Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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i 1002.
Republic!) Primaries the Center of Publio
Interest Today.
wayaraliy Caaelaatee Still Shew Hesl
IMfr Is EirMili Their Prefer
escea far Trrf aad Clerk
-Migi titr Gip.
psring an ordlnsnre for the condemnation
of tbt portloni of fourteenth and Fifteenth
streets between Missouri avenue nt J
street. Thli property li what la known a,
the Csssldy tract. As efforts hare been
mad in the rant to cure the opening
of theae streets without avail the council
decided that the proper thing now waa to
condemn the property end appoint a board
of appralaera. Aa soen aa the ordinance
la and publehed the mayor will name
competent men to make the appraisal, it
appears to be the Intention of the cltlsens
In the eastern part of the city to open up
a number of atreeta from Missouri avenue
north this Bummer.
Made Cltf CeasI.
Doan's Kidney Pills 1
Tbla la republican primary day and Inter
at a moog polltlclana centers to a great ex
tent In the fight now on between A. R
Kelly and Frank Koutaky for the mayor
alty nomination. Primaries will be held
In each of the six wards from noon until 7
o'clock and then the reault will be known.
Both Kouteky and Kelly were working hard
yesterday with friends and last night the
contest was beginning to get decidedly in
There la atill some bestltatlon on the
part of either of these candidate to name
their preference for treasurer or clerk ana
aa for councilman, with six to be chosen.
the two leading candidates appear to be all
at aea.
Primaries will be held at the following lo
riret Ward Collins' music store, Twen
ty-fourth and K streets
Second Ward Andrews" teed store, til
North Twenty-fourth street.
Third Ward Northeast corner Twenty-
. seventh and T street.
Fourth Ward $11 North Twenty-flfth
. Fifth Ward Bayatcr building. Thirty
aecoad and J streets.
Sixth Wsrd Northwest corner Twenty
fourth and O streets.
Fire delegates from esch ward are to be
chosen, with the exception of the Sixth
ward, where there la only one delegation In
the field.
The I ft of Judges and clerks of these pri
maries hare previously been printed,
pedal Trooa Mcetlaa.
A meeting of the South Omaha cavalry
troop waa held In the council chamber laat
night, when the muster rolls were pre
sented for signature. At the close of the
meeting fifty-eight members had signed.
The rolla will remain open for further atg
natures until 1:45 o'clock tonight. Immedi
ately after the closing of the muster roll
'Captain Hodglnl of the Second infantry ot
the Nebraska National guard will Inspect
and muster the troop. '
Tssterday afternoon Ed P. Baker, one ot
the well known musicians of South Omaha,
sent a request to Csptaln Holland ot the
troop regarding the formation of a band
for the troop. Mr. Baker aeaerted that he
had or could soon secure a band of twen-ty-four
pieces. - The men have musical In
struments now and as soon as uniforms are
supplied will be pleased to Join the troop.
The Question waa considered laat night and
the unanimous decision waa that the troop
wanted a band and that Baker waa the man
to lead It.
As soon aa the muster Is completed Friday
night a requisition will be msde on the ad
jutant general tor uniforms and suppliea.
A tailor was present at the meeting last
night and took the measures of the men
signing the muster rolls for uniforms, caps.
lectins, ate. "
One RearUtratlea Day.
Under ths law here will be one day for
the revlaion of ths registration Hats. This
will Te on Saturday, March 29. The Judges
; and clsrks appointed by ths eounty Judge
Isst fall will serve, although , there may
' be some' vacancies on account! of removals
from warda, eto,
filled by application ot the proper o(B
. clala ta the eounty Judge. As It Is now the
council designates ths places for holding
. registration, leaving the city clerk out, Of
the matter entirely. This Important mat
tar will most likely ba taken up at the
cteetlag ot the council on Monday night.
lacialry for Boats,
Bond buyers In Omaha made numerous
Irqulrles of the city clerk yesterday regard
ing the proposed laaua of $140,000 In renewal
Dr. R. B. Rchlndel has been called east
by the serious Illness of a relative.
Chief Etter of the fire department Is mi f-
rering rrom a severe attack or rneumauam.
Will B. Tare left last nlaht for the north
western part ot the state on a business
It. C. Howe, general manager of the Ar
mour Dlant here, spent Yesterday In Kan
sas City.
Fred Drews Is preparing to erect a $3,000
dwelling In Jetter's addition. Thirtieth and
T atreeta.
Mlaa Fav Mullen, daiichter of Mrs. Carrie
Mullen of Albright, la recovering from her I
recent illness.
Adsh chatoter. Order of the Eastern Star.
will give an entertainment at Maaontc hall
on Saturday evening.
W. 8. King has returned from Anaconda.
HonL. where he spent a (ew days looking
after business matters.
General Manacer Kenvon of the Vnlon
8tock Yards company ia expected home I
from a western trip today.
Mies Mabel Francisco. TwentV-flrst and
O streets, who haa been seriously 111, waa
reported Detter yesterday.
A meeting of Phil Kearney post No. 1,
Grand Army of the Reoublle. haa been
called for Saturday evening at the office
of J. D. Bennett In the Pioneer block.
H. D. Wright, whose home is at Morrow,
Kan., died Wedensday nlaht. a severe case
of smallpox being the cause. This Is the
first death from smallpox that the local
health authorities nave noted tnis winter.
Not Inflaenced la Judgment af Fill-
plaos ay Kxpreaaloaa of Gea.
eral Merrttt.
WASHINGTON, March f. Gsnsrsl
Hughca gave further teatlmony b store the
senate Philippine committee today. Mr.
Patterson resumed his questioning, which
yesterday led to a aharp , colloquy in the
committee room between the witness and
himself. In an endeavor to establish the
fact that the Filipino army had effectively
held the Spanish army within Its lines In
Manila, previous to the arrival of the
American foreea, Mr. Patteraon referred to I
the surrender of 3,000 Spanish troops to
the Insurrection forces In July, 1$9&. Gen
eral Hughes eaid that , the Incident would
only make him believe that the Filipinos
bsd cut oft tha supplies from the Interior.
Senator Patterson read from a magailne
article 'by General Merritt, published in
July, 1899, In which ha spoke of the army
under Agulnaldo, which he said had been
an Important factor In the altuatlon . which
confronted the United Btates army and
which . had waged a . deaultory warfare
against the Spanish, resulting In the cap
ture of 4,000 prisoners.
Dots that modify your opinion T" asked.
Mr. Patterson. ...........
"Not at all," said General Hughes. .
In answer to a further question by Sen
ator Patteraon aa to whether the Filipinos
would accept Independence unless it was
accompanied by a protectorate by the
United States, General Hughes said that at
conference held by him with representa
tives of the Insurgent army la Manila they
would not commit themselves to a proposi
tion of a protectorate by the United .States.
They first wanted Independence, be said.
and after that they would- arrange- for the
WATCH IT! Watch the Urine, should it contain a "brick-dust" like deposit; should it
be too highly colored; should urination be too frequent, painful in passage or irregular in
any way, 'tis a serious matter demands attention. When the kidneys fail in their work
when their delicate fibrous filters become clogged they warn you through the back. The back
has many aches and pains from kidney ills. Help the kidneys when they're sick help them
before congestion or inflammation makes you miserable; before urinary disorders appear.
Doan's Kidney Pills relieve the kidneys cure the aching back and every kidney ill down
to dangerous Diabetes, Dropsy, Bright's disease. Positive proof of the efficacy of Doan's
Kidney Pills in the testimony of friends and neighbors.
No. 19th St.
Mr. Charles O. Winger, a brlckmolder,
1132 North Nineteenth street, says: "A
friend of mine heard me complain of
aching In my back and trouble with the
kidney secretions. I had been subject
to these attacks from the day I hurt
my back lifting house sills four years
ago. This friend gave me a box of
Doan's Kidney nils, which he had
bought at Kuhn & Co's drug store. I
thought a dose or two helped me and.
Increased the quantity. The treatment
cured me; at least up to date I have
not been bothered with any of my old
GET DOAN'S Don't ac
cept a substitute. Noth
ing else as good. No
other kidney remedy
endorsed by . people
you inow.
No. 20th St.
Mr. E. O. Glean, school teacher, of tU4
North Twentieth street, says: "I pro
cured Doan's Kidney rills at Kuhu &
Co's drug store, corner of 16th and
Douglas streets, for my wife. She suf
fered terribly from attacks of kidney
-complaint for years. At the time her
back was aching severely and although
she used many preparations sold to be
sure cures for kidney complaint, the ben-
eflt received from Dunn's' Kidney Tills
was so pronounced that we bnve no
hesitation In Indorsing the representa
tions made fof them."
Jill Druggists sell
DOAA'S Kidney Pills.
Price SO cents per box,
Foster Mllburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y.t Sole Proprietor.
BrntaVtArtitai Amstpkui '. hating - An trial r Art
Theae vacancies will be wlla th. otw powtffc. . ....
The peace and good will. General Hughes
declared, which existed la the Philippines
outside of Manila from July, 188, to Feb
ruary, 1899, were due not to the Filipinos,
but the Spanish Padres.
Reverting to his csnferenee ' at Manila;
General Hughes aald he was unable te get
Agutnaldo's representatives to define to
him what concessions they desired short of
absolute Independence,, although they
slsted that they moat have something den
which fere being advertised In Ths I nlte to take back to the 30,000 ken who
Be. ' It Waa vatrrf.v hv mm. I v.r. vlrtiifillw I n Af nr fct ilfv KjkailM
Omaha buyers that bonds ot the kind ad- unless they did they would be unsbte te I Story of the Traders and Trapper! of the
M - f ....... , ...
J. Mn iu- , s . : . .... . . .. . .
BQAjys Kidney Pills
verttssd could be sold for a less per I hold them In check,
'cent than tha city nroooaea to ut and I 1
eoneequently the bidding at next Monday RAISES CONSULS'
Bight's meeting of the city council will
doubtless ba aplrited. Members of the
council asssrt that ths bonds will be sold
to the highest bidder and that no person
or bask haa any light ot way In ths mat
, Bill Poster Ordlaaaee.
City BUI Poster Scott and Building In
' apsctor Click have been restrained by an
order ef the district court from tearing
down certain billboards now located on
private property. The council by motion
directed Scott and Click to remove certain
signboards, as It was represented that they
were la danger of falling down and catch
ing Are. A judge of the district court.
after hearing ths petition of ths defendants
Diplomatic Aparaarlatswa Bill Makes
Net laereaae of Tweoty-Mae
Tk.tMBl Dellara.
WASHINGTON,. March I. Senator Hale
from ths committee on appropriations today
reported ths diplomatic appropriation bill
with amendments making a net tacreass of
929,456 In the total appropriation mads by
the bill as It psssed ths house, bringing the
entire sum up to $l,B6,tR6.
Great West
Call'orala'a Favarlte Flawar Has
Whole Ttlias Derate IS Tha
Jew la War laeta'a
Jesses 'Are.
ance of better salaries to consuls and sec
rstarlee of legatioa. Tha salary ot the mla
Ister to Persia is raised from $5,000 to fL&OO.
There la an Increase of tS0 each la the
sav af tha consul nenerale at Antwern and
la ths aetlon, thought differently, and now Coburg and a reduction ef $300 In that ot ths
1. Is asserted that the question of ths hiui at Dawaoa Cltv. tha nreaent aalarr
validity of the ordinance will be brought being $1,500.
Other amendment reatore the consul gen-
"The American Fur Trade of the Far
West," by Hlrara Martin Chlttsnden. cap
..i. . .n.r. flatted Btates army, is
The tncreaae is dne largely te the allow- V ,olumlnoui work that will appeal most
strongly to students of the ntstory oi ins
settlement of tha great west. As Its title
would indlcste, the work contalna a hla
tory of tha pioneer trading poata and early
fur companies of the Missouri valley and
tha Rocky mountains and of tha overland
into court.'
City Attorney Lambert la engaged In pre-
eral at Constantinople and the agent at
Sofia to their former positions In the diplo
matic service, taking them from the con
sular service, but without change af salary.
The rank of the consul at Marseilles Is re
stored te that of consul general and tha
consul at Munich la made a consul general
with salary Increaaed from $1,000 ta $2,500.
A favorable report today waa authorised
commerce with sania re. i
greatly reinforced by sdttsble mapa and II
luatratlona, which add to tha general in
terest ot the work. This work ot Captain
Chittenden Is not a reprint or a compila
tion of references from printed books, but
la a new and conaecutlve history of the
...t down to 1850. It Is the result of
years of research among original manu
script journals, documents, etc., which
are scattered In all parts of ths United
Btates. A love ot the subjsct and a farall-
are Nature's warning notes of
approaching danger from a dis
eased heart. Ff you would
avoid debilitating diseases, or
even sudden death rrom this
hidden trouble pay heed to the
earlv warnincs. Strengthen the
heart's muscles, Quiet its nenr-
pus irritation and regulate its
adion with that greatest of all
heart remedies, Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure.
, Darting pairji through my
fceart, left glda and arm would
be followed by smothering, heart
paama and fainting-. Dr. Miles'
Heart Cur faas entirely reliered
too of those troubles. "
Join Van DENvritcm.
$S Kewaunee St, Milwaukee, NVU.
., .Dfc-Miles' " .
He&fft Ctiffc
ontrols the heart adtion, acceU
'.rates the circulation and builds
op the entire system. Sold by
druggists on a guarantee.
Dc allies Uedlcil Co., Elkhart XaAV
a commission to eo-opersta with Canada In
an examination of the diversion of the boun
dary waters between the two countries.
The senate committee on commerce today
authorised Nelaon to make a favorable re
port on his bill prohibiting the tnsertloa
la bills of lading for goods shipped from
the United States to London ot a clauae re
quiring conaigaeea to pay tha London ter
minal cbargea.
Rearlr Hiss flaadre Katioaal Amu
elatlaas arias; t'p laea
tares 14, 1DOO.
WASHINGTON, March A report Is
sued by the Treaaury department snows
that sines the passage of the act of March
14. 100. there have been organised $7$
national banking aeaoclatlona. with ag
gregated capital stock at $4S.51i.0O0 and
bond deposits ot $12.t;t.400. Of these 6S2.
with aggrrgste cspltsl of $15.254.000.. hsd
Individual capital af leaa thaa $5.000 and
bond deposits -J $S.W$.00, and e asso
ciations with aggregate capital of $35.
teS.OOO, and bond deposits of $T,(.(00. were
with Individual capital of $54,000 er ever.
During the laat month there wae an
aversgs ot one bank orgaaised dally. At
tha close of busictss aa February U. there
were ia active operation 4,8ft national
banking aaaoclatioas, with assured capital
stock of $U.i7.l5: bonds so. deposit to
secure circulation, $12:, 575, 000; circulation
outstanding secured by bonds, $820,07?. 794.
Ths circulation secured by lawful money
deposited on account of Insolvent banks,
aaaoclatlon in voluntary 'liquidation and
thoee reducing clrrulatloa. was $M.3H.I3.
eihauattve and tntereatlng wor. Curing
a profeaalonal career of over twelve yeara
In tha tranamlsalaalppl country the writer
visited nearly every aectlon which was fre
quented by the American tradera; while a
realdence of ssveral years la St. Louis
gave htm convenient acceaa to that rich
treaaure-houae of oitglnal documenta per-
lalulng ta thla early period. At this day
tew real lie the important part the fur
trade took la the progress snd civilisation
of the traaamlasisstppl regtona. From ths
return ot Lewis and Clark, la 180$, to tha
discovery of gold In California, there were
stirring times In this then unknown region
of which little hss heretofore been written.
When the early annals ot tbla vaat territory
are examined we And that the fur trade
Is the true source of Its history; We sre
sccuetomed to look upon Lewis and Clark as
tba original pioneers of tha Missouri val
ley, but the lonely trader had frequented
theae ahores nearly two generatlona be
fore their expedition went up the river
All ths beginnings of civilisation In this
then remote country were msde under ths
fostering protection ot ths fur trsds. Ths
drat transcontinental highway, ths Oregoa
trail, was opened and established by ths
traders, as was also the ao leaa Important the gsnlus of the statesman and ths ps
university says: "It is a labor ot love
which haa involved a vast smount ot dstail
work and tribulation. It baa been designed
to pleaae and Instruct the people and
honor 'our loved atate flower. Together with
my co-laborers, I have tried to turn out
an example ot book making la every dstail
creditable to California." The result Is
noteworthy as ths first book ever pub
lished upon any state or national floral em
blem and as a remarkable record ot the
botany, history and literature ef a unique
flower, which la aa distinctive of the stats
as the eequola. The book Is made beautiful
by a cover dealgn by W. H. Bull, and many
halt-tone illuatratlona are contributed by
various hands. A number of artists have
given sketches snd many amateur photog
raphers have sent in pictures that are ex
tremely Interesting. The thousands of peo
ple who have visited California and whose
remembrance of tha country Is Inseparably
associated with the beautiful yellow poppy,
will greatly value Prof. Smltk'e compila
tion. Prof Emory K. Smith, Palo Alto, Cel.
"The Jew aa a Patriot," by Madison C.
Peters. Is ths first book which hss 'ever
been prlntsd te point out conclusively the
soldierly qualities of the Jewe both la Eu
rope and America. The book, written ny
tha author of "Justice to the Jsw." a well
known Baptist clergyman, la in ths nature
of a rsply to Mark Twain's article in Har
per's Magaslne, where be accusea tne jew
"with a patriotic disinclination to stand by
the flag as a soldier." Dr. Pstsrs arst
points out that Jews furnished the money j
necessary for Columbus expedition ana i
that the wonderfully well plaanad expedl-
tion of Columbus was dus to the scientific
achievements of Spanish aad Portuguese
Jews. He tskes up the part which tba
Jews plsyed la the colonial cause. Although
there were only 150,000 Jews la tha United
Btates at the time ot the civil war, nearly
$.000 Jewlah soldiers served In the union
aad confederate armies. Tha first official
call to organise the abolition movement In
185$ was slgnsd by flvs Oermsos ot Chicago,
four of them Jewe. Over 4,000 Jewlah ool
dlsre aerved In ths American srmlea dur
ing the war with Spain. In tha armies ot
Europe tha Jsw hss likewise been conspic
uous. Soma ot Napoleon's greateat mar
ahala were Jews. Boms ot the grestest sol
diers of Germany and Aualrla were Jewa
by birth and Inherited genlua. ,Tbs Jewish
population of Europe is about $.000,000.
They contribute 150,000 men of tha war
strength of European armies. The Baker
A Taylor company. New York.
There ta a revelation for the loog-auffer-
ing reader of the recent historical novel In
Michael White's "Lachml Bai." Hla sub
ject Is one with which the public Is un
familiar, but it haa a real attraction. A
Hindoo heroine la an unexpected dlacovery
and, when te ths courage of ths soldier.
to private matters, but is expected In this
city within the next two or three daya, and
arrangements will thsn be made for his
presentation at ths Btate department.
Presanre ia Brsaatht ts Bear l ass Him
Accept ths Aaatatsat Pot
' master Geaeralshls. ,
WASHINGTON, March (.Considerable
pressure Is being brought te bear on Harry
8. New of Indianapolis to accept the first
assistant ,postmaster gsnerslshlp, but there
ia said te be very much doubt of hla ac
ceptance. Senator Beveridge of Indlaas
conferred with Postmaster General Payne
on ths matter today. Mr, New bases his
reluctancs on business and ether reasons,
but has not yet given a final aaewer.
llgloua sentiment and the same wonderful
Intuition, but the Maid or Orleans knew not
the love of man, while love playa a large
part In Mr. Wblte'a tale of hla heroine.
The woman and the heroine are cloaely
united in the romance, which la handled
with great skill. The author appears thor
oughly familiar with the life, cuatema and
manners of India, and his book has ths
strength and dramatic force of Mrs. Steel's
On the race ot the Waters." J. P. Taylor
4t Co.. New York.
"In ths Phsntom Caravan." by Cordelia
Powell Odenhelmer, the readers are taken
Into the great unknown, and thers hear
from their own lips the life stories of those
who have long since left the flesh, yet were
Intimately associated la their different
earthly Uvea; the whole forming a con.
nected narrative. The wandering Jew,
Ahasuerus, whose entire history Is traced
In a manner never before presented, re
futea the legend that Ona who came only
to bleaa was the cause of his curse; while
the love of ths youthful Caesar affords
a beautiful sketch of a Roman maiden. The
tragio Uvea of the Russian nihilist. Nadje,
and ths Spanish nobis, known as "Thirty
nine." are strongly portrayed; and the
Idyllic child-life of the Italian boy, Tony.
Is the embodiment of contrasting Joy and
pathos. The Abbey Press, New York.
Mterary Notes.
Edwin Markham'a lateat poem. "The
Dream of Pllate'a Wife." haa iuet been
completed, and will appear exclualvely in
tne April nucceas.
The Bcrlbners publlwhed the following
books In February: The Valley of De
cision," by Kdlth Wharton, her flrat long
novel; I'auleen's "Immanuel Kant- Ills
Life and Doctrine," tranelnted by Profa.
Crelghton and lfevre of Chicago univer
alty; "Melomanlaa." by Jameo Huneker.
and a new permanent library edition of
Theodore Rooeevelt'a "The Hough Kldera,"
with forty Illustrations ana a ponrau i
the author.
Tha miulMl of the arte Is music and
nineiui nfjiiur.. ulr...u..; u .,. wife of Wtl
1" ,JES,."n,'"K AT.,,,Sm,a,a. And now he 1 1 am P Mckiitrtct at 'the reeldence.
Foley's Kldasy Curs makes ths kidneys I
aad. bladder. riL, Ceooalaa aoiklag la-
route the Santa Pe trail. ' Ths aanals of
its doings sre full of exciting' and re
maatie intsrest. Never before nor since
has there bees a period ia the history ot
our country that contains so much ibst sp
pesls to the lover of adventure. Captala
Cblttendea baa treated the whole aubject
la a crisp, readable atyle. la thorough aym-
pathy with hla taak. The reader of bis
stirring pages will feel that the early
hlatory of tbla region Is aa attractive as
anything romance fcas ever produced.
Francis P. Harper, publisher. New York.
Ia writing ot hla aew book. "The Ooldea
FoSPf," ProL Emery X. SnUik ot Stanford
trlotlam of the woman, there la added the
Dure affection of tha maiden, all of las
elements of a thrilling and sympathetic re
manca have beea Joined to a degree seldom
found. Ths Rsnl of Jhansl Is no Imaginary
character, but a peraonage ot hlatory With
whom It la well that everyone ahould be
acquainted. A young woman at tba mo
ment of the outbreak agalnat Brit lab nils
la Htndooeian In 1857, the princess took
promineat part in that atruggle for freedom.
By Michael White tha Rani Is railed the
Jeanne d'Arc of India, aad la many respects
there is a great llkeneaa between the
r reach aad the Hladoa aeroiaee. They had
the aaae patriotic impulses, the same re-
Taff Will lasers Oseratlss.
WASHINGTON. March (.Governor Taft.
having concluded his testimony before the
congrssslonal committees, left here this
afternoon for a visit to hla home la Cin
cinnati. While there be will undergo an
operation for tha ailment which compelled
bis return te Washington from the Philip
pines. His pressat plsn Is to rsturn to
Washington In about a month for a fur
ther conference with the president and the
secretary ot war and to start back for
Manila about the first ot May. His health
has very much Improved since his return
to this country.
Alwnya .No.uctuiun
New to Show You
Society Stationery
Our display la tne largest.
Our roods the proper thing.
T asm SB aa M M M BVaVV w
Society Stationers. . U0S Faro em 8jt.
Weartaa; Apparel Oaly Aaaet.
HELENA. Ark.. March 1 EJgene B.
Smith, a lumberman of Earl, Ark., haa
filed a petition la bankruptcy In the fed
eral court here. IJabllltlea are scheduled
at $121,176. with no asaeta except the peti
tioner's wearing apparel.
cornea before us in a new iigm um an
author. Mr. gouea a new story, "The .Kirtn
String, has an inaiviuiiaiiiy. im inven
tive genlua tnai naa mmiru ine wunu wun
hla atlrring strains, haa offered it now an
unique romance, a story atrong. true, dra
matic, filled with love and musical en
Peter Newell, whose illustration for the
new "Alice a AOveniurre in n unaeriann
(Harper ai nave saaea conviurraDiy iu me
fame aa an artlHt. was at one time em-
floyed la his youth in a phot.. graph gal
cry. It seems quite probable that acme of
his moat amusing conceptions of the human
face may well nave nsa ineir origin in ma
uhyalcanomiea of people preparing to have
tneir piciurt- m n , uu hw .uuw.
Newell availed himself of theae opportuni
ties for observation.
The above books are for ssle by the
Megesth Stationery Co.. 130$ Farnam St
Will Aak far OSBelal As.
gtswlsvrsst kla Paare aa ss state)
f as. We ess alas tarsias a.av sasat
Earkalow Bros. - VBock Ehoi,M
lets Faraaaa , . fates BSA
Ms Cuming.
Funeral Sunday at t p. m.. from residence
to Trinity cathedral. Interment Forest
Uwd. Friends Invited.
BTEARN8 Samuel Henry. March (, W8.
KuneralVrom' hla late realdence. 71$ North
Twenty-aeccnd street, Saturday. March .
at 10 a. m. Interment Foreat Lawn ceme
tery. Friends Invited.
You can't buy anything for your
rome that Is more entertaining for
tha aame amount of money than a
genuine Edlaon Phonograph. If you
haven't heard the new Edison Molded
Kecords, you have no Idea how good
they are. Stop In any time and hear
Edlaon Oem, $10; Standard, $30;
Home. $V. We alao sell the Victor
snd Columbia Dlso machines and
Recordi!. Bend for new Record Hat,
free. Mall orders promptly filled.
We went a dealer In every town.
Write today.
WASHINGTON. March $. It ta learned
hero that Dr. Concha, tha new Colomblsn
minister to the I'nlted Btates, haa requested
bis government. In view of ths preaent
atate of negotiations between Colombia,
Nicaragua and Cceta Rica and ths United
Btates with regard to aa isthmian canal, te
make aa official announcement of Ita views
and purposes in that matter. The aame re
queal haa been aubmitted by the Panama
Canal company at Parte and a declaration
of this sort is hoped for.
Dr. Concha Is new la New York attending
New Sh08s For Spring-
Wo have Just opened up our new
spring patent colt, shoes for women s
ves r the same shoe w sola hundreds
of pairs last year without a single
complaint from a customer the shoes
are known by their superb fitting
qualities and up-to-date style patent .
colt vamps with dull kid tops that make
a beautiful contrast medium extension
wt It soles-and the beet of It all Is the
price which Is only S3.50 snd you
never were able to get so much for $3.50
except at Drexel's.
Drexel Shoe Co.
maas'a lls-4sit She Mssas.
1419 FAalrl AM VTalalsaTs
Tele etgaefore Is aa every kes el the geswsns
Ltxative Bromo-0uUiiacs,aits
y7V&00Vk rested Us sauras ssM la ease eVs.