Tirn OtAITA DATLV BEE: TUESDAT, MAT.CII 11, lfK2. Thcusanis cf families Kan tad the JorTuI Nbws that PAINE'S Celery Compound Makes Sick People Well and Strong. A II ou so to House Canvas Mould Show That Thousands Ara Being Cored. Tbe people who bare not beard In some way ct Palne's Celery Compound and it wonderful triumph- over the diseases and ailments of life, eannot ba counted aa paper or maceslae readers, nor ara tier amongst tboaa who ara la touch with the medical profxesslveneea of the times. A bouse-to-bowse canvas (If that were possible) of farollle where Falne's Celery Compound la being uaed daring these early spring days, would disclose aa overwhelm ing amount of evidence regarding the im plicit confidence that la placed In this greatest of all Spring medicines. It would abow the enormous number of people who are being cured of some form of nervous seas, aleeplessnesa. dyspepsia, indlgestloh, aeuralgla, rheumatism, headaches, kidney and liver dlseasee. Now is the time when Palne'a Celery Compound can show astonishing and happy resulta to the aick. Now that spring is with us, giving a promise of fine weather and new beauties, it should lend encour agement to the work of getting well and Strong. The ties of Maine's Celery Compound for a few weaka will truly astonish every de bilitated, weak, and sickly man and woman. The change from a muddy and sal low complexion to a fresh, healthy color, with bright, sparkling eyea, unclouded brain, the enjoyment of refreshing aleep. clear, fresh blood couralng through the body, will be the eure reward of every user xt Palne's Celery Compound. Accept no ubstituta or Imitation. See that the name PAINE'S is on the wrapper and bottle. TAKES REVENUE OF SCHOOLS Supreme Court Decision Shut Off Saloon Money in Itac Cities. INSAWTY EXPERTS IN MURDER Shntaaa EaploOa mm4 Weeede Harry Jebaaea Llaeela la Set Acafast Slat Marhiaee-reaeral State Revra. JHAMONDDYES color anything any color. leaver lade: Never fall! wAOI. ' Always Uniform Inimitable Unique Is r L Hunter Baltimore Rye The American Gentleman's Whiskey Said at ail Si a eafas ut ky Siafeeae. a. uiihn a 1-. Strong: Nerves ara the trac source of good, healthy appearance. Persona with balf-etarved aervea aV ways look worried and 'Mimggedut.' Yob cannot be happy without nerve vigor; yoa cannot be natural without all the powers which stature meant yoa to have. produce a Taeatthful glow which art cannot imitate. They invigorate every organ, pot new force to the Bcrvea, elasticity la the step and roand oat the face aad form to Usee of health aad beauty. guarani a. 00. book. free. 1 00 pn boa : t boxes (with written itee). For sale b bv Kunn a Co.. a'Tiner faint m Xruc Co., Omaha: Dillon's Urug store, fcouth Omaha. au.d ena Ltras Co.. Council fFrorn a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 10. Special.) The su preme court has given a decision which will bare the effect In many cities of taking aaay from tha schools the revenue de rived from the occupation tax assessed against keepers of saloons. Tbe holding is In a case appealed from Nemaha county, la which the city of Auburn claimed a right to all money recovered from saloons through the levy of the occupation tax. Tbe opinion was written by Chief Justice Sullivan. - In the syllabus of the opinion the court declares that whether mcney raised undsr the provision of a municipal ordinance re quiring every person engaged In a certain occupation or business to psy a fixed sum annually Into the city treasury. Is license money, within the meaning of the consti tution, depends upon the substance and purpose of the ordinance rather than upon ita form It is beld that If the purpose of the city authorities in adopting the ordinance was to raise revenue then the money exacted was a taV, but If regulation was the end and ob ject in view the money resulta from an ex ercise of tbe police power and is license money. An ordinance having no element of regulation and showing on ita face that the sole purpose of tbe city authorities in adopting it was to raise revenue, is held to be a tax ordinance, even though tbe right to engage In the business or calling taxed Is made to depend upon pay ing the tax and obtaining a license. Qeeetlaa Desesit e Ceaatltetloe. The only question Involved in tbe case was whether or not certain funds collected by the city treasurer of Auburn were license moneys within the meaning of the constitution. Tbe fund in controversy was ralaed under an ordinance whose object, as expressed in Its title, was to Impose an occupation tax on certain occupations or businesses. By one section of this or dinance it waa made unlawful for any peraon to engage In any of these occupa tions upon which a tax was Imposed until tbe tax has first been paid and tbe fact of payment evidenced by tha treasurer's re ceipt, countersigned by the mayor. An other section provided penalties for tbe violation of tha provision. Tha contention of tbe school authorities waa that the money raised under the ordinance was li cense money because tha right to engage In any of the occupations did not exist until the tax bad been paid and re ceipted for. It was argued that the re ceipt was In form and substance a license and that the money paid as a condition of obtaining it resulted, therefore,' from the exercise of the power to license and not from an exercise of the power to lsy and collect taxes. Tbe court says Its view of the matter Is that the money in question belongs to tb city, not because of the form of the ordi nance or of the form of the receipt er li cense, but because it was clearly aad un mistakably tbe purpose of tbe mayor and council to exercise tha taxing power. "The city authorities had power to levy an occupation tax and if they Intended to bring that power into action the money raised under tbe ordinance is part of tbe general revenue of the city, even though payment of the tax and procurement of a lioensa were made conditions precedent to the tight to pursue any of the taxed occu pations or avocations, continues the court. "Tha ordinance declares in the first sec tion and in tha title that its purpose is to tax occupations and businesses. There is no attempt whatever at regulation. Noth ing la commanded except the payment of tbe tax and nothing is forbidden except en gaging in a taxed occupation or business before payment has been made. The ob ject of the municipal authorities being to raise revenue and not to prescribe rules of conduct for tbe security, convenience or comfort of the public or to guard and con serve their health and morals, it Is entirely plain that the ordinance is referable to the taxing power and is not a police regulation. "It must be conceded that tha mayor and council Intended to make payment of the tax and procurement of a receipt or li cense conditions precedent to tbe right engage in any of the taxed occupations or lines of business, but that fact, in view of the clearly expressed purpose of the ordi naace, la Immaterial, whether the sec tlon providing tor fines and penalties is void or Invalid. Tbe writer thinks the section is valid." Jadge HoleataaTs Partly renewrs. Judge Holcomb appends a concurring opinion, in which he says: "I concur only in the conclusions reached by tbe chief jus tice in tha foregoing opinion, but find my self wholly unable to agree to many of tbe views therein expressed. To my mind tha tendency of the opinion la to unsettle, if not directly overthrow, several prior deci sions of this court on tha same general eubject. This court has frequently ex pressed Itself on the question of distinc tion between a license and an occupation tax. It haa also laid down the doctrine that to engage in business declared unlaw ful unleaa a license la first obtained may be punished criminally, while the collect ing of the tax levied aolely for revenue purpose can only be enforced as other civil liabilities. With these decisions and the soundness of tbe views supporting the same I am satisfied and believe they should be followed and adhered to. Tile I af Marshall far Mareer. Tbe trial of Frank Marshall for tbe mur der of his niece. Vernal Lee. proceeded Is the district court today. Former Police man McKnlght, who assisted in the arrest CASE ' Marshall, told of the defendant's confes sion, at tne conclusion 01 wnoee testimony tbe state rested. The evidence introduced by tbe defense todsy all went to back op tbe plea of insanity, the attorneys making no effort to disprove tbe charge that mur der waa committed. Dr. J. L. Greene, su perintendent of the Hospital for Insane, and Dr. J. T. Hay, experts on insanity, were present and listened to the evidence. Theae men will be called later by the state In opposition to the plea of tbe defense that If Marshall committed the murder it was an act of inssnity. - Esaletllae; Gaa Wssiii Maa. A shotgun in the hands of Harry Johnson of 1M) North Twenty-ninth street, exploded this morning, causing a wound in the man's head, which may result fatally. He was hunting in the vicinity of Belmont, when tbe accident occurred. The hammer and firing pin were driven backward when he attempted to discharge the weapon, the plecea striking him on the right side of the forehesd. Tbe victim is 20 years of sge and a printer by trade. Will Sot Reinstate Slat Sfarhtaea. REGARDS FUSION AS SURE Fopuliit Chairman DeFraDoe Believes It a Foregone Conclusion. CALLS HIS STATE COMMITTEE TOGETHER Deaaeeratle CbeU-snaa Hall Likewise laaaesi Bis Fatthf at laal- Test for Yourself the Wonderful Curative Properties of Swamp-Root To Prove What Swamp-Root, the World-Famous Kidney and Bladder Remedy, will do for YOU, Every Reader of The Bee May Have a Sample Bottle Free. The Excise board of Lincoln today r Jected aa application for permission to re instate alot machines in this city. The request waa referred to the chief of police and it is asserted that that official will give a negative reply. Tha machines were or dered out by the board about a month ago. Trial af Hes-woa Probably CeatlaeeC The trial of C. E. Heywood for the mur der of John J. Gillllan, will doubtless be continued until the May term of tbe dis trict court.. The county attorney haa been busily engaged during tbe last few weeks preparing for the Marshall and Buckner murder cases and baa not had time to ar range for the prosecution of Heywood. Mr. Clasea Wasti Sew Trial. Mrs Margaret Clasen of Hallam has asked the district court for a new '.rial of tbe case in which Augusta Frubs recently re covered a $2,000 judgment against ber for cruel and Inhuman treatment. She asserts that the jury was swayed by passion and prejudice and were influenced some by the sensational reports printed in local news papers. Kew larereeratleae. Articles of Incorporation of tbe Ehosbone company of Lincoln were recorded In tbe secretary of the state's office today. The company will deal in Wyoming and Ne braska real estate. Iu stock is 25,000, and ita incorporators: Charles H. Morrill, A. B. Miner, Fred N. Pearson. Tbe Western Anchor Fence company of Chicago has Incorporated under tbe laws of the state, with a capital stock of 1200,000. Ita Incorporators are: ' Henry F. Bond ot Chicago, Thomas Keeley and Fred W. Her bert of Denver. LIGHTNING OPENS THE SEASON Harbiaarer af aa Early Saaasaer Kascki OM m. Chlaraey-Toe at Falrateat. FAIRMONT. Neb.. March 10. (Special.) During a sharp storm this morning about ( o'clock lightning struck the dwelling house of John Bchlinlng, knocking the chimney off and causing minor damage lnsida the build ing. The building was Insured. EXETER. Neb.. March 10. (Special.) The first thunderstorm to visit this place this year occurred at 5:30 a. to. Although there was considerable thunder and light ning, little rain tell. The weather Is very warm and spring like, and all Indications are for rain. Most of the farmers cay the fall wheat Is all right, and Is looking fine. They think, however, that a nice warm rain now would be of lneatlmablo value. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. March 10. (Special.) The town was awakened about S o'clock this morning by an old-fashioned rain, with thunder and lightning accompaniments, snd hall tell for s few minutes thick and fast. It is very warm today and the clouds still look threatening. SCHUYLER, Neb.. March 10. (Special) A alight thunder shower, the first of the year, occurred here this morning. It Is so dry that wheat aad rye are in need of a copious fall of rain. Fall grains wintered splendidly and aro in promising condition. kauris, la. Many people imagine that it merely s superior grade of laundry soap. That ides it wrong. Cudonia it a bath and toilet soap and it i jutt at good for those purposes st for vvaihing witktut shrinking fianneU, w ool cnt. Lace, embroideries, col ored goods,"nd other things for which ordinary laundry soeps are Dot adapted. Three tiros Uuiadry, tar ; balk ana tuiiet, c i aval Write la baafclet ehewtaf Cu6ueoa' swat maa. ' Tail Cvdaht Packing Co. Oaiaaa...KaMa City. Marrh J. (From a Btaff Correspondent) LINCOLN, March 10. (Special Telegram.) Calls were Issued tonight for meetings of the democratic and populist stats central committees In this city the afternoon of March II. The democratic call asserts that the meeting la for tbe purpose of consider ing matters ot party Interest, but the popu list call Is mors explicit In thst It specifies three aubjecta for consideration. Tbe meetings will be beld separately, but com munication between tha two committees will be established by tbe appointment of conference committees. One of the impor tant matters to be discussed by tbe popu lists Is the proposed formation of a stats association of populist editors. "It has been customary to call our com mittee together about this time each year, and we are simply following that prece dent." said P. L. Hall, democratic chair man. The mooting will enable the man agers to lay the foundation for tbe cam paign. and the call la so worded that tbe time and place for the convention may be designated. A conference committee may be appointed to talk over matters with s like committee of popnllets." t Charles Q. De France, populist chairman, aald: "In my call I have suggested three things first, the designation of time and place for the convention; second, the nam ing of s conference committee; third, con sideration of the plan ts organise the pop ulist edit ore. Will the conference commit tee ssk for fusion No, that will be un necessary. I regard fusion a foregone con clusion. We are not confronted here by tbe conditions which prevail in Kansas. The conference will probably go no fur ther than to decide that both conventions shall be held simultaneously In the same city. 'In addition to the meeting of the popu list committee, we will have a general party conference. I have letters to about 600 party workers Baking them to attend." treat Railway Dlsf raeealaed. The council tonlaht ceased an ardlnanr-a disfranchising the Lincoln Street Railway company, which waa the Dredecessor of the Lincoln Traction company. Tbe Traction company s attorneys say the measure will have no effect. The attorneys for the city insist, however, that it will facilitate tha collection of delinquent taxes. State Whist Tsaraey. Whist experts will rather In Lincoln tiw morrow to attend the fourth annual meet ing of the Nebraska Whist association. Women whist players of the state are In vited for the first time to attend and enter all contests. A team contest for tha Lin. coin challenge trophy, la which four play era from any club In the sute may play, and a pair contest. In which any two play ers may participate, will be held. Trophies will be preaented to the winners. CHILD FRIGHTFULLY SCALDED TTarasta Hla Riant Ara to the Elbew lata Kettle at Belli Water. OSCEOLA. Neb.. March 10. (Special.) The 2H-year-old son ot Mr. and Mrs. Os wald Klopatch met with a severs accident yesterday evening. His mother had set kettle of boiling water on the floor and the little fellow put his right hand Into it as far aa the elbow, burning it so badly that the flesh almoat dropped off. Hla suffering was terrible. . Xew Chares, at McCaol Jaaetlea. M'COOL JUNCTION, March 10. (Spe cial.) The dedicatory service of the Ger man Lutheran church, one of the largest church edifices In this eounty, which was to have been held on Sunday, has been In definitely postponed on account of scarlet fever. The new church building la situated on Main street and is about completed. Tbe funds were raised by subscription of business men and farmers and it took only a short time to collect enough money to start and pay for the building. CAPTURES HOUSE BREAKER Faraeer Lies la Walt aal Witi Harsster Restate Pilla Hlaa with Shef. EXETER, Neb., March, 10 (Special.) For more than a year past robberies have occurred on Sunday in houses whose occu pants were st church. For a long time the thefts were supposed . to be the work of tramps, but as these occurrences did not cease the farmers who were victims of theae depredations began a systematic watch. Yesterday morning at the residence of Mr. Jenson, three miles east of here, tbe family had all gone to church except Mr. Jenaon, who concealed himself in the house. Hs had not remained there long when he saw a young man named Charles Bode coming toward the house. Bode tried the doors, but finding them locked, aecured a piece of iron and pulled the staple that held the lock on the outside cellar door. When Mr. Jenson heard him in the cellar hs secured his shotgun and aa young Bode stepped into the room from below he waa confronted by the man behind the gun and commanded to throw up his hands, but Instead of doing so he made a dash for the man and gun and seized the gun barrel with both hands. This was an unexpected move to Jenson, but he pulled the trigger of tbe gun and Bode received tbs full charge of shot In his leg just below the thigh. Constable Lefler went out and arrested Bode and brought him to town. He is at present under the care of Dr. Btratton. Parker Will Case Reseraed. BEATRICE, Neb.. March 19. (Special Telegram.) Court reconvened hers this afternoon and tbe Parker will caae, which consumed all last week, waa resumed. Cray hairs often stand la the way-of advancement I or now mea ana women, aocieuy tn m nuum, e" Many mea are failing to secare good positions iust It . because thev look " too old." and no one knows bow I 'en many women have been disappointed in lite because they have failed to preserve that stuacuveaeaa which t so largely depends oa lbs hair. , , " HJl Y'O HAIR-HEALTH fail iat larafiaat ajaaih-g-rmy Lmit fca as yauudal haa Waa a " ' ta thaaaaaea. It la a hair laaS. aaurkkBW dw l c-anat aa aau ilarni( ttkaaa ana1 hla, aa4 paauiveJr arMgl back (n baauv auS cala. Hav's Hair-rtaalth Is Bat a Sya, aaa ua aaa caaaai ha aata LARQE see BOTTLES. AT LEAD4NQ DRUOQ15TS. Good to 2Som omko HAJtTlKA SOAP. Frco Socp Offer Cat aa aa4 ura tfck conaoa ta twm Sirs, taka k a SET af tka fcl.ovinc aruirit mmi they wi i ymm a r(. Wita af rtay'a Haas Haalt aaa a a sc. case at MarMaa .litlialit liaa. ka aaae (or Haa. beam, I milium, fcaia aa4 Taiial, back tor Fifty casts : eca vaaranca, tk. Inail br saaeiag aragghu evarywwera at teaer aaaas aeiy, ar by tba Paile Hay tissues Cm., aaa LaUvaua it.. Newark. N J., aithar wab a MUbaut aaaa, bv el , arapa al Naia milt per.! aaa aa raraial al sac aaa am raupaa. tlM km. BUILDING BOOM AT BRAINARD Will Have Kew El Libera etatlom, Real- itscc, Brlek ftore Ballela mm Athletle Park. BRAINARD. Neb.. March 10. (Special.) Brainard will from present Indications have a first-class building boom this spring. Sypal Peterillka will aooa commence the erection of a large two-story brick building en the site now occupied by their frame building. The Fremont. Elkhorn Missouri Valley Railroad company now haa seven carloads of material oa tbe sidetrack tor tbs erec tion of a new depot. A. J. Poavar, aa aoon as weather permite, will build a handaome two-story residence ta cost about $5,000. At the last meeting of the village trustees ten seres of land adjoining town were pur chaaed, to be need as a city park. Shade treea will aooa be planted and the site will be uaed for a base ball ground and other amusements. Tbs trustees also purchased about tiOO worth of fire-fighting apparatus, consisting of a chemical engine, bucketa, and hook and ladder truck. FORGER GETS ONE YEAR Seatrared er Jadge Jeeaea, Win Heldlac Ceert at Platta-aiaatk. la f f I ft a fffrC Ar Sanaa awefcaaiat HayS Hair-Hablta liUnluxl I C.C aav-aam ia ta. U. S eubuta bmmm ln.ni.. mt ha k mmmty back bv aedrwiamg fane ttas tut aa tafiay ' Mmtr-jlmaitk. I aad Itarflaa Sees? In thaw ssaaas easy t J PLJITTSMOCTH, N6.. March 10. (Spe cial.) Judge Pan! Jeasea arrived from Ne braska City and convened district court. E. L. Cook pleaded guilty te forging the name of D. E. Thorn peon to a check for (10 at Greenwood last January and was sen tenced te one year ia the state penitentiary Walter Speck pleaded guilty te being an accomplice la the burglarizing of Hetael's griat mill ia this city. The caae of the state agalnat Eboop, who ia charged with robbing a Rock Island car at Louisville, was called and will be tried before a jury. knciuna Co.. aa) 1 Hi)aw a Aanwm . -A cw aMr. imtut rm, stag DrafYtats eappty Hay's tWar-tVaaith I'M IH Aa HE St MAW Hth and Cbtrago. I f IL M.t ---. HtCOIKELU IStk aad Dedse; SCHAFER I DKCO ITT" JUS. Ceairal Broadway, tOUOtK. lO Broatway; TVHAVEN, tSi HK1 ,.V. kit ftmaWej. stall Carriers Par Advaarwal. TECUMSEH. Neb.. March 19. (Special The four mall carriers oa tha tree rural delivery routes here have received aa ad vanre la aalary from $00 te tsoo a year each. Poatmaater P. A. Bruadage has been ae Informed from the department at Waah tugtea. Tbs raise ot salaries togas March 1. j , Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blngbampton, N. T.: Gentlemen In Justice to you, I feel It Is my duty to send yon an acknowledgement of the receipt of tbe sample bottle of Swamp-Root you so kindly Bent me. I bad been out of bealtb for the last live years witb kidney and Mnd der trouble. Had our bent phyeicians prescribe for me. Tbey would relieve m for tbe time being, but tbe old com plaint would In a short time return again. I sent for a sample bottle of Swajip-Boot, and I found It did ine a world of good. Since then 1 bave taken eight small bottles bought at my drug stor.. and 1 consider myself crfettly cured. It seemed as though my back would I reak In two after stooping. I do not bare tbe smarting aud Irritation, nor do I bare to get up during tbe night to uriiate, as I formerly did three or four tiin.s a night but now rieep the sleep of peace. My back is all right again, atd in every fray I am a new man. Two of my brother officers are still Ubiug Swamp-Root They, like myself, cam ot say too much In praise of it ltlsabxin to mankind. M'e recommend it to all who are suffering from kidney and 1 ladder diseases. My brother officers (whose signatuiei accompany this letter), as well as myself, thank you for tbe blessing you have brought to tbe human race in tie compounding of Swamp-Root . JAMES COOK. Wa remain, yours very truly, HUUII li. BOYLE. Officers of tbe 58tb Police Precinct, Greater Kew York. JOHN J. BODKIN. If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking tbe famous new discovery. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kldneya are well tbey will help all tbe other organa to health. A trial will convince anyone. Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for many kinds ef diseases, and if permitted to continue much euffering with fatal results are sure to follow. Kidney trouble irritates the nerves, makes you dizzy, restless, ulecpless and irritable. Makes you pass water often during the day and obligee you to get up many times during the night. t'nhoalthy kidneys cause rheu matism, gravel, catarrh of the bladder, pain or dull ache In tbe back, joints and muscles; makes your bead ache and back ache, causes indigestion, stomach and liver trouble; you get a sallow, yellow complexion, makes you feel as though you had heart trouble; you may have plenty of ambition, but no strength; get weak and waste aaay. Swamp-Root Is pleasant to take and la used in the leading bospitala, recommended by physicians In their private practice, and is taken by doctors themselves, because they recognise in it the greatest and most successful remedy that science haa ever been able to compound. ' If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address, Bingbamton, N. T., on every bottle. EDIIORIAL NO 1 ICE Swamp-Root, the great Kidney, Liver and Bladder remedy. Is so remarkably successful that a special arrangement has been made by which all of our readers who have not already .tried it rosy hare a sample bottle sent ab solutely free by mail. Alao a book telling all about kidney and bladder troubles and containing many of tbe thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters received from men and women cured by Swamp-Root In writing, be sure and mention read ing this generous offer in The Omaha Morning Be when sending your address to Dr. Kilmer Co.. Binghamtoii, N. Y. Constipated Old Age Isn't it too bad that so many people, when they get old, get cranky and rickety and mean, and don't feci right toward themselves or anybody Ue; yet it need not be so. "Caaearota saaka ma faal so UcM-boi b and llvclr that though I hava iwb thra aeora aaa three, a few mora enrws I rat-mar -;um S. XtUar, Villa Park CaL "Fat atany yaara 1 beva ne tmablad with eancttpattna. vcad nne Ibe and two H)c aomaa of Cancarets ant th7 haa effaeard a pr asaaaat enra. Siaa my diarhanra tmm tha army in IMS. 1 haa Dr nfnrw fmind a Utiles rrafiVr " H J. H-Gwarn, SW Cbas lina fctraat. Whaellnf. W. Va "I was rmablod with aomnthlne that afl!d tna alt 1 1 1 of phyatrlant for tt year : 1 uad flva bniaa of Cax-arat and mm la Satter haalvh than aver Safera' - 0, C. Kadlck. Chaaa City. Ta. 'Rl mnatVa ara I tfx riifiMi for cm tlpaitnn cuntrarted during thi War nf tha Rebellion. Tlte ru1t Im wnrterfnj and 1 a4 l all old nnldlert to trr them." Jaa. Patau, late Capt alrd 111.. Ekney. Wit. "1 waa fvrltnt bad. lonlna flh. had dnll headarha void fot. and rnulriu't tlp welt. 1 took Caararetn. and in femr weeks rained 12 pound. Aa feelinc fine unw ."-A. It. Morv, veteran htexican aaa C'lvtl M ark. Epwunb.lv "I hare horn nalna Casoaroti for anata tlma for ronatl ration, and thetr greater benefit haa been to cure ma nf a.rrma. I am in div cUi t ear and bad been tuflf ring vrttk axiuma lor yaara. ' -T. It. Wh'.ta. Boa tee, Qeorrta. All old people's muscles get weak and flabby, and It's the same with the muscular walls of their intestines as with tbe muscles of their arms. Wh-n the bowels gjow weak, the old folks get constipated, bilious, sick, help less, trntaDie, ana mat s tne cntet cause ot thetr death. Old folks should take Cascarets Candy Cathartic bowel tonic, keep their liver lively, their bowels regular and strong, and live to be a bui.dred. tea Beat far the Bowels. All druggists, inc. 15c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Guar anteed te cure er your money back. Sample and booklet (res. ftddreaa Sterling Kenedy Co.. Chica-o or N. Y. til gM 42k 23 iBll person with lame shoul L S3 Q JfXL ders comes pretty near be ing helpless. A lameness in the arms or leg or back is just about as bad. Some men have to stop work while suffering in this way, but a woman usually has so much to do around the house that she just has to keep going as best she can. The best remedy for lame ness is rest, and a cure is reached quicker when the lame spot is bathed and rubbed freely with Omega Oil. It is an oily M M 1 Crti rmj-ftiTMm iiist wswaMaaa liniment of a green color, and is so much better than other lini ments, and so different in all ways, that you should never lose time fooling with something else. All good druggists sell Omega Oil, but if you hap pen to go where it is not on sale, please tell the druggist he ought to get a supply of his wholesaler. If you want any pain or ache to be quickly cured, Omega Oil is the remedy that will do the work. 50c. a bottle. m II Waaa-af k-a SYPIUUS CURED IN 15 TO 35 DAYS. 1 aar aa I'HCOH DITIOBAX. OCABJtXTKB sa eeee a earia f anrtuae ta atiaa aaaak. Ceriaaul, mt m a aaaa Ike aeoraea aaaa la SS ar aad Had lav tiealaiei r ae Tertearr, aaa 'artaarr, aaa a aa, a to waa vva vart. Ih. SUatar tsaelaliat TT'.TTTf, '?' m Ck.caa rwraa I TTT'.TT. SlPMILIa fataaikihad MMl near will aaaa tkaa m ledlae wUl la aaa aaa. If grea ary ar Waa. at gaa af a akyilalta sawea ta gaa wttaa l aa, a eraa. traltaeae troaa ak earing aa aa? aaaa eeaeli g lata auf wllala tkraa waeae after tae Irftaaary aaaa Seeeloaa. .aaaa Seas aet aaatatt iajartaaa ailiWrea.l. aa aaaas ke , I Mint rsra. . 1 ... "J - - - - aa aatMra iiianiaiaiaa taa aiaaeea. Tka fciaaa, aka Seaa, tka ken at aad ska wkaie tjwum a. eliiind, aaitSiS aad leetand ta keaht aaa m ginial sraparaa in- tar tka duller aaat pi .a fee af ilia. ItrBIUI aakte eaoela tar nil ill ar pleaeara. I aara waa at aaaaa. Cm u aaaaV Si -til Wrua M gaur aeadmoa faiig aad gwa Hi malm ks Buaak aml a nnanan aaa keaaea lirBIUI aaam senate Sar write ae gaur aeadmea rauy of . war aaaa, fraa of JOr.S T1L10TSOM. M. TiHutais Bstldist. U DesrWra Street CRICAOOl DR. McGREW (Agi 53) SPECIALIST. IMeeaaea sua. JJlauruara af ateim Oaly. M Yaara' Etgrrltaet. IS Tears la Oakawe- Mt DlPfiCI C eured by a treetraant YAnlllUULLC wtaicb la tbe QUiCrUUIT. sataat and must natural that has yet been dlaceverad. So pain whatever, no cutting aad does not intartere witn. work or kiuavl .aaa. Traatmeat at umce or at home and a yerriuuMnt cure auaranteed. Hat Springs Treatment lor. SjpcHis And all Blood Diaeaaes. No "BfLlkAKINU OUT" on tha akin or lace and aii aautraaj aisna of Uie dlaeaae diaaiiipwar at euea. A treatment that la rpore saccoaatul and tax more aauatartory than tba "old turm" ot tra.troent and at lean I haa HALF THE COST. A cure that la Kiikrsr.iatiA ts be ernanent (or life. (IVr-U 'III lllinca sung 01 scrvoua UlCil aUUU Joeblllty, ioaa ex viiaUty alio ail unnatural wsssnaaaea of anaBe tttxlcturc, UML Kidney and Uiaddef iia aaieaj. Hydrucala. curaa karaauaully. tUAK.I.li.S 1AW. tUftSlX'l AXiWN Ir HEK. Treatment by mtL P. O. Box 7ta Offloe ever IK . 14th street, between pmm aa4 Dousta auk. OM H Steal. Some other time isn't any time at all Tou will not move tfeen. It you don't rouse yourself sow yoa will probably continue to put as with tbe same Inconveniences lor tbe aexi sis years. ' Do tbey keep your office clean ? Tour windows? Tbe balls T Tba elevator? Is tbe building a firs trap? Have tbey aa elevator that runs once aa bour on week days and not at all nlgbts er oa BundayT Is your offloe hot ta summer and cold la winter? Any other troubles? Tbs cure tor all these Ills Is aa office ta The Bee Building. K. C PETERS At COH Ground ficntai Agent. Floar