Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1902, Image 1

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(7 Kvvr
Pilnca Henry ii Entertained by Hit Coun
trymen in Waehington.
Central Fieure at Grand Banquet in the
German Embassy.
nl VLr 0a Horseback Eidinfr
r.. .... ---- --i
with Y xwoieveii.
ITia Last Official Day A.
In a. ton la Partly Per "
Trip to Naval 1
' Academy. '
T ADil.. V Wi, . It u. m. m . 1 i a u . cj . v u , mm
lalt to the national capital bad a fitting
' culmination tonight In splendid official
, dinner, given at the German embassy and
later a tremendous outburst of popular en
tbuslaau) from the Gorman - residents of
Washington, as the imperial visitor was
about to start for bis southern and west
rn tour.
The dinner was given at the embassy
t o'clock, his royal highness being the
guest of honor, while those Invited to meet
him were representatives of the highest
official and diplomatic society. As the
guests arrived they were met by Ambas
: sador von Holleben and escorted to tbe
handsome drawing room, where they wers
presented to Prince Henry.
Owing to the large number present the
spacious ball room of the embassy was
transformed into a banquet ball. The walls
were hunt with e-arlanda of amllax and also .in. ih. imn.rui colors mil
thn.. f tbe various states of Oermanr.
' I
Tall palms and potted plant occupied
the recesses and all about was a profusion,
of roses, orchids and spring flowers. Beau
tlful garlands of ferns, lilies -of tbe valley
and aweet peas ward bung about the por
traits of the emperor and the impress.
Tbe dining table was In the form of a
hollow square. American beauty roses
were In abundance. A stringed orchestra
from the Marine band occupied an alcovs
and as the guests entered tbe dining room
the musicians broke Intosthe stralna of tbe
Invincible Eagle." Prince Henry occupied
the seat of honor at tiie table, with the
Oerman ambassador sitting opposite him.,
. . . - . . I
Tft thai riffle nr mm nrinrt gut frail Toil i
Reuber-Paschwlts and to his left the wife
of Chief Justice Fuller of the supreme
court. To tha rlaht of the ambassador
eat Lady Pauncefote. the wits Of the Brit-
lsh ambassador, and to bis laft Madame
Aspires, wife of the Mexican ambassador.
The full list of guests was as follows:
' Mat of Atteadaata. ' '
His Royal Highness Prince Henry of
I'riisKia. v ica -Admiral von. irpits, Uenemi
Tin plei sen,' Vlo Admiral ton In.iaintU.fher,
Vice Aumlral Baron von Becendorff, Hear
Admiral Count Baudltstn. Cantaln von Mai
ler. Cautaln von Uruhime. lieutenant Com-
tnander Bohmltt-von Bohwlndt, Lieutenant
Cummtnder von Kgldy, Laeutenant Com
mander von Troths, Dr. Reich, the Britiah
arnbamtador and Lady Pauncefote. M. Cam-
bun. the French ambassador: the KuaiUn
embassador and Counteas Casslnl. the Un
kan ambaaaador and ime. De Aspires, the DCtllPce TQ SHOW THE NOTE
Italian ambassador and Mme. Mayor DeantruYtd ,u Jnu" ,nt
I'lanches. Chief Justice Fuller and Mrs.
Fuller, Speaker Henderson, Secretary of
War and Mra. Root, Secretary of the Navy
and Mrs. uong. Attorney uenerai ana Mra.
Knox. Secretary of the Treasury and Mra
fchaw. Secretary of Agriculture and Slise
Wilson. Secretary of the Interior and Mra,
Hitchcock, Senator' and Mrs. Haie. Sen
ator and Mrs. Cullom, the Austrian tnln
later and Mme. von Hengelmuller. Senator
and Mrs. Loilte. first Assistant Secretary I
of States and Mrs. Hill, .Lieutenant Gen-
eral and Mrs
Mile, toenator and Mrs. Mc I
Mlllln. Rear Admiral Howell, Rear Ad
nilral Farouhar. Representative Hltt. Oen
i.rv of stats and Mra. Pierce. Com. I
mander and Mrs. Cowlea, Cqlonel and Mra. I
Gingham. i;oum ueiKenaorir. oerman uoun- ap.r, ln th. case were of a highly con
sul Ueneral Buns, Prof. Langloy, Mr. Al- , . . , . ' -a
?red c. Johnston of FhlladjU,hltJ and the Adential character and the government ad-
staff of the embassy. I bercd to the views previously .expressed
' The following program of muslo waa rea-I that . they cannot be published. The gov
dered by, the orchestra during the evening: I eminent Waa not aware that any of the
"The Invincible Eagle," Sousa; overture, I
"Marina; : aaiecnon imm rausi; caprice,
"Heart's Meaaage," Santleman; selection
from "LohengTln:"' waits, "On the Beau
tiful Rhine;" "Klorodora March;'.' "Hands
Across the Bea."
, Street Is Thraaged.
Aa enormous crowd gathered about the
bassy while the dinner waa ln progress.
ing Massachusetts avenue with m solid
tsa of humanity for a block in either dl-
, action.
At 8:80 o'olock the long line of German
luarchera who were to serenade the prince
made their appearance, bearing lh-plne
torches. At the head of tbe column moved,
the start and stripes aide by side with the
German colors. Following the torehbearers
came 100 strong-voiced German singers,
who formed on the terrace Immediately be
low the' high balcony ot the embassy an
trance. Aa the singers gathered Prince
Henry stepped on the balcony and. amid a
storm of cheers, bowed his salutations to
the throng. i
Then, above the cheers, rose the voloea
of the singers
in "Daa Deutacber Lrid," infected wth smallpox must have their of
1 Wacht am Rhine,' and I fleers, seamen, firemen and emigrants vac
followed by "Die
' then by "The Star Spangled Banner.
Welaonaea by tha Prince,
As the last song waa being sung tha rep-
reaentativea of the German-Americans of
Washington wore esoorted to the balcony,
where Prince Henry gave them a cordial
welcome. In behalf of his associates, Mr,
William U Klterlch spoks of tha friendship
between Germany and America, which was
sealed anew by tha act ot the emperor la
sending his royal brother to offer his heart
felt evidence of this feeling, and said that
hia royal hlghnass had woa the hearts of
all American citizens without regard to
"No one msy feel happier ovsr these
facts than wo American clUiens of Ger,
man descent do," said the speaker, "and
we ask your royal highness tbe great favor
to Interpret this Joy to bis iuiperlal ma)
ssty. Qertoaala Is our mother; Columbia la
our sponsor.
Prince Henry acknowledged his heart.
ioU. appreciation of tbe splendid reception
given him and spoke of his pleasure at
meeting the representatives of the German
At 11 o'clock the prince, escorted by Am
baasador von Holleben and by a squad of
police, left the embassy for tha Pennsyl
vaaia railroad station, where he boa-ded
the special train, which departed at 11:J
o'clock for tha weatern and southewestern
trip Tbe prince's suite accompanied him.
Hides with tha Presldeat.
Prince Henry this afternoon enjoyed one
event ' not oa his official Itinerary, whtn
he and President Ronssvelt went la a ralu
storm on a horseback ride of aa hour and
(Continued on Fifth Page.)
P.wfn Are Bald tm Hare Agreed 'aa
Deal Dnty mm
ANTWERP, Belgium.' Feb. 28. The Met-
ropole u;i . It understands from what la
r'rd'" aur source, tbat the dele-
i inn 19 me iDigm.iivimi sugar cuuirrcm;.
have agreed on the basis of a convention
ss follows: .
The suppression of all direct and Indirect
bounties; tbs reduction of tbs customs tax
to a uniform rata of six francs, which will
render the maintenance of cartels In Qer
msny and Austria Impossible. '
The above to be Informed under Inter-
national control
Th Metropole
The Metropole believes ' that definite
ratifications of the foregoing agreement
will be received from all the governments
concerned In time to be presented at the
sitting of the conference, which la to take
place March 1.'
VIENNA. Feb. 28. Barring unexpected
difficulties, the convention agreed upon the
International sugar conference will be
signed May 1. In addition to the basis re
ferred to by the Metropole of Antwerp, the
convention la understood to have decided
to Impose countervailing dutlea on sugar
from states continuing to grant bounttea or
granting bounties In the future.
Possibly a' clause may be Inserted pro-
vldlpg against any great Influx of foreign
sugars to states Joining in the conven
tion, during an abnormal movement of
BERLIN, Feb. 28. The German govern
ment will save 25.000,000 marks a year a
a result of tbe convention agreed upon at
the International sugar conference and set
forth by . the Metropole of Antwerp. In
view of the budget deficit this Is no Incon
siderable Item.' Furthermore, the govern
ment baa long been wanting to get rid of
the bounty system. If It could do so with
out giving other states an advantage. The
bounties began when Germany did not ex
port sugar.
They grew without design to Inordinate
proportions through the wording of the law.
-b did not anticipate the Improved
process of sugar production. The abolition
bounties gives general satisfaction
throughout Germany, except to the sugar
I. interests.
tandara of Activity La.ld Dowa for
the Stndent Volnateer
TORONTO, Out., Feb. 28. The opening
address at the first session today of the
Student Volunteer movement at the Mas-
aey ball waa delivered by Dr. B. Chiv
OI btookij. we rousi do m.-
no ""-
w w,,n carry oui we prrac.p.
fYifimt Isinlt ar laf last strict r-a na)rsV salWiltlii IV1
- - - j -
Inaituted in evert Sunday school scholar's
"Printed Page In Foreign Mlssiona was
t,tu of address delivered by John
wow. creiary oi me uomenuc ana .or
elgn missionary society,
Tke Rev. Dr. Junius W. Millard of Bal
timore . spoke on "The Pastor aa an Ed
ucational Missionary Force."
Other speakers wre RevJ Herman P.
Beach, tbe educational 'ssctetary' of, the
volunteer movement;. Rev. Dr. Egbert W.
Smith of tbe Presbyterian .church, south;
Rev. Elmore Harris, head of the Toronto
Bible Training school, and Bishop Thoburn.
Over twenty sectional conferences were
held this afternoon. '
Eat-llsa Official Will Not Make Pafalle
Letter to Aaabaasadora at
IONPON. Feb. 28. In tbe House of
Commons today the chancellor of the ex
h.n.e Ri- Mlrha.l Vftr.1r.-n.nfh In ha.
... , ., .,,. -..,
- . . " , "
lay on tbe table a copy of the Identical
note dispatched by the amMasa-lors at
Waahington to their government after
the meeting of April 10, 1818. He aald the
governments concerned acted on that note,
Miners Coataaeaee Rtntlaa; and Ban
' the Ofllewa af the Tax
MADRID, Feb. 18. The mining regions
are ln a ferment of agitation. At Albujon
And Madrldfcjos rioters have aet fire to the
octroi offices and burned the documents
they contained. There has been another
-,..h,k ot disorder at Barcelona. Meet
,n. are Mng Beid frequently, with the
object of declaring another general strike.
The metal workers are constantly assault'
Ing their comrades who have returned to
work and refuse to resume their tasks un
til all the lmprlaoaed workmen ara re
Gaaidlas Asralast Bntallaax.
LONDON, Feb. 28. Commencing today all
American-bound vessels from English ports
cinated, unless they can show that they
were recently Inoculated with vaccine virus.
The order Includes Liverpool.. Glasgow and
London, but Plymouth and Southampton so
far are excepted. The United States consu
and health officers are Instituting a rigid
system of Inspection. If the epldemlo la-
creases thev may suggest even more strict
Raises Daty an Malae.
BERLIN, Feb. 28. At today's session of
tha tariff committee of tbe Reichstag tbe
government proposed, to make ths duty oa
inalte four marks per 1,000 kilograms In
tead of two marks, tbe present duty. The
committee eventually adopted a duty
five marks per 1.000 kilograms on ma lie
The duty on millet was also fixed at flv
marks per 1,000 kilograms. A duty ot IVi
marks per one thousand kllograma. as pro
posed by the government on other gretas
not specially mentioned, waa agreed to.
Cahlaet Minister tm Fight. .
ATHENS. Feb. 28. M. Topalis. the mln
Ister of Justice, has resigned In order to
fight a duet with Colonel Koumoundouros.
The quarrel between M. Tppalts and Colonel
Koumoundouros was the outcome of the
proceedings against a deputy charged wit
inciting to commit murder..
Jsif Reaaa Serlaaaly III.
NEW YORK. Feb. 28. Judge Joba H
Reagan, the only surviving member of tha
confederate csblnet, la ill with pneamonla
says a special from Auatln, Tex-, to th
Tribune. He la at his farm la Anderaon
count. Judge Reagan Is 82 years old and
Is chairman of the Texas Railroad commit
a loo. He served many years in congress..
Boer Leader Killed by British in Two-Days
Knajllah Claim Imaortaat Vlrtcry la
Recent Raeoaatera with rallow-
ra f ' Ooaa Paol
j Kragei.
LONDON, Feb. 28. The war secretary,
Mr. Brodrick, announced In tbe Houso to
day that during the last two days 00
Boers had been killed or captured and
that 2,000 horses and 28,000 head of cat
tle bad fallen into the hands of the British
troops. The prisoners ,, include General
Dewet'a son and the general's secretary.
Mania Botha, the Boer leader, vras killed
end thirty-five dead Boers were found on
tbe ground. Over 100 horses were killed
and s,000 head of cattle were left In our
bands. Other small attempts to break out
were made and in two caaes succeeded.
On the last day 450 Boers, with rifles and
horses, were captured. All tbe columns
have not yet reported and tbe operations
have been wide, but over 600 Boers have
been either killed or are prisoners In our
hands, also 2,000 horses, - 28,000 head of
cattle, 200 wagons, 60,000 sheep, 600 rifles
and 60,000 rounds of ammunition.
Maay Taken Prlaoaer.
In response . to an Inquiry made by. the
government aa to tbs fate of an escort of
convey ' of empty wagons, which, accord
Ing to a dispatch from Lord Kitchener
made public February is, was attacked and
captured by the Boers southwest of
Klerkadorp, Transvaal colony, February
21. Lord Kitchener has cabled the follow
Ing message:
"Report has Just been received that six.
teen officers and 151 men were taken pris
oners. Of these one ' officer and 105 men
have been released. Colonel Anderson of
the Imperial Yeomanry, who commanded.
Is still a prisoner. Major Enderby, who
commanded the Infantry, was wounded.
ence the delay In obtaining .definite in
formation. . . - '
Lord Kitchener says nothing In hla re
sponse about the two guns that the Boers
captursd with the convoy, and Mr. Brod
rlck, secretary of state for war, announced
In the House of Commons today that the
government had no Information beyond that
contained In General Kitchener's report.
Censorship la Strlet.-
The censorship In South Africa has been
excessively strict for some time and 41s
patches have consequently suffered serious
delay. In some eases they have been held
up for one and two days at both Pretoria
and Capetown.
A dispatch received tonight from Harrl
smith shows that General Dewet and Mr.
Steyn were within the net described by
Lord Kitchener in his . dispatch from
Harrlsmlth concerning the killing or cap
turinf of ' 800-Boers during the ..last two
days, but escaped before the line war com
pleted. " '
Tonight's dispatch from Harrlsmlth also
says that Colonel JRawlinson' , made the
biggest success of .the drive. .' H com
pletely surrounded a laager of 100 Boar
and gave them one hour in which to de
clda whether they would surrender or fight.
Thd Boers, finding escape Impossible, sur
rendered at discretion 'and not a shot was
A casualty list published tonight gives
the names of 118 men who were wounded
the convoy affair. The list of the
killed has not yet been received.
Itnatort Piatt, Hoar and Tamer Pro
pose Changes 8aa;areated by
.Tillman Episode.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. Senators Piatt'
of Connecticut and Hoar today Introduced
an amendment to the senate rules evidently
suggested by the Tlllman-McLaurln epi
sode. Senator Platt'a amendment provides:
"That It Is ln the power of the senate
to punish a member for disorderly be
havior by debarring such member from
participation ln the proceedings ot the
Senator Hoar's amendment reads:.
"No aenator ln debate ahail impute to
another aenator any conduct or motive un
becoming a senator. No senator shall ut
ter a reproach on the character of any sen
ator or the history of any state." . - -
Senator Turner Introduced a resolution
declaring It to bo tha sense of ths senate
that It la not within the province of the
presiding officer of the senate to omit a
senator's name from a roll call or prevent
his performing his senatorial functions.
l! a I ted ttatea Government Offleiala
Probably Will Lava Flrat of.
that Moath.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. The cabinet was
In session three hours today and nearly all
ot tha time was consumed ln tha discussion
ot Cuban matters. The secretary of war has
received a cablegram from General Wood
officially Informing him that an election
has been held In Cuba under the oonstitu
tion and that certain officials have been
elected to office.. This brought up tha ques
lion oi now and waen this government
should retire from Cuba. May 1 has been
tentatively fixed upon for the Inauguration
of the. new offleiala. This, however, to
subject to change.
After the new government has been In
augurated this government will negotiate
wita tne cutian government treaties of va
nous kinds, whicn will provide for the
time when tbe troops are to be withdrawn
from the island and tha government turned
over to the Cubans.
Deleaates Are Katertalnea by tha
"First Lady at tha
WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. The Mothers'
congress today dispensed with annual
meetings. Instead tbs congress will meet
trleooially, while the board of managers
are to meet annually, at a time and place
to oe determined by them.
In the afternoon the delegates were re
ceived by Mrs. Roosevelt at tbs White
House and later listened to an address by
Mrs. , Mary Bloomer Page of Chicago oa
"Child Discipline."
Tonight s meeting brought the public
sessions of the eongress to a close. Sea
ator Dolllver of Iowa expreaeed his sym
pathy with the work of the congress.
A, resolution wss adopted deploring the
giving ot entertainments where great dla
plays la dresses Is made and commending
simplicity la these affalrfa .
Or-poalna- Coaaael Addrraa Jary la
Trial at Alleged Aceesewr
to Marder.
I '
CHICAGO, Feb. 28. Opposing counsel In
the case of Dr. Orville 8. Burnett, charged
with being an accessory before sod sfter
the fact ot the belt-murder of Mrs. Char
lotte Nlchol, made their c, enlng addrenses
to a Jury In Judge Baker's iurt today.'
The prosecution charged that Burnett, a
former college athlete and already mar
ried, had not only violated bis own mar
riage vows, but had broken up ths home
ot an honest and respectable gentleman.
Ho had agreed to die with her when the
woman found that they were to bo sep-1
arated. He had purchased morphine for
her and del "berately allowed her to swal
low It in his presence, v. "
Then," aald the prosecutor, "to carry
out hia end of the bargain, he scratched
himself with a pin!" .
Mr. . Nlchol, the wronged husband, the
lawyer declared, lay ill In hla Tennessee
home, and was unable to appear against
the man who had wrecked his life.
Attorney O'Donnell, for the defense, at
tacked the character of Mrs. Nlchol. It
waa she, said he, who brought about the
acquaintance between herself and Dr. Bur
nett ' She sought bis company Incessantly,
the lawyer said, and . borrowed money to
aecura the apartments at the Marlborough
hotel, where she was later found dead. He
dented that Dr. Burnett had purchased the
poison or that .he had known of Mrs.
NVrhol's Intention to commit suicide, main
taining tbat when Burnett awoke from a
stupor caused by liquor fee found Mrs.
Nlchol dead and a bettle pirtly filled with
morphine by her side. Filled with horror
at the tragic outcome of tleir liaison, ho
took the poison, and then, still more des
perate, he stabbed himself and then turned
on the gas. AM his attempts were futile,
aald the attorney, and he was left to face
what hla folly, pot hia criminality, had
ln part brought about
Dr. R. W. Carter, who attended Burnett
when he and the dead woman were dis
covered together ln the hotel, waa tha first.
witness called. Dr. Carter testified that
Burnett waa not dazed or in any way ap
parently insane at the time.
H. W. Julian, a druggist, partially Iden
tified Burnett as the mau Who purchased
the vial of morphine tabletsfrom him on
the forenoon of October 20.
Mrs. Sylvia Bryan, a colored maid at the
hotel, testified aa to Burnett and Mrs.
Nlchol renting a suite ot rooms. She also
testified that It was not Burnett's first
visit to tthe hotel. She never saw Mra.
Nlchol there before, , but sad tbat Bur
nett had been there several limes before. -
Mrs. Burnett, wife of the man . on trial,
appeared ln court with her husband, and
attempted to sit with him behind the rail.
Judge Baker, however, refuted to let her
remain there. The woman broke Into tears
and waa led to an anteroom, where she re
malned aatll court adjourned.
After the state had completed Its evl
dence the defendant's attorneys made an
effort to have Judge Baker dismiss the
ease. It was argued that Burnett
Irresponsible, through the use ot morphine.
and that he could not ..he- .held, guilty,
Tendattt. .rt,i L'?vSiW.lient of
Telia af Rhlpplaa; Chloroform to the
, Valet from Texas to Kew
NEW YORK, Feb. 28. Charles F. Jones
was on the witness stand today In the
trial of Albert T. Patrick. His re-direct
testimony was completed after a few un
important questions, and, the defense hav
ing no questions to ask in re.cross-ex-amlDatlon,
he was dismissed. Jones iden
tified several of Rice's papers In Swenson
books. Ho was not permitted to tell more
about tbe chloroforming ot Rice.
John M. Coleman, a lawyer of Houston,
Tex., called by the state, fald he had
known Patrick since 1884, while they were
at college ' together. His relations with
Patrick had been most friendly.' Coleman
told, of a talk between Patrick, himself
and Judge Ford of Texas, ln this city In
October, 1800, about a month before Rice'a
death. Patrick aald be was still taking
testimony In tbe Mrs. Rice will csss. "Tbe
question as to the' probable duration ot
Rice'a Ufa wss discussed," said Coleman,
"and we talked of ths good care ha took
of himself. After Judge Ford left ut Pat
rick aald to me that he supposed the peo
ple ot Houston expected to get the In
stitute when the old man died."
William L. Jones, brother of Charles F.
Jones, waa recalled. On hla first examina
tion he was not permitted to tell of the
purchase of chloroform for his brother.
Today be aald he had bought a four-ounce
bottle of chloroform, a two-ounce bottle
ot chloroform and a two-ounce bottle of
laudanum at his brother's request and had
forwarded them to New York. xTwo ex
press company employes Identified deliv
ery sheets showing that packages from
Galveston had been delivered to Jones
Tbey could not tell what the packages
i . 7.
Bridge Weakened by Flood Preclpl-
tatea Passengers lata a
, Creak.
GRIFFIN, Ga.. Feb. 28. A southbound
passenger train on the Columbus branch of
tbe Southern rsilwsy went through a trestle
Into a ereek at midnight near Zetella, Ga.
Tbe killed are:
A. F. MATHEW8, engineer, Columbus, Ga.
J. L, HILL, baggagemaster, Columbus.
LEO O. MURRAY, mall clerk, Atlanta.
ISAAC M'DGWELL, fireman, Columbus.
Several passengers were Injured, but none
fatally. , .
Tbe structure had been 'weakened by the
heavy raina and three bents of the bridge
gsve wsy. The train waa running cau
tiously at ths time of the accident. The
first-class coach waa the only car that did
not go Into the washout
Reported that Oald Is Wanted la Baa
Kraarlaea far that Par.
NEW YORK. Feb. 28.-It was Isaroed
here today that tbs occasion for the Urge
transfers of .gold from New York to San
Franclaco to the Treasury department
the fact that a syndicate of bankers, which
Includes Brown Bros, of this city and
Brown Broa. ft Co. of Baltimore, has prao
tlcally cloaed a deal for tbe purchase ot
the leading street rallwaya ot Baa Fran
claco. Tbe amount Involved la said to be
something like 120,000,000. The money
to be psld In 6an Francisco In gold, with
currency deposited. at tbe local tublreasury,
uaaer ruled, toz tv fJMVAe.rtTi. ld that
, and tentFa'-l-AtJy Interested V
3J .KCt't, X'.Zfl-WJient otUi3,la
own defease tomariuJrtfiiC -.i" r
Explain! Hia Beason for Calling Out Objeo
. tion in the Senate.
Wnlnnt Mill Likely to Get a Malllna;
. station James H. Rellly Retaraa
to Department of the '
(From a Btaff Correnpondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Dietrich today demon
strated that he waa neither "coward nor
hypocrite," as Tillman alleged the repub
lican senators were In his speech last
week, by strongly objecting to Tillman's
withdrawing the . insulting remarks he
made on the floor of the senate when .the
question of the adoption of the resolu
tions of censure reported by the commit
tee 'on privileges and elections was under
consideration. ' ' .
Senator Dietrich, ln explaining why he
objected, said that he for one wanted' the
senator from South Carolina to, under
stand the sentiment that Tillman did not
belong ln that chamber, and he wanted- to
protest as earnestly as he knew how
against the use of such .language as was
applied by Senator Tillman to the repub
lican' aide of the senate chamber.
"Not only did he Insult the members ot
the republican side," aald Mr. Dietrich,
"but he also Insulted the uemory ot our
lata prestdent, and for one I did not want
to stand mute when' such an aspersion was
being cast upon William McKinley. I for
one believe that Senator Tillman should
have been punished In tbe strongest man
ner possible, thst his offense wss one that
should not have been condoned, and I
think the measure of punishment should
be twenty times more severe on .Tillman's
part than on the part of McLaurln.
"I am constrained to believe, however,
that my objections to the withdrawal of
the second insult will not be noted In the
record, aa Senator Frye, presiding officer,
did not recognize me when I objected to
permitting Senator Tillman to withdraw
the language he used when bis name was
called to vote. Senator Frye intimated to
me that he did not want to recognize me
aa making the objection, probably on the
ground that he wanted the strife to term
inate, but nevertheless I . wanted Senator
Tillman to understand that he could not
continue to add Insult to the members of
the republican side of the chamber with
out a protest from me."
Improvement of Omaha PoatolRce.
Supervising Architect Taylor, ln reply to
an Interrogatory of Mr. E. Rosewater te
day aald that ha found there was .money
enough remaining of the appropriation for
the federal building at Omaha to complete
the Seventeenth atreet aide of the structure
aedeslred by tha citizens of Omaha in or
der that It might conform to tbe Slxtetnth
atreet aide. Mr. Taylor stated there was
$217,000 of an Unexpended balance for the
erection of the central portion of the
building fronting on Seventeenth atreet
he had had rsvlsed plana made,
bnd sent to' Omaha for lispectloa
wuk Wkm -v.ouU- W invito-
The bids invited tor this portion of tha
building torn Ume ago." raid Mr. Taylor,
amounted ta $226,000, considerable more
than there remained In the .'flaeury for the
work, and it waa upon that proposition that
decided aa additional amount would have
(6 bo appropriated. We have made minor
amendments, however, to the plans, to'tbat
believe, the building can be completed
within the amount available, and satis
factory to the citizens of Omaha."
Water Works for MeKenale.
The secretary of .war today on request
ot Congressman Mondell signed an order
allowing a sum ot money for completing
the storage reservoir and extending tbe
pipe line to the water works at Fort Mc
Kenzte, Wyo., and for a aewerage system
at the post
Senator Millard today recommended L. G,
Comstock for reappointment aa postmaster
at Central City, Merrick, country.
James H. Rellly, formerly of tha quarter
master's department at Omaha, but who
for the past year haa been connected with
similar department 'in the Philippines,
haa been ordered on request of Senator
Millard, back to resume duty as quarter
master'a clerk at the headquarters ot tha
Department of the Missouri, and Is ex
pected to arrive In San Francisco tomor
People living along the Platte river have
petitioned Senator Millard to have meaa
urements of the Platte resumed for tbs
purpose ot the conservation of water, and
the director of the Geological survey haa
indicated that be would be glad to comply
with the request . of citizens along tbat
stream If the appropriation of 8250,000
asked by the survey Is provided la tbe
sundry civil bill.
Postofflea far Walaat' Hill.
Senator Millard and Representative Mer
cer are urging the establishment of a branch
postofflce at Walnut Hill, Omaha, and will
take up the matter actively with Postmaster
General Payne ln a few days. It Is antl
cipated that the office will be eatabliahed.
The house today passed bills for the re
lief of George R. Chaney ot Red Cloud and
John Fisher ot Wilbur. ...
Representative Shallenberger . was in
formed today that hla recommendation for
rural 're delivery routea at Doniphan and
Funk had been approved by the depart
ment and that the routea would be estab
lished ia a abort time.
Charles L. Martin of St Louis, a brother
of Representative Martin of South Dakota,
and wife, ara guests of the congressman In
this city.
Joha Grant of Omaha la a visitor here.
Bids for the construction of the new
Crecton, la., postofflce will be opened to
morrow at the office of the supervising ar
The comptroller of the currency today
approved the Corn Exchange bank ot Chi
cago aa reserve agent for the Leavitt and
Johnson National bank ot Waterloo, la.
Postmasters appointed:
Iowa J. K Hunter, Bertram, Linn county;
E. M. Bowling, Highland Center, .Wapello
county; C- J. Nuzum, Medford, Warren
county. , m '
Wyoming Henry. Card well, Shirley, Car
bon county. '
Olympla, far Hlgglaaaa.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. Admiral
Dewey's flagship Olympla has been re
lieved from special duty ln connection with
the reception of Prince Henry and la or
dered tq Join the North Atlantis squad
rou. It will become tbe flagship of Rear
Admiral Hlgglnton.
Apprsvee Woad'a Order.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. The secretary
ot wsr today approved the recommendation
of General Wood, military governor of Cuba,
for the return to tha United States of two
squadrons of tha Second cavalry, stationed
nX Matanzaa and Pasaa Cabelloa,
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Saturday and
Sunday; Warmer Sunday; Northwest
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
Hoar. Dei. Hoar. Dear.
5 a. m Hit t n. m Hil
a. m 5 a p. m...... i
T a. m , ."HI 3 p. tn...... St
a. m SKI 4 p. m ..... . BO
O a. m...... B5 5 p. an
III i. n a.1 6 p. m
11 a. m R4 T p. m T
II n i3 N p. an.
0 p. m xa
Graara Coaeeaalona Demanded ty
Condnetnrs aad Other
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 28. The Atchison,
Topeka Santa Fe railway hat granted
Its conductors and trainmen Important
concessions, according to E. E. Clark and
Patrick Morrlssey, chiefs, respectively, of
the Order of Railway Conductors and the
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, and
the fight that waa begun with the Santa
Fe will, it is believed, be carried to other
Messrs. Clark and Morrlssey passed
through here today enroute to Galesburg,
111., from Topeka, Kan., where they held
conference with the Santa Fe officials.
Acting under Instructions from the orders
they represent, they are directing a cam
paign for higher wages and the conces
sions made by the Santa Fe la, they say.
the opening wedge for a tight for a gen
eral advance on all systems controlled by
the two vrders. '
The concessions granted by the Santa Fs
are an increase for rreignt conductors
over the Raton mountains, between La
Junta and Raton, of from 8H to i cents
mile; for brakemen, Of from 2 to 1
cents a mile. Conductors ara to be paid
cents a mile and brakemen 8 cents on
local freights on trains recently' added to
the New . Mexico division. Conductors of
crews on branch lines are to be raised
from 890 to $100 and brakemen from $60
to $65.
Representative of English gradients
Talka of Bayiag riaata la
Weatern Cltlea.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Feb. 28.--(Special
Telegram.) William King, president and
general manager of tbe stock, yards at
Manchester, England, said to be the tnly
modern yards ln the kingdom, arrived here
today as the representative ot an English
syndicate looking for lnwestments In stock
srds properties. He made a careful In
spection of the jsrds at South 8t. Joseph
In the crnpany of General Manager John
Donovan, and left tor Chicago tonight. He
expects lo return coon, and the. sale of the
St. Joseph yards may result from his next
He aays the stock yards at Denver,
Omaha, 8t. Paul and other cities may pans
Into the hands of this syndicate if they
can be putchased at a reasonable figure.
wl V. ' t&WfttMw nth l-ltfro'darav Com.
. pany, Haa His Splae W reached
.... . aud SnxTere tram Shook. ' '
WILMINGTON. Del., Feb. 28. W. B. Cart
erton of (he "Florddora" company, playing
ln Philadelphia, came here last night ln
response to ths telegram about the Injury
ot his father, W. T. -Carleton, la a col
lision on the New York, Philadelphia at
Norfolk railroad yesterday. Tbe elder
Carleton was unable to appear at the "Flo
rodora" performance here last night, hav
ing wrenched his spine somewhat, but his
son says he is, suffering chiefly from shock
and after a few dsys rest he expects him
to be able to resume his role. The rest
of tbe company left for Lancaster. Pa.,
this morning.
Grand Jary Indicia Engineer la Nave
, York Central Teasel Wreck
NEW YORK, Feb. 28. The grand Jury
concluded Its Investigation Into ths New
York Central tunnel disaster of January
8 today and found an Indictment for man
slaughter against John M. Wtsker, the en
gineer of the White Plains local, which
ran Into the Norwalk tunnel.
A bench warrant was Issued for Winker's
arrest ' ' ,
The grana jury aismissea tne com
plaint charging .that the, tunnel as oper
ated by the New. York Central Railroad
company constituted a public nuisance.
Maa Daageroasly Sick at Colorado
Springs la a Son sf' O'Doao
van Rossa.
DENVER, Feb. 28. The report that
O' Donovan Rossa, the famous Irish patriot,
was dying at Colorado Springs ot blood
poisoning seems to be incorrect, according
to a dispatch printed la the News today.
Tha person t referred to is not ths Irish
leader, bat a son who bears his name. AH
hops for his recovery haa beea practically
abandoned, aa ths patient, who Is at St
Francis hospital, is too weak to undergo
aa operation, which la tha only thing that
would prolong life. v
I.lva Slock Commlsaloa Take Steps to
Prevent Funds hy Cat
tlemen. TOPEKA, Kan.. Feb. 28. The atato Live
Stock Sanitary commission today adopted
a rule requiring aH persons shipping south
ern cattle into Kansas to make an affidavit
that the cattle were Intended for Imme
diate slaughter and not for aale as stock-
era and feeders. For soma time It baa been
the practice of jLhe shippers from the Pan
Hsndle county to bring cattle Into ths stale
ostensibly for sale to Kansas City packera
and then aell them to stockmen. .
Movements af Ocean Veaaela, Peh. It.
At New York Arrived Pallia, from Mar
seines; Pennsylvania, rrom Hamburg
Uovlc, from IJverpool.
At Naples Arrived Olenshlel, from Ta
coma, lottimma, etc.
At Liverpool Hailed Relgenland, for
fliuaneipnia; i auric, tor rew rois.
At Movllle Sailed NumUiiun, from Liver,
pool, for tuuiiz ana rit. John. N. B.
At feologne 6alli StalrtLdjtm. from Rot
terdam, for Mew Torn.
At l.enoa Arrived itonensollern, irom
New York, via Gibraltar and Naples.
Al Tenerltfe Arrived Totmes. from Ban
Franclaco, via Mollendo, s'alparalao and
Montevideo, lor namourg.
Al t'onatantlnople Arrived Celtic, from
New yoi a. .
At Hamilton Arrived United States
training ship Essex, from Key West.
At ilrow Heail Paaaed NomaUiu, from
New aura, tor 4-ivviyuui.
Fourteen Itinera Known to Be lolled bj
Mountain Avalanche.
Continuous finowslidea Prevent tbe Work of
' Eeecuing Viotima.
a i i
Building, Bock and Timber Swept Sown
with Masg of Snow, v j
Impossible ta TUrarm Tftxteat af tla.
aster aa Rands I ending to the
Scene Ara Rendered
TKLLL'RIDE, Celo., Feb. 28. Fourteen
dead, as many more Injured and a score or
more missing is the result so far aa known
of a series of snowslldes which occurred
todsy In the vicinity of Liberty Bell mine,
on Smuggler Mountain, three and a halt
miles north of Tellurlde. Tha roada be
ta een hero and the Liberty Bell ara al
most Impassable and details of the acol-
dents are hard to obtain. '
It seems that no less than four distinct
slides occurred, esch one claiming two or
more victims. Several bodies ' have been
recovered, but quite a number ot the known
dead are still burled under the tons of
snow, rocks and timbers by which they,
were carried down.
The death list of ths first slide so fir aa
known follows:
GUS SWANSON, crusher feeder.
H. S. 6UMMERLAND, tram brakeman.
HARRY GOLDEN, waiter In boarding
GUS KRAUL, miner.
J. F. CLEMMER, stewsrd.
WADE CROWE, mluer.
R. BISHOP, miner.
The victims of the second slide ware: ,
HARRT A. CHASE, assayer.
L. D. STANLEY, carpenter.
Those who met death in the third slide
were: i ,
CUS VINTEL, carpenter.
JOHN R. POWELL, surveyor.
In the fourth slide the following were
Flrat slide In Morning. , '
The flrat slide occurred .at T:S0 this
morning and carried away the boarding
and bunkhouse and tramhousca of tha
mine. .
About 260 men are regularly employed
In the mines and mills of the Liberty Bell
mine; a large number of men from the
night ' shifts were in Tellurlde yesterday
aad were prevented- frojx returning to the
mine by the terrible storm which . was
raging. The. day ahlft had Just gone to
work, leaving but few comparatively un- ,
derground workmenat tbe bunkhouse.
Tbe slide cams without warning. The
three Targe buildings were carried down
the steep mountain side a dtstanca of about
2,000 feet and literally ground to splinters.
not a board being left tntaoL The snow
and debris plied in the bottom of the canon
wenty-fiva feet deep, . Those who escaped .
the slide at once began tha work of res
cue. A doxen or mora vere taken out alive,
soma of them bsdly injured, however.
Among tha Survivors.'
The most seriously hurt are:
Jacob Golden, dishwasher, arm out oil
and aerloua Internal Injuries.
James Gonlon, waiter, rlba broken and
arm badly cut, , n '
John Isaacson, miner, skull, fractured,.
Henry Pauer, miner, leg broken and aerl- -
ous Internal injuries. '
Word waa aent to Tellurlde and a num
ber of cltlsena left for tha scene ot tha -
dlssater to aid In the rescue. (
Shortly after noon, while the work ml
digging nut. bodies was In progress, the
second slide came down almoat tn tha track
of the first. Tbe mountainside Is very
steep and the descent of tha anow matt ,
was so swift tbat twenty-four of tha res
cuer were caught, two being killed. They
were Harry A. Chase and L. D. Stanley,
and their bodiea have not been recovered.
The others were mors or leas Injured, but
none fatally.
' Baapeade Work at ' Reseaa.
At 2:30 o'clock Superintendent Chats of
the Liberty Bell mine ordered the work of
rescue suspended, declaring that It was
less to . endanger life further while slides
were running. Several parties started at
once for Tellurlde. Two of these paHlea
were overtaken by slides. ' In one GusYoa-
telle, J. R. Powell and Paul Dalphrese wars
killed and In tha other George Rohwer
and W. 8. Gregory lost their Uvea.
None of these bodies had been recovered
at last accounts.
A large number ot men ar missing and
It ia thought that the death Hat will be
swelled to twenty, and possibly thirty.
when all the bodies ara taken from th
anow mass.
Among those killed. Bishop and Chase
wars last year's graduates from tha Stat
School of Mtnes at Golden, Cola They had
taken positions with tha Liberty Bell to
acquaint themselves with practical mining.
They belonged to good families la Denver
and Pueblo.
Several other slides are reported In this
vicinity. On at the Camp Bird mine, tn
the Bneffels district, reported death of one
man and the probable fatal Injury of three
others. From ths condition of ths snow
mors slides ar expected.
Disaster at Oaray. '
QURAY. Colo.. "Feb. 28. Tha larg'cst
snowslld In this region ia yeara cam
down from th mountalnsld opposite th
Governor mine in tha Bneffel's district to
day and filled tha gulch tor 1,000 feet. Th
avalanche crossed tha gulch and piled
twenty-five feet ot anow on th mln
dump, swept away a large water tank aad
swung the new boiler around about tea
feet. The saow ahed was awept away.
The damage to the company amounts to
- Fifteen Inchea of anow fell her ea tha
level last night. The Red Mountain stag
waa abandoned and the mall waa carried
up on horseback.
A anowsllde carried away th or bin
of the Camp Bird mine on Mount Soeffels,
burying three men. When taken out of tha
snow Curtis Ebelton waa dead and Young
Whits and two others, whoso names have
not been, learned, were so badly Injured
that they are likely t die. Th Camp Bird
mln la th property f Thomas p. Walsh.