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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1902)
i a THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1902. ' -r-f T. TJie . UMAii ) Daily Bee i- fc. ROSEWATfeft, EDITOR. ' PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. , ,Taily Pee (without Sunday). One Year..H.O0 Ifily Hee and Hunday, On Year........ 400 'Illustrated Bee, One Year I.fO Hundar Bee, One Year !.0O Faturday Ilee, One Year 1.60 Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. 1.00 , DKIJVKKED BY CARRIER. ;jafly Bee (without SundAy). per copy.... Jo Jaly Hee (without Sundavi. ier week. ..He . XeJly Bee (Including Sunday), per week..l7o , Sunday Fee, per copy c Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week 10O Evening Bee (including Sunday), per week ISc 'Complaint! of Irregularities In delivery t should be addressed to City Circulation De partment. r OFFICES. , vmana-ins wee isuiiaiiig. South Omaha City Hall Building. Twenty-fifth and M Street. Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street Chicago 140 Unity Building. New fork Temple Court. .Washington toi Fourteenth Street. ' CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating; to news and edi torial mutter should be addressed: Omaha Hee, dl(orlal Department. BUSINESS LETTERS. Business letters and remittances should be Addressed! The Bee Publishing Company, Omaha. i REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The . Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps accepted in payment of mail accounts. Personal ohnoka, except on (jmsha pr eastern exchange, , not accepted. THBBtB PUBUSiitNa COMPANY. STATEMENT OC CIHCUUATipN. 0tate of Nebraska. Douglas County..! George B. Tsscbuck, secretary of The Be Publishing Company, being duly worn, ays that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Daily. Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee prtned during ill a month of January, lfcs u eve fol lows: ....,. &O,0OO ' IS. ,......... .80,180 i 3........ SO.XIO g....... ...... .80,00 IS....-.., . .30,3180 1!:::::::: ....SU.UO . If......... HO.BOV .......80.1SS SO..... BO.IOD a 80.430 21 OO.eSM) U 80,200 M 80,130 St 8O.O0O ' 20. S0.4S0 27.. 81,100 XS .80.000 3 SS.frtO ' ....:....;....80,k30 U. 30,000 . 80,400 f 80,300 1 80,800 .30,1 TO 10 80,180 11. 80,800 ja..........80.30 U 0O.4TO ' 14. 80.19O U SO.OTO " i Total 841.00S tess unsold and returned copies.... 8,840 ' Net total sales B32,OT . Net daily average : 80.00T GEO. B. TZBCHUCK. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before ma this 1st day of February, A. IX, 1S02. M. B. H UNGATE. (Seal.) Notary Public I Of course, the World-Herald was to be expected to come to the defense of Ball Jrillman. . South Carolina has recalled the Invi tation extended to President Roosevelt to present a sword to one of Its sons. tTbe president will survive. Chicago proposes to grade the price of milk according to its richness: When this Is done the value of a good pump !wlll be considerably decreased, Prince Henry has run the gauntlet of the men who wield the pen and come Oct unscathed. The men who wield the word can have no terrors for him now. F If -Prince Henry's digestion Is not frnlned by the round of dinners, he will (undoubtedly take home with him pleas ant memories of his vlait to this coun try. . . And now Governor Savage has been complimented with the presidency of the state irrigation congress in session at Sterling, Colo. They can't keep Ne braska away from the front The Creek Indians who have been making the trouble recently in Indian territory have been sentenced to terms In prison. This is certainly a more humane method of making good Indians than the old plan. It Is up to the Jacksonlan club to take a fall out of the Douglas County Democracy by improvising soma kind of a blowout that will beat the piano christening, with something stronger than Bordeaux on the side. , A bottle of "fine old wins from Bor fleaux" has been donated to the Douglas County Democracy for the occasion of the unveiling and christening of its new piano. There is no danger, . however, that the wine will be wasted on the flano. ' "' ' All the other members of the. South Omaha Board of Education indicted by ' the late grand jury are anxious to try , an escape by the Loechner loop. This loop promises to become as famous 'in Its own small way as the much-discussed toop at Santiago. The periodical mall weighing, which determines the contract price for carry ing the mails on the railroads of this . 1 vision, is about to be pulled off. - Com plaints about delays in the mails for the next few weeks will all be explained on the score of interruptions by the mall weighers. Senator Bailey failed to rise to his op portunity wbea Prince Henry visited the upper house of congress. It would undoubtedly have Interested the royal visitor much more if the Texan had demonstrated how hard he could kick a screen door instead of making an ordl Aary speech. Collector, Ivey, of the port of Una busk a, has succeeded In creating quite a ripple by writing a bombastic letter to the Treasury department If his friends will keep a lookout they will probably be disappointed to discover that in short time there will not be even a bub ble to mark the spot where Ivey once flourished. The railroad managers have decided they will not furnish the Interstate Commerce commission with the data concerning rebates paid to favored ship pers. A short time ago. In a moment of frankness, the managers let out several facts regarding these trans actions, but they now realize that like i the parrot they have talked too much. trstSLHTiKMORilh service. The last naOonei tribute to William McKlnley haseen paid and the occa sion' goes lntdf history as a. profound expression of the universal popular es teem and affection for that illustrious man, whose splendid personal character, earnest patriotism and faithful devotion to public duty will ever be an example to his countrymen. The thoughtful and eloquent eulogy upon the . martyred president pronounced by Hon: John Hay presents a compact statement of the distinguished services to the country of William McKlnley as soldier and states man and renders a Just estimate of his character. He was, said the orator, "from his birth to bis death, typically American." It was this that won the popular confidence, that gave him the strong hold he had upon the country and that commanded the respect and admiration of foreign peoples. While his own countrymen knew the strong and unyielding loyalty of McKlnley to their interests and welfare, foreigners did not fail to appreciate and commend this characteristic. Therefore, typically and strongly American as he was, no president of the republic ever stood higher in European respect than Wil liam McKlnley. The historical facta in Secretary Hay's oration arehighJ Valuable and particu larly Interesting la the statement that a dealing with foreign powers McKln ley will take rank with the greatest of our diplomatists. It was he who marked out the course to be pursued toward China,, prompted "by considerations of humanity and the national Interests a course finally approved by ail the powers and which has been completely Justified by results. May we not as sume, that ail the Important work of diplomacy during his administration was directed by his wisdom and foresight? With a high and Just appreciation of the great public services of William McKlnley, with a- true conception of his character derived from intimate per sonal association, and from an earnest sympathy with that patriotic Amer icanism which distinguished him. Secre tary Hay's eulogy is a faithful, sincere and eloquent tribute that merits the highest praise. EIRE'S A BOW-DB-DO. In the classic language of bis eminence the Mikado, "Here's a how-de-do." Just to show his appreciation of the hnmor of the occasion. Governor Savage has ad dressed a letter to the editor of the Lin coln Journal calling him to task for signing a petition to him asking for an unconditional pardon for ex-Treasurer Bartley and then turning bis paper to the unconditional condemnation of the governor for responding to his request After reciting the body of the petition, Governor Savage continues: Among hundreds of other prominent clti seas of Lincoln who signed the 'petition are the following: C. H. Gere, C D. Trapha gen and J. C Eeacrest, all .of whom I be lieve are officers of the Journal company aad practically own . and control the policy ef the Journal." If It was wrong for me to commute the sentence it was certainly doubly wrong for me to grant an "unlimited, un restricted and unconditional pardon" as prayed for in the . petition signed by the chief officers and stockholders of the State Journal company. The attitude of the Journal in tacitly approving attacks on my action by giving publication without com ment to hostile utterances of other news papers certainly challenges -reconciliation with the attitude of the Journal's officers in signing a petition requesting me to grant an unconditional pardon, without limit or restriction. Speaking for myself. Z do not believe that en the same subject I could with propriety or consistency entertain one opinion as governor and another as private cltlsea. It takes over a column of its space for the Journal to explain that, like the fabled Pooh Bah. its editor petitioned for the Bartley pardon In one capacity and criticizes it in another capacity. It Is even intimated that the editorial mind was changed after the circumstances at tending the parole, although no effort was made to withdraw the editorial sig nature from the paper praying for com plete pardon. We apprehend, however, that the gov ernor's brusk reminder is scarcely calcu lated to restore the entente cordlale that be had a right to expect aa a result of harkenlng to the Journal man'a petition. RAILROADS REFUSE INFORMATION. At the Investigation a few weeks ago in Chicago, by the Interstate Commerce commission, of the charge that the rail roads were allowing rebates to certain shippers, it was frankly admitted by the railway managers who appeared before the commission that the charge was true. They stated that' rebates were given to the packing interest but pro fessed to be unable to state what the rebates amounted to. The commission made an order requiring the traffic managers to furnish the desired data. This the managers have refused to do. Having consulted together and taken legal advice, they assert that the com mission has not the power to compel the production of the Information asked for and moreover they want to protect the packers from possible punishment Here Is an instance that may be com mended to the attention of those who affirm that the - commission is alto gether at fault for the non-enforcement of the Interstate commerce law. It has made an earnest effort In this matter to carry out the law and as usual the rail way officials throw an obstruction ia the way by refusing Information deemed by the commission to be necessary and which there is no doubt could be sup plied. After freely confessing that they have violated the law they seek to es cape the consequences of their wrong doing by denying the power of the commission to compel them to produce the evidence. . The alleged belief that the commission desires to punish pack' era who accepted rebates is perhaps a mere subterfuge, but at ail events it operates to obstruct the attempt on the part of the commission to enforce the law and is example of the re- Jponslblllt of the railroads for tha fajjjevled la am one year la out t the ftuesjj art priatedt that the law Is not effective and ha, be come practically useless for the regula tion of the common carriers. This refusal to comply with a request of the commission which to the general public will appear entirely proper and legitimate should have the effect to stimulate Interest In legislation for strengthening the law and enlarging the authority of the commission. If that body has not the power to compel con fessed violators of the law to produce the facts that will establish their mis conduct of what use Is the commis sion? It is presumed that the commis sion will endeavor to enforce its re quest and if so the result will be awaited with considerable interest Meanwhile this new obstruction to the enforcement of the law should not escape the atten tion of congress. CHINESE EXCLVBION. The foreign affairs committee of the house of representatives is said to be having considerable trouble in framing a Chinese exclusion bill. All the mem bers are agreed upon a measure which will exclude coolies, but when they get beyond this there Is much difference of opinion. - The really perplexing question la as to how fax to go la the admission of so-called merchants. Petitions have been sent from organisations of busi ness -men la California urging that Chinese merchant be not excluded and there la a strong sentiment la the east that it would be unwise, from a busi ness point of view, to shut out this class. The petitions from California state that to do so would be decidedly hurtful to the commercial welfare of the Pacific coast that it is desirable for the development of trade with China that the merchants of that country shall be avowed to come to the United States and acquaint themselves with our busi ness methods and put themselves in per sonal relations with our merchants and manufacturers. Eastern exporters take the same view and thus there Is a strong business influence being exerted in favor of not extending the exclusion policy to Chinese merchants, many of whom it Is believed will in future de sire to visit the United States for a purely commercial purpose. On the other hand there Is a very strong sentiment particularly pro nounced, of course, on the Pacific coast in favor of a general policy of exclusion and it is more than probable that thjs will prevail. The labor Interest Is prac tically unanimous Jn demanding - un restricted exclusion and It exerts a very potent Influence. The opinion of the Industrial, commission favorable to Chinese exclusion is also an influence that la strong for the proposed legisla tion. T1JM FOB OMAHA TO ACT. The situation as Just, developed In Council Bluffs, where efforts are being openly made to prevent the entrance of the Chicago Great Western, upon whose completion to the Missouri - river we were confidently counting, demands the attention of Omaha's business interests. The advent of the Chicago Great West ern as an addition to Omaha's railway facilities would unquestionably serve to enlarge materially the trade territory in which Omaha Is the dominant factor. Without respect to the possible effect an other and direct line to Chicago would have on the other Chicago-Omaha roads, the local traffic alone would constitute an advantage worth while striving for. From the latest developments the con clusion Is forced that a combination has been formed among the other through lines to head off the Greet Western by preventing it from acquiring the necessary terminal facilities. Should the existing roads succeed In this effort even temporarily, it would bode no good to Omaha. If our commercial organlza tlons are alive to their Interests they will exert themselves at once to the extent of their Influence and do all they can to bring this new road Into our city. The Great Western seems anxious to build into Omaha, asking neither subsidy nor concession, and certainly should have every encouragement to carry out its plan. It Is time for Omaha to act The attorney general has rendered an opinion to the effect that the assessors may gather crop and other statistics at the time of making the annual as sessment In some counties they have done this in years past but in only a few instances have the statistics been complete. These figures would be of great value to Nebraska If they could only be honestly gathered. Facts, backed by official statistics, available for pur poses of advertising the state, have been lamentably scarce In the past and Just now when the tide of Immigration is setting toward the west Nebraska ia paying the penalty. If the assessors only will, they can remedy this de ficiency and probably most of them would do so If the county clerks would impress the value of It upon them. Cable reports indicate there may be trouble between Turkey and Bulgaria over the responsibility for the kidnaping of Miss Stone. In view of the an nounced determination of the United States to hold the country responsible to a strict accountability for the out rage, both are anxious to get out from under. If it takes as long to settle this controversy as it does other ques tions at issue with Turkey no one of the present generation need worry to any great extent City Treasurer Hennlngs explanation of the purpose of the proposed funding bonds places them in a new light Ac cording to Mr. Hennlngs, special taxes amounting to $186,000 have been knocked out by the courts, throwing the obligation on the city at large instead of upon the districts that had been specially assessed. These ' obligations must of course, be cared for when the time comes, and to meet them by taxes tlon. His statement showa further that all the talk about funding bonds to cover up overlaps Is without founda tion. While the city's finances present several knotty problems, they are In much better shape than they have been at most times. Some of the women - complaining about the manner in which customs officers handle their private baggage on returning from trips abroad might get a suggestion about avoiding tlfe difficulty In the action of Mrs. Hunting ton, who had an honest manifest of ber belongings all ready for the inspectors. It almost took the breath away from the officers and cost considerable money, but it saved annoyance. Is it a leak In the county attorney's office or In the sheriff's office? That Is the question that Is disturbing the peace of mind of the people who have been swearing out search warrants for raids to unearth gambling utensils that have repeatedly failed to materialize. Noth ing short of an Investigating committee to locate the leak will clear up the mys tery. Cretare Oafla Its Creator. Chicago Record-Herald. When a sovereign stats bumps against a combination of railway companies it gen erally finds out that It isn't as sovereign aa it might be. A Lou a; Felt Want. Detroit Free Press. Mr. Bryan thinks the democratic- party needs Issues.- The republican party Is la better shape. It will have a winning Issue as long as Mr. Bryaa Is leading the demo crats. QaallBcatlona Cleverly Showa. Chicago News. Miss Roosevelt's dexterity In wielding the silver axe at the christening of the kaiser's yacht should entitle hr to an honorary membership In the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution. Evidence of Aeslmllatloa. Baltimore American. It hj hard to see on what grounds the ex- mayor of San Francisco asserted that the Chinese do not assimilate, after Minister Wu, on their meeting In New York, told him to go away back off ths earth and sit down. Consumers File a, Kick. Portland Oregonian. Free trade In pulp and lower duties on paper this Is the American Publishers' as sociation tariff proposal, and it Is the fair est yet promulgated by any Industry. .We tave plenty of plans tor free raw materials and high duties on finished product and reciprocity on somebody else's goods la exchange for favors to mine. Ths differ ence In the case of paper Is that for once we hear from the consumer Instead of the tariff-beggar. . On Tide Rerrereed. Philadelphia Record.' Although the United States supply bread' stuffs to practically the entire civilised world, the nation cannot raise potatoes enough for the requirements of Its own people. Blnoe November 1 last there have been brought here from foreign countries nearly 2,000.000 bushels of potatoes, sub stantially all of which were absorbed ' by domestic requirements. The duty on po tatoes Is 25 cents "per bushel a blood tax, ll mere ever was one. Railroad Taxation la Iowa. Chicago Chronicle. . The Iowa legislature has taken in hand the business of compelling the railroad companies to pay .more taxes. It has under consideration a bill which Is said to have been framed by the ablest men in the senate and which Is expected to stand the test In the highest courts. Its leading feature Is provision for assessing railroad property at its full value as determined by the market value of the stocks and bonds of the several companies, though earnings also may be taken into the ac count for the purpose of ascertaining whether the values of these securities are a Just measure of the values of the prop ertlee. This Is all fair, provided, always. that all other property subject to adva- lorem taxation is also assessed at Its full value. To assess real estate In general at one-half its true value while assessing that belonging to the railroad companies at 1U full value would obviously be unjust and the courts most likely would hold it to be so. Iaeroaaiaar tha Nation's Gaiety. Indianapolis News. The disputes In Europe as to who Is Uncle Sam's best friend, never dignified at best, are really becoming comical. The London weekly press Is out In long argu ments proving England's friendship and try ing to emphasise the really substantial ac cord between England and America, and so forth and so on, while the Frenoh press, ap parently out of pure superfluity of jealousy. Is printing disagreeable things about Prlnoe Henry's visit to this country, in chorus our minister at Berlin pipes up with an address on the eve of Washington's birth day, to show what a good friend Germany was, and so It goes all round the circle. Amid this clamor, really one has more re spect for the London Saturday Review, which comes out today, as It has of recent weeks, with the usual broadsides of abuse for this country. Nations are like men; while proper courtesy and civility are very soothing and acceptable, servility at ones reacts on the perpetrator, and he who bows too low Is In danger of being kicked, or at least of exciting the feeling that precedes that action. THCJCDERIKO lit TUB IJfDKX. The Poerleas Laa4r Lacs Isperloesi as as Editor. New Tork Tribune. Mr. William J. Bryan, editor of the Commoner, either ought to abandon the habit of dating his paper ahead or else give up the controversial oustom of maligning bis opponents for what he takes it tor granted they wUl do. The current number of his paper contains a glaring example of Mr. Bryan's method, the claptrap nature of which Is made ' mealtes. by events which were happening while his words were being printed. Speaking en an artiole by Presi dent Roosevelt on enforcement of law, and making quotations from It Mr. Bryan says "The president says (or said he may not entertain the same opinion now In regard to the anti-trust laws) : 'An officer to whom Is confined the carrying out of the laws has no such discretion. Another extract lllus tratea the emphasis with which Mr. Rooaa volt eaa state a proposition (or could)." The paper containing this Is dated Febre ary IL On February 20 the announcement was made by Attorney General Knox that suit would be brought to test the legality of the railway merger In the northwest and made Mr. Bryan's sneers at the president and his assumed unwillingness to enforce the anti-trust law supremely ridiculous. Hasn't a professed stales man anything bet ter to do than make flings at the good faith of the president of tha United States which are so cheap, and senseless that they wlU Three Nebraska Organs "Washington Post Although Editor Bryan's Commoner has undertake to dissolve the populist party achieved a greater notoriety than any other and absorb Its membership." weekly political organ published In a small Editor Morton's 1 righteous Indignation cHy, tt Is not by any meana the only inter- was aroused by that. To refer to Mr. estlng weekly of that description to which Bryan aa a democratic leader and to put Nebraskans point with pride as proofs of Mr. Cleveland in the same sentence Is the Journallstlo versatility and vitality of sacrilege from Editor Morton's standpoint, distinguished cltlxens of their state. Three He prints the above ia his paper, with this parties, or factions to-wit, the populists, neat agricultural preface: the Cleveland democrats and the Bryan "The so-called democracy; the boa con democrats are each represented by a stridor in whose sinuous folds the popu weekly organ. Ex-Senator Allen, In the llatlc steer has been crushed out of all Madison Mall, hebdomadally whoops up the populist contingent of the great combine, being duly mindful to claim for that con tingent the majority of brains. J. Sterling Morton, the father of "Arbor day," the genial gentleman who was secre tary of agriculture under the second Cleve land administration, ministers to the Cleve- land element in the Conservative, published at Nebraska City, and his ministrations are not less marked by intellectual force and convincing ratiocination than were iuoee agricultural oooKieta wnicn were Issued from his department during the cam- palgn of 1896 to prove that the honest farmer could not afford to vote for tree coinage. Secretary Morton bad a thorough knowledge of all agricultural questions and handled them with the aklll of a master, but his greatest success was achieved In his treatment of the coinage Issue from the agricultural standpoint Mr. Morton's Conservative Is by far the moot belligerent of the three notable weeklies and the con- temporary which moat frequently draws its fire is Editor Allen's Madison Mall. In a recent issue of the Mall Editor Allen satdt "Aslde from Mr. Bryan and Mr. Cleve land, the democratio party Is without com- petent leadership, and. so far as we can observe, stands for no substantial reform which the ponullBt party does not better represent, and there is no more reason why populists should desert their ranks snd muster under the banner of democracy than become republicans and lose their Identity, and there Is no reason for either. The populist and democratio parties differ rad- lcally and Irreconcilably on certain well known issues; for instance, on government ownership of telegraphs, telephones, rail- ways and other natural monopolies, and It Is the height of folly for democrats to BRIBERY AND Alf ARCHY. ' One as Dangerous to Rational Life aa tha Other. Baltimore American. ' JAdge Ryan of 8L Louis has applied to the practice of bribery the word which properly describes It- He calls It "an archy." If his designation be correct U Is time for the nation to arouse Itself. Anarchy in any form Is not only a curse, but It is a positive peril. It matters not whloh way anarchy works, its effects are the same. It may begin at the top of the social order and work down, or it may begin In the depths of degeneracy and work up, in either event tt Is certain to produce disaster. It is folly to think that the wild eyed, loud-clamoring semllunatio Is the most dangerous enemy of the social order. There are not half as many forest oaks destroyed by the lashings of the . wind aa by the slow, internal burrowing of the Insect and worm. Neither are the direful harangues and threatening vaporlngs of the professional anarchist as ruinous to the stability of good government as the stealthy, corrupting, of legislative bodies. The same sleek gentleman, who always look frightened and who hold their hands up in holy horror whenever the word anarchy Is mentioned, are the ones who often are guiltiest of bribery. ' , The. briber is an anarchist pure and simple and is deserving of ' the same condign punishment meted out to the bomb-thrower. Indeed, the briber does more harm. There. Is the same differ ence between the briber and bomb thrower aa there Is between disease and explosion. Both forces may kill, but more death is wrought by the hand of disease, though it works quietly and unobtrusively, than is ever done by all the explosions of a century, he their detonations as loud as the heaviest batteries of artillery. It is the secret and covered methods under whloh bribers work which prevent the public from realizing the full force of their treason. . And, yet, half of the bad laws that exist, half of the good laws that are prevented, are due to the hand of the skulking briber. No bomb-thrower ever Injured a community halt as much a have many bribers, who, by their corrupting In fluence, have betrayed the interest of the people Into the hands of corporations. This country has long suffered from the evils resulting from the work of the briber de voted to the promotion of legislation against the public weal. By so doing the briber has not merely spoiled the efficiency of the lawmaking power, but he has also sowed the seeds of future social' degeneracy. It needs no long discussion to prove how bribery thrives on its own success. Those, therefore, who are vociferous in their demands tor antlanarchlstlo legisla tion should attack anarchy of both kinds. Kill the disease as wall as prevent the ex plosion. It will be short-sighted states manship, Indeed, which strikes the lesser danger and Ignores the greater one. FATHERS GIVE A BROW. Con cress of Mothers Disposed to Let Them In on the Ground Floor, Chicago Record-Herald. The reported Intention of the National Congress of Mothers, now In session at Washington, to change the by-laws of the organisation so as to Include the fathers of the oountry Is a hopeful sign of a growing disposition on the part of the women to recognize the parental lights and responsi bilities of the sterner sex. The sentiment for the admission of the fathers was not the result of spaamodle Impulse. It came about by slow and easy stages of calm consideration and delibera tion. The entering wedge for this proposed reform was the admission of actual mothers to ths congress women who had borne children and who confessed to an Intimate acquaintance with their offspring. The mothers' congress la no longer aa aggrega tlon of spinsters or would-be mothers. In deed, there Is prospect that If a few more mothers can be Induced to leave their cbll dren at home In care of the house servants the mothers may have a representation In future congresses large enough to permit their active participation In the discussions of the Interests and affairs of maternity. From the admission of mothers It wss an easy and logical step to the admission of fathers to the mothers' congress. Here tofore the congresses have been aeriously hampered by the inability of mothers to attend because they could not take their babies with them, there being no one to take care of the babies while the mothers were nartlclDatlng in the discussion of questions pertaining to the emancipation of woman. The admission of the fathers offers a simple solution of the problem. They can take care of the babies while the mothers read essays on the political de generacy of man. They can feed baby and rock him to sleep while the mothers throw rhetoric at each other In Impassioned forensle flights. Strange the mothers never thought ef Xttis scheme before. . i , , j t , , . semblance to bis former greatness, having squeeted Its bellowing prey Into a pulpy mass, prepares to gorge the sallvous morsel, when from out that shapeless mass of bones, flesh. Intestines, and -ye . some brains comes a voice; for In this tnlmal the voice dies last weak, smal voice, yet capable of conveying a prote .; the voice of ex-Senator Allen of the Madison Mil." and, having reproduced what that voice, isajitng from the "shapeless mass of bones. nesn, intestines, - etc, saia, juanor followed it with this benediction: "Doesn't that strike you as being rather rich? 'Undertake to dissolve and absorb.' As though the dissolution was not complete and the absorption ail but over.. Why such a crushed, lacerated, maimed rella should wish to live, a hopeless cripple, a burden to itself and an eyesore to the other animals, does not appear. Better were It to draw in its horns, or allow them to be drawn in, and be decently aad quieUy swallowed. Just as the rest of the xoenag. erie predicted when the simple steer first began graslng in the boa's particular eec- tlon of the Jungle. The question whether the populists nave swallowed the democracy, or' vice versa. may be Interesting, but the' chief fact of Interest Is that a combine or consolidation must partake of the characteristics of its component parts. The pure milk of demoo- racy, mixed with the slush of populism. Is not Instantaneously convertible Into Its original self. Perhaps the entire mass might be churned and the resultant product put through the renovation process, but that la a branch of the subject which we prefer to leave to the ex-secretary of agri- culture, .an excellent authority on dairies and their outputs. THE PRINCB AT SHORT RAH GE. Boston Globe: Prince Henry smiled when the newspaper correspondents were Intro duced to him. Foxy boy! Philadelphia Record: When it comes to hospitality there are no nations that claim superiority over the people of the United States. Indianapolis Journal: Prince Henry Is sustaining his reputation as a courteous, clever gentleman and If he does not break down under the continued strain of Ameri can hospitality he will show good staying powers. Minneapolis Journal: Among the first persons presented to Prince Henry were the newspaper correspondents who are to ac company htm during his tour of the United States. That, at least, was In line with democratic Ideas. It was a reminder to the prince that he is the guest of a country where the light of the people to know what is going on la always recognised. St. Louis Globe-Democrat: The American people will notice that in all the festivities attending the visit of Prince Henry the true democratio spirit has prevailed. There has been no evidence of snobbery on the nart of either the visitor or his entertainers. The welcome which was extended by Presl- House differed In no essential particular from those which have been given by the same president and many' of his prede cessors st the same place. No toadyism has been shown anywhere by anybody and It Is safe to predict that none will be shown at any time during the visit. All this can be aald to the credit of the American people. Democratio simplicity will be the order of the day in this country while the prince is with us. PERSONAL ROTES. Boston's doctor who took special pains to show his contempt for vaccination is re covering from what was thought to be a fatal case of smallpox. Philadelphia's etorm took the form of Ice and - lightning. Great branches were con stantly falling from the trees laden with Ice and there was frequent lightning, but no thunder. Senator Teller's speech on the Philippine question fills twenty-six pages of the Con gressional Record and contains 76,000 words. With the exception of a few docu ments the entire speech was extemporane ous. Commenting on Representative Wheeler's reference to Prince Henry as a "little Dutchman," the Chicago Record-Herald says: "The prince Is six feet and half an lnchi tall, weighs 182 pounds and always keeps In the pink of physical condition. What do they call a good slsed man in Ken tucky, anyway T" Among the stories, apochryphal and oth erwise, of attempts to Induce Admiral Schley to discuss President Roosevelt's re cent decision Is this: ' A friend had dis cussed the president's decision at length Land wound up by saying: "Now, what do you think of It, admiral?" The veteran said, without a hint of a smile: "He doesn't say that Cerrera got away or that the Spanish fleet did business after that day, so, after all, we did not fight in vain." 120 Starving There are 120,000 average head, on your many of these have yo yesterday ? Since a year ago ? How long do you calculate it will be before you will have thin hahyor no hair at all ? Better feed your hair and makfic stronger and more vigorous. There's only one genuine It stops falling of (holiairinaJLea tho hafogrow,, and always restores color to gray hair. Masveoaoo-djraryHslr'VVt'W MtUfactosr results. I have reocuiende4 it to a gain! fnarry of mv frisnrlsyand they all say they are satisned with It, too. We don't fhlna jon claim, any toe much for it." Mis. A. EowAacs, San Francisco. Cat SLM. Agsngfists, WHEW ALBERT EDWARD WAS HERE. Reeolleetloaa of the Visit of the Prince of Wales e America. K arena City Stan . The visit of Prince Henry recalls that of Albert Edward in the autamn of I860. The Prince ef Wales, spent four busy weeks In the United Btetes, From the accounts printed at the time King Edward might be . pardoned for looking back on that month as a sort of nightmare. In the exoess of hospitality he was dragged shout from pil lar to post until he must have been glad to escape to the British man-of-war that awaited him at Portland, Me. Albert Edward cams to the United States unofficially ; that Is, he traveled under the name of Baron Renfrew, one of his minor titles. The duke of Newcastle end the earl of St. Oermalns accompanied him. The Canadians took ths prJnce to Niagara and Blondln carried a man across the river en a rope for his benefit. The crowd was dis appointed, as it had been reported that the prince himself would ride on Blondln's back. The royal visitor entered the United States at Detroit. From there his Itinerary Included Chicago, St Louis, Cincinnati. Pittsburg and Baltimore. It was two weeks before he reached Washington. President Buchanan sent Secretary Cass to the sta tion to meet him. He himself welcomed the prince at the White Hoase door. He gave up his room to the visitor and slept In the ante-room to . his office. Thirty-four persons sat down to dinner wtfa him that night and there were seven gold vases filled with artificial flowers on a gold tray In the middle of the table, The second day e reception was given to the prince, who was dressed in a blue coat and gray trousers. Several euthuslaatlo women insisted on shaking hands with him, and at the end of half an hour he grew sick of the affair and no more people were ad mitted. Miss Lane, the president's niece, took him off to play tenpins next day snd beat him roundly. He was hustled back to dinner and to fireworks, which the rain partly spoiled. During the evening he dis appeared, for the purpose, it is suspected, of seeing Washington without 4" chaperon. But he was back to dinner at IV p. m. Of course, he was taken to Mount yernon and the Marine band, which worked overtime those days, was concealed in a thicket near the tomb and playod a dirge composed for the occasion. While In Philadelphia he went to the opera and single seats sold as high aa $30. Pattl sang "The Last Rose of Summer and "God Save the Queen" Was interpolated. New York, West Point, Albany and Boston were vis 1 tod. and then be sailed for home. That visit has lasted Albert Edward forty two years. 1 FOISTKD RKFLUCTIOXS. Philadelphia Press: "Indued, Mr. Ooodelgh is a most generous man,', asserted the vil lage gossip. -,., 'Is he, truly?" we aitked. '' Yes. Why, he often riven awav cloth ing before It Is completely worn out." Detroit Free Press: "You girls think' of nothing but frowns to display to'the best advantage the figures you've got."-.J'NotJlway"- rae of us think of gowns that will display to the best advantage the figure we d like to have." Boston Pilot: BeggarHeip me, ' mister, I haven t a cent ter m name. Crusty Man Huh! That's exactly how mu,. i had when I started in life and I'm well oit now. Iet me congratulate you on your bright future. Judara: Mabel I've Just got sotae proofs tt?"l thA PhotgraPher, Which do you like Bessie The profile view- in the better picture, but the other looks more like you. Philadelphia Press: "Anyone who wears one of our hats," e&ld the fashionable hat ter, is bound to be marked fur a gentle man." . . .An." said Wicks, "the hat doffs Itself automatically In the presence ''ef Women, Chicago Tribune: Girl with ' the ' Olbson Qlrl Neck You can't make me-bellev all that nop of hair on Kate HucklebBrry s head Is her own. She wears a switch. Borne day I'm going to ask her hairdresser If it Isn t so? - f Girl with the Julia Marlowe Dimple You d better ask her dentist." BLAKE AWAYI James Barton Adams In Denver Post. If you think a friend needs roasting Don't you chew the mr of boasting To your fellows how the rascal you will flay! ... . Hunt him up and bravely meet him. In a manly manner greet him. Get your talker Into trim and Blase away! . If a neighbor has offended ' The affair c&nnot be mended ' If you prate to other parties till they're gray. Visit the offending sinner Just when he has flnlxhed dinner And is in contented mood, and Blase awayl If your editor should hit you -With a roast that seems to At you Like a shoe that pinches where your oo ra les stay, Do not tell your fellow creatures How you'll lacerate his features Beard the lion In his den and Blase awayl If your minister advances Some erratic view that chances To conflict with your opinion,-don't' you bray Like an ass with noisy clatter; Seek him and discuss the matter; Get your arguments in shape and Blaze awayl -, And a word to you, young fellow. If you find you're setting mellow On a girl and fear to make the popping play. Do not sit and sigh about It; ' She Is waiting, don't you doubt It, . For the word, so brace yourself and Blase awayl Always act upon the level. 'Round the stump don't whip the devil. Never be afraid to aay your little say, . And the ones you wish to hear It Will respect your manly spirit : If you'll meat them face tu. tace end . Blase awayl hair-food, JVycra Hair Vigor, j arastfew.. ll hairs on an PMWTV How. wmi since I