Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 12, 1902, Image 3

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Constitutional Pririlegei InroWed In Law
wit from Carter County.
Mn. Martha Grainger !
all for Dlverea Wltfcla ! Weeke
-Oeaeral "ewe of tfco
i Stole.
(TYom a ft aft Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Mitch ll-MBpeelsl.) Ths
constitutions! right of cltio to prohibit ths
eperatlon of saloons within a certain terri
tory la Involved la tbe eult of Taylor Flick.
rhlch baa been appealed to the aupreme
eourt from Custer county. Mr. nick owns
a ruildlns In territory of Broken Bow.
within which the operation of aaloons and
billiard halls has been prohibited by city
ordinance. He wishes to rent s portion of
bis property for the forbidden business and
sks the supreme court to give him the de
tlred relief. - - .
In the district court f Custer county a
decision was siren In faror of the city and
Mr. Flick immediately appealed, acting as
his own attorney. The city of Broken Bow,
through Its attorney. A. R. Humphrey, te
flay Bled aa argument In the supreme court
In support of tb ordinance. It Is asserted
that the right of a dry to regulate. locate.
and fix boundaries m which certain boat
besses. amusement and trades may be ear
rled on within the corporate limits has
been sustained by the supreme court In the
case of OustSTO R. Wolfe.
The court is given to understand that In
thla case It was held that ordinances re
lating to the health, comfort, convenience,
good order and "general welfare of the In
habitants of a municipality are authorised
nnder the police power of a city. Further,
It Is said: "And that cltUens holding
property In the city holds It subject to po
lice regulation; that It shall be so used not
to prove pernicious to his Immediate neigh
bors or to eltisens generally.
"The police power of a state deals par
ticularly with the tights of a state or city.
to so regulate its system of government as
to conserve and preaerve public order and
to establish for the Intercourse of ci'tliens
a rule of good manners and prevent a con
flict of rights. To permit any of the classes
f business mentioned In the law, namely.
billiard tables, bowling alleys, houses of
prostitution, etc., to attach themselves to
or alongside of business houses, churches
nr whsrever the owner thereof may wish to
rent or own a building and open their doors
for business, la demoralising to public
morals and detrimental to good cltlsenshlp.
The statute makes . no distinction In the
businesses named la ths section. The lew,
' the regulation that controls the bouse of
prostitution, must govern and control the
billiard table.
"We submit that the power to so regu
late the location of the Millard hall Is con
ferred on cities by statute and the ordi
nance passed- by the defendant city, being
within the power conferred. Is a legal ordi
nance and the Instructions of the tiisl
court to And tor the defendant should be
sustained." ( i .
Bonds Voted Are Xo Isaaed.
For some unexplained "reason the bonds
toted at tbs last municipal election tor
the erection of a lighting plant have not
been lesued by the city authorities. The
city council last ntgbt passed the following
resolution, which wss Introduced by J. C
Pentser: "Resolved, That ths -finance com-
tnlttee of thla council be requested to re
port In writing at the meeting to be held
March- A?- ka. -Jib, baca. aooe with the
bonds votsd by the people of this city for
the purpose of establishing a lighting plant,
what attempt or attempts have been made to
ell these bonds, and with what result a"
Tha bonds voted amount to $55,000.
Seeoad gait far Divorce.
Mrs. Martha Grainger today began her I
second suit for divorce within six weeks.
Early laat month under the name of Mrs.
Martha Davie aha applied for legal aepar-
atton from her husband, Lorenso K. Davla.
In tha trial It was shown that at the rims
of her marriage shs was ths wlfs of an-
other man from whom abe bad never been
legally separated and ths contract was
therefore annulled. Now the womaa asks
for a divorce from her first, or legal, hus
band. Milton Grainger, whom aha married
In this city March 5. 1891.
New Iaeorporatloa.
Articles of Incorporation of tha Butte Land
and Trust company of Butte, Boyd county,
were recorded la the secretary of state's
office todsy. The capital stock of the com
pany Is $66,000. Us Incorporators are: D.
W. Forbes. T. 8. Armstrong, E. G. Barnum,
Wilfred Btandiford, M. P. Meholm. Nlcolaus
Bleler, W. D. Forbes, Jacob H. Sleler, A.
S. Warner, N. E. Gardner, O. W. 8hort and
E. R. Maxam.
Kebraaka Whist Toaraoy.
The Nebraska Whist association began
Its fourth annual tournament In this city
tonight. Ths winners In the pair contest
wsre Kavaoaugh and1 Sampson, and Mrs.
Wtckerman and Mrs. Huthlne. In the team
contest the Lincoln woman's team and
Omaha each woa two games, whils ths
Aurora and Lincoln clubs each loat two.
The flnals will be playsd tomorrow night.
Amorlroa Order of Proteettea.
Tbe American Order of Protection begaa
a special meeting tonight. Delegates are
tn attendance from. Wyoming. Washington,
Colorado, Oregon and Nebraska. The con-
I Will Cure You of
After 1,000 experiments. I have learned
fcow to cure Rheumstlsm. Not to turn bony
Joints into flesh seals; that la Impossible.
Put I can cure the dlsesss always at aay
Stags, and forever.
I ask tor no money. Simply write ma a
oatal and I will send you aa order oa your
asarcft druggist for alx bottles of Dr.
Bboop'a FUeumaile Cvrs, for every drug
gist keeps it. I'se It for a month, and It It
does whst I clslm psy your druggist t5.W
for it. If It doesat. I will pay him myself.
I have ao samples. Aay medietas that
can affect RhtamaUam with but a few desea
must bs drugged to the verge of danger. I
M ao such drugs. It Is tolly to take them.
Tou must get tbs disease out of the blood.
My remedy does that, evea la tbe most
difficult, obednste cases. No matter hew
Impossible this seems to Too. I knew It aad
I take this rlik. I have cured tons ef thou
sands of cases la this wsy, aad my records
abow that S out ef 40, who get those six
bottles pay, aad gladly. I- have learned
that people la general are honest with
jihystrua whs cures them. That la all I
If I fall I don't expect a penny from
Simply write me a postal card r latter
lst me send yea aa order for tbe medielaa;
also a book. Take It for a aooath, for It
woa't harm you anyway. If It curat, pay
I5.M. I leave tfiat entirely to you. Ad
dress Dr. Snoop. Boa Ml. Racine. Wla.
Mild cases, net chronic, are eftea cured
o? oaa or two bottles. At aU druggtaU.
etttutlea wsa amended to give each harbor
of fifteen or more members woo represent
tlve la the supreme harbor.
Life laaatrtooaaaont to Bearro Woe
Killed Hli Hlece aad
LINCOLN, March ll.--8peclal Telegram.)
The final pleas In ths Marshall murder
case were made thla afternoon and at e:I0
the Jury retired to begin Its deliberation.
During the morning session expert testi
mony as to the mental condition of the
defendant was given by Superintendent
Greens of the Hospital for Insane, and by
Dr. J. T. Hay, formerly physician at the
hospital. Both examined Marshall a 'few
days after he was arrested. Dr. Hay said to
day that the defendant, while not perfectly I
sound In mind, was not Insane. Dr. Greene I
testified that be distinguished a small de-
gree of mental deficiency, but waa sure
the defendant knew the difference between
tight and wrong and knew he was doing
wrong when he shot the girls.
The Jury at 10 o'clock tonight returned a I
verdict finding Marshall guilty and sen- I
tenclng him to life Imprisonment. Mar
shsll listened to the reading without a
murmur. His attorneys will ask for a re
ravorable CoadKloas fa Hebraeka for
a Barlr arta aa a Larae
Harvest. -
HARVARD, Neb., March 11. (Special :
Testerday was clear and plsasant tlU about
T la the evening, when heavy clouds and
a ,nM wtnit earn un from tha north, re
suiting about 10 o'clock in a heavy thunder !
. mn.n( hv .ham llehtnlna.
.... .vi.w .v. . -v- Ttiia I
morning Is again warm and pleasant.
LINWOOD. Neb., March 11. (Special.)
Half an Inch of rain fell hers last night, ac
companied with some ball. Winter wheat
looks fins. The farmers will begin spring
work soon If this fins weather continues.
COLUMBUS. Neb., MaroU 11. (Special.)
An early morning thunderstorm. In which
lightning played with July aharpness yes-
tmrAm rnlln1 laat nlrht bV CAS-
fifth of an inch of rain, putting tho ground
i i .,,i , .nrm. work.
In good condition for spring work.
BHELTON, Neb.. March 11. (Special.)
A splendid rain visited this section last
night and one fell Monday morning. Re-
corts from farmers from all ' sections of
ths county ars encouraging as to. fall
grain, and as the acreage Is the largest
ever sown, should present encouraging
prospects continue, a big crop will be har-
veated. One farmer has shipped In and
sold more than 100 bushels of alfalfa seed
this spring,, which will Increase the acreage
around here over 400 acres.
Robbed of Large Bans, He Reeogelses
Asaallaats a ad Caaaea
Arrest a.
DAVID CITY. Neb.. March 11. (Special.)
Last Saturday night Edmund Schneller
while In Rising City was held up and
robbed of a gold watch valued at $16, sliver
"mounting to $30 and paper currency to
the amount of $175. Mr. Schneller resisted
his assailants, but waa hit upon the fore
head and knocked Insensible.
He recognised his assallaats and yester
day filed a complaint In the county court
charging Thomas Garhaw, Henry Garbaw,
Edward Doty, Henry ' Ingalls and Frank
Ingalls, all of Rising City, with having
committed the crime. --"
Sheriff West, armed with a warrant, went
to Rising City last evening and arrested I
all of theaa except Thomaa Garhaw, who I
had left.
The four men under arrest were arraigned
In county court this morning and pleaded
not guilty. Their bonds were fixed at $1,000
u .-a .. .... . tnr hrin March
' T"'T" .1. aIa . .V ,
tV. Jl.
procured a bond.
Sheriff West received a telegram tnis
forenoon that Thomas Gsrhaw had been ar
rested In Omaha. The sheriff started after
his man this afternoon.
Coal Chato Drapa aa laloa raeiae
Paaeeaser Trala aad Does
Some Damase.
VALLET, Neb., March 11. (Special Tel-
egram.) Train No. 6, duo at 11:1 a. m.,
arrived Just at tha time the high wind had
unlocked tha coal pockets at tha chute.
Tha pocket struck the stack of tna engine
and corner of the cab and atrung coal tna
lenrth of tha train. The wind was from
west to northwest. C. E. Byers' barber
shop bad ths front blown in and ona side
blown completely off. The front of John
Butcher's pool hall waa blown In and the
nvera' hardware atore waa blown
In. Charles Collen' general atore
front blown In, roof damaged; Peter Fouts,
building twisted, roof damaged, chimney
demolished; opera house windows wsrs
broken cn ths west side; a abed of Wil
liams Harriers' waa blown down, one side
carried 100 yards and the corner broke Into
the kitchen of P. Marrs. About a dosen
chimneys were demolished, shingles blown
from roofs, outhouses and email buildings
scattered in the streets. Reports from ths
country are that no serious dsmags wss
dona except to small buildings, fences, cat
tle turned loose and great damage to hay
stacks. SMOOTH Al TUKr
la the Gore of a Laborer He Paaaea
Forced Cboeka I'poa
TORK. Neb.. March 1L (8peclal ) A
young man calling himself Mr. Campbell,
about 21 years old and dressed like a la
borer, passed worthless checks on York
merchants Saturday night after I o clock
and waa not detected until today.
At a aboe atore .be bought a pair of
shoes, paying $1.75, and tendered the shoe
dealer a check tor 114.15. which was one of
ths regulsr lithograph checks of tbe First
National bank, dated with a rubber stamp
and algned by tbe York roller mills by
William Col ton. manager. At two other
stores he made email purchases, tender
ing checks of t IS each and receiving the
balance la cash. These last two checks
were lithographed First National bank
checks, purporting to have been signed by
Smith-Rogers Lumber company by John
Burk. manager. A rubber stamp waa used.
It Is not known at thla ttms Just what
amount of checks havs bees cashed by
other York merchants.
Boathera PaelSe Awards Coatraot.
BEATRICE. Neb., Msrch 11. (Special
Telegram.) Kllpatrtck Bros. A Collins
hive been awarded a contract tor the con
struction of thirty miles of railway for the
I Southern Pacific from Moore to Abo. The
i work will be begua at once.
Fealteatlmrr for Hag - flteallaa.
FREMONT. Neb.. March 11. (Special.)
la tbe district court this morning Judgs
Grlmlsoa seoteaced Otto Hitchcock aad
Joha Demmlng to eighteen months each la
the penitentiary tat hod steeling.. Both
pleaded guilty.
Printing Plant of ths Tribune Vftnjti. at
Lorn of Fifty Thousand Dollars.
Valuable Meaaserlpts Roved, bat
Jedse Good's Low Book Will
Have to Bo Prlated
Over Aaala. j-j
FREMONT, Neb., March 11. (Special
Telegram.) Fire broke out at U:0 today
In the brick block at the corner of Fifth
and F streets, owned and occupied by the
Tribune aa a newspaper and Job printing
establishment, and before It was gotten an
dor control, at I o'clock, the contents were
destroyed and nothing was Isft of the
building but tha walla and lower floor,
The fire eaught In tho elevator shaft on
the first floor and the second floor was
filled with smoke when It waa discovered,
The first alarm brought out all the depart-
ment and all the hose owned by the city
waa used. The entire building was filled
with smoke, and quantities of stock
were piled In the second floor and base
ment and the book bindery In the rear of
- " y work
in process 01 compmioo.
Ths Hammond Bros., owasra of tha
Tribune, had only Just noted Into tho
building, which waa two stories and a bass
ment, built expressly for themselves, and
tho aswspaper and Job printing plant oc
cupied the entire structure. The building
eost 111,000.
Trlbaae Appear ae Cseal.
The Tribune appeared tonight as usual.
D. Kelley of the Leader having fur-
nlshed the Hammonds' office facilities. The
firm employed seventy hands. Hammond
Bros, ft Stephens, publishers of school sup
plies, were printing a law book for Judge
Good of Wahoo. The stereotype plates of
D. V. Stephens' book, "Bllas Cobb," were In
the vault and are supposed to be all aafe.
Hammond Bros, had $11,000 Insurance on
their stock, machinery and supplies, and
$5,000 on the building. Their total loss will
reach $40,000. Hammond Bros. & 8tubens
" M.000 ,nur"e
b" b" "mated at 110.000.
their loss
Blasa Spreads Rapidly.
The fire was discovered In the basement
near the elevator shaft by George Nebrbas
the foreman of the press room. Ths blaxs
Instantly shot up the shaft and caught-In
some paper on the second floor. In less
than a minute the whole second floor was
ablaze. The chemical ensina comnanv waa
tna nrst on tBe t ouaa, but the building
was so full of smoi a tho men were unable
to accomplish anything. Ths second story
had two stairways leading to tho lower
floor. These and tht elevator shaft acted
aa flues and the bit te drew up through
them. On the east Jlde and rear of the
second floor wss m bindery department.
A new llnotyr machine and a large paper
cutter were situated near the center of tha
floor. The linotype Is a total loss. The
lower floor waa occupied by the offices,
store and storage rooms and the Job print'
Ing department. The damage to ths type
will be light, and to tha other fixtures Is
principally from water. There la nothing
of the building left except the outer walla.
which- are In fair condition.
Valuable Bfaaascrlat Saved
Judge Good's manuscript of his book, "In
structtons to Juries." waa aaved. About 200
pagea had been printed. The forms wsre
broken and the pagea will have to be re
set and reprinted. The books belonging to
the firm were saved
The occupants of Richards ds Kesne'i
building on the east made preparationa to
move out. . Soma damage waa done to the
I Masonic hall by the bursting of a hose,
I which was run up the stairways to the
I roof of the Hammond building.
I iatiiipp pitv rri niTirtu
nAd 1 1 iiUd Ul I I wUls i ulr l lull
C. J. Miles Is Komlaated by Ropah.
lleaas for Mayor aad A. T.
Brattoa for Clerk.
HASTINGS. Neb.. March 11. (Special
Telegram.)-The republicans qf Hastings
ncia meir city coovwiw muiiu. uu uuiu
inated tha following ticket: For mayor. C
J. Miles; for city clerk, A. T. Bratton; for
light and water commissioner. WUI Hoag
land; tor city treasurer, A. H. Cramer; tor
members of school board. J. Hedae. Chris
p,uhcv j. A. Roae.
yne candidates nominated for councllmen
Uit nlgnt were: ror rnt wtra Robert
Williams; Second ward, . J. A. Campbell;
xhr(i ,,rdi 0. C. Zlnn; Fourth ward, Mul-
i fonj Haynea.
asu-LieesM la loeamsea.
TECUMSEH. Neb., March 11. (Special.)
inasmuch as tbe license men of Tecumseh
piced a municipal ticket in tbe field laat
week, contrary to ttbe custom here, ths
meeting which wss called for laat night,
and which the original Intent .waa to make
a non-partisan mass meeting, developed in
a strictly anti-license meeting. The follow
ing were made the nominees of the caucus.
In each cass ths party being the present
incumbent of the office specified: Washing
ton Robb, mayor; Rev. T. D. Davla, clerk;
L. M. Davis, treasurer; W. L. Dunlap, engi
neer; A. B. Allen and J. A. Lawrence
members of school board. All nominations
were nsde by acclamation.
A motion prevailed to have tbe question
of license or no license printed on the tick
ets for a direct vote. Ward caucuses fol-
chosen In this manner: First ward. C. M.
Miller; Second wsrd. C. C. Cook; Third
ward. E. H. Grist. .
Two Tickets la Elk Creek.
ELK CREEK. Neb., March 11. (Special.)
Primaries were held at thla place last
evening for tha purposs of nominating a
board of village trustee. The license and
antl-lieenss people nominated the following:
License, Gardner McKee, J. W. Karaa, J.
H. Reckewey and O. H. Waver tor trustees.
and W. D. Jones for marshal and street
commissioner. Antl-llcenee, J. T. Burress,
A. V. Nllson. T. B. Rogers and B. A Jen
nings for trustees, and J. W. Hall tor mar
shal and street commissioner.
E. R. Merwln. the present village clerk
holds over tor another year.
City Ticket of MrCeak Repabllraae.
VTCOOK. Nab., Msrch 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Tha republicans of McCook thl
svsnlng placed tn nomination the following
city ticket by acclamation: For mayor.
S. E. Eldrege; for clerk. C. I. Hall; for
for Golfers.
Sportsmen . sn3
tit who troves
much sustenance
Jn Utile bulK.
4 V or
treasurer, A C- Kbert; for police judge.
H. H. Berry j for city engineer, C H.
Meeker: for members of Board of Educa
tion, A. Campbell and O. W. N orris) for
councilman. First wsrd. F. M. Washburn;
Second ward. H. P. Walts.
A. Barnette, W. T. Coleman, C B. Oray,
C. I. Hall were constituted the city cen
tral committee, with power to fill vacanoles.
Coateet to Ball Coortboaee.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. March 11. (Spe
cial.) In the matter of tha application of
Charles Olsea of Lincoln for a writ of man
damus compelling the county board of Hall
county to let the contract tor the construe
tlon of the new court bouse to htm. on the
ground that be was the lowest bidder, the
ppllcant this morning scored a point. The
attorneys for the county and for the firm
to which the contract was awarded had
filed a demurrer alleging that the board
was to an extent a Judiciary body and that
its action In this case could not be thus
proceeded against. The court. Judge Paul
of Bt. Paul presiding, overruled the demur
rer and the case will come on for a bearing
March II.
Rival Tickets la Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 1L (Special
Telegram.) The republican city conven
tion tonight nominated thla ticket: For
water commissioner, O. T. Curtis, Board of
Education, W. W. Duncan, A. Graham,
Frank Smith.
The oltisen's convention nominated: For
water commissioner, O. K. Reedy; for Board
of Eduratloa, Andrew Anderson, J. C
Brlnkwortn, A. W. Chepperteld.
M. E. Shults will manage ths cam
paign for tha republicans and O. P. Rale-
tons for tha clttsens' ticket.
ltoaraeka City Seclalleta.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., March U. (Spe
cial.) The socialists of this city met last
night under the personal direction of Mr.
Balrd, from Omaha, and nominated thla
city ticket: For mayor, Andy Chrlstensen;
for clerk. W. J. Hasklns; for treasurer,
Thomaa Ryan; for polloe Judge, John Ooff;
for councllmen, I. Burbanks, Peter Pure, B.
Schonot, Chris Bouggman; for the school
board, Peter Ho'ge, J. F. Donahy, i. T.
Hehroa Aatl-Lleeaae Caadldatoo.
HEBRON. Neb.. March 11- (Special.)
The cttlsens' anti-license party held Its
caucus last night and nominated for mayor
W. H. Boyea; for treasurer. B. F. Young
for clerk, Frank Werner; for engineer, Alex
Campbell; for councllmen. First ward, John
Shafer; Second ward, Jamea Bpencer; Third
ward, W. H. Wilson; members of the school
board, H. G. Wilson and A. Huntsman,
B. B. Cala Shoots Hlaneelf.
NEWMAN GROVE, Neb.. March 11.
(Special.) 8. B. Cain, a politician, who baa
lived In thia vicinity for many years, at
tempted to end hla life last night.
The act waa committed with a S8-eallber
revolver. He sbot himself three times In
the head. The shooting waa committed In
front of Anderson's drug store and the
prostrate man waa carried Into the store.
The bullets were extracted.
ITe-vr Lode for Odd Fellows.
TABLE ROCK, Neb.. March 11. (Spe
cial.) Great preparationa are being made
by the Odd Fellows for the dedication of
their new ball Thursday evening, March It.
The new Woodmen hall has been secured
for the banquet and the exercises will be
In the new lodge room, which Is newly car
peted and furnished. Tha exercises will be
conducted by Past Grand Master P. C.
Johnson of Holraesvllle.
Former Sherla In Mae.
: COLUMBUS. Neb" Ma7enlL$peclal
Telegram.) Dan Kavaoaugh, formerly
sheriff, was adjudged lesane thla afternoon
and arrangemsnto have been made tor his
admittance to the Lincoln asylum tomorrow.
Paeaaeiia Follows Cold
but never follows the use of Foley's Honey
and Tar. It stops the cough, heals and
strengthens the lunga and affords perfect
security from an attack of pneumonia. Re
fuse substitutes.
Old Maa Dies of Iajarles Received
from Elkhora Cara Xeaa
DEAD WOOD, 8. D., March 11. (Special.)
John McLaughlin, 76 years old, wsa run
over by a work train on the Elkhorn rail
road at GeyvlUe. receiving Injuries from
which he died In a few hours. His home
waa with his daughters at Lead and ha had
been at tha county poorfarm visiting an
acquaintance. On hla return he waa struck
by tbe train while crossing the railroad
track, his left leg being cut off and other
injuries Inflicted. The trainmen did not
see him until tha train had passed ever
him. He waa carried back to tbe county
poorfarm In a state of unconsciousness and
died In a few houra. Hla aon Is John H.
McLaughlin, mfne foreman for tha Tltanle
Mining company.
laepect Row State Balldlac
RAPID CITT. 8. D-, March 11. (Special.)
The new building at the State School of
Mines has received an Inspection by a board
consisting of Regent Hough of Sturgls,
Dr. R. D. Slagle, president of the School
of Mines, and Prof. F. L. Cook, president
ef ths State Normal at Spearfish, represent
Ing ths Board of Regents of Education.
Tho building la ready to bo occupied
by the school and oa the report of the
board It will be accepted or rejected by the
Hcleoa Haheaa Corpaa Caao.
PIERRE. 8. D-, March 11 (Special Tel
egram.) Tha Nelson habeas corpus caaa
waa argued In the supreme court today,
the principal point of contention being tbe
right of a circuit court to call a special
term and the further right v' ths atata
to take a changa of venue. Tb case la
being hard fought and a dtclsio la sot
probable before tomorrow.
Merrick Soeceeds His Father.
CENTRAL CITY, 8. D.. March 11. (Spe
cial.) Tbe Central City Register will con
tlnue under the firm name of Benfer k.
Manic k, Albert W. Merrick Jr., succeed
tog bis father? the late A. W. Merrick, at
ona of the publishers. Ths younger Merrick
haa reeetved bis newspaper training In tha
office of his father ' during tbe last tea
Uvo Stock Growere Meetlaat.
SPEARFISH, 8. D-. March 1L (Special.)
A number of cattlemen. Including J. W
Drlsklll and son. Wylls, W. 8. Heckart
and C. F. Stebblns. have gone from Spear
fish to Denver to attend the meeting of
tbe livestock growers. Tbsy expect to
go from Denver to Fort Worth. Tex., to at
tend a meeting of stockmen there.
YANKTON. S. D-. March 11. (Special
Telegram.) Tbe ease of the Bute agalnat
MeElwala. charged with manalaughter, was
called la circuit court thla afternoon. Tbe
regular list of Jurors was sxhausted aad a
new vealre of fifteen extra waa called.
Trylaar Starr Harder Caao.
NEW CASTLE. Wyo.. March 11. Spe
clal.) The Fred 8tarr muMer case la being
tried la tbe district court. Starr la al
leged to have murdered a youag maa at
hla ranch, southweat of tha city, laat falL
Regard Peruna as Their
Mrs. Belva Lockwood, the eminent barrister of Washington, D. C Is ths only
woman who baa ever been a candidate for t ho presidency of the United State. She la
the best known woman In America. As the pioneer of her sex In the legal profession,
she has gathered fame and fortune. In a letter to The Peruna Medicine Company, aha
"I have used your Pcruua both for myself aad my mother, Mrs.
Hannah J. Bennett, now in her 88th year, and I find it au invaluable
remedy for colds, catarrh, hay fever and kindred diseases; also a good
tonie for feeble and old peop'e, or those run down, and with nerves
unstrung." ,
- Yours Truly. BELVA A. LOCKWOOD.
Anyone who wishes perfect health tnul t be entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh
is well -nigh universal; almost omnipresent. Peruna la the only absolute safeguard
known. A cold Is the beginning of catarr h. To prevent colds, to cure oolds. Is to
cheat catarrh out of Its victims. Peruna no t only cures catarrh, but prevents It. Every
household should be supplied with this grea t remedy for coughs, colds and ao forth.
Address Ths Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O., for a tree book an catarrh.
Sheepmen Discover Twentj-SeYen Flowing
Springs of Grade Petroleum.
Claims Are Located Rapidly aad
Great Excitement Kzlate Bos;
CHEYENNE. Wyo., March 11 (Special
Telegram.) What la probably ona of the
most Important discover:. made In ths
Rocky mountain region In recent years was
mads a few days ago by Philip Davsran
and Jamea Maccanna, sheep men, who,
while returning from the Brldger moun
tains In Fremont county, rode Into a sink
with the Idea of getting water for their
horses, but found Instead a bog of tar.
Night coming on, they' camped until day
light, when they made an Investigation.
Great waa their surprise to find twenty-
seven flowing oil springs, each Iron, one
and a half to four inchea in diameter,
together with a large lake of pure oil, the
borders of which were lined with the tar
or asphaltum substance, which had been ac
cumulating for many years.
Tbe discovery wss reported and a company
of Lander men wss formed. Claims were
located rapidly and great excitement ex
ists. The oil springs are in the eastern
end of the Popo Agle oil fields, not far from
Loat Cabin. The formation is similar to
that lu the Lander fields. In which tbe Hen
dersons of England have a number ot flow
ing wells. Ths oil appears to be tbe
same high-grade product. Samples . have
been aent away for analysis.
Ulnar's Horso Goca Lame.
LONDON. March 11. Klna Edward's
steeplechaser, Ambush II. the favorite for
morning after a trial at Newmarket.
Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood1
Poison and Consumption. Tbe ttareati
who is tainted by either will see ta the!
coua Lac asms disease
manifesting itself in
tbe form of swollen
elands of the neck and
throat, catarrh, weak
eyes, offensive sores
and abscesses and of
tentimes white swell
ing sure signs of
Scrofula, There may
be no external sij-ns for
s lor g time, for the disease develops slowly
in some cases, but the -poison is in tha
blood and will break out at the first favor
able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast-'
ing, destructive disease by first purifying
snd building tap the blood and stimulating
snd invigorating the whole system.
J. M.SeaU,tisPublicftqnsre. KaahvUlcTeaa,
says t " Tea years ago aiy daughter fell and cut
her forehead. Prom tbia wouud the gliads CO
the auie of her face became swollea ana bunted,
borne of the best doctor here eod elsewhere
euraded her without aay benefit. We decided
to try a. s. S-, and a (cw bottles cured her ea
makes new and pure
blood to' nourish and
strengthen the body,
and is s positive and
aafe cure for Scrofula.
It overcomes all forma of blood poison,
whether inherited or acquired, aad bo
remedy ao thoroughly and effectively
cleanses the blood. If yoa have any
blood trouble, or your child bat inherited
some -blood taint, take & S. S. and get
the blood in good condition -and prevent
the disrate doing further damage.
Scad for or Iree book aad write our
physicians about your case. We make no
charge whatever for medical advice.
Shield Against Catarrh.
Catarrhal Diseases.
Scenic Line
Daily First-class Sleeper Through to San Francisco
vis Colorado, passing tbe Grandest Scenery of the Rcckles snd Slerrs
Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connections to Los Angeles.
City Ticket Office, 1333
The Living
Animals of
the World
At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail'15 cents
With tbln. drawn, muddy, sallow er blood
ies faces, no appetite, na ambition t better
to-day, worse to-morrow; all snow a soa
ditloa that needs Immediate attention. It
la roar stomach tbat la the eaoae. Your
bowels need clearing, and your liver stlma
tated. ixa1 watt, use
To will set relief from the first doss.
Pure, aafe, ieedy, (eotls, 1U ton to pteaer
Um build tm up wulle eurtos 7011. It
cures ronadpectua, sharpens tue ev petite,
clears tae completion, rieenees aad purifies
t Mood, tones up ti e enMre syetcu, and
luakes von feel well aud keep well.
T., aMdiciaM la w,laaic aae kutn ,sc aas tec.,
a riiu, m In Mapta M LAXAJLOL4 Ce. HX.
Coughs, colds, Grip ana
Miss Flora Wilson, 1471 Seventh avenue.
New Tork City, writes:
"For anyone who la as susceptible to
coughs aad colds aa I am. Peruna Is a
blessing. I am never too careful, and am
always catching cold, which sometimes de
velops into an annoying catarrh of tbe ,
head. Peruna I have found la excellent ,
for this, being very quick in Its action, be
sides being a most excellent tonic."
Miss Helen Ssuerbler, St. Joseph, Mich.,
"Laat winter I caught a sudden cold,
which developed Into aa unpleesant catarrh
of ths head and throat, depriving me of my
appetite and usual good spirits. A friend
who had been cured by Peruna advised me
to try it snd I sent for a bottle at once,
and I am glad to say that In three days'
the phlegm had loosened and I felt better,
my appetite returned and within nine dart
I was In my usual health."
Mrs. Leslie Carter, probably .the meet
prominent actress. In America, says tha fol
lowing of Peruna: ,
Tersas la oare to areveaf a cold.
It will stoa a eoaark before It becomes
eevfleeU It earea all catarrhal affer
tloae Itko aaaarto. Ite snoaey eowld
tesavt ate to be vrlthoat thla remedy
for ovea a day. It la Jnsf (be remedy
that all womea aeed. eapeelally each
womea that are eapoeed fe the vtele
altadeo of climate, ao I am.
MI aever aealeet aa oaaortaaltr to
reewmmead thla remedy to my frleada.
It la America's arreavest remedy for
America's areateat eaemy, catarrh
aad catarrhal arTertlaaa. I woald ao
have catarrh for a million dollars.
haad to cheek the ellahteat symp
toms of fta approach, t feel perfectly
safe from this dlaeaae.M
Colds are considered one of the necessary
His of life. One Is liable to catch cold
both summer and winter. Very often a
cold Is the starting point or cause of a
lengthy and dangerous catarrhal dlsesee.
Colds are always dsngerous and should
never be neglected a day.
A cold Is the beginning of catarrh. It
may cause catarrh of any of 'the Internal
organs the head, throat, lunga and stom
ach especially. A remedy that will cure a
cold, then, would cure all these direct ef
fects of colds. Peruna Is such a remedy.
We have letters from all over the T'nlted
States attesting to this fact. The poor
and rich alike use and recommend It. A
book of testimoniala In the exaet words 'of
tha writers sent to' any address free of
charge by the Peruna Medicine Co., Col
umbus, Ohio.
If you do not derive prompt and "satis
factory results from tbe use of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
full statement cf your case, and ha will
be pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman, President of the
Hartman? Sanitarium, Columbua, Ohio.
Friday and
Farnam St., Omaha.
Some other time
isn't any time at ail
Tou will not move then. It yoa
don't rouse yourself now yoa will
probably continue to put up with tha
asms lneonvsnlencss for tbs next six
Do tbsy keep yeur offlee clean T
Tour windows? Tbs balls T Tbs
elevator? la tbs building a 11 re trap?
Have tbsy aa elevator tbat runs once
an bjur on week days and not at all
nlcbta or oa Sunday? la your office
hot la summer and cold la wlntsr?
Any otbsr troubles?
Tbs cure for all tbese Ills Is as
office In
The Bee Building.