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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1902)
A STAUNCH HOME COMPANY. Organized In Omaha; OfficereU by Nebr.tskans; Investments In Nebraska Securities. THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE Una Drraonalrnlril the Vnlne of llnlldliiK 1p Nebraska Institu tions In ftehraaka. n. II. Roblson, president of the Bankers Reserve Life association, when interviewed by a Bee reporter In the elegant h-im office of the association In the McCague building, after showing with Rome pride a dozen applications for new policies re ceived In a single mail, ra'd: "We four.dcd this company upon a theory which I believed was sure to win. Having been actively Identified with life Insurance in the west for more than a quarter of a century, I saw plainly that the principle upon which our people were operating was fundamentally wrong. "Life Insurance companion are saving Institutions. The funds of these companies are the surplus savings of their patrens. They are not only the largest trust com panies In the world, but their earnings and reserves belong to the policy hold ers. They cannot honetttly be diverted from the single purposi of Indemnity and kindred dividends. "Now, I snw from the reports of the De partment of Insurance that Nebraska wan contributing $1, COO, 000 a year to non-resident corporations for a little over $300,000 a year Indemnity. In other words, while beneficiaries received $300,000, the people at large were every year piling up $1,200, 000 in eastern money vaults, never to be returned, "It therefore occurred to me that the prosperous, Intelligent people of Nebraska would see at once the Importance of stop ping this debilitating draught upon the commercial vitality of the state. There la only one way to put an end to this state of affairs: Build up home companies. "Therefore the Hankers Reserve was or ganized and It Immediately appealed to our own people to aid In the purposes rf Its organization. The alien companies quickly apprehended the danger and they have unremittingly fought Its progress at every step. "Nevertheless, our growth has been steady, rapid, phenomenal, our death leases, owing to the extraordinary rare taken In accepting risks, has been far below that of any American company. We have passed rhe 4,000,000 mark and last year we had a premium Income of over $100,000. "The people have shown the appreciation of the efforts of the management. Our advisory board of 400 of tho best citizens of the state Is a source of power and a conservative element In cur progress and Si protection from Irapra'.tlon. "We are very grateful to the loyal people of this state for their cordial sup port and they will be glad to know that we are reaching out Into other states. By the end of the year 1902 we shall have from $5,000,000 to $6,000,000 at risk and a premium income of $200,000. All our In vestments are made In Nebraska; our securities are deposited with the Insur ance department at Lincoln and we are directly under the supervision of the department. "I can give profitable employment to 100 good underwriters. The company Is a pronounced success. It la one of the financial forces of the state. "We wish to push its businera with all the energy possible. We Invite the continued confidence and co-operation of the people and we promise to merit their approval month by month and year by year. "We desire to engage ten special, general and state agents to organise three new states. Will give active, successful pro ducers or experienced organizers giod territory and extra liberal terms. Address BAHKURI ItKSKHYK I.IKK, OMAHA. THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. March 0. 1W2. -1 ' 9 ?. J. W ARNICA-'"'- C VTOOTHSOAP k 1 niMini th. at, lit rlu nu nn ll B4 batUilflM tl,a IfttalWMMIH U,a kraata M. tj pwwdar ur ltqul.1 Id .ill ai.wl ...itt.tit.ut at tui u H a,r,r o in Bt lraaslU . lkV.U.lKUlSUalO., 1'hloaca, C. a. A. ' I --J.'-"!'. About Noted People IS The Incomparably ; " easv and elastic touch of tha New Centiiry im!iiiL' J Is most note- t-l . . ? w worthy. Full particulars from Sllim Typewriter Send Socles Co, 415 Bo. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. (Mi. n AM down to my last white chip, and the Almighty has coppered that. Well, tell my friends that I'm going away back and they will find me on the end seat." These were the last words of "Billy" Rice, the noted minstrel, the curtain of whose life was rung down at Hot Springs, Ark., a few days ago. The death of Rice marks the recent pascing of a fourth of the famous minstrels who figured conspicuously In the public eye for a generation. "Jack" Hav erly, the great favorite and a most remark able manager, passed away September 28, 101, at St. Mark's hospital in Bait Lake City. "Billy" West, an artistic manager and conceded to be the greatest 'of Inter locutors, died at the Palmer house In Chi cago February 13, 1902. "Billy" Emerson, rollicking entertainer, who made people laugh with such songs as "I Feel Just as Happy as a Big Sunflower," the Beau Brum mel of vaudeville and one of the greatest cf song and dance men, ended his career In destitute circumstances In a cheap hotel in Boston February 22, 1902. These four, who did their last "turn" on earth at points so widely separated, were known to the public from one end of the country to the other, and In Europe and Australia. "No minister is perfect, any more than other men are," writes our former minister to China, Hon. Charles Denby, In the March Forum, "and if ho has any weakness the newspaper man will find it out. If he Is poor and cannot entertain largely he Is de nounced as stingy. If he spends money lav ishly he Is 'aping royalty.' ;t he Is atten tive to the fair sex, he Is Immoral; If not, he is a savage. Even the missionaries some times attack him. One of them kindly told me onee that he had 400,000 men In bis church behind him. I told him in reply that I had 75,000.000 behind me." The late Charles Lewis Tiffany began his business life In New York under condi tions In no way prophetic rf his future suc cess," says the Brooklyn Eagle. "Born and ducated In a rural communl y, he came to this city in 1837 without any other capital than that of an innate aptitude for trade, which led him to borrow $1,000 from his father in order that he might establish a small stationery and fancy goods store on lower Broadway. As his partner he had a young fellow townsman of his own named Young. The first day'a sales amounted to a trine mere than $7 and for a time It looked as though the venture of the two young men from the Nutmeg state was doomed to early and ignominious failure; it was then that Tiffany's business sense asserted Itself, and, getting together more money, he pledged the firm to a policy of progressiveness that staggered competitors who were traveling slowly, because times were bad and enter prise hod become timid In the face of al ways impending failure. Tiffany disre garded the danger signals of the season and that he won out was a tribute to his daring no less than a vindication of his foresight." Canadians may be expected not to appre ciate this anecdote of Lord Dufferln, related by T. P. O'Connor: Lord Dufferln always said the happiest years of his long official life were those spent in Calcutta. He rev elled in the sunshine. A friend one day ex postulated with him for his reckless ex posure of himself to the weather. "Well, you see," said the viceroy, "they've always aent me to cold places. They sent me as viceroy to Canada, where cne must live two- Yr's of the year In buffalo furs. The sent me to St. Petersburg, where one has to hibernate like a bear. So when they or dered me to India I rubbed my hands and said to myself, 'Now I can hang mvself up to dry "' While In London receutly J. i'lerpont Morgan visited the Bank of England with a large currency note, for which he wished to obtain go!d. The teller examined the note and handed it back. "You have not endcrsed it," be said, glad of an opportunity to occupy an attitude. "Is this not payable on demand?" asked Mr. Morgan, simulating surprise "Yes, if endorsed" haughtily. The magnate frowned. "I am very care ful whose notes I endorse," he said, with mock severity. "Do you challenge the Bank of England? gasped the clerk, gazing at the visitor as upon a blasphemer. "If you are solvent, why do you want my name on your paper?" The glare of suspicion which accompanied the words was too much for the clerk; he stared speechlessly. "Very well," continued the magnate, with vigor, "we will let it go to protest." The petrified clerk looked alarmed about it, but could offer nothing in reply except a mumbled and ridiculous assurance that the bank was not In distress. Then Mr. Morgan smiled and endorsed the note. King Oscar of 8wedtn possesses a medal for life-saving. One winter In the early '60s he was staying at Mcnte Carlo, when he taw a pair of horsos coming up the street at full gallop. The coachman had disap peared and the two women Inside the car rlage were evidently terrified almost out of their wits. The king (crown prince be then was) sprang at the hones' heads, seized their bridle and, using all bis strength, stopped them. For this plucky deed he was awarded the medal of the French Humane aoicety. A HEY NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED LET US START YOU WRITE TODAY. $20 to $35 anws. v -' WEEKLY 1 NO IIUA1BUG, FAKD OR TOY PROPOSITION. An Honest. Legitimate Enterprise. Backed tr WRITE US FOR OUR PROPOSITION, ANYWAY $ tf -. T ' rT ft COSTS YOU NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE i By An Old. Reliable. Responsible Firm. Capital, lOO.OOO. Oil. BIG PROFITS New, Quick Process. f Easily and Quickly Learned VaU I T W J f r-i r-i i-i ( r i i i .KOJJalJi 1 ft .t I vl V 111 T1-7 Royal Silver Outfit in Operation. Why Slave Longer for Someone Else to make a profit out of you? Remember your employer will only pay you a salary as long as he makes a profit out of your labor. Why not go In business for yourself, reap all the profits and get a standing in your community? In this era every bright man and woman Is looking to own a buslne.-s, to employ help and to make money. It is just as easy to make money for yourself as It Is to coin money lor some grasping employer who pays you a small salary. If you are making: less thin 15.00 weekly It will pay you to read this announcement, for It will not appear again In thin paper. ir nonest and industrious we will man you In this profitable business. We will teach you absolutely free how to con duct it. CZOM to f.'!ft.OO and esiienaea weekly can be made at home or traveling doing plating and selling Prof. Gray'a new line guaranteed plating outfits for dolnsr the finest or piatina- on watcnri, jrreir, rauieware, rvnivea, Fiirka, spoons, Castors, Bicycles, Sew Inn Machine, Swords, RTolTri In fact, all kinds of metal aroods. Heavy plate warranted. No experience necessary. Demand for l'latlna- la Rnormnua. You can do business at nearly every house, store, office or factory. Every family has from 12.00 to $10.00 worth of tableware, be sides Jewelry, bicycles, watches, etc., need ing tilatliiK. Kvery lewelry. renalr shoo. dentist, surgeon, undertaker, manufaetu-er. ci. liege, hotel, merchant, retail store wants plating done. Yon ran do platlnir ao cheap that every person wants thelrgonds plated. You won't need to canvass. tr Secure your out fit and appointment. Put out your sign, do a little plating for your friends, und quickly DON T FAIL TO MJtb WRITE TODAY. I i-, I 8 s . We Manufacture Complete Outfits. Shop Outfit For Gold, Silver and Nickel Plat inf. Travelinj Outfit for Gold, Silver and Nickel Platinf. you will be favored with all the goods you can plate. If desired, you can hire bovs for $3.00 or $4.00 per week to do plating the same as we do and solicitors to gather up goods to be plated for a small share of the profits. mm i&mm4l ... in,! - ' " " " wv& ;.: :.;aH'. Factory and Warehouse ot Gray & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Capital, SIOO.OOO.OO. Employ 200 to 300 people daily We are an old eatabllahed Arm. Cap ital flOO.OOO.OO. Been In business for years. Know exactly what Is required. Furnish complete outfits the same as we ourselves iie. Customers alwaya have the benefit of our experience. TREMENDOUS PROFITS. To plate 8 teaspoons requires about 3 cents' worth of metal and chemicals, 6 knives, forks or tablespoons about 5 cents' worth. Agents usually charge from 25 to 60 cents per set for plating teaspoons; from 50 cents to $1.00 for tablespoons, forks and knives. We allow you to tet your own price for plating. You have no competition. The Royal Silver OntHt, Prof. Gray'a Famous Diacovery, New Dlpiilnn; lro oeaa, latest, quickest method known. Ta bleware plated by dipping In melted metal, taken out Instantly with fine, brilliant, beautiful plate deposited all ready to de liver. Thick plate every time. Guaranteed to wear 6 to 10 years. A boy pin tea U(M to :M plecea of tableware dally, from $10.00 to $30.00 worth of goods. No polish ing or grinding necessary neither before nor after plating. Let as start yon in business for your self. Don't delay a single day. Be your own boss. Be a money-maker. We do all kinds of plating ourselves. Have had years of experience, manufacture our own goods, send our outfits out complete, everything ready for use. We teach you everything;, farnlsh recipes, formulas and trade aecreta free, so that failure should be Impos sible. We are responsible and guarantee every thing. Reader, here Is a chance of a life time to go In business for yourself. Now is the time to make money. -Write Us Today for our new plan and proposition, also val uable information, how the plating is done. Write today so we can start you at once. Sample of plating by our Outfits for 2 cent stamp. Write Today to GRAY & CO., Plating Works,. 189 Miami Bid?., Cinc'nnatt. Ohio. HANDSOME PJ n J 41 1 A Solid Gold Ladies' or Gents' wntVi Cfo hv vvova from $25 to $50. Don't throw your monev away If you want a watch that will en 11 a 1 frr ma. any Solid Gold Watch made, send us your name & address at once & agree to sell only 8 boxes of our laiUUUS VCtCWUtC 171113 HL 25 CIS. 8. nflr I fa f na m.n4-t. - edy on earth for Constipation, Indigestion & all stomach disorders ix nicy bcu .nee noi cases. Don t miss the chance of your life Send us your order & we will send the 8 boxes by mail. When sold you send us the money & we will send you the WATCH" with A GUARANTEE FOR 20 YEARS the same day money is received. There is no humbuggery about this. We are giving away these watches to quickly introduce our Remedy & all we ask is that when you receive the watch you will show it to your friends. Hundreds have received watches from us & are more than delighted with them. This is a glorious opportu nity to get a fine watch without paying a cent for it & you should wiiw ai vuvc, auui cos AMERICAN MEDICINE CO,, 47 Warren Si,, New York Cily. 3 i a 1 The Omaha Sanitarium, A model Institution for the treatment of aii chronic diseases. They offer no Hurt cures but extend to the sick the best treat ment known to medical science. Indorsed I by physicians everywhere. Address for particulars Ths Omaha Sanitarium, SC8 N I 17 th Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska, Phone A1137. J Q .- - fa., "Pi