Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Heavy vote expected today
techool Election Fromiaeg to Find Party
Politic Somewhat Eliminated.
'Sale of School Property nad tTyl
i ef Tas tor Betiding Addition la
( Call Issaed f o City Repab
Ilea Coaveatloav.
fc' Indication are that the school election
loday will bring oat a larger vote than
itieual, alRO that a large number of voters
r-wlll cast their ballots (or their choice of
Candidate Irrespective of party politics,
flbls promises to be the case more so than
((or many years,, although the tendency to
"flrop party politics In the 'srbc"l election
lias been growing steadily each year, es
pecially In the selection or members of
the Board ot Education. The vote on school
treasurer will probably be a party one,
Although both candidates expect to receive
.the support of their friends of both political
t Since the nominating conventions last
week both George C. Hansen, the repub
lican candidate, and George 8. Davis, the
democratic nominee,' have been putting In
ome bard work and both (eel confident of
uecess at the polls today.
( President Hess of the Board of Education,
J ho was accorded a renomlnatlon by the
(republicans, baa not. been making any cam
paign, preferring to leave his case in the
bands of his friends. ' He goes on the theory
Chat If the people want him on the" board
they will elect him and If they do not they
VlH vote for the other man.
William Flaher, democratic nominee for
school director, has been making an active
canvass, and being a strong labor union
tran will, It Is conceded, make a strong
bowing at the polls today. George Gor
man, republican candidate, whose nomina
tion was urged by the labor Interests, is
meeting with some opposition, from the
.Tact that he is not a married man, but bis
friends expect1 he 'Will be able to overcome
bls and be elected. ' a
In addition t the school ticket the voters
vill be called upon to ballot upon three
propositions, two for the sale of school
property and one to levy a tax for the
founding of an addition to the Pierce street
school. The' polls will opea at t a. m. and
Vlose at 7 p, m. Women will be permitted
to vote on the tax levy proposition.
For . the purpose of the school election
the district Is divided Into six precincts.
fl"he polls will be at the fallowing places:
' First Precinct Wheeler Hereld build
ing, 134 East Broadway.
, Second Precinct Mlnntck's livery barn,
COS West Broadway. )
v Third PreclnctCole-Brelsford building.
401-I Soiith Main Street.
Fourth Precinct Macrae's livery baru
624 South Main street.
Fifth Precinct County building, Fifth
avenue and Twelfth street.
Blxth Precinct County building, Twenty
fourth street and Avenue B.
Republican Cttr Coaveatlon,
i CbalnnarJvBrfca oF the clly 'republican
central committee has Issued the official
call for the republican city convention, for J
the precinct caucuses for the selection of
lelegates and for the ward primaries for
the nomination of ward aldermen. This Is
the call: .
The republican city convention will be
hold Thursday. March 20, at 2 o'clock, In
the south couit room of the county court
house. The bnnls of representation will ba
one delegate-at-large from each precinct in
the city, one delegate for every forty votes
and one additional delegate for every frac
tion of fifteen or over cast for John N.
Baldwin; for elector-at-large la the presi
dential campaign of 19tH).
1'rtmarles for the election of delegates to
attend the city convention will be held
Tuesday. March 18, from I to I o'clock
p-.m., the following being the placea for
holding the primaries and the number of
delegates which will be elected from each
First Ward First precinct. Wheeler ft
Herfld'S; building, six -delegates ; Second
precinct, Hheeley. 4. Lane's marble shop,
eight delegates.
Second Ward First precinct, city build
ing, eight delegates; Second precinct, 744
West Broadway, eight delegates.
Third Ward First precinct, Creston
tiouse, South Main street, eight delegates;
Second precinct. No. 1 hose house, South
Main street, aeven delegates.
Fourth Ward First precinct. Farmer's
hall, courthouse. , seven delegates; Second
precinct. Smith's hall, Sixteenth avenue,
six delegates.
Fifth ward First precinct, county build
ing, Klf'h avenue and Twelfth street, ten
delegates; Second precinct, county build
ing. Sixteenth avenue and Thirteenth
street, six delegates. ,
Blxth Ward First precinct, county build
ing. Avenue B and Twenty-fourth street,
eight delegates; Second precinct, H. P.
Hansen's mace, two delegates.
The primaries for the selection of dele
gates will be held open for on hour, accord-
lug to me ruiea ox me repuDiican city cen
tral committee.
ITImarles for the selection of ward alder
men will be held on Friday, March 14, at t
clock p. m.,. in tne various wards, as fol
lows: First Ward Wheeler ft Hereld building.
Second Ward Mlnnlck's barn. Sot West
Third Ward Creston house.
Fourth Ward Farmer's hall, courthouse.
Fifth Wsrd County building. Fifth
avenue and Twelfth street.
Sixth Ward County building. Avenue B
And Twenty-fourth street.
1'rlmsrles for the selection of ward alder
men will be held In the aame manner as
for delegates to tbe city convention, ex
cept that w hen all present shall have voted
the ludgea will declare the ballot cloaed
and shall at once count the ballot, and if
there ts no choice another ballot will be
immediately taken, -and ao on until aome
candidate has received a majority of all
ballots cast.
Davis sells glass.
las port a t Measarea Before Caaaeil.
Several Important measures and matters
re to come up at the adjourned meeting
of tbe city council tonight, among them the
amended ordinance which the Oreat West
era U desirous of having passsd in place
of the. vacation ordinance passed by the
aldermen two weeks ago.
The ordinance vacating three feet of the
sidewalk1 on Scott 'street to the Omaha
Brewing company to assist It In erecting a
handsome three-story building In place ot
jthe old structure now stsndlng at Scott
ttreet and Broadway, will come up on Its
.second reading. Sine the city council
toted unanimously to donate a valuable
portion ot L'a ton avenue to tbe Oroneweg A
6choentgen company to facilitate Us build
ing on Ninth and Broadway a large ware
house. It Is believed the aldermea will bow
consider favorably the proposition of the
Omaha Brewing company.
Alderman Iougee, chairman of the spe
cial committee to whom the matter was
referred, is expected to make a report on
the liability ot smallpox patients to pay
Funeral Director
iSucmsr la W. u. fcatap
a rw
kAavk saauBT.
the bills Incurred In their behalf by the
elty while under quarantine.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft Son.
Dr. Samuel Leland, the famous lecturer,
at tbe High school auditorium Tuesday
evening, March 11, under the auspices of
the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Subject of the lecture, "World Making."
Proceeds to be devoted to High school li
brary. Elks Ready to Shed A a tier.
The committee in charge of the social
session to be held by Council Bluffs lodge
of Elks Thursday night has sent out this
unique Invitation to the members and ex
pected guests from adjacent lodges: ' '
With the vernal equinox, under the signs
of Aries, Taurus and Gemini, all good
Klks shed their antlers at the salt lick and
begin to take medicine for a new and bet
ter pair.
All Elks bearing the brand of "Ml" will
round up at the Elks' wallow at twilight
on March 1J. Here their antlers may be
shed In good order, or in case they are not
mature, they will be knocked off by a
fighting stag Introduced for that purpose.
A herd of twenty or more chaste and
virtuous creatures, recently apprehended,
will be subjected to an operation, which
will Insure them an early and prodigious
growth of antlers.
It will be a clinic extraordinary and you
will be required to be In the amphitheater
during the performance. Elka of every
brand and breed will be present, and after
the bloody acenes have been enacted the
medicine will be administered In sumptuous
quantities snd In such ways and by such
methods as have never been known before.
If you value your standing as an Elk
you'll be there to lift up your volce at the
roll call at 7:30 p. m. s
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 641 Broadway.
Davis sells glass.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets and rugs.
Met beer at Neumayer's hotel.
Wollman, scientific optician, 400 B'way.
' The Lady Maccabees will meet Tuesday
Perry pictures for sale. C. E. Alexander
& Co., 333 Broadway.
Miss Reo Premeau of Omaha Is guest of
Miss Paschel of Willow avenue.
Miss Evans of Colorado Springs Is guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Everett.
Attorney F. W. Miller of Oakland avenue
Is visiting relatives In Canton, 111.
J. C. ft W. Woodward, architects, room
I, Everett block. Council Bluffs, la.
Missouri oak body wood, 16.50 cord. Wil
liam Welch, 23 N. Main street. Tel. 128.
The University club will meet Wednes
day afternoon with Mrs. W. E. Dawson.
The Atlas club will meet Thursday after
noon, March 20, with Mrs. F. W. Hough
ton. The monthly session of the trustees of
tne pubiio library is siatea ror this after
noon. Mrs. Edward Storms of North Platte
Neb., is guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sea-
The real estate transfers as recorded
Inst week in this city reached a total of
Excelsior Masonic lodge will hold a spe
cial communication tonight for work In the
third degree. . . .
The Oakland Avenue Reading club will
meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Flnley Burke.
The Every Thursday club will meet this
week at the home of Mrs. George Wright
on South Sixth street. -.
The New Century club will meet Wed
nesday afternoon with Mrs. O. J. McManus,
1162 East Pierce street.
Mrs. Lawrence Brown of Boone. Ia.. Is
guest of her Daren ta. Mr. and Mrs. 11. A.
Messmore of Fourth street.
SmallDox Quarantine on the Revere house
and the Kennedy family, 1431 North Eighth
i reel, waa raiaea yesieraay.
For rent, office room, around floor: ex
cellent l-catlon for real estate or Insur
ance; centrally located. Address 8, Bee
Joseph Llebold of Alma. Wash., is visit
ing his brother, Charlea Llebold. This Is
ne nrst time tne brothers nave met in
twenty years.
For rent, two furnished or unfurnished
rooms, for light housekeeping, for man and
wife; no children; rent reasonable. Ad
dress M, Bee office.
The Danish Brotherhood will have a re
union and banquet, with an Interesting
program, in Grand Army of the Republic
ball Tuesday evening.
The current events department of the
Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet
Thursday afternoon In the clubrooms with
Mrs. ti. j. xowsiee as leaaer.
Joshua Reynolds will be discussed at the
next meeting of the art department of the
Council Bluffs Woman's club, Monday,
March 17, when Mlas Alexander will be
Edward Bloomer Is in Council Bluffs for
the purpose ot settling. up the estate of
Hon. D. C. Bloomer, his adopted father.
This is his first visit to Council Bluffs In
thirty years.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Duauette. former
residents of Council Bluffs, who have been
visiting friends nere, lert last evening on a
visit to relatives In Des Moines before re
turning home.
The household econdmlo denartment of
the Council Bluffs Woman's club will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. J. H.
Cleaver as leader. "Ideal Motherhood"
will be the subject.
Mrs. P. J. Montgomery, who Is passing
the winter in California, has written friends
here saying she expects to stay there until
after the biennial of the Federation ot
Women a Clubs In Los Angeles.
Dr. T. B. Lacer of this city has been ap
pointed district surgeon of the Council
Hluns aiviaion oi tne Illinois t.enirai rail
road. He will have Jurisdiction over all
the Illinois Central surgeons between this
city and Fort Dodge. Dr. Lacey was for
merly local surgeon lor tne railroad.
The Derthlck club will give a musical
this evening In Royal Arcanum hall. Mrs.
W. N. Clifford, Mrs. H. 8. Jones, Miss
Stella Mclntyre, Mlas Tulleya, Mrs. Mulils,
Miss Ellis. Mrs. C. A. Wiley, Miss Phoebe
Judson. Miss Maud Hoagland, Miss Wal
lace, Mlsa Hill and Miss Ethel Cook will
take part in tne program.
Frank L. McCoy and Robert Olmstesd
have begun ault In the district court
against James L. Pax ton to qulat title to
land which they claim aa their property by
accretion along the former bed ot the Mis
souri river ana to recover ,uuu tor rax
ton a use of It. Paxton has occupied and
cropped the land In controversy tor several
Rheriflf McAvoy or Barpy county. N
braska. assisted by Detwtlve Weir of the
local police force, arrested James M. Brady
at bis home In the southwest yart of the
city on the charge of burglary. Brady is
charged Wlin Dreaamg imo aeverai places
In Faollllon. Neb.. Friday night and steal
ing a large number of chlckena. Fowls
supposed to be part of the plunder were
round at nis nouse. nrwiy rviuaeu 10 cross
the liver without requtattloa papers and
was lodged in tne county jail.
The funeral of Miss Clarlbel Chambers,
daughter ot Mr. ana Mrs. ti. 4. chambers,
veaterdav afternoon, was attended by a
large gathering of her schoolmates and
friends of he bereaved family. The floral
offerings were many and beautiful. Rev.
W. 8. Barnes, paator of the First Presby.
terian church. conducted the services.
Burial waa In Falrvlew cemetery. These
were the pallbearers: Principal Ensign of
the High school. B. M. Sargent, F. J. Day.
8. F. Henry, I. M. Trey nor and W, IL
N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone ISO.
Ceaeral Adveaea la latsraac.
MACON. Ga.. March t Vice President
Wilson of the Southern Tariff association.
who has returned from a meeting of repre
sentatives of insurance associations In New
York, says that while no formal action
was taken by the conference itself It waa
a tacit understanding that the 16 per oent
Increase In rates would be enforced by all
companies east of tbe Korky mountains.
but that there would be no Increase beyond
that point.
Writers ta Meet la WUtis.
INDIANAPOLIS. March t. The executive
committee or ine western Association o
Writers met at the Denlson today and SS'
lected Winona aa the place for holding the
annual meeting of tbe associativa, J una ti
being selected aa tae a at a.
How the State Institution. Will Fare if the
Bill it Passed.
State Board of Coatrol lastltntlana
Likely to Get Nearly All that Is
Keeded-Osa albas Bill Is Now
Ready for the Leglslatare.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, March 9. (Special.) If
the recommendations of the house commit
tee on appropriations ae contained in the
omnibus bill which has been passed on
Item by item relating to the institutions
under the State Board of Control are
adopted by the general assembly without
substantial change then the State Board ot
Control will have during the next two years
disposition of every cent of the statefunds
now In sight. The total is 1859,677.60, of
which $128,000 has already been appro
priated for the hospital at Cherokee, and
the rest Is In the bill which ts now In the
hsnds of John Hughes, Jr., of Iowa county,
chairman of tbe bouse appropriations com
mittee, to be reported this week. This bill
would dispose of tbe money the state has
on hand or coming. If it la passed and
the necessary appropriations are made for
other purposes the state will need about
$1,800,000. This must be secured through
an lnorease In tbe state levy. The only
trouble Is that a state levy will not bring
In tbe money light away. Tbe levy for
this year has been made and cannot be
changed. Any change In the state levy will
not begin to yield until after tbe close of
this year and the money will not be avail
able until near the close of the biennial
period for which appropriations are now
being made.
Proposition a Bard One.
"The fact Is," said one of the prominent
members of tbe appropriation committees,
"we are right up against a hard proposi
tion. We have not the money we need fof
these appropriations and there is no way
we can get it. The war claims will prob
ably bring us something, but we will find
a place for all that with ease. We will get
In about $800,000 from the taxes and fees.
By some changes In fees we can Increase
this materially. We need $1,000,000 more
and must have some of It. But to ask an
Increase In the tax levy doesn't help ti
out, for that will not bo available right
away. Yet we will have to do the right
thing, to see that no Interest suffers and to
provide that It shall all be paid."
Of the sum appropriated In the bill which
has been agreed on by the house appro
priations committee and which will be re
ported on tbls week, $144,000 Is for the pur
chsse of lend and more than $280,000 for new
buildings and equipment. The fact la that
all tbe Iowa institutions have been grossly
neglected for many year and it Is posi
tively necessary that permanent improve'
ments be made. All sorts of new build'
Ings are needed for these Institutions. The
large appropriation for land Is esrnestly
Insisted on by the Board of Control for
tbe reason that It has been demonstrated
that the atate can economize greatly by
the use of large farms near the insane
hospitals and similar Institutions. A great
deal of labor can be profitably used.
One Largje Item Omltfed
One large item left out of tbe bill, as
prepared by the Board of Control, was for
$12,000 for a deep well at the Independence
hospital. The people of Independence ob
Jected to this because the state Is buying
water from tbe city water works at a good
rental. The committee also cut out the
item for a quartermaster's building at the
Soldiers' Home and the Items for gates and
entrances, but Increased the allowance for
the hospital. This is on the theory that the
home is fast becoming little more than a
bospltsl for the old men who seek its com
fort In ' their declining days. The board
asked for $2,500 for a coalhouse at tbe
school for the deaf, but the committee
thought $1,500 would do. At Clarlada the
board thought $8,000 would be right for a
coalhouse, but the committee reached the
conclusion thst a comfortable coalhouse
could be erected for $4,000. The board
asked for a new house for the solitary
cells at Fort Madison, but the committee
struck out the $4,600 for this purpose. At
the ssme time the board Is authorised to
make use of $22,000 of other funds to build
a library and school building at the pen!
tentlary, and also to divert some $6,000 -of
the support fund at Clarlnda for building
When this bill gets fairly before the
house all other matters will be dropped
for tbe time. In the estimation of the
members of both of the. appropriations
committees the Board of Control bills
ought to be got out of the way before other
appropriation matters are taken up serl
ously. The house will act first and the
senate will finish off the bill, and it is ex
pected short work will be made of it. The
disposition Is to give the Board of Control
all that is needed and practically every
thing asked for or suggested. The follow
Ing are the items of the Board of Control,
as it nas been agreed on in committee:
Soldiers' Hosae at Marshalltowa.
Fpr an assembly hall and for furnish-
1 1 1 k ina sam an, wew i .. i .......
light, watar and uwir in (h. . . am
, - ;.,.. . . " .... ""j .vw
ffwi wiuiiiuuu (vun una faculties lor
nuBuiiai purposes, ana for nurses
and other employes, including pro
vision for beat, light, water and
sewage, and for furniture and fur-
nisnings 1 iwt
Vn.. a 1 .. .... .4 . 1 1 .1 1 M 1 ! w
w i uuui j uuiiuuiK atuu eauiDmenl
and for carrying heat, light, water
ana sewer to the same a mm
a'twivu vjuiyiueni ana ior
carrying neat, iignt, water and
sewer to the same, and for a new
cnimney a
For an Icehouse and cold storage and
equipment 4.000
v whiiii Dunn- nouse. new
boilers, settings and connections.
ana lor a new chlmnev itim
w wiuuim, aiuui., unnais ana
connwiioni ior tne main and old
mens building a nrv
ui ,vfi mo nain ouiia-
ing, connections, equipment and
changes to make the same accea.
..'. " '. - WO
cur luruisi anu team connections be-
iween tne nospitai ana main power
Soldlera Orphans' Home at Dnveapert
For a new boiler and engine house,
amokeatack, coalhouse, equipment
ana connectlona 20 000
For raising cottages and for cottage
furniture itngn
For elate roof and metal work on cot-
For the purchase of land 15 0ou
rn iBnn..i . .. .... ..... wtwv
M.iwm, v. f uj Miwvr or
sewage disposal plant. Including
sewer connections, water closets,
equipment and carrying beat, water
and sewer to same 1,208
tanu ina mini ui v.oniroi is autnor
lsed to use the tS.Ui.ti appropriated
for a sewer by chapter cxlvll. Acta
of the Twenty-seventh General Aa
aembly In addition to tbe amount
herein appropriated for this pur
pose.) For straightening Duck creek 3,000
For a contingent and repair fund 4,uu0
Cellece teg the Blind at Vlalea.
For repairs to buildings, including
porches and cupola 1,000
For a pipe organ and motor for the
same for the chapel 2.700
For a contingent and repair fund 2.0U0
Seheel fer the DeauT at Conaell Binds.
For a new coalhouse 601
For closets la Industrial building and
connections, and an addition to
building for the aame W0
For library, magazines and papers... 4"0
For laundry machinery l.SW)
or type ana toots ior inaustriai
work T. 400
For a watchman's clock and for In
stalling the same svo
For electrical power and for carry
ing tne same ana ior connections.... v
For a new range and furnishings "0
For fencing and fences MO
For changing and putting In new
beating apparatus in tne weet wing
ot main building 1.0IV)
For addition for aosphouae and vats..
For lowering resetting boilers l.O'l
For a contingent and repair fund t.000
astltatloa for Feeble-Minded Chil
dren at Gleaweod.
To erect, furnish and equip- two
aouDie cottages ior Doya ana ior
carrying heat, light and water and
sewer to the aame 10,000
For roofing custodial and parts of
main nuuuing wun siaie, ana ior
supporting and reinforcing roofs,
and for plastering and repairs to
custodial and parts of main build
in. 10.000
For new boilers, generators snd elec
trical equipment ana setting tne
aame 8.600
For repairs to bollerhouse and coal
sheds LOT)
For a new bake oven 1.600
For a new brick barn 6,000
For a new pump, pipe, motor and
connections i 2.678
For the purchase of land ..i 2&.fluo
For a contingent ana repair tuna s.uur
dastrlal School for Bays at Eldera.
For a school building and for furnish
ing and equipping tne same ana ior
carrying heat, light, water and
sewer ta the same 17,600
For furnishing old school rooms for
sitting rooms 2.100
For water closets and for equipping
the same, and for m axing water ana
sewer connections to the same 1,760
For a bake oven l.eoo
For electric motors and connections.. 600
For repairs to walls of main. building
ana ior painting wans, woonwora,
tin and gutter work, and for re
nalrs to woodwork '$,600
For library, books, magaslnea and
papers iOOO
For a new shop building and equip
ment, ana for carrying neat, iignt,
water and sewer to the same 12,000
For an engine and generator 3,5"0
For a repair and contingent fund 4,000
ndastrlal School tor Girls at Mitch
For a new family building for small
giria, rurmsning bhuhhhhb ,
same, and for carrying heat, light,
water and newer to the same, and
for connections 17,000
For a system of storage for water
and for making tne same avaiiaoie.
hn annlfancen and connectlona ....
For library, books, magaslnes and
For pump house and connections
ror an engine, eiecinu icueiawr uu
4s.,n .m. f Inn. . . ... ...............
For a chaplain's fund
For a sewage disposal system, In-
lilUUlllB ' v '
For a contingent and' repair fund
Hospital (or the Insane at Monat
For Installing new closets and for
piumoing ana repairs
For new deep well, pumps. Power,
1. 1 n-,.f M.n..tlnni . 10.000
mutlliiin j biiu ,..,,,i.v. -
For new boilers, settings and connec
tions, ana ior puniyiua piauv
For a new'brVck smokestack
For new floors, repairs to noun
for furniture and furnishings .......
For new food elevators and equlp-
Himii ...,..............-
For a new roof for kitchen, new down
spouts, repairs anu timmu tun-
tlnna ... ..............................
Zor I?.1"11" -v-'::--'L".-:-.-:
t or unrary, uvuae, -
For printing press and outfit
For cement floors In basement
For removal of old greenhouse, en-
. analwA . mnA A
largemem ui ii, i m w
MAA.In dim. ... ........... a ....
For a farmer's cottage
For a new barn
For the purcnaee or cows
For a sewage disposal plant ana
necessary sewers anu miiumu.
tnereto --
For the purchase of land......... 25.000
For a repair and contingent fund 10,000
Hospital for the Insane at Independ
For a storehouse and equipment, and
. ....... K..7 ...... .n
ior tamos; neu, ukui
awi ta aame '..i.Y.. .......'.
For new water elosetSj fixtures and
connections and for wainscoting.....
For fana and tampering colls and
connections to vflmimw
wards In main building and Grove
hall '
For radiators and connections for
wards A and I .'
For a palm house with heat
For a new Icehouse and refrigerator..
For a brick Are department building-..
T7 wnltra .......
rur txiuriii ,
for connections J
For tile floor for main hall.....
For another section for mangle 1,200
For the purchase of land fh'nm
Iror a contingent aim u,,v.
Hospital (or the Inanne at Clarlnda,
For a cold storage and ice man u fac
ing piant, ouiiuine, hivii.iic..
For enlarging shop building and for
anulnment ; s,00u
For a coalhouse, ash elevator ana
equipment i'lnk
For an engine for dynamo t&
For the purchaae of land fr'
For a repair and contingent fund 10,000
Penitentiary at ri
For a new powerhouse, smokestack.
macnine eiiop, ui.v.b ...
well, water storage, boilers, piping
and connections .W0
For a new building for a hospital.
library ana scnooi room, uy
and furnishings, and taking heat,
lia-ht. water and sewer to same 2.nTw
For a laundry equipment
Vnr a new nrlson wall . ao.OOO
For transportation of discharged con
victs ;
For a contingent and repair fund
Penitentiary at Aaamosa.
For finishing walls and roof of nortn
.All hnliHA ..m... .
For freight on stone
r or salary oi iuithicu
For derrick supplies .
For powder and fuse
For tools
For laundry equipment. ................
For machinery and repair of water
avatem. engineering department
For cement '2 V
For transportation oi oikuhicu .vh
ForCaconUngen't and repair if'und
Rowlaar Assoclatloa Flams to Estab
lish a Llaks Claa aa
T1m nnnsl meeting of tbe Council Bluffs
Rowing association will be tbls evening in
the league room at the Grand hotel. Be
sides the election of officers a number of
Important matters will come up for action.
banquet will be served at tha close of
ths meeting.
One of the matters to be acted upon is
.v. to establish coif links ad
jacent to the clubhouse at Lake Manawa
and to organlxe a goii ciuo as an auxiliary
to the Rowing association. It has been
practically decided that ths golf links will
be laid out, but tne association win aeciae
tonight whether it shall own and control
The Question of membership will also
eome up for action. At present in limit
nf mamherahln la 150 and tho initiation lea
$50. Thar are nine applicants on the wait
ing list and it baa been suggested to raise
tha membership to SOO and restore tha In
iitir,n cm ta tta former ngure. izo.
The association will also aeciae tonight
Brewed is. plant a clcaa at &
toot faspcrioc--c
Council Bluffs
j VERY.TING breathes of spring in
I and busy buyers are availing
ing opportunities here presented.
Mail orders promptly filled.
Spring Suits
Our display of the new styles Is
most excellent and every day some
thing new le added to the already
choice collection.
Quite the most popular thing is the
Gibson Style
a choice line of which we show, with
the new Eton, Bolero and Norfolk
All the new styles In skirts are ex
tensively represented the tight-fitting
effects, habit backs, the latest flaring
flouncen and the popular golf or walk
ing skirt.
The Majjee Skirt
Adjustable We have a
the popular underskirts
$2.00, $2.26 to $6.00.
large line ot
at $1.25, $1.60,
The "II. S. & M." Clothing for Men
Spring- 1902 Styles
Come in and see the new goods. The "Has Style and Merit" Clothing Is unequaled In all that make clotblnc what
you want It to be perfection of nt, up-to-dateness of style and dependable wearing qualities. When you -wear It
you have that satisfied feeling that comes when you know you are well dressed.
whether It will make an effort to secure
again this year for Lake'Manawa the an
nual regatta ot the State Rowing associa
tion. The clubs attending last year were
much Impressed with Lake Manawa and the
entertainment afforded tnem Dy tne iocsi
association and it Is believed If Council
Bluffs wants tbe regatta again this year it
can get it The directors of the state as
sociation meet in April, when the location
ot the regatta will be decided upon.
Coatestaats la World's Chasnploasalp
Tearaameat Adopt Ralea
lor Coatest.
NEW YORK. March . Contestants in
tbe world's championship pool tournament
hniif a moatlnor In Hrooklvn today and
adopted rules for the tourney which begins
tomorrow nignt. ine matter or ii
holder of the emblem forty daya in which
to accept a challenge and name a date for
Siay came up ior discussion uiu n w
nally voted that the champion should
hiva tha nntlon nf nlavlng in the hot
weather months of June, July and August.
H. C. Schreder of Chicago was seiecieu
as referee for the tournsment. Owing to
sickness in the family of J. P. Keogh of
Buffalo Grant Eby has Deen suostitutea in
lha b amm with Irving Long tomorrow
night. Stoffe and Weston play the first
d a mu h-.nfn ffflnM IN OI lzn 11(11 II IB. I vir.m
day night keogh and Walah and McCune
and Wernlck will play.
Heater Wlme Long;, Heat.
LEAD. S. D.. March . 8peclal.) Frank wnn tha I nrtv-elaht-hour walking
match which waa concluded In Lead, cover
ing a little over 17S miles and defeating
Joseph Nensel,. who won the twenty-four-hour
match a few weeks ago. Nensel was
second In the race, making 173 miles. Nen
sel wag a member of tne nrst noutn Da
kota volunteers and gained something of a
reputation as a walker In the Philippine
Islands while carrying dispatches from
point to point afoot. Heater Is a sheep
herder from Wyoming.
Hart to Maaasje Peoria.
KANSAS CITY. March . Western league
officials announced today that William
Hart, who pitched for the Cleveland Amer
ican League ciud last year, nas peen ap
pointed to manage the Peoria Western
League club. Hart will also pitch for
St. Paal Girls Beat Qraad Ialaad. -
ST. PAUL, Neb., March I. (Special.)
A game of basket ball was played at the
opera house Friday night between picked
teams of St. Paul and Grand Island High
school girls. The game was closely con
tested. The St. Paul team won, 17 to 10.
War Sarvlrors Remembered by tho
Geaeral Governsneat.
WASHINGTON, March . (Special.) The
following western pensions have been
Issue of February 20:
Nebraska: Increase, restoration, reissue,
etc. Louis Waldter, Wymore, $10; William
C. Lambert, Blue Springe, $12; Levi F.
Garrett, Beaver City, $8; James W. Pace,
Beatrioe, $24. Original widows, etc. Elisa
beth J. White, Davenport, $12.
Iowa: Original Frits Roehl, Dubuque,
$8; Michael L. McManus. Adair, $6; Samuel
C. Blades, Mapleton, Is; George H. Bar
gent, Burlington, $& Increase, restoration,
reissue, etc Jesse Shepherd, Slant, 68;
James Level, Nemaha, $n; James K. Mo
Cracken, Clarlnda, $8; Mathlaa Mlnchan,
Eldora, $10; Thomas McMahon, Dubuque,
$10; Mexican war, Joseph McCollum, Mag
nolia. 612. Original widows, etc. Special
February 26. Martha J. Wolf, Troy. $8. Re
newal (widows) Ellsa M. Nicholas, Sharo
baugh, 112; Mary Bchofleld, Cherokee, 6JU.
Wyoming: Increase, restoration, reissue,
etc. Mexican war, WUllam Rowe, Tbayne,
Colorado: Increase, restoration, reissue.
etc Jacob Sprayer, Elkton, 68. Original
widows, etc Louisa C. Lacy, Pagoea
Springs, $8.
North Dakota: Original Peter P. Cbaoey,
Fargo, $6; Charlea Anderson, Wilton, $.
Gift from Mayor Seta Low.
THE HAOUE, March f. At the request
of the resident clergy of this city Btanford
Newell. United States minister to tbe
Netherlands, today unveiled the window in
tha Anglican church here presented by the
mayor of New York as an American me
morial of the work accomplished by The
Hague peace conference, to which the
mayor waa a delegate from the United
States. Tbe window Is In four sections and
represents Christ and allegorical figures ot
faith, hope and charity.
h W
ckaactt hotau kitchen alwajt opea to
1,1971 visitors last year.
exceptionally good merchandis
Your Carpets
and Rugs
The season for house renovating and
cleaning will soon be here and In
planning for your new carpets and
floor coverings do not lose sight of
this Important Item
' ' WE "CAN ;
LINE.. .
A complete line of Carpets, Rugs,
Mattings, Unoleume, Floor Oilcloths,
Shades, Draperies and Lace Curtains.
The Living
Animals of
the World
At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail IS cents
S5.Q0 A TilONTll
of MEN.
19 years la Oataha,
cored by the QUICK.
EST. safest and most
natural method that
has rat been discovered.
Boon evenr aura and rmstom dlsaniveara
completely and forever. No "BRKAKINd
OUT" of tha disease on the skin er face,
A ours that la guaranteed to be permanent
for Ufa.
VIBIftnftElE eured. Method now,
I AniuUUaXti without cutting, pain:
no OAtwiUoa tram work; permanent our
W IDA it grant from Kaeissss or VVtlma)
to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wast
tne VTsaknosa with Early Decay la Young
and Middle Aed. lack of vim. vigor and
atraagtk, with organs Impaired and weak.
gTHIOVCIlEl oared with a new Homo
Treatment. Na pals, no detention front
Duains, Kjoney itna suaaoer Troubles.
CaiaJaltatlaek . Tsaevtaaeat by Ma
ll . s.
Dr. Sesilas & Stsrles. 0c2ha. Ksba
NtftVS SCANS quickly curs
S'ervouttMM, tvll retuluof .vbuM,
ftvUtnc manhood, drmln. luuet.
Married mea and men Intend Ina
I to marry mould iak a bo; aatonUhlnc reaulut
iLannaa McGoueU. drug glU, Uto s4 Oodjja at
DR. KYIcGREW (Agt 53)
Dlaaas ss mm UImmwi ml Meat Oaljr.
M Years Bsaertaaee. IS Tears la
tIDIPfiPEI C "" by a treatment
VAnlbUUCLC wbioa Is the QUlCKb-tlT,
safest and moat natural that baa yet been
discovered. No pain whatever, no aatUng
and doas not tntarfere wlut work or busi
ness. Treatment at omoe or at oocae aad
a permanaut aura guaranteed.
Kct Springs Trsatmsnt (or Sjpbllls
And all Blood Diseases. No "BRUAXINQ
OUT" en Uta ekta or faae and ail eataraal
sign a tne disease dlsapasar at oaoa. A
treatment thai la more successful and far
more satlafaotary than tne "old form" of
treatment and at leas than HALy THM
COHT. A ouae that la guaranteed to be
perm at
ukent ior me.
3 Of) firm eases aured of nerve us
II a,UiUUU debility, loss of vttailtg
ana all unnatural weaanaaaes of saaa.
aniiotura, OUat. jaiaoey and bladder iia
ssses, Hydrocele, aured erasnenUy.
TraatSDMt by BnO. P. ' O. Boa ;ta
Omoe tnr Us . Uib strt. batwaen ra
reftas Attd Deugta fel,. OMAHA. HUM,
this splendid store
themselves of the
(Second Floor.)
We are retailing these dainty summer
garments at such small prices that It
Is nothing short ot time, wasted to
make them at home.
OOWNS-Nlcely made. 60c, 75a,' $1.00.
11. SO and up to 110.00.
SKIRTS Lace and embroldertr trtn-
med, flounced and tucked, 76c. $1.00.
$1.60, 61 75 to 61S.00.
DRAWERS Tucks and lace, 26c, 600,
76c, lc and up. . .
CHEMISE Plain and trimmed. JKq,
60c. 75c, $1.00 and up.
CORSET COVERS Plain, fancy, no
tion or lace trimmed. 26c, Sic. fioo.
76c, 11.00 and up.
Department .
We have the most complete line of
Infants' Wear to be found. Nothing
that could be of use for tha comfort
or adornment of tha "wee'nea baa
been overlooked.
-r O.WAHA.
Visit t ,
Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Co.
Wholesale Dry Goods.
1117 Howard St.
Davis &Cevili tren Vtits.
aurmAJb KiirAnuMa a erwcmMurx
tswl, gas mm leas Jaakawss "i i l
S ana. Be. Vat,
at Caaytakla. Asosu. . U.
Steta tti Water Stpjlfcs
Of All Kinds.
lAestorn Electric
vv Ocsnpany
islrti WkUf
tt. vT. JOHNSTON. Jtab- JQLfifwi
Omaiia Tent End Atrnlng Cd,,
OaaaAa, Sab. '
ManstaoMurwrs of .
Tests snd Csnns Oocds. :
Bmd for Cataloctis NunsJiar M
Olds Ga&oKne Enyfce,
Olds Gasolins En gins Works,
1114 Farnaoa 6U Omalu. .