Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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7t P. Johnson Bays Superintendent Goes
from One Committee to Another.
VHrA Slates History Rrmalna In t'se
Agratnst HeeorameiidatfoBi of the
Majority of Principals ef
' Grade Schools.
,fn referring to the Interview of W. R.
VtnfnMI rrn M -i In TUm Xlnm Wr P .fnhn-
(on of the Board of Education, said:
"I was Interested In the remarks of Mr.
taoman regarding the text book committee,
m published In The Bee. I hare been on
the board longer than Mr. Homan and
ferobably understand Rome of the things
srhloh Is not patent to a man who has net
Veen ' on the board ao long. As to the
Superintendent ordering books without eon
halting a committee, I admit the appear
knoa from the standpoint of member of
the text book committee mar be that he
fees done so; at the same time I do not
know of a time when he has ordered book
Without being authorized by a committee,
la some cases where the superintendent
Jlae made up his mind that new books
bonlj be ordered be has brought the mat
,tr before the text-book committee; that
mmlttee has disagreed with him and he
M taken the queation before the supply
committee, or' perhaps the teachers' cora
JBlUee, and among all of the committees
.lie found one which would agree to bis
eroposal. and the books were ordered. In
the form cf a committee report the action
would be approved by the board.
1 "Aa to the purchase of new books wlth
wt exchanging the old ones, . I remember
ease wnere the committee or the board
(Bad authorised the superintendent, at hi
quest, to purchase a number of books,
foe old books of the same character were
io be exchanged In part payment for the
Ai nnna. Ti .1 . .
-DuireiimcuueDi orew up
the formal order of the board and after it
Was put upon its passage It was discov
ered that the provision relating to the ex
change of the old books bad been omitted.
The passage of the order was suspended
fantfl thm -- ....
- ...... vu.icuiou una me su
perintendent expressed considerable sur
prise to think that be bad omitted the pro
Vision, wbioh would have meant considera
ble to the company selling the books.
ComplaJnt Aaralnat HUian.
' "The complaint as tp the history now In
taw In the schools la well taken. The
committee had the question up last year.
W asked for expressions from the prin
cipal of the schools as to the merits of
the book and the majority of these prin
cipals recommended that it be dropped la
favor of some simpler book. The commit
tee bad. a I understood it at the time, de
cided to discontinue the use of this book,
but had not decided upon which one to
Use in Its place. The book in question is
published by the American School Book
trust and was strongly recommended by
the superintendent. I left Omaha in July
and returned In September. When I got
Back I found that the matter bad been set
tled and that the superintendent's re6om
sneadatlon bad prevailed over the opinion
Of the majority of the principals and that
the book was to be used this year."
The family, that keeps on hand and uses
Occasionally the celebrated Prickly Ash
Sitters is always a well-regulated family.
' S3.0O tor m Half Dmr'm Work.
If you live la the country or In a small
1 town and have a good, acquaintance among
.the farmers and stockraisers In the neigh
borhood, you can make $5 easily by four
r five hours' work. Write us and we will
lend you our proposition. The Bee Publish
lnc company. Solicitors' Dept.. Omaha, Neb.
CIQAR' SALESMEN, with established trade
'With large dealers who. buy direct from
factories. Address, giving sales,, references,
to., U. O. FISHER, Fisher building. Chl
I V ' i
,CosnmlesloDer "Wattles State II aa
Ho lie for Btraetwro art
' Si. Loals Fair.
It Is announced from St. Louis that there
ytU be a meeting of the commissioners of
the state which, have i decided to erect
buildings on. the Louisiana Purchase expo
sition grounds on March 14, at which time
the space for state buildings will be al
Sotted. The. Nebraska commlaBloners will
Bet be present at this meeting, according
to the statement -of O.. W. Wattles, presl
dent of the commission.
"Nebraska commissioner will have no
Interest In this proposed . meeting," he
amid, "a Nebraska will have no building
at the exposition. We are going to have
n exhibit, but this exhibit will be In the
buildings devoted to different arts and
sciences. The- commissioners have no
funds at band to build a atruoture worthy
f the state and therefore we early de
cided to attempt to build none. A build-
' tng la not an essential. It Is simply a sort
of club room where residents of the state
.and their friends may meet. No display
la made there and the bunding can be
lastly dispensed with.
'Tixerdse Is aa bad aa too little for the -growing
girl. It is very earr for bar to
overdo, and this la especially dangerous
t that critical period of a wuna: girl's
Ufa when she crosses the Una of woman
hood. It la not an
uncommon thing to
lay the foundation ,
for year i of after
misery by neglect of
necessary precau
tions at .the- first i
chang of life."
The use of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription not only
establishes regular
ity, bat It gives
health to the entire
woman ty organism.
It is the beet medi
cine for diseases
peculiar to women
Decs use It cures the
causes of disease
completely and per
manently. Vavoote Preacrio
tion" contains no
7 mIoaIioI. neither
opium, cocaine nor
sny other narcotic.
It cannot disagree
with the most deli
cate constitution.
Par number of
troths X euilcraa with
female troeWe," wrltte Wtae Ague MtOoww.
Wiw. Beak Street. "Whta. p. 0. M tild
eernsat fool The " " T k
lor M at Intsreal tumble they ever ha. I
oaoi.W4 to write to yo tor a I p. I iIm4 a
very xTar.(Uf reply sad ewamicl tnW
a w
fore I tsa te 1
faur, and, as I epatlwiga. ssy aealia rrmaaiy
CproXead lsTmprOTtg evy day
Dr. Pierce's Common Bns MedUal
Adviser, in paper covers, is sent fnt on
receipt of si onevcent SUmp to pay
expense of tnaiHntr oly. Addrcaa l.
Ji. V. ilerc. UuOilo, K. Y.
Se.jsat.onal Selling of Fine Shoes
In Our Newly Enlarged Shoe Dept.
We hare been compelled to grentlj enlarge our shoe de
partment to accomodate our increasing shoe trade and
tomorrow we place on Bale thousands of pairs of fine
shoes for men, women and children, which were pur
chased at prices that are' characteristic of our buying
methods. Shoes you wouldn't believe could be sold for
any such prices. But they are here and you should in
spect them and satisfy yourselves. ,
Women's Shoes Another lot.
of 2,400 pairs of women's best qual
ity shoes have been added to the
1 1.85'lot to enliven the selling. They
come invkid, patent leather, enamel,
velours, calf and vici kid. The styles
ire the best. It's a wonder price for
, such elegant, dressy shoes they are
$3 and $3.50 values, at
Misses' Shoes In a number of the best makes,
1,100 pairs in all excellent school and dress shoes
correct 'styles, serviceable and good
fitting f2.00 values, 1 A Q
Saturday at " lsjHcO
Boys' Shoes The famous "Locust"
brand, than which there is none better.
They are $2.00 values 900 "I CA
pairs on sale Saturday at. . ..... ' V
Men's Shoes That bear the name of
the father of. our country "WASHING
TON" shoes. They are honest made and
guaranteed as represented. The price 'We
offer-them at has created quitea furore
as well it should they are - "I O ft
unparalleled values, at O
Hen-ltk Boar Will ot Assist SmaJl-
. pox Patleat Wtio Dlaobey
Its Wishes.
The Board of Health has Issued an or
der, aa follows: ,
All Dersons In Omaha who refuse sue-
ceesful ' vaccination and thereafter con
tract smallpox must not expect any as
sistance from the city other than quaran
"This order was made necessary.' said
Dr. ' Cotfman, eity physician, "by the tact
that persons who have persistently refused
vaccination are now coming down with
smallpox. .U Isn't fair. In the face cf our
repeated offers of tree vaccination, that the
oity should he made to pay for such willful
neglect. You know tt has been our cus
tom In the past, in cases where a, family
In quarantine had ,no means of .support
save the income from day to day from the
breadwinner, to send tt free of- charge food,
fuel, clothing .and other supplies until
such time at the quarantine was lifted.
This we will refuse to do to the future
unless ths victims can show evldenoe of
vaeolnation." . . '
The board has been .watching wtth con
siderable Interest ' a case of smallpox, or
rather a series of cases, on North Twsnty
second street, which probably had as much
to do with the issuance of the foregoing
order as any ' other - agency. The family
comprises father, mother and seven chil
dren. Early last November the father, who
had never been vaccinated, was takea with
smallpox and the house WM placed under
quarantine. It is still under quarantine.
The city la atill supporting that family of
cine. All winter the father, though long
since cured . of smallpox, ha not done a
stroke of work, but has sat toasting his
shins by a comfortable Or, while, one by
one, his children' have come down wtth the
malady. One would no more than show
signs of convalescence than another would
be' stricken. Now the mother, and the last
of the nine to talc ths. disease, Is able to
be about after a mild but persistent siege.
Some of the member of yie board think
the head of this household contracted the
disease With a deliberate purpose, being
too tired to work, but aa they can't prove
It, he wnl not he sued for damage.
"Another somewhat similar case," said
Dr. Coffman, ls down on North Fifteenth
street. The family - consist of a mother
and her three daughter. The mother was
taken wtth smallpox about three weeks
ago nd we at once Insisted that ths
daughters he vaccinated, bnt they refused,
saying they dldnt believe It, Would do any
good. Now the daughters are showing
signs of the disease.
"Another case out on North Thirtieth
street is exactly the opposite of this. The
family consists of a mother and three
daughters. When ths mother cams down
wtth smallpox about a month ago we
plaoed the houae under quarantine and
had ths three girls vaccinated. The
mother Is now well and the dasghtars
have never shown the slightest symptom
of the disease. This I consider a pretty
good indication cf the efficacy of vaeolna
tion." '
Lister's Fumigaf or
Attention, Washington lodge Xo, IT, De
gree of Honor, Ancient Order of United
Workman! All members of Washington
lodge No. 17 are requested te attend the
funeral of ur beloved sister, Mrs, Anna
Nelson, to be held on Sunday afternoon,
Maroh I, from Bwedlah , Mission, Twenty-
third and Davenport streets, at I p. m.
Member meet at her late resldenoe, 1.11
North Thtrty-flfth street, at t . m. Slater
lodges Invited. By order of
- 1 Chief ef Honor,
IDA MoLAV'QHLJN, Recorder.
bampeotag aad hair dressing, Its. at The
Battery, 11S-MS B.e Building, rl. ITU,
' '
Bend artle(s ot iaeerperation, aetlaei e?
Stockholders' meetings, sts,, te Ths Pea,
W Will glv tape, jeoeer legal lunula,
B tsUpheaa, sa
-' tit
. This generator pro
duces formaldehyde
gas and therefore af
fords . the most effeo
tlve method yet known
for disinfection. It is
successfully employed
for disinfecting halls,
hospital wards, rail
road cars, residences,
rooms and killing in
sects, etc
Two else, 2uc and
EOc Small else. 12.90
per dosen. Sold by
Telephone 160.
letb. as Fsraam Streets. Omaha.
la always realised in a draught of Meta
beer. It never disappoints you. It la
always the same and the sparkle In hs
amber glow reflects ltaeif In the smile
of the connoisseur who know a good
thing when he teats It. As an appetiser
and tonlo it is without a peer. As a de
licious beverage yuml yuml
Metz Bros., Brewing Co.
TBI.. 119, OMAHA,
Or Jacob Naumayer, Art,' ear Neumayer
Hotel, C'ounoll Bluffs. Iowa.
coloxist Kxccmsiosa,
Via neels J.leaa Keate.
Every day during March and April.
One-way tick: from Oouncll Bluffs aad
Oman te
Bait Lake So 4 ng4n,,,.,...r....rl..ftA.M
San franelaeo IS. bo
Los Angeles 16.00
Pan Dies ,, ,....r... 18.00
Helena and Butt M.OO
ipokan.. .t.r,.,.'.i n.BO
Portland aad Ashland.. ....... o.00
Taeema and Seattle,,,,,,,,,.,,....... H. 00
City ticket offiee, )til rarnam street.
Asbssm.m.m ( ne Theatess.
Lewi. Morrison's Faust Will succeed
Rose Cogtilaa at the Boyd, It will be seen
Sunday . matinee and night, The pleee, t
said ts have been rewritten and Is seeni-.
ally -and elaeipisany atrengef than aver
before, An esaepiiaaally Blreag eemnaaf
handles m
VM!H four legal aethisa tn Ths Wwkls
, Tlf Hon .
eMmpursa4kelilPtlf,l. M T
Satherf, I10W ti Bunding Vd, ITU,
Don't Lliss This
Great Salo
ifen's, boys' and children's fine clothing below manufacturers'
cost. , '
$1.60 Odd Kaee Pants for COc
T5c Odd Knee Pants for 25c.
(1.60 Boys' Fine Long Pants at EOc.
$2.60 Boys' Worsted Long rants at 95c.
' $4.00 grade Boys' Norfolk Suits at $1.95.
$2.60 all wool Knee Pants Suits for 85c.
$5.00 New Spring Sailor Suits at $2.95.
$8.00 extra fine Manly Suits for $2.60.
$2.50 Boys' Chinchilla Reefers at 95c.
Men's $10.00 all wool Black Clay Wor
sted Suits for $54)0. -.Men's
$12.50 Fine Case I mere and Wor
sted Suits at $5.00. '
Men's $8.00 Cheviot Suits for $$.78.
Men' $15.00 Fine Suit at $7.60.
' Men' $11.60 Overcoat for $5.00.
Men' $22.60 Overcoat for $10.00. '
$5 50 to $7.60 Men' Extra Fin Odd Pant
at $1.50, $2.60 and $3.75. Blses, waist, U
to 48 only. v , .
Men's New Spring Overcoats for $J.7B to
$:0QO In the Steln-Bloch and Hart.
Schaffner A Marx make.
(Oet full particular about gift carnival.)
mm yJM
7 Thn Rrnnrl Prnn
Gift Carnival
100,000 gifts ranging in value from 25c to f 1,000.00 given
free with every $10.00 purchase. The gift department is crowded
every day. Get full list of gifts and full particulars at the store.
Saturday we place on sale a big line of the latest novelties In fine fancy veiling
at 15c to 7Gc per yard. 25c all allk ribbons at 12Hc The latest belt a beautiful
Una of the very latest belts at 25o and 60c, worth L Oet full particulars about the
grand gift carnival. . , '
Max ScIsrcb's Skirts sr.d Extra Scechls fcr Saturday, in
Our Cloak Department.
1.275 new spring salts to select from. Buy
now and save 25 per cent. Suits from $5.00
to $76.00. . . '
600 women's spring suits others get $15;
at Hayden'a for $10.
675 'women's suits In all . new materials
and styles, others get $22.50, at $15.
- 475 new spring suits In all styles imag
inable, nearly all sllk-llned throughout,
others "ask $35; at Hayden's for $20.
tOO suits that others get $12.60 for. at
150 women's silk skirts worth $25, for
Fine sample skirts at $11, $15. $18 and
Misses' skirts with $ rows of satin, several
rows of stitching, for $1.48. .
Misses' rainy day skirts worth $4.50 for
, Women's wrappers at each, $5c
Children's cloak worth $4, at each, $1.
Choice of any winter Jacket in our houae
worth $20, for $5.
Women' flannel waist for 49c.
we offer all our $1, $1.50. and $8 wrappers
at 59c
Oet full particulars about Gift Carnival.
We' ore showing the largest line of new
spring dress goods ever shown In Omaha
in our high-grade dress goods department.
Etamlnes from 60c to $5 per yard.
Mistrals, extra wide, from 75c to $3.60 per
yard. . ' .
Stlk-warp eoliennea, $1 io $5 per yard.
Voiles in all the new colors for spring of
lsoz rrom 75c to $3.98 par yard.
We have the newest tailor suitings, m.
dlum and lightweight Are., good, at much
less than you can buy . them at any other
place west of Chicago.
fflfHo Saturday in iho
r Pl!llS ' Bargain Room
We will place another lot of the late
nnrflh.1. tn tha hurPA In mom fnr Ratnr
day. Furnishing cjoods at halt the price
what others ask for' them. Dress good
at less than 30c on the dollar.
New spring silks worth up to $1.60 yard
will go at 25o to 49o a yard. 15c and 20o
dimities in nice long length will go at 10c
a yard.
Thousands of yards of print, whit good,
domestics, linens, aad other goods.
Be sure and examine the good and
dress GOODS.
No dealer, peddler or manufacturer
old tn ths room.
40 ctm "
64-Inch black broadcloth, $1.60 a yard.
68-lnch Scotch tweed, heavy enough to
be made up without lining, strictly all wool,'
$1.50 a yard.
64-lnch black cheviot, worth $1.00 a
60-lnch aecllUan in grays, blues, etc..
worth $1.25 a yard.
76o all wool granite cloth, 75c, all wool
Henrietta, all at on price, 49c.
42-inch serges, all color, 15a.
84-lnch Henrietta, El oolors, 26c
15o plaids, 6c.
t SILKS. ,
Silks, 19c, 26c, 39u and 49c, worth from
60c to $1.50 a yard.
Silk velvets worth 60c at 19c
All colors velveteen worth 60o at 26c.
Yard-wide black skirting silk worth 60e
at 29c.
Yard-wide black linng silk worth 60c at
10,000 styles of dimities in all the nice
new spring colors, mercerised, silk stripes,
raised stripes and every imaginable weave
that 1 made for the spring of 1902, all will
go at one price, 10c a yard.
White good that sold at 35c, 60c and 75o
In raised figure, corded stripes, grenadines
stripes, embroidered stripes and dots, all
will go at one price 10c. . '
Other sales on prints, ginghams, sateens,
furnishing goods, etc. 1
We have added to our bargain room a
nice line of crockery, glassware, bouse and
kitchen furnishings, worth from 25c up to
$1.00, all placed on 4 counters, at 6c, lOo,
19c and 25c . . . '
We're not In the detective business the
drug combine tried that once and failed
so dismally that we wouldn't think of such
a thing. We never close this store of
ours. . Our eyes are always open for busi
ness, both in buying and selling. We
often pick up snaps in useful articles and
men fiye our iraae me oeneni oi ii in
our urrrai article satumay special, urns
Saturday it's brushee of all kinds at a
discount of 40 per cent: Tooth bruehes,
cloth brushes, nail brushes, hair brushee,
bath brushes, hat brushes, hand brushes.
wnisK brooms, etc, an at ev per cent rrom
regular nrlce.
$L00 German Klmmel Bitters Ito
(This is the great spring medicine.)
$1.00 Wine Cardul 49o
$1.00 Butler's Female Regulator, (guar
anteed) ... . ISO
17.00 Cramer's Tennyroyal Pills fl.00
12.00 McDade's Buccus Alterana $1 36
W 75 Malted Milk (hospital slse) $2
6e Malted Milk 16a
$LO0 Peruna (1 bottle to a customer).. 67o
Tel. T4T. S. W. -r. 10th a4 Cfclca,.
Goods delivered FREB te any part ef city.
Some high priced dealers
charge io much profit on abme
of tbelr bent Belling llu
that thej figure that It costii
thein nothing to carry what few
3.50 hoea they sell.
Different here the small
profit Id on erpry pair. - .
No Bhoeg with a triple profit
find their way out of a Berosls
ihoe store,
Horoslg are $3,50 alwayi,
BurpttBg are $3.60 always,
S0H0S19 mion 'store
pta ho. 18th it,
BM for sptn'ngsa,
rA yvtuiu, uh
"A Good
, Our fins Rook and Rye is
a mighty good thing for
oold grip, etc Mode from
old rye end beat rock candy,
and only $1.00 quart bottle.
It beats a doctor's prescrip
tion and It's more pleasant
to take.
Our Peach and Honor is
another "good thing'' like
wise Apple and Honey all at
same price (1.00 par quart.
Come and see us; w can do
you good.
Mail older filled. City orders delivered.
Viae WU.a aad Table U .,
Opposite r.ii.Bl. Telephone 1141
Starting a Rev Year
This month we begin our new year. The
past year has been a very satisfactory ens
lit business. Evidently the puhllo does not
think sll ths druggists tn town are dishon
est one. We have furnished the
best good, for the least money, which la all
any ster eaa da, r'or the coming year
we will be the exclusive ageate fur the
for this seettbn, These paints need aa a
trCduetlea te the people ef thlo etty, Hav
pf bea used fter fas the kut U years,
thef Itavs esUtilluhsd A reputation) second
ta Reus, Fr spring painting b sure a4
sail hf eawple easd, W- will gladly fmr
alsai all Infusamttas) feit may peed, as ve
keen a praettoal palates,' wae attend e
all such seauesta,
tits and Beugtas Sts.
Saturday mernlng vre open up our new
line of 1902 spring styles for men.
It may be that the mercury will indicate
slight traces of cold weather, but we can't
help that. WETH GOT TO DO IT,
There never was a time in the history of
The "Nebraska'' when we were so , com
pletely sold out of winter goods in every'
line, and so the new spring suits for men
must go on sale right now, whether we like
it or not.. Great piles of the freshest, fin
est, fairest spring suits and overcoats in
the land, will be ready for your inspection
Saturday. While other stores are making
frantic efforts to reduce their winter
stockflj our's is ' completely cleaned out.
You can come in here and feast your eyes
on men's spring suits and overcoats, that,
see Omaha for the first time. Thanks to an appreciative
public, we are in better shape than ever to show a com
plete line of the new goods. See the new1 suits and over
coats on display in our Farnam street window.. They are
placed there for you to look at, then come to our clothing
department, on. second floor, and let us show you the new
styles whether you wish to purchase or not. Here are a
few tempters for Saturday:
MEN'S SUITS in a choice line of worsteds, cheviots,
including the new "black and white cheviots'' that will
be very popular this season. They are cut in the latest
styles and perfectly tailored,' Q Of.
our price for these suits . . P J VJJ
MEN'S SUITS in a choice line of patterns in half a
dozen different styles to choose from fancy worsteds
cassimeres cheviots, including a handsome assortment of
"pin check" worsteds they are just the suits for the par
ticular young man who wants th-? best in quality and best
in style at a popular price : "I AA
our price for such suits . ApiaWeVvJ
MEN'S SUITS made. of fancy worsteds, in stripes
plaids, and over-plaids, these suits are hand-made through
out, and you'll find trouble to match such suits for less
than $15.00 or 20.00 elsewhere C"I UL CC
our price for such a suit '. kpiJJVJ
This is surely a good place for men to select their
spring suit. ' .
foKv i)
- o
Madame LI. Yale's Remedies0
and Tbilof Preparalioiie
Our store' has long been the western dopot for the preparation of the abve
named specialist we ere prepared to supply wholesale and retail a dealers In any
quantity, albo at retail aa needed. T , ., , . ,
Her Our'
Price. Price.
Mme. Yale's Antiseptic tt.W $ .75
Mme. Tale's Blood Tonic 1.K .75
Mine. Vale's Complexion Tablets 1.00 .75
Mme. Yale's Complexion Tablets .60 .40
Mme. Yale's Digestive Tablets;.. 1.00 .76
Mme. Yale's DlgeeUve Tablets... .50 .)
Mme. Yale's Fertiliser Tablets.. 1.00 .id
Mme. Yale's Fertiliser Tablets.. .So .to
Ask for free book, "Woman's Wisdom."
Rnnri 2c auunn and we will mall.
Mme. Yale's Bust rood, WR......13.W
Mme. Yale's Bust Food, small... 1.60 1.25
Mme. Yale's Blush of Youth.... S.00 2.75
Mme. Yale's Com'n Face How.. .50 .40
Mme. Yale's Complexion Snap... .25 .17
Mme. Yale's Complexion Bleach 2.00 1.T5
Mme. Yale's Almond Blossom
fnmnlfexlnn Crnam 1.00 .76
Mme. Yale's Complexion Brush.. 1.00 .75
Mme. Yale's Corn Cure 36 .HO
Mme. Yale's Capa Derma 2.00 1.76
Mme. Yale's Eyebrow and Bye
laab urower i.w .to
Mme. Yale's Eyebrow Pencil.-... .25
Mme. Yale's Elixir of Reautv... l.oo
Mme. Yale's Face Enamel, Flesh
White 1.60
Mme. Yale's Fertilizer 1.6)
Mme. Tale's Great Koott. .........
M me. Yale's Hair Tonlo , l.tjo
Mme. Yalo's Hand Vhitenr. . . . 1.00
Mme. Yale's Hair Curling- Fluid. .50
Mme. YuVs Hair Cleanser l.oo
Mme. Tale's Jark Rose Buds.... l.wi
Mme. Yale's Jack Rnae Teaves. . 1.00
Mme. Yale's Lily Skin Whlrener l.oo
Mme. Yalo's I A Freckla :., 1.00
Mme. Yale's Mag-leal 8cret 1.50
Mme. Yale's Mole and Wart Ex
tractor 1.00
Mme. Yale's Skin Food, large... 1.00
Mme. Yale's hkln Food, small.. 1.50
Mme. Yale's Special Ointment,
No. 2 1.00
Mme. Yale's Special Lotion, No. 1 1.00
Mme. Yale's Scientific Skin Re
finer 1.00
Mm Yale'a Tooth Powder 50
i is'
and Is our best advertisement. Parents must sea OUR lines or have It-to
REGRET, as we have what Is latest and ben In wee rabies for the rising
aeneratlon, and at prices usually a aked for Inferior (toods.
To start ths spring season prop erly we have placed on sale the
GREATEST LINE OP BOVS' SUITS. 'ever shown in Omaha, at
the Special Price of $5.00.
DOUBLE breasted two-piece euits In serves, worsteds and cassimeres.
Beautiful Jlne of sins' spring- coat now in. .
Op. Osehard a WUhelsa
The Living
Animals of
the World
At Tha Dee Office
Price 10 cents By mail 15 cents