Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
TITK OMAITA HAILT BEE: TUESDAY, MAKCIl 4, 1002. 0 SPECIAL NOTICES -III be takes til IS na. far tee ! eeMtlsa aad til M M p. as. fee aierelaa aad Saadar edition. Rate-e. I l-Se a ward Int laeertlew. 1 ward thereafter, aetbtaa takra far leae taaa 1M far he air at 1nr- tiaa. Tkt advertleeweata aaaat be eoneaewtlvely. AJtrrtlarn, ay revflaar tere ekeek, ea a karf latatn reweed fa a awaabered Inter la rata f TKa Baa. karri a tmir4 will delivered aa areaaaUiUa of tae tkk only MTVATIO W1ITED. A NURSE, experienced and certificated. will take position at reduced price uri'lll- scot luainted. Adlreea C. Galoway, X. lath street, Station A WKTetV-llALR HELP. COOU messenger wanted; increased pay. u. a. v-cl, xu woutn win. . a i.n STEADY work, ofofltable Work, for neat. energetic bueUers. C F. Adams Co.. 1ti Howard. . ,. s . B 16 tL FOR HAIJ1 A DAY' WORK. If Ion live In the country or In a small town and have a pood acquaintance a men a; the farmer and atoca ralpera In tha neighborhood you can make $6 easily by four or five uura' worn. Write ua and wa will eerie you eur proposition, 1 ha Bee Publishing Co., ktolicilora' Ip', omatia, Jeo. VAXTKD. a rood tnan in every county to take subscriptions for the Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agents make good wegee every m iwra. - (iterencee retjuirea. Addreaa. Twentieth Century Farmer, Untba, Neb. B ill FREE! FREE! Shave, ht cut, singe, any work In barber Una. at M .l.r l"ai J6 J f irnitn At.. d I Sour. Jioura, I lit i. U MT3 A15 WANTKP, tinner ho underatanda bicycle work; good wages and aieady work to riarnt aaareaa wnn reierence. t i'. Oimateu, Waytia, Neb. WANTED, clactrotype Cnlcber. Great Wuatern Type Founory, Omaha. Neb. . ,, . 'V... . . - . P-MTS WANTED, good meal rook: 'good wagea to right party; steady employment. Write at osca to tha hompaon Bakery and Cafe. Fort Dodge- fa.- B-MTS 7 VP-TO-DATE . licit ora can make $100 per month la Vmaria. , CaJI at t 1'axton bik. WANTED, axperlanced flra lnauranca aoltcitor for.dty. Will pay aalary or aomnilamon. AUaroea, with p.riicuiara. ox 4jm,. umaaa. a am a STEADT work. proJltabl work, for neat. energetic huaUara. -C.F.. Adama Co.. )lk itowaro. ...... .., T ii WANTED, fwo or three men to work from our wagons; steady work and good pay. 1 C. F. Adama. Co.. lfilt Howard St. I ,. ,. ' -:. ;,. B MD2S WANTED, a -coachman, Dane or German; references. Apply, 07 Brown biocK. " ' B-M327 4 WANTED. Tour wall dressed men that are willing to work, and want to mttke at leant IKm.flO per month. Jnqulre Geo. T. nail, xiu nt nuiKiing. , u-nu jo WANTED,, a boy-to. work at Bchaefer's I cut price drug atore, 1Mb and Chicago. . . . .. . - . f - A. . . . - WANT . competent furniture man; general worjt. Junn, . oeceoia. T..,.". . . B-M9686 CAN f umlah- permanent employment to educated Ctirirtlan man;must be per-1 fectlv rerlahle and nf arood addresa. i See WY a: Burris, Millar .hotel, Monday 1 to a P. tn.: ..: r. . ts- atrnt t WANTETV-Plrif-claaa, all-aronnd pattern msfr in a. gooa town: steaoy worn, : good wagea. Addreag c7 Bee. V B MM S HELP WAITED. CANADIAN Employment Offlqe, 1724 Doug. WASTED FKMALB . HELP. WANTED, twa 'young lady students to learn nairdreaaing, manicuring ana cni- ropody ana scicnunc massage, can o write Room 23. Bee Bldg. . . - C-66il WANTED at once, girl for general bouaa worbl rauat know now to oo plain cook ing, call at t.M cawaweu bl. c Jir.a NEAT girt for light housework; ne wash ing. Jars. 4. J. uwiaai, suu r arnam. - ' ' C M64i i WANTED, woman for general housework. family of two. enquire 124 .?. jvin !t. . C-711 WANTED, good dreeemaker, able to man age shop and apeak German; fair looking, good form, 26 to to years old. D. Miller, aiarcnant, i-o'au. rvo. c . iu' BUTTONHOLH-'MAJCERS Wanted. Albert CaJia. tin p. 14th. i : C- 4 WANTED, girt for general housework; good wages, j.avenpori, tj auuv WANTED, , mllltners, - preparers and ap- WANTED, four intelligent and well edu cated bustneee Women. The right parties can maaa at least per montn. in quire George T. HalL 21 Bee building. - - C U U GIRL for erenaral kouaa work ; two in fam ily, iviv v aeaLar. c sm a WANTED. Neat and eapabls woman -for ranarLi nnuManri uar r rp.ui mnk I ana launaresa. raraer rrt. u MHott OR RBJITWHOrSBS. houses, ta. O. Walaoa, Brown block., I 61a TO MOVE rirht gat Omaha, Van Btnraae CO.. olftoe laUH Farnam. or Tela. HOUSES I? LavSTco!' &J BaJ Bids' ii vwvi-- j, .pits (,, HI D ale HOUSES and flats, Ringwalt. Barker block, i ' l am EKLHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace. 122. G. M. N atunger. Bee Bidg. 'Phone 4olL ... D a TWO I ant S-roen hooaea. .'Phone A-SMS. HOUSES, eto, T. .L. WeaaJ. ISA Douglas. Houfciia. tores. pairJa, Pastoa blork. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK A OO-, M N. Y. Ufs. FOR KENT-fttl N, Jtal N. lTth St.. fcK), large S- fra houae tf I rooma. alao Lam, fiRjjT-CLASS restaurant in South Omaha, house at tb arid Itur Sta. oaJn KOia buslneaa; come aud inveetl a Kealiy.Co, 1A1 DuLUflaa t-U. ,,.; .f,d place for flrat-claaa man ln- J quire 7 P St. W MK M-4 atury tnoaera noun IV I a-room 1 ha Omaji tipatavira ttti KARNFY. iM rooms, modern, rent c-kea a. I", i N. 2lh Ave., I rooms, city water, SIX ik K. l;th. rfMma. tnffdern. loo W. FARNA SMITH & CO, i-lu Farnam e treat. ....... D lui FIVE unturrrlphed rooms, all modern and nrat-eiaea. u4 Miami et.- i a VAJs'S and beaaage eragona Tel. 1155. . D Xda) MODERN -reoea Cat.' Tlaard, I N. S3 at D M II Sid t-ROOM bouse, aU modera, 116 0. I4X X. SlUI fcU . - - ' - P i - 7 FfR KENT, aleaant t-raona house, all Diu4ra liuprvvvaaeata. AVrnsr and C-loaga - -I-M.ta R. C. PETERS A CO. 1 round Floor. If re Bu tiding. : . 16 F S kJPt St., modern. I rooms Pa. i He at, mod-rn, 12 rooms. ,fcW B li-ih. modern. M rooms. t oz-U Stiirl-y at., modern. 6 rooma i i St. Mry s ava., moJtni, k rooana. J c lv pirknry St.. rnoom n, 7 rooma. s a-ib at, anodern. 1 ruor&a. $ Vlartha. iolr. t rxoma I J t'iMH'rr, Bmlrra, 4 rooma. I jt hranrit taodra. I ruguu. 5!7 luiwy al, juiltB, 6 roonaa, I I it N h at, mixiern. I rooma. t ?i't llarnry St., nty a trr. 7 rooma La Ik ji K. at. eltr water. I rooma D Mjm 4 BIT-KOOM tnodara fiat, ml Paclne rH. 4 AarieS iiauiajr. 1-1 -1 1 FOR REaTROrSES. FOR RENT, Bboat Arrtl 1. good modern noif, g"oi mm. spienatd conation. Ko'inixe Place, tail Per month. A'orea U 4. Lee. I lot K' roit RKXT-ri RSIIHED BOOMS. FURNISHED sis-room flat for Mia steam Imi. Rooms aU rented, Iiav, N. 1Mb t., flat L. K M9la 4 FURNISHED rooma; alao room for light housekeeping, tlrim best, IiSH N. 1Mb t, flat K. E M9T1 4 TWO or three plessant room, ona with a :ao m. DEWEY European hotel, ISth and Farnam. s " 1 bA. TWO newly fumlphed room", with or with out board, iiik uraoe at. B x4 r TWO larp-. modem. furn!hed. front room a and two large unfurnished rooms 2411 lKxire ft. K 7rr FtHXIIHED ROOM! AID BOARD. NICE home for young men. lot B. IMh St. ROOMS and beard. Glencalrn, J60 Douglas. STEAM nested rootnl with board. IMS Capitol Ave. F LARGE parlors, atngle or eulte. Th Rose, ztKii tiarney. r m Mir FOR RENT Nicely furnished, steam heated rootna, wttn or without hoard. Midland hotel, ICtb and Chicago Bta. r w A LARGE front room, with board, looi nrt are. rta i LARQE aouth from aVcore room, modern. Ami ilarney. F mum r FOR BET-1 KFI RKISHKD ROOMS. DESK room anace. An per month, around zi(Ktr room in i am tw ouitaing, iacing Farnaan atreet; na expenaa for light, heat or janitor eervice. K. c fetera k Co., Rental Agenta, Bea Building. Q 116 THREE unfurnlahed rocma. SO B. 24th. U M724 VPSTAIRB, conalatlng of roomi .In 1- t Ln y noun, f aTmpori ei U TIWZ IT FOR REXT STORES AHD OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied ry i ne Bee at vl Farnam Ht. it baa lour etonea and a taaement wntcn waa f nrmerlv uaad aa Tha Bee nreae room. Tbla will ba rented very . reaoonably. If lntrreated apply at once to C. C. Roae water, aecretary, room 100, Baa building. t ti FOR RENT Store in first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 STORE ROOM at ltb and Howard; rood . ,0'!"" X?r n kLnd of 21?: ,I"2u'r . "t Wright ac Lasbury, 6o6 Souih 16th 6u ... l au.l OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT. " Patterson block. 17th and Farnam St., second floor, opposite Mew Xorx L4fe building and court bouse; beat and Jani tor service; t'.fa) and up. McCague In vestment Co., lbO Dodge St. 1 741 AGENTS WAHTED. WANTED Canvassing agents la .every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH" CENTUKT FARMER. . Steady employment with assured good income. Agenta In : the country - with horse and buggy especially desired. Can vaasera make easllr ISO to M"0 tier month. Address, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau, nee uuiining. umana. X.) WASTED TO REIT. WANTED. 'to rent. modern nine-room iismbt, asvi. irHviMkifiw uuiO iu wuiu w aaa, or west district. Answer Lock Box 626, Omaha. K Ms96 S TO RACK. PACIFIC. St ora re and' Warehouae Co, $12- KJt j ones, general storage and forwarding. OU. Van Btor. Co, E,lltt Fan. Tela. liSa-fWl. MAOGARD VAN CO. Telephone UH. 77 WAS-TED TO BTT. WANTED, te buy second-hand tuba; must be nrat-ciass ana in good condition; also bariums, w. ao. Mara, sac city, la. 9 2i I for sale minrkB. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodve. Tel. vuu. Nfw and secondhand, bought, sold, eacnangea. u FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. THE BEST in .buggies and wagons at H. Toet a, i4ta and ieavenworih. - f 3 RUBBER-TIRED coupe, newly painted. zm: alaaa aide rocaaway. tub: sue family carrlagea, 146 ta 176 each; wagon a. Drum- mona carnage Co., jjsta ana Aiamey. - . F-654 usual price. Wm. Burg, 1446 Sherman Ave, FOR S ALE MIf CELLAR EOI S. FIR timbers for house mevera, etc., 40 ta 71 feet; cribbing ana nog fence, su uouglae. W Jo H AND safe cheap. Deright. xm Farnam. INDIAN goods and relics." 1U Famam. W kW TYPEWRITERS, latest model! Remlna ton. Smith-i-Temier, uenamore, replaced by tha UM)tHwi.i; low price. A. n. Workman A Co., 1617 Farnam. Phone tl'Ji. . Q 63k JhTnD safe cheap. Sehwertg. 116 8. ISth. 4 4v FOR BALE-Phonographa. euperlor to any (thw musical Instrument; la up. The Wiumaa Co, iaa aroam. w aeti Iu0 STYLES truaaas, catalogue free. 8ber man A aanonneu i-rug to 16th and LHtdge, Omaha, won HALE Bcholarahln In an Omaha short nana acnooi. cneap. inquire u nee Bldg. ae SAMPLE piano, eastern manufacture, fully warranted, at a bargain- noom 414. M c Cague Bldg. ' w u I BEAUTIFUL Chickerlng upright piano at a aacritlce. hoom 414, McCague t)IO VI 62 BICYCLES, phonographa and supplies. Omaha Bicycle Co.. ltxn ana cnicago m V ip I jxlR baiTe. a full rife scholarship. Jnrlud. .. tox.ka. value tJt on box lea' Cbm nierrial colW-ge, at a big dlxuuiiL Call on cr addrepa DwigM iiUama, room Bea Blag., omaa. Mia v ill WIRE fence for poultry, bog. lawn and yard, burn poata. tree guaroa. r lie w eras, tui bo. lata at. lei. i O MSSl 39 BRAN It. cornmeal It 15 pet hundred. v agner a Feed biore, lMat ana 11 cummg. W asM FOR BALE, klndl'ng wood. II per toad. at noitn ene or a.i position iroiirut, near IHia) sureav. juat nona x oiu luair. FOR BALE, BECOND-HAND LUMBER v.ww feat at aecona-naria lumber ui ne Bold at one at uurth end of Kxpoaition srounds. Inquire of H- F. Cady Lumbeir co. l ai. s ai NO. t BmlUi-Premier typewriter tor rent cnaavp. u as. uaa. . W 4 r FCLIlLOrD barrad Plvmouth Rock rocks, ana egga lor na tcnmg; gooca ae- livered any p rt or cltv. v.. O. Husarll, ivuniaua uun, muni. vi at- e- CLAIRVOYiSTS. 1 MRS. FRITZ, ctatrroyaat. 111 North 16th. I MME. GTLMER, geauina saliulst. HI S 15. KLrXTRIO TRKATMEWT. Mree. Amea, Cumberland htroee. lfth Cap. T 771 Mi XI ME. PMITIL hatha. 111 N. Ik, !4 f "nr. R t x a at. HAF9AQE, Manicuring. lfil Howard, flat T M7I1 M EB"IE LEE, maaaage, V! B. Uth. ro"m I. T MSSk M3 BONTON PARLORS, 1V N. 15th, flat B. T M784 II BEATRICE HARIjOW, batha; Fgvptlan treatroant; attendanL U N. lMti. Flat A. T-MU2 AS rEBiiib PRIVATE hoapital, befora and during con flnemeni; babies adopted. D Orant Pt. ' Mra. Gardela. TaL F-U82. U-447 DR. ROT. chlropodlat, coma and auperflu- oua hair removed by electricity,. R. 12, Frenser Block. U 48 MME. SMITH, bathe. 111 N. It, 2d floor, r. t . V Mp) Mli" HAIRDRESSINQ. manicuring ana" chlro. rody, for ladlea enly, la oonnection with The Bath ery, Zla-220 Baa Bldg. U ISb ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, beat and quickest Mra. A. C Mark, 1? A Douglaa. LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade coatumer. H1I Far nam. U 6V CHIROPODT a specialty. In connection with The Batbery, rooms C 6-220 Bee Bldg. Tel. i.ia v e GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug iae. U-C51 . RX'PTURE permanently cured In 18 to OB dare: send for circular. O. B. Wood. M. I)., 621 New Tork Life Bldg, Omaha. Neb V 64 VI AVI. woman's way to health: rational. Wholesome home treatment. 4i Bee rung. U M GOLDMAN'S, the only perfect pleating plant in tha west, zw uougias mock. U-M6r4 CfTT 1 UTVlf-M VH mwA kBlMMMl.- "tin 1. connection with The Bathery, 216-f20 Ree building, lei. ian. u i PRIVATE home ladles before and during confinement; adopt babies, waw Tturierte. jar, tiurget. l-mi jaitr Mlddlemla, wall pgper cleaner, 1401 Jackson. t'M7S MS I RUPTURE CURED FOR 13-No pain, no aetantion irom business: sena lor cir culars. "Empire Rupture Cure Co.. S3 w. A. Ufe Bldg., Omaha. U MI7S HELLO, CENTRAL! 1M0, Please. The Btoecker Clear Co. This Is Mr. "Expert Judge ' talking. WW you send a .box of . Stoecker Cigars to my office at once? I conalder them the best 6c straight cigar I have ever smoaea. Bave the bands; they are va iu able. U-6H-S ELITE PARLORS, CIS S. 16th St., Jd floor. OMAHA Dye Worka, 1517 Howard, the xaanionaDie eieanera ot iaaiea ana aren tlemen'a dreasea and eulta, lace curtalna, drapenea. u Miz ai Middlemli a, wall .paper cleaner. TI. 1731. c aaioe aaa Sella .for in ner pound; one-tourtn acre yields in five years S. pounds dried root, aellina for 116.664. Plant seeds now. Package seed and full instructions en cultivation, i; John Fagan, bi jiwpu, Mich. (j Jiubz MARCH 4 George: MahPwhtoPEited you. See page in MOLLIES Barre:t! i U MS60.4 MOKETTO LOAJI REAL BSTATK. WANTED, city loans, bonda and warranta George Company, isui farnam etreet. i ' .W C6 4H PER CENT on business property. .) r . , 6 per cent on reaidnnoe property. . . Optiona o pay whole or part any time. W. B. ME1&LK. 4tl 8. 16th St. - W 456 WANTED, city loans and warranta. W. - Farnam Bmith Co.. 1220 Farnam Bt. W 657 WANTED, city and farm loans; also Oonds and warrants. K u. Feters t o, iiui Farnam Sc. Bee Bldg. W MONET to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love co, ax Boutn Jn. w eo FARM and cltr loans, low rates.- W. H. A., ... .-. i v. nu. r.t . j fi inomaa. m ih oavu& ciuf. a vt. - W 660 ik TO I P. C money. Bemla, Pax ton Blk. r pi; PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 137 N. T, L. v u MORTGAGE. Q. O. Wallace, Brown Blk. w em PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. 1 6 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros, 1606 Farnam. w eke tjua. lam AND nrtvata money. L S. I or 6 yeara. on eastern jstDraaaa tarma or well imueu i 1 1 .sr. id vuimi ... a Seiby, Board of Trad Bldg. W ili MOXET TO LOAM CHATTFLS. WE make loans on Furniture. M O pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriages and otner chattels. We make SALARY LOANS without mortaaae to persons who nave permanent positions- Yo can get the money on very short notice and pay it back In one month, or katip It longer, and pay fur it only N fldentlal Beryl oa and courteous J a . . m ata a u a aa art t a saakmpn nu nann a 1 E . -- i. ''-;..-1 oi rutea, vi me, iwiumuu, vw. . w fy yu ln u'l amount of the LOAN ta caah. W e always "try ta Y OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, Dp Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2a6. iEatabUbhed im.) So, ltth su STOP THAT COLLECTOR'S CALLS By eeetng ua today tn our privaie HAVE TOUR INDEBTEDNESS IN ONE PLACE, where yoa can pay easily. Everv tl nald eft loan reoucea cost. "SALARY IXiANS ON PLAIN NOTES- to male or female employes. No one need ever know. Na mortgage. No lndoraer. No publicity. A little htip at tne right time orten Beta a man on hla feet. Wute people will at least call and inquire about uur terma ana rates. . You save money when you borrow of . "THE BIO CO." Ve offer a monry-eavlng chance. HKLJAKl.ii; IntUlT CO, 'Ihlrd Floor, Koom sua. rax ion ciocl jl a LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO UALAK1I.U rty iri-t, mercnanta, team alera, boarding houaea. etc, without ae--unty; eaaleat terms; 44 emcea In prin cipal cltiee. Tolmaa, 4au Board of Trade BMig. FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES, ETC, gToda." Wn gukrant "a 7tfr T to effect. AMKRICaV' LOAN CO, Room liUAAB. ADauiuirif puuutll rruoiiig lot. Paxton Block. FT'RNITL'RE. PIANOS. HORSES. ETC., LOANS. "Abaolately without remuvina gooda." Written guarantee given to thia eflecC 'AklhHlCAX U1AM Ul., Kooot tuS, paxton liioca. al nk MONEY loaned an plain note to ealarled people; bualneaa conndential; loweat rates. alt paxtaa oioca. ina a. m- nutun to. MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. jewelry, to aaJsried people. Foley Loan Co, ane. te Dun irreea, Baraer pis. -471 MONEY loaned on planoa furniture, tew- elry, borsaa, caara, etc c r. need. I B IX. LOANS Off CH ATTEIAI and BAI-ARIES. i. w, TAiiA-iv. n raxius oiuca. rSATESIAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS nrotect old aae aa wall aa life. Cba-rter soambars tree, parttcu- lars from frank Hoeewaler, supmne tiianaaaa. 23 Btp Rlda. 4 Bt siRss rnCK. WHEN r" want to buy. aell or exrhanra your pualneiHi or property quk'K commuril- cate with ane wno na tne ruptomera. J. H. iohnaon, MS N. T. Ufe. Fhone L-I"7. t MJ-1 MR. INTEfTOR, BHOW 18 A BINQI-K i.miiam tu wnera tnera waa ever a cent loot In bnylnr aharea In a SAI-MON CAN. NERT COMPANT on the Paclfle coaC If rota can. yon can ret a arod reward. When you have fully convinced yourself that tni la a ract any not aena tor par. tlrulara to the company, who offers vm today ONE DOLJAR aharea at li CENTS and tne neat mock gnea powuveiy to za CENTS. A quick Inrceti nation will aurely be big money to you py writing to trie 1VTKR8TATE FISHERIES COMPANY. S03-S FaclOo Block. Beattla, Wah. - l M ass FOR BALE or trada, my entire llyery at oca. at a pargain. Aocireea v . t;. Vtterback, Ogden LIverT, Council BlufTa. FOR BALE, millinery store dotnr good ualneaa; also good hotel for sale (or lease to right party I, pota gooa location in N. E. Nebraaka. Call or WtlU 24 N. T. Life building, Omaha. T 134 TO GET In or out of bualneas call on Wll- llaiua, Room 411, Mccague ouuaing. t-ROOM brick flat, nicely furnished, fine location, roomers oniy. f urniture tor -sale reasonable. Party leaving city. 1. li. Johnson, N. T. Life. T-M23 BICTCLE and run repair shop for sale cheep. Aearess c v. r unrer, .runerton. Neb. . I M710 6" A NEW stock of general merchandise, lo cated in one oi me dwi ivwni in non o eastern Nebraaka, for sale, no trades. Ad dress u 62, Bee. x-ai,sa FOR BALE, ona of the best paying shoe etccka In lha state; stock new- low rent. Addreaa U 49, Bee. Y M7Q I WANTED Drug clerk with IW to take two-thirds Interest In store. Entire nun- . aarement, with aaiary. Answer quick. Address. U 64. Bee. T 792 M-6 FOR BALE, or exchange, SO acrea fine land joining Haatlnga. u. a. lift, su perior. Neb. T M57 6 rOR EXCBAXGK. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. M 4H, Be. z Mbio FOR SALE REAL K STATE. HOUSES and lots la all parte of city; also acre property and farm landa. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 52. Bee Building. . i -e. CHEAPER THAN RENTING. Three bouses on 8. 2itb Ara, between Far- Tiam and Douglas, g rooms eacn, mooem. furnace and nrepiaoe, otuy ax.oav- nan cash, balance 6 years, a ber cent. Stringer, pax ton block. RE M6S6 FOR SALE, t-room modern cottage, fLJ6- The O. F. uavu Co, sua -tee DUig. xtx M .la an FARMS! FARMS! FARMS'. For bargains In farm property go to O'Neills Real .Estate. Agency, tsoutn Omaha. . .. RE 680 WEST FARNAM BT,, t-room. 2-story, mod ern house, newly pamtea, on car line, 12.600. THE BYRON REED CO, 212 So. 14th Bt. - RE 718 Boyd County LANDS. The U. S. Weather Bureau advise conditions probably !-settled. Our latest advices from Boyd County sly I weather fine, snow" melting rapidly If you can go tomorrow wire George Forgan, Butte; Neb., you. are coming, He will then have conveyances ready for you at Stuart. r ,r We are going to" Start,witM our next party Friday, Marth 7th if you cannot. go tomorrow . send in.j'our name for trip Friday.'. ; POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, TEL. 470. 430 N. Y. LIFE BLDG," UMAHA. NEB. " - RE-36I HOUSES Harrison A Morton. Tel. Si. -. am Miti m-4 IMPROVED farm, 100 acrea, H mile north la Platta, liarpy. county; easy terms ; nrioe. tri6an acre. . Nasua, Her Grand boteL Omaha, Neb. ... RE MtuO 16 FARMS. 660 acres bottom land three miles N. E. Ashland: lull acres under auiuvauon. Dei anee hay land; all fenced and. croas fenced; house, large barn and three wind- mills: nrioe 160 Dtr acre.' . 120 acres near tireioa; (lne.)a&d, 153.60 per acre - ... 1 acres near Gretnav Improved. 156 p zn acres nve zniies sonm si aouia umaiu, well improved, xaoat au Mtiom lano. ila.UUU. , ... i HOUSES. - n.ino 2412 Tf. 18th SC. acxlaO feet. S-room bouse, wunin pioca ex iaas street cheoL . , - ' - . . X.b-Vsa S. lfith B W t-room cottage, east front, city water and ietr. 14,000 N. E- .lWh and Ohio, vary attractive . . modern ouage, t rooma, nearly new and in aooa conaiuon.. v C.S0O for two ettaea on South 14th St. ail paving axes paia,- large mts. rants per montn. , . GLAJltGE AND COMPANT, , 14U1 Farnam RE M SSI 4 prEBLO, Colo., real aetata wanted; win exchange well Improved and naoely io- catBa svjutb . Omaha proparUes or will buy Address U . Be,.and t will call I and sea you. aus jiusi pAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO, 601 N. T. Lifa .-a .. ... . - KJC-rSik. UjEW Bnow-Church Co, I t Omaha. N 4th floor N. Y. Neb. Largest law, collection and real estate agency .In the world. Associate banks aitorneya and real estate brokers ln every county In the United Siatea and cities of foreign coun tries. Alki ALFALFA STOCK FARM. A quarter aectioa of alfalfa land and a section oi pasture eajn act. Adjoining land lust yuar paid ever lw per cent. Will double ln value In five yeara. A snap at twelve dollars per acre. Easy terms. Address, Box baft, irxinrton, Jvei B4aM -7 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the l nion Paclno Railroad company. H. A. MeAlleater, land commtaslouer, I nion Pa cine Headquarters, Omans, Icb. RE-t77 HOUSFS. lota, farms, ranches, loans; alao fire IT.xurance. Bemla, Paxton Block. KE 678 IF YOU want one of the nicest t-room homes tn tlanacora Plaoe I will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Muat sell. J. li. bberwooa. Its I. I. King. RE M15I U1I I lAMQnN CHARLES E, 1V v v a w&-a ikiw . . , i Farnam street B.E 471 BALE-Two houses, .eou.theaat, corner !Zlh ni ? atreeta. South Omaha, tl.6; th and U atreeta South Oniaha. lara building, rents 13s per month, price corner Ud and P streets. Svuth Omaha. I 'roon-a, price 12.000. W. T. Graham. Hee Bldg. I.E. JJ Itt GEORGE G. WALLACE, real aetata, mort gages, rentals, insurance. Brown block. RE 740 GREAT BARGAIN No. 1371 nine-room. pre-brick, in Kounts Place, all moderu. slats riKif. hard-wood, ftne grates and mirrors, furnace, butler's pantry and In every respect a dealraUe property. House alone coat ,': owner baa I' ft tha cltv and ML ST SELL AT ONCE price, 64.1UU. R. C. Farters A Co.. Be building. K. E W47 6 FARMS FOR REST. TWO cr I dairy farrc.a tq and close to city. F. D. Weed. 14 Douglas. - M-e46t POLICIES rtkCUIkKD, I INST'RANCB Boliciea. old-line conoanlai. I purchased. Luens on policies. Call en or I write lha Put nana Cel. afa-t N. Y. Ufa I Bldg, Outage. Ntt. M MEDICAL. DR. TRIES, the ackaowkpdared leading apeciallat In dieeaaea of women In Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladle ta hla unaurpaeeed accommodatlona before and during confinement, and hla treatment for Irrerularltlea, no matter what cauee. Call or addrep, with a'amp, I;r. Prlea, Arlington Block, 151S Ixxire, Omaha. ftn LADIES! Chichester" Kngllab Pennyroyal lulls ara the bean. Safe, rellahl-. Take no other. Bend 4c stampa for particulars. "Relitf for Ladlea," In letter by return mall. Aak your drucglat. Chtcheetar Chemical Co.. I'hlladelnhla. PaV OKTBOPATHT, GID E. St ALICE JOHNSON, oeteopathe. Suite 51i N. V. Life bldg. Tel. 1664. 6NJ D"R. A. T. HUNT. Ill MoCague Bldg. Tel DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. TVX. GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO., elana ceappooia ana vaults, removea garoage at dead animals at reduced piicea, 621 N. 16. lei. 17 ftz A TREES. FRUITi shade and ornamental trees, vines. ah runs, rosea, ama.ll Iruita, etc. Addreaa Omaha Nursery, Paplllion, Neb. Mir AKKOritCEMRKTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 21K. all South Thirteenth street. LOST. LOST, small aateheL contents valuable only to owner. ieave at Bee omce ana secure reward IB. Lost 744 WILL the rentlemaji who picked up the purse on iMn ana arnam tiiease return to Thompeon at Beldea and receive re- wara : ixtet aiiua a- FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1611 Farnam. TaL ltr.5. FI R DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1434 8. Utb. KICKEL FLATIJtG. OMAHA PlaUng Co, Bee Bldg. Tel fSS. 701 BALE! TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co, all North 16th. 7tO CARPEKTERS AUD JOIXERS. ALL klnda of carpentef work and repairing Sromptiy attended to. i. I. ocniitree, ith and Lake atreeta. . 470 FtRHITURB REFAIRIKQ. GLOBE COUCH CO, 1611 Leavenworth. Tel. Z&2S. u Ml LAII11RY. OMAHA Steam Iaunrlry; ahirta. tc; collars. 2c; cutis, 4o. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 647, 706 M Ar FACTTRIH G. P. MELCHOIR. Uth and Howard, ma- cninipt. M7t4 STAMPS, COIUS, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co, SOI a. Uth. ELIpCTHlCITY. : Ji '. GRAND ELECTRIC CO. Tel. 8844. -Bella. pnones, lights, motors, repairs. e24 a. is. FtRKITIRE REPAIRIKG. TEL. 133L M. B. Walklln, 2111 Cuming Bt. em STAMMERIMO AID gTCTTERISC. CURED. JuUa Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. !M VOICE. CLEMENT B. 6 HAW, Voice. 612 Bheely nuiiuing. Mil SHORTHAND AKD TYPE WRITIKQ. GREGG Shorthand. On, C. CoL, 16th A Doug A. C. VAN SANT'S schooL . TIT N. T. Life. ' ao7 BOYLE3 college, court reporter principal. i. x. uie. etut NEB. Bualneaa t Shorthand College. Boyd's i neater. FACTORIES. TRUNKS, (raveling bags, suit casee; trunks repnireq, jm. iTuua caciory, i r em am. 7 PAWKBROKEKS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all bualneaa confidential, Uta Douglas. IKWIIfi JttACHIKES. WRITE for agents prices; ball-bearing Wheeler-Wilaen. A, Lyman, state agent, Lincoln. Neb. M4S At DRESSMAKIMG. IN families or at home. Miia Sturdy. Sull arnam. AliM6 II ' n a o a ip OUn TEETH on pistes or crown and bridge work are perfect ln appearanee and fit and are guaranteed to fill tha requiremente la each and every case. Set of teeth on rubber ta.uu. I n Bailey tk Dentist, -aiu aua Siaaa, 16th ant Farnam Bta. Lady attendaat. Phone iQSk, n n n n rl n n FOSTOFF1CE XOTICIC (Should be read daily by all Interested, aa Uiangas may occur at any unn.1 Foreign mails for the week ending March , ISpjC W1U close (PROMPTLY la all caee at tne uenerai roiiomot as lollows: I ARCELS POUT MAILS cloae ONE HOUR EARLIER than cloalng ttna abewB oeiow. paraaia Poet maila fur 1m many close at I1 p. m, Friday, per a. A ruriprln v unwim, Regular and Supplementary maila cloee at Foreign Branch half hour later than closing time ahown beio-ar (eaoeat that Suuukcmriiiary alalia for iirom and can tral Amerioa, via Colon, close one hour later al uraign urancni. t Traaaatlaatla Malls. TUESDAY At I SO a. m. for ITALY direct, par a. a. Lombardia (mall must be di rected "per a a Lombardia . WEDNESDAY At 4 0 a. . for EUROPE, p-r a s. Philadelphia, via Souths. tup ton (mail for Ireland must be directad ''per a s. Philadelphia"); at 10 a, m. tor BELGIUM direct, per s. a South a ark (mall muat be direckad per a. a ateuth- auVi; at ' Sj u. ax. (aupplemantary 12 m. I, lor tl tJurc, per a a oceanic, via Oueenptown. TH1 kff'AY At Tarn for FRANCE. fWlTCLKUMI, ITACY, bPAl.N. HlK TI'GAU TURKEY, LOYPT, okeece, P.KlTlaH INDIA and LORENZO MAK- jl fZ, per a a La Bretaa-ne. via llavTa (mall for other parts ot Europe Buist be Oirectea per a A Ja Bretagna ). POSTOFFK ROTICK. SATURDAY At J:IW S. m. for NETHER-I lAM'H direct, per s. s. AmaterdHm imull muat be directed "pet a. a. Amter dam"); at lo.Jii a. m. (aupplemeninry 11 m ) for IRELAND, er a. a. Umhrla, via Vueenatown imall for other parts of Eu rope muat be directed "per a. a Urn brta"); at 11 a. m. for AZOKER ISLANDS per a. s. Tartar Prln-e (mall for Italy muat be directed "per a. a Tartar 1'rlnce"); at 11 a. m. lor DENMARK, di rect, per a. a. Hekla (mail must be di rected "per s. s. Hekla"K st ll.Ifl s. m. (supplementary 1 p. . m 1, for El RorK, per a. a. Kronprlna Wilheim, via Ply-, moulh. Chertxiurg and Iiremeni-at 12 tn. for ITALY direct, per a a Trave (mall muat be directed per a. A Trave"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Fa pera arid Sample lor Germany only. The earns claas of mall matter for other part of Europe win not te sent cy this snip tir.lers specially directed by It. After the closing ot the Supplements ry Transatlantic Mans abovs named, ad ditional Supplementary Maila are opened on the plera of the American, Engllah. French and German atenmera. anj re main open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Maila far Seath Central Assertea Weal Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At : a. m. (supplementary i:H0' a m.) for central. America (except Coeta Klca) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per s. S. Finance, via Colon (mall lor Guatemala muat be directed "ter a. s. Finance"): st 11 a. m. for FERNAMBUCO and SANTOS, per S. s. Handel (mail for other parte of Braail muat be directed rer a. a. Handel"): at 12 m. taunoleraentarv 12 SO n. m l for .BAHAMAS and SANTIAGO, per a. a. Saratoga; at m p. m. for Jamaica, per s. a. Admiral Farragut, from Boston; at 11:30 D. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami. Fla. WEDNESDAY At I. A) a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. b, Syracuse (mail for Isorthern praxll. Argentine. Uruguay and Para guay must be directed '"per a. s. Syra cuse"); at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prins Willem I (mall for Curacso. Vene- guela, Trinidad. Brltlah and Dutch Guiana muat te aireciea per a. a. rrma vt mem 1"); at 10 a. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND direct, per a. s. Benedict; at 11 a. m. for GUADELOUPE, MARTINIQUE. BAR BADOS, BRITISH. DUTCH AND FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Talisman (mall must be directed "per a a. Telle man"); at 12 m. (supplementary 12 Su p. in.) for BAHAMAS, per a. a. Antllia (mail must be directed "per s. s. An- tilla"); at 12 S0 p. m. (supplementary 1:20 p. m. 1 ior ell. jhumao, bi. t-ituiA, LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, and BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per S. B. Korona (mall for Grenada and Trinidad muat be directed "per a. s. Korona"); at 11:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per a. a. Admiral Schley, from Philadelphia. THURSDAY At lam. for CUBA, YUCA- T" A saT A AA L lU "W IT -T" a U A kal M anrl CHIAPAS, per a. s. Yucatan (mail for other parts of Mexico muat be directed "per s. s. Yucatan"): at 12:30 p. m.' for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARA- til a V a. Usalrelvrie FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXIOO. per a a Seneca, via Tamploo (mall muat oe oi rected "per a. s. Seneca"); at 11:30 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami, e ia SATURDAY At 1:80 a. m. for ARGEN TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per B. a. Etons, at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per a. a. Pretoria; at a. m. (supple mentary : a. m.) for PORTO KlCO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a a Caracaa (mall for Savanllla and Carta-a-ena muat be directed "ner a. a. Caracaa"!: at a. m. for PORTO RICO, per a s. path finder, na ponce imtn must oe aireciea "per s. s. Pathfinder"); st 1:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:S0 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. a. Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica muat be directed "per B. s. Alleghany"); at 9:30 A m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.1 for HAITI and SANTA MART A, pe m. s. Alpe; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. curttyba, na Matanaas, etc. (ordi nary mall only, which must be directed per a. a. cuniyna j. Malls for. Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence oy steamer, close at this office dsllv at 4:30 p. m. (con nectlna close here every Monday. Wednesday aud Saturday). Malls for Miquelon. by ran to Boston, and thence bv steamer. Close at this office dally at 6:38 p. m. Malls for Cubs, by rail to dtspatcte4 daily lnaJ connecting closes, Tor oikdbich via rm L jm.hi ua . vn biii. davs at 4:80 a. m.. Wednesdays and Fridays, 6:20 a m.: for dispatch via Miami, on Mondays and Fridays at 11:30 p. m. Alalia tor Mexico city, ovenana, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at thia office dally ex cept Bt.rday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. m, Sundays at 1.-00 p. m. and 11J0 p. m. Maila for Costa Rica. Belise, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleana. and thence by steamer, cloae at thia omoa criiv. except uunaay at 1:30 p. tn, Sunday a at 3.:0 p. m. (con necting cloaea here Mondaya for Belise, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, and Tuee- daya for Costa Rl.-a). Regiatared mall cloaea at 6.U0 p. m. previous oay. TraaaparlSa Malls. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe and lew Zealand, which aoes vis Sad Franclaoo). and Fill Island, via Vancouver, close h-re dally at 1:39 p. m. after February 22 and up to March -l. inclusive, 'or dispatch per a a. V lowers (supple mentary malls, via Seattle and Victo ria, cloee here at 6:30 n. m. March 2). Maila for Hawaii, via San Francisco, closs here dally at . 6:30 p. m. up to March S. inclusive, for dispatch per a. a Ala meda. Maila for China and Japan, via Seattle. cloae here dally st 6 JO p. m. up to March a. Inclusive, for deaDatch ner . a. a. Shinano Maru. i Registered ,mtU muat be directed 'Via Seattle"). Maila for China and J a Dan via Tacoma r'ose here daily at t:B0 p. m. up to March inclusive,, for aespatca per a. a. uienoa-ie. Malls for Hawaii. Jaoan. China and Phil ippine laianaa, via ban arancisce, cioss here oaiiy a, a p. m. up to jaarca . inclusive, for despatch per i ContJe Mails for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, 4:20 p. tn. up to March 12. Inclusive. ior nisnstcn ner a. a. Australia Mails for Australia (except West Australta, which Is forwarded via Europe), iew Zealand, Fiji, Samoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, cloae bare dally st 1:10 p. m. after March 1 and up to Marcs 16. inclusive, or on arrival of a. a. Etrurla, due at New York March 15, for deenatcn ner a. a. Ventura. Mails for Hawaii. China Janaa and Phil ippine laianaa. via ban franciaoo, cioae here dally at 6:30 n. m. u to March 16. Inclualve, for despatch per A s. America Maru.- Maila- for China and Japan, via Vaneou ver, close here aaiiy at a:av p. m. up to March 1S. Inclualve. for deepetch, per B. s. xsmpress of lnaia (reeristarea man must be directed 'la Vancouver V Mer, chanclae lor the U. S. Puatal Agency a Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) Transpacific malls are forwardet to port of sailing daily -and the echedule or clos ing is srranged . J the presumption of their t ninlerrupted overland transit. Registered mail closes at 6:00 p. i pre v lone day. CORNELIUS VAN OOTT. Poetmaater Poetofllce, New York, N. Y, Feb. ka. IkOt. LEGAL XOTICES. WA-ViaA I A A AM V A 1I14IV H I IVi'i STATE OF NEBRASKA. OFFICE OF AUDITOR . OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. LINCOLN. February L 1S02. It is hereby certified that the Royal Ex rtiange jtasurance ca. ot lnaon. in England, has compiled with the lnsur auoe law of thia aiate applicable to auch companies and la therefore authorised to aontinua the bualneaa of Fire an Lightning Inauranoe la this state for tne current year ending January iL. lpuk. Witness my band and tha seal of the Au dltor of Puhlio Accounts the day and year first above virlttt-n. tninij.9 wtatun, Auditor of Public Aocounta. By H. A. BABCOCK. Deputy. Alexander G. Charlton, agent, 1504 Dodge st. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE Synoppia of Annual Statement, December u. lavi. eta is or nianraaaa. jtseta: Stocks and bonds ....ILS:a.l71 Cash la banks. 64 9M la) inicreii awa ,, M.rJtt.aa Premiums and bills la course of . Collection Due from other companies oa ' lues paid 4.000 65 - Total eeseta .......... AU liabUlUttB ...... 41,6,T16I4 kU.Suf.S4 Surplua to policy koldera 721U7-6I RECEIVER'S NOTICE. In the DtPtrl. t Court in and fur Douglas County, Nebraaka. William O. Madden, plaintiff, vs. Ne braska Fire Insur ante Company, et aj, de fen dan ta. To all creditor of Nebraska Fire Insur ance Company: Yen and each at yoa are hereby noticed that in pursuance of aa order of the dis trict court of Douglas county, xoade Jan a- LF.GAL aOTKIOS. ry 17th. lfl a dividend of lire ill per cent on sll allowed claims aaainat the Nebravka lire Insurance Company has bean Sa ri red ; that na'd dividend la payable at my office. In the Brown block. In the city of hmtiii anit that narment thereof m it t be demanded at mt crTice. and unles u h emsna oe roaae py pru iin, i, rwa nd each of you will be forever barred from any right to participate la the funds ppropriatea ior esia oiviaeno. Hitch claims muat be ore-en ted at tha ' Office of the undersigned, receiver. In the Brown block. In the city cf omana. Lxmg lae county, Nebraaka, or transmitted to him at that addreaa by mall. Dated tbla 13th day at Fenruery, A. D. 13. A. U. WTMAN, Receiver of tne Nebraska Fire Inauranoe Company. . t U oAt CERTIFICATE or PUPIJCATION, STATE OF NEBRASKA, OFFICE Of LFFICE Of ACCOUNTS, AUDITOR OF PUBLIC . A lJN'IDIA'. Febroarr L 1H02. . It la hereby certified that the TOoeTttx In surance Co. of Hartford. In tha State of .. Connecticut, has compiled with the in- . surance law of thia atate applicable to such companies and Is therefore sutbor- laexl to continue tne business oi r ire .ana Lightning Insurance In thia elate for the current year ending January 2L l3t. Wltnesa my hand and the seal of the Ad-' , dltor of public Accounts the day ana, . year first above written. , ..... CHAKLEft WESTON, " Auditor of Publrc Aocounta. " ytv T a SiuniM'K. Denutr. Omaha Agents E. E. HowelL H79 B. 14th sv; Melkle locaon. tsin ana narney II OLUflD-AII ERICH LIIIE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne. A M. New Twin-Screw a a. of lAkuO tana register. Steamer AMSTERDAM. March Se A. Aa. TSte;me7W StateRttSni Xtr lUU Steamer MAASDAM Mar. 22, 10 A. M. Apply to Harry aaocrea mis - ranmn treat; J. 8 McNaliy, 1323 Farnam atreel; H S. Jones, lout Farnam street, Omaha. AILWAY TIMB CARD. BIOS STATIOXIOTH AID MARC V. Illaale CeatraL Lear a Arrfva Chicago Expreaa a !. aia a 6O0 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A r,-. a . . l 1 l . . l as w 4tA at ft flat sa aast JS t. X m. UI M-tt III l ItWJ 6S 4.ePV V BS.lXfi MlnneaKllB A feu Paul . Express b 7:20 am bl0:2 pm Chicago Expreaa. A10J4 pm Calraga A K rtk weaterai. "The Northwestern Line. Chicago Special. , .a 7:10 am aU :20 pm Chicago l aaeenger. ...... iui a.uu an Eaatarn Express ...alv.fck aaa a 4.u pm Eastern Special a 4 bi pm a 4:06 pm l-sst Mall al.t"0pm a 2:0,m Omaha-Chicago L'l d.a I:U m at. Warn Fast Mall .,. . a k am Cedar Raplda Paaa 6: pm Twin City Express a T.OS am al0: pm Twin City Limited....., 76 pn a 1:40 am SIOUX. City lcai a mm am m im jfak I alaa Paeit). Overland Limited. ....A :9 era. a 7:30 pm . ,tl:Mua aUftpra ...:a 4:io pm .-..all :30 pm ,- t a 46 pm a 7KK) am Faat Mall California Express. Pactflo Express Eeetern Expreaa. Atlantic Expreaa. Linooln-Stremsburg Ex.b 4i pm..12.o pm Grand isiana ioai-.B ihb a . a Cb.lesgr, Biiwaaaca ax at. rasa, . - Chicago Limited ...a 4:04 pra tK am Chicago at uroana n.a..a i.ia am a a.e pm , jalaavnri a aviae. . ( St Louis Express a!0:00 am a 1:21 pm . H C. A cl ixpreaB.juvw pot a a.ia am Ck-leages Hack lalaaa at raeias, V EAST. Da Molnee and Day- ennort Local ... A 7:23 am a 1:35 cm Chicago Express. ........ bll:l6 am a 6:06 pm. Dee aloinea iocai a s.tar pa ujiib , Chicaro Faat Expreaa. .a '; r lJa pan : ' Iee Idoinea, noca . aa- , land ana vnicego--.. pm a a:e pm WEST. Lincoln, CJlo. Springs, ?J Lfenver, arueeiw ana tveat a 1:30 Dm a 4:11 nm -Colorado, Oklahoma It Texas r iyer. ....... ....a ijv pm a :av u Wakata. St. Loula -Cannon Ball Kxpreas a a:u pm a f .mt am St. Louis, Local. Council ' KS1UHS .,......aai ata ajv.w pm BCRLIKGTO!! ITATOS- 10TH A MASOSJ assaaBPBpsaa Cklcaaa, Bnrllagtaa A Clalacy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:u0 ara al6:0 pm Chicago Veetibuled Ex.a 4:t0 pm a 7:41 Bra , Chicago Local a t:30 am a 4:u6 pm Chlcaao lamiteo. a pan a i:a am Fast Mail a f .40 pa - Barllnartea A Mlaeamrl River. . - Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 1:40 am bll5 am Nebraska Express. ...... a 1:40 ara a 7:36 pm Denver Limited .a t.Ja pm a t;uv pm Black HI. la and Paget Sound a :( pm a 6:a6 ass Lincoln Faat Mall b :00 not a 017 am iort Crook and platta- moutb D i:w pre tu: ara Beilsvue A Pacific Jet.. a 7:40 pm a 1:20 am Be I lev ue A Paclilc Jet.. a l;U0 am Kaaaas City, St. Joseph at Caaaeil Blaffa. . .. Kansas City Day Ex.. -a 1:20 ara- a t.-t pm Kanaas City mgni jx..aiu:w pm a am fit. Loula Flyer.. a 6:10 pm eil:i6 em WEBSTER DEPOT 1ITH as WEBSTER F re aaaat. Elkkara A Mtaaearl Valley. ...Leava. Arrive Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Bprlnrs a 1:00 pm al:0tpm Wyoming. CAaper and ' . vi Douglas .dl:O0pm S.-M pm . Haatinga, York. David . . t. ,, V. II J , Buprnin, uviivva, Exeter and Seward. ...b SM pm b 1:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln aad - Fremont c , ara ona am Fremont Local ..ol.SOara- Mlaaawrl raelte. ." ' Nebraaka Local, Via ' Weeping water a:ai pm tusaa Cklaaga. St- Pa.nL Mtaweapelle A Osaka. Twin City Paaaenger .a 1:30 am a 1:11 pm Sioux City passenger, .a x:ea pm auiixuam. Lmsrsoa L-ocai b 6 1 pm b k.4i am a Uallv. b Dally except Sunday. " e Ban- day only. 4 Dally except Sfarday. e Daily except Monoay. TAFT SAYS FRICTION EXISTS. It e Iaevltalkle, Ha Caaeladaa, WAerf . Deal Military aaa Clvta Gav eraaaewta .Are. . WASHINGTON. March I. Gorer nor Taft waa examined by members - of the In sular committee pt the house today oa v rious phases of the Philippine islands. Is answer ta Representative HlU's Inquiry ga te wh ether there was jealousy betwesa tht United States mllltaryand elrll authorities, Jadge Taft aald it was the Bams hi the Philippines aa la the Untied aViatas and with a dual form of goversaient---mUltary aad civil It waa lnsvl table that soms fric tion should be created at eotaa times. Gov ernor Taft stated, however, that each aide waa sincerely striving te work out the problems presented. Tne ' governor esti mated that the United Siatea military force could be reduced ta it. 000 tnea from thia time on aaa he thought 23,009 men would suffice now. Governor Taft ' again expressed himself! favorable to 76 per cent reduction la duties aad aalg that while the proposed 2i per. cent redueUoa might ta aotnathlnav ft hardly would afford Die relief desired. Ha. said it waa a mistake te believe Cbat there would he asy dumping of large atnotuxtg of Philippine tobacco aad other goods s the Americaa markets, aa the prod acta. . were too small to affect this xoarkst. al though ultimately tha tar 18 coacoasioaa would develop a great trade between th United States and the Philippines. The gov. , amor presented letters from large em ployers of tabor ta the Islands urgtag; tha need et Chinese akilled labor. H gave 250,000 Chinese aa the outs Ida figure for the entire group of la lands and said the aaserUoa that th Chines populaUoa had reached 1.600,000 was aa exaxferatioa. Ths hearing continues tomorrow. Bloating after eating, latlgeatloa. flaLu- . lean or water brash may bo quickly cor reeled throng lb us of Prickly Ash Biti tare. It at reus' v-na dlgsstlost. cfceaaae and rwgulatee the eewelA I