Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 17, Image 17
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, MATICIT 9, low:. 17 WHEN JOORY. SLIPS A COC Quaint Caper, of Peopls Afflicted vitfc Abeent-atindedneaa. FRINGES OF COMEDY ON THE SERIOUS aaUaaaaaaaaS Why tta Maa Objeeled Bobtail C areA a Aaulif Fire hi-Tt Mas tt ! Bolaa la Hi! Owi Vestibule. vThea sometblng loosens the little screw tbat hold the link connecting tbe part aad the present, tbt mental machinery la Itantlr begins to run In a most Irresponsible msnaer. Nor does nature provide anr screwdriver for tightening up the trouble some break, so letters continue te He un bailed In huibands' pocket and buttons remain unsewed on men's shirts, all be esa people are victims of the "I-forgot" habit. '. A New Torker was etatertslnlng an out-of-town nan, and ss they started down town the host hailed a Fifth avenue stsge. The guest drew back, declining to enter the vehicle, and tbe host signaled the driver to go on, looking tbe while In astonishment M bis guest .."Too will pardoa me," exclalmedtbe lat ter, flushing, "but I never ride In that kind of a conveyance, nor In a bobtail car. This statement struck tbe New Torker s absurd, for right well he knew that In his friend's town were employed the very bobtalled can discarded by New Tore. Then how do you get around at home? "I walk. I have made rule never to ride In a car which has ne conductor board." . "Ah, then It in a matter of principle. You do not propose to do the company's work for It gratis." "No, I do not," he answered, with a pe culiar expression on his face. Hia whole attitude waa so reserved that, after find ing tbe cable or electric cars to his satis faction, his host dropped the subject. ' TrrlasT Oa Havel Hat. But later la the day his eyes were opened. They had dropped Into tbe club, where the out-of-town man had seen much that In terested him, and aa tbey left he seemed somewhat preoccupied. His host selected and hsnded hlra his umbrella aad waited for him to put. on his hat- Very gravely he lifted a silver card receiver, and, 'talk ing tbe while on another topic, deliberately Inverted It upon his head, totally uncon scious of the extraordinary proceeding. Re seemed to realise, boewver, tbat the fit waa not perfect, and by a more careful ad justment finally settled It to his satisfac tion and would have proceeded Into the street had hia attention not been called to the matter. He laid the receiver on the stand, took his hat and without faltering a word In the conversation, walked down the steps. " Later, the New Torker met tbe wife of his gnest. and his curiosity led him' to In quire into the secret of the man's dislike fer stages and bobtail ears. . Her explana tion waa given with twinkling eyes. "Just between ourselves, I'll tell you why. l waa when those cars first mads their appearanoa In our town. Ha boarded one to go to bis office, presently an aid woman sat dawn beside him aod handed him her nickel, with tbe request that he pass It along to the box. In a few minutes there waa a great rumpus and ringing of the bell, wbtch Indicated that someone vas endeav oring to ride free. The paisengers looked from one to the other la aa effort te spot the contemptible person. Then the door opened and the driver, putting hia head in aids. yelled: . "Will that woman, there, please pay her lareTV- ., . "I gave it to this man, and he stole It. I aaw -him put It Into his own pocket '"My husband disgorged the alckel aad fled from the ear. In a few days he' came ta me with the request that I aew np his packets, as la a fit ef absent-mindedness he had repeated the embarrassing per formance. I did as requested, but nothing was accomplished. The next time he was on the cars a woman gave him a half dol lar to have changed. Falling to get It Into hU pockets, he slipped It Inside his trousers -' at the top. Ever since then he has walked. As Esaerseaey Sandwich. During the national convention of 180 the Id expoaltion building in Chicago did not accommodate one-tenth of the people who were eager to get ins'.de the walls. In or der to avoid the terrible crush people took their position at 4 o'clock In the morning. When the convention opened much later than waa anticipated the house was abeo ' lutaly solid with humanity, and It waa Just aa Impossible to get out as It was to get In. Aa no adjournment was taken at noon, many fainted from tbe heat and hunger. Boms saadwlch men succeeded la crawling along the rafters, and by wrapping their wares In paper would throw a parcel where a persoa held his baads ta catch. Payment was put la the paper and returned In like manner. At beat the food waa not Inviting, a great hunk of bam fat between two thick alabs ef eour bread. One lady whose escort had se cured after great effort one of these dantlee was In a quaadary. 8ha did aot wish to of fead tbe giver, who hsd tskea so much trouble, but to eat It wss utterly out of the question. She looked around' for some means of disposing of ths obnoxious object. " at ths same time leaving the Impression - that she had consumed it with a relish. tbe floor could aot be reached, so tightly was sbe wedged about Then came a happy thought Her pocket! She wrapped tbe eaadwlrh la hsr handkerchief and stored It away la the friendly receptacle. It waa between sad T when the eoavea tlon adjouraed. and as the party, who were from out of Iowa, had a box for the theater that evening, tbey dined at a nearby res taurant, afterward attending the play. . "Macbeth' was the sttrsctton. with a fa- "PURITY" that word, no freqoeat ly misapplied, loses none af Its force hero. ,0 ;M DLATZ DEER -MILTAtr-CTCa-IS ABSOLUTELY t e-. J J rK. K.-.. tanavl --- I -aWvasa wsmswi "i wr-i3V land ths best hope te be had are need ta th brewing, bookie. -plalalng why BLATS sear at pare seat for the asalag. f DLATZ MALT-VIVlffE tfNoo-IntomJcaxt) Tonic Druggist i or direct. 'VAL. tun ME WHO Ct, lUlwaske. - OMAHA aMLAJICn. teia dmim at . t4. leai. moue lady star. It happened that ths pros oenlum boxes were simply an extension of taa atage floor, without rail or bar to sep arate them. Thus tbe oecnpaats were thrown Into great prominence, their alight eat tnovemeat being seen by tbe sad trace. The theater waa crowded, aad the stsr held them spellbound. She hsd mads a great Impression, but there Is nothing certain In tbe affairs of this world. Tbe lsdy of ths sandwich wss the person foreordained to carry that home. Possessed of a maddentag desire te sneers, she tried, faithfully, to smother tbe tickling sensation by all tbe known means st her command. She swallowed, rubbed her nose and held her breath, but finding tbe could no longer keep down tbe Impend ing explosion, which hsd gathered great volume by being detained, aa a last resort, she Jerked out her hsadkercblef, with the hope of drowning the noise In Its folds. David's sling was aot more true In Its aim than was tbe handkerchief In Undlng tbst accursed sandwich squarely In tbe face of "Lady Macbeth. After executing this blow It rolled to ths floor, placidly turning out from between tbe slsbs of bread the chunk of ham. whose fat glistened In the glere of the footlights. While the bouse thundered with apolause the box party beat a hasty retreat A Xovel la the Pulpit. A clergyman waa badly afflicted with ab-aeat-mlndedness, despite tbe fact tbat hia SPRING STILES FOR HEN Cut and Colon of Garments Which Till Bloom villi ths riowert. GIDDY VESTS REMAIN IN HIGH FAVOR Ralraeat far Twwta aad Ago, trass L.Shlrted Coats to Knitted Ilk Ties aa Crystal Buttoae. NEW TORK. March 7. 60 far aa the well dressed man la concerned spring has arrived aad auitable vestmeata ore accordingly taking the place of heavy winter garments. The first sign of change waa given by the new three-piece suits tbst rsme Into us quite three weeks ago. These suits consist of trousers, body coat sad overcoat, all cut from one bolt of goods. Something con servative In Inconspicuous dark gray or brown mixtures were tbe first to nppear. Now the smarter men are wearing top coats of lighter gray, to match their dis tinctly spring-like gray suits. These top coats to match have an UDusual fullness from the shoulders, and. among tbe men who are sending In to their tailors very generous spring orders, a preference aeeaas 'tWr : - " ' i-se.l 1 L J Lr - w II II IB "NOW MARY HERE WE ARE SAFE AND SOUND." wife watched him like a hawk. One prank of his disordered brain finally proved his undoing with hia congregation, which had hitherto been long suffering. He bad fre quently to be told to remove hia hat after reaching the desk, and one Sunday morning be read among the announcements from the pulpit hia wife's laundry list, He was aomewhat more liberal la his views than this congregation, but refrained from any overt act or expression which bs thought might be obnoxious to them, aad only indulged himself privately. One Sab hath morning ha arose after the hymn and announced ta tbe usual dignified manner: iou win una my text la tbe first chapter of the first book of the scriptures." His hand went Into the rear pocket of hia cost for the customary manuscript Instsad he brought forth a book and opened It Hia wnois face lighted np with a am lis of pleasure, aad be began readlna- aloud with great Interest His elder parlahlenera aat agnaai. wniie the younger members broke into titters. It soon became evident that he was reading from one of the latest and most sensational novels. Finally aa elder arose In righteous Indignation and called 1 a nsucn morunea minuter to account A gentleman who had a most Imnnrt.nt Journey ahead of htm had the alarm set for aa early hour. Hia family breakfasted with htm. but ha wished to allow nleat r time la which to catch tha train. Th. other members of the household went about meir usual occupations. At 1 o'clock hia wife, happening to pass through tha lower end ef the hall, aotlced a maa oa the settee oy ibs iront ooor. She questioned the servants, but they said no one had been ad mitted during the morning. She took the butler with her to make an Inveatintin. Vpon approaching the supposed stranger aha waa shocked to find her husband, whose ppearaace was constrained aad uimttim He glanced at her, but took no further nouce or aer presence. His hat was on tha rack and his valise aeatlr tniki .... under the seat while he sat, placidly and wiia loiaea nana, looking through the vestibule door. In a bored and weary man ner. When his wife touched, blm rr. v shoulder he stared at her la utter aatonlaa- ment for a moment then, springing ta his feet In alarm, cried: "What's the metier. Faanv: whv awrw I "Why. William, what r .... herer replied the wife. In eg tbe road to Boston. Ti v that as well aa I do." He was much mortified, wkn ha e. he had been sitting all those hours la hia owa nau. naving miaukea It for a vestibul irsia. Theeshtfml aad Thoasfctloae. Presence of mind and absence of mind are usually brought to ths surface la the face ef some calamity or great danger. A gentleman, while dining with hia host aaw the flimsy lacs curtains blow agalaat the gas aad catch fire. He responded te the cry of help from his tricad. by deliberately filling his after-dinner coffee cup from the carafe, aad throwing the contents oa the flaming drapery. With great pains and trouble, aaother maa Insisted oa aaving the copy of the moraiag'a paper, while all of tbe valuables la the house were destroyed. A geallesaaa. whose hobby waa study-tag- the mental equtpoee of the brala. al ways maintained that oaa need aever get flustrated ta the presence ef daager. pro vided as will be deliberate aad de things In the ordinary manner. By this mesne both lifs aad property could be saved. Ons Bight he aad hia wife were awakened fa their hotel by the alarm gong and the cry ef "Fire!" He arose and besought hia wife to be calm aad coaslderate. and to drees as usual, neglecting ao part ef her every day habit of procedure. Silently the poor, frightened woman hurried oa her clothes aad gathered the loose articles of their wardrobe into a valise, while her husband carefully adjusted his cravat aad brushed his coat Tbea he scolded his wlfs for aot noticing the taothhruh. These, te- getber with his shaving pad, bs packed away la the bag. aad, taxing H la oas hand, with tbe other he led his wife dowa tbe staircase lata the street where they were greeted by the cheers of the crowd. "Now, Mary, he remarked, "you see, awing ta my theory aad presence of mind, here we are. aafs aad sound, aad you have aot forgottea a alngls thing." "That's true, William." she replied, "bat since, the are Is aut I wautd suggest that yea ga back aad pat aa your Uwueera, to be expressed tor a gray cloth In which a strong greenish cast la visible.. Conservative American men, and this term signifies all but a very small dlqus of daring club-living youths, shied at the extreme cutaway coat tbat . John Hare brought aver and which has been.. very much worn la London. It verged on the sharply conspicuous, ao tha American rati let it rather severely alone, 'but they promise to taka kindly to a aew coat shnpe that remalna to be suitably christened. This coat has longish skirts and fullness with the corners rounded off la front There la nothing "euddea" about thU coat, aa waa the offease offered by the perky "swallow backs." Its curves are gentle. It aspect that of a modish compromise between the true cutaway and the atately. "sklrty frock, and It la la form for calling, spring weddings, etc. It la always off tbe aame piece aa tbe trousers, with which It is worn, and a maa eaa appear la It at a morning function and go on to hia office later and get down to work without feeling or looking overdressed for the "dollar mongers" - part, an uncomfortable aeons that pursues the American financier when he wears a frock coat "down town." Walateoata aad Shlrtlags. The maa who feels any Interest In his wardrobe la rather finicky about his waist coats. Well dressed members of society esslly possess a score of them, yet they are now adding to tbe store. The demand Is for colored and wash watscoats and ths colored cotton field of the spring-like west Is variegated with spots. Plslds ars no longer useful or beautiful as vesting goods, but brown, buff. grey, aad with the younger element, robbln'a egg blue, ars all colore ta good social standing. Four smoked pearl buttons oa each side of the double-breasted waistcoat's frpat la the proper number, aad to hold the lapels quite flat and firm theae. too, art fastened down with button and but tonhole. The former matches la color and material those that appear oa the front of the vest The smart spring material la mercerised Cheviot sad StrlDM this aeUM mrm all alng longUtndlnally. It would be different ssy wnat color in anirta takes tbe lead. Th atroag plaka are avoided as a rule aad black aad white effeeta are synonymous with morning. Aslds from these two con trasts the average man leads himself to al most any color that is aot too soaaplcuously emblasoned oa the starched stretches of this cotton garment Those of the stsrner sex, who enjoy the unusual, patronise the fashionable aew color; robbln'a egg blue sad the atrlpe ta their shirts reflects the color of their socks. Keektle Voarvea. The English knitted aUk tie has come ever aad found a warm welcome. Greys aad rich purplsa hold the lesd aad the knitted ones are worn in all tha shapes, from th tiny butterfly to ths bread- eei ascot- 1 aese ties are head knitted, of th aame aUk used in making expensive silk dress hose. and. like the hose, their osiers are fast aad eaa stand the lauadry. Naturally thsy are aot tnexpeastve. but thsy are well worth tha price asked for them aad they promise to enjoy something more thaa a mere vogue. Less costly aad almost aa durable are ties knitted of cot ton, la which there ta Just a twist ef silk to give the gloss and strength required. Old watch guards, ahowing tiay Jewele la their centers, are among the fashion able necktie ornaments tor the aew aeasoa. Most of these come from Europe, where It Is now certain that aa old watch ta aot robbed of its guard every time a scarf pis I made. The Italian goldsmith ta par ticularly skUled la th duplicatloa of aa tlqucs, aad such clever copies of eld guards are made as wjuld puaxle aa expert to detect the fraud. Aa tha nM. i.h. are exquialtely cut and often aet with email rentes is slsbos te reasoa that their value ta aot overestimated by the price asked for them, both her aad abroad. Ta Crystal A very interesting luxury la mascullns areas is ids extensive use or fine crystals as ornament a. Cuff links wt. h rk.,. pins, and waistcoat buttons are now mads 01 crystals mat ars cut polished, decorated aad aet la London. Tha rrvstala ara 1. rims of gold or sliver, nas slds of each Is reunuea out to a deep pure oral with lis reverse cut flat aad thaa mmj itw . stag's bead, a fish, aa anchor, a coach horn v wsumui syniBOiicAi r sport The a rru s ss rs " ew r"a e"w e" r"s ww ew eu irv jrw rrw r"u w -w iru tr ea f a "". w "u r "u t f a e"e ss o " era , rf " e ra f rw rt $M avi ft UU UUUWUUUUWWaMMItiWMMV AA a . aj a kipJMMAMMi a 1 f'tJ UttJ t If Your La st Chance 8 Stock Must Be Reduced Before We Move, Such values never before offered la Omaha. Part of our Immense stock of Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys, Ruaabouts, Carrtagea, Farm aad Delivery Wagons aad Blcyclea were slightly damaged by smoke and water la the Ceatral Hotel fire last November we have secured a few bargain lots from jobbers since, but It all goea at lees than wholesale prices, for we ara determined to put only new goods la our aaw store. Largest stock of Orspbophoaea aad Records west of Chicago. Look over this list and call at oar ator If yea think at baying this year. We eaa and will save you money. Bicycle repairs, tires, carriage tires, etc., aad Oraphopho records st any old price. Q o C3 8 8 C3 9 c: a s. . VIIIM I aaBBaarasBBBawaw' VVJ -aaw- n. GRAPHOPHONES C3 ca CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, BICYCLES, AUTOMOBILES AND GRArilOrilONES, At less than wholesale prices. You can save money if you buy npw. We hare cut off our profit and offer goods t9 cost. See prices below. M MARCH 20th WE MOVE INTO OLD BENNETT BUILDING FIFTEENTH AND CAPITOL AVENUE. C3 23 S3 n u o c: u Tt e&DAoi fcoM to dupUcU Umim Mie oo sua quJlt of gotds l-rwbc. Com iad mt can aily eoovl&c rou tt-U mfmrj aiKicU U bif tor- j -r--' awa lawsaam at aa wwHtaa wawjl aaaaJl ttiTs aWklai f J 1 4VII Wf aa B s,uaej Siwaa Mivna JT ww wwa bp -mm haw s aa COLUMBIA. price EDISON, pnoea .$5 to $150 .110 (9 S76 ns-. ....S3 ta $60 520 ta $40 CLIMAX. prices All Records are of th Utsat snak and up-to-date musio. All type of machines aoul oa payments. Special attention given ta mail ardere. Be sure to write for catalogue. SMOQlM naw stock te select from. SURREYS I IU M tno Banner Surrey, (fn for .IU xue atoon airoa. burrey, for X2S0 Moos Bros. Surrey, for ta hfooa Broa. Park Burrey. for ... tin Moon Bros Cabriolet. for ........... .,.. m fl Troy Open Surrey, for - JITS Troy Canopy Top Burrey, for .................... $ZK Tray Rxtenaion Top Surrey, for pco WoodhuU Traps. ror tae rVoodmilt Trap, tor - tiso Racloa Traps. fer r PS Wsatem tor $3 Admiral Eacyclo, ror H OUve Bleycle, for g Worid Bicycl, hr WoriaV'BicrcliC 50 Id ) ee e 90 9 atffv tver Johnson B levels. ror a StO Orient Blcyda, for SS Steam Utrbt Road Wheel. for fat stearne Racer, for : ... tor Motor Bicycle, ror COo Foot Punuia, for Kc Toe Clip, for 22.50 27.5! I 150 30c ...10c WAGONS Wh Broa. Wagon. Fish" Broa.' Waa-oo, JAsb Broa." Wifta'"" "" (H nsh 'Broa. dear, 'tires I Inches wld . . . ........ .. IV Fteh Bros. Gear, tire I Ipchea wide W Small delivery Waf on, for ITS Fteb Bros, Delivery Wagon, tFlsk Broa.' E'vory Vaio'i.'" with top t7l piper SprtnaT Waon. for tSQ Mooo Broa. t&rias Wason. II .50 .,5 tlar for Taruk Wisoo, 1 BUGGIES tS Banner Top Buggy $38 fn Banner Top Buggy jj t3 Tlmpken Top Buggy, g g tl0 Tlmpken Top Buggy, fitted 1 1 with roller bearings U tUfj Mountain Top Buggy. f C for 13 40 Mountain Top Buggy, gJJ tlBTroy Top Buggy JQQ Z'ZZ ZZZm ISS Troy Victoria Stanhope, JQQ T Moon Broa. Top Buggy, QQ rcRactn Tap Bu-b7. gQ tSRactne Top Buggy, JQ PHAETON?? mto?!.r $60 ffljB Bnger Phaeton, f C for I O tlC Moon Broa Phaeton Q XIK Moon Bros. Phaaton. g g tlSO Racine phaeton, Q tJTroy Fbatea. jQ AUTOMOBILES Steam and Oaaoline or KJecfrt Power. RUNABOUTS Banner Runabout. $40 fti Baanar Runabout. SW Tlmpken Runabout. g g H2S Moon Runabout. QQ tlS Troy Runabout, gg tltB Troy Runabout, basket I f f eeat, for IwW $140 Watertown Runabout. JQ (106 Radn Runabout, C for I 0 15 RaclneV Runabout, Q g X90 Troy Concord. JQ t Moon Broa. Concord. gQ (100 Racine Concord. gQ 1B Tlmpken Stanhope, QQ tie Tlmpken Stanhope, fitted 1 9 R with rolier bearings J&9 H-- E,;..FREPR!CKSOS3. a tvd a b aS O V J S0SSi0eMa'4'aJ ijiAfiJK0K'&W4P'0A Corner 18th and Dodge Streets, Omaha. OUT OF TOWN BUYERS WILL HAVE TO IIUXRY. cutting la treated to a layer of color, ao tbat on looking dowa through tha top of the crystal a richly blazoned sporting totem Is seen. Aa crystal cutting I a very n art, a fin pair of cuff links showing heads on the bass of one button and the owners Initials on the other easily fetches $75, and a aet of walatcoat buttons brings quite doable that sum. From America wa are sending to the fashionable English and Frenchmen handsome aad popular cuff links mads of colored Wisconsin pearla. Our owa Jewel, ers are making also stunning sets of waist. coat and cuff buttons that ars eat from mother-of-pearl aad garnished In the center with on tiny diamond or emerald each. Elderly gentlemen, according to the most recent ruling, must bear a length of watch chain extending from tbe waistcoat button hole to th watch pocket. This la called a single chain. Younger men should adhere to the double chain that runs from tbe waistcoat button hole to pockets on both light and left, with a charm haaging la the center. Thla charm not Infrequently la a tiny padlock, the key of which U held by aome fair trustee. The ship's cable twist Is the most approved weave for tbe newest chain, aad the more simple, flat and ineonsploous a watch la, the Bearer the owner ha reached the acme of good form In drees. Fast lias to New Tork or Philadelphia Is made by the superbly equipped trains of the Lehigh Valley railroad. Double ' track. Stone ballasted. Automatic electric block elgnal system ta operatloa over the entire route. Stop-over allowed at Niagara falls oa through tickets to New Tork or Phila delphia. B.EXIGIOV. Bishop Mallallen expects eoon to have regular monthly preaching from Metbodlat Clergyman la Jerusaieat. Chtcaco has CS Protestant Evana-ellcal churches, with over lou.Ouu members. It Is propose to organise a great tent evaiigeuatlc campaign to cover all the city. Miss Louise B. Plerson, daughter of Rev. Arthur T. plerson. editor of the Mission ary Review of tbe World, has gone to India for the Woman's Union Missionary society of New York. Dr. Edward Everett Hale, who will cele brate his eightieth birthday on April I, peratsts In refusing. to be called a clergy man. He wishes to be designated only aa a "ChrlaUaa minister." The problem of dealing with the native Christiana who recanted during the Boxer trouble is ons of the most perplexing which the missionaries returning to their fields In China have to taoe. Bishop latane. the noted Reformed Epls- I copal divine, who died In Baltimore re cently, was eonaecrsted by Kight Rev. William R. Nicholson of that city and Right Rev. Samuel tallows of Chicago In Newman Hairs tract. "Come to Jesus. of which over S.Ouu.Ouw copies bsve been circulated, waa the result of hearing a Primitive Methodist sing to a street crowd the Cm miliar revivalist aong, "Come to Jesus Jast Now." Rev. J. O'Donovan, pastor of St. Bran dan's Memorial church. In the County of Oalway. Ireland, has Just arrived la New Tork te solicit funds fur the completion of the church, which Is built ss a me morial to tbe reputed first European dis coverer of America. The loneliest missionary In the world Is said te be Rev. J. O. Springer, whose station U on Herschel Island, near the mouth of the Mackenale liver, well within the Arctic circle. No ship has been at tbe It .and for two winters snd ths mlnslonary s white neighbors are at Peel nver, Ko mtlea away. Rev. Robert Collyer. tbe noted New York divine, has his study In ooe of the big Broadway buildlnss. When a young maa be learned the blacksmith trade snd the anvil on which ha hammered out his deatiny Is st present set up In the study of "Old Trinity church, thirago, where Mr. Collyer waa, eoaoe years ago, ths pastor. jjlpl llll K-v Ida-M. Siiyder,- friS mQO t fWA I )Wl Trwavaur.r ef tha BrwlllTX "fpsP ' fltaP CIUl " Daagrer of Paeassaala.' A cold at this Urn, if aegleeted, la liable t cans pneumonia, which la so often fatal; aad evea whea the patient has re covered the lungs ars wsaksaed, making them peculiarly susceptible te tbe develop ment of reasums-tlos. Foley's Hsney aad Tar wUl atop Iks cough, heal aad strengths tha lungs aad preveat paeemeaia. mT is on of the saddest tbinjrt in life to see a beautiful yoang gill lan guiahing on a bed of sickness, when the should be strong and healthy, filling tha home with tha sonthine of her happy face. Somehow or other aa tha mother ia the center of tha home, the daughtee seems to be ita greatest joy of its greatest care. A home with an invalid daughter is like a hospital. Tha sufferer with her pale blanched face calls for every one's care and sympathy. How different is the home where a healthy girl sheds her bappy in fluence and ministeri to the comfort of every one in a thousand pleasant way. It is remarkable that ao many women will forfeit health and then suffer the con sequence of pain and licknesa when it ia unnecessary. Women who enjoy this greatest of Nature's blessings are liable to forget that health can be easily lost by neg lect. Tbey cannot lealiaa that the loss of sleep, a little cold or irre-tilarity of habits can result disastrously nntil they one suf fer painful menses. Menstrual troubles are generally the beginning of women a trou bles. The vitality is at a low ebb, the blood weakened, tha digestion disordered wwoli my mors attsa-taoat their health w would have mors happy wrvss, mothers and (laugh ten, and 8 they would use mora tatsfllgcavca fat tha snatter of rnerllrtnra, cfteervug rcstts,ty woum nam that tha doctors' ptsacrlptlona do aot perform the many cures they arc given credit for. - Mr lifs was a bwroca to me throurh per sistent indigestion! soar mis resulted and my friends thought I waa an invalid for lit. But I would not gfr mm wad whan I found that prescriptions would not help ana, I tried something cue. and aha (roes about pale-faced, hollow-eyed and hac trard. a viteoui contrast to tha hlnmnino health of her former self. But over 1 .000.000 women have found health affain bv takitur Win of Cardui. Aa"a regulator of the menstrual periods Wine of Prd ni has never been known to fail. It haa seldom failed to restore perfect health. even in the moat persistent and aggravated set of weakness. Ilia Ida M. Snyder, af No. 535 Bergen street, Brooklyn, N. T., has used Win of Cardui aad aha says tt helped her into a new life. Health to Miss Snyder is worth a great deal. She is an attractive young woman with intellectual attainments and ah occupies the position of Treasurer of the Brooklyn East End Art dub. This position marks her as a person of Intellect, culture and refinement and it speaks hictly of the respect and trust her fellow women have in her. She writes ; "In ccsMuhrar with ray druryte he ad vised McEWsVtae of Carderi and Ttned ford's Black-Draught, aad so I took It aod have every reaaan to thank hia tor a nrsr liia opened up to ma with restored health, and it only took three months te curs so." Ton may secure tha same relief as Mis Snyder, if you taka Wine of Cardui as she took it Tbedford s Black-Draught is tha companion medicine of Win of Cardui and it is a liver and bowel regulator which assists greatly in effecting a cure. Oo to your druggist and buy a dollar bottle of Win of Cardui and a twenty-five cant package of Tbedford 'i Black-Draught aad take them in the privacy of your home. II you take thee medicines according to di rections, tha relief and cure is aim pi. Some cases are cured quickly aad others taka longer because tha disease has run longer. Remember how Miss Snyder took Wine of Cardui and has health. Tha same medicines ars offered yon today. wine: of cardui Will surely bring you relief from tha sneering yon now andura. Take it in i your Tlio Climax of Perfection..... F It i.' J' t a, !-., .' .i';t .. - . -.V Wa- . , " a .a ' I M 1 . 1 V "aaasTSTaa-v-T 1 1 - -i .BBB M a- S -aTanm " C W. EQUAL TO MY 'IMPORTED A. J. SHERRET & CO.. 1312 Farnam. TELLPUONE 1067. OMAHA, 'EB. . a. I Every XJcxzi ISta1iiiiaa1s4ss-iStaw . iMt b4deen F7 M year twM a a 4 ruf, aiim Um fnr ll- 'av lutuuatf r,i K ..a! ll grwm vW taUtaMiiuiiiai. aisiai ca. o. SWU SJS aUBS iUC N. J. For sal by BOSTOt STOB113 DRIO DEPT Blxteenth and Douglas 8ts.. Omaha. -rIKe1 f , 1 ei.taiM irnTmtMJ CURE T l a. BlaSi lot aaa.tar Ucaraa,laSaiBaUaua, liritaiiwa r aica4Mjai a BMvhnata 'a ay PaluiaM, aa4 aat SaaiaSl lUu Ui Oa aialMrMHUM, micaTunsr. fills tut I yaatvtha aaly aik asS rvliakui m wau.w mm ui Havana, kfiMvai w.Uuii Sa'a, 4l4ra.ta, ar ty at ail. rrua. . trmtV. af 'Wfb.a liallOiAnl. 'WIlaaiHai, boio v rherwisa MeTo"nn Pni C . W. Cor. 16th and Dodge 8ta., Omaha. 3 ifes Read The Bee-Tthe Best Newspaper.