Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1902, Page 7, Image 31

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    March 9, 1902.
........ . .
Herbert H. Elliott appeared recently at
several musicals and entertainments. In
eluding the Crelghton Orpheum, where he la
billed to appear again Boon, and proved be-
?)na a qoudi mat tie is one or the greatest
mandolin virtuosos of the age while his
guitar and banjo solos are beyond compari
Mr. Elliott's system of playing, carrying
the melody and accompaniment on the
mandolin, has never before been heard in
Omaha, and is mastered by but few artists.
An eastern manager recently offered Mr.
Elliott seven hundred dollars, ($700,) a
month to go on a concert tour, but he de
clined, preferring to remain In Omaha
among his pupils and friends.
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting and
English. Day and evening. Students
furnished work for bo:ird when desired.
Gregg Shorthand by mall. Send for cata
logue. New York Ufe B Id g, Omaha, Neb.
which appear from time to time
In The Illustrated Bee. On small
portrait cut we make a nominal
price of fl.00. On larger cuts 6
cents per square Inch. They are
all In first-class condition.
Our photographic department
Till Uo print additional copies
of our original photographs at
a reasonable rate.
The Bee
Publishing Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
Many ladles and gentlemen who cannot
complain of any kind of sickness are ab
normally thin and cannot find any medical
treatment which will correct this condition.
Dr. Whitney's Nerve and Flesh Builder Is
not alone intended for those who are sick,
but also for those who appear well and
hearty, but cannot acquire sufficient flesh
to round out the form. In dyspepsia. In
digestion, all stomach troubles, debility and
nervous diseases no remedy Is so prompt
and powerful. In order to demonstrate the
wonderful merits of Dr. Whitney's Nerve
and Flesh Builder every person who will
address the C. O. Jones Co., Elmlra, N. V.,
will receive a trial package In plain sealed
wrapper absolutely free.
Carpenter's Letter
(Continued from Sixth Page.)
the product of the most modern principles
in brewing, up-to-date utensils, perfectly
pure water and the choicest barley, malt
and hops the proper beer for your home
and family. Rich In flavor, perfectly fer
mented and properly aged before leaving
the brewery hence healthful, palatable
ana nourisning.
HUE RIBBON la all (be brewer ran
i-reate from the clentlflc ferments
tlon of the best ingredients brewed In an
environment of the most perfect sanita
tion by experts whose lives have been de
votea to mastering the secrets of the
brewer's art
Storz Brewing Company
Telephone 1260. OMAHA
now fit Dome.'
Oirln mn are ti ia btauitlfm
life 81a lull abaolUely tse fur
elltng- only four boxea of our
Ortt Gold A Headache Tablet,
t 15 cwu a, box. Write today
and we will send you the tablet
by mall port paid ; w hen auld send
us the money tl.0o.and we will
end yon this Life BlBeDoll which
ia tH feet high and can wear
Dany a vintnea. IMMw baa an in
dcHtmctlble llaaul Golden Hair.
I'neeka, Brown Kree. Kid Uob
llolv. a ijo if I'lated wmuiy
Pin. Red Rtnrklnva. Mack Shoea.
and will atand alon. Thla doll la an
exact reproduction oftheflneat hand
painted French Doll, and will lire
In a chlld'a memory long after child-
nooa aara bj.t. paaaea. Aaai-am,
Ooltuapt 102 C Mmm Haoaa Con
J aaaT I W
w. Wbirf ftilTjf -TaaalcHy lajfeoJace into every home onrKlectrle Balm
F. fit Jii 0'llxi"ii, Toilet llath Koap, we offer . extra larKe
? Hiti'r im&ltfr Kenuitie allk remiianta abaolateljr free toeTery oimanawer-
4i-s 'T- 4ir '"('''"aadvertiaeiiieiit k proiniitlyaci'eittlieproHiaiUuiiieut
l f ;;(; V with rvervi,..iiaKe of Hoap A write at once to the)
ELFCTBIC KWAH W IIHkn, V V. Itr. t TblrJ Atc.
JlnK ffJ .Ch one " tet " ln
remnanta f roin the cholix-at A moat eyi-niv eilka, ellniK
high a 2.6o a yard, ll.e richeat variety of brilliant colore .5
luuiaite Patteniaeyerolfereirrre.every piw-e lurKeeiioUKb
Ti'"i"' worked Uito a.. lid blocke of 6 to V Inchca xmnre
Se, ,rt "lUTca, ciia pillow, tidie. curtain,
RS iJ'JK vn 'tui'iKor alumlieriiiKruliea. producing
irfj I. """ Hccni ellei t ao much admired aoiiKlit
aA.V.,rT. !r"' ott'cr. aome aelliiiK luith aa
S.SLS f,.l.9ilri0,flvr",e iuxo-ol bualnea. It la a rare
L'lS.niiif f""1- " v"u "h take
Jl?.i;gi0Kii V.!' "" a pa- kane of Koap which
ua luuat aallow complexion a clt j youtliful appearance.
30 d I
l OMMTIom. With your applica
tion you intiat pin this numiiered
cotiiHin to your name A addrea A
acndittouaat onceA youwillreceire
free a pat-kaRe of the celebrated
Klectrlc Valln ToUet A llath rtoap
which beautlflc the complexion,
- ..I.....I.U. . . k.
all twutl erutioiiaexa'tlyaa deacrilied above, aent
annie day tlua couiion ia rweiveil, all chartrea pre-
paitl. Iliatead Of aiMMldillir thollaaTlda advertiMlna In
uairaziiie, we advertiae by eiiling the irooda du
re. t for you to try knowing you will appreciate
the present ahow them. If you want t,o extra
lame remnanta from these marveloualy bean l if ul
auk free write at once for a packaite of Hoap,
AreEiigraVedlN? the
American Mining company, and Is also en
gaged In private banking In Seoul, while
V. D. Townsend of Boston has a big busi
ness In his rice mills and In Importing all
sorts of American goods for Coreans.
lu addition to these there are about 15u
missionaries, representing the diffiren;
churches of the United States. They have
their stations In all parts cf the couutry.
They have excellent schools and are doing
a vast deal of good. The most of thrni are
men of good education and sterling ability.
Several have written books about the
country and not a few have aldid In or
ganizing schools for the emperor.
Aniertran iootla in Com,
The Coreans already take much American
cotton and this trade can be greatly In
creased. The whole population dresses in
cotton and the country raises practically
none. They want the best of cotton and
like to have It of all colors, pinks, light
blues, yellows and whites. In the winter
they pad their clothes with raw cotton for
warmth. The trade Is hart'ly large enough
to warrant sending an agent to Corea
alone, but In connection with Manchuria
and North China It could be made profitable.
There are steamships which go from Nag
asaki and Kobe to Tien Ts'.n, calling at
Fusan and Chemulpo. The time from Kobe
to Chemulpo by direct steamer Is three or
four days and by the regular steamers
which call here It Is about six days. The
fare from Yokohama to Chemulpo Is $25
geld, and, I should judge. Just about a
much additional to cross the Yellow sea
from Chemulpo to Tien Tsln.
Corea can also be taken In on the way to
Vladlvostock. There are steamers from
Nagasaki and Fusan around the east coast
to Gensan and then north to Vladlvostoc
at the eastern terminus of the Trans
blDerlan road. I have traveled on all of
these lines and have found the food In
variably good and the other accommoda
Mora comparatively so. The trip across th
Yellow sea Is apt to be boisterous and some
what dangerous, but a tour can be planned
which should result In many orders for ou
commercial travelera who represent th
articles most desired by the people.
Whnt the Coreans Want.
American drummers who speak English
only can get along at any of the ports, fo
mere us always some one there to act as
Interpreter. In their trips to the Interio
they will need to carry a guide and inter
preters. There are hotels at Chemulpo
Seoul, Oensan and FuBan. That at Seoul
is Japanese, with beds on the floor. Th
prices everywhere are about $2 per day
and the Interior travel Is comparatively
Some knowledge of Corea and the Corea na
Is needed before coming. The things you
might suppose to be In most demand are
not wanted at all. For Instance, It Is cold
there In winter, but you could not give
away atoves. The rooms of most Corean
houses are email and they are heated by
flue which run under the floors. Cook
stoves are unknown and furniture of ou
kind is not wanted.
There Is a gcod opening for American to
bacco. Men, women and children smoke
and everyone has his pipe. The people
grow some tobacco, but they do hot under
stand how to cure It, and prefer the for
elgn article. There la a great demand for
cigarettes, but not much for cigars, except
(hose as thick ae a lead pencil. The em
peror smokes cigarettes. He prefers Amer
ican makes, and especially likes the Vlr
glnla tobacco. There are many Japanese
cigarettes sold and quite a lot of native
cigarettes, which sell as low as twenty for
a cent.
With the new railroads there will be
some demand for American machinery,
rails and rolling stock, although It le prob
able that the Japanese will equip their lines
as far as possible from their own country.
Quite a let of bridging will have to be
done and there should be a market there
for our Pacific coast lumber.
Ranking and Money Matters.
The new banks started by Americans will
probably make money. Interest rates are
very high and the people will borrow to the
full extent of their possibilities. The court
spends a great deal and, notwithstanding
the poverty of the masses, there are nobles
who live as extravagantly as our rich men
at home. Among the poor and out in the
interior copper cash is the principal cur
rency. It takes a thousand and more cash
to equal the value of a silver dollar, and if
one travels far he must take along an extra
mule or bullock to carry his money.
Extortion Is often practiced by the higher
officials, and du.-ing the winter especially
there is danger from robbers. Aa a result
the natives have curious waya of conceal
ing their money. They make the earth
their safe deposit boxes. They dig a pit in
the yard back rf the house and cover Its
bottom with cash. They now spread some
earth over the cash and reduce It to a mud
by sprinkling It with water. They do thla
when the thermometer Is below freezing
point and In a short time the money and
mud have become one solid mass. Then
they sprinkle more money on top of thla
and follow with another layer of mud. This
lis frozen In turn and so It goes on until all
the money Is tbua embedded. The earth
near the top of the pit contains no money,
but as it is well wet down It ia also frozen
solid and remains ao until spring.
& Equipped with Aloffett Roller Bearing Axles
Built by P. J. KARBACH & SONS,
Thirteenth and Howard Streets,
Omaha, Nebraska.
When yon drink whinkpy drink
(tootl whlakfty, front! wlnnkrjr in
ffitiMl for you and bail wumkny fa
la prPrtcrUtod hf ptiyniciiinn who
know tftt t fine lu.ilt whinkfy in
tha only mid proper whinkry
to drink And thnt Hit l'1i thrni
all in purity, tHnte Mud go uural ex
cellence. It baa been on tho market for
thirty yearn and in growing in popu
larity arery day,
Wilow Springs Distiltery,
Omaha. Neb., U. S, A.
JManz Engraving Co.
I95-2C7 Canal SI.
; Chicago, Illinois,
i Are Justly celebrated as the engrav
ing estahllHhment which can at all
times be relied upon for satlfifartory
results, whether the engraving be a
fine half-tone, wood cut or zinc etch
ing. Their facilities are so extensive
that work which niut be executed
quickly for shipment to distant cities
can be easily turned out.
When ordering engravings from
your printers ask for
Manz Perfect Engraing.
Famous Pictures
The Bee has secured a series of beautiful reproductions of famous paintings and
beautiful pictures In colon. These pictures are all suitable for flaming and will look
handsome In any home.
Ul Z V 4
This is a copy of the painting of the English artist. John Frederick Herrlnt. and
s probably the most famous picture of its kind. The heads of these noble animals
are executed with remarkable vigor and the lithographic copy Is most satisfactory.
These pictures are 21x25 inches and have never been sold at the art stores for
less than one dollar. By aecurlng an imm ense quantity of them we are able to offer
When ordering state the name of the subject, and If they are to be mailed en.
close six cents additional for postage and packing.
Present at Bee Office or mall this coupon with ISo and get your choice of
Photographic Art Studies. Wfcsa ordering by mall add to for pes tags.
Art Department. Omaha. Neb.