Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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lebrwks Xttkm&l Guard Soon to Hart
Two Thcrosaai on Roll.
Cmtf Atteraey Flads It t seless ta
rash Charge ef Ekli
Marshall Ctalaaa B het
Wti laaaae.
Frorn a Staff Corresporiderit.)
LINCOLN, March 7. (Special.) Tbs
gmrtc strength of tba Nebraska Na
tional guard will soon bs lacreased to ap
proximately I) ofncers and eallted mea.
Tba last rovter shows aa aggregsts nam
ber of 1X1. bat tbla does hot lacloda the
Independent companies recently formed In
TVeet Point aad Sun ton. nor tba South
Omaha company of cavalry, which waa
mustered to to tba service tonight.
There ara three additional eompsnte In
aura at preparation. Ona la a battery of
light artillery la thU city, another Is a
asedtral corps and the third la an engineer
corps. Dr. Blrhner of Lincoln has beea au
thorised by tha adjutant general to organise
the medical corps and aa soon ss com
pleted will ha mustered la and made an In
dependant company. 'The engineer and il
eal corps arc being organised In Fremont.
Each Independent company will comprise
of approximately sixty-Ova officers and
tha srltaeas ataad again thai morals.
She admitted having whipped ths child
several times, hat mstntaloed Innocence of
tba charge of cruelty.
Freaaaatere t aeertala aa Esslrat
ttoa ( Teraaa of Ofleo aa
Law la bet Clear.
FRIMONT. Neb March 7. (Special.)
Tha city councilman who wera elected at
tba lsst spring election ara wondering
when their terms of office expire. Tha new
charter for cities having over 5. (Hi popu
lation aeetns to ha uncertain an that ques
tion. City Attorney Gray has carefully
looked ap tha matter and though of the
pinion that successors to tha four council
man who were elected at tba 1900 election
need be elected, ha Is not very clear about
It. It Is said that other cities of the clsss
ara In the same predicament aad that thelt
respectlva attorneys do not acre aa to tha
necessity of electing all the eouncllmen.
It has beea generally understood tbst
tha chief of the Bra department held hla
office for one year. According to tha new
charter he holds It for two years. The
mayor of this city alwaya appoints tba man
aa chief who la selected by tba depart
meet at the annual meeting and last year
It was understood ha waa to hold bis of
fice for one year, and various small booms
for tha appointment were being carefully
aursed befose It was found that there
could be na appointment to any appointive
city office this year. .
But Bank of Jamais Visited hj Party
of Cracksmen.
J5.f bushels on the wsy. A contract for
t.OCQ bushels at 0 cents waa made yester
day morning.
Adjutant General Colby hopes soon to
form tha proposed Third regiment. To do
this It may be necessary to have each reg
iment oonslat of only nine companies.
The state 'military authorities are unde
cided aa to- whether to hold an encamp
ment tbla year la the face of a deficiency
la tha maintenance fund. Tba matter will
be canvassed soon by tha State Military
board. It U said that the railroads ara
willing t transport ths troops and look to
tha leglelatura for reimbursement, but such
a plan would meet with serious opposition
from several of the atate officers, for they
ara not la favor of creating any bigger de
ficiency claim than It absolutely Decestsry.
Easbesslesaeat Charge Dismiss.
Tha charge of embexzlemeat against K. J.
Roth, former manager of the Lincoln Cloak
'and Bult company, waa dismissed la tha
district court today, on motion of County
Attorney Caldwell., Roth was accused of
atealing M.000 of tha company's funds. Ha
was arrested la last September and, waiv
ing prsllaalssry examination, was bound
over for trial In tha district court.
la asking for the dismlaeal tha county at
torney said he had become convinced ths
svtdenoa available would not support the
chsrgs and thcaght prosecution under the
clrcomstaaess would ba useless. He em
ploys experts to go over tha books of ths
. company and found that the shortage was
Insignificant and could trace it definitely to
ao one, .
Ths defendaat enjoyed a good reputation
among tha business men of the city and
hi arrest waa a general surprise. He was
a stockholder In the company and for over J
a year had -beea employed In ibe capacity:
of manager. Clark J. Stevens of Ansley
was his business associate and was tbs
man who caused his arrest.
XeW leeeraaratleaa.
Articles of Incorporation of these institu
tions have been recorded la tha secretary
f state's office;
Tba Washington 'Hall association of
Washington. Waahlngtoa county; capital
stack, S1.S50; incorporators, Charles P.
Oottsch. Hans Hansen, John YV. Fitch.
Henry ..Cbrlstensen and Soren Rosenkelde.
Tbs Amelia! Improvement company of Up
land. Franklin county; capital stock. 110.
000; Inooporators, Lester Carey, Anton Han
sea and J. L. Cornell.
Tha Terwtniger at Dwlght company ot
Sioux City, la., capital stock. l&.OOO; for
ths grain business.
- Marshall Plea da lasaalty.
A Suit for the trial of Frsnk Marshall
eq tha charts of killing his niece. Vernal
Lea. was secured todsy snd ths Uktng of
testimony be run. In the opening statement
ths attornsys for the defendant announced
that a plea for acquittal would be mad on
tha grounds of Insanity. Mrs. Marshall,
mother of tbs defendant, told cf tha tragedy
and mads no effort to concent ths fact that
tha fatal shot was fired by her son.
. Admits Walssiag Calls.
Tba taking of testimony la tha $10,000
dswaa-e eass of Augusta Pruhs against her
aunt. Mrs. Margaret CUsen. wss completed
la tha district court todsy and tha attorneys
began their argument. The defendant was
Cltlseas of ft. Paal lararUM at Sav-aa-a'a
Reteaelaa; Baak Rob.
ber Wanrlrk.
ET. PACL. Neb.. March '.(Special.)
There i considerable adverse comment hers
over tha pardon by Governor Savage ot
Otto Warwick, sentenced to eight years"
imprisonment In the penitentiary for the
robbery of ths Boelus bank. The robbery
netted Warwick and his companion about
ILS00. Tha safe was blow and tha robbers
eluded ths officers for several months. War
.wick was the older of the two and consid
ered tha leader. Until the notlve of pardon
was received by tba clerk of the court, no
ona here bad any Intimation that aa effort
waa being mads to secure his pardon.
EilMia Awahestt Cltleeas of the
Towa aad Rehhers Frlheaed
OS? aad Eaeased Ires tba
Towa aa a Haadear.
NEMAHA. Neb., Msrch 7. Special Tele
gram.) Burglars psld a visit to the Stats
Bank ot Nemaha last night and wrecked
tha safe, but at tbla hour It la thought se
cured nothing. Between 1 and I o'clock
tbla n-ornlng cltlxena were roused by aa
explosion. They were at a loss to under
stand what occasioned It until a few
minutes lster a second explosion occurred,
and tha people, who were now thoroughly
awakened, directed their attentica toward
the bank building, from which It wss ap
parent tha sound came. Ona man. who was
swskeoed by the first explosion, that
hs ssw three men working at the safe la
ths baak. Before ba could secure help the
second one occurred. '
The cltlseue by this lime had gathered
their wits enough to secure arms and make
aa effort to capture tha robbers. The
thieves were not disposed to wait, however,
aad raa to tha B. A M. section bouse,
broke it opea, secured a handcar and wera
off. Tbey had taken their departure from
'the bank before tha posse arrived and .with
the exception of one maa, mentioned above,
no one saw them. They stuck to the hand
ear until the Missouri Pacific croeslng..ten
miles dlstsnt, was reached, where tha
handcar wss sbandoned. Three men sup
posed to ba the ssme parties wera seen to
board a passing freight train at this point
and up to the present time nothing mors
hss been hesrd from them.
Ths Beatrice bloodhounds were aent for
and ara expected her soma time during tba
It is ststed thst tha money chest la ths
safe was not reached by tha robbers, but
that the outer doors are completely
wrecked by ths force ot ths two explosions.
Odd Fellows' Thirtieth Aaelversary
Celebrated by Oeealaaj of .
Kew Temple. -
DAViD CITT. Neb.. March 7. Speclal.)
Harmony lodge NA 11, Independent Order of
Odd Fellows, celebrated Its thirtieth anni
versary by dedicating .the new temple, which
took place la ths afternoon and was con
ducted by Grand Matter C. A. Randall of
Newman Grove. . Ia tha evening a literary
and musical program wss rendered, closing
with a ball at ths opera house. The lodge
now owns a temple, which -coat $12,000, and
hss a membership of 140. - Members of the
order from tha lodges in Butler aad ad
Joining countiea wsrs present.
Fir Preteetlesi (or Bar seat.
SARGENT. Neb., March 7. Special.)
Sargent has beea without any kind of Bra
protection, but will have it now, as ths
city council recently met and decided to
provide it, as follows: Five wells will be
put down within a radius of tea feet, the
flow from each to be connected, aad all to
ba worked by a pump of from ona to ten
man power. About SOO feet ot 1M inch hose
will ba provided. Tha first wells and ap
paratus will ba put In, tha center of tha
streets bet ween the two banks. If. these
work as well as Is axpected the plant will
ba duplicated In tha street antdway be-
twees the hotels. - it is expected that a
at ream ot water of considerable force can
ba thrown from these pumps. They will be
placed on platforms about tour feet high.
Mertarase Reer4 of larsy Ceaaty.
. PAPILLION. Neb.. March 7. (Special.)
Tha following ars ths mortgagee filed and
released la Bary county during tha month
of February: Farm mortgages filed. $57,-
S2!.50; farm mortgages re-leased, $11,800
towa mortgages filed, $1.C25; town mort
gages released, 1560.89; chattel mortgages
filed. $5,659; chattel mortgages released.
Flaa Sewa ot A laslde.
WINSIDE. Neb.. March 7. (Special.)
Ther will ba soms flax sown in this county
this year, but tha mala cropa will be those
of wheat and corn. A 'great doal of tarns
wen sows lat tall and mors
will be put ia tha ground this spring.
is Uante
I Ask Only the Name of Some Sick One;
Let Me Send My Book,
. 1 aak from you this, as aa act of humanity: .
Simply writs ma a poatal. Glva ma tha asms of a sick ona. Tall
ma which book he needs.
I will do this In return:
I will furnish that sick one a treatment which I spent a lifetlmo
la learning. I will glva all ths ad vie ba aeeda. Aad I promise that
if ay method tails, hs shall not have a penny to pay.
, '
I will even do thla: ' '
With tha book I will send aa order or your druggist for six bottles
Dr. Sboop's Restorattvs. I will authorise him, ta let you tsks It tor a
marts. If It succeeds, ths cost is tlJA. It It falls, I will pay your
druggist myself. I, will leave tha decisloa with yea - -
" . . s
Thst seams sa Impossible offer, sad with aay other treatment It
would ba It would bankrupt tba pbyatclaa ho made it.
But i have made a preecriptica that strengthens ths' inslds nsrvaa.
1 havs learasd how-to bring back ths aervs powr which aloaa oper
i atea tha .vital organs. When aa orgaa is weak. I givs It tba power to
act. '
I'suslly that is all that Is Beaded. And ia moat chronic dUeasea
there is ao other way to get welL y
Mr bpok will provs thst I am right.
Sometimes, eves this met boa tails, but not often. There ara
causes. Ilk cancer, which ao maa caa cure; but those conditions ara
rare. " ,
. My succeas Is ro general that la every case, no matter bow diffi
cult. I taks lb entire risk. 1
In five years I have dons this In over hart a million easea; aad
my records show thst 39 ta each 40 paid tor ths medietas taken. Thst
seas that ecly oas ia each forty haa been disappointed.-
It asters that there ars X chances la 40 that I can euro you.
Ko sick person caa afford to neglect aa offer Ilka this. ,
It ths treatment succeeds, yon ars wall. If it fails, it is
You aava everything to gsla and aothiag to lose by It.
Wat you writ a postal to leara about a remedy Ilka that?
Simply atate which book you
want, aad address Dr- Bhoop. Bos
7, RsilD. WU.
Book Ke. 1 on Pyapepsla.
Book No. I on the Heart,
rleoa No. S on the Kidneys.
hik No. 4 lor Women.
Book Ni t for Mea Oealed.)
Buok Na. oa Rheumatism.
Mild cases, not chronic, ara oflejt cursi by ona
eil druggists,
or two bottles,. At
As Resalt of lBanala;ratltBi Mill
Traaafera af Fa raa a Are Mado
at Goad Prices.
TORK. Neb.. March 7. (Special.) Every
day for tha past threo weeks tha real e
tata transfer of fsrms In this county hsve
beea from $40,000 upward a, and yesterday
ths total was $108,000. Never In ths his
tory of Tork county has there been such a
large transfer of farm lands. It Is' esti
mated that over 100 Iowa and, Illinois
farmers have mada purchases In York
county and have moved here. There has
beea a large number of purchasers from
different parts of the stste. Recent sales
of farm lands ara at $45 to $75 per aero.
The -reason for such Urge ssla of farm
laada ia due 'to the fact that farming la
York county pays better than farming in
eastern states. Farmers her are prosper
ous and are making money and have built
fine, large, modern homes, large new barns.
granaries and cribs aad are buying mora
Throe Baelaeaa Haaaea Arc Eaterod.
bat Hobbc-ra Boe-sura- bat
,. Llttla Baatr... i
ARLINGTON. Neb.. Msrch 7. Special.)
Jehn F. Jackerott'a general store, James
Novak's saloon aad Charlie Branaon'a bar
ber ahop were entered and robbed last
night. Bloodhounds wera brought tram Val
ley early this morning aa put upon tha
burglar s trail. Tha doga worked weU aad
soon raa tha trail to a freight car near
the stock yards. Ths dogs could find no
trail from ths car. Ths work waa undoubt
edly done by tramps, who remained in tha
car until a freight train pasted thst took
them out of town. They secured $1 la sil
ver and a few pennies, as thst la all that
has been missed.
Qaestloa af Ceastraetlas yeteaa Will
Ba Babailtted ta Sheliaa at
Aa-rll Elretlaa.
SHELTON. Neb.. Msrch 7. Special)
Tha village board met last night aad de
rided to submit to ths voters at Ure- com
ing election in April a proposition to isaua
bonds for ths construction of water works.
There ara ao outstanding bonds against ths
village aad the business mea . favor the
proposition strongly. Chancea ars la favor
of the Improvement.
ShesisT CasasalBCa aatlaaew H Raa
Oae af Thaaa la Abbott,
Alias Jahasaa.
TECTM8EH. Neb.. March 7. (Special
Telegram.) The two suspects held here on
tha charge of assaulting Miss Ooldsby were
taken before tba victim this afternoon for
identification and tha outcome in som par
ticulars Is aatlafactory to Sheriff Cummlngs.
A crowd would have beea oa hand had not
the aheriff taken hla mea out to tha Goldsby
home, four miles north ot towa. at a ttms
It was least suspected he would. Tbs of
ficer got five Tecumseh business mea to
dress up in shabby autre, to represent the
tramps as closely aa peaslble. and took
the seven mea before Miss Goldsby. The
girl was propped op la a rocking chair,
was so weak sho could hardly speak or
move, and was considered entirely la aa
unfit condition for the service asked of her.
When asked to select the two men who
so brutally assaulted ' her Monday after
noon, ahe seJected first a popular TecHimseh
loung msa. Then, upon being asked to
deslgnats ths other, she pointed out ths
tramp ths sheriff believed all along knew
something of the affair. The fact that Miss
Goldsby selected tha Tecumseh man Is taken
to show thst she wss in no condition to
Identify her assailants.
It developed since ths assault that a
Mr. Roup from the east, who Is visiting
his cousin. Harry Ronp, whose home is
aear the Goldsby place, ssw the two tramps
pass ths Roup home Monday afternoon.
Mr. Roup was takea before the seven men.
all strangers, and - asked to pick out ths
tramp. He Immediately pointed out tha
man Hiss Goldsby had designated as ens.
snd said tba other wss .not of the number
Abbott wss sfso identified by Bruce
Goldsby, 12-year-old brother of the victim.
who saw him pass by tha schoolhouse Mon
Sheriff Cummlngs Is of 4he opinion hs
has the right party la the one tramp, but
believes the other is innocent. Tha mea
were not together Whea arrested In Pawnee
City. This man gave Johnaon as his name
whea arrested, but hss since given thst of
Abbott, aad says that he was at his home
In Hastings, 71S Chicago avenue, laat Mon
day. Sheriff Cummlngs says he Is a man or
nervous temperament aad ot many con
Dieting stories.
' Aaacrtea's Gawd Taste
is again strikingly illustrated. Bonfort's
Wine and Spirit Circular points out that
tha Most dc Chandon Champagne la 1901
exceeds tha 1900 record by 152,432 bottles,
aa increase mora thsa 100 per cent greater
than that of all tha other champagne
houses put together. Moet A Chandoa
White Seal," Epernsy... France, is pro
nounced perfection. Adv.
Geaerallr Fair Weather la Sehadaled
far Satarday- aad Saaday, with
Variable Wlada.
WASHINGTON. March 7. Forecast:
For Nebraska Generally fair Saturday
and Sunday; variable winds.
For Iowa Rata or snow Saturday la
southeast: fair In north and west por
tions; Sunday generally fair, with colder la
southeast portions; variable winds.
Missouri Fair in west; rain in east por
tion Saturday, with colder In south por
tions; Sunday fair, with colder ia east por
tions; winds shifting; to -aartbwest.
For South Dakota --Partly cloudy Satur
day, warmer la centra and east portions;
Sunday rain or' snswr colder; variable
wlada. " '
For Kansas Fair Saturday, colder ia east
portion; Sunday fair; north winds, beeom
ing variable.
For Wyoming Partly cloudy Saturday
aad Sunday; probably rain or snow ia west
portion; raiiabls wlada. '
Laeal Retard.
Omaha. Marx-n i.-omcm record oi tem
perature snd precipitation compared with
tne correapoDuins; ur v& i ai ium
Maxlmura temperature... M 80 41 21
Minimum temperature.... zs Zl
Mean temperature - 46 44 32 14
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Record of temperature and precipltattoa
at Omaha (or tnia aay aoa since sasrea
Normal temperature SI
, 14
.04 inch
.64 inch
.08 Inch
.20 Inch
.ti Inch
.11 inch
Rxcess for the day
Total excess since Msrch 1
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
precipitation since March 1
Deficiency since Msreh 1
Deficiency lor ui( cor. penoa. ivi..
Excess for the cor. period. 1900
Reaterts fraaa atatluas at T
Will baa Fersaer Treaaarar.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 7. (Special.)
The Board of Supervisors todsy instructed
ths county attorney to bring action against
Oeorge W. Maurer. et-couaty tressursr. to
recover the sum of $3.$U.St, tha amount
hlch tha board alleges hs owe to tha
Tha Parker will case, which begin ia
ths district court here Tuesday afternoon.
is still in progress. About thirty witnesses
have beea examined. Some of the wtt-
aessss todsy wera confronted with previous
affidavits which they had swora to and
signed, snd-which wsra contrary ta their
testimony of yesterday.
Declamatory Ceateel at Sara-eat.
SARGENT. Neb., March 7. Special.)
The first aaaual declamatory contest of tha
Sargent High school was held la tha Nlcslal
hsll at this place Tuesday night. The hall
contained aa audience ot over $00 people.
Twenty-five pupils of ths highsr room par
ticipated ia tha contest. Tbs judges were
Rsv. James Lisle of Sargent. R. W. Deakla
of Taj lor aod Mr. J. C McCrsy of Sar
gent. Miss Keo Currle. daughter of Sen
ator Currle. took first prise, $10; Evert Van-
denbsrg. second prixe. $7.50; aad Miss Nancy
Douglas, third prise, $5.
Federal al Waller Shanap.
.YORK. Neb.. March 7. (Special.) The
body of Walter Sham p. a business msa and
former resident of Holyoks. Cole., arrived
here yesterday and tha funeral services
ware from the reetdeace of D. J. Celling.
Mr. Shamp severs! year age waa engaged
la tha grocery buslsess la York aad wss
ona of the early pioneer business mea who
aaaiated materially la the promotion and
substantial growth ot ths city of York.
Hai wlfs is a sister of Mrs. Dl J. Colling.
The remains were iaterred ia Greenwood
Omaha, cloudy .:
Valentine, clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Ball Lke City, partly cJoiray.
HaDid City, clear
Huron, cloudy
Wililston. clear
Chicago, raining
Bl I uia. cloudy
St. Psul. cloudy
Davenport, raining .
Kansas city, partly ciouay.....
Havre, partly cloudy
Helena, partly cloudy
Hlsmarck. cloudy
Galveston, partly cloudy
&4 .00
42 .00
b .00
42 .00
62 .GU
3R .(
4( .00
! T
4i .OS
44 .00
46. T
4; .10
51: .00
60 .00
a! t
41 T
"Pe-ru-na is an effective Cure for
General Jamea R. O'Beirne, 290 Broadway, Washiagton, D. C-. lata Commlssiona r of Charities of New York City, N. Y-
aad Assistant Commissioner of Immigration, writes aa follows:
Aa rnanr of mr friends and acauaintancca hare successfully ui s i your Priin a cattrrh cura. I feel
that it Is an effective remedy amd I recorameud it aa suiti to truss auffcrinj front tbt Jusms as t must hops
ful source of relicL" JAflts K. u
A Freanlaeat Caaadlaa .Testifies. .
Mr. Joseph Crees, Gov. House., Ottawa,
Canada, Head St ward to Lord ,Mlnto. Gov.
General of Canada, writes: i
Spring Time the Best Season
of the Yew to Treat Chronic
vntwttnatandiM that a creat number of
people hsve beea cured of chronic catarrh
bv taklna Peruha during the past cold sea
son, yet it cannot bs denied that the cold,
wet, stormy weather haa retarded many
cures, and. la some cases, actually pre
vented a cure.
But sniins-time has com at last, and now
is the time for all catarrh sufferers to be
gin a systematic course of treatment for
thla disease. Tha greatest difficulty in the
m Af tramline chronic catarrh la that the
patient Is so liable to catch cold during
tha treatment and thus ueiay a cure.
This liability at this season of ths year
is, in a great measure, removed,, and no
one ahould aeglect tba opportunity to take
Peruna ta acknowledged by everyone to
be tha only reliable and unfailing cure of
catarrh wherever It may bs located. When
yon taks Peruna you ars not experimenting
with aa unknown remedy.
Mea and women of national reputation as
well as thousands ta ths humbler wslks of
Ufa publicly endorse Peruna. Peruna does !
all that Is claimed for It. It cures catarrh.
, -Mr.. .Jehn, -K. .Burns. 2t Spring Garden
Road,'' Halifax.' N. C, water Inspector,
"I can hardly find words that can express
my thanks to you for what your remedy hss
dons for me. I hsva been troubled with
catarrh of the head for a couple of years
and I was persuaded to try Peruna and found
great benefit after using three bottles, snd
I can recommend It highly to anyone suffer
ing from ths ssme." JOHN E. BURNS.
Peraaa Cereal - Catarrh af Several
Years Staadlaar.
Mr. G. L. Martin. Hartford. Ont., choir
leader of St, Paul's Episcopal church,
"Peruna is a wonderful remedy for ca
tarrhal trouble. I have beea troubled
with oatarrh tor a great many years, and
always . trying something for It. but wss
able only to secure temporary relief until I
used Peruna. ' Oaly five bottles rid my sys
tem of sll tracea of catarrh and I have not
noticed the slightest , trouble for several
months. My head was stopped up. my
breath offenslvs, . and it is a relief to be
able to breaths freely once more."
VI wish to etnpliasizs my high
opinion of Heruna as tha finest rem.
tdy 1 have ever known for catarrhal
afflictions. I have used ft and have
found it an excellent tonic and a
grand b'ood purifier. I have recom
mended its use to a number cf men
under m and ant pleased to say
that nothing 1 htvo ever observed
gets a sick man out of be J and well
again as quickly a- Peruna. I am
gtatl to be able to tell of its merits.
If you do not receive' prompt and satis
factory results from the us of Peruna,
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full
ststement ot your- ease,- and he will be
pleased to give you his valuabl advics
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Tha
Hart man Sanitarium. Columbus. Obie
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
Little Liver PUls.
Must Bear Signatur f
. Ceasaaerrlal Clab Kleels OMrrrm.
DAVID CITT. Nsb.. Msrch T. (Special.)
The David City , Commercial club at the
aaaual meeting this week sleeted tbs fol
lowing officers for ths ensuing year: Presi
dent. L i. Biswas: vice president. Matt
MUler: secretary. W. 8. McCoy; treasurer.
K. William; board of directors. J. F. Xiel
loger. James Bell. M. J. Bouse. W. P.
Dowsing. L. Spelts aad F. B. Schaaf.
Slareh Feetory Hard at WsrL
NEBRASKA an. Neb.. March T. Spe
elal.l Tha stsrch factory' is ruanlng as
hard as It caa pound aad grinding every
bushel of grata that caa ba forced through
the mills. There Is ealy about 1.7 bushels
l ds ia Us elevator, bat lasts U sM
I Vary aaaaU aaal aa e.
staha aseagaa,
ret ELLiAtsc
rci Bizr.xcu. '
ret tiucumit,
rti ccuTtrATict.
ret mccstruusi
Vi swtas fai
PART 6 '
The Living
Animals of
the World
a '
At The Bee1 Office
Price 10 cents By mail IS cents
Oa eeeeant af Its frightful hMoiiaaia. Blood roiaonmg la eovnaaoaly called the
ariu of ail L ins im It may he attner haredltaxr or oewueoted. Cnoa the arsMaa as
tjuaied with H, the disease may BsaasSaat Kaoif in the reran ef borofai. ratssaia.
jMumatlo Pains buff or SwoItM J hois, pU n ttr Oopear Colored tipota ea the
M boo'v. bttle Ulors in the Mouth or the Taajtas, Bore Ihroat. BweLea
-w :in ui mi the Hair or sVeehrvwe, had nnav a Leoretaa-Ua. Decs of
the FMah iLdkniM. If yea hsve hay ef these e simitar eytSB-tveas. (at BHOVyri
fcLOOU Cl'KK tBkanedieieir. Tsaa treataaeat Is practtcaily the rseult of Ute wwrh.
Is eeatatae aa Arruua Aruaj or lajuariasa aaadluinea of ay khvl It foes to tbs
fcotfcaa of ua ininii aMs lercee wrwi iiuucw ei uspuncr. sua every
cam i w su lurever. l s aioea, ue itsowe, ue
IXHM are riaaa. purified aad restored to perfsst
af ui. fuuwn
ah lUtsaaaU street Oat. Mast
eiaa aad symptom uwpra emiasiy haa rorever. The hieed. the tiaewa,
aVL tk boeea sa4 the wWok eretesa are eaaaaae. purified aad teetered to per
sniUi, aatd tl peiiaot erwpered aaae foe the dulUa aad pleasures
bLOOD CURE, a feotti Usta a meath.
laid OaUs- by She
Dais Sta.
DR. McGREW (Agi 53)
Masts saa VlMfirs a( Mast OaJy.
M Yeare Bsaarteaee, IS Tears tat
VARICOCELE which lsrthsQufcitt2T!
satast snd must natural thst has yst been
discovered. No paint whatever, bo outung
aad does not interfere wlta work or buai
a ass. Treatment at efOoe or at boose aad
a permaaent cure guaranteed.
Hst Spring Trsstzsct for SypHills
And all Bloed Diseases. No "BRJuAKINQ
OUT" as the akin or face aod ail ealeraai
atgna at the disease disappear at ence. A
treatment that ta snore successful and far
more setistuetory than the "eld form" ef
treatment aod at lea thaa HALF TH
CuUT. cure that aa guaraateed ta) he
permanent for Ilia.
flfTl! fi nnrtcasea cured af Berreua
U I UI 4,UiiWiJeeUlty. loes ef vitality
ana an uouaturai weaaneaats i saeav,
euicture, Uieet, sUdney and bladder Lia
, Uyoreosia. eured aerrn nen Uy.
taAattth.S LOW. CSHIlXTArivs rata; at.
Trsatnj t trr aarUl. P. O. atea 7.
Oebos aver U a. lath street, betweea Vas
ass IWMiajlaa Uw UalaW. aaaV
Thla mesne ue wbai
It as. Dunns t years'
EBi-uu I dianoverU a
auioar esrsfor filml
aad harveualMfoQliy.asMl
UJ Bead a hill mrmjArm
eewrss of ths Keassdy, lsewna; tkres aaoatha, M
ho Cure, Ve Pay. 81b ply seed f oar aataie
Maies. euneiers rreas isiwionaia,
hoptia,attdney. BI4-iraa4 Frui
rtto lor er Hobm TnataMst Km aServe,
w list HaHa nve. waiwo. feav. w
oar aaase aad
Hani Poaaoa.
ae In 1 1 mis.
Better thaa Isaiiartsd.
Cook'o Imporlol
j lair pur.