THE OMAHA Jt)AILY BEE: THUKSD AY, MARCH 13, 1902. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES will t takes !! 11 aa. for th evealaar lttw b4 watll S-0 p. sa fer asrts; Saw?- ealtlaa. tea, 1 ay ward a rat laser-Mow. la a. w thereafter.! Nethlc takes fa les tkaa X5a far th Srst laser tm. ThfM aavartlaaaaaata asaat ka aa eaaareatlvaly. A4Trtlri, by raaaaatlaa; a are rkek, eaa kava mm ad dress ta a aaatkcraa letter la cara f Tka Baa. Answers aa resee4 will ka delivered aa areaaatatlaa at tka hkt aly. . , WASTED-UALK HELf. GOOD messenger wanted; Increased pay. A. D. T. Co., 213 South lath. B 614 STEADY work, profitable work, v for neat, energetic hustler. U. F. Adams Co., 1611 Howard. -. B-H16 85 FOR HALF A DAY'S WORK. If yoa llva la th country or t a small Iowa and hav a good acquaintance amosg th (urswrt ud sloe raisers la the neighborhood you can make So easily by tour or twJ hours' work. Write us and wa will enu you our proposition. Tha Be Publishing Co., Solicitors' Drpt., Omaha Nab. . . B-M2iS .WANTED, a food man lu every counfy to take subscription tor the Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good . uti everywhere. -Rstereaces required. Address, Tweutietb Century armer, Omaha, Neb. " J U WANTED, electrotype , finisher. Ureal Western Type Fpunury, Omaha, Neu. B M72Z UP-TO-DATE solicitors can make S10U per month la oouiha.. Call at Ui faxton blk. . - B Maw. WANTED, two or three men to work from our wagons; eteaojr work end good imy. C F. Adams C Howard u B M928 TRAVELING salesmen and advertisers; salary or .no deal, 'i'rlumph Co., Dallas, Texaa..,.' . . . .. B M166 14 FREPAKJ9 for civ. terv. exam.; bk-kp., elc.K. U, Com. Nat. Bk. Kathbun. a . B M160 WANTED, a boy with a horse to deliver The Evening Bee, , north aide. Call at circulation dept.. Bee ottlce, S p. m. B 174 WANTED Palnterg at St. Louis for World s fair work; S3 per day, 8 hours. .- . i , - 1, B 271 23 THE Moler Barber College,' 1623 Farnam St., wants men 'to learn the trade; Jast thirty days that scholarship, board, fools and transportation can - be. earned before leaving home; special Inducements to ap plicants from, distance; only eight weeks required; steady practice, expert Instruc tions etu.1. write Ipr particulars today. .'..; . v B MM 16 .WANTED, competent bookkeeper now em ployed -to keep set of books out of reg ular hour;, will probably take only one evening per week. Address V 38, Bee.' . " , , -' . B-M12 WANTED, flrst-lass. experienced sales man In gents' furnishing department; no other need apply.- J. L, Brandels A Sons, Boston Btore. B 44 13 CARPENTERS wanted; two good me chanlcs can ' find good employment at Gretna, Neb: Germans -would do best. Ad dress V 44, .Bee. ; xi 13- WANTED Paper " Ruler. Hlckok two beam down line machine-. Small town In Kansas, steady. - Address, V 47, Bee. B 47313 WANTED, an all-around tailor In the country. Steady work.- aood wages. In quire Sunday, March lti, at D. Gross' grocery, 24th and Charles SU. . B-M481 16 WANTED, two competent clothing sales men,. Continental Clothing co. . B M480 14 WANTED,' three coat makers, two trous srsmakers) and one yestmaker at once; first-class work; only, T. H. Boyer, Sioux city, la. -. b itttTs jr SALESMEN. WANTED. WANTED, will accept a limited number of salesmen. New plan, large commis sions. -Advancement. Push and energy count. Chicago Fire Appliance company, Holyoke, Aiaaa. - WANTED, a traveling salesman to sell our foods on commission as side line; samples urnlahed free: line consists of mill sup plies and goods ordinarily bought by tne retail naraware ursier, anu uvmr in iarm machinery. Address V 4, care Lord A Thomas, Chicago. -MM 14 WANTED rEMALB HELP. WANTED, two young lady student to learn halrdresslng, manicuring and chl ropody and scientific massage. Call - or write Room 220, Bee Bldg. : C 668 WANTED, woman for general housework, .. . . -. - .. . 0-716 WANTED, Neat and capable woman for general housework; must be good cook ana taunares. evt rvMr 01- vunu WANTED, at once, capable talloress: good wages, airs, a, aaara, ilia ana uoug las street. - . . c n4 JjTURBES' College, Pueblo, Colo.; three . month'-' course; diplomas; next term pens April L Writs. C M1S4 19 COR general housework, a good cook and laundress. For good wagss call 2904 Dodge. Mrs. Morattd. CVt 13 WANTED, stenographer; state experience ana salary expeciea. Address v K. Bee. C-M4i2 II WANTED, ladies to learn halrdreaalna. manlouring or facial massage; only four weeks reu ui red j , comparauvely no 'ex ' Dense: splendid wajces paid araduates Positions auaranteed or ' residence trade established! Call or write today, Moler College. Faraam St ; C M4Z7 16 WANTED, good girl for general house work at once, uue b. sutn ave. ... . C-M436 U WANTED, a good girl for kitchen work one who understand, cooking. 1810 Chl cago. C 448 13 OI RL for general housework, small family. x&w n. nin.. . ; . w-ai4 ll WANTED, girl for general housework. Mrs. George K. Vos. jwn c'hlc.xao st. r . ' c- -- ' . , -C-M463 14 WANTED, cook; also girl for second work. Apply ail b. xstn ave. u-uai u 6JOOD girl for general' housework. 1024 Park ave. C MVi9 1 -4- (XiMPETENT girl for general housework , tn family of. three; good wages. 3667 Howard St. - C 474 14 OIRL for general housework at 2V Capitol Ave. C 476 16 HELP WANTED. JKN and w-jrnen wanted; trade and pro fessional position aecured promplly; any place. Address P O. lira iter 677, Chicago. - . - - Sol 16 Canadian Emp. ottlce, moved, is Dodge. 612 AS rB RK7NT-HOUSES, FIVE unrurnlah4 rooms: all tacslsra and nral-ciass. atianu. cu i ut TOR RBNT. T-room bouse, bath and gas, nice Urge lot, Slit 'California St. Apply Milton Hagur 4k bod Co. - X M9.1 UCUBtS and flat Ring wait. Barker block. ' ,' i , . r n" , V , " ' AJim IIOI1CCC I an part f City.' ,The O. Caw fc4 ise Bldg. 1 U JE1GHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace, SU. U. XI. Nlliar, lee .Bldg. 'Phone 4uA -;'i , ., :4-. tlOUSES. eto. F. D. .Wead, UM Douglas. - " D-d HOUSES, stores. Bemla. Paxton block; Da-i tAYNU. BOSTW1CK gt 601 N. Y. Life. D 14 FOR RENT, 2613 N.' 17th St.. SU; large S story modern hojs of 8 room, also barn. . The Oman Realty C.. ISul Douglas BU, upstaus. TO MOVE right gt Ossaha Van Btorsg Co.; oOiwe lilx Farnaiu, or TeU. 1A FOR REST HOTISR. MODERN 4-room flat si. Tltard, l?o N. 4 D M73 Si VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 111. LVMtOt) BIX-ROOM modern flat, Charles Hartley. 1016 raclrte street. , D 413 J6 FOR RENT, 7-room modern brlrk house, 2fth and Cnllfornla st.- Inquire 611 Pax Ion blk. 'Phone 210. DM430 13 BIX-ROOM cottage, nearly r.ew, nice lawn, water and gas, convenient to motor; rent, ."115. Inquire Wm. I. Klerstead, Room 1"5, City Hall. D 42 FOR RENT, a S-room cottage, modern ex cept bath. Apply 646 Bo. 16th. D 461 IS FOR RENT, 10-room, modern, brick house, 61 N. 19th Kt. . It-room, modern, brick house, 649 8. 26th ' avenue. Brennan-Lov Co., 309 8. 13th at. 1 MUv i FOR RENT FIRNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. tli a. TWO housekeeping Mary's. rooms. 38. 2S23 St. B-M961 A4 HOUSEKEEPING, other rooms. 811 8. 20. E M400 AS LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 81( S. 18th. J0-M399 AS FURNISHED rooms for rent 1617 Cans. , E M 139 ROOMS "The Farnam," 19th and Farnam, 4 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE home for young men. 108 a 25th St. ROOMS and board. Olencairn, 16u9 Douglas. . c ao STEAM heated rooms with board. 1901 Capitol Ave. F 46a FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without Doara. juiaiana hotel, 16tb and Chicago SU. F 630 w 1 MTirn room anil hiarA ennvenlent to I ...... . . , . - - . V. . , . I rarnam or lein . car line, in wmini famllv bv vouna man. Adurtas V 36. Bee. 1 w ii it FOR RENT INFCRNI8HED ROOMS. DESK room space. 85 per month, ground floor room lu ine uee ouuaing, lacing Farnam street; ne expense for light, heat or janitor service, it. u. retets & io., Rental Agents, e uuiiaing. u-111 UNFURNISHED room for rent. 823 S. 23d st. G 3 ?0 13 FOR REJJT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by ins Bee at mi jrarnani tit. it nas four stories and a basement -which was formerly used aa The Bea Dress rouni. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bea building;. . . . 1 u. for RENT Store in first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply tu u, meters Co.. ground floor. Bee Bldg. - 1 tw SHOP 414 South 18th St., 22x 60; cheap; six- room cottage, BOUth 2WU, 14. Hamil ton, 211 Boutn lan. . - i im-is AGENTS WANTED, WANTED Canvassing agent In . every county to solicit suDscnpuons to mm TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Bteady employment with ' assured good income. Agent In the country with hnraa and bumv esDeclally desired. Can vassers make eaBlly S60 to S100 per month. Address, Century Farmer Solicitor' Bu reau, Bee Building, Omaha. . 213 AGENTS make 88 daily selling the cheap est and most perfect water r liter ever Invented. Retail at 11.60. Big croQL Ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co., Sen eca, Mo. J M167 14 A LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, with satis factory references, can secure a general or district agency contract on vary liberal terms from the Royal Union Mutual Life Insurance company, ry?m 10, Commercial Mauonai rank Diog., umana, nto, J M463 WANTED TO RENT. HAVE you house for rentT List them witn ft. t;. reter t o., ground noor. lie building. . IV sw u WANTED, first-class residence and yard: will take lease one to tnree years; submit oilers immediately to Mccagu invest men t t:o. K. Mt 13 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 812- 914 Jones, general storage ana lorwaraing. in OM. Van Stor. Co., 111 Vi Farn. Tel. 1669-861. r : , DSi MAGOAR0 VAN CO. Telephone 14S6. 776 WANTED TO BUY.' WANTED at once, Jdhand furniture, car- nets, for Bt. lui u.xik. Tel. 1. or notify Lavine'a Furn. Store. 2Ut N. 16th. N-151AT WANTED to buy, a showy Shetland pony, ' with or. without fin cart and harness; must be .toppy driver. Address v 43. V N 447 IS FOR SALE Fl'RNITUKtft. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodsre. TeL 2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold, xenangea. tj t-u HIGH grade furnitur. complete for .v.- room house, ail In good condition, very cheap, no. Harney si., or wi n. x. a Bldg. t 4s FOR SALE HORSES, . WAGONS, ' ETC. RUBBER-TIRED coune. newly balnted. .uo; glaa side rockaway, S126; six family carriage. H M . cacn; waaona. urucu- muud Carrlac Co.. lath and Alarney. P-634 10-PASSENGER carry-all, newly painted and upholstered. Wm. Burg, 1446 tjher- .v. ri FOR repair work on light and heavy wagon see Frost, ntn ana Aeavenwortn. .- 1 0s SURREY, newly painted, good aa new. Bar a ai n lor caao. inquire ,io. Bee. P M4S2 19 FOR SALSS MiSCXLLAHEOlS. Flit tiza-is for houts mover, etc, 40 to 71 feet; cribbing ana ncx lenoe. oi AMiugias. ID Li AND sal cheap. IXtright, 1118 Farnam. INDIAN good and relics. lJt Farnam. FOR SALE, kindling wood. SI U Per load. at noith end et Exposition grounds, near lath street. Just north oi oia Midway FOR BALE Phonographs, superior to any other musical Instrument; 66 tip. The W lttman Co.. 1621 Farnam. tj 640 . . tl T li. .ah. Mt.ntifaiitiiM ..11 warranted, at a bargain. Room tU. Mo Cagua Bldg. VI ,U 10 STYLES trusses, catalogue free, eher I man A McConuell Drug Co.. 16th and Dodge. Omaha. s tU FOR SALE Scholarship tn an Omaha shorthand Bchool, cheap. Inquire til Bee . Bldg. w-Mm WIRE fence for poultry, hog. lawn and yard,' hitch posts, tre guards. Wire Work. 617 Bo. Mtb bt, Tel. : Q-M&SS J3 BIC1CLEH, ' phonograph and supplie. Omaha Blcycis Co., 14th. and Chicago Sta. ZDHAND safe cheap. Sch warts. 114 S. 18th, W J9 COMPLETE saloon fixtures, Including Na tional cam a register. , Address t. noran, Bluuey, iu. w m-we ir FOR SALE. 8ECOND-HAND LUMBER Suu.ouo faet ok seconq-nana lumnrr win ne old at one at north and of Exposition ground lnqulr fl II. F. Cady Lumber Co. TtL L Q-631 MONROB Coal and Feed Co, 'Phone 97U W lit A FLESCHER sells bicycle. 1623 Capitol Ave. V 161 FOR BALK M18CEI LANEOt'S. 10 , 922-924 Douglas, fo-rmerlv Lauer i ....... or rent; 974 also seven iivinn rooms upstairs. Mrs. Kuhlman, 3526 North 17th. FOR BALE, only laundry In Co. seat town. rilcKoesa, Btebblns me am launary, i'im, la. itwi FOR SALE, a complete history of the uni verse by rtmpatn, volumes, wen mrnna, good aa new: price reasonable. Aflires V 41. Bee. J M4M 17 FOR 8 ALB, a si months'' scholarship and books, value IM fio, in on of umana a beat business college, at a big discount. Call on or adriren liwlght Williams, room 100, Bee bids., Omaha, Neb. A FINE feather bed, rood for making pil lows. Apply V 48. Bee. Q MWi 13 FOR SALE, good laundry outfit, steam drying room, I washing mac nines, wan eteara connection: 4 wasntuDa. x ringers. hot Water tank and heater. APly to M. J. Franck. Midland hotel. (4 M47S IS CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 81 North lathi MME. QYLMER, genuine palmist, SIS 8. 15. p 00 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. JE88IB LEE. massage, 607 8.13th, room . i MOW BONTON PARLORS, 821 lfc N. loth, flat B. T MTS4 IX BEATRICE HARLOW, baths: Egyptian treatment; attendant. n. i.-tn. r lat 1 ja as MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 18, 8d floor R.l A auou AC MME. AMB8, Cumberlknd house, 15th and Capitol, Room 1. a Misi it PERSONAL. PRIVATE! hoiimtal. before and during con. finement; babies aooptea. urant 01 Mrs. Qardsla., Tel. F-1183. - U-647 DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and superflu- W.i- ..a.l k alAntrlnllw U 14 " ii"'" -.v... .... . Frenxer Block. U M MME. SMITH, bath. 118 N. IB. Id floor, r. 1 U Jtt-AO JttlV HAIRDRESSINO, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladies oniy, in connection witn The Bathery. 16-a20 Bee Bldg. U Kb RUPTURE permanently cured m 10 to 60 days; send ror circular, u. b. wooa, . V; Sal new xora jii mug., umana, u-w ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and ;sLiiiBi -.'r'imivrt.i., acna, t u A. C. Mark, 17 A Douglas. u" Quickest. Mrs. a. u.. GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. . Collins nano to, usa uooi- la. u u. CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Batnery, room zib-oi uee u, Tel. 1716. . u-w LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade coetumer. 1U1B t arium. . u eow GOLDMAN'S, the only perfect pleatlni plant in tne west, euv uougiaa diock. Uaa vua SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng. 26c In connection witn 'ine uamery, u-iM nn building. Tel. 1716. it stii I PRIVATH home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; babies adopted, van Burdette. Mr. Burget. U 444 All RUPTURE CURED FOR 828 No pain, no detention irom business; sena ior or. oulars. Empire Rupture Cure Co., 983 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U M273 OMAHA Dy Works, 1517 Howard, the fashionable Cleaners oi laaies ana gen tlemen's dresses and suits, lace curtains. draperies. u Jirj si Mlddlemlsa. wall paper cleaner. TeL 1739. u xnioe mm VIAVI, woman' way to health. Horn treatment, uooauci iree. ste oee uiua., umana. u m ELITE PARLORS, CIS & 16th st,. 2d floor., u sua a i tri.KSCHEIt. will fix your bicycle light U ISa WANTED, good home for blight boy S years oia; motner aeaa. Aaarees, wun references, stating pries expeciea, v o- Bee. U 417 16 j . ' ' r BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment; attendant. 821ft N. lath. Flat, U-UWAl WANTED, any person having dealings witn The American uterary ana Musical Association of Chicago to call on or ad dress, William Simeral, 233 Be Bldg., omana. u w n DID you ever stop to think, And then decide to tail a drink T Don't do It; buy a . . Stoecker Cigar Instead, and you will have been made twice glad. Save the band and get a premium. W. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO.. . . . U-4aS 17 WHO want to adopt boy 10 years, orphan. very brisT&l ana quick. Adareas v. 49, Bee. U M484 16 MARCH 13th Mollle: Send the girls Invi tation, rage w, aiarcn wnat to isat. UtXIHUE. - - . uM4Tj) i$ MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATBS.. WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants ueorg 4k company, iwi narnam street. W BBS 1 ner cent on ' Option to pay whole or part any time. W. B. All i.r,. wji. o. iota Bt. W ttt WANTED, city loan and warrant. W. Farnam Smith 4k t-0 UM Farnam St. . W 667 WANTED, city and farm loan; also bonds ana warrants, n. y. 1'eiers sk i o., i irt Farnam Bt.. Be Bidg. . v. .- . w &t MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Aov vo., bouth utn. ... W u FARM and city leans, low rate. W. H. a noma, ui nil. nana- Did. Tel. ltHS. - . . .. . . , v tw 4Va TO I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. w 61 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 837 N. Y, la W d PRIVATE money. F. D. Wsad, 1524 Douglaa. W est I PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., la Farnam. S300. SS00 AND $1,000 private money. L x. 8 or s years, on eastern fMeorasaa tarma or wen located cottages in Omaha. W. L, Mcioy, Doaru oi i raae uidg. w 91 FOR SALE, cholo mortgsge loans. Garvin Atros., lvut arnam St., umana, w A4974 MONEY TO LOAON CHATTELS. WE make loans on Furniture. M Piano. Horses, Wagon, Carriage ana oiuer cuattei. We make - SALARY LOANS O without mortgage to persons who have permanent positions. ou can get the money on very short notice and pay It back In on month, or keep it longer, and pay for It only what time you keep It. We are leader la low rataa, quick and con fidential service and courteous treatment. We Invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, etc. We N E Y give you the full amount of the lAJi IAN tn cash. W always "try t 9 OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trad Bldg. Tel. 3C'li. l&aiabusnea wa.) bo. loin Bt, A 0TOP THAT COLLECTOR'S CALLS i ojr skid, uw iw"i ui vur ytimiw ottlce. HAVE YOUR INDEBTEDNESS IN ONE fLACb, , where you can pay easily. Every tl Dal J off loan reduce cost. "SALARY U)AN8 ON PLAIN NOTES' to maie or tertaie enunoyes. Ne one need ever anow. N mortgage. No Indorsar. No nubllclty. l mile help at tne right time often set a man on his feet. Wis people will at least call and lnqulr about our term na rates. , You save money when you borrow of I n at Bit C O. We offer a money-euving chanoa. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, itoom evs, raaioa moo. A -a MOIBT TO LOAN CHATTELS. FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES. ETC., .IXJANS. "Anaoiuieiy wnnout removma goods." Written guarantee given to tnia effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Ron M, Paxton Block. X a LAROF8T BU8INKBS TS IOANS TO BA1-AR1EI 1'toi'LB, mercnants. team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity: easiest terms: 40 craw, In prtn clpal cities. Tolman, 440 Board el Trade ttldg. A WW FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, ETC., LOANS. "Abaolutery without removing arooda." written guarantee given to tnis effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Boom M, Paxton Blocks X ISO MONEY loaned on plain note to ealarted people 1 nuainess connaenuai; mwesi rates. tit PaJtton Dioc ine J. a. nutton co. X 670 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew- eiry, noraes, cows, eto. J. m. iteea, a. is, A. IS LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. 1. W. TATLOE, 633 Paxton block. A. 0. WOVrr loaned nn furniture, llva stock. jewelry, to saianea people. oiey ixan . Co., sua. to Dull areen, 8 Barker Bik. A II Bl'SISESS CHANCES. TO OET In or out of business call on Wll- llama, Room 411, MoCagua building. fl74 JL WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your nuainess or properly quick cumin um- nat wun one wno nas tne customers, j. U. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Lira. 'Phone L-2270. BOOTS and Shoes. S2.UU0 stock staple goods; will consider good land xor game, uuomit oner J. 11. junnsen, 1. x, Adi. . x SAMS FOR SALO or trade, my entire livery stocx, at a bargain. Aaaresa w. u. Utterbackv Ogden Livery, Council Bluffs. X 013 FOR SALE, millinery store doing good business; also good notel lor sale (or leas , to rignt party 1, pom gooa mcaiions in N. E. Nebraska. Call or write 624 N. Y. Life building. Omaha. . Y 134 A NEW stock of general merchandise, lo- cated in one of the best town in norm- eastern Nebraska, for sale, no trades. Ad dress U 63. Bee. Y M788 WH HAVE 16 mile good scraper and frader work. Great Western to sub-let. his Is the choice work on the line. Wlckham. Bowman & Co., or E. A. wioknam, council uiuns. 1 mm if RATTF.RT roods and confectionary stand. living rooms in rear; spienaia locuuon; business good; lav wiu buy it. J. ti. Johnson, N. Y- Life- . Y-M347 , , , , , qooD paying restaurant for sale; good rea- son for selling. A. Rock, Boone, la. Y-326 2 13 PER CENT investment. A TCn Duys ivu a-room cvuaKn, muu H,5U ern except furnace; lefl monthly rental: continually occunied: fine location. 17th St.", 10 block north poetomce; owner desires to go to California for health lm- V; w , '. nuuui.wu u March 16. ' j. n. iutinsuis, n.' i. a.ifjs. Y-M436 FOR SALE, the best hardware stock in ine oest agricultural section or lowa; large annual trade; slock will invoice about 810.000: profit targe; must close up an estate Interest the enly reaaon for I :lllng. Address V 40, Bee. Y M426 HOTEL opportunity in Kansas City; mod ern luO-room hotel, with furniture, to b leased to good and responsible hotel man. Address Wlllard Douglass. N. Y. Life oiag., nan city. , . .. ? x Mtat it FOR SALE, first-class . meat market and poultry business in A, : gooa town and doing good business. Thl I a bargain ii tajte ken at once. Address Look Box 27., uentry county, mo. i aw 16 tit''1 FOR KXCHArfrAK. WILL exchange : good 'oak wardrobe for folding bed. n 49. Bee. Z M610 FOR SALE REAL1 ESTATE. GEORGE a. WALLACE, real estate, mort- gages, rentals, insurance. Drown block. KB 740 SPECIAL BARGAIN; choice ltO-acrs farnj I miles iron eauwn, neu., wen lm- proved; two aeta of buildings) ldu bearing aDDle tree. Can give possession riant away. Price, 84,300, on easy terms.- David Neeiy, Bneuon, rseo. kju M163 IF YOU want on of the nicest 8-roora homes in nanscom riace l win give you a oargain. uwmr isti city, must sell. j. At. ttnerwooa, vu i. x. i Bldg. KB M163. HOME OR INVESTMENT. EIGHT ROOMS, WLBT FARNAM. ASK HAKKloON 4k MORTON. . ... , Kfi 11 15 COLORADO ranch - lands, homestead. scnooi tocuuu cv. mt . xrwin, Aa ron. COlo. M179 A HOUSES and lota In all ptrt ot city; also Sere property ana iarm wnoa. TheO. F. pari Co., Room m. Be Building. Klu 6S1 FARMS! . FARMS 1 FARMS I 1 For bargain In farm property go to O Neiu , neat .aiai -Agency, south umana. tun 6u WEST FARNAM ST., 6-room, 2-story, mod ern nouae, newiy painieu, on car Una. S2.600. ItLS BYRON REED CO., 212 So, 14th St- RE 718 PAYNE, BOSTWICK 4t CO., 601 N. T. Llf. ma 7s KTCW Snow-Church Co.. tth floor N. v Lire mam.. umana. neo. uirtcit law. collection and real estate agency in the world. Associate banks attorney and real estate broker in every county In the United States and cities of foreign coun tries. KJE 76 I HOUSES, lota, farm, ranches, loans; also fir insurance, uenus, x ax ion mock. . ; RE-678 RANCH and farm land for sal by tha Union racino nuirotii company, u. A. McAJlester, land commissioner. Union Pa- biub - WANTED To buy frame or brick block. W. B- w. or cemrai u turn tuHHl' I BON 4fc MUM1UXN. IU D, I. ure. RE-M10S 12 IMPROVED farm, 800 acres, mile north price, S6 an acre. . Nasou, Her .Grand hotel. Omaha, XMSb. lU-aUM) 15 UIT 1 I A M9flN' CHARLES E., ma TV W wl w farnam street. RE-4T7 FOR BALE, 94"4-arre farm, five miles nortneaat or council niuns, ,o per acre. Oabern Koosa, Weston, la. KB Jd410 A CHOICE home, built of Dressed brick. interior Deautiruiiy nmsnea. square mo saic tiled hall, borcelaln batn. ateam haat. bam, carriage Louse, ahade trees' large lot 86 feet front: very fin residence loca tion: cIom in: this troDrty cost tha for. mer owner over SlS.Ouu and can be sold at a decided barnln for casn. Wm K Potter, receiver Omaha Loan and Trust Co., SuB Brown Bik. Kit Mill WANTED I have a client desiring to lease one er an ore quarter sections or nay land In Holt or Rock counties. Nebraska, Will also buy on or two quarter good gri or hay land in aam eountiea, W. Belbv. Board of Trad bide - . .. RE M4S4 14 THREE fin lota on 84th St.. north of Far. nam Bt., low price. . t o. Hamilton, 2U BOUIO liUI Bt. MU u it FOR BALE, bouse and lot, modern, fine condition, one block from car line, near Hanacom park: bargain to close estate; no agcnia. aoui wee irwner, v , re. RE M 461 14 OSTEOPATHY. GID B. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. suite tu l . uif Dida- ici, isot. DR. A. V. HUNT. 113 McCagu Bldg. TeL DR. MRS. ML' SICK. Douglaa blk. TeL 223. . - CAatfavr CLtfiAlllha. OM. Else Clean. WU, 8221 N. SO, tel. 11 At MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading per I all t In d I Meases of women In Omaha, would call the attention of Buffering ladlea to his tinaiirpaased accommodations Dei ore ana aunng ceonnement. ana 111s treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with, stamp. Dr. Pries, Arlington Block. laU Dodae, Omaha. i LADIES! Chichester's F.ngllfth Pennyroyal fills are tne peat, ttare, renaoi-. iaas no other. Bend 4o stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladlea." In letter by return malL Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., PnHaoelfhla. Ta. LOST. LOST, young red cow, dehorned. Reward for return to Hansen Bros.' dairy. Ad dress Box 164, South Omaha. Lost M4M 14 LOST. pearl opera glasses, Boyd's, Wednesday maunea, Return to Box office. Reward. Lost M477 13 LAtNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, ic; cunt, tc. uw ieavenworin. lei. m. 70 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREOa Shorthand. Om. C. CoL, 16th CtDoug A. C. VAN RANT'S school. TIT N. Y. Life. 7. BOYLE 8 college, court reporter principal. NEB. Business 4k Shorthand College, Boyd' Theater. 69 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th nd Howard, ma chinist. M704 OMAHA Bar and iron Wks. make a spe cialty of lire escapes, shutters, doors and aiea. u. AJiareen, 1'rop., iih bo, i(nn bt. Milt FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age a well as lire, cnarter memoera tree, rarticu lara from Frank Rosewater. suDreme manager, izi bh niog. 1Z4 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. oleans cesspools ana vaults, removes garoage at uvwj annuals hi reuueeu yricos, mi la. TCI. lfiD. (MZ A3" SEWING MACHINES. WRITE for agent' price; ball-bearing Wheeler-Wilson. C. A. Lyman, stata agent, Lincoln, Neb. M949 A4 TREES. FRUIT, shad and ornamental trees, vines. shrubs, roses, email iruita, etc. Address Omaha Nursery, papllllon. Neb. 68 M14 TREES. Hftiel Dell Nursery, 8308 N. 24 st. 17 AS FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. TeU 125S. V .T T7 ' T fTaui ...1.1 Blooming and pot plant, uu Vinton u Tel. 26 6F, M997 A5 FURNITURE REPAIRING. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1E19 Leavenworth. Tel. ZP-H. 4 M14 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 480 Ramge Bldg. . 694 VOICE. CLEMENT B. SHAW, Voice, HI Sheely Duiioing. w( juu BALE TIES, OMAHA Hay Bale Tl CO., SU North 16th, 70S PAWNBROKERS. aAULs ivoan umce, reuaote, accommodat ing; all business oonnaenuai. uvt AMugiaa, DRESSMAKING. families or at home. Miss Sturdy, S04S amam. MM, 14 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 133L M. S. Walklin, 81U Cuming St. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electric Co., 16 ft Jackson. Tel. SS4 STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUOHT-Omaha Stamp Co., 208 & 13th. , 696 INVESTMENTS. CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR SALE. K. C. FJbTHiKS 4k CO., 1702 Farnam Bt. 342 AS BICYCLES. IARGEST and best selection of new and secondnana Dioycies in tn city, S3 and up. rrices tn lowest. Aa r lescner, itm cap Uol Ave ISO 16 FUR DRESSING. R. GILBERT CO., tanner. 1434 S. 13th. 700 7 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS.' ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing v. , u in li i ,ii.uum iv, a. vvuiurrc, avin ana lui strsets. 3tv FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bars. ult cases; trunk I repaired, om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam, 697 HOUSE PAINTING. BEST time of year; start early; say money, -pnone A. U. Clark, IOS leaven worth about It. - FOUND. A POCKETBOOK on N. 20th at-, Sunday. Aonritu v to, nee. Kouna i7 lr NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Be Bldg. Tel. S535. 7ol P Only those who have suffered from Inferior work can fully realise the value of high class dentistry. Why not avoid the defective kind ot work? Wo treat skillfully all cases pre sented and guarantee satisfac tion. Bailoy tfc Dentist, SIS raatoa ik, Mth aad Faxnas Its. Lady attendant. , Phoa 1088. o a a u o d a rOSTOFFICK NOT1CS6. (Should be read dally by all interested. aa change may occur at any time.) Foreign mail for th week ending March 15. 19.3. will cios (PROMPTLY la all case) at the General Poatofiic aa follows: PARCELS PO8T MAILS cloa ONU HOUR EARLIER than closing tune sbowa below. Parcels Poet malls for tier- many will close at 6 p. m. Monday, per s.- a. Ieutschland; Wedneaday, per a. s. Lres tWa, aa Friday, per s. a. Pretoria. Regular and supplementary mall close rOSTOFFSCR NOTICE. Foreign Branch half hour later than loatng time shown below (except that tmplf rrn-niary Malls for uroie and Cen tral America, via Colon, ciose one hour later at Foreign Branch). Traaaatlaatle ' Malta. .' " ,iv c, I 8W TM.KMNO. ITALY, SPAIN. ltR- yt'OAL, TURKS V. tPT,ORKECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR VlUKZ, per s. a. L'Atiltalne, via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be I1U aM 71 I lliU.IV airectea ner s. s. is Aniiifine"i Saturday At a. m. for kurope, per a. s. wiini, vis iunniigsn at I a. m. for ITALY direct, ier s. s. Lahn tmall must be directed "per s. s. Ljihn"); at 7:30 a, m. for NETHERLANl8 direct, per s. a. Staatendam (mall must be di rected "per s. a. Btaatendam"! ; At 9:30 m. for SCOTLAND direct, per a. a. Anchorla (mall must be directed "per s. Anchorla"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thls steamer tsaes t-riniea aiatter, commercial i'a pers and Samples for Oermsnv onlv. Tha same class of mall matter for other nana Snii.r.KL. 1 'XLnrx s ini " . , ,,, , . . . : r 1 After, tha rlmlna a ,Ka a,, l. I Transatlantic Malls above named, ad ditional Supplementary Malls are opened on ine piers 01 tne American, IMigllsn, French and German steamers, and re main open until within Ten Minutes of tne oour 01 sailing 01 steamer. Mall for Soath and Ceatral America, West ladles. Etc. THlTPaniT A , a m tnr CTirt 1 Ttt. CATAN, CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. s. Havana (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per . s. Havana"): at 8 a. m. for BER MUDA, per Trinidad; at 11 m. (sup plementary 12:80 p. m.) for BAHAMAS ana BAWiiAw, per s. s. Heguranca. FRIDAY At 13 m. for MEXICO, per a. e. Niagara, via xampico tmau must oe di rected "per s. s. Nlarara"): at 11:30 n. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Vim SATURDAY At 9 a. m. for PORTO RICO, per s. a. ronce, via can Jusn: at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Maracaibo (mall for eavanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per e. s. Maracaibo"); at 9:90 a. m. (supplementary iv:su a. m.) lor or. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD and WlNUWAKli isuArsDH. and BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, ner a a. Roralma, via Demerara (mail for Gre nada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. b. itoraimaj; at :. a. m. (supplemen tary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, 6A VANILLA, CARTAGENA and GKEYTOWN, per s. s. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. s. Alene"); at 9:30 a. m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per s. s. La Ploma; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10:30 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Eastern Prince, via Pernambuco and Santos (mall for Northern Brazil must be directed "per a. s. eastern Frlnte "). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, ana tnenc oy steamer, close at this onic da.iv at :au p. m. (con nectlng close here every Moriday, Wednesday nd Saturday). Malls foH Mlnup nn. fiv ran ca Hmtan. tnil lh.nn.1'"" - " .. by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:80 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamer, are dispatched dally, final connecting closes, lor aispatcn via fori 'lampa, on Bun- day at 4:30 a. m., Wednesdays and Fridays, : Miami, on Mot ifi-JO a m5 for rilanatVh vial . a. m., tor dispatch via I ,MOr""yJ.? Z I?' "."J? p. m. Mails for Mexico City, overland, ed fcr dlsoarch s office dsn? ex. andU'SOn m and 11-80 d i' unle specially addressed by steamer, close at tnis cept si.roay at i:au p. m Bunaay at i:w p. m. anu u:ao p. m Mans (w Poili RW Uellae Pi ei-Tn I ard Guatemala by rail to New 5 and I thirled" iv .teamer close ns. ana ine nee ny steamer. Close Corte uneans. ana tuence 07 steamer. Close 1 hL AC 8unda?. SSLS" hTra vond-v". "n Z'; Puerto Corte and Guatemala, and Tues- nays ior .osia ru.-a;. negisierea man 1 Closes ai .w V f. K.enuua u,. . ."77 Mali. ' ' 1 Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Inlands. I via Ban Francisco, cios ner oauy at 6:30 p. m. un to March 12. Inclusive. n., n.. m . A,. Malls for letralia (except Went Australia. wmcn u 1 or warded via uuropei, jsew Zealand. FIJI, Samaa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after March I and up to March 15, Inclusive, or -on arrival of a. . Etruria, due at New York March 15, for desoctch per s. Ventura. Mall for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine islands, via ban Francisco, close her dally , 6:30 p. m. up to March 16, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. . Amer ica Mam. MH tor China and Japan, via Vancou ver, close nere oauy at :ao p. m. up to March 18, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Empress of India (registered mall must be directed "via, Vancouver". Mer chandise for the U. 8. Postal Agency at tsnangnat cannot De lorwaraea via Can ada.) Mail for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here daily at 6:30 p. rn. up to March 19. lnc uslve, for dispatch Per . .. TOso Maru. (Registered mall must be directed M'" toI .74w7a,,a II 8an nc'sco: close ".,a,",. at J8'0.."' mw up t0 Ma 24, Inclusive, for dispatch per . s. Ala meda. Mall for Hawaii. China Japan and Phil ippine islands, via ban Francisco, close h... -II , A.Wh n m tin n U.r.h inclusive, for dispatch per . a. City of Peking. Malls tor Australia (except West Australia, which aoes via Eurori and New Zealand, which goes vis Sab Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close her daily at t:w p. m and up to March 29, batch ner a. s. Aorana malls, via Seattle and Victoria, close her at 6:w p. ro. March mo). TransDxcifla mall are forwarded to nort ot aaiung oauy ana tne scneouie 01 clos ing 1 arranged - a th presumption of ineir vninterruptea - overiana transit. Registered mail close at 6:00 p. m. previous day. ci OHNKL11I8 VAN COTT Postmaster. Postoffloe, New Vork, N. Y., March 7, 190S. LEGAL NOTICES, X TlFCKIVTCR'a HOTTCHI tn th District Court in and for Douglas county, jaeorasaa. -. . William a. Madden, blalntiff. va. Ns. braska Fir Inaurano Company, t aj, de fendants. - To all creditors-of Nebraska Fir Insur ance Company: You ana eacn or von are nereov nntinea that In pursuano ot an order of th dis trict court ot Douglas county, mad Janu ary 17th, 112, a dividend of two l) per cent on all allowed claim against the Nebraska Fir Insurance Company ha been de clared; that said dividend 1 payable at my omce, in uie urown diock, in tne city 01 Omaha, and that payment nereot muat b demanded at my office. nd unles au:h temana b maa Dy Abni iytn. una. you and each ot you will be forever barred from any right to participate in th fund appropriated for said dividend. Bucn Claims must o presented at tn office of the undersigned, receiver, in th Brown block, tn the city of Omaha. Doug la county. Nebraska, or traasmitUd t him at that addrea by malL Dated thl 13th day of February, A. D. 1801 A. U. WYMAN, Receiver of th Nebraska Fir lnsurano Company. F13 dJOt TRU8TEIT8 SALE. The undersigned will, on Thursday. March 20, 1902, at S o clock p. m. at the front door of the courthouse In O Nelll, Nebraska, sell at nubllo auction, for rash, the followlna described real estate: The southeast quar ter of aection (is) elgnteen, and the north west quarter ot the northeast quarter and the northeast Quarter of the northwest quarter and the east half of th northeast quarter of section (19) nineteen, and the west half of the southwest quarter and the southeast quarter ot the southwest quarter and the south wast quarter of the southeast quarter or section (if) seventeen, all in township 28, range 16, Holt county, Ne braska, belonging to the estate of K. H. and II. L. Marshall, bankrupts: said sale will be msde subject to all valid liens, and confirmation by tha referee In bankruptcy. For more specific information addrea Room bJl Manhattan building, De Moines, low. tn. BiJiUMAiM, Trustee. -&-6-13 In the District Court of th United State for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in rJansrupicy, ro. i.ii. In the Matter of Ellwood G. Crap. Indi- vldually and as a Member of th Late Firm of crap a Btiriins. Bankrupt. To the Creditors of Said BankruDt: Notice Is hereby given that on the 28th day of February, A. D. lo2, th said Ell wood G. Crap of Philadelphia (late co partner of Heber M. Stirling, trading aa Oreo 4k Stirling at Omaha. Nebraekat waa duly adjudicated a bankrupt and that the first meeting of his creditor will be held at the oltic ta of the referee, Noa. 1124-26 Stephen Glrard building. No, 21 South Twelfth street, Philadelphia, on Friday, the Slat day of March, A. D. 1HU2, at 11 o'clock a. m.. at which time the said creditor may attend, prove their claims, sppoiru a trus tee, examln tb bankrupt and transact amen eihar buniuos a may properly come s-etore said meeting. March 10. 14. JOSEPH MASON. Mil dit Refers la Bankruptcy. CERTIFICATES OF Pt BI.ICATION. CERTIFICATE OF PI'Itl .IP ATION. STATE OF N ERRASKA, OFKI'E-OF ArilTOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. LIN COLN. February 1, lf4 It la hereby cert lfld, Tha the Union Central Life Insur. ance Company of Cincinnati, In the state cf Ohio, has compiled with the Instiranc law of this state, applicable to such com Mn m nH im Ih.Mfnr. Bill panies, and I therefore authorised to con- I.1" - ":, - V. IV" Z I h."SSrre t Ve'.r" surance In thla year ending January " - " i. uo. Summary of report filed" for th year ending December ' SL 1901: IN COM K. Premium I 6.J01.815 8 All other source 1,993.07 Total S ,W7,U8 TO DISBl'RflEM E VT8. Paid policy holders. . 82,2:9. 4?S 13 All other payments.. L4M,977.8 Total 8 3.63.408.63 ADMITTED ASSETS. ToUl KS.SIS.SX.U LIABILITIES. Net reserve S3.170.23 08 Net policy claims snd matured Install ments not yet due. SO7.M7 00 90.M. 4S,467,I8.4 1OO.0IO.OO All other liabilities.. c.piui stock Pa.d up aii t;inrr iiauiu i if-a. . t" " "'' tal stock and other liabilities 4.04E.61M3- 4.146.61011 Total. ...r!9.1S,W.s Insurance In force In Nebrask..S S,233.1oo Witness my hand and the seal ot th auditor of public account th day and year nrst above written. CIIARL.1-7B (8eal. Auditor of Public Acoount. 3. M. P.DMISTON, State Agent, 315-18 Richards Blk.. Lincoln. Neb. A. R. EDMI8TON, General Agent, 410 Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. MUOIl CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION, STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNT8. LIN COLN, February 1. 1. It 1 hereby cert ified, That the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia, In the tat of Pennsylvania, has complied with the In- . surance law of this state, applicable to such companies, and Is therefore authorised to ' continue the business Of lire insurance in this state for the current year ending January SI, 190S, Summitry of report file for th year ending December SL 1901 : INCOME. Premiums t S.. SS All other source I,Sa0,1.0B Total ij,j.u u DISBURSEMENTS. Paid policy holders.. S 6.o.l,M.71 All other payments.. 2,350,239. 78 Total t,wo,.ii ADMITTED ASSETS. Total HM31.9TS.17 LIABILITIES. Net reserve S40.SH. 151.00 Net policy claim nd maiureu inmaii- mania ..I Vet dua. 7VA 1n9 64 ' All other liabilities.. S.7S1.9UB.M S45.104.064.S Surplus beyond capi tal stock ana otner liabilities 1,278,810.78- 8.278.810.78 Total .'..S48.631.97B.1T ,3,"""", 5-.U2KJaP-?li..aJ coun, " Yr nit . tiei nroftW (Seal.) Auditor of Public Accounts. C. Z. GOULD. General Agent, 623 Be Building. Omaha, Nen., , ..,.. LE.niiriv.Alu -r J C,JL"J?J b'pitp rv vnnninri rurwiriS ctF AUDITOR OF PL BLIC ACCOU NTS, LI N- COIJJ. February 1. 1902.-U 1 hereby cert- Thl the Connecticut Mutual Llf Insurance Company of. Hartford. In the of Connecticut, has compiled with the Insurance law 01 tnia state. ppnrui i ch companies, and Is therefore authorUed continue the business of llf Insurance . .... .,,. ,u. ,nt vear endlnsr , rj-; "L 'tJ. ,- iu. vaaa andina- Mi.rfiarVlL 190S. Bummary of report filed for th year ending uecemoer si. ii. ,,. a 10a nt RX - -T .-.,. ... 'a 07S 420.31- " fotal..:.. ....,,,..$ 8,183,478.68 DISBURSEMENTS. TaM nnllev holders.. S S.4K1.708. 63 I All other payments.. i,pi,i.o I ToUl t,ii,i ADM 11 TUU ABBC1B. Total 868,277,179.21 LIABILITIES. ' Net reserve 856.748,09100 Net policy claims.... 221.475.50 , All other liabilities.. l,26,572.U-S68,t6,lS.a Surplus beyond capl- , tai stoca ana wuier ..... . ... HablilUe T.011,040.58 T,011,O4O.5 Tnt.i 868.277.179.21 xxitneaa mv hand and th seal ot the auditor of publlo account the day and year nrst above written. CHAnUbB ni.iiun, (Seal.) Auditor of Publlo Account. By H. A. BABCOCK. Deputy. JM A.IVJ A.V CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION. " niata nf Nebraska. Office of Auditor nf Public Accounts, Lincoln. February L 1903. It Is hereby certified that the American Burety Insurance company of New York, in ftate of New York, has compiled with ,nJ inBurance law of thl tat. appllcabl to ,d ,0 continue th buslnes cf fidelity nd surety insurance In this state for the current year ending inuary irm. mv hand and the seal of th auditor of public account, the day and year first above written. ' year , t,t Tra anpoiiviw Auditor cf Public Account. By H. A. BABCOCK. Deputy. iMTDTinciTO ri rTTTtf .tOATION. State of Nebraska, Office of Auditor of. nhla with tha tnatiranr state, applicable to such companies. nd W therefore authorised to contlnu the busi ness of Are and lightning Insurance In thla. state for th current yT endin January Witneas my nana ana in mi 01 auditor of publlo account th day and year nrst aoov written .a CtlAnLtCif) Wi-oiwi-,, Auditor of Publlo Account. By H. A. BABCOCK. Deputy. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. prnrrH A t Jt FOR FUEL Office of Chief n,..H.m.i St. Paul. Minn.. March 13. 1A Sealed proposal, in triplicate, will be received at this office, or at foltowlng named posts, until 11 a. m. Apni 11, wa, for furnishing uch wood and coal, during th fiscal year commencing July L lo2, as may be required at St. Pul, and Fort Snelllng, Minn.; Fori rates, n. u. imi" Merrltt and Forts Asslnnibolne, Harrison, Keogh and Missoula, Mont; Fort Yellow stone, Wyo., and Fort Meaae. b. v. mana forms of proposal wun run insiruoiioaa win ha furnished on annlicatlon her, or to quartermasters at the several post named. United State reserve th right to accept or reject any or an proposals, or any paxt thareof. UJbO. rj. niixu, u. w. . Mch-DU-l4-151T AS-IO FCUH SEPARATE A S3 tISmST SERVICE! Fast Twin-Screw Pittenrer Steamers tailing weekly from Boston, Portland and Montreal to Liverpool, alto Boston to Mediterranean ports. Send far booklet. "MtdittrranMN llluitratta." For rates, etc, apply to local agent or company's office. - Drbn St., cnieastu Hit ... -K0LUnD4l!ERICA LIHE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne, 0. t New Twin-screw s. a. of U.M ton register. T?tiant.r;w Stat8nianj Mar. IS. SO A. M, Steamer MAASDAM Twln-Bcrew R.nrfent .Mar. 22,16 A. M. Steamer iiuuui Mar. Ss, 1 A, M. Apply to Harry Moore. 1418 Farnam street; J. 8. McNally, 1324 Farnam street; H 8. Jones, I6u2 Farnam auwett Louis Neese, First National Bank, Omaha. ' Ha4 Essagk Lit. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.. March It Charles Mlchaells. a retired merchant and prom inent politician, committed ulcid last night at bis horn In thl city by snooting himself through tha light temple. Con tinued illness ana aeeponaency over tn recent death ot hi wife are supposed to hav been th causae which lad to th suicid. Mlchaells wa 68 year of age, waa a veteran ot th civil war and prom inent in Grand Army of th Jtepubllo circle. CBVtt t RtusM Rbbrp. ST. LOUIS. March 13 John Btavena alia Harrington, whoa right nam I said to b Burns, ha ben convicted by a Jury In th circuit court at Belleville IlL.on a charge of robbing the National Stock Yard 1 t-.uiin AAAniiai i in r I n pvnnisrv. 1. iifAL mViuVIv? d.i! -ii U'X WtiXZ l (subDlementary . "r '"..r"".. .r .. t: v.. 1 nn a. in i nn i.ia ui , run., i, -m-, .... law or tnis Fl f bank on in mgnt or January a, Mylvaater Savlgna and Charlea My era, who war tried on th aaaie charge, wr acqulttad, the Jury conaldering that they baa pr4 ufUcleat alibi.