Tin: OMAIIA DAILY BEE: S ATTTTt T) AT, MAItCIl 8, 1902. Tiie Omaha Daily Bee. E. ROBE WATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OP BUH8CRIPTION. Pally B (without Ftunday), One Yff..M W Imliy Hee anl Humlav, on Year........ COO Illustrated lire. One Vtir 00 Hunftay lire, Uue Hear t Saturday H-e, One Var...... IW Twentieth Century Farmer. One Tear.. 1.00 LbLIVE.Kr.JL BY CARRIER. Pally Bn (without Sunday), per copy.... 2o Ially Dm (Without Sunday;, per week. ..12c Pally lie (Including Sunday), per wee..1io Sunday Uee, per ropy Evening lice (without Sunday), per week.luc Evening Hee (including fcunoay), per week , lac Complaint of Irregular) Ilea In delivery ahouid be addressed to cUy Circulation le paruiient. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hair Building, Twan-ty-nfth and M Streets. Council bluffs it) fearl Street Chicago 1& I'nity Building. New fork Tempi Court. Washington M Fourteenth Street CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to new and eJi torlal matter should be audressed: Omaha Beo, Euliorlul pepartuient, BUSINESS LETTERS. BiislneKS letter and remittance should b aodrnaeo.; The Bee fuoiisaing Company, Omaha. - - . ; REMITTANCES. fUrnlt by draft, express or postal order, payable to Xtie Bee Publishing' Company. Only H-cent stamps accepted in payment of mail account. I'ersonai cliecKa, except on ' Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. THIS BEhl PUBLlUHlWt COMfANK, STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btate of Nebraska, Pouglas County, ss.! Urorge B. Txschuck, secretary ot The Be Publishing Company, being duly sworn, ay that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Pally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of February, 190, waa, a fol low: : i 1..... 80,100 IS...... BO.OUO 2 80,220 ' It 80,340 I ..3,tV20 ' 17 80,1M 4 80.T20 18 80,870 C SO,4MO " 1 80,880 ..80,840 20 80,820 7 ..80,210 '21 SO,lMO 80,800 22.: 80,120 9 30,2.10 : . 23 30,14M 10 80,UO ' , 24...... 80,470 11 ...... .30,340 ' 25 80,800 12 ,...80,280 ' -28 80,070 13..........v80,140 ' p 2,9S0 11 ..80,420 "' 88... ........ .8,t0 Total ...', ;".', . .84T,40 Lea unsold and returned copies.... lo,124 Net total sales 837,816 Net daily average 20.U22 GEO. B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 28 in day of February, A, P., 1902. M B. HUNGATEi, (Seal.) Notary Public. As a graduate of Harvard, Prince Henry should be qualified to paint tbe town crimson when be gets borne. Omaha's 1002 dog tags are In tbe form of a four-leaved clover. Lucky will be tbe dog who has one when the dog catcher comes around. KlDg Edward has held another levee, but as no Americans were presented the American yellow Journal will miss an opportunity for Us habitual howl It la now quite plain that Colonel Bryan does not intend to return tbe call made on him by ex-Senator II 111 just before tbe Kansas City convention. Prince Henry has about completed his tour, but be should certainly see the Tammany tiger' before "sailing. Tbe beast Is a little disflgured at present, but be Is still worth seeing. Strange how enraptured 'a popocratic organ Is with every "dark picture" that gives Inspiration for "gloomy forebod ings." It can't get away from its old penchant for perpetual calamity. Tbe Jacksonlans are advertising an other "open house," but no word In the announcement about the brand that Is to make that "fine old bottle of Bor deaux" taste like Missouri river water. After the experience of tbe past few weeks eastern congressmen should be easily convinced of the wisdom of stor ing tbe flood waters In reservoirs until tbey are needed. The records show that since the pas sage of the amendment to the national banking act an average of one bank a day has been organized. Tbe record of democratic times was about one. bank failure a day. Tbe republican state committee bas been called to arrange for the forthcom ing convention that Is to name the standard bearer for 1002. Tbe subject of debate will be the same old question, Early or latet Both ef the countries which control tbe prospective Isthmian canal routes show strong indications of raising the amount necessary to play in the game. , Uncle Sam Is certainly old enough not to play at a game of two pluck one. Tbe Bee will measure up with any and all of Its newspaper competitors in tbe record of achievements for Omaha and effective support accorded public enter prises. And Tbe Bee always contrib utes something more than bot air. Kansas people are struggling over the proposition of which two of Its deceased citlwus shall have the places In the hall et fame at the St Louis exposition, .Kansas people usually get up squabbles enough over the llvlDg without going into the cemetery. New Tork bankers profess to be wor ried for fear tbe purchase of tbe San Francisco street railway system by eastern parties might disturb the money market of that city. If New York finds Itself short It might draw on the corn belt for a few millions. Former Attorney Ueueral Smyth does not believe in trying lawsuits in the newspapers, but be saw to it Just the same that carefully prepared typewrit ten abstracts of, his argument in de fense of school fund farming were ready for the reporters in advance of delivery, The War department is considering tbe advisability of making Fort Nio brara a post for treatment ot invalid soldiers. If tbe department is looking for some' place where the air Is pure and all conditions favor building up of health, it can do no better than turn toward Nebraska BtClPROClTr OH REBATtt This Is the question which divides the republicans of tbe honw of representa tives, discussion of which appears to show a tendency favorable to the propo sltlon of a majority of tbe republicans of. the way and means committee for a tariff reduction of 20 per cent on Cuban products. According to Mr. Payne, chairman of that committee, a majority of the bouse republicans be lieve that something must be done for Cuba. He further stated that there Is no division In the cabinet on this question, while It is authoritatively an nounced that - tbe president bas not changed bis attltudn as stated In his message. There bas been talk of bis sending a special message to congress In regard to commercial relations with Cuba, but it is Improbable that be will do this, because It Is, quite unnecessary In view of tbe statement that bis posi tion Is unchanged. 1. ; ' ' - tn discussing the several plans that have been presented, Mr. Faroe declared that the rebate proposition Is unconstitu tional niftl be was supported In this by Mr. Dalzell, a member of the. ways and means committee. If this view is sound the rebate plan must of course' be dis missed. The proposition to Increase tbe tariff on sugar generally and make a reduction for the Cnban product Is man ifestly Impracticable. No Increase of the tariff In any direction Is to be thought of at this time and there la no doubt that tbe country would especially resent an Increase of the sugar duties. This plan,' therefore, Is not to 'be seri ously considered.' There retrJains the 20 per cent reduction proposition, which phe chairman of the ways and means committee thinks would "not Interfere with the domestic sugar industry and which he says will, If adopted, settle tbe question for generations to ; come and give rest and tranquillity to the sugar business." The ' friends of the American Industry, however, are not disposed to take this optimistic view of the matter. They are apprehensive that If a reduction Is made now there will be a demand from Cuba at the next session of congress for a further reduc tion and an even stronger pressure than at present to secure it Manifestly, however, the republicans ought to soon reach a decision of this question. Three fruitless conferences have been held and to continue this sort of thing will certainly not do tbe party any good. The advice of Speaker Hen derson, that there should be the fullest discussion before .wtlon la taken, Is good advice, but It would seem that not much more Is to be said on tbe question and that Its determination need not be much longer delayed. It may be ad mitted that it is a somewhat perplexing question, but after all It is a very prac tical one. It Is to be hoped that the next conference of the bouse repub licans, to be held next , week, will be able to come to a decision as to the policy to be adopted and that there will be no further needless delay in dispos ing of the matter. The country Is anx iou to have the question settled. j MUT1QJ IS IJH ORDER. Next Thursday the "Douglas County De mocracy will have somvdoings over at 1U comfortable rooms on South Fifteenth street That 1 what the committee on entertain ment reported at the regular - meeting of the organization last night. The program, while containing many interesting features, will not be so long that those living In the suburb will be obliged to mis the last car to hear It all. And there will be other thing which go to tnak the sort ot an evening's pleasure that has made the or ganlzation famous as an entertainer. World-Herald. On behalf of tbe uninitiated The Bee insists that the "doings" of our friends the Douglas County Democracy be Item ized on the program. . If there is to be anything christened besides a grand piano, tbe members ought to know of it in advance so as to make suitable preparations. If anything Is to be opened besides "a fine old bottle of Bordeaux" time should bo given to have the big bills. broken Into small change, " ' - ' v If tbe interesting features Include feeding tbe menagerie, to say nothing of tbe kitty, tbe guests should be warned against partaking of 1 their meals at borne before starting. The announcement too, that those liv ing in the suburbs will bave no excuse for missing the last car Is a gratuitous Insult that calls for a vigorous remon strance. What attractions will a demo cratic club poasesa when it deprives its members of this priceless boon? A motion is in order to discharge fbe committee on entertainment and recon stitute Its membership. FRESH ECRVPEAN PLEDGES. The note recently addressed by our government to Russia and China, rela tive to concessions by the latter, Las brought from Russia a renewal of tbe assurance that the commercial rights of other powers will be respected in the territory of Cbtna which is under tbe practical control of Russia. It appears that the German government has also given a like assurance respecting Its cone of Influence In China, although it wz; not publicly known that the United States bad bad any communication with Germany regarding that nation's oper ations In Shan Tung, which bad caused some suspicion cUe';ere of a purpose to contra Yue the principle of the "open door" In China. The Department of State, It is said, regards these pledges as binding, al though not made in written form, and undoubtedly they are intended to be by the governments making them. They give renewed evidence of the command' log influence exerted by our govern ment with those of Europe. Tbe note sent to Russia, while of course entirely courteous, was at the same time very explicit in stating to that power that the United States expected that the com mercial rights of Its citizens In China would be respected and that the policy of the opea door, which bad been ac cepted by all tbe treaty powers having commercial Interests In the empire, would be maintained. For the present, at least this representation of our gov ernment hss bad the desired effect. a GHotrma isdcstrt. The report of tbe special agent of tbe Agricultural department upon the growth of tbe beet sugar Industry shows a progress that Justifies tbe opin ion that In a few years more, with Judi cious protection, (he United States will produce sufficient sugar to supply the home market It appears that tbe pro duction last season was 140 per cent in excess of tbe preceding season, amount ing to 185,000 tons, end that there are now forty-two beet sugar factories In operation, while there are nine more In course of construction, some of the lat ter being of very large capacity. Many millions of dollars are invested In these plants and It seems that capital con tinues to find this an inviting field. A very Interesting Item of the report Is the statement that the factories will pay out annually to sugar beet growers nearly $15,000,000. What amount will be expended for labor is not statedand probably cannot be with accuracy, but It will run up Into tbe millions. It Is this rapidly growing industry that appeals to congress to continue the protection uqder whtcb it bas attained Its present proportions and not to adopt a policy which would subject it to a damaging competition. It la a situation very similar to that In which the tin- plate Industry was in the early years of Its development That interest also bad to combat a strong opposition to Its protection and tbe result vindicated the republican treatment of It So will protection of the American beet sugar Industry, there cannot be a reasonable doubt be justified by results. Those who bave carefully studied tbe possibil ities believe that within ten years this country can produce all tbe sugar it consumes and who can doubt the wis dom of promoting the employment of capital and labor in so promising an in dustry T The latest statistics of the growth of the beet sugar Interest ought to make some impression at Washing ton. ' A UAtR-SPLITTWO CONTKyTIUX. As champion of former State Treas urer Meserve, former Attorney General Smyth has devised a unique line of de fense. Instead of controverting the charge that tbe populist state treasurer bas been guilty of farming out public money for private gain, be sets up tbe plea that trust funds In the custody of a state officer can be diverted to private uses without laying tbe officer liable to criminal prosecution. Without reference to the pending case we think we have tbe right to say that If the law is as Mr. Smyth construes It the people of Nebraska are helpless to protect themselves against the flagrant abuses that In the past bave too pften scandalized our state. For some reason or other tbe idea has been thoroughly ingrained In the popular mind that pub lic money belongs to tbe public, and that any profits accruing from its use Is just as much public money as the sums contributed out of the taxpayers' pockets. While lawyers are so prone to Indulge In hair-splitting to protect clients the Intention of the framers of the consti tution for Nebraska Is certainly plain. Section 24 of article vl of tbe constitu tion, after fixing tbe salaries of tbe various state officers, including tbe treas urer, continues: After the adoption of this constitution they shall not receive to their own use any fee, coat. Interests upon public moneys In their hands, or under their con trol, perquisites of offlce or other compen sation, and all fee that may hereafter be payable by law for services performed toy an officer provided for In this article of the constitution shall be paid in advance into the state treasury. If tbe constitution makers bad in tended that the salary of the treasurer was to be regarded simply as a retainer, while he was to rake in as much addi tional as possible by farming out tbe funds In bis custody, why should they have added this limitation? On the con trary, it Is an historical fact that this part of the constitution was framed for the very object among other things, to put an effectual stop to efforts of state officers to augment their salaries by questionable methods under tbe pre tense that tbe pay provided by law was Inadequate. If one officer can get around this constitutional bar to in creased salary by legal quibbling, ail ought to-be able to do the same, with a general scramble to see who can get ahead of the other. - If the plainest provisions of the con stitution are meaningless we may well ponder whether It is worth while hav ing a constitution at all. Iowa woman suffragists bave a bard time of it the two bouses of tbe legis lature playing shuttlecock and battle dore with their bill. One session 'the bouse passes It and tbe senate kills it and the next the senate tries its band at jollying the women and depends upon the house to lay tbe measure to rest Tbe. plan bas worked up to the present and the suffragists are In a perennial state of "Being greatly encouraged? When the women make a simultaneous raid on both bouses it will be in order for the legislators to take to the corn fields. As champion of Meserve former At torney General Smyth proclaimed early In tbe game that be would take advan tage of no technicalities of tbe law to refute the charge of embezzlement And then bis first move after getting into court Is to ask for an instruction to the Jury on the ground that the law does not specifically state that the embezzled money belongs to tbe state. Both Russia and Germany bave again given assurances that the open door policy will be continued In China in the sections under their control. . Tbe fact thst Russia snd Germany propose to expend money to maintain a military force there at great expense will always lead to a doubt that other countries will be permanently permitted to enjoy the same privileges as themselves. If the referee takes until April 15 to file his report on the tax mandamus so. tbe chsnces will be slim that the city tax levy can be made before May when under the law the taxes be come payable. If It Is possible the liti gation over the current year's assess ment should be completely Cleared up time to avoid clogging the tax col lecting machinery.. i South Omaha republicans are In the throes of nominating a city ticket for the Impending municipal election. South Omaha republicans should remember that they can keep control of, the mu nicipal government only by presenting candidates of unimpeachable Integrity who can command the confidence of the voters on election day. Tae Beat Iaaeritaaee, Saturday Evening Post Health is the beet capital, but it has to work In order to eafa dividends. ' Let Well Essssk Aloae. " Cleveland Leader. Congress cannot afford to do anything to limit the operation of the rural ires de livery system. The people in the country like It Some Western Discoveries. Boston Globe. Tbe discovery out west that telegraph wires can be used for telephoning without interfering with the ordinary messages is only second in Importance to the discovery of western farmers that they could tele phone to each other along their miles ot barbed wire fences. " Eccentricity sai Saccess. New Tork Mall and Express. Ths dead millionaire who Is said to havs wrlttea on the wall of the debtor' jail twenty-live years ago, "When I leave here I shall become a rich man," achieved his purpose. But if hi rule of "trusting do man and allowing no man to trust him" had been generally adopted New York would be a village and America a nonentity among the nations. Pay ef Postal Clerk.. New Tork World. Postal clerks do aa amount of routine and exacting work the volume of which is little understood. They form the invisible human machinery preparing the way for the visible labors of the carriers. There 1 Justice in their appeal to congress, through a pending bill, for a readjustment of their hours and pay. It is greatly to the country's business sdvantage that they should constitute a contented as well, as a competent force. Kleklagr Ita War to Fame. ' Detroit Free Press. The American mule has received a hand some compliment from the British govern ment, a parliamentary paper describing him as "the best received from' any source." Over here, where we sr intimately ac quainted with the American mule, we should hesitate long before applying to him ths adjective "good" In say of Its degrees. He la a useful beast and efficient In many call ings, but he- Is not good. He Is a mule. 4- ; , A Revolatloaary Belle. Portland Oregonlan. . The sword presented by Frederick the Great of Prussia to George Washington, In scribed "From the oldest soldier to the greatest soldier," la preserved today In, the state library at Albany, N. T. Prince Henry ought to be proud ot the fact that the great est genius ot his house had a hand ot friendship for 'our -country when it wa struggling for Independence. The action ot Frederick was remarkable, as England had been his only ally in Europe In the Seven Years' war, when Prussia was brought to the verge- of ruin and dismemberment Prince Henry ought to take pride la the fact that' the Germans are now the largest element of tbe foreign-born population ot our greatest city. New York. Possibly It is so la other cities of the United States. BOW TRUSTS ARB HADE. Kew Jersey Appalled at tke Arnoaat of Water Take la. : New Tork. World. The revelation - made in Newark tn the flour-mllltng case; Justify Vice Chancellor Pitney' emphatin remarks upon the prac tice of overbondlag "Industrial" and the folly of investors who buy such bonds with out Investigation. The value of the fourteen mills la the combination was estimated In- court at 11,750,000. Upon this slight basis $15,000,000 In bonds had been authorized snd $7,600,000 actually Issued, "secured" by mortgage on the properties. .The "upset price" for the foreclosure sale, which Includes such "in tangible, assets" as good-will and trade marks, was provisionally fixed by the court st $3,750,000 one-quarter of the authorised bond Issue. Under such bonding the stock of the dead company wa worse than worthless. It was possibly hoped that Its magniloquent title might lead Investors to suppose that the 'United Stale Flour Milling company" was a real monopoly, controlling the big west ern mills, ss It was not How many other "trusts" ar there whose bonds are twice or thrice the value of their properties and whose stock Is worth nothing except to "unload?" GREATEST. EO,LI.-IC TRAGEDY. Destracttoa ( Horse, and Male la Soatk Afrleaa War. Springfield (Ha.) Republican. Tbe story ot the last British blue hook concerning "remounts" la South 'Africa la really ths greatest equine tragedy In the history of the world. . For at least two years the Biitlah government has been pouring Into the field thousands of fresh horses and mules each month and th wastage has been simply unprecedented In th annals ot war. Last November th secretary of war wired to Kitchener: "We cannot continue indefinitely to send from 10,000 to 11,000 mounts a month to be used up by column commanders in a few days." But that la still being done; In deed, th 'actual figure now reach 11,000 a month. It Is UnQoubtedly very conserve tiv to say that thus far 150.000 British horses and mule have died in. th effort to conquer' the Boer. They are drawn from every market In th world. Those from Hungary have beea ot aa Inferior kind, It seem. Judging from the"remount' candal aired recently In Parliament. The story goes that aa Englishman traveling la Hungary remarked that th horses be saw wars all very, fin animals. "Ye," answered th aatlve. "We have sold all our poof one to th British government for service la South Africa." It I altogether probable that If England had been unable te buy horse and mule la neutral mar kets during the war th subjugation of the Boers would already be racogulied ss laa- J possible, - OTHER 1.AXD9 THIN Ot R9. Fuller report ot the recent riot In Trleat seem to prove that there wa a revolutionary element at work, and that the police and the military did not resort to extreme measure until the situation was clearly critical. The movement spread with extraordinary rapidity, 25,000 men quitting work almost simultaneously. Tbe labor leader warned the striker against th danger ot disorder, but the masses were easily excited beyond all control by tbe agitators working upon their discontent. It wa not unll after the mob bad bombarded building wher men were still at work. had attacked the house ot the Btattbalter, and established a general panlo that tbe police snd military fired upon It Their action was defended la the Retcbsrath by th prim minister, who declared that col lision between th people and the troops was due to men who bad determined be forehand upon violence. Almost while he spoke another mob set to work to destroy th publlo lamps and lampposts, evidently with the design of looting under cover of darkness, and so bold were they that when the soldiers appeared they did not run, as Is the general way of mobs, but resolutely attacked them with stones and fragments of the broken lamps. Even then the troop fired at first with blank cartridges, until their own safety compelled the use ot bul lets. A peculiar significant fact was that the ringleaders of the rioters were fre quently armed with revolvers. la the middle of February a committee of the Bjrlln trade unions undertook to furnish statistics of the number of unemployed In the city. Twelve thousand workmen de voted two consecutive Sunday to a house-to-house investigation, the final results of which were published by the Vorwaerts, the organ of the socialist party. According to that Journal there were, at the time men tioned, la Berlin and its suburbs 76,029 per sons wholly unemployed and 61,501 partly employed. In addition to these there were 19,23 permanently or temporarily In capocltated by Illness. The accuracy of the figures I disputed, critics pointing out that no details are given of the age of tbe un employed, and suggesting that there are Included la the returns many so-caned season workers." who are always out of employment In frosty weather. At all event, there is a wide contrast between the figures published In the Vorwaerts and the account of the situation given by tbe secretary of state for the interior In the Reichstag on January 17. Count Posadow sky then declared. In reply to a socialist Interpellation, that there was no real "dis tress" in Berlin. The Inquiries made by the police had failed to discover more than from 7,500 to 15,000 unemployed, which in a town ot close upon 1,000,000 inhabitants during the winter was not abnormal. Count Posadowsky's figures and the unions ou ter very nearly tn the proportion of ten to one, snd the discrepancy Is one that can not eaclly hs accounted for except la the supposition of wilful misrepresentation on one side or the other. At the meeting of the Star Benevolent association In Moscow, last month, a note worthy and suggestive speech wa made by the president, Mr. Cherip Splrldovlch. Af ter speaklag ef th sanctity of the ran- Slavlo cause, he said that they recognised no militant Pan-Slavism, but only one that brought emancipation and peace. Their ctar had so much land and so many loyal subjects that he required no new acquisi tions nor conquests. Their younger Slav brethren had already begun to realise that. Prince Nicholas of Montenegro, bad been te confer with th Russian czar in St. Peters burg. Th ciar also had aa Irresistible at traction for Xing Alexander of Servia, who had given up brilliant matrimonial opportu nities 'with German princesses la order to link his fate to a modest Slav, but one dear to his heart The prince ot Bulgaria had greeted ths new year with a toast to Slav dom.- Th brav Bohemian Bokollst youth could not Had words to express their Joy that a delegate from Moscow, the heart ot Russia, should hav attended the Bokollst congress, that demonstration of the growth snd strength of the Slav Idea. Again, there was that warm address with which the Polish colony In Vienna had sympathized with their oppressed brethren tn Wreschen. Th consciousness that all Slav nationalities were blood relations was ever gaining ground, snd the spectre of th Russian Cos sack with his knout, that gparecrow In vented by the Pan-Germans, no longer frightened even the most timid. Th humane and sacred peace policy of thalr crowned leader and his chivalrous attitude, his noble and unselfish behavior toward th younger Slav relatives, had won for Russia all Slav hearts. La Tribuna dl Roma voices the new Ital ian spirit in expressing the desire that an early meeting may be arranged between th kings of Italy and Great Britain, In order to add proper confirmation to the Italo-Brltlsh entente, which has gained such broad popularity throughout th peninsula ver sine Mr. Chamberlain's . withdrawal of the language decree In Malta. A per sonage attached to the court of Quirlnal who Is now at Cannes, gives some views, which the Echo de Paris reproduce. Should aa interview be brought about a matter ot some difficulty. It would seem, tbe in ternational regatta season on the Riviera, beginning on the 15th of next moath, will afford th desired occasion, King Edward would receive Victor Emmanuel III on board Victoria and Albert, a pic turesque feature being the presence of th naval squadron of three great powers. Franc. Italy and Great Britain. Th Ital ian monarch, it is said, would be accom panied by th queen and th duke of th Abruxzl, proceeding to Cannes by sea, ac companied by a flotilla. - No Uttl surprise has been expressed by foreign correspondents la Spain that th recent revolutionary demonstration In Barcelona hav been utterly devoid of th Carlist element, which for many years has never failed to attempt to turn Spanish dis turbances to Its own account An explana tion, however. Is offered by th Liberal of Madrid, which shows that ths Carlist leaders were too much occupied with their Internal administration to seek to find a golden opportunity la th strik riots. Ac cording to this responsible organ, a move ment I being organised among th Carlist which signifies th substitution of Don Jaime for Don Carlo, a th figurehead ot the party. Th Jouraal declare that 8,000 Remingtons hav recently been distributed among the Carlist centres. It adds that the agitation, which 1 directed by Oeneral Count Moor, Is this Urn frankly JalmUt, while Don fcarlo and th older chiefs deprecate any outbreak. Don Jaime, how ever, according to the Liberal, has fully throws In hi lot with th party which may be styled that of Young Carllsm, which Is spoiling for a fight It Is added that Catalonia will witness aa attempt at in surrection this year. Wker the Troobl Lie. Philadelphia, Press. Colonel Bryan la advising th democracy to watch events. Th diflScuHr is th de mocracy pever sees an event until it 1 pretty nearly out of sight and efforts to catch up with it ar fruitless. Frleaaaalp Baalakea la Trad. Pes Moine Leader. Whea th soft soaping between Germany and the United State Is oer both countries will continue, aa before, to hit on another's trad with vry tariff brickbat that caa b com at i , . POLITICAL DRIFT. Main has two cllttens who voted for An drew Jseksoa la 1831 W. II. Chlshara of Augusta sad Captain Joshua Moulton ot Scarboro. The tax levy ot Chicago for 1902 Is ex pected to produce $?9.797,047. It everybody hastens to the treasurer's offlce and cashes In. City officials dolefully sscert the sum Is wholly Inadequate. Slnoe hla' speech at ths Emmett celebra tion la New Tork City. Senator Ben Till man's title, ths "Akhoond Of Swatem," hat given way to the mors poetlo designation, the "Blarney Cuckoo." Mr. Hogan I a political factor In south ern Illinois. A political fight I meat and drink for him. Having been tendered a federal office on condition of keeping out of th senatorial contest, he spurned the vile tempter and will get Into the mixup Juat as sood as the row begin. The assertion that Canada conducta elec tions la a1 more orderly fashion snd en velopes the ballot box with purer atmos phere than like affairs In the United States I not sustained by late gossip from th "Lady ot the Snows." "Aa honest elec tion," aya 1 th Montreal Star, "I such a rare thing la Canada la recent years that to speak ot ths people governing the coun try Is satire." Ia the course of th reform upheaval which finally landed Beth Low In th may oralty of New York a committee of th re formers offered $50,000 la prises for ths arrest and conviction of ' Illegal voters. James 8. Barnett a voluateer watcher at th poll, claims to hav earned $1,000 of the money. He hss been unable to secure payment, and now sues the ten millionaires who guaranteed the money. Only one out of the ninety-three claims submitted has been paid. s Th following significant Item, supposed to have reference to the suggested candi dacy of Hon. T. B. Reed, is going the rounds of New York papers: "Th consti tution of the state of New York provides that no person shall be eligible to tbe offlce ot governor 'except a cltiien of th United States, of the age of not les than 0 year, and who shall have been five yeara next preceding his 'election a resident ot this state.' " These conditions leave ths former speaker two years shy. Aa ordinance has been prepared by Cap tain W. T.' Norton, a prominent cltiien of Louisville, providing that ministers of all denominations shall pay a license ot $50 a year and that their salaries shall be gar nlsheed in the event ot nonpayment. Cap tala Norton' reaaoa for desiring the pas- sag of such an ordinance Is that the minis ters of late "hav beea trying to butt into politic snd attempting by advancing un wise theories to tak a nana in tne conuuci ot municipal affairs." At the annual "blowout" ot the Ohio society In New York City a few nights ago both Senators Hanna and Foraker spoke their llttlsj pieces. Senator Hanna was serious, as usual, wnu ni coiieague the reverse, and "Joshed" the senior sena tor very pointedly. "And there Is Sena tor Hanna," he said, slowly. "You know him. You know th position he holds In that senate of which I have been speaking. In that Aody he Is 'If There, as . else where, he Is the whole thing. There Is nothing In which b does not hav a say; there 1 nothing In which h does not hav a part. And If you know as much about Hanna aa you ought to, you will know that when he does go Into a thing It generally has to he done his way." LOFTIER TTPES OF HOBILITY. I Anterleaa Hakes Mark Better Tkaa C a rope's Royal ,Hoaes, - j " ' '' Baltimore American, It 1 to be hoped that the disease knows as anglomanla IS not infections, because there seems to he recrudescence of th malady Just now, due to th royal tomfool ery which King Edward Is conducting. Should the disease, which at present la confined to a small coterie of title wor shipers, spread, It will spoil the Independent manhood which Is now our American pride. When anglomanlao tendencies run so tar ss to lubricate the knees of American citizens, o that they will humble themselves before a potentate of King Edward s caliber, knowing that they would not dream of bending before a president of the United States, tbe case demanda attention.' There ar signs at this time which suggest the outcropping of this disposition to toady, because, after all, th disease of anglomanla is really nothing but a readiness to truckle to the English nobility; The glamour of the king's coronation has accentuated the proclivity. Ther Is a startling anxiety among certain classes In America to figure prominently la a ceremonial which In every way Is at variance with the easence of true Americanism, Our bowing and scrapings and smirking and smiling sr th offer ing of Incense to the haughty arrogance of royalty. It U not this quality which bas made America what It Is. Tbe men who ar th typical American of today ar not th on who in their gilded opulenc are tumbling all over themselves In an effort to kiss th hand of bis royal high ness. Ths men who ar making America today ar th ones who ar kneeling at th toot of Industry and ar acknowledging It ss their sovereign. They ar not using their self-mad wealth as a means to climb Into th lap of royalty. They are not th ones who sr teaching their beys that ths consummation of bliss is to be received at the court of the English king. Th true Americans send their boy elsewhere. They send them to the foot of life's ladder that they,. Ilk th father, may develop their manhood by working their way to th top. By so doing they make of their ions TV V Sprucing Up. - A new hat fresh gloves an extra pair of trousers or a neck-tie are items that will tide you over and make you feel well dressed if you are not ready for the spring overcoat or suit and here Is the place to get them to ad vantage.. ( . 4 ; - , Our spring showing of suits is the real thing nicer than ever and lower in price for qualities, workmanship; fit and etyle, than ever before. Take a glance at our windows--will help you to decide where to buy, when you are ready. NO CLOTHING FITS LIKE OURS. - - Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers. 17. Wilcox, Manager. tru noblemen, such ss are wU ntltledto wear the crown of succe. It I this solid stuff of work and en ergy which baa placed this nation ahead of the monarchy of which Edward Is the figurehead. While tbe English classes sre developing show the-' Americas masses sr developing Substance. .Out of thi English devotion to show there springs a ruinous pride which belittle Its young men. Out of th American's love tor subetanc th young men themselve ar being fitted for leadership. That Is why America, year by year, will further and further outstrip Its English rival. Th best sons of our best men, by a proper apprenticeship In tbe rudiments of business, are qualifying them selves for places of mastery. Th best sons of th so-called, het men In England are prevented by the frippery of east and arlstocratle pride from preparing them selves for the big tasks of the empire. That I why our leaders ar growing bigger than ar tbs biggest practical Intellect In England. Royalty I an incubus. It matters' not who be king. A typical American who has mad his mark Is better at any tints than th best scion ot all ot Europe's royal houses. .,' . ' IIITTIa TUB MARK. '... ' v ; Eipeadltare ef Powder at Manila aad , iaatiaew.'1 Philadelphia Record. A curlou calculation recently mad In th Naval Bureau of Ordnance shows thst la th Manila bay fight the federal war ships burned seventy-five tons of powder and hurled sixty-seven tens ot pro jectiles, st a cost for ammunition of about $50,000, while In th Santiago fight fifty ton of powder sufficed to throw 114 tons of shot and shell. The cost of projeotlles at Santiago was about $85,000 low price. In deed, to pay for th destruction of four great Ironclads and two formldablo torpedo boats. " ' i . Probably In no other battl hav th minutiae of actual gunnery practice been ao exhaustively set forth as In th cas of th victory of th federal fleet off Santiago. While searching for evidence In the con troversy of admirals the naval expert counted every shell mark on the captured vessel and traced th projectiles to their source. Thus It was ascertained that of th 9,474 rounds fired, only 124, or about thirteen per 1.000, hit their designated marks. Oquendo was struck slxty-on times. Vlncaya twenty-eight times, Maria Teresa twenty-nine time and Colon but six times. Low as wa th average of marksmanship, It was high enough to carry -death and destruction to ths enemy's 'fleet, which is, after all, the all-Important thing In actual naval warfare. . ... 'i' Nevertheless, should an American fleet one day encounter an enemy more expert In gunnery and equally protected by armor the flattering results of the Santiago battle might be easily reversed. Naval advan tage wUl consist distinctly hereafter not so much In the possession of great' ships snd great guns ss In high ability to shoot straight at a Jlylpg mark. , . , LAl'GHINU REMARKS. Chicago Tribune: Pewrtst Is It a Cor rect ftgure of speech to say th flood hav "crippled" the railways? Pokalre Sure. Look at th bone they're losln'. ( Philadelphia Press: "It la a queer-looking bone,'' said the professor ot osteology, "and I hard. know what it Is. I can't make head nor toll of 1t." "Of course you can't," said the other man. "If a piece from the. middle ot a backbone." Pittsburg Chronicle: "Potatoes are verv expensive now." aald Mr. Spifllna. 'They are," added Mrs. Bnaggs. ''When I go to market I'm ashamed to look a potato In the eye." . Boston Transcript: The' Superintendent I hired you principally because they, .(.Old me you had a wonderful memory; but you don t aeem to be able to remember, any thing from one day to another. . The New Clerk That's Jut It. I have a wonderful memory to forget things, you know, Philadelphia Press: "My!" exclaimed th good-natured housekeeper as she watched Weary Wraggles devour the food, "you cer tainly do act as If you were hungry." "AotT" he cried, between bites. "Oe whirs, lady, don't you know de dlff'renca between actln' an' de real t ing?"' Chicago Tribune: "And yet," observed the Information editor, "Stone can't bo called a hard name to remember." . "Still," retorted the exchange editor, "those bandit seemed to think It neces sary to keep a lot of rock to remember her by when they let her go," "The band," said the other,' scowling, "will now play a band ditty." IN 1042. . New" York Press. I went to a Ladies' club today, It waa a grand affair; , The ladiea sat in olimn rows. There was a lady In th chair. A lady ushered In th guests, A lady called the roll, While other ladle sang for us, , Or lectured from a scroll. . . . About such things! You ne'er would think These ladies bright and gay Could find ao much of Interest .: About them all to say. . They read about the Fall of Man,'.' . ' How UK had had HIS day, And about the RI8E3 of woman, Who, they said, had com to stay. They told us how th world wa made. And HOW It should be RUN, WE knew no more when THEY were through Than when they first begun. But what of thatt They said it well, And looked so very wise, It' not for us who sit In rows Such wisdom to despise. The lady seated In the chair Waa wisest of them all. She seemed to know tut wnen to smile. And when she had the ';cali.". But I felt so very sorry. While I was sitting there, To think no man could share with us Thin wisdom of th fair. . . i.