Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1902, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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Circuit Complete and Magnate. Prepare to
. Adopt til Schedule,
War lik A Birr leas AhIiI,i
Tot Towns Decided On P res
pects for fteasea Are
Considered G,,.
Never mind.
N Another k of waiting bas brought
baa ball seven days nearer and tbt In
evltsble announcement of tha plana ef th.
Western league. On. very bopaful algn la
otlced. "Myself and Van Brunt" baa been
M quiet at a mouaa during the last fort
Bight, while tba real bralna ef the league,
W. A. Rourka and James .Manning, hsvs
beea putting la tba hardest kind of licka to
get tka circuit Into shape. It la bow aa
soanced. that Des Molnaa and Ptorta are
both certain to ba la tba fold. Tbeie, with
Milwaukee aad Kanaaa City, will make up
tba e-lghi-club circuit and tba war with tha
America association will b on, la tbla
It la wall to look at tha conditions. Ameri
ca association bark era acout at tba Idea
of tba Westers league praaumlng to com
pete for publle patronage and baaa ball
eminence. Western league men grimly
amlla aad go ahead. They are determined
ta bold to Kanaaa City aa their territory
aad have goo. Into Milwaukee at a retalla
tory measure for the Invasion of Kansaa
City by the American, Unices some sort of
compromise, which doea not eeem area re
motely probable, sbould bo effected, a test
ef elreogth Is Inevitable. As tbe champions
of old were wont to pray after taking oath
to the Justice of their cause, "May Ood
shew tha right."
Unfortunate, Indeed, la the condition
which makes base ball depend on tba sur
vival of the Attest. - Most of Its patron,
prefer tho harmonious conditions which
prevailed for tha four or Ave years prior to
lfSt. 8o long as there la to be a fight,
though, Omaha tans will cheerfully meet
their share of It. for this town baa a repu
tation ta sustain. It baa been maligned and
misrepresented In places where such treat
ment Is leaat to bo looked for, but It baa
always stood loyally back of Ita team and
may bo depended upon to do eo etlll. Maa
ager fcourko aaya bla ambition Is to put
base ball on a sottd footing In Omaha.
Permanency is his aim. He wanta a park
that will bo a credit to the city and a team
that will ba looked up to all around tba
circuit 41 la choice of the Western league
waa made after duo deliberation and be
cease. In bla Judgment, the American asso
ciation will not bo permanent. Having
chosen, he baa quietly worked to make bla
choice a 'winner. While Burns of Colorado
Springs and others kept tb typesetting
maehlaea busy recording their vlewa ant
oplnlons-and plans and the-Ilka, "Papa
Bill" waa sawing wood and aaylng nothing.
Ho baa bow gone to tba front to aid In the
task of completing tho circuit and auccess
crowned bis efforts. v
With aa oven break In Kansaa City aad
Milwaukee, tha Western la la as good posi
tion aa tho AmerUaa. Omaha aad Denver
will easily do aa well aa Indianapolis and
Ixnilivllle; Colorado Springs and St. Jo
, aeph will furnish patronage to equal Toledo
aad Columbus, and Dea Moines and Peoria
won't havo to hustle very hard to keep up
their and against BU Paul and Minneapolis.
It Isn't the. population of the town that
counts in base ball; it'a tha number of
people who register .at the bog office. Tha
two Mlsaesota towns bars alwara been
notorious laggards' la this respect, while
Dea Moines has turned out fairly good
crowds. What Peoria will do remains to be
eeed Columbus and Toledo .are expected
to give tho game unusually good patronage
during tbe coming season. Wa know that
St. Joseph aad Colorado Springs will gup-
port their teaaa well. Omaha and Denver
havo made records that ware never bee ten
at either Indians polls or Louisville. Last
aeaeo tho paid attendance at Omaha
averaged over 1,000 per game nil through
. tho season, aad Denver was not tar behind.
Tbla throws tho cm of tha fight on Kan.
aaa City and Milwaukee. It la aot expected
that either of theeo towna will support two
teams.- Kansas City bad a taste of It back
la tba Me and Isn't especially anxious to
have tbe dose repeated. Milwaukee has
been la many leagues, but baa sever, cat
muck figure In any. What It will do In
two leagues at Oaea la beyond tha dope
. Speculation aa to tho outcome' w uss
less. Omaha la fortunate Indeed to have
escaped tha "horrors of war", right at borne.
Two teama la this town meant death . to
tie game. If Omaha bad gone Into tha
American tho Western would likely have
gene out of existence. With Omaha un
hampered la tho Western tha other towns
took ok courage aad are lining np In good
Sont Freo
to Talon.
. emmaBBjhBBmmm
J roe Trial Pasha of thU New Dim
cevorr Mailed to Every Man
Setwlng Name and Ad sir, a
QuUklr Bostoraa btransth
i and Vlwrir.
Fro. trial pa inker ef a meat remark
toe remade are hina mailed to ail who
wnia Ute Eta Meulrei Institute. They
V tfteay mea who had battled too
dsrr -
front for the conflict. Whatever the out
come. If the base ball patrons of Otnaba
are loyal to their team thla year they will
be aseured of base bell for ma ay years to
come. Weak towas' are going ta the wall
after tbla season and another aeaeoa will
likely see a realignment of tho teams.
Omaha Is certain to bo In tbe front rank.
Let as hope for some such bappy Issue of
the difficulty and in tho mesntlme boost for
tha borne team.
L fc tCSasCN. M.D.C.H. MftfluJ Director
fears against tho mental aad physical euf-leru-r
ef lost niauhood that tbe Institute
Las decide, te dietneute frea trial packs
te te all who write. It U a home treat
iuent and ell men who .utter with aay
Iria o( easuel weak nana reaulUug froia
Svulhful tt-ny, premature loss of strength
end Bivmocy, we, baaR. varicocele, or
Sii.aetacua or parte eaa sow cure them
a1, at hem.
fTt.e reovwir has a peculiarly grateful of
Oct ef warmth ana ema to act direct
avlop:ncet "juit Where ' itle "needed. It
urae an in lite ana trcublas tbsi come
rote years of disuse ef the natural fune
ivm aa he bea an absolute ouiiress la
.1 re. A rwuMl te the ntate kledlrei, Ti l L a iron Building. Ft Ways
i.d atla. I . I u Oere ewe ef thtr
trwe trial larkaaaa will fee eoatpllad with
rtiy. The institute te .aatreu. ef
Mag that greet ciaae ef mea who are
Uuati te Ua home te be treated an 4
tte free sample will enable them ta eee
bow easy ll te to be cured of eeaual week
Im wd en the proper retnediee are em-
. in insin uie wiaaee ne restno
tuna. Aov Biaa who writes will ba eent
fiee amint. oarefully ewtied la a plain
rvi&ac a that lie reUploet need kaw a
r f e mhjiii tt r putiiivl'r. Kaaa
au.ife r4uoi..i wrlia BUitwut deleja .
Jimmy Manning gives It out thwt oa to
morrow he will begin the grading on bis
new park at Ksnsss City, and tho erection
of a 110,000 grand stand will follow at once.
Thla will give him a splendid plant, ovea
though It bo tho matter of three blocks fur
ther out tbe same car line than that of Ibe
American. Hugh Duffy has been announced
as tho manager and part owaer of the
Milwaukee team la the Western.
He ssys he baa a spleadld lot of
plsyers under contract, but declines for the
present to announce any name. These, and
the practical assurance of the success of the
deputations to Peoria and Des Moines form
the news of the week so far aa tka Western
league Is concerned. In the American as
sociation some little ripples have been
noted In the smooth surface of their stresm.
Indlsnapolis Is tha storm center of a row
In which somebody Is going to get the
worst of It. Manager Watkins has Issued
an ultimatum to tho effect that tha town
will havf Bunday ball or bo ball, while the
mayor bas as firmly said there will bo no
Sunday ball. Either the mayor or the
manager will have a chance to back down
very soon. Down In Louisville White Wings
Tebesu bas escountsred some two or three
Injunction suits, brought by property hold
ers In the vicinity of bis proposed new
park, and work of construction is interfered
with to soms extent. Elsewhere along the
circuit matters are moving smoothly.
One of tbe happiest Incidents of tho week.
for the Western league, was tha settlement
of the difficulty at Denver, A. B. Beall
transferring to W. C. Packard his holdings
at the Broadway park. This puts Denver
In good shape to start tbe season, and ends
one of the unpleasant Incidents of tbe row
betwaea the Western and the American-
Denver has the most accessible ball park of
any western city, baa a popular manager
and a team that looks good on paper, and
ought to have a remarkably prosperous year.
t'p In St. Paul a aomewhat contrary condi
tion exists. Tbe city council flatly refused
to close tho streets that were necessary to
the construction of Lennon's proposed
down town park, which action ends tbe
prospect In that direction, and leavea the
old Weatcra league plant for tho coming
season. One enthusiastic fan calls on tbe
base' ball patrons of tbe Saintly city to
mark tho councilmen for slsughter at tbe
next election. More than likely St. Paul
will be on the base ball ahelf by tbe time
another city government is chosen up there.
On Tuesday tha Western league magnates
will meet at Denver to formally announce
the circuit and the schedule for the play
ing season. Colorado Springs, Denver, Des
Moines, Ksnsas - City. Milwaukee, Omaha,
Peoria and St. Joseph will ba represented.
These towns will make up tho circuit. Pat
Powers and Secretary Sexton of the Na
tional Association of Minor Leagues will be
there, and It Is expected that James A. Hart
of Chicago will represent tbs National
league at tho meeting. Two dayg will bo
given over to tho business to bo transacted.
About tha only gaiety going now la af
forded by tba Pacific coast league. Out
there the scribes are chattering aaa -oaar
faring like a Jot of. parrots over the young
blood that is breaking Into tbe league. For
example. Manager Harris of 8aa Francisco
has Just executed a verbal triple summer
sault over getting "Big-Bill" Wilson to
catch during tho coming seaaon. That's not
bad for a beginner, but another Joyful bowl
Is raised over the secession of v"Kesiy
Wrlgbt. while an exultant chorus of yelps
goes up because "Rip" Egaa la going to
pitch. Other "youngsters" of tho same
vintage are being dug up, and you needn't
be surprised te bear of Owney Pattoa,
Leach Maskrey, Cartwrtght, big Morrlosey,
"Rsddy" Hanrahan. Bill Farmer or aay of
that old guard coming up disguised as a
boy oa the coast.
XebroskSk Teaaa Is t Fraetlelaaj Omt
Doers with laasaal Sap
ply ef Material.
Dally outdoor practice Is bow tho order
of business with the base ball squads at the
University of Nebraska. The assertlea that
every old mea would bo back again this
seaaon is now proven, for tha favorable
weather bas sufficed to bring around the
veterans who dM not care to go la for tha
Indoor preliminary work la the cage and
the gymnasium. Tho boys are all out aad
the two squads, scrubs sad "first eleven"
are more than filled every evening.. Cap
tain Bell Is certslnly to bo envied his pros
pects, for never before bas a man been so
fortunate aa to start tha seasoa with every
place around tbe diamond tiled by at least
one old and tried first team man.
Tha enviable condition In which tbe team
finds Itself eaa ba better understood when
this line-up Is regarded; Catchers, Doans
and Maloney; pitchers, Townsend. Oalnea.
Bender; first baae, Raymond; second base,
Resder; shortstop, Rhodes; third base.
Hood; right field. Bell; center field. De
Put roo; left field. Townsend or Oalnea.
That la tho way the boya played Iasl year
and It Is aa alluring prospect. Alt those
men are in the game again, and thea there
Is a large grist of promising aew material
which eaa bo utilised at any time, and soms
of which will doubtless glvp tha mea bow
holding the first team Jobs a merry chase
to ksep them.
It Is Tory probable.- too, that Jimmy Bell
will Inaugurate a few changea la positions.
Several men are fixturea, such as Hood at
third, DePutro at center field and Doano
and Maloney behind the baL That la, they
are fixturea unless some ef tha bow mea
beat them out. Tbe rest, however, may be
changed around Indiscriminately. Town-
send when nut pitching la equally valuable
la the field or at second base. Reeder alao
plays both positions superbly, so any emerg
ency will aot cause a grievous crippling of
the team at tha middle bag. Rhodes, bow
ever. Is and waa and will bo tha Onset Bret
baseman who aver scored put-outs at the
university, aad he may go back to hie old
position. In that ovsnt Raymond, who
playsd first laat I ear because Rhodes
wanted to strengthen tho Infield at short,
will be switched somewhere else.
Manager George Sbidler bow haa tbe llla
erary of hla trip arranged except for datea.
All the names of schools to bo met are
scheduled' In order ae follows:
Lutheran eollere, Decorab. Ia.
I'nlwmty of kinneeola, Minneapolis,
t'nlverelty of Minnesota, htinneabo'.la.
State I'niveraity of Iowa, Iowa City.
Knox rollose, Evanston,
Northwestern university, Evaneton.
I'nlverelty of Notre Dame. Boulb bend.
Purdue university, Lafayette.
.,!.. - 4 . 1 1 I . . V-
, ,1... ..J W .". V ' .
Kanaka university, Lawrence.
Washburn rolleae. Tooena.
Kanaaa State Agricultural school Man-
St. Mary's college. 8t Mary's. Kao.
The team will leave Lincoln for Ibis trip
oa April li. The first game Is en April U,
the first of tbe two with tha 1'nlverslty of
MlnasaoU oa the Mth.
Approach of Great Aaerican Handicap
Brings Out Mno h Interest.
At Leaat eveaty-Five frees Aatelepo
State Wilt race Traps la
tart ( Great Flaee at
Kansas City,
With tbs Grand' Am'erlcaa Handicap, the
American Grand Prlk, but three weeka dis
tant, shooting talk tha country over la
oa bo other theme. Tbla Is tba tenth shoot
of tho kind that baa been held, aad for
several reasons It gives every promise of
being easily tbe greatest of them' all. The
chief earnest of the success of thla event
la its occurrence for the first time In tbe
west. All previous Handicaps have- boea
held ia tho vicinity of New York City, and
ths bringing of tho tenth annual affair to
Kansas City is a marked recognition at
the weet's strength and Importance in gun
ning mattsrs.
Ths same ebanga of location, toe, Is what
insures such an enormous increase la at
tendance and entries. Last year IS3 men
ehot In the Grand Amorloan Handloap. That
was the largest entry -list up to that time.
This time that figure Is already nearly
reached aad sportsmen who ara posted say
that tbsro will bo aot less tbaa 400 la all.
There were twenty-one entrtea for tbe
first Grand American Handicap In 1191.'
The reason for this Is that tor ths first
time the west will be sbls to shoot strong,
and It will be very strong. Tbe east, too,
not so easily appalled by distance, will
shoot Just about as strong aa usual. West
ern men hsve never attended the Handicap
In any great numbers heretofore because
of Its far-away location, but this year they
will get In with both feet.' There U really
a very largo proportion of the keen shots
of America In tbe west, sad they comprise
the element that will swsll tho entry list
st the coming shoot.
Of this total It la Interesting to know
that Nebraska alone will furnish more than
an eighth. Kansaa City men who ara pro
motlng tbe affair have been making a stren
uous effort to havo a creditable representa
tion from Missouri and Kansss, .but Ne
braska will more than bold Its own in tbe
list. About aeventy-flvo' shooters -will go
from this state, more tbaa bavo ever ahot
In one event before.
Of thla number a score havo already en
tered and paid their forfeits, and tbe rest
have three weeks and - more to get In.
Omaha will be responsible for a largo num
ber of tbe Nebraskana, as tha following
well known local shots bsvs already en
tered: Frank Parmelee, W. D. Townsend,
Oeorgn W. Loomls, Fred Goodrich', T. R.
Kimball, R. R. Kimball, Charles Lewis,
P. P. Burke. Other well known Nebraska
shots, familiar la Omaha, who hsve en
tered, are: J. A Burke, Elgin; J. F. Beard,
Herman; Ous Blevers, Orand Island; Dad
Bray. Syracuse; Dick Llnderman, Weeping
Water; George B. Blmpklns, Lincoln)
George L. Carter, North Platte.
Tbe management of the Handicap has al
ready recognised tho prominent of Omaha
In sporting matters by sppolntlng Hsnry
McDonald of this -olty one ef the official
referees for th shoot.
W. D. Townsend, tbe local sporting msn.
Is collecting a bunch of entries which he
will send to the secretary-treasurer m New
York City on March 10. He baa tha names
listed above, snd will get many more be
fore Monday nlgkt cornea, .
Great preparation ara making at Blue
River park. In Ksnsss City, for ths shoot.
R. S. Elliott, who has charge of ths equip
ment, ssys that the traps will bo the finest
system that haa aver been laid out any.
where. All guns and shells shipped la cars
of him will be carried to tho grounds free
of charge. . ,
Km to general Information concerning tbs
Handicap. It will bo tbe . principal aveat
In a week'a shooting. On Monday, March
11. there will be aa eight-bird and a twelve-
bird event, no handicap. A slxtsen-bira
event will bo shot on Tuesday, with handi
caps tbs same as those from the Orand
American Handicap.
The Handicap Itself will commence 00
Wednesday. April t. tbe weather being fa
vorable, and It will bo continued indefinitely
until finished. Regular entrlea tor thla
close on Saturday, March 21. They must
be sent to Edward Banks, secretary-trees-nrer,
at Jl Broadway, New York. Tea
dollars forfeit must accompany the entry.
The fee la S25, and the remaining lit may be
paid any time before the ahoot com
Post entries ara permissible, being al
lowed up to the time on the morning of
Wednesday. April t. when the laat mea bas
shot at his first bird. . Tea dollars extra
will bo charged tor post entries, or a. total
Of 136. "... ,
Tho trao ahootlng rulea of tha Interstate
association will govern tho contest, and
Elmer E. Shearer of Pittsburg, manager of
this association, will be in charge of the
Handicap. These rules hsve been recently
revised and a copy of them accompanies
each official program.
All handicaps are awarded on a basis of
twelve-gauge guns, aad ao allowance will
bo msde for smaller bores. No larger gud
tbaa twelve-gauge will be allowed,, snd ne
heavier gun than eight pounds. Hand pro
tectors and removable rubber butt-plates
are not Included In the weight Of the gun.
The handicap committee will meet at the
Midland hotel U Kansaa City oa Thursday,
March 2T, to award handicaps, but they will
aot be published till the Bunday morning
following. This committee will also de
termine tbe order of shooting, by lot. '
A trophy ef sterling silver worth 1150
will be presented to tbs winner of . the
Handicap by the Interstate association.
Other shooting events will follow the
Orsnd American Handicap. Ia fact, there
will bo a gunners' carnival for two weeks
or more. Birds will be "extra". In aU
events, snd the purses will be divided oa
tbe "high gua" system. -
Official programs for the Handicap left
tho preasea Thursday last, and eopiea were
received In Omaha Friday.
Paeaaseala rellewe Celd
but never follows the use of Foley's Honey
sna nr. it stone ise oougn, neeis and
etrengthena the lunge and affords perfect
security from aa attack of paeumeal. Re-
ruse suDsututsa.
Life la Players at . State
Mespeaa ta Call treat
Provident. ' '
BuUetla No, 1 of tbe aeries of UOs has
Just been Issued by ths presldeat of the
Nebraska Chese - association. It reade:
KEARNEY. Neb.. March It-Mr Dear
Associate: Believing that it was my duty
to revive the Interest in chess. I secured
from Mr. le France a list ef thirty roam
bereof this association, and about ths 1st
ui rvimwy mtvm tviinw iu wa a tii ui
them, or to one of their friend, eaaina
thein if thvy ailU retained their Interval in
the geme and if they would help ue carry
the work on. I have received answera
from alateen. 0ix of these have paid the
dues for tins year. Nine will slay by the
association, eleven will accept the chat
tense of Texas, seven will (rant Iowa a re
turn match, seven will enter a etate tour
nament, elht think a dollar for titiee all
right, one U, two 7 rente and twe 60 cents.
I think that the responses show thst there
ie a good deal of lite left, and thla circular
Is Issued to kwp those who have responded
Informed aa to the aucraae we are havliic,
rid as a reminder to those who have not.
have been unable to find any volunteer to
art as aeciwtary and dulike lo ax any
newspaper te give us a roluma unless there
Is a aidfig probability tbal it wul cvnOuus
Have Been Wrecked on the Rock
of Sexual Vice.
Thousands Havo Boon Ro&cuod by
Tho Stato Electro-nodical Institute.
Whiclr Combines AU of the Curative Powers of Both Medicine
nnd Electricity In Our Electro-Medical Treatment.
lenfett Established. Metl Successful and Reliable
Specialist hi Diseases of Mea, si Medkal Ltceaset,
Diplomas and Newspaper Records Shea.
av a a m m aaa a m aa sa
specialists tor uiseases of ivien I treat men only and cure them to stay cured
I asks aa estrava.aat assertlea waea I ear that aalllloaa af atea have been wrecked oa the
aca that they set disease, bat rather that they allow it ta arrow were, thronga aeajert ae laaai
Either yoa
reek ef teisst vice. The tenable Is nat ea
Tea aheale reaaeasher that sesaal diseases are sever at a etaadatlll. Kelther eaa yea aaake aar (tasrsaht with
aaoet eeatrol theas ar ther wt II csstrsl yea aad reader Tea atterly aallt far the srSlssry aetlee aad aleaaarea af Ufa.
aaeetaee aaa Free samples. Trial Treatments aad the like eea't eare complaints of this hla. as any one who hah tried theia knows,
DISEASES, ar aa associate disease ar weakness, tsi ewe It ta yearaeif te fallr aaa freelr Investigate aay treatment. Mr tnasterr af these
.snalaalea le complete. I bee; aa a eperlal otadr af thea aaaa after srradaatla.; from rolleae, aow nearly a .aarter af a eeatary aaa, aad aar.
tasr all at the years sines then they have heea say etady had persistent practice. I treat -aotblaa- else.
Does It wot aaear ta yoa, then, that I aea better prepare, ta cam bat aad eoaeaer disease aad weakness aeealler ta ates thea the aeaeral
practitioner, whe, Instead af concentrating hla faealtlea ea a elagle class af disease, scatters ths-aa aver tha entire arid of sne.lelae and
Whatever may be
the cause of vari
cocele. Its Injurious
erreot is wen
nown. It de-
utu mint k WUnt presses the mind.
weakena the body,
racks the nervous system and ulti
mately leade to a complete loss of! power. If you axe a victim of
tnis aire aisesse come to our omoe
and let me explnln to you my process
or treatina it. xou win men not won
der why I have positively cured hun
dreds of cases Of Varicocele during
the paet twelve tnonthe. Under our
treatment the patient Improves from
the very .beginning. All pain soon
ceases. Soreness and swelling quick
ly subside. The pools, of stagnant'
blood are forced from the dilated
velna, which rapidly assume their nor
mal slse.- strength and soundness. All
indications of disease and weakness
vanish eompetely end In their stead
come the pride, the power and the
p ensure of perfect health and restored
manhood. -
Oh account of
its frishtful hide-
fll nnn nnlPllU minim Pnntae
- eluuu ruiauii fou. Biood poison
, le commonly call
ed the king of venereal dlaeasee. It
may be either hereditary or contract
ed. Once the eystem Is tainted with
It. the disease msy manifest itself In
the form or Bcrofuls, F.csema, Rheu
matic Pains, miff or Swollen Joints,
Eruption, or Copper-Colored Spots on
aw llu llttla iilra In tha
mouth or on the tongue, eore throat.
Swollen (OT1S1IB. isiuna out ui in, nair
or sysbrows and finally a leprous-like
' decay of the flesh and bone. It you
have Any of these or similar symp
toms you are cordially invited to con
sult me immediately. If I find your
fears are unfounded, I will quickly un
burden your mind. But If your con
stitution is Infected with syphilitic vi
rus 1 will tell you so frankly and
show you how to get lid of It. My
special treatment for Contagious Blood
Poison Is prsctlcaKy ths result of my
life work and la endorsed by the best
physicians of America and Europe. It
contalna no Injurious drugs or danger
ous medicines of any kind. It goee to
the very bottom of the dleeaae and
forces nut every particle of Impurity.
Soon every elgn and symptom or blood
poison disappear. completely and for
ever. The blood, tbe tissue, the flesh
the bones and ths whole eystem are
cleansed, purified and restored to per
fect health and the patient prepared
for the dutlea and pleasures of life.
It matters not
how lone von have
rAINLtSiLT Stricture, nor how
REMOYED mocoV.y har
appointed you, I
will cure you Just aa certainly as you
come to us1 for treatment. I will not
do It by dilating or cutting. My
treatment is nsw, entirely original
with me. and perfectly painless. It
completely dissolves the Stricture and
permanently removes every obstruc
tion from the urlnsrV passage. It
stops every unnatural dlschsrge, al
lays all Inflammation, reduces the
prostata gland when enlarged,
cleanses and heels the bladder and
kidneya when Irritated and congested.
invigorates' 'the sexual' organa and
restores health and soundness - to
every part of the body affected by
the disease.
reaping the re
sult of your
former folly.
Tour manhood la falling and wilt soon
be lost unless you do something for
roumelf. There Is no time to lose,
mpotency, like all eexual diseases, is
never on the standstill. With It you
can make no compromise. Either
yo.i must master it or It will master
you and fill your whole future with '
misery and Indescribable woe. I have
treated so many rases of this kind
that I am ae familiar with them as
you are with the very daylight. Once
cured by me, you will never again be
bothered with emissions, drains, pre
maturenese, smell or wesk organs,
nervousness, falling memory, loss of
ambition or other symptoms which
rob you of your manhood and abso
lutely unfit you for study, business,
pleasure or marriage. My treatment
for weak men will correct all these
evlle and restore you to what net j re
Intended a hale, hearty, happy man,
with physical, mental and sexual
powers complete.
111. ICCROI aTC In curlna an
M.L nOOWIMIL ailment of any
kind I never
fall to remove
all reflex com
plications or
- associate dls
If the case Is Varlcbcele, the
weakness caused by It dlaaprieare. If
It Is Stricture and lias developed Into
Prostatic Bladder or Kidney Affec
tions, the injured orgsns are all re
stored to a perfectly healthy condi
tion. If It le Contagloue HI ood Poi
son, any and all Mkln, blood and
Hone Lileeeeea arlwina from the taint
1 are entirely and permanently ellml-
riated from tha system. If it le im-
I potency, the many distressing sytnu-
toms following In Its train and Indl-
I rating a premature decline of physi-
I ial. mental and sexual power are to-
tally removed and rapidly replaced
1 by the youthful energy of robust
manhood. Hence, all resulting ills
l land reflex complications, which may
t properly termed associate discs see,
ana which, In fact, are often more
serious thsn the original aliment that
gives rise to themall, we say, dls
nppear completely and forever, with
the cure of the main malady.
Hams Treatment by Mail
On, .personal visit is preferred, but
I If If la Impossible or Inconvenient for
uii to call at our office, write a full
.nd unreserved history of your cose,
plainly stating your nrnptoms. We
make no charge for private counsel
and give to each patient a LBUAL
CONTRACT to hold for our promises.
If you cannot call today, writs. Ad-dress.
; 1308 Farnam Street, 'Between 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Nebraska.
- v : . REFERENCES: Best Banks and Leading Business Men in the City. V.
- CONSULTATION in Person or by Letter FREE. Office Hours', 8 a. -m. to 8 p.m. Sundays. 10 a-m. to i p. rn.
and be an honor to the paper and the asso
ciation. I shall issue another of these bulletins
about April 1. or sooner if circumstances
Indicate It la desirable..
I have received an official letter from
Mr. Charles H. Harmar ef Cedar Rapids, in
which he eoncedee the victory In the Iowa
against Nebraska match by a ' score of
11 -wins for Nebraska and 10 for Iowa.
lf course they are anxious (or a return
match. The . challenge from Texas still
Stands ope i.. '
Now a word as to a -state tournament.
The prise for the winner le a good one.
Be. will be entitled to enter the Chees
congreaa at St. Louis next year. At least
my understanding la that the champion of
any state tournament la a master of chess,
and, whether he wins a game or not in the
congreaa. he will be associated with the
great-masters. Think this matter over.
Any suggestions you may have to offer
will be thankfully received. . Let ma hear
from you. Hopefully your.
, . President Nebraska Chess Association.
Week Of Extra EBrort Pea. active af
.Nelhlec hat Extra Law
Clah St.adlngs.
Cluhs. ' ' W.' 1 P C, If. Total. Ave.
Omaha IT 19 .711 974 M.KM Ml
Clarkeon 38 ,.(,' & k.SU Stt
Bt Charles.... 17 ti .to) 647 K.0 "
Otrman ....... 36 Si) .S5 964 64.V7S &2
Gate C4ty....i. M . fi . 74 66 61 K41
Western 18 (8 .4114 KM 63,851 81S
Krug Park.... U 40 .X IrM ' farm 87
National 17 " 4 .g J6 60.970 772
lltgQ score:. Frltscher (St. Charles). 223.
In.lvl.nal Averages.
Name and Team. Games. Total. Ave. High
Emery, Omaha 67 J0.1S6 . 177 211
I'rttscher, Bt. Charles 6J U.1H7 177 237
Read. pmha ......... M fcl 7 Ul
Seaman. Oate City... SJ ll.ios 17f 1.(7
Kaj-p. Omaha 6 11.667 176 23
I Myelin. ,ei rian L7 t IM1 174 H
Kolls. Clarkaon 46 7.M7 174 .'4
penmtvnn, Clarkeon .. t 4,T 174 ""14
femead, Omaha. fl S,7U 17t 218
trunks, Clgrkson ...,e' :HA 170 ?45
Bchneldsr, fct. Charkea 63 k.Kbt 170 13.
Uhmtn, Omaha 64 S.1K2 170 tsi
Traceyt National M S.litt lt 224
Hartley, Oate City... 4 . 11 2 It 223
Al Krug, German 0 lO.lfag 11 215
Weber, German 67 t.O'l ItiH 211
Flanagan. rH. Charlea J 10.6 168 2)4
F. Cuarad. Gala City. eS U.V40 W 24
Record. . .
: n as
What is oa tbe whole the poorest week
of leatvs play since ths pressst . seasoa
begsa has. Just closed- Tbe peculiar feature
of it, too, is that it ha. been e week la
wfctca all ths rollsrs tried especially bard.
Several of the teams were very cloee to
gether . the club standings sad tbs Indi
vidual averages f the leaders were also
separated by but a small figure. This led
e.vsryoue to try unusually hard to build up
a seers aad jncreaas his lead, or else re
duce that of those Who led him.
The result of the effort waa dismal. Only
four Individual games out of ths 111 rolled
reached the 200 mark aad Bye of tbs teams
fell below 1,400 oa total scores. Ths
Omabas. Germans aad Oat. Cttys managed
to keep their beads abovs that mark,
hut only the Gate CUT man leae4
t.600, this team taking the high, total for
the week, with 1.(36. This was the only
team ef the eight to soaks as good a total
M that of tba week previous.
Afsls. Boas of tbe totals for slagle games
reached too, aad twelve of them were below
100. There was also aa appalling lot of
, individual scores for .ingle game, below ISO.
Tha four be. who reached the 200 mark
deserve special mention this week and they
were Conereed Beagele of the Krug Part
teats, with tCl and Ida, Lawler ef the West
erns, with 111. aad Frltscher ef the St.
Charles with 121. Tha last we. high aaaa.
making the second tune la succession he
has held tho honor, though there was a
drop in his score by which ho secured It of
thirty-four pins. On their total games, too,
tho single men were poor, there being only
eleven of them above 600. .
Ia tbe Individual averages there hss been
a corresponding falling off. The three lead
ers still stsnd In the same order Emery,
Fritschc r. Read which they held last week.
But nono of them have raised their aver
ages, while Emery's hss fallen. Seaman
jumped up two places by Improving hi.
game, snd Beselln also moved up. - It is
significant that not a maa la up to the 160
mark, and tbe bowlers are girding their
loins for this week's play with ths inten
tion of climbing up closer toward U every
gsme they roll from now on. '
The poor throwing did not obtain in the
second round of tho two-msn team tourney.
however, which was begun Friday night.
8x teams played and Hartley and Coniad
picked off high total with flying colors by
a score of 1.101. Hartley also took high
Individual total with 564. Both are high
for ths tournament ao far.
One change la ths staadlaga of tbe clubs
occurred, that bringing the St. Charles
men from fifth place to third. This was ac
complished by taking thrse straight games
from the Nationals. Ths Omahas did a
similar trick with ths Westerns, so these
two teama took corresponding leaps for
ward. Not a team on the Ifst raised Us
high score and the Gate City mea were the
only ones to keep the team average up, the
other sevea falling off, while ths Oate Cltys
remained at a standstill.
Tenpln score, of 100 snd belter made oa
the Gate City alleys! Jsmes P. O'Brien,
100. 201, 20S, 105, t0. 206; Stanley Roae
water, 120, 114; Charles Miller, 200. 210;
W. Kelln, Fremont. 107. 230: Dr. Dodge.
203; Fred Diets, Fremont, 111, 726; Calder,
207; Frank hflddaugh, Fremont. 164. 231;
Kolls, 216; r. GUdden, Fremont, 234, 201;
Conery, 201; "Csp." Dsvey, 155, 109. 201;
Will Reivers," 109; Wllllsm Bruenke, 203,
202; "King" Denman, 204; Charles Seaman,
215, 2i W. A. Chandler. 100; R. Encell,
203; H. V. Reed. 212, 201, 214, 101. 22S;
West, Council Bluffs, 102;. Mr. Schrelber,
210. 200; Etnyer, Council Bluffs, 264; C.
Stein, 202; Tokom. Marshalltown, Is., 227;
U B Lurss, 111; H. B. Storm, 23s. 14S; Dr.
Burrelli 204. 110; Kit Carson,' 102, 111, 108;
"Dad" Huntington, 111, 226; Al Gordon,
23, 201; K. 1. Kelly. 101: C. B. Briden
becker, 207, 218, 204, 114. JJ; J. T. Pierce.
Missouri Valley, 102. 201. 104; John Bea
gele, 108, 212; James Terrlll. ti. 224;
Fred Graham. 210. 204; Ed Simon, 101. 212.
Tenpin scores ef 200 and better at Clark's
alleys: C. Lovell. 201, lit; Frederick
son, 202. 201; W. H. Emery, 111, 222, 216,
209. 201. 204; Charles Zarp. 106; M- R.
Huntington. Ill, 107, 101, 216., lul, tOt; D.
J. O'Brien. 102, 136; Frank Fogg. 202; M.
Z. Forscutt. 211. 106; t. H. Hodges.' Ill;
George Zimmerman, 114: Charles Mstthai,
214; C. J. "Franclaco. 204, 205. 21. 15S;
K!cs" Dccaaa. 20t; J!a Csriasr. :24; F.
J. Bengele, 200; John Yocom, 215; Eddie
Lawler. 203. 204. 231, 232, 111; C. Klteoa,
2IS. 124. 220; W. H. Wigman, 102. 209; H.
W. Lehman. 215; J. S. Hunter. 102; H. N.
Peters. 201; L. E. .Lucas. 100; H. D.
Reed. 103: W. J. Clarkeon. 210, 246, 102,
266, 201. 133. 139; H. Frltscher. 221.
Tenpln scores of 100 aad better at Lents
Williams' alleya: Ed Cudahy, 234. 216;
N. Ahmaoson. 100; C. Kltson, 202; A. E.
Morpay. 120; Bob Johnson, 219 ; N. F. Relck
ard. 202; Jo. Gleasoo, 212, 216; Jae Ascb,
202; El Whitehora. 231, 201: Dr. . D. L
Dodge. 111. 110; H. C. Shuttleworth,
208; Glea Busk. 207; Jack Double. 110; J.
All Wool Panto SI. 76 a Leg
And AH S8 and SIQ Pants for S5.
Suits, to Order, SIS and Up, ;
HILL PANTS C(i 320 s: "
N. Ward. 104; Will Ztttman. 102, 259, 119;
212; J, H. Hussie. 214; C, W. Gordy. 201; Al
Krug, 210; H. Pierce. 243; I. F. Kerr. 202;
Fred Blls. Ill, 208. 237; Dr. D. H. Wcsttall,
l; Dr. L. C. Black. 212; "Oom Paul"
Kruger, 225; C. P. Cole, 209; L. E. Lucas,
107; J. Murphy, 100; Dr. Bishop, 117; F.
J. Conery, 201. 205.
Strikes and Spares.
Wood Hartley won the tenpln prise for
high score at. the Oate CJty alleys last
month with 177,
Ed Field took the February Newport prize
at the Oate City alleys by making twenty
nine pins In three gsmee.
Thns far this ironth Etnyre is high msn
st the Gate City alleys for ths feopln-prize
with 164.
Miss Tippy Inmaa lk a world-beater st
Clark's with a score ef 125 at tenplne.
Mrs. M, Z. Forsoutt drew a prise at
Clark's last week with a score of 176 at
.Mis. Oussie Lehman took three prizes ia
a week at Clark'a by beating the 175 mark
at tenplne three times with 177. 189 and 213.
J. J. Barter's 134 at rubberneck brings
him a reward at Clark's.
. Cbsrles French drsws a nlnepln prise at
Clark'a with 11 points msde in three suc
cessive gsmes.
C. J. Francisco threw 251 lost week at
Clark's in tenpins and gets two prises
for It.
Mrs. Powers was rewarded for bowling
178 at Claik'e.
Miss Tippy lomaa of Council Bluffs broke
all feminine bowling records for Omaha snd
Nebraska last Tuesday Bight by amassing
score of 225 points in one tea-frame gam.
ef unpins at Clark'a alleys. This is ac
counted really phenomenal work. . The
women's record for this gam. was previ
ously held by Miss Louise Goerue with 220
pins. Miss lama, bowls In superb style,
with a long .weep snd a swift ball. 8hs
hss been a member of the Impromptu
Bowling club during the season of that or
ganization's activity and la sn ezperlenoed
bowler. It Is doubtful that hss score will
be equalled this year.
Any sufferer from HTRICTURE and its
offirlng, VARK'OCEI.K, Prostatitis Snd
Seminal Weskns is invited to cut out toe
coupon below, write his nam. and address
Hkt IMbAritlli tUtru.N.
St. k'sdicsl Association,
oa Bl. James Bids., flaclaaatt, O.
Please eend ate a copy of your Illus
trated Wcrk upon the Male Sexual
flymern, securely sealed, PttEPAiU
tKEE Cf all CHAKUE8. .
' ' "
Jialnly, mall It to Bt. James Medical Assn..
i Bi. Jamns blil , Cincinnati, O-, end the
will send their Illustrated Treaties, showln.
parts of ths male systcio Involved In
Urethral aliments PRK- I s-y pa pt
3 at. James (14s, CliaClXUlATI, O.
Clark's Bowling Alleys
1313-13 Harney 8t.
Deo Vant Ads
PrcducD Results