Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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erlll bo takes, til 11 m. for tfc
veals ssllloa Btll no . sa.
tor aaoralagr edltls.
Rates, 1 wor4 Sret taserrtoa,
la a wtil thereafter. Notblag takes
far less thai ana far th Srst laser
tloa. These ad vertleessea ts aaast ka
raa eeeatl vely.
Advertisers, ay rea.aostlaT a
Veres cheek, caa kara ana ware ad
dressee, la a aambcraa letter la cara
at Tba Baa. Aaswers aa addre.eed will
akaak only.
WANTED, a position by young man, High
achool education, (air knowledge of
bookkeeping and touch typewriting; high
wagee not expected at first. Address
Box 1238, Leinare, la. A M164 9
YOUNG man would like steady employ
ment; good hand with stock. V JO. bee.
A 177 Id
POSITION wanUd by all-round baker, city
or country. Auurt ium.a, v...-
street. A-Mlte lo
MAN with 10 year experience in millinery,
furnishing and fancy gooda. V 26, Bee.
A irt7 9
OOOD messenger wanted; Increaaed pay.
A. P. T. Co., xU South Ulh. B alt
STEADY work, profltabls work, for neat,
energetlo nuaUara, C. Jr. Auauta co., IJH
Hoaxd. B-4V16
If you live lu tue country or In a email
town and have a good acquaintance
among the farmer and atoo raiser In
toe neighborhood you caa make to eaaliy
by lour or five hour' work. Write aa
and wa will aer.d you our proposition.
The bee Publishing Co., solicitor' Dpt.,
Omaha, Nab. B Mil
WANTED, a good man lu every county to
taa auDacr.ptiona (or the Tweuueth
Century farmer. Our agent mas: good
wages everywhere. Kiieuoes required.
Adareaa, twentieth century termer,
Omaha. Neb.
WANTED, electrotype finisher. Great
Western Type souuury, oniaua. Neo.
. B M723
UP-TO-DATE aolicltor can make $100 per
month In Omaha, call at fS i-iton bin.
B Mmttt
STEADY work, profitable work, for neat,
energetic hue iter. C F. Adam Co.. 1619
Howard. B-3W
WANTED, two or three men to work from
our wagon; ateady work and good pay,
C F. Adam Co.. 1619 Howard St.
B M928
WANTED, (our well dressed men, that are
willing to work and want to make at
least llOO.OO per month. Inquire Geo. T.
Hall. 210 Bee building. B 040 10
THE Moler Barber College, 1629 Farnam
St., want men to learn barber trade and
1 offering special lnduoementa now
whereby anyone can earn scholarship,
board, toola and transportation If de
sired; great demand (or graduate during
aprlng rush; all the advantages of steady
Dractice. exuert Instructions given until
competent; two months average term; we
.Offer Inducementa that cannot be had
elsewhere; do not be deceived by cheap
to a hope called college, who ask you to
pay them (or waning on tneir tew cua
tomere; thl trade I worth learning right.
Call or write today. B MiOS 11
WANTED, reg. drug clerk at onee. Ad
dress Toder at Munford, Wymore, Neb.
TRAVELINO salesmen and advertiser;
alary or no deal. Triumph Co., Dallaa,
Texas. B M166 M
WANTED, thoroughly experienced . silk
w salesman and dres good salesman. Ap
ply J. 1 Brandela Hon, Boston store.
B M.166 10
FREPARB for clr. (err. exam.; bk-kp.,
eto. k. U, com. xoau tin. KatnDun.
WANTED, good atrong boy. Call at Omaha
Mew co., utn ana uavenpurt.
B 178 I
WANTED, a boy with a horse to deliver
The Evening Bee, north aide. Call at
circulation dept., J oraw, p. m.
WANTED, good business man In each crln
clpal cTTy to conduct cash business; guar
anteed by local bank; big return; honor
able and legitimate; must (urnlsh good
reference and (tMO cash. Address 1 R. ii.,
f. u. dox list, cmcinnau. u. a
EDUCATED people who need an Income
address Proofreader, Box 1534, Philadel
phia. B
WANTED, clerks, stenographers, mechan
ics; ail Kinds ot neip. write to Boutn
western Mining. Real Estate and Km
ployment Agency,- P. O. Box 714, El Paao,
lex. ti
WANTED, manager for branch office, sal
ary, 11.H00 yearly, man with 16,000 pre
ferred. Address, Treasurer, 203-7 Secur
ity Duuaing, cnicago. u
W. r. btimpson Co., Mfr., Detroit. Mich.
BRIGHT man or woman wanted to rerj-
resent u In hi or her locality. Buaineat
high-grade and profitable. No capital re
quired. Address (or particulars. The
burague Publishing Company. 7th floor,
aaajeatio Duuuing, Detroit, Mien. tt
are and how obtained; full particular a
to salaries, dates, places of examinations
to be held aoon in every state, etc., mailed
free. Write (or Circular 161. National
Correspondence Institute, Washington,
WANTED, salesman (or silks. Areas roods
linen, domeatlce. dothlna and hats and
oap. Apply Tuesday evening from 7:80
Bt. entrance. B 242 I
WANTED, traveling man over 21 for Ne
braska to advertise and collect; 1900 01
year to start, and all expenses, for old
established house. - Address Manufac
turer, g canton Bid-., Chicago.
, B-Ol
MECHANICS qualified for advancement
our free booklet. "Are Your Handa lied 7'
tell how thousands have doubled or
largely Increased their earning capacity
through our spare time tnetructlun by
mall. Write to the International Corre-
' epondenca schools, Box lens, Soranton
Fa., or call day or evening. Omaha ooVe,
til rtxiao diock. j uA V
WANTED, two flrst-clasa coatmakcr. 8
Frltuh. Beatrice. Neb. B 247 9
WANTED, blacksmith; good all-round
man; munt be strictly temperate. Addree
Air. . . pease, juiuau, ia.
B M f
man to sell the product of our factory
to retail trade. Must fumlnh best refer-
A . . 1 I Xi V - . . i i
ClUcago. B-2U
TRUSTWORTHY man to travel and col
loot for manufacturer. Salary, s0 per
monin auu expenses. uooa rouie.
Chance (or advanevment. Kncloee ad'
dressed envelope. Smith, mgr., K4 Dear-
Boru, kuicsgo. a ju r
ACTIVE Catholic to work at home. $M
paid (or 13 day' trial. Permanent If
satisfactory. Address John jLiigwau,
LAkeeia building, Chicago. B 212
211 WEKLY for cODVInx letter home
either sex. Send 2-cent stamp for par-
. tlculare. Eagle Supply company, U
Dearborn street, Chicago. B 211 ff
FREE electrical outfit riven to our atu
dent. W teach electricity at home by
corrveponaenoe, can neip you gain i
belter ealary and position. Thomaa A
Edison endorses Institute. Write (or
special offer Electrical Engineer Insil
tuie, new xorx. a
SALESMEN wanted, drug and liquor line.
City or country. Cha. WlUUraa. ,J
. Cuming. B 198
YOUNG mea with natural talent for draw
ing to learn newspaper Illustrating from
famous artist bv.niall; free Iwaeon cir
cular. School of Caricature, to World
Building. New York. B 279 r
PETECTIVE8. every locality, good salary,
eximrleno uoueoriuMry. lntema'toaal De
tective Agoucy, Milwaukee, Wl
U TO 9
. WANTED, an experlenoed bar glaaeware
alremun; give a so, reference, how long
employed by last employer and salary
expected, li. 1. lacjr Co., Karma
WANTED, good U 'round printer at otir.
linn wno can aa ail clause or worn.
Must ha a No. 1 ai and Job man. No
um (or boosers. gtmdy Job to right
man. Writ a Randall MrK, Sidney,
la. B M876 10
ABE) you dissatisfied with your work? Our
tree bonmet Are lour Mno iiwi
tells how wa hare qualified thousands
In apara tlma (or salaried poult I on a In
mora congenial and profitable llnea of
work. Write International Correspond
ence Schools, box 166 F, Scranton, Fa.,
or call day or evening. Omaha office,
6.17 Tax ton block. B 226 9
$25.00 TO la what you can earn writ
ing ana. wa teacn It thoroughly by man.
Employed graduate testify to our thor
ough system. Bend 4c (or prospectus.
Page-Davis Co., Chicago or New York.
b 22$ 9
MANAGER wanted, every large county.
Game o kiu nlckei aiot macnine ror
drinks or rlerars; atrlctly lawful; takea
place of forbidden alot machine, thereby
filling a long felt want, Rented or sold
on eaav payments. Bella at sight. Julea
Webater Desk Co., Chicago, III.
B-m V
WANTED, lx artlve men, good appear
ance, fair writers, two wno taiK Herman,
take order fruit and ornamental tree,
need and shrubbery; world largest nur
series: outfit free: cah weekly. Call or
write Manager, 21( 8. 2uth at., Omaha.
B M394 f
WANTED, flrst-claa man, some experi
ence, eeiywhlte lead, house. Dam, rooting,
floor, bridge paint; different grade lu
bricating. Unseed, fish, harness, castor,
lard oils, turpentine, Tarnish, polish,
f reas, petroleum, putty; one largest lines
n country; sell trade large consumer
commission. Sea or write Manager, 21$
S. 20th t. B M3&4
WANTED Everywhere huatlera to tack
signs, ammouie nrcumn, emmjiiw, nc,
no canvassing, good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B 272 9
WANTED Painter at St. Louis for
World fair work; $3 per day, 8 houra.
B 171 22
WANTED An active man to sell oil
atocka; nig commission ana legitimate
propositions; great excitement In Colo
rado. Addrews the Martin A Owen Brok
erage Co., 838, 17th St., Denver, Colo.
B-268 9
$9 to $15 WEBK.LT working for us at home;
no canvassing: If now employed, an hour
or two evening will add $5 to $6 to your
weekly Income. Inclose stamp. Work
mailed on application. Address 20th Cen
tury Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. B 800 8
SALESMEN wanted, to call on doctor
only on Denair or tne leading nrm in
business; also one for central portion of
state. Established trade. Position per
manent. Applicant mutt be Intelligent
and indefatigable. StMe experience. Ad
dree P. O. boa 638, Philadelphia.
B 292
ENERGETIC worker to distribute circu
lar and sample; permanent occupation;
Sood pay. Distributer League. 49 Weet
Ith St., New York. B 889 V
WANTED, young man, traveling position.
experience unnecessary: salary, stxi monin
and expense. Plough-William Co.. Man
hattan Bid-., Chicago. B 285 t
SALESMEN to sell toilet aoap to dealers;
$100 per month salary and expenses; ex-
r?rlence unnecessary. Lou la Ernst Co.,
t. Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN to sell bank check protector;
en to store and omcea; remarxaoie
novelty; sample 26c Terry Mfg. Co., To
ledo, O.
SALESMAN, by long: established manufac
turer or flavoring extracts, spice, baking
powder; give full experience ; w offer to
hard worker good salary. Box 617, Chi
cago, 111. -& V
SALESMEN wanted by 'responsible house,
two experienced grocery or specialty
salesmen for Nebraska and Iowa. Posi
tion permanent. Excellent tine. Trade
well established. Men worth $260 per
month and expenses write, with refer
ence. Address V U, Bee. 377 9
SELL $1,000 accident Insurance for $1 a
year; excellent sine line. Also general
agents. Investigate. German Registry
Co., St. Louis, Mo, ' , -VA '
aumauffM .... tA ..... i
bonansa for agent. Perahlng Mfg. Co.,
South Band, Ind.
WANTED,- will accept a limited number
or salesmen, new pian, large commis
sions. Advancement. Push and energy
count. Chicago Fir Appliance company,
Holyok. Maaw. 221
TRAVELING salesman, wide awake and
enerceuo. to sen all classes or retail
trade an exceedingly attractive propo
sition, very scu&di line, urerai lnauce
ments, previous experience not easqntlai.
Box 384, Detroit, Mich. 332 r
SALESMEN making less than 28.00 dally
write quick. Dig prop ution. More man
doublo your money, Exoluslve territory,
experience unnecessary, new plan. Qen'l
Atlas of World. 80 new, accurate maps,
244 page 104x14 In., 200 Illustration. All
countries. 1U00 census. Retail price,
$2.60. Complete Atlas, prepaid, $1-00. Rand,
MCNauiy & Co., Chicago, in.
WANTED, flret-cla. experienced sale
ladle in millinery department, j. 1
Brandel Hon, Boston btore.
WANTED, flrst-clas and thoroughly ex-
penencea rurnieming goons salesman; no
otner neea appiy. j. 1 wranaei eon,
Boston Btore.
SALESMEN for all llnea of business (splen
did slue line), to sen our caienaars, loo
different styiea, newest, latest patterns,
Just the things customer want: we pay
the largest commlaatona. Many of our
men give their entire time to our line and
make from $76 ta $12S every week; guar
anteed best side line ever offered; write
promptly with reference. Commissions
paid promptly, American Novelty Co.,
Cincinnati, u. zw
WANTED, by old established house, ex
penenced traveling salesman Tor Ne-
. braska; must have flrst-clasa credential
and give bond; none other need apply
Box 614, Chicago. 4
WANTED, traveler of experience and
. xnown aDinty to nil vacancy in Neo. No
novice need apply. Jeaa It. Smith Co.,
uetroit. Mien. jkh it
SALESMEN wanted, bright, active young
men investigate; experience unnecesaary.
special line to ary goons traae; perma
nent position. Pari Mfg. and Impt. Co,
St. Louis. Mo. 27$
WANTED, two young lady students to
learn balrdresslng, manlcurftig and chi
ropody and sclentlflo massage. Call or
writ noom uu, jee siag. u es
WANTED at once, girl for general house
work; aiuet know cow to do plain cook
ing, call at zm caiaweu eu c au;
WANTED woman for general housework.
lawuy or iwo. caiuire tut .n. vtn si.
C 71$
WANTED, four Intelllaent and well edu.
cated business women. The right parties
can maxe at least eiou.w per muntn. in
Qulr ueorg 1. Hall, uo He building.
' C 041 U
WANTED. Neat and capable woman for
general housework; must b good eook
ana launarese. nw rarasr w anj
WANTED, at one, capable tailor: good
wagea. aire, a, i. aiara, mu ana uoug
la e i reel. j M4
WE WANT young ladle at once to learn
halrdreeelng. manicuring nd facial mae
age; spleudld demand (or graduate; tLI
to 116 weekly paid; steady practice, ex
pert Inetructlona, etc.; only four weeks
reuuireu. iai or writ tor particular,
alwier college, lu f aruot (St.
C M106 U
NURSES' College. Pueblo, Colo.; three
months' course; diploma; next terra
open April i. w ni. C M124 19
WANTED, lady with experience la chattel
and aalary loan. Stat experience and
ealary expected: also where and when an
Interview can be had; good pay to right
party; strictly confidential. Anawer V 14.
ie. nut r
WANTED, a good girl for general hou.
work- Inquire 114 N. Ud St. C M1M lu
WANTED, a good girl for general house-
wura, wu nave. Mviuiwn D i
C 171
LADIES wanted to do embroidery and
riattanberg at their honwe; steady work.
cnicago .ronet i e., cnicago. lu. t.
EDl'CATED people Who aaed an Income
addreaa ProoXxeadar. Box iami. PalUdel-
WILL do flrst-clasa dressmaking for thirty
h nait priri id imrouuce wore,
open evening. 142S N. lub St.
C-171 t
HOME work, $ monthly copying letter,
euner sex. nena I stamp ror rartictunr.
Hicks' Supply Co., 60,7 Haleted St., Chi
cago. - C 212
LADIEH, something new making sofa pil
lows at home; 17 to lit weekly: materials
lurnisnen, no canvassing, stesay employ
ment; send stamped, soilreesed envelop.
Household Mfg. Co., Erie St., Chicago.
c a
LADIES to do piecework at thetr homes;
we tumisn an materiaj ana pay rrom (
to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royal Co., 24 Monro St., Chicago, III.
C 20 f
STEADY home work for ladle; no can
vassing; no deposit required; no wortn
lesa outfit to buv. Send stamped envel
ope to Dickey Mfg. Co., Dickey Building,
Chicago, 11U C 234
LADIES te do plain needle work for u at
nome; we lurnisn materials ana pay (
to $10 per week. Send stamped envelope
to Standard Co.. Indiana Ave., Chicago,
III. i C 262 9
MEN and women to do copying at home;
io to in weekly working evenings; no
canvassing; enclose stamp. King Mfg.
Co., Uulncy t., Chicago. C 210 9
LADIES copy letter at home, $4 to $1 per
weex. uena siampea envelope lor appli
cation. Monarch Supply Co., Dept. 92,
Chicago, C-208 9
WANT a good girl for general housework.
Best of wages paid. INo waaning. call
at 4018 Farnam at. C (72 t
OIRL for general housework In family of
three. 666 s. Zatn u c Mas 10
WOMEN to do patch work at home. $1
per luu: also darning; no sewing macnine
required; send addressed reply envelope
ror sample ana particular, k. w. uut
ton, Dept. S., Philadelphia, Pa.
C 837 9
WANTED, two ladle, neat address, take
order In city for ornamental shrub,
vines, bulbs, choice plant, flower and
seeds; 3u0 acre roses; every one with
home plant something; sample free;
cash weekly. Address V 9, Bee.
C-MS94 I
$6 to $12 ealary guaranteed per week to
men and women desiring pleasant nome
work. Experience unnecessary. Inclose
stamp for full Instructions, etc. Address
th Century Co., Toledo, O. C 15
MILLINERS, flrst-clas maker and pre
parers, also apprentice. Joyce, i4
Douglas St. C -830 t
A MIDDLE-AGED lady for general house
work and care of family (or widower. A.
A. Sander, Silver Creek, Neb.
C 326 11
WANTED Intelligent ladle to Introduce
Progressive Chautauqua Bible and Nat
ural Hlatorv Parda. aJaA lflrilea and ran-
Vlemen to appoint representatives; ex
penses and $10 per week; experience un
necessary. M. Q. Fay, General Delivery.
C 262 9
WANTED, girl or middle-aged woman to
BMlBl Willi Rrnviii uvmgww IL, nv wneii-
lng. 1322 8. 6th sU 1 C 368 f
CANADIAN Employment Office, 1724 Doug.
WE pay spot cash $6 per thousand for
nana-cupieu inner. t?eiiu iiimpeu wi
dressed envelope for partlculuars. Con
sumer' Wholeaal Co., Pltuburg, Kan.
219 V
HELP WANTED We pay 11 to $J per day
(or mailing and addressing circular at
home. Particulars and samples free.
Central Specialty Co., De Moines, la.
. - 9
MEN and women wanted; trade and pro
fessional position securea promptly; any
place. Address P O. Drawer 677, Chicago.
301 16
AGENTS, energetlo and reliable men and
women can secure, exceptionally prontaoie
fioaltlona representing us In city or coun
ry with agreeable, steady work requiring
no investment. Star Book Co., 403 B,
Btr Bldg., Chicago. fc 9
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
TWO housekeeping room, $8. 2822 St.
Mary. m uku ai-
ROOMS furnished or unfurnished, all mod
ern, on car una. vt Dodge Bt.
E 171 10
I DESIRABLE room for rent. 810 So. 26th
St, E 236 9
CHOICE, modern, clean room. 2201 Doug-
la St. sav
HOUSEKEEPING, other room. 811 8. 20.
IS M400 AS
LIGHT housekeeping room. 81S 8. 18th.
Jb AUdiflf AS
PARTIES wlshlnr very desirable room.
xurnisDeo; or unrurnisnea, cenirany lo
cated, address V 28, Bee. E 304 9
CHOICE furnished room private family.
bath, gas, electric light, steam neat; (or
laaiea or gentlemen; warning aistance.
V 26, Bee. E 316 10
NICE home for young; men.. 10S 8. 26th St.
ROOMS and board. Olencalrn, 1609 Douglas.
STEAM heated rooms with board. 1909
capitol Ave. i to
LARGE parlor, glnglo or suite. The Rose,
xuzu narney. r aj ju.-
FOR RENT Nicely furnished, ateam heated
rooma. with or without board. Midland
hotel, 18th and Chicago 8 la. IT 630
LARGE south fiont alcov room, modern.
2oso uarney. u Ui4 If
TWO large, nicely furnished rooms with
Doara. vus uoutn xuta st. jr aui r
PRIVATE family will take two or three
aentiemei (or room ana board, zsn Bt.
Aiary jiv. ltr
FURNISHED room and board In private
lamuy. uut unio su lei. jxtieu. r so
DESK room space, $5 per month, ground
floor room in in nee Duuaing, facing
Farnam atreet: no expense (or llsht. heat
. or janitor service. R. C. 'Petei & Co.,
tteniai Agents, oci uunuing. o u
THREE unfurnished room, parlor floor.
Xboa uodg Bt. u-Mim ltr
TWO unfurnished front room, steam heat.
st . ltn st. u 3
UNFURNISHED room for rent. K3 8.
23d t. G-20 13
PRIVATE family have four modern, un
furnished room lor ngnt nouaeaeeping.
in p. in t. t t w
FOR RENT Th building formerly occu
pied by Th Bee at 9K Fa man, St. It Kis
(our stone and a naaement wnicti .
formerly used ss Th Be pre .
This will b rented very reasons oL, .(
Interested apply at one to C. C. Rose
water, secretary, room 100, Br oulldlng.
I Ml
FOR RENT Stor In flrst-clas location
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters I
Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1204
TO LET, lodge room or hall, second floor
axion Dioca. jtppiy hu xmwu uiw.
I luu 9
WANTED Canvalng agent In vry
county to solicit subscription to THE
TnK.nilE.lll tbiiitni rnnncn.
fitv .mhlnvmint with assured lood
Income. Agent In the country with
vaaaera make easily $U0 to $U0 per mouth.
reau, ioee ouuuiu , vwmum. ,
. . n..ilA., .1 k., . , -1
WANTED, a lady or young man to take
Oraer in ineir own aim iurrvunuiii
towns for Imported shirtwaist materials;
i-l,u.!ve deelans. sells on slxbt: bl pay)
experience unnecessary s (ull particular
free. The tiucxiey v.uiom enirt ui
Co., St, Louis. Mu. J
AGENTS, writ now (T free sample of
work and term. Btar naraeaa saeruier,
best :6c seller out. We make other quick
ailing nectisaities. Columbia toy. Mfg
AGENTS make $ deity selling the cheap
est and most perfect water r liter ever
Invented. Retails t $1.60. Pig profit. Ex
clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co., Sen
eca, Mo. J-M157 14
wanted. Pig seller. New Novelty. Wend
l"c for cample line. Jo. F. Blla, Omaha,
Neb. J
WANTED, resident agent In every small
town to Introduce a valuaoie meaictn.
World' Remedy Co., 2246 Dodge St.,
Omaha, Neb. J 121 11
AGENTS, we have what people wsnt
lamp tnst make us pwn gss at cost or
1 cent day; sells for $1; will send small
model (re to those wishing to work for
u. Write our Department H today. Km.
Rlr Gaslight Co., 90 Weet Broadway,
law York. J
EXCELLENT aid lln for traveling men
with established route; demand already
created; no samples to carry: big com
mission. E. V. M., 61 Franklin St., Chi
cago. J
PORTRAIT agent, 80 day credit, also
new premium plan: weenaoie enamenne.
family records, picture frame. Family
Portrait Co., Dept. 47, Chicago.
3 807 9
AGENTS wanted, sample, (re to agents:
ni -i ie ii hub iuiiwi i m , i , ii. .i i ir.u
pencil, burns perfectly, rapid seller, seeing
Is believing. Bend stamp. Fountain
Pocket Lamp Co., 127 Duane St.. New
York. J-232 9
AGENTS, with Haye' Metallic Rubber
nre tor rocking cnair max xiw per
month. J. C. Hayes, 418 East Locust St.,
De Molnea, la. J-377 9
AGENTS to sell the new combination life.
accurent and neaitn policy, issued ex
clusively by Conservative Life Insur
ance company; assets, $1.600,0u0; old lln
company; liberal contract for energetic,
competent men. Addres the company,
Maaonlo Temple, Denver, Colorado.
J-224 H
WANTED, manager In every city, county.
io nanaie oest paying ousines xnown;
legitimate; new: exclusive control.
Phoenix Co., 13 W. 28th t., N. T.
J-821 I
DON'T accept an agency until you get
my samples; particular tree. Bayman,
St. Louis, Mo. J
WANTED, two agents, ladle or gentle
men, take orders (or "Lare Booker T.
Washington" and other books; cssh
weekly; steady work. Write or call 316
8. 20th t. J398 9
AGENTS $1,200 yearly. Metal bread board;
sample iree. A. is. torsnee Co., Cincin
nati. O. J 207 9
WE pay $22 a week and expenses to men
witn rigs to introduce poultry Com
pound. International Mfg. Co., Parson,
Kan. J 296 9
AGENTS and canvasser to visit all claasea
of trade with our advertising calendar
line. Can easily make $60 to $100 per
week. They also make an elegant side
line. We certainly manufacture the most
attractive advertising calendars In use.
Write us promptly for particulars, with
reference. Our 190S line Is now readv.
We are manufacturers, which lessen
competition. Liberal commission
promptly paid. The Gibson Art com
pany, Cincinnati, O. J 296 9
AGENTS make $6 a day selling fine pho
tographs, models ror painter. Parisian
work; we teach you and send sample for
20c stamps. L. Laurln, 21 Rue Vandamme,
Paris, France. J 284 9
AGENTS for the only successful substitute
for a corset; particularly adapted for
lender women: gives perfect figure with
out padding. Wright Bust Form Co., Fao-
tory, Newark. N. J.
J 28S 9
RELIABLE ajrents to sell the Barton
He ret y Heater, an article needed In every
nousenoia; endorsed py leading pnysi
clans; indispensable for th sickroom;
can be used with lamps, gas or candle;
sell for 26 cents; 100 per cent profit; send
10 cents to cover postage on free sample.
Universal Mfg. Co., 7 to 19, Barton Place,
Worcester, Mas. ' J 431 9 '
$4 TO $6 weekly, male or female, copying
extern it nome; sena s stamps witn ap
plication, i-eopie s ouppiy House, uepu
83, Chicago, J 260 9
WANTED, by young man and wife, about
lour room, or small, modern cottage,
west of 22d and south of Farnam street.
V 18, Be. K 147 9
WANT to rent, by a family for adults, a
7 or 8-room (urnisnea house; must be
oIobo In. V 17, Bee. , K 148 9
WANTED, to rent by man and wife, no
cnnaren, lumisnea nous or cottage; ref
erences; no rancy price, j. M. w p. u.
Box 238, City. K 244 9
WANTED, to rent, 4 or 6-room furnished
flat or bouse, close in. v 22, Bee.
K 241 9
WANTED, to rent, I or 8 furnished room,
witn gas, close in, grouna noor preferred.
V 23, Bee. fc 240 9
DESK room, with small space for samples.
in center o city, v 4, Bee. li 237 r
WANTED to rent, 6 or 6-room modern
house In flrst-clas neighborhood, south
west, V 27, Bee. K-3S6 9
HOUSES wanted. If you desire good ten
ants see tiarvln Bros., imh arnam.
K-896 10
HAVE you houses for rent? List them
witn K. c peter at Co., ground noor,
Bee building. K-340 IS
WANTED to rent, one unfurnished room
by dressmaker employed during the day:
also two unfurnished rooms suitable for
dressmaking shop in good location. Call
or aaoress zo?a iiamey su si. 3w 9
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 911-
sit jones, general storage ana forwarding,
OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611Y Farn. Tela. 1659-M3.
MAGGARD VAN CO. Telephon 1496.
- . ..... , - V. ... V."
pets. (or Bt. Louis Expo. Tel. 771, or
notify Irvine jrurn. Btore, sua N. istn.
N-1B1 A7
CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodre. Tel.
2020. New and secondhand, bought, sold,
exenangea. u bi
11 1 1 " T
THE BEST In buggies and wagon at H,
trout !, n in ano ieavenwortn. p
RUBBER-TIRED coupe, newly painted
izuu; glass siae rocaaway, ib; six lamuy
carriage, $46 to $7 each; wagons. Drum-
mona carriage co., utn ana Harney.
P 634
10-PASSENGER carry-all, newly painted
and upholstered. Wm. Burg, 144 Bher
man Ave.
P 127
GOOD hor. Apply Pteron' feed stor,
U19 Lavenwortn, Monday, I to l.
P 881
FOR SALE, good team of horses, weight
z.wju pounds, lois nun oi. riii v
FOR SALE, Columbu phaeton in flrat
class repair; good cushions, new top, slds
and storm curtains, everything complete;
a better phaeton than you ran buy for
ii w. price, too. Aauress v st, nee.
P-6$ 9
FIR timber for house movers, etc.. 40 to 71
lf i, wnuuine auu HV i.u... v u i ,
W w
2D11AND sat cheap. Derigbt, 1119 Farnam.
, tj .)
INDIAN good and relic. 1119 Farnam.
INn a AY T Ll.lln. n.A tl RA i.m A
at noith end of Exposition ground, near
istn street, jui nuna v um muw7.
FOR SALE Phonographs, superior to sny
other musical instrument; $6 up. Th
Wlttmaa Co., 1621 parnam.
FOR SALE, a full rife-scholarship. Includ
IO MHIM, , ' . ... , v...-
merclal college, st a big discount. Call
on or afldreH uwignt uuams. room i-v.
Bea Bldg., Omaha, is en. u-m
AWPI.K Diana eastern manufacture, fully
warranted, at a bargain. Room "4. Mo.
Cague Bias. W
Greatest Bargains in Slightly
Used Square Pianos and Or-
r-rs r r r,,AD f" f -, 1
To mnke room we must sell at once RE-
OA HI '1,183 OF Ct8T:
One Temple organ, 4 stops. Ivory
kevs, only , $ $ 00
Western cottage organ, low top, only 10 00
Buroette organ. stop, oniy jx uu
Esty A Co. organ, stops, walnut
esse, only 14 00
Kimball organ, 7 stop, walnut case,
oniy , , i w
Entjr 4k Co. organ, good new, 9
stop, only 19 00
Mason A Hamlin fancy front, only., U 00
Chicago Cottage, good condition, 11
stops, only 26 00
Pesutlftil Brlggs piano, aqtiare, only.. JS 00
Kimball square, round corner, only 60 00
Chlrkrrlng square, good tone, only,. & 00
Another cnickenng, excellent conai-
tlon, oniy so w
Also a number of other allxhtlv used
pianos and orxnns of standard make at
price to suit all buyer.
Your Own Terms Accepted
The above Instrument are worth double
the money and fully guaranteed. We will
aooent them at (ull price any time within
t year from date on any new instrument
we nanaie.
1311 Farnam Street; Tel.. 16:5. 602 Broad
way, council Blurts; lei., w.
Q 192 9 '
100 8TYLE8 trusses, catalogue free. Sher
man at racconneu vrug .o., loin ana
Dodge, Omaha. Q 641
FOR SALE Scholarship In an Omaha
snortnanu scuuui, ciieup. utjuire sox rse
Bldg. Q M968
2DHAND saf cheap. Sen wart. 114 S. 13th.
W Soil
$10,000922-924 Douglas, formerly Lauer
Bros., or rent; yxt aiso seven living room
upstairs. Mrs. Kuhttnan, $626 North 27th.
Q 120 A6
WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and
yard, hltcfi posts, tree guards. wire
Work, 17 Bo. 16th St Tel. 1590.
Q M883 J30
BICYCLES, phonograph and supplies.
Omaha Bicycl Co., leth ana Chicago Bt.
W W6
200.000 feet of second-hand lumber will be
old at once st north end of Exposition
ground. Inquire of II. F. Cady Lumber
Co, Tel. J9L Q-931
MONROE Coal and Feed Co.
'Phone 971.
Q-114 A6
FOR SALE, furniture for 6 room. In fine
condition; win sen reasonably it taken at
once. Address V It, car Bee.
Q-M142 9
COMPLETE saloon fixtures, including Na
tional cash register. Address E. Doran,
Sidney, Neb. Q-M156 19
FOR SALE, a barber shop, good location.
, in South Omaha, v 8, Be., tj M159 9
FOR SALE, barber shop and newsstand.
estaniunea n year, a snap. v i,
Omaha Bee. , Q-23S 9
ALL material necessary to build an auto
mobile. Including 3 II. p, gasoline en
gine, $260. V 21, Bee. Q 193 9
BARGAIN Fine Decker piano; will sell
cneap; parties leaving city. Mrs. M.
Earles, 222 North 23d St., City.
Q-M184 10
FLBSCHER sells bicycles. 1622 Capitol Ave.
W lai
FOR SALE, only laundry In Co. seat town.
Bickness. HleDulns Bteam laundry, Lagan,
la. . Q-321
FOR SALE Seven English Setter puppies.
whelped December 8, also one black
Cocker female; beauties; all my regis
tered sires and dams. - Address Dr. Dyer,
Osceola, Nebraska. Q 274 9
THOROUGHBRED White . Plymouth
Rocks, splendid layers, grand table birds;
eggs, $1 per setting. 2146 8. $4tht.
Q 293 9
These machine have all been thoroughly
overnauiea ana are in gooa repair and
are very chean.
1 Domestic macnine $10.00
I Blngerst square bed, very latest bead 16.00
Singer, high arm 10.00
Singer 1.00
Singer, tailoring 12.00
Shoemsltcr machine 16.00
1 Houre . 3.60
I Ft .John i.oo
1 Wi;!te 10.00
Modern drop-head machine, slightly used,
or any make, very cneap. we -rent ma
chines for 76 cents a week or $2.00 per
month, and repair and sell parts for any
maks of machine manufactured.
'Phone 13. Cor. 16th and Harney. 'Phone
B-618. 834 Broadway, Council Bluffs; 612
N. 24th 8L, South Omaha. 4-261 9
DENTAL vulcanlzer, crossbar, $6.00; In
strument case, electrlo mallet, articulator
and other articles cheap; have no use for
them. Address V 81, Bee. Q 367 9
SCHOLARSHIP In best commercial col
lege In Omaha; all advantages guaran
teed. Address V 29. Bee. Qr-362 9
FOR SALE, Poco camera, 4x6. Prac
tically as good as new. 4 douDie pinte
holder included. Leg than half price
If taken at once. Address V $0. Pee.
Q 363 9
Madame Legray
Returned to the city for a short time only.
Utnana people can again avail themselves
of the opportunity to consult a tru
able advice on all matters concerning
business transactions, - love, marriage,
divorce, domestic or financial difficulties.
Readings (or the next three days, 60c.
8406 9
The occult wonder and spiritual medium,
tin continue to give ner marveiou
reading. She gives advice on all busi
ness affairs, love, marriage, divorce, etc;
locatea lost and stolen articles, mines
and hidden treasures, reunites the sep
arated. Parlors 1610 Davenport st.
8409 9
Consult thl lady concerning all affairs of
life. Her advice will benefit you. She
read th PA8T. PRESENT and FU
TURE Indicated by the line In the
palm, which are a sure index to life. If
in trouble she ran help you. Readings
reasonable. Parlors, 316 8. 16th, In Granite
block, second floor. Take elevator.
8-S&9 I
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 North 16th.
MME. GYLMER, genuln palmist. $15 8.J6.
JESSIE LEE, massage, 607 S. 13th. room 9.
T-M635 M2M-
BONTON PARLORS, IfiV N. loth, flat B.
T-M73I 31
BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian
treatment; attendant. 221Vi N. lMh. Flat
A. . T-MS29 A$
MME. SMITH, bath, 118 N. 16. 2d floor. R.2
. T-M16J A7
MME. AME3. Cumberland house, 16th and
Capitol. Room 7. T-M161 14
PRIVATE hospital, before and during con
finement: babies adopted. 2306 Grant St.
Mr. Gardela. TeL F-lltt. U 47
DR. ROY, chlropodlt, corn and auperflu
ou hair removed by electricity. H. 12.
Frenaer Block. U 64$
MME. SMITH, bath. 11$ N. 15. 2d floor, r. 1
U M2U8 Mil
HAIRDRES3ING. manicuring and chiro
pody, for ladle only, In connection with
The Bathery, 216-23) Bee Bldg. U 266
RUPTURE permanently cured In 88 to 60
days; ser4 (or circular. O. S. Wood. M.
D.. 621 New York Ufa Bldg., Omaha. Neb
U 664
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and
quickest. Mrs. A, CV Mark. 11 V Douglas.
U lie
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale
and retail. Com n piano Co., iJ uoug.
CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection
with The Bathery, rooms 116-220 lie Bldg.
Tel. 1716. U-48
L1F.PEV, theatrical, masquerade costumer.
loll Farnam. U 6o0
GOLDMAN'S, th only perfect pleating
plant In the west. !u Douglas block.
U 5
WHY do you drudge your life away when
fortune may be waiting on you7 An
East Indian Psychic will send test life
reading, lucky birth gems and astral col
ors for 80 cents. Bend sex and birthday,
timer Ma ham a, 78 Fifth Ave., New York
City. U-
A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what
he tells comes true; send 10c and birth
day. Prof. E. Oarnot, Box sx, Provl
dence. R. I. U 216 9
LEARN to make 40 kind of rndy for $1.
Particular free. J. A. Wilson, candy
maker, Stockton, Mo. VXM 9
JOHN CABEY, formerly of Clinton, la.,
If realding In Omaha or vicinity, com
municate with your daughter, Mary Eng
lish Warren, 4938 S. Center Avenue, Chi
cago, who with mother, Mary Ann Casey,
left you when an Infant, 35 year ago,
residing In Chicago ever since.
Oriental astrology reveals your life, sno
res in love, marriage, business, etc.: de
scription photo of who you should marry:
satisfaction or money refunded; send
birth date with 10c for typewritten horo
scope, Including copy of mv book on as
trology. Prof. B. Post el, No. 129
downe, Pa. U 276 9
HANDSOME lady, worth 850,000, would
marry and financially aid honest, home
loving husband. American, 78 La Salle
St., Chicago. V 30J 9
COUNTRY lady, wealthy, of domestic
taste, would marry a kind, honorable gen
tleman Immediately. Marion, 19 N. Clark,
Chicago. U 299 9
HAVE you dyspepsia or stomach trouble?
If so, write us; we can send you a posi
tive cure; no medicines to swallow; send
no money, E. A A. Medical Institute,
1214 Arch St., Phlla., Pa. U 263 9
UNEEDA sweetheart:. Come with us and
we will do you good; particular. 2c
stamp. Special Club, Box 896, Omaha,
Neb. U 404 (r
MARRY, or correspond for amusement:
particular for stamp. Box D268, Oouncll
bluffs, la. U-
MATRIMONIAL Journal, containing large
list, sent, plain envelope, lot. Ad
dres P. O. box 663, Omaha. U M411 9
SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, Re. In
connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Ree
building. Tel. 1716. . U-661
PRIVATE home ladles before and during
confinement; adopt babies. 2620 Burdette.
Mr. Burget. U M361 M10
RUPTURE CURED FOR $26No pain, no
detention from business; send for cir
cular. Empire Rupture Cur Co.. 22
N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. U M273
OMAHA Dye Work, 1517 Howard, the
fashionable cleaners of ladles' and gen
tlemen's dresses and suit, lace curtain,
draperies. U M7 $1
Mlddlemls. wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1739.
U M75S M6
SAVE the band of th best Ec cigar on
the market. Call on the STOEC'KER
CIGAR CO. and get a catalogue of the
premium that will be given free for th
return oi tne
Stoecker Cigar Bands.
U-970 10
WILLOUGHBY'S Hair Dressing Parlor.
open Sunday from 9 till L 601 Paxton
' Block.
U 969-9
VIAVI, woman's way to health. Horn
treatment, iiookiet rree. sis uee Din
Omaha. . U
HOMES WANTED: twenty children for
adoption at tne cntid Having institute;
even boys, I to 18 year of age; 3 girl.
1 to 6 year of age; nine baby, 1 to I
month' old,' add one colored girl 10 year
of ge; either for adoption or to go on
.A contract. Inquire at tfth and Ohio at.
l - , ' - U M140 9
ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th St., 2d floor.
U-M164 A7
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles
- permanently removed by electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglas.
' -U
YOUR fortune told from cradle to grave.
wnat i ten you comes true. Bend dims
and blrthdato. Prof. J. Myer. Chicago.
U-314 9
WONDERFUL astrology, free life reading;
your past ana future revealed In busi
ness, marriage,' love and speculation.
Send birthdate and 8 stamps. Shngren,
San Francisco, Cal. U 3li 9
IMMENSELY wealthy, handsome and In
telligent laoy want immediately good,
capable huaband. Addres P. O. Drawer
168, Chicago. U 111 9
FAT FOLKS. I am a trained nurse; 13
year ago I reduced 46 pounds, oh, so
easy; no starving, no wrinkles, no re-
fraln; simple, you take It at home; noth
ng to sell. Inclose stamp. Write today.
Mis Topping, 318 Ogden Ave., Chicago.
111. U 310 9
SUCCESSFUL business man, very wealthy,
middle-aged, wants sincere, honest, home
loving wife. Address Mr. C, 96 Fifth
Ave.. Chicago. U 306 9
MARRY The Denver Corresponding Asso
ciation (Incorporated) paper, 10c, sealed;
8.000 members, worth $100 to $100,000. R. L.
Love, Mgr., Denver, Colo. U 26$ 9
A SURE cure for drunkenness. Never
falls. Instruction for making, 10 cents,
Gilliam Mfg. Co., Omaha. U 187 9
PEARL water for completion. Remove
pimples, blackhead, eto. j simple, cheap,
never (alls. Instructions for making, luo.
Gilliam Mfg. Co., Omaha. U lis 9
FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right.
INFORMATION wanted of Harry Hall.
Last heard of in 1K88 or there
abouts. His brother will pay liberally
(or Information concerning him. William
Hall. 411 6th ave., New York. U-M374 11
INDEPENDENTLY wealthy lady with
f leasing personality and sweet dlsposl
ion desire husband for companion and
business advisor. "Orace," room D, 4U4
Vine St., Cincinnati, O. U 2-J0 9
WANTED, city loan, bond and warranta.
George 4k Company, IbOl I'arnam street.
W 66s
PER CENT on business property,
per cent on residence property,
ptlons to pay whoie or part any time.
W. B. MKIK.LE. 401 d. 16m Bt.
W 66$
WANTED, city loans and warrant. W,
Farnam Smith Co., 1420 Faruaui St.
W 667
WANTED, city gnd farm loanss also bond
and warrant. H. C. PUr it Co.. 17uJ
Farnam Bt., Bee Bldg. W-668
MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real
estate. Brtnnan-Love Co., 309 bouth 12th.
W 69
FARM and city loan, low rate. W. H.
Thomas. 11 Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618.
W eel)
1V4 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton Blk.
W eel
PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y, L.
' W 662
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 DomtJaa,
W eo4
I PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros., 1604
Farnam. W 66a
$300, $600 AND $1,000 private money, 1, 2, $
or 6 year, on eaatern Nebraska (arm or
well located cottage In Omaha. W. L
Selby, Board o( Trad Bldg. W 91$
FOR SALE, choice mortgage loan. Garvin
Bros., 14 Farnam St., Omaha, W M974
1203 Farnam Bt.
O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 S. 43th.
TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cams; trunk
repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, Uu Farnam.
ALL kind of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. i. T. Ochiltree,
tuts, and Lak street, -
WE make loans on Furniture,
Pianos. Horses, Wsgons, Carriages
and other chattels.
Wa make
without mortgage to person who
have permanent positions. You csn
get the money on very short notics
and pay it back In on month, or
keep It longer, and pay for it only
what time you keep It. W rs
leader In low rates, quick and con
fidential service and courteou
treatment. W invite comparison
of rates, time, payments, etc. , Wo
five you the full amount of the
,OAN In cash. W always "try to
11S Board of Trad IU1g. Tel.
tLtabllshd 1S92.) So. 18th i SU
X 606
By seeing u today In our private ,
cilice. ...
where you can pay easily.
Every $1 paid off loan reoucc cost.
to male or female employes.
No one need ever anow. ' '
No mortgage. No .ndorser. No publicity. ,
A little help at th right time of ion set s
man on his feet.
Wise people will at least call and Inquire
about our terms and rate.
You av money when you borrow of
We offer a mony-savlng chance.
Room 903. Paxton Block.
LOANS. "Absolutely without removing
gooda." Written guarantee given to this
effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room,
$03. Paxton Block. X 730
MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried
people; business confidential; lowest rate.
614 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co.
J. W. TAYLOE. 638 Paxton block.
SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team
sters, boarding houses, etc., without se
curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin
cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad
Bldg. X-666
LOANS. "Absolutely without removing
goods." Written guarantee given to thla
effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room
Su3, Paxton Block. X 69
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew-
elry, horses, cows, eta C. F. Reed,
i, aiu a. la.
MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock.
Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan
Co., sue. to Duff. Graen, 8 Barker Rlk.
DR. PRIES, th acknowledged leading
specialist in dUesses of women In Omaha,
would call the attention of suffering
ladle to his unsurpassed accommodation
before and during confinement, and hi
treatment for irregularities, no matter
what cause. Call or address, with stamp.
Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1613 Do1k,
Omaha. 6S2
LADIES) Chichester' English Pennyroyal
1111 ar the best, Safe, reliable. Take
no other. Send 4o stamp for particular.
"Relief for Ladle," in letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
CANCER cured at 3333 Ames avenue that
the doctor of Sweed hospital could do
nothing for by Prof. Johnson, 10th and;
Jone Bt.. Omaha. -.239 9
MEN only. If your vitality I weak and
you nave loss of power send for Yohlm
bln recipe. No C. O. D. fake;, a positive
cure free. Write today. Renwood
Remedy Co., 62 Dearborn St. Chicago.
213 9
LADIES' Royal Regulator relieves In S
hours. Safe and sure. Hox free. Stamp
for particulars. Home Remedy Co., box
224,' Milwaukee, Wis. 206 9
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist ot
women and children: 30 years' practice.
. Office 2205 Cuming. Res. tel. F 2790; ofncsj
-B 2836.
PEOPLE, I will say I can break any
acute disease In one day. Prof. Johnson,
10th and Jones sts. 226 9
ALL chronic disease cured, no poisonous
drugs, knife or apparatus. Fat folks re
duced 20 lbs. monthly; thin persons gain
10 lbs. monthly; female diseases cured
. without operation. Book free. Western
Animal Extract Co., Denver, Colo. ,
WEAK men, we have a guaranteed cur)
for Varicocele and 'l form of sexual
weakness also enlarge small and.
shrunken organs. Nebraska Vacuum Co.,
Suite 81, Douglas block, Omaha, Neb.
-422 9
ELECTRIC BELTS, a guaranteed cure for
Varicocele, sexual weakness, constipa
tion, kidney liver and stomach tn ibles, -and
all female comp'alnts. Address Ne
braska Electric Belt Co., Salt 31. Dong
la Block. Omaha, Neb. 32$ 9
Magnetic Osteopath,
Cure all chronic diseases without th us
of medicines or surgery, batteries, belt
or any mechanical appliance. Reference
from former patients to anyone on appli
cation. Main office. 406 Ree Bldg: branch
offices, Bouth Omaha and Council P
la. -237 9
OID E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath.
Suit 616 N. Y. Life bldg. Tai. 1064.
DR. A. T. HUNT, lit MoCagu Bldg. TeL
DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. ttS.
GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16th ADoug
A. C. VAN SANT'S school., 717 N. ,Y. IJfe.
BOYLES college, court reporter principal.
N. Y. Life.
NEB. Business Shorthand College, Boyd's
BY JOINING Morand'a classes for sdults
Tuesday or Friday 8 p. m., you will
have ample time this season to learn
the correct glide wait, which Is decld'-dly
not monkey caper or donky galop. Thla
academy does not countenance horteplity
or tying men' lesa In dancing or cotil
lion. Mr. and Mr. Morand, exponents
of genii dancing, Crelghton Hall. .
31 18
p. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma
chinist. M704
OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors snd
safe. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 Bo. 101 h 81
THE GARDENERS protect old age a well
a life. Charter member free. I'artlcu-,
iars from Frank Roaewater, supreme
mangrv222 Be Bldg. Tit
cesspools and vaults, removes garbage 4s
dead animal at reduced price, 2l N. 16,
Tel. 1779. -4H2 A3
FRUIT, shad and ornamental treee, vines,
shrubs, roses, small fruits, etc. Addrea
Omaha Nursery, PaplUlon, Nsb.
-9U MU
U HENDERSON. 161 Farnam. ' TeL 12M
L LECLU8E. florist. Blooming and pot
plant. laU Vinton t TeL 2o.If.
-M997 Ai
StMl-J- l.i g
YOUNG widow, no children, owns ' fine
fanaa and other property, also $10,o4
cash, want kind, reliable husbaad. Hart.
67 Parti At,. Chicago. T: . "
4f I
civ. mo.
ptua, c
Co., tot. Loaia, ate.