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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY I1EE: MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1002. I11M.U L 111b dLAU HlLLb Hidden Fortune Dorid to Boild en Kill lit at Deadwood. GRASTZ SUCCEEDS ST, CLMO COMPANY t'alveralty ' Esalolts SOO Acres Near Bo a far Bloody Galea Gri, Ea lists Ik Atteallaa ef Rf ert ea4 lavesters. 4 DEADWOOD, t. O.. March . (Special.) Tbe annual meeting of tb Hidden For tuae Ool4 Mining company waa Held la Dearer last week aad three director were elected: A. If. Stevenson, H. J. Mtybara, Herbert A. Shaw, Deader; Oeerge M. Nit. Lead. 8. D.; 0t p. Th. Grants, Dead weed; A. H. Marble. Bella Fourch. 8. D.; J. P. Allleen, Thomas J. ' Steele aad B. W. Rise, Slowa Cltr. Ia. The dlrectora organised bjr the eleetlon of the following offlert: A. M. Itevtasoe. president; J. P. Allison, nee president; E. W. Rice, treaaorer; H. J. Majrhatn, secretary! George D. Begole, as letaat secretary and treaeurer; Tbomaa J. Steele, general manager. Among other matters of Importance that came up for discussion at the meeting of the Stockholder was the location of A mlllilt. The company hat had In Ttew tor some time a alto at' Deadwood, oa at Bell F mi it he and another oa Castle creek, la the southern HJIIa. A commutes of four, consisting of President 8tevnson. Mr. Great a. Mr. Marhani aad Oeaeral Manager Steele, was Tested with authority to em ploy a competent engineer to make a cars ful eeareh aad decide the location of th mill. The company has had Its plaas com pleted with regard to tb character and else of Its plant for a long time. It Is settled tbst it Is to be a soo-stamp mill and a cyanide annex capable of treating 1.00ft tons a day. Ths or wilt be treated first by amalgamation, aad submitted to aa after-treatment of eyantdt. It II ex pected that ths mill will be placed at Dead wood. Thomas 'J. Steel was appointed general manager, to succeed Oeerge M. Nls, who has resigned. Mr. Nix continues a di rector. Great Gets at Charter. A charter has been obtained from tba secretary of state by tbe Grants Gold Min ing company, which succeeds the St. Elmo Mining company under th reorganization. Th Incorporators ot. ths Grants company are: Otto P. Th. Grants. George .' gyre snd Asa Baldwin. .'The company Is casual tied at ft.tOO.OOO. ' It la owner ot the St. Elmo group of thirteen claims la Penning ton county, near Harney peak, and Sylvtn lake. Th 8t. Elmo waa for a Dumber of years ths leading producer ot that part of ths Black Hill. It has a tea-atamp mill and It was supplied with a rich quality of free gold or for several years, or until deeper working became itnpractlabls Owing to the system that had been Inaugurated. Th new company wilt sink a 500 -foot shaft and develop tbe ore at depth. Mr. Grants la president of tbe company and will hare charge of ths work. " The University Oold Mining and Milling company baa bought 0 acre. of mining ground two miles from Rochford, of Burt Heath. Ths Irst payment has been mad on ths ground. And ths company took pos session last week. Th, property la eitu ated near Rapid creek, and (hers Is a larga millsit oa tb creek, easy ot Access ffom ths mining ground, snd with aa ample water supply. Ths Heath ground Is de veloped . by a number of shafts, tunnels, opto cuts, and. vtet pita, opening Op ie eral i'arga bodies of free milling ore. The company sampled ths or' carefully before purchasing, the assays averaging between ft and IS a ton- , The University company owned too acres t ground In Custer county and by acquiring th Heath group la Peah Ingtoa county it baa 600 acrss all told. A part of th working tore baa been moved up from the University mine, near OrsTllls, sot active development commenced on the Heath property. Bedoetlaa t Casta Ores. Walter C. Brae of Dearer la fa Dead wood representing a Boston syndicate that contemplates th .erection of a cyanide plant for tb reduction ot custom ores. A few months sgo Frederick A. Smith was In ths Blsck Hills tn ths Interest ot tbs syndlcats, looking up a favorable sits. When be returned to Boston bs had several loca tions to submit to ths consideration ot bis people. They have announced themselves la favor of Dewdwood, owing to tbe cen UalKy of the location relative to tb large deposits ot lowgrads eyanldtng ot. Mr. Braes Is here to ascefteln If ths Tlslbl supply of ers Is sufficient to wsrrant the building of ths plant, and hs Will spend ssvsrsl days canvassing ths rsgioa. If fait report la favorable tb syndicate will build plant ot tWMo capacity-, and It la i 'pected that th treatment charget will be fixed at about $1 a ton. Options are held oa several sites It Deadwood. snd Mr. Brae will probably decide which Is ths best suited to tbs proposed plant. ' 1 A good body of cyanldlng or btt been found oo the property of the Castl Rock Mining company, sight miles south ef Spssr. a th. in the Spesrllsh canyon. Th ors was found tn a tunael, th face of the tunnel being solid ors that assays betur tbaa 111 a toa. .The etoek la the company Is nearly all owned by Spearflah aten. aad ths die sovery of the solid body ot or has created considerable enthusiasm la ths town. It It expected that ths company will build a cyanide plant of Its own a the ground thif year. Bleedy Galea Attracts Aleaila. ROCHFORD, 8. D.. March 1 (Special. When the Blood is Impure Everything goes wrong. The digestion . is bad. The head aches. The brain is dull. -The nerves weaken. And the skin is nearly ruined. Your doctor knows what medicines will cure these troubles: the medicines that are in Ayers SarsaparHla. Consult him freely. Five years ago I had bunch coca set my head aad had a breaking out oa my body. I tried did treat reawUes witaoat rehet. 1 the triad Ayra SaxaapsjiUa. Beor 1 had Ukeo half a bonis th baachaa aad the) rash wwr roae, aad I f eit Lk a asw aaaa.' VL A. WsXi, Beatiey Orask, Pa, H.ta, AS Mlalag mea are giving their attention, to the Bloody Gulch group of claims, sltusted nesr ths old Standby mine. Tbe ground baa come into prominence, owing to the dla cloturt of some excellent ors In the bottom of a shaft eighty feet deep. The ore Is fosnd la a Assure, and carries soms free gold, although the grester portion ot the values la In the concentrates. The giound eonslsta of 10 acres, three claims of It patented, snd It belongs to Prank Stolgl and Anton Ruggers, who have owned It four years. Tb group lies a quarter of a mile from ths Burlington railroad tracks, snd two parallel Vein cross the group almost Itt entire length, both being revealed by their outcrops, oa which considerable sur face work has been done. Tbe Black Hills Copper company has closed a deal for tbe Benedict mining prop erty In Hornblende camp, a few miles south west of Rochford. There sre 200 seres ot th ground, belonging orlglnslly to Meadsn halt. Hooper and Smith. Th first payment baa ba mads oa lbs ground, and ths Blsck Hills Copper company has assumed posses sion. Tbs Benedict baa on of th largeat Iodise of low grade free-milling and con centrating or la th Black HUls outside of the Homestske, and the work of fully exploring It la to be commenced this month. Ths Blsck Hills Copper company continues to crosscut east and west from th bottom of Itt 700-foot shaft, oa Its copper ground at Copper Reef mountain. Brltlsh-Aaaerleaa at Work. Tb British-American Copper company, whose ground Joins th Blsck HUls group, bat a totes of msn at work, and this is to be increased by the end of ths month. The company has recently been Issuing first mo riff are bonds on Us stock to procure money for further development, and $30, 000 bat been raised In this manner. Tba Company owse nearly TOO acres of ground In on group la Pennington county,' and about 100 acres la Lawreace couaty, where It has a good showing m gold orss. Electric drills have beea purchased by tb AJti Mining company for the Standby mine at Rochford. J. n. Baker, superintendent of th company, hss returned from ths esst, where be bat been to purchase th drills. Th company hss been using air drills. The power for the mill and mine machinery Is obtained from ths water of Rapid creek v and while running th air compressor U was Impossible to keep mora than tea stamp ef ths mill dropping. It Is claimed that there will be a fourth, less power required to operate electric drill and If thla proves correct it will be a mat ter of consequence to tbs company. - LAWYER NORTON IS CONFIDENT Declares the Aethorltlea Hav a Weak Case aad that Maa-el Daadas Exists. CHETENNB, Wyo., March f. (8pselaL) Attorney J. T. Norton, charged with fraudu lent uss of ths malls, appeared before United States Commlsslsner L. E. Btene at I o'clock thla afternoon. Hs waived hla examination and was bound over to ths Unltsd Statea district court. His bonds Were fixed at 12.000. Ia an Interview todsy Attorney Norton stated that tbs authorities hav a weak ess against him and that hs expects to havs no trouble la clearing himself. Hs ssyt Mabel Daada Is not a fictitious per son snd that hs will produce Mabel Dundss ofi tb witness stsnd to testify la his be half. H states that th woman lives In Denver, and that he taw and conversed with her during bis visit to Denver last week. Money orders and packages addressed t Mabel Dundaa arrive at th local poatoOce dally. Thla mall la being withheld by the postal officers who hav charge of the case, Today an order for )50 and a package, were received in the mall, addressed .to.. Miss nirai uunaas. Railroad msa aay that R. H. Nelson, a ranchman, living twelve miles front Potter, made dally trips to tbs depot for ten dsys for ths purposs of meeting Miss Duadas. Nelson bsd seat Norton $3 for a ticket to Potter, and had arranged to meet tbe wo man there and get married. She tailed to arrive a per schedule, but thinking that ahe btd been detained In Cheyenne, and would com on a later train, th ranchman met every eastbouad paaaeager train. FIXES LIVJE STOCK VALUATIONS Wyasnlaar Baarel af Esjaallsatlea ' 0,aotes Far er Flarares aa Cattle. CHETENNB. Wye., Msrch . (Speetsl.) Ths Stats Board f Equalisation baa fixed the valuation on live stork. Ths valuations ars ths same as Isst yesr, as follows: ' Cattle Pure-bred bulla. Ml; grade bulla yearlings and over, $3t; grade bulla, calve coming yearlings, $11; grade and dairy ealvea coming yearlings, $10; grades and dairy, yearlings and ovsr, $36; ran tea cattle, yearlings and over, $16; raag cattle, calves somlng yearlings. $$. Horses Pure-bred snd thoroughbred stallions, $200; pure-bred msres and grade stallions. $100; carriage horses, driving high-grade mare and heavy draft horse $:; raneh. work, dray and livery here, $40; r era moo unbroken horses and mares, $7; saddle horses aad sow poalea, broken, $14; Shetland ponies, $10. Mules aad As Large Jackasses nsed far breeding purposes, $1(0; heavy draft mules, $10; ordinary mules, $40; burros, $3, Sheep Buck lamb, coming yearlings. $4; bucks, yearlings and ever. $; high-grade twos, yearlings aad ever, $3.2$; high-grade La S3 be, com lag yearling, $1.7S; range sheep Umbo, comtng yearlings, li st; rangs sheep, yearlings aad over. $2.26; goats, $.25 twtne. $4. Starals Keel Mea laltlatea. 8TURGI8. S. D.. Msrch . Special.) Friday alght Mlanehaha Tribe, No. 18, Im- i. C. ATOtOOL. proved Order of Red Men of this city, had rousing hog feast at Its tepee. A dele gation consisting of several membera of the Deadwood tribe, came down on the evening train, to assist In ths mulattos of eleven palcfacea Into th order. WINSBERQ GOES TO PRISON Over Twt Tears la Pealteatlary ter Attempt aa Life of Sol Levlataoa. DEADWOOD. S. D., Msrch . (Speclsl.) Th court has sentenced Leo Wlnsberg to term of two years snd three months In the penitentiary for an attempt to kill. The prisoner will be tsken to Sioux Falls next week. Wlnsberg shot Sol Levlnsoa la the left breast, the evening of December 101, In Lerinsoo's second-hsnd store. My daughter had a terrible cough which settled on her lungs," saya N. Jacksoa ot Danville, 111. "Wa tried a great many remedies without relief, nntll we gsva her Foley's Honey and Tar, which cursd her.'' Refus substitutes. HENDERSON FOR PAYNE PLAN Speaker at Haas Rasserts Ways aad Means Caasatltt' Reci procity Bill. t WASHINGTON, March t. Sunday brought something of a lull In th agitation over Cubaa reciprocity, although th proa aad con continued tb discussion. During ths dsy there wsr no meetings. but th leaders n both sides held maay conferences, ' Ths tactical plaas of tbs ways and means committee ars largely committed to Repreaeatatlve Long of Kaa- saa, who was busy prosecuting bis canvass. Mr. Long waa In consultation during ths dsy with Speaker Headerson, who is tsk Ing an active Interest In baring th ways and means committee supported on th ground that th oppoaitlon la on which, t some extent, affects th regulsr organ Its tlon of ths house. The various consultations, howsvsr, did not lesd to any new developments In tb situation. Those who oppose th wsys and means commlttss continued to assert that they had 10$ republican membera. with some twenty-five mor doubtful. If this claim could be made good It would be d- clslvs In th coming conference. But Chairman Payne and hla associates, whits giving no figures, do not concede th strength claimed by the opposition. When seen tonight, Mr. Payne declined to say what the commute plans ars or to make any clatma, but said he waa en tirely satisfied with the situation. On of the lesders of the opposition said that ths main effort on Tuesday night would be to dfet all action, at least for this tee- slon. Good far tb Babies. There la no better medicine mads for bsbles than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Its pleassnt taste and prompt and effectual cure make It a favorlt with th mothers of small children. It quickly cure their eoughs snd colds, preventing pneumonia or other serious consequences. It not only cure croup, but when give a as sooa as the eroupy cough appears will p revest th at tack. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy eon- tains no opium or narcotic In any form, aad may be given aa confidently t a baby as to aa adult. It always cures. GOVERNOR YATES IN SOUTH Illlaala Eseeatlv aad Party, Earaat . 4 t kariestca, Visit Is, porta at Palate. "' NASHVILLE, Tsnn., Msrch . Govsraor and Mrs. Richard Yates ot Illinois, accom panied by a party of eighty or mor promt- asnt officials and cltltena of tha state, with their families, were la thla city thirty minutes this morning. The party la sa rout to th South Carolina eipoeitlen at Chsrlsstoa and Is traveling en a special train. A number ot personal frlenda greeted th visitor here and made their short stsy a pleasaat- oa. Th spsolsl Isft over the Nashville, Chattanooga 8t. Louis railway at 10 o'clock, the plana ot th party being outlined In th following statement by Governor Tatee: It la our Intention to make a stop of about three hours at Chattanooga and If oeetble to go to ootn Chickamauara and upon Lookout mountain. We will mnke a short stop In Atlanta and then go direct to Charleston, where we will be for two day. We will return by way ot Wash ington, make a atop ot on day and then or. nome. Paley'a Hoaey aael Tar. Cures coughs and colds. Cures bronchitis and asthma. Cures croup and whooping cough. Curea hoarseness and bronchial troubles. Cures pnsumonla and la gripps. Repeat It Oaiaha. taeeese. The Wllllsm Goldie A Sons company. which built mucn ot tne rransmieeippi ex position, has secured the contract for con- structlnar the Electricity building at the fair at St. Loula. The building is to b &$ xtk)0 feet and the company's bid. the lowest of a dozen submitted, was gJSO.MO, or less than the architects had ftarured On In making ths plana. This Is the third of the St. Louis bulldlnss to be given to the con tractors, and It Is expected to be smong th Best. Trie uoiaie company pracucauy made tta reputation at Omaha and haa sines bad additional experience at Buffalo. LOCAL BREVITIES. A false tlarm of flre was turned In at 1 o'clock 8unday afternoon from Twenty- stxtn street anq roppieion avenue. Coroner Bralley win noia an inaueet over th remains of Carl Dummer, probably this fternoon. Dummer took twelve Brain of morphine Saturday night to produce sleep from to enecis oi wmcn ns aieo. Officers of the Department of ths MIs- souri havs heard nothing from thst part of ihe Twentr-eecono regiment wmcn as to regiment take station at Fort Crook and do not ex pet to until a telegram is received an nouncing Its arrival at the post. The com panies deatlned for Forts Niobrara, Robin son and Logan 11. Roota reached their destinations Saturday night and from this It i expected that the remainder of the regtment will arrive at Fort Crook some time Monday. John Griffith, who Is serving a thirty aay sentence st ins city ju. created pan nlc among th prisoners Sunday morn- ins by breaklns out 1th smallpox. Urlf- nth le the second man to art et out or ins tall by th smallpox route this Inter. He vii taken to the peet house and th tall waa thoroughly fumigated, rtrtfflth went Into a riser ator near Twelfth and Far- nam streets several days ago and upon being refused rente by the proprietor threatened to hold up the place, at the aame time making a motion with hie hand for hla pocket aa though to draw a weapon. Klereaec. AMh TllltU AM nM H.I.mI a .1,,, left for Port (and. Or., Tuesday to make Bis aome inert. Miss Alice Walker, who hs beea In sn Omaha hospital for tbe last six weeks. aas reiurnea nome. J. W. Casselman. formerly of Buffalo. Is acting as agent st the railroad station vrhile tbe regular agent Is absent. attended a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ai. 1 Can ot Omaha Thursday ven- tng. The Ladles' guild of St. Mark's church snet at th home or Mrs. C V. rouk w ed aeaday afternoon and transacted lta reg ular buatneee. KsCresnmeBts were served. Mrs. M. J. Giiffen, ualsted by Mrs. Jacob Weber and Her. Phillip Smith, be or- fanlsed a choir for St. Mark's church, he choir la practicing lor Easter services. - Henry Hall, a former resident of this city, now living In St Louis, was a visitor her last Week. Mr. Hall has a contract to build a purt of Ihe Ureal Western rail way near Council bluff. Mrs. U N Warller'a father. S. D. Cable, wno ha aeen making hla Dome with Mr, and Mre. Warller for the last year, died early Friday morning. The funeral wak from th iTeelyterta church. The serv- war conducted by Her. Mclnnc, pas- IOWA MINERS' WACE SCALE Conference in Dot Koinst to Decide on Termi of Agreement STATE MEETING OF THE UNITARIANS Bill Ready far latradartlaa. la lt- latar to AB-elWBi th Traste Byetesa tar Caatrel f Eelaeatlaa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 MOINES. March t. special. President Mitchell of tb Uaited Mine Workers of America Is expected In Dei Motnes tomorrow to attend a conference of , th m Inert and operators to consider the mine seals of wsges. Tbs convention f miners baa beea la sessioa tb last wssk and will be resumed on Mondsy, thert being about 160 delegatea present, and much detail work to be don. A confer ence ccmmltte ot miner aad operators hss utterly failed to agree on tb wage acal because of disagreements aa to soma minor matters, and thla will necessitate ths tak ing np of th question directly by tb coa- veatloa, which represents ths entire dis trict. Tbs operators will convene her on Tuesday. They hav a compact organisa tion. Th miners hav Indorsed th attorn ment to securs legislative actloa to require Inspection of blasts In tha mine and to uss other safeguard for tbe miner where shot flrlna ia Indulged In. A committee Will bs named to act as an advisory committee m matters of legislation. A committee hss also been appolated to attend th ststs federation meeting and complet th deal for the reafflliatton of th miners with th ttste federation. Coafereaee at CaltarlaB. A ststs-meeting of Unitarians is to b held In Det Molret this week, commencing Tuesday. Tbs program Includes a paper by Judge O. 8. Roblasoa of the Stat Board of Control, addresses by J. D. O. Powers of Sioux City, Margaret Olmsted of Cherokee, A. J. Williams of Rock Rsplds, Abrsm Wyman of Topeka, Kan., E. M. S. Hodgln ot Humboldt, Elisabeth. Padgham of Perry, D. J. H. Ward of Iowa City. Marion Shutter of Minneapolis. W. H. Patsford of Chicago, Adolph Rossbacb ot Keokuk, Johnson Brig ham ot Dea Moines; N. A. Haaksll of Du buque, Marl H Jenny ef Des Molnea, P. C. Southwortb of Chicago and H. H. Griffith of Des Moines. It Is expected that Gov ernor Cummins will also bs preseat aad speak. To Caatrel tha Colleges. Th bill has beea prepared and Is ready tor introduction la th legislature to abolish th trustee system tor control of stats edu cational Institutions and place all of them under on board of education consisting of three members, who shall be placed oa a salary. At preseat each of the three educa tional Institutions It managed by a board coaslstlag of owe member from each of th eleven district, and some of the boards have exofOcIo members,. so tbst about forty persons hav something t do with these Institutions. Inasmuch as th greatest work, ef thes boards at th present time Is la the mstter of directing the building aad rebuilding operations there la much com plaint that the lawyer and acbolara who compos thes boards ar not competent to direct building operatloaa. Tha work of th new Board of Educational Control will be along tbe Una of that of tb present Beard ef Control. It haa also beea a us res ted that ths School for ths Deaf and the College for the Bltnl should be taken from ths group of penal and charitable institutions and b placed with th new board. Killed la th Pavlllpplaaa. According to a lsttsr which Mr. aad Mrs. Benjamin Bedford of Sabula have received, their son, George Bedford, waa killed la th Island of Samar, with fifteen comrades, wail bravely fighting th Filipino. Th last beard ef young Bedford he was la San Francisco, aad wrote home that he Intended to enlist In the army and go to the Philippines. Nothing more was heard ot him until the letter cam from tha War department Informing the aged pareata of the death of their son, who waa a member ot Company E, Ninth United Statet Infantry. Gypeaae Traet Wis. The attorney general of Iowa decided that th secretary of state could charge the United States Oypsum company only $1,000 for filing Its articles ef Incorporation tn Iowa, holding that Inasmuch aa the article were la fact Sled before th bill taking ff th limit of fees had become a law, th larger fee ef $7,600 could aot b exacted. It the, bill had beea handled promptly th state would hav been enriched by $5,600. The secretary of state did aot accept the articles until aftar ths bill bad become a law, oa account of a detect la the tame. Dlee at Soldiers' Hosa. Alfred B. Cox, aged Tl years, aad an la- mate of ths Soldiers' Horns, dlsd at Mar shalltewn aa the result of consumption. Mr. Cog waa bora In Lafayette, lad., July 16, 1830. He came to the heme from Shelby oa Jnne 2$. 1891. He served In Com- psay C, Sixteenth Iowa Infantry, from No vember 27. 1861. to November $6, 1864. Ha a family, ,but their whereabouts la anknowa. When application for admission to tbe borne was made he gar In struction to notify his brother, D. M. Cox ef Shelby. A telegram to ths brother at that place waa returned with ths explana tion that be had beea dead for two years. BISHOP SPAULDINQ IS DEAD asoata at Haas af HI a a la Bast. ERIE, Pa., March . Bishop gpauldlng of tb Protestaat Episcopal church f Denver died today at th bom of bit ton In this city ot pneumonia, aged Tt yean. Bishop Spauldlng came hero to be with bis son. Rev. Frank S. 8pauldlag, who is sick with typhoid fever. The venerable father was aummoned a wtek ago. Ht stood the Journey wsll, but since caught ssvere cold, which developed Into pneu monia. DENVER, March . Joha rraaklla Bpaaldlng was born tn Belgrade, Ms., la MM. After attending Bowdola college and th General theological seminary, he waa ordained to tbe priesthood of Chrlat'a church, Gardiner, Me. He eubsequently held th parishes at Oldtown, Ms., Le, at a as., Providence, R. I., and Erie, Pa. Hs was elected bishop of Colorado. Wyoming aad New Mexico, la October, 1171 When bo first csme to ths west tears wsrs but seven Episcopal church In hi diocese, now there ar mor thaa 100 la Colorado alone and nearly all ot them wer started by Bishop Bpauldlag. Wyoming aad New Mexico were set off as separate dioceses more thsa tweaty years ago- Western Colorado was segregated tea years ago. Bishop Bpauldlag waa well kaowa amoag th westera Iadiaa tribes, and haa performed successful missionary work with them. Hs established the first Episcopal church la Arlsooa, the one at Presoott. Ham. nil iattrMS. Hob. Nils Andsrsoa of Bhlcklsy, Neb. died Saturday morning. March L It i o'clock- Mr. Aadersoa waa taksa tuddsnly 111 en th Burllagtoa trala as H left Chi cago, where he had beea oa ' a business trip ea Meaday, February li. aad where Special Matinee TODAY, MONDAY, MARCH 10th, At 2:30 P. .A!. In consequence of the enormous demand for tickets for the Kubelik Recital, he has consented to give, by special request A FAREWELL MATINEE TODAY, Monday, March 10th RECITAL Entire Change of Programme Management Frohmmi & Gorlitz. Sale of Seats Now On at The Orpheunx ' Price of seats from $1.00 to $2,50, Boxes $15 to $24, be met bis aoa. Dr. August Anderaon, who arrived from Europe after aa abaeace of a year, taking a post-graduats course In Ber lin, Germany, and Swedea. He waa buried Tuesday, March 4, In th Swedish ceme tery, bctweea Bhlckley and Ong. th fu neral being conducted by th Masonic or der, of which h was prominent member, being a Knight Templar and a member ot tb Myatle Sbrin. Rev. Boyd. Rev. Chlnlund and Rev. Munson, all of Linooln. officiated at tha services at tbe bouse. The procession contained 13a carriages. Mr Anderson waa bora in th parisn oi Onnestad, Skana, Sweden. December it, 1140, where he received a high school edu cation. He married In 18J Miss Anna mi son,' who died ths following yssr. In ISM b married Miss Nellie NUson. This union waa blessed with on son, Dr. August Aa- dercon, who earrtvee Mr. Anderson aa bis nly hsir. Mr. Anderson emigrated t this country 1b WW, locating at nrat in Molina, HL. aad settled la 1171 aa a homesteader In ssctlon ( In Bryaat township, Fillmore eouaty, where a baa sver sine resided. Ia politics bit career was at eventful aa It wat In butlnett. He waa a member ot the Nebraska leglalature in was elected to the same body In lSvl, but his electlosr waa cootssted by bis political op ponent, hla own party being la the minority la tks house be waa untested by a strict party vots. Mr. Anderson left a fortun. estimsisa to b worth about 9100,000, accumulator through the tilling of the soil and ralslag of stock, aad through the Investments of, hla samings la Ntbraaka land. In which he had unbounded confidence. It waa hit pride that bit large fortune bad beea ac cumulated by his owe unaided effort. "Try agala" was hla watchword. Hla advice aad ceuatsl was alwaya sought by his country mea aad mssy ar th ma today la th community where he lived, who ow their home and Independence to bis valuable counsel. Ia ths early daya of Nebraska bis faith and coaBdsnc la the future ot the stats was so great that, aa ha ttea exprssaed it. "I invested every dollar I earnsd oa the first paymsat oa land and trustsd to tbe Lord lor ths rest." Dur ing the exciting contest to bla sear In the Nebraska legislature in 189. before tbe Bnal result ef tbe vote was announced. It became evident that th decision of tbs nous had goa against him; bs arose la his seat and said: "Mr. Speaker." being recognised by tb ehalr. he said: "In vlsw of ths fact that I hav very preaslag fcuai- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a certain cure for croup and has never been known to fail. Given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the eroupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is the sole dependence of many thousands pf mothers and never disappoints them. Price 28 cent, lrg sis, SO coots. A EXTRA! Kl TRFI IK Bess at homo, I beg to be excused for the remainder ot tbe session." Tbe chair stated, "there being no objection the gentleman from Fillmore it excused." He was a liberal-minded man, broad In bit views. He loved Intelligence and enlighten ment. He hated bigotry and fanaticism. He waa a defender ot the poor aad defense less. Everything wrong and unjust was repugnant to his sensitive nature. Wit of Ei-Seaatsr PcCer. WA8HINOTON. March I. After several week illness Mrs. Barah Jane Peffer, wife Of ex-Senator W. A. Peffer of Kansas, dlsd bsre yesterday at tbe residence ot her daughter, Mrs. N. J. Mollhenny. Mra. Pffr. who was TO year ot age, suffered aa attack of paralysis In January, from which she wat unable to recover. Ex- Bnator Peffer. with A. Peffer, jr., and Mr. Mcllhenny, wer At th bedside whea death occurred. She leaves a husbsnd aad Ave children. Tbe body will be taksa to Kanaaa for Interment. BS. D. tark, Wrltr-rlltlelaa. CLEVELAND. March . E. D. Stark, a prominent lawyer ot thla city, well known la state politics and a writer on political economy, died today, aged 71 years. la ltll Mr. Sttrk waa the democratic candi date tor aupreme court judgs. Previous to ISM Mr. Stark had been a republlcae, but supported Mr. Bryan's candidacy for tb presidency. Wllllaaa Lahmiller. LA CROSSE, Wis., Msrch I. William Lohmlllsr died today, aged 71 yeara. He waa secretary of the La Creese Telephone eompaay, a director of the Wisconsin In dependent Telephone assoclatloa aad for maay year waa connected with the Chi cago V Northwester railway. , FIRE RECORD? Jaaaaeaa Mleelaa Be heat. LEBANON. Pa., March I. Rev. Dr. Joseph Lembergsr, trsssursr of th Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions ot ths Reformed Church la ths Uslted Btatet, waa Informed by cable today that the school for girls at Zendla, Japan, which Is main tained by ths church, haa bsea totally de stroyed by firs. The school took esre ot Oar Wcrklnjcea't Slices ar made of the kind of material and In a way tbat they will stand tba wear that' come wltb labor They bar gen uine welt sole tbat hare no nalla to hurt tbe feet broad too wltb a broad footfortn last tbat jive a comfortable fit eelected quality of box calf uppera and only $2.50 In price We guarantee every pair of thes shoe and recom mend them to tbe men tbat mutt be on tbelr feet We know there la no other each value fur $2.50 You get your money back If you want It Wben you buy here. Drexel Shoe Co, aaha t)a-e data the Maeae. $41 V1BI1M tTBBBT. TflUa all iwi UUlb seventy-five girls, all of whom were saved. The loaa la estimated at 15,000, which 1 partially eovsred by Insuraac la a Lon don company. The school was established seventeen years ago, and enjoyed the favor of the JapaBea government, which was at Brat opposed to It. Mist Lena Eurfleuth, superintendent of the school, la bow in thla country. Beaver Falls Baslaees Block. BEAVER FALLS, Pa.. Msrch- . Thi Hanold block waa destroyed by fire at aa early hour thla morning, entailing a lost or about 175,000.' Th loea oa the build ing is (20.000. Of the Unants, Smith Finklehor, panta manufacturer!, whoa loat ' It $40,000, were tbe ehlet aufferert. The gussts In the Bevsnth Avenue hotel, juet scross th strset from th burning build ing, became panlc-ttrickta aad many of them rushed Into th street only half cltd. The hotel was saved, however, and ' the guests returned to their rooms unharmed. Cellar aad Cast Faetery. BENKINOTON. Vt., March . The mala ' building of tbe Unity Collar and Cud com pany, In North Bennington waa burned this morning. Tha lots la about $40,000. with Insurance of 140,000. Kaasas Baslaees Haases. SENECA. Kan., March 9. Fir today de stroyed th funlture ator of Ma sob Bros, aad adjoining property. Loss, fu.000. la Days' Match ttarts. PHILADELPHIA. March rch I The In-you-pleae walk t Industrial k.ll dividual an days go-as-Ing match was begun a after midnight tonight. 1 Many of tbe old- time walkers started in ths race Dr. yono PERFECT T00.I1 PoudoF AN ElEQANT TOILET IUXUKT. Usdby peoplt) of refinement for oyer a quarter of a oentuxy. aigastass Is i evsry beat at tha gas alas Laxative urorao-Quiniflc tu4 1