TITT3 OMAHA DATIT BEE: P avTTTTtD AY, MATtCII 8. 1002. ' BATES TAKES LAKE MI5D . . texpCTT7 aJnrigTTMit ia Addition ts CACASTHUR Lmr JO GO TO CHICAGO iblltty that t Cm DniTn Wll BVe Pa aw to. April nyk F seerom. A tatcl from WmsMotmi states that tra order issned 7wKriir br Uninunt Cnwtl Miles directs Brigadier General i. C Be-es. cwarmendlng the Department ef the Mismrt a On. ta take temporary sjomnaad ef the IVparttia-nt wf ti Lakes Bt Chicago oa ale retir-meat of Ka'or Gen Brai E. a. Otia,' oa Mark IS. Tbis asslrnmeat is la sddi-ina ta General tUfa present duty ai la snly temporary. jpenarng the aiTrfg-ninent of a permanent aommaader of The Daparuneat ef to Lakes. Major General Mac-Arthur, .commaadlsg lie Department of Colorado at Denver, ua doabtedly wtir be frkoaferreif to the com- xnnad of lie Drpartaacot af ths Lakes Boob aa his sac-censor in snrsmsnd af Uw Department otf Cororalo ia selected. Whsa aeea aC baa resident a, UM Hosth thirty-first street, last n:g!st. General Betes MU that he bad heard aorhing of his as- Wlrnment to the command at Chieago. r"boB thews the dispatch Cram Washington, Wrsrrr, be did not doabt tie authenticity pf tbe rvport. 1 havs gag beam expecting aar ivk sr-Br.- said tha general, "and tke aaslgn tesent nam Bs'a surprise to me. I do aat thin. Bow over, that I will have tho eon. fcaaad af the. Pepartment of tke Lakea for MT considerable length of time. My datl , tB Chicago will tw in addition to my work at Omaha and this city wiii rontigot to bo ay permanent headquarters. I expect General MacArihar will take command of Eba Oepartasext. of the Lakea aa boob aa bis tncceeeor aa die Departamit of Colon da la selected. - - I aa ander tka impression that Ceaeral scansion will be given the command at 2aeer, af In that fot Geaeral Mae iarfbar wm)4 b able to r ti Cbicaco early la AprO. T talked vith OaeraJ lmatna Tareatra aad be told aa that ha woJd be ready for any daty at the explra toa of hla trk leare oa April 11 aad ready for duty ta. the raited Stales before that Base." CENTRAL LABOR UNION AFFAIRS PewUesBeat'wItB) iklse-aa sleawrteel tumm Eadeiwedl by Cearrai r ' -1 "- " ' mYmT. - it!?. U At the meeting of the Central Labor Enioa last sight that body by nnaniTnmai wota adopted the report of the committee eta tha subject ef the matters under dis cission betweea tha Baton aad the Knights tof Ak-Sar-Ben. This report lac laded the Bcreeasest aeea the committee aad tha kjeard of goeeraars, aa previously published. It waa decided to employ Lyale L Abbott ta assist tha attorney general of tha stats ta the case ot tha stats against Wladheim, charred with Tiolatiag,Uio proriaioaa af the , Cosmlo labor law. A T-irmwni'sntliTi waa received from Joha kialtry and exhers of Sooth Oraaha, reqaest tcg mdaBkera af tba anioa as aarckaaa stock la a ca operative biewery ta be started at Voath Omaha. The law committee, ta whoa tt was referred, said that tha whole mat ter rjaaSed aptc3ona aad tha Bteaaas Colon waa request sd ts mTestigats the snat tea.. . Troubla ootweea tha Houlders n!oa aat Xho Kimball foundry af Coaacll Bluffs waa geferted ta taa arbitratloa ecrnimrrtea. Tha Paintcsa' anion refused ta pay a bill aaasssed s gainst It for work of tha arMtra tioa eommirtee, claiming that tha work af the committee waa aot aathotised br the tin taa. Boat oa. as organising a building trades eocncll anal Beat to Omaha to learn how the society la errranixed here. A long dieenseioa as to tronbat be I aeea Yrtts ' Wirth and "tha Theatrical Stage Em ployes usioa followed a report adverse ta the Baiaa br .the arbitration committee. Tha committee was aot sustained and Wlrth was requested to employ anioa Bras also tha Park theater. Tha Painters anioa waa ordered ta pay tha bUl af the arbitration committee as aisad saapeBded. SITE FOR THE MARKET HOUSE a"o on saints Xaaaael By Ceoeera. Cooa- t , : aalee Iaa Mmm mm ctrstoaewa ' ta Lersta Piaa. At ths Jo'nt meeting at tha gracem. tha ommissioa mea aad tha sardeaara at Omaha and Ccmacil Blaffa yesterday aftsr- aoea a osmmlttee sf three from each snaisatloa was. appointed to select a site tor a market p.' are near tha old Tncatioa. The awnes af eha property which had jeea sonstdered sdvmaced ths prlra aa high that it wan decided aot t eoasider this land, but ta aelaet aaother la that neighborhood. Mre. rails Falls Deed. Vm SHn Pailee. who Ireed ea "Blneido Street. Boer Twuv-firta etreet. drbi-oed dead frt-na beart d-iease yeaterday after Skmn at e I'ioriL' f-r bodv wsa taken to Corr.tiT Braiey a eflSce. o niueet rj bahx-'.i. TO STAND BEHIND GARNERS llei Sea Bapiaa kH n Plane Tba eroupfw mt Otaaba. the eeaaaiSaaVia of the city aad the aardeaera af the TVintty held a etmfereaee at the Cam the trarpoas ef cidia apoa a aeflntte alaa of actVea la recard ta the aaarket I bouae prepaeltloa. I The aaeettad waa railed toawther at 1:10. I with repreaeBtaclTea ef an araacaea pres ent. The dlaraeatoa epeaed along the i'ae ef the lecal aarhta af the partlea ta aaia- I taia a ssarket hooae tedepeadeat of that established by tba cHy. Members of the CocnaiiBaloa Men's aseeclatlna pledged themaelTea to ataad beblnd the aaJ deuei s and ta meet aa expenses ad tltifatloa which a-ay trow aat of their aetioa n eU- but feoda apoa the whoteaale aaarket; ta pay any flnea which may be aastaa a aaainst them aad ta other 1 asset ta ta hold theai tree froaa aay Ibxbtltty. It was socjzastad that the aessrlBMoas I aaite to employ aa atteraer aad ha awided I by bin adTtea la the matter.' . The senti ment waa ceaeral that aay plan which may be derated ta avtrid the wee af the Capital areaae market place should be adopted, as both eommiasloa mea aad sateas alleged that sweh market weald work ta the daad- Taataaw of both aad increase tke ef the market gardeners. - A reeetatloa ta establish a wholesale market la the TVinity af Howard aad Kereath streets was adopted. kVeeral sptioas oa suitable buildings .hare The fonowlnc gentleoaea were appaiated aa a committee ta locate aad establish, the proposed wholesale market: Phil M errs a. Charles Teaasjer aad Pater htocas. repre senting Omaha gardraera; G. M, all!ngha. J. T. Wilcox aad Joseph MePberaon. rep reeentlnc tha Cavacil Bluffs gardeners; P. Rocco, J. H finyder and Daeld Cole, repre sentinc the commission mea. ssd C. L Patter. William WUka aad Isador Sassmers, r stir tea a tins; the grucers. This csmmlitee in proeide space for an gardeners who - " ' w I waat ta aell at wholesale, bot aa retaDlat wUl be allowed. I Amusements. rrek... - . W. X. R. PVerch of Chiraajo, tor twenty I years director ef the Chicaaw Art Lastltata. I deUrered aa artist lea !Ty mnatratad tectare I 4 lmmt mwmmtmm n-fiAa 1mm I - - i a us t Ires of the Tsung Mean Christ iaa as- I sociatloa, this being tha sixth ta the ooares 1 eoadacted by that organ txallou. air. rxenca responded ta aa larttatloa ta All aa " 1 expected ran U the eeurse. saaaed by the I toabUlty of Dr. Heary Ta. Dyke ot New I t. Mr. Preach dteromed tha -Wit aad - as- W led am of tha Crayaa. sarolemaBtlBg his I emertaialng aad lastructlva talk aa U laws governing artistic esmposfTtaes by rapid crayoa aketches, ubasi lug haw closely analogoua are these rales to those governing literary compositions. The aelee Uoa ef a subject ta either esse came first, thea tha frame work er skelotaav. of tha argument, followed by the Illustrative faa- turea aad the whele clothed with asnroort- I ate rhetorical color. Hl-a rating tha com- I parts. Mr. rreA drew a the. elathod tt with symmetrical muscular aat-1 lines, aad thea with aarmenta aad color J aad auggeatiTs detstla, at tha saaaa time I cleverly aating taa aaaJsgy tt-bars ta tha 1 rhetaiical sraneaai a. by which a llterarr I eomrosttioB a eoaatracted. Ha said tha 1 chief featarea af art law- Miiirittas an I vteeiaalfry (the domiaaat wMect er Idea). I rmAimtUmt I repetition, contrast. intsrehAagu. simpDctry. 1 Ha made a ran id coot ot a Baintlac at Lake Cssa aad atse be showed how tha rules governing these faa- tares astered with Lhe caaapeaitiaa. accom-1 pas ring his work wit a rastd lllamlaatiaa of his technical arouaws an taa abase af sedotaa aad small talk, both clever aad Instructive. Ths large aadieace ax- pressed Its apprsclatioa by rings attention aad much applause.. -.- MARRY AT COUNCIL BLUFFS leeag Bride aad Crowes frees saakta Artracd f parsed stlrstlm ora Ae- eeaat ef Twwtht aad Tears. Fred Miller. aged Xi. aad Catherine Pritchard. aged It. both from Omaha. married yesterday aft era oaa by Bee. George Edward Walk at St. Paul" a Episcopal charch rectory. Council Bluffs. Tha bride. said aba was tha daughter ef James Pritchard sf Omaha, did aot appear ta be mock aver If, but tat answer ta- tha eues tioas of tha clerk of tha district court when Issuing tha license averred aha waa If, She was aoeompaaied by a young man cl ta ha her brother. Tha young girl not saly attracted tha at- teatioa af Clerk Baed by r saaaa at youthful appearance, bat alas because of tha fact that while tha license waa being Issued aha freeneatly applied her handker chief ta her eyea ta wiffa away tha tears that would eeaaa. Tha groom aad tha glrTs brother made tha round af tha see s pa per offices, asking that ne mentiaa be aada af ths tsanss ra at the tint nee or tha flags. Tha Omaha etty directory does set give tha aama ot James A. Pritchard ar Cath erine Pritchard. bat tt eeataias tha names sf several Fred Milla What They Are. CooBpemltloBi of tba Fanaoos) GRAPE-NUTS Fooa e lil noti i ml latarest baa been nested good newra, as ta tha osmpaaltloa af Grape-Nata. tha pcpular Mod. Tt has hang beea kaewa ta pkyatrlsas. rhamista aad toad sxperts, that tha starchy portloa af satire wheat fioor and barley a trans formed lata a true aad very choice sugar by tha act af mteatmal digeeUoa ta tha aomaa body. Thia sugar a Idaatlcal with; aad la known as grape sagax. aad tt a ta aoadtUoa tor - tsLmadiata traaafiirasfliia lata aieod aad tha aeceaaary stractars trosa which tha del ire t a nerve centers are bsult BP, - . - . A teed expert at tha Psstiim Cereal Cat. Lid-. BetUe Creek. Mick, fallowed a Una of experiments saiH he produced, the toad called Grape-Nata. ef which grape sugar forma tha principal part, and it Is dared by following out Nature s pr ta a mechanical way. That at, hunt. are aad una are tha methods asapieyed by srrser'ln tacts gained la Grape-Slirta are prnbably satiilad ta tha claim ta be tha aaast perfectly-, adapted toad tor hamaa needs new ea&eaf. Certain at ta that tha Beer's delight at tha aver and the peifatt actioa af Intestinal digosuesi daring the nee ef Graps-'aia ta sat mfylac. and tha added a7Magnh ef body Jflfj FAR APART Efart to Orrmain 3r Farty u OmaLa Fiorea rixnud failim. N3J LlOUGH CSCCHTL'15 1U flit - taeaw LaJvwt Oraaerteal TeJewta, hwt Denat Treeeai Kafwtta FwUtteal Caetall viewed froea the etaadponai of tba ad- nmom (nard of the National Allied party, VBa tmn Manwart ta anew Xe- braakaaa eometbins; new ta poiltlra. the mmmtiMg at Washiaa-toa kail last Biht left macm ta be hoped for. As a meeting it waa , sacceeo. It waa lop-alded. betes; beary aa the side of sociallaaa. The at- teadaare waa ecaat. The aadlenca aomebew juj t seeai to be earai porta with the speak - There was aot a "raaad af arplaoae.- . f mthostasm.-' wot a "spell- b - 4 hash.- sad If there waa aay -happy spontaneity" loaUnc about the hail tt waa aot Tlaible ta the naked rye. Ia abort, the shot that was flred at Washing-tee hail last sight wlB aot be heard areoad the block. It waa gtrea out that Dr. James K. Cham bers ef St. Loots and J. H- Coek ef Carth aaw. Mol. womM orgaaiaa the pol'.tlcany dis aacisfted alemeata of Omaha, lata a bocoe feneewa party, which waa ta form the Bucleue at the atate eraantaatlna. bat It the periphery af the party tsat mora tang ible thaa the aadena there won't be enough substance ta It ta Jolt the wheels ef the old party haadwacoaa. The two acltator left Omaha withnwt attemptiaa; ta form any argaaisatlaa. Whem selaateers were called far ta take ap the work where they left oS fast twa mea stood up. aad oaa ef thea sat aoera immediately aad looked ashamed. This leaves Just oaa allied partylat ia Omaha. He refased ta f4a Bia aama. Details) od taw BVewwtt. The rail tor volunteers waa made by Dr. A. rf. um vuu um mm :amw i mu ef tbe meetisc TThea it was aeea that J. Cook of Omaha, wha acted as chair the call did mot aaeet with enthwaiastle . m - I Mim . - r 1 -AH who are ia faror af the tatriaUTa . . . - v. I mle awaWa -TaubiW -tl"lL wCH I - ' I ,v. I , . , I .1 waa the signal for a erase-are er . .v .v, ft tht Mt M ud a. burst I 15k- - . --V Heretofore aa amiaoos calm had nerraded .v . w ul tbJM Kbout ay. B faa T UilM aUl U attaasTtsa II twfUT T.T M mmr,.-jimt. ... uik I wile nci. wwi uicu I k,,,, I "Ta a repwdiatioaist:- screamed a treble voice above tha Babel of tongues. Ta aot a reformer! Ta a revolaUoaisU1 came aaother. Jaaoa Lewis smTi rWisk ta resarieit pep- alism by sheer farce of tnag. while P. J. M!amt . T .., ,h ",J Porgaa laaaad sgilnat a past aad shouted . - . . I " ' tor tha referendum. J. W. Lagaa wanted km IMII lall 11 W LUXMBaaa, urfsw aXCTreuxuiaB. U. I Cook vociferated. -Socialism is an Iridescent . I the inlllsXrre wUheat tha ref erenduia. Dr. ta . ,v. . I n-n-,hfl- I r.-rnr,,.. Kmm tm I ... T. . . . 1 . " . I . .' ... I - . . . . . . I . . .... 1 I 1 uia ua swssiniM e une aad eei i s ea i M . . , - 1 " ' 1 I - . .. ... . I a , . . . I . .... I I I I Thea. apparently awed ny tha sudden 1 I buh. ha ceased speaking, and aat down. I I Um 0orX A. Baird. secretary sf ths I oc'aXlst party sf tha stats. At tha head jot ten followers, who had beea hniillTit a meeting down town, he had drooped ta ta I w5t W(?rw "d theaee- mrta ne ana nia eoaungeat dominated I the meeting. There were ealy eixhteen I thra, so this waa aot a difficult teat. Others took up tha theme where he left off, and tbe socialistic prorata art a waa ths boom, when ths twa Allies held nn their hands and aaBooacad that ther had ta catch a train for Lincoln. Messrs. Chambers and Cook, during the early stages sf tha meeting, devoted thetr remarks ta municipal aad government own ership af public atlEtiea, and ta tha Initia tive aad referendum hobbies. They advo cated tha holding of -Utchea eoaveattons, home schools tor ths study sf this -com as they called fx. Bow t ew iwi Scientific lavestigitioa has preeea that i petroleum is far superior ta coal for fuel. ! so that we aaad aot worry should tha eoal rtxpply give out. Ia nearly all sf narurs'i products wa find that tertal banwmia scares aaother la discovered ' ta take its place. There fat oaa exception. however, and that ta Hoaueaar's Stomach Bitters. It ht nature's awn remedy far dyspepeia, mdigwstloa. eanstipatiaa sad amlarts, lever aad ague. Don't fail la try tt. MUST CLEAN THEIR HOUSES rrwltew WlU ertn K Cheap Tha proprietors er keepers sf cheap lodging houses bare beea ordered ta da ap their places at eace. Par aama time ths plan af mailing a careful Istost miins ef all tha tea. fifteen aad twwnty-fivw-caat lodging hooaoa, aad havmg tha cleaned tor tha prevention af disease haa been conxena- Blaiad. Tastarday aftaraooa Pallca CdBesrs Biaom and Inda wars aetaHad ta auk Tha officers vis tied I La eery tow rssss did Ufcey find ins ' fit for tha habi ration ef human be lags. Many af them werv shanlntaly filthy. Ia they will rwoamznend ordering Us I keeper ta bnra tha bed i-g aad awat everything alaa tn tha house. In some af tha rooms mea da their rook lac sating and aleeplag aad these were especially I filthy. Buckets tail ef garbage that had evidently stood la ths rooms aad hallways aha were found aad ordered be tied away. Mea sf all deecrtptioad and wit boat i regard ts rleaal'aeea er si saaaa are aUewad ta room at moat ef thess places. The officers w&l reatiase tha tavestigatioa they have visited every chaea lodging tha city aad farced tha keepers ; ts Net king as thoroaghJy removes listtsai tram tha system aa Prickly It gives life aad actioa ta kidnays ta properly r'esase tha blood, glees I '.owe ta tha stem aca. purifies tha bowels aad prompt aa good appetite, vigor and I Mrs. Jane Parmeiey. who lives la taa Old 1 Ladles amne. Twoetysiitn and Ouaaiaa I streets, wne trsejs lougiaa street at bistcentn yesteroaf arternoja at I at I e noca. waa koo acd Sown by a boggy I dnvea by two women, doe roraved a bow ea bar f urebaed and a erraia tn see I kcft tier mJunM erere rexieva; by Ur. & M- rifley and aba waa ansa aa g hwQa U a BIG COLCNIZATlCn PROJECT A. C. PTaaa foe tba neat exleaetTa ainaiat ta railroaJiBa; aad acrVraltnra laaaktiiad ever aaamini a la tke vera diacluaid yeanrday by C J. WertbeTm Maenoa. eaa- Bdeatiai xnt of Ja-ob ScaiS of Sew Tark City, aad aaatcaed by thJt laanata ba Caiea Partite headaaarters here aa special attache ta Mamaer MeAllaarter of the Umioa PaciSe Laad cenpaay. htr. SVhil la a awber ef tke firm af KohB, Leb at Ca. af Nre York aad ia a very Urea balder ad Caiea FartSe etorka. The trm traaaacta ail auatseaa for the BarriaaaB taitereata. Aa a eoafideatiaJ represeatatrra of Mr. Sch4JT, therefore. Mr. Solaossoa know arhereof he epeaka. Ha arrrred la a special ear yesterday Bteraisc froai the vest, aad arheB appraacaed at haj hotel said: -There la a east prepaoitlBa ea foot, akich hrrolTwa ant oaJy the hOdia af aaca aaar railroad fey the Caiea PadSa syatea. bat which bhm alo the eaa ajBaaatiaa ef a (raat acheeae af trrtcaUa la Wyomias. -rtrst af all the plaa Is ta add SSO.mo. 0O to the Caioa PaclSe stack ith which ta defray expeaeea ef aaw railroad bvUdlac aa ail parts ef the ayatasa. This aaoaey win eoiaa from New Turk latereats. wlU whom aamlatloBa are bv praresalas. -ParaDel ta this ptem la aaother la which the Caioa Paclflc Is Bat acttrely tntarested. hot which will be ef east asoaient ta the railroad. Mr. Ad&eea C. Taomaa at the Aaaociated Praaa at Chicaaw haa aacrod tram the Caioa Pacifie Laad eoapaay the aotlom oa l0,0Ot acrse af laad ta WyeaalB which he iBteada ta trrlaalw aad ceeate to ta raialsa- af anaar beeca. Ea wtil ketaaj JOS Dutch temClea tract. Eanaad Par aettle- aaaat here, together wtth Irrtaatlaa a aerta. This wi3 be the aeclens for tba MttleBMBt. -Thea the CaVoa Paclfle win bond rail- roada tato thia terrttory. Aa plaaaed bow. oaa llae win extra d treaa Greea RItct. wyac. ea the preaent toalB-Bje. aorth a distance, thea north aad west ta PweateliB, T . mym " lM . aoiat. bat ma eaatward aad aorta -earn ta- warm uuwn. lana ,,'. 7 Z wni be aerred with railroad, aa tt Ilea aleaa the pre.t -i. 11b. -th. Caioa Paciae U the aeathcra part of wyomins- -There are ether bi daala oa foot, bat aethlns is ripe far pubilcatioa yet. Mr. Wmmka mmm m. TMT te Mftl tU.S WOJTK XB. - Ths building af tha railroad wUl bo eoadi- estabitsbmrat af the big beet sugar casony. Tet oalr preeew. mrt tha Caioa Paelae a going ngnt aaeaa snta " "V T"T! -w- the year aad tha railroads will follow aa. . . . . , PRflTFCTlO?! FOR F REM EN to Mayor Moares la at tha bead of B aaenz to erxmaiae a fireman s rener tloa staUar ta tha PoUce Kelmf aasocla . - w . a. . - -s-- ttoVJ m Ii rrt-a bnt-a r tor soma tiaae, waa gives freak fcnpetas Tharnday by tha Eha asnfflng a g caeca ta Chief Salter, ia acknawleugmant at tha departaenf a aervfcea dariag taa Elha fair. -When Baden was at tha head ot tae are i lisi I aawnt.- Bald htBSlST-' KosgWS, Ta II- ways dlscoaragsd thai idea, sC taa barmlna sack aa ssaei lanoa. aat aow u ks a out at tha way rar gotng ta aaasait with Oty Attorney caaaeu aa sea a caat make soma sjTnngnaaeata ta have it lacm aerated right away. aeat dtlxeaa kava volunteered ta eontriHute to tha tnad. One has sSered ta start It as with a eeauibutloa sf SjOs. -Ths asssHstlna vfll bo for I similar to that of tha Polica Belief asaaela- tion. When aa Omaha policeman dies his I aiilee gtti TT'IHI frnm TTis aasorlstlna fiinila bat the firemen, who certainly ataad ta as I urgent need of it. hare ao such protectioe. few the aTetea. There Is as better medicine made far babies than Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy. Its pleasant taste aad prompt aad affactaal cures soaks it a favorite with ths mothers of small children. It suickiy cares their coughs aad salda. preventing pneumonia ar other serious con uses res. It aot only cures croup, bat when glaa aa assa as tha rroupy cough appears will prevent taa at tack. Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy con tains aa opium or narcotic in aay form, and may bo givea as eoafldeaUy ta a baby as ta- aa adult. It always euros. ATTE1IPT HEAVY STEALING Tkiee Mam wrltht a Clew. Employ as af the T hi a set OU werka ta- tempted an executive sessioa of a trio sf thieves Thursday and saved ths firm of Hanns Merriam at Seveateesxh aad Kich- alaa streets tram hoeing soma large trea glrdera. Tha men drove p ta where ths tree was piled and twa ef thea. sfighfiBg from ths wagon, placed oaa large ace ta wagon aad were preparing ta laad iad- Tha emsleves ef ths sll works I fsea tha sJarm aad tha man la ths wagaa whipped ap tha mules aad strack as at a I t ea gait. Tha ether twa mea ran ta spposita dirwrcioB. Tha polios . a daati lpOea ef tha driver was fur- Sto coughing. Stop it it once, befcrs it gets the start of yoa. Stop it with Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Thoias rtswe as Eetsslisak hto Be aw laesetry ta Wiaalag. 1 Imhi I. rode Btevemewt rswtastee atelaef t Wacom Start leesa beea ( :J0 fyr j&F" WILL BUILD AN ICE FACTOR! TiUlaja C Goat Baja Eii Comjuj Vi3 Cscitruct FiAak Htb. am rcn B'jildjng aiheady rjRCHAsto sxeasrsew o Cwaspur t r-mm laea-eea. lasj DtsTswewt lew xtaetofsterartaa; Plaata wtt. Tlew mt eldtea aea POaaie. Omaha a ta have aa lea factory this aoBordiag ta tha statement ef WU- C Gees, aad tha atSoo ef proaable mers a ta have aa mffoeace apoa tha openiag of the establishment- This state- ,rmt was made la reference ta a report pubtahed ia Ths Bas ta tha effect that the piauaatd lew factory which waa to have aad by tha Omaha Cold Worage apaay had been abaadoaed tor ths pres t aa a result ef tha failure af tha rests a- raat snem ta smke taa desires eoacrscxs ur a. . . -The impressioa taayed by that artf- ele,- said Mr. Goes, -was that bo ptaat would be established, when fx should have beea ceafiaed ta the probable actioa of the cold storage eoapaay. The aaaociaiioa with which I aa connected la going ahead with tts work aad by July 1 we expect ta ha ir-n-g lea la Omaha. Ws have already purchased tha grewad apoa which tba plant a ts be constructed. A member af ear bssocIaUob a bow la tha east looking over plants ta epemttoa ta order ta decide apoa tba style ef plant wa waat. He wlU ta spsct many of tha plaata la tha larger citlea of the country aad we win Tray ths ana which seems best rotted ta tha reuuiia sseots of tha community. Tha. plant wUl be ef modera design aad wUl ksve racflltlea tor the maaufacture ef ths beat quality ef lea at tha lowest cost CowawJttaa: Eagiaerr Easrasred. "Eugene T. Skiakia at Chicago, a recog alsed as thortty apoa ths subject af Ice maaBfactare. haa beea eagaged as eoasnlt- tsg engineer aad will becia work apoa ths geaeral plans for tha bull die g. It will a be awaalblo for aim ta complete the plans until wa havw decided upon the system which ws wUl adopt, but he win prepars tha geaeral design ef the building, the vat room aad other things common ta all af tha systems wa are uooa idering. -Our company has beea perfected, tha articles ot aasrx 1st ion are drawn np and wlU be filed as aooa aa certain prelim inaries bars beea arranged. The sits re cently purchased a aa one line af road aad wa hare a promise that aaother Una will be eoaatracted ta tha giwend, so that wa win have facilities tor shipping all at the product which caaaot be sold ia this city.' SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB MEETS Seveateewthi (eaiss Debates TLeaarth mt Cawewa lav Hlgnt Schawl sad Cwlleajw. Tha seventeenth meeting at ths Tfebraakn School at am club waa held last Bight at the Millard hotel. Those present at tha m seeing oere. K. J. Bodwell ef Omaha. W. A. Clark ef Peru. J. W. Crabtree ot Ui- cola, K. W. Dana at Uacola, W. K. Fow ler, stats superintendent af school a; W. H. Gardner of Auburn. C EL Gordon of Lin coln, O. A. Gregory sf Crete, Hill of Lincoln. D. H. Kerr of BeUeene. X T. lass sf IJarolB. C G. Pearsa ef D. B. Parry af Crete and A. H. at Omaha. - Tha principal disc vatna of tbe- evening. whirn fallowed the banquet ar a'dock. tha subject ef -Length sf Courses la High School aad College," apoa which subject D. B. Parry presented a pa- and W. A. Clark led tha discussion. Previoua ta tha banquet a mg waa held. LOCAL BREVITIES. Ths Coenmerrial dub Is ivinwaiir.g the pajiorn and balla af Us room ta the Board ot Trade ounaing Anton Puison, who blew oat the gas at the Ptnte houil wodneeday tight, la eonsudered out of duger. P. C Heafey caws a dinner nt the HB' ahaw Wedneeda.y ulna ia honor of Judges Otiihsm. Pound and Barnes sf Lincoln. The ETs and Hand crub will meet at o'clock Saturday evening at Trinity emtio. araJ u elect ocicers and eoiuaaer pron The Knights of Coram Otis will meet on the afternoon of March it, at theor nal. and tn tbe evening wul give a banquet at ui nuuara Boret. Tnree Bundred are ex pected to be preaent. Miaa Anna McCaan, aawd yean, died at the home ef ber parents, is Oaa etreet. at I Thursday Bight ef eocsumpuon. Ar- nusgementa lor the ruDerai have aot beea aane-incs1 dlmeda Christlrin Anderson alleges la her pracoa filed in district court mat she is tha beaefinary named aa Mary Anderson tn tha crrufieaxe beid by Chaj-iea Anderson, wha died mat July, aad aba demands that tba Modern Woodmen ef America pay ber the C't benefit- Ebe says that she ia An derson a only slater aad that there waa aa error ia mas lag out toe papere. TU Headernon rocarned Thursday morning from a pawning of the tate Board of Horticulture at Lincoln. Tbe bear da doed to hold Its next summer meeting at Tecumeeh. July SZ-2L Tba matter of ar ranging a display for tue St. Lula fair usead, tnougil no aefinite acoon en. anoua nnda of sent ta tba experuaeaxal station ts be planted this spring. Anton Martlnek was sentenced to the county Jail for sevenry-ftvo. days Thursday afternoon by Judge Beraa for assaulting bis stepson. Fred cusses, on the evening of Fetiruary a. Tha faauiy reside In OxDeon and Marrines: came ta Omaha, got a quan tity ef liquor aboard and wnt borne. Ar riving tbero be - coaciiided to maka the famLiy ieee aumarotia and began a ght w:ta his stepeoa. Imrlcg the aJtercauon Marrines: graoeed a large auger and struck Brwanciaitis) WaaJt Lwrtga WaeUtTKrwaaa Ik PALI ID TtiLvBAGK? a tbuai. monmx Trail aoaurt eaiciTitrr Krowarr rraa wkwt j MLrTTEi.T l,tal Tw ITUT HCADCin KffDJTET. LTtKBt. BVLAOOCR ILaon usvx nota nun as rrciiu.i IT IS YOUR ratnupi er trn ad atti KttW TT rwTTTu TT IS T TLA TTS. THIS SIMPLE TEST WILL TELL: Put some nwa-alna- nritta to. a elaea or berrlet het at stessl asr s lists fear BsMiw. If tbew It te Bulky er ckrajy or eraLauss a r-SSn srv-a-ddsa m dim ttr)e er ene ttosut abnot ta a. yeoa kMarvs are ftiimt. Tbas asonmt !w vos ehouid ees-'a to taa-e W areera ts Cure Be trrM al naeee satwsJ ooodiUAfia. for tney are tba ungate rasa He rrapwas mt h.1 Ian f Smvm is, after yea have nuts this teet. yoa havo any awet la yosur ailed aa ae fxw an mrat ef the dtmejw In ymntr STstera. send ae a esnre e year urtne. aad oaa dec wlJ analyae tt aad aead rue a report with advtce, trie, Warner's Safe Cure lr. Leo Toget. 113 Pratt Are, Rerwrs Park. 111-ij-s: I nresrriae WAJLNXB. S BATE CUBJB aad nad It cvrea an cases sf kidney aad bladder Uoablea and alas female weak mmm . It induces Bleep and senQy yet vigorously drives the disease out of tba system, than restertEg health Quickly and permanently." bfiaa Mary Rosark. U Thomas Atbl. Teen.. Tice-President of tbe Women's Tieaajiia. writes: "WAEMR j S.VTE CTTB-S has eared ana of rbeumatiam which cum from nrio add Botson. have had no rbcmnaOe oaina atnes t nook yni'S SAPTS CT-P.TT - Mr. Ooraw Deeonm. 154 nrth 8t CJadonaa Ohio. Major sf the Cnristlaa Tolunteers. ears; gravel aad Inflammation of ta a urinary raiiai t by exposare ia eondnctine; emdoer I found as relief until I took WAHXEH. S CTTRE. It haa abeolutely cured me. May you tor sr-ncsng aucb relief to S"..ertr.g humanity. ' Are you tired Low-epir;ted Weak and flahtoy? Have yon a ronstaat drubtMDg ate In tba email of your DOcBT Have yon tiu.j! ea-aidir.g aca nata wba yea nrlnateT A treqaerjt deeira to urinsto Are yoa troubled with a.eepieeanees Kara yo CURES KIDNEYS header be T la your appetite bad? Do you food doe Bot Bourifrb your body aad make your biood rich and red Have you a bsvd taste in your mouth ta toe momfag? If you have any of tbeeo rrmtsms yor kid."- s ha-re heen duaeaaed cme. lor Kidney aleeaeea seldom put out torn until they have been wnrttlng several and the tissues have been eaten away with, eaee. ina nave every reawiii to De atarmeo. and - you should take Warner a Safe Cure at enca. Too wlU find fall ffliottii'wo with earn bottle. Warner's SaTo Cure is rrinranTeed Brtaat'a diseaan. d.aiietea. uric atJd polsoa. tr.flamroa.tlcn ef the fcladcr. rleiiusoj gout, liver complaint, female wea Mtieaa and irregular periods viamaa wiiakties aod irregular periods are caused bv kidney disease neariected t. too froqoeot desire to urinaxe. gravel, stonea In tbe b!aider. biond these dlseasee originate tn the kidaeva. If that they could pec-firm ter wrk prorerlv. there wwoid be nooe of taeaa oora piainta. WARSEBfa MFE Cl RK is purely vegvraMe and eonrairrs no harmful drugs: tt dnea not eonotipate; tt ta now put up in two regular antes and Is sold by aJ druggists, or direct, at 50 Cents and Eef--je substittites. There Is acme -iuot genuine w arner a Bare Cure, which aiwnya which injure trie srstem. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE Tf eorrrtnre ererv sufferer from diseases of tba kidney, Bver. bladder and blood tbat Warner s Safe Cure wt;i cure them a to any one who will write inrri bale t"ure to., ttocaoetev. j. mm smo having seen this liberal offer in The Cmana Morning Bee. Tha gerauineceaa of thia olT-r is ftiiiv ruaracteed bv the publisher. Our doctor wlU send medical booklet, eon- t-ing armptonaa and treatment ot eaca tree, to any one woo wxu write. OmedaOil with a weak, lame, tired, ia at Btracn besty than ether white fl oaring aospf as they are better than laaairjr aoapa. Far far acouririj rarroenrj ; fisr artah irg woolmt, flannrla, col ored (oecli, lacea, enihroie!. erica, as wr2 aa tat dte batk ascl taCet, it i wrJuMit aa Why not jrre joax groter trial order f Why not gfve, the order a trial i set ova Tag CeneHT Pacrtaas Co, 'Or.- sssseesees! RESULTS TELL THS B WAKT AM raoDCcz bLesults. J VOMENsi Li BaAaaiaA.y rni ar -0 V or THB5 mraa ilritai PW- rISKAB, WHAT l COSaOllI waLaau tfrv KIDNEYS! bwHwt dkkjtlspi axtj rj err htemphis. WAA- -I had at nana. meetings. SAPT3 God bieaa fltd your for a king euca syn months'; tbe die-' to cure aay trtrm of kidney treaba diaease. iFtdlaeaiirn SJtd beedarnea. i'i tbe kidneys were healthy and strong so SI.OO a Bottle. Ceat a Peoe. aa gnod Tret let en fhw cures. aHitietitutra cnmiala harntfat drugs trial bottie will be sent aaeoimely rroe oiaeaae, ana many oYaioii in ens is. of those unfortunate people aching back, it is time yoa were finding out about Omega OiL Go ahead and try it, anyhow. Once in a while Omega Oil fails to cure a very bad case of long standing, but there never was a case where it failed to give great relief. Be fair about it, and give the Oil a chance. Have tout back rubbed with it every night for a week or two. While yo are using the Oil, be care ful not to strain the back, and if you can you should not do any hard work. The rubbing should be kept up about ten minutes or more each time Omega Oil is applied. A bad back needs more rubbing and longer treatment than a mild case, and you must be pa tient. Weak back is sometimes very stubborn, but Omega Oil will be found to work wonder, if constantly used. New cases are much easier to cure. ra Some other time isn't any time at all Tea win aot it oa t roasa yoerosif aow yen will probably in 'ana ta pat np with tha ' aama tnonaweaiaaoaa tor tha aext six Le they keep year of3e ciaaaT Tsar windows? The ' halm? Tha elevator? Is tha build trig a firs trap? Have they an alawatar that roaa aar a an hear ea week days aad ae at all nights er so Saaday? Is yessr scabs hot in summer aad sold ta winter? Any other troubles? The ears tor all these Cli la an sfica ta The Bee Building. R. C PETERS 4 CO., Grtmsvl Banta! A&cnta. Florar Ecstestiiis a tnai isn ' mm tkuaul t 1d ll3 Vw' "if ;- siw'"i--.l-I V -fr "usi e iji. in i a. I a JBsa oat. . .