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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1902)
l OMAnA DAILY MKt FKIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1002. - 1 1 SPEG1AL NOTICES i . L . . Advertleeaaeat far these . hIhim Will b takes watt I la ua. far h eveataa edltlwa aad watll eVSlO p. m. for mmi! aa4 Bandar -Rates, 1 -a war Seat lasertlea, 1 a wor4 thereafter, KXMk ttkr tlem. . The a4vrttaaeat aaaat ba raa eeaeeeetlvely. Advertisers, fcy reejeeattaa a kia ber4 ofceelc, tu have answers eS 4rea4 (a a,afcere4 letter la cara at Taa B. Aaswer aa 44rws4 will k delivered mm preseatatiea af taa lk ' ' WASTED It ALB HKLP. GOOD messengers wanted; Increased pay. A. D, T. Co.. 318 South, 13th. B 366 ' STEADY work, profitable work, for neat, energetic bustlers. C. F. Adama Co.. 1613 Howard. , B-366 m vnn 1 uit mrn WOKKJ If you live In tha country or In a mail anTon. e farmers .t?ntockTaT7Ti; ths n gborhood 'oS can xM easily by four or five hours' worn. Write us o4 we wlU send you our proposition. Tha Bee Publishing Omaha, Neb. co.. Solicitors' DeuL, X BX41S WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions for Tha Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agent make good Wages everywhere. References required. Adureaa, '.twentieth Vent my Faimer, Omaha. Neb. . B-.ll FREE! FREE! Shave, hair cut, sings, any work in bsrber . line, Moier College, ltti Farnam sU, 3d floor.' ilours. I to 1 B Mia WANTED aa ezpeHenced tinner and bicy cle repair man. State reference and sal ' ary, i'. JJunn, Osceola, Neb. 1 B -646 !S ' THE. Moler Barber college, 1623 Farnam street, wants 1U0 young men at onoe to learn ths bsrber trade and be prepared for spring rush; oriiy eight weeks required; steady practice, expert instructions, etc; two years' apprenticeship saved; splendid wares oald araduatea: can earn scholar- Ship, board, tools, It desired; particulars mailed free; write today. B MtWO WANTED, ' experienced bookkeeper for wholesale: house ;. German preferred; refer ences. ... U' y Bee. . B M634 M WANTED, three coatmakers, two trousers makers and one.vestraaker at once; tlryt jlass work only. T. H. Boyer, Bloux city, la. B-MH23 23 WANTED, electrtclart to run country plant; give reference and salary wanted. AddrSM V 47. Bae. '. .. B-MIli WANTED, tinner who understands bicycle Work; good wages and steady work to I right man; aaaraes witn reiersnce. tu. 1 . Olmsted, Wayne, Neb. B Mill 6 WANTED,, saletimen; a complete line of gloves, mittens -and husking goods, in cluding ladles' and genta' fine gloves. E. F. Rate " 4c 40 manufacturers, Iowa City, la. . . ... B M707 1 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdreaalng, manicuring and chi ropody and scleutlflo massage. Call or write Room 220. Bee Bldg. C 668 "WANTED, a once girl for general house- wora; must Know now to uo piain coon lng. Call at 2734 Caldwell sL C M278 SPLENDID opportunity -Is ofTerea young ladles to learn halrdresslng, manicuring or facial rosasage; only four weeks re quired by our method of practical expe- . rlence; expert Instructions, etc.; complete outfit oi tools preavntea eacn graauate; nnalttona euaranteed. Call or write Moler I T ... 1 1 1 T; . -1 i.- ..... a. -1 ' I . .UllVBV, 00 . t 1 ' 111 K7 V. ' C MOUI Z WANTED A good girl for general house work. Inquire 424 -North Wd St. C-6U-27 WANTED, flrst-clnss girl for general housework. Mrs. L. T. Sunderland, 1:123 B. 32d St. C JVltMO o WANTED, experienced nurse girl to do second ' work and take care of child 4 I years old... 2613 bU Mary a Ave. .. .... C-340 V 1 1 WANTED, a competent glri for general housework.- 1134 So. 80th Ave. C tl 28 WANTED, a good girl, general housework. 2304 Davenport Bt. C---4M2 ?8 NEAT girl for light housework; no- wash y ing. ' Mis. J. J. wight, 2611 Famam. - C M649 S OOOD girl for general housework; must be competent; no washing. Mrs. R. W. Breokenrldge, 1310 8. 80th ave. C M714 2 FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES. O. O. Wallace, Brown block. D 3i2 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage 2p. Offlc 1-1V4 Farnam. or Tela. 1663-W3. D-JWl unilQPQ In all parts of city. The O. riVJUOlW F. DavU Co., 652 Bee Bldg. D 363 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwatt, Barker block. , . ' P 871 BIGHT-ROOM, modern, except f urnaoe, 822. O. M. NatUnger, Bee Bldg. 'Phone 463. . I.'. i -.vt:! .. D 873 TWO I r. house. Phono A-2668. D 74 HOUBEBa, ffl. F...D. Wead. Jti24 Dougia. HOUSES, stores. Benils. . Paxton block. . D 875 PAYNE, BOSTWICK a CO.. 101 N. Y. Ufa. isaiMi FOR RENT. 2613 N. 17th St. $18. . large 3 story modern house of 8 rooms slso barn. - 85, 8-rootu bouse at 35th and Decatur St. The Omaha, Realty Co., Uul Dougla St., upstair. it lie 1684 HARNEY, 13 rooms, modern, - rent cheap. 1316 N. K"h Ave., 8 rooms, city water, 812. . 1 , il . I . . IV A V.V. 41 . , ll.VIA-.ll, p-v. 1 W. FARNAM SMITH tt CO.. UM Farnam Btreet. uion FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern and nrst-clessY - 2134 Miami et. i 314 FOR RENT Bight-room ' detached modern bouse ana earn, zitu fierce jj os7 VANS and baggage, wagons. Tel. H D-M606 FOR RENIN FURNISHED ROOMS. ' DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam, 874 ONE furnlshbd rooiti, with heat, on car line. UIJ Cla-k; tt per month. E 866 FOR RENT, large south front room, with alcove, mantel grate and large closet. 1908 Capitol Ave. K 361 TWO newly furnished rooms, with or wlth- O'lt boar trd. 2118 Grace st E MJ 3 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. i i 1 NICE borne for young men.. 108 S. 26th BL v ll ROOMS and board. Olencalm, 1108 Douglas. F 3K8 TEAM heated rooms with board, isof Capitol Ave- : , " - . . F 463 FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago Bts. F 331 IaARQK ps flora, single or suite. The Rose. 1V20 Hainey. F" 4 FURNISHED front rooms, single or en suite, with board; reference. 816 8. 26th St. F AlJOt w IiAROB south front alters room, modern. y se Harrey. - F Mtsg 2 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. room space, 86 per month, ground floor room in The Be building, facing Farnam street; no expense fur light, heal er janllrr service. K. C. Peters Co., Rental Agents. Be building. Q 114 FIVE unfurnished room. 1180 N. 17th. G M108 FOB RENT STORES AND OFFICES. OR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 14 Farnam St. It ba tour stories sud I saeinent which was formerly used aa The - bee pre room. This will be rented very reaauuably. If interacted apply at once to C. C. Rose tur, secreUa-v- roe uL Bee but-ding. 3 861 FOR HKKT-ITOMKI AND omCU. run j . r, 1 , aio in nri-ciwa miiuii, rant reasonable. Apply R. C Peters A Co., around floor. Bee Bids. I 346 STORE ROOM at Ntth and Howard: good location for any kind of hualneee. Inquire of Wright Lasbury, 506 South 16(r BL , 1 mn( AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to TUB TWENTIETH CENTUKI FARMER. CENTIKI Steady employment with amured good income. Agent In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Can- vaaaera mane easily wo to fiuv per month. Addraas Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau, Bte building, Omaha. -413 AGENTS to sell the new combination life. accident ana neaitn policy, issuea ci clualvely by the Conservative 1.1 fe Insur ance company; aaaeta, 31,600,000; old line company; liberal contract for energetic, competent men. - Addreaa the company, Masonlo Temple, Ienrer, Colorado. J-M70h28 WANTED TO RENT. WANT to rent, small modern house, with yard .J shade; no objection to dls- tance, but must be accessible to cars. Addreaa U 48, Bee. . K M645 2 SMALL, American family wants two- or three furnlehed, rooms, with board. Ad dress U 43. Bee. K-MM f WANTED Two or three furnished rooms by gentleman and daughter, within ten minutes' walk of postofflce. References given and required. U 46, - Bee. K 61J !7 WANTED by twoayoung men permanent I room In private "family; reference!! fur- I nlahed. Address V , Bee. K M70y ; WANTED TO. "BUY. WANTED to buy, a smsH'amount of dry, Iood black walnut, l men ana tnicKer. u ouglus. N M344 IS WANTED, to buy, second-hand gasoline engine. 4 or f-horse-power. Address V J, Bee office. Answer today. -S87 BM ALL, cheep lot, within two blocks of car, or within walking distance. Street must have water and sewer. Address U 41, Bee. . N 638-2 -- 1 1 " 11 1 FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. Ml Dodge. TeL 2ud. New and secondhand, bougnt, Sold. exchanged u SH FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. THE BEST in buggies ana wagons St H. Frost's, 14th and- Lieavenworth. P SIM RUBBER-TIRED coupe, newly painted, 3iuu; glass side rock way, 3U; family carriages, w to eacn; wsgons. j-irum-mond Carrluge Co., Uts ana ilarney. VMi EXTRA line new light delivery wagons, H usual prloe. Wm. Burg, 1443 Sherman ave. P 28S-M1S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FIR timbers for bousemovers, etc., 40 to 71 lUi crlODUaT ana nog tence. yui uoug lae. iDilAND saf cheap. Cerlght, U1S Farnam. INDIAN goods and relics, 1U3 Farnam.' W Mi TYPEWRITERS, latest models Remlng- ton. Smith-premier, uenamore, replaced by the UNDER WOOD; low price. A. H. workman at Co., Ul7 Farnam. 'Phone Zua. Q-4 inuiNn aafa chain. Bchwarta. 114 fl. 12t " , . ti . 333 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any ather musloal Insttument; to UD. The w - .... I Wlttman Co., 1631 Farnam. V)3l 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue tree. Sher man 4k McConnell lrue Co., 16th and Dodge, Omaha. 33 rnn hale. scholamhlD In a omaha shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 233 Bee Bldg. V MWiS I SAMPLE piano, eastern msnufactura, fully J warranteu. at a oargaiu. owm tit, no- Cague tlQg. ; SI mim BEAUTIFUL Chlckering upright piano at a sacrifice. Room 414 McCague bldg. . 1 . O M781 BIcrCLES, phonographs and supplies, Omaha Bicycle Co., Cor. 16th and Chicago . Bta. -1 TWO freah milch cows for sale. 8108 Sew ard St. Q-MI36 Ml FOR BALE. SECOND-HAND LUMBER 200,000 feet 01 secona-nana lamoer win oe old tt one. It north end of exposition I it rounds, inquire oi 1L . caay Lumber Co. Tel. 3S1. V 643 Ml POR a a LK kindling wood, 31.50 per load noTthtnAotKMon groumls, neai lHtb street. Just north of old Mldwa Midway Ml FiRflT-CLASS restaurant, in Bouth Omaha. doing goou ousiness; come ana invesu ate: good place for first-class man. In quire 2507 P St. Q-M632 M4 FOR SALE Burro saddle, bridle. 1916 Wirt Bt. Ten oonars; -) 12 2H' CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZS, clairvoyant, 818 N. 16th. MM S3. UYLMER, genuine palmist, 816 B. 16. a to6 ELECTRIC THEATMBNT. Mm a. Ames, Cumberland house, 16th 4k Cap, T 771 Mi MME. SMITH, baths, 113 N. 15, 2d floor, R 1 A -Mfl All- BONTON PARLORS, 821) N. 16th, flat B. T aUJk 38 BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment, attandanL 831 Vt N. 16th. Flat A. . T-M9 Ml MASSAGE. Manicuring. 1615 Howard, flat T-M721 M5 JESSIE LEE, massage, 607 S. 13th, room 8. T M6.16 MD5 PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; oaoies aaoptoa, juus urant bu Mrs. Osrdsls. Tel. F-IUJ. U 897 DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed oy electricity, tt. u. Frenaer Block. c se . MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 16 3d floor, r 1 U M4US JH10- HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, ior laaies oniy, in connection witn Ths Bathery. 216-3J0 Bee Bldg. U-3Dt ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and aulckeac Mrs. . c. aiara, ii st uougiaa. U to LIE BEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. 1013 Farnam. u ma CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Bathery. rooms 218-220 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1716. . U-643 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana retau. Collins piano co., ui uoug .laa. U 4tj VIAVL woman's way to health; rations!. wholesome boms treatment. Bee Biag. GOLDMAN'S, the only perfect pleatiag piant in tne weau wt Douglas diock. U-MtOO SHAMPOOINO and halrdreeslna. 260. Ia connection with Ths Bathery, 216-330 Be ouuuing. lei. ill. u eal RUPTURE oermanantly cured in 80 to . days; send for circular. O. 8. Wood, M. D.. 621 New York Ufa Bldg.. Omaha. Neo. U sui Middlemla, wall paper cleaner, 1408 Jackson. U iM M-t ELIT1 PARLORS, 618 S. 16th St., 2d floor. . U-M790 M7 PRIVATE home lsdles before and during ronnneinem; aaopt oatuee. ztw nuroett. Mrs. BurgeL U M9l M10 HELLO. CENTRAL! 1660 Pleas. Th Stoecker Cigar Co. This Is Mr. "Expert Judge" talking. Win you, send a box oi Stoecker Cigars . to my office at once? 1 consider them the best 6c straight clgaf 1 havs ever smoked. Bav the bands; (bey are va1 li able. U -3 rtRIOIAU :m;ptur cured for 6No pain, ia letentlon from business; send for cir culars. Empire Rupture Cart Co., W N. T. Ufa bldg.. Omaha. U-aU78 SECRET SERVICE . Business, Criminal and Personal. Privata Work a flneclaltv. II. M. BOWKHS, 261 N. 24th Bt.. Omaha. U MR GEORGE: Read page Wt March What To Kat and surprise .the boys tonight. Mollle. - U M7u6 1 MOSEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds and arrants, Meorge at company, .out arnaj street. W' 40g 44 PER CENT on buelness property, per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part say time. W. B. MEIKLK. 401 k 15th 4ff. WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. jrarnam emitn at Co., uh arnam m. . W-40I- WANTED, city and farm loans also bonds and warranu. it. u. meters at t-o,, arnam bu, use uiug. w eua MONET to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-iove Co., m ttouia ujx. w J0 FARM and city loans, low rates, w. H. inomaa, mi .xac naac tuoi. ieiiM IVs TO I P. C. money. Be mis, Faxten Bis. W 414 PR1V.T1B . ah.r--ood mi N VATK money. Sherwood. 3T N W-4U FOR SALE. FARM AND CITY LOANS. H. C. PETERS CO., DEE BO.. OMAHA. w wi tcnt MORTQAOai. d. O. Wallace, Brown Blk. . ' W 414 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1&24 Douglas W tl i PER CENT loans. Farnam. Oarvla Bros.. 1604 W U $300, 1500 AND 31.000 private money, 1. 3, I or I years, on esstern Nebrsska farms or well located cottages In Omaha. W. L. Selb;. Board of Trade Bldg. W 911 MONBY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SSl.,I,a.?..,w.,n,. KriVlr?: Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriages and otner cnatieia. I M O N E Y We make I mlaki lajaisb. . I without mortgage to persons who I h jv nerninent ooaltlona. You can I gcr the money on very short noUte ...1 uuv it uack In one month, or Keep it longer, and pay for It only wnat time you. kesp .It. We are leaders in low rates, uUIck and 00 n- ndential service and courteous treat ment. We Invite comparison of Mies, time, payments, etc. We dive you the full amount ot the LOAN In cash. We always "try to please." uUAriA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 113 Board of Trade Bldg. . Tel. t2tf. tstabusbed loM. Jo So. loth St. ' A 947 WE NEVER REQUIRE SECURITY, SALARY loans on YOUR NOTE. Only requirement a steady position. Nil Mortsage. endorser or publicity. (SMALL FAX MEN T8 REDUCE. COST.) Weekly, Seml-Monthly or Monthly. (PRIVATE OFFICE FOR LADIES.) . V." ' ."cuooi Teachers, Bookkeepers. Htenographers or any employes given Ume to suit their refiitlrements. GUARANTEE Lowest Rsteg In Town. VERY private ortlcea. EASILY found. Telephone 1411 for eve. date. ' No charges tor lntormatlon or papers. Open ,-Noou:,. J?? S y,n,' 5urday iivenlngs. Can callonyou If preerrea. L'I 1 A HI .h: RiABLJii CKELtlT COMPANY. Room 303 Third Floor, Paxton Block. . i . X-70I LARGEST BU81NEB8 IN LOANS TO uil.AHlED PEOPLE, merchants, taa m. sters, boarding houses, sic, without se- I lurny , caami it . .i , TC wiuwa m prin cipal dues. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. ' Jt 123 FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, ETC., LOANo. "Absolutely Without removing goods." WrUten guarsntee given to this effect. AMERICAN LOAN Co., Room qui, paxton Dtocx. a 413 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates. 614 paxtou block. - Tho J. A. Hutton Co. X 430 MONEY 'loaned on furniture. ' live atook. Jewelry, to suianea peupie. roiey uoan Co.. sue. Ui una ureea, s uarner 1J1X. X-74 MONEY losnedon pianos, furniture, jew- tmj, ..m ... X 124 LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. J. W. TAYLOK. 633 Paxton block. . - . X-M333 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET in or oUt of business call on Wil liams, Koom 411, McCague building. . 3425 ' WHEN you want to buy, sell er exchange your business or property quick communi cate wim one w u u naa uia vuBiomers... j, IL Johnson, 843 14. Y. LIXs. Phone L-t27u. ' X M441 FOR SALE Millinery store, . doing good business; aisu gooo noiei tor sais tor lease to right party), both good locations In N E. XseDraaaa. can or writs an n, X, Lit Duuaing, umua. z m T-ROOM brick flat, nicely furnished, fine I location, roomers only. Furniture fori aaie reasonaoie. i-sriy leaving cuy. li. jonnson, ii. a. aaii. i mat FOR SALE, or trade, my enure livery IIIIVI, l w w V A I ... V. Utter back. Ogdan Livery, Council Blurts. Y M333 FOR SALE, a well selected stock of hard ware ana some implements; also store building; good location, east front; write quick. J. F. Wyvel, Aliuiworth, Neb. MR INVESTOR. SHOW V8 A SINGLE INSTANCE where there was ever a cent fust In buvlna- shares In a SALMON CAN NERY COMPANY on the Pacific coast. If you call, you can get a good reward. When you have fully convinced yourself that this is a fact why not send for par ticulars to the company, who offers you today ONE DOLLtR shares at 15 CENTS and the next block goes positively to 26 CENTS. A quick investigation will surely be big money to you Dy writing to the INTERSTATE FISHERIES COMPANY. suz-303 racuic cioca. oeattie. wasn. Y-646 MS INVESTMENT EXTRAORDINARY. 16,000 buys 3 6-room cottages, modern ex cept furnace, and 1 4-room cottage, in aood condition; continually occupied: 850 monthly; fine location oil 17th at., 10 blocks north P. o. : H cash, ft easy; owner sains: to California for health: avail yourself of a 12 per cent invest ment quica. j. 3t. jonnson, i. f. Lire. . Y-M644 ' BICYCLE and gun repair shop for sale cheap. Aaaresa c. w. i unrer. uiierton. Neb. Y M710 6- FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 48. Bee, Z-M510 WILL exchange 846 acres good Improved farm land, all under cultivation, for mer chandise. Land in "Burt county, eastern Nebraska, 3 muss rrom f. o. Address La W. Newell, Bancroft. Neb. Z M5&6 Ml FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BEAUTIFUL 7-room house and lot; a bar gain. 2514 Marcy at. RLM508 M2 PAYNE. BOSTWICK gt CO.. 801 N. Y. Ufa. SlJC-MiaS NEW Snow-Church Co., 4tb floor N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Largest law, collection and real estate agency in the world. Associate banks attorneys and real estate brokers in ovary county in the United State and cities of foreign eoutv trtoa. . - BE 47 ALFALFA STOCK FARM. A auarter section of alfalfa land and a section of pasture adjacent. Adjoining land last ysar paia over low per cent. Will double In value In five years. A snap at twelve dollars per acre. Easy terms. Address Box 66, Lexington. Neb. Ra 309 UJ RANCH and farm lands for sal by the Union Paclflo Railroad company, B. A. McAllsalar, land commiaaluaer. Caioa Pa- cino Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. AE-42S FOR. BALIS REAL FSTATB. HOUSKH, lota, farm, reaches, loena: alee fire insurance, ttniti raxton noes. ; . KB-trl HOUSES Harrison Mot-tun. Tel. Jli. RE-M147 Moot IF TOU want one e-t the nicest -roora homes In Hanaeom riace, 1 will give yea J bargain. Owner left city. Muat Sell. . U. ttherwooa, wl N. I. i. Bldg. FORTY acres fnr rent. " 4 miles -northeast I ef Omsha; splendid garden piece; 4 perl acre, w. T. uransm, u uee mag. ... RE-6S H FOR SALE, forty seres, four miles north- esst er omtni nrte ooitom una; apien dld for gardening; V Hr acre.' W. T. Graham, mit Bee Bltlg. RE 862 Zl WILLIAMSON Charles E., 1201 arnam streec RE 42S FARM81 FARMS I FARMSI . For bargains In farm property go te O Weill s neai - sata-e Agency, bou Omaha. - RB 42 Boyd County LANDS. March 4, 1902, ' we Will take our next party to look at Boyd County I lands.' - Send in your name at once if you want to go. ; . " 1 POTTtR, FORGAN & HASKtLL, 4M N. Y. UFK BUILDING, TeL 4?. - , OMAHA, NEB. I t a 11 U UU.t 1 RB M5WJ 1 llb.000 921-4 Douglas, formerly Lauer Bros., or rent W4; also ssven rooms up stairs. JC. Kuhlman. 42 N, K7th at. . E-Sua M24 . '- HOUSES and lots In ail parts of cuy; also acre property ana iarm lanua. ina u. a. Davis Co.. Room KX, Bee Building. ... Rai 4tO CHEAPER THAN RENTING, t houses on S. 29th ave., between Farnam and 4ougias, s rooms eacn, moaern,. iur nare ami fireplace: only 32,000. half cash. I balance s years,,. per cent., utringer, Paxton block. Jb tuatt I I i i . I ' INVESTMENT. I im s. Rlock A Jettera Addition to South I . v I Lot 60 feet by 140 feet; four houses; rent ,or 120 month; city water In each I With good coal of "point and a few re-I DalrS- would, rent tot JW per .month. 1 pfi", ,W7s. I . .... .v.i. -.. r I , TUKEY 4t SON. Board ot Trade, ii4 oil a 1 Ja.W JTlUUDAl " CDI Cllimil 11 V. 1 , Eight large rooms, besides reception hall. Attic ana tuii-sisea Dasement. Beautiful oak finish and polished. Oak floors downstairs.- Built especially -.well for a home.. Owner called east . and muat sell. Bargain price, 16, Ow. HARRISON 4t MORTON. N. Y. Life-. , . RE Moi HOUSE, 13TH AND LAKE STS. 2411 N. lmh st., t rooms, very ueatruble location,- within block' one best schools city. .Price, 31,60u.0u.. GEOBGE AND COMPANT. 1601 Farnam. EIOHT-ROOM house and barn, shade and fruit treea. larae yard and garden one mile southwest llanacora park. tl.bOO, or might rent. to good tenant. HARRISON MORTON, . m New York Lite Binge tel. 314. RE-10 M-l A BARGAIN. Large seveh-room house, all modern con iurnace; on paveu airnei; i rood barn;' a handsome home. Price ki.oou. o. -nut mi - I FOR BALE, B-room modern cottsge, $l,26a The l iV. Davis Ca.. a'M Bee bldar. v . '. -,RE M71S M4 Ttf- MEOIAL. I : ' PR. PRIES, the ackfaoWledged leading specialist In diseases of women in Omaha, would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement, and his treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause. Callor a aureus, witn- stamp, Dr. Pries. Arlington .block, 1613 Louse, (Imohn . 1 431 t OSTEOPATH!. - GID E. 1 ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath. Suite 615 N. X. Life bldg. TeL 1664. 40 DR. A. t. HUNT, 612 McCague Bldg. TeL 2361 - DR. MRS. MUS1CK, Dougla Blk. TeL 2823. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING GREGG Shorthand. Om. C CoL, lth de Doug 434 A. C. VAN. SANT'S School. . 717 N. Y. Life, BOYLES College, court reporter principal. N. Y. Llo. 434 NEB. Business Shorthand College, Boyd Theater. ' 37 POLICIES PURCHASED, INSURANCE policies, old-lln comi purchased. Loans on policies Call sj Call on or companies. write The Putnam CO. an- 6 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 842 TREES. FRUIT, shade and ornamental trees, vines, shrubs, robes, small fruits, etc. Address Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, M14 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE OARDENERB protect old age aa well aa life. Charter memoers ires,, rarticu- lars from Frank ttosewatsr, supreme manager, ra Bee Riog. m ' STORAGB. PACIFIC Storage and Wsrehouse Co., 812- 814 Jones, general storage ana lorwarqing. I riM Van. lttar. Co.. 15UV4 Fara. Tela. 1669-861. m FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. USL M. S. Walklln, gill Cuming St. BICYCLES. WHY not get the beet? The Tribune bicycle cannot te excelled. 1901 models at bargains while they last. Gas mantles, burners, chimneys, shades, gasoline lamps. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol ave. ' MM6 Ml COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phone tTL STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. JuUa Vaughn. 480 Ramge Bldg. lr4 FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1518 Farnam. TsL 1261 VOICE. CLEMENT B. SHAW, Voice, 611 Bheelyl building. M-1J TAMPS, COINS. BTC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 808 8. 13th. 468 I FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunk repaired. Cm. 'irunk Factory, 1 Farnam. WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED to borrow immediately 33.000 for one or two year oa Improved city prop erty. U ta, , -miaa a- PAWNBROKERS. BAOLR Loan Cntlc. reliable, accommodat ing; all business eonudantlaL 1301 Dougiaa ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS FRINTINO COMPANT. Tale phone SIM Ui Beuth Thirteenth street FtR RRESSI.1Q. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 14J4 B. lath. DRESSMAKING. lRE8SMAKINO In families or at homa Mlas Sturdy, l Farnam. 57 F niCKEt, FLAT I SO. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee bldg. Tel. IMS. M134 BALR TIBS. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co.. Ul North Uth, FURNITURE RBPA1RINO. I GLOBE COUCH CO., Ul Leavenworth, 'lei. sura. e sue LAUNDRY. omaha steam Laundry i shirts. Ic: collars. Leavenworth. TeL Mi. MANUFACTURINO. F. MELCUOIR, uth and How ma- chlnista. M 46 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly- atteaaed to. J. X. Ocnlliree, svth ana Lake streets. it LEGAL NOTICES. TRUSTEE'S SALE. The undersia-ned win. on Thursday. March SO, isoci, at 3 u clock p. hi. at the trout uoor oi the courthouse in O'Neill, Nebrsaks, sell at puouo auction,' tor caan, ina lutiuwing aeacnoea real eaiats; ion aiuuinn quar. ter ot section (1M eighteen, and the north' west quarter of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter ot the northwest misrliiP ca ri f ha at a at t half tf lh nnrl hMRI quarter or section (1 nineteen, and the west halt of the soutnwest quarter and the inuinMut ouarter at tha miuihwaat auarter ana the soutnwest quarter ot the southeast quarter ot section (l'i) seventeen, all in townanip 2S, range IK. Holt county. Ne- .... ..'-. . .V. . u and . L. Marshall, bankrupts; said sale will oe maae suDjeci to an vana iiena, ana confirmation by the referee in banitruptcy For more snecinc lntormatlon s a ureas Koom mi Manhattan building, Des Moines, lowa. iwi M. BTkiDMAN, Trustee. . 33-S-13 STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of stockholders in The Bee Publishing company will be held at tneir omce in tne city ui umana on jaon pay, March 3, at 4 o clock p. m., tor tn purpose 01 electing a board ot directors and auch other business aa may properly come before such meeting. By order ot the president, uHiUHU . 'raxjtiuua, secretary. Febl3 lutM til RECEIVER'S NOTICE In the District Court In and for Douglas Pountv. Nebraska. William Q. Madden, plaintiff, vs. Ne- braaka Fire Insurance Company, et aJ, de tendants. To all creditors' of Nebraska Fire Insur-J wrS -e m -k- i..e4 that in pursuano ot an order ot the die- trlct court of Douglas county, made Janu- onIlJ;.owedf. Fir Insurance Company ha, been de-I clsred; that said dividend is payable at my .--- -- . ., -"1 rr, T.w a V. Anrll imh 1HM n I demand be mad by April 19th, 1902. you and eaob of you will be forever barred from any right to participate In th funds appropriated for said dividend. .j .... U .Uln.. mnal h. hr.a.ntlil - f ia omce ot tbunderslgned; reoalver.-in the- U,an hlni-k In tha CltV OI OmiUlL UOUS' I las county, Nebraska, or transmitted to him at that address by mail. Datea this 13tn asy ot sorusry, a. li. in. A. U. YV I MAIN, Receiver of the Nebraska Fire Insurants Company. apvt KnTICll fllf RTnPKHnlJlRRH' MEk'TINn Notice is hereby given that the regular I annual meeting of the stockholders of the South PUtts Land company will be held at tha ofhee ot said company. In Lincoln. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 6th day of March, A. d.. uwi By oraer oi tne owira ot directors. Lincoln, .Nebraska, Feb. 1. 1902. C. H. aVORRILL. Presldsnt F3 dSOt A. B. MINOR. Secretary. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. WANTED for U. B. army. able-bodied unmarried men between axes ot 21 and 86. cltliens of United States, of good character ana temperate naoun, wny ran ijiraa, reau and write English. For Information apply o jicviuiuui uuiv-ci, Miu aim imii POSTOFFICA NOTICE, ' (Should be read dslly by all interested, 1 cnanges may occur ai any ume. Foreign malls for the week ending March 1, 1903, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Poatoffice as follows: PARCELB POST MAILS close ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown below. Parcels Post malls for Ger- I many close at 6:00 p. m. Wednesday, per I a. Mecar, ana naay per a. a. raiatia. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Branch half hour later than closing time shown oeiow (except that Supplementary Mans ior Europe ana Cen tral America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Brancnj. Traasatlaatte Malls. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. s. Campania, via tjueenstown; at 7 a. m. for uali direct, per s. s. Lann (mall must be directed "per s. a Lahn"); at 7:30 a. m. for ,JJHBRLANp8 dl- L!r.r. , - n..7."". a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Astoria itorla (mail must O curecte "per s. . Astoria"). I 'PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer i taxes rrimea maiier, commercial i'a- same class of mail matter for oiber part ot Europe will not be sent by this ship iinla aueclallr directed by Ik After the closing of , the Supplementary h dltionai Supplementary Malls are opened Transatlantic wans auuve namea, ua on the piers ot tne American, cnsiisn, French and German steamers, and ra - main open until within Ten Minutes ot lua iiuui v - Malls for Soath and Central America, West ladles, Bte. FRIDAY At 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, per s. s. Benedict; at 11 7? m. for MAiuu, per s. s. ttenec. Tamplco (mall must be directed ' per a. Seneca") at 13 m. tor uuAUtujLTK, MARTINIQUE. BARBADOS. BRITISH eneca "); at 13 m. for GUADELOU DUTCH AND FRECH UUIANA. per s. s. Talisman (mall must be directed "per s. s. Talisman"); at "11:30 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami, Fla. SATURDAY At 9 a. m. for Porto Rico, per s. s. can juan; at a. in. supplementary s no . m i for ccracao and vKNwf. zuiiiA, per a. s. z,uiia (man for Savanilla and Cartagena muat be dl for " INXguI and HA'fTi; peV . Xuenburf; wt v:w a. m. ituppjementary x -. . . i iruQr i nt a imvux "VU: DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per a.' a Korona (mail for Grenada and Trinl. Vs.- A M I 6 INI .A M IH . nl HRIT H U dad must be directed "per s. s. Korona"); at 8:30 a. m. supplementary 10:30 a. m j lor ruKiuftCi loiiAnu, Jamaica, TOW pert. Athoa (llr CMti mca must oe airectea "per s. s. Atnoi at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Morro &W. T&D d-CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per s. s. Maraval; at 12:30 f. m. (supplementary t p. m.j ior tuhkb BLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per a. xmsw iota. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, cloae at this office dally at IM p. m. (con- nectlus close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Miquelon. by rail to Boston. And these b steamer, close at this offloe dally st 6 30 p. ta. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by a learn era, are dispatched dally, final connecting cloaca, lur oisvavca via ren :ampa. on nun- FOSTOFFH'39 ROTItK. days at 4 30 a. m., Wednesdays .and Fridays, 30 a. m. for dispatch via Miami, n Mondays and Fridays at lt:to p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for rllepelch ! stetmer, ei at uiie omce nany ex- . .-M I 1 l n nut 11 'HI n. m. Sundays at 1:0 p. in. and 11.30 p. m. I CHICAGO, Feb. IT. Dr. Orvllle 8. Bur Malls for Cost. Rica, Bellae, Puerto j Dttt today faced m Jury which had been r: .i,u.l,l.V.btirJ0 td during the day to try him oa the at this' office dallv except Sunday ell ) n m . Rindavs St l:0o D. m. (con- 1 ruro'tarat days fur Coat Rl.-a). "Bcgisterea man I closes at t oo p. m. previous dsy. I ' - Traasoaeiao Malls. I ana iur iiawau, cn n .' r - 1 limine laiaotia. via Han ranciaca. ciuae 1 here dally at 4:30 p. m. up to February I 2trt, Inclusive, for despatch per s. a. I Mail, for Australia reitcntWeatAuatialla. I which goes via Europe ana rxew 1 im tna, wmcn goes Zi"'l and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close I here dally at :! p. m. after February I 2t and up to March 1. inclusive, 'or I g dispatch per a. a. Mlowera Oupplo- mentary mails, via Seattle and Vic to-1 na. oinae here at t o. m. March I a Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close I hir. "": : m: UD "t, inclusive, lor aispatcn per a. . Aia-1 msda. I Malls for Hawaii, Japan. China and Thll-1 hdaur .a rra.mH S, Inclusive, for despatch . per s. s. I was no post mortsva exstnlnatiou of th Cfint If! I Aew ea tt hArMiar'a turn n tltl Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to March 12, Inclusive, l n n. M inni. ... &. . 1 1 ' . . i' . A ll . wn rh la rorvarflMl via KuroDfl. rtfw 1 Zealand, FIJI. Samoa and Hawaii, via I Ban ranoisco, close here aaiiy at I aTliSi" ZZ arriva1. of Etruria, due at New York March , I rstoa 4ana Inh ra m m Van 1 11 ra Mall for China and' Japan, via Vancou ver, close here dallv at :W n. m. up to March "IS.- Inclusive, for despatch, per a. a. Empress of India (registered man must be directed 'via Vancouver". Mer chandise for the IT. S. Postal Agency at (Shanghai cannot oe lorwaraea via can mAik Tranapaclfia ' mails are forwarded to port or sailing daily ana tne scneauie 01 clos ing is arranged the presumption ot their uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mail closes at 6:00 p. m. previous day. iiAUMirr lllil ViW CATT PMlmnta, PoBtofflce, New York. N. Y., Feb. 2L 1S02 RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION 30TH AND Illnols CeatraL . -', ' ' MA ROY. Leave). Arrive, Chicago Express a 7:20 an a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis cV Su Paul Limited a 7:60 pm a 8:06 am MlnnaaDOlla Ac fit. Paul Express b 7:30 am bl0:36 Dm Chicago Express al0:Ju pm I IkiGaeo northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." I Chicago Bpeciai ai:iuam aii:zo pm Chicago passenger 1 1:111 pm a i:w am 1 Kastnrn 'U.xpresa.. ...... .aiv:w am t i:m urn Eastern Special a 4:66 pm a 4 06 pm I ai mail ....... -........ o.piu a..wpmi,h. ..rln. . t,l. Kark Omaba-Chlcago L t d... a 7:46 pm a 1:30 am Vast Mall a 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Pass.. Twin City Express Twin City Limited.. Sioux City .Local.... Ualaa Paoiai. a 6:30 pm . 7:06 am alO:25 pm 7:65 pm a 8:40 am ..a SOa am a 8:60 pm nverland Limited. ..a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mall... a 8:60 am a 3:26 pm Zrn"::::::LI;S im v.matam Express,....... a 4:35 nm Atlantic Express......... a 7:00 am and'land "Loc5":b I i 5 5 S Cleao, Hllwaskts at St. Paol. ijmttad a 6 00 cm a 8 M an. K isKjSlSfiSta tit Si . , . Bt touI Express.. .... .a!0:00 am a :2S pm I A- v. am I CMcago, Bock lalaad Pacldo. JU n. Moines and Dav- . . waoi. I enoort Local... .......a 7:35 am a 1:35 oml Chicago .express. . uu;" : pm iee atoinea i7c-ai m -.w pin wu:w am L'hlcegu Fsst Exprsa..a 46 iB a 1: pm UM Ulua, liu-at - land and Chicago.... 7:44) pm a 1:28 pm W H.O 1. Lincoln, Colo. Springs, . Denver, rueoio ana West -a 1:80 pm a 4:1S pm Colorado, Oklahoma 4k Texas flyer a iw pm a s:o am Wabash. I St. Louis -cannon oait- Express .a 6:15 pm a 8:20 Am St. Louis Local, Council Bluffs alO.OO am al0:3 pm BURLI.XGTOJf STATION 10TH as MASON Chleaao, Barllatrtoai A 0.alaey. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a!0:20 pm Chicago veatiDuiea ,ex. :vu pm a 7: era Chicago Local a 9:30 am a 4:06 pm Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm a 7:46 am Fast Mall a 1:40 Dm I . w. , " ' I Wyrnore, ' Beatrice and i lancoin a ceo am 011:55 am I Nebraska Express a 6:40 am a 7:86 pm i iwnver i.imiieu m i i.w pn Black Hlils and pugst Sound a 8:00 nm a am I Lincoln Fast Mall b 3KI0 pm a 8:17 am rort.crooa ana riaus- vnfiiith h 1:911 ntn till -AS. Am I Bellevue A Paoiflo Jet. .a 7:40 pm a 8:80 am i uellevu aK aracino Jot. .a 8:08 am Kaaaaa City, L Joseph, st Cesssll Blasts. , Kansa City Day Ex. ...a 8:20 am a 6:06 pm Kanaa City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 am tit. Louis jf iyer a e:iu pm anus am WEBSTER DEPOT 1BTH 3k WEBSTER Frenaoat. Elkhora 4k Mtasoart Valley. Leave. Arriva Black Hills, Deadwood. Hot Springs a IAS pm a 6:00 pm Wvamlm. L'asDer and Douglas .u s:w pm e :w pm Hastings, i ora, usviu City, superior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b 6:00 pm Knrfolk. Lincoln and Fremont oi.avara 010:25 am I Fremont Local a 7:80 am Mlasoarl Paeiao. Kehraaka Local. Via weeping Water b 4.10 pm al0:J5m thloaao, SI. Paal, Mlaaeaealts 3b I . Twin city rassenger..a :au am a 9:18 nm flinuz Cltv Paasancer..a 9:4S Dm all:20am Emerson Loca, o s: pm o s:s am Dallv. b Dallr except Sunday, o Sun except Monday. UCLUKD-AUERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulosn. B. M. I New Twin-Bcrew . s. of 18,(100 tons register. I Twin-Screw Dnlfsrsiim Mar. 3. iv A. 3d. 1 m.imir nUUBIUdlll Bteamer AMSTERDAM. March S-10 A. M. I Hi-.,- a Ol-l.J- Twin-Screw Steamer viuiwiiuuim jaar. 10, io a.m. -. . -. . oiaienaam Anply to Harry Moores, 1416 Farnam street; J. S McNally, 1323 Farnam Btreet 21. a. Jones, ijvx arnam iireti, umaua. SHOOTS WOMAN. THEN HIMSELF ,, .un.. a. Temporary Iasaalty froaa Drlaklag, I gwp.o.ed t Be Case at Deed I I riltsoarsj maa. PITTSBURG. Feb. 27. W. E. Rinard I Bh0 ,n(j killed Margaret lambert at 805 i - . . ..,, ..W Wataoti street ahortly after 11 o clock to- I da v and then auiea nimseu. me woman - u ,hot through the heart and Rlaard tbsa put two bullets Into hla head. He had I n drlnklnc bsrd Ior tererai aart aoa It i- ...nA w tmnorrilY lDiane. 16 mpyv-v- ' I May Weyman. who, U ia said, presided I .k. ,aIaiI umai mr w,rr . " I were th only persona In tho bouse at the I tUB Of tne trageay. jaargarev Mnnen, S"ZmL T ?iOU' 1: i iauu. una m ,uu- I keeper at Carnegie ateel works. Hs was xt T-r. old and I. survived by a wit and two children. Mortality Statistics. Rirths Clifford X. Hendricks. 110 Wool- I worth avenue, girl; Hans Nelson. 1326 Bouth I Fifty-first atreet, boy; John Falconer, 8118 HiirdAlta atraat. alrl: William Bellini. Ben son, boy; T. F. Bulley, 1318 Burt Btreet, girt Deaths Baby Halnbuch. 8438 Bouth Twen tieth street, aged 6 months; Mary J. Kauth, U6 Bancroft street, agad 8 years; August Yiainfurtner. Ho Marcy street, axed 8 years; Mary Connelly, St. Louis, aged 44 l.eara. ACCUSED OF WPMANtJ DEAW : Dr. Orvllle S. Baraett, .Wha Sturrlvee Fesaale Caanaatta! Faeces s ' alary, . charge of responsibility fos the 4et et Mm. t1harln . R XIIWI Maaavtria to aie at tne notei nainourne. 1 no o fendsnt was found suffering from the effects of morphine beside the. body of tha ,h At,,. - - - - - At the outset of the trial the pros ecu t0B finds Itself confronted by several e Uiual dlfflcultlea. Th charge ll bgs4 OS tne theory that oe ana tne. women sgreea ( to die together, sad that ss a pgrty to IM " ' ...v.,. , ,, kulclde he m responsible tor her death accessory before and after the net. Xn, ,TideBce of the solclde agreetnent IS ; .-. note left by the woman ana statements alleged to have been made to the police by the defondsnL Thesa statements will ho --- - v . - - M cblected to bv th defense on ths ground that they were uttered While Burnett was ..",. v.. tk' ,n ml"e becU" thero seemed to b no question as to tne cause or tna aeain. thing els on earth and they could not -" - ' -- - bear to be separated. No Intimation wm glren of the Una of defense contemplated. Burnett presented a good appearance In court and took ft keen and lively Interest In the work of his counsel. The presentation of evidence wilt begin tomorrow. ' GREAT , TRUST IN "PATRICK Jeaee gays Me Never Lost Faltn 1st Aceaae4, AKkoaak He lgraored Hiss. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Tho. cross-exam ination of Charles F. Jones la the Rice murder trial was continued today. Yes terday Jones said ho had promised to Sell to. Patrick tor $250 a letter bearing Rloe's nam and purporting to he aa acknowledg ment of Rice that ho ws a resident of Texas, but that Patrick never paid th money. Today the witness said he did not lose his trust In Patrick because of tha failure to pay this money. "I trusted him so much that I let him leave mo out of tlu) wiu ,aJ(j joBes. "It was his meaner of talking that made mi trust him." Mr. Moore, who waa conducting the . ' . . , "-'iai Patrick speak to you la Rice's presence et taxes." "No," replied Jones. Mr. Moore then wen! back to the differ ent statements made by Jones and thea asked if he did not make them with th object of protecting himself and if hs bad not been afraid of the truth la his earlier .t.tement.. Jones replied that at first h. did not think the truth would help him. but he said that fact had been Impressed -P " r forcibly. Jones said Dr. Curry told him the day Rlce d, tnat tn oM wag la a cHU- "I condltHia. It w. about thre.-ouarter. oi an nour aiter oe toot tne cone rrora Rice's face that Dr. Curry arrived. Tha doctor examined the body and put his face I el. it DIa.1. a - 1 1 ft.- ,lil w wuuraie tnea toia ot toe removal or ia . . . . . . (hs body for an autopsy and of Its return to the liouse. WOMAN ACCUSED OF MURDER Cbsrgsd with Kllllagc Wife of Maa Wbose Money She ' Waated- ORAND RAPIDS, Mich., Feb. 2t Tha coroner's jury which has been Investigating the death of Mrs. Nellie Loot, wboaa charred body was found last Saturday night. brought in a verdict today recommending that warrants be issued for William Leet, her husband, and Mary Meut, charging them with murder. They hare been ar rested. - Jealousy I said to have been the causa of the crime, the woman being Interested in Leet, who draws a large penalon, and who shortly expects to become heir to aa estate of $20,000. Leet waa in the housa at the Ume the aupposed crime wag com mitted, but appeared helplessly Intoxicated. Until Tuesday it was thought the burning of Mrs. Leet waa purely accidental. Now it Is believed It was Intended to cover th alleged crime. INDICTED BYGRAND JURY Captala Slreeter Charged with Mar- der la Lake Front Laad . Case. CHICAGO, Fob. 27. Captain gt res ter. claimant to the fllled-la land oa th lake front, known aa the "District of Lake Michigan," will bav to fac a trial on th charge ot murder. He was Indicted today by th grand Jury la connection with William McMsnner. Henry Holdk and William Force, eharged with being re sponsible for tho death of John A. Kirk, a watchman employed by Henry N. Cooper. Bamuel Protlne, the aged watchman - who was Kirk's companion at the time of th battle two weeks ago In the District ef Lake Michigan and who had been held a prisoner pending th Inqueet, was exoner ated aad released from Jail. RATIFY CASTRO'S ELECTION Veaosaolaa Plac Bias la Presldeaey for Terns of Six Year. WILLEMSTAD. Island of Curacao, Fob. 27. According - to advices received her from Caracas, th Veneiuelan congress baa ratified th election of General Castro as president of Veaesuela for alx , years, beginning February 10 last. Th congress also ratified the elections of Senereu Ayala and Ooms as vie prssldeat c th republic It is reported her from Caracas that the revolution against President Castro Is losing ground dally. SIGNS POINT J0 FOUL DEATH Investigation by Co rawer' Jary tsdl ates that Jaaa MeAalisTe Wat Mar4ere4. NEW YORK. Feb. 17. The coroner' a jury which ha been investigating th death ot James McAullff returned a Verdict today that McAullff had com t hla death at tha handa of persons unknown. Emperor's Silver W441ag. BERLIN. Fob. 17. Emperor William and th empress celebrated th tweatr-ftflfc anniversary of their wadding today with a dinaer at th Bchlota. at which Count voa Buelow, th imperial chancellor, aad ether anbra of th os bluet wsr pres eat. Arthur Van Euvlk of MUwauke. th baritone, sang Amerlcaa aongs after th dinner. Foley' Hoaey aad Tar cure th cough caused by aiUok of la grlpp. It hl th lungs. I t i r