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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1902)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, MARCH lUt liKT--. ( ( SPECIAL NOTICES Advertises! W-III k OHM i vta HlttM i I tkewe eetaaaa ll IB . far tk lA tll B A P- SB. fee seeml-ft ae edltlea. Rates, l I -am m rat laser-Hew, ! ward ikirMHtr. Natblae takes fee lee tka far ka Brt Iwaer tie. Tkm ad vertlaesaeate a as! be m eeaeewetleely. Advertisers, by retlaT a a se wered fkKk. w ktTt aassver ftd 3ree(l iiaktrtl letter la care f Tka at. Aaiewer a di"eeed will ka delivered aa kreeeatatles) ( tka kaak aaly. SITU ITlON WASTE p. TOrSO man would like eieady employ mem; gooo. nana wim wc. v , ree A-177 W P(SJTIN wanted by ell-rood baker, city or country. Address C. Thomaa. 1714 Casg I atreet. A Mil h WASTED MALE HBL1. OOQD mrsarnfrra antra, U A. i. V. Ck. UM Sik bth. tocreaaad paT U all CTEADT work, orofltabla work, for kaat. uria-ptta kaaiisra. C '. AOama Co.. ! Mard. . B-tii to FOB HALF A DAT S WORK. It no llva In tne vaaairr or in a amall town and o a auwd aciaa4nianija among the lmimi r ajia atoca ruara in n naiaaixirbotMl tdii eaa anaka ta caaliy by toui or Mva tuura' ora rli as add a will atr.a you out propuaition. 'ie feaa l"ublliiir.; Co, koilciioia' lti-t croaha. iseo. a mit WANTED, a good ansa la CTarj county ta tajta auoacr.puons for tka Twrnnatb cantury raruac Our an tola snsaa buou waaa aval J a arc. Mtiaraouea rtsiiurea. Aauraaa, iwcoUeta Century trnxatrt. oaiaba, i m WANTKU, aiactrotypa fliusacr. Oreat Mcaiara Ta auuury. uaaaaa, Naa. - B-M7S VPTO-DATK auUcttora can mkka m per mania la oma-Ua. caoi at ii rax ton l-ik. TEADT work, proft Labia work, for neat, cuergaUc kuaacra. C If'. Attains Co.. 11 I sloaaa. WANTED, two or three men to work from our wagona; etetoy work ana gooa my. C F. AsuM Co, 11 Uoward bl Ja MSZt WANTED, four well re weed men that are wllllne? t work and want ta make at least i)W.M) per month. Inquire o. T. 1UU. 21 Bee kulldlng. B i la THB Molar Barker Cellega, 1(21 Farnam tC, wants man to Warn barber trade and la offering epedai Induce raataa now wherak anyone caa earn achoiarehip. board, took) and transpartaiion 11 de sired; great .demand for graduate ourtiig aorir.K ruan: ail trie Hnnuni at air say j.racLke. expert instructions given until competent; two wtootbe average term; we cjfier Imluoementa that cannot be had elaewkere; do sot be deceived by cheap kc a no pa oallad college, wba ask you. to pay Ibrm for waiUng on tnelr few cu- loroera; mia iraae s wonn i earring rignu Can r nw vooay. tt mm ii TRAVELING salesmen and advertisers; salary or a deal, irtumpa Co.. 1'aHa Tax. B Ml 14 WANTED, thoroughly experienced silk aaleemaa and dress goods aaleeman. Ap ply J. 1 Braadela A Bona. Boaton Store. PREPARE for elr. rerr. exam.; hk-kp , etc K. U, com. St. EL Hathbun. B M1OT A' ANTED, ft boy with a hora to deliver Tha Evening Baa, north aide. Cell at circulation aepu, Bee one. p. m. B-174 WANTED, awed all 'round printer at on or. On a be can do all claaaea of work. Must b a No. 1 a4 and yjb man. No uea for boosers. Bteady Job to right ma. Wrtta Randall at McKeA Sidney, la. . u-au.a ltr WANTED Painters at St. Louie for World fair work; W per day, hours. B 171 12 ANT peraon who- wilt distribute crrtilarsH for (I dally should address Standard Co., 4 w alia, cmcago. JS9 caavaasing. B 171 IlLSIBII WAITED. WANTED, will accept a limited number of saiaewte a, Saw plan, large oommla atona. Advaocnant. -Push and energy count. Chicago Fir Appliance company. Hoiyoaa. aiaaa. si WAX TED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young lady student to learn hairdreaalng, manicuring and chi ropody and act nuflc massage. Call or write Room tfc. Baa Bldg. C ea WANTED at once, gin for general house, work; muat know how to do plain cook ing, cau at x.s liuwmi au w aura WANTED, woman for general koaeework. famuy oi two, enquire itt a. ana m. C-71t av ANTED, four Intelligent and well edu cated business women. Tba right parties caa make at least 111 00 per month, ln- aulr Ooorg T. UaaL ) Be kulldlng. C 4X1 10 VT fc'. . . v . i gnrai houaasrork; muat be good cook ana laauMxrawe. awae rvaer u v aaaav WANTED, at anoe, capabl tailor- good wage. Mra. A, C. Alar. 17 th and Doug- J laa atraaH. c eat WE WANT ywaag ladle at one to leara fcalrdreesleg, manicuring and facial rase- saga; splendid demand for graduates; tit ta Li weekly paid! a toady practice, ex ' part Instructions, ate-: only four weeks require. ua or wni lor parucuiars, i atoaar cwuags, isza rarnam ot. O-MlOt 11 KURSES' Collage, Pueblo, Col ; thr months course; Oiplomsa; next term paa April L Wrlua. O M1M ll WANTED, a good girl for areaeral houee- work. Ltqulr M K SM SU C-MlBf IV WANTED, a good girl for general house work; good, wag. xw jjavanport et ' e il C 1T1 OIRL for general housework In family et I thr. Mt at Ittn st C 10 taTDDLnVAOED lady for general boas. wrk ana cats si family lor .widower. A. Saalsra. kUvar Cratk. Nan. C-SBI1 KELT WASTED. CANADIAN Employment OBet, 1714 Dong. MEN and weenaw waated ; tradea and pro- teaatoaai poettvona secure promptly; any ptaee, Adlresg P O. Drawer tn. Chioeg. a i FOR. RBBTMOI SES. KIW B room booa ea ear Una, modem, reaaonabie to right paruea. Inquire at laa) fi. 17th aH. Ce-M U FOR RENT, twa S-room flat, saaaere U-rooaa kouaa, Utk and Dedg; smaii euU taga. tnton and lata. TUfi rVTNAaf CO, k4 N. T. Ufa Bldg. i- aa s FTVB nnfurnlshed rooma. all modern and turst-olaaa. liM Mtaaal at. D tit FOR RBNT, t-raom houe. bath and gaa, nice large lot. till California at. At uljr Milton Rogvr A Bona Co. . D MJ.'l TO MOVE right re Omaha Van Biorae Oe.) eno laUS tjrmaaa, or Tela. l&j-. D 11 lini l? all part af city. The O. wwwaew r, iA U Co., sal Baa bldg. D e UOL'iU and Bat. Ringwalt, Barker Mock. D ai KIOHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace. 12X CL M. Katuagar. bee Bldg. phone L HOL'SES. eta. F. D. Waad, USt Douglaa. D-aJ HOl'SES. tare. ReaUa, Paxtoa block. PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO, Sm N. Y. Lit. FOR RENT. MSI N. lTtb St.. HI; Urge fr, atory mud era kos of t room, alaa bar. The Omsk Realty Col. Lea Douglaa He, motairs. MODERN t-rwm Sat, Tmkrd, N. 1' D-MTJ 2i 1M VANS and baggtgs wagon TeL 115 D-M3CSJ FOR RENT, April 1, good. rn1m hni, g-od brn. eplenflld cfia;t)(m, Kountse place, tAtO par mth. Mti U . baa. D KM 1 CHEAP, shop rfx. with be serpent. t block from rmirt house; elso S-r. house. litfS 8 JC-ih. 1.4. EA O. Hamilton. SJ1 B. 17th at. D M1P7 31 I! I 1 .! " - ' ' m -T for nrT-n rsished rooms. DEWKI European hotel. Itib and Famsm. Ik Sa TWO housekeeping rooms, W. r22 BL E Mm A Mary a ROOM furnihe.J cr unfurnished, all mod- am. OB car Una. ?flt Dodge St. K17S W HOUSEKEEPING. other room". n 8. . E M40V Al LI OUT housekeeping room, tit S lth. t-MH A.I CHOICE fumlahad twmi ptirata family. tatn. tu, iin; light. iMm arat; lor ladtfa or irentinrn: walkina diatsnca. V a. Bae. E . Ml PVRXIfHED ROOMI ASD BOARD. NICE hotna for young men. 1 8. 5th SU . ROOMS and board. Gleocairn, 11 Douglas. F-a STEAM heated rooms w 1th board irB Capitol Ava. FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam bested rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel. 16ih and Chicago SU. F 3 PRIVATE family will take two of three 'ntlemen for room and board. 2571 PL. Mary a Aa. F M17S ! FOR REJT 1SFIRBISHKD ROOMS. DESK room apace. 5 per mopth, ground flxir routs la JT.t t) building, laolng Fsrram street; ne expecas lor liaht, heal or janitor aerrloe. R. C. Feteia & Co, Keatal Agacla. a Jrfuuaiog. U U TMRKK nnfumlthed rooms. parlor O Ml! 3603 Dodge St. IP 1 I NFl'RNISHED rooma for rent- SHI S 31(1 t. Li?' 17" FOR REST STORES AJtD OFFICES. FOR RENT Th kulldlng formerly occu pies ny i ne iiea at sit t a roam at. it nas four stories and a basement which l formerly used as The Bee press r This will be rented very reasenablj. it Interested apply at ence to C C Roi aster, secretary, room 1SK Be building. rOR RENT Stor In BrstHdaa location! rent reasonable. Apply R. c" Peters as I Co.. ground floor, bee Bid. 1 SS AGENTS WAJfTKD, WANTED-Canvsaslng agents In eTery county to ooiiclt suterrintions to THE TWENTIETH CEXTLRY FARMER etesay employment wita. assured gooa Income. Agents la the country - with horse and buggy eapeclally desired. Can- v lasers maae easily we re avv per montn. Address. Century Farmer Solicitors Bu reau, Be Building, Omaha. III AGENTS make K dally selling the ckeap- eat ana most perrect water niter ever Invented. Beta Us at Big profit. Ex- . i jw j t v irirni7. Drun ruirr w. , pro eca, MO. J M157 14 WANTED, resident agent In every small town to introduce a valuable medicine. World a Remedy Co.. 223 Dodr Bu. I WAXTEtwrO RE ITT. HOl'SES wanted. If you de1re good ten. acts see oarvin bros iwi4 rtrntm. Jt JKS 10 HAVE you bouse for rent? Llet them I with k. c. Feter x Co.. ground floor, Dee ounaing. ic w is STOMA Cat. " PACIFIC Storag and Warehouse Co.. Ill- Hit jone. general storage and forwarding. - . -MU OH. Van Stor. Co., 1S11H Farn. Tela. 159-fHtl i ; . - on MAGGARD VAN CO. Telepbok 1M. T7 WAJ1TED TO BUY. WANTED at one, (dhand furniture, nets, for Et. Louis Ex do. . TeL for et 771, or notify Levin' Furn. Stor. 10 N. 16th. , N 161 AT for sale reaxrrTRR. CHICAGO Furniture Co. 1410 Don re. Tel. x. jsew ana eeonanano, bought, aoid. axenangea. C) in FOR 8ALB HORSES. WAOOJfS. ETC. THE BEST tn bug tie and wagons at H. Croat a, ittn ana eavenwwrta. r avi RCBBER-TIRED coup, newly painted. 12u0; giaa aid rockaway. lis; six family caniagee, Stl to 171 each; wagona. . Drum- mond Carriage Co., ibiu and liarney. ID-PASSENGER carry-aU. aewly painted ana upauuiarN. v, kq. J r k, lf ener- mn Av. P 127 FOR SALB MISCELLAXBOrS. I FIR timber for house mover, etc.. boag?aA I feet; cribbing and hog feaca, Sol W al YD HAND sat cheap. DarLgHt, 111J Farnam. INDIAN goods and ralloe. Ill Farnam. - Q-417 FOR SALE, kindling wood. tLSO per load. at not Ik end oi .xpoiuoa ground, cearl 11th street, just nortk el eld Midway. . - . .- 0-4ia FOR SALE Phonographa. wu peri or to any other musical intrumaai e up. lb Wlumaa Co-, jsa T arnam. tj FOR SALE, a full Kf eholarstilp. tnolnd- teg books, vaiu mk, og twyes- cwro- DlH .ej V! - -. .." v,.i. a oik QiKuuni. call on cr an area uwignt v uiuuna, room I'm, Bia Bldg.. Omaha. Nek. , t-7 allfPLC nlano. (astern manufacture, full warranted, at a Bargain, itoom tie. mo Carua bldg. - - - -i nil ek atec onaeu uvug c-o tarn a ad Dodge, pmana. . .. CJ FOR 8AL.E Scholarship tn aa Omaha shortbana ecnooi, cnaan. isqutr xxz Me bloat. lr-kw 1DHAND aaf ckeap. Schwartx, u s. lltlj. W lie ftO 113-174 Douglas. formerly Lauer riroe.. or rem; a. iav wtm nn, iwm upstalra. Mrs. xCuhlmaa, gsH North rrth. ui Ar WIRE fence for poultry, keg. lawn and yard, hitch pota, tree guars. vtlr Works. Sil So. lMk bt. TsL la' Q MSSS Jit BICYCLE, phonographa and uppliaa. Omaha bicycl Co., lata ana inicsgo et v IK FOR BALE. BECOND-HAND LUMBER I 00 feet of second-hand lumber wtu be sold st ence at north er.d of Exboeitioa sroands. Inquire X li- i". CaaVy Lumharl Co. Tel. SSI. . . U SJU v MONROE Coal and Feed Co. Phone STL . Q-Ul AA COMPLETE sal no Bxrarea. laeludlng Na tional cask register. AOareea r- uoran. auduay, Jteo. . - J Alias nr BARGAIN Fin Decker piano; will cheap; parties leaving city. Mrs. rrl M. bartea. Kl TNortk 4 BL. Utr mim io: FLCSCHER sella bicycle : Capital Ave. . 441 FOR SALE, oely laundry in C eeat twera. Sicknas. aMtkB' kleam lauadry. Logaa. 1 la. W -T CLAlatVOk AST. MRS. FRITZ, claireoyant. fcl North latk. i MME. GTLMEA. geaulne palmist. HI 8 14 ELECTRIC TBK4TBRTT. JESPIH LEE, snaseage. 107 8 l?h. rom a. T-MOk Ml BONTON PA RLORS, CI N. 35th, fat B. T-k4 ii BEATRICE HAR11W, bath: Egvpttaa treatment; attendant. fclW N. lit" Fiat A. T-M1.9A1 KME. EM ITU. hatha. Ill N. U. M floor, R.I T-Mlft AT MME. AMPB. Cumberland koaK, lth and Capitol. Room J. T-MiS II PKRWtU PRIVATE boapftal. bafora and during con (limmt: habla adnptrd. 23ia Qrant Pt. Mr. Oardaia. Trl. F-11K1. C Ml DR. ROT. chiropollt, rorn and auparflu o-ia hair rmorad br alectrtcJty. R li Frraaar Block. V MME. SMITH, batha. Ill K. 1. M f oor, r. t, M Ml" HAIRDRF.f 8IN3. manlrurlnr and ebiro. fndf. for ladlea only, In r"nn"ctlon with Tha Batasry. I14-I Baa Bids. V-V& Rt'PTVRE parmanantly cured In X to W) aaya: nl for circular, o. B wn, m. XX, W Viww York Ufa Bids-. Omaha. N ACCORDION plaatinc. chat peat, baat and quickrac lire. A. c Mara. 11 Douf iv GRAMOPHONES and auppllea. wholaaala ami ratalL Collin Flan Co.. H3 uoug. laa. TJ Kl CHIROPODY a apaclalty. In eonnertlpn wiin j ne ainary. rooma ia-jtf ort riui. TeL 171. f- LIKBEN. theatrical, maaquerada costnmer. lUt Farnam. U 650 OOLDMANb, tha only perfect p'estiBf Piast in tha west. 2W LKmgias oiock. u uu SHAMPOOING and hairdreaalng, Sc. fk oonn-ctlon with The ualoery, 116-K-s Dunaing. xcl 171m. c ta PRIVATE bom ladles before and during confinement; adopt babiea. rWP Burnett. Mrs. HUrfe I. V-Mlfl M10 RCPTCRE CVRED FOR Ji-No pain, P oeienuon irom Duaineas; eena tor cir culars. Empire Rupture Cure Co . KS N. Y. Ufa bide. Omaha. U-kTI OMAHA Dye Works, HIT Howard, th fashionable eleaners of ladles and gen tlemen s dresea and suits, lace curtains. orapenea. i-hti u MlddlcmlM, wall paper cleaner. TeL 17H c JS7M u SAVE th heads of tha best fcc. clear on the market. Call oa the BTOiuCKER CIGAR CO. and set a catalogue of the premluma thst wlu be glren free for tha return of u , Stoecker Cigar Bands. U-70-l VIAVL woroana way to health. Horn treatment. Booklet free. Hi Bee blOs. Omaha. U fci ELITE PARLORS, U 8. 1Mb at.. Id floor. C MiM A7 FLC8CHER will fix your blcyd nrhL Li 42 INFORMATION wanted of Harry Hall. Last heard of In 181 or there abouts. His brother will pay liberally for Information concerning him. William Han, 411 atk a vs., ew lork. u M374 ll GEORGE: I aee mr fate. Bottom of page 17 March What to bat. MOLLIS. V-M 411 M MOKKT TO LOAD REAL ESCATE. WANTED, city loan, bond and warrants. uaerg at company, isvi raxaam. street. 4U PER CENT ea km si noes property. S per cent on realdenoe property. Options to pay whole or part any time. iv. is. sun i.r.. wjl a. ms si. W- WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith Co lUi Farnam Bt. WANTED, dty and farm loans; alee bonds ana warrant, n. v:. rwiera at it., l.ui Farnam bu. Be bldg. W tea MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real eatata. Brttinan-lova Co.. tj South lltk. W fc FARM and city loan, low rates. W. H. Tbomaa, oat a at- jn Biog. lei. jtia. w ta TO t P. C money. Bemia. Paxto Bik. V -Bl PRIVATE money. Sherwood. M7 N. Y. U w a PRIVATE money. F. D. Wend. 1&24 Douglas. w I PER CENT loana. Garvin Bro., W ISM Farnam. 1X. 1&0O AND 11.000 private money. L x. or a year, on eastera ebraaka rarma or well locates collagea tn umana. w. 1 Selby. Board of Trade Bldg. W-gll FOR SALE, choice mortgage loan. Garvin bro., l-t t arnam sc. omana. v Mif.4 MOSEY TO LOAR CHATTkCLS. WE ma xs loana en Furniture. Piano. Horse. Wagona. Carriage and ether chattel W make SALARY LOAN'S without mortgage to persons who bav permanent pool t ion You ran get tha money on very abort notice and pay It back In on month, ar keep It longer, and pay for It niy what time you keep It. W ar leader la lew rates, quick and con fidential service and courteous treatment. W Invit comparisons f rate, tlm. payroenia, etc We give you the full amount of tba LOAN ta cash. W always ''try t pleas." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Ill Board of Tesde B!4r TeL 2295. M O h Y ttstbUhed US2.) ia. lath Su STOP THAT COLLECTOR'S CALLS By seeing us toosy In our ptivai HAVE YOCR INDEBTEDNESS IN ONE PLACE, where you ran pay easily. Fverv U paid 08 loaa reoueas eost. "SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NoTEB" t mala er female nuloyea. No on nee ever anew. I V,. nMnee V .kHMI. i ; . .r 1 . " A little help at th rigtit Urn ftn aeu a I W ise people will at least call and tnqulr snout our terms ana rate. Yea save money when you borrow at "THE BIG CO." We offer a money-eavtng chance. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, lUrd Floor, Room tut, Paxtoa Block. X 7 Ft'RNITVRE. PIANOS. HORSES. ETC. LOANS. Absolutely without removtsg sooo" Written guarantee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room But, Paxtoa black. 'X-7 MONET loaned on plain note to salaried paopie; Business oonnoennai; lowest rates. kit region block, me i. A. Mutton to. X-.70 LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. J. W. TAXLdfc Cel Paxtoa bloc. X-471 LARGEST Bl'SINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED people, mercaaata. team- atere. boarding bouaea. etc., without aa curtly: eaaleat terms: t ofhoea la nrin dps I citiea. Telmaa. Board of Trade Bldg. FVRNITCRE. PIANOS. HORSES. ETC U14AS. "Anaoiuteiy eiinoul removtr.g gooda." Writtea guarantee given to this effect AMKMiCAN LOAN C3-. Room aA. Paxtea block. X o MONEY loaned oa plana, furniture, tew dry, nereea, eowa. eta. C . neaa. I I B li. jc J MONEY loaned oa fu'tltur. live stock. Jewelry, l talaned people. Foley Loaa Co.. sue to Duff Ore, a Barker E!k X-471 ISISKSS CHAICBI. TO GET ta er eut of bualnes rail ea WI1- luuua. boom an, Mccague suiiCiLi. WHEN you a act ta buy, sell er exchange your BHiainae ar property quits eoauiuii re I witb on wha bjta the cuiomera J li. Johnson. HI N. Y. U. 'Pboae BOOTS and Snoea. CM atock a.apla gooo will cnaider good land for same. Submit fie J. K, Jeksaaba, Ja. X. Lata. X Midi rslkBS CRABCKS. FOR SALE or trade, my entire livery stock, at bargain. Addrea W n. L tier back. Ogden Uvery. Council H''ifT. y-mm FOR BALE, millinery ore dMng good business; alaa ara4 hotal (or aaa or traaa to rtht rt). both -m1 i'X-attcm tn J E. Nraka CU or arrlta C( N T. Ufa kulHiac. Omaha. T 14 A NfcW ctork of (FiFrtl mrchartdlaa. lo- in fma oi ina pwax lowna to nono astarn Natiraaka. for aaku do trad. Ad draaa U U. lit-. TU7U ME HAVE 1 mite rond eraper and grader work. tireat eetem vo sub-let. This la the choice work on the line. Wlckham, Bowman A Co., or E. A. Wlckhaa. Council Bluffs. T-M144 II OROCERT STOCK, flret-claas, fin loca tion, in city; daily en lea, 1W. Invnle about m.ib. owner wisne to retire; win diacount li per cent for spot cash. A rare opportunltj-. J. M. Johnson, N. T. Life. Y MXM M BAKERY good and confectionery tend. living rooms m resr; spirnaio location; buaineea good; two will buy It. I. IL Johnson. N. T. Life. Y MM" FOR SALE or Trade, bowling alley. A, Angt. jr.. cmawa. la. t sm ii ROOM flst, wn furnished; good location; roomers only. Owner going swsy. Sell cheap. J. li. Johnson. K. Y. Life. T-M74S It Attention Farmers Choice 80 acre Improved. It, miles from Gretna, Sarpy county. Neb., for KOOO If takes quick. J. H. Johnson, N. T Lire. Y-MM1 10 FI'RNITI'RE of l-roorn brick flat, finely quippea; nrat-eissa roomers; ao better kH-aunn; profit hi proposition. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. T MM 10 GOOD paying restaurant for sale: good rea son tor selling, a. hoc, boone. is. Y-121 r MR. INVESTOR, SHOW I I A SINGLE INSTANCE where there Ws ever a cent lost In buying shsres In a SALMON CAN NERY COMPANY on the Pacific cot. If yon ran. ou ran get a good reward. When you have fully convinced yourself that this I a fact why not send for par ticular to the company, who offers vou today ONE DOLLAR shares at li CENTS and the next Mock goes positively ta Ii CENTS. A quick Investigation will surely be big money to you by writing to th INTERSTATE FISHERIES COMPANY. 02-n Pacific Block, Seattle. Waxh. Y H Ml FOR EICHAXGK. WTI.I, exchange rood oak wardrobe for folding tea. N 41. Bee. Z Mil FOR BALEREAL ESTATE. OEOROE G. WALLACE, real estste, mort gages, rentals, insurance. Brown block. RE 740 I HAVE I of the finest lota In west Far nam district on 14th at-, north of Far nam. I will aell these or build to your plan. I have eocne new modern houses at eery low prior, bee me bsfore you buy. Ed O- Hamilton, builder, m S. 17th at. RE Ml 9a U SPECIAL BARGAIN; choice 160-acre farm I miiea from ghelton. Neb., well lm proved; two sets of buildings; 100 bearing appia iree. tan give poeeeaaion right away. Price. tc, on easy term. Dsvld ISeely, eneiton, Neb. R Mll IP YOU want ana of th nicest 1-room home m Hansoora Plae I will I civ you Must aciL a bargsm. owner left J. H. Sherwood, 157 N. city. Y. U BMg. RE MU1 HOME OR INVESTMENT. EIGHT ROOMS. WEST FARNAM. ASK HARRISON it MORTON. RE 111 U COLORADO ranch landa. homesteads. school section leases. 1. w. Irwin. Ak ron. Cole. RE M17I Al HOL'SES and lots In all rafts of city: also f ere property ana farm lakda. The O. v. Ha vis Co., Room 3ullcUng. CHEAPER THAN RENTING. Three houses on 8. 2kth Art, between Far. nam and Douglas, I rooms each, modern. furnace and tree lace, only 12.000, half rash, balance a years, a per cent. Stringer. Paxton block. KB Mai FARMS! FARMS! - FARMS! For bargaina tn farm property go ta O'Neili'r Real Estsi Agency, South Omaha. RE-CW WEST FARNAM ST., S-room, 2-atory, mod ern bouae, newiy paxnieo. on car line, 200. THE BXRON REED CO.. lit 6a 14lh St. KE 711 PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO.. a N. T. Life. Ki-7. NEW Fnow-Church Co.. th floor N. T. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Largest law. collection and real eetete agency tn the world. Associate banks attorneys snd reel estate broker tn every county la the Cnitaa otaiea enu wuca vi toreign coun- trie. HE i.t HOL'SES. lota, farms, ranrhea. loans; also fire insurano. nnnu, axion hiock. RE 471 RANCH and farm landa for aal by th Union pacinc rtanroao company, a. a. MrAileeter. land eommlaaloner. Union Pa ct fle Haadquarte-rs. Omaha, Nab. RE 477 tD RENT for S3S Improved, near York; possession given, tanmu, lor. reo. R-Xt Itt WANTED T buy frame or brick block. W.. 8. w. ar central at st.ouo. hahhi BON A MORTON. U S. Y. Ufe. RE MlOt IT CHEAPER THAN RENTING. Three houses on 8. tfih Ave., between Far nam and Douglas, a rooma eacn. modern, furs ace and dreplaee, only 11 SOU each, half cash, balance 1 year, t per cent. Stringer. Paxtoa block. RE Mas IMPROVED farm. SOS acre. I mil north la ratl. aarpy wumjl eaay itrmi: price, tia an acre. Naaon, Her Grand LoUL Omaha, Nek. RE MSxat la I CHARLES E.. IXll ramam atreec RK-47 FOR SALE Two houe. southeast comer fTth and It atreeta, pouin omana, ll.euo; 2th and V streets. South Omaha, large kulldlns. ranU US per month, price tins: comer M and P ttreeta, South Omaha, 1 roon.s. prio W. T. Graham, be Bldg. RE HO 10 A CHOICE home, built of pressed brick. Interior beauliruiiy nnianea. equar m saic tiled hall, porcelain bath, ateam heat, barn, carnage heua. hade trees, large Let It feet front; very floe residence lock, lion; close In: this property cost th for mer owner over tli.eoo and caa he sold at a decide bargain Tor cask wm. K. Potter, receiver Omaha Loan and Trust Ce A4 brown Bik. P.E MU1 FOR SALE. Ms-arr farm. Be mils northeast f Council blurts, fji per acre. Osborn A Roosa. Weston, la. RE Mils FOR SALE, my elegaat awvao-rootn rest. dene, aimoet new. triciiy mudern. wita reoeiitkoa halL hardwoos pnlsa. bath, fur naca. etc.. eouth frent. paved atreet, four blocks from High gckooL Only n.auS. V 1. Bee. BE 30 1 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading snacialist la dleeaae of women la Omsaa. would call the attention f Buffering ladlea t hi unsurpasaad accommodations before nd during eonflnemaat. and his treatment for trregulsritiea, a matter what causa. Call or address, with stama. It. Prjea, Arllngtaa hluo, Lxxa. Oman. OSTEOPATH t. GID E. A ALICE JOHNSON, eeteopaths. kali 1 T. 1. iai cut. I Ci. iav DR. A- T. HUNT, ell MeCague Bldg 2JS2. TL DR. MRS. MV81CX, Douglas Bik. TsL lid. MAN! FACTlRIBfp. F. MELCHOIR. chiiiis t. Utk and Hwar. -M7 OMAHA Bar and Iron Wka. make a a pe el y af kr eacwpa. abetter, doe re and u. Aaawea. rregw lis Be. itk ac SHOStTIIAKD AID TTFE WRIT1 gti. GREGG Shorthand. On, C. Col.. 19th a-Dug A. C. VAN BANTS acheoL T17 N. T. Ufa. -!7 BOYI.E9 college, rourt'reporter principal. i. i. JJi. oi Nrn Buctoeas V Shorthand College, Bovd s 1 heater. DAriQ ACADEMY. BT JOINING Morand'a Claeee for adelr Tuedv or 1-Tlilsy t p. tn , you will bsve smrle time this season to leara the correct glide waits, whir h i dclileiiv flot monkey cepers of donky galop Thl academy does not countenance horseplay or tying men s lr In dancing or cotil- llo. Mr. and Mrs. Morsnd. exponents oi genu aancing, creigntoa tiaji. mmmmt ' 31 FRATERNAL ORDER. THE OARPENER8 protect eld ag sa well aa life. Charter member free. Particu lars from Frank Roaewater, supreme manager. 3 Br Bldg. 77:4 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO.. clean cesspools and vaults, remove games dead snimala at reduced price. 61 N la. TeL 177. - -C A3 TREES. rRVIT. shade Bnd ornamental treaa. vine. shrub, rose, small iruita, etc. Address Omaha Nsrsery, PapilUon, Jseb. lal Mil FLORISTS. U HENDERSON. UH Farnam. TeL VKL L. LECLl'SE, floriaL Blooming and pet pianta. laa Vinton at. lei. -Mrr At FCRklTtRB RBPA1RI3IG. GLOBE COUCH CO 1E11 Leaven worth. TeL 2a31. Ml LAtrKDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. Be; collars. 1c; cuds, 4c lipa LeavenwortA Tel. Ml. TOl STAMMERING AID BTtTTERIKG. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramg Bldg. VOICE. CLEMENT B. SHAW, Vole. Ml Sheely building. BALE TIE. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., CI North icth. I'M. PAWKBJROKERB. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, aooommodau lug; all buslneas conndenual. uui Douglaa. lEWIHO MACBIKBB. WRITE for agents' prioea; bail-bearing Wheeler-Wilson. C A. Umun, atate agent. Lincoln. Neb. M41 At DRESSMAKING. IN families er at horn. Miss Sturdy, SOU Far.iam. FIRSITIRB BEPAIRIKG. TEL, 13EL M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. CARPET CLEARING. OM. Elec dean. Wk., 2ZZ1 N. 20, tel. uca. At ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND Electrical Co., at. 8. Itth. Tel. 4l - earn u STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUGHT OmahA Stamp Co., Sot 8. Uth. NICKEL PLATINO. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. TeL XSJ6. M INVESTMENTS. fHOir! FARM LOANS FOR BALE. R. C. PE1EKS A CO.. 1702 Farnam St. Ml AX BICYCLER. LARGEST and beet selection of new and secondhand bicycles In the city, 13 snd up. Price th lowest L, Fiescher, 122 Cap itol Ave. U la rCR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners, 1424 8. 13th. 7(W FACTORIES. TRICKS, traveling bar, suit catev trunks repaireo. vb, I run r actory, im nrDin. 7 CARPENTERS AND JOKERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. ttcmitree. With and Lake atreeta. ve TREES. TREES. Hasel Dell Nursery. Mot N. 14 L ilt AS HOt'BB PAINTING. BEST tlm of year: start early; sav money. Phone A. B. Clark, ztm Leaven- worth about it. HQLUKD-AmiCft L1HE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne. 8. New Twin Screw . a. of lAUuv ton regULer. Twin-Srrew Vtsn4m kteaucr utuiwuuMai Alar. It, 10 A.M. Steamer MAASDAM. ...Mar. a. 10 A. kL T win-Screw Rani'l'n Steamer nlDUSl Mar. B. IS A M. Apply to Harry Moor a. Mil Farnam street; J. S. McNkQy, l'A Farnam street; H. S. J ones, iMi t arnam atreet: Lroul Neeae. Ftrat National batk, OmahA POITOFFICK NOTICE. (Should be read dally by ail interested. a changes may occur at any umij Foreign snails for th week ending March 3i. Uk. will cloea (PROMPTLY In al. caaaaj at tne uenerai rostornce as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS doe f.MC HOCK xCAKLlER than cioainar uma howa below. Parcel Peat malla for Ger many will close at 1 p. m Monday, ner a. a. Oeutsrniana; n eanasoay, per a. a. ires- oen. and Friday, per A A Pretoria. Regular and Supplementary mails cloaa at foreign branch half hour later thaa closing um alio a boo- (except that SoiDlemUiry Malla for urop and Cen tral A met lea, via Colon, c.o eu hour later at loreigk brancn. Traasatlaatk Malta. TUESDAY At A m. for AZOP.ES laLANDS. per A s. Tartar Prince (mail for Italy must be directed "per a. . Tar tar Prince ; at I At a. ra. for AZORES iBLANOk. per a. a. Arcaimede (mail fur Italy must b directed "per a. a. Arctii- mede"); at 1J m. taupplementary p. m l for iixuri, per a. a. oeutst a nd vU Plymouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg. WEDNESDAY". At 1 10 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. BL Paul, via Boutbamptoa (mail for in Ireland xcuat be directed "ber Ml. Paul Ji at 1 k a. m. (supplementary 1 a- m l for ctitcirn, per a. atajestic. via Clueat0WBl at li a. m. fur BEL GIUM direct, per a. a. Vaderland (mall must ne airectea per a. a. adrriand ). TH1 RPIiA T At T a. m. for y kWlTZERLAND, ITALY. BPA1 TUGAL. TIKKET. EGYPT. G FRANCE. LIN. KiR. GREECE, bRITlSH INDIA and LoRESW MAR QLE4. par . s. L Aqultaln. via Havre (tail for otkar part af Europe muat b directed per A L' Atjot Val'.a ' BATL RDAY At A nv lor EUROPE, per POST FF ICR BOTICE. a. a. lynreTila, via Qeerteitwn; at T a m for ITALY dlrecC per a. a. labll tmall roust b directed "ter s Lahn ii at a. m. for nftherlami eirert. a f ajtatcndam tmall must be di rected "per a. fnastendem ' ; at t af a m for SCOTLAND direct, per a a. Ant horia (mll must be directed per a. s. Anchoria ). PRINTED M ATTER, ETC -Thl steamer takes Prime Matter, Commercis: s per and Sample for Germany only. The Hint cine at mall sea iter lor Siber pert of Europe will nl be arm by this ship unlee suecis'uy directed by It. Afier the cloalng of the Bapplementsry Tranan tlanilc Mall above named, ad ditional Sucptameniary Mall are opened on the pirra of th American. Jwiglir-h. French anu German rteamer. and re main cpeo until within Ten Mlnutea of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls for tk aad Ceatral America, West ladles. Etc. TVEPDAT At t a m. for FRAZIL, r-r a a. Csci!lun prince, vis pemambuco and Rie Janeiro (mail for Northern Bra all. Argentine. Vruguay and Paraguay must be directe4 - per a. a Cstllllan Prlnr"!: at Ik a. m tsuixlementary K'ki a. tn.l for CENTRAL AVKKK'A texcent CmH Rtcal and SOl'TH PA CIFIC PORTS. T a. a. orixaba. via Colon (mail for Guatemala muat be di rected ,-rer a. a. Orixaba"); st W a. tn for GRENADA TRINIDAD and CIVDAD BOLIVAR, per s. a. Grewanai at s. p. ra. for JAMAICA, per s. a. Admiral Deary. from Boston; at 13.10 p. m. fPr BAHA MAS. tr eteamer from MlamL Fla. WKDNtSDAY-At t a m. for FOR- TIXE ISLAND and HAITI, per s. s. Hnngarla; at ir-W p. m teunplemetitary 1 p m i for TI RKS ISItND and IhJ M1NICAN REPIM.1C per a. a. Semi nole: at 11 y p. ra. for JAMAICA, per a. a. Admiral Pumneon. from Philadelphia TH I RSDAT At t A tn. for CCBA. TC CATAN, CAUPECHE, TABAKCO and CHIAPAS. er s. s. Havana tmull for other parte of Mexico muat he directed "per a. a. Havana"; at 1 . m. for PER Ml" DA, per a. a. Trinidad: at 12 tn. tup plementary 31 p. m.) for BAHAMAS snd SANTIAGO, r-ev a. Reruranra. FRIDAY At li m. for MEXICO, per a. a. Niagara via Tampico (mall muet be dl- reeled -'per s s Niagara ; at 11 : p. aw ea U A U A If A 81 us as a wis w A vaa I m for BAHAMAS, per Teemer from BATLRbAY-At A m. for PORTO RICO. per a. s. Ponce, via San Juan; at I a. m. (supplementere S:M a. m for Cl'RACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. a. Maracaib tmall for Savanllla and Cartagena muat be directed "per a. e. Me ratal bo ); act 30 a m tairpplemeetarv 10:10 am) for PT. THOMAS, PT. CROIX. LEEWARD and WINDWARD IPL.ANDS. and BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per . Moral ma. via oemerara tmall lor ure- nada and Trinidad must be directed "per a. s. Korairoa): at .i a m. teuppiemen- tary 10 a. m l for FORTL'NE ISLAND, JAMAICA. PAVAN1IJ-A, CARTAGENA and GRKYTOWN, per a. a. Alene (mail for Costa Rica must ke directed "per s. s. Alerte"); at IrSO a. m. for INAGI A and HAITI, per a. a. La Pluma; at 10 a. m. for CIBA. per a. a. Morro Castle, via Havana: at 10 W a. m for BRAZIL, per . a. K astern mnre. via pernamnuoa and Santos tmall far Northern Brasil must be directed " per a. b. Laetern Prince ). Malta for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, end thence by eteamer, rloat at this office at : p. m. (con necting close here every Mondsy, Wednesday and Saturday. Mails for Mlquelon, by rail to Bofton. and thence bv ateamer. noee at this omce dsny at I N p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and uerto by steamers, ar dispatched, dally. Anal connecting doses. for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Sun days at 4:S0 a. nv, Wednesdsys and r rid ava. a. m; for oispatcn via Miami, on Monday and Fridays at 11:30 n. m. Mails lor Mexico Cltr. overland. unleas specially addreesed fcr dispatch by steamer, tloae at this omoe dally ex cept Si.rday at 1 .10 p. m. and 11:10 p. m , cinaav at i:w D. m. ana iijo o. m. Malla for Costa Rica, Bellae, Puert Cortes atd Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, snd thence by ateamer. close at thia omoe dallv except Sunday at IM p. m.. Buadsys at 1:00 p. m. con- necting closes nere jaonasys iot uenxe, Puerto Cortes Bod Guatemala, and Tues- daya fur Costa RLra). Registered mall close al S.ue p. za. previous day. Traaaparlfte Malla. Xlalt for Tahiti and Marquesas Itlandt. via Ban FTaneteco, eioae nere aauy at t:St p. m. up to March 12. tncluaiva. for d'SDatch Per Australia Mail for Australia (except West Australia. mica ta torwaraea via t-uropei. jew Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via Baa Frsnciaca. close here dally at 1.30 p. nv after March ! and op to March : !!. inclusive, or on arrival or a. a Etrutia, due at New York March "1 for desDctch Per a. a. Ventura. Malls for Hawaii. J ape a, China and Phil ippine Islands, via Saa Franclsoo. close her daily 1.10 p. m. up to March m, inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Amer tea Ma ru. Mail for China and Japan, via Vancou ver, close here cany at w p. m. up to March !!, lncluaive, for dispatch per Kmpreaa of India (registered mull must be directed "via Vancouver . Mer- chandlse fur the V. S. Poatal Agency at enangnai cannot oe lorwaraea via cau- ad.i Mails for China and Japan, rift Seattle, close here dally at ri p. m. op to March is, inclusive, tor aispairn per a. s. ioso Maru. (Kegtstered mail muat b directed "via Seattle."! Mall tor Hawaii, via San Francisco, clos her dally at o. m. ud to March 24. Inclusiv, for dispatch per s. a. Ala meda. Malla for Hawaii. China Japan and Phil ippine lalanda. via kan Tnciaco. cio here dally at (: p. m. up to March :4, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. City of Peking. Malla ur Auatralla (except West Auatralia. which goes via Europe and New Zealand, which goes vie rTsnclsco), and t ijl islands, via Vancouver, here daily at l.iu D. m. after March and ud to March 1!S. Inclusive, for di patch per a. a. Aorsngl (supplementary man, via Seattle and Victoria, close here at ao p. m. March Transpsclflc mails are forwarded to port oi saau.g daily ana tn schedule of clos- Ing is arranged . 4 th presumption of tnetr vjiintcrruptaa overiano tranaic Registered mail closes at 00 p. fa. previo.ts day. CORNEL! I S VAN COTT. Poatmaater. Postemoe, New York, N. Y.. March 7. UQL GPVERSMENT NOTICE. PROP08AL8 FOR SUBSISTENCE B TURKS Uffl ce of Purchasing CommU sary, U. 8. Army, Omasa, Jeb., March A liwl. Sealed propoSala, in triplicate, for furnishing bacon, Issue, dry salt cure. In crate and In 1 lb. net cans, and bacon breakfast, sileea. cry sail cur. In 1 lb. net cans, kill be recrlved at this office and at the offic of the Purchasing Cor. miasary, u. B. Array, at Kansas city. Mo., ana cnicago, iu., until u e cioca , Saturday, atarcn la, uwz. at which tlm and pl&oea they will t publicly opened. Articles f domestic production or manu facture will be preferred to those f foreign origin, cost and quality being equal. Epecincauons a to quantities, date and place of delivery, blank proposals and further informs i ion rurnisnea on applica tion to either office. Enveiooe contalnine lis should b ndored Proposals for Subsistence B Lores, to be opened Bttur flu. lay, kiarth is, liet. . and addroaaed I Wm. R. Grove, Captain, Commlsesry, Pur- chaauig commissary, crmana, rrn. at-a-a-g-t CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE. umana- ncp.. jnarcn m. VA.-xtiai nro. poaala, tn triplicate, will be received at thia offlc until 1 a. m., central time, April a, 1HU2. fur furnishing wood, coal and char coal during the fiscal year ending June 10, 11, at Omaha V H. Depot. Porta Crook. Robinson and Niobrara. Nebraska; JeOer- eon barracks, linwun; Fort Leaven worth and Htley. Kansas; tottn li Root. Arkansas: Reno and Sill. Oklahoma. Pro- noaai fur delivery at ether uelnia will b entertained. United B tales reserve right t reject er aocept any or all proposals, or any part insreoi. inrormatioa furnished on application hare, or ta quartermaetera at atetioue name- Envelope containing proposal should be marked "Propoaala for Fuel, ana eaorreasa to Major John W. Pulimaa, C - At. Ma-lo-U-11 Al l WANTED for V. 8. army. abl-bd1ed unmarried mea between age ef 21 and he eiuseua of Called Slates, of good character and temperate habit, who caa apeak, read Bad writ r-nguen. rer inrormatioa apply to Recruiting OOoer. lSth and tMKSge t. LEOAL NOTICE. RECEIVER 0 XOTICB. In the District Court ta and for Douglas County. Nebraska. WliLuum U. kladtSea. plalBtlBL w. Na. break a Fir Ikeuranu CiUKanj'. et L da- Te il erwditor eg tfTaxka Fir Inawn. Company: I um anu vawu vi ivh sjv uamrr nattna that In of aa order of th d trict court of Douglas county, mad Jr.u I ary 17tk. liM. ft alvidand af tee 2i per eeat I oa all allowed claim satinet tk Nebraaaa I lira Inurnc Company haa been da. - leiared; that aaid dividend Is payable at my I ofbc. la the Brewa Mock, la tha city of I Omaha, aad tbat payaaear .aareof muat I be eemaadad at mf fno. ad ualee suck I demand b anad by April Ltb. UtC. you LEttAL It OTIC E- and each of you will be forever barred from any right to parttcinat In tk landa plreprlaterl far eetd dltldesA tuch clslm mut be presorted at the Office cf the undersigned, receiver. In tb Brown block. In the city of c.jsha. Doug las county. Nbesk. or transmitted t tin at thst sddree by saalL -a ted thl ltb day f Feerasry. A D. ISU A, L. WYMAN. Receiver of the Nebraska Fir lrauranc Campaay. "! a lAILWAY TIME CARD. IBIOa .STATIOS-IOTH AID MARC1. lltael Ceatral. Lesv. Arrtvs Chicago Exprea a am a I 1 pm Chicago, Minneapolis dt St. Paul Umited T.-l agg ft t:B am Minneapolis at t. Paul Kxprras b T.M am M pm Chicago Expreaa. ftlSiM pm Ckleag A Sort k westerw. Tb North we tsm Line." Chicago Fpeclal a 7 19 am all pm Chicago Ksssenger a t:ia pm Kastwa Express ale J am Kaslern Special pm I set Msll t pm ft 10 am 44 pm I tin a :e pm a, 1 J am a 14 am a I n pm ail Et pm a I a am a IM pa Omaba-Chlcag H4...I.B immt XI a II Cedar Rapid Paaa Twin City Expre....a 7 S am Twin Cite Limit.... lilm Bloux City Local a (Oi am Overland Umited.... ...a 1 am T- pm ...tIMia a I -SI pm ...ft 4:11 pm ...aU:M pm Fast Mall California Express.. psetne Ex pre ksatern Expreea ft t'st pm ft i:0m a .1. mie fnmnreea 1 ineatn-Btrorasbure; Ex.b 4ri pea tUAi pea b IJi am Grand laiaoa vwe ....a ev pm Ch lea era, Mllweka ex St. FftftL Cnlcag lamlted a pm ft 15 am CluCftgO vraus n. -a aaa w e.w pea Mlaaearl PatelSe, , -) Ex pre aJOB am ilSpa c A SC U ExrraraaM pas ft SOI am v" CfcleBi Reek laiaad A PftelAe, EAST. De Molne and Dav- en port lxci ...aaam a pm Chioago Expreaa Dll li nupn Le Molnea Local a 4:00 pm iLal-aoam Chicago Mil express.. s m turn pm De Mlea Rock la- land ana cuicago a i.k pm a - pm WEST. Uneoln. Clo. Spiinga, Denver, l-uecie ana West k I K pm a All a Colorado, Oklahoma t Texaa nrer -a s:av ra a warn Wakask. St. Louts "Cannon Ban Express a e:u ya :av am Sc Lout Local. Council Blutta am pm BVBUNGTOB STAYsOK-lBTH A HAJSOI t ktcaft. Eartlaustesi A 4a!ar. Leave. Arrrv. Chicago Special a 7: am sjo pm Chicago Veetlbuled Ex. a 4-00 pm a f:l aa Chicago Local -a t JO am 4:i pm Chicago umitea a ' pm a i:s am Fast Mail I! pa arllagtaa afc Mlaeearl Rlvar. Wjmore, Beatrice and uncom .......a s:v am Du:n am Neoreika Avxpraaa ft l.e am Denver Limited li( a 7JS pm ft 1:00 pa ft t: am tlx w bll-fft am S IJ am black Hi. I ana Fuget Bound Expirxu a 1 96 pm Lincoln Far'- Mali a M pan roit Crouk and platta- mouth .b t:90 pm Bellevue A Pacific Jct. f :j pm nellevua x Paclno Jet. .a :u0 am Kaaaa City, St, Jaaepk A Cawwell BlaST. Kansas City pay Ex. ...ft 1:20 am ft t:Q pas Knaa City Night Ex..aKiJ pm a U am St. Loula Flyer a l. pm all ill am WEBSTER DEPOT 11TH A WEBSTEE . rremaait. Elkkara at Mlaaaari Valley. Leave. Arrive Blackr Hllle. Dead wood. Hat Springs .a aw pm ft : pm Wyoming, casper and Deuglas d t.-Ot pm lS pan Hastituts. York, David City, euperior. ueiieva, Exeter and ward b 1:01 pm k tM pm Norfolk. Uncoln and ' Fremont S J-M am bl0:B ka Fremont Local c 1JU am Sllseearl PaetBe. Nebraska Local. VI Weeping vtatcr o :je pm iii:iub Ihlcaaa, at. PaaL Mlaaeapalie at Osaaba. Twin Cltr Paens:er..k SJO am a t:3S pm Sioux City Paaetiger..a 2:tt pm alljwam a.merson ieoca. ...a a pm -" nalle. k Daflr except Sunday. Sun. 1 day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally i except atonaay. OCT OF THE ORDINARY. The highest mln In th world 1 ft tin mine at Crura, Bolivia, lt,4u0 fret abav th ML John Davey of Akron. O . haa offered the city of Cleveland, O., LS00 young laag to aaalat In beauUfylng th city s atreeta. Th kaiser haa presented on af the bronze cannon captured In pekin to Count Von Wsidereee. The gun, which 1 2u0 year did. was used by th Chin la tneir a lege of th lorelaTfi legations. - eirwii I New York ahoemaker make pro mi newt ,jjdlaplay of "Prinoe Henry riding boota,, spur. Th boots ar of katent leaiaer. machine stitched around the top in redAiah krown. Land on lower Broadway, New York City, sold th other day at the rata f about lv.tMO.uiw an acre; yet it isa t a vary long ago that on of tb Goeieta part-jred nia cow on iana locataa cm lower xrea way. General Eugene Oriffia kas la hi sioo th American Cag mad by tha sailor In Ueutenant Gilmore'a party eut et patches and stripe of their clothing, altar their rescue from tb insurgents in tb wildest part of Luson. Captain William Driver, a Salem (Mass kipper, 1 credited with the beetowal of the nam "Old GloryV ta tha Star and Stripe. It was in ISM. and tb Bag ( which he gave the nam was carried by th brig Charle Do get t ail around the world, aad is now on exhibition at tha Laaex Institute, kalem. Kramer, Washington county. Pa.. 1 named after Joseph Kramer, who owns the entire village, operate aU It kAishtee establishment and own th stag coach wLtcn are the only mean of communica ting with th outer world Mr. Kramer ha never been outside ef Washing-tea county. When Mr. Burrouaha af CMInsaataww. V. H-. was ta year of ag be daporclud $174 la tn lsew Hempchtr Having bank at Concord. He died aom five weeks ag at th ag of so year. Durteg his Ulatlm - 1 he had drawn K 0 from the eepuait I "uw mere remains ti.stv etui so nt rredlt tn the bank. How long would ft aaaa nav to li v i beat tk kan at Uuai ratal The ancient town of York, lie reach It SSOth anniversary thia year, and eon template celebrating It appropriately. Tli ere la only eae other town la the etat older than It. Thia Is Klttery. rh su of th .United State navy yard. Klttery wa aeiriea in wz ana Incorporated In 1M7. it i said tkar la ne ether tewa t I of the nam In the world, and th origin I of th nam is aot known. Edward Tuck, th wealtkv Vtoataniaa ha decided te defray tha entire eoet ol erecting a free American hospital la Parle, I'.v teevw nvwn yirMMWfJ a a PHlij. throplic Among his benefaction wer rlfu te Dartmouth college amounting la tuSOOe. Mr. Tuck, who ta Bilesu partne tn a banking firm of Pari, ha lived ta. ch Trench capita) for a number of year Dr. Mag-uln. an America) phyeloian well rnw. a u raria, win oa Ol rector ef the . koapltaJ, which is xocted to be ml, f ... occupancy tn liM. The Plate Board ef Hortlcultsre ef Men. faaa will Inaugurate anal carry tm relent lessly a crusade agalni the codling imI tn the orchards of Missoula county, w hies ' the pt ha t evaded te aa alarming extent. d. i"iin pump ni ne eat tt work, and 2.M pound of pari green will be purchssd and dispensed under the 11- rwviin, wi wan. i nre sprayings will' be given, the first one in Msy, wiica the ,J. a.?. tw Uuie t letsr I vbib pf ten ftayk i Still Keen It raw I vmnag a penoq oi poor seani sonM I u at I got a trial kettle ef DeWittt i . B. - . . - "lu" we ay rns - I Peace Adam f keek ef New Lis boa, 14. 1 "1 took I JL, , I t0 ' tksa sad they did m ae fBch ksva sd them ever elBea." Safe,- reliable aad geatle, DeWttr Uttls Early R leers aaltker grip kr eVstre, but stim-' slat tk liver aad pre mat rcgxlay easy ftctxea ef the kewel.