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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1902)
TILE OMAIIA DAILT PEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1902. "Si TOM. I1LE-C1L BITATE. The Omaha Realty Company HOI DOUGLAS ST., UPSTAIRS. We offer ihe following list of improved property re cently purchased from the Omaha Savings Bank and the prices are a fraction of what they cost the bank: VACANT LOTS. H.500 64 ft. eouth front on Cumin. be- twi ZMh and Wth. I BflO 2i ft. south front on Cumins street. near 29th. 9 10ft 1 ft. v. rt front on 16th. near Ohio, br 14t ft. p t Comer lot, bOxIS. south front oa corner Mth ana ( im. 3",1D M ft. touih front, corner lot oa 27th and Dougiaa. TO 47 fret east front on 90th, between Leavenworth and Jackson. I 686 0 ft. north front on YanCatna Ave, near Spencer st $ sOt Each. thre lots, north front on Cameron at., near 2uth. t K Fch. three lota, south front on Bancroft. Dear loth. Handsome shsde treea. I til 42 ft. weet front on 26th. between Maple and Blnney. 1X309 ? it. frontage by 6S0 ft. deep, run ning from Mth at. to Boulevard. I TOt 60 ft. east front on 27th, near Popple ton eve. I tSO Esch. two lota. 60 ft. frontage on 2Mh t., near fihtrlev. 'I 269 lit ft. eaet front on 35th. near Daren-port, - In addition to the above we have a long list of im proved property and fine residence lots. Call and get one of our catalogues. THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY, . 1301 Douglas St, Upstairs. B. C. PETERS CO.. i; farkam rr, BEK BUILDING. 42 Sull W-fool lot near Dodge and tbth StA MUST BE BOLD THIS WEEK. 1241 Flftr-foot lot In the BEST POKTION ef WALNUT HILL.. Prioe only tot). 1271 4-foot lot near Hanscom park. NAT URAL SHADE Will buiid to eult pur chaser. Price tWO. 1Z so-fool lot comer l&th and Franklin But. SUBMIT OFFER. 24s East front eft-foot lot on 9"th St aouth of new boulevard. Desirable lot and MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. DWELLING HOU6ES. 144 room houee. ALL MODERN. 19 South Hat St-l fine shade, oloee to park, BARGAIN. Uie-MoDEHN BRICK HOUSE, 2107 Pink ney St Price Just reduced to M.10U HOUSE- ALONE COST M.iMi. Thla U a great bargain and tha property will be aoid thla week. le Full lot with two houses near Dodre St. line; mortrare for toOO. WANT TO EXCHANGE EgLTTT for a rood build Ins lot. 1ID.1 9-room houee. all modern. 1 block north of Hanaooni park.' Elegant eiaat front Jot Price only M.ono. FARM LANDS 7H 1 aerse near LYONS. BURT COUNTY, KEBRASKA. Gently rolling. Ana anil and a great bargain at MB per acre. Nothing tn the Immediate vicinity that can be bought for thla nrloe. '734 FINE QUARTER SECTION of land In Parry county, Nebraska, A bargain at M per acre. RANCH LANDS. lSTIfHO acre unimproved. NEARLY ALL GOOD HAT LAND, living water. Price oniy HO per acre. IX V"0 acre. l.Onft fNDER LARGE REHEKVOIR Juat completed. Fine hay and alfalfa land. An ABUNDANCE of WATER and timber, good act bulldlnm, eoatrola ateit l&.aw acrea. Prioe S2.d0 par acre. Thla la an excellent opportun ity for party desiring- to purchase a large ranch. lQi acres on South Loup river, CUTB b TONS HAT. also achool leaae MO aerea. Improved In every reepect and very dealrable property. tto FINE RANCH IN CHERBT COUKTT. NEBRASKA. 1.180 acres deeded land. 1.040 area school leaae, 4i acres can be re Untiulahed, OVER 1&.O0O ACRES FREE RANGE. Fine water privilege. Uay land euta from tut ta L0UO tons of hay. Price, HAVE CLIENT WHO WISHES TO LEASE A LOT IN THE WHOLESALE DidTKICT FOR 10 OR JO TEARS. R. C PETERS CO.. 10 Farnam St. RE 236 1 W. H. GATES, U N. T. Ufa. 'Phone. 12M. New, 7 rooms, up-to-date, fully modern, lot J 0x140. fiarn, ahade treea. lot lay nice. Sd house outh of Lake, 2415 N. nd. 13.(100, I rooms, modern eacept furnace, lot 63x140. rood large barn, ahade trees, east front, oar. 2lnt and Spruce. 2.600. arooen, t-etory, fully modern, corner lot. Site order. K2.S0. 14 rooms, modern, K. X. cor. 23d and Chi cago, M.&.1O. eVroom. new, bath. K1S Pat. ave., lot 40x IK (1.7ea T reoma, modern except furnace, 2611 Parker street, C.S'iO. house good as new. roema, 1 Corby, paved street. SL3S6, t reoma, KU N. rrth. ll.W). treora new cottage, iK& Grant. ISS0. room. 4411 N. Sist ave., lot auxUt, ITB0. , VACANT. BOxlM, on 85th street. Suo ft. north of Dodge. east front, deO. Bxlli, cor, rib and Marry. KSO. ' aixltl, cor. Case and Lowe ave., V. OrlJS. aouth front, on Burdette, between .ih and IMth, only 1350. xl27, n Miami, near oth St.. SS. e6xll. aewer. water. r. permanent side walk, on Ohio, near 2tnh at., only 500. aixiiio, on Harney, near Mth. ri.Ufm. Old t-room cottage and lot, MrxXZU KCt Corby, lor the small aum of RE 4CC t 11X90 FEET, fronting east on Miller park boulevard and west on Mth street. Si OU0. I ACRES North Mth Street, this side Miller nark snap, 12.16. W ACRES on paved road. T miles out, rood for fruit gardening or Unliving, CJuu. T ACHi-'S U mllee out. r.tov. Ida ACK1.S near Bennington, tw.000. fcU ACKK3 near Elk City. OT.fc'U. a ACKUe near Gretna. CITT PROPERTIES. U PER CENT GROSS IN VESTMENT, within 4 blocks of court houae. rental about W per year, price $fi &. II pa.K CENT GhDH INVESTMENT, two -room modern houses, near &la and Harney streets, M'. II I t CENT GKueiB IKVEBTMENT. t none, namr mm ana ue aireets, pnos brick etorea. flats above. 10 blocks from P. o., rental U..2MS per year, price tU.wtt. liil eViuth aih avenue, s-room house, lot "x)0; obtain order from office te lnapect: K. W. comer isth and Center, t-room suae, lot 7fcxlu feet SNAP, SS.aOO. V-room frame flat building south part of tewn. rertkl I.'JU yearly, prioe M.auu. VTl aVulh Z7ih ht... t-room houee. lot tOxlS feet, asphalt paring paid, U.7U0. t)4 and North 17 1 h H . lot SUxle feet. parlug paid, cheap at 1.700. t tewn snoaera house wlthla 13 blocks west f city hail, rental fuu yearly, SNAP, !.. r7 pierce St.. with bouse, price IT.tM. ttJt Frasklia St.. t-room rouse, high and ejfhuy. near car lias, tl.Huu f'ui Grant r)L. rooms, city water. (1.906. -'xW7 feet near Sin and Chlcaro, tl.iau. s feet east frent on Norta Mia St. near &praxue. aains tald t?:i. JwliN N. KkVZfc.K, OPP. OLD P O. RE-ar: NICK HOMES. NORTH HIDE Here are a few specially attractive houses, all ner the 14 th street car line: BI BC-M8 ON ONE FLOuR. only K.SA. . Nearly new, and a pretty i .aoe. aWutfe front on Manoeraon. near Zbth. ZI'iiiT-ROOel MODERN HOUSE, OB hippie, a eery desirable place at a very reasonable prioe. Owner leaving enty. Pri-e. ti iuO ANOTHER EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, alao oa MaLt'te. block oast of MLh. with a fine nmntH snd grste. Price, CkaL . We have lots ot:era. Paine investment compant. Maui liwir New York Ufa KE M2 GEORGE Q. WALLACE, real estate, aaurU 4)ages. rentaia, laauraaoe. Brewn biock. . B-E 7i I HAVE I ef the finest lots In west Far. asm district vn Mth St.. north rf Far- tta I will sell three er bulid to yeur pAa. i nave some new wodera be usee At very Iww prions, bee me before you buy Ed O. Hamilton, buttder. m S nth at RE Ml U SPS1C1AL BARGAIN; choice la-acre farm I mi if a froea buelloa. Neb., well in- nrevvd- two sets of building: leu bearing, S4ue tree. Can give ' aaesina ngut away, prioe. MJf. oa easy tern-.e. Davul Seoly. Sbeitoo, Neb. RE MiCt i , H, , IF TOU want en of the sueest s room busses ta lsxisuum Place 1 Will glee u tbuYaln. Oeoer left city. M at Seii. M. siwrsvaA, s-ff u X. L. Vdg 1 s-JaUU J FOR SALst REU KFTATB. I 460 8 ft. went front on Mth, near Daren port. I J0 ft. weet front on lfta, near Ban croft. t TOO et ft. north front on Jackson at, near t Rno-N. W. corner Mth and Jackson, 4KX 132. H,60 Each, two lota facing lomh on far nam. between 41st and 4i&. I ton 4 ft. west front oa 14th. near Dor caa. H.40ft. ft. east front on Win. near Center, t 76 N. . corner 26th .and Decatur, tux I Hon fT&. comer SM and Parker. t SnO N. K. corner 12d and Frink lln ate ' to-MM 40 ft. north front on Cumin at.. near zdn. 7Uo u ft. eouth front on Pierce at., near lid. I 16ft Subject to taxea. N. EL corner Blondo and th eta.. DfxlM. I IS ft. eouth front on Burdetta, be tween Mth and WMh. I 12047 ft. north front on Patrick are., west of 26th at. I lie Each, two lota. 47 ft. eouth front on Burdetta at between Mth and 36ih ta. OCT BARGAINS THIS WEEK. TWO BEAUTIFUL LOTS en iMh ave near Fimim , splendid location. Only ILTbO each. M'.'I'EKN tip-to-date house. Kth. near Farnam. all conveniences, quick posses sion. M.7M. ELEGANT le-roora bouse, every modern conveiiTence, Facifle, near Hal. $7,760. HANDSOME LOT. 1170. near K2d and Pa cific all ravins- taxea nald. 12.460- TEN ACRES, beautiful tract, near Center st., macaoamlaed street direct to city. FOUR LOTS on 42d. between Farnam and Dodge; good place for cottages for rent; can onrr an lour lots tor l.iia CHEAP NEBRASKA FARM, rn ACRES near Kearnev. tll.bO an acre 120 ACRES fine alfalfa land la Platte Val ley, tin iv tit an acre. HICKS REAL ESTATE CXX. I Board Trade Bidg, RE 401 r CHEAPEST LOTS IN OMAHA FOR WORKING MEN. OBERNE & HOSICK'S ADD Near Mth and Vinton at., an lata e be aold on very easy terms, price from 150 upwmraa. isji ana see us regarding fur ther parUoulars. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., m-l KEW TORK LIFE. RE 256 FOR SALE, tny aubtrtanUally built dwell ing of seven large and beautiful noma. well located north, near t ear lines, with gas. porcelain bath, aewer, hot and sold water, etc; large barn, with city water. First comer rata Jt at C750. Improve ments alone cost HJOQ. Address V , Bee. RE 401 f PAYNE BOSTWICK & CO. u-t KEW TORE. LIFE BLDG, A FEW SPECIAL BARGAIN f-room house, with full lot ISs block from car une; aif a ana signtiy; a big anan. Price. 1110. New bouse, all modern except furnace; GOOD 1NVE8TMEVT. Two honaes renting for t49 ner veer. within walking distance, paved street. te. Only K.&uO. Good 7-room house, all modern, with barn. VACANT IS.IWI for ft. on Park ave. H.2O0 for 82 ft. on N. Mth at. I e for 66 ft. on Leavenworth at. t 7a0 for U? ft, front, Kth and Ohio atav ACREAGE. r.nno for t aerea near Krug park. CuO for i aerea S. W. Hanscom park. PAYNE BOSTWICK & CO. m-t KEW TORK LIFE BLDG. RE rs I ACRES 7 miles from P. O.. level, fins iana. sneu. 10 acres west Dodge St., on macadam. tevei, ti.nxi. 10 acres miles from P. O. tWO. THE BTRON REED CO.. W S. 14TH ST. RE SO 1S9 ACRES I miles west of Benson; all under cultivation; good buildings, just me piace to maae money. THE BIT RON REED CO.. tU B. 14TH ST. RE ass CHOICE COTTAGE. KEARLT NEW. rooms, hot water heat. lng plant, porcelain bath. Italian marble wash bowl, combination gas and electrie light fixtures, gas log and mantel, enamel sink; close to Farnam at. car line; built lor a noma, trice. ,smi. A bargain. BRAND NEW HOUSE. reoma. modern, first-class In every respect; south front near 20th and Ohio. Price, S2.7&0. A bar gain. El CHARLES ST., two-story dwelling of lv rooms, res. bain, sewer, city water, lot caiao feet; house alone coat M.wuu. rnoe, aiAUU. VACANT LOTS. K v.-mm .Knin v. t an K.OUNTZE PLACE, eouth front on Blnney St., near 19th; paving taxea ail paid. CAN SELL VERY CHEAP. TRACKAGE LOT on Nicholas at, O&xJM Teet. lor sale or lease on long time. Charles and Kth. Mxl feet. Price. MS. GARVIN BROS-, J604 FARNAM ST. RB-JM THREE lota on 27th au. near Poooletoa. 4i'xll7 each, on grade, fine ahade treea. t-'-v eacn. THE BY HON REED CO, 201 B. 14TK ST, KE-ttT $ CANNOT supply the demand. Llat your i J . . v. e MB, 434, DULf LAS. RE t,n THE CHEAPEST GOOD LANDS la the west NOW are In southwest Missouri; fertile soil, good for grain, fruit, stock: rapidly advancing tn value. Chaa. H Young A Co., Oaaxk Hotel bldg bpring field. Mo. RE liUl WANTED, any land ta western Kansas and Nebraska at leas than $1 per acre. Hub Monacnuck blag.. Cblosgo. RE Ml 41 f HOME OR INVESTMENT. EIGHT ROOMS. WEST FARNAM. ASK HARRISON A MORTON. RE Hi IS COLORADO ranch lands, homesteads, ereool eection leases. D- W. Irwin. Ak ron. Colo. RE l!?t AS HOUSES and lota tn art parte ef city; also r ere property and farm landa. The G. F. Davla Co, Room fet. Bee Bulidn.g. KE-4S1 CHEAPER THAI RENTING. Three bouaea on S 2Duh Ave between Far nam and Douglas, t reunis each. mixWrn, urnaoe and hrepiace, enly tl.tXK haii rsah, balasoe i yeara, t er cent. Bincger. 1 axion niocs. ttb-l FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! For bargains in farm property go to ONflut Real La late Agency, South mil na WEST FARNAM ST.. room, l-story, mod ern houae. newly painted, on ear Una. US THE BIROS REED CO. Cf 6a. lt h St. &E-7U PATKE. BOSTWICK A CO, sta N. T L'fa RE 7S KEW Sncw-Cborch Co.. 4th Sear K. T Life hit. Omahr. Neb. Largest law, collection and real estate agency la the rorld. Associate bassa attoraeva end real estate brotars In every reality ia me I tilted Sistee and ciuca ft foreiyn coun tries. RE 44 HOVfCg lota, farma. ranches loans &ra buranoa, hernia, Pajuam Rock FOB SALE UK AX CfTxTC HOMES, HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, RANCHES Do rm want to tmy. aell or trader It so, tetepnone. rail upon or write to GEO. P. BEM1S REAL ESTATE CO. Telepbone, Hi, Pax ton Biock, dome In and look ever our maps and pi its mxra pica sm i a peaurtroi lot on tne new oar lines north of Bemis park, also on new car line near Mth and Fort eta, and also on stn.ii 9tt near J-Xirt Omaha, snd overlooking and fronting on Miller pirk. These lots are offered at way -down prices, only I7i to CS0 each, and only lb down and only Jb per month. Now Is vour chance to start a Uttle home of your own or chanoe te aave up your money and nave the war for s fortune We have other lots In every part of the isty. emu, eaet, sontn. west. In Hanscom park, Wsst Farnam and Kountxe Place districts, from a few hundred p te fcOUO or U.MD each. Give us a call. Another bargain In a fine suburban home. vmy one iruia rrom etreet car line, tine t-room house, barn for 12 horses. 1ft peach treea, 2& apple treea. (0 cherry and plum treea, grapes, gooseberrlee and currants, all bearing, It acree of ground. I acre of alfalfa and t acres timothv and clover meadow. With the above we are offer ing one horse, one cow, three brood bows, sixty chickens, one farm wagon, one set farm harness, one mowing machine, one cultivator, one harrow, one plow and all necessary farm toola, some hay, corn and about fob worth of building material. On aooount of poor health of owner our price on a auick eale la onlv M.7U0. s-acre fruit and garden farm, wtthhs 1H roues oi pacaing nouses ana stock yaras. So. Omaha, t-room bouse, almost new, large bam and chicken house good well of water, grape vines and different kinds of fruit, apples, pluma. cherries, etc., only 7. Hsve other suburban homes, fruit and garden farms and acreage near city, ail slsea, all prices. Don't buy until you ex amine our Hats. HOUSES AND wyrs -room house, large halls, furnace, gas, su range, ana rurnace connected wirn boiler, bath, storm doors and windows, bars, ail la good condition, cost full lot, on paved street, only 12.000. Will take good horse and buggy or good team and ng as part payment. We have bargains In houses and lota In every part of the city, small bouses and big housea on small lots and big lots at mall prices and bigger prices to suit the tsstes and pocket books of anybody and ever?-body. Cume and see ua before buying. FARMS AND RANCHES. We have farms and ranches in every county in meorasaa, western jowa, smttnern la kota, Kansaa, Colorado, Wyoming and northern Missouri, all else and all price a, and most any terms desired. Don t buy until you have conferred with ua. fH PER CENT MONET to loan on gtlt- edge real estate security. We write good, sound fire Insurance, also tornado and plate glass Insurance. GEO. P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO., (Established In 1S Telephone, sK. Paxton Block. RS-Mt SWEET A HEADLET. KEW MODERN COTTAGES CHEAP. KEW COTTAGE of t reoma, could finish t more upstairs, porcelain bath, closet, marble washrtand, lot eKxJS. located In sice neighborhood, convenient to 2 oar lines and school, owner greatly In need of money, will sacrifice for I1.47S. A . SNAP. KEW 7-room house, modern except fur nace, good location and lot, 12,100. BAR GAIN. KEW PRESSED BRICK house of I rooms, latest and beet modem conveniences, oak finish, tHed vestibule, eement waika. shade, good surroundtnra. It will pay you to investigate this 4,I0 will buy tt. KEW cottage. 4 rooms, sewer, water, gas, near park car line. 11,060. BARGAIN. CHOICE RESIDENCE? LOTS. Sore, jith Ave., north of Farnam. 11,250. t"xiX. near toth and Charles. 1801. 46xlffi, near 54th and Ames, corner. J250. Mxl20, facing south en Ames, X0 SOxllR. loth snd Pine, east front, tl.2r. 60x1X2. Sherman Ave., near Burdetta. 1.10t. 42xl.r. Templet on Ave, ISiO. This Is a snap. 40x128, near Mth and Manderson. 1500. SWEET A HEAD LEY, Tel. 1472. . OI K I. L Bldg. RE-Z I TUKEY & SON Hsve bought 10 acres In HALCTON HEIGHTS, onlv three blocks from street car. south of BENSON. No city taxea. Will subdivide into two a-acre tracts and eell next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day for only tSjO for each i-acra tnt Terma reasonable. Full commission to aoemoers oi Jtteai testate Exchange. A. P. TUKET A SON. 444-445 Board of Trade. RE JEJ t HOUSES FOR SALE. U.Kn.-rooak cot tags, city water, etc, 214 COOti. No. MM S, 2th at. neat a-room not- tage, city water, etc K.suu. No M22 Blnney at.. rooms and bsth. Good rensir. alao e-ood barn. H.siiO. t-room cottage, city water, etc, SO ri. stary s ave. tXtnO, No. 1211 Caaa. rooms and bath. rents 120.0S aaomia, CfeUO. t-room modern house, 2014 Cass at. li.fe. No. Ull N. uth St.. 14 rooms, bath. china and llaea cloaeta, laundry, fur nace, etc. Htwu, No. 1712 K. ltth at., 12 rooms, laun dry, cistern, gaa and electrie light, stone walks all 'round lot. fronts two streets. M.suo. 7-room. thoroughly modern and very substantially built collage, also barn. N. l. corner inn ana UMu sta GEORGE A COMPANT. 1SU1 Farnam St. RE-&1 t EHIMER A CHASE. 23.800 Almost nrw strictly modern cottage vn w nt t rinaa. IXsuO 3-rocra mooem, 17th and Locust. NEW MODERN COTTAGE rooms, besides bathroom, vestibule, pantry. 2 closet, storags room; north part of dty; a neat little home. MONTHLY PAYMENTS 2880 t-rooir-.cottace, ted and Pratt, Hit essu. DaisBos aiv per mourn. ALFALFA. It aerea fine alfalfa bottom land, IX per civ. i' F 9r nvn. IS) acres, nearly all suitable for alfalfa. 2t acres In sifalfa. Us acres ready lor al falfa. Cert. 220 acres, all fine alfalfa land; 2nt acres ready for alfalfa and Is Irrigated; bouse, bars, et c. (21 per acre. These farms, when seeded to alfalfa. wfU net you more than the ts Iowa corn land. Housea for Rent. Fire Insurance. SHIMER 4V CHASE. tt4 Bws Bldg. Tel. 1441 RE ail t WE BUT, aell or exchange your home, farm, equity, hotel or buaineea, na matter where located. What have you te offer? Writ WestiaA 4k Co, St. Louie, Me. RE 1 fa RANCH, ranch, ranch. Box Butts county, Nebraska, in acres. 1 00 per acre. 1 acres. FT OS per acre. Is? acres, te a per acre, buyers snawered only. Address Box 714, Columbus, Keb. RE 407 t A KEW t-room bouse and tot Kx9l; gas, bath, hot and eoid water, cistern; room for two mors rooms en Id floor: barn, shed for 2 oowa, chick a houee, grapery and fruit trees, ws-ka and fences Ta good order: located lust little weet of alouniss Piacs; price, fc.tua, for ten days only. W. H HATES CJ K. X. life. 'Phous 14. ' RE U WANT OFFER. For lot M Csmter at. paved i. two Biocks west of Htnawn park. THE BtfcON RLfcD CO., Zil S. 1ITH ST, RE at t RANCH and farm lands for esJe by tha Union Pacific RsJlruad company. B. A. MrAltevter. land comniiastoaer. Union Pe UW head quarters. 4imalis bieb. . sUC-CI FOR (ALE REAL KfTATB. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. IQt KEW TOWJC LIFE FLTM3. TEL. VS. Rlil PENCE BARGAINS. H.f to seven rooms, aewer. water, gaa, 1K77 Corby street, snso. eix rvii. lot fctxlWI feet, fin cot tage home, smo recatur sitreet. tJ.a0 J1 N. gsth etreet. one-half Mock from car Una. seven rooms, all modem, fine oak finish, choice home. t2j.n etx rooms, strictly modern, fine brick barn, paved street, atone walk and Iron fence one-ba'f block from motor. M V' ft CfOrlk of Park, Hanscom Plnce. sight reoma, strictly modern, very fine repair, good plumbing, fins furnaoe; a bargain. R.2WI 114 Booth Hat Ave., ten rooms, handsome Interior finish, hot water heat, beat of plumbing, well built; an actual bargain at the price. ACRES. e-ecre tract, fine bottom land, smooth and ssvel, rrat.00, one-half cash. Snap. FARAS. tnO acres. Dodge county. I miles from Fre tnont, all fine level El shorn bottom land, fenced and oroes-fenced, good buildings and cheap at price, la 00 per acre. 230 acree totnlng above, perfectly smooth, level, bottom land, all fenced, mostly In bay and blue grass pasture, largs feeding yards, well, windmill, tank, etc; price. M" per acre. 200 acres, Sarpy county, north of Qretna, fine rolling land, an under cultivation, fair hulldlne-e; a bargain, X.A0O per acre. LOno acres, Hitchcock county, on Repub lican river, all fine, smooth, bottom land, 100 acres alfalfa, 100 acres ready for al falfa, balance In hey, but all good al falfa land, two good seta of buildings. A big bargain or Investment at (l2.ot per acre. 40 acres aouth of Ewtng. finest smooth bottom land, fine nine-room, modern resi dence, elegant large barn, a bed a, feed yarda, etc: most t this land ta In bay. One of the beet bers-aJna in the state For a few days III.OO.1.1A little over cost of lmorovements. LM0 acres, Kearney county. snO acres deeded and ew scnooi lease, lenrea. mim fenced, well, wtndmin and tank, fine pae ture land ; rents 1350.00 per year cash rent. Price. tS.tOOOO. RE 214 r t-ROOM house, on Capitol nve.. west of High school, south front, ret ls ior 4-".w ner mmith. X2.&0U. Two-story, 7-room houae, all modem, lot snxlao. nice snaoe trees, cioee 10 scnooi and St- oar. within easy walking dis tance to nostoflBoe. CbOO. Here Is a snap, two houeea, 1 eight and one 4 rooms. Close xo si. oar aa sen not. brings aa annual income of IJS2. This place will be sold thla week for the low Drice of tl.fcuO. A very nice t-room bouse, with furnace. paved street, WHO ail me special xaxes paid in full, cioee te school and at. care. aril! mil for one week for n.E."0. Lot Uxl40. south front, paving all paid for, within 10 minutes walking distance of postofflce, that will make a beautiful building lot for someone. The owner will eell for the next 4 da vs. Good t-room house with brick foundation. Including I acres SI ground, good writ, with Iron pump, and stable, chicken houae. i blocks to st car and school. (14011 t-room brick house In good condition, with 2 seres of ground, good wen, wun pump, within S blocks ef school and st. cars, Kl.SaO. I have also some very nice acres In Ben son and otber ptaoes at very 10 w prices that will surprise you. J. A. LOVGREK. 424 Paxton Blk. RE 3S1 t H.OBO.Oft -roora cottage, good repair. 2 Klnfira from oar. tiio.OO 4-room cottage, new roof, newly painted, I biocka from car. tnso .011 tv-room house, good place for dairy. tduti.00 S vacant lots. v ainut 11111. targe piece of ground, just the thing for a home. 22.aii0.0O 1GEx222 feet on K. Mth. at Locust street. Buy before street Is Improved, cut It Into lota and double your money. These prioes bare not been advanced. AH are bargains and can be bourn t on psr- . rial payments. G. E. TVRKINOT03. W6 Bee. RE-JQ9 warms ma sale. S acres well Improved In Sarpy county, all stood Jand and in cultivation, xaa.uu per Ma'ores fine bottom land, 2 miles from South Omaha. 2100.00 per acre. ISO aerea near Gretna, all under cultiva tion, rented for MR0 00 cash. Price, t.tno. 236 aerea fine farm land near Gretna, 252.s0 W0acres wen Improved, fine farm land, nme anlles aouth of South Omaha, 256.00 SoOacres well Improved, near Ashland, In Saunders Co. I.i00 per acre. 480 acres, well Improved. In Saunders Co.. with about 70 acres alfalfa and clover. Price. 246.00 per acre. 40 aerea, 190 under cultivation, balance hay land, rood Improvements, 2 miles K. E. Snaulding. in Greeley Co., Nstk, GEORGE 4k COMPANT. 1601 Farnam Ft. RE 11 t BIG BARGAIN IN FARM. 215,000 Improved farm of M0 acres In Burt county, adjoining town of Tekamah; 100 acres under cultivation, nearly all bot tom land, and so acres In fine bluegrass pasture, with shsde and running water. This Is a very fine farm for both grain and stock and is In the very garden spot of Nebraska, JOHN W. BOBBINS, ltOt FARNAM ST. RE 11S JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST.. TEL. 629. BARGAINS IN HOUSES. Ifi ino lB-r.. modern. Hanscom park. M.7S0 -r., modern, Mth and Farnam. S 4-r.O t-r.. modern, 2C2 North efnh St. t3.t50 -r modern, 4 blocks from court house. 2l.0"0 -r., modern, 2523 Maple at. II (t,m 7-r., modem. Hanscom park. 21OU0 7-r., north part, 2 lota ITHGe-r.. 28th St., north. Those properties are all cheap at the prices asked. Come In and let us show them to you. VACANT IOTS. 22.400-44x12, Mth and Farnam. tl. KW 75x140, east front, 2Kb St. tl.ltfO 4xl36. oor. Mth and Dodge. 11.760 40x127, cor. Hanscara place. tl.tnO--4Kxl3, fronting Turner park. 21 toxl&a, Mth eve. and Dodge. 60x12a. weet Farnam St. Ns trouble ta show property. Sea us for nartlcu is JOHN W. ROBBINS. IS FARNAM ST. RE 1M 2 J I ST OPENED TT. ArHlfs Isnd with perfect wster right In the famous valley of North Platte river from one of the most substantial canals out ef that everlasting stream. Lands are located near good R. R. towns, with all facilities of city life, such aa schools, churches and societies of all kinds. The lend Is perfectly level, soil Is black sandy loam and good clay subsoil. Water abun dant and near Omaha, as well aa the mountains for market of all kinds ef products. There la only a limited amount ef thla land left and therefore all thxt feel Interested In lsnd that will never suffer for want of rainfall should apply at once for further particulars as to lo cality, price and terma. This tract of land la )ust opened on for settlement and we expect te sell 10,000 scree In the next CO dsvs, and all products raised under Irrigation In western state and shipped tn and aold at h'gh prices wll from thla en be supplied by ear own farmers in cur own state of Ken., and proceeds therefrom left at borne. First come first served. Call or write to THE IiTrtRES LAND COMPANY. 424 Paxton Block, Omaha Neb. RE 2 CHEAP QUARTER IN SAUNDERS COUNTY. 2 east of Valparaiso. Fair improvements. 136 cultivated, bal ance bar and pasture. Price, 140 pr acre. PATNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. RE-4ab t leu RENT for K Improved, near York; salon giren. vnrisuan, torn. jteo. WANTED To buy frame or brick block, W., B W. or central at ta.OOO. HARRI SON MORTON, fell N. Y. Ufa RE-M102 12 TUKEY S SPECIAL BARGAINS. Lot an Dodge Bt. west of tath. Lot oa Burt St.. weet of 2tm. Lot on Orant at., west ef 2id. Lots tt and 17. block a. KlUr Plaoa. 4 acres and fairly good buildings Id Pundt Piaoa. A F. TUKEY A SON. 444-44i Board of Trade Bldg. KE Mlflt FORTY acres for rent la Douglas eouaty. tb minutes' walk from packing houses, ta South Omaha. M per acre. Mm K pottsr. reoeiver Omaha Loan and Trust l a Haia so, tuwsa ioca. , CHEAPER THAN RENTING. Three bouses ew S. 2th in, between Far nam and Dougiaa, t rooms each, modern, furnace and fireplace, aiily tXttw each, baif iaah. baiant t yeaxs. i par rent. gWthSeC, PaAlS SMH.S. U-Alaat rOR I ALE RF.1L EtTATC ALFALFA LANDS PAYN-E INVESTMENT COMPANY THE ALFALFA LAND MEN." FOR SALE FT E, A. Burnett, director of Nebraska Ex periment btation, sat-s: "If Nebraaaa had 6iiu acre I alfaila meadow for each acre noar mi ted it could lead the world as a live stock state, and every acre of this land would produce twioa aa much profit aa land ia corn." ALFALFA LANDS IN DAWSON COUKTT. lsV acres at No. Forty acres ready to aeed, balance nay. Mile from station. Iff) aerea at 111 71. No. 2KDC Part la al falfa: all cultivated; good buildings; all fenced. 2JD acres at tla-OS No. C10. Will cost tt per acre to put la alfalfa will then yield hJO p, C. lav acres at tit. M. No. 2Ot Mil from town; ten acres waste land; balance first-class. 100 acres at tlt-ta. No. 2900. Raised good corn last year; ready to be seeded te alfalfa; poor buildings. 230 acres st 117JL. No. 231, Level and some already tn alfalfa; all ready te M0 acree at til 00. No. 2964. Finest kind of alfalfa land, mostly ready to seed; fenced., 109 acres at 230 00. No. VM. Kot an sere waste; all ready to seed; In grain last year; no buildings. M0 acres at 220 00. j,o. SS7S. Well Improved and 18U acres ready for alfalfa; a fine farm, close to Lexington. ISO acres at ISO. 00. No. 2KI. Well fenced, small buildings, near town; no better aoll. mostly cultivated. 240 acres at 23.00. No. WW. Run-down buildings; nice creek; mostly ready te seed; fine place for an alfalfa feeding farm. 220 acres at ta to. Ko. S Well fenced, fair buildings, good ditch; part in al- falfr 100 acres pasture. 480 acres at 126.00 per acre. Ko. 2906. Soil Is the very finest; tenant cut t tona of alfalfa to the acre from 6 acres last year; well Improved. 160 seres at 136 Oil. No. ZKOt. Ko buildings; finest kind of soil, all under ditch, all cultivated. IN LINCOLN COUKTT. 240 acres at 116 00. No. W96. On north side of Platte river, I miles west of North Platte; aide track on land: Irrigated and level; should all be tn alfalfa. SEND FOR "ALFALFA FACTS" If you want to Join our next excursion west send In your name at once. PATKE INVESTMENT COMPANT. "THE ALFALFA LAND MEN." R 2M I IMPROVED farm. 20t acres. mils north Ls Platts. Sarpy county; easy terms; Slice, 155 an acre. Nason, Her Grand a tel. Omaha. Nan. RE M900 16 Wli I lAMQnN CHARLES E.. 1202 ' ( i arnam a tree RE-C79 FOR SALE Two houses, southeast corner f7th and K streets, South Omaha, tl.600; isth and U streets. South Omaha, large building, rents 130 per month, price tMA: corner i3J and P streets. South Omaha, I rooma a-.toa 22.000. W. T. Graham. Bea Bidg RE 922 t-RPOM. all modern bona. West Farnam; 'all east front, lot, pavement all paid; owner Just completed house and com- pelled te leave the city; must seU. IMOt. " HARRISON A MORTON. N. T. LIFE RE MS7t 9 A CHOICE home, built of pressed brick, -Interior beautifully finished, sonar mo saic tiled hall, porcelain bath, steam beat, barn, carriage house, shsde trees, large lot ta feei front; very fine residence loca tion; close In; this property cost the for mer owner over tl&.Ouu and can be aold at a decided bargain for cash- Wm. K. potter, receiver Omaha Loan and Trust Co.. 202 Brown Blk. KB Mill FOR SALE. MH-acre farm, five miles northeast of Council Bluffs. 256 per sere. Osborn A Roosa. Weston, Ia, RE M410 FAR Ml FOR REST. FARM for rent: good SO-exre farm. A. J. Plerson, tul N. 20th St. 146-9 FOWL aUEnv-HotsES, GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 2721 Ohio, 7 rooms J I K 2619 Marry, t-r., city water t.S9 2319 S. 30th, 4 rooms 4 08 M Patrick avo.. t ronm.. .... ceo 3ini Templeton, 2 rooms .................. 7.60 207 S. 'th. rooms t 00 H21 S. Mth. 4-T. (flat) too 2225 N. 2ih, t-r., city water 10.00 2423 Cuming, 4-1. tflat) 10.00 2Wi2K. 26th, 7-r., city water 10.00 Ml Mason, 6-4-., city water 11.00 1609 Corby, 4-r., city water 11.00 1214 S. 17th, 6-r., city water 12 00 611 N. lth, 4-T. (flat) 12 8 3616 74. litta ave.. s-r.. modern, barn: suitable for two families 208 XZlOCbarles. 10-r., moaern; convenient for two families 26.00 2fifi4 Harney, t-r., modern, brick a", no 22 Burt, 10-r.v modem 88.00 K6 S. list ave.. -r.. modern, barn 46.00 29th ave. and Harney; very desirable. NEW brick, t-r.. modern 60.00 GARVIN BROS 1604 FARNAM ST. D S96 2 FOR RENT, t-room bouse, dty water. U26 b. mtt st. xib. House of f large rooma, dty water, corner iwn sna rnerce. 14. JOHN W. BOBBINS, I80E FARNAM. D-3H1 2 PAYNE BOSTW ICK & CO. 20M B. Uth, t-r., dty water, cemented cel lar, n. 2821 Sprague st., t-r., dty water, fine yard, onlv 112. 4240 Maple, t-r.. well, barn, chicken house, 1 lots, a snap at fa. 134 S. 17th st I rooma, modern, dose In. ws. tot S. ITth St., fine t-r. all modern home, dellrhtful neighborhood, 236. 1U1 S. 2m h av., k-r. all modern, 2 lota, re cucea to an. 2609 Wool worth ave., lt-T. all modern, only 41. Bee our list before you move. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO.. (Bucceesoes to Henry B. Payne.) tt'1-1 N. T. LIFE 'PHONE. 101 D-SS8 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. 2407 Decatur St., t-r., wsll, tfc.0ii. 2817-21 Iewey ave, 2 and 4-r. brick flats, modern. tW 00. 111 Jackaon St., 4V-r. rear bouss, 11008. 2616 K. lath St., 4-r. modern, good repair, tlS 60. 720 N. 2td St., t-r. mod. ex. fur., Hf 00. 2m2 K. lbth st.. t-r. mod. ex. fur.. 12fi 00, 712 Park ave., 6-r.. all modern, MOuO PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. TeL 17U. Main Fir., N. T. Life BMg. D tea t I WILL build for desirable party an t-room modem, attractive bouse N. E. oor. Ssnm and Cuming; rental (16 per mo. V a, Bee. D ii I S MAPLE St., t-room houae. 230. 2tf3 Harney St.. I rooma. lis. JOHN N. FREKZER, OPP. OLD P. O. D t 2 HOUSES TO LET. 121 Blnney, t rooma, modern. 23i North jxrh Ave., t rooms, dty water, tiit North lfevh. 9 rooms, modern. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1& Farnam St. D ia FOR RENT, T-room thoroughly modern house at Ko. til South list Av . front ing Turner Park; very deslrabls bouse and neighborhood; present occupant will give Immediate poesession and will sell carpets and shades If desired. Apply st tbs house or te John W. Bobbins. lMh and Farnam Sts. . D Mk 9 10-R MODERN, 2ai Woolworth av . 130 90. t-r. modara and barn, kn27 Seward. tX.K. t-r. mooem, k22 I'avrnuort, 12:50, t-r. mrxlern. 3U4 Hamilton. tJO 4t 6-r, cliv water, 3kA Pierce, tlt.08 t-r. modern and bam, 3U0 Parker, til 00. t-r. modern. JbM Burdette, 1.6 W). t-r.. city water, 4Jnt K. Mth. litt 6-r, well. Ml Mason, m . 6-r.. well, 4C47 Decatur, 17.00. t-r., city and datern, 2&3 FrankUa, tS.&a. t-r.. welL S110 Maple. 46 08. F. It. WEAL, 1624 Dourlxs D-17t 9 KEW t-room boose oa ear line, modern, reasonable ts right paruea. Inquire at lu K. 17th St. D 2ut 10 FOR RENT, two t-room nata. modrm; lt-room house, Uth arid Dodgs; am all cot tage, Vinton and 15" h. THE PUTNAM CO., kH-t K. T. Llfs Bldg. D 2u t FIVE unfurnished rooma. all snodera and nrst-ciasa. H24 Miami tit. D Ci4 FOR RL4VT. 1-rosm heuee, bath and gaa. r ics laixe lot. I. J Calitomia St. Atyiy tuuis tnw'TS 4k stMat btk e Ati FOR RKT HOI tCt, R. C PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bet BuilJinft. Rental Department. MO Clt 8, Let., mooern, I rooms. Mv 'it Parihc modem, 14 rooms. H B xwth, moaern. rooms. i'107 Plcktiey ai . modern. rooms. .' Kilt So. Mtx. modem. Iv ruoma. ll bhlriey st , mooern. t rooma J !" Pinkney St., mxitrn, J rooms. .tt 6 ti'th st., modern. I roms i7 Martha St., mooern. 6 rooms. Is-lW llnkrtey st, modem. 9 rooms, t. SiJU Spencer al, modem, rooma. 4'Sr- beward St., modern, rooms, tit 2JJV N. iith. modern, I rooma. U. lfii N. iih. modem. 7 rooma. lo 2K3 Castelsr. city water, 6 rooma to 4xm K. 27th, well, 1 room And others to be listed this wetk. D Ml FOR RENT, t-room detached modern house and barn, Ittl Pierce. D Mt 9 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; offlo 1mU 1 arnam. or Teia. lbos-ass. D 617 HOI IF ,n P" of c,,r- The o. 11UUJLJ jr. i,vai Co., Sol Bee Bldg. D 4u SIX-ROOM modern flat, 1011 Pacific street. kDarm naniey. a Mi4i r HOUSES and flats. Bingwalt. Barker block. D sit EIGHT-ROOM, modem, except furnace, 221 G. M. Nattlnger. Bee Bldg. Phone 44. HOUSES, eta F. D. Weed, 1634 Douglas. D a HOUSES, stores. Bemia, Paxtoa block, D t PATKE. BOSTWICK A CO, (01 N. T. Ufa. i MODERN 4-room flat. Tlsard. 230 N. fad SU D M722 21 VANS and baggage wagons Tel. 111 D Moot FOR RENT, a boat April L good modern house, good tarn, splendid condition. Kountse Place, A&.60 per month. Address U 44, Be. D AIM iv FOR RENT. 3611 N. 17th St.. tit; large 2- story moaern bouse of s rooms, also barn. The Omaha Realty Co., UUi Dougiaa St, upeuura. FOUR rooma and bath, all modern, fine lo cation, family, reasonable. vit Ma son, d sta r FOR RENT, April L 1021 So. toth Ave,, 10- roora. mooem nncx, nardwood Jinlsh, first-claas all throughout. Address W. D. Mead. Jr.. York. Neb. D 236 9 CHEAP, shop 22x40. with basement, H block fmm court house; also -r. house, loaf S. 20th, tit. Ed O. Hamilton. 211 S. 17th st. D M197 U BltlKEtt CHA1CEI. TXLLAR8 AND HORSE SENSE" Wa never employ agents or pay commis sions. Our buamess Is strictly co-operative, and as wa unoerstana oo-operauon all inter ested should share alike. Why should some other person receive a commission on your Investment? Concerns that re sort te this method of securing business are genet ally short-lived, grab all there la In sight and go out of business, probably to open up later under a different name. We hare ample evidence to substantiate this statement. Ko misrepresentation in any respect, do everything we claim, everybody Interested shares alike Our booklet. DOLLARS AND HORSE SENSE," will tell oa how we do It, and the ex tensive referenos list accompanying It will veryfy our claim that your money earns an average weekly profit of t per cent and the Investment is alwavs sub ject to your control. Twenty years of experience and two years under the pres ent co-operative plan, with a record sec ond to none, is the evidence we have to offer. Legitimate financial agencies re port on us, and to this we will add the endorsement of two national bauiks and an extensive list of customers. W. W. O'Hara, lllo and 1121 Union Trust Bldg.. Cincinnati, O, T 191 9 13 PER CENT Investment. -, en vuys i wo s-room ooiiBerea, rooo ",5 era except furnaoe; tia monthly rental: continually occupied; fine location, 17th St., 10 blocks north pos toffies; owner desires to go to California for health Im mediately; offer withdrawn If not sold by ja.rn.iuu is. J. H. JOHNSON, N. T. LIFE. Y 188 TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams. Room 411, McCague building. Y-674 WHEN yon want te buy, sell or exchange your business er property quirk communi cate with one who has ths customers. J. H. Johnson, 642 N. Y. Ufa. 'Phone L-2270. Y 4i?t BOOTS and Shoes. 22.000 stock stanle rooa.- will consider good land for aame. Submit oner 4. u. jouiiaon, I, x. Life. T MS49 FOR BALE or trade, my entire livery stock, at a bargain. Address W. C. Utter back, Ogden Livery, Council Bluff a Y Mist FOR SALE.- millinery store doing good business; also good hotel for Bale tor lease to right partyi. both good locations in K. E. Nebraska. Call or writa 14 N T. Life building, Omaha. Y U4 A KEW stock of general merchandise, lo cated In one of the best towua tn north eastern Kebrsska, for aal. no trades. Ad dress U 62. Bee. Y MT4t GOOD laundry outfit; steam drying room. 2 latest improved hand washing machines with steam oonneciion; 4 wash tuba, ta blea, ringers, gas ironing stoves, hot water tank and heater; will sell together or separate. Apply to M. J. Franck. Mid land notsl. X M146 9 WE HAVE 16 miles good scraper and rrader work. Great Western to sub-let. This la the choice work on the line. Wlckham, Bowman A Co, or E A Wlckham. Council Bluffs. T M144 13 FOR SALE, two matured co-operative con tracts, call on "M. at Windsor hotel. Y M16k 9 A SMALL Investment made through na win pay you a rasa weekly income. greater every week than a whole year's i . i . . w . vn i m mg niivuui lu pail. Will commence to earn thla at once and continue to do so until you withdraw your money. Ko gambling schuna or speculstion, but by means of a legitimate licensed business. Address E. J. Arnold A Co., 2th and Pins streets, St. Louis. Mo. Y- rLOURINO MILL. 76-bbl. capacity, fully equipped, doing good business; an t-room residence, -ariety of fruit, barns, cattle sheds; IS acres choice land, completely fenced for feeding cattle; located in Ne braska, fine BMCtlon of state; good oppor tunity for making money; mlirht consider rood land worth te.twu. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y Mk AN INCOME of 21.000 per year can be se cured by anyone srno will tska the trou ble to Investigate our plans; no gold mine or gambling scheme; aim pie, straightfor ward business proposition of unusual merit. The Jumlapa Co., 614-416 Fullenon Building, St. Louia. Mo. Y A DIVIDEND paling bualness proposition: Ws deslr a good representative In every dty tn the V S to sell stock of a Cal Iturnla Electric Power and Mlnlnc com pany. This Is tha must profitable Invest ment siocs ever onerea tne public. it has three distinct dividend paying fea tures, all combined In the one Invest ment, ri 111 pay a liberal commission, f ur nifch all required advertising matter and highest bank snd commercial references Roanoke Invest met, t Co., Marquette biog.. Chicago. 111. X GROCERY STOCK, first-class, fine loea tion. in city; daily Bales. 1100. Invoice snout t.. owner wtabes to retire; will discount 16 per cent for spot cash. A rare opportunity. J. H. Johnson, N. T. Llfs. T MEO 10 AN ENERGETIC man with good bualness qualifications oan secure managerial po aiuon with Ohio corporation capitalised for 5b.u': muet eotue well recommended and be able to tak stock in during term of engagement, from tl.tMt te a.waj; same te oe taken up at expiration of agreement, Thla eumnanv ia cHmiA ef the representative business mea of Columbus. Salary, tl.suo. snd liberal com mission. Addrees Howard D. Ktli.ii. boo- rwutry. opuar siag., Columbus. Ohio. Y MT CIGAR, ton nee. lunch counter and pool room, at Mth and Ames Ave,, one of the beet business location to the city; party wants to leave city; will be sold at a bargain. Ja. a. Uuibroos, J Ova t IU1IEII CHAKCEt, morpRTT free nfTered you: Southern I'aiuiic railroad traverses famous Bmj mont (Ml district. Writ for plat, map, sppllcauon blank. Address Texas Colo buuitien Co., Deed ItpL, Chicago. Isi! r &akb.rt gooos ana confectionary stand, living room in rear; splendid location; cusinees gioa, -. wm puy it. J 11. Johnson, IV. i. ui. T-MM7 SICCESS IN SPECUIATION. Largw profits can now be mad la stocks and gratn oo small investments by our sate sistem.isend for our book: "Modem Methods for Safe Inveatmenta. and our special letters of advice free. M. B. t los er A Cc, Bankers snd Brokers, Chi cago Btovk Exchatigs Bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE or Exchange. 60-bbl. roller fiourlng mill tn Kanaas wheat belt; large territory. Address V lu. Bee. Y ZZK t WANTED, men of good address to talk up attractive, reliable, financial proposition, to lnveators of mode rat means. pere time or full time. George Sanborn, Sec Tm D. 6. Morgan Bldg, Buffalo, N. I. FOR SALE or Trade, bowling alley. A. i-iigie. jr., unawa. ia. 24s u- AN Infallible method of eoe rating la stocks, grain and cotton. For particu lars address Am. Finance Co, Provident bldg.. Philadelphia. Pa. T 3v7 9- FINE family hotel, fine neighborhood, rent 2160, and furniture for sale. l"'; part time. Williams, 41L McCague bidg. Y-30t 9 ROOMING houses and boarding bouse for rent, with furniture for sale. Renta. 126, tab, M". tin. tt' and 270; priors of fur niture, tola. t,K). now and up. Williams, room 411 McCague bldg. Y S 9 FINE business for sale, clearing over t;io per mor th. See Wllllama, ruom 41L McCague bldg. T-204 9 GENERAL merchandise, stores for sale: rood towns. ti.MM, t:,m. ts.etn. tn.ono and :,000. Wllllama. 4U McCague bldg. T d 9 COUKTRT newspapers for sale. 2750, 21.009 and tZ.600. WUiuuna, 411 MoCague bldg, T 302 9 MEAT market for sale, tt,6o. Receipts average tlio a day. See Wllllama. 411 McCague bldg. Y-al 9 HOTELS for sale, some good ones, all sixes, in Omaha, and good country town a. See Wliiiama, 411 AlrCaa-ue bldg. Y 206 9 WANTED at once, live man. with 22.000. to take charge of new tnwnslte on new eieo trie railroad between Creston snd V Intel-set. Ia, Lyman Waterman. Bee. 1 8s r 20 PER cent average monthly profit, each share. Dividends paid semi-monthly. Shares. Co each. Money returned at any time If not satisfsctory. Rend for circu lar. Whits ft Co., 4tff Beard building. New York City. (Mention paper). T-B7 f FOR SALE, stock of dry goods and shoes win go for 70c ir sold quica. tt. a. r-isv, 121 N. 14th nt, Ltnooln, Neb. Y INVESTORS for absolute aafety, profits and a permanent Income, invest your money in the preferred stock of the Amer ican Stock Co.. inc.. drawing 12 per cent cumulative dividends annually. A limited number of shares offered st par. tl per share. The common stock of this company is the beet purchase on the market. It will advance far above Far In less than a year. Now offered or public subscription at ISO a share, rar value 100. It will vT you te write mmedlntely for full particulars of this unprecedented opportunity to secure profits and regular dividends. No uncer tainty. American Stock Co. fine.). Nae-aau-Beekman Bldg., New Tork. T KT 9 HOW 2100 averages 230 monthly profit. If you' are looking far a epeculative, sound and very profitsble Inveetment eend for particulars snowing how we make average t: monthly In a carefully tested and thoroughly proven investment, Ns sensible Investor can afford to overlook this opportunity, ss It Is the most suc cessful money-maXIng proposition ever offered. Highly Indorsed by all. Ry mond A Co, 93-96 Nassau st, Kew Tork. Y 2S RESTAURANT, ons of the finest In tha city, doing elegant buelness; best location, first-class furnlturs and fixtures; for s.e reasonable. Owner going east. J . H. Johnson. K. T. Life. T ttt 1 PAID M20.15 In ciL.-h on every account of tiu Invested with ua from August 1. 111, to February 28. 1002. tncluelve. Smaller acoounta earned proportionately. Dividends paid promptly every two weeks. Send for booklet and official reports showing you how you can double your money every elx months. Write us at once and be In receipt of a constant in come. American Clock Co. (Inc.), Nas-san-Beekman Bldg., New Tork. U. 8. A, Y 229 9 AN .Investment of 250 averages 20 per cent monthly; no chance of loss; full Informs tion sent showing how to maks Idle capital earn a g d Income; profits pstd semi-monthly. Stewart E. Jackaon, Downing Bldg, New York. Y276 9 MONET MAKES MONET. If it Is little money it makes big money, and if big money It makes much larger lu proportion. If you want to know how positively this is done, you csn have proof of this fact in such a way that you must be convinced when you see tt be fore your eyes, for every week in the fear, as we will ahow you, if you cars or this positive evidence. No railroad stocks, bonds or grain sreculatlon. Thla proof brtnrs with It Interesting Informa tion In reference how to make this money which you should reoei.'q without delay. Write for parties lers at once. AL. FETZEK ft CO, HAMMOND, I NT). Y 271 9" 7-ROOM flat well furnished; good location; roomers only. Owner going sway. Sell cheap. J. H. Johnson, K. Y. Life. T-MMt 19 140 MONTHLY on 2100 Investment; absn, lutelv reliable; payable weekly; free book let. Hens hall, ii runner, KM Brosda-sy, N. T. City. Y 206 9 Attention Farmers CTo4re St acres Improved, 1H mile front Gretna, Sarpy county, Neb, for 96,000 If taken quick- J. H. Johnson, K. Y. Llfs. Y MM! 10 2at INVESTED In our company pays big weekly dividends. Send for montMv statement showing how SaV earned MO. Sevmour Coles ft Co, St James Bldg, Kew York City. T WANTED, a party that will take tt.out stock in a grain and commission business being organised with a capital of 1 J. Duo; party can havs position In company if so desired. George F. Abbott, 116 S lfith su T 360 260 PROFIT on 2100 Investments. Profits, semi-monthly. Bend for free booklet. Davenport ft Co., World bldg, Kew York, Y-S66 9 (26 INVESTED with us returned over 2209 net profit In 20 days. Legitlmste specula tive proposition. References. Send porta for circular. Reliable Information Co, 117 Nassau St, New Tork. Y 264 f SPECULATORS, an immediate Investment in dividend paying Indaetrial and certain railroad stock, which we have Informa tion on, will return you Immense profits. l Communicate with us immediately. Tour suocess makes ours. A J Brsdlnh ft Co, Bsnksrs and Brokers, Rlaito Bldg . Chi cago. Y 9 INVESTORS WHO HAVE tS . or upward. Icveatlmis this; 26 to 40 per cent ssrued monthly, with ns chanoe of losing the original inveetment ; Interesting booklet and statement sent free, shswlng how to make your Idle capital earn a food income; dividends paid Weekly; ighest references. Ienver Ce-enerstivs; Investment association, Exchangs bldg, Denver. Colo. Y-2J FOR SALE, stock of genera) merchandise Invoice U SOU. .Will sell or rent building before April L W. K. Hedge. Orson, la. Y-0 9 FURNITURE of IS-room brick flat finely equipped; first-class roomers: no better hxatlon ; profitable proposition J. H. Johnson, K. Y. Life. Y MM4 14 INVESTORS of moderats means should learn of our large, weekly, dividend-pay. li.g propoaitlon. vouched for by esnert euna, capttsj and buelueas standing. Seed fur booklet. Rnxdaie btock Association, Commercial building. St Loola, Mo. . T-2R GOOD paying restaurant for sale; good rasa- , sua tut soilLnS. A. lMKk. Boon, la ' X-sJtXJ" J I