,TTfK 03IA1IA D AIL Y Jl EE; S AT UITDAYr MAnCJX;: 1 1902.'. 11 t i SPECIAL NOTICES' FOR will tsvkea awttl 13 aa. for tha fTttlo edition and) aatll HO p. m. for moraine; lod Sander e-dltlaa. Rates, 1 l-2 a vrord flrst lasertlon, 1c a nari thereafter.-- Nnthlaa taken far tea than xfte far the llrat Inirf Una. The adrorttsenseata ataat ha vaa ranse-rvtl vely. " Advertlsere, h raala a na were.1, ahaalc9 aa have answers ad draaaad to a aambarad latter la rara at Th Her. Amwrra aa addressed will ta delivered oa presentation af the) heal only; - WASTED MALE HELP. - - GOOD rrjessengers wartted; Increased pny A. 13, T. Co,, 212 South mh. B 61 TF.ADT work, profitable work, for neat, energetic hustlers. U. V, Ada ma Co., 1 Howard. - B-616 It you Irve in tha country or In a email --town ' and', hava a good acquaintance among the farmers and stock raisers In j the n.lshborhood you can. make 15 easily by four or live hours' work. Write us and we will send you our proposition, The Bea Publishing Co., ttollcltors' ! pt., I Omahn, Neb. B Mill .WANTED, a good man In every county to take suoscriptiona lor tne 1 weniietn Century Farmer. Our agenta make good wag everywnere. te:renees requirea. Addrese, Twentieth Ontury Farmer, Omaha, Nfrb. , , B 61 . . ' trwfc- B-.t . vxi B-ir t BhAve, 'hair cut, singe,', any Work'ln barber Una, at Moler College, l&a Farnam St., td noor. noma. to t. . t Mtat aia WANTED in experienced tinner And blcy- oie repsir man, tstate reierence aim sal ary. m It. iLuihn, Osceola, Neb. v. . ' ; to-H 28 THE Moler Barter collage, 1623 Farnam strist. wants I'M) vouni men at once to learn the barber trade and be prepared fur spring ruslr; ' only eight Week required; steady firaotlce, expert Instructions, eta; two years' apprenticeship saved,'' splendid waros tafd' a-raduatas: cstl'' earn scholar ship, .board' tools, If: desired; particulars Dialled it, write today. B MK 2 WANTED, -electrician to run, country plant; give reference ana salary wantea. Address U 47. Bee. - B M7U 2 WANTED,-tlnjvetv who understands bicycle ' work;- good wageaand. steady' work to rigot manj aaqreea wiB-reierence. tj. r. WANTED. aeJesmen- a complete line of gloves, vmltutna ana huskHig goods, ln cludlng rlailsvBd gents' Ope giovea, E. F. Katar. V SoniH manufacturers, Iowa CHy..Ia g , -. - ,v a B-M7W 1 ; WANTED, flrst-clsss Intcher for. sUady work. Central Markets. . B 70 28 WANTED, a' young man, of at least High -school- education ,to All: a position from Which he-oan wor,p imo. a gooa ent oy merit. Moderate, wagea to start. Ad- I areas u ou, tiee omoa. a m i- WANTED, ' man llvin In' Nebraska to triLvnTriTiHtrlbutina-: eatablished business: ' experience unnecessary ; -aiary f!8 per j week rand expenses:-;references; self-ad- I j .....i K iii dreeited; envelope. B Wlmmer, room 201 Pontlao bids;., Chicage. . B-Mia i WANTEi, " electrotype finisher. - Great Western Type Foundry, Omaha, Neb. i , - . - . B-M722 WANTED, gooj meal cook; good wages to right 'party; steady employment. Write at once to the Thompson Bakery and cats, J'ort jjodge, ia aiiai i . a i i ,i ,i , ,i WANTED ny reliable house,-, salesman who lsita cities and towns that use gas, to Tell staple article as side line; one who relit to hardware, -gas -companies, gas f fixtures, etc., preferred; a good profit can Be made by a nve man, Aiareai r-. V. BOX16S2, PwiladeHphla. fa. B Mini 1' A SPLENDID t'lOpportunlty la offered In surance, building loan, fraternal and book' ageats e represent strong organi sation; new, popular proposition; liberal Inducements ' and permanent .future for - live, active men; whole or. spare time; experienoe not necessary." This Is a monev-naker-for high-clasa men :accus- I toroed :tot. big Income. Address P. R. I Cunnfnghain, : BecrejAry, Broadway, MWrat. -US ' B M138 2 - ' 1 tri ; ... i ' " TVANTEO FEMALW HELP. WANTED tw; young lady studenta to team , nairareasing, ni&niLunnx aou cur ' wVlt'e1kJom 22o2 Bet.flBld,a,l,",i, ctV write Koom ZMr Bee mag. . V08 f WANTED at once, work: must know glrj for "general houss- now to no plain coox- Ing. Call at tTH Caldwell St.. C-rM276 lipi.KNDID onoortunirV ts ' offered voung o'lVclM m.aonl'fo'ur" oulrdU"Sr"odnf& rlence; expert Instructions, etc.; complete outfit of tools presented each graduate; positions guaranteea. can or write Moier Coliega, liu Farnam St- ' C M6ul 3 VouwoVk..2lTO COTS1 NEAT girt for light ko4tsewxrk; no wash ing. -Mrs. it i. Dwlgbt, 2611 Farnam. t , . . : 1 ".. O M649 I 1 j 1 I I tl, 1 . 1 1 ,, i St .i 1 1' GOOD girl for general housework; must be competent; 'no1 "washing; Mrs. H. W. BreJkanrldge, 1210 B. goth ave. O M714 I WANTKD," woman for general bouse work family of two. Enquire 1424 N. Soth 9t. . ,-.- . C 711 .WANTED, girl for'-general houseworkr small family. 1. 819 B. icth. St. Cell between 1 and 1p.m. or after p. m. O M727 2 '. rm RKJfT-HOUSES. nOVUSM. O. a. Walace. Brown block. jj cue TO MOVE rltrtit ret Omaha Tan Storage Co:i mce laUVs srnrun, or Tela., lSuB-ebS. UAI ICCC Irk all parte of city." The O. IIUUOLJ jr. Davis Co., .261 Bee Bldg. KOCSEA and flaU-r Rlngwalt Barker block. KlQrIT-ROOM. modfirn. axceot furnaoa tl. O. M. Natlinger, Bee Bldg. ; 'fpone 4o3. jj 40 tWO 6 and Sroom bouses. 'Phone A-XVSS, f . . D 11 ' KOUBEa, ata T. D. f end, 1634 Douglaa, D 612 XOUSES, atorea, Bsmla, Paxton block. ' - , D &q PAYNE, BO8TWTCK CO.. U N. T. Life. ,'.." . . ' D J4 YOTt RJ-JNT 1 N. 17th St., DO, iarge 2- story nuMlorn bAuae of 1 rooms, also barn. . . -. a-,w ...4 -rv....... . . Tb 0. , uui'i. w. v eviii. nitA '"i . . . . K,.a. 2 room house at 30th and Decatur Sta e Omaha Realty Co., 1A Liouglas Ht, uetalra-i . i a-o tbM "HARNEY, 11 - rooms, 'modern, rent rheaii. lent N.. 28th Ave.; t rooms, city water, 211, ti N. 'inn. rooms, tninatik jo. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam street.- . u ik . ,- ,i 1 . I. i FIVE unfurnished rooms, all 'modern and nrst-claea. ZL24 Miami at- - ' u ai4 JfOR RENT Eight-room detached modern bouse and barn.- 2611 Pierce D 687 I YAM ana uaggage wagonav. iei. 111. 4 MODEHN 4-room flat Tlsard. 230 N. 23d St. D M72 21 FOJi RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 12th- and Farnam. T' - v' - "- ' c-x.i FOR RENT Large south front room with aloov. mantel .grate aud large- cbmet au.a 1 -... .i ... 1 a.,.- ' K 21 K-U TWO newly furnished rooms, with or with, out, board.- 2118 tirace at. K-MSt 2 riHMIUEU ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE tioma for young men. . 1C 8. lath St. ? ' 'i 1 . F 6- - ROOMS and board. -Gleneairn, 16uf Douglaa, STEAM heated roorpe Capllul Ave. - nth board. 1 -F-408 LARGE parlors, ainaleor eulte. The Rose, fcwwv- lij u.. r-;,A-MJ WANTED a wood girl for general houaew FIRST-CLASS restaurant In South Omaha, RNiIUB'3ltp,fANPS' HORSES, ETC., JToMwh? sleJoTsA homt No hT doing good business; -come and Invest!! LOANS. "Absolutely without removing hf ti -V U7 1 gate; good blaoe for first-class man. In- goods." Written guarantee given to this , waahlng. 201ft Douglas. -M789 K riM-.. effect. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room riRI'HRD ROOMS AID HOARD. RENT Nicely furnished, steam bested RT mi, wtth or without board. Midland j l. 10th and Chicago Bin. F-6J0 i room hot LA ROFJ south front alcove room, modern. Harney. F M4t Z" A LARGE front room, with board. lonl Park ave. F-M7M I FOR RB1THF1 RUSHED ROOMS. DESK room spare, 16 per month, ground floor room In Tha Bee building, faring Farnam street; na expense for Usht, heat or Janitor service. R, C. Patera A Co., Rental Agents, Bea Building. G 118 THREE unfurnished rooma. r 8. 34th. G MTlt FOR Rtt.1T STORES ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT The building formerly occu pied by The Bea at 916 farnam St. It haa four atortes and a basement which was formerly . uaed aa The Bea press room. This will be rented very reasonably, if Interested apply at onca to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bea buildlrig. I mil FOR RENT Store 1n first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters Co., ground floor, Bea Bldg. I 2b STORE ROOM at 16th and Howard; good location for any kind of business. Inquire 01 wrigni iaaoury, sua ooum letn ou 1 man AGENTS WAlfTKD. WANTED-Canvasslng agena In every I county to solicit subscriptions to THkJ TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment with assured good income. Aaents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Can- vaxsnrs msae easily to iliaj per monin. Address, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau, Bea Building, Omaha. 213 WASTED TO lENT. WANT to rent, small modern bouse, with yard and shade; no objection to dls ' tance, but must be accessible to cars. ' Address U 42, Bee. K M646 2 .SMALL American family wants two or inrra, lurnimeu ruuw, wilh mnru. au dress U 43, Beo. K M64S 2 WANTED by ta-o young , men permanent room In private family; references fur nlshed. Address U 4a. Bee. K M7i) 2 " WANTED TO BUY. small, cheap lot. within" two mocks of car. or witnm waiting oistance. street must have water and sewer. Address U 41, aee, - r--bs-z3 FOR, SALE Ft'RNITrUB. -4- CHICAOO Furnltura Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2ii2o. New and secondhand, bought, sold. exenangeq. u bia FOR SALE nORSES, WAGONS, ETC, THE BEST In buggies and wagons at H. Frost s, 14th ana ieavenwortn. j w RUBBER - TIRED coupe, newly painted. IM; glass side; rockaway, 2126; six family I V.rriim Hi in lTi .mil' .,niu T,i-i,m- I carrlaaes. 246 to 176 each: waaons. brum. tnond Carriage Co., 18th, and Harney. , . P 634 EXTRA line naw light delivery wagons, H usual price. Wm. Burg, 1446 Sherman Ave. - '. P 288 M-18 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FIR timbers for bouse movers, etc.. 40 to 71 feet; cribbing ana nog lence. vol uougias. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. Q 6M INDIAN goods and relics. 1118 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, latest models. Reming ton, Hmitn-i'remier, iensmore, replaced by the UNDERWOOD; low price. A. H. Workman & Co., -1617 Farnam. Phona 2439. i ; tj 638 2DHAND safe cheap. Schwartc, 114 8. 13th. , , . Q 639 FOR SALE Phonographs. aUDerlor to anv otner musical instrument; )t up. ine ' Wittman Co.. 1621 Farnam. Q 640 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue-free. Sher man at Mcconneu vrug , Co., itstn and' Dodge, Omaha: ' Q 641 R ' SALE-Scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school, cheap. Inoulre 232 Bea .Bldg. Q MtHJS SAMPLE piano, eastern manufacture, fully warranted, at a Dargain. noom 414, Ale Cague Bldg. Q 642 Chlckerlng upright vlTTi a. sacrifice. Room 414. McCague Bldg Q-613 jsl xvAlur piiviiosrawiia iuu supplies. rimaha ninvcla Co.. ifith anil Kt. tj 7K6 TWO frA mllch"cow. for aale Sew- FOR SALE, SECOND-HAND LUMBER .200,000 feet of second-hand lumber will be sold at once at north end of exposition grounds. Inuulra of H. F. Cady Lumber Co. Tel. S91. Qw42 Ml , FOR SALE, kindling wood. 21.60 ner load at no tin ena ei exposition grounds, near UUi street Just north of old Midway. Q-MufMl FOR ' BALE Burro aaddle, bridle. 1916 Wirt fcC Ten dollars. Q-612 28 FOR SALE, a f'Ul life scholarship, Includ ing books, vaiu iJO.eti, on uoyiea- com mercial college, at a Dig aiscount call .-.."n.T.M wBl,".. .-. KeVfeldaT: Omha, Neb. ; W 3sac 1 CLAkRYOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant 919 North 16th. MMB. GYLMER, genuine palmist, m B. 16. ELECTRIC TREATMENT. I Mme. Amea, Cumberland house, lfth Cap. I iiin ail MMB. SMITH, baths, HI N. 15, 2d floor. R. 1 I T-S94 M 7 BB1ATRICH HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatmeot; attscdant 221 N. 15th. Flat A. T MtW9 M2 MASSAGE. Manicuring. 1616 Howard, flat A. . T-Mi.il Mb' JESSIE) I, KTC. massage, 607 B. 13th, room 9. 1 altk Ml' I BONTON PARLORS, 2IlVi N. 1Mb, flat B. I T TLfT'tA f 1 . w. PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; babies adopted. 23o6 Grunt St Mrs. Oardels. Tel. F-1182. U 647 DR. ROY, ohh-opodlst. corns and superflu- ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Frenser Block. U MMB. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, Id floor, r. 2. L Jllli' lS flilw- HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only. In connection with The Rather. 216-220 Bee Bldg. lU 286 I 1 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark. .17 4k Douglaa. u em 1 LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. low arnam. c CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Bathery. rooms 216-220 Be Bldg. Tel. 1716. . U-649 1 , 1 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1&3 Doug. las U-l VIAVI. woman's way to health; rational. wholesome home treatment 4S riee tting. - U 6i2 GOLDMAN'S, the only perfect pleating plant in ins west, nxi iougiae mors U M5S SHAMPOOING and halrdresalng. '25c. In connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1711 U-eHl PRIVATE home ladlea before ancf during confinement; adovt table a 2620 Burdette. Mra. Burget U Mitel Ml PERSONAL. TU RE .P'"-"'r enred In M to ) , Til 7ft " nm.Jr'NVh .. all Iew York Ufa Bldg.. OmahaNeb Mtddlemls, wall paper cleaner. 4oS Jnckson. U M75S M6 EUTE PARLORS, 615 8. lth St.. ?d floor. U M790 MT HXLIXX CENTRAL! 1510. Pleas . Tha Stoeeker Clear Co." This le Mr. "Expert Judge ' talking. Will ! you sena a nox or Stoecker Cigars - to my office at oncet I consider them the beat to straight cigar I have ever smoked. Pave the bands; they are vn'u, able. . U 613 S RUPTURE CURED FOR 2S No pain, no Detention rrom Dusiness; sena tor cir culars. Empire Rupture. Cure Co.. 3J N. Y. Ufa Bldg., Omaha. U M27I SECRET SERVICE . Business, Criminal and Personal. Private Work a Specialty. H. M. BOWERS, 2619 N. 24th Bt.. Omaha. U M&Vl 8 bartv. March What to Eat. page S5. . GEORGE. ' U M736 1 omX fashionable cleaners-of ladles' and gen tlemen 11 dresses and suits, lace curtains, draperies. . U M729 tl PIANO tuning taught by mall. Satlsfac- tlon giiaranteed. National Tuning Vo. et. Joseph, Mo. U M.J2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. Ueoraa & ComDanv. 1601 Farnam street. . W-655 , 4V4 PER CENT on business property. 6 per oent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 4Vl 8. 16th St. W-6M WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith tk Co- 1320 Farnam St. , W-657 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. K. c. 1'eters dc t o., lion 1 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. w 658 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-lxve Co., 209 south mn. W 659 FA.RM nd,.91 n' Jow,7ftte5; , wi,.H- - -v. H TO I P. C. money. Bemis. Paxton Blk. W-661 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. yv wi TOR BLE-FAHM ABU UTI IAJA.JSB. R. C. PETERS & CO.. BEE BO.. OMAHA- W-874 M-l MORTGAGE. O. O. Wallace, Brown Blk. wtua PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas, f W-64 xV.R CPTNT loans Oarvln Bros 1604 Jr&n tciNi loans, uarvm rroB., iwi Farjiam. W 665 $300, S30O AND $1,000 private money, 1, 2, 2 I or t years, on eastern MeDraKa arms or wen iocatea cottages in vmana. w, Beiby, Board of Trade Bldg. W WH MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WE make - loans on Furniture, Planoe, Horses, Wagons, Carriages and other chattels, Wa make v SALARY LOANS , M 0 N E without mdrtgage to persons who have permanent positions. You can I keep it longer, and pay for It only I what time you keep it We are Ion la tsi in pafaa milnlr si r1 rrtn. 1 tlrlantlal siorvlnA onH artti ft Arvn si reatment. We invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, etc We give you the full amount of .the uian in sh. We always "try to nlease." .. OMAHA MORTGAGE" LOAN. CO., 11 Board of Trade Bldg.- Tel. '22K I tustaDiianea lifflii ' suu so, inn Hi. - ' ' - X 666 ' , STOP THAT COLLECTOR'S CALLS By seeing us today in our private., t ' - offloe. HAVE YOUR INDEBTEDNESS IN ONE PLACE,, where you can pay easily, t Every $1 paid off loan reduces cost.''" ' 'SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES" to male or female employes. No one need ever know. i No mortgage. No lndorser. No publicity. A little help at tne rignt time orten sets a man on hie fet. Wife people will af least call and Inquire about our terma ana rates. You, save nvmer when you borrow of I - ' " Y I We offer a money-saving chance. RELIABIE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Room M, Paxton Block. X-735 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO 8 ALA PVJ ED PEOPLE, merchants, team- sters, Doaraing nouses, etc., witnout se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade ttiag. a t FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES. ETC.. LOANS. "Absolutely without removing goods." Written guarantee given to this errect. am.kiua uuam cu.. itoora 90S. Paxton Block. , X 730 903, Paxton Block. X 663 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried rieople; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 faston Dioctc Tne j. a. jiution co. X 670 MdNET loaned on furniture, live stock. to H-JSpft, 1 . X-671 MONEY, loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows. eto. C. F. Reed, si e. 13. X 672 LOANS on CHATTEIJ9 and SALARIES. J. W. TAYLOE. 6 Paxton block. X-678 BL'SINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room ill, McCague building. x en WHEN you want to uy, sell or exchange your nusineaa or property quick oommuni- cate with ene who haa the cumomers. J. U. Johnson, 842 N. Y. LUs. 'Phone L-2270. Y-MSSl FOR SALE, millinery store doing good I bustneas; also good hotel for sale (or lease to right party), both good locations in N. E. Nebraska. Call or write 624 N. Y. Lire buuoing, umana. Y 134 I f.ROOM brick flat nlcelr furnished, nne 1 . . . . . ,. - location, i roomeri only. Furniture for I sale reasonable. Party leaving etry, J. 11. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-M226 FOR SALE or trade, my entire livery stock, at a bargain. Address W. C. Utterback, Ogden Livery, Council Bluffs. X M2el I yoR BALE, a well selected atock of hard ware hiiu buhib iiiipieiuenLa; aiao store building: good location, east front: write quick. J. . wyvet Ainswortn, Neb. Y-M59T 1 MR. INVESTOR, SHOW US A B INGLE iinbi aim-UJ wnere inert was ever' a cent loet In buying shares in a SALMON CAN NERY COMPANY on the Paclflo coat. ir you can, you can get a good reward When you have fully convinced yourself PACIFIC Storage and Warekouse Co., 912 that this la a fact why not send for par- I ,14 Jones, general storage and forwarding, tlcular to the company, who offers you I today ONE DOLIAR shares at 15 CENTS M'-wiS? "a Vib'wi!lSuf P?ltlvely to 2S CENTS. A quick Investigation will surely P Ola money AO you Djr writing to tne INTtKBTATB FISHERIES COMPANY 02-SJt Paclflo Block, Heattle, Wash. 'Y-64a Ml INVESTMENT EXTRAORDINARY. I fSDtiG buys two 4-roora cottages, modern ex mill.!., .uu i-rovin ooitage, in I gooa iimuniuu. i-uimnuaiiw occuplea; tciv I mnntbly; flne location, on 17th street, 10 1 blocks north r. rtn P. O-; half cash, half easy; Ing to California for health owner going avail yourael! meat quick. Y Mu4 BICYCLE and gun repair ahop for sale rnamp. auiimi v,. v. r anrer, fuller too. " . I ai;ius A NEW stock of general merchandise, 1o cated In one of the best towns In north. eastern Nebraska, for sale, no trads. Ad - tlreaa U 62. lice. Y-M7M ron exOiaxgic. WILL exchange good oak Wardrobe for I folding bed. N 4, nee. y, mmj WILL exchange S4 acre good . Improved fnrm Isnd, sll under cultivation, for ftier chsndlee. Hnnd In Hurt-county, en stern KebraKka. two miles from p. O. Address, I L. W. fiewell, tsancrotw .jpo. Z M.VA-M-1 FOR ALE REAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFUI" 7-room house and lot; a bar gain. Shit alarcy Bt. RE M.V8 M-2' PAYNE, BOBTWICK CO., 901 N. Y. Ife. NEW Pnow-Chnrch Co., 4th floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omnha, Neb. largest Inw, "colleotlon and real estate agency In the world. Associate banks attorneys and real estste brokers In every county In the United States and cities pi foreign cotin- tries. RE-7 ALlTAI-FA RTOCl FARM. A quarter section of alfalfa land and a soctlon of pasture aUarent. Adjoining land last year Paid over 110 per cent. Will double in value In Ave years. A I TRTTNTrn travnilitr bars suit cssns' trunka I nan at twelve dollars per acre. FjuvP1""?,-? V?Jpi!Z; ;ILcf"2BAJr I terms.7 Address. Box 666. Lexington, Neb. I RAKrrH snd farm lands for sale by the McAllester, land commissioner, cmon ia clflo Headquarters, .Omaha, Neb. RE 677 HOUSE a, lots,' farms, ranches, loans; also flre insurance, iiemis, raxton rsioca. 1 RE 78 HOUSES-Harrlson & Morton. Tel. 4. -m-4 IF YOU' wsnt one of the nicest 8-rodtn homes in rianscom r-iaco win givw you a bargain. Owner left. city. . Must sell. J. H. Sherwood, 937 N. Y I Bldg. . . . RE M158 m ! lAMQniM CHARLES B 1203 Farnam street. RE-479 FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! For bargains In farm property go lo I O'Neill s Ileal Estaia Agency, tsoutn Omaha, Boyd County. LANDS. March 4, 1902, we will take our next party to look at Boyd County UnHc Zt.nA in vnnr nnmp at finre if Want tO gO. : PUIILK, tUKUAN rlAoKtLL, 420 M. X. lAbXi i3ClJL,UlINU, TeL 4V0. OMAHA, NEB. .. . KE M6W I ur.Iol,.u w. . .11 rt. of ..ttvi also pFoDertj; ahd Uriri Tund The O. F. uavis Co., nwni so on ouuuiiij. Hh-681 CHEAPER THAN RENTING. Three houses on S. tn Ave.; between Far nam ana uougias, s roams eucn, raouern, furnace and nrepiace, only 4,0uo, hall casn, balance o ' year, o per. cent. Stringer. Paxton bloca. . . Khl--MW . ', ..' ; : i ,i w.w HOL'ge. West Farnam District. Eight large rooms, besides reception hall. Attic ana iuuHieu jikbcukiui. Beautiful oak tlnlsh and polished. Oak floors downstairs. Built- especially - well fos home. Owner caned east and must sell. Bargain price, ,00o. HARRISON t MOKl'ON, N. Y. Life.-. I ' Kli M4 HOi;8E. 18TH AND-LAKH STS. 3413 lsth at., 8 rooms, very oesiruble lo cation, witnin Dioca one Desi acnoois qkORGB AND COMPANY.' 1601' Farnam. . . . .". U-643 28 . . L. . ! j . ; EIGHT-KOOM. nouse. ana, warn, snaae ana trull trees, 4urge yrw uu -aorucii, one mile southwest' ritttisoom park. l,o00, or might rent to-good tenant. HARRISON 'A &XRTON. ,L .913 New York Life Blag. . Tet. 314. A BARGAIN, . , y, ; Large seven-room houeort ail modern con veniences, wlttt furnace; on paved street; good barn; a . handsome, home. Price J.000. jl Si, Via, r; BE 61-2ii- FOR SALE, S-rooia modern cottage, ll.ifca The O. rVDavis Co., oo-Be bldg. "'- ' . . RE M71&M4 WEST FARNAM ST., S-roo'm. 2-story, mod ern house. newLv Daintea. on ac line. 22,600. THE BYltOiX REUD CO., 212 So, inn bu - . .1 ?.. 1 ia FOR SALE, a . bargain, 2,200 acres ot good level land. 2 to U feet to water, meadow outs 200 tons of hay; 'alfalfa, can be IMBeU VII 1 all tl . a.v, 27.600. A. F. Buldridge, Alliance, Neb. RE 719 28 CHEAP ACREAGE. I Several blocks of fine high lots very cheap, near waterworks reServolT at 27th st. and Broadway, Council Bluffs. Easy terras. inquire 01 rtooeri xouiig, u'"1",,'5.,, " .. """"7"' Council Bluffs. . Kfc,-M740 .. MEDICAL. . DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women in Omahar would call the attention of suffering ladies to bis unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for - irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. Dr. Fries, Arlington Block, 1613 Dodge, Omaha. W OSTEOPATHY. 1 S -.,cxt .I. '... 1. l . . wow DR. A. T. HUffT. 612 McCague Bldg. Tel. DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 4Z3. . 6b6 SHORTHAND ANU TIPKWRITINO. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col.. 16th Doug A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 71T N. Y. Life. 637 BOTLE8 college, court reporter principal. 1 . "i. . .. - I . 1 - ' j NEB. Business Shorthand College. Boyd s Theater. POLICIES PL'RCHASED. ... INSURANCE policies, old-line companies, purchased. Loans on policies. Call on or -write The Putnam Co., frtM-6 N. Y. Life B14g., Omaha, Nub. . . . 61 TREES. I FRUTT, shade and ornamental trees, vines. shrubs, roses, small iruita, eto. Addreas Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Neb. . - -962 M14 FRATERNAL ORDERS. ' THE GARDENERS protect old age aa well aa-llfe. Charter members tree. Particu lars from Frank Rosewater, supreme manager, 222 Bee Bldg. 724 STORAGE. OMVan Stor. Co.. 16UVs Frn. Tela 1S5S-862. I , 62 PURNITCnB REPAIBIING. . TEL. 1221. M. 8. Walklln, 21 tl Cuming St. BICYCLES, why not aat Vbiclcle cannc tha VveatT Th TrlKim. cannot be excelled. 1901 models while they last, 'jas mantles. ra enlmnevs. snaaes. saaallna lampa Louis Fleecher, 1U22 Capitol ave. M.16 Ml ELECTRICITY. I GRAND ELECTRIC CO. Tel. 2846. Pells, I .'phones, Ughta. motors, repairs. 621 8. 16. I til COAL. MONROE Toal and Feed Co. "Phone 71. 467 F28 STAMMERI5Q AID ITITTKRIIO. CURED, Julia Vaughn, 4M Ramga Bldg. 3H FtORIITS. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. 'Tel. 12V). "VOICE. CLEMENT B. 8HAW, Voice, 612 Bheely building. a:fi Mil ANltOtNCEMEITS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- phono 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. FACTORIES. , lu. u. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED to borrow Immediately 13,000 for one or two years en improved city prop erty. U . Be M713 2 CARPENTERS AID JOINERS., ALL kind of carpenter work and repairing knh And fjtkA ftti-Mti. S70 I nrnm r 1 r 4vlai(4iw1 W f .1 'I ITnilTrPll. I ' I PAWNBROKERS. I ISAULitfi loan umca, renaoie. irajmraoaw inw ail Ko.in.a. Minfldnntu I. ism uauff u. I mm I FIR DRESSING. -1 n n fiiLRERT CO.. tanners. 1424 ft. ISth. I . 700- I DRESSMAKING. DRES8MAKINO In famine or at home. Miss Sturdy, 2042 Farnam. "k-487 F2 1 " ii R1CKEL P LATINO. OMAHA Plaung Co.. Beo Bldg. Tel. 2B3S. 701 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie, Co.. 611 North. 16th. 702 FURNITURE REPAIRING. . GLOBE COUCH CO., , 1619 Leavenworth. Tel. 2K. i Ml LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, zc; cutis, o, iroo ieavetvwortn. iei. ai. . 703 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard; mac Chlnlst. M704 STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 209 S. 13th. 9 P! Tl PI ri n sa. ' 7"s..-,mm ""Ij 'LJ Ratuaan VniiP Taath n there may be vacant- places; let us-fill them up for you. Can do It at a reasonable price and your friend will fall to deteot the artificial from the genuine. Crowns, $5. D Bailey tit Dentist, mi 4liu u.omtt, 14 th and Farnam Sta. ' Lady attendant Phone 10B). b D D O t3 Q POSTOFFICB HOTICki. (Should be read dally by all Interested. as changes may occur at any time.) 1 . Tneels-n mails for tha week endinr March 1 KMVl win close trnuMf iLt in an easesj at tne unri r-oatomoe follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close ONkJ hqUR EARLIER than closing time ONE HOUK CAHbiCK man closing time shown below. Parcels Post malls for Oer- many close at 5:00 P. m. .Wednesday, per . . u...r an VrlHov nar a a. p.i.m. Regular and Supplementary malls .closa at Foreign Branch half hour later than ?lm. .hn.n ha.o-. Vk.. uUDPiemnuary Mails tor Europe and Cen- tral America, via Colon, close one hour 1 later at Foreign Brancnj. - r Traasatlaatto Malls. Due to other na SATURDAY A t t a. m. r EUROPE, Llt C1-1 risV r s. a. Campania, via. yueenstown; at a. m. for ITALY dlreot. per s. s. Lahn maJ .mli't Ifct?.e5v;vJtl?n"ii ISt 7:0 a. m. lor ETHSHLAND8 -dl- rsct, per . a. a. KOiieraam (mall must be itrpli)ltVi to cnecks.. .... t.109.700.25 .' . 1. .,r IU,,T, k. -ii-.V.Vi .V... Astoria (mail must be directed, "per a. a. Astoria . PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes r-rintea aiatier, commercial- ra- pers and Samples for Germany. only. The I ' ..P'". m"" ' oin.er Pts SB a riar me ciuauia wi v"" Djuoiemeniarv Transatlantic Malls nboye named, ad - aitionai suiiii.juvnimji wans are openead on the plera of the American. Enalish.1 French and German Steamers, and re 4nam open unui wiuun 1.0 minutes oil the hour of sailing ot steamer. Malls for South and Central America, West ladles, Eto. , 8ATURDATAt 9 a. m. for Porto Rico, per s. s. San Juan; at 9 a, m. (supplementary 9:80 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per a. . a. Zulla (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be di rected "per s. a. ZulTa"); at 9:80 a. m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per . s. s. Lauenburg; at 9:80 a- m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.1 for LEEWARD and WIND WARD lBlAlNUH, and BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a. s. Korona (mall for Grenada aud Trini dad musube directed "per a. s. Korona"); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10: a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND,. JAMAICA. TOWN, per s. s. Athos (mall for Costa lUca must be directed "per s. a. Athos"); at i'i a. in- iwr n-da, i a. storro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for OKENADA, TRINIDAD and CIUDAD " BOLIVAR, per s. s. Maraval; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) lor TURKS 1 B Lt is L ana. uuMtiLAn nii,l"UiiL4C, per s. s. New York. , tf.n. v..Anniiini rn . ilt...w Byuney. ana tnence Dy steamer, close Wednesday ind Saturday). MalU for Mlnuelon. by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, ciose at mis omce cany at M p. m. Mails for Cubs, by rad te Florida, and - thence by steamers, are dWipatched dally, final connecting closes, tor oispaicn via ron -1 ampa. on oun Friday.. 'i duTpa'tch "2 Miami, on Mondays, and Fridays at. 11:30 OrW eans. and thence bj steamer, olose ih mfny. a'tSo itl st t n: ne tin a- closes hare Mondays for Bella. - fuerto vwwi auu uiwitm.it, ana x uea- days fur Costa Rl?a). Registered mall closea at p. m. previous cay. T Traaspaiao Malls. . . . Malle for Hawaii, China Japan and Phil (falls for Hawaii, China Japan and Phil- Ipplne Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:20 p. m. up to February 28th. Inclusive, for deapatob per s. a pf.u., , . Malls for Australia (except Weat Australia. which goes via fcurope ana rusw Zealand, which goes vie Saa Francisco), ,and FIJI laiands, via- Vancouver, close liera daily at 6:30 p. m. aftr February -j ana up TO Hircq . inclusive, dlapsivb ner a. m. Mlowera (auncla- KnlS.' roecTal W addreed" or ,'3; - - th. by stetmer, close at thia office daity ex. f,V. 71 EinE.. mi J:S P tucked to. siva a 8euPndfva a? I'0 : o V and 11 af S' "m Dncolslromsbur, Ex.b 4:06 pm bliiw in th.y faU free and MAU. Vfor 'colVi, aBtll... A.no G' Uland Local. b :30 pm b tM 12 Wit deep-polntad Cortea ai d Guatemala, by ralr-to New I Ctoleno, Mllwaakee A St. Paal. . ta slock that rOSTOFFICB SOTKB. mentary mulls, via Besttle and Victo ria, close; here at .30 n. m. March "2). Mslls (or Hawaii, via Pan Francisco, close here dally at f :W p. m. up to March I J. Inclusive, for dlspstch per s. A,la- men a. Mails for Hawaii, Japsn, China and Phil-1 ippine isianoe, via fan irancisco, nose nere aaiiy t, p. m. up to aiarcn 8. Inclusive, for il-suatcb per a. a. CTipttc. Mails (or Tahiti and Marquesas Islsnds, via San Francisco, close here daily at p. m. up to March U, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Australia Malls tor Australia (except West Australia. which Is forwarded via Europei, New I cmmni, r iji, . oamoa ana nnwiii, in Ran Frsni'bacn close here dallv at 4:0 1 p. m. after March and up to Mnrch 1S, Inclaslve, or on arrival of a. s. Etrurla, due at New York March 15. for despatch per s. s. Ventura. Malta for China and Janan. via Vanrou- ver, close here dally at :. p. m. up to I Aiarcn "is, inclusive, for uenpstcn, -per 1 s. a. Emureaa of India (mrlstared ninll I must be directed 'vla Vancouver". Mer- I cnanaise lor tne u. o. foetal Agency at 1 Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can- I " . . . . Transpacific malls are forwarde of sailing dally and the schedu rorwaraea to port le of clos- ,nf u .n, v , the presu ,f,i.Tp;l..r their vnlnterrupted overland transit. Registered snail close at 4.00 p. m. previous day. , m VL't 111a 1 vt vtiMi . -. Potofflc New York. N. V.. Teb. 21. 1902 LEGAL NOTICES. npprrvro1 jrTrr-n I In the District Court. In and for Douglas 4 tys a a a a & aw jj. t William O. Madden, plaintiff, vs. Ne- 9mm ml, L'lA T . . . a. a1 1 a ft-nd-vntfi. ' ' I A ... . . - . I io an croitora or iNcDraika irira iniur i You and each of you are hersby notified I that In pursuance of an order of the dla- I inci court oi irougias county, maae janu- i irv l , I n in x. m. nivinettn nr iva isi ner r,n i nil mil kiiowmi pimiytih iiiiiii in, ivMrr..,. i Fire insurance . Company has been de- l elaredi that said dividend Is payable at my I I ortice, In the Brown block, in the city of 1 umana. and Mat payment tnereot must be demanded at my otflce, and unlets such demand be made by April luth. lwa, you and each or you will be forever barred I from tnv rlffht to Dartlnlnate In tha funds I appropriated lor said aiviaena. Such claims must be presented at the fifflM nff th uniteralffneA. rcelvne. In tha Brown block, 4n the city of Omaha, Doug- las county, xseDrasxa, or transmuted tai him at that address by mall. iatea uiis utn any oi reoruary, a. v. ivua. lUlliai 4TW( ly 1ISM4I A. U. WYMAN. R1Lv'.rnot Nebraska Fire nce flit-ditot r . NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETINO . Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual muoi i ""''' i Boutn riatta una company win do uoiu Nebraska, at 11 o clock a. m...on the uta dav of March. A. D.. 1S01 ny oraer ot tne woara or ui rectors. Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. L IVA. C. H. MORRILL, President Ft dSOt . A, B. MINOR.. Secretary, STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meetina of the stockholders of the Millers' Exporting company of Ne- braska will be held In their ofllce rn the city of Omaha, Neb., on March 13, 1902, at t o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing . At airontor. and auch other hiiai- I nesa as may properly come before such meetlne. By order of the president. 1 . a. . tu.ULM. x , peeretary. BANK STATEMENT. No. .209. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OlT THH FIRST NATIONAL BANK . ...oah. in th. .t.te of KB. braska, at the closa of business February Zo nwuum.T.0. Leans and dlsoounta... 23,823,879.82 Overd raits, secured and unse cured V. 8. bonds to secure circulation U. S. bonds to secure U. 8. de posits U. S. bonds on hand Premiums on U. 8. bonds.... ... Stocks, securities, etc Banking house, furniture ' and fixtures , Cther real estate 'Owned.. jjpo. 'from national . "s ' " " banks tnot reserve agents) t 448,713.23 Due from state banks and bankers... 739,869.24 Dim from '&nnroved 46.583.60 200,000.00 100,000.00 6'22 aoa.io 266,938.51 125,000.00 80,3S6.04 reserve agents i,D0i,7i.-xz,w,3e8.V7 Int'l revenue atampa 964.44 Checks and other Cash Items T.G61.82 Exohanges for clear. Ing house 276,974.84 Notes of . other. na tional banks 26,000.00 I Ft actional paper cur- rency, nickels, cents 281. it I Lawful money re- I serve In bank, vis.: 1 upecio uji-iviiuw huot... ,F.r ,u,,. Redemption fund with U. 8. I feaaurer to per rani 01 circu- I latlon) 10,000.00 I Due iron u. B. iTeasurer, orner I than fi ner cent redemDtlon fund 4.783.60 Total V v;tiTIWI;-a8'iMu,76 r-nnitol afoeic nJd in 1 600 nno ftn Surplus furiS 100,000.00 Undivided profits, less expensss ' I a"d taxes nam , National bank notes outstanding 66.060.94 200.000.o9 and bankers 1.64S.080.43 Due to trust com Pnles and aavlngi tarika 114.S16.87 ir.dlvld l deooalta sub- I Demand certincaies neno.lt of deposit 212,803.66 Time certificates of 1 umnwit Certlhed checks 15,270.48 Cashier's checks out-1 standing 48,472.09 U. S. depoeiU......... TO.517.77 ttncor.".- 29.2 7,668,008.81 I Total . I8.4M.119.75 state 01 jseDraska, (jounty OI Douglas, .ss.: I. IP H. Da.vla. mihlai of. tha ahnva - I namarl hank, dn aoiemnlv iwu tViat thai above statement ts true to the beet of my I anowieuge utu oeuei. Jf . H. DAVIS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this zin aay ot ceDruary, ito. . , . " JOliN H. BBKTEN,- iNotary r'uono. A A. CRBIGHTON, W E all .VXI Correct Attest: W. B. POPPLETON,' Directora 1AILWAY TIMB CARD. UNION STATION lOTH AND MAKCV. IUdoIs Ceatral. taivL Arria I Chicago Express .a 7:20 gm a 6:10 pm I Chicago, Minneapolis 4 St Paul Limited a 7:50 Dm a 1:06 am Minneapolis (., mill Express bT:99m blOtSt pre wnicago Asprvaa. aioti put Cavteage A Nerthwastera. 1 "The Northwestern Llna." Chlcaao SueclaL a 7:10 am all:2S nm I Chiuaao Passenger... . . .a 4 :15 diu ai uOam a 4:16 pm a S :00 a I " " , r . . ;? mm ;w Omaha-Chlcago L't d...a 7:46 pm a 9:20 aS I " a" ,y'm"" f: i , " I 2 ' f f,P"" j! T.111 Vm.I 1 .1 tli Bloux City Local a 6.16 - 1- - . . - S.taat-iP"U,d t IS t2 t P RV,1,,"-'K;Z-mmm"'.'"Z i S 72 'm I rhloaao Limited...... ...a iiOO pm 1 l c gSS.i"r ?S K S gi, ioms a.avrowB uum am s l:a Dm K. C. 4k Bt L. Expreaa..al00 pm a 6.16 (na ctrloac. alaalf, lslaa Paalsia, i EAST. . Dm Moinea and Dav- - I "i0" j:so am li lt pm "i"" J'001 n J:26 Chicago Express.. bll:16 am at.oit Dee Moines Local iMa iU:Wi Chloarp Fsst k.xpren..a t.ii im a 1:26 1 tea Moines. Rock la- . s.ue ptn ' am pa I land and Chicar o .. . A T:40 pm a : pm 1 , ".i. I Lincoln, Colo. Spring. I Denver. Pueblo and I West ..a 1:20 pm a 4:11 pa -or 1 wwiofw, Tekas flyer ..a t:2e pm a 9:60 aa RAILWAY TIMB CARD. Wahash. fit. l-oula "Cannon Ball" Exprees a i:is pm :t am gt Louis Local, Council Blufls .a!0:O0 am alO:So pm niRLIGTOX STATION 10TH Jt Mtint Chlcaga, Rarllagtoa A Qalaey. Leave. Arrive. Chicago "peclal..... ... ..a 1:00 am aio pm Chicago Vestlbulcd Lx.aJ OOpm 1 7; tra Chlcngo 1-ocsl... a I JO am t:( pm Clilcsgo Limited. v a I: pm a 7 4S am Fast Mall a X:W pm Barllagtoa A Mtseoarl River. Wvmore. Beatrice and Lincoln a MO am bll:5S am Nebraska Express a 1:40 am I K pm Denrer Limited a 4:t8 pm llHpn Black Iliils and Puget 1 Round ExDrrat a 1 :00 bra 6:46 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:00 pm a 9:17 am rot -crook ana rtaris- mouth b 1:20 Dm kll:(H aia Rellevue A Pacific Jet. .a 7 Jm I l;N im Bellevua 4k lacinc jct..ai:wam Kansas City, St.' Joseph 4k,- Caaaelr Blaffa. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a l: am a pm -1 ivanena v. iv ai is Kanssa city iNignt pm a i am BC Louis Flyer a UO pm au:ll am WERSTEK DEPOT 1BTH WEBSTER Frniot. Either 4k MliorI TUer. murk Ullla. Dkdwood. Hot SprlnKS 1:00 pm $M pm WvnmlnsT C'ltmTtmT and TjouaTias a 3tvU DTD t:w Dtn - - . . Hastings, lork. Dsvia L Exeter and Seward. ...b 1:00 pin bSDOpnf fM fl rill I at . UinCUHI aa DU Fremont bTiWam b!0:26 am rmmm. iafv - y - T" t, T T-W. ai in Nebraska IxwaL Via Weonlnv Water ...h 4:10 am ato:tSam t .immmn mi p..i Mlaasaaerti - - . " u... Twin city rassenger..a: am a :is pm Bloux City Passenger. .a 2:45 pm all:) ana , Kmerson it-ca. b :30 pm b 8:45 am a Dally, b Pally emcept Sunday. Bun day only, d I 'ally except Saturday, e Dally , except Monoay. t e 1 n HOLUHO-ASiERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne, 8. It. Mew u win-acrew s. a. oi u.wv tons register. Twin-ScreW DnHarrlm Mar. 1. 10 A. M. Rottfirdam Steamer Steamer AMSTERDAM, March A A, M. Twin-Screw Slatendam Steamer . Mar. 15. 10 A.M. An,.l IT...,. UnnM. lilR T.niftnl street: 3. S McNallv. 1X23 Farnam street: I 11 H. Jones. 1WJZ arnam street, vmui I ' I . A a 'nnsnr.' i ij tS I ADL oH LALL DUAHU Omaha Prodaee Giehsst Arranges , - ito Receive Market Qaotattoaa . from Other Cities. - t At a recent meeting of the Omaha Produce exohange It was decided to establish a call board la this city. A room has been se- cured in David Cole's new building at Sl g0uth Eleventb street and It ta the lnten- . . ,n ..... tlon to have everything in working order text week. The final arrangements will be made today, and aa tha paraphernalia ta on hand there seems to be nj cause for delay. ! '. . Official reports will be received from Ts'ew York, Chicago and other leading cities ot tha country, showing the receipts of butter and aaas and the ruling auotaflons. This will fbrm a basis en which to eetabltsh an Omaha market. Up to this tlmo there baa been no offlolal market In this city, as 1 . . . -v. 1 acn man woraea muepBuueunx, uv a. future the receipts will be known and n I J.ll- .al.Kllaha1 ' . Meinbera of the exohange have long felt 1 the need of a call board, aa they believe -that it will greatly Improve the market. . 1 . .. .. .. . . ... . . . . . I Tney can attention 10 tne iaci w wy- tlons Will not DC oougni or soia. oeitcrs must deliver the goods "and . buyers must aecept tberu. :'' '''.' . VISIT SOUTHERN NEBRASKA Arrangeaafrats for Prapose Jobbers' E'xoarsloa to Seath' Platte Terrltary The committee of the Commercial tlub, which la -making preparations for the ex cursion of wholesale dealers into, southern Nebraska, haa decided that tne trip shall be along the line af the M sour I Paclflo road to Falls City and vicinity, but the exact date has not been settled upon.. It . nrohahla 'that the train ' Trtll leave Pn0' , umt Vhral S!T 1 uiu" iim - will be- spent oh the trip. 1 . rt of th, trln . ... Kansas City I A report OI IDS trip oi las u vu- Commercial club Into Nebraska and . Kan territory has been reoelyed . In Omafia from one of the restdenu or tl)ai City. The ' report says that the dining ear waa eaulDDed wl equipped with an eighty-foot bar, from which free potations ' were dispensed along the route, especially Ja ' the "drouth tricken" dtstrlots of Kaniaa. .Seasonable! Fashions. if m t "4067 r'ancy Wallt. ' ' )9 te 40 waltt. .. ' ' 'v ; i Woman's Fanoy- Waist, No. . 4067 "aftc I bodlea. with round - yokes are much- In I vogue both for antra gowns and tha popu-v lar odd waist. This smart model Is adapted to both purposes and to all the season's nraaa anil walat nvalajrlala hnf aa alie.jrn 1 otamina In pastel tan color. with yoke and cuffa of iwine-eolored 1gee ever white, and makes part of costume.. rn ' Tha lining Is anugly fitted and closes' at I tne center ironi ana on it are arranged and back are laid In vertical plaits m that are stitched with silk near their . . . I IUW . , . . B . , . M WW. , .L. W, , a6:3prol . a a . - . . . am ai0:6 pm I " ' a a umimi pm a 8:40 am lefleot The closing la affected Invisibly be am a 8 .60 pm noath tha Inner jlalt on th left front. Polatad tabs are attached hanaath th. of both inaar tucka andre held ta plac by small sUk buttons. Tha alssves latest designs and are snug upper portion, wb.Ua form puffs at the elbows', cuffa below. At the neok -matohea tha yoke ' an closes with It at tha left shoulder seam. Ta out this waist la tha medium slse 4 yards of material 11 inches wide, IV yards , 17 laches wide, or 1 yards 44 inches wide will ta required, with 1 yard of allover lace tor yoke, collar and. cuffa, . Tha paUara, 407, u cut In slaea for a' St, 14, 16, 11 and 40-lnch bust measure. , . For tha accommodation of Tha Baa read era, these patterns, which usualry retail st from 11 ta 60 eents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 eents, which covers all expense. In order to get any patters so cio 10 cents, give nimb and tuvuM .ttl pattern wanted and bust meaaur.