Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 22, Image 22

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LBARN about Angnra gnat a money
makers. Head American Ooat BndM,
room 68, 147 Fifth Ave., t'hlrago, pub
' llshed monthly; 20 cents a copy.
T V9 9
0L"CCE88Fn, sneeulstlon In (train and
stork by otir new method. Send for free
honk '-Jnlnt fturreRft" and details. M.
B. Williams Co., 80 Chamber of Com-J
. . v. t " v r4 a- i
jkOENTS wanted everywhere, exclusive
territory, "on dollar a year protects
?o." We lesue more accident policies
han any other aimllar company In the
world, because we lanue the most popular
nd cheapest Insurance written: new
plan: $1 a year paye for a Srt policy; no
assessments or duea; other amounta In
proportion; death benefits, weekly In
demnity, free medical attendance; many
Other popular and original features;
Issued to either sex between 1 and 8
years, without regard to nationality,
color or occupation; $260,000 deposited with
the Insurance department protect policy
holdem under our system : all claims
promptly and liberally settled. Reliable
Representative wantea everywhere; good
territory still open; liberal contract to
capable agents. P. R. Cunningham, eo
retary, 1S Broadway, New York.
T W7
yriVli exrhsnge good oak wardrobe for
folding bed. N 49, Bee. Z M610
JTOR EXCHANGE, clean atock of clothing
for clear eastern Nebraska or Kanaaa
lands. J. t. Kennard, Seneca, Kan.
TOR KXCHANOR, Bo-room hotel, modem,
, for land. Also 8B.0OO general merchandise
for eastern Nebraska, land. If you want
I In or out of bualnsaa write T. M. Cllne,
1288 O St, IJncoln, Neb. Z 40
GLOBE COUCH CO., 1618 Leavenworth.
Tel. 2629. 843 M14
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, to; collars,
ici euffa, 4c. 17W Ueavenworth. Tel. 647.
(BEST time of year; start early; save
l money. 'Phone A. B. Clark, 2703 Ueaven
worth about It.
I CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Kama Bldg.
i CLEMENT B. 8 HAW, Voice, til Sheely
j building. 887 Mil
OMAHA Hay Bale Tlo Co., 8U North 16th.
EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat
ing; all business confidential. 1301 Iouglas.
! !WRITB for agents' i prices; bail-bearing
I Wheeler-Wilson. C. A. Lyman, state
. agent. Lincoln, Neb. MW9 A4
jIN families or at home. Miss Bturdy, 1041
f Ftruim. MH44 13
TEL. 1831. M. B. W a kiln, 2111 Cuming St.
CM. Else Clean. Wka.. 2221 N. 10, tel. 1868.
75 A4
GRAND Eleotrloal Co., 624 B. lth. Tel. 2S41
' 67 U
NBURANCB policies, old-Una companlea,
purchased. Loans on policies. Calf on or
wnw ine rutnam Co., svi-e . x. Ufa
bldg.. Omaha. Neb.
OUOHT OmU Stamp Co., 20 8. Uth.
(OMAHA Plating Co.. Be Bldg. ToL 263S.
4 . , , i. , 1
R. C. PETERS CO., 1702 Farnam St.
83 As
LARGEST and best selection of new and
seconahand bicycles In the city, $3 and up.
Prices the lowest. L. Flescher, 1622 Cap
itol Ave. 180 16
LOST, laat Wednesday, between 12 and 1
o'clock. 230; two Ijs. two 810s, between
First Nat. bank, Kelley, Btiger tt Co.'a
and Wo store. Leave at fc Brown block
mid receive reward. Lost &8
TREES. Hasel Dell Nursery, 1208 N. 24 st.
217 AJ
n n
LET US HELP TOU to enjoy
life let us relieve you of some
of Its troubles these aching
teeth are among the worst have
them fiPed If possible. If not,
have them extracted and new
ones Inserted. Our charge are
Bailey ths Dentist,
at Pa&iwM Ulvek.
18th and Farnam ate,
Lady attendant. Phone tott.
U !
New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne. H. M.
Nw Twin-Screw a. a. of lS,0uu tone register.
Steamer Mar. la. to A.M.
teamer MAA8DAM Mar. 22, 10 A M.
Mar. 9, 10 A. M.
Apply to Harry Moorea, HIS Farnam
street; J. 8. McNally. XA Farnam atreet;
11. B. Jones, lt02 frVrnam atreet; Louis
rteese. first national Bank, Omaha.
la the District Court In and for Dougia
County, Nebraska.
William Q. Madden, plaintiff, vs. Ne
braska Fire Insurance Company, et al, de
fendants. To all creditors of Nebraska Fire Insur
ance Company:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that In pursuance of an order f the die.
tflct court of Douglas county, made Janu.
try 17tb. ISO, a dividend of two 2) per rent
n all allowed Claims againat the Nebraska
Fire Insurance Company haa been de
dared; that said dividend la payable at my
ofnee. In tne Brown block. In tee city of
Dm ha. and that paymtur .nerof must
be demanded at my oihe. ,nd unles such
Demand be made by April lib. ISoJ. yoa
and each of you will b forever barred
from any right to participate Ui the tuada
appropriated lor said dividend.
such claims must be presented at the
emce of the undersigned, receiver. In the
brown block. In the city of O aaha. Doum
las county. Nebraska, or transmitted to
him at that address by mall.
Laied Uiia Ilia day of February, A. D. 1902.
A- U. V I MAN.
tecelver of ttut Nekraaka Fir Insurance
ZATION. To the owner of the lots, parts of lots
and real estate described ' herein or
shutting on or adjacent to the streets,
alleys or avenuea herein named, or situ
ated In whole or In part within any of
the districts herein specified, and all
being within the city ot Omaha, Douglas
county, NebraaKa.
You. and each of you, are hereby noti
fied that the city council of the city of
Omaha will sit as a Hoard of Equalisation
at the Council Chamber In the city Hall,
Omaha, Nebraska, three days, from 10
o'clock a. m. until k o'clock p. m., com
mencing Tuesday, March 11, 19m, at 10
o clock a- m., for the purpose of consider
ing and equalising the proposed levy of
special taxes and assessments, as shown
by "Propoeed Plana of Assessment" pre
pared by the city engineer and approved
by the Board of Public Works, and now
on file In the office of the city clerk, and
correcting any errors therein and hearing
an complaints that the owners of prop
erty so to be assessed and taxed may
make; said special taxea and assessments
proposed to be levied being necessary to
cover the coet of the several Improvements
duly authorized to be made ana now com
pleted, as follows:
to cover ine one-nair com or grading
Forty-second street from Farnam street
to Dodge street, amounting to the sum of
1702.68, which sum It Is proposed to assess
upon the lots and real aetata specially
benefited by reason of said grading, ac
cording to the usual ecaling-back process,
Dro rata per foot frontage, at the rate of
. 635 per foot, as follows:
Lot 1, block 6, Biiggs Place $ 42 67
Lot 2, block e. Briggs Place 21 66
Lot a, bioca a, rigge riace i zi
I Ml 24. block 6, Biiggs Place 1 27
Let 28, block 6, Brlgge Place 21 66
Lot 30, block I, Brings Place...-. 42 67
Lot L block 10, Brigga Place 43 67
Lot 2. block 10, Brims Place 21 64
Lot 2. block 10, Brlgga Place 14 27
Lot M. block 10, Brlggs Place 16 27
Lot 29. block 10. Brlggs Place 21 64
Lot to. block 10, Brlggs Place 43 67
Lot 40, block 4, Jerome Park 14 74
Lot 41, biocK e, jerome rarg ,. zz 34
Iit 42. block 6. Jerome Park 44 70
Lot 43, block C, Jerome Park 22 34
Lots 44 to 61 inclusive, DIOCK g,
Jerome Park, at 229.21 each 23S 62
Lot 62, block 4, Jerome Park 29 S4
Total 270 61
To cover the partis ' cost of oonstructina
ewer in Bewer District No. 144. said partial
cost amounting to the sum of 26&H.73; whloh
sum It Is proposed to assess upon the lots
and real estate specially benefited by rea
son of said sewer construction aa follows:
E. Z1S feet of H. 132 feet ot sublot 1
tax lot 14, section 21. 16, 13 22K6 34
Bublot 4. tax lot 14, Sec. 21, 16, 12 130 90
E. 184 feet of N. ft sublot 7, tax lot
14, Beo. ZL 16. 13 241 47
Total 1669 72
To cover the partial cost of constructing
ewers In Sewer District No. 166; ssld par
tial coat amounting to JAGS. 90- which sum
It Is proposed to assess on the lots and
reel estate specially benefited by reason of
aid sewer construction, aa follows:
Lot 2, block 10, West End Add 2140 64
Lots 12, 13 and 14, block 11. West End
Add., at 249.44 each 14S 44
Lou 7 and 8, block 12, West End Add..
at 261.71 each 102 42
Lot 9, block 12, West End Add 61 70
Lot 1, block 13. West End Add 144 77
Lot 2, block 13, West End Add 49 48
. a vaum. . . oo. .iiu auu., ...... w
Lots 2 and 4, block 16, West End
Aao., at soi.a eacn lus 41
Lot 6, block 16, West End Add 61 70
N. H lot 6, block 14, West End Add.. 2S 86
Total 2868 90
To cover the rjartlal cost of constructing
ewer In Bewer District No. 172: said partial
cost amounting to the sum of 2621.74, which
um It is propoeed to assess upon the lots
and real estate' specially benefited by rea
son of said sewer construction, aa follows:
Lot 4, block 1, Hawthorne Add f 60 17
8. 21 feet lot 2. block L Hawthorne
Add 2104
N. 39 feet lot 2, block 1, Hawthorne
Add 82 04
S. 10 feet lot 2, block L Hawthorne-
.Add 7. 16 04
Lot IX block 1. Hawthorne Add 60 18
Lot 2, block 2, Hawthorne Add 60 17
Lot 6, block 2, Hawthorne Aii 60 17
Lot 9, block 8, West End Add 60 18
Lot 8, block 9, West End Add 60 17
Lots 4, 6 and 6, block . West End
Aao.., at 0u.u eacn 1M 64
Total $521 74
To cover the nartlal coet of constructing
ewers Invewer District No. 203; said par-
uai coax amounting to tne sum or , yss.rr;
which sum It is proposed to assess upon
the lots and real estate eapeoially benefited
by reason ot said sewer construction, aa
follows: ,
That part of Bemls Park lying be- ' '
iween Mtn sireei ana sain street,
and formerly known aa block 11,
Bemls Park ?( fia
Lot 1, block 6. Lowe's 2d Add 164 44
W. 60 feet lot 2, block 4, Lowe's
. 2d Add 29 88
Lot 12, block 14, College Place 19 88
Lots 2 and I, Dennet's sub, at
219.94 each 29 88
Lots and 7, Lafayette Place, at
til. 91 each 43 82
Lots 8 and 9, Lafayette Place, at
231.90 each 48 80
Lot 10, Lafayette Place 119 46
8. "160 feet of a tract of land known
aa Mercer park, and lying between
fcjth atreet and 29th atreet I ASS ST
E, 218 feet of 8. 160 feet of a tract of
land known aa Park View, lying
between 39th street and 40th street. 172 M
Lota 6 and 7. block 3, Orchard Hill,
at 239.68 each 74 71
Lots 11. 11 and 13. block 20, Orchard
Hill, at 239.88 each 119.64
f V. UlVlK A. DliaWWU I DIH j
Lots 6 and 6, block 1, Walnut Hill, at
o.ov eacn 79 tb
Lot 7. block L Walnut Hill SI 91
Lot 9. block 1, Walnut Hill.. 119 65
Lot 10, block L Walnut Hill 81 91
Lot 16, block 1, Walnut Hill.... 89 88
Lot 16, block 2, Walnut Hill...: 119 45
. A, 11 .lliu, 111. , li,
Lot 16, block 12, Walnut Hill 119 66
ixiis I to 1 inclusive, block 13, Wal-
nut Hill, at 239.88 each.
199 44
81 91
119 64
T 97
7 97
7 97
31 92
39 88
119 61
140 28
119 42
Lot T, block 1J, Walnut Hill
Lot 8. block IS, Walnut Hill
8. tt lot 2, block 14, Walnut Hill....
8. tt lot 8. block 14, Walnut Hill....
8. tt lot 4. block 14. Walnut Hill....
Lot 1. block 16, Walnut Hill
loi 1, diock 16, walnut Hill
7 kljuii, i ur.t... 1 1 1 1
AV. ,, lIVfc. V. ,,1UV L11I. a........
Lot 14, block 16, Walnut Hill
loi 1, diock Z4. walnut liill
W. l&o feet of N. tt block 26, Wal
nut Mill...... ,
Total 23,739 27
To cover the coat ef oonstructina sewers
In Bewer District No. 262. amounting to
in, sum vi cweive inousana, eix nunurea
ninety-six and 22-100 dollars (212,694.22),
which sum It Is proposed to assess upon
the lots and real eatate abutting upon the
streets and alleys In which said sewers
were constructed, according to special
Deneme, as toiiowa:
I-ot 1, blork 1. Klrkwood Addition.. 103 93
N. tt Iot : bloc K Klrkwood Add. 61 8?
N. tt of 8. tt M i. block 1, Klrk
wood Addition 26 9t
W. 64 feet of 8. 40 feet lot 2, block
I, Kirawooa Aoaition 19
E. 100 feet S. 40 feet lot 2, block
1. Klrkwood Addition 7 80
E. 22 feet 8. tt lot 3, block 1. Kirk-
wooa Aaaition..., 23 09
W. 128 feet 8. tt lot 4, block L
Klrkwood Addition
63 70
25 99
8. H N. H lot 3. block 1. Klrkwood
N. 40 feet lot A block 1. Klrkwood
Addition 26 fl
B. 40 feet lot 4. block L Klrkwood'
Addition ZS 99
N. tt B. tt lot 4, block 1. Klrkwood
Addition Za VI
N. tt lot 4, block 1. Klrkwood Add. 61 96
Lots 1 to 4 and I to u inclusive,
block 2. Klrkwood Addition, at
t49 each ... . 259 91
Lot 6. block 2. Klrkwood Addition. 38 96
Lot 4, block 1. Klrkwood Addition. 44 97
E. 46 feet lota 7 and 8, block 1,
Klrkwood Addition 43 23
W. 96 feet lota 7 and 8, block 2,
Klrkwood Addition 41 72
Lots 1 to 4 and 9 to 12 Inclusive,
block 1. Klrkwood Addition, at
132.49 each 359 92
Lota 6 and 8, block 8. Klrkwood
Addition, at $38 .98 each 77 94
Lota 4 and 7. block 3, Klrkwood
Addition at $64 97 each 129 94
Lota 1 to 4 and 9 to 12 Inclusive,
block 4. Klrkwood Addition at
$il49each 259 92
Lota 6 and IS, block 4. Klrkwood
addition, at 838 M each 77 94
Lots 4 and 8, block 4. Klrkwood ad
dition, at $61.97 each 129 94
Lota 1 and 12, block 6, Klrkwood
addition, at $44.97 each 129 94
Lots 2 to 6 and 1 to 11 inclusive,
block a. Klrkwood addition, at
832.49 each 269 92
Lots 4 and 7. block (. Klrkwood ad'
dltlon. al 838 9a each 77 94
E 211 Seet lota 1 and 2. block A
Klrkwood addition 18 19
W. 88 feet E. 54 feet lota 1 and 3.
block 4. Klrkwood addition 18 19
W. 64 feet of E. 112 feet lots 1 and
2. block 4. Klrkwood addition 84 88
W. in feet lots 1 and L block 4.
Klrkwood addition 24 49
Lots 1 to 1 and to 11 Inclusive,
block A Klrkwood Add., at 832.49
each 237 43
Lots 4 and 7. block 4. Klrkwood
Add., at I3R.94 each 77 94
Lot 12. block 4. Klrkwood Add 44 9
Lot 1. block 7. Klrkwood Add 106 t
Lot 2. blork 7. Klrkwood Add 14 a
B. tt lot 8. block 7. Klrkwood Add.. 61 98
R. V. N. 44 lot 8. block 7. Klrkwood
Add 28 14
N. u feet lot 2. block 1 Klrkwood
S. 40 feet lot 4, block 7, Klrkwood
Add. - 17 94
E. 82 feet of N. 120 feet lot 4, block -
7. Klrkwood Add 27 94
W. 22 feet of E. 44 feet of N. 120
feet lot 4. block 7. Klrkwood Add. 20 79
W. 22 feet of E. 94 feet of N. ISO
feet lot 4, blook 7, Klrkwood Add. 10 79
W. 22 feet of E. 128 feet of N. 1
feet lot 4. block 7, Klrkwood Add. 20 79
W. 82 feet of N. 120 feet lot 4, block
7. Klrkwood Add 90 79
Lot 1. block 1, Oak Chatham Add.. 64 47
Lots 2 to 8, Inclusive, block 1, Oak
Chatham Add., at 2.04 each 246 64
Lot 14, block 1. Oak Chatham Add.. 46 01
Lota 1 and 14, Mock 2, Oak Chat
ham Add., at .946 09 each 90 18
Lots 9 to 16 Inclusive, block 2, Oak
Chatham Add., at 9.15.08 each 246 64
Lot 14, block 2, Oak Chatham Add.. 84 88
Lot 1. block 4. Oak Chatham Add.. 24 28
Lots 2 to 8 Inclusive, block 4, Oak
Chatham Add., at 8-18 08 each 244 54
E. tt block 6, Oak Chatham Add... 269 89
Lota 9 to 14 Inclusive block 4, Oak
Chatham Add., at $32 48 each 269 84
Lota 1 to I Inclusive, block 8, Oak I
Chatham Add., lit 833.48 each 269 84
Lots 1 to 6 lncluilve, block 9, Oak
Chatham Add., at 8.12.48 each 12 40
Lot 4, blook 9, Oak Chatham Add. 64 62
Lot 7. b'ock 9. Oak Chatham Add. 40 28
Lots 7 to 12 Inclusive, block 11, Oak
Chatham Add., at $32 48 each 194 88
Lota 1 to 6 inclusive, block 12, Oak .
Chatham Add., at $33.48 each...... 162 40
Lot 4, block 12, Oak Chatham Add. 12 49
Lota 1 and 18, block 1, Plalnvlew
Add., at $04.62 eech t.. 112 04
Lou 2 to 17 Inclusive, block L Plain
view Add., at $32.49 each 619 84
Lots 1 to 18 Inclusive In blocks 2
and 8, Plalnvlew Add., at $32.48
each L16B 28
Lou 1 to 9 lnoluslve. block 4, Plain
view Add., at 8.12.49 each 292 41
Lots 1 to 9 inclusive, block 6, Plain
view Add., at $32.49 each 194 94
Lot 7. block 6, Plalnvlew Add 29 89
Lot 8, block 6, Plalnvlew Add 29 24
Lots 1 to 6 and 11 to 14 inclusive,
block 4, Plalnvlew Add., at $32.49
each 289 88
Lou 1 and 10, block 4, Plalnvlew
Add., at $29.89 each 69 7$
Lots 8 and 9, block 6, Plalnvlew,
Add., at $29.24 each 68 48
Lota 1 to 4 and 11 to 14, Inclusive,
block 7, Plalnvlew Add., at $32.49
each 2S9 88
E. 87 feet loU 7 and 8, block 7,
Plalnvlew Add 48 E6
W. 87 feet lota 7 and 8, block 7,
Plalnvlew Add 10 68
Lot 9, block 7. Plalnvlew Add 29 24
Lot 10, block 7, Plalnvlew Add 29 89
Lota 1 to I and 11 to 14. Inclusive,
blook 8, Plalnvlew Add., at $32.48
each 8S9 88
Lots 7 and 10, block 8, Plalnvlew
Add., at 329.89 each 69 78
Lots 8 and 9, block 8, Plalnvlew
Add., at 864.90 each 109 80
Lot 1, block 9, Plalnvlew Add 68 90
Lot 2 and 11. block 9, Plalnvlew
Add., at $37.03 each ,74 04
LoU 2 to 10, Inclusive, block 9,
Plalnvlew Add., at 232.49 each.... 269 92
E. tt lot 12, block 9. Plalnvlew Add. 14 ft
M. tt lot 12. block 9. Plalnvlew Add. 14 89
W. tt lot 12. block 9. Plalnvlew Add. 28 02
Lota 1, 2. 11 and 12, block 10, Plain
view Add. at $37.08 each 148 13
Lou 8 to 10, Inclusive, block 10,
Plalnvlew Add., at $32.49 each".... 159 92
Lots L 2. 11 and 12, block 1L Plain
view Add., at $37.08 each 148 13
Lots 8 to 10, Inclusive, block 11.
Plalnvlew Add., at $32.49 each.... 259 92
Lots 1 and 2, block 12, Plalnvlew
Add., at 8-17.03 each 74 08
Lots 3, 4, 6 and 6. block 12. Plaln
vlew Add., at $32.49 each 129 94
8. 132 feet tax lot 17, BecS 2-16-18.... 86 74
8. 132 feet sublot 1 of tax lot 18,
Bee. 8-16-18 85 76
8. 132 feet of tax lot 18, Bee. 8-16-18.. 224 80
W. 132 feet tax lot 22, Bee. 8-16-13.... 192 97
W. 132 feet tax lot 23, Bee 3-16-13.... 214 41
W. 132 feet tax lot 24, Bee. 8-15-18.... 643 23
W. 132 feet tax lot 26, Sec. 3-16-13.... 182 26
Total $12,606 22
To cover the coat of constructing sewer
In Bewer District No. 264, amounting to
the sum of 8874.42; which sum It Is pro
posed to assees upon the lota and real
eatate Included In aald district, aa follows:
uota 7, 8 and 9, block 9, Deer Park,
at $27.46 each $ 83 25
Lota 7 to 18, Inclusive. Elsele' sub
division, at $24.16 each 289 80
Lou 0 to 12, Inclusive, Lewis' sub,
at $23.06 each 138 84
Lot 14, Lewis' Bub 24 70
Lot 7, Mueller Blumle'a Add ,. 24 li
Lot 8 to 18, Inclusive, Mueller 4s
.Blumle'a Add., at $34.16 each 265 74
E. 84.8 feet lot 7. Oak Hilt No. 2 90 42
W. 49.2 feet lot 9.' Oak Hill No. 2 28 88
Total $874 42
To cover the cost of constructing sewer
In Bewer District No. 247, amounting to the
um of $547.22; strhlch sum It la proposed
to assess upon the lots and real estate
Included within said district, according to
.the usual scaling back process, pro rata
per loot irontage, a. tne rat 01 90.76841
per foot, aa follow:
B. tt lot 2, block 2, Park Place $ 88 97
8. tt lot 2. block 2. Park Place 83 97
E. 67.75 feet 8. tt lot 4, block 3.
Park Place 44 09
W. 96.26 feet 8. tt lot 6, block 2.
Park Place 73 4$
W. 96.26 feet.N. tt lot 28. block 2.
Park Place 73 48
E 67.75 feet N. tt lot 29, block X
Park Place 44 09
N. tt lot 80. block 2, Park Place 83 98
Lots 1, 2 and 3, Evan Addition, at
126.72 each 8016
Total $647 22
To cover the coat of paving and curbing
Twenty-first street from Blnney street to
Wirt atreet. within Street Improyemetnt
District No. 773, amounting to the sum of
21,081.56, which sum it U proposed to assess
upon the lots and real estate Included In
aald district, according to the usual scaling
back process pro rata per foot frontage
at the rate of 12.1804 per foot, aa follows;
W. 87 feet loU 4 and 11, block 9,
Kountse Place, at $32.10 each $ 64 20
Lota 6 and 10. block 9, Kountie
Place, at 243.38 each 89 76
Lota 6 and 9, blook 9, Kountse
Place, at $72.11 each 144 22
Lota 7 and 8. block 9, Kountie
Place, at $122.80 each 145 40
LoU 1 and 14, block 9, KounUe
Place, at 8122.80 each 246 60
LoU 2 and 13. block 8, Kountse
Place, at $72.11 each 144 22
Lot 2, block 8, Kountse Place... 43 88
E. 87 reet lot ana u, diock s,
Kountse Place, at 832.10 each 64 20
Lot IX block X Kountae Place 43 87
..$1,081 66
To cover the cost of repaying Harney
Street from Fifteenth street to Twentieth
street, within Street Improvement District
No. 497, amounting to the aum of 312,626.93,
which aum It Is proposed to assess upon
the lots and real estate Included within
aald district, according to the uaual scaling
back process pro rata per foci frontage at
the rate of 24.861737 per foot, aa follows;
Lots o to a inclusive, diock
Cltv. at 8320.88 each.... 8 1.283 52
Lots 6 to 8 inclusive, block 140,
City, at i3Z.s eacn i.zhj s
8 tt block 141, City 1.23 60
Lot i, block 142, City 131 42
Lota , 7 ana s, diock j, t-iiy,
at 120.87 esch 962 41
Lot 9, block HX City i 189 25
Lot 1. block 144, City 864 68
Lot X block 144, City 176 86
Lots 1 to 4 Inclusive, block 146,
City, at 8320.87 each 1,283 48
Lots i, 2 and 3. block 144. City, at
8330.88 each 942 64
Lot 4, block 144. City 320 87
Lots 1 to 4 Inclusive, block 147. City,
at $320.88 each 1.23 62
Lot 1. block 2ftt, City 92 61
Lot- 1, bioca Z4-, i;uy 119 14
Lot 8. block UV'l. City 62 92
Lot 4. block 249tt. City 99 81
Lot 5. block S4H. city si U9
Lot X block 24tt. City 147 97
Lot 7, block 24tt. City 118 41
Lot li block 4!tt. City 83 61
Lot 15. block isott. c"y 134 17
Lot 14, block SMitt. City 121 74
Lot 17, block 2.vtt. cn ft
Lot IX block 250tt. City 13 71
I-nt 1. block !S1"A. City S 27
Lot 2. block 2Mtt. City 171 18
Lot 8. blocK ittiivk. uuy u to
"0-foot strip lying east of and ad
joining lota I, 2 and 8, block 261tt.
city ...
W 28
128 80
171 IS
842 27
Lot 18. block ltt. City.
Lot 19. block 26ltt. City
Lot 20. block 251tt. City
Total 212.626 98
To cover the cost of repavlnf 28th street,
from Ka mam atreet to Leavenworth
street, wlthm Street Improvement District
No. 716. amounting to the sum of 810.2U4 82;
which aum It la proposed to asaese upon
the lots and real eatate Included within
said district, according to the ueual seal
in back nrocesa. ura rata per foot front
age, at the rate of 83. 117279 per foot, as
vvh w II IS feet lot 2. block 1.
McCormlck's Add I 1st 92
R Hi feet lot 8. block 8. lie
Cormick'a Add ....: 536 74
W. 376 feet lot X block X McCor-
mlck'a Ada
m 40
Lot 4. block X MoCormlck'a Add..
168 T7
E. 28.6 feet
of old street lying De
tween lot ,
block 8, and lot 1,
block 9, McCormlck's Add
E. 28.6 feet of old street lying be
tween lot X block 8, and lot 8.
block 9. McCormlck' Add
Iot A block 9, McCormlck s Add..
W. 87.6 feet lot 7. block X MoCor
mlck Add ..........................
B. 28 1 feet lot X block X McCor
mlck's Add -
W. 51 78 feet lot X block X McCor
mlck's Add .....
W. 61.76 feet lot X block IX Mc
Cormlck's Add ...
E. 28 5 feet lot X block IX Mc
Cormlck Add ......................
W. 17 6 feet lt X block IX 4o-
66 01
66 01
146 27
201 44
25 71
188 91
939 01
298 27
Corsiic. a evaa
Lot 8. block 18, McCormlck Add..
E. 281 feet of old street lying be
213 62
'09 81
79 44
106 98
211 91
211 91
1C6 96
79 44
321 99
1.206 60
270 24
244 73
1.204 50
160 86
28 91
465 83
449 83
iii 49
495 40
tween lot 1. block IX nd lot 4,
block 13. McCormlck s Add.
Lot 4. block L subdivision
Kedlck's Add
Lot 6, block L subdivision J. I.
Redick's Add
Lot X block L subdivision J. I.
ttenica s Aao .
Lot 7, block L
subdivision J. I.
Redick's Add
Lot X block L subdivision J. I.
Redick's Add
Lot 9, block L subdivision 3. I.
Redick's Add
Lot 1, block X subdivision J. I.
Redick's Add
Lots 1,1, L I and 8. block 2. sub
division J. I. Redlck B Add., St
8241.30 each
Lot 4. block X subdivision J. I.
Redick's Add. (Including private
driveway !28.96
Lot 7, block X subdivision J. I.
Redlck a Add. (Including private
driveway 86.431
Lot 1. block X subdivision J. I.
Redlck'B Add
Lots 2 to X Inclusive, block 8, sub
division J. I. Redick's Add., at
8241.80 each
N. 60 feet lot 7, block 2. aubdlvUlon
J. I. Redick's Add
8. 9 feet lot 7, block X subdivision
J. I. Redick's Add
Lot 8, block 3. subdivision J. I.
Redlck Add
Block 10, subdivision J. I. Redlck'
Add. Including private driveway
Block 11, subdivision
S. I. Re-Re-
dick' Add
Block IX subdivision
dick' Add
W. 1U feet lot 17, John L Redlck
W. 112 feet lot 20, John I. Redlck'
Add .,
W. 112 feet lot 36, John I. Redlck
505 70
513 04
' Total $10,216 90
To cover the cost of repaying Howard
street from east line ot Twenty-second
street to Twenty-fourth street wlihln
Street Improvement District No. 7X
amounting to the sum of 84.184.13. which
sum It la proposed to assess on the lots and
real estate witnin saia aiscrict accoraing
tn the uaual acallna-back process pro rata
per foot fronts go at the rate of $3.463676
per foot aa follows:
Lot 1. Convent Place 174 92
Ixita 2. 3 and 4. Convent Place, at
8173.18 eacn oi M
Lot 6, Convent Place 154 90
Lot 1. Cortlandt Place 198 68
Lou i to it. inclusive. joriianai
Place, at 8207.82 each 2.078 20
Lot 1, Jefferson Place 207 82
Lots 2. 8 and 4. Jefferson Place, at
1214.76 each 644 25
B. 46 feet W U lot 2. Preston 4k Wil
liams' Add.. li 17
N. 15 feet W. tt lot X Preston a
William' Add 6196
Total $4,186 11
To cover the cost of constructing perms
nent sldewalka done under contract with
Gust Hamel and A. J. Stanley, amounting
tn the eum of 1138.64. which aum It la pro
posed to aaaees upon the lota and real ea
state along and adjoining which said walk
were constructed, as follows:
B. 46.1 feet lot 21. Horbach s Fist Add.l 88 18
Lot ix diock 14, m. v. Binitn Aao... iuu e
Total $138 64
The "usual scaling-back process," to
which reference la made In this notice. Is
as follows: i
One-third of such pro rata cost upon the
the one-sixth part of the whole amount ot
the ground to be assessed first abutting
upon the street line along saia improve
ments. One-fifth of such Dro rata cost upon the
second one-sixth part of the whole amount
of said ground next adjacent.
One-alxtn ot such pro rata coat upon tn
the third one-sixtn part or tne whole
amount of said ground next adjacent, and
Three-tenths of said pro rata. cost upon
the adjacent or remaining one-half of aald
You are further notified that aald "pro
posed plan of aasessmedt" are now sub
ject to the inspection and examination of
any of the owner of aald lot or piece of
real eatate , or ot any other person inter
ested In said proposed asseesmenU at the
office of the city clerk, and that it Is pro
posed that, unles for good and sufficient
cause It may be otherwise ordered and de
termined, the cost of aald assessmenU. re
spectively, shall be assessed on the several
lou, part oi iota ana piece oi real es
tate, aa shown by aald "propoeed Diana and
You and eacn of you are hereby notified
to appear before aald Board of Equalisa
tion at the time and place above specified
to make any complaint, statement or ob
jection you may desire concerning any of
aald proposed . levies ana assessmenU of
special taxea.
omana. NeDraeaa, March 4, 1902.
W. li. ELBOURN, .
M4 ds7t City Clerk.
Proposal will be received by 8. C
Bcnngiey, tne city ciera or tne city ot
eoutn omana, jNeoraaxa, until o clock p.
m., March 10, 1902, for the purchase of an
lasue of bonds In the aum of 8140.000.00.
bonds to be Issued In the denomination of
$1,000.00 each, bearing date ot March 1, 1901,
maturing twenty year after date and bear
ing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum, pay a Die eemi-annuajiy. These are
renewal bonds to take up and pay certain
general bonds of the city heretofore Issued
and outstanding; principal and Interest of
all bonds payable at tne Bute Fiscal
Agency of Nebraska In the city of New
York, N. Y. All bid must be in writing
and must be unconditional and accompa
nied by a certified check for 84.000.00. pay
able to the city of South Omaha, Nebraska,
purchaser to accept and pay for said bonds
witnin twenty aaye irom aate oi saia Dy
The right 4 reserved to reject any and
all blda.
Dated at south omana, Neoraaka. March
X 1901 M4 dat
In the circuit court of the United State
for the district or Nebraska.
O. Vincent Coffin. Jana D. Boardman.
William Wallace Clark and Qeorge C.
William, suing aa well on their own be
half aa on behalf of all ethera. stockhold
ers ot the Nebraska Loan and Trust com-
uht - ai d the ceiemlcal National Dank.
aaalnat the Nebraska Loan and Trust com
pany ana james in. iarae, receiver ot saia
company. No. 146.. Doe. U.
To the holder of debentures and all other
persons holding or having claims against
the Nebraska Loan and Trust company:
In accordance with the provlatona of the
decree entered In said cause on tne 18th
duv of Fobruary. 190X notice la hereby
given that you and each of you are re
quired to present and tile with me aa (pe
dal master at Omaha, Neb., your deben
tures (with an affidavit aa to preeent own
ership) and all other claim you may have
against the Nebraska Loan and Trust com
pany on or Deiore April i, ins.
Special Master.
Bealed proposals will be received until 6
p. m., March 19, 1903, for the excavation,
concrete, brick and cut stone work for the
foundation of the Omaha Auditorium build
ing. In accordance with drawings and
specifications to be seen at the office of the
Auditorium company, or at the office of
John Latenaer, architect. Each bid muat
be accompanied, by a certified check to the
amount of two hundred and fifty dollars
as a guarantee of good faith. The right is
reserved to reject any and all bids. Pro
posal must be on blanks furnished.
Secretary Omaha Auditorium Company,
Office Top Floor Board of Trade Building.
All city work In Cincinnati la now done
on the nine-hour basis, and clgarmakera
have gained the nine-hour day without a
Woman la crowding man out of the Chi
cago stockyards and even la taking hia
place In the use of the knife.
A $360,000 sugar mill, to be paid for out
of the proceeds of convict plantations, la
to be built by the atale of Texas.
Ninety-five per cent of the railroad men
In Vermont are In the unlona, and the
roads In that atate are better organised
than any In the east.
Pleaterer employed on a twenty-flve-atory
building In Pittsburg. Ps., struck
recently sgalnst walking up and down
stairs In their own time, and were granted
one hour's pay per day for the time thus
Twelve thousand workmen engaged In a
house-to-house canvasa throughout Berlin
have established the fact that 74.029 per
sons are out of employment In that city,
and that 62,601 other are only partially
The general secretary of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen reports a member
ship of 40.7k), out of a total of about 60.0U0
employed aa locomotive firemen In the
United State and Canada. This Is a doub
ling of the membership since ls94, when
the head(iuarU9rs were moved to Peoria,
111., at which time the brotherhood had leva
than Xl.uuO on u rolls. The gain for 101
was X119. The aggregate Insurance In force
U lb fcenefli-kq aiiiillarx la ti,t,bi.
Tba Bane of Housekeepers Dealt with in
Scientific Fashion.
Trial Teat of llydroeyaale Acid Gae
Prove a Kaoeker for Pests
How the Job I
Prof. L. O. Howard, chief entomologist of
the United State Agricultural department
and president of the American Arsoclatlon
for the Advancement of Science, contrib
ute to the Chicago Tribune a paper of par
ticular Interest to housekeeper. The
summer season, now rapidly approaching,
will have it cuitomary train ot household
prat. How to get' rid of them, effectively
nd scientifically, forms the text ot the
professors remark.
Good housekeeper throughout the whole
United States hktr frequent occasion to
consult entomologist a to the best mean
of ridding their house of Insects, which,
through the fact that they have succeeded
In accommodating themselves to the con
ditions of civilisation, have become rather
distinctively aa Insect of the household.
The problem Is a much more serious on
in the south than In the north, yet meet
of these Insects occur In the northern
state well In the southern. In the
latter, however, they are apt to be more
abundant. Their occurrence in the north
is due to the fact that houses are artificially
heated In the winter time, thus affording
opportunity to breed throughout the entire
season. Flea, cockroaches, house centi
pede, anU (especially the little red ant),
"allver fish" or 'licker,' book 11c.
clothes moths, the buffalo carpet beetle, the
black carpet beetle and the hosts of In
sects which affect stored product and
other found breeding In storerooms or pan
tries which are carelessly kept by Indiffer
ent housekeeper comprise the principal In
sect known a household lnsecU.
Heaseeleaata Not laffleteat.
The remedies applied In the past against
all these different Insects have none . ot
them been thoroughly effective In the ab
sence of constant watchfulness, perfect
cleanliness, and frequent upsetting ot the
whole establishment and the consequent
disturbances of family comfort in the oper
ation of "house cleaning." Even with all
this care and all this trouble ceruin In
sects atllV exist. Bedbugs penetrating Into
the remotest and moat Insignificant cracks
in the wall are, in houses In which they
once become thoroughly established, most
difficult to exterminate by any ot the old
fashioned method. Cockroaches swarming
In a house may be enormously reduced In
number by the use of some of the best of
the Insect powders, but their egg cases are
not affected by these remedies. Flea la
damp summers will persist In spite of the
us ot Insect powder and even in spite of
frequent sprayings with benxlne. Clothes
moth and the buffalo carpet beetle have
long been terror to good housekeeper all
over the country, although method ot aum
mer packing of garment and plastering
floor crack and laying down of tarred
roofing paper under the carpet are well
known to most people. In fact, cold stor
age of valuable furs and rugs hav com
to be looked upon as practically ths only
perfect way of avoiding damage from these
insects, and the abolition of the carpet
habit haa been recommended by the writer
and by othera aa the beat way of prevent
ing undue multiplication ot the ao-called
buffalo moth.
Carpet at Mease to Health.
It may be said a an aside that carpets
are nuisance from aay point of view, and
that the reason why the ao-called buffalo
moth, although an Insect of European or
igin, cut small figure in Europe, la the fact
that over there, and especially In south
Europe, carpet are rare things: A car
peted floor with only an annual house
cleaning 1 a menace to health aside from
the fact that it afford .opportunities for
uninterrupted development of these inaecU.
Little red anta have been fought by meth
od whjch required much trouble and a
great expenditure of time, and principally
by the trapping method, but although a
thousand or more may frequently be killed
In this way every day the supply from a
large colony seems practically unlimited,
and frequently the work is given up in de
spair. .The search for the colony or for the
particular crack in the wall from which
most of the anta come 1 laborious and re
quire keen sight and an entomological In
stinct, and therefore, especially In the south,
people put up with the nuisance rather
than spend their night and days In the
During the laat year the effort at fumi
gation hav been confined to the use ot sul
phur fume. House have been vacated and
ulphur ha been burned at length with the
result that many bedbugs and other Insects
hav been killed, but frequently there have
been survivors to perpetuate new genera
tions, "and the deposit from the fume ha
damaged choice article of furniture, and the
discoloration ot silver and other little arti
cles has discouraged futur work of this
kind. More recently bisulpbld of carbon
ha been used wlh better effect and with
out pany ot the drawback of the burning
of sulphur, but the vapor of bisulphide ot
carbon I highly Inflammable and explosive
and the great danger of a conflagration is
always present.
Vse Hydroeyaale Gas.
. The demand for something better In many
ways and for something simpler has been
great. Nearly twenty years ago It was dis
covered that hydrocyanic acid gas is an ef
fective remedy against certain lnsecU, and
that It may be made cheaply and easily. At
first it was used In California to fumigate
orange trees affected with seals lnsscts.
Large canvas tenU painted with linseed oil
to make them airtight were made in differ
ent waya to be placed or pulled over trees,
and then the gas waa liberated beneath
these tents by placing a certain quantity of
cyanide of potaaalum into .metal vessels
conUlnlng sulphuric acid. This process was
rather expensive as a method of orchard
treatment, out has come Into rather com
mon use In certain portions of the country.
Later it waa found to be one ot the best. If
not the best, methods of treating mall
trees and nursery stock before shipment
from Isrge nurseries tn order to be sure
that they would not carry Injurious Insect
life from the nurseries to portions of the
country where such Injurious lnsecU did
not previously exist. Still later the use of
this gas became more or lees common
among ths greenhouse men. It was found
that by on operation a tightly closed green,
house could be rid of plant lice and certain
other Insect much more perfectly and eas
ily than by spraying with the old tobacco
washes or kerosene emulsion snd with
slight danger to the plants when ths pro
portions were well understood. The relative
susceptibility of different plants to ths ac
tion of ths gas has been studied and the
method will sooner or later become one ot
common practice.
Vsa of Gas la Hoaaes.
Ths latest development la the use of ths
gas .and ths latest development la ths war
fare against household Ins ecu Is the use of
ths gas In houses. Last summsr Mr. W. R.
Beattle of ths Department of Agriculture
conducted certain sxpertmenU la a building
need for laboratory purposes by ths division
of botany, which ladloatsd that Us dissolv
ing of $-1 gram of par ayantdo ot potas-
Secrets of Personal
Magnetism Laid Bare
Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Books ott Personal
Magnetism and Hypnotism to be Given Away
by a Noted Philadelphia College.
Hon. James W. Kenney of Pennsylvania, Chairman ol the Co mmltte
ou Distributioa.
Everv One May Now Learn All the Pecreta ot These Mysterious Sciences
at His Own Home.
it ,i :.t. .!
iir ' ' - " 1'ttT '""rhl;: "" iA"4,A l Httii- J
Hon. JAMES R. KEN NET of Pennsylvania.
E-Mayor of Reading, Pa,, not ed Orator, Author and Scientist
"I can honestly and conscientiously a ay from my long experience la dealing
with people and from my personal acqual ntance with many of the most prominent
men in this country, that there i no other thing which will help one so much In life
as a thorough knowledge of Personal Magnetism," says Hon. James R. Ksnney, "and
for this resson I accepted the chairmanship of the committee on distribution of
works on Personal Magnetism and Hypnotism for ths American College of Sciences
of Philadelphia.
' "Ths real secrets of Personaf Magnetism and Hypnotism have always been Jeal
ously guarded by the few who knew them and kept from the masses of the people.
One who undersUnds these sciences has an Inestimable advantage in the race of
life. I want to put this Information In the hands of every ambitious man and
. woman in this country. ' .
"The American College of Science ha Just appropriated f 10,000 to be used la
printing books for free distribution, an d if this does not supply the demand it will
appropriate $10,000 more. The books are absolutely free. They do not oost you a
single cent.
"Tell me what kind of work yon are engaged in; or. If sick, ths dlseass from
which you- suffer, and I will send'you ths book which will put you oa ths road to
success, health and strength. .It matter a not how successful you are. I will guar
antes to help you to achieve greater success. The work which I will ssnd you is
from ths pens of the most eminent specialists of the country; it'ks richly lllustraUd
with ths - finest half-tons engravings and la Intensely interesting from start to fin
ish. It has been the means of changing the whols ourrent in the lives ot hun
dreds of persons who were ready to glv np in despair. Tou can learn at homo
In a few days and use Personal Magnetism in your daily work without ths knowl
edge of yournost Intimate friend: You can use it to lnflueno other; you can
use it to keep others from influencing yo u. You can positively our the most ob- -stinate
chronic diseases and banish all bad habits. ;.
"If you havs not met with ths business or social success which you desire; It
you are not successful In winning and h oldlng friends; If you are atck and tired ot
taking drugs that do not cure; If you cars to develop your memory or any other
mental faculty to a higher stats of perfection; or. lastly. If you wish to poasess that
subtle. Invisible, intangible power that sways and rules th mind of men, you
should writs me today and let me send you a fro copy of our new book. It will
prove a revelation to you." Address JAMES R. KENNEY, ISO N, Commercial .
Union Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
alum per cuble foot ot space was psrfsotly
satisfactory against cockroaches and other
Upon the evening of June 20, 1901, such
an experiment was tried and the gas al
lowed to remain In the building over night.
The following morning the gas had not en
tirely escaped, and the house flies, centi
pedes, spiders, cockroaches and mlcs were
dead, with the exception of a few roaches
that had secreted themselves between ths
sash and frame of a loosely fitting window
and had thus secured enough pure air to
prevent them from being killed. Later In
the summer Mr. A. H. Klrkland, a well
known entomologist ot Boston, conducted
independently and without knowing Mr.
Beattie's resulu two striking experlmenU
ot a similar nature. One was In a closed
house the inhabitants ot which were absent
at the seashore, and which was overrun
with clothes moths, and the other waa In a
similar house which had become Infected
with fleas, from the fact that fleas' eggs had
been left there in ths sleeping places of
cerUlp pet domestic animals. Mr. Klrkland
used one ounce of pure cyanide of potassium
to every 100 cubic feet of space (a lesser
amount Is used In greenhouses on account
of the possible damage to plant foliage).
He used ordinary porcelain wash baaln
and, beginning at the top of the house,
dropped bis cyanide in each bssin, running
down to the lower floors as rapidly as pos
sible and closing the outer door behind him.
Everything in the way of living lnsecU was
killed In both these experiments and It la
Interesting to note that In one of tbem two
English sparrows which had slighted 'upon
the rldxe pole were overcome by the slight
exudation of ths fumes from the shingled
The houses were opened up the next
morning and thoroughly aired.
It seems to me, therefore, that in tne uae
ot hydrocyanic acid gas ths whols problem
of household Insects Is practically solved.
When these lnsecU are few In numbers
light them by the old-tasblonsd methods,
but it they have Increased to the point of
desperation vacate the home one night and
try the cyanide method. The greatest care
should be observed In the s of tne gss,
for the reason that it U destructive to all
warm-blooded animals, Including human
beings ss well ss Insects. Ths bouse may
be quickly aired, however, and tb odor of
the gas is readily detected. ine noueo
should not be occupied until ths odor ha
been entirely dissipated. The odor la that
of peach. kernels.
rnb Bemls of Columbus. O.. cannot
keep warm, though he wears five suit of
underclothing th year around and sleeps
la aa ulster and woolen cap. He usually
carries about forty pounds ot clothing, bs
sldes $80,000 life Insurance, and says be
can pass a better medical examination than
most men. Physlclsns do not know what Is
ths matter with him.
Occasionally the "patent iosldea" play
soms curious pranks on ths country pub
lishers. Oa the patent aids of a central
Kansas paper last week It was ststed that
"during the last tea days there were four
deaths from heat In Kansas City, Kan., and
two on ths Missouri side."
By sticking to it for nineteen years
George T. OambrUl of Baltimore baa finally
. MLJik if Iff" f
t, ( WW "lUf M
succeeded in collecting $4.58 from ths Baltl
moro tt Ohio road, an overcharge ' oa I
wheat ahlpment in 1882. The corapan
Ignored hia claim at first, and he final!
began to bombard the officials with posta
cards, which h sent by th thousand. Thet
he took to wrlting dalnty scented notes, an,
that fetched the railroad, which has Just
settled his claim.
Attacked by an angry ram, Pater Conger,,
a farmer of Mlddleton, N. Y., climbed a,
tree In his yard to escape the animal. , His
wife hearing his cries, .unmindful of th
risk, rushed into the yard. The ram pre
pared for combat, but the plucky woman
commenced to hurl ssnd from a pile In the
yard at ths ram so strongly, as she dodged
hither and thither, that the animal, blinded
by the dirt, waa finally compelled to re
treat and waa driven Into its Inclosurs, after
which the farmer climbed down from ths
The Philadelphia 4t Reading railroad haa
four pensioners who bavs served the com
pany honorably and continuously for fifty
or more years. Daniel Burke of Philadel
phia being the latest ons added to th
list, after fifty-two years' continuous serv
ice. He will receive $80 a month from
the company, and his comrades have given
htm a gold watch and a big, comfortable
chair "In which to rest , his wesry limbs
for the remainder of his days." He ta
71 years of age.
In view ot the purchaso of ths Danish
West Indies, the New York Press recalls
an incident of twenty-odd years sgo that
nearly caused serious interastiocal compli
cations. An American marksman paying a
visit to Charlotte Amelia amused -ths gov
ernor by sn sxhlbitloa of skill with th
rifle. Sitting on the veranda of ths gov
ernment house, he said that he could cut
with a bullet the signal halyard on th
flagstaff at th fort and lower th Danish
standard to the ground. As ths lines wsr
almost Invisible in ths dlstancs ths gover
nor was willing to bet that he could not
do it. Ths shot rang out and ths flag fell.
Presently a horseman dashed up, Inform
ing the governor that soms one had fired
on the flag. Thece was great excitement.
The governor, none too popular. It seems,
with ths mllltsry, rulued his political future
by admitting that the affair waa a Joke la
which be connived. Report being sent to
Copenhagen, ' highly colored, of . course, by
ths commandant, bis excellency was sum
marily removed.
A western peeking company Is circulating
the following trade circular In England:
"To our friends across, ths sea we send
greeting. As the years roll by w are
drawn nearer and nearer together by Chris
tian blood and money ties, and may thta
ver be. We are located In a section that
grow a pig that, for leanness and quality
come nearer to your homegrown and Ca
nadian pig tbaa any that can be raised tn
any part of ths state. W are now putting
up a class of light fancy English and Irish
meats that, for delicacy of cur and ex
treme mildness cannot be furnished by any
other packing company In tb great west.
Your want can always be supplied by our
pusa oy our - ,
tentness. . J
friend and sol agents, Msssr 1
"May all your ways be pleasantness.
"And all your days b peace.
"Yours truly,
. i