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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1902)
8 TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY", MATiCII 4, 1002. COTERCIAl AND FIMCUL ' , , , ' Beaiiali Htm and Indifferent Trading j Deprenet Frioea. !ALt GRAINS CLOSE WITH A SLIGHT LOSS Wfcaat Kales Weak aad Dnll All T m OpM Strea, had Tasshlea -Cats Itrrtaa ul Brr MV Pravtaleas Dalta. f ' , CHICAGO, March 1 Generally bearish news and Indifferent trading In (train to day depressed prices. May wheat closed with a net loss of He. May corn H8Ho and May oata e74c. Provisions clewed a bade to 16o lower. Wheat ruled weaker and somewhat dull all dar Moat of the news was bearish such a oabies, weather and the gov ernment crop oondftlon report. There waa little demand for wheat from the outside and outside markets, Including the sea board, ware lower. Traders were disposed to neglect all the markets and wheat pries Inclined to sag, though frequent crop damage news came Into steady 'prloeav. Much damage was reported from Renews, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri and Tenne ee. The news, from the last named state, waa perhaps the worst, but the trade was Inclined to treat It with Indif ference. However, speculators were pre easting no bad break In prices as long as there was aa uncertainty as to crop con ditions. The early strength In corn had soma strengthening effect. Bad wire serv ice) waa accountable for absence of busl puis and the outside stayed out of the market. May opened H"3Hn to H"Hc (-lower at 7Sam;Vic. sold to l6Ytmec, and when eom went off weakened and cloned heavy and weak and Ho lower at 763776HO. Local receipts), 26 cars, I of contract Jrade; Minneapolis and Duluth reported M eats, making a total for the three points of Sua cars, against 947 cars (three days) last week, and 794 a year euro. Pri mary receipts were 6W.O00 bushels, com pared with l,u26,000 bushels last year. Sea board clearances In wheat and flour equaled 288.000 bushels. The vtnlble supply decreased 292,000 bushels. Breadstuffs on passage Increased 1,806,009 buahela. World's shipments were 7,142,000 bushels, against 7,2M,0m) buahela last year. Corn was fairly strong during the greater part of the day, but late turned easy on the wheat weakness and on per 'ale tent selling by the local crowd. Ab sence of outside bualness restricted trad ing. Small receipts Influenced a fair early demand, as did also light offerings. There was more interest manifested In corn than In wheat and May opened o lower to Ho higher at (SlVo'SlHc, and steadily sold, up to 61a The market was well supported on all the little declines. Hut when selling continued steadily May slipped off to fflc and closed easy and Wt ic lower at 61H6lHc The receipts were lul cars. t Oats were nervous and erratic early, though there were no such fluctuations In May a on Saturday. Trade waa light and inclined to lower levels. Sentiment was bearish after the opening; and prices sagged gradually with the other grains. May closed weak and Wko lower at 44Ho. Receipts were 89 cars. Provisions were strong earlv on hatter prices at the yards, but later selling and the grain weakness brought declines. May ura ciihwo mo oown at, May lard Ho down St 39.85 and Mar riha a aharia lower ai ?.. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, SO cars; corn, 150 cars; oats, 1U6 cars; bogs. 88.000 bead. ' The leading futures ranged aa follows! ,Articles. Open. High. Low. Cloe. Saty, Wheat May July Sept July Sept. Oats i May July Sept. I Fork May . Julr Lard May July July Sept. ! 7GHffH 76HH 7 77SH 76j- 77 7H 76g'H 76H 76H 76H fW 6lfilH 61 l 61HH 6oVsU . 61H60H4?0S4i- rnotn t WH Si 44tf45H 45U 44 ' 44H &f H H ' 35 85H M 30H 8UH 30H 15 47H 15 GO 15 TVt 15 30 15 SO 16 65 15 47H 15 50 40 B 42H 8 85 a 35 I62H 9 62H 8 46 9 45 s 40 a 42H a 85 i as 8 GO 8 G2H 8 47H 8 47H 8 62H 8 65 60 8 60 61 69H 4H-46 16 45 16 60 i' !?7H 00 8 85-7H 8 47H 8 60 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull; winter patents, 3.8O4.O0: straights, 33.30t.70; clears, tS.mii.iCK j,2-Xt&N.0' N- white. 45Ho; No. 8 white, 44H46o. BARLEf-Falr to c t2U.n choice malting, 694 SEEDB-No. .1 flax, 81.61: No. 1 north western, L681.69; prime timothy, $6,300 a 3d. pRnvralnKBw... . v, .,. ... C15.U0. Lard per 100 lbs $9.f7H9 20. Short .o iuea (iwh;, o. ajti. jo. i try salted shoulders (boxed). I7.12H7.26. Short clear sides (boxed), 8K'i8.65. WHISKY Baaia of high wines, 81.S1. The following were the receipts and ship ments for the day: .articles. i Receipts. 8hlDmenta. Ilour- tlhlM A tx l.lmm Wheat, bu 43,000 Corn, bu 4,0u0 Oata, bu...w..i:. 143.000 Rye. bu..,..., 6,000 Barlev. bu . iiinn 60,000 2100 8,0il0 1.0.0 8,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa ateaiiv: rrMmariM imai. dairies, 18'23c. Cheese, firm, lOuc HBW YORK GEHBRAIi MARKET. Qaotatleas of the Day ea Varioai CoMBaodttlea. . N?W SPSS' 8. FLOTJR Re- eelpla, ,646 bbla; exports. 8,681 bbls.; mar ket fairly acUve and steady; winter pfft- winter straignts, 3.703.90: Minnesota patents. 3.80ffl4.O0; Minnesota t V ju, winter low grades. 12.81X 190. .Rye flour, dull; fair to good. lj.2& 8.40: rhoico to fanrv lit uyfti If. RYE-l4teady: No. 8 western. o. b.. afloat; state. 60alo. c i. f., Naw Tork! BA R LET Quiet. W HBAT Kecelnta 11 Vft t . .6T5 bu,; spot, market easier: 'No. f red' 8Hc f. o. V. afl.jat. and mc, elevator"; No. 1 northern, 'Duluth. 4Hc? f. o b afloat; No. I hard, Manitoba, 71c. f. o! t V. i" Tery oui oy in wheat, Light offerings, the steadineaa of corn and small world s shipments sustained the price, to face of small export demand. There was little advance or feature, and In the last hour prices yielded to realising en closed weak, at decline. March , . .7 .'. ""r. varuvit , Closed, slftc ber. 80VIWI 8-ltic. closed ttH-c tXRKf-RscetpU .22.000 bu.: exports. 79. 083 bu. : spot, weak; No. 8. 9c, elevator, and Mc, afloat. Corn held very steady around tjaturday'S late cloee, being sup ported by small country offerings and ma nipulation at Chlraso. until ih. ? 1? t dropped off with wheat and was olos S: Ju'y. &&4 l-lse. clod! .UAJrfc'Pia' 7,tw) bu.; apot. steady 8 white, UHs; track, mixed western. 60 c; track, whits, olio67c Options, Irregu lar and vulot. A-lteady; shipping. 6e5c; good to HOPS t'lrm: state, common in hi.. ISoi crop, 144 IMe; lx) crop, loil3c; olda Si ' fi Pacfrt.c.coJ1- 1901 crP- 1900 crop. PROVlSlONS-Iteef, quiet: family, lit 09 JlJ Ou; meaa. IS 60 10 00; beef ham. w 1100: racket. IIO.btM, U.69: cltv .nr. in.iiL meaa, 11 J my l.tu. Cut meats, quiet; pickled Bourn, otii.', picsieo sneuidera, 70 imiiin, sriK. ira, easy; western irvmini, u. t. ivunra, sasy ; contluvnt w; ouuin American, tiu.w; compound 17 " ttS uO. Pork, ateadv: famllv m sliort clpar. 17.0oi 20.00; meaa, 16.6Kiil 60.' Duiic.nimf)u, 1.4. a pugs ; steady lain av.ij, "-rriiv, ciwrnrry, "I.xV 1 June ' creamery 16fiiUHc; factory, ltiy.'ic ClieKSB-KecelpU, 871 pkga ; firm: fancy fancy email, ful cream, early made, colored. 1 'i 1 . J. ' Uf.W U... ' ,..11 . ' , , r . ... . , vaiu. i.i i rnaae colored.' lc; fancy small, full cream, sarlv made. 124c. . KOOA-Receipta. 1 606 pkgs.; firm; state ana rennsyiviuiia, wc; western, at mark MOLAfWES Firm; New Orleans, atilc. -. n Aiivtj, unseitieo; dreaaed sieaaior; .nnera, juuc; fowls. IvHsiUc 1 l?Ituito Ik. .11 . . . w I . , Raeuos Ayres, light to heavyweights, SiH H 1 DBS Quiet : Oslveston. 10 to K I ha lie; California, n to 26 .be,, lVc; Texas i-y. n to ms ioa.. y,o. WOOL Steady but firm; domestic fleece, TALLOW-Firm; city, tCHo; country KlctC Steady; domestic, fair to extra, H?rlie; Japan. tAktiiwe. . 11 b, fALb Copper was weak; owing to selling pressure and to lower foreign mar kets, prices here were lowered snout Vxt on the bid prices. lk stood at llMjlJ-60; leriroiytic, at i2-("lrii.,H. and resting at At London, apot and futures closed at .&3 6s. a decline of 4.1 16a. Tin was Arm for spot and the bid price was ralaed 2ic to 2o.b0; futures, however, were weak; London cloned 1 lower at C11J le for spot and Clu 12s 6d for futures. Lesd wss unchanged here at 84.91, but firm; London was also unchanged at 11 10a 91. Spelter was dull snd unchanged here, and t London waa as Sd higher, iron waa ulet. but steady to firm: the Knsllsh market was considerably lower; Olaagow loeed st ks So, and Mlddlesborough closed t 4K 9d. lie Iron warrants riosed at ll.Stii'12.&0; No. 1 foundry, northern. 117.10 j1H.5o: No. 8 foundry, northern. I17.("W 18.00; No. 1 foundry, southern. l!.B"'a,17.6o; No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, flti.iiotyi7.60. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltlom ef Tra4e aa ()aetatleas si Staple an Paaey Prexlaec. EOQ9 Recetpta heavrj market firm: fresh stork, 21c. lalVi l-UUlalttl-tlllCIIHH, 88C; Old rooaters, 14c; turkeys, 9'0'luc; aucas and geeae, 7i&"o. uti.titiue.u jmulihi-Turkeys. Il4il3c: ucks. 104.11c; geese. lOifUc: chickens. & 9Hc. W UTTER Common to fair, 19c: choice dairy, la tubs, lsoZlc; separator, 271328c. riMii iiiacs pass, isc; white bass, 10c; bluennh, lzc; bullheads, loc; buf. ,ui n , ,v w. ... , . . v. , v. ua , , I .il loHc; haliout, 11c; herring, 4c; haddoc. c; pike, so; red snapper, loc; salmon. Ijc; fun nah, 6c; trout, 9c; whlteiiah, 8c, pickerel, ac; fresh mackerel, each, toxuuoc; smelts, loc. O101H.KB Mediums, per can, ac; otana arda. Der can. 26c: extra selects, oer can. 13c; New York Count, per can, 4uc; bulk btandards, per gal., 1.2o; bulk, extra se lects, ll.tifS'Lte; New Vork Counts, per gal., 1.76. iive, per aos., sue VF.AL Choice, 68c CORN lo. OA'IS 6oe BRAN l'er ton. 119. HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland. 18.60; No. 8 upland, 17.60; medium, 17; coarse. 8S.MI. Kye straw, to. inese prices are tor hay of good oolor ana quality. lemand fair. Receipts, 8 cars. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Northern. 81: Salt Lake. 81.10; Colorado, 11.10. uakkuii jrer ou.. vac BEETS Per bu. basket. 10c TURNIPS Per bu.. eoc: Rutabagas, per 100 lbs., 11.26. PARSJxiPS per bu.. wc. CUCUMBERS Hothouae, per dog., 82. QKEEN ONIONS Per do 26c LETTUCE Head, per drum. (4; hothouse. per dot., Snc 1 AnaLr. i x rr uos., tiHZ. RADISHES Per dos., 86c. SWEET POTATOES Home srowh. Der lb., 8c: Kansas, per bbi., 82.26. UABBAUtr Monana seed, cratea, zc. CAULIFLOWER Per crate. 82.50. ONIONS Spanish, per orate. U.: Mich- lgan, red or yellow, SVxO Pr lb. tuLitntix (..miiornia, ewuiuc. TOMATOES i lorlda, per 6-basket crate. 81.60. FRUITS. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl.. 84.50: Wlneaaps, ta; Jonathans, 86.60; Belleilow srs, per box, IL76. v&amb v liters. u.zo: Lawrence. iz.zmi 60. U RAPES Malagas, per keg, 87-50. CRANBERRIES Per bol.. 17.60: per crate, 82.76. jmavj ib aims-per ou., z.u. FIGS California, new carton. 81: Im ported, per lb., lifillc. TROPICAL FRUITS. . ORANGES California navels. 83.0Oaa.2S: budded, 2.6t. X.H.MUISB sancy, aa; cnoice, hi. BANANAS Per bunch, according to alas. 2.2oW2.7a. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New crop wainuta. No. 1 soft hell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb.. 11 He; no. a sen sneii, 100; no. a nara shell, c; Brsxlls. per lb.. 14c: filberts, oer lb., lie: almonds, soft shell. 17c; hara shell, lac; pecans, large, per id., uo; small, luc; co- coanuta, per sack, 83.60. HON ex per 24-secuon case, as. CIDER Nehawka. per bbl.. M.2S: . New Tork, 8360. POPCORN Per lb.. 6c HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. t green, 5c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 8 salted, o; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12H lbs., 8c; No. 8 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 818c; sheep pelts, at. LOnls Gralm and Provlsloaa. ST. LOUIS. March 8. WHEAT Weak: No. 8 red, cash, elevator, 83Hc; track, 81'rf $6c; May. E2';4c; July, lb(lbc; No. 2 hard. IIU'II. CORN Weak: No. 9 cash. 60Hc: track. tic; May, 61 Ho; July, OHo. uai u ijowor; iso. casn, 44c; tracg, 44j44Ho; May, 14c; July, 46Hc; No. t white, 46c. RTE Firm at 61HO. FLOUR Dull: red winter patents. 83.80 4.00; extra fancy and straight, 3.40(S3.60; Clear 13.103.66. BtJiU-'i imotny, inactive, 5.6oe.oo. CORNMEAL Steady, BRAN Ouiet: sacked lots, east track. tBCgtiOC HA x Dull and weak: Timothy. 811.00 14.00; prairie, slow, 88.0O10.0O. v hibk i LOwer. i.3o. IRON COTTON TIES-Qulet, 81.00. BAGGING Steady at 6H416HC. 1IKMP TWINE Quiet at 9c. 814.90: new. 116.9a Lard, lower at ' I9.0&1 Dry salt meats, quiet; boxed lots, extra snorts and clear rios,; ciesr sides. is. vn. Bacon, quiet; boxed lots, extra shorts and clear ribs, 33.2539.37H; clear Ides, 89.60. METALS Lead, steady at 84.06. Boelter. lower at 14.10. POULTRY Firm ; chickens. 9c: turkeys. llH&12Hc; ducks, 10c; geese, 6 6c. BUTTER Easy; creamery, M428c; dairy. jiigaic. EGSS Lower at 83c. RECEIPTS Flour. ,10.000 bbls.: wheat. 88.000 bu.; corn, ,000 bu.; oats, 72,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, 6,000 bbls. Wheat, 88,000 bu.; corn, 66,000 bu.; oats, 33,000 bu. Kaaaaa City Grain aad rrevlaloas. TVWic; July 72T4c; cash, No. 2 hard, 73Hc; no. I, ijpao; no. i rea, sue; ino. b, ykc. CORN May. 7Hc: September. 68Uc: cash. No. 9 mixed, 60Hc; No. 2 white, 64H&6cl INO. S, MC. OATS No. 8 white. 45c. RYE No. 8. 61c. HAY Choice timothy. 811.00: choice oral. rle, liS.OO. - BUTTER Creamery. 21 026c : dairy, fancv. 90c. EGOS Lower on larre recelDta: tre.h Mlasourl and Kansas stock quoted on change, itc, cases returned; new. white wood cases Included, 20c. RECEIPTS Wheat. 38.400 bu.: corn. 77.. 800 bu.; oats, 27,000 bu. SHIPMENTS wheat. 7.aM DU corn. 46.. oi ou.; oata, ii.uuu ou. Liverpool Grata aad Provlsloaa. LIVERPOOL! March 1 PROVISIONS Bacon, snort noa. steady, 43s; lard, prime weaiem, aieaoy, a. a. CHEESE American, finest white. Arm sua u, crivrican, nneai coiorea, nrm, bis. rt.A-canaaian. a aa. The imuurta of wheat Into Liverpool last week were 62.6oO quarters from Atlantic porta; none irom t acinc and 35,000 quar ters from other porta. The Imports of corn from Atlantic ports imi neck wen xn,iw quariera Mlaaeapells Wheat, Kloar aad Rraa. i...w,.. v...,, ...a. .... . V 1 1 r.J I May. 730 ; July. 74Vn74Nc. On track No 1 hard, 74Tjc; N. 1 northern, 73Hc; No. 2 nonntrn, nttiii'c, KLOUR First patents, tt.S&frJ.M; second patents, I3.76U3.K6; first clears, i.7tyj SO; aeconu cirara, t.iu. BRAN In bulk, 14.0C14. Toledo Grata tad Seed. TOLEDO. March a - WHEAT Diilt lower: caah. 83V; May, t3H; March, Wo, corn Dull, lower; cash. 63c: Ma v. 6'c July. tilHc. OATH May. 44Hc; July, JSHc. CIjOVERSEED Active. hrm: caah. aa.tuvfc; April, o oi-j. Philadelphia Prodaeo Market PHILADELPHIA. March 8 BUTTER nrm; extra weatern creamery, 2Sc; extra Pennaylvanla. )c. fcOGS Firm and Wc higher: fresh near. by. 2iHc; freah weatern, 2tHc; fresh south western, ZOfeC. CHEESE Firm; fair to choice, 12c. Elgla Batter Market. EIOIN. 111., March 8.-The offerings of Saf gregated 7,6ou pounda, of which 3.4oo at i.e. A rent more waa offered for lot. but waa declined. The market declared frm at 27c. The sales of l Mr wr KM In a. tuinna. sold one waa the . Mllwaakeo Grata Msrket. VI I T U'lTWV U..k n.i,r.i. -... nnr,Ai - Easier; close: No. 1 northern. 75nj:& NO. nurinrrn, i.ji ;' , jaay, IDC. BARLEY Steady; No. 8, c; sample, CORN May, 61 He visible Sapply ( Grata. ' NEW TORK. March t-The visible s nlv nl ml. HMa..niuw U. a. . - piled by the Nj lurk produo exchange, la as follows: Wheat. 54,03, (KM bu.; da. crease, loi.nno lin. Com, bu.; de crease, 4M.0OO bu. Oats, 46,lrt,fta) bu.; de crease, 130,000 bu. Rye. 1.211, ooo bu.; de crease. lfK,om bu. Barley, 8.038,000 bu.; decrease, 78.000 bu. Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH, Minn., March a WHEAT Cash: No. 1 hard, 7SHC; No. 8 northern, 7oo; No. 1 northern, 73Hc; May, 74c; July, 77c. OAT8--4c. CORN eoHc- Peoria Market. PEORIA, March l-COR-Lower; No. 8. 6H. OATS Lower, Inactive; No. 8 white, 44Hc, track. WHISKT-On the basis of $1.80 for fin ished goods. NEW TORK STOCKS AffD B05DS. Prleea Slightly Recover, hat Profea aloaala Donlaatt the Tradlag. NEW TORK. Msrch 3 There wss some recovery In prices In today's market, but no oeaungs were on a very email scaie nd still restricted ODeratlons bv profes sionals of the smaller cla. The profes sional character of the operations was also revealed by the reaction at the close, when ne traders came to take their profits. 1 ne lay'a rains were not all wiped out.- but they were considerably impaired by this movements. The traders who bought stocks professed a feeling of encourage ment over the fact that the cold winter did not extend to the winter wheat belt. now denuded of Its snow covering. The significance attached to this shows that crop prospects are now to play a part in the stock market. There was also a vague confidence expressed in the future of the money market, which seems to be en couraged by the unruffled equanimity In mat market in race of the torcea or oe pletlon of the cash reserve In the banks now at work. The dealers In storks of fered as explanation of -their confidence the conviction that some of the heavy loans which have been taken out by syndi cate since the first of the year are about to be liquidated and will thua relieve the situation. The situation 1 dark as to the Identity of the syndicate borrowers snd as to the purchase to which the loans were applied. Another cause of the buy ing of stocks was the showing made by the railroads reporting their net earnings for January, following those already re- forted on Saturday. Of those reporting oday the moat Important was the Union Pacific which showed an Increase of I7i0. 611 In gross earnings for the month and of 8639,703 In net earnings. Union Paciflo stork itself made but a slight response to tnis showing, but it was an Influence in the firmness of the general market. Little at tention was paid to the reports of damage and interruption to traffic by floods, un less It might be In the neglect of the stocks of the railroads In the sections most Ef fected. The reports of . disputes over freight rates and passenger rates In the west and southwest were equally without Influence. So was the admission by vari out International banking houses that they would probably make large shipments of gold thin week. In spite of these factors, the professional traders, after a decline in prices for several days, made their tip ward turn In the market. The uncertain ties In the outlook, however, were mani fest In the small volume of the dealings. The Chicago ft Northwestern stocks made notable advances, the common rising 6 and the preferred 64 points on a light demand, said to -be for Investment. Rock Island so rose 3U ooints on light transactions. There was an early movement in the cot ton oil stocks on talk of the proposed ab sorption of other companies In allied trades. Tennessee coal was a feature on a renewal of. the gossip of buying for con trol by the United States Steel corpora tion, and It rose at one time 2Hpolnts, but lost about a point. General Blectrlo rose 1H points. A number of storks, both In the active and dormant list, were pushed up a point, while in some cases there wss sharp reactions, notably In the Mlnneanolls. St. Paul A Sault Ste Marie stocks, the common losing 1H an the pre ferred 24 points. The market closed easy at considerable, recessions. The bond merket waa auiL out nrm. Total sales, par value, 82.S6.00n. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. Commercial Advertisers London nnan- rlnl ca.hlesram: The stock market was firm and heavy, the continent showing an inclination to take the Illness of Cecil Rhodes gravely, although there waa no news beyond the mere fact of his Illness. The weakness In South Africans Influenced all kinds of stocks. Rio tlntos fell to 45, The fortnightly copper statistics show Increases In stocks of 2,133 tons and In supplies of 1,318 tons. American shares were stagnant until New York Anally bought a small amount of Baltimore A Ohio and or tjanaaian r-acinir. ine inn -l.i mniM the Rank of England 1.000.- 000, being two-thirds the amount due to day. " . The following are tne closing pnwi on the New York Stock exchange: t Atchtaon y.. .... 75H So. Paciflo .... 96H So. Railway .... O..104H' do pfd tMV Texas A Paclfta . 64H . 82H . 96H . 40H . 22H . 40H . 99H . 87V . 23H . 43H a 19H a 31 H a 20H . i .196 .230 .115 .193 . 69 . 29 a 88 a 22 a 60 a 4W4 a 98H a S3 . 64H . 88 .219 .117H .26H a 46 a 18H MJ " .... . Baltimore A . do pfd Canadian Pac. Canadian So. , Ches. A Ohio , Chi. A Alton , ,.113 Tol. St. L. A W. ,. 88 do pfd ,. 46 Union Pac ,. 3r do pfd ,. 75H Wabash ,. 63V do pfd ,. 78 W. A L. E. ... ..149H do 2d pfd .... ,. 24HW'B. Central ... ,. 89 do pfd .. 46'Adama do pfd Chi. Ind. St L. do pfd Chi. A E. 111., Chi. A G. W., do lat pra ., d 2d pfd A N. W ..222 American .. C R. I A P... A Tr. ,ltH United States .. , J7 Wells Fargo ... , 32 Amal. Copper .. ,100"4 Amer. C. A F... . 22 do pfd , t Amer. Lin. Oil.. , 37 do pfd .KlIiAmer. 8. A R... ,286 I do pfd , 43 Ana. Mln. Co. . , 91H Brooklyn R. T.. . 37H Colo. F- A I . 68 .Con. Gas . 6H Con- Tou- Pfd .. .14 Oen. Electrio .. . 6H G'ucoae Sugar . Chi. Ter. do pfd C, C. C. A St. L Colo. Southern . do lat pfd .... do 2d pfd Del. A Hudaon . D. L. A W. ... D. A R. Q do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d pfd Gt. Nor. pfd ... Hocking Valley. do pis 111. Centra 140 Inter. Paper a 19H 'a 76H Iowa Central . 48 on pia . re Inter. Power . (; Laclede Gas .'131 Nat. Biscuit do pfd a a 86 L. E. A W. do ptd 47H Louis. A Nash. .104 l"at. Lead .. .ISlV'Nat. Salt ... . ... , An a.. a II Man. L Met. St. Ry. . a Z a M . 93 . 73 .iooa . 27 v North American . uv Pacific Coast ... .100 Pacific Mail ... . 9V Feople's Gas ... Mex. Central . Mex. National M. A St. L. .. Mo. Pacific ... .100 M. K. T. .. 3H 218 do Pfd 64H do pfd .191 Pull. Pal. Car . ,.1S2H Republic Steel... . 63H do ptd ,. no Sugar .. 83H Tenn. C. A I. . ,.160-aj U. B. A p. Co. N. J. Central. N. Y. Central. a 16H . 21 LihH . 69H . lbs a 9 . 41 a 81 a 1H . tH a 43f, a 9i Nor. A Weal. d Ptd Ont. A Weat. Pennsylvania . Resding ,. do pfd ,. 81 U. S. Leather.: ..68 I do pfd do 1st pid ... d 2d pfd .... St. L. A 8. F.. . 69H U. & Rubber ... do 1st ptd . m ao ira . 7H V. 8. Steel . ttVa do pfd . fciWeat. Union ... .183 American Loco. .188 do pfd do ta pra Hi. l. & a. W. do pra ... . s a 31H St. Paul . do ptd ... offered. .New Yarat Moaey Market. NEW YORK. March 8. MONEY On call steady at -tjiaH per cent; closing bid and asked, 2'iJ2H per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4a'H per cent. . . . . . . , . . . , , V, 1 , 1 f. T7. . I . L Bldltlnu r.A iirtnui. r inn, Willi actual bualneas In bankera' billa at 84.87 ti4 87H for demand aud at I4.86H tor alxty uaya; poateo rates, 4.uvk, commercial bllla, 4 Man.Bir.. H1LV 11.11 iiar, 60'c, huicu aoiiara, 43c. BONDS Government, steady; state, ln ...iIvm! railroad, hrm. The cloruig quumnuui uit uvuua are as follows: U. 8. ret. 2a, reg 108H L. A N. Unl 4a 102 dO COUlMlil do la. j-eg lv, ,10 .loyH loH lfs. Mex. Central is. do Is luc M. A St. L. 4a., M.. K. A T. 4s., do 2s 31 lot . do coupon ao new 4a, reg.. do coupon do old 4a, reg. do coupon do 6s. reg Ail ctiUDOQ 99 H H likl 111H N. Y. C. lsts.. 1U4! do gen3Hs l1 as .li:.V. J. C. gen. 6s. .loo,. ..No. Pacitlc 4a.. lo4-. do 3s . m N. A W. eon.. 4s, ,103 Beading gen. 4s ,94 l S L A I M c 6a .liH'Ht L A 8 F 4s. H 18t. L. 8. W. is. ,111 do 2s . 794'8 A A A P 4s.. ' .10? So. Pacific 4a.. . 8o. Railway 6s . hH Tex. A Pac Is. .ltf'aiT. St L A W 4s lo6 i4ifc 103-, lit.', . in!-. Atch. gen. 4s.... do aai. Bal. A Ohio 4s.. do 3Hs An rt V M . . . . , Canada So. 2a... Cent, of Oa. 5s., do Is Inc Ches. A O. 4H Chi. A A. SHs.. C. B. A Q n. 4s C M A 8 P g. 4s CAN. W. c. 7s R I A P 4s.. 9H , 7S VMM I jo . 8nH .l'JDV Uc Lnlon Paciflo 4a 111 do conv l'H CVO A 8 L g. 4s Wahaah Is...'.;.' do Is do dah n ' ,ii .112 Chicago Ter. 4s, Co o. So. 4s Den. A R. a. 41. Erie prior 1. 4a., do general 4s.. w w a. ii n la... 87H 94K. lV-'H Ho-. K7S West Shore "4s" W. A U E. 4s.. Wis. Central Am 'H USHi . KIT, -113-t. .luk Icon. Tob. 4....! Hock. V. 4Hs. bid. offered. Baalc Cleariaga. NEW YORK March L-Clearlnga, 8144, tjaBs I9A , IXg latUCrg, ftf.fid.iWl. CHICAGO, March .-Clearings, tCS.r, 870; helances, 2,7S2.?; posted exchange, 84: slaty days. 84H on demand; New lork exchange, 6c discount. OMAHA. Uarrh W.rtk rlMrlnn todaV. I1.8I9.om6.h9; corresponding day last year.,.m a; inrrease, BALTIMORE. March A Clearings, 8S.- 006.371; balances, 8460,128; money. 4H per ceni. BOSTON. March S.-Clesrlnis. 819.826,- 949; balsnres, 11,434,546. PJiil.ADKUl'HIA, Marrn I. .iearinss, IH.oho.oM; balances. 82J01.66; money, I per cent. CINCINNATI. March 8.-Cleerlngs, 14, 609.150; money, SHiuH per cent; New Tork exchange, 3e dlarount. ST. LOUIS, March a Clearinga, 89.975. 400; baiancea, ll.414.P15; money, ateady. 4H ti per cent; New York exenange, wc pre mium. Dostasi Stoekt Uaotatleaa. nraaTYM Vf r-.ll Inana. SB I per clos- cent; time loans, 4g per cent. Official ing: Atchison 4a ... Uas Is Mex. Cent. 4s. .108 .Allouei , . 86 Amalgamated , . 81H Baltic , . 69 Bingham . 7H Cal. A Hecla. . yn centennial .2Vi Copper Hangs .191 I Dom. Coal ,11H Franklin , .. 3H .. 60H .. 4K .. H ,.6A .. i7H .. 4th .. 99 .. 14 .. 2"H a. 2 .. 22H a. 70 a. 32 ..137 .. 8 ..2? ..106 .. 18H "J," .. H ... 1 .. 63 N. E. O. A C. Atchison do pfd Boston A A... Boaton A Me.. Boston Elevated N Y, N H A H. Fltchburg pfd . Union Pacific .. si 4 isle itoyaie ..a, 148H Mohawk , 99HOId Dominion ., 128 Osceola , 118H Parrot t Amer. Sugar .... oo pra Amer. T. A T.. Dom. I. A 8.... 166 Onlncv S1H Santa Fe Cop. Gen. Electric ... Tamarack Maes. Electrio... 8rt Trimountaln .. do pfd lH Trinity N. E. G. A C... United Fruit ... united mates Utah Victoria Winona 88 H U. S. Steel do pfd to 23 Adventure Wolverine Trust receipts. ,, Laadoa Stock Qaetatleaa LONDON, March a-Closing: Consols, money. N. T. Central.. ..166H ex-lnt 94 1-16 Norfolk A W. 69 Consols, account, do pfd 92 84H W 28H 41 H 34H 83H ex-lnt. 34ii Ontario A W.. Anaconda 6H Pennsylvania Atchison ......... 77H Reading do pfd 99H do lat pfd..., Baltimore A O...l0tiW do 3d pfd vananian r-acinciio1 Chesapeake A O.. 47 Southern Ry do pfd cnicago, u. w.... 2A C M. A St. P. ..166 Denver A R. O.. 44H do pfd 94v. Southern Pacific. 66 union pacinc ioi' do pfd 89 U. S. Steel 44 H do pfd 97H Wabash 24H do pfd. 44 H Spanish 4s 76H Rand Mines 11 H DeBeers 44 Erie 3kH oo lat ptd b'.W do 2d nfd S7lt Illinois Central.. .142H Louisville A N...KKU. M., K A T 2Mn do pfd 66H BAR SILVER Uncertain: . 25 7-164 per ounce. ' MONEY 2U!&2M ner cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2i6 2H per cent and for three months' bills 211-16412 per cent. Sew Yark Mining; Uaotatleas. NEW TORK. March A The following ara the closing prices on mining stock! : Adams Con 60 Little Chief ... Ontario .. 11 ..775 ..100 a. 6 a. 10 a. T .. 10 a. 40 ..326 Alice 45 Breece 60 Brunswick Con... 7 Ophlr Phoenix , Potosl Savage Comstock Tun.... SH von. uai. t va.iw Deadwood Terra. 66 Horn Silver 160 Iron Silver 65' Leadvllle Con ... 6 Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ., Standard ....... GOLD SHIPPED FROM EUROPE Qwaatltlea ef the Yellow Metal Are Coaalgaed to New York for Caba. NEW TORK. March 1 The National City bank con Arms the report that a con signment of gold, amount not stated. Is on the way to this country from Paris, by teamer L Aqultalne. The shipment. It IS tated. Is a special transaction only In so far aa It probably will be transhipped to Cuba. , Muller, Schall A Co. announce the re ceipt of 1,000,000 franos of gold from Eu rope, per steamer Labretagne, which ar rived yesterday. '"The consignment Is spoken of as a special transaction, and it Is Intimated that the gold will go to Cuba. It is Dredlcted that from 83.000.000 to 85.000.- 000 gold will leave this port for Europe the latter part oi tnis ween. Dome oi tne leading exchange houses are reported to be figuring on shipments, but as no fast teamer goes out before Saturday, an nouncements of engagements may not be made for several days. The demand for foreign exenange today was unusually heavy, with, the prevailing rate, 4.87(o4.87. , Foreign Financial. LONDON. March 8. The money' con ditions were practically unchanged today in spite of government disbursements and a large distributing of dividends. But the pressure was lessened and the demand was active. Discounts were easier. Oper ators on the Stock exchange were almost Idle and the business transacted were almost featurelees; consols. were firm, some home rails slightly reacted. St. Pauls snd Fries were the best spots, Americans lm moved somewhat later and closed steady. Rio tlntos were dull, copper was weak, the stocks at Liverpool and Swansea were Increased by thirty-six tons. Copper closed dull at 63. Spanish 4a were weak on the Madrid rumors of the approaching emis sion of a new Interior loan of 125,000,000 pesetas and of financial difficulties, owing to tne aDsence or ousiness. uoianeias ana Jagers were weak. Chartereds dropped sharply, owing to tne Illness or Cecil Rhodes. The Stock exchange here will be closed on Saturday next on account of repairs. uoid premiums are quoted follows: Buenos Ayres, 141.60.; ' Madrid, 36.97: Liisbon.- 10.00: Rome. 1. 30. fAiun, Marcn 3 prices on tne oourse today opened firm, but weakened later. owing to the absence of business and less favoraDie advices irom Bourses. Toward the close there was a better feeling. The Italians Improved on repurchases, and Brazilians were strong. Russians were easier. Metropolitans were easier on de mand on favorable traffic reports. Thomson-Houston rallied. Rio ttntoa opened firm, but reacted on the decline In the price of copper and the Increase In the stock of the metal. DeBeers were de pressed on account of the Illness of Cecil Rhodes. Kaffirs were easier. After the close of the bourse there was a aeneral rany in prices, ins private rate or dis count was unchanged at 2 9-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 101 f 90c for the ac coint. Spanish 4s, 77.16. BERLIN. March a Prices on the bourse toduy opened weak In response to lower prices - abroad, which was Increased by desire to close open account. Foreigners were aun on tne reportea rising in Nan' king, China. Toward the cloae prices lm. proved. . Home rails finished firm. The weekly statement of the Imperial Rank 01 tiermany anows tne louoaing changea Cash In hand, derreaae. 31.8tiO.0OO marks treasury notea. decrease. wo.ooO marks: other securities, increase, 20,000 marka: notes In circulation. Increase, 39,j0,ouo maras. Coadltloa of the Treasary. WASHINGTON. March lTodav'a state. ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the H&0,000,ou0 gold reserve In the division of redemption. Dhows: Available caah balances, 176,26o,- ujv; goiu, aoa,wi.ia. Itgar Market. NEW ORLEANS, March a SUGAR Flrmy; otien kettle, 2Vy3 l-16c; open ket tle, centrifugal, VQ3bc; centrifugal, gran ulated and whites, none; yellow, 244 3 13-16c; seconds, 2H&3c. Molaasea. strong; open kettle, none; centrifugal, 8 10c. nyrup, nominal. NEW' YORK. March a SUGAR Raw. steady; fair refining, 3Hc; centrifugal, 96 teat, 3r; molaaaea sugar, 3TkC Refined, steady; No. 6, 4.2oc; No. 7, 4 loc; No. 8. tooc; No. 1. 3.9itc; No. 11, 3.86c; No. 12, 80c; No. 14, 3 76c; Standard A and con fectioners, a, t.oac; mourn a, a.i&c; cut loaf; 6.c; crusnea, dzjc; powaerea, s.soc; gran, 4.76c: cubes. 6.uuc. IA)ND)N, March a SUGAR Beet sugar. jaarcn, o u. OH aad Koala. OIL CITT, March a OIL Credit bai ancea. 31.16: certlAcatea. no bid: shipments 70.948 bbls.; average, 76.CU3 bbla. for Feb ruary ; March 1. ii.k duib. ; average. 48.919 bbls.; runa: aeDroary 28, 108.149 bbla. averase, 72.3oi bbls ; March 1 and 1M lot, 014 bbla.: averase. 62.0o7 bbla. TO L t. DO, March a Oily North Lima, Sir: South Lima and Indiana. 80c. LONDON', March a OIL Spirits of tur pentine, JOS bd. Dry Uetavds Market. NEW YORK, March l-DRY GOODS The business in dry gooas loaay snowed effects of recent bad weather. Only a moderste amount of trade waa put through In any division. Brown sheetlnaa and drilla were Hrner and drillings were easier on the advance t9 cottons. Drill Iiiks were ateady, prima and ginghams prices wt ra nrm at an increasea aomaoa. OMAHA LITE STOCK MARKET Beoeipta of Cattle Light and. Trade Bales Aotire and Some Higher. HOGS IMPROVE FIVE TO TEN CENTS Active Deaaaad for Ikrra aad Laaaba t aa Advaaee of Tea ta Flfteea Ceats Over Last Week's Closlaaj rrlcee. SOUTH OMAHA, March a Recelnta were? Cattle. Hoga. Bheep. Official Monday Same day last week.. Same week before Same three weeks ago Same four weeks ago. 3.8K9 t,.V 4,I8 2.97.4 , 2 627 3.012 3.28 8.848 8.418 6.212 7.IA3 6.1M 1.871 6.A11 3.7M ; 4 74 name aav las; year... 8,i24 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The followlnr table ahowa the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, and comparisons with last 1402 1001 TnlV Deo. Cattle 137,416 109,615 27,801 Hogs 481,820 414,63 ) 67,290 Sheep 131,347 161,482 20,136 The following table ahowa the averaae price of hogs sold on the South Omana market the nam several davs with com parisons with former years; Date. I 1902. 1901.1900.18.1898.1897.1896. Feb. IS.. 81H I 28 4 75 8 68 8 891 8 'A 8 98 6 27 4 63 3 68 S 89 8 34 4 76 368M82o38S 122 862 887 8 II 890 6 23 4 83 8 91 3 88 3 81 6 8H 4 78 3 60 336884 6 33 4 74 3 47 8 85 3 87 6 29469 866 384 336 887 632 469 868 3 81 836 4 W I kit 3 8.1 3 41 3 83 6 88 8 68 8 79 8 49 8 75 6 83 4 63 8818 42 870 6 27 4 67 8 62 8 43 3 73 628477866887 8 74 6 2.' I 68 3 61 3 78 8 50 6 27 4 64 8 62 3 86 8 47 3 74 469 3 67 3 88, 34J3S0 Pen. 16.. Feb. 17.. Feb. 18.. Feb. 19.. Feb. 20.. Feb. 21.. Feb. 22.. Feb. 2.. Feb. 24.. Feb. 26.. 6 78H 76 8 "Hi 6 86 ( 88H s I 6 9 6WH Feb. 26.. 6 88 6 90 j 01H 8 11H Feb. XI.. Feb. 28.. March 1. Maroh 2. March 8. Indicates Sunday. 8ATURDAY 8 SHIPMENTS. Tka (.11.-1.. II.. -1 .1.. 1 . w lunun nig net ci in, w a me nuuiircr ui cars of feeders shipped to the country Sat- "j, "u ineir Destination; Cars. . D. Davis, Malvern, la. Wab 1 . H. Bwlgart, Champaigne, III. Q.... 1 The Offlrlal n,mK.a af aaa . , n.. U . ...... .... v, . vcaa , . . iul n brought in today by each road waa: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Bh p. H'ses. 0., M. A St. P 4 2 .. Union PirlAn IK a 11 C. A N. W 9 2 .. F., E. A M. V 14 8 8 8 C., 8L P., M. A O.... 15 2 B. A M. R. 14 7 1 2 n I A. T .... a . r C, R, I. A P., West.. .. 1 Illinois Central 4 4 .. .. Total receipts '. 90 87 33 7 The disposition of the ri av'a rerelnta waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the nura- uer ui neau inaicatea; Burets. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Omaha Packing Co.. 258 1 7 129 649 832 228 280 269 722 164 813 8,639 46 107 24 78 29o 11 167 6 23 167 133 70 G. H. Hammond Co...., Swift and Company , iuuany racxing Co...., Armour A Co , R. Becker A Degan...., Vansant A Co C. Burton , Lob man A Co Livingstone A Schaller... Hill Hunuinger Hamilton A Rothschild L. F. Hubs , IL L. Dennis A Co , Hobblck Other buyers. Total 8,435 1,914 4,316 CATTLE! There waa an extremelv llarht run of cattle here today, and In fact re ceipts were smaller than they have been on a Monday for some little time. Pack ers all seemed to be anxious for supplies, and as a result the market was active and higher all around. There were only a few cars of beef steers In the yards this morning, and in most cases the market was safely 6(&,10c higher than at the close of last week. Occasion ally sellers thought they did not get much more tnan 'tne same cattle would have brought last week, but still the market as a whole oould probably best be described by calling . It active and 610o higher. Owing to the light supply everything was disposed of in good season. ine cow marxet waa aiso active ana stronger when It came to anything de sirable. Cows and heifers that sold from 84.00 up, could safely by quoted 510o higher than last week. Sellers bad no trouble In disposing of what they had, as there did not seem to be enough cattle In the yards to meet the demand. The mar ket was not aa active on the medium grades and canners, but still fully as good prices were paid aa were In force lat week. Bulls, veal calves and stags all com manded strong prices where the quality was satisfactory. There were quite a few stock csttle in the varda this morning, but the demand seemed to be equal to the occasion, and practically everything was sold In good season at fully as good prices as were paid at the close 01 last weea. me better grades were, of course, in the beet de mand, but still even the commoner cattle sold without much trouble, Representa tive sales: BEEF BTKKRS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 6 45 1... 2.. 930 3 00 . 8 1316 966 4 60 766 4 50 1. 84. 86. 27. 2. 21. 64. 19. 1. 20. 84. 61. ...900 60 12.. ..1172 6 60 ..1106 6 6u ..1139 6 60 ..Uoo 6 60 ..1079 5 tij ..1302 6 70 ..12o3 6 70 .. 9u0 6 70 ..1322 6 95 ..1398 6 9v a . 973 4 80 1 910 4 00 1 1100 4 la 23 1107 6 00 9 1108 ft W 4 1000 6 00 6 26 4.... 6.... V92 .1140 6 2o 19.... ...1113 6 46 3.... ...1070 6 45 ....13.4 6 96 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 30.... . 9W 6 wtvg, 860 1 60 840 8 00 6... 3... .... 936 3 40. .. 943 8 40 . .lode 3 40 ..1166 8 40 ..1176 3 45 ..luoO 8 50 843 3 26 8t7 2 2o ..1025 .. 813 .. 730 3 2o 2 26 3 2a .1100 .1070 3 00 3 60 13..... .. 873 3 2a VM . la 990 3 60 890 2 2a 940 I 60 960 3 60 .. .. 8o7 a as 1M4 8 iU. 2 36 9 40 3 40 3 40 2 60 3 60 2 65 .1240 8 65 3 76 .... bwi .... 783 a. a. 600 .... 760 .... 910 9h0 U.'.Y.. 12 U.'.'.'. 21.... 2l!!i! .1225 3 75 .1110 3 75 . 9o5 3 80 lO:...'. 11....! u'.'.'.Y. 21 u.:i" 10. v.'.'. 1 . 968 .1170 3 85 3 90 3 95 727 . 887 3 76 991 .looO 2 76 . 9jo 3 80 ..louo 4 Oli ..1140 4 00 ..1041 4 00 86 3 80 9m) 3 80 .1071 4 10 . 940 4 15 .1111 3 00 ...lOoO 3 10 934 4 25 4 30 916 3 lot .10 JO 3 25 1200 4 35 1126 4 35 lu 4 40 1094 4 60 ..10 3 20 .. 900 3 25 ..1190 3 26 .1200 3 25 3 36 1090 4 60 943 110 4 90 HEIFERS. .. 747 8 2a I 1 1 1 9 25 18..... 1 1 1 695 4 25 .. 446 8 26 .. 80O 3 2al .. 80O- 3 25 ..730 3 60 .. 4i0 3 60 . . 678 3 85 ..1060 4 00 .. 710 4 00 720 870 7 4 30 4 40 4 40 ... 614 4 60 ... 669 4 50 ... 916 4 60 ...1020 6 00 ...looo 6 25 ...IMo 6 25 ...706 4 00 BULLo. 1000 3 00 UnO 2 35 1160 3 00 1360 3 00 1 ...1260 ...1190 ... 850 8 25 8 no 3 35 ...1390 8 60 .1)80 ...1440 3 7a ...1790 8 90 ...650 4 00 ...lftiO 4 25 ..1680 3 15 ..110 3 20 .. 850 8 2s ,.13.-0 3 25 ..12ui 8 35 2.'.'. ...ltviO 4 25 ...13ou 4 45 ' CALVES. 220 4 60 2 IM ( 00 1 270 t 00 3 115 6 25 loo 6 60 loO 6 60 la" 6 50 210 5 0 8 6 25 130 STAGS. .1340 3 60 STOCK CALVES. 305 3 25 15 243 4 lo 256 4 60 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 623 2 6 29.. 3 00 730 1 4J 3 11 Ii 17...... 3 11 1 71 3 00 640 3 60 615 3 OO 660 8 ho 6S9 3 10 66 3 10 740 8 70 448 3 75 1 7b 716 6..0 8 25 3 5 640 775 3 85 930 3 25 770 2 90 8TOCKKK3 AND FEEDERS. 695 733 3 60 8 00 8. 615 4 15 643 4 20 7 20 4 80 870 4 40 (u8 4 45 895 4 60 624 4 So , 780 4 60 651 4 60 , 134 4 60 6.. 3.. 22.. 17.. 26.. 30.. 11.. 11.. 37.. . 6n5 3 00 . 61 8 W . 630 I Ml . W5 3 00 . 7S0 8 So .123) 3 25 . 6-6 3 40 .6-8 8 75 35!! A.. t TIB I 80 8 T 4 65 2 11 ?0 4 00 SO 843 4 60 1 720 4 00 31 hXl 4 ai 86 646 4 00 6 7i6 4 90 K. C. Curtla Idaho. 41 ateers....!274 6 66 3 cows ....11R5 4 IS 8 steers.... 973 4 60 2 heifers.. .1240 8 00 2 bulls IMS 8 75 F. O. Cheney Idaho. It steers.. 21 steers.. 1190 6 25 9 cowa....Ua 4 45 lioo 6 00 1 heifer... .1040 4 50 2 steers.. 846 4 60 M. Shaffer Idaho. 31 steers.. ..11S8 8 20 3 bulla.. .164 I 40 3 cows Ui 4 26- Pickett A Roberta Idaho. 1 heifer.... 9; 4 60 27 steers... .l'0 8 1? 3 heifers.. .1100 4 34 steers. 1 heifer... .1210 4 60 1 bull.... . .115.1 6 ?) ..1580 3 75 10 bulls 1728 3 75 T. B ack Idaho. 10 steers. ...1077 4 70 2 bulla., .1435 1 00 2 steers.... 950 4 70 HOGS Hog receipts were very light this morning for even a Monday, snd ss a re sult prleea advanced 5'olOc. The market. nowever. was not active at tne advance. aa there was hardly enough on sale to at tract the attention of buyers. The bulk of tne good weight nogs sold from h 1E to jo, medium weights went from W W to 16 15. and the light hoars from 36 00 down. The close of the market was weak and slow, and It was rather late before the pens were ftnelly cleared. It waa notice able that the light hogs advanced fully as much as the heavy hog p. Today's advance carries the msrket to the highest point reached since early In February. Representative sales: No. Av. 8n. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 4 442 5 70 83 261 160 6 15 27 100 61 1.9 6 90 92 232 ... 6 17H 6 Ul 73 2A1 ... 6 20 73 231 120 4 20 73 250 80 6 20 93 179 ... 6 00 75 203 40 6 10 76 199 40 6 15 93 181 106 163 36 186 77 ISO ... 6 00 40 6 00 ... 6 05 80 6 07H 40 6 10 40 6 10 60 6 10 ... 6 10 200 6 12H ... 6 15 88 .190 ,12 .1X9 79 73. 90. .231 120 6 17i 81 41 87 1, 4 40 00 .196 .221 .211 4. ..204 40 6 06 40 6 06 40 6 10 70 210 80... 67 225 75 241 65 235 69 254 30 291 85. ..200 6 15 6 10 77 216 120 6 15 69 213 120 6 16 6 16 90 6 20 3 211 200 6 15 80 6 25 67 2 69.... 199 6 15 ..291 200 6 25 80 6 15. t9. ..294 . 80 6 30 SHEEP There waa a fair supply of sheep on sale this morning, but the de mand was also liberal, and aa a result the market was active and atronarer. The early market, In particular, was active, and it -only took a few minutes for the bulk of the offerings to change hands at an ad vance of fully lotf?16c over closing prices of last week. I-Hrnba sold aa high as 86.60, sheep and yearlings brought 85.60 and ewes 84.76. The last end of the market did not seem to be quite as active, and one or two bunchea sold at prices that did not look quite as good as some of the earlier sales. mere were only a few feeders in tne yards this morning, and the market could be quoted fully steady. Quotations: Choice lightweight yearlings, 35.50&5.66: a-ood to choice vearllnaa. 15.26(a) 6.60; choice wethers, 35.0006.26; fair to good wetnars, i.wrg4.w; cnoice ewes, k.wiii. 10; fair to good ewes. I1.2M&4.50: common ewes. I3.004.06; choice lambs, 86.256.60; fair to good lambs, 86.00Cf6.26; feeder wethers, 34.00 64.60; feeder lambs, 84.60&e.00. Representa tive saies: No. Av. Pr. " 25 cull ewes 90 83 00 203 weatern ewes 91 4 26 480 western ewes 94 4 40 125 western ewes 1 4 40 657 cull Ismbs 61 4 80 72 western wethers 106 6 00 65 western yearlings 98 6 40 4ti9 Mexican wethers and vlas.. 96 6 60 262 western lambs 80 6 00 534 western lambs 73 6 60 20 cull ewea 91 I 60 202 western ewes 96 4 15 436 western ewes 101 4 76 221 Colorado ewes 96 4 75 488 Colorado lamba 89 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Steady aad Higher Sheep aad Lamba Higher Hogs Richer. CHICAGO. March 3.-CATTLE Receipts. 17,000 head. Including 1,200 Texans; steady to 10c higher; good to prime steers, 36 6o 7.06; poor to medium, 4.00a6.50; stockers and feeders, 32.25i5.00; cows, 81.256.30; heifers, 12. 60415.50; canners. 1.2&g2.25; bulls 32.6064.66; calves, 32.60i6.00; Texas-fed steers, 34 606.96. HOGS Receipts, 28,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 30,000; left over, 3.000; market 10c to 15c higher; closed dull; mixed and butchers, 35.904f.o0; good to choice, heavy, 86.35&4.66; rough, heavy, $6.1ErQi.30; light. 85.856.25; bulk of sales, 86.lftS6.40. SHEEP Receipts, 18,000 head; sheen and lambs strong to lOo higher; good to choice, wethers, 84.756.26; fair to choice, mixed, 13 soffrt.fiO: weatern sheen snd yearlings. 34.60&6.15; native lambs, 83.754J6.60; western lambs,. 5.6!X8:6.&t). Official Saturday: Receipts Cattle, 258; hogs, 12.293; sheep, 692. Shipments Cattle, 429; hogs, 2,882; sheep, 608. Kaasaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, March 8. CATTLE Recelnta. 8.600 head: natives. 1400 Texans. 200 calves; no prime natives received; mar ket very active; steers, 10c higher; cows, Irani to inn hlsher: choice export and dressed beef steers would bring 86.2006.60: fair to good, $5.006620; stockers and feed ers, 33.2566.00; western-fed steers. H.Wtp 6.00; Texas and Indian steers, 84.5066-65; Texas cowa, 3aWi4.50; native cows, w 4T4.75: heifers. 83.7566.25;. canners. 83.50 3.26; calves. 34.5066.00. HOUti Receipts, neau; an irau active to 16 cents higher; top, 86.50; bulk of sales, .006'H'. neavy, o.fa..-)o; tnlved rvackers. 86.00ir6.35: light. 35.600 6.17H: JIM, 84.9506.40. ' SHEEP Receipts, 4,100 head; quality nothing extra; market fairly active, steady; native lambs, 36.1&66.50; western lambs, 86.1566.45; native wethers, 85.06(fJ.40; west ern wethers, 6.00'n5.35; yearlings, 15.75 6 25; ewes, 34.2bitj6.76; culls and feeders, 82.604.60. St. troala Live stock Market. an, T nr.TB C A TTT .TCW Jk. OX. uv ' a , v . - . . celpts, 8,100, Including 3.000 Texana; mar ket Steany to sirona;; nmivo khiiiis bmu export steers. 86.0066-76. with fancy worth 37.00; dressed beef and butcher steers. 1.VI.UIKW, DWOl,, -. " ,. .. . . . , . 65.76; stockers and feeders, 32.2&e-U6: cows and heifers, 32.3va6.0O; canners. 81.751.86; culls. 31.5064.25; Texas and Indian steers. grassera, ao.w.w. r.ww.wv, and heifers, 2.264.H. , - HOGS Receipts, 4,300 head: market loo i.h.,..i,in and llarhta. 36.9o66.10: backers. W-IWU butcher.. 8f.256665., atrons: native muttona, 84.606O.50: lambs. $6.006. 75; culla and bucks, 32 604.oo; stockers, $1.60r2: western lamba. $5.40; weatern sneep, ao.. '"' 86.10. Hew York Lira Stock Market. celpts. 8,374 hesd. Market active and 10c higher; steers, lo.limg.60; bulla, $l.60tfi 3 90; cows, $2.60(51.26: cables slow; exports, tomorrow 1.095 cattlo and 8.0U0 quarters of beef CALVES Receipts, 808 head. Market 50c higher on llgnt supply: vesia, ei.vwj 8.50; barnyard calves. $2.75j.50; city dressed veals. 8'3UVc per 10 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,364 head. Market 8u40o higher; two cars held over: sheep, 84.60(2)6.60; choice, 86.00; lamba, $6.877.00. HOGS Recelpta, 6.287 bead; state hogs, 18.50; feeding, steady. t. Joseph Live Stock Market. at marpir Mn . March 1 CATTLE Receipts. 700 head; strong Jo 10c higher: natives, $4.6067.00; cows and heifers, 12.00 65.50; vea's, I3.00ij5.60; stockers and feed- 'OUSRw-elpU. 8.800 head: 10c higher; llarht and light mixed, $5.95j 27H; medium and hvy. W.lO'r.6.50: Pigs. 83A00. SHEEP Rectlute, 2.600 head; loo to 25c higher; weatern lambs, 85.7666.60; western sheep, ' Stock la Sight. i.u. .Knwa tha Mralntl n 1 ne ...'. - ---- . , - cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal martlets mr ,ajte Rnuth Omaha i,3 Hogs. Sheen j,aof 4,(18 Chicago lg 28,000 4.6O0 4.300 3,800 18,000 4,100 1.600 2.600 Kansas tJiiy . louia .j " liaanh 100 Totals' ..29.88 42.807 30.918 Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts. ... ra r t ITVlPriniTirn nr. w iuni, rr -- APPLES A little more active and on the lower graaea a in .. . . vr . ! ties are steady with a good lobbing de mand. State, common to good, are quoted, 76Ho; prime. 9Hc; choice. 9H10c; fancv. 1'lVft lie. C A LI Ft At N 1 A DRIED FRUITS Fair movement and firmness, with some ar tlclea ahowlng an advancing tendency. Aprlcota are firm and meeting an active demand. Peaches and prunes are steady. Apricots, royal. lV14c: Moor park. 10VJ 12Hc- Peaches, peeled, 14al8c; unpeeled, 8,tf loc. ' Prunea, tHc. toalee Market. NEW YORK. March 3. COFFEE Spot Rio. steady; No. 7 Invoice, 6'c, mild, quiet: Cordova. i'tc- Coffee futures opened steady with prleea unchanged and during the early session ruled very tame and nar row with sentiment mixed. The foreign market news waa about as anticipated, while atatlallre lacked special new- fea tures, orders from any quarter were scares nd the outlook favored, continued un important business and narrow fluctua tions. In the sfternoon general buying turned to light and shorts turned for cover haetily; this buying served to'sdvance prces 6 to 10 points. At the cloae the mar KiH waa steady snd net 6 to 10 polma higher. Total aalea were 21,750 baga. In i April at $6.50; May, $5.&6'35.6a; July, $5.7666.5; August, xea; 4ritiiber, t-VS J4.06; October, 35.95; Decemoer, $6.164j6-5, FAILURES DURING FEBRUARY lacieaae la Kaaaher aad ladebtedaeas Shovra Over Bona Maatfea at Last Year. NEW YORK. Xlarrh 1 Commercial In. solvencies In February, according to re ports to R. O. Dun A Co., were 1,108 In number, with aggregate indebtedness of IU.302,029. In the same month last year there were 1,024 defaults, amounting to $11,287,211. The moderste Increase in num ber waa mainly due to misfortune at the south, where bankruptcies were numerous In general stores, although the amount of money Involved waa not large. Manu facturing failures during February wece 238 In number and $4,915,016 In amount, compared with 812 last ear for 84.398,641. In the class covering banks and trust com- Sanies, only three failures were reported urlng February, Involving but $145,000, compared with seven last year, for 8432,132, Canadian failures during February num bered 124. with total liabilities of $1,094,775, of which fifteen wert In manufacturing for $360,800, and lo7 In trading for W 0.974, while of other commercial Insolvencies there were two, owing $167,000. 4 Cottaa Market. NEW YORK, March S. COTTON Knot closed quiet. He higher; middling uplands, 9c; middling gulf, 9Hc; sales, 29.818 bales. Futures closed steady: March, 8.86c; April, 8.82c; May. 8.71c; June, 8.69c; Julv. 9.710 Auguat, 8.74c; September, 8.25c; 5etobcr, l.loc; November, 8.01c The market opened steady with prices 1 point lower to 1 point higher and for a brief time had a very Irregular move ment with he tendency toward a lower level under realizing and bear pressure. The Liverpool cables were rather disap pointing and port receipts were consider ably larger than on the same day a year ago. Rumors that yarns In Liverpool were depressed helped to create a feeling of un easiness among smaller holders. But be fore the end of the first house the bears turned short about and hastily retreated before very bulllxh spot cotton market statements and splendid trade accounts from every quarter. European. Wall street and southern buying orders were leading the demand, but as the market worked higher a prominent local export houRe flooded the ring with May buying orders. The latter at once started rumors that Philadelphia Interests, too. were scram bling for cover and with a whirl March rose to 8.90c, May to 8.73o and July to 8.72c. Very light estimates for tomorrow's Hous ton and New Orleans receipts did much to hold the market firm during the latei ses sion. Above 8.70 for May and July realli- ' Ing sales were enormous, but every bale offered was quickly absorbed by thoroughly frightened bears. From time to time dur ing U , day New England spinners bought freely and Wall street picked up occasional blocks of the July option. Trading waa very active throughout, with sentiment at the close bullish on the prospect for smaller receipts during the rest of the week. The close was steady, with prices net 7 to 12 points higher. Total Bales were estimated at 600.000 bales. ST. LOUIS, March A COTTON Higher ; middling, 9c; sales, 170 bales; receipts, 6.716 bales; shipments, 6,429 bales; stock, 49.701 bales. NEW ORLEANS. March 1 COTTON Firm; sales. 8,000 bales; ordinary, 7 8-16e; good ordinary, 1 U-16c; low middling, 81-lSc; middling. 8Hc; good middling, 8c; mid dling fair, 8Hc; recelpta. 14,140 bales; stock, 871,586 bales. Futures steady: March, 8.41c; May, 8.5368.64c; June, i.59.61c; July, 8.62c; August, 8.51c; September, 8.13 6.14c: October, 8.97c. LIVERPOOL, March 3. COTTON fi pot, moderate business; prices, l-32d higher; American middling, ( 8-32d; good middling, 4 lS-16d; middling, 4 U-16d: low middling. 4 19-S2d; good ordinary, 4 16-32d; ordinary, 4 7-S2d. The sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 600- were for speculation and export, and Included 7,300 American; receipts, 14,000 bales, including 11.100 Amer ican. Futures opened and closed ateadv; American middling, g. o. c' March, 4 88-84 4 S9-64d, buyers; March and April, 4 88-64 4 39-64d, buyers; April and May, 4 89-64d, buyers; Msy-and Aune, 4 S9-643H 40-64d, buyers; June and July, 4 40-64d, sellers; July and August, 4 40-64d. sellers; August and September, 4 38-64d, sellers; September and October, 4 S8-64d, sellers; October and November, 4 23-6464 84-64d. value. i . .. Wool Market.' " ST. LOUIS. Msrch 1 WOdL Quiet: me dium grades, lS18c; light tine, 12H616c; heavy fine, 10 '12c; tub-washed, tlQHc. Broker Coafesses Insolvency.' CHICAGO. March 8. William G. Was mandorff, a well known Chicago stook broker, confessed Insolvency In the United States district court, scheduling $92,4S9 lia bilities. Trala Service Resumed at Atlaata. ATLANTA. Oa., Msrch a Train service itas been resumed on most of the lines entering Atlanta which were crippled dur ing the last few days oh account of high water. THE REALTY MARKET.- INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, March 3: , Warranty Deeds. ' F. C. Hsstlngs and wife to Byron ' R. Hastings, tax lot 1. In 18-16-13....$ N. P. StlllTngs and wife to A. B. Har.sen. lot 1 and n 18 feet lot 3. block 6. Deer Park , 1.700 Mlchlaran Mutual Life Insurance company to N. P. Stlllings, same.. 1,408 Omaha Real Estate and Trust com pany to Cathne Heafey, lots 9 to IS, oiock o, oaunaera et n. mgn land Park 1,000 Laura Hunt to Theresa Gennert, e 145 feet of s 25 feet lot 19, Kountae second add. O, F. Davis company to B. F. Mil ler, lot 8, block 4, Fred Dellone 600 aoa J. B. Traill et al. to J. E. George. 1,660 w 60 feet lot 7, block 3, Lake's add. 8,000 Lucy Cornish to A. 8. Gay, ne and undivided nw lot 1, Pieraon's sub... 400 . E. 8. Dundy, Jr., and wife to C. L. . Dundy, lot 4. E. 8. Dundy's aub..,, 4,000 ' G. H. Payne and wife to Charlea Goldamlth, lota T to 10, Lafayette Place 1 Atlantlo Realty association to Mary A. p&tncs. lot ii. diock J, iiemis Park Mary T. Hitchcock and husband to A. H. Ennla, sH lot 17, Thornell'g 450 add - tlalt Claim Deeds. 1.850 Theresa McGrath and husband ta Mary T. Hltohoook, aH lot 17, Thor nell'g add. : ft Deeds. X United State to Bella Sorber, lota 3 and 3, In 18-15-10 , Total amount of transfers $14,138 S5.oo a norjTn Specialist la All DISEASES and DISORDERS ol MEN. 13 yean la Omaha. SYPHILIS cured by by the QUICK. iafeat and moat EOT. natural ethod that has vsrt been dlaaovered. . Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forever. No "BREAICINCI OUT" of the disease on the akin or face. A cure that Is guaranteed to be permanent for Ufa. Ul Dlfnftri C cured. Method new, lAniwUULLC without cutting, pain: no deUMitloa from work; parsoanent cur guaranteed. WKAK MBit from Excaaeea or Victims to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion. Wast. Ing Weakness with Early Decay In Young and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor ao4 strength, with organs Impaired aad weak. TRIOTIRB) eured with a new Home Treatment. No pain, no detention from bualoasa. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Oaasaltaitea Free. TreataMst by Mall. OHAItOBS LOW. 21 S. 84th M. Dr. S8&T.8S & 3e.rl8S Omata. Neb. REMOVAL! Boyd Commission Co, hava removed from room 18. Chamber ef Commerce, to room 4, New Tork Life Building. 'Phone, 139. i