Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1902, PART I, Page 2, Image 2
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEti fiUXDAY, MATtCIl 0, 1002. TltphOf.f tlt-tti. the market Many choice novelties received the The Latest la waterproof fast black llabu iai silksone of this reason's handsomest black silks. More in demand this season than ever, since the clinging skirt has come into prominence, . smoothe In finish, a little heavier than our water proof China and Jap silks. Nothing mora stylish for entire gown or ahlrtwaltta, ai they will -not muii f or erueh; ther wear beautifully; 27 Inch. 11.00, 11.15, 11.(0. $1.75 a yard. SPECIAL Mor of that handsome allka received. Have you aaea our pedal black Peau d Solo la No. 1001, No. 1001 f In quality and beauty they bava bo equal. All pur allk, with a smooth and beautiful finish; nothing mora practloal for a waiat. aklrt or full drew pattern. Prudent buyer will m eelectione while wt can make theae price. No, 1001, a regular 11.25 quality, now Me: No. 1003, regular $1.75 quality, now $1.27. Cottca Goods f or Pretty Wash Waists - 82-inch madras, at 15c yard. f 9-Inch Zephyr at lBo yard. It-Inch Zephyra at H4e yard. 12-Inch Mndrs at ISo yard. 10- lnch St. Andrew Noveltlea, tSo yard. 82-Inch Imported Madraa, JSC yard, tl-lneh imported Zephyra, I5o yard. 11- lncb Egyptian Tlaauea, JBo yard. It-Inch Imported Tlaauea, 25 yard. 21-Inch Silk Zephyra, (0 yard, it-inch Froated Madraa, SBe yard. Zl-loch Blrdaeye Madraa, 5e yard. : M-tnCh Scotch Madraa, 30c, 15e, 402, 46e, 50c, 0o yard. ' ' 45-inch bordered Noveltle,' $1.10 per yard. 21-Inch mercerlxed Oxford, 15e yard, tl-tnch Imported Oxforda, 40c yard. Aomrrs ro irere those of John Roelcky, who la preel dent of the committee' of Bohemians who have engineered the enterprise. He epoke ra Bohemian and then la Bnglleh, saying to Kubellk that while In other places ho bad been receiving souvenlra of ornamental beauty, It had beeen decide that In Omaha the attestation of hie countrymen'a pride should be the acbolarahlpa at Prague, one for a poor but gifted Bohemian, of Bohemia and the other for a poor but gifted Boh, mlaa of America,' neither of whom ' la yet choeen. To the profits of this concert It Is proposed to add enough to make the total $4,000. The fund will be known aa the American Kubellk endowment. Plaaa for Today. . While the violinist waa playing his man agers Imposed absolute quiet on .the parly la the wtoga. but before .and after the aacsrt he received several prominent cltl lena of his own or kindred natlonalltlea and a few musicians. Today he Is to dine at the home of V, Buresh, 1621 Center street, others of the dinner party to be thoee who are touring with him and the members of the local committee. These latter are John Roslcky, president; 8. U Kostoryt, secretary; V. Bureeh, treasurer; Rev. J. Vrenek, Mrs. Nellie Svoboda, C. Hermanek, Joseph Mlk and S. A. Beranek. Coneernlng the telephone. It may be ex plained for the hundreds of people who paid $160 for thalr aeata la the house, that the only ones who had the. benefit over, the wire were the official of the telephone company.' and a few of their friends, . For years ther has been a receiver secreted at the stage side of the front rail of the up per front balcony, and last night "central? connected Jt with the house telephones, of WELL WORTHY HIS GREAT FAME). ' . Kaweltk AetoeJefcee, Dellarkt a4 Ca- matea wltk Ml WosMlrosia "kill The- program preeented Kubellk : front three points of view: 'As a , master ' Of prodigious technique, aa exponent of the pure, classic, romantic melodious dreams of Beethoven, and as an Interpreter of pro found emotions, la other words, exeeutloa. sentiment and feeling. Thla arrangement ixclted agreeable - expectation and lively eurloalty to note In what respects his genius differed from that of other masters who have won secure fame by their moat extraordinary pertormancee. For ao young a man to win a recognised place- among the maater stare of the musical world ex eltea the keenest' attention; yf it must-be remembered that unequaled Pagantnt at- ar most the height of bla fame ' was' much ' ' r , . i. . i . . r TIREB mtETHE TIME That's a Conimon Spring Condition. ' It's a sign that the blood is deficient in vitality, 1 just as pimple and' other eruption are signs that the blood U impure. It's a warning, too, which only the hazardous fail to heed. ' Hood's Sarsaparilla new life, new courage, strength and animation. , , It cleanses the blood and clears the complexion. Accept no substitute. . . "As a trlag medlclae . Hood Aarea- TnkO . penile U excellent. It dlepej that tired. IlOOd'S " 1(tuld feeling which make lit a bur den." Lore Feey, Hannibal, Mo. I'ocJ'f Simparllla promises to curt and keeps the promise.' W Cfoo Saturdays at 4 Getting Women look to Thompson, beldcn & Co. for the newest novelties and latest styles We aim to have them as soon as shown on Hose Supporters - The Hook on Corset hose sup porters do away with safety pins and bands, pulls the corset, down In. front and greatly im proves the figure. Satin pad allk webbing: the. eolora are black, white, pink, red, blue and lav ender, 50o each Sateen pad. plain Hale web, 15e each. The Maaeot hgeo aupportere are alto attached to the lower hook of the ooreet and give the much deetred straight front; 26e and 50c each. Kid OIOVeS- Monday, March 10th, we will place on special sale two lines of kid gloves a good opportu nity to buy your Easier glove, as they are. excellent values. We have every size except 6J and 7. they have sold at $1.00 and $1.50 per pair. Monday your choice at 75o per pair. We cannot fit, guarantee or ex change theie'at thla price. Women's Nackwear The new spring llne: are here the prettiest novelties to be found in the city. Silk atock with tie enda, at 60c, 76c and $1.00 each. .' White pique atocka with tie, at 50c each. Bilk acarfa to all colore at. $1.25, $2.60 and $1.25 each. Liberty allk ruffe In black, white and eolora, at all prlcea. roiTKK kid oiotm ahq moalvb Y. M. O. A. Bl'ILDINO, COHKEJH leiTH AND DOUGLAS youngerr ' WllhelmJ was pronounced v by Llsst a second Paganlnl at the age of 1; and Hemenyt wa given the homage of the higher dUllaotton when even younger nan WllhelmJ. To he aura, the latter two were mature men when they first appeared In America and eurloalty concerning them was not ao piquant aa that which greeted young Kubellk when he won in this Coun try a repetition of his European- cohqueats. To conalder this unassuming young man as the equal of past masters Involves a wider new of bis capacity than posaibly has yet been afforded by his brief eareer la the highest' planes of performance.'. In thla age of prodigies ta all departments of human activities and achievements, the world la apt to place discriminating meaa urn of value' upon thoee who undertake to command and hold Its attention and ap preclatlon. After all, these masters In ex ecution are only Interpreters of the worka of thoee who ' were able to Conceive and expreaa In permanent form ' conceptions whose preaentatton - lays ' claim to every human emotion. The signs of these mual- elal idea oftentimes involve, in their pre sentatlon. difficulties of the highest order; but back of tbea lies th Idea ttaelf and It 1 interpretation of this fact fixes the statue of those who undertake to give It lta highest and moat sympathetic expression; The first view of Kubellk a preeented last evening was In the rendition of Ptganlnl'a "Concerto for Violin Id D." with g cedent by Sauret, another maater of the violin. This number presents tre mendous technical dlfflcultlee, all of which were met by tht phenomenon In execution with an ease, a precision, delloacy and rhythm of movement that at once excited j highest admiration and continued aaton-1 lahment. Hla attack upon the most com plicated paaaagea disclosed most extraordi nary facility, hit modulated trills and double not and pexxlcato playing, the clearness, rhythm and eiqulslte delicacy of hie fingering denoted that mastery; of thla remarkable competition which only a genlu In execution could acquire. It I not aurprlalng that in respect of his exe cution thla young man t pronounced on of. It not th greatest, masters of v lolls technique. In response to th lively, ap proval of hi audience Kubellk added to hi bold npoa their Indorsement of bl high perfonuanc by presenting a delightful aerenad by Pierna. Th doubl number la which Kubellk pre eented hlmaelf in a new aspect Included tw aoo.."RomancK"ibx. Beethoven, and "Slov. aneky Tanec." by Dvorak. ' Thee number demanded aoaaethtag more taaa mastery of technical dlfflcultlee. They Involved a deep understanding of a charming oompoettlon of removes, it, gives Bee, March 1, 1901. the Best past week Colored linen embroidered turnover at 60c each. Lace turnover at 60c, 75o, $1.00 and $1.25 each. ' The New Shirtwaist are now ready for your selec tion. Pretty cotton etamines, fancy white madras, dainty India' iinon and other fash ionable , fabrics made into very hand some stylish waists, beautiful designs, from fl.00 to $3.00. NEW SUITS Every day la adding aomathlng new to our assortment. New Drea Skirt In all the new allka and woolen gooda. . The Florodora aklrt la particularly" catchy; prlcea from $12.00 to $50.00. New Petticoata la brtlllantlne, 'moreen and mercerised fabrics. All our Pet- tlcoata are cut gored and full. Trimmings We are showing some excep tionally handsome things in the trimming line this spring. In colored appliques, the comblnatlona Are Indeed beautiful. The French taate and aklll are noticed In the blending of ao many ahadea. No other deslgnera eould do It ao well. Parte gowna are elaborately trimmed with charming applique of many aorta. . We invite you to look through the choice . things we are ahowlng. Colored trimminga range from SBe to $5.60 a yard, while black, cream and white trimminga come In all gradea. rATrcnutiaV CTRBQTS, one of those "dead .but eceptfered 'mon archa" In th musical .world "who still rvl,e ua from their uras." Beethoven' on ceptlon demand more than skilful render Ing. , The clasalo beauty of hla stylo, bis trutafulnesa, hla freedom from dlffuaeneaa, the beauty of hie tone coloring and hla In exhaustible fertility . of resource, would have signified little to th merely clever executant . unless along . with a perfect rendering went, a deep and sympathetic comprehension of the Ideaa which they con vey. Certainly Kubellk disclosed the beau ties of Beethoven's charming composition with romantic tendernesa of treatment, but one could not avoid feeling that something wa lacking in the harmonious message of the great composer. rroosDiy svuneux touna room ror a more congenial endeavor in hla Interpretation of Dvorak beautiful work. Dvorak I on of the greateet composers of Bohemia and Incorporate In hla many notable compoal' tlons tbemea from the folk songs, with which Kubellk la doubtless familiar, and which probably etlrrel In him a deeper leenng. Th forceful ness and freshness of Dvorak'a composition cam primarily from bla us of dialects and Idioms derived from th folk muslo of the Cteche'. Rhythmic energy and harmonic daring are character latle of hi music, which I always melo dious, original and beautiful. The natural nee of these folk songs la ths secret of tbelr charm. Kubellk disclosed deeper evl donee of th Impulses of his charaoter la giving expression to Ideaa" closely asso ciated with his development and tratalng and with fond memories of bis native land. Kubellk' interpretation awakened irm pathetic appreciation.- Having aatlsfled hla audience on the score of execution, these two number imparted Increased charm to bis renderings by bla admirable control of tone, hi gentle and almost timid expression of passion. Re call 4 by applause that was spontaneous nd . continued '. he gracefully rendered Wlemaroskl delicate "Bouvenlr d Koe- con." . . . - Th hop for a deeper display of feeling wa excited by th next number, th lro mortal reverie of Schumann. "Traumerle" ta a favorite composition th world over, Probably . In all music ther I no work simpler In lta notation and which admit of uch variety of treatment. Tennyaon' famou 11 nees In looking o'er th happy autumn field And thinking of the day tbat are no more are full of auggeation of th deeper feel tnga aroused by a' sympathetlo rendering of Schumann's dreamy conception. Poeelbly Kubellk' capacity for Interpreting the deeper sentiments of th soul could not have been subjected, to,. a mora familiar teat. Excepting hi delicate modulation and quiet coloring, hla exquisite amooth neaa of tone, the rendering of thla deeply affectln' composition waa comparatively commonplace. "La Ronde dee Lutioa" (Bat ilnl), the second of this double number, waa In' lively contrast with' It predeceeeor, and again Kubellk' splendid mastery of tech nique displayed Itself. Kubellk pleased hla own people Im mensely by playing th national hymn of Bohemia and the aong, full 'of patho and sweet melody. "Where la My Home,' which, la charming appreciation of hi reception, h unexpectedly preeented after th reg ular program waa concluded. Hla.Jeal Shay wo deserved spplauae by her piano eoloa, th rendering of Llaat'a celebrated "Rhapeodl Hongrola No. 11" being especially pleasing. AVDIESCB MADB VP OF FKIEMOS. eareseatatlv ' Bekeaalaae Fill tke ' Bodr ( k Theater. While th treat proportion of th Kube llk audience was made up f th repreeenta tlf Bohemian tamlllea of the city, ther waa also a liberal attendance of Jhoe member of aoclety tbat compose tbe ma jority of the fashionable gatherings. Tbe theater parties were noticeably lacking. iff m J however, excepting thoee la Jb boxes, aoJurlou. ctety people being pretty generally dle trlbuied over the house.-While aearly every box held Ha full complement of patrona, the occaeloa eoarCely admitted of the usual activity among their member and there waa aon of the visiting that ha bee ao noticeable during the winter. Among thoee seen I the parquet were Mr. and lira. W. H. McCord, Mr. and Mr, Arthur C. Smith, Mr. and Mra. Haller, Mr, and Mra. D. H. Wheeler, Mr. and Mra. Chase, Mr, and Mra.Cudahy. Mrs. Offut, Mra. Yost. Mlaa Edith Smith a ad Mlaa Mo. Pbereon. - . , x. Thoee occupying the boxea were: Box A Mr. and Mre. J. W. Buchanan. Mr. t. O. Clark, Mra. J. B. Boyd and John L. Boyd. Box B Mr. and Mm. K. C. Barton, Mr. O. C7 Barton, Mr and Mre. L. F. Crofoot and Mr. L. B. Wadlelgh. .Box C Mr. and Mre. Charlee Meta, Mr. and Mre. Arthur Met. Mre. Fred Meta end Mr. and Mra. Adolph Dworak of Schuyler, Neb. . Box tMr. and Mra. J. L. Brandela, Mr. and Mre. Hugo Brandela and Mrs. Arthur BraiHlele.. . . -. . . . Box B Mr. and Mra. Luther Kountae, Mies Cotton, Mine Richardson of Erie, Pa.; Mr. Ear Mlluird, jr., and Mr. Frank Has- x t . Box F Mr. and Mra. H. 0, Burt, Mr. and Mr. R. B. Schneider and Mlaa Schneider or Fremont. Neb. Box O Mr. Thomas KllnAtrlck. Mra. John Q. Bourke, Mlaa Kllpatrick and Mlaa Bourke. , Box H-Mr.'and Mra. B. A. MeWhorter and Maatere Hugh, Donald and Garden MeWhorter, Box K Mr. and Mre. Oetaecbfnahn, Mrs. Fran Nagl an) Master Juilua Oetxsch- ""box L-Mi. and -Mrs. E. M. Fairfield. Mra. Ouy Howard, Mra. 8. J. Strickland and Mr. otia Howard. . Box M Mr. and Mrs. a. M. Hitchcock, Mies Marie Crounee and Mrs. Alice Cul llnpham. Box N Mi-: John M. Deugherty. Mre. Joseph Kalal, Mies Blanche Clark, Dr. F. J. Kalal and J. A. Bchenk. OVATIOff AT BIRI.lJtGTOJI DKPOT. Teanar kabellk Seeaaa Moved fty ' eerily at Reeeptloa. A modest little man with a Blender, al most frail- figure; brilliant black eye t very far apart, a firm, earnest mouth and a shock of black hair that hung Just below hla coat collar alighted from a apSclal car at the Burlington depot att o'clock yester day afternoon. Tboee who were so fortu nate aa (o get a glimpse of him saw llttl of what I popularly understood a the In signia of genius the long hair waa hit only feature that could com under that head. HI drett was of the kind tbat ee capes comment by being neither tod plaid nor" too flashy. ' A square-cut coat, th pat'. tern a small check, trouaer of th same, a "fancy" veat 'of lavender and brown, a pair of dull black ahoes In need of a shine, a black Fedora hat, a four-in-hand tl and 4 light walking stick thee - were th prin cipal Itema of hi costume. A to hi man ner, It wa . abrupt and nervous. Ha eemed to be deeply moved by- th Ovation he wa receiving. A young mother with her three children stood on a track to get a better view of him, and a h passed she held up a 4-year old youngster and said: "See, Johnnie, that' h that'a Kubellk!" , r Johnnie probably mlatook the lion of th hour for a welterweight champion. The crush at th depot wa almost a great aa that which greeted President Roosevelt during the laat campaign. A cor don of policemen atood along th track to keep the crowd from swamping th recep tion committee when It should alight. Th platform, th lower waiting room and th rotunda were a mass of moving humanity, while the overflow extended' ovt upon th etreet and upon the viaduct. Leaning oh the arm of Vaclav Buresh, Mr. Kubellk wa bustled up the winding, stair into th rotunda above; where the . Rev. Jarasklov W. Dobia mad a address f weloem In th Bohemian language. You have contributed to the glory, of th Bohemian nation, In this country a la Europe," he eald, "and w trnat you wltt live to bring atlll greater luster to your nam and to your country." At th conclusion of th address ther wa a apontaneoua buret of applause. Hat were ewung In the air and lusty cheers re verberated through th forest of Greek columns. Kubellk seized one of the apeak- er'a handa In both of bla, spoke a few word In a low vole and waa than bustled Into hack which wa waiting outside. v" jueanwnii tne admiring crowd war pronouncing hi name with every possible variation. Th Bohemian said "Koo-bsh leek," with the accent on the first syllabi. Americana gavs it only two syllable. Several large delegation from towns In th Interior of the state cam la oh th am train with Kubellk and hla party, while other bad anticipated blm. On of theae waa from Oeneva and ether town ta Fillmore county. It comprised F. V. Hardy, Jo Llcha, A. v. Kouba, Frank Kucera, Tom 'junta, c. Smrha. nr.. C. Smrba. Jr., reior voia. franc stecn and Anton Knura From Wilbur cam J. A. Hoepodsky, ed itor of th Prltel Lldu; John Zvonechek, ur. inane Btarkey. PeUr Satorlk, Mr, Baanek, Miss Toney Badllek, Mr. and Mr. Aksarlnt, Frank Jouvocn an4 J, J. Saeek. At th hotel Kubellk was. assigned to ulta 14, but It was observed tbat U th numeral down th hall had followed th regular order th number on hi door would have been it. Out of roepect to th Ancient superstition tbe painter baf omitted this number. Kubellk' attention wa called to this, but b wa not alarmed by It. The be lief that 11 I aseoclated with Ill-luck had not found Its way to Bohemia, b aald. Kubellk apeaka English fairly well, but it la a peculiar fact that h ha difficulty In understanding th American pronunciation w . ', ... "I learned what I know about .English la England," aald he, "and ther I bav very llttl trouble with th language, but her la America you bav. a. different, way of speak ing K. . Tou are what you call quicker, I bav to watch your lip to tell what you ar saying. "I am highly pleased with my American tour thus far," h resumed. "It Is much better than I expected. I thought that out her In thla western country you wer all what Is th word that mean, money lover?" . .Mercenary," aald Vaclav Buresh. "That' It mercenary. J thought yon were etrlotly a commercial, people, tbat didn't car much for th finer art, but am most agreeably, surprised. I don't ae but that ther ar Juet as maty mupl lover her In proportion to th population aa there ar la Europ. I don't any difference." . . Aaked a to hi habits In regard to prae tic, th great virtuoso aald: "When I bav a concert I practice hour a day and when there la ao concert I prattle from three to four hour a day, I always aleep aa hour before a eoaoert. then I get np and drink axup of strong eof fee. That la lb only etlmulant I vr tak. No, I don't us tobacco or liquor 4a any form." . "How do you Ilk th America glrlif he was asked. "X think they ar very ry lvly They ar o lively." And be smiled, show Ing a well groomed set of teeth. "Some of th critic bav been saying th&t you will 6r rvach i'ae acm of your uoeea until you have eaperleaoed th great passion of love and beea dieappotated therein. What do yoa think of that?" Vaclav Bureeh had to translate this. Th virtuoso s sailed gal this time rather wearily. He had doubtless aaawered th question many tlmee before. "I doa't think that make any differenoe." he eald. Foley' Kidney Cur make th hlday and bladder right. Contains nothing la AR1NC FOR THE INJURED Eallroad Officiali and Oititent Vane Viotimt of toe Wreck. CVlStD LIST OF DEAD PLACED AT TWELVE Detail Casise at Wreek le Rot Kaovva, kat Offlelals mt Ik Read Are Baa-aged la aa la . - vaatlcatlaa. HOt'STON. Tex., March Dr. Turner, hief aurgeon of th Bouthern Pacific railroad at El Paeo, advisee the general head quarters her that all who wer Injured th wreck aoar Maxoa, Tex., Friday morning will recover. Ther bav been no new 'development t to th cause of th wreck. An Inquiry ha beea started and General Manager Van Vleck 1 near the aoen of the aocldent making an Investigation. Very few of th passengers saved their affects and In most Instances the aurvlvors have only what wa worn at tbe time or haa since been given them. Th company I doing every tbliig poaalbl for th unfortunate. They ar being aupptled with wealing apparel. money when neceesary and, In fact, every thing that lu any way will b conduolv to their comfort. Statement . ot Railroad. SAN FRANCISCO.' March I. The follow- log statement haa been Issued by the South ern Pacific officials with reference to the dltaater to train No. near Maxoa on Fri day morning: uperlntendent Martin reports that the ecldent occurred two and a half mllea east of Mimii at t:S5 a. m. Conductor Btovkwell report that the speed waa not faet at the time of derailment and la of the opinion that the derailment waa due to h obatructlon on the track. The two day and mall rare, one ooaoh, One chair car, three touiiat eleepern and one flrat-claas leeper Were completely destroyed bv Are. Conductor Stockwell also report that be ha retained hi ticket and train sheet and that the number of killed and sur vivor tally therewith, thus accounting for very passenger on hi train. Th official report laaued late thla after. noon place tbe number of dead at twelve and th Injured at twenty-five. Dead, A revised list of th dead fellow: ENGINEER AL MAST. El Paso. FIREMAN H. BBRTHOLST. El Paso. THREE CHILDREN OF MART RIDDLE of Chetopa, Kan. WIFE AND BABY of Andrew Shelby of Texaa. BABY OF O. HANSEN, Racine, Wi. OSTAVB OONTRERAS of Del Rio, Tex. MR. AND MRS. WHITS Of Manitowoc, Wi. AL BOONZB of Doyllne. La. lBard. Mrs. Mary Kuckler, San Francisco, Inter nally Injured. Mr. Anna Wortheat. Ban Franclaco, hand and lef hurt. Mr. M. E. Shepard. Glen Mills, Pa., head hurt. William Joseph, San Jose, Cat, back hurt Mr. B. 1. Fuller, Washington, D. C, leg and foot hurt. A. S. Turner, Black Hawk, Mlaa., band hurt. Antlo El Rio, Del Rio, Tx., Internal In juries.-' : Oeorge Ellenberg, Xexlngton, Ky., thumb hurt. F. C. Baker, Angleton, Me."," bruised. '' Charles H. Hoey, San Antonio,. Tex., both feet scalded. A. ' B. Mercy, Wlmberley, Ti., calp wanna. j . -.. J. T. Taylor. Mulberry, Kan., hand hurt. Mr. Mitchell, Philadelphia. Internal In juries. W. R. Adam, express messenger, serious. William Reig, Bettman, N. D- head and sack hurt. A. F. McKeoile, Bafford, I. T knee brulaed. j H. J. Todd, Frankfort. Ky.. sprained anxi. Thomas Crowder, Houston, Tex,. , knee bruised. J. H. Taylor, Birmingham. Ala., bruised. Dr. O. O. Nortett, Peco City. Tx.. praiBea arm. O. B. W. Bennett tl, St. Paul, Kan., hand hurt. ' W. S. Glenn, Blackbawk, Mis., leg hurt. Hugh Mill. Chetoph,' Kah., brulaed.. Paacal Roderigues, slight bruises, Lularl Merallta. alight bruise. Antonlt . Darnel. Del Rio, Tax., slight brulsea. H. Newman of Houston, Tex. . L. B. Green of Lo Antelee, Cel., sprained back. James Brio of Woodward. 8. O.. acaln wound; Doth band injured. J. U Power of Del Rio, Tex., scalp wound and face bruised. - H. Lindsay of Fresno. Cel., acalp wound. D. P. Haven, residence not given. Mr. T. B. Olovor of Brooklyn. H. T, bruised. Mr. A. F. Baaaett of New York, crushed leg and feet. Mr. M. B. Chaa of Alameda, Cat., both feet injured. Nathan Do an of Canada, both handa, eara and no burned.. Mr. W. U Rlddl of Chetopa, Kan.. badly brulaed. O. B. Hansen, traveling man. Mr. O- K. Hanaea, bruised and aervoua hook. E. C. Fuller of Washington, abrasion of feet. a ' Mr. C. W. Bennett, reeldence not given, crushed hand. Mr. L. E. Fata of Boerne, Ten., nervou hock rlous, ' SHAW VISITS ASSAY OFFICE f Place 1'ade Hie Cervl.l... NEW YORK. March I Secretary of th Treasury Shaw visited Wall tret today. He called first at th assay emce. which he Inspected. Accompanied by two . attache of th aaaay ofllo. th secretary want to th publio (tors and visited th ub-tra ury. Later be went to th dock to witness th method of baggage Inspection of r turning tourists, and be announced that be would go to th America in dock t bow St. Paul' baggage would b examined. ' 8 far a could be learned no formal ar rangamant for a meeting between th sec retary and th banking Interact bid. been mad today, 'but II I thought that prob. ably sota f th better koewn fiaasclere would pay their respect . to Mr. Shaw wbil h t her. WU GUARANTEES AN EXHIBIT Cbiaee Mlalet fay Ml Coaster Will Malta World' Fair nrrr!it!s. ST. LOU 8, March t. A Washington tel. egram received today at world' fair head quarter tatee that th Chin minister has reoommended his government ta maks a definite appropriates for ths St. Louis world' fair and tbat th Chinee govern ment will da b reeommand In th mat ter. - . . .. .. Information waa als received that th Cores a government would mak cradltabl exhibit at the spoltiea- A dinner wa given to Oovraor Stanley bd the Kansas world fair commission at the Mercantile club today. Preeldent Francis thanked the Kansaa gentlemen for th prompt response given by Kane to th call for state appropriation. Ksnsaa being one of the first statee to make an ppropriatlon for the St. Loula world' fair. Th amount appropriated wa lilt, 000 and assurance waa given at th dinner today that th amount would be consid erably Increased. Governor Stanley eug geated tbat on exhibition of all animal native to the Louialana purchase be made at th world' fair. Th auggeation aeemed to tak with all present. lUEST OF GERMANS (Continued from First Page.) ence, wa mad almost entirely of laurel and waa tied with broad purple ribbon. Ambassador von Holleben, Admiral von Seckendorf, Admiral von Tlrplt. Captain vOn Mueller, Captain von Rebeur-Padchwlts and Conaul Oeneral Buena visited Columbia university today . representative of Prlnc Heary, who waa unable to make the visit In person. Mrs. Ogden Mill gave a luncheon and reception today In honor of Prlnc Henry of Prussia at her home, 1 East Sixty-ninth street. Sixty persons attended the lunch eon, which began at 1 o'elock, and about 100 at th reception which followed. Calve, D March! and Gilbert of the Metropolitan Opera company aaag; Fran Wlleha, violin ist, played, and Isador Luckatone, pianist, accompanied the alngera. Mr. Mill' table waa In white and gold. Prince Henry eat at her right and Mra. Clarence Mackey waa at th right t the prince. Among th -other at th table wer Am bassador von Holleben, Admiral von Tlr plt, Oeneral von Plessen, Admlrsl voa Elaendecker, Admiral von Seekendorf, Cap tain voa Mueller, Count Quadt, Commander Rebur-Paschwlti, Lieutenant . Commander 8ehmldt voa Schwlnd, Lieutenant Com mander von Egldy, Count von Seckendorf, Assistant Secretary of State Hill, Major Oeneral Corbln, Admiral Evana, Colonel Bingham, Commander Cowlee, Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Cutting,' Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbtlt, Mre. Clarence Mackey, Mlaa blahop, Mr. and Mra. W. D. Sloan, Mr. Royal Phelpa Carroll, Mlaa Babcock, Mlea laeiln, Mr. Gambrllle, Mlaa Jay, Mre. Cooper Hewitt. Mr. Alfred Vanderbllt, Mia Thayer, Mlaa Gerry, Mia Sands, Mrs. Parsons, Mrs. Livingston, Mrs. Egerton Wlnthrop, Mrs. Corbln. Mr. Rhlnlandr, Mr Jennings, J. Plerpont Morgan, Edger- ton Wlnthrop, Creighton Webb, Stephen Olln, Heber Blahop and Edward O. Wolcott. Calve and the other who eang were heard In th ballroom of th Mill bom, where th reception waa held. - MANY TOKENSOF ANTIQUITY Caate of Tweaty-riv Faaaawa San- Jects Glvea Ilartard y Em peror Wflllaas. CAMBRIDGE, Mas., March t. Examina tion of the portfolio of photograph pre vented by Prlnc Henry to Preeldent Eliot of Harvard at the reception of th Gar ments Museum aaaoclatlon on Wednesday how that Emperor William' gift to th muaeum, as Indicated by th photograph. will embrace th casta of twenty. flv aub iect. Many of them ar Important architectural monument and the collection range la point of tlm from th great brons door t the' cathedral of HUdeechelm, which dat from th beginning of th eleventh century, dowa 'to Gottfried Schadow statu of Frederick tne Great at Btettm, erected ia 17, t ft..- . ..'..-. ' Many of th ' object ar Of great als. the emalleat being th large mas of th le-ealled dying warrior over tb door of the arsenal at Berlin, and th largest in- eluding th entire golden gat of th ca thedral at Freiberg, the bUhop' seat and Altar of the Uum cathedral, and tha col loeal equeatrlan atatue of th great elector at Berlin by Sehleuter. Statue of herolo 1, representing the, founder, com from th cathedral at Naumburg; while th tomb of Sebaldua at Nuremberg furnishes an II lustration of famou work la bronse, It ta expected that th casta will arrlv In thla country about tha mlddl of th summer, Harvard Thawka' Kaiser. BERLIN, March t. Emperor William ha received the following dispatch from Presi dent Eliot of Harvard university: Harvard ulversltv thank your majesty for your inspiring; measaae to Princ Henry and for your munificent gift. May your act draw togetner two ainarea peopira. SACRIFICE TO STATE v (Continued from First Pag.) dome, and with logglaa from which giant ferae and' palms bent gracefully' Into brll Uantly lighted apace. - . . Th only muelo played waa by a gypsy baad with It "prima," wbereaa It) vtenna ther I aa Imperial baad wit Straus for a conductor. A I eharacterlatio of a Hnngariaa court ball, the ladle tarried away all th flower with which the rooms wer deeorated, llliea of the valley, amarytlia, rose, whit lllaoa. rarest orchid, asaell and rhododendron. Not a bloaeom wi left en th green back round of the decoration. Of coura th flower were' taken' n keepsakes f th king and act of loyalty. While the king -waa at Buda-Peet th guard at th castle, aa Is customary, was composed exclusively of son of good fam ilies, Who aerve one year at their ewa ax- pence. Foreign prince nave orten woa dered at th Intelligent look of Hun. garlaa soldier, taking th men of the guard as type of the aomiers or ta rroy. HEAR NEW YORK CENTRAL CASE lateretat Caaasaore Cawiaalesleaar Meet a Ckleaar fa Freight . " ; TairlaT Matter. ' WASHINGTON, March 1. The InteraUU Commerce commission will give a hearing la Chicago next Monday afteraooa In th frslght tariff cas of th Proprietary Ae oclatloa of America againat the New York Central. Michigan Central, Michigan South. era, Pennsylvania, Pittsburg. Fort Wayn Chicago ad th Ptttaburg, Cleveland. Co! urn hue, Cincinnati dt St. Louie railroad. Tbe complainant allege tbat th road un justly classify th advertlslag matter of the former la tha flret claae and that, wbil th full valu of aucU matter doe not ex. eeed I teat par pound and haa ao general market valu, th read charge Tt catt per hundredweight between New York and Cblcas. "-' SQUADRON REACHES COLON Kearsarie, -ladlaaat, Maeeaehaaette ast tlsksaia, fader Hlgsiasea Eater Harbor. COLON. ColombU. March I. Th Valted Stat eqoadron, comprising th battleship Kearaarge, Indiana, Maaaobutt and Ala. bama.' under aommandar of - Rear Admiral Hlf glneoo commander-in-chief of th North AtlaaU aiatloa. entered th harbor , tht af Urnoon. . t Th aquadrea will remala bar three day. Catted State Consul Oscar Malmro hoarded th flagship lama lately aa th arrival pt th aquadrea aad paid hla re spect te Admiral Hlgglnsoa. FUSSTON SATS HOLD ISLM? Declare! United State Knit Exact Btcog oition of All rUipiflo. JUSTIFIES ENTIRE COURSE OF AMERICANS lay ta Have T.raed Phllla.alaee Over to Mek Law Waa Id Hav Beea Blaekeet Page I Ka tlaa'e Hletary. NEW YORK. March i. Brigadier Gen eral Frederick Funatoa waa th guest ! honor at a dinner given tonight at th Lotut club. Mor than too member of the club wr - prevent. The guest a' table, which wa spread In th center of th diner, wa presided over by Frank R. Lawrence, pret Ment of th club. At hi right eat Oeneral Fubaton. Other at th tabl wer Charle 8. Oleed, a prominent lawyer of Topeka; rrant R. McLennon, editor of th Topeka Journal; Charle Leede of Chicago; B. T. Jeffrey, preeldent of the Denver k RIo Grande railroad; Captain Charle D. CCgh lan of th navy; Job F. Hedge. Paul Dad and S. H. Canfield of ColumbU alvrlty, 0o at one tlm taught a school In Kansaa which General Funaton attended when-a boy.-. -i When the dinner wa over Preeldent Law renc a roe and Introduced Oeneral Pun ton aaylng: Ther ar some things which do not enter into the realm of controvemv and among them are the bravery and Intrepidity of the -V " . ttmn merv. i nave in Pleasure of Introducing to you one whnee -"w ki iimnii orougni to a cioeev the war In the Philippines. . We greet him most heartily. - faaitea Talk af War, General Funaton aald that Judalna from th remark of th preeldent h wa x pected to talk about th war In th PhlU Ipplne. i "To talk about war over ther I not an agreeable eubject," be eald, "but what, I niay aay may aid aome of you In forming opinion.. Th army haa been doing a good a It could under th circumstance. "When Manila wa aurrendered ta Dewer and Merrill aome thouaanda of Spaniard wer in ton eity. in the eye of th world the peopl looked to u for protection, and to hav turned them Over to th un controllable mob, known a Agulnaldo' rmy, would bav been th blackeat pag of American history, one that a thousand ysars or repentance and restitution would net hav aatlsfled." Oeneral Funiton then told In mlnut de tail of the Inatance which led to th war far between th American army and th Insurgent. He aald that on th opening of th battle between th army and th insurgent Major Motealf ef the Flret Kan- aa regiment had coat ta hi quarter and Midi ' Bmaea la Frogreea. "Th dene ha begun." "What dance?" I aaked. and Miior Met. calf replied: "Go out and bear It." and I want out and beard th pattering of rlfl ball and that waa th beginning of th war ever ther. General Funaton than aald: "All sort of men get Into th army, ther ar good, bad and Indifferent, but I believe that 85 per cent of th American soldier ar a brave and human lot of men. Th other I per cent, who hav been writing letter to aewspapere. hav ornamented th inatdee of grog houaa for' a longof tint than ' thr hav distinguished them aelvea la th field." ' - -I All of tneft rdta who hav fallen tine December, W00, hav4 bee victim af a -lot of misinformed and misguided peopl hare In th United Stat. It la perfectly proper for' u to hav all aorta of opinion a to what w should do. with th Philippine Island, hut for heaven' ak. let a keep them to ouraolve until vry aquar Inch of that territory recognise th eoverelgaty of th United State. Kat Ta Patriot. ' Oeneral Funaton then gav many ex- ample to how that th Filipino leader war not true patriot. H mentioned th laying of Antonio Luna, who waa ordered slain by Agulnaldo, General Funaton aald tbat, Agulnaldo had told him la regard to Luna's death: "I had him killed simply ba caua b would hav been dictator Inettad of mylf.". -Would you Imagine Oeorge Washington doing anything )ih that!" aaked General Funaton. ' Tha general 'eald there wa not on 'of th eo-called Tinplna patriot who could net b eonvlcted ef murder If h waa tried by a Jury. "There ' ar many men la th United Statea who did nor with their mouth and mlndi.t ald'tb losurgaet than did. the poor' men wtrh th Krag-Jorgtnaea rifle. I would rather theae men banged for treason than to on of our todlr dead n th fleld of battle." ' " ' Th general than declared th Filipino eould not be claeaed with th Cuban and said that It tha United Stat troop should now leave th Philippine (aland there would be a halt dotea kinds. of civil war there and that th world would hold th United State responsible for them., Tbl concluded Oeneral Funaton' ad dress and a be sat dowa he wa loudly cheered. Then President Lawrehc aald that all thos present would Ilk to hav General Funaton toll th story of th cap tur of Agulnaldo. Oeneral Funatoa re- ponded and told of thla la detail. Th general aald b talked with Agulnaldo on their way back to Manila on Ylok- burg aad that Agulnaldo told him that either 'Dewey or any on had promised him anything, hut that he and hi peopl had faith In th American. : Oeneral Funatoa called n Prlnc Henry la tha afternoon la th prlnc' apartment and th two chatted for almost aa hour. - GOOD WORK, Prayer Fd Malta MarveUa Chtaaaee. Providence I eometlmea credited with di recting the footstep by ao elmpl a way aa th reading of a food ndverueemeat. - A lady cut la Sbalblna, Mo., earn "Alaut two year ago I wa eomplld to retlr from my echoed teaching becaue I wa completely brokoi) down with nervou pro, tratlon. "I auffcred agony in my back, . My hand and feet would wll up night. I wa la dreadfully aervoua condition, irritable, with a dull, heavy headache oOntiauallyi had a appetlt aad could not digest, any. thing If I tried. I waa unabl to remem. br what I read, and waa, of cour,, unfit tor mr wart. "Son aald I had coasumptlon, other said dropty. On day, If by Providtno, I read th testimonial af a lady who syma. torn were much th ' a mine, aad ah told f how Orape-Nuta Braakfaat Food had cured bar, ee I eQclji4 ta try it "I left off th ald-faehioned breakfast a4 began with Orape-Nuta, a llttl fruit and a up of Pottu Food Coffe. That waa tght month ago, aad I hav steadily la proved In both body aad mind. Orape Nuta Braakfaat Food haa doaa ' mora for bp than all th medicla I hav ever takea. and aow I am wei agala ad able t retura oac mor t my hopl dutu and abl to do anything accessary la my work. ' "My mld I clear apd my body trngr than vr before, Pleaaa da aoi pubUah my nam." Naata alva by Peetuai C-., Battl Creek, Mich.