Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 23, Image 23

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Bpring "Bujtrt Arrive in the City
Cettea .ts CjeeteA strong; ana It 8
Tktkt Prlee HUI Oa te Tee
" . Ct-Srewa Cottons A4
ttBM Ftv Casta.
Tha lobbing district cf Omhe we
crowded lul wwk with buyer of rprti
srcoda. Tbe dry foods houses in particular
were well patronised, but tiU tha boot and
bo lot. here, hare, were man and In fact
fill whoieetjar had a rood many visitor.
Kort buyers war expected in tha city this
seruig Uau ever beiore, but tba numiwr
that navs arrived thus far have exceeded
all ex pat-taxi ana. Mot enir have tha oid
customer oome hack, but nuy nrw omi
nave given Omaha a trial at the expense
ei vntoago ana other eastern markets aa
well aa of those farther flown the river.
Those win war here for the first tiro ex
im4 UuinMlvM aa belna greatly Bur
firteed and pitupd at tha complete lines
oarried by Omaha houses and tbe old cus
tomera also remarked oa tba Improvements
Enade elnoe lat season.
Ho far aa values ara eo oeroed there hart
Been few important changes during the last
everel deye. A few line have fluctuated
we and down, but In moat cases the
change wera of minor Importance. It is
evideet that there ta a firm undertone to
tba anarttet oa nearly ail classes of goods
arid that the demand is sufficient to main
xatn pm-sent values for some time to tome.
CoUncUunc continue In good shape and
Jobbers now have very few bad accounta
on their books. They have cleaned up their
Winter, bill In exceptionally good shape
and for that reason are full of confidence
for tba ftrture. Retailers, however, de not
era to bo abusing their credit, but are
buytra conserve Uvt-ly and are trying not
to over-estimate their spring and summer
traia. (
agar Markef UtU Lower.
Wholesale grocers had a good word to
ay regarding the condition ct trade last
week. In taking comparisons with the
last several week and also with the cor
responding periods of previous years tbey
find that they are doing tuily as much
boMriess as tbey could reasonably expert.
The market as a whole Is In much the
am condition It waa a week ago. auger.
knin trine lower, the decline which
took plsoe the first of the week amounting
to be per hundred bounds. The market is
now rather unset tied and It is thought that
H will remain that way until the tariff
cjueatlon is out of the way.
There la very little change ta the canned
fowii market so far aa spot stocks are
concert) d, tout prices are being held wary
Arm all along the Una Packers, though,
are getting their Ideas up cn futures and
particulaiiy on corn and tomatoes. Tbey
are still pirtttng forth the argument thai
it Is Impossible for them to secure acreage
from the farmers erea at an advance over
the prices paid last season.
In farinaceous goods beans are un
changed, but oatmeal is a little higher.
The cheese market is steadily firming up
owing to the fart that stocks are being re
duced. Com syrupa advanced aharply last
week fend i till higher prices are looked tor
In the future.
Both sisal and manlTla rope Is being held
at firm, price and It is predicted that an
advancawfll take -place la. the n-r future,
la feet It is claimed that the finished prod
uct is being sold In this market for lea
than .the actual cost of the raw material.
tram Cottea Market.
Ot&ahe dry goods Jpbber enjoyed a very
tilce trad last week and In tact it was one
of the biggest weeks ever experienced In
this otty. Not only were buyers numerous,
but their orders were large. Traveling men
els met with good success oa the road,
aa that trade as a whole waa very atlclao
tory ta Omaha houses.
The most important feature of the mar
ket is the strong tone to the cotton market.
Larre operatora Dew say that they look
for iso return. . A a result of this firxena
brown ootten advanced, fully he last week
Jid irere Is no longer' any doubt 'Hrt the
Bilnde af Ihooe best ?oVad thf 4he market
will stain 4u) preeevt trengui throughout,
the eeaaon. .
marked shortage to rerwirrea hi' gltur
hame of both plain and fancy varietlee and
ceil sites of hlgh-prloed wash Cahrics are
aid to be very slow.
The season is now close at ' qand when
Omaha jfebere will exert out after fall
business.' xtnatre reparatlans hare been
under way fur some time paftl and whole-,
Balers say that they are going to make aa
great Improvemcata ever the stocks they
carried last .fall as. tbey have made this
rear la the assortments of spring goods,
n view of the great Dcoess Omaha houses
have had this season they feel Juetlfied in
greatly ex lending their operations In the
future. .
. Bardwaro .a. boat ateautr.
There 1 nothing particularly new to re
port regarding tha hardware market. All
lines are selling In just about the same
notches they were a week ago and the
market may be quoted firm and active.
Spring business- is now opening up In good
chape and Omaha houses report trade as
linn much better than It waa a weak ago.
There Is gnnd evidence that spring lines
will 'be In still better demand In the Bear
future, -as Uis late buyers cannot postpone
ordering much longer. So far this season
more hardware ha been sold out of Omaha
than over- tfore during the same period
last year and It is the general opinion that
unless something unexpected happens ths
balance will continue in favor of this year.
Seo4 Dosbsus4 far Leather Oooela.
Boot mad hoe Jobbers also have a good
word say regarding the condition of
trade. A good many buyers have been Is
the city this week and have placed quite
libera orders, but traveling men have been
meetanc with exceptionally good suocesa,
and as a rasa It Jobbers are well pleased
with' the way trade Is going. Lte buyers
era getting anxious and those who bought
earuwr in the erase, are filling m tne4r
storks getting ready for the spring demand
W h. W Y. .411 k . u. .1 . 1- W
rule are very confident regarding the fu-
Lure Jti4 think that their spring and sure
er trade aria go far ahead of last year.
Tba rubber goods trade is hardly as good
aa it waa a week ago. Retailer say that
ths ground Is drying up in the country, so
they aire not Belting nearly as much stock
aa they were a wet-k or ten days ago. As
result they are not buying much. Cloth
ing is Belling te some extent, but there ha
cot been enough rala le create mjch of a
aWmand la that line. If there should hap
ln to be a long rainy sell Jobbers say
thev would sell an immense amennt of
clothing, as stocks in the country are by
Be moans Aeavy.
i- - Fnarta auael Wag are.
There was home' Improvement noted last
wek in.' the demand far frolta and vegetables-
VYbolesaiere always notice that as
boon as tha weather is moderate enough to
enable retailers to display their goods on
tba sidewalks that trade improves. Ths
gooda, however, that can be displayed are
rather limited la Dumber, so that Jobbers
svre looking forward to the time when the
bupnrs of greea goods will be more liberal,
bo far aa prions are concerned there ta not
gouch cbujiee from a week ago. Just about
the same lines are on the market and they
SJ-a sewing in practically the same notches
they have boea for aeme little time past.
Th egg market has attracted consider
able atit-tition of late. Keceipta Increased
Cidly last week and prioes as a result
ka. The market is now quoted s.s u.
ei;-d and eomBiissitHi iw-n sre aurtsiag
tlieir shlpirs to buy on a wide margin.
TM murtpts tif poultry wera vt-ry light
last -een,- bat the demand waa also of
moderate prirtions. sn that the market
not any more than hold steady.
The butter market showed some weak-
toaiara ine cioee oi la week.
roaAltiu of Trade Qsatatlesi
auvlo eael Faatr frecsr.
SfSGS-ReoelptB, hoary; market weak!
frk sUKk. iic.
U11 rVl-TRT-OiirheTiB. gJV; old
roosters. Ijtc. turkeys, rluc; ouUui and
sTaa? , 4 t.l "at .
1KES?KD POTT.TRT Turkeys, UiSc:
dwka, Infill ; gaeaa. IdQUc; chickana. r
.LTTER-Oommot to fair. ir-$lsc;
rhot'ie oauy. ia tubs lS'.-it. aepaxaiur,
I WIEN nH-Blsck baaa. ISc: whtie
has, luc; olunsk, Uc. bullheads, lor; buf-tlo-a,
le; -tnh. lie; ctd. 1; crapples,
ioot k ii but. He; herring. Ic; badnotk. fee;
t rus, fcc. red anapper. lc; aalmoa, Ui ; sun
tish, ac; tnaul. bv; whltefuih. -; pickorel,
tc; fresh mackerel, eai-h, &.Xjc; smeita.
OTfTC&aV-AfedluiBS. per can. tic; Stand.
aroa. it:r rw, c; extra iciwu, per can,
Sjc; Iw aork Conata. per csa. eat-; bu
biKBOarcs. per gai.. i ; ouik. extra ae-
tecta, ilSviaU-Mii isw 1 ork Counts. r gai
ptRONS-tJve,' rT dos due
Xf. Cc.
CAT ( it"c.
iikAS-i-ff ton r.
H4I-rtm quoted by Ossal-a Wholesale
l'r iHtalers nwHUttion. tutne upland,
eoad; .e. 1 ttfrlatid. t'-Ji Btar.Uaa, :,
poarse. KM. T?ve strew. tS nrtm
sre for hay of good color and quality. ie-
i m lie jsir.
POT ATOEP Northern, tl: Bait LaV.
SLh; 1 olordo. n.lfc.
t AP.BUTS Per ba., 7Sc
fEtTS rtr ba. bssket. fcv
1 L.lfft-Fer bu, toe; Hutabagss, per
PA Kff Per bu.. gftc
CI Ct Mf ER Hothouse, per dot. U.
GREEN OJlUNb--er doa. fe.
UEI TUC tiead. per drum. Hi hothouse,
per df . hsc.
JAKbLET-PeT dox r.
KAr!?HE.aer dox., 5c
6 WEFT POTATOE-tlo!r.e grown, per
Iha lr; Kansas, per bbL. U.2fc.
CAHBAOB Holland seed, crated. c
CAl Lin)WER-Per crate, ti Wi.
ONIONS ripen ih, per crate. i.25; Mich
igan, red or yellow, i-c per lb.
C E1.ERT California. ifaii'TSc.
TOMATOES Florida, per k-pasket crate,
APPI.ES Ben Dsvls, per hbU W W); Wine
saps, H, Jonalhans, fc',.iy, Belleflowera. per
box tl 7k
I EARg Vlkera, BS; Lawrence. JJJtfl
GRAPT:" Vslnras, per keg. 7.l).
CRAKFERRito Per bbL. IT.SD; per
crste. I2.7S ..-
PIGS California, new carton. $1; Im
ported, per lb.. 120T14O.
ORANGES California aavela, U.9052.H;
budded. 2 bu.
UMu.N ft Fancy, X; choice. S3.
B AS AN AS Per hunch, according te also,
NUTS New crop eralnuta. No. 1 soft
sbsU, per lb., lie; hard shell, per lb., Hic;
No. 1 soft shell, luc; No. X hard shell, c;
Braxits. per lb., lc; Alberts, per lb., lc;
almonda, soft shell. 17c; hard shell, lie;
pecans, large, per lb., 12c; am all. luc; cocoa
nuts, per sack, fS.W.
HONEI per S-section case, 13
' C1CER Nehawka, per bbi., .; Kew
Tcrk, Ht.SO.
KlDKrV No. 1 ereen, tc; No. X green, 5c:
Ko. 1 salted, 7c; No. I salted. c; No. 1 veal
calf, t to lb., ac; No. I veal calf. U te
1 lbs., r; dry hides, Stftfc; sheep pelts, luc;
horse hides. 11 acKu2.2a.
POPCOiuN Per is., to.
t, Lewis wrote aag PrsTinssa ,
BT. LOUS, March l.-TK-HEAT-eteadTj
No. I red, canh, elevator, aWc ; track, wi
Wve; May, iMac; July, 77V:; 10. 1 haru,
COHN Higher; No. t cash. Uc; track,
(He; Mar, . iti"Kc: Julv. til'Vc
OATB Weak: No. i cash. 44c; track. 4H
ti-tZhci May, evsc; July, Vc; No. Z ehita,
4UC : .
RTF Lower at Sic.
PLdTu'R Quiet, steady; red winter rtst
ents, S3 864)4 04; extra fancy and straight,
U-ba 3 .b6: clear, l.lll.Ss. . .
EEI-1mothy. nominally K.aOfrS.75,
prime worth more.
CORNMKAL tesflv, rt.m. " " '
PRAN Dull: sacked lots SWaSe?.
HAT Timothy, steady, fc2.OO4rii.0O; prkj.
rte. strong. lll.4e3U.stt.
WH15KT fveady, 11.30.
PAfKllNO e-efac . , .
PROVIS10N-Pork, lower: Jobbing, old,
tl.Vl;. surw. 4 Is. Lrd, lower. tU liP. Iry
salt meats (boxed), quiet: extra shorts and
clear ribs, M.sola clear sides. ss.7k. Baron
(boxed), quiet; extra snorts and clear ribs,
fc. Zr.'S 37Vt ; clear sides. .b&
METALS Load, steady at 14.0b. Bpelter,
steady at 4 lw.
P"3ULTRT low aad easy chlricens. Mf
V: turkeys, liJilc; oucka, 10c; geesa.
UTTER steady: creamery, judaic;
dairy. lTto'Jle.
r-oas Lower at lSHc
RECEIPTS Flour. .00 bbls.: wheat. !i-
000 be ; corn, tk.( bu.; oats, 47.00V bu.
miKMH-MB-Jfiour, ,uuK bbls. ; wheat,
I7.0U0 bu.; corn, dl.OOO bu..; oats, Ks.ew bu.
Liver wool Crala oad rre-rtsteas.
No. I red western, winter, steady at Csldj
No. 1 northern, soring, firm at as d: No. 1
CaRfornla, no stock. Futures, steady:
March, s lHd ; Msy. s
CORN Boot, steady; American mixed,
new, im IKS; old. fee 2Vd. Futures. Inactive; '
March. bsiqd. Uaf. is 1H4. - -,
PEAP Canadian, steady, 5a. M. '
r ut't'sv et. ixrais tancv winter, -Ttrm, ss.
- HWWU Load os, Paoihc ooasx. firm. 1
U'ua;4 ana. k -.... ,-..
i'KOVlolONB Beef, firm: extra India
truss. T(s. "Pors. firm: -nrtm ness. T2.
Haans, abort out, 14 Xa Vt Iba, tqniru Ms 6d.
xtaoea. cuimoeriang cut z to ml lbs., -quiet,
40a; chort rms. ll (o M lbs., steady, 42s;
long clear middles, light. 28 te 34 lbs quiet.
4aa; long clear middies, heavy, IB to 40 lba.
q uim, ot su , won civar Weill, jw m zj
lbs., quiet, 4us; clear belUea, 14 to II lb
quiet. 41a, Shouldera, eoBara. n to II iba..
Bteady, Us M. Lerd, steady; American re
naed la pal la, 4bb ad; prime .western In
tierces 47s sd.
BUTTER nm: finest United Btatea. Kb:
good United Slates, 70a.
CUEliaE Firm; American finest whits
and colored. Els Cd.
TALLOW Prime cltr, steady. 59s 3;
Ausuallan In London, firm, 21s Sd.
Kuui City rala aad Provlaiaas.
76c: Julv. 74Vc: cash No. t hard. '.4c: No.
L 73Vc; No. I red, 81c-; No. t, 81c; No. t
spring. .i'lliK.
CORN May. 6L"4e: September, B9r.c; cash
No. i mixed. SlVi'Slc: No. 3 white. 6oc: No.
I.481!?- - ..
t.)A js we- x wnne, tsvilraoc.
RTE No. I, 61c.
HAT Choice timothy. O4.00: choice prai
rie. $H im.
KLITEH Creamery, cisc; dairy, fancy.
EGOS Lower: offerings liberal; sales on
'change, lbc dos. at market; No. Z white-
wood cases included; HMfC, oases returned.
RECEIPTS Wheat. IS, bu.: corn. Out
bu ; oata, Kmc bu.
SHIPMENTS-Wheat. l,s) b.: com. K.-
bu.; oata. IS. WO bu.
Oil sua Koala.
OIL CTTT, Ps March . OIL-Credlt
balanoes. tl IS; eertihoatea. no bid; ship
menu, 121.322 bbls.: average, 72,736 bbls.;
run. f,.tC3 bbls.: average. 70.1BO bbla.
AT AN N AH, Qa, March OIL Tur
pentine, firm, 42c Bosin, firm and tin
changed. LONDON, March 1 OIL Turpentine
spirits. Sta-lHd.
' NEW YORK. March R OIL Cotton eeod.
cHill; prime crude., nominal; prime yellow,
4iu-l"c. Petroleum, quiet; refined. New
York. 7Ji rehned. New York, in bulk.
(4 Roeln. sieady: strained, common to
good, !b aw6"lS.-V
TuLtlX), U., March . OIL North Lima,
iic; South Lima and Indiana, Rue.
LIVERPOOL. March t OIL Cottonseed,
Hull rehned. spot quiet. 24s 1VX Turpen
tine spirits, steady, 31s 3d. Renin, common,
stesdy. Hie lSd. Petroleum, refined, steady,
7-d. Linaeed. firm. Sis ed.
fain Market. .
Rio. dull; No. I invoice, e. MUd. dull;
Cordova, atr.!. Ccffee opened steady,
with prices unchanged to i points loaer,
and for the rest of the session was dull,
i-losing net unchanged to a points lower.
Foreign market news waa rather discour
aging. Brazilian raoeipts continued heavy.
S(Ht damaad was tnactlvs and senUment
favored a lower market. Clearanote for
the United fe tales roached lO.Onw bags from
Victoria. Total aalea of futures were l.'AJb
burs. Including May at .3c; September,
a. Tic; Locember, e.iac; January, k.uuc
' Bagar Market
Dull; open kettle, Siijil-llic; centrifiiKsJ
yeliowa. S(4 U-lic, second 2k(n9s&
M 'luams, strong; centrifugal. 7p 18c.
NEW TORK. March a SUGAR Raw,
steady; fair reflntiig. 3 16-16c; centrlf urai,
M ttt, t 7-lac; mulaaoes sugar, 3 11-lac. Re
fined, steady; No. 7. 4-lc; Nu. K. 4c; No
3 16c: No. I. 3 ur; No. 1L t.ltV: No. 12, ) Kc;
No. 11 7br; No. 14. I Tic; standard A. 4∾
confectioners' A. 4nac; mould A. t ide; rut
ki&f. klfcc, crushed, t lc; powdered. 4.oc;
grauulaled, t.7c; cube, so.
MtaaeepolU Wheat, Fleer sad Urea,
Cub. TIV. )lay. 741c; July, 7lVc; on track.
No. 1 hard, 77'ac; No. 1 norther a, litc; No.
1 mart hern, 731c
FLOUR Plret patents, tS85rS: eeeemd
patents. Kl 7bt H6; first clears. eLZawksa;
s-cond cleara. fS.3.
lKAN-4u bulk. Lower at S13.XM&13 U.
Tetcde Crete aad (etd.
.TOLEDO. March k WHEAT Fahrly ao
tlve. atrorig: caeh. f&c; May. Kc; July, ITc
iX)yr Duli. firm; cash. Pc; May. a.'Vc:
JuTjr. i--c.
OATS-DulL erm: cash. 44ic; May. 44e;
Juiv bvec.
SEEK Clever, dull. Break; March. JS.45.
Aprtt. I 4a. Urela Market.
Hlh-r-. No. northern. T7c; Ns. otarth
ern. (d "Sc; May, T7e.
KTE Firm; Sa. J, !.!
B A KLET Higher; Nu. X ate; sampla.
tiaoi d..c
CwRK-May. CiyCc .
Peerte Market.
PEOEU, March I CCRN Higher; No.
t as-rc.
OATS Inactive; No. wkKs. 44V944HC
billed through.
W HlrkY-un the basis ef H fug fln
lahse aToodai ... ...
Kgrket ii Etronjj and Higher on JLixj
3Everrthla Fevers txapreveaieB la
"hoet, While Cora Opens Ft ran
- aae Ceatlaeee with Oawel
Tea Eatlre Day.
CHICAGO. March Oop damage re
ports met ravorable conditions for a re
vival of strength and activity in wheat
today and other grains profited rrmp
theucally. Msy Sheet closed tC higher.
May corn V up and May. oata c
higher. Provisions closed Unchanged to
lc lower. .
Nearly everything favors an Improve
ment in wheat. Liverpool cables were not
as favorable as expected, but Paris bad
gained Vc since Monday, and thla in con
nection with the Improved situation In all
foreign markets was bullish in effect For
a time at the opening there was some UtU
selling on the English situation, but in a
short time a steaay advance began en the
weather reports, and the maiket ruled
strong th rest of the day. There waa no
new a of moisture in the southwestern
wheat fields and crop damage reports
came In constantly. The flour situation In
the northwest was said to be Improving
and with it the cash wheat business,
fhorts were restive and In view of the
forthcoming government report Monday,
which is expected to bo bullish, end of the
usual Baturday evening up. The prominent
local bulls also came into the market and
bulls placed numerous orders.
buying was better than In lorm time.
The heretofore tendency to sell wss
notably absent. Indications point to a de
creese In the risible supply of about LWiu,
UU bushels. On the wbois the wheat mar
ket presented a better appearance than for
several weeks. May started He lower at
77gr7Tic, wss bulled to 7c, eased on liqui
dation to 77Sc and closed firm c up at
77c. . Receipts were 11 cars, none con
tract. Minneapolis and Duluth received 1
cars, a total for the three points of 322,
against 3X2 last week and 444 a year ago.
Primary receipts were 4X.HO0 bushels, com
pared to a6t.WiO bushels last year. Seaboard
clearances equaled SM.twO buahels. Aus
tralian shipments for the ft-aek were 8K.0itt
bushels, against S-.uuti bushels the corre
sponding wsek a year age
Corn opened firm and ruled with a good
tone throughout the -day. Cables were
firmer and receipts continued very, light.
The eouthwestern markets were sending
out bullish advices and the bull movement
In wheat gave some upward impetus to
corn. The crowd was fully as bullish as in
wheat, though the market was not as
broad. Belling was restricted, partly on the
fear of a bullish government report.- This
same sentiment also checked other trading
to some extent and moat traders were
satisfied to even up and wait. Msy opened
a shade to tybio higher at K'VJi'tt'e. sold
to 6;'ic. but closed on!v barely firm, H6Tc
BP at 6Tc. Receipts. W cars.
Oats ruled firm and higher with the
other traina, but business was restricted
to scalping. There was not as much ner
vousness In May options today, - though
some early selling eased that future. There
was, however, an immediate reaction, of
ferlnca were well taken and May sold up
to 444,0, closlog firm, Vc hasher at 44ie,
Receipts, Ki cara.
Provisions opened lower on lower hogs.
Fair purchases brtmght a reaction, but
later Belling of lard and rib eased the
market. The grain strength prevented any
marked decline and the close was steady
In lard and ribs and easy in pork. Locals
took roost of . the offerlnrs. May pork
closed luc lower st llu.30. May lard a shade
lower at tn." 4:'H and May libs -unchanged
gt r.inti..4.
fcstlmsted receipts for Monday: Wheat,
30 cars; corn, lifi cars; oata, 115 cars; hogs,
et.'KHi head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlclea. Open. High Lew. ) Close.) Yea'y.
'77 '' " n n
J uly -
77V 77V
ITiWSI" tin
Core .
Mar 1
Eept Pork
May July
4S H
1 S
l85,CrV'rar -gSA.
15 VV. 15 2B
IB 39
Is m
I B6
3 kfl
8 e
IS 47
t 37ie 40-n,'
StffHl eft
t 47W t M
I 60 60
t 35
B STSsI t 60
No. t
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady : winter patent.' rH.ROiB
4 t; straights. J3.3ncga.70; cleara, K.titrz 4o;
spring apecisls, 34; patents..
strsiphtr. 2.fl(i.l.
avhiuat no. s. rcsTztPec: No. I rod. 2U
OATB No. X. 44e: IMO. I white. 6S47c:
No. 3 white. 44H15'ic
KIE 0. Z. abvC
BARLET Fair to choice malting 61(elc.
SEED-No. 1 flax. tlM: Xo. 1 nnrthwest-
eru. 31.71. Prime tlrnotbv, Bfi.tOS'e.SO.
PROVISIONS Mees pork, per bbL, 31S.10
tra. 7. Lard per If lbs.. 88 t7ft?S.3a.- Short
nr sides tioose), ih.ttrx sa. iry sailed
shoulders fboxedl. 17 Ui4i1.2E: short i-Ijlt
Bides ihoxedi. 3k.atra.7tt.
WHISKTOn .basis of high wines, 31.30.
The following were tha recelDta and shin-
menta for the dajr:
Articles. Keceipts. Khlproents.
Flour, bt)!a,......v to.Oi 17.010
Wheat, bu.. il.OuO - 3B.W0
Corn, b; km
Oata, a - - - n,m
Rye. Du i.a l.twe
Barley, bu 3v.U00 Ki.Oua
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market eas steady; craamerlea, lug
Hoc; oalrg-a. UvXls. Cheeae, steady, 1J
IZO. isega, hrm, lluc
(teotatieavs ( the Per ee a'arieea
eeipta, bbla.: shipments, l.ib btaa. ;
hrmly heud but quiet; winter patents, 3.6
4.2ii; winter suraights. eK.7ixtiS.wi, winter ex
tras, ti.uuat 26; winter low graaes . (MfflLiaj.
Rye flour, firm; fair te good, tiii.!;;
choice to fancy, 33.kK(2.7&.
CORNMEAL Firm: yellow western. $3.Z;
Brandywlne, 4.6oti.i.l. ,
RIE Firmer: Nu. 1 west em, eSc f. e. b.
afloat: state. ifcle.
BARLKT euuuiy; feeding. C$4bc; mait
Ing, awy Jks. .
WHEAT Receipts, IS, 450 ho.; spot, firm;
No. i red, t. o. b. afloat; Jo. 2 rod,
s.';c elevator; No. 1 northam, elevator,
tnie afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba. h-e
afloat. At first a shea lower by reason of
frobt-taking. wheal quickly reoovered lis
oss and aaranoed Btiarply on more dry
weather news from the southwest, coupled
with higher French cables and abort de
mand; closed Una at fee net advance;
March closed at K3c; May, &2 1-i
UU-lac, closed at kV; July, SS ji(u,
closed at kjMec; September; ICUhX JuVlaq,
closed al KTec.
CORN Raoeipta, 1.000 bu.; ex porta, . Mi
bu. ; spot, firm; No. 1. mc eievaior and 7ie
f. o. b. afloat. With reoelj-ts add tana
offerings etllL com Develop, new strengik
today, shorts being the buyers; ciceed firm,
it-jnc higher; Murch. v"c,. May. Kui
67 fc-loc. closed at r-c; July. SfiS'-i la-ltK
closed at etSc; tieptember, a-H(u (fc-mc. cjoaeS
OAT Receipts, J.ete bu ; exporta. 10 tj
bu.; spot, firm; No- 3. uOrc: No. , soc; No.
3 while, Lji''sc; No. 3 hlte, aiSc; track,
mixed weMern, Blfeiilc: track, a hlte, ax
tic. Options dull but steadier, with corn.
FEF-1 Steady; spring bran. (i'rl kk
HAT Firm: shipping, gutoiioc; good ts
choice. it'S'uSbc
HOPS Dull; state.' common to choice.
1S"1 crop, 1lSc; 1KU0 crop, l?4c; clo.
HII1EB Bteady; Qalveeton, J to S lbs
ISc; California, n to a lbs.. Uc; Tcxao. lal
to 30 lie , 4c
LEATHER DuQ; hemlock cole. Buenos
Ayres, light to b-sv a, Sti-fr-Se
WoOL Ftrm: dnmastie fleece, SBe
PROVlelONS Reef, hrmr family, ri'arvft
UW, mess. tin. vu; bef hama. td ws
fl en. Cut meata, dull; pickled beitta aVu
r; plck'te shoulders. 7c; pickled hauia
,j!lfic Lard, easy; western steamed tk 7:
relim-d. steady; couth America. ( 'air- com
pound. Ttveec- Pork. steadv; fajniiv
$i7(MT2f: eluirt clear. 3)7.Uuaa0
BUTTKR fcucady ; creamery. 2i-aic- fae
tcry, 3.5ac; creanierv heid iMtfi-twc; lnuta,
tk.n (TMunmr. lTfcii'e-
CHEtnE Firm. state. , fall cresma.
small, early make. to-y eoiured, LiZc
atate white. L'eni i?S,c; state large, colorid'
Uwiiikc; atate ehlte. iivaruc,
Eid Weak; wesiam, at xuark. lw-
TALLOW Firm; dty, tc; country,
luCE Ftrai: domesUc, fair to extra, 4V3
M ETA 1-8 Tla Is firmly held as a reach
jf a temporary acaruity and spot ts atlll
Quoted by the metal exchange at tai T7
Jk4a. Maunefacturers are said te .have very
I. gut stocks oa band la some caste. Ci.iw
per la steady, with prloee unchauged Lake
is Quoted at S-1 2b0 12 a: etectroivtlr at
U.i:wU,.a4 caaUAe 4U l-la.iT.
tea ruled steady and unchsnr-fl st 141!.
PpWter show sursdinees at M.aiS4. Th
Iron marker maintain thetr firm fenture.
Pig froe warrants were twrelnal at m.&
li ef'; No. 1 northern fourflry, gin Ma ik.k:
No. I northers foundrv, J.S 3 1M; No. 1
southern foundry. 317 ft IT. A iO; No. south
ern foundry, soft. el7AikslL
Market Awaits steak Statement aad
Fr lees Tleia Little.
NaW TORK, March I Considerable ln
tarest rElerad today in the bank stste
ment and pending its pubilcatiox opera
tions in the stock market were wKhout
mock significance except In a few stocks.
The early market showed some Irregu
larity, but the prominent railroad storks
were firmly held and ths limited selling
was chiefly In the specialties, particularly
Colorado Fuel. Modexste buying of Mis
souri Pacific and Rock Island advanced
those stocks 1 to 3 polrts and there was
some disposition to cover later In the spe
dsJtiea, bringing the entire market above
laat night. Colorado Fuel waa .lfted U
above terdsy's close, but dealings were
unimportant in other metal stocks, except
Amaigsmsted Copper, which mbewed mo
mentary strength. There was soms re
newal of the recent demand for yester
days stocks, but material advances were
confined to Pari tic coast common and the
second preferred. Meetinghouse Electric,
Minneapolis A 8r Louis and Pacific Mail,
the latter being bought on expectations
of a renewed agreement with the Panama
Railroad company Publication of the bank
ststement. showing a loss of nearly ,
WO.fmo. which more than doubled the pre
liminary estlmstea, started Belling of 1 b
general list. Prices, however, did not, yield
much except in some of tbe stocks which
had notably advanced earlier, and there
Waa no decided preesure at any time. Bom
pressure waa felt at the increased loan
hem of fS.UMO.flnn. Tbe Immense cash loss
was quite genera Try attributed to the va
garies of the banks average system. With
surplus reserves down te less than 34.1106,
flu". and the gold export movement un
checked the crpinloa naturally prevails that
higher money rates are imminent. The
market closed active and saay.
Bonds have shown eome decrease from
recent activity, but the level of prices
was sreil maintained.. Cnlte4 - States 2s
advanced S. the Ss V, the new 4a, coupon,
aad tha old as, par cent over the
closing call of last week.
The following are the closing prices oa
the New Tork Block exebaxete:
Atchison ...... 751 Pa. pacific ....... 614
.00 pia ....... ptnou. xuLii way ..... v
Bal. Ohio ) do pld. k
Canadian Pac.JlS Tex. Pacific SUV
Canada So 871, ToU St. L. A W. 24
Ch A Ohio...-m do pfd 4111!
Chicago 4k A iH Union Pacific
do pfd , "!' Pld...... 7
ChL Ind. ar L.... 4 M abash 2314
do pfd 7t' do Pfd... : 4-'s
Cht i E. ni....S.lK .Wheel. L. K. IiaJ
Chicago O. W.... 1414' do lid pfd si
do let pfd W (Wis. Central .... hac
do Hd pfd 4b I do pfd 43
Chi. . W EJgH Adams Ex ji
C. R. 1. A P 164 American Ex.. ...233
Cht Ter. ac Tr... i;l!. 6. Eg. a
do pfd Kl Wells-Fargo Enusg
C. C. C. A BU L.lUHAmal. Copper. wu
Colorado Bo Amer. Car A jr.. 81C
do 1st pfd 71 do pfd
do 2d rfd --"-. Lin. Oil... 22J
De.L & Hudon...l7l do pfd fci
Del. L. A W 0 ,-kmer. 8. A R.... ic?
Denver A R. Q... 4SV' do pfd !,
do pfd i Anac. Mln. Co... 8714
Erie K' Brooklyn R. T... fc?
00 ist-jna .ta'Jt"". rue I... :ri
do 2d pfd ElCon. Gas J
Ot Nor. pfd aMgon. Tob. pfd.. uiJ
Hock. Valley vS??n- Electric ...'jta
do pfd bW, Glucose Sugmr.... 414"
Illinois Central. .lSi Hooklng Coal .. itv
Iowa Central .... 6(1 jluter. Paper ... 20
Iowa Central BuVsL o pfd 7g
Ltke Erie W.. R Inter. Power .... p,
do pfd IK Laclede Gas m
L. N Ki3VV."L- Biscuit 47m
Msnhsttan L 11 .National Lead ..
Met. fit. Ry 167V "National Salt 211
Met. Central .... XH No. American .." 10
Mex. National .. P"aclfi- Coast .. 74
Minn. sY Bt. L....lll4'r'"-Plnc Mall aol
Mo. Pacific !H People s Gas . i,7r
M.. K. AT U Pressed a Car. " ri2
do pfd..-. SS1 .?, Pfd ks2
N. 3. Central . 1HU Pullman P. Our. 2as
N. T. Central. ...Jfil'H K'ublle Steel irv
-do pfd,..7...Z,.-o . 2.ugar j.7Z
Ontarle 4 W K (Tenn. Coal A I
Fennsyrvanla ..UMTt Lnloa Bag A P. 1.
Rea dtri g . . 4 do pfd. 7,
. do iRt ff4.w- rSi,u. 8. Leather.... 17U
tTt. U SJJ..wr. 8. Rubber .... Is5
. do 1st pfd........ aHV do pfd c.-,7;
do 2d pfd 7HW.C. 6. Steel ..... i'.?
Bt. L. Bouthw...24(al da pfd w2
o Tfd..v h6iIWesterB fhlon .. 92
$t. Paul - lWlAmer. Locomo... 31'C
do pfd ! do pH... sjjJ
Offered. Last" sale.
lew Terat Baser Market.
NEW TORK. March . MOXETOn call,
tromlnal; prima mercantile paper, 4lVo
per cent. -
actual business In bankers' bills t'4r7S
4.87 far demand and at 4 rSgl SiL for
sixty days; posted rates, ' H.U4.Kfc; com
mercial hills, 34.MH64.S&is.
EILVXR Bar. fcc; Mexican collars.
GOVERXMENT BONPB-Steaflv; ref. 2s
reg.. lie; coupon. 1(W: 3s reg. and coupon,
10DV: new 4s reg., !; coupon, 13SS; old
4s reg., mi; coupon, lll'. as reg. and
coupon. T06H.
Tbe cloriug quotations on bonds are as
follows: . . j -
U. 8. ref. 3s. reg.MO-tL. 4k W. rntl. 4s...ioe
do coupon lOSWMex. Central a..
do -Jm, reg li'l do Is tac , gj
do coupon 1-:M. ft 6t- L. 4s...l(i
do new 4s, rec.-l.ii'a.M., K. A T. as...l
do coupon 13VS do 2s u
do old 4s. reg.-Ul-efN. T. O. Is ilOBS
do coupon ......lU'l do gen. IVj 1.
do as. reg IWeN. J. V. gen. 6s.. 1374
do coapon .. .ioe No. Pacllio 4a...-..luRS
Atch. gen. 4a. 104; do 3a 74V
do ttli. 4 M N. A W. con, 4a.l(tiJ
BaL A Oiuo 4S...1MV Reading gen. 4s.. RV
do 3ia We 8t L A I M e. la.lM
do conv. 4a lli et L A B F 4a pax
Canada Bo. 2a lw fit. L. 8. W. la' fM!
Cent, of Ga, BS...1WH do 2s 701!
do Is lne 7K 8 A A A P 4a.... ms
C. ft O. 4s Iti7i 60. Paclfle 4s 05
a ft A. s 4 Bo. Railway as...l21Vi
C, B ft Q n. 4s... Texas ft . ls..:.iaus
C M A B P g a..lH- T. Bt. L. A W. 4a W,
C ft N. W. c 7s lVL"mon Paclfle 4s.jnivi
L. K 1 l- as iiisi 00 conv. 4e Ku2
CCC ft B L a. 4al(H
v anaea Is 111
do is Jm
do deb. R ia
Chicago Tor. 4a.. K7V
Colo, ft Bo. 4a 4
lien, m n. u. a..Jia
Erie prior 1. 4s... W
W est Shore 4s. 11314
w. ft l. e :r2
Wis. Oen. 4s mrS
00 general s...
F W ft D C U...113VCon. Ton. 4s
Hock. Vai sa..liV . .
Mack teeetaeaa.
BOSTON, March Call loans, lZM per
cent; time, loans. iaj4ft per cent. Official
closing: ,
Atchison 4s . . .
Mex. Central as.
Atchison A. -
do pfd
Boston A Ms
.103 1 Amalgamated
, W Baltic .........
; 7i Bingham ....
. W Cal. A Hecla..
.la CVntennlul ..
Boston Elevsted
l Copper Range
N T, N H A H..
Fltchliurg pfd....
iim. v.oa.1 ....
.147 'Franklin '
. mi la.e Roy ale ...
. Mohawk
.124 old Lomlnloa
T.'nion Ffccme ....
Mex. Central
Amer. Sugar ....
do pfd v
Amer. T. k T...
lom. I. ft 8
Gen. Electric
Mass. Electric...
-do pfd
N. E. G ft C....,
failed Frutt ..-.
U. S. Steal
do pfd
Wastingh. Com..
161 H Parrot
4"H Qulncy
JWi Santa Fe Cop.
. H Tamarack . . . ..
, !M TriniounuUa
, Trinity '
.ft" fnlted States
, 41'e flab
, 4-e Victoria
, gl Winona ......
. 2i Wolverine .....
hew Terat MielaeT aleetarieea.
NEW TORK, March 3-Th following are
the closing prices ea mining stocks :
Adams Coa
Alice -
preecs ... h ..... .
Brunswick Con.
30 ;Lirtle Chief .
4 ;wntarlo .......
i tOiihir .,
... ia
Cumstork Tun.
BH'Puiosl .
Con. Cel. ft Vi .lin
IjeadwooA Terra.
Horn Silver 10
Iron Silver 71
Leadvilie Con.... s
'.Sierra NevaAa
.. 10
.. 40
jfimall Hopes .
Ua4as Meeeg Market.
LONTHSN. March k MONET MeAt per
cent; discount rate, short bille. iS
t 11-14 iar oent, three months hills. J 4
riLVER Bar. easy at ZM m n'...
Tbe gold premiuai ag Madrid has ad-
The amount of bullion taken Into the
Bank o( V.i.glBnd oa balaace today aa
Aseaclsted tteek gtateaM-at.
KEW TORK. March I-Th etstement of
the associated banks tor tiia weak eadlag
today ahoa-a: Loana MSS MZ.HB). decreasa
g. ve. le.. eepnalta 31 g n Tie, oecreeae t'l
kn.a.: clrcuiaton Kl kstifrw, lueraaae I r -!.
Wl tenders, ecreae tl im'.
serve HUTAAuu, decrease AwWsu awseree
required ty..C,S. oecreaae K.Ke,); but
plus C,K(.tL. decrease J4.0l7.hlu.
aak Clesurtaaa.
OMAHA. March t Bark clear! r.ra for
the week ending today show an Increase
of tl A'2.773 4t ever thoee of the correspond
ing week in 1SUL The oeir figures are:
Mondav tl.HVW r li.lWa.IW 3
Tuesdar l.SFT.lTt 07 l.l a 71
Wednesday a.4W.12t 23 Ll'.71 71
Thursday l.Vfc.l7 44 l.OOt 07
Frtdav l.r.l.lie M L' M3 M
Baturday Llh,UH 1.102.173 M
Totals ta.47t.7U at K.KTSJHU U
CHICAGO, March I Clearinga K!4.,!7;
balanoea, tLIli aSK; posted ex hange, M 4
for Bixty days, MaVv, on demand; New
Tork exchange, J end.
NEW TORK, March K Clearings, CJL
Ifi Si: balancea, tili.bti.ri.
BOSTON. March t Clearings. HB.njOt;
balances, tl.: W
BALTIMORE. March k Clearings, tt.OBl.
TO: balances. k7.4U2. For tlie eeek: Clear
ings. tzi.rrt..w; balance, 31.HtH. Money.
4ia lr cent.
ILArEIJHlA. March Clearings.
m mk ?i. 1.- - a., nca rn ih WM.k
Mearings, l'Uuili; balancea, (13.34,4111.
BT. LOl 18. Marrk OearirTm. 3S.tflO.Ri5;
balaneee. Hlln,60; money, 4(oe par cent;
New Tork exchange, luc premium.
Cat tee Market.
closed dull; middling uplands. 3-lc; mid
dling gulf. T-lc; Bales, none. Futurea
rVoeed steady: March, kc; April. tlc;
Mav, IDlc; June. iWJc; July, IRec: August,
l c; Beptember, t-SHcr October, klec; No
vember, t OK: December, t.usc. Market
opened easy, elth prices 4 to 7 jKiints lower
and closed steadv, bijjii points lower.
FT. Wins, March A-XrTTCN Bteadyj
salea. none; middUng, tt-lac; receipts, K.sTS
bales; shipments, 3,082 bales; stock, 4H.43I
Bales, 1,300 bales; ordinary, 7 7-1 6c; good
ordinary, 7 la-lfcc: low middling, ft-Kir;
middling, 8Sc: good middling, 0c; middling
fair. r; receipts. .713 bales; stock, 2J-7.h.t
bales. Futures, quiet and steady: March.
fc'uri.&ncr April, t. gift W: May, s gNc;
une, & 7ftffS.riic: July, 4 aVaS Mc; August,
twHS.71c; Beptesnber, Uafck.f4c, October,
' LI-ERPOOL, March . COTTON Spot,
auleter; prices 1-Rid lower; American mid
dling fair, 5S-32d; good middling, 4 2!-33d;
mlddim-. S-3ad; low middling, 4 11-lfid;
good ordinary, 4 l-32d; ordinary, 4 lt-SSd.
Kaaaai City Live ttsek Market.
ceipts, 73 head; receipts for week. M.onO
head; last week. 27.000 head. Supplies con
tinue light, with prices advanced, showing
a net gain tor the week of Utiriic. Choice
export and dressed beef steers. t6.2f(6.7o;
fair to good. toOm&oSSo; Blockers and feed
ers. 33.2ii6.2i; western fed steers. M.S!)
too; Texas and Infllan steers. H.BOftrB :.;
Texas cows. tS.5'?14.7i; native cown'iijl
B.S5; heifers, t4.MK&e.OO; canners. t2.Mi.Bu;
bulls. tS.2T&4.71i; calve. 34.606175.
HCH?S Receipts, 2.tU0 head: for week. 41,
00 besd; last week. aS.OOO bead; arrivals
light, quality Inferior; advance on week 1(1
fine higher; ton. 50: bulk of sales, 16 ""(
40; heavy, 6 4(r6 50; mtx-d packera, tb.fca
t40; lirht. 3 4f.'.2i.; pias, 4.(&(sio.i0.
SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, none;
for week. 13.000 head; last week. 12,500 head;
early tn week values were lower; advance
of last two days put prices at close to
hleiest of season; lambs, tS.llr 45; western
lambs, 6 2".i4; nstlve wethers, K.2trJ
5.50; western e-ethers. to.iEM 40; yearlrngs,
3.755 tv; ewes, t4.5oifii.25; culls and feeders,
Wool Market.
" BT. LOf IB." March . WOOL-Nomlnal;
medium grades. lS'&lRc; light fine. 1JV9
lc; heavy fine, l4il2c; tub washed, 14d
LONDON. March B. WOOL During the
week trading in wool has been good at
Bteady prices. The second aex jes of auction
sales will open next Tuesdsy and it is ex
pected that prices will exceed the average
of Ova first series. - The sales are scheduled
to close on March 26. The arrivals for the
third aerie of sales number 2S.2&6 bales,
rnclecling 108 forwarded direct: the Imports
during the week were: New Sotirh Waia
bales; Queensland, 1L271 bales: Victoria,
w-w , itw , rv-w jt?o.itiiiu. ,wi2 oaies; v.ape
of Good Hope and Natal. M bales; else
where, 215 bales.
Kvewa rated Apples aea Drtee Pralta.
APPLES The feeling In evaporated apples
was a little stronger, with buyers willing
to pay. full current prices for small lots.
Trade was moderate, quotations follows:
Btste. common to good. 7&lHc; prime, aa
Bic: choice. MlOV: fsncv, lorgTlc.
In spot prunes and apricots continued and
the market was very firm. Jobbers were
active bidders at quotations. Peaches were
steady and quiet. - Prttnea, tVWc. " A pri
ons. Royal, I0fi4e: Moor Park, Ilfini-c
Peaches, peeled. Hfilbc; unperled, aglOcT
Dry Ceeds Market.
There was a fair demand today for various
descriptions of cotton goods, and the tone
of the market was good throughout for aa
upward tendency In all lines. Cottons were
good for weaving purposes. Bales of hosiery
out of stock were made at last week's
prices, but forward deliveries were firmer.
Worsted and woolen yarns were firm, with
a fair demand. Linen yarn were very
firm and jute yarns steady.
Philadelphia Free ere Market.
Steady: extra western creamery, Uc;
creamery, nearby, prints, toe.
EGGS-; lower: -fresh nearby, PV; fresh
western, 20e: fresh southwestern, tac; fresh
southern. 18c.
CHEESE Firm; New Tork full creams,
fancy, sma'l. lT.c: New Tork full creams,
fair to choice, llWc.
' Deleth Craie Market.
Pn,rm. March I. WHEAT Cash. No.
1 hard. 77c: No. t northern. 72Vc: No. 1
northern.740; May, 16htc; July. 7ic
- CORN nirc " - -
Western Aseeetatlea Haasee K F.
Feekhseasr ef -OsaaAe ea Oee
Vice President.
PTTTSBfRG, March a. The hualnesa ses
gloa of the Western Association of Prince
ton Clubs ended at 2 o'clock today. The
election of officers resulted la the cboloa
of a Pittsburger for president, William
Scott, fg, being .the unanimous cboloa of
tha del eg tea.
Far Tire presidents ths folio-lug were
chosen: William B. hlcnvain. '$. Chicago:
D. p. Bickham, '36, Dayton. O.; James H.
Per hint. '88, Denver; Dr. Theodore Pot
ter, tt. Indiana poll; J. F. Wnilamson, Tl.
MinneapolU; W. 8. Artrathnot. BT, Plttg
burg; K. N. Haynes, C. Cleveland ; L. P.
Funkhouser, 7, Omaha; H. K. Davis, 7X,
St Loula; John H. Thatcher, 5, Kanaaa
City;. John W. Barr. 'IS, Louktvllls; Hon.
W. T. Austin, 7L Galvsstoa; Isaac B.
Bmltb. 'J. Dubuque.
For eecretary and trsasarer Walloa Hill.
"ST. Cincinnati, was chosen.
INSTRfMEVTS filed for record Saturday.
March a. 18:
Warraalf Deeela.
C J. Adams to W. P. Kelly, lota
and . block 2a, Hansoom purk..... .1 Dot
1. H. Mi lKwall and wife to -Charles
Bust, ei ef e 54 feet lot a. block 1L
MoCormirk s add LSOO
i. J. mtonmaa ana wire to Frederick
and C. W. Eingel. rented, lots 10 '
and 11. block 1. baunders ft H s add
te Walnut Hill 2,000
J. A. Perkins et aL trustee et al. ta
G. R. Palmer, lot 1 block 7. Summit
add - 8at
C. H Brlggs and eife to G. C. Diets,
w 22 feet lot t, block G, Omaha 2.000
Maranda J. Bteen and huabend to
Mae L. Rlre. 4xiW feet commencing
t feet north of tie corner lot ai,
Wlnchs's sub 3t
I. M. Hamilton et al to Maxwell Ham
ilton, e-j of 10 acres ta nw t-15-13,
exoept ( xl5 feet 10,090
Maxwell Hamilton to J. M. Hamilton,
same 3
W. T. Graham et al to Ernest Bweet
lot 1 block t. Isabel add J
Harold G! fiord and wife to Peter
Burke. sw sa'W 13, seU ee'', seV
1. neVi ne and n tV 22, n U
nw 24-u-h),so
G W. Farts and wife to C. W. Downs,
lot L Marion Place yg)
4 alt Caatsa DeeAa.
Maxwell Hamilton et al te William
H&muuka. lot U, tuock if. Ilanaoom
Prank Meicalf and eife te W. H. Rus
sei. lot 12. block 2. Belby s add 2t
T R. Belunger te W. at Ciinu, lots
T and A block UK Dundee l' " tj
Sheriff to H. H. Pelton. lota J. t and
4. block L Linwoud pax-h 1
. T .il aaeaat at traaaXers......
Eati Bef Steeri aad Gcwi vt C100& Quality
Sell Btrorg AH the Took.
Fat Sheep aae. Lasahe Are aVeaerally
Flfteee ta Tareetf-Flve Oat
Leaver Tbaa They Were the
First et tbe Week.
BOfTH OMAHA, March 1
xtacelpts were:
Omclaj Menoay....
Ottjoal 4 ueeday....
Othcial Wednesdar
Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
x.fc AH 4 4.aJ
. l.KU .4MI kb-wl
... .1 U.U1 l
... 2.S.-4 ."4 2.
... LaJ3 7. MS IS JO
tU 7.lU kM
...13.C3 ax.lfe 4T,SSi It.kHI
...u.xm 4a,a4 lfc.M
...I'ijM 71UB1 is.3'.
...14.1MI SV441 lb.SK;
...lz.aoj u,aii jl;,io
i shows the average
omcial aeturday
Week ending Feb. k
market tlie past several Iab allh cara
patlauna with lurxaer yearn:
Data. I IPS. U01.3SOP.;iEtS.!
reh. U-.
Pea. 14..
o, 1J..
Fee. U..
Fen. U..
7sf t ef
t m ui,
7i 3 bi
l I
74H ttni
74 t 47
te 3 k
4 , 3 tt
4 fS, 1 W
I ttni
! I
4 C7 i.
4 77 1 3 Wl
W 3 al,
4 , 3 H,
4 s 3 5,'i
I 3 Wi
T4) )
4 ri, 54
4 71, 3 i
72, I S3
gi t vi 3 n
3 SB 3 i
I M i 3 (3
t 37 3 81! 3 Hf
I til 3 ti 8 n
1 1 ai t m
In i 3 1
3 4j I 3t 3
u 1 u I u
I 7 I 4 I 75
I tl) t 42, t 70
tt, I 73
I 17) i 8 74
8 7rl I 50,
8 te 4; t 74
it 8 ! I "
3 871 3 4j a
I at, I b, I a
I I fcl 8 S
3 Wl IN
8 Tt , 3 671
- ' 1 !
5 7s 1 12
t , 5 2
I at , t a
k1! al!
I ann xm
i ; t 3S
U 1 ft 83
Hj 5 27
I w 12;
f Wi. I 22;
. I 17
.-, tns
al 5 37,
I tti t 34
t 11! t 101
f i to,
Feb. sb
t ek U.
rea iu..
Pea. 2..
Feb. ..
Pea. ..
Feb. SC..
Pea. 37..
Fee. ..
March 1.
March I.
March 4.
March 5.
March a
March 7:
March t.
Indicates Sunday.
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle, hog ana sheep at South Omaha
for the year is uate ana comparisons with
iasi year;
18B. Inc. Dec.
cattle ........
Hogs '
...14. 1)12 llk6X2 20,510 41.4 7u.9
hheep 147 J78 17,3.t Sa.337
The official number of cars of Stock
brought in today by each road waa:
C, M. A St, T. Ry.. .. 4 ..
O A St. L- Ry 1
Mo. p. Hr . .. 1
U. P. rye tern i 11
CAN. W. Ry 11 ..
F.. K. A M. V. R. R. .. g7 1
C, bt. P.. M. A O. Ry .. t
B. A M. R. Ry.... .. 1!
C, B. A Q. Ry , t
K. C. A St. J
C. R. L A P., east.. 4 M
Illinois Central ...... ..
Total receipts 1 1 1
Ths disposition of the day's receipt waa
aa follows, each buyer purchasing Uis n am
ber of bead Uidicaled;
Bu yu s. Cattle. Hog. Ehsep.
Omaha Packing Co 8
Hammond .. . 5-a1 . ....
Swift and Company 1.6h6
Cudahy Pacainjj CO I ,rt
Armour A Co .. i.Sis
Other buyer I 214
Totals 1,783 234
CATTLE There were only Just a few
head ef cattle in the yards today, so that a
fair test of the market was not made. For
the week a slight gala ever last week is
noted in the receipts and as compared with
tbe aame meek et last year there is a good
substantial gain. For the year to date, as
will be aeea from the table given above, 1
there is aa Increase over the same period
of last year of about kl.OOO head.
A fair proportion of tbe arrivals thl
reek has consisted of beef steers. Tba de
mand was fully equal to the supply, so
that each day offering waa picked up la
good season. There was not very much
change In ths prions paid, but if anything
the medium kinds of cattle such aa sell
from to 85.50 arc a little higher. In
most cases, however, the advance would
be covered by lOtBlic The better grades
have been strong all ths week, but they
could not be ouoted much if any higher.
Th hulk of tbe cattle being offered are
selling tram (5.00 to 85.75, whue the choicer
grades ara going front 15.7s to 3C25 and
something sirteuy prim might sell jp to
There ba keen a lively cow market her
all this week. The better grades, in par
ticular, have sold well, and anything good
enough to bring tt.00 or better has been la
big demand.. Aa high ae 85 80 has been
paid for cows, anils individual heifers have
sold up to 8500. The market thla week
has been at the high point of the season,
and lr fact at the highest point reached
tn a good many years. As is apt to be tbe
case under such circumstances, the market
has been rather uneven. Soma sales look a
good deal higher than the aame kinds
brought a week ago, whils others do not
show so much change It Is safe to say,
however, that the marckt 1 strong and
active for the week.
Bulls are selling 1 about tbe sam
notches they were a week ago. There ta
new quite a strong demand for stock bulls
weighing around 7u0 or HoO pounds. Tha
good to choice packer bulls are still sell
ing from t4.0l to, Veal calve are fully
Bteady for the week, as high aa 87-00 hav
ing been paid this week. Slag are also
about sieatly.
The stocker and feeder trade ha been
ta good shape ail ths week. There Is a
good demand for all weights provided the
quality la satisfactory. Commoa kinds,
however, are neglected, ae matter whether
tbey are light sr heavy. A compared with
the close of suat week there is not very
much change in ruling quotations.
HOGS There was not a particularly
heavy run of hogs here today, so that ths
market held up in fairly good snap. The
ajoality of th offerings was net as good
today as tt was yesterday, so that th
market oa paper looks lower thsa it really
waa. The belter grades sold sieady to a
shade easier, while the leas deairable
grades sold as much aa a nickel lower. Tbe
first part of ths market was fairly active
and the bulk of the ofierlngs was disposed
of In good season. As usual, however, the
tight atuS was neglected and left until the
last, and aa packers wera not at all anx
ious for that claas of hogs the market
closed slow and weak, lite bulk of ths
hogs today Bold from 88-00 te t&lk. Heavy
weights went from t10 to 8V2&, medium
weights from 8S.WI to 84.10, and light stuff
from 8 00. down.
The supply of hogs for the week ha
not been muck dl ft erect -from last week,
but much heavier than tor tbe same week
of laat year. Tbe increase for the year
te date over last year amounts to ever
75.000 head. Ths market on ins average has
been higher than It waa laat asek. Monday
started la with aa advance of about a
tflme. but by Wednesday It was all lost
and snore, .too. The week, however, closed
by 10c higher than th doe (it last week.
Reprssen vs sales:
No. At. Sh. Pr. Kt. Av. Sh. Pr. t t HO 7 -2i ... t ui
3fc..le ... t DO 7 1M 00 t 05
84 lilt W t SO M rj M0 t 05
l,......170 Wl ili 44 In (,714
s 177 i Ibi 85 212 0 8 10
B 1K4 40 t DO 87.... .214 ... t 10
111 IM 4u i so o....212 8 10
45 1K5 Ml in U 22 80 t 10
78 1W ... t ta 7S 217 ... ( 1
81 W M lit. 7t 225 ... t 10
tt 40 t 00 15 212 ... f 10
M 1 120 8 00 05 Ui tO 8 10
80....2O 40 teO M....p ... t 10
71 201 40 t Bt 78. 283 It HO
t Wl 10 t0 6 f4 ... 8 10
al 21:7 so 3 00 81 221 ISO 10
00 tt'l ... t0 83 2i4 ... 8 10
75 m ... 8 00 57 2:2 120 8 10
82 2,3 ... 80 10 2J0 ... t 10
76 101 40 tOO 53 ia ... tit)
7 W7 ... t0 71 lie ... g 10
75 tut ... too 72 xil 80 10
75 1st ISO 8.'i 77 2iS . lu
73 -2i t0 (OH 81 2i ... c USA
80 177 ... littZ b 144 0 3 1
77 223 ... 06 70 00 8 12
103 40 8 S 151 21 1 8 32e
-"0 ... 0t 73. 223 ...
'l 8 ( 73 Zll f t 15
5 1 8 0s 75 lu Hi
7 31 al ills tl 244 40 8 15
81...., .tuo ... 8 2X4 ... 8 16
tit 3 0 7 lt'... 8 15
2 - 80 tOt 74 21 180 tU
tl 2-t 1! 8 06 7 130 ... 15
71 8 1 2o0 8 08 T7 2 . 1 t 15
W W 1 8 05 73 t& ... il
26 Mis 63 2 4 SO 4 15
0 1 06 71 ... k
J5 ... tot 17 26 ... 8 20
JJ ISO ft t3 2.J ... t
7t ..: t 35
7 3uu ... 8 0
SHEEP There were not enough sheep
an iambs her today to make a -st of th
rL-rl"? ,FoT..,h , WM'k th receipt have
been fairly liberal, as compared elth th
last several week, but as compared elth
tns nrreaiondlng week of last year there
is a big decrease, lbs receipts for the
year to dale abow a decrease of over liunu
heed as compared with laat year.
The snaraet has not been entirely ta the
nkiug of the arlltng interests this week
On Mondsy the maiket waa rather excited
and several sales were suede tka.t l.-.k
oouaiterabiy higuer than U aaiuo kUnla
sold for Isst week. Vlnre that Mane, how
ever, the tendency of prireo bee been ee-w-
ward, and the decili as a general thing
amount to about IMrSSe The decline te
greatest on the commoner grade. Ka-ee
sold t a little better advantage thaa either. .
lam be or wethers.
Feeders snsy be quoted fully steady for
the week, lleertpta have o- n very Haht
so that anything at all destrshle has sold
freely at a-ery trfertery preee. .
Uuota three: Choice l yTitw-igb t yee-TiTtr",
tlr-ilB.; good to chi'lee yearlings, 85 t'-'t3
8W: choice -ethcrs, i lo-ut.: fair to good
wethers, t4a4 P; choir ewe. tt.WJx 7t;
fair to good ears. 84 2a4 K; common we,
t4nt; choice ismb Hi 1$ : fair to
good lemha. : fcdrr e-ethera. 84 00
S4 50: feeder lambs, 84 'jW 00. Representa
v sales:
No. Av. pr
2M feeder lambs . 88 4 60
Cattle Ara teady, Begs Lower, fkrep
ad Lea as ttrady.
CHICAGO. March 8 CATTLE Receipts,
1 head, steady: good to prime steers, .
rcmlnal, 8 5ixu7.0P; potr to medium. 84 00
fi ; stackers snd feeders, 82.2; 3f; '
cows, 81. &.. ; heifers. 82 ta)t.W: cannera.
tl 2..25; bulla, 32 a4 75; calves, t2.u
8 75; Texas-fed steers. 84 80.
H" Mi "Receipts. 22,000 head: Monday,
4U.HKI, estimated; left ever, k0; mixed, t
ti)c lower: mixed and butchers. 86 .!. i;
rood to choice heavy, tr.'ti: 50; rough
heavy, te IWfl 25; light. t&.Krfc 10, bulk of
ssles. 80ot S0.
SHKBP AM) LAMBS Receipt. 800 head;
sheep and lambs steady; good to choice
aethers, 14 .xa 26; Islr to choice mixed.'; western soeep, 84 mi 00-, native
Irmbs, 5J.7i(u.4i, wee tern lamli. Jb4I
t 45.
OtTScial yesterdav: Receipt Cattle. l.HOt;
bogs Mf,. she-n. t.04. Shipments Cat
tle, i,S37; hags. k-E; aherp. UXi.
M. Leal Live Steeu Market.
FT. LOna, March t CATTL75 Re
celpta, 150 head. Including 100 bead Texana:
market steady, with native shipping an
export steer. IT. ,2.Mfi f 51.; dressed Dt'ef and
butcher steers, 84 o.a 05; ete-s under I Oho
lbs., t2 7ixtr.0l: Blocker snd feeder. IX rmjy
4 : cow and heifers. 32 wijiti.2il; cannera ,
81.50S'2 75: bulls, 81 -ir .00; calve. 84 5WJ
7 m': Texas and Indian steers, greasers,
82.3x$4 15; ted, 34 tiWD-O"; rows and boifers.
82 5i-'ii3 05.
Hcitil Receipts, t.W hend; market te !
lower; r-iga snd llgl . 8a.7octS.0i; jiecker
and fcedera, tt. K.St.lS; butchers, PJSxcit.sO.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 700
head; market steady; native muuuns. ,t4.a
iJrt,.Mi; lambs, IXK&6.75: culls and bucks,
8i.ea4,.76; stockers, 81.5"tr3 wtatern
lamb and yearllnga, 3C.uocbAal; sheep, 85.25.
Sew Terbt Lire gterk Market.
ceipts. head: s cer of Kentucky steers
Bold at 15.50 per 100 lbs ; dressed beef was
steady: city dressed native sides, 7nloc per
lb. Cablea lart received quoted American
steers st Uipi2tC, dressed weight; exports
todsy, 844 beeves, 80 sheep and 445 quarters
of beef.
CALVES Receipts, J0 head; SI head en
sale; hardly enough reported buelneea te
make a market; city drexatd veals, stito
per lb.
HOGS Receipts. 1.840 head; very tew on
Bale: the market was stronger.
6HEKP ANI LAMBS Receipt. ,J!
head; 13 ears on sale; sheep, quiet and
steedy; lamb, slightly stronger; about 2
cars In stock unsold; sheep sold st 84.50 per
100 lb ; lambs,; dressed mut
ton, tsc per lb.; dressed lambs, lOlic.
t. Jeaepk Live ttmilc Market. '
ceipts. 8.000 head. Market needy; natives,
84.7ri4r: cows and heifers, 32.0(r5TV;
veals, 32.00&l.o0; rtocker and feeders. 2.8
t 15
HCX ft Receipts. l.tW head. Market f
10c lower; light and light mixed, 8i.rte1W 26; '
medium and heavy, K.laiM; pigm, tt &)
fHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none.
Market steady.
7. Farnam Smith
& Co.
We eaT en aafcjertt
t'alesi Steek Tarda sleek.
Oss aha ttreet Railway aeeelc.
1320 Fcrnsta SI. Tel. 1064..
Boyd Commission Co. hav removed
from room 18, Chamber of Commerce,
to toom , New Tork Lite Bunding.
'Phone, lost.
If j'ou are Interested write for HISTORT
OF OIL INDUKTRT, also official Geologi
cal Oil Map of the Pacific Coast and Colo-'
re do, In color. Worth one dollar.
Exchange Bldg.. Denver, Colo.
A few Iowa banker aad other business
men of highest Integrity- and business abil
ity owning valuabla properties In tha rich
Plomoea Mining Liatrict of Tuma County.
Aiiaona, desire to interest oa th ground
floor A lew small Investor having from Sat
to 8300 to Invest with them In the improve
ment and development of their property.
Honest and competent management, with
prospects of large return in th near fu
ture. Call on or address
King Yertfe Gold znd Copper Co.,
ITU Faraaax St.
Work for Big Results,
If yon are wise. It 1 Just a easy to m-lrig
a big -deal as a little one. W wish t cem
munlcat with promoter, banker or lawyer
who appreciate thl fact.
V have a plan Involving the formation
of local companies, a plan in which ultra-eonasri-auv
peopie wm gianiy Join, a plan
which will mean fortune u an anergetltt
and reliable promoter.
Manager, P. O. Box 1987
New Tork aty.
Geeel Dividend Peylag OH fteeka.
I hav L700 hares each of "W'fKT
OIL BTiK-'hLisi ltAHahars i:muiuLUe.
Through necessity 1 am forced te sell
both caaiipatJaa psy t f-r cent dividend In
March. 1 prefer burrowing money with
the siock a security if I can arraitge It. or
I will at-11 any part at 8 cents a share. '
Lk not send money. Will deliver stack
C. O. L, through, bank. Addreas MKS.
ANNA VTlLoON, General LeUvery. (hal
ves ton, Texas.
en every account of 8200 Invested with u
from August 1st.. lHui, to Pebruary 2Stu
Inclusive, lH-e. . t mailer a counts earned
proportionately. Llvldenda iaid promptly
every two weeks. Bend for faAOKLET
and OFFICIAL REPOHTS shoeing na
bow you can IjOLPiLE VOl'R MONET
every alx months. Write us at onoe and
be In receipt of a constant lDoome,
IHeramaa bldg. New Tork, V. 8. A.
Jrr 'Jeeaf-BVyaaa- Ask
Ja.v OU ,
saBtws.8 ta WWII
Ban sera A straAars.
laim ee-aeie.
maniBar s. T. Co
Btata tinta ns
II fcfW ST- uiw veL '
anja rmii ear a
tie laev ii r
niMHta! piaa forraaiiiiiig
, al HSMiat e.d
.uiuai.ia. Mi i. l.i .k. tfeil '
iwfcftiiwtiara, sm., tTt
SS FBI tET EM sfOVTM -Earned
during past eve year by our in.
faiuoie system of sieculaton; dividends
paid weekly: no failures: highly endorsed -paj-ttcuiars
free. Motion paper nu!