Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
THE (VMA1LA DAILY 11 EE:"- TUESDAY, MAKCll 4, linns. ..Jl. i tar 8 - Fog8 "tilta LiMB roes Co Harmful In tho dm of Oough FJJedlolnoa for Children's Coughs and Colds Many analyses of cheap cough mixtures and coturh and throat lozenges have clearly -proven that a large proportion of them contain opiates. The temporary relief - which these cheap medicines often give in coughs and colds, specially with the little children, is because tha opiate, by destroying the nerve sensation, the Irritation in the throat, which causes the cough, is temporarily removed, but the real cause of .the cold Is not in any way removed by the opiate and will promptly return. The best thing to use to remove the cat-' arrhal secretion which causes the cold, the hoarseness and irritating cough, is a new preparation composed of antiseptics like Eu calyptol, Red Gum of Eucalyptus tree, Blood Root, etc., under name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, which contain no opiate, cocaine or poisonous drug of any sort. A mother living in Charleston, Mass., the hippy possessor of four children, writes: "Every fall and winter I have laid in a stock of oough medicines, croup mixtures, and throat remedies for my little children, for somehow or other they never seemed to be free from colds, croup or sore throat. "This -fall 'I made a change in the usual program. I had myself been cured of an oh-' etinate catarrh, from which I had suffered for years, by Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and s tbey were, pleasant to take I determined to try them with my children. Our family phy sician told me he knew them to be perfectly safe and nothing better could be taken. So I gave them to the children and have con tinued to do so ever since, whenever there is the least sign of croup or sore throat, and I so longer dread the approach of cold weather as I once did. 4 "Stuart's Catarrh Tablets not only cured tae of chronic nasal and throat catarrh, but they have saved me many an anxious night with my little ones." Mr. A. R. Fernbank of Columbus, Ohio, says: "I suffered so many winters from Catarrh that I took it as a matter of course. and that nothing would cure it except a change of climate, which my business affairs would not permit me to take. ' "My nostrils were almost always clogged up, and I had to breathe through the mouth, causing an inflamed, irritated throat. The thought of eating breakfast often nauseated me and the catarrh gradually getting into my Stomach, took away my appetite and digestion. " My druggist advised me to try a 50 cent box of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, because he said he had so many customers who had been cured of catarrh by the use of these tablets, and he felt he could honestly recommend them. I took his advice and used several boxes with results that surprised and de lighted me. "I always keep a box of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets in the house and the whole family use them freely on the first appearance of a cough or cold in the head. "With our children we think there is noth ing so safe and reliable as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets to ward off croup and colds, and with older people I have known of cases where the hearing had been seriously impaired by chronic catarrh cured entirely by this new remedy." People who have used sprays, inhalers, salves, an4 washes for catarrh and have found how useless they are, will be agreeably sur prised at the results following the use of a pleasant internal remedy in tablet form. Druggists everywhere admit that Stuart's Tablets, which they sell at 50 cents per pack age, is the safest, most effective and popular of all catarrh remedies. FAITH IN NEBRASKA COAL 4 BehaaaaseaaeaB Fremont People Confident Paring Ifina Eat 'BeehBtiuok--S -r-V" " HAYE VISIONS OF THE STATE BOUNTY B. Reatele'e Ta-ro Vela la la Sack Feraaatlea aa Has Pravea Proflt- ahle la Kaaaaa 4 Itwi (a- . . x Mtlsattoa ta Be PasHe. FREMONT. Neb.. March I. (Special.) Farmers ia tha vicinity oC Jamestown, and Fremont people generally are much Inter ; cited over tha reported find of a food vein of coal last vreek on E. Remele'a farm. Everyone around there la living In hopes that .his property Is underlaid by coal, and all are valuing their lands up In tha hun dred's of dollars per acre. It has been known for years that coal ex isted la the vicinity. The first discovery was made about twenty yea re ago by George P. Davis on his farm, fourteen miles rorthwest of the . city. He noticed black particles ea a steep bank oa hla place and after digging only a foot and a half struck a three-Inch vela of a poor quality of slaty coal. Underneath It was the usual gravelly formation which underlays tfce sur face soil la the vicinity. Other farmers along the bluffs began pros pecting and the hillsides were well spotted with holes.- In several other plaeea similar veins were found and la the moat favor able location parties began to .sink a shaft. A four-vor fire-inch vela was struck near the surface. Underneath It waa the usual coarse gravel, which was plainly of a more recent geological formation than that ta which coal hi usually found, and after going down fifty or sixty feet the coal min ing project waa abandoned. A few years later the hole was filled up and the find was apparently forgotten. . . Prevleae Dlareverlea. About six years a John H. Tank, while digging a well ea hla fsrra two miles northwest of Davis' farm, atruck a small vela of a better quality at a depth of SCO feet. Above thai waa a layer of a ehaly slate and a almtlar formation below. Tank found water and did not make any further Investigations. Last month H. H. Brown put down a well for Mrs. Anna O-Br Ice, twe mllea east of the Dart a farm, a quarter of a mile from the bluffa, and struck another small vein at a' depth of IIS feet. Going further down, other small relna were found, apparently of a good quality, but not of sufficient width to pay Vmlrs. STh. find on the Remele place ta a quarter Immediate and Lasting WTRfl ' WGRLO FAL.QUS LURIAKI TONIC Ita good effects are immedi ate and lasting. It is also very palatable, agreeable to the taste and acceptable to the most delicate stomach. ccctohs cfi:;i:;:s: "Aids digestion and assimi lation, remove fatigue and improve the appetite." - "Sustains life for a long period and nourishes without any other food or drink." All DrefglsU. Be'usa BubsUt of a mile east at Tank's, add about three miles northwest of the piece oa ths Davis Isnd where coal was Brat found. The farm lies oa the ridge of the bluffs, between the Maple Creek and the Platte valley. The land between the two streams is roll ing and cat up considerable by ridges and ravines, moat of them running towards the Platte. Up to lsst week the land waa held at $75 per acre and Is as good as can be found In Nebraska. . ' ' ' Loeks Like Pas-lag: Mlaa. Tha Indications are that Mr. Remele'a ten-foot ' vein is in such a formation aa Is found la good paying alines In Iowa and Ksnsas. The fsct thst It lies below a black elate rock and the borings from the drill Indicate that Its uppei; line is clearly defined, are regarded by thoae familiar with coal mines as exceptionally good in dications. When Brown quit work Satur day the drill was down about ten feet below the coal, and in a hard rock clay formation. He will go down some dis tance further la the hopes of striking an other vein. He uses the ususl two-inch tubular well auger, so that the borings are pretty fine when they reach the sur face, the largest pieces of coal being abaut the else of a walnut. The finding of ccal waa hot a surprise. Borne distance above, the borings had fine fragments of coal for a few Inches, fol lowed by the usual gravel. Next came eight tnchea of black slaty rock, which Mr. Brown says clogged the drill and made them considerable trouble. When the borings showed more ccal Mr. Brown thought it was a third stringer, but as the borings continued to come out solid coal dust and pieces he end Mr. Remele had virions of the $4,000 state bounty. They eatlmated the width of the vein and were confident they had It sure. Mr. Brown expects to sink other holes in ths vicinity and thinka that soon hs will be sble to find out ths probable limits and trend of the big vein. It la thought by many that the entire strip of country between the Mapls Creek valley and the Platte bottoma for a dietance of several miles Is underlaid with coal, t The small veins extend ever a space 'of thrse miles ia length and a mile and a half la width, ashas been found in boring tor wells. BEATRICE REFUNDS ITS BONDS Tire Sla Per Ceat Tweaty-Year la aateaaese lata Three Per Ceat Tea-Tear Boaea. BEATRICE. Neb.. March t (Special Telegram.) At a special meeting of the city council held here this sfternoon sn ordinance refunding. W.JS8 of t per cent twenty-year bonds wss passed without a dissenting voice. The ordinance provldea tor the Issue of $ (9.SM of I per cent ten rear bonds. City Attorney Dorsey also gsve his opin ion on the coming spring election, as to whether or not the members of ths two wsrds annexed to the Flrat and Second wards last year would hold over. Mr. Dor sey holds that, la accordaocs with the new charter, . no councilman can hold longer than one year without re-election, the atatuts not stating how long a councilman's term of office shall be. It is understood thst Attorney General Prout concurs with Mr. Dorsey. and an election proclamation for the electloa of aa entire new council will be Issued. . FOR HIS SWEETHEART'S SAKE Wyaailac Maa Uela Ipse Charge at ' Lsrcfsr af Watts, Which Ha CI Tea ta a Girl. COLUMBUS. Neb.. March t. (Special Telegram.) Frank Taylor, arrested Bator dsy at Ames by Sheriff Byrnes of thts county, waa placed la the custody this evening of Sheriff 8malley ' of Cheyenne, r, who le en route with him to that place, where he is charged with the larceny of a watch. It Is sstd he gave ths watch to aa tcaoceat sweetheart of hla youth hers. TECUMSEH BOY IS PROMOTED la AlTuett freae Jaalor ta Sealer Lleateaaat la tha Wavy , Service, TECUMSEH, Neb.. March a- (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. John Kavanagh of thla city have received word that their son. Lieu tenant Arthur O. Kavanagh has been pro moted In the service of the United States navy from Junior lieutenant to senior lieu tenant Hla salary has been advanced to $3,400 per year. Lieutenant Kavanagh served under Admiral Dewey at the battle of Manila. At present hs Is with the cruiser Philadelphia, laying off thiTTsthmua of Panama on the Pacific side. CHARGED WITH GRAND LARCENY has Alleges He Waa Robbed by His Ceataaaloa While Sleepla la a Bars. COLUMBUS. Neb.. March S. (Special Telegram.) Chris Schmidt was bound over to the district court by County Judge Rat- terman in the sum of $400, on a charge of grand larceny. John Teten, alleged that while sleeping with Schmidt In a livery barn $60 waa taken from hla trousers. On a previous complaint in Justice court for the same offense Schmidt was discharged on account of insufficient evidence. WEDGEW00D UNDER ARREST Ha ia Charred with g heat I a a: Hla Father-la-Law, J. A. Marsh, Jfrar lka 4.1...,.... TEKAMAH, Neb.. March . (Special.) jonn wedgewood, who Is charged with the shooting of J. a. Marsh near Lake Qutnne baug Friday Bight, waa arrested Sundsy by Sheriff Lusk and brought here and lodged In jail. J. A. Marsh, the victim of the shoot, lng. is not aa dangerously Injured as first supposed, and much hope Is entertained for hla recovery. Alhlaa Helda aa Iaatltate. ALBION. Neb.. March 1 (Special.) A farmers' Institute waa hsld here February $7 and It. The weather thoae daya ware the worst la the year and Interfered greatly with the attendance of the farmers. Some of whom, however, braved the elements snd came In to attend the meetings. Evsry speaker advertised waa an duty. E. B. Forrelt, regent of the university, spoke on the "Purpose of the Institute." William Ernst and John Biemer 'tslked about growing alfalfa. M. F. Greely of South Dakota bad for hla topic, "Saving Wastes on the Farm, and Landed Houses." Mrs. Bertha D. Laws of Minnesota made two lectures of Interest, which closed the two dsys' session. A permanent organization was formed by electing J. B. Barnes, president; D. J. Gates, vice president; Iver Bygland; sec retary and John Green, treasurer. Faaeral af Charles Shall. TECUMSEH, Neb.. March . (Special) The funeral of Charles ShulL the suicide, waa held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at Z:0 o'clock. The pastor. Rev. A. B. Whitmer. waa assisted la the serv ice by Rev. J. R. Woodcock of Aurora. Mr. Shul! waa a member of this church. The local lodgra of Odd Follows, High Isnders, Modern Woodmen and - United Workmea attended In bodies, the deceased having belonged to each of theae societies. The Odd Fellows had charge of the barial services la the Tec urns eh cemetery. lataat's Bad? Kaaa Partly Bartedl. O'NEILL. Neb.. March . (Special.) R. H. Mills, sextoa of the cemetery, found par tially burled oa top. of a grave, the body ef aa infant, encased la a rude wooden box. The boar was wrapped ia a few clothes, but there waa nothing ta suggest by whom It was burled. OMAHA TAX MANDAMUS Motion for Appointment of Referees is Tiled in Supreme Court. CONTINUANCE . ASKED IN MILES SUIT Stats Aaalaat Ossaha Itattaaai Baak aa Call far Araasaeat Step aiather Dealea Charge af Estreats Cruelty. (From a 8ta(f Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March . (Special Telegram.) A motion for the appointment of referees to tske testimony In the Omsha tsx man damns rase was filed In the supreme court todsy by J. H. Mcintosh or Omsha, counsel for the relators. This Is the suit in- which William O. Bhrlver and George T. Morton ask for peremtory writ of mandamus re quiring the Omsha city council to sit again as a board of equalisation to hear com plaints sgainst the assessment of corpora tion property. Among the names suggested by Mr. Mcintosh for the appointment are: R. E. Evans, Dakota City; A. M. Post. Co lumbus; Robert Rysn, Lincoln. The supreme court has been naked to con tinue the Miles contest esse until the Sep tember term.' ia the natural course of events the esse would be on the call for the second setting In Msrrh. The motion is msde by Samuel A. Miles, unsuccessful contestant. In his prayer he states, among other reasons, thst Joseph V"i hss kept up a constant fire upon the appellants to have the court dismiss the case without passing on ita merits. It Is understood that the contestants ex pect te secure a rehearing in tha trial court. A motion with this end In view was made several weeks' ago, evidence being offered as to a new will not mentioned or known in the former hearing. The case of .the Btate against the Omaha National bank, to recover approximately $201,000 lost through the defalcation of former Treasurer Bartley, la on tha call for argument during this week'a sitting ot the supreme court. The Omaha flra and police commission mandamus case is also under assignment for this week. Allegations of extreme cruelty are made the basis of aa action by Augusta pruhs n the district court, against Mrs. Margaret Clason to recover $10,000 damages. The plaintiff alleges thst in 1893, when abe wss I years old, she weat to live with Mrs Clason, who Is her mother's sister. She avers that the woman submitted her to various sorts of inhuman treatment, greatly stunting her growth. Mrs. Clason enters a general denial. ,. Articles of incorporation recorded today: Tha Burlington and Missouri Land and Investment company of Omaha, capital $10,000; incorporators, D. L. Morgan, John R. Bexten. F. V. Morgan. A. M. Bextea. The Payne Investmsnt company of Omaha, capital stock $50,000; incorporators: O. H. Payne, O. C. Wilson. Henry F. Daily. C. H. Payne, J. P. O'Keefe. ' The Golden Rod Telephone compaay af Wahoo, capital stock $50,000; Incorporators: W. H. Hurst. M. M. White and T. K. Par- mele. , The stockholders of tha C. W. Rodman company, which cloaed its doors Saturday, have been unable to agree upon a person for appointment aa receiver. The store is still locked agalnat tha public, creditors and owners. P. ,E- Almond of Omaha has a stock of typewriters and supplies In the room, and 8. A. Tipton, a Jewelry repairing outfit, but neither has been able to recover his property. , n H. J. . Whltmore has declined ta enter the race for the fuaif-5 rsiaatiovi for po lice Judge. ' but will attempt t6 get the nomination for councilman from the Third ward. It Is In thts wsrd that the fusionlsts will concentrate their energies. Ths fusloaists will hold their primaries Wednesday evening of this week.' Rival Gae la Llaeola. The Union Gas compsny of Chicago is contemplating the erection of a gas plant in thla city and It Is understood in business circles thst it will soon ask the city coun cil for a franchise. J. W. McDonald, who is acting as the Lincoln representative, has already filed articles of Incorporation with the. secretsry. of state. The company is cspitsllied for $750,000 and Its Incorporators, are R. F. McCall, W. Irving Osborne and Rufus C. Dawes, all of Chicago. CHARGES AGAINST ATTORNEY Jadge Grlsnea Sets Over (or Special Terse tha Casa af Willlasa . P. Miles. ... . SIDNEY. Neb.. March $. (Special.) At the present session of ths district court of Cheyenne county Judge Grimes of North Platte presiding, an application was msde for a committee to tnveatlgata and report oa charges contained In a petition filed with the court concerning the professional conduct of William P. Miles, aa attorney of Sidney. Judge Grimes set the matter over to a special term to be held on April 1. The petition Is signed by Leroy Msrtln and -others and contains .twenty chargesas iouows: Disrespect to courts and Justice and the judiciary for the paat ten years; counseled and maintained actions, proceedings and defenses which he knew were not legal and just; la his professional capacity to main tain cases hss used other means than are consistent with truth; violated the con fidence and not preserved the secrets of his clients; has not abstained from offens ive practices and hss advised to the pre judice of the honor and reputation .of parties aad witneaaea; has sncoursged the eommenoemeut and continuance of actions at law and other proceedings with motives of passions or Interest; in 1891 Issued and uttered a forged warrant agalnat Cheyenne county for $240 and disposed ot It; while county attorney la 18)1 disposed of twenty law books belonging to the county and ap propriated the proceeds to his own us; la 1893 did burn snd destroy tbs report tt the feeo of the county clerk of Cheyenne county, ,whlch was a permanent record of the county; asked the county clerk to fal sify permanent records of tbs county; has been guilty of unprofessional and discourt eous conduct towsrds the county courts. using vile and abusive and indecent lan s-jage to county judge; appealed In Justice court la atate of Intoxication; induced a client to algn by false representstlon a paper which afterward appeared as a chattel mortgage and which he sold, in tending to defraud his client out ot $125; induced a client ta sign a perjured af fidavit which was filed In United States land office at Sidney; not a man ot good moral character, having been guilty cf be ing Intoxicated and of Indecent, immoral conduct upon tha streets and public places In Sidney within paat three years; used vile aad abualvs laaguage towards register of the land office during a trial before aald officer; guilty of gross neglect in fall ing to notify a client of his interests and rights by virtus of a contest before the land crocs, whereby his client lest bis rights la ths premises; while practicing as sa attorney In 101. engaged In the liquor nusineaa in Bldoey, keeping the Senate sa loon and maintaining hla office la the front part of aald aalooa, aad keeping there a hai library and papers uaed la the practice of hla profession, acting as bartender at the same Ime; while county attorney la lst giving erroneoua advtea le a county of ficer for selfish aad unscrupulous motives; fraudulently obtslatng possession given as cash security by a client district court at Kimball and appropriated $350 thereof to has owa use; taking a bribe of $200 while cotmty attorney. BODY CUT TO PIECES BY CARS Thomas Caaaahaa, Seetlaa Fereasaa ia lards at Raveaaa, Is ftaa Dtw aad tastaatly Killed. RAVENNA, Neb.. March $. (Ppeclsl Telegram.) Thomss Cunnahani B. ft M. section foreman, was Instantly killed ia the Ravenna yards shortly after 1 o'clock this afternoon. Cunnahaa had Just re turned from his noonday meal and bad stepped on the track with his spike msul to plsce a spike in a switch hs was fixing. The spot where ha waa about to work waa for the moment enveloped In a cloud of stesm from the blow-off cock of an angina oa a nesrby train. The switchmen, who were about to shova soma coal cars up the Incline of the coal chutes, kicked a string of cars down the track - on which Cunnahaa was worklcg, not observing him on account ot the steam. v Owing to the steam and the nolae of Its escaping Cunnahaa did not see or hear the approaching ears and he was killed almoat Instantly, both arms and both legs being rut off and the trunk of the body mangled. Cunnahan waa tt years of age and leaves a wife aad several chil dren In poor circumstances. Hs had been In the employe of the B. ft M. for msny yesrs psst, .being foreman of the yard track gang ta Lincoln. Atteaapta Salelde with Laadaaaaa. HASTINGS, Neb.. March . ( Special Tele gram.) Oliver Linder ot this city attempted suicide yesterday by tsklng a heavy dose of laudanum," but ha life was saved by administering an antidote, which was done by a physician. Lfnder is married, but hav ing no known family or business troubles, ths cause of his attempt at suicide Is not known. Ceavleted af literal Llaaar Selllag. 6IDNET, Neb.. March J (Special.) Dr. Torlets was convicted in district court on five counts for sailing liquor Illegally at Lodge Pole. Judge Grimes fined him $100 on each count Atolf Englert pleaded guilty jo a similar charge and wss fined $100. Frenaaat Retains Sapertateadeat. FREMONT. Neb.. March $. (Special.) At a special meeting of the school board J. B. Laird was re-elected superintendent for the next two years by unanimous vote of the board. Mr. Laird has had charge of the Fremont schools for three years. Araerleaa Sehoaaer Aehare. LOCKPORT. N. B., Msrch S. Tho Amer ican fishing schooner Reliance, with a crew of eighteen, ashore eight miles off hers and will probably be a total loss. FAIR IN EAST, SNOW IN WEST Colder la Seatbwest Portlaa af !ta- Btaska Today Fair Te errew, WASHINGTON. March $. Forecast: For Nebraska Fair lo-east, snow In west portion Tuesday, colder In southwest por tion; Wednesday fair; north winds. For Iowa Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; north, winds. ' . For Missouri Fair In north, rain In south portion Tuesday, colder in west portion: Wednesday fair, colder in southeast portion; winds mostly north. For South Dakota Fair Tuesday, colder la central and eastern portions; Wednesday fair, probably warmer; north ta eaat winds, south portion"; Wednesday fair; north winds. For Wyoming Fair Tuesday, preceded by snow In southeast portion; Wednesday fair, warmer in southeast portion; variable winds. Local Reeeri. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER flURBATJ, OMAHA, March . Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last .three years: . 1902. 1901. 1900. 189 Maximum temperature .. S7 4 42 S4 Minimum temperature ... 27 88 28 30 Mean temperature S3 44 36 27 Precipitation 00 .00 T .00 Record ot temperature and precipitation at Omaba for thla day and since March 1. ism: Normal temperature SO Excess for the day 1 Total excese since March 1 30 Normal precipitation 04 Inch Deficiency for the day 04 inch Precipitation since March 1, 1902 08 Inch Deficiency since March 1 04 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1901 12 Inch' Deficiency for cor. period, 19u0 12 Inch Reports Ire as Statieaa at T p. as. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER, Omaha, clear Vslentine, cloudy North Platte, part cloudy Cheyenne, snowing Bait Lake, clear ,. Rapid City, snowing ...... Huron, snowing WtillKton, clesr Chicago, cloudy r...... fit Louis, Clear Ht. Paul, cloudy ; Davenport, cloudy , Kanaaa City, clear Havre, clear. , Helena, clear , Bismarck, cloudy Galveston, clear ' 3 S. ? i I I : 3 : : : . ; 3 : . . 12 r .oo K 40 .00 42 .00 te 84 .01 36 38 .2 24 80 T 28 84 .01 18 22 .00 281 2 T 41 441 .00 28 10 .00 28 28 .00 44 50 .0 36j 36 T 34 W .04 84 3 .00 ' 6j .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of Wrapper Besses Wary aasall aaa i totahaaaaa) CARTER'S IE sTlwreryy res IL4B1C.L rca rca tiucsmts. FCI T82M8 UVU. rca rei gjuiiw tui. ret mccKPtuiei eyas, t i c mi tAfiACtii. A SAMPLE BOTTLE OE SWAMP-ROOT DID. To Prove What the Great Kidney. Remedy, Swnitip Root, Will Do for YOU, Every Reader of The Beo May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. 3 W. F. Lohnes, a prominent business maa of Springfield, Ohio, writes tha follow ing strong endorsement'of the great kidney remedy, Swamp-Root, to the Editor of tha BprlngSeld, Ohio, Republic: t Springfield, Ohio. Feb. list, 1901. "Having heard that you could procure a sample bottle of Swamp-Root, tree by mall, J wrote to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnghamton, N. T., for a sample bottle and it was promptly sent. I was so pleaeed after trying the sample bottls that I ssnt to tha drug store and procured a supply. I have used Swsmp-Root regularly for some time, and consider tt unsurpassed as a rsmedy for torpid liver, loss of appetite and general derangement ot the digestive functions. I think my trouble waa due to too close confinement in my business. I csn recommend It highly for all liver and kidney complaints. I am not in the habit of endorsing any medicine, but la thla caae I cannot speak too much la praise ot what Swamp-Root has dona for me." (W. F. Lohnes.l f lf 43)4 West High Street Tha mild and extraordinary effect of the world-famous kidney and bladder rem edy. Dr. Kilmer's Swsmp-Root. is soon realised. It stands the highest for ita won derful cures of the most distressing esses. XDITORIAL NOTE If you are sick or "feel badly, begin taking tha famous new discovery. Dr. Kilmer's Swsmp-Root, because as soon as your kldnsya are wsll they will help all tha other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. Tou may have a sample bottle of thla wonderful remedy, Swsmp-Root, sent ab solutely free by mail, also a book telling all about Swamp-Root and containing many of the thousands upoa thousands ot testimonial letters received from men and women who ewe their good health. In fact their very Uvea to the great curative properties of 8wamp-Root. Ia writing to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Blnghsmton, N. T., be aura ta say that you read this generous offer in The Omaha Morning Bee. 'if you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is whst you need, you can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar slss bottles at the drug stores everywhere. Don't mske any mistake, but remember tha name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root and tha address, Blnghamton, N. T. SaNwV ' CANDY XVV xT" A C j i Vcathartio y CAKDY CATHARTIC PURELY YEGETASLE sea taVataj fOOL tet ihttlB Ilk CaVBtSf. Thf ro siom -nf bta4 teat In thf -Month, Uriff tha iwmI avni f4rfuinexl. Id la real (tlMnra to Mk thaaB I nataTtaWl af AaVaV- Mavtdag Mtj-atda ow tMioi baU ptlU. CASCAVtrrs raj para if vcnbL aad eaatuUt. do Birr cvriavl or other Biin rai thoUon. Toe? or 4o of ill laV at nB-ao4la dt -- rod and aro ta ! ttfla lOBnlMllltl Ba-Toc Wfaro p-at aagaihar la aef t oraa. eeaa CASOAtJTfl ara antttaptlc. That a-fioaoa iaajr aop av dtaMt4d food froata aouriaf 1 tho ataon aeh. priviil far. iaattle-a 1 a a bowala aad kill dia aaa oraia off aa kind aha Itrood aad food to tha ajatoai. CABTAKSTS tono tha awOa-aavraTi and aowala aad ansa lata tho lair 11 Ts ak in f H work. Thar arDrtha ha Wow la and vu tha at tat -liroroaa aaalthr ooadlUoa. aaaklaf ASnSEPTIC LAXATIVE LUTES STIXULAIT taste aetiea easy sad aasanO. B001 FOB K3TKERS ..... CA RCA RETS Ineroaaa in flow of an Ilk In aoralngmoth ara. tablet ata by ike another makoa her milk mlMljr par-fat Ire and has a mild bna oertala effect on a w fcv.Ww ev aaf lautlT for the balo-la-ariBr. l 0 CASCARKTU aro Ukod by th ehil draa. They taata yood and do (food, atop wlnd-cotlc and cram pa, and kill and drive Oaf wortna and all klnda of para a It a that Uto In tha bowala of tha growiac child. l ADTAIWaVl 9 taken patiently, per a latently, ara ruarna bead to rare any eaae f oonetl patlon, a o wetter boar old and betiaate, or p a r chaee aaoaay will b? ahaaifuilT rafwadaM by year own drag glen. . CAPCAR FT! PLEASE THE CKILCSEB CURE ' ' .UA3ACTEE3 are aold by all drug lata for lO-a. C&o. 909 a boa, accord ing to alae. A 10 boi will pro-re their rate-tit end prat yon oa tho right road to per- HEALTH PCS 10 CECTS f and permanent heal Ik. Dos't risk delay. Don't Judge CA8CARETS by other medicines you btve triedY They are new, unlike anything else that's sold, and infinitely superior. Try a ten-cent .-r. I box today, if not pleased get your money back I CeCJ-.- ItVtZll" Sampie .nd book-et futt t I - 337 ""'ftlaaai I iTiiLiaa syphilis cunro in is to as days. Oiuwmntmmd Ourm or Monmy Raftmdod. , . " -- m . w a mvBimm vvaaaa mm 9B mmmtm m pm tmi 1 t n 1 ail aaaaa aoaapta lor Inalaieall 4 CMtttoa aiaaS r rati am. wkataar rrtaaary, ImsSary a Tartterr, aa 1a a iaaai (unatM la siW"l'f "'" Canary eara a vba aaa vast. Mr RaaeSy wUl - ---- ava mmm rraaaa. a mar raaalaj In la aya shaa JOHN TILL0TS0N.M.S. aarawy aaa f.taa.ea loSlae vUl la aaa yaae. It ton try mf traatoMt aaa Tae Master Ssesialiat J""" aaraSoaaa af a akaalciaa sa arm la rea aa I aa M traa. ai CSi.aee a Ha auiaa mUI arvaat imaSary araiptaau traaa akewias la aar aaas aeaia( lata mi ' hi IUr " ru" "" suae IS. tar aare aaiopiT ' tstaklwkaS ICM. traatavwat aaaa aat aoatala lajurtou Badkriaea. kat laaras tha paJlaal tk. klaaa, taa Sash, ths aaa tae vhal. iateem ara alaajaas, sartftaS aad restored ta health aad tha saOeat sneered aaaa tar tea l.uaj aaa aajree a lite. e . a a rniLis aasis amen see seiaaeai at- rleeaare. I rare rea, at 1 "i. write aaa fear eaediuea raur ea )a vtu reeelTe la slaia aare .ova a r-l-annir aad mil esaalea ef rear aaaa, fra. ( chair. eree JOHN TUXOTSOW, M. l-gT"'s Bslldtaf, U Dearbera Street CHICAOq J J '" -. ,1 '1 :-.J3Haaar I . a l'yy ajj-jj e-L BLOOD POISON Is the worst disease on earth. ' vet tha eaaleet to cure WH&M TOO KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many have plmplaa, spots on in aain, eorae in ids mouin. Ulcers. know It is BLOOD POISON. Bend to DR. itu"r. w Area si.. i-Tiiisaniuriia, fa. fur BROWN'S BLOOD CthE. tt pr bottle; lasts one month. Sold only by fJbrrman A McConnell Drug Co., Ida and Dodge ata., Omaha. Browa't Capsules SfSi "ttolt'sWY.'. DodssBbS.- A KlU NQSE is II CURIO AT YOUR MOMt W II atSakv ! atas- am red aaa 1 1 fi aa aad heetefa-. piaiple. alf If L iw taenas aaaa tha aaaee 2 , wa c .aliauea la pei aaa av br iatsav Is 11 'Se W rraa aad etnal'r aaaSdattlaaL IS ajafc JU1. B. StuoCALHV. Iraa. aaaaf MUM, t aarega. ij skla. 3Ne sr Every Woman ISlaMrasllaiwI CaJli knev aWit ii aanaWfal MA8VTL HUWibo baray,i J-. mmd tazua. Ilaet Mfaaaaaaasaall If be nanrfji eipv"7 the fcthar. bin eacd alairb far !u(ralad ho.ia eelS it alvae tu)i aammlareeral a ta aaiuawa la kaliae. HtflLI IA tooat tA Times bide, K Y, For sale by BOSTOX STORK DHl'G Sixteenth and Douglas 8ta aav-Moal C'ooaaaiant. 4 laart.,. DEPT., Omaha. rDRUIJKARDS vim or n duui iaorrcure Of pautrnti ieUtc4e, i i ciaataa 4 ittXvbbt.l, utLM4 ieta aai irvda t