, New Haven ft Hart
ford railroads and the various steamship
lines and urge them to reinstate as many
men as they possibly can.
Governor Is Successful.
Governor Crane impressed everyone pres
ent with bis deep interest in the matter
and it was largely through hit influence that
tbe representatives of labor unanimous!
agreed to recommend to their various unlont
tbat the strike be declared off and that
every man now on strike return to work.
This decision wss received with Intense
satisfaction by all who participated In the
conference, tor although It was not effec
tive until. It had been ratified by the in
dividual unions it was conceded It meant
the termination of the gigantic battle be
tween unionism and nonunlonlsm which has
crippled the commerce ot Boston for tho
past four days and has occasioned great in
convenience and expense upon Its tner
chants and citizens.
After the committee bad left the gov
ernor the latter to the newspaper repre
sentatives expressed bis great pleasure with
tbe result attained by tbe conference. Eai4
"Inasmuch as the strike has been de
clared off, it now become the duty of the
public to do Us part and ot other employ,
era ot labor to gee that the men who weut
out are reinstated go far aa possible."
An official notice of the termination of
the strike will be printed in tbe morning
papers and In addition committees will tr
to notify those of the strikers who cannot