Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Beadj for Peculiar Political Mixture at
Washington Hall.
feeretary teak Bsplalne DlffereMrs
Bitwm Fseloat mm Alllsaee mm
r re lets Ortit ArhlTantt
far Hie Ifw Farty.
The apomt tc a of the sew dispensation have
arrived and tonight at Washington hall
ths party which la to embrace within
it folda all of the element opposed to tha
things that are and In favor of tha things
which never were will be brought Into full
communion under the banner of the
National Allied Part
According to Df. Joseph E. Chamber of
St. Louis and J. II. Cook of Carthage, Mo.,
who haVe brought .to tha state the power
which la to work the wonderful transforma
tion from discord to harmony, the allied
party la fearfully and wonderfully made.
It includos all things In the way of parties
which have within the last quarter of a cen
tury attracted the attention of the dissatis
fied elements of all other parties. There
are populists of two or more varieties, sin
gle taxers, socialists, the public ownership
party, free silver ' republicans and Bryan
democrats, with room for every other party
which can be formed so long as that party
Is willing to subscribe to two Idea the In
Illative and referendum system of law mak
ing and the public ownership of natural
The beauty of the new alliance is that it
provides a method " whereby every man In
the party can be a chairman or other officer
In a national organisation, and such a thing
as private In the ranks Is not necessary
unless a man may be found who has no as
pirations, for each party coming into' the
alliance Is not only permitted but encour
aged to maintain a separate entity and to
bring large numbers of names at least into
the alliance.
Rot m Fusion Moremeat. I
Secretary Cook said: "This Is not a fu
sion ; it .la an alliance. In a fusion the
parties to the deal divide the offices among
the different parties represented, while In
the allied party there is no such division.
W are now organized In almost every
southern state and in Missouri we are very
strong. We held our state convention in
Bt. Louis last week and nominated a state
ticket. The state administration, under the
leadership of Oovernor Dockery, has built
up a machine which la being used for the
purpose of carrying the democratic party
of that state into the ranks of the eastern
wing. - The Bryan democrats are heart
ily opposed to this ' machine and
stand ready - to desert when the
purpose shall have been accomplished. We
are anxious to have the democratic party
captured by the eastern wing, for then we
will get the democrats of the west and
outb, who will then be ready to let the
same go with the dominant wing. We can
not unit with the democratic party under
that name, for the common people have no
faith in the party. It ha don nothing
commendable in fifty, year and the aotlon
of the last democ ratio administration left
uch a bad odor in the nostrils of the organ
ised working men that they will never con
sent to uniting with them for any purpose.
Expect Streaarth ta Nebraska.
"In this tat w expect our movement
to be strong, as Nebraska la looked upon as
th bom of the Bryan democrat, and the
populist party Is considerable, while the
socialist party 1 gaining ground rapidly.
As each party maintains its separata or
ganisation there can be no struggle for su
premacy In the allied party, for outside of
the , working committee it will have no
honors to confer. At the meeting Friday
Bight ws will organise and elect delegate
to th national convention, which is to be
held in. Louisville, Ky., in April. After that
convention the work of organisation will
be pushed is every state. Th Urn i rip
for such, an organisation. Th people of
th cities and those of th country in th
reform movement have seen th futility of
agrarian and urban political movements dis
united, and all will be ready for united ac
tion such as w propose."
Special Aarsat MseCestss Sara Trader
Work! Holaac Pr
' meat Days.
Eugeo MacComas. special agent of the
Interior department, who has been investi
gating affairs at the Omaha and Winnebago
Indian agency and inspecting th Indian
school at Genoa, arrived in Omaha yester
day on his way east.
As the commissioner of Indian affairs
has seen fit to suppress a part of my re-u-t
M Mr. MacComas. "I do not feel
that it would b la good taste for m to
ihit tha auDDreesed Dortlon contained.
When I went o the Omaha and Winnebago
agency I bad no Instructions to loos into
tha matter of leaslna of land nor tne man
sgement of th police. . As my instructions
were to remain at th agency unui i naa
rwlTi1 - further orders, however. I went
into tha matter at lensth. Ths way the
thing Is managed on payment day Is aa near
a hold-up aa is possible to imagine, me
trader Is permitted to enter ths room where
tha inAiaji draws his money. In that room
r the trader, hi clerk and a number of
TnAtin nniiremen who are easily Influenced
by the' trader. The Indian who escapes
from that combination wttn Hie cneca is in
rfwt fortunate. Under these circumstances
the Indian has little opportunity to develop
as a responsible being. Tns traaer snouia
hM an nnnortunltv to collect his money.
but the man not upon the reservation who
trust th Indian should have at least ons
chance to get his money in all of the pay
manta whlrh take dace.
"The leasing system in operation on this
reservation Is In bad shape. I anew Dom
ing of it when I went there, but I found
sT . , J
surah and. other materials made in shapes that cling to the
figure, and from the knee down flare beautifully.
.We haTe just got in the prettiest line of new styles '
Children's Spring Cloaks
that were ever shown. A large
veilings and veiU-r-from a dainty, fine pattern iu lare to the
heavy. These windy days you must wear a veil, and the old ones
are pulled and mussed.
and $5.B0, we will sell at half price.
that the enforcement of certain terms of
the leases wss entirely Ignored and that
the sub-leasing system Is working a hard
ship upon all concerned except th favored
few. A new feature has been promulgated
by the department which will have a good
Influence. Cnder the new order of things
a Indian will not bo permitted to draw
cash upon bis lessee until be begins to per
sonally superintend some work of his own
either upon s part of bis allotment or at
some other useful Industry. Ths extent and
nature of the work Is to. be determined by
the agent, who knows th ability of each
person on the reservation.
"I cannot say what I recommended, but
at the same time I will say that If th de
partment acts lipon my recommendstlons
things will not drag long at ths Omaha and
Winnebago agency. At the Genoa school I
found the best of condition existing. The
pupils are all taking up Industrial studies
and out of 200 persons only four are sick."
It Will Be Helet with Other Gatkerlasa
la This City I
. May
The local posts of ths Grand Army of the
Republic are making arrangements to en
tertain the stat encampment, which will
take place In Omaha May 14, 15 and 1ft. A
committee consisting of members of - h
post will be sppolnted this week t
the mstter of raking funds for the 1
before the Commercial club. . With th. in
csmpment of the Orand Army of the Re
publlo will be held the state meetings of
the Woman's Relief corps, the Ladles of
the Grand Army of th Republic and the
Sons of Veterans. For the purposes of
these organisations four halls will be re
quired, and it Is expected that the cltlsens
of Omrba will provide tbeas rooms.
The national organisation of the Grand
Army of the Republic Is now considering a
change in its organte law which will per
mit a closer union between tha parent or
ganisation and the Sons of Veterans.
Since the organisation of the latter society
the position taken by the parent organisa
tion has been ons of tolerance rather than
encouragement. It is now proposed to ad
mit members of the younger society to the
meetings of ths posts of the Grand Army
of the Republic snd to encourage them to
take part In th meeting to a certain ex
The Omaha camp of the Sons of Veterans,
which has been quiet for some time, will
probably be reorganised in time to prepare
for th reception and entertainment of vis
iting camps at the stats reunion.
Harry Faalkaer mm Msress Cull a
Com t Grief la aa lews '.
, Tews,
Harry Faulkner and Marcus Carlln of
Omaha, each 15 rears of ago, are in Jail at
Denlson, Is. Several days ago ths' boy
rati sway from their homes hers to see the
world. They were arrested la Denlson and
locked up charged with being tramps. Yes
terday the chief of police received a letter
from ths mayor of th town, which stated
that ths boys said they bad run away from
home and were anxious to get back. They
will be held until word Is received from
their parents. Faulkner Is ths son of a
widow residing st 1718 Lake street Hs was
formerly office soy for Dr. J. Jensen. Car
lln's father la a Union Pacific switchman
and resides at JT15 North T wen tie la street.
Ralph Booth Elliott of tha Bm.n....
Dry Ooods company snd Miss Cleo Ponder
were married at ths bom of Mrs. Elisabeth
Dufren. 1914 Farnam street. Wednesday
morning. Ths brlds is from Fort Madison,
la. They are now at horns at th Her
Orand. . -
Paewmealav Fellawa a pals
but never follows ths us of Foley's Honey
and Tar. It stops ths Cough, heals and
strengthens ths lungs snd affords perfect
security from an attack of pneumonia. Re-
rues substitute.
Mortality Statistics.
. , : . ; . 4 umm wen re
ported at the office of the Board of Health
riurfn tha tw.ntv.fnn. K,. . i '
Thursday noon:
ttinns jerry tjiitrora, vol Parker street,
boy; Gulsstppl OlUotto, 2024 Poppleton ave
nue, girl; Frank Kosenbersky, l5t South
Fourteenth atreet, girls Anton Cocnar, 123J
17(6 South Seventeenth street, boy.
Death Myrtle Hayse, 811 North Tenth
street, aged 5 years.
Chlltlrwa Like) It. '
Mv little bov tank tha amin nna t
says F. D. Reynolds of Mansfield, O., "and
grew so nan you soma near mm bresths all
over the bouse. I thought hs would die.
but a few doses of Ons MInuts Cough Cur
relieved and eent him to sleep. That's tbf
last ws heard of ths croup." Ons Minute
Couch Curs is absolutely safa and aa
once. or sou gas, coias, croup, grip,
asinms ana nroncnius.
Via Reek Islaael Rants.
Every day during March And April.
One-way tickets from Council Bluffs and
Omaha to
Salt Lake and Ogdes.. ............ ....$20.00
Ban Francisco t. ........ IS. 00
Los Angeles IS. 00
Ban Diego , 15.00
Helena and Butt , tO.OO
Spokane It. 60
Portland and Aahland... 25.00
Tacoma and Seattle....... ..'16.00
City ticket office, 1S!J Farnatn street.
Send article of Incorporation, notice of
stockholder' meetings, ete., to Th Bee.
We will give them proper legal insertion.
Be telephone, 238. -
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at Tb
Bathery. 210-220 Be Building. Tel. 1711,
We nre uhowiug a line of skirts
that's away ahead of any thing that
been made before as regards
beauty and cheapness from the
. .lightest weight up mercerized
ntock of beautiful new styles, in
Kklrts that we sold for f 3.75, f G.50
Before in Tax Handamm Oana Begins
Work Beit Tuesday.
Order of Coart Empowers Referee to
Isaaaa mm Enforce Atfeadaaee
f Wltaeaaes llearlas
at City Hall.
The hearing of evidence In the tax man
damus rss will begin before Referee Robert
Ryan In one of th committee room of the
ctty hall next Tuesday morning, March 11,
and the attention of the referee will be first
directed to certain questions of law which
must b passed upon before the merit ol
th case can be entered Into. Th sessions
will be open to the public. They would
have been held in the city council chamber
but for the fact that the council sits there
as a board of equalisation In certain special
tax cases March 11, II and 14. Ons of ths
largest of the committee rooms will be se
lected for the purpose.
City Attorney Connell received yesterday
morning the supreme court's order to Ref
eree Ryan, which follows:1
On this 4th dav of March. A. D. 19TC.
this cause rame on to be heard on the
motion of the relators for the appointment
of a referee, and, the court having heard
counsel for the relator and respondents
and being now fully advised In the pretn
lees. It la ordered and adjudged by the
court that this cause, Including all Issues
or law and fact ana tne respondents mo
tion, filed March 4. 1902, for a hearing
upon questions specified therein before the
taking of the testimony, upon the whole
of the Issues, be and the same la hereby
referred to Robert Ryan as referee, to
hear and determine all such questions of
law and fact.
Powers of ths Referee.
Said ' referee la hereby empowered to
adopt such order of procedure as may be
Just to both partlea In order to expedite
the hearing, and may. If he thinks proper,
hear any questions of law and take all of
the evidence upon any one or more issues
of fact that may be decisive of the rights
of the parties and report to the court be
fore proceeding to hear and take the evi
dence upon the remaining Issues. The said
referee shall cause all evidence heard and
taken to be reduced to writing and shall
find the facts In Issue and state his con
clusions of law thereon and report such
findings and conclusions to tne court.
The said referee shall have power to fix
the time and Dlace for hearins the said
cause and shall give reasonable notice
tnereor to counsel ror an parties, summon
and enforce the attendance of witnesses
and the production of books and papers
and administer all necessary oatns, grant
adjournments and conduct tne hearing ac
cording to the usual practice of the court
and shall proceed with such hearing of
the cause with all reasonable dispatch and
file hie report herein on or before the 15th
day of April, A. D. 1901. By the court,
J. J. B u LuLiiM AiN , jmei justice.
'I consider this a masterpiece of concise
ness." said City Attorney Connell. "It
drives strtlght to ths point, and -couldn't
have suited me better if I had dictated it
myself. Tha court nips in the, bud any
danger of a long-drawn-out investigation
by placing a tlms limit on the work of the
referee and requiring him to have his re
port in by April 16."
Mr. Connell was very busy yesterday look
ing up the law which he propose to bring to
bear in th case. It is understood that
Referee Ryan will arrive in Omaha from
Lincoln Saturday evening.
Publish your legal notices ru Ths Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238. -
nhr H. Vanatts, sews the court to
make her Rebecca Trimmer again, alleg
ing that .William T. Vanatta, to whom she
aa mnirlad In Newark. N. J., two years
sko this month, was extremely cruel to her
before aeseruns; ner ibsi juiy.
in tha naa of Richard Taylor - acalnst
Henry L. Bauer and the Perry. Bauer 4k
Ennls company for rent of a building In
Vhiiaitalnhla. Jude-e Estelle Instructed the
jury to return a verdict for the full amount
asked and the costs, a total of I15I.M.
In Judge Esteile's court a jury Is being
empanelled to hear the case of Mrs. Sarah
C. Flgg against Allan Wood, Albert J.
Donahoo and W. W. Browning. She wants
them to pay her 82,000 for tarring her at
Gretna one night in March two years ago.
twhiim ha didn't set the right kind of
peroxide of manganese from M. A. Dil
lon's drug store In South Omaha George
Jeanetat considers that he sustained HS,
000 injuries and he 1 suing- Dillon for that
amount dbiutb a juij "
a man named William Pardee was ar
rested In this city yesterday on a charge of
absconding wun ine intention oi oeiraua-
Ing Fred uonsies oi rtroca, eo. ine
amount involved la 12.50. Constable Clark
of Brock returned with Pardee at o'clock
last night.
The Unity club will meet this evening at
the residence of C. S. Stebblns, 1230 Park
Wild avenue. The Harney car runs to the
residence. A paper will be read by Miss
Ellen Rooney on "The Influences Opposing
a Strong National Government," and there
win h a DiDer on "John Marshall's Con
ception of the American Empire." by How
ard ii. ttmitn.
Tha ravtval meetings at the Seward Street
Methodist Episcopal church are attracting
sood congregations, itev. worn ju car
ker. the evangelist, la preaching tne ser
mons and the singing la excellent. Mr.
Barker Is free from mucn oi tne sensation
aliam tha.t marka the work of so many
evangelists Everybody seems pleased with
bia presentation of the gospel.
Miss Laura McCreary had a ntarrow es
cape from cremation at the residence of A.
Hertell, 1W Japitoi avenue, uh iiigni.
She was cleaning a skirt with gasoline and
In some way the gasoline became Ignited
and the can exploded. Mies McCreary was
slightly burned about the face, but Was
not otherwise injured. The Are, which
filled the house with smoke, was quickly
extinguished by the fire department.
Willie Surland, aged 13, of 1711 North
Thirty-third street, has disappeared and
nia ratnr naa niqunim ine imjiito iv nnu
him. He attended school yesterday and
was last seen there at noon. The police
have been Informed that a boy answering
his description was Been wun two otner
in tha aouthem Dart of Omaha vea-
terday afternoon. He welgha about ninety
pounas, has light complexion and wears
gray clothes and a black cap.
J D. Nathanson Is of the opinion thst
W. F. Btoeckep has injured mm aDout 110.
no' arnrth bv reason of malicious nrosecu
tton and Is telling a jury aDoui it in juage
Slabaugb's court. Attorneys for the de
fense say that Nathanson bought 115 worth
of cigars from Btoecker, saying they were
for a dealer named LaGoaa. but that
LaGosa denied authorising euch purchase
when the bill was prevented to him and
that the "malicious proaecutlon" referred
to was the arrest of Nathanson for obtain
ing mnnov under false pretenses and bis
detention until LaGosa compromised mat
ters and securea ma rcieaae.
INSTRVMENTB placed on record Thurs
day, Marcn a, iit:
Warraaty Teda.
Central-Weet Investment Co. to
Joseph Enemy, lot , diock 7, lla ker
VlHI-H - J lis
T. A. Norrls anil wife to T. B. Whit
tlesey, lot au, Luke A Ta add 1.200
W. J. Brenton and wife to Margaret
Ijtr. lot 11, block i, Bemla park.... M0
Atlantic Realty Association to K. A.
Hrnninger, lot n. uioca, a, oemia
nark 1.100
C. M. Hunt and wife to John Fltsger-
ald, nft iui iv diock m. Bourn
Omaha - 1.000
MIKord Myers to Porter Pickett, nVs
lots 1 and 2, block 44. Omaha 1
J E. Oerge to W. 8. Brooka, trustee,
w 60 feet lot 7, block 2. lavke's add. I.MO
Lora B Wales and husband to Katie
Oats, lot 1, block 2. Conner ft A's
add 400
C. M. Bell to Harold Glttord. H sw4
IB. tax lot 1. in block 16, and property
lu sections 2 and 23, in t&tf
acres) St.SOO
Jennie Morgan and husband to Harry
t'arpenter, lot , block 131, South
Omaha IJU9
O. I BelndorfT and wife to J. D. A. -.
Johnaon, a H feet lot i. block t.
Lake's add l.K
Carl Vlnsrvn and wife to Amanda and
Kmma Lofstedt, lot t. block s. Berals
purk r. MOO
Qalt Clalaa Deess.
L. N. Cockrell to F. C. Cockrell, lot
4. block 1 Lin wood park ' 1
Total amount of transfers $UJ77
Wllllasa J. Baetaa Makes a Deal
Which Rrlas-s Treafcle
His Wife.
Mrs. William J. Huston, wbo runs a res
tanrant at Sixteenth and California streets,
with the aid of tbs police prevented ber
husband from selling the restaurant for 115
Wednesday night. J. H. Baker, J. L Baker
and W. Deacon, the prospective purchas
ers, were arrested and locked up on com
plaint of the woman for disturbing the
peace. They were . discharged In police
court yesterday morning.
Mrs. Hustoa said ths three men came
Into the restaurant, made a trade with her
husband and then with his assistance pro
ceeded to discharge her help and run the
business to suit themselves. She said they
announced a menu that could not possibly
have been served snd In many other ways
caused her much worry. -Huston said he
sold the restaurant for $15 and gave the
men a bill of sale, and ths purchasers bad
a right to do aa they pleased. Baker said
he was only running the restaurant tem
porarily while Hustoa was out sobering up.
Prosecutor Thomas refused to prosecute the
men and they were discharged. Mrs. Hus
ton failed to appear as a prosecuting witness.
Order of Jadgre Ftwcttt la Case of
E. Rose-water Against Shields
mm Others.
In the case of Edward Rosewater against
George W. Shields and others, the order
signed by Judge Fawcett, which was pre
pared by E. W. Slmeral, attorney for tha
plaintiff, said:
Thle day this cause coming on for trial
and was by consent of the partlea sub
mitted to the court upon the pleadings.
And the court, being fully advleed In the
premises, finds that the numerous offenses
charged against plaintiff bv defendants can
and should all be Joined in one complaint
charging the several olTensas under sepa
rate counta In said complaint; that the
filing of so many separate complaints and
csuslng so many separate arrests and
trials would be burdensome, vexatious and
oppreselve as to plaintiff, would cause un
necessary and needless waste of the time
of the courts In hearing said separate
complaints and entail upon the county
needless expense; that the arrest and trial
of plaintiff upon said charges under sepa
rate complaints. Instead of under one com
plaint with sepsrate counts therein, would
not be in the Interest of justice for the
punishment of crime, but would be op
pression and persecution.
Salt tor Damages May Follow Vlalt of
Exorcists ta riassagaa'i
Ths sequel to a ghost story published In
a local afternoon paper Is to be a suit for
damages, according to John Flannagan,
wboss house near Hanscom park was said
to be haunted. Several young men, hear
ing of the "ghosts," started out to exorcise
them. The house was vacant when the
story was published, but by ths time ths
exorcists arrived Mr. Flannagan and his
family had moved .In. The noise made by
ths party so i shocked ths nerves of Mrs.
Flannagan that ahs became hysterical and
haa not recovered, her usual spirits, and
now ths offended householder threatens to
sue tbs newspaper, for damages.
i ' , aawawawaaaat
Stops Loss; Eaeagh to Assert He Will
Wis risxht with Fits. '
l-iiM-Btataaoas. ' -
James J. Jeffries, champion pugilist of ths
world, passed through Omaha yesterday with
his manager. BlUy Delaney, enroute to Cali
fornia. The heavyweight was In town only
ten minutes. Hs was looking well and
strong, although lie showed lack of condi
tion. v, ,
"I am on' my ,way first of all to Los An.
gelea," said Jeffries. "There I will visit
my mother for a week or two, and then I
am going up to .'Frisco, Where I commence
training for my fight with Fltzslmmons In
April. Yes. I will win that fight. I can
beat any man twice."
Good for the Babies.
There is no better medicine made for
babies than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Its pleasant taste and prompt and effectual
cures make it a favorite with the mothers
of small children. It quickly cures their
coughs and colds, preventing pneumonia or
other serious consequences. It not only
cures croup, but when given aa soon as the
croupy cough appears will prevent the at
tack. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy con
taina no opium ornarcotlo in any form,
and may be given as confidently to a baby
as to an adult. It always cures.
Aaaoaaeeaaeata of the Theaters.
Fred Stubet. tbs young banjolst, haa
scored a tremendous hit at tbs Orpbeum this
week, where big houses havs enthused over
ths bill. Not sven ths renowned Farlaod
at his bsst would havs aroused a keener
appreciation than has ths delightful playing
of Stuber. As drawing cards those popular
stars, , Mr. and Mrs. Drew, In a sketch
called "A Model Young Man," have come
up to their best standard since their ad
vent Into vaudeville. Marls Walnwrlgbt,
ths eminent star, will present "Ths Lady
and ths Clock,", as ths distinguishing fea
ture next week.. With the regular matinee
and evening performance this week's bin
will does tomorrow.
Sunday matinee Pollard's Australian
Juvenile Opera company will open a six
performance engagement at Boyd's. Bun
day matinee and night "A Gaiety Girl" will
be given, Monday and Tuesday nights "La
Mascotte and Wednesday matinee and
night "The Geisha." This company Is com
posed of fifty Australian children
ranging In years from 7 to IS.
Ths company is a decided novelty
In the theatrical world. The operaa are
given with ths same elaborateness as
thoss given by adults. The company has
appeared la every civilised country in Aala
and ths Orient.
is only ons of ths many bargains to be had
at the Guarantee's Selling Out Sale. 1516-
1518 Capitol Ave. In our new store we
will open with an entirely new stock, so
everything must go, snd as ths tlms Isaehort
ws are willing to slaughter goods In order
to turn them into money. Men's suits are
bunched up at 12 60, $3.98. 15.00 and 17.60;
take your choice; you can't go wrong.
Overcoats not bad at all at 12.88. $3.76 and
(5.00. Cboics of all fur coats. Including
Al calfskins, I9.M. Ws won't handle
shoes in ths new store, therefore we close
out a lot of men's and boys' shoes, over
shoes, etc., at 60c Choice of men's shoes
worth up to 2.(0 at $1.26. Tbs fins shirts,
worth up to tl.60, are being closed out st Remember, every shoe in stock is
solid and reliable. . Rubber boots, 11.50.
Knee pasta, lie. Canvass gloves, le. All
sorts of men's shirts, 25c. Boys' under'
wear, worth up to 60e, to cloae out, t&o a
garment. Men's wool 50c gloves go at
lc. Men's and boys' caps, to close, 15c;
better ones. 2&c. If la need of anything
In clothing, hats, furnishings or shoes
don't fall to price our goods before buying
elsewhere. The Guarantee Selling Out
Sale. 1C1I-U1I Capitol Aveaue. next ts Ben
Grocer' Association and Produce Exchange
Committee Are at Work.
Plaa le to Raw Wholesale Market
Place Wllknt Maalelpal Caatrol
flaslaees Aloae.
Ths Retail Grocers association and the
Produce exchange have been lying low ever
since their wholesale market ordinance was
pigeonholed ten days ago, but they have
not been idle. OA the contrary, they have
taken the bit In their mouth, and the result
Is a wholesale market will be established
Independent of the city, which will pay
tribute to Its creatora rather than to the
A Joint committee of the exchange and
the association has secured an option on a
half-block of vacant ground In the vicinity
of Eleventh and Howard streets (the exact
location It declines to maks public st
present) and upon this It is proposed to
erect a building and booths for the ac
commodation of about 100 concessionaires,
who will transact an exclusively wholesale
"It Is to snrvs ss a sort of a general
exchange," said George F. Munro, presi
dent of tbs Retail Grocers' association, "and
will be governed by rules of our own. No
retailing will be permitted there, so it will
not Interfere with the Capitol avenue
project. We can rent this halt block for
a very reasonable sum, which will enable
us to dispose of the booth privileges at a
lower rate than the city did last year.
Being in the immediate vicinity of where
the market was last year, and, therefore, In
easy communication with the produce com
mission houses, it is a much better site for
our purpose than the Capitol avenue site.
"The retail grocers will never patronise
the Capitol avenue market house that Is
a settled fact In the first place. It lacks
commercial advantages, and In the second
It is a tabood district. I wouldn't think of
sending one of my customers down there.
It the ctty would erect a market bouse in
some other locality and put up a building
that would be in keeping with the slse and
Importance of Omaha, the grocers would
give it their support, but we don't propose
to go out of our way and hamper our bus
iness to bolster the schemes of private
speculators. . ,'.
"Considered on a purely practical basis
of dollars and cents, it wouldn't pay us to
patronize the Capitol avenue market house.'
During the market season fruits are the
principal commodity with us, and nine
tenths of the fruits consumed la .Omaha are
shipped In by the commission merchants.
Hence It Is to our advantage to buy of them
and not of the small growers stationed at
the Capitol avenue market, since they
couldn't fill our orders. As to vegetables,
they will be delivered to us direct by the
hucksters, just as they were before a mar
ket was established."
Mayor Moores said: ' "I doubt whether
this scheme Is strictly legal; It certainly
looks as though ths city v should get some
revenue out of its marketa, but at the aame
time I don't know of any law prohibiting
the grocers from doing what they propose.
Their view of ths case certalaly looks
reasonable from their standpoint."
A Severe Cold for Three Months.
Ths following letter - from A. J. Nus-
baum of Batesvllle, . Ind., tells Its own
story: VI suffered for three months with
a severs cold. A druggist prepared me
some medicine and a physician ' prescribed
for me, yet I did not improve. I then
tried Foley's Honey and . Tar, and eight
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at The
Bathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1T16.
Greatest Values In
Ever Offered In Omaha
. The way ths people of Omsba and
vicinity ars taking advantage sf
Scbmoller at Mueller's room-making
Piano and Organ
there will not be many of those sixty
instruments left In our way by Satur
day night.
Schmoiier & Mueller
never do things by halves, so this
week, when they decided to' dispose
of these some sixty pianos and
organs In one week, they started right
every Instrument was marked right
down to bedrock they determined
that if ,
Quality, Price and Terms
would be an inducement to the piano
buying public, there should bs no
Success was Assured
from th start th liberal patronage
thus far bestowed has exceeded our
fondest anticipation still there are
Excllent Bargains
left to dlapcae of about 15 used or
gan at Just about your own price
and term. Bom 7 or 8 slightly
used upright planoa ars going to be
sold at one-half price and less.
Square practice pianos from $10.00
Voa eaa't a Word ta snlaa theae.
Terms ta aalt roar eoavealeaea.
HKMKHBKIl, aerla this aala
wo also aaaaa a special eat aa
aar estlre ilefk at hlfc-arae
Htelavrar, Geo. Steele, Voae, A. B.
i'haae, Bteajer, Eaaersoa, Faekard,
Maaoa at Haaalla, Marahall at
Weadell, as ana ay ataer aid
ataadarel saahree.
The laraeat stack af artlstle
plaaas la the weat.
Stelnway ft Son's Representatives.
1313 Fsrnam St.. Omah.t
Telephone 1625.
SOS Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Telephone 368.
ft r -s, r v m
.H hi n
Vi i '-7
Today a great money saving opportunity uwalte you. We
will place on sale for the first time immense quantities ol new
Remnants of $1 Silks, 25c each
Remnants of foulard silk. Thes
re all sample pieces in -yard
lengths, three and four to match,
.worth ll.W to $1.60 yard, all this
spring's style, go at 2So for entire
Silk Remnants, lc 5c, 10c 25c
Short remnant of silks, H. M.
and one-yard In length. In chinas,
taffetas, plain and figured foularda
and brocades, for fancy work, neck
wear, millinery trimmings, dress
trimmings, all go at Sc. 6c, 10c and
25c for entire piece.
New Silks at 49c and 75c fird
Silk In waist lengths, skirt lengths.
In taffetas,' plain and fancy brocaded
silks, peau de sole, eatln ducbease,
black and colored, go at 49c and TSo
$1.00 Cassimeres, 25c yard
A new lot of all wool cassimeres
for walking skirts, rainy day skirts,
men's and boys' pants or entire suit
materials, go in remnants from one
yard to Z yards, st 2Ce yard.
Remnants of embroideries and Insertions In dosens of splendid styles very
choice patterns, worth up to 25c a
Remnant of lace of all kinds, Im
mense variety of patterns many have
insertion to match very special
Values at lo, 2c, SHc and 6c a yard.
One big lot of plnln nnd fancy
white goods, mill lengths, 3'-,c
yard, worth 10c.
One big table best standard
prints. 2bc yard. .
One. big- table fine Scotch Ging
ham, yard.
One. big counter 30-Inch flue
Brandenberg percales Ctc yard.
One .big table drapery silkollnc
remnant.. 3Vac yard. .
Be sure and wait for the great sale of
we will hold on Monday, March 10th.
The choicest lots from the stock of LOWRY & GO EBLE, pur
chased at' auction in Chicago, will be sold athalf price.
Early Spring Goa!
Spadra Semi-Anthracite $8.00 per Ton.
It's a good coal for any time of year, but tt'a free burning qualities per
mit a perfect regulation of the fire and make it of particular value now. It I
especially adapted for use in
. Furnaces and Heating Stoves
With dampers tightly closed it will hold Are easily for twenty-four hours.
A trial will give you SATISFACTION with ECONOMY.
Tel. 317 and 825. 1522 Farnam Street.
Satisfaction in the purchase of a diamond la not so much a matter
of knowledge on the part or ths purchaser as It Is his confidence In
the merchant who sells it. When you are ready to buy diamonds,
come to us. Our business standing and leputation are a guaranty
that you will get your money's worth.
Jewelers and Art Stationers.
to having ' their testimonials published,
especially those who have been cured of
the liquor habit; if this were not the case
we could give DOUHTFUL. PEOPLE any
reasonable number of HOME testimonials
of people whom you all know, who have
been entirely cured of he taste of liquors
of all kinds, by the use of WHITE RIB
BON REMEDY, the one which has the en
dorsement of members of the W. C. T. U.
The remedy comes In powder form Is
tantelees, odorless and can be given to any
one without their knowledge 11.00 per box
Mall -orders from out of town solicijed for
any thing In the drug line.
2-os. I-ltbig Extract Beef "c
75c lilebig Extract Beef 40o
$1.28 LlebTg Extract Hef JSC
12 25 Meblg Extract Beef 1.A
25a Dr. Weetmal s Coldolds He
This preparation guaranteed to atop fall
ing hair and to cure dandruff.
All kinds of rubber goods at cut prices.
Tel. T4T. . W. tsr. KMIi mm micas.
Oood delivered FREE to any part of city.
Some other time
isn't any time at all
Ton will not move then. If you
don't rouse yourself now you will
probably continue to put up with the
ssme Inconveniences for ths next six
Do they keep your office clean f
Your windows? The ballet The
elevator? ta the building a lire trapt
Havs they an elevator that runs once
sa hour oa week dsys and not at all
sights or on Sunday? I your pfflos
hot la ttmmer snd cold In winter?
Any other troubles?
. Ths curs for all these Ills ' Is aa
offics la
The Gee Building.
R. C PETERS CO., Ground
Rental Agents. Floor
'-'J Lis iJla C"
$1.50 Dress Goods Remnants, Jtcyard
This lot Include rsshmere, ajllk
and wool novelties, plain fabrics In
waist lengths, skirt lengths, chil
dren' dress lengths, at 9o jsrd.
50c Dress Goods 15c yard
All of our collection of remnant
of COo dress goods In plain cashmere,
benrlettas, checks and plaids, from
2 to 6 yards, at lSe yard.
75c Silk Moussellne de Sole, 2k yard
This is a fresh new lot of silk
moussellne de sole, 1, 2, i and (
yard lengths, many pieces to match.
In cream, black, pinks, light blue, also
fancy printed, silk embroidered dots
and fancy silk weaves, open work
moussellne de solo, crepe effects, all
go on bargain square at 29c yard.
50c, Black China Silks at 2tc yard
24 and 27 Inch black china silks, on
sale In silk department t 29c yard.
yard, on sale at 314c. Ctfco and 10j a yard.
sample pieces of allover . laces In
fancy silk and fine cotton, In black,
white and colored the very finest
grades, at 2c and 6o each.
One big table double fold mer
cerized lining remnant. 5c yard.
One big table best quality drap
ery ticking remnants. 10c yard.
One big table mercerized sateen,
the 40c kind, 15e yard.
One big table nil kinds fancy
and plain high class white goods,
dimities, lace lawns, flue Indln
linen, etc., all at 10c yard, worth
40 cents.
15th and Douglas Street.
Have You a Camera?
If you have not, but intend getting
one, It will pay you to se some ot
our 19(4 models before buying.
We have Juat received our first ship,
ment of these. Two cameras especially
are to be winners this year
"Omaha Special"
"Improved Omaha"
The latter Is without doubt the best
thing on the msrket for the money.
Call and aee It, or write for particu
lars. T HE
Robert Dempster Co.,
1215 Farnam St.
Exclusive Dealers In Photo Material.
Shradcr's Laxative
Fig Powder
tastes good. Is good, for It cures all Ills
caused by constipation. Impure blood, liver
and kidney clomplalats, . prevents appen
dicitis try a 104 trial box-sold by all
drug stores.
Richardson Drug Cs., Omaha, distributor.
' Manufactured by
W. J. Siiradsr Medlcina Co,,
New Tork and Onaahs