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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1902)
Pleasant Places Where Omaha Children Play i ' I mt ,-ii 0 tt m t im i in-i- 1 1 1 MASTER CARTAN PLAYS Thoto by Staff ArtUt. T - - ' " - 7. K 'A t 1 ' - a fW"'" "'''' f 1 1 i! v: ife- fl 3 ' u I .NirffTft V A 1 i' . .,:& . i , . t f-"v . ,.t i jtzl srt'i't' :, - iLmmii 1 1 iii 1 1 " . y-.T. -.."I't. J. ,r.' . .-. ..t. Ml ! ! ' i I . . i THE PIANOLA SUNNY ROOM IN THE CUbAHY HOME 13 GIVEN OVER TO THE CHILDREN Photo by a Staff Artist. SUN PARLOR AT THE ARTHUR BRANDEIS HOME Photo by a Staff Artist. i5Tyin nTnlf ..-h'.."!'.' C'U," l.Ut l'alural that a chll(I wl" take tare ot y the most devoted and sacrificing parents, rugs, the beds are of white Iron or brass that the white comes next. Yellowish or and limited yard room there is a the things In which be Is Interested period In the lite of the city-bred child that is pathetic Indeed, that Is the Interval from the time that Ksnninlea In Oinnlia. Omaha affords many desirable illustra- be learns to walk until he outgrows the tlon8 of this Intelligent provision for chll care of bis nurse. dren, for many of the homes in which there "Give me the child until be is 9 years old are "ttle one8 ara we" equipped In their and I will answer for the reet of bis life," Interest. Nor Is this provision confined to aa It is furnished with desks and blackboards, and the ventilating system is of the most off-color stones are practically worthless. bookcase and drawers and many other evi- approved, and for the sleeping boura Is but a perfect violet or amber, or rose dia- dences of the presence of two little girls. supplemented with tall screens that are mond brings a fancy price. Judge and Mrs. W. W. Keysor have a placed about the beds to shield the sleep- "Study finally the depth and weight, and completely equipped workshop in their trs from draft while a greater supply of " the depth is good you won't be cheated home, where their two Bmall suns fashion fresh air is admitted. Each room has Its if you pay $100 or $160 a carat for your and construct all sorts of things. Every botkeases, the shelves of which are filled stone. Before the South African war you'd appliance and tools for finished work are with carefully selected volumes. Each has only have to pay $100, but $150, thanks to to the diamond trust, and heavier customs duty, is now the' U it... . i . i i infl kmai nf rhl ilron nlnnn I.. I -. ... .. ". th nioRt rum,. hnm. f .k i. t. "- "uyimru uy uegieeB, us iae ooys its desk and low table and chair. There r, aim :r.':r:r . u w... :...! n,a8e- the use of what they have and find are also romniodlou. drawers built in the to the ine ihiiu mai me iuii, real signincance or -'". . uuJH uuu giris are mosi need . . 0,hprg Thpr n ,,i,,nU f . , .7, . . 7 marko nrlnn this statement might be grasped by the admirable , arch,t,ura, and sanitary de- ZZn t h Tows' of "ra 1?. XhiZ . ! ' ' . ... rln vva. J. 51CRI, OUC11 U UUU U I UtJ 1 revoiuiion in me euuratlnn or the child and "u uurscntu vary accorainjc 10 Budding Genius iDper wnw if Ka I 1 J iil v In nna r f tYa notvlv Rnluhctl tinmoi rf Atlanta Cnrai i tut Inn Rrnlhoi Tliobni his mental, moral and physical well being e me?,nH 0 , rumlly' tnat the pictures and forgotten toy8 that repre8ent thelr the West Farnam street district a young came In yesterday, leading a black picka- . uciua -juiisuiercu never ueiore. wnue . 7' "l efforts from the first and attest the progress matron has foregone the space the archl- ninny by the hand. "He ain't but 10-year ovli T in iiik 11 if. n j lilt in ut'iiiir 1 1 1 1 1 1 m in i' ri 11 1 - , . ........ pensate him for all that Is shut out of his life by the fence that Inclose his father's yard cr the walls of his father's house. One of the chief factors in the life of thlo child Is his play room or nursery and while the out-of-door privileges may ot save in material. Hoff man's head of "The Boy Christ." the "Slstlne Madonna," "Mount Vernon," and favorite pictures from the old Greek mythology are shared In common. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bran dies Is supplied with a sun parlor where they have made. This shop also contains tect designed for a ball room and equipped ol', suh," he explained, "but he done gone a punching bag and like devices for boys, as a gymnasium and work room for inter de writln' business, en he say he but upstairs there is another sunny apart- three Bmall nephews that have been left gwine beat dls yer Dunbar feller writln' fer ment where the books and pictures are to her care. Another home of that neigh- he race. He done light in ter bulldin' of a kept. There is a music cabinet and stringed borhood has two rooms equipped as studio story, en heah's a small sketch er it, but instruments, blackboard and water colors, and dark room for a small brother and he say hlt'U be 'bout three stories high 'to' an intricate building block system with sister interested in photography. Mr. and he git throo' wld It." And Brother Dickey ... . . . " ' I ha. , .V,l. -V.MJ . " nnrrlHItv tin inrtzplv ripnl.'il him tiaronta in " i men i-uiiuieu are lueou i j , ., . .. ... a . 1 n. 1 ij . . , .... . . . .... r . " ... ''"' jjiuijb auu uruwiuge, ail inaicating uuntr nave a uownug uuey iiauueu uver lue louowing, wnicn IS printed beginning to provide htm with a resort that "7 no M not familiar with the development of the natural Inclination, for their boys that is sufficiently com- verbatim: is at once a pleasure device and an under. e" " l, rae ,al ,. ,,lld f lrlM T.4h., modiously to accommodate numerous play- "When spring begins to dawn the young school that Is to discipline his energy and tl.11- W,th " " Toeth"- mates, and Is In use a good part of the sprouts of all varieties that h.. Zln nure and direct his Inclination in prepara- J.," . ... 55. B. nowerll?S In anather luxurious home over on the time and so Omaha affords numerous and nestled In the earth durln the inn n,i tk u i wA l.ii tiuru, iaji uniuiB buu uriKDi -coiorea rutin. lu u.UcUU,. UU, mo.ruu sugitest to the Vim rnn k a V' T , ' s r "" 11,9 varlel1 Instances or most careful and dreary winter, puts out their green heads, begln seatory and IdeJl ZTJlnJ place A Ef. ' ,h h "W,"!! COeUy pr0Vl8'0n fr lhe Care and lo0king UPward' The birds begin to warble .M.y .. A.-, . K.U..4. K..mpserywiah,n. twever." wtfd suXe to "oV rto to? Slruin? iTer ' Ch"dren- 8WCet ""iT8 ihelr thratS- AU Children have always had play room, and --'nee one that this sun parlor 1. devoted too" there is a 'iSLTci ... -v . "s Ueng" at" TiTy' tTZn they have ranged In location and detail . nBU thf for everywhere there Is tools, in the use of which the daughter of Testing a Diamond nlng LmS nd res nL un from Z from the barn loft and attic room to that e ldnce acte children, and the the hou8e ,8 qulte as proflclent a8 her , fc A , " f theTold tlnfer IT undesirable apartment on the shady aide Plant, and greens are but the unique device brothers, reciprocating their attention ,No'" ""J 8 dea,er to tne Phl,adel- ua8Bed into !he il.Vh m. .k .v. v ...... ... that screen the r dbv room from tho Btmot . ' . . . Phla Record, "you don't need to h an Passed into the great beyond, still there is 01 me nuuae mai couiu De useq ior Doming . . wuu numerous lea parties ana candy pulls. they have been relegated. Constructed to exclude cold and draft, the aU prepared In her model kitchen, with its a nurae, on cold or rainy apartment Is an Ideal one. The one wall tled waIl8 and ,ow ra d out of the wet and out or cv,erea w" nllf ,s nung wltn Perfect ventilating system. There is also :7 "i lu"e "U .V ' u.rre" a gymnasium equipped to suit these chll and tables where the playthings and books ,jren are tie pi ior tnis sun parior, serves as Is expert In order to be able to tell a good nothing or no one more thankful for the diamond from a poor one. You need on.y 8Prng than the Poet." to have common sense and good eyes and t iw 1 a magnifying glass. First you examine U nqUallllCU IllUOrSemeilt the diamond's table. The table Is the sur- Pittsbunr Gazette: "I Wont t n aVinnr vsxit face, and it should be perfectly flat and my new bonnet." said Mrs. Hammersmith else, and here with or without days, to be kept the way and to amuse themselves In what ever manner they might see fit, regardless ot ventilation, sanitation and everything else save the peace Of the house. Happily, this sort of play room la rapidly becoming a thing of tho past and In It. place is being supplied a play room, the equipment of which is baced upon an Intelli gent understanding of the child's necessi ties and varying to meet hi. individual in clination. Aa a matter of fact, this equlp- mpnt 1u I n u Inrvnlv phnmn fiv t Via K 1 1 A Tk. ntAnl - 1 . .. . v. . i .. .. 1 i ... ..., -vuuwi auu yiuj iimiu ui iud uuauj tuiu tuujuiueu, aim apparently mere nas see thoueh Rrratrha on th .Pf. . , . , ,t, himself and usually presents the trnrM hnm. in . lr .ir. fmni r.,m h... n h..h i.. ... . ' lnousn scratcnes on the surface are Terence in their cost?" .... , - . ' " . . 7 r "' " J iuii cuuiu cou- aiso uaws. ir none are to be found you of hi. develooment. One of thn rrentoaf nnil hrluhl that m h... iao.i it fr, ...h . iriv,.,. kui. i. ....... . . iuuuu you evidence, of th. .ucces. of thl. plan is the purpose would have been considered almost everything is perfectly sanitary The steeTbTue because0 uTth mo b?miV J1"""116"1111111,8 mlai waa ly de rrilpr thsl n rn vu 1 1 u In atli-h nlgnM f ,ir it i. . il..uu.r. t , n nt ... n r, . .. . l. n . a . ui uiiaui, ui. . r , - - - -v '"'" 5" Biaiierea over witn is the most desirable and costly hue, and f . .w. , . . ' .i ilviij "ai auu iuj ucw uuuuei rhnnl anil nlnv riuim liu.,tkin. i- ul UB uurLeries ana piay rooms or the nerfenllv nrl.cnn.l Th.n .min. .u .u. t,- i...-w.J consistent with the children, save, in the Arth.Ur Crlttenden Sm th cumference, and if that is round the gem Mr. Hammersmith tried to smile and look opinion of some, the plant., but these, too, haVe Pr?bttb!yI1 he mc8i comP provision is, at least, you may be sure, well cut. pleasant. have their place in the nursery and are a "JtVLi 11; t, ne w'ng and "Now. or flaws, you look into the dia- "I want your judgment on it dear" aha . f - .m i .... -j upper floor of their home on Park avenna mA ...i .v. . . . J 6 L uu il "ear, ana .uu.i... m uoici lamug I'leuurti auu aa- . . - b'o ucre, ior me reason went on. "How do you like it aa com. i .i .,- . . .. nave been constructed with rutonmna , ... . ... . . . uu i as com- uiiiaiiuu nuicn rareiy auuer, even in tne .. ., ,,, . 7 " uaw impercepiiDie 10 me nakea eye pared with my last bonnet?" most boisterous frolics. the intelligent, systematic care of these lit- will often lower a gera'a value B0 or 60 per "Why-er " bean Hamm llrlsht, Sunny Front Itoom. "This cost $7 less than my last one." "I like this much better," he said. .1:1 V iJx-- 1 7j nlr 0 It' MjC Jim 1 ' .- r' - : - - - - ,, .1, I - - ., - II 1 .nr' w' D ' ' siS . i - t aV--a A. U REED'S DAl'GHTERS HAVE A DELiriiTFtL PUACE TO PLAY Photo by a Staff Artist. WHERE THE BANCKER BOYS SPEND THEIR INDOOR HOURS OF LF'SL'RE Photo by a guff Artist.