TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, FE BUTT ATI Y 28, 1902. ; COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn Strength Donnhatos Grain Spscolation Throughout the Day. f HOLfiS FIRM AND STEADIES OTHER GRAINS ' Wkoa Hna Oaly Cora Bala-o to Baa- Hav4ala T a1 - . " 'crifca SlUktlr Hlaaor ' , Prolloas ActlTe. CHICAGO. Feb. 27. Corn itrmflh was 1h .dominating atrentth In Brain. pcula Ylon tortay. and working against atpreaa lug influences In other pits steadied wheat and oats, and itself held firm. May wheat flowed down. May corn H nlgner and May oata a alvada higher, rrovlaiona cloned 6qTa to lOo higher. Corn trade started out somewhat net ter than at yesterdays close. Influenced by firm cablea. The crowd, however, took the seJIlng aide early and an easier feeling was manifest for a time. The local Belling was offset by a fair commission house de- tnand, the souinweai ouying uomuj, orofessionala later came In the market with bull Intentions. Aa prloee advanced ho-ta were forced to cover and a good trade developed. Kansaa City and St. Louts again took a lead In futures over this market. There were claims that cash busi ness was going on there. The Btrength In these markets did much to help bull senU. ment here. Predictions of storms In the southwest also was a bull factor. May opened unchanged to c up at 9'iilc easvd to 6oc and then lumped to WMiC. Late In the day profit-taking caused a loss of much of the strength, though May closed firm, V,a higher, at Receipts were much lighter than estimated, at 116 Wheat had only the corn bulge to help It In a struggle against numerous bearish tendencies. Cables started slightly higher, but at no time reflected yesterday s local strength. Northwestern and primary re ceipts were Increased and the crowd took the selling side. There were reassuring reports of crop conditions that helped bear the Tnarket, as did an absence of demand for the grain In store, t'nder the Influence May opened H'fr'io to UQo lower at 7iVS,o to ffi'ic and eased to 7V4c Then the corn Influence began to help, the outsiders bought and manifested a desire to f'ay the market. The predictions of the cold weather also Induced some buying. May sold up to T7c. but the late liquidation In corn started the local crowd, who had been the best sellers, to hammering the market again and prices slid off. May closed weak, Wika lower, at 7c. . Receipts were 37 ears, two of contract gradp, and Minne apolis and Duluth reported 533 cars, a total for the three points of 670 cars, against 292 last week and 312 a year eo. Primary receipts were tht,XK bu.. compared to 491.0f,0 last year. Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour equaled 193,000 bu. - The seaboard reported 19 loads taken for export. Commission houses took hold i of oata early and bid the prloe of May to 44c. There was fair buying on the strength of corn, which exerted some Influence, but near the close May was offered more freely and the strength was lost. Western offerings were rnther light. Local receipts were small. Provision people were the best sellers. May closed steady, a, shade higher, at 434c. Receipts were to cars. Provisions were fairly active and main tained a good strength all during the ses sion. The start was slightly lower. In fluenced by heavy receipts at the yards and consequent lower t rices for hogs. Covering on the grain advance and some small buying advancea an provisions ana May pork closed 74c tin at $15.25. May lard Wo hlptior at 19.30 and May ribs 5&7ViC up at jx.36tm.37Vi- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 20 cars; corn, 130 cars; oata, 80 cars; hogs. 32.0TO head. The leading futures ranged as follows! Art!cles.. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close.lYss'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Bept. Oats May July Bent. May July Lard- May - July July Bept. r7W4fri 76 srwiWfil 43 35fr IS 10 1625 nvt t 2714 t 37H &2Vi 77H' 77H 76 2 (frVilH3ii WV41 44 3HV4 31 15 S2HI 16 474 82V4 45 t 87H 67 764 764fD iola 43V So.! 15 10 16 26 1W 27V 1 t ZTtt 7W4I Bis' 1VI 63 434 15 25 16 424 30 40 S 35-74 8 3741 8 474 8 6241 '8 6741 7SWS 74 43fT4 35'A so. 15 171.4 10 so 9 20 t 35 8 30 8 40 8 S3 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows: FIXDUR Market steady; winter patents. $3 8CK&4.00; straights. $3.40(31.70: clears, 13.WK3 8.40: soring specials. $4.20: patents. 13.20a 8.70; stralKhta, $2.903.20. WHEAT No. I spring. 75c; No. t red, 814c. OATS-No. I. 43c; No. 2 white, 464c; No. 3 white, 44?r4&4c. RYE No. 2. 5S&6S4C. BARLBY Fair to choice malting, 69ff62c. 8EED&-N0. 1 flax, $1.63; No. 1 north western, $1.68; prime timothy, $6.60; clover, contract grade. $8.80. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $15.05 ?16.10. lard, per 100 lbs.. $9.17409.20. Short ribs sides (loose), $8. 300. 40. Ivy salted shoulders (boxed). $7.1'.'4((t7.25. Short clear Sides (boxed). $.Xff.70. WHISKY On basis of high wines, $1.31. The following were the receipts and ship ments for the day: - Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls $0,000 35,0 Wheat, bu 67,000 74.000 Corn, bu '..125,000 84,000 Oats, bu 142.000 64.0 Rye. bu 1,000 7.00) Barley, bu 47,000 18,000 On the Produce exchange tocay the but ter market was weak; creameries, lS'S'iSc; dairies, lS24o. Cheese, Arm, 104'612V.C. Kggs, firm; fresh, 252tic NEW YORK GENERAL J1ARKET. (.notations of the Day oa Varloas Cosaaaodltles. NEW YORK. Feb. 27.-FLOTJRReceipts, 7.1S2 hbls.; exports, 2,637 bbls.; market was a trifle more active In both spring and winter grades, closing steady and un changed; winter patents, $3.8KT4.26; winter straights. $3.7Xj?3.0; Minnesota patents, $3.8&u4.10; Minnesota bakers, $2.9(k3.J0; win ter low grades, K.Wtl.&t. Rye flour. Arm; fair to good, $3.26S.40; choice to fancy, $3.603.75. L'uhNMEAL-Firm; yellow western. $182; City, $1.30; Brandywlne, t?..eua3J0. RYE Firm; No. X western, 66c, f. o. h afloat; state. 8Kff61c, New York, carloti. BARLEY Dull. WHEAT Receipts. 18,150 bu.; exports, 1,191 bu.; market stead v; No. 2 red, 874c, f. o. b., afloat; No. J red, 8S4c, elevator; No. 1 northern. Duluth. tbc, t. o. b., aflo.it; No. 1 hard. Maniloba, i4c, f. o. b., afloat Wheat wa Irregular. It ripened about steady on cablea. dropped off under very favorable crop prospects and then turned strong on a Jump In corn, maintaining high nd. 82l4 l'4fi!Si.e. flfl4d at 82Hc; September. S14i&81c. closed at lVic. lorn-KAcetpts. H.ooo bu. ; exports, 4!2 price, moil 01 me ariernoon, until final weakened by disappointing export demur March. 824c, clotted at k2Vic; May, 82 i3c, closed at 824c; July, 814Sc. clo lV-: fancV mall, Ut full cream, oarly made, while. U i'OULTAY-Allve. , weak; sprlngsra, lie; turkevs. J.V; fowls, lla Pressed, dull; sprmg,, ioU4c; owls, 104Uc; turkeys, 134c M RTAJ Tin rr ra hot 4c lower, and 12s d off In london. The New York market closed at $o.0iJ25.30 and I,ondnn closed With spot at Ulft 7s d and futures at 111. Copper was easy and dull, but not quotably lower, lake closing at $12,8741150, elctrolytlo at $12.2Fw&U 374 and casting at tl2.124ai2 374. At London prices wera atKHit unchanged, with spot st f and futunes at 1 10s. Lead ruled firm and ' unchanged at New York at 84.124. while London was Is 3d hlghr at 11 Spelter was unchanged here and st Lon don. Locally the price was $4.2&S4.80 and at Inndon a. 18 was still quoted. Iron was steady. English markets for Iron were a little off.. Glasgow closed at M and Mlddlesborough at 47s 6d. l'i Iron war rants closed hers at $ll.Bdl2 SO; No. 2 northern foundry. $17.0O'a.l8.0ii; No. 1 south ern foundry, $15.0oi'l7.6'; No. 1 southern oft foundry, tlttob 17.00. OMAHA WHOLESALE! MARKETS. bu. Spot, firm; No. 3, 4e, elevator, arwl ioc, f. o. b., afloat. Except for a slight early decline, following wheat, the corn market was strong and active all riav, being affected by light country offerlnes. a good southwest demand, strength of cash market and covering, finally easing off a little with wheat: closed dull at Mc nt advance. May. 664)67 5-16c. closed at 66Tc; July, RS4Vj6Vc, closed at 664c; Sep tember, 644Ati64c, closed at 654c OATS Receipts, 68,500 bu.; exports. 315 bu.; No. J, 60c; No. I, 4c; No. I white. UK rt XT. n V. I a Kin ..U . I . . ern. 6to61c; track white, 6fii&6c Options were generally firm and active, with corn. HAY rlteady; shipping, 6u$65c; good to cnoice, biyvw, HOPS Firm; state, common to choice. 1901 crop, 14(ii 18c; 19u0 crop. liilSc; olds, 3 Sc; Pacific coajtt, 19ul crop. ItJjlSc; 13uo crop, l.l. PROVlSl6N-Beef. quiet; family, $12 00 ri3 w; mesa. wa in w; peer bums, iw &ytf 21.00; OKcket. $10.50?711.50; city extra India mess, tw.wxp'is no. rui meats, stead v; pick led bellies, i owe 0 25; pickled shoulders, $7; pl.WWd hams. 89.7&r 10.00. Iard. firmer: 1 western steamed, $3.66; refined. Arm; comment. ctoutn America. Jio.35; com nnund. I7.S7V.I1.0U. Pork, nulet: famliv il7(i 17.25; aliort clear, $17.0Cu2u.00: mess, 815.50'a 16.50. LEATHER ulet; hemlock sole. Buenos A,vres. light to heavyweights, 244ig2Sc. HirES Dull; Qalveeton, 80 to 25 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 26 ,bs., 194c; Texas ary. z, 10 ids., n'o. WOOL Firm: domestlo fleece. 26i29c. TAIJjOW-Firm; city, U6-o; country Kit E Firm; aomestic, rair to extra 4V a ti'ic . Japan. 4V664c. BI TTER Receipts. 4.047 pkgs.j unsettled and weak; state dairy, 2Mj2io; creamery. Zlri27c; June , creamery, iim-ajc; factory EUO 8 Receipt a. 8.281 pkgs.: firm; stats and Pennsylvania, tf)c; Westrn, !8'c. CHEESE Receipts, 870 pkgs. ; firm; fancy large, eariy maus. wans. iiwii'e; Isnc mall, stal full cream, early tuads, 12, Coadltlon of Trad Qaotntloas si Stapla an 41 Faaey Prod ace. EOOS Receloto .heavy; market weak; fresh stock, 3013210. LIVE PolJL'i Hlf Hens, Sc; old roosters, 4&6c; turkeys, Ul0c; ducks and geese, 7 sc; spring chickens, per lb., fewatas. DKE88ED POULTRY Turkeys, 11013c; ducks, lowilc; geese, loyllc; spring cnick ens, br; hens, 8c. BUTTER Common to fair, 19cj choice dairy, In tubs, l.woilc; separator, Z7&28c. FROZEN FISH Black bass, lc; white bass. 10c; bluetish, 12c; bullheads, lOc buf faloes, 7c; catfish, 12c; cou, 10c; crapplea, K4c; hall out, lie; herring, 4c; badtio'j. so; pike, 8c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 12c; sun rih, sc; trout, c; whiteflsh, 6c, pickerel, ec; fresh mackerel, each, 20&3oc; smelts, loo. OYSTERS Mediums, per csn, 22c; Stand ards, per can, 2ocr- extra selects, per can, 3c; New York Counts, per can, 4oc; bulk Standards, pei gal., ILVJ; bulk, extra se lecta, $LGuiQa.66; New York Counts, per gal., $1.76. PIGEONS Live, per do., 0c VEALCholce, 6ijc. . ' CORN-61C . OATS- " . - BRAN Per ton. $18. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Stealers' association: Choice upland, $8.5o; No. i upland, $7.&o; medium, $7; coarse, M.50. Rye straw, to. 1 hese prices are tor hay of good color and quality. Demand lair. Receipts, 8 cars. ; VEGETABLES. POTATOES Northern, . $1; , Salt Lake, $L1(; Colorado, $1.10. CARROTS Per bu.. 75oi BEETS Per bu. basket. iOc TURNIPS Per bu., eoc; Rutabagas, per 100 lba., $1.2d. . . PAKriNlPS Per bu.. 00c. v CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos... $2. GREEN ONIONS Per dol.. 26c. LETTUCE Head, per 'drum. Hi hothouse, per dos., 3uc. PARSLEY Per doi.. 25e. RADISHES Per dos., 36e. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, pet lb., 8c; Kansas, per bbl.. $3.25. CABBAGE Holland aeed, crated, 3c CAULIFLOWER Per crata. $2.60. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, U.u; Mich igan, red or yellow, 34c per lb. CELERY California, 40j76c. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-baeket crata, $4.60. FRUITS. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl., $4.60; Wl net a pa, $0; Jonathans, $0.50; Bellerlow erg, per box, $1.75. PEAKS Vikers, $2.26; Lawrence, $2,250 2.50. . GRAPES Malagas, per keg. $7.50. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $7.60; per NAVi teEANS Per bu.; $2.15. FIG6 California, new cartons, $1; Im ported, per lb., 12&Hc TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California navels, $3.0038.26; budded, 2.64.. LEMONS Fancy, $3.26; choice, $3. BANANaS Per bunch, according to slse, $2.txt'2.76. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New crop wainuts. No. 1 soft aneii, per id., 12c; nara sneti, per lb., 114c; No. 2 scft shell, loc; No. 3 hard shell, vc; Braslla. per lb., 14c; Alberts, per lb., 13c; almonds, soft shell, 17c; haru shell, 16c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, loc; co coanuts, per sack, $3.60. HONEY Per 24-section casa. 13. CIDER Nehawka, per ioi.r -ei.25; New x ora. 1 ou. POPCORN-Per lb., 6c HIDRH IMn 1 ,n.n fiy KJn c No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 3 salted, 6c: No. 1 veai calf, 8 to 124" lbs., cj No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 7c; dry hides, 8'rjFl3c; sheep pelts. fw .uurse iiiues, i.9u.i, i. Lonls brala and Provlsloas. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27. WHEAT Lower 8c; May, 82442c; July, J54c; No. 2 hard, 774k7Sc; receipts, 14,000 bu. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 63c; track, 804c: May. 61c: July. 62c. OATB Higher: No. 2 cosh. 44c: track. 44 Vioc; may, ; rfuiy, ooic. x nit r irm, oi'tc. FLOUR Firmer but unchanged: red win ter patents. 13.S04H.00: extra fancv and SLrcLigni, .wutt.ou; clears, ij.jiwia.zn. CORNMEAL-Steady, $3.10. BRAN Dull: sacked, east track. 90c. HAY Steady: timothy, $10. ooto 14.50: prai rie, ,5.1ATO'IS.W. WHISKY Steady at $1.31. IRON COTTON TIES Quiet, 31. BAGGING 64&c. HEMP TWINE Sc. PROVISIONS Pork, firm: jobblns-. 314 85 Lard, higher. $S.8o. Dry salt meats (boxed). nrmer; extra snorts ana ciear rins, xs.tu; extra shorts and clear ribs, $9.25; clear Sloes, i.ou. METALS Lead. firm. 4.06R4.07Vt. SdpI- ter. strong, $4.124ig4.16. POULTRY Firm; chickens 8f4c; springs, Jiraic; turaeys, luc; qucks, MiihWc. bui Tf.K-owaay creamery. ii'a&'Ac: dairy, iwo-ic. eggs Migner. zbc. RECEIPTS Flour. S.OOO bbls.: wheat. 23.- AAA 8... . U JVWb ki, . .asst ",S. Asfk W.. UAf VI l f a-ui i, j,r "J uu, i vain, iw.vw uu. tslllPMENTS flour, s.ooo oms. : wheat. Sl.ouo du.; corn, os.uw ou. ; oats, ai.ouo du. Kaassa City Grala and Provlsloas. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 27. WHEAT May. fjtc; juiy. uc: casn, no. z naru, lAt'c; No. 3, 724Jj'iic; No. 1 red, rj81c; no. 3, 7V'a aoc: jno. 3 spring, izwrvtac: receipts, is cars, CORN May. 6li: Sentember. 6.c: cash. No. 3 mixed, S04alc; No. 2 white, 644i6ic; NO. 3, 644I4iiC. OATS NO. 2 White, 43ig444C RYE No. 2, 6iic. UAY Choice timothy. $13.60: choice Dral rle. $12.50(613.00. BUTTER creamery, bcwc; dairy, fancy. 30c. EGGS Higher: fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock quoted on change, 194c; cases Included. uc. RECEIPTS wheat, 17,300 bu.: corn. 27,200 bu.; oats, du. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 11.200 bu.: corn. 77. 000 bu.; oata, 11,000 bu. Liverpool Grata aad Prarlaloas. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 27. WHEAT Spot rso. 3 red western, winter, auiet at 6s Wd No. 1 northern, spring. Arm at 6s lid: No. i Laiiiomia, no sioch. r uturee, auii March. 6 d: May. 6s Hd. v . v J 1..' . 'Jiui, .1' nvij , AHICIII.BII iiii,ru, new, steady at 5s d; American mixed, old. 6s 24d. Futures, quiet; February, nominal at osli: Marcn. M l"d. fKOVisiows-Hami. snort cut. 14 to if lbs., steady, 47s 6d. Lard, prim western. In tierces, dull, 46s 6d; American refined. In pans, quiet, Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 27. BUTTER lc lower; western creamery, 80c; nearby prims, auc. EGGS Firm, good demand; fresh nearby 25c; fresh western. 25c; fresh southwestern, 26c; freh southern, 24e. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams fancy small, 10Vc: New York full creams fair to choice, 104(3410. Toledo Grata aad Seed. . TOLEDO, Feb. 27. WHEAT Firm, . c tlve: casn, sac; May, mc; juiy, 7c. t ORN Strong, active; cash, Hue; May, SL"c; juiy. nc OATS Fairly aotlve; cash, 44c; May, 44c Julv. S7c. , 6EE1 Clover, cash and March, $5,574 April, Mllwaakoo Grala Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 27. WHEAT Higher; no. 1 nortnern, 164c; No. Z north ern. la'c; May, tnc. RYE Steady; No. I,.61(&fl0 BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 61c; sample, lc. CORN May, 60T.C Poorla Market. PEORIA. 111., Feb. 37. CORN-Hlgher No. 3. toSc OATS Higher; No. t white, 434c. billed inrou;n. WHISKY On the basis of $1.31 for fin isnea goons. Dalath Grala Market. DULUTH. Feb. 27.-WHEAT-Cash. No I naru. ikc; rtn. 1 nortnern, 71c: No. northern. 7i4c; May, 75c; July, 757c, Cah. IVic; Mar. 73V; Jul. 74c On track: No. 1 hard, 74ij'7&c; No. l north ern 734c; No. $ northern, 714T724c. FIXUR First patents, 33,va3.&S; second patents, $3 7Va3 8S; first clears, $2.7MJ2.80; second clears, $2.40. BRAN In bulk, $16. WKW YORK STOCKS A!D BO?lD9. Blar Securities Are More) ActlTO, tat Obseare gtoeks Still Pronlaeat. NEW YORK. Feb. 27.-The most actlvo stocks In today's market were among those ralher better known to the average spec ulator than those which have occupied the greatest attention for several davs, but the obscure specialties still had a large part In me market, particularly In the width 01 their price movements. Some new ones were brought forward Into activity and Were pushed smartly upward and advances continued In some others recently awak ened Into activity. Still others reflected the passing of the speculative movement and the taking of profits, after which mar- 'i support was withdrawn ana me price was allowed to take Its own course. The ?ery large and persistent buying of Colo ado & Southern gives color to the rumors that control of the road is sought. The sdmisslon of Chicago A Eastern Illinois Interests to the directory of the Evansvllle St Terre Haute Is accepted aa confirmatory of reports recently current of a consolida tion. With these two received examples as a basis rumors of many other absorptions and consolidations of minor railsnads re ceived ready credence. In the more Im portant stocks there was a resumption of Tuesday's rise in Brooklyn Transit on buy ing attriDutea to inside interest, nut wun out explanation. Chesapeake & Ohio and Norfolk St. Western were lifted on the re ports of the extraordinary demand for bituminous coal. There was support from Inside sources for Missouri Pacific, but the large liquidation continued In that stock, supposed to be the result of the recent death of a - large holder. Amalgamated Copper and Tennessee Coal were active but irregular, dui Dotn or tnese siocas enaea the day unchanged. The market as a whole continued sluscish and neglected. The dubious condition in which the North ern Securities company Is kept by the oendlnr-litlKatton aaainst It and the uncer tainties cr tne money ouuoog are amply sufllclent to account for this state of af fairs. The consultations now going on be tween those Interested In the Northern Se curities comnanv and the fact that some of the banks are Inclined to question the offerings of Northern Securities stock as collateral accentuate this feeling. The ox port today of $3,500,000 In gold afforded no apparent relief to the exchange market. In dicating that the gold went to meet, ma turing obligations abroad and that no ex change bills were sold against It. The drop in Chicago exchange 'to boc discount Indi cates clearly the pressure for currency at that point. Although no effect resulted in the New York money market the contlnu ance of such forces will cause higher money rates without rail. wanasn aenenture tin conunuea 10 over shadow the bond market, but they lost most or their gain in the late aeallngs. Total sales, par value. $4,755,000. United States 3s advanced 4 per cent on the last call. The following are tne closing prices on the New York stock exenange: CORN 604c Mlaaeasolli Wkeat. Kloav aad Braa MINNEAPOLIS, Fsb. 27. WHEAT, Atchison do pfd Baltimore 4k O. do pfd Canauian Pao.. Canada So Ches. Ohio... Chicago at A... do nfd Chi. lnd. & L.. do P id Chi. at E. 111... Chicago G. W., do 1st pfd.... do 2d pld C. & N. W C. R. 1. 4k P.. Chi. Ter. 4k Tr do pfd. ,. 7&H So. Railway 324 . 964 do ptd Vott .104 Tex. c Pacific... 404 . IMH Tol., St. L. 4k W. 21 .jiDft oo pia . 864 Union Pactflo do pfd , 36 iWabash 76' do Dtd 644 Whee & L. E 19ft do 2d pfd 149 .Wis. Central .. 344 do pfd , 88 Adams Ex 464 American Ex.., 215 U. 8. Ex 1614 Wells-Fargo Ex.lu . , 17v. AmaJ. Couoer ... 11 v S3' Amer. Car & F., 284 41 994 824 24 434 194 ifc4 21' 424 230 116 C. C. C. & St. L.101 1 do pfd. Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. & Hudson Del.. L.&W... Denver A R. G do Pfd Erie .... do 1st pfd...., do 2d Did Gt. Nor. pfd.... hock, vauey .. do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd.. 224 Amer. Lin. Oil., 64 do vpfd , 374 Amer. 8. 4k R. . 172 I do pfd 285 'Anao. Mln. Co. 444 Brooklyn R. T. .. 934 Colo. Fuel A If .. 38 Con. Gas tSKVion. job. pfd.. 664 Gen. Electric .. 1834 Glucose Sugar . 67 .Hocking Coal ,, M Inter. Paper t.. 139 do pfd 484'Inter. Power ... 7941-ivaciede Gas .. Lake Erlo 4k W. 674,N- BlseuU do pfd 131 I j. 4k N 104 Manhattan L. 1334 Met. at. Ky IK'S Mex. Central .... 2H Mex. National ... 174 Minn, at St. L...10XS Mo. Pacttlo ...... 994 M., K. 4k T 24 do pfd.... M)t N. J. Central 19i N. Y. Central.... 162 Norfolk 4k W 58 do Dfd DO' Ontario at W '334 Pennsylvania ....l&o Beading tx do 1st ptd 01 do 2d pfd.., 684 St. L. & S. F 60 do 1st pfd 83 do 2d Dfd 724 St. L. South w.. 884 . 22-" . as . 47 . 7H . 334 . 654 . iw .2194 .117 .295 .. 42 . in . 204 . 754 .. 474 . a .. 63 . 93 ,. 73 ,. 464 ..I'M! ,. 39 82 National Lead , National Salt., do pfd No. American , Paeiflo Coast ., Pacific Mail .. People's Gas .. Pressed S. Car do Dfd Pullman P. Car.'.219 Republic Steel ... 16i do pfd 714 Sugar .,129-4 Tenn. Coal & I.. 684 Union Bag & P.; 154 uo piu , U. 8. Leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd , U. 8. 8teel . do pfd 28 IWestern Union... do Dfd 68 Locomotive St. Paul 163 do pfd So. Pacific 644 H4 81 164 674 434 84; 904 I1 824 for sixty days. $4 RS4 on demand: New York exc hange, 60c discount. BOSTON. Feb. 27. Clearings, $23,3fl6,2M; balances, $1,388,232. BALTIMORE. Feb. 37. Clearings. $2.646.. 668; balances, $263,447. v liNUiriATl, Feb. Z7. Clearings, w.tth. 4W); money, 34KI4 per cent; New York ex change, toe discount. Boates Stack 4aaatleas. BOSTON. Feb. V. Call loans., 94 per cent; time loans. 444 per cent official closing: Atchison 4s ... Gas la Mex. Cent. s. N. E. O. A C. Atchison do ptd Boston 4k A.... Boston 4k Me. ..103 iAI!oues , 34 .. 85 'Amalgamated ... 7r4 .. 81 Baltic 474 .. 674 Bingham 224 ..74Cal. 4k Hecla 610 .. 96v Centennial 174 ..24 .Copper Range .. 714 I Kim. coal .... Boston Elevated. ltiiy Franklin N Y, N H H...212 ,lsle Royale ritcnourg pro. ...nhi, Mohawk 99V old Dominion .1294 Osceola .., .1184 Parrot ... .156 . 34 .291 Union Pacific Amer. Sugar ... do ptd Amer. T. A T.. Dnm. 1. 4k 8.... Gen. Electric . Mass. Electric. do pfd N. E. G. A C... United Fruit .. U. S. Steel 4341 Victoria do pfd 914 Winona Weetingh. Com.. 89 Wolverine Adventure 224 . Ouincy Santa Fe Cop... Tamarack Trlmountain Trinity . 54'tTnlted States . x ,t tan 9.4 854 14 . 21 . 22- . 7o . 31 . 14 . 34 .230 .16 . 14 . 174 . 344 . 64 .14 , 63 Offered. "Eix-dlvldend. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: - Attention on the Slock exchange was absorbed In the settle ment and there was considerable anxiety lest difficulties might be encountered In the Kamr section, put notning aappenea save scattered liquidation by weak holders, which may continue tomorrow. Then It la probable that there will be a rally. At tendance on the floor was thin today and business was practically nil. American dealers were skylarking most of the time and the leading arbitragers' total dealings were Ave Wabash bonds and 430 shares of stock. Amsterdam bought a small amount. Gold to the amount of 30.000 has gone out to South America. Money rates rule steady. The returns of the Bank of Eng land shows a marked porrowing ot ta.axj,- 000. The revenue collection amounts to 1,250,000. There Is not likely to be any marked freedom until the April dividends, as the market debt to the bank amounts to 8,000,000, which even government dis bursements can hardly liquidate. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Peb. 27. MONEY On call, steady, at 24f3 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills kt $4.S7 for demand and at $4,854 for sixty days: posted rates, $4.86 and $4,884; commercial bills, $4.MVg6- . . SILVER Bar, 654e; Mexican dollars, . . BONDS Government, firm; state. Inac tive; railroad, steady. The clorlng quotations on bonds ars as follows; U. 8. r. 2s. reg. do coupon .... do 3s, reg do coupon .... do new 4s, reg do coupon . ... do old 4s. reg. do coupon .... do 5s, reg do couan .... Atch. gen. 4a... do adj. 4a Bal. A O. 4s.... do gVis do conv. 4s. 109 1 109 109 J 1)9 1394 I.jSCh 1124 ..1124 L. N. unl. 4s. ..1014 Mex. Central 4a.. 824 do Is inc 31V M. 4k St. L. 4a. ..106 M , K. 4k T. 4s... 994 do 2s 834 N. Y. Central ls.1034 uo gen. s list ..loii4.N. J. C. gen. 6s. .137 ..106,No. Pacific 4s. ...1054 ,.104i do 3s 744 .. 93 N. 4k W. con. 4s.lO.14 ..1034 Reading gen. 4e.. 994 ..96 'St L 4k I M 0. 5s. 1174 ..1074 St L 4k S F 4.... K Canada So. 2s. ...110 St. L. 8. W. Is... 98V Cent, of Oa. &a..lio; do 2s 79- OO IS IIIC 19 C3 A & A f 49.... 13fc Ches. 4k O. 44a..ll04 8o. Pacific 4s 96 Chi. 4k A. 34s.... 844 So. Railway 68...I204 C, B 4k Q n. 4s... 8 ,Tex. 4k Pac. Is. ..120 C. M 4c 8 P g. 4S.1134 T. St L 4k W 4s. 854 C. A N. W. c. 7s. 138V Union Pacific 4s..lo64 C. R. I. 4k P. 4s. .1114. do conv. 4s lo64 Wabash la.. do 2s.... do deb. B. CCC 4k 8 L g. 4s. 104 Chicago Ter. 4s.. 874 Colorado Ho. 4S.. H1, D. 4k R. O. 4s ... 102V Erie prior I. 4s... tV do seneral 4s... 874 F W 4k U C Is.. .1134 Con. Tob. HOCK. Vl. fiS..lU9 .119. .111 76 West Shore 4s... .1124 W. 4k L. E. 4s... 9.1V .... 664 Now York MlalnsT Uaotatloaa. NEW YORK, Feb. 27.-Th following arc tne Closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice Breece Brunswick Con Comstock Tun.. Con. (Cal. 4k Va..l45 Dead wood Terra, ad Horn Silver 145 Iron Silver 66 Ltadvllls Con ... 6 20 Llttlo Chief 11 46 (Ontario 775 60 lOpbJr us 8 l'hoenlx 64 Potoal JO ravage 7 Siena Nevada ... 14 Small Hopes 35, Standard $30 Bisk C'eariassa. OMAHA. Feb. 27. Bank clearings today. fl,056,9K.u6: corresponding day last year, $l.om,332 37- aecrease. jju iw m. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 27. Clearings, $8,S58.330 balances. $1,144,240; money, sieaay, per cent; New York excmuige. aiscount. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 27. Clearings, $18652,626; balances, $2,6M,67g; money, 4 per MNICW YORK. Feb. 27.-4?learings. $225.99,. Ill: balances. 812.225.651. I'rlii-liMl Feb. 27. Clearings. $28,160,736 balances. $2,3vO,3; posted civbange. $4 86 ' Forelga Flaaaclal. LONDON, Feb. 27. The settlement In tensified the lightness of money snd bor rowers, were entirely dependent upon the Bank of England, to which Institution the Indebtedness Is estimated st 7,00n,000 or 8,000.000. Discounts svmDathlsed with the demand for money. Business on the Stock exchange was most stsgnant ana tne at tendance was poor. ' Gilt-edged securities were steady. Americans were fractionally Irregular at first, with a weak tendency In sympathy with New York. They after ward hardened and closed nrm. f oreigners were cheerful. Rio tlntos reacted. Copper was dull and elnsed at 66. Kaffirs at first were Inactive and dull. Later they hard ened slightly. Gold premiums are quoted: Buenos Ayres,' 141.90; Madrid, 86.27; Lisbon, 20: Rome, 2.40. The sum of 30,000 gold was withdrawn from the Bank of England today for shipment to South America. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total re serve, Inrreased 307,000; circulation, de creased 67,000; bullion, Increased 342,469; other securities, Increased 3,200,000; other deposits. Increased 2,359,000; public de posits, Increased 1,230,000; notes reserve, iniTVAjieri 474.000: srovernment securities unchanged. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to. liability is 46.04 per cent. i.n n 1 wn ii wn n.in w-itv. ni nf rilwnunt unchanged at 84 ner cent. papis Feb. 27. Business on the bourse today was irregular. Prices opened with a nrm tendency, dui mere was a general re action at option time on realisations. Later business was very quiet, the unfavorable attitude of Spanish securities and Kaffirs depressing the whole list. Rentes were dull. Italians were maintained. Argentines and Braslllans were In good demand. Metro politans were firm. Sosnovlce relapsed sharply- Rio tlntos had a good tone on Mor Vnrlr advice. Kaffirs reacted on the war news. The private rate of discount was unchanged at 2 8-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 174c for the account. F.vchanare on London. 25f 15c for checks. Spanish 4s closed at 77.75. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes in circulation. Inoreased 31,275,uoof; treasury accounts cur rant Increased 19.15O.00Of: aold In hand. In creased 4,97o.000f; bills discounted. Increased 150,13O,O00f ; silver In hand, decreased 750,OOOf. BERLIN. Feb. 27. Locals opened weak on the bourse today owing to the unsatis factory report from the Ruhr districts re garding the continual slackness of trade. Banks were- fairly maintained. Interna iinniii were dull. Exchange on London. 29m 35 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates for short Dins, per cent; ior lureo niuuwis bills, 24 per cent. t Condition of the Treasury. . WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In tne aivision 01 reaempnon. shows: AvanaDie casn oaiancea, 111,4., 958; gold, $88,601,130. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 27. COTTON Spot cloeed quiet; middling upland. S94c; mid dling gulf. 9c: sales, 44 bales. Futures .ina.il mile and stead v: February, noml nai- March. 8.59c: Anrll. 8.66c: May. 8.43c; June and July. 8.42e August, 8.27c; Septem ber. 8c; October, 7.89c. The market opened laanv wrlth Ti'lres MWfthaiifed to 3 DolntS lower, and after a momentary flurry of general buying, og which prices rained to the final figure of yesterday, eased off under realizing and roonu telling for short ac count. Heavy port, receipts and unfavor able cables from the Liverpool market stood In the path ot a continuation of yes terday's upward movement. Yesterday the news from southern spot- cotton markets and statistics from interior towns was ,,,.H o r make hear selling haxardous. Wall street and Philadelphia orders held the March option firm throughout the sea slon. A statement to the effect that New England spinners had voluntarily advanced wages 7 to 10 per cent, a cable from Man chester reporting Improvement In the cloth ing market ana increasing uemami i-.i goods and glowing accounts from domestic dry goods centers helped to counteract the it,A,i.nA th, hlcp rmrt movement. What appeared to be a bear raid, with scattering sales of long stuff, sent prices off several points In the last hour. The market closed quieter and steady, with prices net I In 6 points lower. The day'stransactlons were estimated at 76,000 bales. NEW ORLEANS, reo. it. iui Steady; revised sales. iVtoO bales: ordinary, 7c: good ordinary,. 74c; low middling. 74c; middling, 7 8-16c; good middling. 8 t-Wc; middling fair. 8 6-16c; receipts. 10.140 bales; . l. vmiuu v. . i.. Piiinr,, nulet ; Febru ary. i.ma.Mc; March. 8.1508.16c; Aprl". 8 22 68.24c: May. 8.27-2Sc; June. 8.328.33c; July. 8.3&&8.37c; August, 8.243.25c; Septem ber. S.75C. . ST. LOUIS. Feb. Zl. UITI iu- oirauy. middling. 84c; sales, f50 ba'f receipts, 7.173 bales; shipments, 8,034 bales; Stpck, 60.360 bales. . t.ivunprwnr. uvh ?7 COTTON Spot. steady; American middling, 4 21-32d. Sales of the day. 8.100 bales, of which 600 were tnm hm.ii at nn anri exnort. ana inciuuea 6.101) American. Receipts, 19,000 bales, in cluding 16,900 American, r-utures openeu quiet and closed quiet: American mild ling, . , . o etJt ..11.,., g. o. c, r eoruary, i acwio m-w, " -Fehruarv-March. 4 35-6fo4 36-64d, sellers u.Nih.&nri . :.-ktt seller . pni uav 1 5R.(U(Si afi-fcid sellers: May-June SM.UA aallera- June-July. 4 16-61d. sellers July-August. 4S6-6ld, sellers; August-Sep (.mK.p a Ki-fim Az-tktn. nuvers. oeuicmiFri, October, 4 22-646T4 23-4d. buyers; Oetober- November( 4 29-6td, value. Calroo Market. 1 NEW YORK. Feb. 27. COFFEE Spot Rio, stead v; No. 7 Invoice, 64c. mho, auii cn,.u. bih,1v Th. market onened steady with prices 610 points higher, and for the rest of the tesslon exhibited pronounced tr.n,tfl An nrlMkc coverlns and some de mand or an investment cnaracicr. i-- f,,nh.r .nvanced 6 nolnts On this Support and the whole market appeared In healthier form than for some time 01 late, me obi ter feeling was created largely by generous advances In European markets and by r.nrf.n.iinr rplnt In the croo country. I'luim. that aont demand was Improving also figured as a supporting Influence. The close was nrm. wun prices irei higher, this being the top for the day. T..,oi .,i,a .r 54.UIO ban. Including March at 6.25c; May. 5.456.5oc; July, 6.6i9 6.70c; September, 6.80190.80c; octooer, December, .otc. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralts, NEW YORK. Feb. 27. EVAPORATED AVPt.F.N Kvannr&ted aDDles are ruling very oulet and featureless. There is no nreaalira In aell and the tone IS heavy common to good are quoted at c; choice, sU.rfi10c: fancv lofbllc CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Buyers are giving considerable attention to prunes and a good Jobbln movement Is reported within the quoted range. Apricots and Deaches are firmly held ana moaeratei ..tiu leiiii r-ftA.c. Anrlcots. Roya I041 14c; Moor Park. 10 124c. Peaches, peeled, lfalsc; un pee led. tb9c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 27. DRY GOODS Mr. Tiorden has announced that he will ad vance waxes In his print cloth mills at Pall River 10 mf cent on March 1. The Im pression here Is that this will force a like advance trom otner ran ruver iimnuiac turers. If not throughout New England au 1 1.. ra nf all nttnn unndH here are re served over forward business. I)emand Ifi sight for all print clothe, which can be had on basis 01 34c for regulars. agar Markot. - NEW. VORW Feb. rt SUGAR Firm open kettle, 242c; open kettle centrif Heal. 3f,3i! cnirlfua-al. a-ranulated an Khlte. mm.: vellnw. 13-ltMJ : seconds, 24634c. Molasses, strong; open kettle. 110 38c; centrifugal, 84318c, syrup, nominal. NEW YORK, Feb. 27. SUGAR Raw firm; fair refining. J4c: centrifugal. 96 test JSC Molasses sugar, 3c. nennea. ami. LONDON. Feb. 27.-BEET SUGAR Feb rusry, ss 94a. Waal Markot. 8T. LOUIS, Feb. 27. WOOL Steady for best grades, eaoy for others; medium. 13tf 18c; light fine. 1244;il6c; heavy flne, lol2c; tub washed. 21 244a. Cattle iWipU Kodertt and Trade Bnlea Actirs and Steady to Strong. HOG MARKET SLOW AND LOWER Sheep Reeelpts Light, bat Good Staff Daoa Not Brlag Mdro Thaa Steady Prices, Wkllo Coatmoa Klads Aro Slow aad Uwrr. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 27. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. 8he"p. Official Monday 3.978 Official Tuesday 3.423 Official Wednesday 2.244 Official Thursday 2,563 Four days this week.ll.I08 Same days last week. ...12.284 Same wt.ek before 16,855 Same three weeks sgo.. 14.007 Same four weeks ago.. v. 12.183 Same days last year 11.641 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at bouth Omaha, for the year to date, and comparisons wun last year; 1W3. iwji. inc. Lec. Cattle 130,195 101,638 39.357 Hogs 468,234 381.9x8 76,26 Sheep ' 123,676 138.62S 16.9a4 The following tauie snows tne average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the past several days wltn com parisons with former years: OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET 3.848 1.J.1 11.274 6.612 11,095 8,il 8,681 8.318 86.498. 14.017 33.043 18,t4 48,744 16,742 37.229 15,461 28.96j 7,988 35.829 18,961 Data. I 1902. 1901.100.1899.18M.1897. 11896. Feb. l.... Feb. 3.... Feb. 3.... Feb. .... Feb. 6.... Feb. .... Feb. 7.... Feb. 8.... FeD. .... Feb. 10... Feb. 11... Feo. 13... Feb. 18... Feb. 14... Feb. 16... Feo. 16... Feo. 11... Feb. 18... Feb. 19... Feb. 20... Feb. 21... Feb. 33... Feb. 23... Feb. 24... Feb. 26... Feb. 26... Feb. 27... I ( 24i 6 221 4 671 3 4( I 4 $ 7 4 08 iLM s as o a i - I 24l U 9 73 8 30) 4 03 6 IH S 31 1 I 8 Ml 3 13 3 2 8 tM 111 I 33 4 6 $ 731 $ 21 3 W 164 6 31 4 7i 8 61 I 3 19 4 00 034 ( 001 4 811 61 3 T8 8 23 8 IM 6 98 1 i 3 4 7di 3 3 71 3 33 8 93 8 2o, 4 84 8 70 8 71 3 2 I 4 BOi 3 711 8 76, 8 3il 3 88 5 32 3 66 1 3 77 3 26) t 84 6 30 4 7l ( 3 81 8 w 4 I 24 4 82( I 68 8 801 3 3 6 30) 4 75 3 6i 3 83 1 3 96 t 28 4 76 8 68 8 89 3 36 8 8 Xl J 0 1 ! 00 0l4l 04 6 98 6 2 I 8141 6 78J 7841 6 844 6 86 6 884i 6 9o4 5 6 934 6 88 6 22 6 23, 6 80 6 33i 6 2i 6 33 6 88 6 33 4 761 8 Ml as. 4 S3 4 78 4 74 4 69 3 60 8 47 8 ba 4 69 8 661 4 691 8 63 4 65 6 37 4 6! $ 62 3 Ml 3 tol 8 87 8 911 3 95 $ 84 8 81 3 83 3 79 8 81 8 8S 3 111 3 90 3 SSI 8 81 8 351 3 84 8 87 3 35 87 8 361' 2 41 3 83 3 491 3 76 3 42 3 70 8 43 8 73 fndlnatea finn.Ta v. . The official numbef of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Roads. ' Cattle. Hogs. Sb'p. H'ses. M. 4k St. P. Ry... 8 4k St. L. Ry ,. $ Missouri Paclno Ry 1 Union Pacific system. 10 F., E. 4k M. V. R. R.. F., tx A hi. V. Ky... 30 C, Bt. V-r M. A O.... 14 B. AM. R. Ry 22 C, B. 41c Q Ry 6 C, R. 1. P., east.. 3 C, R. I. A P., west.. 1 Illinois Central C 8 3 3 17 7 3 10 23 3 4 113 10 4 4 16 Total receipts 104 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, eacn Duyer purcnasing tne num. ber of head Indicated Buyers. Omaha Packing Co., Armour A Co , Cudahy Packing Co...., Swift and Company...., Hammond Co.. trom K. R. Becker A Degan...., Vanaant A Co..... , W. 1. Stephen Hill A Huntxlnger Livingstone A Hclialler. Hamilton A Rothschild L. F. Hubs.... H. L. Dennis A, Co B. F. Hobblck Other buyers , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 206 1,423 392 415 1.133 410 676 4,347 ' 85 660 1,914 L3o9 128 ... 2 ... 144 ... ... 2 ... 18 ... 83 ... 17 ... 17 ... 21 ... 186 ... 160 Totals 2.623 8,816 2,408 CATTLE Yesterday's light receipts ot cattlo were followed by another light run today, wnicn makes tne supply ior the week to date' considerable less than for the same days of last week or for the same days of the corresponding week of last year. In view of the decreased supply comoetltlon among the different ouyers was more active and good stun sold freely at steaTdy to stronK Drlces. There was a lively aemano mis morning for steers and it did not take Ions for sellers to dispose of practically everything they had on nana at good strong prices. The better grades, or course, sold more , 1 .. K.. m , 1 1 1 ua Ih. nmmn IflnH. moved without much difficulty. As high as $6.00 was paid today for a bunch of cattle. but they were not wnat would do caned finished cattle. The cow market was also active and steady to strong. The better grades were wanted the worst, tne same as has been the case for some time past, and the prices In most cases looked! a little stronger. There was also quite an Improvement In the demand for the medium grades and canners. If there was any change in the nrlcea Dald It was In the direction of an advance, so that the general market could safely bo quoted steady to strong and active. There was not mucn change notloeable in the prices paid for bulls, veal calves and stags, but still anything at all good met with ready ' sale at fully as good prices as were paid yesterday. The demand lor feeders of good Quality continued fully equal to the supply, so that anytning at an gooa soia ireeiy. Blockers of good quality also sold at tully steady Iirlces, but the common kinds were neg ected, the same as they have been all along. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. W.'.'.'.'. 19 3 10. 3 3 68 13 , 67 , 11 1?:::::: 3 , 11 2 , 19 , 3...... 1 14 17..... 11 2i!tt 5 7..... 3 12 2 3 1 6 6 8 6 3 1 1 . 2 3 1 3 18 4 16 2..... 3 3 , 1 1 1 1 1 19 6 1 3 2 3 8 11 18 1 1..... 2 3 2 4 IS 1 15 14 10 6 1 1 3 1 1 11 4 Av. Pr. . 910 3 76 680 3 76 .... 860 .... 680 .... 930 .... 716 .... 891 .... 891 .... 916 ....1085 ....1083 .... 876 .... 813 .... 876 .... 845 ....1056 ....1117 .... 875 ....1010 ....1075 ... J04S ....1120 ....1150 .... 970 .... 990 .... 914 .... 934 .... 900 .... 826 .... 920 .... 818 .... 926 .... 897 .... 735 .... 970 ....1110 836 .... 836 .... 863 .... 970 ....1010 ....1150 ....1150 ....1075 .... 865 .... 810 .... 776 .... 938 .... 815 .... 914 .... 605 .... 610 .... 86 .... 966 "no ... 95a ....12i) ....1140 ....1030 .... 820 ...'.1"2 .... 8"6 1O10 .... 81 .... S'O .... 943 .... I6 988 .... 891 .... 9o0 BN0 .... 875 1 .... 765 llw) 873 790 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 86 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 50 4 60 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 70 4 75 6 00 ( 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 10 6 15 6 15 6 20 6 26 2 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 15 2 20 2 25 2 26 3 25 2 30 2 30 2 35 2 40 3 40 2 40 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 60 3 60 2 65 2 76 2 75 2 75 2 85 2 85 2 90 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 OS 3 10 3 26 3 25 2 25 3 25 3 35 3 35 3 35 8 50 3 60 3 50 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 No. 3.. 8.. 14.. 21.. 23.. 3.. 11.. 20.. 36... 22.. 13.. 7.. 18j 17 20 11 17 S3. 4 20 36 13..., 18..., B8..., 33..., 4..., 4..., 14..., COWS. Av. ... 900, ...1113 ...1018 ...1163 ...1123 .. .1(196 ...1040 ...1240 ...1110 ...1125 ..11189 ...1084 .1121 .1176 .1248 ....1290 ....1148 ....1280 ....1564 ....1237 ....12U) ....1273 ....1303 ....1247 ....1409 ....1312 ....1390 ....1340 17. 10 2.... 3 1 2 17 4 2 1 10 , 1.-... 6 8 18 l.., I!:::": 2 2 2 44 , 4 l.A,.., 8 , 2 1 , 1 , 12 63 , 1 , 1 , 37 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 .... 865 .... 802 ....1045 .... 86, ....1005 ....10IJ5 ....1140 .... 735 .... 9i6 .... 935 ....1225 ....1150 .... 740 ....1200 .... 874 1151 ....1076 .... 870 ....1058 .... 824 .... 8 3 .... 910 .... 923 960 ....1020 ....1200 ....1195 ....11180 .... 991 .... 957 ....12V0 1220 1 1 r; ....1170 MOO 1000 .... 963 1515 .... ro ,....1198 1460 1335 .....1110 1010 ....1273 1150 1210 1190 1271 1320 Pr. 6 25 6 36 6 35 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 66 6 60 6 70 6 70 6 75 1 80 t 80 6 80 6 65 ' 6 90 6 90 6 95 6 00 6 00 6 06 2 60 3 65 3 65 8 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 20 4 25 4 25 4 26 4 25 4 2 4 2o 4 25 4 30 4 35 4 36 4 35 4 40 4 4 4 45 4 50 4 60 4 50 4 60 4 50 4 60 4 60 4 65 4 70 4 75 4 76 4 60 4 83 4 80 4 90 4 90 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 I 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. 687 840 834 640 350 820 744 730 710 , 616 3 26 3 80 386 HEIFERS. 23 17....... $ 90 3 CO 8 00 8 00 3 00 8 06 3 15 3tt 2. 926. 996 ... 720 ... 670 ... 720 ... 810 ... 834 ... 83 ...1225 ... 648 4 60 4 65 $ 75 4 00 4 00 4 15 4 20 4 20 6 25 4 36 1 $) 8 25 1 80 4 60 1... 610 3 po 26 619 4 60 3 676 3 60 3 8 4 80 1 820 3 80 3 970 4 90 1 ttrt) 3 Ml 4 1090 t 00 17 713 3 60 l.A 1160 8 36 610 8 76 BULLS. 1 110 8 00 1 1S40 I 78 1 Hart 3 Of, 1. .10 3 85 1 1340 3 15 1..... 1J 4 00 3 1310 3 20 1 v.... 130 4 00 1 pifiO 3 20 " 1 1M 4 00 1 M70 3 26 1 1390 4 00 2 12 3 25 3 1435 4 00 1 8.41 3 25 1 1 4 25 1 .170 8 25 1 16f 4 25 1 1430 3 25 I 2 1620 4 35 5 1116 3 35 ' 1 Ibmo 4 40 1 1170 3 40 1 )i0 4 () 1 1430 3 60 1 1SI0 4 60 1 1.t'iO 3 Ml 2 1325 4 60 1 900 3 60 1 1260 4 60 CALVES. 1 loo 6 00 1 4-1 M 17 128 5 25 2 If 16 25 1 11 6 50 1 20 6 75 4 267 6 Ml 1 T1S0 6 75 STOCK COW 8 AND HEIFKR9. 1 380 2 Oil 11 619 3 85 8 7M 2 50 1 9iH) 3 90 1 8.10 2 60 1 540 3 60 6 330 3 65 4 710 2 60 1 670 2 75 8 763 3 00 1 630 2 80 2 675 3 00 STAGS. 1 870 8 50 STOC K CALVES. l.. JO0 2 00 3 32 4 IS 8 362 3 70 1 320 4 15 3.t 2x'i 3 75 1 830 4 Ij 1 391 4 00 8TOCKER3 AND FEEDERS. 6 39 2 70 . 6 61 16 4 00 6 640 S 00 ' 14 4 00 1 670 8 60 4 727 4 10 2 610 3 75 ' 6 20 4 15 7 714 3 80 66 794 6 15 1 610 3 80 1 750 4 25 2 io 3 85 1 410 4 26 6 6 j 90 3 710 4 25 8 468 3 90 63 616 4 25 2 325 4 00 1 610 4 30 8 650 4 00 21 803 4 60 HOGS The downward course of the hog market continued today. All points had fairly liberal recelnta and Prices here dropped 6 inc. Trading was fairly active at the decline so-far as the better weight hogs were concerned and the bulk of the offerings was out of first hands In fairly gcod season. The light stuff, however, was drug on the market, and sellers found It a'niost Impossible In a good many cases to even get a bid on the underweight loads. Fur that reason the last end of the market was very slow snd weak and It was late before anything like a clearance was made. The bulk of the heavyweight hogs sold frcm to 99 to $6 06. medium welehla went from $5 .80 to $S90 and light stuff from $5.80 "own. Kepreaentatlve sales: No. A v. Sh. Pr. No. A v. Sh. Pr. 24 119 ... 4 75 7E......222 40 6 80 14. A. ..117 ... 4 76 76 213 ... 6 80 10 113 .... 4 76 69 214 100 6 80 101 173 80 6 00 78 220 ... 6 80 97 161 ... 6 50 66 215 ... 5 80 74. .....188 ... 6 50 76 225 40 5 80 76 153 ... 6 W 63 237 80 6 80 68 161 ... 6 60 92 200 ... 6 824 37 160 ... 6 60 86 214 200 6 82 4 83 169 ... 6 60 78 204 120 6 824 89 164 40 6 50 85 218 ... 6x24 75 171 ... 6 60 43 210 80 6 8 4 81 174 ... 6 60 62 202 ... 6 824 93 172 ... 6 60 36 H ... 6 824 98 172 ... 6 60 73 222 ... 6 85 90 176 120 8 65 74 210 ... 6 85 71 173 ... 6 65 73 217 ... 6 85 77 176 140 6 65 73 200 SO 6 85 71 186 40 6 65 41 231 80 6 85 88 182 ... 6 65 30 240 ... 6 85 62 181 ... 5 65 76 210 40 6 85 46 184 ... 660 66 243 ... 6 86 38 184 ... 6 65 82 230 120 6 85 65 177 ... 6 65 60 276 40 6 95 70 193 ... 6 674 77 222 40 6 85 82 193 80 6 70 60 231 ... 6 874 86 176 80 6 70 61 223 ... 6 874 74 194 ... 6 70 63 232 ... 6 90 71 199 ... 6 70 21 262 ... 6 90 78 196 40 6 70 78 234 160 5 90 84 187 ... 6 70 40 245 40 6 90 81 196 ... 6 70 78 234 40 6 90 78 184 160 6 70 67 244 ... 6 90 81 193 ... 6 70 74 234 ... 5 90 96 184 80 6 70 60 230 ... 6 90 71 189 160 6 724 ,73 240 ... 6 90 74 186 ... 6 724 72 233 40 6 90 88. 209 280 6 75 36 272 80 5 90 24 205 ... 6 75 26 254 80 6 90 83 187 40 6 75 68 223 40 6 90 . 60 201 ... 6 75 64 250 80 6 9114 74 208 - 40 6 75 71 241 ... 6 92 4 86 200 120 6 75 68 254 160 6-924 63 221 360 6 75 68 256 ... 6 92 4 71 210 ... 6 75 89 218 80 6 95 62 211 ... 6 774 63 265 80 6 96 74 199 ... 6 80 33 280 ... 6 95 89 218 80 6 80 45 245 ... 5 95 84 205 120 6 80 76..... .260 120 6 95 2 194 ... 6 80 68. 267 80 6 95 66 224.... 6 80 65 254 200 6 95 42 206 40 6 80 64 255 160 6 95 ....296 ... ( 00 271 ... 6 00 244 80 6 00 273 80 00 321 ... 8 0S 271 ... f 10 a heavy run of 76. 68 65 64 67.. 56 77 60. 60. 74 SHEEP There was not sheep and lambs here today, but the da. mand on the part of packers did not seem to be of large proportions, and as a re sult the market -was a little slow. The better grades sold at just about steady prices and ewes of good quality In some cases were a little strong. Anything on the common order, however, whether sheep or lambs, was neglected and weak. The quality of the offerings as a whole was nothing extra, which doubtless had consld erable to do with the lack of activity. There were not enough feeders offered to make a test or the market, but It Is safe to say that anything at all good wouia nave sold at luuy steady prices. Quotations: Choice lightweight yearlings, $5.6o(g5.76: good to choice yearlings, $5,259 o.ou; cnoice weiners, st.MKftD.lv; lair to gooa wetners. h.wkh-i.w: cnoice ewes. 34.30ttt4.60 fair to good ewes, $4.00tg4.25; common ewes. $3.004.00; choice lambs. $6.2fil7.50; fair to good lamba, $6.00fr4.26: feeder wethers, $4.00 64.60; feeder lambs, $4 5OQ&.0O. Representa tive sales: No. Av. 8 culls : 56 6 culls 68 220 western ewes 61 native buck lambs 109 native lambs 6 native lambs 3 stags 10 western ewes . . 2 native bucks 22G western ewes 4 bucks 62 western ewes 8 native ewes 3o cull lamba 99 western ewes 10 cull lambs 32 native wethers 2.1 native wethers 6 western yearlings 62 western lambs 133 western lambs 1 western lamb 27 native Iambs 283 lambs, bucks and yearlings. 108 106 96 84 , 125 , 89 , 166 , 88 , 157 , 103 , 125 , 65 , 105 , 63 124 93 M3 ff , 69 , 80 87 , 71 Pr. $1 00 2 60 4 65 6 60 6 15 6 30 2 60 3 00 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 75 4 00 4 25 4 65 4 75 6 25 6 25 6 60 6 60 6 60 00 6 00 10 Hi; bulla. ttTMHftft; Tss and Indian steers, graaaars, $iIT4(4 1"; oowa and heifers, $i fcjl 95. 1 HOGS Recelnta. 6 4n hasd: market MT10O lower; pigs and lights. $66. 86; packer. $&.fva0f; butchers, $6 0ivn6 30. . 8HtKf AM) LAMBS Receipts. l.m head: market sironsi native) muttons. $40 (76 tai; lambs, l5.2Vu6.75; culls and bucks, $2.60(64.00. Mow York lire Stoelc Market. NEW YORK, Feb. JT-BEEVES-Re- .Ik. a C 1 L .1 b I kh.L.aJ JlMfll,' the only reported a.les wera drv cows at $2.66 per 100 lbs.; no exports, CALVES Receipts, 247 head; sales of reals at decline of fcfiJo per lb. rti-te.iM- aiw itAMHH- iieceims, i.iwi head; sheep, dull," lower to sell; Iambs. 100 lbs., dressed mutton, 6r74c. ihmjs jieceipts, neaa; no sale re ported. ... St. Josepk Live Btevrk Market. on iriavnis k Vf r"ATTI tr r relnts. 1.600 head:.1ic lower: natives. $4.4Vdl 6 90; cows and heifers. $1.75lj6."0; veals. $3.5i'o 50; Blockers and feeders, $2.fnsiH.8o. HOGS Receipts, 8,100 head: luc lower: light and light mixed, $5.5W6.on; medium and heavy, $5.8fij.30: plRs. $3.5iyy5.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. l.tV) head; steady; western lambs, .$5,504)6.40; western sheep, $4.2d6.35. - . . ., 1 OH and RMls. OIL CITY. Feb. 27. OIL Credit balances. $1.16; certiflcatea, no bid: shipments, 44S.473 bbls.; average. 74.112 bbls.; runs, 111.618 bbls.; average. 69,142 bbls. TOLEDO. Feb. 27. OFL North Lima. SJOi South Limn and Indiana, 8'V. . NEW YORK. Feb. 27. Oil Cottonaeed. very quiet: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow. 4"S'o41c. Petroleum, dull. Rosin. steady. Turpentine, steady. 41'4'tiH inijon, Feb. 3i. oil Turpenttno spirits, 30s M. LIVERPOOT,, Feb. 27. -OIL Cottonseed, Hull refined snot, weak, 23s 104d. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Feb. 27.-OIL Spirits turpentine, 414c; sales, 446 bbls.; exports, 71 bbls. Rosin, firm; receipts, 2.633 bbls.; sales, 6,028 bbls.; exports, 4,750 bbls. Quote: A. R. C. D. $1 25: E, 30; F, 81.85; G, $1 424; 11, l.iv; 1, i 10; r. xu, n, a.oo; WG, $3.75; WW. 33.85. CHICACO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattlo Lower Hosts Higher aad Actlvo Sheep and Lambs Lower. CHICAGO. Feb. 27. CATTLE Reeelots. 11.500 head, Including 100 head Texans; slow and 10c lower; good to prime steers, $6.60 7.00; poor to medium. $4.00(96.40; stockers and feeders. $2.26S5.00; cows, $1.26&5.25; heifers, $2.50(36.60; canners. ll.26(ff2.2S; bulls. $2.5txt4.50; calves, $2.5tKjj6.00; Texas fed steers. $4.50fu.7S. HOGS Receipts, 40,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 30,000 head; left over, 8.000 head: 10c lower; closed active; mixed and butchers, $6.75(66.15; good to choice heavy, $6.1O4t6.30: rough heavy. $6.80ra6.10: lirht. 15.65(i76.8; bulk of sales, $5.8tVa6. 10. SHEEP AND LAMHB rlecelpts. 14.000 head; slow, ahade lower; lambs, 2Vft40c lower for week; good to choice wethers. $4.666.2o; fair to choice mixed. $3.9nrii4.60; western sheep and yearlings, $4.50&6.9o; na tive lambs, $3.71126.50; western lambs, $5,251 6.60. RECEIPTS Official: cattle. 15.333 heaa; hogs. 44.275 head; Knee p. 24.753 head. SHIPMENTS Official: Cattle. 8,451 head; hogs, 11,159 head; sheep, 755 head. Kaaaas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 27. CATTLE Re ceipts. 4,400 head natives, 400 head Texans, 200 head calves; natives steady: Texans shade higher: choice export and dreased beet steers, $6.25Ca6.50; fair to good, $5.0ncd 6.15; Blockers and feeders. $3.254.80; west ern fed steers. $4.60('a6.00; Texas and Indian steers. $4.2Hi6.85: cows, $3.251j4.60; native cows, $3.ot()4.75; heifers, $3.75fti6.2o; canners, $2.((T3.(i0; bulls. $3,254(6.00; calves, $4.60Tg4.75. HOGS Receipts. 11,000 head; market 63 10c lower; top, $6 30; bulk of sales, 5.&k 6.15; heavy, $6.15i6.30; mixed packers, $5.80a 8.20t llKhts. $5.36(0 90; pigs. $4.75ffio.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 400 head; market steady; native lambs, 86.26iiiti.60; western lambs, $6.25496.45; native wethers, $5.25Coi50; western wethers, $3.2045; year lings, to. 754i6 25; ewea, $4-65436.40; culls and feeders. $2.a"(h 4.60. Stock la Sight. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal markets ior r eDruary zi : South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. I-outs .... St. Joseph ... Totsls .... ... 2.242 ...11 ."0 ... 5.000 ... 6.4-10 ... 1.600 ...36.842 Hogs. Sheep. 11.695 3,716 40.0ii0 14.000 li.noo 4 5 4nO 1,200 1.100 1.600 77.195 20,818 St. Loals Lire Stock Market. LOUIS. Feb. 37. f'ATTLE Receipts, ST la! head. Including 2i0 head Texans market steady: native shipping and export steers. $ofra&75; dressed btef and butcher steers. $4."o6.00; steers- under 1.0"" lbs., t.1 Fjaftfi 30: Blockers and feeders. $2.654 75: cows and heifers, $2.214. 85; canners, $1,769 A Model; Doctor's Office Most doctors ft ad It cooTontomt to havo evening or Sunday ofneo hour. Patients can hardly walk up stair at such times. , The Bee Building has all night and Sunday elevator terries. Water and gas, as wall electrlo light aro In each room. The rooms aro all light asd ' our offices aro most attractive. Rents aro no higher than In Inferior buildings. R. C. Peters & Ca, Rental Areocr. Cronod Floor. Be Bolldlrtf. aaaSe JOBBERS &J.1HNUFAGTURERS OP OMAHA DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. CARSON PIRIE SCOTT .& CO WHOLESALE DRT. GOODS, CHICAGO. E. L.HICKS, " General Bales man. OMAHA SALESROOM, IBOB Faraasa Street. J. E.li0WE, 1 Resident Salesman. WHEN IN THE CITY Visit Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Go. Wholesala Dry Goods. 1117 Howard St. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Dolls & Govgill Iron Works. usxvTXcivnxrn akt mmim or MACHINBRT. OBHKKAL RBPA1RIKO A PSOIAtn IKON AND BRASS rOUKOBlU. IWl. ISM aa ISO Jaakaaa Sssaot. tlaaaaa. Met. Vol. aSa. fa, Cabrlsklo. Ajreat. J. B. CrviU, at, RANE CO. . Manafaotarsrs and Jobbers o( ' Stsam and Water Supplies Of AU Kinds. !! aad 10141 DOUOLAS ST, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. A cstcrn Electrical fflectrical tfupplUs, BloctrU Wiring Boll ant Oas Xixstta Q. W. JpHKSTON. Mgr. JSW Jgpwar Br, AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Go., Oata ha. Hob. , Manufacturers of - Tents and Canvas Goods. Send for Catalogue KumJsor 23 GASOLINE ENIilNES. ccQLDSnODILE" Olds Gasoline Engine, Olds- Gasoline Engine Works, 111 Farnatn St.. Omaha. REVIOVALI Boyd Commission Co. bavo remorsd from room II, Chamber of Commsrco, to room 4, New York Llfs Building. Phons, 10J9. KEEP POSTED ON THE Chicago Grain Market Dally Trads Bulletin ssat apoe raaaast. M. E. COOKE, CsaiaiUsloa Mercaaat, aa Bmmr mi Tra4a, Cktaafs. Mean bar oi tn Chicago Boars s4 Trads. 1