THE OMAHA DAILY HEEs WEDNESDAY, MAKCIl 12. 1002. - , 7 - FORT CROOR HOLDS ITS OWN don mack to restor tbem from their arda- ou( work la tba Philippines. NEW BOORS AND MAGAZINES Nearly crtrr ob of tb ma brought liAfnA ouriM a ar1rtu anrtt nlrkltfl lit) 111 Twenty-Second Infantry Again Installed in nrtmn pn of the hiasds. gome brought I Hinth Volume of the World's Best Essays Comfortable Quarter, bamboo couches, other 01 peculiar u at Banai I Aftalvni wltll. Man .vfclhltafl Trlfl. IB COI- lartlnaa nf n)lntin)il. Th afternoon WB1 TWO BATTALIONS HOW STATIONED THERE spent by tba me la setting thing! to rights VALUABLE WORK FOR THE LIBRARY and th soldier arc rfMr to e tneir friend. Inquiry n med by tba officer who bad previously served at Fort Crook of their friends, aod tba morning pepers wara ragarlr scanned. Prof. Rlaebart raturnad wltb tba rem- nanls of tba ooea famous Twenty-aeeoad band. Tha band la to ba racmitad to tba limit aa aoon aa poaalble. . . Li Trip fraaa Pkltlpalaea Baas Rectaseat Keaeklaar Foil froaa Wklek It Start for tba lalaaae. la Kevele Widely Dtarlj la Ckaractee lavHe tke Atteatlea af Readere H. O. Walla AatlalpatlBa Freak fraaa tha Praaa. Tba second and tblrd battalions of tha Twenty-second Infantry, V. 8. A., arrived at Fort Crook at l:M yaaterday morning, 'aftar aa abaaaca of threa yaara spent :n tba Philippines. Tba command which will garrleoa Fort Crook aonalsts of twenty-oae officers and MO enlisted man. Colonel Mil ler Is la command of the post, which has bean designated IB orders as headquar ters of tha regiment. One battalion, tha third, came over oa the sToverneseat transport Roeecrani. while tha second earns acreae tba Paclflo on the Han each. Tha two battalions arrived at tha Oolden Oata within, a few boura of each other. Both traaaporta left Manila oa Jio mat j ii and arrived at San Pranrtaee on NATIONAL BOARD OF TRADE visiter fraaa the Eaat Eaalala Ohfeeta ta Oaaka Coaaaaer elal Clan - It! From time to time attention has been called In theae column! to the splendid set of ten volumes of "The World's Beet Ee- aays," tbs math volume of which Is Just at hand and which Is being edited by David J. Brewer of tha United 8tatea aupreme court. It la almoly Impoeslble to apeak too highly of the content of tba ninth volume of the eesays. Art, literature. science aad the belles lettres are all well represented. In art matters Joha Ruskln writes several article "Tha Bky," "Prln ciplea of Art" and "Work." The Bret of theae. "The Sky." la an entrancing sub- avldlty. Schelltng oa "Nature ana Art" is a paper In which the writer shows that the highest relation of art ana nature Is shows In this, that art makes nsturs the medium of manifesting the soul that It contains." "The Greek Theater," by go only sU returned to Fort Crook. They re: Captain Wassell. Captain Newel! Lieutenant Bridges, Lieutenant Stone Lieutenant Leonard and Lieutenant Oregg. Olaa ta Cat Bark At the meeting of the Commercial club vesterdav Blanchard Randall of Baltl- trore aod F. A. LaLuna of Philadelphia ep pcared with a plan for the re-organlxatlon .a . aw. . i a afs, . a J) ISP. S auT or iae jsatiooai uoara ox iraaa. ........ . ,...tin. Blanchard is the president of the national "J. .I.. II. .ki.,. board and Is making a trip through 1 . n'. we-t for .the purpoae of Interesting west- l -.1 ,k .v. .- I... .nm..l.l hnril.a In tha nlan. iu assay " " " " five dava. At Ban Franeieco tha rerrment cording to hie atatement It Is the purpoae was ordered to tba Presidio, where It re- of the National Board or Traae. compoeea mains aatU laat Thursday, when tha two of commercial bodies from all parts of the battallone started for Fort Crook. country, to maintain at Waablngton a om- Tha commlaatoned officers who came in ffilasioner who shall keep the, memhera wun me Battalions are Colonel Miller. Cap- co"lu" , Schlegel. is sn Interesting essay. Mary Fair xaias uetcnoenay. L,yon. Beyburn, Hamlltoo, 1"." f.x Somervllle. on th "Laws of Music," TVaaseU and Newell; Lieutenants Bridge., omcera wn.en win "Vh. write, upon a subject which deala with the Btone. Leonard, Hugu.t. Kerr. Ju.tlce. Hill, The wnit ut n of the na- (cnc8noPf b.rBony. upon which wnuneia. sen. Neeiy, Oregg and Boenaan. .v. musical detail aha was an acknowledged wurB 11 w.p orasrea 10 aisnua mre years -. - --- -- -- b John Addlngton Bymonds. are the re l" I. . .... v . . -Ik.... I - O. behalf af the Grand Arm, of th. Re- 1" A. nr "V " public H. E. Palmar and Judge Lee Eatelle I " " - !" JV f: ..wl .a.t - w. belles lettrea are many interesting features. I VV'ai mm v auaia aa w-- I , . a. a a - - In speaking of the trip. Captain Wassell appointed by the club to raise $1,600, which 0.n em DO,n of CinoiBT 1 M- "v k. . in,. .! I k. i-- i. .v. .i...... I bevigne. wnooe repuiaiion voyage over. The transport Roaecrans ta I and visitors at tba stata encampment which a staunch ahlp, bnt the weather was roush 1 will be held in Mar. A committee was or I moat of tha way. No Incidents of special 1 dered.' but Its appointment was postponed. 'ota occurred on toe voyage. Tha samel H. F. Mcintosh brought up the question tnay ba said of tha trip from tha Presidio I of entertaining a number of atock ralaera ta Fort CrraBlr. rw mih. am tl ui I i. - 11 , i a.. w r.Mk T... H T.I. . " U 1 WUW W1H W 111 DVIIH VU1M. -u-J. I ..... ,.V ,V. .L. to get back, that Is. those of ua who left day aod Saturday attendlag sslea ot line ..VT"' ' V,,: ..i feara with ihm Mrim.m th... ... ..v u. ..i .v ..K.hi. k. I Mm- Roland Liberty. Ita Meaning aad ' 11. I""" K-"-" I ... . .. klK .h. ... very few of tha anliated men who reached 800 flna atock breeder, from tba state weet I;.,,. 7;' J!.!: ,1 ii.t. ,V V,.fr.r. Fort Crook veatard.v w.nt ... .i.t. .k- I .k. trnn- U,,T competent to dilate, who Buffered ao regiment. la Company O only threa vet- I motion a committee consisting of Messrs. ran return to the post and tha proportion Thompson. Pan fold and Hochatetler Was runa aoout the same la tba other com- appointed to consider the matter and to ar I ranre for a smoker to ha given Thursday me Twenty-second Infantry was depleted evenlna. If it were found to ba possible. . neior it left th Philippine for the United Tba aecretary announced that lettera upon the subject of Irrigation had been re celved from aeveral congressmen aqd sens tors, tint the letter were not read. " y m v. I 1 U LUU1CUIIUU VVUllUlllVV SVyVtWM BH I . l n . ... Kl 1 - tha iimt letter in which ... ..... i. .v . .v. nd rariety of Ita content give aome In . vw. . IUg BUVJCUfc Ol lUB UtBlllllllllSUl VI IUD 1 it. . . , , V. ...I,. will h. AM th former regiment. Thl. action strength- Vnloa Vetersn'. union to meet In national rV' b' ""!! W.rkT Z " b n eoad tba Thirteenth conalderahW hut ta I n v. i r.-v... rrt.. -v..i.. tvuintviwu. r. am... - ' --- i mil i.iiiivi i u viuu iu iawitcii turn vu.i.- made neceaaary th work of recruiting th m.n .m that wnnid ha neraamarv ta i weniy-secona up to us maximum strength supply the requirements of the convention and that for their large meetings the Coliseum building would hsve to be used. Tba expert of tha Insurance committee was dropped from the salary roll of the or ganisation uatll such time aa lasursnee matters could again be taken up with the companlea and the city council. Harry A, Perkina waa elected aa a member of the club. tates. All men who had to serve until July to complete their term, of enlistment war transferred to th Thirteenth Infantry. tba men taking place tn th companlea of by Mme. de as a letter writer ba. scarcely been excelled, If equalled, and three examples are given of these gossipy epistles. Mme. de Stael is another eminent French woman wbo has achieved reputation aa a writer. In the department of history tha niche Is well much nnder th gulta and nam ot liberty and who was eventually aent to the scaffold by those who professed to be dis ciples of that much abused principle. There are so many other excellent featurea In this volume that It is absolutely impoa slbls to even give a hint of tbem all. Where all Its predecessors have been so uniformly good. It would be too much 'to say that volume IX Is superlatively ao. The breadth TALKS OF THUNDER MOUNTAIN H. Hatrhlasoa of Balee, Idaha, Say Oal4 Dlaeeverlee Tker ' Ara Marveloaa. Francis Dana'a New England tale, "The Decoy," the plot of which turns on the subject of the fstal potency with country folk of quack spiritualists and their knav erlea, contain, such refreshing and strong delineation of Indigenous American types In nature, both wild and human, as should resp the credit due to It. It la auch author, aa Mr. Dana, who. American them selves, do not shrink from depicting in a cultured and enlightened way the true characteristics of their land, that are really advancing the national literature. While adhering to the unalterable rules of good literary style, Mr. Dana yet fear. not that his work should .mack of na tlonal cbaracterltic. Its plot Is new and well worked out, ita character, are Joaeoh H. Hutchison of Boise. Idaho. arw wll "utB M ability ana Its ale whose term as lieutenant aovernor of that t,0B Sood n1 from nT ort of man- atata haa lust expired, waa In Omaha vea- or sffectatlon. The subject of the terdsy. eoroute to Plttsbura. Mr. Hutch- buM of rt clontlllo principle by ad inson Is a mining expert, having been eniurera at once Boraia ana oaring is. superintendent of one of the largest mines when judiciously bandied, capable of telling In Idaho for eight year. Juat now he results, jonn Lane, new xora enthusiastic over the Thunder mountain gold discoveries, and his business east is 81e8 r Resolute." by Harris tn connection with those fields. Mr. Dickson, is the best book thst Mr. Dickson Hutchinson's home is at Bols. onlv 15 written since his great success. "The mile from the center of the excitement B1ck Wolr Breed." It is a story which and he knows the situation there "chante the reader from the first a thor- ttorouahly. ough romance, a tale of the love of the "That region is Just one big porphyry roung Marquis ae St. Maurice for Julie de overflow." said tha westerner. "It la 100 oeverac. ana me long eiege ne laia to ner mtlee square and there ar not 1.000 people Droua na obdurate heart. Circumstantial In the whole aecttoa now. Thle Is becauee eviaence naraena June a neart against mm the gold waa not dlacovered tUI last August wneB he ctur serving her best and tba anowa cam before the crowds Interest In the dangerous palace of Louis could get through. But aa Boon as the XIV of T"c. whr aha unconsciously chlnooks coma acroea tha aeas from Jaoaa inspires tne jesiousy oi Mme. oe Maintenon. the snows will disappear almost in a night Crot. the French peasant, who becomes and after the floods are over the people Powerful financier, I. ambitious to marry will flock In. All tha mlnlna naanla from m daughter, Andrea, to St. Maurice, and Breakfast waa served to the battallona Colorado. Utah and Wyoming are headed "' nt',l'" bring, about many Interesting 1b th company meaa halls, where every- there this year. situations, in aome of which Julie la In thlag had been prepared In advance. Im- "The or 1 absolutely free milling. and a1 P""- lnl" 11 uot aistoncai bovoi mediately after breakfast tha care eon- to ahow its value by comparison I will Bor """ novsl, but ao out-and-out talnlng tha equipment aad property were r that It Is worth from 3 to ti& a ton. oroing ana eauaractory romance of love switched ta tha rear at tha harr.rh. .nri while that in the Treadwell of tha Klon. nu auTemure in ice eeventeentn- thea bvsy acene enaned. Package, sacka I dike runa $4 and the Homestake mine la and art Idea of various kinds were thrown th Black Hills runs 5. There are mil oa th ground aad war picked op and lions of tons of It. earriod Into th barrack. Thl work was! "Aside from the mines the country is performed so raoldlv that bv boob tha one panorama of marvels. All wild aama. unloading had bees completed. All of tha elk. deer. bear, mountain aheeo and coats impie ana strsigntrorwara. although full toss appeared ta the beet of spirit and had abound. The atreama are alive with aalmon of th Prlt of romance. Harper Broe., healthy looks, tha Iab aa. iim v.wn. t and trout. Tha avium. In. ara rv klh I new iora. and broken, ao the scenery is finer than anything to be seen la Colorado or any other accessible place. But )uu can get In there bow only on enow shoes and In abeolut danger of your life. This will ba true for two months yet, for It Is a ter rible risk to face the freehets of April The rush will begin In May." a fur Ua arrival In thia country. The mail mum strength of a company under the . present formation is 108 men. At tb preeent time the average enrollment ot each of th companlea bow at Fort Crook la slightly over forty. The officers and '' uan ara all In excellent condition, and oven after their long campaign In the tropics, seem fit for any service. It Is ' aald that the recruiting offices la this part f th eountry will Immediately begin to - enroll men for service In this regiment, and that tha companies will be Increased to their maximum, strength, as aoon aa possible. Hart la a Wreck. An accident which came very nearly re sulting seriously marred the home-coming of th regiment. While the cara with th - troop oa board were standing at the store house, having Just been switched In, a car of freight which waa being awltched ' to the etorehoute waa bunted Into the car ' occupied by Company O, and three men war Injured ao that they had to be taken to th hospital. The tourist car waa turned cs Its side and the Infantrymen were com ' palled to get out through the windows Th wreck eauaed a alight delay in the transfer of the property of the companies. Those who were Injured are: Sergeant , Reullng. severely cut on left foot and badly brnlaed; Corporal Devot. cut on both ' feet and brvleed about the shoulders; Corporal Walker, back badly atralnsd. Niarly all of tba men la the company were more or leaa bruised by the overturning ot the csrs. A boob as th Injured men could b taken from th wreck tbey were eon Toyed to tb fort hospital In an ambultne and their wound dressed. I'alaa4lBK Over. eighteenth century. A part of the atory Is laid In colonial America, but most ot Its many stirring adventures occur In Francs. One feature of the story Is Its Isngusge, which is that of the present day. Fainting Jwsyt Indicate a weak heart They art usiully prtceeded or ollxywtd by pJpitttion or flut tering, and there may be pain in left tide, a trnotkerin? aen tation and thortness of breath. Such a heart should be treated at once, before the disease de velop beyond control. . Heart disease U as easily cured as other trembles it Uken in time. t was subject ta faJntlnr alalia, antf goanr tlsoM 1 hav laiUB oa tba ttrei. 1 was often XHnpaU4 to ail &wa. wblla wal k tstf to avoid i ailinf. Tn lienjphysl e ita failed W Jo, 1, took lr. Mlls Krt Pbjb tad was CaUJJ ra IX HAYATX. Df Mies, i He&?t Ctifc ss cspect&y adapted to remove all iriegT3lanfie of tke heart's vctk, 2b(i ty drwejists fjoaxsnte . . . I. U&at C Uifcart, 14. SETTLES WITHRUDI0 ESTATE Ckleasa 4k Hertkwestera Rallraaa raaaaaar Will Pay Tea Tkaa- , saa4 .Dollar.' Judge Vlnsonhaler of tha sounty court ha authorised Henry Schoeneck, as special executor of the estate of Oeorg Rudie and administrator of the estate of Fannie Rudlo, bis wife, to settle with the Chicago A Northwestern railroad for flA.OOO a dam ages sustained la the wreck la which they both lost their Uvea. The catastrophs oc curred the Sunday of the laat week la P oeatber at Mllaa. 111., aad waa the reault of a colllsloa. which burned the aleeplng car may war la. f I Gsaa far Ik tafctee There la ao better m edicts mad for babies thsa Chamberlain'. Cough Remedy. It pleasant taate and prompt and effectual curee make It a favorite with the mother f small children. It quickly cure their eougha aad colds, preventing pneumonia' or other serious consequence. . it not only cure croup, tut wbea given aa boob as th eroupy cough appeare will prevent the at tack. Cbamberlaia'a Cough Remedy con tains no opium or aarcouo la aay form, aad may b glvea aa confidently to a baby aa to aa adult. It alwaya cure. Martallty tattatic. Tha follomlne births and deathe were re ported at the ufflce of tha Board of Health units me teny-iour aoura enaing i uee day noon: Death sfre. Uu C ManeAald. SMg Cum. Ine atraet. aaeO U veara. Oeraldlna Fahv. I A Bouin Tanin atrevt, agea 1 yeara; Rue Bell Cahone. N'erth Platte, tnd at vaara: Joha K. Cox, ICS South tlghih e tract, a4 te years. Binha David Olaoa. 4131 Daeatur atreet boy; tail lraon. M North Stateenih tract, S'ri; aiicnaei Haaraaaa. t t'as. lallar airaat. ;lrl; WlUard LaucfeM, Tair , iy-au.ia sua ti'ua lutti, On of th lateat noveli to com to hand bears tb title, "Story of Eden," and la by Dolf Wylarde. It is a story of "society life" at the South Afticaa capital Cape town. To be more exact, however, thst most barren of all cities is not itself In troduced Into the book, the scenes being laid in the' fssblooabla ' and beautiful suburbs surrounding the town, ha If -moon -like, and forming with the aeacosst a girdle out of which Table mountain re re its great flat top. A very happy reault, too, to have put the aeeaerles of a novel ao warm and throbbing under the brilliant. generous South Africsn scenes, which mskes the dwellers there feel the life within them pulsating tbs exhilaration of eternal pring. Vivid, sometimes terrible, aod sometimes pathetic, this bright picture of the social sphere la the antipodes will be found excellent reading, "compelling" from cover to cover. John Lane. New Tork. H. O. Well a new book, "Anticipations," ill make a marked impression oa the hought of our tlmee. It la devoted to a thorough forecast of future developments la science, la locomotion, la mechaaica, la social affaire, la methods of government, etc. The book Is seriously and earnestly written and la based catlrely upon fact, and their logical outcome a the author sees It. One English crltlo calls It "one of the most startling, pregnsnt and courage oua book a that the world ha aeea for aome time." Another Bays: "It will mark sn epoch la current thought much aa 'Barter Reeartue' did In Its day." It Is a book that Incidentally promisee ta be of the greateet intereet In debating and literary societies. for It teems with suggestive thought and la directly Inspiring to discussion aod tha 'lFlEEffM(g(gT&ll : ; FROM Star.- "Hon Shoe." "Staadard Wavy." "Spearhead." " Drarasoad Pilars! Leaf. "Oood Leek," "Hpev WrMk," Soot Tsek." "Kahwy Saaa Sail," " T., "Old RoaeMv." - Master-Worksa," "Jolly Tar," s Sickle." " Staadywtae." "Cnxe Bow." "Old Psach aad Hoary," Besoe," " E. alee. Oreeavllle." "Teeaeaaee Crosatle. Hand," Nrptsae " Ota Vargtay." " Granger Twist," (two Granger Twist Is gs being eonal to oa of ether saeadaeeol Bed tla lags fras " Tlasley'S o J stars! Leaf and W. !. Tiasley's pictare tla tsga, aad Trad Mark stickers frora " Ft Brothera' Pipe Bnoklng " Tobacoe are else goad for r i sat a is ; (U .av-jw .JU aLS r vT J II fMW from &rA my h 1 1 1 1 1 it C 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 E 1 E V f i wi 111 muM. Iriil I! 1 fill N 1 1 11 II ill I 1 liTUl 1 i . . - . Mi m m;Ml) ii r '-.".i ii y i -,fAB.amf w-wrs'iAj wi in ii i m,. "iTTii y, y ! ta v y II El J fflrll ifoll r 1 1 . "J MW I 111.' U Si ii . n sl -WHiTi- W Ill iv U , I. m '.ftW A JN J ' "I"" II II I r l S W H i I' . aw;i; - .a. yTh. II II s I ; AWS?- O 1. I.' I MM.R.ihl 1 I III ill. , . Vyf m "jtg5$y "8&':'7' w ' : . " ' a. rrkX i HI t-lgaS5i Smm JfUJiaa-J . YfcrC 1 a r-s. I rLS s3'F0R 10 CENTS 7 I 'Vftr-'"yr-irrsisaa iv m n - r r J n WWto!KJ5l III , II r7"lu- - xzsij U IV I ! I III WMH '" - It W. Ill 111 . rva II HI L fc TAGSAND-FLORODORA'BANDSAREOFEQUAL (J VALUE AND MAY BE ASSORTED. Ift jj r) hi stun '","' i i-uK nn2 i -V5 in .rilrte. aat ilini here. Tt contain the asaat BMractiaa I III ... ... , . ! I u. m.. nffrml for Tan. and will be seat bv mall aa recetot af I t i . III II I jiuji jTiT J I I PaUfe-o cents. I MUMr ' W I 1 I P rkrr&s&J-2SJi I Oar er of PresenU for Tsjs wlU explrs Nor. 30th, 1903. I I 1 1 1 Y-Sk'Wj- I COTlKBTaL TOBACCO CO. I II 1 I I -mV:'SS33&--,- I I wrlte your iiasae aad address plainly on outside of package coutalulag I SjRJ. ,a,i . I 1 I h-irT; i-rV ir ml Taga. aad forward Tags by registered mail, ar aspresa preps ta. aa 4 mat KWlOpiF1 I TgfTw fWAA Jure to have your package securely wrapped, ao thst Tags will not be -VL. I tMt B transit. Scad Tags and rcquesia for Presents (also reaucaU fee - Ma. . catalog-).. CHy. BROWN. tB'ji 44,F"lcIs Ms -"U lWTr!. flV ' ' s a a " TtTtt!Tmm'" o- ; 4M9 ns. aaaa ry "ny it I i!ii Vi MhpTi "The Baes wnaSsrfaJ aaasllatna se sX kronaalat aSsoMoaa.' ah,. htaavSaaaT. DROUtl'S writing of club papers. Hsrper Bro., New York. Contrary to the expectations aroused by the title, "Lepldus, the Centurion." by Ed win Lester Arnold, Is not a tale of old Ro man days, but Inatead la concerned with English life of the preeent time. Beyond a touch of unreality lent by an unuaual plot the situations are vivid, well connected and plausible, glowing under tha author's imag inative powers. The study of modern so cial life, with its tinge of the ancient, be come all the more Interesting through the blending. The author la afforded a fine op portunity for mild aarcaam, rich humor and atrlklng dramatic effect, all of which he la the first to perceive. For the reat this la a etory without a villain whose absence ta not even missed, so rapid is the action aad with a heroine well worth the struggle which culminates here after 2.000 years. Thomas T. Crowell Co., New York. During the ten yeara Intervening between 1I70-18S0 "Josh Billings' Old Farmera' AI1 mlnax" was one of the moat popular ot all comlo books and millions of copies were sold. No writer ot that time was ao often quoted by the current publications snd his homely philosophy waa familiar to tba readers of the weekly newspaper from one end of the country to the other. That the demand for his writings hss not died out Is evidenced by the fact that his "Farmers' Allmlnsx" has been reproduced In one volume. The original Illustrations have been retained and the general style of the work as well, so thst It Is In fsct a very good reproduction of the original. Readera of the preeent day whoae memory does aot go back that far will be Interested In resd lag what the people of twenty or thirty yaara ago conaldered as extremely humor aua. Q. W. Dillingham company, New York. - CUT SLEEPING MAN'S NECK Mike Kovak laser Arrest (baraed wrltk Aaaaalt aa Frank Mater. Mike Novak le In the city Jail, charged with cutting Frank LUter In the neck with a pocketknlfe. The men room at 110 Doug laa street Novak came home at an early hour yeeterday morning, carrying a pint of whisky in a bottle and the balance of a quart Internally. LUter was sleeping in an adjoining room. After preparing ts re tire Novak went into Lister s room and while the latter slept cut him In the side of the neck with a dull knife. Novak then S ent back to bis own . room and retired, not leaving It again until called forth by the officers. Lister bad hi. wounds dressed at a nearby drug store and reported the cutting to the police. plaintiff, to turn over tnat amount or stock iruviuru ire r.iai'L i.ii in. lu uw.i.a ship, ever existed. Th bov book ar for sal ly tbs Megealh Stationery Co.. Uol Farnam SU RasdyWadassdsy, March 19 The Nw ViKlnrf Story Uhe Thrall of Leif the Lucky RsadyWadassdsy, March 19 Davla Estate . Lttlgatloa. Bl'TTE, Mont.. March 11. Andrew J. Davis haa filed two answers In the aulta brought agalnat him here in the dletrlct court by Jila brother. George W. Davla. to recover U',00o worth of Kirat National bank stock. He denlea that any agree ment existed, auch aa charged by the BOOKS ...l...i a. tkla rage eaa ta f aa. Wt caa ale Isrsua mmr aaai aakllake. Barkalow Bros. "Boeuftov Always houac Jfavr to Show tbln f1 You. B sat? R Society Stationery, y Our display la tha largest. Our good the proper thing. ISIS Faraa St. Society; Stationer. 1M Famajs St In the Raca The time has arrived when you're think ing of new shoes for spring wear We have ten different and distinct style In ' these f:t ahoea thia glvea you auch a wide range of stjlea to select from that you cannot help but be pleased We ab solutely have no competition In women's $3 shoes no values like them no styles like tbem all the popular leathers, with light and heavy welt shoes Remember we guarantee our $3 shoes. Drcxcl Shoe Co asafca'a l-a-ate Ska htaaaa. 141S FAatlABJ ITMIT.