THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 100". TflTTYCfiY JrtYC TA fninrft rr. leaving only the nwiHff i JUIl.l JIM XLiriJJ 1U . I 11 ll.nliW I playing rules for nest Mnon and a few minor metiers for consideration today. The club owner did not adjourn for luncheon. At II o dork iTeelrtent Jonneon FAVORS PUBLIC OWNERSHIP Gires Little .Indication o, Moring Leapi ror.&.S rk f tu IUdqurten to flew York. . i si.ieration h aald the playing ryie. "-1 Before Earaomio League, tlration he said th plsvtng rules. Inas much as there was no opposition among the magnstes befnr the meeting to re- AMERICAN ' MGNATES CHANGE RULES i thought sow Vt matter la ADVANTAGES OF CHANGE II SYSTEM being discussed In the meeting. Adept Pro lei. a of BasTalo reafereaee evltk rw Eareptleaa aad Dcsla- ate nrara'i Celt aa 'rial. BUDD RETAINS THE TROPHY wt Morality. Destroys ladtvldeal Right aaa Defeat Raaeell Kllee by Bror ( S ta All-Nebraakas Kla . Ala. Creates Caadltloae at tae aalltr im Be-eletr. DETROIT. March . Th American Charlie Budd of De Moines. la., retained leayu mtnte at their last session thl Kllne of Spirit Lake t In a WO live bird race afternoon adopted the cbangee Id tbe play- at tne Omaha oun club ground yeeteroay. . -,.1.. v, ik. niriA .. The final score wu H to M. F.arh man leg rule recommended by the Buffalo eon- (wo k,,, almo.t agriusiveiy. Budd ferenc of lt month with tbe exception amine; four olrds singlv and Kline three, of the foul strike rule, which will fee played Kline loot by missing the last bird of hi , ... t',. ,k. aa l.a 10ft H was ahead at the ninety-sixth la the American league the m aa la it btfJ wnirn feU out of ,,,.. That year. tied the erors and Budd shot the laat nve. T mnat Imun.-t l th. recommends- I wmie Mine -rtiseeo ine Jin mro. mw rrof. Frank Parson of Boat on, Mats., preaident of the NaUonal Public Owner ship league, delivered a lecture last even ing in Library hall on the subject of "Pub He Ownership of Private Monopolies." The lecture waa one of the series given before the Economio league of Omaha. Prof, Par. sons is professor of political science and history and lecturer on law and economics . " waa llflO a aide and the price of the bird 1 i. ... of Boston Hons la the one providing that the umpire on ,h matrhi beaidea tVie trophy, '.,!. Boton shall rail a ball on the pitcher each time I Bodd baa held alnre he won it at Kansas he delays the game by failing to deliver "T"; more than ten seconds. Tbe advisability of removing the head quarters of the league from Chicago to New York was brought up and after some debate a resolution waa adopted leaving .nntt ztX X?22 T1171 3t73 M K72J Pif?2 Trot t!2 l.'22J ?4 nsa rtm tirn ma r"!in li-.'Sl raJl 2il23 llttl r2?-I5-95 .iitm zisa inn tr.'ti Z2r:aa mi K2S V'.'H SK?a 12222 tiztt t22-a kki r.ra timto Z2iit 2t-"zi tim tzta In the twenty-five live bird match be tween the All-Nebraekans and tne omanas Kllne . Prof. Parsons began by saying that com petition is neither wise or practical aa a permanent business policy. It Involves a wsste of both capital and labor. He quoted the late Commodore Vanderbtlt as having aald that wherever combination Is possible competition is Impractical. The tendency of affair in the business world todsy Is to combine, and the lecturer believe that the matter to the discretion of President Johnaon. A resolution also waa adopted the former won by a total score of ai to I competition, so often referred ta as being designating A. J. "Reach's guide aa tne IK, ine eoorea: .. . line ma or ireae, win oecome extinct as a official American league guide. D?"1'? 5! 2 iKii 3 H1 H5S I prtaclpls. Competition is losing ground as Kimball (O) - t - v I A nwniriHl IV before the. meeting today atf the report I Bel vera N)... The playing rule were the flrat business ir.e.J Ym""'T Popl understand the ralu of of the committee which went to the Buffalo Jchr?,,', N' conference from the American league was I Hofr preaented. It recommended that all tbelRairve N) .i y - ik. k. I Carter (N"., ...... .v . . . Z. a 4 koomla (O)... the foul strike mle, which it was recom- !?- T22ii t-lA 12221 n I combination. H did not propose to dls- giS IkS m CUM tbu Um- owTsr, competition and '.'.vsn fiVl-jo r?:3 tirs. ;r!ia co-operation aa feature of the business "..ru3. r'in ti tzt timn policy of the times, hut rather the ques- "fl ya IPl P1 KlS UOB wbether n11 conn P-- "no vn 2ilil 9rt H2S1 Tl au monopolies or public ownership of pub- llnderman N)..C?21 Stm tiai fcir.3 I Uo utilities. mended be played ths aama as last year. i-p. t'"'v5 oTa tj4 Tha best test to apply In ths considers forn 0).... .22;jl tJTt i?r2l 22221 iS I tlon of private monopolies Is their purpose In twenty seconds the B-17 Si,........t-an2ltKaajafiA; ,im. He Illustrated this by the an- nded were In regard to the JJJf..;: Jsi 52r1 ,fv wrs given by Count von Wettach of A us- Excepting the ruls compelling a pitcher to deliver the ball changes recomme phraseology and of comparatively little !tn- parmelee (O)... .22222 2122 1221 inn 2if2iv-2 trla and Chauncey 'Depew, when the latter portance. The changes were read over and Bray tN) 2221 Sua twz tail 22221-26 WM m railroad president, to the question of discussed an the committee' recommend- .H'Jl ' what 1 the chief aim of railway manage- tlon were tnanlmously adopted. Omaha. ...t.!!!!'.!!!!!"r'.'!t"!!"!!!"!!!224 ment. Count von WetUch aald the chief Before adjournment R. T. Hedge of the a fierce wind made alf shooting difficult aim and fundamental purpose of railway BL Louis team Invited the league to hold Two barrels were used all through by all maUS.meDt in Austria. Where government H. next meeting at 8t Louis. No actio MT&rUcVvtni&Z was taken on -the Invitation and the mag- birds extra. Bates adjourned without place being fixed Nearly fifty sportasneit are in attendance a Ik . tww. T,wl i k.f -rill K for ths next meeting. twenty-five live bird handicap. 120 entrance, I Is to get tbe most traffic in order to gain s-resiavni jonnaon was aaaea auer ira i and several target sweepstakes evmts. i ne 1 the greatest profits. Bismarck was quoted meeting whether he would moro hla head- I tournament closes tonight. ,,. , la having said that railways are exploited quarter to New York and he said: I i.laal. Defeat Beatrice- ' 1 1 or the private Interest of the pocket of not oerore me miaaie m in summer, u -ATBtrl, kr.h mr ...a,.., th few. at all. In fact the change may not be mad TeleeranU-Th mafch bowling srame at until next 'winter." - I Clancy's alleys tonight between tbe Ltn- Tnnlaht tha member, who have hsen coin. and Beatrice team-, three games of ownership very generally prevails. Is to get ths best service at the least reasonable cost Mr. Depew said the American policy teodlng the meeting and tbe newspaper men were tendered a banquet at the Griawold hnnaa h President Pnstsl nf tha Wtihln-. . t..w i . u.w...u I Glimore ivd ciuv sidu imcruiv. Aliens, Bt-tiaiuHi, I p pa.Tls"ler feme ana vook oi ne ieiroii ciuo. i riyons .FAVORITES HAVE AN INNING Effects ef aererwaseat Owaerahla. Prof. Parsons rapidly rsvlewed the poll- ten frames each, resulted in favor of Lin- I el... methods and results ntrln-d whara First game: LINCOLN.. I BEATRICE. .152jCurrie .115 i4zAiien mo .....14MiClancy 121 Orune IRS Scott Gaacolne 212iGrindel 148 Wla Alt Prefltable Great . Baddy " TracK at Oak . ..K laa. Total Second game: LINCOLN. Glimore Ppangler Ryona Herrlck Oaacolne Total ...6(3 Total Third game: LINCOLN, Glimore BAN FRANCISCO, March S. Favorites had an Inning at Oakland today all eventa going to ahort-prloed horaea. The weather was fine, but the track waa very muddy. The principal hue rest centered In the mile and three-fourths event, which served aa a preliminary to the Thornton stakes at four G.h.i,P miles, to be ran a week from Saturday. I tKT"- Tddons Won early from Black. Dick. Derby I Herrlck Winner, who. nuuie a poor showing yeater- I Gaacolna"" day, was; aekeo into lavontism in tne nrat rane and won driving irom Hiaca- i Total 1 1111 II, III, IIIAlin III. 1 1 1 . k -JlFMiBim, Bassenso was claimed In the second race for !2S by Joseph Madden, owner of Mid night Chimes. O Connor and Jackson each wle tv"rnrjH-nilter - 5- Flrat race, eleven-alxteentb of a mils, selling: Ierby' Winner won. Blackthorn second, Oratoea third. Time: 1:14. , Second race, three-quarters of a mile, selling: Quia 11 won. Bassenso second, r out intra. Time: i.n. Third race, one mile, sellln Maxim won. Cougar second, Bl thtrd. Tims: iJOt.. -Fourth race, one mile and three-quarters: Blddona won. Black Dick second, Dorlen third. Time: 1:18. Fifth race, thlrteen-sixteenths Of a mile. I BEATRICE. ...ISTlCurrte 138 ,. .121! Allen 1H8 , Clancy lit ,. .123i Scott 144 ...141 Orlndet .144 .7141 Total .723 BEATRICE ....147 Currle v. ....lWi Allen ....123 Clancy. . 1 ....123i Scott 14! 123Grlndel 1U publlo ownership had succeeded private monopolies. In New Zealand construction of rsilroads is carried on In winter to at ford work for the people, snd low ratea are made to encourage agrlculturs. In Europe, he aald, th same tendency can be seen For 17 cents a week laborer are able to travel a distance of from seven to ten miles to and from Berlin. Low rate are given on fertiliser. School excursion. In th development and encouragement of In dustrie and In aid of education. In this country, be said, the object of the railways Is to get all tbe money possible out of th people and to give the advantage of low been reduced half or more than half. Th same, he said, I true of electric light sad telephones, th Isst being due to co-op-retire organisations. In Omaha, hs said. 190 la being paid for business telephone connec tion and t for residence. Results In other cities show that this can be cut In half by co-operatton. He said the electric street lighting la Omsha Is poorer tbsn In most cities and the water rates are doable that would be psld nnder public ownership. As AsTeettasj Haasaatty. Prof. Parson discussed the effect upon publlo morals,-' ths human results not financial, the man not money, due to priv et monopolies. He said that Justice, char acter, social. Industrial and political lib erty are encouraged by monopolies only so far as they serve their ends. Hs did not wsnt to bs understood to be attacking In dividual but tbe system. Ths evils re sulting from the mslntenance of lobbies by corporations Is Inherent in the system. Corporations must defend themselves. In dividual criticism is only right when ths man is violating ths business ethics of -his day. One of tbe greatest causes of cor ruption is ths efforts of monopolies to de fend their Interest. It public ownership succeeded them, a great force for good would be created, and would become Iden tified with the publlo welfare. Only by dally impact with these question can Interest be awakened among the people In these questions. The lecturer then considered the relation of the question of private monopolies and public ownership to labor, holding that all evidence showed a tendency to Increase wage and shorten hours where public own ership obtained aad he claimed that every elevation of labor la followed by an Im provement In th lawmaking body. H con sidered th relation of th question to political power, education, and the dif fusion of wealth. He aald that while tbe average condition of mankind ha been lifted, the gap between the extremes of poor and rich has widened. With the mar vel oua commercial and industrial develop ment of modern time has come a conges tion of wealth at ths top. Congestion of wealth he considered a very serious prob lem, and hs consider privets monopolies the leading cause of this congestion. If one man own a franchise and the other man nothing, the way to equalise thing is to make both equal by making tbe whole people partners. Moaoawlles aad Liberty. Prof. Parsons dwelt upon the effect of monopolies on liberty of the press, ths pulpit and on Individuals, aad asserted that this liberty depended very largely on the industrial situation. He urged that public ownership of private monopolies could only be made effective by the publlo ownership of government, pointing out that the de tensive position maintained by prlvata mo nopolle Involved a corruption of govern ment. He cited the experience of Phila delphia, where public ownership of cer tain monopolies waa not effective because of corruption In the municipal government. Along with this ownsrship of government must go civil service reform and the lec turer believed that tbe effective ownership of government requires ths practice of Initiative and referendum. The lecture waa followed by abort ad dresses by Henry W.. Tate, vies presi dent of the local branch of the Economic league, Andrew Rosewater and others. It was Intended to hold a business meet- I1E15IR0DS IS SOUTH SEAS Letter Came .Bark from Them Telling of Their Welcome to Apia. TROPICAL CLIMATE AND COOL COSTUME Mia Data Helaared Clree latereetlac Detail ef rieaeaat Trip frosa aa Fraaelaew aa laapree aleae at Baaaea. Since the last day of Jsauary George Helmrod hss-been sleeping under mosqult nettlne and wearing the white duck trous ers of the college cadet and the tropical laborer. This nw comes to his friends In Omaha la a letter .written by hi daughter Dora, who went with him when the United State government ent him to Apia a American consul general to Samoa. Mis Helmrod writes that her father found the consulate to be pleasant, though not overly-large quarters snd that she her self ha found the tountry most Interesting. She 1 the mistress of her father's quar ter and Is not oaly assisting in tl state correspondence, but Is planning t experi ment in gardening and has written to Omaha for vegetable seeds. Previous letter from her have told of the pleasure of the long ocean voyage on th steamship Ventura. They reached Honolulu on January 12 aad spcat a pleas ant day there, riding on modern electric cars and drinking modern Ice cream eoda amidst environ that were' antique. It waa there that her father purchased hla duck I trousers and she a light flannel cult, and It wss there also that a native theatrical troupe came aboard to afford an additional source of amusement for the other passen gers through all the rest of the voyage. , On January 18 they crossed th equator and she donned her ahlrt waist for deck wear. They reached Apt January 10, after a ride from Pago Pago in a dirty little steamer that weathered a storm so poorly that all on board were sea sick with a ven geance. Eight picturesque nstlvss rowed them from tbe steamer to the shore and ssng to them most melodiously. Mis Helmrod States that the native "sing with a long sustained note and then break off with a short final." She aays they will bar to refurnish their rooms, aa It Is the custom for occupants of I the consulate to sell all their furniture upon vacating the a part meats, the excep tion to this being In the office, which re tains its government furniture. The native chiefs' wives besieged Mis Helmrod for tha family washing and shs sayt that those who were not engaged seemed much disappointed and quite Jealous ef their rival' success. Amusements. 121 131 rates to th big organisation which do not need them. The question 1 on of publlo UK after the lecture in order to discover .701) Total .. service against prlvata profit. He Inquired what Justification I ther tor private ownership of public function? He considered municipal and other mohopo- Wii't Itaal for E1eetrie Batterlea. Lincoln winning two out of three waa de- I Ilea aa nubile functione onerated for brirate clared the winner. I nmfit 1 Prof.' Parson first considered thi Asian- CHARLESTON, fl. C. Varrh -On. I ' ' . " . .. favorite. Seorpolette. won at the Expoal- " WBr PDlw or co-operative tlon track today. The Judgea after in- ownership had aucceeded private monopo- jri'-Ms J's.s's. .il rwt&ss ftriix p . t--.-i 1 "ruled off the track Thomas Dycer. who ownership ha uniformly resulted In large ifiV Lvona or furnished th machine; Vunck, economies, and In one Instance, he said, the owner .of the horse, and Jockey Ken- ih. -,. .-win. from th. nubile neny, wno naa me mount. nesuita: i r ' First race, six furlenaa. sellkna: Grace I ship of the water works In Seattle. Wash.. ?ill,.a ,wn' TbJcket aecond, Maaaora third, practically saved that city ftom bankruptcy Time: 1 1. I , , -l. , , . -.- v . veiling: v l'uckvv won, i'un I'uroM third. 'ftm.T 1 :51. Sixth race, three-ouertera of a mile, sell ing: llorton won. Ned Dennis second, uuato tmro. Time: - - BEALL SELLSjjUTAT DENVER Packard Baya the Old Broadway Baaa Ball Park la Colorado V City. DENVER. Marcli a. A. B. Beall of Sioua City, la., has transferred hla Interest in fiecond race, seven furlonara. ' aelttne: Seorpolette won, Tavaharris second. Biafi mln third. Time: l.Sf. Third race, four furlongs and a half. Belling: Hucena won, Fanny Knox second, liatUe Davis third. Time:. 0:68. Fourth race, eix furlongs and a half, selling: Incandescent won, Leila Barr sec ond. Queen L third. Time: 1:26. Fifth race, six furlong and a half, sell ing: Ordeal won. Robert Gray second, ElUe third. Time: 1:27. In 1894. The cost of gas In many cltlea ha why th promoter of th Economio league In Chicago had not compiled fully with its undertaking when the local, branch waa or ganised, but because of the absenoe of President Franc la A. Brogan, who Is ex actly Informed o( the facta, the . meeting waa adJouraoOat tkk'call eti'fW'pi'nildene Daagrera af Paeaaaoala. ' A cold at this time. If neglected. Is liable to causa ' pnsumonla, which ' Is so often fatal; and even when th patient ha re covered the lungs are weakened, making them peculiarly susceptible to the develop ment of consumption... Folsy's Honsy and tar will atop the cough, heal and strengthen the lungs and prevent pneumonia. v At the Beyel. Walker Whiteside clossd his engagement at the Boyd Thursday night with a presen tation of Ehakespeare'a "The Merchant of Venice." Mr. Whiteside's conception of character of the Jew Is the least prekte I worthy of any of hla attempt at the por trayal of Shakespearean characters, yet a large audience gave evidence of IU ap proval and appreciation of hi effort In the shape of liberal applause. Mr. White- id picture Ehylock with th long gray beard and tha long flowing hair more char- ; acterlstlo of a King Lear than of a Shy- lock. Mr. Whiteside mske no pretension I of giving the piece any aort of an elabor ate production, the scenery and properties ; of th local theater being used almost ex clusively. The costumes are, however, la keeping with the atmosphere of ths plsy. Ths support hardly meets the demand made upon It by the piece. G.14 for Ears, NEW TORK. March . Heldelhach. tck- lehelmer Co. will ahlp sl.O00.OUU gold to Europe Saturday. - Goldman, Bach at Co. have already engaged tl.800.0nf, making tne total j.ouu.ww lor anipmeni oaturaay. .Woman's Work in Club and Charity i . .- . The executive board of the Massachusetts ganlsatlon drew up the following amend- dent, Mr. M. DeWltt Long: first trice pres Federation of Womena Cluba has author- m0hVcon?promlee IfH:0"1"" l WeDt- Mr' D' w- Morrows second rice Ilea ine lonowing statement in ui Boston The executive board of each stats fed- presiaem, Mrs. a. L, evbob; recoraing sec Rv.nln. Trsnscrint of March 1. la nrner oration shall constitute the membership retarv Mrs Rrvca Crawford! - treasurer fSif th.r f-clear undersundlng of taS. ilS7& a?MoS. S W. Lower; secretary of literature, I Itttle r.lkln was run up to sl.'O, an ad-I Lu suvs ui iu ssH..i;uuwLk. . v uiu, uiuivmusi ciuus ior mtmDrntiiip in inn gen- ui.. v. imm Oaly Oae Favorite Wlaa. Broadwar nark to D. C. Packard, owner of I vance of 17U0 over the entered selling nrlca. I board and of tha conference of nrealdanta at eral federation from that state and .shall id. uenvfr rrancmae in in. v rsirru x.. Ball league, and the league games in this city wlii be played there. A meeting of the Western league will be held in Denver the latter part of the week to fix, the schedule. Kaaekest la far Good. CHICAGO, March a Samuel Uphouaer, known in puglilstio circles aa the "Brigh ton 81ssher. r la dying at hla home, KIT Weat Twenty-second atreet. as the result of a knockout blow he received In a fight at Bricklayers' hall Saturday night. The Dollc. are erarrhln. for hla onnonent In the I I-- battle, but can only learn that he is known! jn third. Time ae "Toung I'hoywki ' and no one knows I Hith race, one mile and seventy ysrds: where be can be foand. - I Mynheer won, Algte M second. Homage i ws in m. lourm round ui ,ur niuii mirn. lime: 4:40. tnii 1 rnoueer rectiveia injuria, ij prove fatal. He had received tsrrllic pun ishmeixt In the second and third and In the fourth- was eent to ths floor Ms bead striking heavily. He wss carried from the '"-..ii.'S Srr.uli"d a .... t meetings held in Boston F.bru teenth: Josle F won, Ldy Chorister see- I ry M and 18, 1902: ono. Maple tbird. Time: 1:1. 6cconf race, selling, six furlongs:- Sir Christopher won, Sim W second. Horseshoe Tooacco tniro. Time: i:u. Third race, selling, six furlongs and k halt: Siphon won, Pamaasus second. Julia junkin tnira. Time: izi. fourth race, handicao. seven furlonss: Andes won, Tom Klngsley second. Grantor tnira. Time: i:zr. Flftb race, one mtie and a ouarter. aell- Llttie r.ikin won, unoenella aecond. x:ui. Briefly outlined, the facts of ths altua- "VST. .iitfnn f th. Vlni,.Mon tlon may be summarised aa follows: Th J?J?,nS umt,t.2? . Massachusetts plan of reorganisation pro- "J1"' tIrT posing a solution of the color question. cePt?Fi th,Jf?,"lJ 'T1. nit!I?",'i. w-r .i,T ,, , v, un-.iiifM Ki -i.i A special meeting of the executive board lnWM offered to the executive board Jl.fif X&Zl"?? of the General Federation of W omen s ",1, f " ,b5" . ?' "'SS.' VOLES' .w"h..,B tee lis rrl Vai .cSoted wIh 'thank. IV. ui. ymu ir in v.. .1 . I.... ,w- I'lubs in February that It be appended U-:.U. U1IU1I 1 11C 1 1 IUUUIUU. il.lO . w , . , , , , federation shall be free to make Its own Mr- C. Damon presided at the meet- membership rules except that no sectarian log of the elty Improvement committee held yesterday morning at tbe Millard hotel, th time being devoted to a discussion of plan and th appointment of subcommittee t further them. The plan of tha Clean City league of Philadelphia, as carried on by tha school children of that city, were talked over and lows Falls' Clas May Tear lawa. ring unconscious end later taken to his boms, tllnce then bis condition has been serious and this BQurntng he was reported to ne dying. v. ... . SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. March While the regular aeason o and Boutn Dakota base ban ord'er'trartreVralTonhrtia.1 nVtt 1 'S'rh.'uTino.t a committee wlH lb matter to th. Uonn Vt a? that 'meeting? ThT"" trt.. ,i3RR,ta.w.T'j: rW ot th " their tussling provided that th federation should be wu,,,1, ' hV5.bSS-w Hh2-Siu2 "a evening and ask their co-operation. orgZlio BrV? contro",. bRm. Tho will also bo a. Investigation th. membership as desired: thus Maeeaohusetts jeorsannailon committee been accepted by citf ordinance regarding throwing scrap ?-,fhi!d.?i. 5?!?. ftilrftS&XtS'JZSi PP ' wasu on ths atreeU. and CIUO. ana uwri. .... -.- ,.m -..M ennle. ..rohshl. .Ill k. mM I- ,k- -..i . , , , I them. Th consideration or tn color quea- r " . r ' . ,kJi!.J tlon would thus be taken out of the gen- adoption of the compromiae plan. 0u achool for th benefit of th children. w...-"-'; " federation. . .. .. . . . - r VIZ" '"'? A committee waa alo aopolnted to confer - i atwint th- -n me time in. evecnuv. noapi .. . v& . u. 7 j, .... "Bla-Roaad Draw. wiiivjii pmua . .ii. wm ui-in'-,, -win nuii A. , . ri-nr-lA Htsl. feneration nrMentd I" iif r in r.pon oi nm wninrnn sun .tin ib. aim nun; cuniwor cwacera bim until Uii rt ther. Is nnu nrnsrwet !? y'orf la .0:al jeoerauon preseniea fWir ,?T--..i, h i... ,k- . ' K . it.! il. m.. .iu i k. . . I tne ooera or tne general teaeraiion . . -" Ti . 1 tne enioroemeni oi ine oramanc re- that th Sioux Falla team will be got to-I pimi,,-. ta aolve the color ouee- compromise plan drawn up at the New , J. " gether a little earlier thaa that date snd f," orgJa"e nUn eacluded Pilau Tfeoera- York meeUng. At the opening of tbe con- rdlng expectoration. make a trip to pointa lo Iowa. Recently :!"'. jfTilf.- .t,k hin i ih. ferenoe the nreaidenta ware informed that Ths Plncree garden commutes ha not as . n . 1 Belden Hill, manager of th Cedar Kaplde I e-.,i. -nrt iimii-a ih. memhee. legal action waa not expected, aa .7h.M.h .rn7.nh. 'TilTriiNon?; U'lnv'' r,I h the Tbree-I league wTm wrr. ,0 wU1e,y divergent law7ln ofto constiut. the '1X ''L !!".!? iS. ,hA. lon thIS.P.xutTvbc2rt Tof the geJerl tha legal repreeentatlv. of the a landed eorae stiff C I fi. L'OUf ' i. .h. recommended a conference be- . After the presentation of '."M'l. uTI. -L -J.- .w -.VLI considered by tbe hioui t-alla managers! ., rj--.i. and MxuurhnKil. m m If of th conference committee and " m.Ti; :,l . :r."Zr;V,r; k7. n ?na "J ZmA moimaii ground could not be reached, euaaloo of Ite merit., the ha list round and aw-rod o,be g.tUn. U'I Te". Vh. b? m If the JVVJi7"i -uTbZ.tS.SVSr-'S. , .rnuTi.i . . an. mniMi unn.ii . . . . . , n. i r ni u , , ,iiu 1. jv.. o , r uvti, , ... Aaserleaa Tatkee t m Bales. DETROIT. Mich.. March 1 The Ameri can leeau magnate were late In assem fci'.i toJay, and It was after 11 o'clock whrq Preldi Joknaon call-4 the meeting to prder. Moat .1 the business waa disposed tbe Opening of tbe regular aeason. t. Charles Wis Lease Cass. there bad -jwnit.A .unit e k. . ...... four weeka ' " " t"i- br the bv- ssnmu, uui. aaa several piots nnoer consia- conference e ration and durluc th week It will rnnfsr late feder- with th. Cnmrnerplml rlnh r.-4l-. -I... the report . , , " : some dla- ur iuihmuu. viiur. iu me project. presidents' con- .Vstat-rid! Thsr waa something more than th usual era lion to reconsider Its action and adopt atandanc at Tuesday'a meeting of th compromise pian. 1-aier in the meet- Omaha Mothers' club, ths feature of th. other'a point of view. After two Osys' mi me prauaenia, sun acwng lniormaiir. .tlmmaan bain, aa ait1rs k- rw ikki. hi... - mmnmmis. ni.n dr.srn expreseed approval of the comDromlae nlaa aiiernoon Doing an address by Dr. Abbls up which the conferees agreed to present by a rote of 0 to 10. Virgil Holme upoa ths r to tneir This preliminary stuimi ins tm anaoe in nioux I earefully gone over each aide en- erat ?f.M."i iV.'rf JLh.m.Iw.ISrk" bfor I other s point of view. After two daya' Ing - - - r . . -- -- - T i ftf f ha alleya ine t. cnanea iooa strajbt r;." lor nuMtl0n be aettled bv the am.ll- meeting Wednesday afternoon, Proof. Positivoa DLATZ BEE lb ' M1LWACKK& . .Th occasional beer drlbker a readily aa S ta . onnoissur will 'ilseorer "BLATr ! gaaulaeaass aad par- Ity la tha first slea. Tbe aroma uggu i . , - . I m - ' . - i I . a. . V i - IV. pert, wetner, nv Stock. Maenoa- th brand, leader la It DLATZ MALT-VIVINE (Woe-Intoxicant) Tenia Druggists or direct. VAU ULATI ftk-tTna CI. UIaaka. omaha aaCM. lata noestae . t"L trom th Nationals. Boor 8T. CHARLES. 1st. T Frltacher 1 . 1 Wllle 18 If) Schneider 1 1 1-1 t Unagan ll l Total Foracutt . A. Reed .. Davev I Tracy Totala tit MB NATIONALS. 1st. M. 11 lis) , 1M 1W i a a eeeee 1 4 ui Lt Id.' Total. 11 471 lt6 48 U8 471 t& 1.9U3 Id. Total. 117 1.7 179 151 ..ui a-4 - 4M 4' 4.V. 1.741 Rlli Individual club ntiernbenhip In th general federation to remain aa It fa. "Resolved, To offer tbe following amend ments: "Amend article 1 of section 1 of th con stitution so that It ahall read: 'Every or ganisation duelling lo Join the genera the president of Ita atate federation to the atructed to continue the work for reor- address ths English Uterstwre ateoartaent presiaem ot in. gsnvrau i.r.i.iuti. i ny fuiiMuun, .. wiiuima ui in. coior quea- nt .v. w m.n'- -ink -t 11 a. - . -h Ik.t M xw-trl.n tins- n1lllc-l tlnn on st.l. II n mnA In U f .kl. I 01 Woman S Club at 11 O ClOCk OH St- test is required for membership In their structlon ths board felt that It waa not au- urday morning, his subject to be "Edward !li I '--VJra.e i i saca a . laaa. Tsaay ktyaa Pasts Meaey. KANSAS CITT. March . Tommy Ryan tonlklit poeted a forfeit of (juo to meet i Jack O Brlen. the middleweight champion of lvngland, before the toouthem Alt Jet 1c club or any other club that juay be mutually agreei upon, (or tne . middle weight championship ot ths world. Hard Tweaty-Restad Battle. HOT SPRINGS. Ark. I ounig ci urraio rece decision over Matly Ma arier twenty round, or nanra nvtiLina. Matthews fuushi an uphill battle eil th way ana loutea nis oppooc-nt tbre Uaisa. WUI Isaplr for Aaserleaa. KANSAS CITT March aJack Hsskell who umpired -for the American league laat veer, announced tonight that be has alsii-d ! a contract to umpire fgr the American aa- sociauoa ouring ins coming oase ball sea son. bodv snd must agree to the constitution thortsed to aereDt any ilaa which did not I and bylaws of tbe general federation.' Wave to each slat absolute control of tbe "Further emena article z ny inserting oe- color question within Its own boundaries. tween section 1 ana section I ine following (blgned) section : 'Any club that Is a member of its state federation la eligible to the gen eral federation If recommended 4y the ex ecutive board of the atate federation: th power of admiaaion to remain aa given in article t. section a, of the constitution.' -flection 1 ta be celled section 1. 'Section 1. Tbe president shall refer all MAT ALDE.V WARD HELEN A. WHITTIER. DORA M. GOODWIN. For the executive beard ef the Massachu setts Stat Federation. Dr. W. H. Hanehett ddred th mem- Gibbon." Following th addre th de partment will tender a dinner to th sev eral speakers who hav lectured before th department during th year In th whit aad gold banquet roots of th Millard hoteL Walrett aad Jacks Matched, BOSTON, March t-Joe Walcott s.irned arm u. t at Bel to blup Jatkaoa la Ua rounds. t. March t Torn I application for memb.rshlp to tbe com- br of th household economic department Tha state of hSvd fighu" g! I " Th action of the committee oa day mornUg. his ubject being "Health and hoped to m.moerswiip u -''"' . Happineea," and la addition to th talk aa. unanimous rot of the committee ahall t . 'iaA .... , . , reiiutred- to elect. la case the committee Presented It last year at th mother' fall to free. the application ehs',1 be re- meet to ss In ssvsral of th achool. h In- or?Jr-.whVcT& "" k',Dful t. th. to elect to membership.' " women. Oa the return of the Massachusetta con- , feree the compromise plan waa reported . . . . . . to tbe cotnmliu-e oa reorganisation, and It Th tor Nebraska Feder - was felt that It lacked only en further tloa of Women' Club will be out oa Mon pro vision to aecure th solution of the color orobU-m. thla being to snake the ea- I ' outlve board of each alate federatlea tbe by a rote of .0 to 10. VlrrUJa Holme udob th Three-fold rvs. ir reictive atales for consideration. m consequence or tbe request or tbe pre, velopment of th Child " plan su baaed upon th Buggeatloo Idents the executive bosrd of ths Massa- u'n-ii,, Alub Ui 1,1.1 that c huset ts atate federation held a sicial olor Question be settled by the sppli- meeting Wednesday afternoon, February Ths data of tha meeting of th Interna- cation sf the principle of state righta with- It. It was then uuanlrnously decided to In- Uot Kindergarten unloa which I. tn ha out reorganisation The plan embodied form the southern conferee thst the com- . ' " ",n anion, wnicn to be the following amendments: promise plan could not be adopted. It wa beid in Boston, baa been changed to April "Resolved, That the color question b voted also to Instruct Mr, A. Fox, 13, Z4 and IS. settled without reorganisation by the strict recording secretary of the general federa- i nn leal ion or the doctrine or atat. rtsnts. lion. o annena to tne can ror tne biennial tne original amenamenia emoooying me u nr vmiiwrai nueeiing ok mi Vzf.S',,lion. .k Oniaha Equality club waa given over to request of the preaident could not be com- tu0T ot tn" regular lesson,, no business be- piled with without the legal authorisation lng transacted, of th State federation. By tbe action of the federation at the annual meeting at . federation hall make application through Clinton In May. lul, the board was in- ,Tor- ner or IBS Btat university win Ths regular monthly meeting of th Toung Women's Christian association will bo held at 19 o'clock tomorrow morning. secretary will spend several days th first week la Msy, aad It is hoped to hold a bible rally during that time. On Monday evening all gymnasium member ar Invited to attend a gymnasium rally la honor of th. aaceea of th. asso ciation girl at th tournament recently held la Lincoln. Th member of the South Branch gav a very nJoybl social on Monday evening. when th program consisted of a plaao solo by Mia Bessl Abrams, a vocal solo by Mia Goldl Ross, readings by Mrs. Brers rON. March a Jo Walcott s.rned I membership coramittae for the state and to At tbe Uat meeting ot th Women's Mia- and lira, rhallta rh,k ,!.--- w, s today lo hog Young rvier J. ka..n I make Us decision final in rope t to app- .u..Zflj!Tv?n. w t-ballls. club swinging by Mia ilmor Marcb 11 Walcott coauacu 1 cation of cljt for the gen- Wwrr oclety of Knox PreabyUrlaa church Woodamall and th aavfl chorus sang by srai iraituea. iu tumtujiice oa rewr- Kmm svitw.uia vuicw. .e. .t.ciea; rresi- tns menicer of tie gymnasium class. Jap Rme t (raaa suae one-sixth pure glycerin, is moderate in price but unsur passed in quality. With the perfume of nat ural flowers, there is no trans parent soap so agreeable and delightful for toilet and bath Its maker's reputation is a guarantee of its high quality. CO JAMES S. KIRK A COMPANY DEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURLST EXCURSIONS TO' via Three Esctrtirsions Weekly VIA Scenic Line LCAVC OMAHA Wednesday Friday and . Saturday . Daily Rrsklass SleeperThrough to San Francisco via Colorado, patting the Grandeit Scenery of the Rockies and Sierra Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connection! to Lot Angeles. City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha. on Chetp Rates to Ulnnesota end ilcrih Dakota. On March 4th. 11th, Uth and tSth. April 1st and th, oepeclally low on way rate will be made to nearly all eolnt in Minnesota and North Da-ota. TBI GREAT XOB.TH WEIT. ' Every day during March and April, spe cial ratea will oe In effect to points In Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, etc THE IXLISOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, being; th shortest tins and operating morning and evening trains to St. Paul, where direct connection ar mad with all Western lines, offers unexcelled facili ties for reaching these points. Pull particulars cheerfully given at City Ticket Olftce. No. 1402 Farnam St., or write. W. H. BRILL, P. P. A. Illiaolt Central R. Omaha. Ntb. T 11 i i i ii i i i ii in ill ! At ? it 1. i i 1 0 wxjmmwh ) K ( n " PART 6 The Living Animals of the World NOW READY At The Bee Office ; Price 10 cents By mail IS cents MESERVE BOOKS CREATE STIR Ar Mistakes far Weddlaaj rerajalstte aad Barry Merrill Haa to Ks plala. For reference in th trial ot John B. M- err oa a charg of embesilament. Wil liam Stuefer. hi accaor U U offlc of tato traaurr. ha brought with him from Lincoln many ot th large hood record ot th offlc aad the wer taken to th courthouse yesterday In a heavy boa. At about th earn tlm two msagr boy arrived with a small trunk containing bank book and other record in tbe case and a wag at th eourthouB started th rumor that there waa to be aa laborat wddlng at th county Judge' omc and that th eon tract lng parties, with om of their at teadaata, were (ending la Cowers, veil and other adornment In th trunk to avoid th vigilant friend who war trying ta sur prise th coupl ta th act. Thla rumor had th effect ef atartlng a geaeral stam pede of the famldln mploy about th courthou to th effice oC th marrlag li cense clerk, where It became Harry Mor rill' painful duty ta Inform tbm that th Judge waa out shooting ducks, as himself dlda't hav th marrying power and I'acl Bill Snowden, chief luetic, wasn't around, se thst ths whole thing must bs a "bumbo tserus, which is a Latin term, ameaalag "misleading advisement. TEST OF BILL POSTING LAW Will Cobb a Kiaal Hcariac of la. Jaaetloa Cava Brwaajht by Mrs. Malvtklll. Judg Kyor haa allowed a retraining order, returnable March ii. preventing th defendants) la ths cas of Mary E. Mulvihlll against D. M. Click, th city ot South Omaha and Lorn Scott trom removing or dtryln tn wu board oi tb plaintiff within ths city of South Omaha, or la any way re straining her from using them until th trial of tha ease or until th further ordet of th court. la Judg Ea tens' court Jam ss Brown, tailed for violating th blllpoetlng ordi nance, haa secured an order for hi liber, tlon, the court deciding that h was unlaw fully restrained, that tha Judgment of com mitment was rold and that ordinance under which tha eomplalut was mads waa void In sofar as th facta act forth la th complaint charg aa officer thereunder. Marrlaajo Lleeasea. Marrlag license wer Issued ta th following: Nam and Reeidenc. Ernest N si berg. Oakland, Neb... Ida Juhason. Oecar Norman, Algona. la rreaa L- Acuua, Onutba John M. VI eli-en, Omaha, .... A-uua 1 civixu, Ou,;.. yesterday Ago ::::::::::Ji :..n u