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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1902)
24 Tim OMAHA DAILY IIT3E: SUNDAY, MAItCII 0, 1902. INDICATIONS OF PROSPERITY Oomblned Statement of Condition of Omaha Banki is Gratifying. GREAT INCREASE IN TOTAL OF DEPOSITS Ileaetsrees, Loans Dlaeoaata a Cash Kesss Also Shaw that Baal aesa la AdvaaetnaT Steadily Taa Figaros. The combined statement of the condition fct the Omaha bank sbowt an Increase of evsr 11,000,000 in tha total resource since tha last published statement, which was dated December 10, 1901, and an Inreaaa of orer 13,700,000 In tha total resources over tha condition at tha time tha statement wae published a year ago last February. For the Brit time 'in February atatement the total resources amount to mora than $31, 000,000. Tha loans and discount show a remark able increase orer the corresponding state ment of last year, - since which time the gain has been orer $2,000,000. There ta a decrease In this item of about $500,000 Since laat December. " There was at the time the statement was compiled mora than $2,000,000 more in the binds of the banks in cash and cash items than there was a year ago and more than 91,000,000 more than there was two months before the laat statement, when the Decem ber statement was published. ' Tha greatest increase in any one item is In that of deposits, which has swelled nearly $4,000,000 orer last February and la mora than $1,000,000 higher than It was two months ago. Following is a statement of the condition f the several banks upon the items men tioned: Total Resoarees. Feb. 25, Feb. $. Deo. 10. Banks. isx2. 1901. 1901. First National..! $.434,119 $ 7,48,BB1 $ T.784,871 Omh National 9,573.220 7.810,071 ,334,327 Merchants Nat'l 8,966.04 1.717,809 4.020.232 U. 8. National.. 4.047,457 8,771.072 8.866,674 Commere'l Nafl 2,21.42 1,RS9.54 1 221,101 Nebraska Nat'l. 1110,495 8,080,215 1121,719 Union National. I,tl,2u0 908,882 l.ltfl.otf Totals $31,439,740 $27,693,767 $30,340,440 Increase over last February $3,745,972.11 Increase over last December 1,099,299.10 Laaas and Dlaeonata. Feb. 25. Feb. 5. Dee. 10, Banks. 1902. 1901. 1901. First National..! 8,823,879 $ 8.566,913 $ 1964,066 Omaha National 8.8M,4: 4,646,793 Aiercnams Mat t z,i:u,90 V. 8. National.. .2.699.625 Commero'l Nat'l 1,112,170 Nebraska Nat'l. 795,127 Union National. 6U2.066 1,935.960 2,110,668 929,765 655.246 468,163 2.276.257 2,466,030 997.034 907,lf 522,668 ' Totals $16,628,108 $13,611,162 $15,760,893 Increase orer last February $2,016,955.56 Decrease from laat December 632,785.26 Cask aid Cash, Heat a. Feb. 25, Feb. 5, Dee. 10, . , 1902. 1901. 1901. First National... $3, 721,628 $2,6w,10 $2,868,674 Omaha National. 3,373,038 2,313,738 2.922,796 Merchants Natl. 1,115,719 1.067,756 1,028,128 U. 8. National... 1,171,799 1.150,f3S 1,126,830 Commercial Nat. 666,276 474,702 619,214 Nebraska Nat'l.. 661,2X2 783,583 683,976 Union National.. 259,769 . 239,761 262,171 $10,869,518 $8,728,177 $9,421,692 Increase over last February $2,141,336 61 Increase over last December 1,447,821 89 Deposits. Feb. 25, Feb. 8, Dee. 10, 1902. 1901. 1901 First National! 7.668.068 $ 6.601.606 8 (.80.510 Omaha- Nat'l.. 1,767,577 6.066, 821 7.626,909 jnercnania nai j.wo.M 8.251,124 U. a National 8.441,654 3,003,634 3.266.402 Commer. Nat'l 1,690,467 1,276,887 v 1.690,212 iseDrasaa mi. i,fzs,!&a 1,496.709 1.642.6)8 Union Nat'l... 763,7bO 646,693 63.219 ARRESTS SLIPPERY PRISONER Captala tier Gets Fraaela aurera, M ko Mast Now Asewer foe Bsrelary. Francis Ellvers, alias Francis Henry, for whom the police bare been looking for tha last eight months, was arrested Friday by Captain Her. July 7, 1901, Slivers wse sentenced to the city Jail tor ten days for assaulting his wife. He was also charged with robbing the office of Furay McArdle, 1511 Dodge street, of two pairs of shoes. Several days before bis sentence had ex pired Silvers, while taking a bath in the room fitted upon over the cells, managed to escape the eagle eye of Andy Fahey, crawl through a transom and make his es cape. Since that time tbe police have been unable to locate him . until Friday. Sil vers will now be prosecute for the burglary. No, I have not moved my office. Dr. J. H. Wallace of Whlnnery Wallace, dentists, 211 Brown block. CO LOS I ST KXCt tl!C!4. Tla Rock lalaad Moat. Every day during March and April. One-way tickets from Council Bluffs and Omaha to Salt Lake and Ogden $20.00 San Francisco IS. 00 Los Angeles 15.00 San Diego 15.00 Helena and Butte 20.00 Spokane 12.60 Portland and Asbland 15.00 Tacoma and Seattle 16.09 City ticket office. 1323 Farnam street. Watch work by skilled workmen at Hu- bermann'a, 13th Douglas. No come back. Cameron, plumber, 1110 Farnam: 'phone 469 Christenson cleans carpets. 2221 N. 20th, . Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths were re- orted at the omce or the Hoard or iieaitn urine: the twenty-four hours ending Batur- Births diaries wiese. eii Boutn Four- teenth atreet, girl: C. E. Hermanek, 1316 William street, aHrl: Adam Kerner. 310 Bancroft street. rIH: William Bedow. Thirty-fifth and Lake streets, girl; Frank Wilson, 2808 North Twenty-eighth street, drL Deaths Samuel H. Steams, 713 North Twenty-second street, aged 43 years; Rob ert W. Anderson. 2618 North Thirteenth street, aged 68 years; Hugh Anderson, 419 Bouth Twentieth street, agea a years; Elmer Hoch, 4502 Ames avenue, ad 4 months; Anna 8. McKlllrlck, 2568 Cuming street, aged 49 years. There's only one Stonecypher. - Ha prints. Toil get the genuine Imported Bock Beer on draught at Maurera', 130 .Farnam. F.H.Wallace,DtntIst.400 Bee bid;. Tcl.2016. . 126,837,668 121,936,901 124,670,017 increase over laai eoruary 83,902,352 03 Increase over last December 1,167,636 03 TO REMOVE DUTY ON SUGAR Reported that EasTlaad Intends Soon to Relievo West Indian Prodaot - of Import Tax. LONDON, March 1 It is learned by the Associated Press that the British govern' tnent Intends In the near future to remove tha half-penny per pound duty which is now imposed on West Indian sugar. This will afford tha West Indies the relief they nave demanded until tha Brussels conven tion comes in foroe. Between now and September, 1905, according to tbe terms of tbe convention, Great Britain can take any atepa she deem advisable to safeguard the Industry. ' The abolition of the duty on West Indian sugar is tantamount to giving it prefer ential treatment over all other sugars, though this, of course, ceases the moment the Brussels agreement becomes operative. According to representatives of the leading sugar houses here, the immediate effect will be to bring to English ports tha West Indian sugar, which is now going to Ameri can markets. A delegation of leading West Indiana, whom the colonial office con sulted this week on this matter, declared that unless something of the kind waa done, tha West Indies would be ruined before tbe new arrangement could commence working. mi - Alpha Camp No. 1, W, O. W. Funeral of Sovereign' George Maler today at 1 o'clock. Members of the band and drill team assemble at the hall in uniform at 11:10. All members ot the order invited to attend. Have Root 1rint 11 Edward Will Meet Loabet, PARIS, March 'l King Edward, on Ills way to Nice, will stay two dsya In Paris and will have an tntervisw with President Loubet. ' Shampooing and hair dressing, 25o, at Tb Bethery, 116-120 Bee Building. Tet 171$. Atteatloai . A. Cv V. W. Union Faclflo lodge No. 17. All members are requested to be present at tha funeral of our late brother, Edward Vanweala, .at E. L. Dodder's, 23d and Cum ing, at 1 p. m. today. By order of S. C Anthony, master workman; Phil McMuHeji, recorder. Fort Worth, Texas. Tha Missouri Pacific will sell round-trip tickets to Fort Worth, Tex., on March S and 10 at one fare, plua $1 For further in' formation call or addresa company's agsut, B. B, corner 14th and Douglas sts., Omaha, Mob. THOMAS F. GODFREY, P. T. A Try the Chicago laundry. 'I'hona Mi, A Sirloin Steak was one of the 'articles Included in a mall order we received from an out-of-town cus tomer Baturiiay. The party not only has eonndencs In our drugs, but aUo our abil ity to select good meat. We are always glad to assist our customers by purchasing aiiytmng wmcn we ao noi carry ana in cludlns It in the shipment. Try us. fl.ou runa, one to a customer 57o $1.00 Win of Cardut, one to a customer 4Uo 96a Laxative Bromo Quinine..' two Extract Beef (Llebig) , 61.00 Newbro's HerutcMs Il.Gtf Imbert's Listerias 81 00 Sucoesa Alterana Li. 00 Crainor'e Pennyroyal Pills.. . Il.tW tramera Kidney (Jure '."O Cramer's Kidney Curs soo Carter's Little Liver Pills 81.00 1'artetan Hair Tonlo (guaranteed) il.Ov Dr. Pterce'a Remedies Alexandar Vaccine Putnts, 7o. 4 (or..... 11 .00 Warner s bate Cure fee Omega OH OPEN ALL NIGHT. 12o 13o 6ns 6m .81.36 . 1 00 7&o oo 12o 7io 7o 260 .o 99 SCilflEFEfl'S SStd"- PRICE STORE ToU T4T. g. W. cos. lata aad C Mease, 3 Is about the same kind that accom panies any other line ot business. Sev eral essentials are necessary to achieve success good goods, reason able prices, honorable business meth ods. "Fooling all the people all the time" Is short-lived, and reliability once firmly established Is Ilka the rock of Gibraltar; so It is with the renowned and high standard makes of f ilanos which this house has supplied ts customers In the last quarter of a century. , KNABB PIANOS have been nsed more than sixty-five years; KHAJJ1CH A RAOH PLANOB nearly forty years; HALLET ft DAVIS PIANOS more than this; KIMliALb f iainu jvji PANY will soon celebrate their forty fourth anniversary. What better evi dence la there of the security the pur chaser has in owning any one of these reliable pianos? More especially when the prices are within the reach of the common people, and, still bet ter, the easy manner in which they can bo secured. Bavlngs banks are not necessary; you can have the instrument in your home and onco a inonth, or every week. If you prefer, you can deposit a small portion of your savings, until you have the undisputed title to the piano. It la a sate Investment and most secure. Should- you decide that a piano of lesser repute will answer the purpose, the following line of honestly made instruments will fully satisfy your de sires, and wa guarantee them full value; The KHELT, PIANOS, the MKt VIM.E CLARK PIANOS.-the 8C1IU PIANOS. the HOBPB PIANO, the WHITINO PIANO. the HINZE PIANOi at prfces within easy reach of all. Also many other pianos, rang ing in prices as low as 8115, 8125. 8138, 8150. II Bo, in terms of tio oo cash and to. 00 per month. Why, then, will you rent pianos T Better own them, the cost is no mora, and all the money you spend for piano rent goes toward pay ins: for the instrument. Don't fonre we also do fins repair work, proof tuning, and all our deal ings are guaranteed to prove satisfac tory In every respect. Remember our prices are Just a little lower, the ouallty a little higher and tha term the easiest. 1 Shampooing and hair dressing, 15c, at Tha Bathery. 116-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1711. Hamilton Warren, a D., eclectic and magnet ie physician, office at Victoria hotel, 180S and 1310 Dodge street, t!! a suitable location can be found. Special attention, ta all long atandlog or lingering diseases at women and ehlldree. Publish your legal notices m Tha Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. ' DIED. M'KTTTRICK Anna Saline, wife of Wil liam v. McmttricK, at ins residence, 2568 Cuming. Funeral Bundav at 1 n. m.. from residence to Trinity cathedral. Interment Forest Lawn. Friends invited. i J Fnaeral Notice. All members of Ak-Sar-Ben lodge No. S22, Ancient Order of United Workmen, are requested to meet at their hall at 1:30 p. m. sharp Sunday, March 9, to take part In funeral of Brother George Meier. All members of Ancient Order of United Work men and degree crews of city Invited to at tend.' H. F. SCHULTZ, M. W., M. P, Shanaban, Recorder. . First annual ball, given for benefit of tbe cemetery, by Society of Russian Israelites, Sunday evening, March 9, 1902, at Woodmen of tbe World hall, Sixteenth and Capitol avenue.' Tickets per couple, 50c., Johnson Bros., coal. Tel. 1061. A.II0SPE, 1513-1515 Douglas Street , Aim EftrECTIO! in Footwear SPRING STYLES We are now all ready to ehow all tbe latest correct styles in FASHIONABLE FOOTWEAR FOR MEN AND WOMEN And we invite everyone to call and see .what the new and up-to-date spring styles are. We are not confined . to any one factory, nor any special named shoe, but select our styles and qualities from all the best shoemakers of th world. OUR STYLES ARB MORE FASH ABLK. . OUKt QUALITIES' ARB BETTER. OUR FITTIHO MORE PERFECT, OUR PRICES LOWER and our' stock larger and mora sails-, factory to select from than any other In the west. . FRY SROE CO 5 rORMBRLT CARTWRIGHT h C., N. L Cor. 16th and Doug! as. '"X Fort SJC Texas On March 8th, 9th and 10th the Missouri Paclflo will sell round trip tickets to Fort Worth, Texas, at one tare plus $2.00. For further Information call or address Com pany's Ticket Office, S. E. COR. 14TH AND DOUGLAS THOMAS F. GODFREY", P. si T. A. lOVilERE OH EARTH - Have such phenomenally low prices pre vailed on Drugs, Patent Medicines, Rubber Goods and Prescriptions as are being made at tbe Cutting Cutter's Corner. WE ABSOLUTELY AND POSI TIYELY DEFY THE DRUG TRUST 25o Mennen's Talcum Powder 2Se Bromo-Qulnlne 25o Rublfoam 81.00 Duffy's Malt .. 81.00 Hefe Malt I $1.00 Magnet Pile Killer 1 11.00 Wahoo Blood and Nerve Tonlo.. I 25o Vaccine Points (Alexander) 16o 81.00 Peruna 65c 11.50 Johnson's Blood and Rheumatic "60-88" 81.24 llo 120 lOo 75c 65c 25o 25c Peyton, Ph. G. Cattlaar Catter ot Drags. 21th and Leavanworth Sts. 200 Per Cent Profit That is what some of the'would-be howl ing cutters make on their dnf madlolnea. I Jmt think of the GREAT Pl'lsl.ll' HKNIi- FACTUM making Bo much in selling CLAY TON'S LHX) Mt.DICl.NfcJ. We ustd to sell tham, and as the G. P. B. always buys so much and so much cheaper than anyons else, of course ho even dors better. We lifted to pay as follows on all too articles: We got V) per cvnt off, making 26C; then to do a little advertising we got anothor 80 per cent off the 25o, making 12c. bo ?ou can see 50c bottles only cost 12?c and he G. P. H. only makes i,1c profit on uc. G It EAT HEAD. We don't make such profits. We always rurnisn ma ini guoa si ins most reason- alils prices. Try us. FULLER sH CO. ,UU IA DeugUi Stl. Do You Shave? It you do you ought to shave your self and with an EMPEROR RAZOR. It Is a pleaaure. Instead of a trial. Henkel's Emperor Raxors are tha finest ground and will hold an edge longer than others. Then wa have all tbe latest Safety Rasors and SHAV ING MATERIALS. With an EM PEROR a boy can shave as well as a man. Jas, Morton & Son Go. 1511 Dndga Street Tha Great Cutlery Store. 15191521 Douglas Street Vss"THE9 CENT STORE 1519-1521 Douglas Street 1 Winding up the business in our present location. Only a few days more and we'll be in our new quarters at 1513 Dodge Street, One-Half Block . East of 16th Street. Tomorrow will be a gala day of bar gains, with bigger and better values than ever Our store ought to be crowded from morning till we close in the eve nings Here are a few other matchless bargains for Monday: Removal Sale Removal Sale Housekeeping Goods China and Glass fcfor Hardware Mustard Spoons. 5cfor 10"inch GlaW V"" 180 klnd- aa. w Jfor Wire Egg Beaters. Ifor Handy Match Scratchers. QQtoT Long-Handled Meat Forks. iQeachor Irontag Wax. ja box for Parlor Matches. ( ggtor Wire Tea Strainers. gr.for Potts Patent Sad Iron Handle 2c doIen tor Lamp Wlcka. 2Cf0f lslckel plate1 Xeaspoona. 2tor BrassWlra Cage Springs. 2ctor ron lrd Cag Hooks, 2c'or 11 u Stops. QQtor No. 1 Lamp Burners. roll for best Toilet Paper. gfor Dover Eg-g Beaters. enlor Nickel Plated Top Syrups OW25o kind. Cr.for gilt edge Sauce Dishes 25c mr'T fancy Scallop Cake Plates IvFWooo Kind. nrfnr fancy Cups and Saucers SOc aUWkind. JQQfor decorated Creamers, 60c kind iQf.frdecorated Spoonholders 60o 10Cfr olaM Lamp", complete. 25c'r decorated Plates 60c kind. OCpfor fancy Cups and Saucers a&OCoc kind. A fin for 6 English Cups and CWgaucera. 48Cfr ' nKUsn Icorated Plates. 69c'r deoorate1 Sugars A Creams. AQr tor . French China Platea-H.00 -'wklnd. 58Cfor fancjr Lamps 1.00 kind. JQQtor fancy Lamps L60 kind. Qggfor decorated Lamps 13 kind. Thousands of other articles .to close out at factory prices. Don't miss tomorrow's sale of china. .We'd rather sell it at hair than more it. - Now at 1519-21 Douglas l Uk "THE 99 CENT S BTOftE" Now at 1519-21 Douglas Going to moveto 1513 Dodge St. Face Powders Our stock of all sorts ot Toilet Preparations In not equalled elsewhere Ira tha WMt especially la thla true with our line of Face Powders-whleh Is being suppio mented from dsy to day with the new articles. If we don't have what you want wa will OBT IT. But we generally "HAVE . IT." Most of the pomdors llste.l below. Come In flesh, white and bfunette shadoa. SHERMAN McCONNELi. DRUO CO. Mall order given prompt attention. Anthea Powder (Roger at Oallet) TV; Aloha (Ksatnian's) 2o Aycr a Itecamler Towder $l.n Alfred Wright's Fsce Powder 2c Plane ds Perle (Poiin) 2 o Klane de Perle (Rourjoea) "a Coe's Ecsema Pkln Powder JCo Cascarllla Powder Jfrc Crown Exquisite Fsce Powder 6o lRbrook's Parialan Violet Towder fcc Elite Powder (l-nrens), 10c and Z5o Euthymol Powiler 2o Emtiresa Josephine Powder ?"c Ev-l-lo Powder Vc Exora Powder S" Egyptian Complexion Powder t'C Ejipey a Complexion Powder 2fc Elneroaa (Tetlow's) ; 2c Eugenie Powder (Graham's) S"c Freeman's Ponder' !5c Goaaamer Powder (25c alxe) ?"c Haas; a Medicated rowdnr Ztc Hudnutine Powder (Hudnut's) trr Hygenle Toilet Powder frV Ivy Flora 10c Le Tretle Incarnot Powder (Plver) tl.TO Ia B&ttneuse No. 4T11 (K. & Oallet) tc lblanrhe Powder (levy), SOc else the Elly White (Tetlow's) ihc Lotus Powder, small, 26c; large Vc La Jeune Powder, 60c slse S-o Madame Lutler a .c Meen Fun (Hobhs' 75c Madam Ruppert a Face Powder B"c Milkweed and Nut Oil Powder SOc IT PAYS TO USE FOR AN Early Spring Goal Spadra Semi-Anthracite $8.00 per Ton. It's a good coal tor any time of year, but It's free burning qualities per mit a perfect regulation of the lira and make it of particular value now. It Is especially adapted for use In . . Furnaces and Heating Stoves With dampers tightly closed It will hold flro easily for twenty-four hours. A trial will give you SATISFACTION with ECONOMY. C. B. HAVENS & CO., Tel 317 arid 825. 1522 Farnam Street. , PUNCH Hera la something new In light refresh ments for dinners, parties and receptions. It's all the go back east and will be all the go out west. Cohasset Punch Have you tried It? Already prepared to serve needa only the lce-rfulf directions on every bottle.' Housekeepers know how ditil- cult It la to get uie punch Just right it s a laiiure nan me lime, alia 11 you go to a caterer he charges two prices. Here Is a dainty refreshment ready to serve flavored just ngnu we are soie agents see us be fore your next reception, yuart bottles only $1.00. CACKLEY BROS. Flse Wises ud Table Ltqsore, The only family liquor house in Omaha. Opposite fjostaBes. . i.-ts. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED HUNTER RTE. as WALL PAPER 1 1 1 . . Ton will find a Una of wall paper hers which aurpasses In beauty and style any ws have aver shown.' Never before have we seen cheap papers so good or good paper so cheap. A Few Remnants Left, 50 Gents a deem and Up New any atyltsh room mouldings, to match paper or wood work. . It you want to look clean and nice for spring sea us before you decide about your house being painted. S. A.Kelsey Tae Wall Faaer Mas. 17th and Douglas Sts. . Phono 1608. Where You Got That At? WAS PRINCE Hpvbt'o ..,. J .VI I' reet hande1 th" Prince a box v rig i-owaer, and when ques tloned the purpose of It Mr. nr.. piled: -It prevents appendicitis, removes cures constipation, kidney and liver troubles and removes alvlna poison n .ma stomach and bowels." In reply c?ne?n.CaVai?,! " wo"lrf" med!. cine. It takes the young American of today l?v!et.hM,d' ? ol-""f remedies d give the people what they need." The prince accented r.n." . . " tuanaa, thla being the only mrifMn. .v.. .! - " .u vrince ac eepted. Manufactured by .. Wg J. Shradsr Hedicina Co., New Tork and Omaha. Rkaartsoo Drug Co., Distributors, Omaha. see list. Powder a la Violet (H Palmer's Oarland of Violet Powder.... fc Palmer'a Garland of Rosea Powder &0 Palmer'e rtshlon Powder 'a Palmer'a Invisible Powder " Palmer's Snow White Papier Powdra (In sheets) fJ Poasonl Powder. slse o Phantom Toilet Powder o Pearl White (O. A. Wright) go Poudre 8lmnn 7W Prlmavera Violet Powder (Condray).... J"o Roman Face Powder P1naud go Rouae de Theatre (Doun) fo'i l?m,- I'marilnr. 2frfl BlSS 10 Rnherttne Powder Wo Roger Oallet eeveral kinds Saunders' Face Powder Satin Pkln Powders Phaml.V Velvet Chalk Rails.... Pt. Juat Poudre Spanish Court Face Powder... Sweet Sixteen (Tetlow's)...... The Imperial Powder Tablet de Jouvence (Dorln).... Tonjoura Jeune Veloute de l.l (R. O.) Vlnnlpi. ria Rouae (PlnaUd'S). Velota Face Powder jctj. Virgin Violet Poudre 7&0 Vlolette SenMitlon Poudre (Plnaud).... Th Vlnolla Powder 5" Woodbury's Facial Powder, 25o slse... JVj Wood Violet I'owdor Yale's, Madam, tOc slse for .m. 0i 4 too rso 2KO X.SO t0 6-o 26o Sherttian & McConuell Drug Co. Corner 16th and Dodge Streets, Omaha, Neb. Don't Forget That Dresner makes the best clothes of any tailor in Omaha "tor tha price.- Call and investigate for your own benefit. 1 . DRESHER Maker of Men's Clothes 1515 Farnam St. Tel. 1857. Open Evenings, Sf ailIan Goes to a Tailor for a suit of clothes, It means that the man wants something hotter than "canned clothing." It stands to rea son that clothing made to your meas ure contains Individuality that cannot be found In stock goods. We charge as low aa $15.00 for as swell a suit as anyone would want to wear, and for matchless fitting trous ers from $4.50 up. ' All garments cut, fitted and made In Omaha. Paris Woolen Go. Oraahks Buglets Talldrii 1305 Farnam St. ... i .-- - SsSrl Everything New in Kodaks and Cameras Don't get any old-style Camera If you Intend buying one. We h a va re ceived several new styles of this year's make, and these are ahead of anything yet on the market, at very reasonable price. The "Omaha" Improved, made to our special order, has all the latest Improvements and the price puts this Camera within the reach of all. Every Instrument guaranteed. Call and see us or send for prices. THE Robert Dempster Co, 1215 Farnam St. . Exclusive Dealers In Photo Material. The $3,50 Shoo that Men Wear r t should always be uniform In quality, style and price. All this we claim and are proving every day ot tha Onimod Shoes for gentlemen. Tou can't equal our $3.50 shoe for less than tfi.00 at other stores. We also sell a genuine GOODYEAR welt shoe for $3.54. Try the Onimod $2.50. All our ahoes are direct from the factory. They never lay In a jobber's warehouse and get out of style, be cause no Jobber or middleman gets a profit or handles them In any way. All , Onimod 6 hoes are sold direct from factory to wearer. Regent Shoe Go, 205 S. 15th; V'V. 1 I I 1 Si fl'i'llil Mm Sl'lCHT FOR SOCIABILITY AKD GOOD FEL LOWSHIP at home, or for table or family use, there la no beverage that gives so much satisfao tlon and genuine pleasure as tha Meta. Our rich and mellow bock, beer that wa offer annually at this season la both food and drink,, and 'is strengthening snd nourtah Ing. Drop us a postal card or telephone us and we will send a case to your order st aiiy time. Our telephone call Is 119. as j aa '"'. . y'i iueiz Dros., irewiri ' Or Jacob Neumayer, Art, care Meumayev Hotel, Council Blurts, la. PERFECT ENGRAVING HAS It ever occurred to you that first-class engraving would be more acceptable than any other? Wa have jk large and varied stock, our facilities are of tha best and we can satisfy the most fastidious taste. Not only can, but have already done so. We can show many styles of Fine Stationery, Monograms. Crests and Coats-of-Arms. Engraved Wedding " Invitations, Announcements, At Home, Church and Address Cards. Ttis Moyer Sfationsry Co., 220.222 So. 16th Straet H5 yJrl IP IE BEE f Oft ALL THE BS PART 7 The Living Animals of the World NOW READY 1 At The Bee Office V Price 10 cents By mail IS cents r HAVE Helgren & Gradmann , . MAKE TOVB NEW SPRING SUIT. Telephone 2031. 309 South 16th Street. IF YOU ARE NOT SMOKING THE. ... a Try one, then notice the fine Aroma of our present Ha van t) ft Tobacco and compare It with high priced Imported Cigars. JT. & lUot UercaAtUa Cigar Ce, slaautoctiurars. St. Iau1, Union Made. t Vie v