Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Director! of Charleston Tair Denomoe Let
ter to President Eooaerelt.
i ...
Assare lilns at f.flltl HnM aad
Welcome' by the fea jie
I aontn irw
: , " Una.
, CHARLESTON, B. C. Feb. 2t. At the
meeting t th board of directors of the
exposition company tonight Colonel TIU
maft't mee'sage to President Roosevelt was
discussed and the following . resolutions
adopted: -- '
Resolved, That the president ofMhe ex
position , fompany Ih and hereby l" re
quested to communicate at once with his
excellency, Theodore Roosevelt, the presi
dent f the Tnlted States, and extend to
him the cardial greetings end good wishes
of this board, of directors, with assurances
that we look forward to hie promised visit
to the1 exposition with the greatest pleas
ure, and that he will receive from our
people the warmest welcome.
Resolved.' further, That the president be
Informed that this board of directors de
nine any responsibility, for the .recent com
munication made by Colonel J. H. Tillman
to President Hoosevelt and express their
utter tack of sympathy with his action In
that matter. ,. ,
A .committee was appointed by the board
of directors, to convey the invitation . to
President Roosevelt... The city council will
heW a specie! meeting tomorrow to take
action In this matter. Colonel Tillman was
Interviewed' at his home in Edgefield today
by a correspondent of the News-Courier
and said: f;. ' i
I do not propose to 'be Tlaoed 'in the
light, by my ennducti of having been the
cause of President Koosevelt'n decision not
to attend ttro Charleston expnnltlon. I am
In no way connected with the exposition,
officially o otherwise. .
Case fir Woman After She Ha Bees
Forsaken by Relatives
i , and Friends.
NEW : YORK, Fsh. 28. George .,WV.
Thurston colored,"- a '.former ' Pullman car
porter, wtlll receive the greater part of the
estate of Mrs". 'Eftsa, Jane Evans, white,
valued at .from 176,000 to $100,000.
Mrs. Evans wlll,-which was contested by
her divorced husband and relatives, has
been admitted to probata by Surrogate
Fitzgerald. "Thureton," the surrogate
said, "seems to ' have been the only .one
to whom ah clung during the latter years
of her life. When she bad been forsaken
by her relatives, .he cared for her and did
what be cotild to-admjnlster to her corn
fort and alleviate her condition."
Mrs. Evans was only 47 years old when
sh died' on March IS, 1900. Bhe made
nUty-minor bequests and left the bulk of
her eatuUe to Thurston.
I'n'ttrd "State. Soldiers Shoot Dow
Eight rillrlno Insurgents
' and Capture Arms. '
'MAN'TLa'.' Feb. 28.i-The United States
Philippine' commission has ordered that
medals of honor, be bestowed on Inspector
Knauber and two other members of the
Filipino constabulary.., The three men were
going-from Cavite to.Magallen. in Cavlte
province, when lhajr wore attacked by eight
membere ,of Ramon' band., Knauber tele
graph '.that Jia 'adlUs .companion ,Wit
the eight Insurgents and' 'captured three
rifles, one revolver and three bo!oa. '.'
f' Two" hundred 'nottormed boWmeu tn' the.
Island Of Samar Tecently attacked a ocofit-1
Insivftart .tjclendly -nativee and. a. de
tachment, pf'te first Infantry. Eighty'of
tfolpmen' era Skilled an one of lite
friendly native was aeverely boloed.
lk of the Tweaty-Seeond Had BrIW
'k Itaat Part n the Captare
of Agalaaldo.
BAN FRANCISCO,', Feb. 28. Among the
. ttoopa which arrived on the transport Han
cock from Manila were Captain George- A.
Detchemendy, Lleuteifant Parker Hltt and
thirty-four enlisted men of Company H,
Twenty-second infantry, from Baler, Luton,
the most remote station' In the Philippines.
It;; was this company of soldiers which,
after many hardships, ran down the Ftll-
praoa carrying messages from Agulnaldo.
Together with Lieutenant James D. Taylor,
Twenty-fourth Infantry t they discovered
Spring's Inheritance From Winter
Waste matters which the skin, -kidneys and
other organs were too. torpid (in' the cold days) to
take care of, and cannot take care of now without
help there is such an accumulation of them.
.They litter the whole eystem.
' Pimples, boils and other eruptions, loss of ap
petite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of indi
gestion, dull headaches, and many other troubles
common In the spring are due to them.
Hood's Sarsnpariila removes all humors,
overcomes all their effects, strengthens and tones
the whole system. ' ' : ; . '
' Don't deny joufselt its benefits this' spring.
"i i
.f ?
; ft".
Accept mo substitute
Agulnaldo's hiding place at Palanan, fur
nishing the necessary Information which
was used by General Funston in the cap
ture of Agulnaldo. After the 'capture of
Agulnaldo thess officers and privates cap
tured all of the Filipino troops who were
with Agulnaldo last. Captain Detchemendy
and company were also recently highly
praised by Secretary of the Navy Long for
their work In searching for the remslns of
young Venvllle, who waa one of the OH'
more party and who was killed by natives.
Operators Aaaonace Tea Per Cent Cat,
Which Probably Wilt Pro. ' "
voke a Strike.
FORT SMITH, Ark., Feb. .iff. The Kan
ssa and Texas Coal company, operating
mines at Huntington, Ark., eighteen mile
from here, today announced to Its miners
that a 10 per cent reduction -will take
place in the price of mining 'coal, begin
ning Saturday. The - miners, who have
been receiving 90 cents a ton, will receive
80 centa hereafter.
This company operated two years on a
non-union basis and then was Obliged to
submit to the mine workers' unlpn. which
effected an organisation -among me non-
union men empioyea to tax ui piacee
of tha strikers. Advices this afternoon
state that there will be another atrlke at
the mines the, moment the reduction takes
place. "
Joseph M. Groat.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Feb. 28 Joseph M.
Grout, one of the best known railroad
attorneys la Illinois,1 died In his home In
this city of paralysis, wlt,h which he was
attacked February 21. . Ha was it years
old and was the eon of Rev. Joseph M.
Grout, a prominent Presbyterian clergyman,
one of the pioneer ministers In Illinois. Mr.
Greut waa for several yeara, up to the time I
of his death, corporation counsel for Spring
field, waa for many years counsel for the
Chicago ft Alton railroad, and later for
me reona a jsoriuern roaa, wuicn oe waa
instrumental In building, and at the time
of his death was counsel for the, Decatur
ac Dprunueiu riu, u oaicub.uu ui m i-
dianapolla, Decatur ft western railroad,
now building Into this city from Decatur.
He was a prominent Knight Templar and
Knight of Pythias.
Mrs.- Matilda Wltraan.
HtHlON, S. D., Feb, 28. (SpeclaD
Word reached here from Fairfield telling
of the death of Mrs. Matilda witman, at
her home, at the advanced aga of 79 years.
Mrs. Witman was' born at Gans, Orleans
county, N. Y., on September 14, 1823, and,
with her husband, came to South Dakota
la 1883, settling on the homestead in Fair
Held. ... '
Howae Hear Gretna.
PAPILLION, Neb.. Feb. 28. (Special.)
The home of D. Jordan, near Gretna, was
burned today, together with all contents.
Mr. Jordan, to save his pocketbook, ran
Into the burning building and escaped Just
as the roof fell In.
James A. Craerford.
NEW CAES TLB, Pa., Feb. 28. James" A.
Crawford, a pioneer in the Iron business
In the Shenandoah valley, died today of
Bright' disease, aged 78. .
rF "Va;Pa"o.. .;. K v
VUTAN, ' tlebi.'-'Feb. 28M8iecle!l - Tete
gram-) John . Speckmaan jand Mis Emma
Passo were .married jteday-at .the home, of
,the brid. neajc, Mead, by Dr. O. A. Neett 1
of Tutah. Despite the bad weather, thirty
families, gathered - at the - beautiful new
.borne of Mr, Passo to .witness the cere
mony at 11 o'clock- this morning. .
Aajroo to Maintain Paaaeaaer Rates.
DENVER, Feb. 28. The fransmlssouri
committee of the Western Passenger asso
ciation, which has been In aesslon here.
has adopted an agreement to abolish rate
cutting. It U Ironclad and modeled upon
that of the Weatern Passenger association;
In fact. Incorporates that 'agreement, with
an addition covering local conditions. The
new featurea .relate only to the lines not
members of the Western Passenger associa
tion. Farmer aad Daaghtcr Mnjdered.
RID WAT, Pa., Feb. ' 28. Bartel Sweeney,
an aged farmer, and his daughter, Mary,
were, found inat night In their home at
Wilcox with their skulls crushed and the
bodies very much .decomposed. Sweeney
was quite well-to-do. ana the supposition
la that robbery , wa the motive.
Laat spring my face was covered with pimple, which I
knew were tokens of Impure blood. I therefore bought a bottle
of Hood' Baraaparllla, which has been used in our family
for several year, and after I had taken -It, the .pimple all
disappeared, and my blood waa fn a healthy condition again.
We find Hood's tarsaeartlla especially useful in the spring,
when our bodies need stimulating and our blood needs puri
fying." vMlsa Mary Preuss, Bmlthton, Mo.
"I think 'here la no blood medicine equal to Hood Bar
sap axilla. 1 have a family of five UtU ones, and have used
It every spring for several years. There la something about
Hood's Baraaparllla which other medicines lack. My husband
waa bothered with boll. He was so bad for aeveral weeks
"that he could acereely get around. He began taking Hood'e
Baj-aepartlla, and alnce the use of on bottle he baa never
had a boll.1 Lillian R. DUon. Pike, Ohio..
"I have been taking Hood'e Barsaparllla this spring and
have found lt the beat aprlng medicine I ever tried. I think
it my duty to rocommend It to other. " Russell Rlnehart,
JUton. Ohio. ' . ; .
for Hood's SarsaparlUa.
Continue! to Destroj Valuable Propertj
' and Menace Live.
Storm Leaves Shattered Balldlaara,
Darkened Towns and Crippled
Trafle la Ita Destrac-
. tlve Wake. - '
PITTSBURO, March 1. At S o'clock this
morning thirty-two feet Is confidently pre
dicted by. old-time river men.
The water In both the Allegheny and the
Monotigahela at thle hour la- rising so rap
dlT that 4t , only a,quel(tlwl , tlm- un
til the manufacturing plants along both
stream, will be forced to suspend opera
From Brsddock at o'clock it was an
nounced that the rod mill of the American
Steel and Wire company, employing ' hun
dreds of men, had been forced to cloae
dowIli an(I lt peot((1 tBat by dByl,gnt
lnousand, of , whtt ,s known tne
pittaburg district will be unable to atari
Philadelphia Submern-ed.
PHILADELPHIA, March 1. The Schuyl
kill river has risen two feet In the last
two hour and la still rising. At this hour
the water completely, covers tha tracks of
thd Baltimore. A Ohio depot at Twenty
fourth and Chestnut atreets, and the floor
of the Jower waiting room Is covered wlfh
water to the depth of two and a half feet.
. ' bridges Oe Down. .
WILKESBARRE, Pa., March 1. At mid
night the water In the river wae thirty feet
above low water mark and aeveral bridges
on the Delaware 4 Hudson railroad be-
tween tbla city and Scranton were Y-ished
out. Three lives were lost.
EUGENE HOFFMAN, aged 10, residing
near Plymouth.-'
two employes of the Lehigh Valley railroad
. .
ATLANTA, Oa.. Feb. 28 Not In many
yesr have tne SOutheastern gulf states ex-
perlenced damage so - wldesnread bv a
storm ae that on which yssterday visited
Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North Car
olina, South Carolina and Florida. As far
as Vnowa, seven lives were lost and sev
eral persona injured. The damage 19 enor
mous. Four lives were lost In a wreck
near Griffin, Ga., which was caused by a
washout. The other dead were negroes,
whose cabins were blown away by the
The rains raised the water to floor
height In the Chattahooche, Alabama,
Ocmulge, Savannah and the tw Oconees.
but late tonight the stage in all of them
was stationary, except at Columbus, Ga ,
where the Chattahooche was rising Blowl
Columbue suffered severely. One bridge
was washed away and another la expected
to go at any moment.
The city of Athens, Ga., is In total dark
ness tonight, with the' two river sending
volumes of water through some parte of
the town. The north and middle Oconee
river passed the high-water mark there
early this morning, but tonight were ata
tlonary. -..:
Power Plant Sabmeraed.
, The power plant of the Athena
Electric Street Railway company was sub
merged to a depth iof six feet. At the
Princeton factory the river rushed
through the building, doing great damage
to the machinery. The' water works plar
was Inundated and the machinery
The' water. suddIv of titer city waa ahut &
Both -gas and ejeotrle plants 'were com-
pelled to close down. All the bridges-
city, county and railroad are in danger.
but none have been carried away. ' "
.Washouts, are reported on .all . railroads
coming Into Atlanta tonight, excepting'
two. The loss to the railroad I enor
mous and. they are handling their passen
ger traffic only with the greatest difficulty.
No train on the seaboard air line, had
reached this city since Tuesday morning
until 6:25 this afternoon. All trains on
this road are turned back at Athens, ;Oa.,
using the Southern's tracks into Atlanta.
The first' train over the Southern from
Washington since 10 p. m. yesterday
pulled into the Atlanta depot at p. m.
No train has arrived from New Orleans
tor twenty-four hours. A washout on tha
Atlanta tt West Point, "near Gabbottavllle,
Ala., has caused all trains to be held up
Few Trains oa aehedale.
The "Southern system to .Chattanooga and
Birmingham la maintaining Its usual sched
ule and all trains on the Nashville, Chat
tanooga & St. Louis, tha Georgia tallroad
and the Central of Georgia are on time.
A negro woman was killed, another fa
tally injured and aeveral negro men badly
hurt by a cyclone which passed over Daw
son, Ga., lata last night. Heler's Roller
mills and the Barnett saw mill were
washed away Bear Jackson, Miss.
PENSACOLA, Fla., Feb. 28. The entire
south wal of the new south wing to the
new state capltol at Tallahasse waa leveled
to the ground last nlgb,t by a furious gale,
A8HEVILLE. N. C, Feb. 28. All
railway traffic In the mountains is
completely .paralyzed as a result ' of
last night's storm. The French Broad
river is the highest ever known and all
manufacturing plants on the banks have
been forced to close. A large number of
houses on the lowland along the river,
were cut oft by the water last night and the
occupants were taken out In boats.
The river rose over the thirteen-foot
wall at Marshall, N. . C, and flooded the
town. Several small freight wrecks are re
ported. The water la reported ten feet deep
In one place on the Murphy:divlsion of the
Southern railway. In 'Aehevllie street par
traffic waa suspended last night and ha
not been resumed.
Two Freight Trains Wracked.
KNOXVILLB, Tenn., Feb. 28. Th
storm which began last night Is causing
damage to railroads In this section. The
Tennessee river here Is rising at the rate
of thirteen Inches an hour. A freight
train waa wrecked today near Redford,
Va-, on the Norfolk' Weatern railroad.
In which' Brakeman Floyd Preston, col
ored, was killed. The Virginia South
western railroad bridges at Ellxabethton,
Butler and Garden a Bluff, Tenn., were
washed away.
The East Tennessee Westsrn .and
North Carolina railroad suffer great dam
age. People of Ellsabetbton fled from the
town last night, and had the water risen
two feet more the town would have been
completely submerged. . Beaver creek at
Bristol Is higher than was ever known
and Is flooding parts of the etty. The
Southern railway la. unabl to run trains
beyond Whit Pine, Tenn., oa the Ash
ville-Knoxvllle line. All telegraph aad
telephone wire along th Hoe are down.
A freight train was wrecked on the At
lanta, Knoxvllle Nashville, railroad near
Hiawasseet by a landslide, eauaed by
rains. Engineer A. J. Kiasel was proba
bly fatally scalded.
News from Chilhowee, Va., states the
aouth aide of the town is under water and
Little Fork river la higher than In twenty
Marion, Va..- Is partially aubmerged.
I.w Barometer at Chleaaa.
CHICAGO, Feb. 28 Never In Chicago wss
tie barometer so low a It waa today
The tornsdo which overwhelmed Galveston
la September, 1900, signaled ita 'coming by
a fall In the barometer to 29.16 Inches.
Today at a p. m. In Chicago-the Auditorium
tower barometer marked 28.70 inches, over
half an Inch below the Oalveaton figure.
At Marquette, .Wis., the Instrument read
28.31 Inches; at Green Pay, 28.74 inches;
at Philadelphia, 19.24 Inches; at Dearer.
29.61 Inches; at St. Paul, 29.20 Inches; at
Vlcksburg, 29.22 Inches each lower than
the Oalvestoa tornado mark.
Large Sections Are Flooded aad Dam.
ace to Property la Eaor
PITTSBURO, Feb. 28. Pittsburg and vi
cinity are tonight threatened with disas
trous flood. Th great Ice gorge in the Ai-
legheney happily pasaed out today without
doing any serious damage, but thd great
volume of water behind it which li being
augmented every moment by awollea creek
make U apparent that much damage mutt
result before the waters eubslde. At 10:80
m. Government Forecaster Rldgeway
Issued a bulletin stating that the river had
reached the danger point and were rising
fast, He sent out warnings to all river
men, railroad companlee and other Inter
ested to prepare tor at least twenty-five
feet by morning, and predicted a mlxlmum
of thirty feet Thl stage. H reached, will
completely aubmerge the lowr parte of Al
legheney and this city and put out the Area
in many mills and factories.
All residents of the down town district!
have moyed to second floors.
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 28. A thunder
storm, accompanied by an unusually heavy
fall of rain, buret over this city at 1 o'clock
this afternoon. v Every section of the city
suffered from floods.. Steam railroads and
Uhe street railway were briefly Interrupted
while the water covered the track. ' Th
Schuylkill river, which had been unusually
high for several day past, wss out of Its
banks tonlgat and considerable damage was
done to property. "' '
JOHN8TOWN. Pa., Feb. 28. The High
water Is playing havoc here. The two rlv
ers, the Little. Conemaugh and Bteney
creek, which are in confluence at the Great
street bridge here, are almost nana run
and still rising. Business ha practically
been suspended and thousands of people are
watching events. .-The Great Cambria mills
are completely paralysed. ' The Ice gorge
above this city broke this morning and
came tearing down the Stream. It Swept
awsy two foot bridges here.
At 4:80 the rivers are still rising. A
heay downpour of rain has bsen on since 9
o'clock. Telephone and telegraphlo com
munication to all , polnta id the mountains,
1 paralysed and reports, of conditions there
are unobtainable. ' ' ' - - x
CONNELLBVILLB, .Pa., 1 Feb. 28. The
highest stage of water known tn several
yeara ha made the Toughlogheny 'a raging
torrent tonight. At 8 o'clock this morning
the water was at .flood stage and rising at
the rate of a foot an hour. By noon the
water began to flood the lower portion of
New Haven and people begsn to move from
their houses, which Were rapidly surrounded
by water. Tonight all the lower portion of
New Haven Is submerged. '- ' .
Men .are now tolling to aave stock from
the valuable lumber yards, people are mov
ing out .Into the. darkness and the raging
river, makes It a., night of terror. -Traffic
on the Baltimore V Ohio railroad la sus
pended. The wind last nlgfct tore down
telegraph wires antt stopped the running of
trains. v ..'- '
- BEDFORD Feb. 28. The heeny
xiajr have changed
rustling tor
r . m . 'f-ea rb d , the
high waierWlR1f A number' of railroad
bridges ' have been ' washed away and the
tracks 'in lower places covered for miles
and, as a" eonseqence, no trains' have been
gotten through today ad "the vindications
are that all trafflo between here and Cum
berland will be suspended. for several days.
READING, Pa., Feb. 28. Dlspirtchee from
Tamaqua. Pa'.,' aay tha,t .the worst flood
since 1850 visited ' thaf place today. The
business section of the town is under water.
(LEBANON, P.,' Feb. 28rThla city today
experienced the worst flodd In Its history
and tonight the town Is In darkness. Th
electric light plant and the gas works are
flooded. The main streets are flooded and
travel Is suspended. Hundreds of families
are held prisoners In their own houses.
SCRANTON. Pa., Feb. 28. Heavy rains
and warm weather today changed the Insig
nificant Lackawanna into a mighty river. A
dozen small bridges on the Lackawanna
'were washed away and there .was danger
of the big Carbon street bridge going at
any time. ' The water waa up to the deck
of the bridge at 3 o'clock and was still
rising. The Delaware ft Hudson, Ontario
Weatern and Jersey Central tracks are
washed out at varloua polnta and trains
are stalled all along the valley..
Empire City Gets Genereo iharo of
th Bala aad Wlad-
torna. '
NEW YORK, Feb. . The torm which
raged today over the entlrt eastern halt
of the United States gave a generous share
of Its attention to New York olty. During
the afternoon for a. abort time the rain
tell in torrent and the wind blew a gal
at the rate of alxiy-elght miles an hour.
The storm mad the water dn the bay very
rough and Interfered with shipping con
siderably. - .
The United States cruiser San Francisco
weighed anchor at . noon under sealed or
der for sea, but when lt reached a point
off Swinburne Island th captala changed
Ita course and returned to the anohorag
grounds off Tompklnsvllle, on account of
the storm. Cincinnati and Olympla war
prepared to get under way ahould their
anchors fall to hold fast.
From- New Jersey points reporta ot flood
and damage are Coming In. Trains are de
layed or held up altogether on the Lehigh
aad Pennsylvania railroads. Bridge) are
being washed away and farma are under
water. The Delaware river la out of Its
bank at Fiemtngton and at' Riverside th
rails ot ths South Branch railroad ar
eighteen Inches under water. The Black
Diamond express on the Lehigh Valley
road went as .far as Mauch Chunk and from
there was obliged to return to Nw York
Reporte of a like nature come from Lam
bertvllle and Belevldere. where the silk
mills ar flooded and many families were
taken from their homes )n boats.
Ran Ashore Off Capo Hhry Darlasj
jk bene Foff When Coal
I Low. '
BALTIMORE. . Feb. 28. A dispatch to
th Maratlm Exchange from Cape Henry
today ay th British steamship Teoman
from Galveatoa for Liverpool, via New
port News, Is ashore at the point ot Cape
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 28. Yeoman
picked up the Spanish steamship Brasa at
sea, helplees, with a . broken propellor.
and towed her Into the Delaware break
water oa Tuesday of this week. After
performing this service the captain of
Yeoman found himself short ef coal and
be decided to go to Norfolk to refill his
bunkers before proceeding to Liverpool.
It' wae while earoute to the former port
MAKCI1 32l!fl
that hla ship grounded at Cape Henry.
A dens tog prevailed at the time.
Nebraska aad onth Dakota Visited
hy Baaw and lllah
' Wlad.
PLATT8M.OUTH. Neb., Feb. 28. (Special
Telegram.) The Missouri river at this point
It rising rspldly. The loe went out ot th
Platte river tonight.
FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. 28. (Special.)
The Platte river is on It annual rise. The
bank are full and In some place th
water has overflowed the lowlands. The
Ice is going out rapidly. There are'sev
oral men employed to 'watch the wagon
bridge leading into Saundera county, and
no danger to It la apprehended at present
unless there should be a heavy rain.
RUSHyiLLE, Neb., Feb. 78. (Special
Telegram.) After two week of fin weather
thlt country has been in the grip of a
snowstorm since yesterday. Snow is drift
ing with a atrong wind from the north.
PIERCE, Neb., Feb. 28. (Special.) A
snow-storm with high northwest wind has
been In progress all day. The temperature
la moderate. 4
PLATT8MOUTH. Neb., Feb. 28. (Special.)
i The rain of yesterday and last night
turned to (now about noon today and prom
ise to continue during the night. The
weather Is turning colder,' and the wind
bloalng from the northwest. The moisture
will be of much benefit to the soli.
WTMORE, Keb., Feb. 28. (Special.) For
the past week spring weather ha pre
vailed, but yesterday a light rain fell all
day, followed by sleet. Today the ground
la covered with snow and high, cold winds
WEST POINT. Neb., Feb. 28. (Special.)
The ipringllke weather of the past few
dayt gave place last night to a driving
snowstorm with a strong northeast wind.
Rain preceded the snow, soaking th ground
thoroughly. The ground Is In One shape
for spring work, nearly all the winter's
snow being soaked up, little having run Into
the streams.
ABERDEEN, 8. D.. Feb. 28. (Special Tel
egram.) The fine spring weather which has
prevailed recently met with a sudden set
back this morning in the shape of a snow
storm with high northwest wind. Con
siderable snow is falling. The temperature
1 moderate. , '
PIERRE, S. D., Feb. 28. (8peclal Tele
gram.) A heavy storm haa prevailed since
laat night. Several Inches of snow hss
fallen. The snow 1 ' drifting badly and
travel la Impeded..
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Feb. 28. (Special
Telegram.) The rain of the t preceding
twenty-four hours this morning 'turned to
snow, which fell all day, with a strong
northwest wind prevailing. A great deal
of the snow melted as fast as lt fell, but
tonight the temperature Is below the frees
lng 'point.
Telegraph and Telephone Wires Pros.
. .. t rated and Service erlonly
Affected. '
, CLEVELAND, Feb. 28. On of the most
violent galea, experienced In years pre
vailed' throughout northern Ohio early to
day. At the local Weather bureau office
th wind, which waa from' the southeast,
registered a velocity of sixty-four miles an
hour. Telephone and telegraph poles and
wire were prostrated in many pieces, witn
tha result that the service Is seriously st-'
fee ted. It will probably require - several
daya to fully repair the damage.
CLEVELAND,' Feb.- 28.--Score of plate
glass -windows and Skylight In the dowa
town district were demolished, while, eigne
ejhimney and tree were -torn down la nu
merous instances. A portion .of the. root
the Miles Park . Methodist Eolsconal
church- was carried away and the building
of the Biitton tlnplate mill on Colt avenue
waa completely, demolished. No . one was
In the building when lt fell. At one time
the wind blew at the rate of eighty miles
an hour.
Eaatera Pennsylvania Visited by"!
Heavy Rainstorm. and Schuylkill
I Oat ot Bank.
READING, Pa.,' Feb. 28 Thl section was
visited by a cloudburst today which did
great damage, A sixteen-foot flood is now
raging In the Schuylkill river. Water
backed Into some of the Industries ot the
lower section and they 'wore obliged to
close down. Hundreds of cellars filled with
Water and at a number ot houses along the
river the lnmatee had to be taken out on
the boat. Near Reading several dams
bunt and hundreds ot acre were under
water. In the country districts great dam
age la reported.
Karisa Get Snow.
TOPEKA, Kan.. Feb. 28. Light snow fell
In numerous Kansas . counties today and
more 1 looked for tonight. In Franklin
county the ground 1 well covered, Th-j
rain and snow nav relieved the water
famine at aome point. It 1 th unantmou
opinion that th wheat crop In Kansas was
never In better condition than at present.
. Storm at St. Joseph.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Feb. 28. A storm set
in here lat today and snow haa been fall I
lng several hour. A fierce wind la blowing I
and the temperature la tailing. No great
damage to fruit la expected, for the reason
that the brief apell ot warm weathsr waa
Insufficient to start the treea to budding.
The-winter wheat la In excellent shape.
Wo Dancer of Flood.
CINCINNATI, F(b. 28. Although th
river has risen rapidly here, ther is no
Immediate danger of a flood. At f o clock
tonight' the gauge here reached? thirty-
seven feet, a rise of 2.2 feet since ( o'clock
this morning. United States Forecaster Das
sler said today that, the river probably
will sot pass ths forty-foot stags.
vera la Northwest.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 28. Dispatches from
Minnesota and the Dakota tell or one of
the hardest snowstorms ot tbe winter. At
Pierre, 8. D., the snow Is drifting badly
and traffic Is impeded. North Dakota has a
billiard, the rain having turned to anew
and being driven by a high wind. '
oath BaCala SobmerareJ.
BUFFALO. Feb. 28. Th Buffalo and
Casenovta creeks went over their banks to
night and the street of Booth Buffalo ar
Inundated under two to ten feet of water.
It Is ths worst flood In ten years.
Iowa'a Low Barometer.
DAVENPORT, la., Feb. 28. The.baroma
ter here registered 28.8T today, only two
degrees lower than In the center of tbe
Galveston cyeions, and the lowest on rec
ord in thl pert of the country.
r.esema, No Car. Pay.
'Tour druggist will refund your money If
PAIO OINTMENT falls to cure Ringworm.
Tetter, Old Ulcer and Sore. Pimples sad
Blackheads on the face, aad all ekia dla
eases: 50 cents. ' ' .
Minora Overcome hy
TELLURIDE. Colo., 'Feb. M. Michael
lund and Charles Anderson, miners, were
nnrrnnn bv Dolaonous aasea in the Cin
cinnati mine of the Tom Boy group and
were dead when found by fellow miners.
Anderson waa the rlrst victim and Lund
luat hJ life la trying to rescue Aadsva.
Snupiciom Husband Kills Wife, Kival and
Commits Suicide,
Boy Keepe flleot Wateh Over HI
Mother .and Other Victim
and tilves Father
the Cine.' V.
WOODSTOgK. 111.. Feb. 1 28. Murderous
jealousy filled the hesrt of Benjamin F.
Ellsworth today and after slaying hla wife
and A mo , W. Anderson with a- revolver
he turned - the wespon on himself - and
ended his lite. His son. Earl A. Ella
worth, was a witness of the tragedy and
i i . . . . . . . . w,. .
is a prisoner in too coumy jau. lav
trlplp tragedy waa brought about appar
ently by a pre-arranged' plan formed be
tween the father, now dead, and the son,
now a prisoner. .
The son set himself to watch, the sus
pected actions of hla own mother and at a
certain 'moment -ran stealthily ' to a win
dow, whence he signalled to hla father
across the street. The father ' came and
the killing followed. - While no doubt ex
ists as to the motive which prompted the
killing, the exact details of 'the affair are
known only to the young man.
.-. Boy Tell Ilia itory. V
Young' Ellsworth said he had eoncealed
himself in the garret early in the morn
ing, resching there by a ahort stairway
He had previously bored a small hole in
thei celling, ' through which he could ee
Into Mr. Anderson' room. He saw his
mother enter the room soon after hi
father had gone to hi shop, and then,
descending the stairway in his stocklbg
feet, he. went to a room facing the shop
and waved hla band at his father.
The elder EUsworth at once left the shop,
armed with a revolver and a heavy ma
chinist's chisel. . He wore a pair of thick
felt boots and his entrace to the house and
ascent of .the stair was noiseless.- . As he
reached the landing he was Joined by ni
son, and a moment later began his murder
ous assaults' 1 -'
Shot Five Time,
Mr. Anderson was fully dressed and bad
hla hat on when. the attack began. Ander
son waa shot flv times and lived .thirty
minutes. ..Mrs. Ellsworth and Ellsworth
were 'shot through tha head and. died in
stantly. . ' i
Ellsworth was 45 years of sge and a pros
perous . mechanic who conducted a general
repair shop near hla residence. Hla . wife
was 42 years of age and prepossessing id
appearance. Mr. Anderson wse 77 yeara of
age, of line physique for one of his years,
and for nearly four years had made his
home with the Ellsworths. He was a re
tired farmer, owning property estimated to
be worth over $20,000. The p'rlsoner's
grandfather five years ago killed his hired
man and blew out hi own bralna.
Deed of Relinquishment Io Land Are
Sinned by All Board Member
bat Two.
(Fronr a' Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 28. (Special Telegram.)
The - deed - of relinquishment to the
Boyd, county homestead, land were signed
this : afternoon.'" by-all ' .members .- of .the
Board -of 'JEdaoatlooaV Land- and 'Funds,
excepting BecreUry- of . Bute Marsh and
Land Commissioner Follmer. 'The - latter
declined to sign the deeds,' claiming that
the hcl' as recommended Ty' the "board" la
contrary to law. ' Mr.' Marsh was out of
the olty. The board last week voted id
favor of the relinquishment. Santord
Parker of Spencer 'was in Lincoln thle aft
ernoon urging- action In the matter.
Jsdfe Dnpla Stricken.
SEWARD, Neb., Feb. 28. (Special.)
Judge J. W. Dupln was. stricken with apop
lexy while on his way home at noon to
day. He was carried home and at laat ac
counts was Improving and will probably
be able 'to attend to his duties in the
county Judge's office in two or three days.
Heavy Real Estate Transfers.
GENEVA, Neb., Feb. 28. (Special.)
(The real estate transfers In Fillmore
county, amounting to $78,000, were re
corded here laat Wednesday.
Laxative ' Bromo-Qulnlne removes ' the
cause. E. W. Orove's signature on every
boau Price, 25 cent.' "
Consolidating Powder Company.
Dupont. DeNemours company, for the
manufacture of gunpowder and other ex
plosives, capital 0,OUO,(M), has been In
corporated at Dover. The new corpora,
tlon is expected td take In a, 11 of the
Dupont powder mills. ,
Hade Her
Every Lady In the Land Can Now
JIY Hiitiful Skin.
It has remained for a Cincinnati woman
to discover ' th secret of a perfect akin.
She haa at last found the key to feminine
beauty. All tha slgha and heartaches over
a poor appearance may now be banished,
(Showing her
for It
within tli.. mean of every lady,
r mliiiila urd. to have the clear
est and most refined complexion so iear
to a woman neart. --i
Fannie li. RaJston, ft." Lexington ave., KV.. uvi: "When I began
ualng Mme. H.bault's complexion heautlner
I did not think lt possible to clear rny
skln my fate waa in a horrible condi
tion, literally covered with red spota, pim
ples, blackheads. moth patches and
lr..kl I auftVred a thousand denrths and
when 1 sent fur a trtaj of Mine. Klbaull s
beautlflers I Improved so wonderfully (hut
my friends did not recognise me. jo
quickly had the change taken place, iiy
skin Is now perfectly lovely, and there is
n, kl.mih nr arrlnkla anywhere.
It 1 not a face powder, cream, cosmetic
Vilom.h IVinllllni tlO oil. 4ir-S. Ht.
chemicals or Doiaona of any kind and is
.kanliitutW IlMr. -
Write to Mme. M. Klbault's, 43 Elsa
rm rtn.tnnKtl. Ohio, and she will mall
free, prepaid, in a plain sealed wrapier
a free package of her wonderful beautlfiera
and you will always bU-sa the day )u
wiet. Do not fall to writ tuaay.
1 vSj .
Ilandreda of ,Xew . Victims Added lo
its List A Suaa-esyoa as to Move
to Griard. Aaalnst It. and Its
Af terEfferta. jj1
Every year upon the approach of sprint
the grip makes Ita appearance. Once every
tew years It epreads and esattmes. alarm
ing proportions.. From '.all .f appearances
this'f the year In -whlr-h it will,
seize upon a grt number f victims, for
every day new cases are repeated. .
As la ScanJet and r typhoid fever. . the
after-effects of grip are -of bra worse than
the disease Itself.y-The sufferer Is left with'
a debilitated system, ahort of breath epon
the slightest .exertion, affected by every,
change ot tho- weatheriand la-a physical'
condition to Invite the attack of the many
disease induced by th Inclement weather
of early spring.. ; ... .ww
A timely suggestion-ad to how to enable
the 'system to resist th Inroads of grip
and Ita after effects Is given by Mrs. Mary
E, Chase, nn operator -In. a shoe factory,
living at No. J775 Washington etreet,.
Roxbury disk, Boston,, Mas. Bhe eaye: "
"I bad an attackvoMne grip-in 1898. which
left me in such -a weak, condition that I
became afflicted with -a- complication t .of.
other troubles. suffered from nervou
dyspepsia apd a disease-peculiar to ray aex.
There waa a bad-feeling in my head, yet It
waa not headache. I ..took -cold easily 'and.
had periodical spells pf nausea. I would
faint frequently and was completely run
down In every way.'- I tried 'several' doc
tors and took" .various1 remedies, bot -with
out favorable results. "' ' ' ' '
"Finally a 'friend-, who "had ' taken ' thr-m
herself, advfeed me to try "rf. William'
Pink Pills for Pale People. T did so, and
wn feeling better hn I bad tskrU one
box of the pnis.' il continued in the use
of the pills until I hsd taken el boxes and
they made me "well and strong."'. '
"I have, - recommended Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills t quite a Ttumbef ot people
a euro for- constipation end 'to hell
them get good blood: I UnoV.'by personal
experience that .they" WW gtve Wonderful
result." '2 !.. ?. ?
It la of th utmost' Importance to yotir
health If you have suffered' from' the 'grip
that you should cleanse' the- system Of the
lingering .germ and put iW In. condition to
resist and ward off disease.
Dr. WyilamsPlnk Fill for Pale Peopi
are valuable In cases Ilk toe above be
cause of the flo'uble'actloiv 01. the nerves
and on the blood, a feature .In,',whlch they
m uuiiKe any .oiner medicine. . or tQla
reason they' cannot successfully Imi
tated, so do not let any dealer palm oft
an inferior aYticle on you.. The genuine
pills are never sold5 iij ' loose ' bulk, b.u
alwaya In packages and the well. , knpwn
trademark on the wrapper fs your guar
antee (hat the contents are genuine.
There are tew1 diseases' due?, to' Impov
erished blood ot- weakened !nerv that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pill . will " not benefit,
Some . of the ' cure effected are almost
miraculous. " If .you are suffering add
ordinary treatment falls ' to relieve 'you,
send your hame and address, together with
a brief description of your c&so, to ' the
Dr. Williams Medicine company, Schenec
tady, N. Y.r4fJthe remedy. has not cured
esses like yours it will not be recommended
to you. , Tbe 'pill will be' mall it
desired, postpaid, 'on Receipt" of price, 50
cents' per. bolt;' '! bote's for .60, .
Is Oray. Streaked or JHeaehed, it ash-,
resurd to any beaatliul oelorby ,
The Imperial Hsir Regenerator
th aoknowlndgrea BYXNTjAKD RAtB
uuwsisv mr way or mMrnea tisir.
ooior are durable i easily sppllnd. Its ass
esnnet be detected. Bamplsoth sir polar
tree. orroaaena eeaeeanUar,'
Imperial Chemical -u.", lai W. 2id St., N. T.
MiflS W99
This Afternoon ..
,.TJie. Eminent ;
-.Actress .
ROSE Cor Man
Price Mat. 25c 80c
Mifht :5c to $1.00.
f orgt Me Nor
lady "Barter
Sunday Mat. and Night-Lewi Morri
son's Co., In
Prices Mat., 2Sc Mc Night S5o to 7to.
Reserved Seata all el4-Gallry
Ticket at t.OO will be placed
an aal at H Offlea Friday
tab. 28, at A. M.
CALL 'EARLY ind .Held the Rush
Telephone USL '
Matinees, Wad., Hat. and Bite., 1:1s. Every
- night tola week, .tt. 1 .
Iuls Blmon, Orar Gardner Co.; Poo
ley and Kent, the blx blackbirds, KaynyW
and Klrkmrop. Hill . and Wbltaket V. All
Holt. UU k and Xlir JrcAvoy and 'tht
aUnodrome. trices, 10c, tte and auo.
. - '
. !