Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    TUB OMAltA DAILY 11EE: TUESDAY, MAltCll H, 1003.
Mr. Edward Schuharth and Mr. II. C. Allington, Whom the Doctors
SalJ Had IncurahU Consuaaptlon. Here Permanently Cured by
NASHUA CITT, N. H Oentlemen: It
rith gret tlaur that I writ lo Infor
ou that I have lined eight bottles of yo
'ure Malt Whlxkey. I would not have be.
NASHUA CITT, N. H.-Oentlemen: It U
1 wrne 10 inrorm
r today only for your wonlrful mull-
tin. I have used all kind or coutn syrups
no. been under th cars of onciore. i nave
hail three eever attack of grip an pneu
monia, which have left m with a bail
cough and weak lungs and heart. I am 67
yeara old. It haa toned up my system and
atonped the hemorrhages. I roush but
very little. -1 orily regret 1 did not know of
your whlnkey before. I rannot etprew
what It haa dona tor ma. I beg to remain
yo-irs respectfully,
MRS. H. C AlAlNOTON, Nov. U, 1901.
Pear Blra:
rulers on a
read It through.
and bought
I picked up on of your clr
tabl about a month ago and
ugh. After reaains t wem oui
a bottle of your whiskey, which
heloed me riant away. 1 am now on my
third bottle, uetng It for so-called Incurable
consumption, and I feel like a new man. I
think that It" I had known of your whiskey
when I wea at horn In Chicago 1 would
hav never com. out here
1 Market Street, Penver, Oct. IS, 1901.
There ara thousands of caaea. Juat Ilka
that of Mr. Schuharth and Mra. Allington,
where the patient thmight they had Incur
able consumption Until their dootpra pre
ecrlbed Duir Pure Malt Whlekey. Duffy';
Pure Malt Whiskey la absolutely sura end
possesses more .curative power th" ''
other medlclnee. . It contain rro fu oil.
ao common In other whlskeya, aJid which
tae dangerous Ingredient lrf whiskey, es
pecially for the dlaeaaed system, when the
poison takea effect.
Duff ys Pure Malt Whiskey - not only
drive out consumption germ and beal
the lungs, but It bullda up new t au; and
renovate the entire ytem. It aid d -tlon,
tltnulatea and enrlche the Plo.od
tone up the heart, Invigorate and build
up the Vdy o that It will throw off all
disease. At th Medical Convention In Al
bany, on of the leading doctora said ha
would rather hav Puffy' Pure Malt
Whiskey to cure consumption, catarrh,
aathma and dlaeases of the throat and
lunaa than all the quack medlelnee In th
world, and the doctora preeent agreed with
him unanlmoualy. Duffy r-ure Malt
Whtakey la good for old and young. It haa
carried the bleenlng of health to hundred
of thouaanda of poor aufferera. Many hav
tried to Imitate It,- and unreliable dealer
have been known to try to sell their cuato
mer ome cheap substitute because there
was more prollt In the Substitute. Mo we
caution our patlenta'to be careful and aee
that "Duffy a Pure Malt Whiskey" M on
the label, and that It la our own patent
bottle, with the nam blown in tn Dome.
Fight Originated1 bj Teamsters Extends to
8 umber of Trades.
Strike I Growlaar Rapidly anal wltfc
Reeralt Proaalaed Tlr, Threat-
a Least e Bitter
BOSTON. March 10. After nearly six
week of skirmishing the dreaded labor
between the organised teamster,
Thl ia the only way Duffy' Pure Malt I freight and express hssdlers ol Beaton and
wniaaey is i'i. in ' I tha I mm arat railroad comorstlons. the
naaas ii "" I .. - u.,nM mA the
New York Central Hudson River, the
latter locally known aa the Bo ton A Al
bany, broke out today. Tonight the out
took la that unless powerful agencies are
erjeedllv Invoked to compel peace the
struggle will have a far-reaching effect,
The striks, which is a sympathetic one,
already Involves 1,000 men In and about
Boston, Stopping work because of the dis
charge of union men who refused to handle
nonunion moved freight, the four organisa
tions now on strike made every effort today
to extend their sphere of Influence to ami I
ated bodies, w'hlle the corporations enet
getically tried to fill the strikers' placet
and to receive and dispatch (Sods offered
them. Both met with some measure of sue
Write Puffy Malt Whlekey Co., Roches- -ess.
ter, n. I., lor l wo gums cuunir y
whlat.. euchre, etc.: Inclose 4 cent In
iiihni in rover noafna-e. Valuable medical
booklet free. Mention tnia paper, uuui
Malt Whiskey la old by all druggists, grp
r.n nr direct. 11.00 a bottle. It Is th only
whiskey recognised by the government aa
a medicine, neiu udsmiui.
bop to have crews with which to 4tspetch
soma of the vessels by daybreak.
Dearer Tradesaaea Strike fee Skerter
Hears ttltk I'alea
PENVER March 10. The carriage mak
ers, mechanics, mattre makers, Indoor wire
workers and fuel handlers in this elty are
out on strike for sa eight-hour day sod
union wage. It Is said (he unions are de
termined to make a fight tor an eight-hour
day In all branches of labor and the struggle
msy involvs 7,000 workmen la Denver.
... .
I conreaerate army, .where ne was also a I
surgeon. He was anmarrled sad to year
of age.
enders Eii Begigrjation to Take Effect on
the First of Hay.
I C B X r KT T XT-U A a . . a a
CONGRESSMAN MOODY TAKES HIS PLACE I n are apartment was caned Zi :7i
night by a blase at No. 948 West Fifth
eslaaatlaa Ha Beea Aallclpate lor J street. In a small bouse owned and occu.
meat ol III lateatloa Hav
Beea Made.
Ceatral Lakar I'aloa Haeke Strikers.
NORFOLK, Vs.r March 10. The Central
Labor unlun of Norfolk today stood by tbs
strikers In their extermination to stay out
ao long as the condition requiring them
to go bsek to work with nonunion men was
In force, notwithstanding tbs decision of
the board of arbitration named by the
Chamber of Commerce. ' The Central Labor
body refused to raise the boycott sgslnst
the railroad company.
Men Deelrfa Rot to Strike.
MI830ULA, Mont., March 10. Tbe strike
of the Northern Pacific trsln crews was
declared off today and trains will resume
running ss usual. ' The' men conferred con
cerning the 'rule of the' road and tfie
organization lo which they belong and say
the walkout wss not warranted by tbs circumstances.
pled by Henry Behrena. The house was
totally destroyed, but th most of the fur
Dlture wss saved. Mr. Behrena, who Is
about 70 yeara of age and lives alone, was
asleep when the Ore) broke out, snd had not
the fire been discovered by a nelshbor soon
WASHINGTON, Msrch 10. Tbe third after It started he would hero undoubtedly
haase la the cabinet 6t President Rooae- lost his life. He wss removed from the!
velt occurred today, when Secretary Long I building partially overcome by smoke and '
Submitted bis resignation In a graceful let- I in a dated cendltion. The loss Is sbout
ter. It being scoepted In one equally fellcl- 1600.
tous by tbe president. The change was
made complete by the selection ef Repre- I Cantoa Iroa Worka.
sentatlvs Wlllism Henry siooay ui m. CANTON, O.. March 10. The foiindr.
Sixth congressional district of Massaohu- .,, extern house of the tMn
setts ss Mr. ixng s successor iu m. nu i works has been destroyed by fire. Loss,
department. 1 1100.000. The blant was crowded with nr.
This chengs has been expected for a long I aera for SX months snd too men sre Idle.
time. Mr. Long hsd lntanded to retire insurance, 150,000. The plant will be re.
at the berlifalna of the lata President Me-
Klnley's second term, but he consented 10
remain until certain lines of policy In
which he waa Involved were more satisfac
torily arranged. Then when President
Roosevelt succeeded, though anxious to re
turn te private life, a strong feeling of
bouse was deeply grieved at whst had oc
curred. 11 would ask their lordship to
concur with blm In bis sympathy for the ,
gallant ofJBcr In his present unfortunate
position snd defer adverse criticism till
they bad definite Information as to who was
directly responsible. From Delarey's con
duct throughout th war they could all be
assured that General Methuen would tie
taken great care of.
Lord Bpeocer (liberal), the former presi
dent of the council, said be thoroughly be
lieved in General Metnuen's seal. He did
not want to offer a hint of crltlcUm at the
present time. The premier, Lord Salisbury,
also expressed deep sympathy with Qeu
eral Meibuen under the ' present unfortu
nate circumstance. He said it was not tbe
tlmexto discuss bis sctlon. He bad always
acted with the greatest gallantry and the
premier therefore thought they should defer
criticism or examination of the very sad
Intelligence until the details arrived. Hla
lordablp was convinced General Methuen
bad done bis best In connection with th
affair. .
Tbe feeling of depression In the lobbies of
tbe House of Commons over the newa of
the disaster In South Africa wii very
marked. The service member of th house
txpressed the opinion that It would necessi
tate sending fresh troops to the front while
the belief was widely expressed that the
Boers will not fall to take advantage of
General Metpuen's prominence to bold him
ss a hostsg for the safety of Commandant
Krltstnger and other Bosr leaders new In
tbs hands of the British.
Paul Sanford Methuen, Third Baron
Mathuen, , tcame lieutenant In tbs Scot
Guard In 1864, waa on special service on
the Gold eoast In " )7, served in the
Ashantl war in 1874, waa assistant mili
tary . secretary to the commander-in-chief
In Ireland W 1877, military atiaens at uer
Express Employe Will 4alt.
Tomorrow the local employes of the great
exprei companies, tbe Adam and the New
York ft Boston, two companies which handle
practically all th fast freight in southern
New Englsnd, will refuse to work, while
several smaller bodies ef organised labor,
the troops aroused the most violent crltl-1 such tbe brewery teamsters and the
clsm, which was only stilled by tbe relist I piano movers, ss well ss freight handlers
of Klmberley, when - tbe question of his I In East Boston, Will be Idle. On the other
health and ability seemed to be dropped. I band the New Tork, New Haven ft Hart-
Flfteea Haadred Mea Strike.
OKLAHOMA, City, O. T., March 10. Fif
teen hundred workmen In the Building
Trades went on a strike bere today, becauS
tbe building contractors refused to em
ploy union labor, unlets tbs Builders' coun
cil would agree to dissolve their order.
Both sides are strongly organtxsd.
loyslty to President Roosevelt Induced the $pQg LAJ . QU POSTMASTER I
rv I ri.i j in niiuuviu u -
It was convenient to make a change. Re
cently Mr. Long has bsen In Massachusetts
making arrangements with his old legal
connections to re -en ter the practice of law
and he has hsd his houss st Hlnghsm put
In order for bis occupation. When Mr.
Since that time General Methtlen baa ren
dered efficient service snd ssversl notable
successes over the Boars stsnd to his crsdlt.
Moat Serloas Bridals Reverae.
Dclarey, who bas proved himself th most
able of all the Boer generals, bas within
a fortnight, gained a second decisive vlo-
ford railroad, after succeeding today in
moving considerable freight by Italian
tabor, will augment the force tomorrow
and tbe Boston ft Albany expects to have a
large number of new men at work In its
freight sheds.
At both tbe New York, New Haven ft
Hartford snd th Boston ft Albany freight
tory. His first victory was tse capture oi houses gsngs of Italians engaged yeeterday
vouoonop a camp, wsen tn eritisn casuan- I to removs the freight which bad accumu
tlea killed, wounded snd made prisoners i-ted ,ftor tnfl reUlsr fores struck Sattir
totaiieo. 032 ana ns dm now saaea to ois a,r wer. gUll st work. There wss no sign
sureis oy tne capture, tor toe nrst urns disturbsnce about the freiaht yards dur-
ihrcugnout th campaign, or a prominent nnc tne eftriy hours. Pollcs detslls guard
British general ana ny innicting wnai is I n approaches, but there bss been no dem
generally admitted to bs ons of tbs worst onstratlon calling for their Intervention.
reverses ths Britisn hav suffered tnrougn- In Tlew of the threatening aspect of the
out the whole wsr. strike, the State Board of Arbitration today
It is supposed that Lord Methuen was Disced Itself in touch with all concerned In
marching with the intention to avenge ths the trouble. Tbe members of the board
cspturs of tbe Vondonop eonvoy. Tbs news- were not wlthout hope that the onoosln
Plica Cased Wtraowf two Kails
Itching, bund, bleeding or protruding
piles. No cure, no pay. All druggists are
suthorlsed by the manufacturer of Pass
Ointment to refund money where it falls
to cur any esse of piles, ns matter of bow
long standing. Cures ordinary casst In tlx
fays; ths worst casst la fourtssn days. One
implication give &s and test. Relieves
Itching Inataqtly, This is a new discovery
and Is the only pile) remedy sold on a post
tlvs gusrantes, no curs no psy. Pries 'BOe.
If your druggist don't keep It in stock ssnd
us f0c la stamps snd we will forward sams
by mall. Manufactured by Paris Medicine
Co., Et. Louis, Ho.) who also manufacture
tbe celebrated cold cure, Lsxstivs Bromo
Qulatnt Tablets. .
Holda Road 5t Reowoaelble,
ST. LOUIS, March 10. Th United State
court of appeals, in a decision banded down
today, decided that a railroad Is not re
paper correspondents In South Africa bsvs p,rtlM eonH be Drought together, although Pn,ilibl ,0" ot n'n
not been allowed to desorlbs the sffalr. the strike hsd come in spite of the ft Raveling on the road through ths courtesy
i ns oniy aoanionai asian avauaoie are tntt tn, grievances of the union bad been v "
containea in a runner aispaton irom ira before the board in vsrlous forms duiins
Kitchener, which Mr.- Broderlck, ths sec
retary of wsr, resd just as Parliament ad
Native Boy Cause Coafaalon.
This dispatch shows that ths utmost con
fusion was caused by natlvs boys with led
horse who galloped through the mule con
voy ss tbe latter was endeavoring by Lord
Methuen' directions, to close) on ths ox
convoy. Tbs disorder ' among th - mules
communicated Itself to tbs mounted troops
tbe past three months. It was learned that
tbe newspapers sre exempt from ths sm
bargo of the teamsters, and their paper
will be delivered as usual, the same ss
supplies to hospitals and public institutions
Two propositions from the striking freight I Foreign omce.
bsndlers presented to the New York, New
Haven ft ' Hartford, railroad this forenoon
were rejected.
Of the unions in session tonight only two
voted to strike in the morning, tbe ex
Mlatater Coaarer Give Baaojaet.
PEKIN, March 10. United States Min
isttr Conger gsvs a banquet tonight to a
lsrgs psrty of Chinese princes and officials,
Including all ths prominent members ot tbs
Wlaker Pleads Hot Gollty.
the New York Central railroad engineer
who was Indicted for manslaughter In
causing the death of seventeen peraons In a
snd th. Boer, dr.s.ed I. khaki, frustrate slready gu?.tyPt"oy SS tiSSTli
Sll th sttcmpts 91 tne sritun omcer tol ,vv " i general sessions, counsel lor Wlaker filed
oi iov men. turn lougauurerasa arc appax- i an aiipucmiion tor aumomy 10 inspect tne
rally their forces. Orest confusion ensued
among this portion of tbs. mounted troops,
they snd the mule wagons' galloping three
lln In 1877-S1, assistant adjutant general ilmUo beyond th xjx;' wagons, where thy
. . ... -- , n . I ma-. - ,fp ''v: 1
and aitlstsnt i quartermaster : general for
ths Horns district In la81-4, srvd In tb
Egyptian war, taking part in ths lighting
st Kssiassln aad Tel-El-Kbln commanded
Methuen' Horss and a Held fore In
Beehuanaland In 1884-1885, was promotsd
major general in 1800, was 4n command of
ths Home district in 1892-97 snd hss com
manded ths First division et ths First army
corps ss lieutenant general sines 1898. He
baa been frequently decorated and men
tloned In dispatches or bravery.
Command Klmborloy's Belief.
. General Methuen commanded the column
seat to relieve Klmbtrley In the latter part
of lts snd while on that servlc fought
th Boer st Belmont, Gras Pan, ths Mod
der river and Magersfonteln. At the bat
tle of Ore Pan th Boers were under com
mand of General Delarey, who la General
Methuen' esptor now. After these en
gagements General Lord Roberts wss sent
to South, ;Afrlca, where bs took personal
command of tbs British advance on Klm
berlsy and relieved Klmberley February
is. 100. ,
After General Mstbuea's defeat at
Magerfont!n. It wss raportsd that bs bad
shown signs of break lag dws almost im
mediately after bs took command of bis
division, and General Wolaely, whs waa
then : commasder-in-cblaf ot th British
force, is said to' hava tuggasUd to tbe
Wsr om, s(tsr tbs battls of Belmont,
thst Methuen should bs relieved, but bis
sdvlos wss not beedsd. .
General Methuen sent a number of re
markable messages to ths Wsr offjes, on
of which contained Just three words,
"Darks after dawn." His handling of
wors cut off.
r seetlonf ' pf the' fourth and thlrtyelgbth
batteries of artillery fought with great gal
Isntry snd 100 men composed ot tbs North-
umberland fusiliers . and tbs Lancashire
ently held )n check by their officers. Ths
local newspapers have' not been affected
by tbe strike and paper was delivered to
them ss usual during the day. This is by
order of the Allied Transportation council,
which considered tberq public necessities.
Nearly every labor union In this city
met tonight to discus - ths labor sltua.
mlnutea of tha, arajid turv.
this matter was reserved.
Decision on
showed grat courage In protecting tbe tion. The predictions sre tbst ths longshore
wagons and In refusing to surrender until mn, numbering about 4,000, would striks.
resistance was useless. . . . together with about 1,000 Knights ot Labor
Boer Wear-British tailor-. freight employed by tbe Boston
I A aVIaklrtafi marl An A 1 IWD TnAii In nth at tin lnn
Th fores under General Delarey wss al- v.n ,v.,P .-...,.,,. i. u .n h...
most snUrcly drsesed In British uniforms. ,hnr. -.,. . wo,k th. ..riUin- -..
This made It impossible for the Infantry
to distinguish between their own men and
th enemy when tbe mounted troop were
driven In on them. Th enemy numbered
1,600 men. They bad on 15-pounder and
a pompom. Delarey, Colliers, Kemp, Ver
will bs over 14,000 men.
Foreraaae ol Greater Troablo.
PITTSBURG, March 10. E. H. Hein-
richt, tbe editor ot tbe Teamster, tbs na
tional organ of tbs National Team Owners,
raso, Tromp. snd other commandants wsrs published in Pittsburg, makes tbs follow- Areafy wo ha!verlad Uuom fromeMUrn
J. Rosenthal Goes East Interest
Capitalists aad Beware Appro
' : prlattoa.
milf inrt rHw .A t t t- ,i ,
viiivnuv, lUBiku u, 0, . tf. nvwilllliu,
chairman of the finance committee of the
Olympian game, it waa announced today,
will leave today for New York and Waah.
tngton Wedneaday to Interest easterner for
tne big sports scheduled lor U04.
Whl e In the east Mr. Rosenthal will
take the first steps toward asklna consTeaa
for a tWO, (WO appropriation for th Olympian
games, ne win announce at that time that
every dollar Chicago gives the promoters
Will ask the government to duplicate.
We are aolna to make the aamea a re a ter
than we thought at nrst," ald Mr. Rosen
thai today. ' We anticipate no trouble 1
getting an appropriation from congreaa.
Bad Blood
Breeds Hu mors
. Bolls, Pimple. Eruptions,
Cores, Debility, Languor,
, Kidney Troubles, fndifjeiUoa an4
Tbn Tifed JVeollng-,
All ol which Jlood't Baraaparilla
Cures, try purifying, nricbing and
riUlidng th blood.
Blood troubles, left nnchscked, io
ereasa gad multiply nst at naturally
as the woods and thistles Infosting
the toll.
Ther need the tame radical treat
Bttnt, loo. . .
They should be rooted out In Spring.
Stops the breeding of disease germ
and impuritiei la the blood.
It also Imparts vitality and richness,
and that mean strong, vigorous
body M well as clear healthy skin.
. Yea will look better and feel bet
ter If yon begin taking Hood's Sars
jarilla TODAY. It
The Blood
Al nothing else can.
' "My sen had pimples a bis face, which,
after a while became a mass ot sores.
1 began giving tilm Pood's BarsaparUla
and soon tbs sores were getting batter.
"They finally healed without leaving a
car." Mm. X Tastr, T WlUov Arena,
Jfloeokea, V. J.
present. General Met bsen wss seen by an
agent of the intelligence department. He
wss being well cared for in hi own wagon.
In a private telegram received bere Lord
Kitchener saysi
"I find Methuen baa a fractured tblgb. but
Is reported to be doing well." In another
messag Lord Kitchener says tbs wounded
will b brought in to tbe railroad today
snd says:
"I bops ths reinforcements now arriving
will rectify the situation In this srea with
out disturbing operations elsewhere."
It is reported tbst Lord Kitchsnsr's In
complete aooounts bsvs not told ths worst.
but smong tbsnewspspsrs aad tba publls
there Is a tendency to aoospt Mr. Broder-
Ick's advlcs to suspsnd Judgment pending
the receipt of details.
yaapatky lor Metkaea.
Distinguishing features of tbs editorials
this morning ar. nrst, th outburst of svm-
patby for General Methuen, which Is quits
lag statement on ths Boston strike;
"Tbe team drivers' strike in Boston is
merely the forerunner of similar occur
rences all over tbe country snd the cause
ot It I place mainly on the unfortunate
condition of the teaming trade. The team
owners, ot whom there sre sbout 60,000 In
this country, representing sa Investment tn
horses, wsgons snd stsbles of probably
130,000,000, lack organisation, and hence are
unable to deal with any such troubts as a
striks. Ths troubls is tba individual team
owner in almost every city in this country
make bis own prices snd runs his business
without sny organised business system.'
Dedea EnTorts at getileaaoat aad Re
' salt la Geaeral Boycott
. of Beer.
CINCINNATI. O., March 10. Ths confer-
eitraordinery when It Is remembered how I ence between the national executive board
h was aeaalled with hostile and sngry I ot ths United Brewery Workmen and ths
criuoism ounng ths early stages of tbe brewers of Clnclasati. Covington snd New-
war, and second, the Seres denunciation of port tonight resulted In a disagreement. All
the Irish members of Psrllamsnt, who in. negotiations are off. It was stated tbst ths
dulgad In hilarity st ths reading by Mr. United Brewery Workmen refused to arbi.
Broderlck In the House ot Commons ef tbs I trat and demanded ths discharge of non.
dispatch annouaslsg Lord Methsen's cap. I union men employed sine tbs lockout be-
ture. I can. The brewers Insisted tbst they were
Tbe Dally Ksws says tbe event hss I under written pledge to give all these new
scarcely a parallel since tba dsrk, disss- mea etesdy work.
trous day when the North Amerlcsn col- Wbn tbs proposition wss submitted that
sntes seceded from British control. I all the lockout men be reinstated without!
Ths Standard ssys ' this defeat comes I prsjudics until tbs question ef tbs engine
after a succession ot mishaps for which 1 room Jurisdiction wss settled by ths Amer-
it is Impossible to secount by mere bad I leas Federation ot Labor tbs brswsrs re-
men of money offering to subscribe toward
the stock. We are going to have a real
International exposition oi the physical de
veiopment oi men.
Colambla'a Ckanoee Abroad.
XT IT WT VODV W - a... W 1A ITI.. .... ,
waa published here today that J. Plemont
Morgan ai me reception given to irinre
Henry at the New York Yacht club last
nlsht said he would Immediately nut Co
lumbla In commission and send it acroas
the ocean to race any yacht on tbe other
Side. Mr. Morgan was shown the published
aimemeni unu mticrr rcnaina n aaia: -
-"mat article aoea not correct iv ouote me
What I did aay was that If there waa any
one over mere mai wanieo. to race Co
lumbia I would send It over.
Mr. Moraan declined to discuss th noa.
sTblllty of the Cup winner a going abroad
or on wnai oot)amona ne would allow It to
race agunai a toreign yacnt.
Nebraska. Botk Basil aad Weep To
day, ft Coveraaaeat Porooast
Is Aeoarato.
Hoaae at Fremont.
Wag Sick Eleht Ypiw wUh
Female Trouble and Finally
Cuml bT LjrdU K. Pinkham s
Vegetable Compound. -k
"Dtsa Mrs. FlNsnAMi I have
nevsr In rny life friven a testimonial
before, but yoti have done so ratio h for
roe that I feel railed upon to give von
this tinsollolted acknowledgement of
Onaha Praaao Balldlas;.
An old frame building at Thirtieth snd
Nicholas streets wss destroyed by fire this
Fremont People Bapeet Hammond
Will Bo Succeeded by Swanson
. la Oeremker.
FREMONT, Neb., March 10. (Special.)
While ths reappointment of Roes L. Ham-
Long entered ths cabinet originally he was mond Is regarded throughout tbe state aa
an sctlvs member of the firm ot Hemlng-1 victory for National committeeman Schnel-
wsy It Long, a well known legal firm of I der. it was a victory of a rather peculiar
Boston. H always bas maintained a silent nature. A very Important changs wss mads
connection with tbe eoncern snd will sgaln m ma famous proposition or November, last.
become an sctlvs psrtner.
Exchange ot Message.
Th correspondence exchanged today Is
sa follows:
March 10, l02.My Dear Mr. Preeldent:
win vou acoenc mia aa my resianauon ui
the secretaryship ot the navy to take ef
That' left it Indefinite when .Hammond
should resign and Swanson assume control.
This time thst Is ssld to have been definitely
llxed and It is added bere by parties who
claim to know that before Senator Millard
would recommend Mr. Hammond, bis res- I
lgnation to tske effect some time in Decem
ber next wss delivered to ths senator. Ths
feet on the first day of May. next, or settlement ot ths vexed question has cleared
K?Tl.h.0- iThK' be.n0Uto"hmel ad"khtfu1 J?0""01 atmo.phers wonderfully The
and the other slds appears perfectly satis
While Ed Footer Is Extracting- Empty
- Shell, Loaded One Ex- .
service. I leave the official circle of your
cabinet, in which my association witn
you and it members has been o happy,
Ll.h a hlnh annracla.tlnn ef vour admin
istration, and with most cordial good
Tlshes tor its succass ana lor you per
sonally, very truly yours,
The President. .
Maroh 10. My Dear Mr. Secretary: It la
with very sincere regret that I accept your
1K!wi.S FAIRMONT. Neb.. March 10.-(Speclal.)-
tn tha iajit ai montha. but to have served I Ed Fostor and Charley Welch, two town
under you at tne outset ot rresioeni o- boys about 15 year of age, went hunting
iviniey a aaminiai.iai.iun. a nvo "" 7u o.tiinlnv Th Vnmtmr hov whIU an.
In both relations, and it has never been my 0 Saturday. Tne Foster boy while en
good fortune to be associated with any deavorlng to extract an empty shell from
publlo man more single-minded in his de- his revolver exploded a loaded one. The
feoWnC bWS'ffi un.t struck hi. right cheek the nose.
of personal friendship. I vuiermg ine uiuuiu aua xnucsing oui two
May ail the goon fortune you so ricniy teeth. The hullet bas not yet been ex
President of Oakland Woman's lUdlng Clak,
the wonderful enraUva valtie f Lydla
11. Pliikham's Voretable Com
pound. For eight yeara I had female
trouble, felling- of the womb and other
complications. During- that time I waa
more or less of an invalid and pot much
food for anything, until-one day. I
ound a book in my hall telling of
tne curea vou could pertorra. i became
Interested: I bought a bottle of Lyilia
12. rtnkliam's Vegetable Com
pound and was helped; I con tinned its
use and In seven months waa cured, and
since that time I have had perfect
health. Thanks, dear Mrs. Pinkham
again, for the health I now enjoy.-
till. JXlflTIC U DORSET.!,, 278 USSt SI St
St., Chicago, 111. 5000 ort
Uttlmtnlal It set ftnuln.
Women suffering ' from snv
form of female Ills can be cureh
by Lydia E. Plnkham'g Vegeta
ble Compound. That's dure.
Mm. I'lnknara advises glck wo
men free. Address, Lynn, Mass.
deeerve attend you Wherever you go,
cereiy yours, ,
To the Hon, John D. Long. Secretary of
tne isavy,
The biographical note ot tbe new seers
Popallata reet ia Loalavllle.
tlonal convention
Ky.. March 10. The na
of the people' nartv ha
tin enntalnad In that ronareaalnnal Record Pen called to meet at the Wlllard hotel.
;""" .."" .r. ... I Ijoulavllle, April 1, to consider matter
yirj uicci, auywiu mi i which will come before the allied parties
In its barest outlines. But It appears that national convention in this oity April i.
he is a man ot affairs snd it is psrtlculsrly toe realty market.
BiiliIU ias yvvpao 4110 eovci u tun mss v
Vnnw iKar hen Ksafviar r Ktsl ns sa
mind of experience In governmental affairs, ff NTft Placd oa recor1 Monday,
Warranty Deeds.
Omaha Realty company to C. H.
Kubat. lot 15. Drexel A M.'a add....t
C. H. Kubat to Frank and Maria
Tula, lama
A. F. Connetf and wife to Michael.
Btodolny et al, n 65 reet or a 105 feet
of WW lot t&L Burr Oak. . .-.
W, H, Merry weather and wife to W,
K. orowcock. undlvVa ss'A and im
tieU eeU 18-18-10
B. E. Wilooz and wife to I. J. Copen-
harve, lot 7, block 1, V. E. Wilcox's
J. H. Taylor and wife to Ida M. Hood,
ox au, diock u, west cna aaa.
acquired through bis bSrd work for sev
eral years on tbe appropriation committee
of tbe bouse
Mr. Moody Is compsratlvely a young man,
being In bis 4th year. He Is a Iswysr by
profession, being a graduate of PhUllpps'
academy, Andovar, Mass., snd Harvard uni
versity. He bas been district attorney for
ths eastern dlstrlot ot Masssohnsetts and
has served In ths Forty-fourth. Forty-fifth,
Plfty-slxth snd Fifty-seventh congress, be
lag elected aa a republican. He wss born
in Nswbury, Mess., but now reside, at BC. Sba"dwlf ' 0"
Haverhill. I son, wH out lot 1S3, and sH out lot
Mr. Moody expects to assume charge of . 1'.lor"c
bis new offlc Msy 1.
Moody is Conaratelated
Tbs news that Representative Moody of
Massacbusstts bad been offered and bad ac
cepted the Navy portfolio reached the cap
ital shortly after noon snd Mr. Moody, who
wss on ths floor of ths bouse, wss sbowersd
with hearty congratulations. For seversl
minutes hs held a regular levee In one ot
the slds aisles on tbs republican slds.
Democratic members noticed the demon
strations and crossed over to Join in tbe
ovation, bis congratulations from that quar
ter being fully as hearty and aa sincere
ss those from bis own side of the bouse,
Mr. Moody began to rise to prominence
during bis first term in tbe house, when
Speaker Reed selected him frequently to
preside Over the committee of the whole
snd predicted for blm a brilliant legisla
tive career. As a member of th appropri
ation committee ho bss since led several
fights on ths floor, notably In connection
with the contest between the navy and
geodetic survey over Jurisdiction of deep-
sea surveys. He secured the sdoptlon of s
resolution on an appropriation bill raising
Dewey to tbe rank of sdmlral,
Ftamevas Tan, PUnplta,
freckles. Moth Patchae.
Haab oa Skin dl.
aae, and every
bUaalah n beauty,
and Sefla Sat
Uon. It has too4
th teal ot St
yaars, and Is s
harmless wa taat
It to be aura '
ia prepariy maoa.
Accept a counter
feit 1 ot similar
'nam. Dr. I A.
Bajrre ld te a la
dy of the haut-taa
(a BaileBttl
As you ladles will mm tham. I raeom.
Sand 'OOUKAUD'S CRKAM' aa th least
irmful of all the Skin preparations." For
tale by all Druggist and Fancy Goods
e!er In the U. 3. and Kurope.
B,nu. 1-. HorKiai, rr-t
tH Qreat Jones SU H. Y.
Imperial Hair Repsrator
Is ovsrywker recognised as th
for Orey r BleaebMI Hair. Its arr-lU
Mary A. Tibbs and husband to Clara
a. rurcupue, lot 11, diock 0, nans
com Place
South Omaha Land company to W.
U. OT11IS, . 101 , DIOCK ZM, HOUtn
C. J: Hager and husband to F. J.
Fltsgerald. nwu nw44 S&-15-12
A. H. Norton and wife to C. P. Mc
Coy, neSi ne4 s-is-io (s or railroad),
i. Z. Leach and wife to M. E. Gib
bons. nMi neu 19-16-11
Charles Kalaer and wife to Anna C.
Hleck, Z9 reet lot 11, block 1, Mil-
Inawt 171 baa
101 -X w w ...,................
C. W. Down end wife to J. J. Toung
et ai, 101 1, aianon tr lace
4ult Claim peed.
B. D. Samson, trustee, to J. W. Robin
son, lot I, block 4; lot 7, block b; lot
I and (. block 73; lot 6, block 92; lot
11. block 142: lots 10. 11 and 13, block
16Ti lot 13, block W, undly 1-5 block
175, Florence ,
Sheriff to J, P. Roe, lots 1 and t.
block a, credit, ioncier add, and
strips adjoining ,,,
Total smonnt.of transfers..
2,800 I
oaUon IS net sSecled br rht pmnlte
enrllofils absolutely harnlaaa, and In.
valmahl tor nar4 aad Maatachs. ON
0asayleirev.Beice4ora.. .
Imperial Chemical Co.. LS W. Jd St.. N. T.
Recommended throughout
the world by the Medical Pro
I fesslon, and during thirty
eight years pronounced the
most reliable, effective and
agreeable tonic and stimulant.
All DjrtuftUts. fiefuse 9ubstUuta.
Tbe Morning Post point out tkst General
Mctbnca did not surrender, "but bs was
wounded snd Included In tbe surrender by
tbe next unwounded officer In command."
Tbe Dally Chronicle ssys:
"An uneasy feeling presents ltaelf as to
whether tbe War efOcs msy not be crip
pling Its generals by sending them raw
and unreliable levies."
Tbe news ef tbs disaster In South Africa
wss published too 1st ta receive much
comment abroad, but tbs greatest satis
faction is expressed la Boer circles tn Hol
land and Germany. Tbs Berliner Taggblatt
"It is tbe Boers' gnawer to England's
hign-hsnded rejection - et ths putck gov.
srnment's eSsr of mediation." .
Do Telegraaf ot Amsterdam says: -
"It will give the1 Bees s, (reek leas ot
sponded thst they had previously sccepted 1 Wean temperature
tbst proposition snd tbst tbe men bed vio
lated It.
Tonight tbs labor councils sent out elr
culsrs to boycott tbs beer ot the three
cities Involved la tbs lockout.
Car. tj-le la Qae Day
tske Laxative Bresse QoU'ns Tgblstg. ah
druaaiata refuaS tbe aaooov It It tarls te
cur. , W, Qrove's signature is oa eats
be, fs, . -
1 Slaakoel . m K(', '
Frank faiiah, who rooms st ths eorner of j
Twelfth and Fsrnam street, waa alaahedJ
sa h Kit arm witn a ror tiy an un
known colored man about 12 o'clock last
right at th corner ef Twelfth aad Uodg
Streeta. J ne man aaasa farian ana a nwg
who was with blm t roll a Sama of crap
tk aldawalk. Pariah rafuaad and the
aegro cut him. It ra.ulre four alltch
to noio tne cTu - . ,- . .,
WASHINOTON, March JO. Forecast:
For Nebraska Fair in west, showers snd
colder in cast portion, followed by clearing
Tuesday; Wedneaday, fair; variable Mod
For lows Showers Tuesday, with colder
la western portion; Wednesdsy, fair; vs
Viable winds, becoming westerly.
Local Be. .
OMAHA. March 10. Oftlclai raeord of tem
perature snd precipitation compared wub
the corresponding day of the laat three
muz. mui. iwn inn.
Maximum temperature... 65 M 71 tut
Minimum temperature....' M 27 41 Ss
t II M . ii
Precipitation 01 .28 .00 .00
Record of temperature and nreclbltatlaa
at Omaha for this day and alnc llarck L
Normal temperature S4
Excess for the day....- H
Total excess elno March 1-
Karhiu ttriQlnltAUQli
CCA I lain lCCCCI C CTAUT OUT I n.nolencv for the day
0&rk.lliu F uv-i-tw iniu ww I PreclpitaUon since March I
I ienciency sine atarcn .
CoatlaaeA Strike ot Reaalar
ST. JOHNS, N. F March 10. The eal-
lag steamers Algernlns, Chataw snd Fan
thsr saUd from Cap Bscs today for ths
Gulf ot Bt. Lawrenc and ths steamer New
toundtand sailed from Catallna, all with
full crews. Tbe steamers WaJYus snd Nim-
rod also sailed from northern ports. The
steamers st St. Johns ara still without
Tbs sealers' striks still continues, but
the mea ars still depressed. -
Tbe shipowner met this afternoon and
decided to guarantee the aame price as
Deficiency for eor. period 1901.
Pendency for cor. period 1).
04 inch
3 Inch
31 Inch
01 inch
.... .01 Inch
1 -Greater Tham Assertion.
There is none of us so bardsned but that
k. k.v. Kajn a Hi tn iM nil r f11nw
coateai xor noooy s-i.eo. ersaturss by conferring a benefit or brlng-
BOSTON, March 10. Ths appointment of lng a little comfort Into their lives we like
Congresimsn Moody ss secretary of the I to hav appreciation shown. This gener
navy bss precipitated a contest for con- ally affords mors pleasurs thsn tbe per
greeslonsl honors in bis district which bss I formsnco of ths act Itself, snd In this con
been pending for nearly two years between nection tbe following letter from a ' Pari,
tbfee very wealthy aspirants. Tne avowed 1 Texas, lady is or mors than uaual interest:
candidal ar Hon, George von Meyer, at I "Dear Friends: I address you as such,
present ambassador to Italy; Captain A. P. I for you hsve been such to me. I suffered
Gardner, a former stats sens tor snd son-la- I for thres yaars ' off snd 'on with piles.
Isw of Senator Lodge, snd Hon. B. B. Shaw. 1 1 was treated at ths hospital, snd ths nsw
a former state treasurer. I and slrgsnt hospital, of Memphis; they only
gav m temporary relief. I earns west,
tblnklag the change of air snd wster would
benefit ms; five months sgo the bleeding
piles cams back on me, and bled so much
that I thought I would die. X have bad
four of ths finest doctors in this section of
Texss; all they did was to finally nearly 1st
me go to my-grave; all they wanted was a
big sum of money from me snd to operate
on me. -1 said no, no surgeon's knlfs would
enter me; If it waa my tlms to die God
knew It, aad When I died I would dl all
together. I begsa besring sbout your
Howell's Has won Its wsy
by bonsst merit. It
cures a consb'or a
cold and that Is
, Just , what It was
mads for,. Do not allow any dealer to sell
you a substitute, for pa other cough sura is
as good ss Anti-nawi. vep t in tbs
house. It's best for sors throat, for a
cough or a cold. ; t
v owomn,
"MeM ? Wnal m V Pe ,
Omaha, cloudy
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, part cloudy
Cheyenne, cloudy
Bait Laii city. Clear
haold City, clear..
laat yr, t J 10 per hundredweight, with I Huron, cloudy ,
prospect of an sdvsncs as tb msrk.t chtea.o7e
warrant. Th shipowner decided also to et. lmls, cloudy
submit etbsr points la ths disputs to sr- St. Paul, raining-
.. fJavenport, cloudy
bltrstloa. Kanaa Oty. part cloudy
TSS men are iiii psacaiui, oav suvargai 1 iiiivrt, ciear..
ef tbent srs hungry sad homeless. A arge Hej-oa, rt eioiay....
ball bas been hired by friends of tbe sealers. 55"l.7ton. cloudr.'.'.,.7.'
wnere tne mea srs neiag sneiteres toaignt. 1 - .
It is thought soms ot rbem will desert the I T IndlcaUs trace of wfWtIJ,H
trlkers before morning and ths ewnsrs 1 , lxcal Forecast Official.
IT 6 .01
4 60 .00
4H U .O
14 H .04
41 41 .00
4s Ml M
4 Ml .UO
42 4 .60
S S4 .00
44 70 .00
4 .01
) id .11
41' ii T
4 kit .00
40. 4-H .00
Editor Joh S. Msryby, Dabaejae.
DUBUQUE, Is., Msrch JO. (Special Tele
gram.) John 8. Murpbr, editor ot tbs Tele-
grsph-Hersld, died suddenly st :15 p. m.
He wss about te leavs tba office for home
at 4 p. to-, when attacked by pslas in ths
cbeet, which he bad felt lightly In ths
morning, snd sn hour, later be was dead.
efforts to sustain tbs heart by Injections
taring been made mesnwhlle. Not reslUlng medicine I bad no faith in you, but I eent
tb Import of tb sttsck, bs requested tbos d sot a box of your Pyramid Pile Curei
sbout blm to koap It secret snd hla family ln two days ths blood Bow bad slackened
wss not summoned. . I to ens-hslf th amount, and In ons week
Mr. Murphy wa born In Pennsylvania 1 1 f.i, - much better I walked four block
1 TmIUS for uanetarel
IrrttaUoas or alcralluai
of mi auaibraas
rMu Caiuw PaTolMe, andaot ajja
ltMlOUii 0. 4 suUoaeii.
s.r" i r y I'nnmt,
Pollard Juvenile .'
Opera Company
'ts Mssestt
fifty-live yesrs sgs. but came to Isws wbsn
a boy snd learned tbe printing trade ln
tb office of th Dubuque Herald. Later bs
wss printer snd reporter on the St. Louis I
Times. He returned to - Dubuque ln tbe !
'TOs, wss a reporter for some yesrs snd
la 117 became editor of tbe Telegraph.
When the sliver men gained control of the
snd did a little housework. I - wss not
bleeding then; In three weeks I wss well.
Ood bless you for putting such a wonderful
medietas within the reach of suffering mea
aad women. I shall sever ceaa to recom
mend your medicine or bo without It; also
I used your Pyramid Pills. Ssllls
Hearndon." Testimony like this should be
wednetsi Mat'
sa ansnt
THt 6 tit MA
Prices-Mat.. 8c. 80s. . Night, Jto to li eu.
E. S. VlLLAflD .
Thursday, Friday,' Uaiurday Matinee.. t
rroieaaora lkiv ewf.
Saturday Nlsht -....-.m-.
....' A Hiient woman, "tano irnca
Prices Mat.. 26c to tl.SO; night. Xm to it
democratic party In lews In ltvl, be came I more evnvlnoisg than alt claims snd aster-
Into leadership and wss chosen district I tlons, and should leavs no doubt In ths
delegate and in 1W delegsts-at-lsrgs tn I mind, m ths reader as to tbs merit of tbs
tba national convention. During th Har.
rises rsgims b wss tendcrsd tb editor
hip ef tb Chicago Times snd later Mr.
Bryan urged his removal to Omsk, but bs
preferred to remain st tbs scene of bis
early successes.
P. i. W. HI aaa, laaar.
LKMARS, la., March 19. (Special.) Dr.
J. W. Hlnes, died at hi boms In this city
yeeterday, after a two months' illness. Hs
hsd practiced In Lemars alae ISM, sad
was soaetdered eae ot tbe loeslag phyelelaa
of thla vicinity. He was a graduate ef tb
University ot Virginia- Hs fought in the!
remedy. "Pyramid FUs Cure Is sold by
druggists for fifty cents a paokage, or will
be mailed by the makers to soy address
upon receipt of price. Write Pyramid Drug
Co..' Marshall. . Mica., for their book oa
tause aad cure of pile.
I aa rMlUTalr ear ra mm rea
Urn 4 WataSr. ualr. ! asia.
a aM i ia Ooa-
waliMtoa la peraaa e b lattae is
JOHN S.V.OODSHf, IHTwal, law.
I4J Siaia Mraat, (.kicar.
Telephone 1AU.
MATINEES. ' WED., BAT.. SUN., tilt.
Marie Walnwrtght and company, St. "Ltea
Family. Clipper Quartett,. Jams Cullen.
Wenona and Frank. Sidney Grant, Wlrigat
Slaters and Bona Lee Tyler.
Prices 10c, ZSo and so. -
Entire Week Including Saturday Evening.
KtUCKER-JAwX Burlesquert
Comedy Vaudavllle Burlesque
S Big Vaudeville Acta
Pretty tllrlaCf median
Two enow umiy
Bmok If Tou Uke-Kve g Price. 10c-je-30