Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 13
Fhe Omaha Sunday Bee, ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MOKNIKG, MARCH ,0, 1902. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. THE OIG STORE'S GREATEST SALE BEGINS MONDAY AS ANNOUNCE El ill UULi Big Bargains in every department. Exquisite, new spring stocks of choicest merchandise secured for spot cash from the best manufacturers in the world Go on Special Sale at Absolutely the Most Astonishingly Low Prices Ever Quoted in America. The Power of Cash is Evident in Every Price. Agents for Duttcrick Patterns LEDITORIALSHETrg 9 PAGES 13 TO 24, C KXMKNBRR THIS 6RUD FREB GIFT DISTRJBtTtON Aa abeolotalr free erlft-, niitii 1. sdaa trm Se ta f 1,000 plu, with. Hek flO sarchaae. Clrealars grlvlasr list at sjifls aa fall aartlealars freely srtvea at tata Ura. Ba aaura aaa are yaar aaaaaas. " t different styles of sutts bought to (all for $22.60, on sale for f 15. 11 different styles of aulta nearly .11 silk lined throughout; others ask you $30, an sale for $20. , YOBEIi'S SKIRT DEPARTMENT The greatest variety of women's skirts you ever saw la your life. Skirts from $1 U $76. , X lot of women's silk skirts worth up to $25, for $9.90. 1 table of women's skirts In Venetians, broadcloths, serges, pebble, cheviots and Silks, IS different styles, for $5. 1 table of women's rainy day skirts worth up to $2.50, for $1.15. 15 styles of women's rainy day skirts worth up to $3, for $5. Beautiful skirts at $15, $20, $30, $10 and $50. SPECIAL FOR UQXDAY'S SELLING Women's calico wrappers tor 260.-. . Woman's new wool wash waists for 39c Women's light weight Jackets, mad of Tho Greatest Variety of Fine Wash Good s in Omaha : GRENADINES. French embroidered ribbon stripe. Uaurs white, pink, light blue, black and white And gray, thai fca&daoms waist sad dress fabrto shown in the-now Radfera costumes, 85o m yard.- ' ,' ... ' . English grenadines. In black only, abso lutely an unchangeable dyed fabric,' shown over Interlining, all equal to the finest silks ' fen design, effect and character and about K tha pries ot the silk. 69o a yard. SWISSES. ' ' Hand-loom Saint Gaul (Switzerland) 45 Inchea wide (dress patterns of 7 and S yards), all hand woven. Our atyles are ex eluslvety our own and shown by no other Omaha, store. The finest Swiss mads In the world at $198 a yard. Oros Roman Swisses, printed and manu factured in France by the recognized best printer of cotton fabrics In the world (Oros. Romoo) 28 Inches wide 150 select ' atyles, all confined to Our Store in Omaha, at 50o a yard. - FOULARDS. . French" fabrics la this class the finest. In this llns ws show 200 styles, all select. In all the new ahadea of blues, greens, linens and grays, at 35c a yard. Arnold Foulard, tha most silky fabric, mads out of fine cotton by American ar tists, In an especially fins llns of designs and colors; all the select styles at 2oo a yard. Foulard Sublime ta 75 excellent styles, all colors that are new and pretty, at ISo yard. SILK SPOT MOUSBLLINE. ' This dainty fabrle la unquestionably the greatest1 achievement of our American wash goods manufacturers mors than half Silk, overshot with spots sad gig-sag tripes and printed la tha most delicate colors. It Is aa handsome as the fins French silks. All colors la either floral de slgns or stripes, 60c and 69o a yard. BILK MOC8ELUNB DB 801 H Special grade for trimming purposes, la . black and white, only 3$ inches wide, 35o a ward. The Arnold Moueelllne. la all colors, 29 Inches wide (very wall knowa make), 29o a yard. French Mouselllne, In1 all colors, 31 Inches Wide (over 65 per cent pure silk), the best at this kind of goods made In tha world, extra soft and lustrous, 60c a yard. BILK OXFORD WAISTINGB. The swellest fabrle for 1903 wahts; colors, pink, new blue, torquolse, oxblood. linen, alls green, blue mixed, cardinal block and Ivory white, 49o a yard. SCOTCH MADRAS AND OXFORDS. All the finest of the shirting and waist fabrics shown this season In woven colors are la this line; perfectly fast color, 82 Inches wide, at 36e a yard. Wo aend sainplea FREE to any address subside the city, but we ask that you give as as nsarly as possible your choice as to colors, price, ale. This Is simply to enable us to better sat isfy you, aa our assortments are ao large and aor VARIETY so GREAT that ws caa supply you with anything almost that la ahowa la good, desirable WASH FABRICS. Oct Year Fra CICt Caaaaaa. Easter Llillincrv " m liaydea Eros, will be headquarters for all that is aew, exquisite sad fashionable la wemea's and children's headwear. Bee Uaydea's for" the aeweet creations. Ihlr Department Tha finest display of Imported awltchea ver showa la Omaha. Examine this ale gut line. Such values and such Has goods caaaot bn found elsewhere. Da. mala, floor. For dependableness, newness, style and variety, Hayden's most complete and gigantic dispays have no competition in any western house. Whatever is nobby; dainty, desirable, approved by fashion, is found at Hayden's first and in the most complete variety. Sensationally special prices have been made for this grand sale. Read these few sample quotations. See our show windows. Call and see the new creations in these lines. Women's Spring Suits Bur now and save 25 per cent. There never waa a time when spring suits were as sensible and as stylish. All the new materials made up in the very newest styles. The cream, of the artists knowl edge to be found here. No trouble to show the new styles. 2,700 suits to select from. Between 200 and 800 suits in every size. As many as all other stores combined. 175 women's sample suits at $15,' 20, $25, $30 and $40, from $5 to $75. 200 suits selected for Monday's business bought to sell for $12.50, on sale at $6.98. 15 new styles of suits bought to sell for $15, on sale for $9.90. all wool. cheviots, lined throughout, for 15. Women's skirts for $1. Women's silk waists worth $(, for $2.88. 60c Dresser Scarfs, 25c Monday morning ws place oa aals 500 fancy hemstitched dresser scarfs worth 60c to 76a, at 25o each. I ' Also tOO pairs ot tha finest hemstitched pillow ahaas, worth, LM to $1-60. for I Do pair, or 35e each. . NEW EMBROIDERIES. . ' Tha greatest embroidery sals ever held la Omaha begins Monday ' morning. Embroideries for lc. So Sc. 7c, 9c, 120, 15c, 19c, - 25o yard, worth from 6o to 75o per yard. NEW LACES. Our lacs department is acknowledged the leading lace department . In the city, tbs largest stock, the most exquisite patterns and always the lowest prices. Monday ws will offer THREE SPECIAL BARGAINS. BARGAIN NO. L 'A lot of the finest black silk laces, worth from SOo to $1.25. at 25o yard. BARGAIN NO. 2. ' ' A lot of tha very latest lace top Venetian trimming laces, worth 35c to 60c, at 15c TfL m BARGAIN NO. 3. A llns of extra wide Oriental laces, worth SSc to 60c, for 16c 20c pesrl buttons, (c dozen. 26c gilt top cloth bound books, 16c 100 yards Beldlng Bros.' sswing silk. Sc. Philip Sousa's new book, "Toe Fifth String." 98c. Grand ribbon sals Monday. Furnishing Specials ' Ladies' hemstitched and tucked umbrella drawers at 25c. Ladles' lscs and embroidery trimmed cor set covers st 26c Ladies' lacs and embroidery trimmed gowns, corset covers and drawers, worth $1.00. at 60c Ladles' handsomely trimmed corset corn ers, skirts, gowns, chemise and drawers, worth $1.60, at 98c. Ws are closing out all ths children's out ing flannel gowns, worth 60c, at 25c. All ths children", outing flannel gowns, worth $1.00, at 60c All ths ladles outing flannel gowns, worth up ta $3.60. st Sc Ladles, straight-front corsets, la all col ors and sizes, at 49c. worth 75c Ladles' girdles, la all colors, IS to 24. 49c, worth 76c. All ths new straight-front corsets la ths W. B. erect form, Ksbo, W. C. C, Dr. Warner's and Thompson olovs Fitting, at $1.00 and up. The Nemo self-reducing and Delta Dip corsets, for stout figures, at $2.50. Ladles' long sleeve, snkls length spring weight combiaatloa suits, la all sizes, at 60c Ladies' high-neck short sleeve lisle thread vest at SSc Ladies' low-neck 'sleeveless vega silk vest, la all colors, at 60c Ladles' sleeveless lisle thread vast at 16c China Dept. FOR TOMORROW, 100 piece decorated' seml-poreelata din ner set. fancy French shapes, uadergiazei decoration; theea sets regular at fsom $10 to $12. tomorrow we will sell these sets st $4.(9. Decorated toilet sets. $1.49. Art pottery Jardlalers, Sc. Fine Slat-blowa water tumblers, three for 10 cents. Decorated' cups aad saucers, per set. 29 seats. i Half gallon alas Imported malllca water pitchers. 25 cents. Gallon slas ssllk crocks. I aeata. Six-piece cream seta, flan polished crystal ware. 19 cents. All size lamp chimneys, 2Vi cents. Just received from Limoges, France, a beautiful lias of Havllaad dinner seta Ws alsa carry while HavUand ta ops stacks A Manufacturer's Stock of Silks Bought at Half Prico . CD Go on Sals, Commencing Uonday and Lasting til Week Thousands of pieces of the finest silks. Including aH the latest spring styles an opportunity at Just the right time to bur your new spring Bilk waist, aklrt or drees, and save money by attending this sale. To u will find every thing the very best- the black silks, the colored silks, the new Foulard silks, and all at a lower prico tha a you ever thought you would buy them for This Is tha Biggest Silk Event That Has Happened This Year. The Stock off Silks is Far Greater and the Prices are Very Much Lower. New prices on the finest grades of black taffetas: Pure silk black rustling taffeta, 27-ln. wide, worth 31.00, on sale at Wo, Pure silk black rustling taffeta, 27-tn. wide, worth $1.50, on sale at 95c. Purs silk black rustling taffeta, 84-ln. wide, worth $1.60, on sale at SSc Purs silk black rustling taffeta, 36-ln. wide, worth $1.76, on sale at 98c .Choice styles In new spring black grena dines from the big stock Finest grades In silk grenadines, double width, go at half price; sewing silk, her ring bone, Mexican mesh, iron frame, hair line stripes, knotted, corded, pUsse, ribbon effect, crinkle, crepe . de grenedlne 100 pieces, worth 31.60 and $2 and $2.50, all go on sale at 31.00. 100 pieces worth $2.60 and $3.60, all go on sale at $1.60. The finest lot of black silks you ever saw. Including all the newest weaves for spring, silk worth in the regular way from $1.60 up Your Shoo Money Will Go a Long Ways during this month as we are making a special effort to clean up all shoes left over from a heavy winter's) trade. The cost has not been considered, and the prices ws have put on ths goods should move them very quick. Ths Big Store starts out each season with new fresh goods. But to do so we must sacrifice the goods ws have oa hand. Ws sre the sole agents In Omaha of tha Stetson and Cro&sett shoes, for, Men and ths Ultra and Brooks Bros, shoes for Women. None better mads and every pair Is warranted. . Mens Box Calf Bals, welts, worth $3.00 and $3.50 at $1.79. - Men's Vlcl Kid Bals. welts." . worth $3.00 snd $3.50. at $1.79. ' Mens' Ten Russlsn Cslf Bals, welts, worth $3.00 and $3.60. at $1.79. Womens' Vlcl Kid, hand turned, $3.00, $3-50 and $4.00. at $1.9. ' Womens' Patent Leather, McKay, worth $3.00. at $1.. ' Womens' Box Calf, McKay, worth $3.00, at $194. Womeas' Vlcl Kid, extension soles, worth $3.00. st $1.84. Don't miss ths bargain room Monday, as It means a saving of 25 to 75 cants a pair oa all shoes bought that day. Mens shoes former pries $2.00, Monday, $1.00. Womens' shoes former pries $2.60 Mon day, 95c Misses' shoes, former pries $2.00, Mon day, $1.25. ChUds shoes former pries $1.60, Monday, 9c ' Boys or Youths .hoes former pries $L50 snd $1.40, Monday. SSc. A special in ladles' vlcl kid for Monday only, former price $2.60, Monday, $1.60. Infants Dongola buttoa a regular 60 cent value, Monday, 19c. Cat Toar Frtt Gift Caaaeas. Sheet Music Tomorrow we will place on sals some of ths latest and very best selling pieces ws havs la stock at only 19c per copy, by mall 20c, auch pretty ballads as "la the Good C'.J-Faahloaed Wsy." "Strangers,- - "When ths Lights Went Out" and "It's Not Al ways Bullets that Kill. all the above by Harris. "la ths House ot Too Much Trouble." Ws will also place oa aals . a ales book of Harris' songs at only 48c per copy, by mall 65e. , ' . Mall orders filled ths same day we re eelvs them. Get Yaar Fraa Gift Caaaaaa. ir In. to $2, all go. at 69c Armurs brilliant, bow-knot brocade, sumenloux. royal armure, wash taffeta, black lyons taffeta, purs silk duchess, all on sale at only 69c Finest black aklrt and dress silk go on sale at moat remarkable prices Black pelku de sole, pure silk, guaranteed, 21-ln, wide, worth $1.50, on sals at $1.00. Black peau de sole, purs silk, guaranteed, 24-ln. wide, worth $2.50, on sals at $1.25. Black peau de sole, pure silk, guaranteed, 80-ln. wide, worth $4.00, on sale at $1.98. Black peau mirror bell, pure silk, guaran teed. 26 In. wide, worth $3.00. on sale at 31.7s. Big sals on fine Foulards Monday, the most popular silk of the season ' Ws offer your choice of 100 pieces of fine twia or satin Foulards In choice stripes and colors, the finest pure silk and the Cheney Bros.' make these silks are selling every where at $1.00 you can buy them here Monday at 69c The leading Dress Goods Dcpt intho Vcst We caa show more,dress goads, mors chains, mors walstlngs, mors heavy weight dress" goods, mors light weight spring dress goods and sverythlag la dress good., mors than any other three houses west of ths Mississippi. In black good Priestly leads them sii. la black and colors no goods ta the world to equal Lupin of ths north ot Francef- Wehave 'Inch- entrrs" "vartetyrta well as the variety of every leading manu facturer In the world now la stock. Not only a few dress patterns or a few shsdea, but complete lines of everything that is made Bs sura aad attend our Monday's specials. FROM A. M. l'HTIL 11 A. M. Tou can buy In our high grade dress goods stock any $1.25 tailor suiting, any color, ' any shade, or grade tor (9 cents. Remember theae two hours only. ' FROM 1 O'CLOCK INTIL St P. M. Ton, can buy any $1.98 goods for 98 cents, any $1.60 goods for 75 cents, any $2.50 goods for $L25. This sale includes everything in light weight and heavy weight goods. Ws send ao samples of these hourly sales, nor All mall orders. FROM 4 TO S P. M. Tou caa buy any $2.98 goods at $1.25, any $3.60 goods at $1.76, any $5 goods for $2.ET0. This sals ends sharply when ths hour Is up. Examine our Eoltennes, Volla, Mistrals, at $1.50. $1.98 up to $5.00 a yard. Tou can find nothing like them for the money in this town. Examine our grand llns of even ing shades la Albatrosses, nuns veiling, Etamlnes, Sublimes, Mousellennes, Laas dowa. Crapes, Cballle, Bedford Cords, Lon don Cords, and everything to make up a first-class evening shads stock. Get Yaar Frea Gift Ceapoaa. Specials in Jevclry Dcpt Tsble bells, real ebony handle, sterling silver mounted, 10c. Silver mirrors la French gray and plala polished, $1.43. , Sterling sliver thimbles, 49c Silver napkin-rings, 49c Rogers' teaspoons, set, (9c Roger's brass table spoons, set, $1.9$. Fancy gold clock, movement guaranteed, for $4.48. Ladles' best rolled plate waist seta, 49c Gat Yaar Fraa Gift Caaaaaa. Waistings, Kimonas, Dressing Sacques, Etc In this stock you will find enallls In every shads sad designs. Prints, cashmeres aad tucklngs In every shads. From 60c to $2 60 per yard. Samplea now ready. Any lady sending in her address will receive a large package of samples free. Get Yaar Frea Gift Caaaaaa. Hat Saiqs Our spring styles for season of 190S havs arrived and are finer than aver. A swell llns of mens' pans mas, fedoras, golfs and derbys la all colors, ths prices are 75c, 85c, $i. $1.25. $L50. $L75. $2. 2.60 and $3. Come la and Inspect them, aa they are many different ahadea they cannot bs de scribed. Ws also havs a fins llns of boy hats aad caps, ranging la price from S5o to $1. Tarn O'Shanters In all colors at Km to SOc Got Yaar Fraa Gilt" Caaaaaa. rp nn aa i 0) 0) v3m lfcisa$3 Black or white moire silk at 39c Plain white and colored and corded wash silks at 26c. Yard wide black wash sUk at 49c 100 boxes black and colored velveteen, 39c Brocade wash taffeta In colore, new canhele stripe taffeta, new corded taffeta, in black or white, worth $1. $1.25 and $150, all on sale Monday at (9c Will we sell the WINSLOW TAFFETA this year? Is the question all the ladles ask. We will by all means just received 10,000 yards in all the new spring shades for lining the sheer fabrics that are now so much In vogue. The beauty of the WINSLOW TAFFETA is the fact that It wears so good. EVERT MAIL ORDER received oa ths above silks will be filled. Write for what you want In ths way of silk ws will fill to the beet of our ability and If not satis factory we will refund the money. Samples of new spring silks now ready. Write for them and wo will send complete line Furniture Tha Urns Is near, at hand When yoa will bs wanting soms pieces of furniture Ws have mads efforts to show you one of ths finest, best selected, and reasonabts priced lines ever shown to the publlo and ws hops you will come and see u. before yon buy. Over 125 styles ot metal beds, all ths new styles aad finishes ranging in pries from $36 down to the cheapest to bs found any where. Odd dressers In mahogany, birds eye maple and oak at such prices as $7-, $10.60, $11.60. $12.75, $15.00 up t $75.00. Elegant line of sideboards and buffets at $10.50, $11.50, $12.75, $16.00 up to $75.00. Extension tables, square and round, every pries to suit all pockets; -special solid oak table 48x48, quartered, sawed top, six-Inch legs, new pattern, solid and well mads, for $8.85, usual price $14.00. --Chairs for 65c, rockers for $1.00 snd $1.25, couches for $160, combination oak case at $9.45, ladles' desk, oak, $5.85, bedroom suit, throe pieces, $12.60. Send for catalogue Carpets Sensational carpet and rug sale Wonder ful bargains in new up-to-date spring goods. 9x12 all wool 8myrnla rugs ehesp snough at $25.00. $18.50. '9x12 Smyrnla rugs $35.00 quality, $19.50. 9x12 ons piece Brussels rugs, $11.96. . 9x12 WUtoa rug worth $40.00, $29.50. 9x12 Union art squares, $8.75. 7-4x9 Cnton art square, $175. Drop patterns all wool art squares 1x9 size, art square worth $(.00, $3.60. 9xl0-( size art square worth $$.00, $5.60. Vail Paper and Paints Ths largest stock la tha slty to select from, at ons-half actual value Ths beet grade of white blanks, 3c Fine gilt papers, per roll, Sc Fins tapestry papers, per roll. 7c Fins embossed gilts, per roll. 8c ' Handsome Ingrains per roll 12 He Ths best grads at ready mixed paints at per Tfallon 98c. Wo "havs also varnish stains, enamels, brushes and room moulding at greatly re duced prices. - Ded Spreads 1 case extra large aad heavy bed spreads. each 49c 100 full-size, extra heavy crochet bed sprsads, each worth $1-00; sale price, (9c 200 extra large crochet bed spreads, each worth $1.76; sals price $100. . 200 full-size Marselllles patterns, regular pricS, $2.25; sals price, $1-35 each. 200 trinaed pink and blue bed spreads, worth $1.60; aals pries, 98c 100 Msrseilllee extra heavy spreads, rag alar pries, $3.60; sals price, $2.26. Flannel Dept I cases 8-Inch wide extra Shaker flannel, worth lSc; sals heavy price ttc S eases whits wool flannsl; sale price, I2He. 15s and 19c Just received SO patterns of embroidered flannel, worth up to 80c; sals price, 9e per yard. Remnants of 10c aad 12H sllxalias; acta prion, so per yard. SPRING FASiIOf.S De sure and get your Coupons. I Hcnday in the Dargain Rccm Yoa Should corns 100 miles to attend this sale. There will bs silks, dress goods, wash goods, ginghams, madras, prints. draperies, etc., almost given away. Be sura and attend our dress goods sale no aeai ers, peddler, or manufacturers sold to la this room. FROM 6 A. K. tTWTflj 11 A. SC. We will sell dress and skirt patterns In black crepe nz, worth $3.00 per yard; black cheviots, 64 Inches wide, worth $1.00 and $L60; a yard; $1.00 broadcloth In all colors, $L00 suitings in all colors, $1.00 black briU Untlnes, $1.00 gray brllllaaUnss 60 inches wide These goods will run from 4 to f yards In a piece, only one pattern to a cus tomer; no goods less than 7 Bo per yard aad up to $2. For these two hours in tha fore noon ws will sell them at 25o yard. RE MEMBER THAT WHEN WE GIVE A SALE IT IS GENUINE. FROM 4 TO I , ft Ws will sell alt the remnants of 25c 89o, 49c 59o and 76o dress goods on ths middle table in the bargain room; only 10 yards to a customer at a yard at 9c FROM 8 TO 8 A. M. Ws will sell silk velvets In 15 colors, worth 60o a yard, at 9c FROM 11 TO lltSO A. M. Ws will sell lOo towels, only 2 pairs to a customer, at 2o each. FROM 5 TO SiSO P. M. Ws will sell the celebrated Hill's muslin, a little heavier than londsdals and lust as fine Regular pries is Sc For theae 80 minutes we will sell it at 4To a yard; only 10 yards to a customer. FROM 13 TO tP.H. Ws will sell short lengths of 16c, 19o and 25s dimities, bastisto, organdies, etc, ths up-to-date spring goods. In all shades aad colors, only 12 yards to a customer, at a yard. 2Ke During ths day ws will sell 10,000 yards of prints at Sttc, 38-inch percales at to, 25o sateens, In figures, stripes, etc, at 6c 25a Imported percales, in dark snd light colors, at 7o aid L000 other bargains all through ths bargain room. Ws will aell pants, only 1 pairs to a cus tomer, regular 76c, $1.00 and $1.26 pants, oa sals all day at 26c Ws will sell crockery, hardware house furnishing goods, worth 15o to 26 a, all will go on oas counter at 6c Crockery, glass wars, hardware, band-saws, compsss saws, lanterns, heavy nlckle-plated ' carpenter's hammers; all will go on ons counter at 10c There will also bo a special sals on men's furnishing goods, shoes, drugs and other goods In ths bargain room. Gat Yaar Frea Gift Cawaasue Linen Dcpt 68-inch bleached table linen. 19c 68-inch uabieaehsd table llnsa, 22Hc 4-taoh silver-bleached table linen. 49c Full-Blss dinner napkins, all linen, $119. $1.89. $1.49. Gat Yaar Fraa Gift Caastasu. Vhile Goods India linens, 6c, 10c. IStto, Uo and 19c India lawn, 40 inches wide, llo aad 15c Dimities, ia checks and stripes, at So, lOo, 12 Vic, 16c and 18c English madras sloth for shlrt-walstlags at 26o and S6c French damask for shlrtwalatlngs at 46c and (5c Fancy whits goods la laos aad satla ef fects at 13tte, 15c ISo. 220 aad 25c Cat Yaar Fraa Gift Cwi9mm. Jm Hn and Shooting -4 brown sheeting, 15c - 0-4 brown shooting, l(c 0-4 bleached sheeting, 17c , 0-4 bleached sheeting, lvc Kxtra fins quality of bias chad muslin. II yards for $1.00. 41x38 pillow esses. 15o a pair. 72x94 ready made sheets, 47Vo each. Remaanta of table llaea In 3. 2Vt and 2 yerd lengths on sale at tha llnsa counter. MAIL ORDERS IROSEPTtT riLLEO. Haydeaa la tha tea aawtpztaei nail eraer naaee. Wrlta fa Matin ar prices aa uf noes' a yoa aeaa. Sea. la a trial nail rar. All .aa.a seat saajeat ta appravaL Our spring assortment of men's top coats, suits and trousx era, In the newest and nobbiest designs, are now compteta and ready for your Inspection. Ths styles are only shown by exclusive merchant tailors and Harden Broe Spring overcoats, in the extreme short and long styles, from $5.9 to $20. Men's -new spring suits, from $5.00 to $22.60. REMEMBER, Ths Stein-Bloch A Co., Hackett, Carhart at Co. and Hart, Schsffner e Marx's tailor-made clothing, ex eluslvely at Hayden Bros. Crand Clearance Sale OF MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING, Mea's $7.50 suits at .... ....M.$ S.7T Men's $30.00 overcoats, for ........ ........ ...... $15.00 Men's $10.00 suits tor .....$ t.M Men's $20.00 overcoats, at ............ $10.00 Men's $22.60 to $30.00 suits, for ...... .....$15.00 Men's $15.00 worsted suits for ....$ 1.60 Men's $3.60 to $7.60 extra slzs pants, waist sizes 88 to 60, on sale at $1.50, $2.50 and $3.71' Boys' $5.00 sailor suits for ...$1.95 Boys' $5.00 Norfolk suits at $2.60 Boys' $7.60 to $16.00 long pants aulta, Monday $3.75, S5.00 and $7.60. GET PARTICULARS OF THE FREE GIFT DISTRIBU TION AT THE STORE. BE SURE AND GET TOUR COUPONS. SELLING THE MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHX Hardware, Stoves and iicusefurnishings EVERT ONE MONET SAVER3, Nc 0 Square Cook, with 18 -Inch oven very handsome, nickel-plated, very nlca, smooth casting, a regular $14.60 si ore, war ranted la every way perfect, $1X49. No. S range, 20-tnch oven, 0 holes, very nlca, plain-cast stove, a very fins bake with whits enameled reservoir, ea base, a regular $22.00 stove,. $15.95. JM. T ' - SJ.-K f . Extra large cast range, very oandsosna, With 20-inch ovwn, nicely ntckel-plated with pips and tea shelves4 of beautiful de sign, a regular $30.00 range, for $22.95. The Standard steel range, a regular $37.54 range, very largo, S0x40-lnch top, extra, Urge oven, 14x184x21. beautiful design, high warming closet, duplex grata for wood or coal, weight 600 pounds, gray Iron top, balaacs ot steel, bolted together, tow $29.96. IN BASEMENT. IN BASEMENT HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Granite wash basins, 10c 14x21 photo holders, 7c Family meat saws, 15c First-class, 12-guags gun, $4.75. 12-guage loaded shells, $1.60. ' Copper-nickel teakettle, SSc Solid steel shovel, (3c 10H-inch scrub brush. 6c 60-pound flour cans, 69o. Granite dippers.' 10c 2 large boxes toothpicks, 5c Nickeled clawhammer, 10c 22-short rifles, $1.96. No. S copper bottom boileit, 10-foot tree trimmer. Pateat potato sllcer, 10c Japanese dustpans, 6c Patent comb. Suit hangers, Sc Granite cups. 6c WATCH OUR PRICE ON SCREEN WZBJI AND POULTRT NETTINQ. Yaar Fraa Gift Ceassas, Uonday Grocery Sale 2-pound caa sugar corn. nc 2-pound caa string beans, Tc 8-sound can tabLe peaches, 12yi.c 1-pound caa aalmaa, 10c Can oil sardines. 6c S pounds hand picked navy beans, lfsv pounds rice, 19c 1-pound caa baking powder, 18c 1-pound -caa sous. 10c Strictly fresh sggs, 16c Fresh country butter, 18c Shredded cod fish at only 4a. Low Prices cn Fish K. K. Herring, each, lUe. K. K. K. K. Norway Herring, each, la. Holland Mackerel, 4tc Fancy Holland Herring, 4c Choice Norway Mackerel, por IK, 123ta Fat Ioeland Mackerel, per lb., 14c Norway Eels, per lb.. lStfc Faacy Norway Mackerel, per lbv, ISo, Brick Ced Fish, per lb., (c. Smoked White Fish, per lb., 10c Smoked Chunk Salmon, per lb., 20c Optical Department SPECIAL PRICES ALL WEEK. Gold filled frames, guaranteed for 20 years; $3.00 value at $1.49. Aluminum spectacles or eyeglassss wits fine ground lenses, complete, $3.60 vaJuas) at $1.69. A fins spectacle with good leases, $L6 value at 6c eat Year rm Gift Caaaeaa, FlaaraasUiigsassed.SOa. ,1