Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAIIA DA III Y BEE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1902. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MIXOR MEXTIOBI. Pari Mils drug. I . Btockert Kill carpet anil rugs. rj Mts br at Ntumirtr'i bold. i W oilman, acientinc optician, B'way. I Mra. Mlnnla PfeHIer has gon cast on fcunllMM. Nw noveltle In picture frame. C. E. Alexander Co., 133 Broadway. J. C. W. Woodward, architect, room &, Everett block, Council Bluffs, la. Missouri oak body wood, fA.M cord. Wil liam Welch, 23 N. Alain street. Tel. 128. Arthur Klekman has been called here from Chadron, Neb., by the serious Illness of hla mother. Tha Women' Christian Temperance union will meet this afternoon at In the Baptist church. Tha young women of the High school will meet thla afternoon to organise a basket ball team. Ernest E. Hart, president of tha First National bank, la home from a trip to Washington and tw lorn. W. J. Bnethen -and family of Smith avenue are preparing to move to Kansas, where Mr. Bnethen will engage In farming. Superintendent Clifford of the city schools la aale to be In his office again after an Illness of five weeks from acute rheu matism. The Associated Charltlea will move Its home from the present location at Tenth i street and Avenue L to ISO Glen avenue, j the Beck homestead, March 10. j 'A motion for a new trial In the suit of I tha Fottawattamle County Farmers' Mutual Flra Inaurance Company against ; J. K. Osier Was filed by the plaintiff yes terday. Adolph Glene and Mlsa Martha Maxfleld, both of Neola. la., were married Wednea 1 day evening In the parlors of the Neumayer i hotel by Kev. 8. Alexander of the fresoy tenan cnurcn. A horse belonging to William Dunn caught one of Its shoes In the street car track at Broadway and Main street yes terday morning and broke a leg. The ani mal had ta be shot. At tha meeting of Council camp, Wood men of the World, thla evening there will be work in the amplified protection degree. Tha watch won by Sovereign Proharat In the membership contest will be presented. (The case against Rufus Moon and Ed Stewart, charged with breaking Into and robbing freight cars In tha yards of the I Illinois Central railroad, was continued In police court yesterday until Wednesday, ! March 6. W. H. Thomas, whose name haa been J frequently mentioned In connection with the democratic nomination for one of the ; members of the Board of Education, states I that ha la not and will not be a candidate I under any circumstances for the office. John M. Matthews, former county super- 4 1 1" . , nun ciupiujw ill vuuill iicbiuici Arnd'a offloe, waa subpoenaed yesterday as j witness in the proceedings against the . Board of Supervisors of Harrison county at Logan. Sheriff Skelton of Harrison county was in the city yesterday and served tha subpoena on Mr. Matthews. Juatice Bryant yesterday decided that 1 Chris Weatrom, delivery boy for J. Simon, I a Broadway grocer, had received a 110 gold piece from Mrs. Loula Englund and I cad only given her change lor a t gold ,' piece. He fined Weatrom (10 and costs on ' the charge of larceny by embesslement and Westrom at once tiled notice of appeal ! to tha district court. I Words cannot equal acting, and there I fore "fecks Bad Boy" aa It will ba pre- vented at the Dohany tomorrow, matinee and night, will by far exceed the fun en- Joyed by reading the book, "Peck's Bad ( Boy and His Pa." The funny sayings, to- tlons and situations are all mirth pro i ducer that no amount of reading could (make; besides, the cast being made up of 1 many of tha old favorites and many new aspirants for xavor la additional surety for success. Manager Stevenson, always on tha look out for something good for his patrons, has succeeded in booking the Australian Opera company for a one nlght'a engagement at the Dohany theater March IS. It la out of the ordinary of such entertainments owing to tha fact that the performers sre chil dren, girls and boys, scarcely In their teens. But It is said that they would do credit to soma of their elders In the profes sion and are well trained, clever and talented. N. Y. Plumbing Co., telephone 150. Real Estate Transfers. Theio transfer wer Bled yesterday in the abstract, tltla and loan office of J. YV. Squire, 101 Psarl street: Lliile Nichols to J. N. MacAllster, n 7 feet lot 107, Original plat, w. d.... 1.000 A- B. Morgan and wife to C. F. Stevenson, ne 13-75-38, w. d 8,000 JL McLean and wife to U. McLean, unaiv 1-6 interest in nw4 se4 and ne sw4 26-76-41, and a XI feet aw seW kV7C-41. w. d T. C. Lougee and E. H. Lougee and S00 wives to w. . ixng, iwi ni n-74-41. w. d .- 1,00 James McLean and wife et al to U. McLean, nw& ae4 and ne swW and e 83 foot aw se J6-7S-41. w. d. 1,400 Xate Madden to heirs of Ellen Mad den, lots 19 nd 20, block 6; lot 6, block i, snd lot 8, block 1, McMahon Cooper A Jeffries' add: and lot 13, block IB, Riddles' subdlv, and n lot 1, block I, Grimes' add, and lots 1 and t, block Q, Curtla A Ramsey'a add, 4 426 Jacob J. Klea and wife to Elisabeth . J. Knowlea, lota 10 and 11, Kohrer's subdlv of ne sw 8-74-4. w. d 800 Adam Kllyla and wife to A. E. Young, nw 28-7S-M, w. d 1,800 A, A. Dorn and wife to George W. Bratchea, part sw nw and s'4 nw nw 6 and ne ne S-77-41, w. 2 ,7 Henry W. Rothert and wife to Jacob J. Klea. lota 10 and 11, Rohrer's sub dlv of part ne sw 8-74-43, w. d . .. MM W. F. Oard to Fred Jones, sw and aw se 1-76-41. w. d 1.100 Joseph Jones and wife to John W. Park, part nw nw aw 22-74-40, w. d 100 Almon C. Ivea and wife to Paul Will, wH nw 20-74-40, w. d 4.846 Mary Craft to R. F. Walker, lots S and T, block 1. Gates's add to Oak land, w. d 790 Jacob Thompson and wife to Samuel Chrlstensen. w se 28-77-42. w. d.. 8,650 John W. Blevera and wife to Charles Schmidt, jr., lot and 9, block 36. Avooa, w. d 1,800 Charles E. Armour and wife to Mrs. Rose Marcus, lot 1 block 8. Beers' subdlv, w. d 800 Robert Bleakley and wife to Mrs. Anna Arnold, lots 6 and S. block 19. Ferry add, a. w. d ...... CO Harry Walter Keelin and wife to E. M. Lorens. nw sw 6-74-42. w. d ... 18,(00 W. P. Webster to Nathan P. Dodge. undlvU lot 4. In 39-76-44. w. d James O. Ruckle and wife to J. W. Iavta. s 12 feet of w Su4 feet of aw ne 14-77-36, w. d 1.000 Total, twenty-one transfer ..3,M Plumbing and heating. Blxby Bon. Marrlagje Lleeaeea. Licenses to wed war Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Are. Joswph B. Shelly. Omaha 21 Frankle Leaaure, Omaha 20 Frank Snyder, Council Bluff 19 Myrtle Hendry, Council Bluffs 17 FjOHAtlY THEflTEnC Mat. and Night, Saturday. March I This Won't Jsr You The Forever favorite Musical Farce-Comedy, PECK'S DAD DOY L. M. Heath. Proprietor. All Laugh No Cry The Best Acting Company The Best Blnatna Company Th runniest Comedian Th Beat Dancer Com. Iaugh with La Mat., 16c, 2oc Night. Sbo, 0c. LEWIS CUTLER , Funeral Director laaoc isaer w. C hetspt M rktAMt. T;avr. ! , FARM LOANS 5oK, Negotiated In Kaatera Nebrasaa tol low. Jasna N. Casady, ill aaaia kt. (wil aUuOa, . J BLUFFS. GROCERS OF TWO STATES Wholesaler from Iowa and Hebraska Meet in Council Bluff. SESSION IS SECRET AND IMPORTANT Freight Rates, Saga Trad ana Igaarlaa; af tha Jabfcere As Tare f tha Matters Haadled Wltheat Cloves. Fifty wholesale grocer from Iowa and Nebraska gathered at the Grand hotel. Council Bluffs, yesterday, President Mahoo having called' special meeting of the low and Nebraska Wholesale Grocers' associa tion. Tha. session, a usual, was held behind closed doors In the league room and th only Information given out wa that th meeting had ben called to discus cer tain matter that demanded th attention of th member. From th number attend ing tha meeting wa deemed to be an es pecially Important one and it wa stated that freight rate wer responsible to great extent for tha gathering. Th con dition of th sugar trad 1 believed to have been on of th Imports at subject discussed, as was tha question of manu facturer sell log direct to th retail trade. Thla 1 on of th trouble which th Job ber and wholesalers say they hav to contend with, and It 1 stated that at th meeting the asaoclatlod decided to refuse to buy from manufacturer who sell direct to th retailer. The Jobbers and whole salers contend that all tha selling of the manufacturer should be through them. During tha afternoon session (even mem bers of th Western Soap Manufacturers' association, who wer returning from Den ver on a business trip, mad a social call. St. Joe Methods Roue Wrath. One of th matter before tha meeting wa th complaint that three Unas in St. Joseph were not only encroaching on terri tory in southwestern Iowa and Nebraska, but wer also cutting price. A special committee waa appointed to investigate the complaints, and It ta said an ultimatum was sent to tha St. Joseph Arm to th effect that If they did not keep to their own terrl tory th Jobber oa whose toe they were said to be treading would retaliate by carry ing the war Into their territory. The officer present were: Samuel Ma hoo of Ottumwa, president; C. H. May of Fremont, vice president; J. L. Root of Keo kuk, secretary. ' Among those In attendance wer: C. T. Hancock, G. Schroeder, Dubuque; William Prouty, J. W. Howell, Dea Moines; W. Warfleld, F. Schenkberg, W. E. Tarkabcry, Sioux City; John Schoentgen, I. C. Bon ham, Council Bluffs; D. E. Howell, Cedar Rapids; Thomas O. Given, Creetoo; T. C. Colvert, Fort Dodge;, U A. Hammill, Keo kuk; C. Tlsdale, Ottumwa; John Blaul, J. Oberle. ' Burlington; J. X. Smith, Mason City; W. Plane, Independence; H. E. Sloan, Marahalltown; G. Woollett, Esthervllle; F. C. Letts, Chicago; W. A. Buck, J. fl. Brady, E. Allen, C. H., Pickens, Omaha; L. Porter, Mr. Cady, Grand Island; E. A. 8tvn Beatrice; U Bradley, Nebraska City; C. Catto, Columbus, and isveral frm Lincoln. Nob. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 641 Broadway. Takes Up Criminal Docket. . Judge Thornell will take tip the criminal docket today In district court. Tha first case assigned for trial la that of Tom Carter, charged with th theft of turkeys from John Achats' saloon oa West Broad way, last Christ maa. Two cases against Henry Hesly of Mlnden are also assigned for trial todsy. Hesly I charged with resisting an officer. The trial of O. Kahler and H. Hall, charged with violating smallpox quarantine regulations, are set tor Saturday. The remainder of the assignment of the criminal calendar 1 a follows: Monday, March 2 State against Harry Hamilton, Stat against May Madsen, Bfate against Harold Egbert. State against F. L. Ingersoll, State against Jensen & Sorenson. State against Fremont Benjamin, State against William Breeding. Tuesday, March 4 State against Carl Negethon. State against J. N. Casady. Jr.. State agalnat C. i. Graham, State against a. C. Bell. These criminal case wer stricken from the docket, to be reinstated on motion of tat If deemed best by prosecutor and court: Stat against Archie Walker, State against Bob Scott, State against John Har ris, 8tat against Chester Egbert. Tha case against George Cooper, Alfred Blomberg and H. V. Moss wer dismissed by ths county attorney. Davis rlls glass. Reswhlieaa Caaeases. Precinct caucuses to select delegate to tha republican school convention will be held this evening at I o'clock. Th place where th caucuses wilt be and the num ber of delegate to b selected In each pre cinct are as follows: First Ward First precinct. Victor Jen. nlnga' barn, Elaat Broadway, six) dele gates; Second precinct, Sheely A Lane's marine anop, easi uroaaway, eignt oeie Becona warn First nrecinct. Cltv build Servls? store. 734 'West Broadwav.' eiaht delegates. Third Ward Flret precinct, Creston nouse, Bourn Main street, eight delegate Second precinct. No. 1 hoe house. South Main street, seven delegates. Fourth Ward First precinct, Farmers' !enS4p ua sinovunoo X)unoo Second precinct. Smith's hall. Sixteenth avenue, six delegates. Fifth Ward First precinct. County build ing, Fifth avenue and Twelfth street, ten delegetea; Second precinct. County build ing. Sixteenth avenue and Thirteenth street, six delegates. Sixth Ward Flint precinct. County build Ing. Twenty-fourth street, and Avenue B eight delegates: Sncond precinct, Blodell building, bt Umaha. two delegates. Kane (ouiald city) Clark's school house, two delegates. The eonventioa will be Wednesday, March I, at t p. m.. In th county courthouse. Davis 11 glass. Debate with Sloas City Postpeaed. Tha debate between the Council Bluffs and Sioux City High school, which was to be held la Sioux City th last Friday ia March, baa been postponed until Friday April 11. This postponement Is at th re quest of th Sioux City High achool. Thtr ha been a material decrease la th achool attendance In Sloax City, owing to the pro valencs of smallpox, and tha members of th Sioux City team feel they cannot do justice to themselv if the debate 1 held la March. A Baaeh f gweeraeas. That's what we'll hav tomorrow. The btggeat candy sal vr held la th city It' good candy, but goes cheap. Purity Candy Kltchea, 14 Broadway. j See for Dewafall. I J. A. Seddon, th saloonkeeper at Neola against whom th grand Jury returned two Indictments, and who recently recovered from an attack of smallpox, ba more trou ble ea hi hand. Oaorg J. Williams, a resident of Neola, brought suit in the dis trict court to recover $3,000 damage from 8eddoo, alleging that ha sold hi minor on, Roy Williams, intoxicating liquor. Th American Surety company of New Tork, which furnished Beddoa' bond In th sum of IS.000 to the county as required by law, It made party defendant to the suit. Roy William, with veral other young me of Neola, get Into trouble In Neola about a year ago and wa Indicted by th grand Jury. It waa alleged that the young fellow secured the liquor which caused them to fall from grace at 8ddon's saloon. Partridge Gets Hla Watch. In a trial before Justice Bryant yesterday George W. Partridge regained possession of a watch which ha had given to Joseph McKaowa a security for tha payment of SO cents and which McKeown refused to Surrender. , Partridge and McKeown are resident of Honey Creek. A few days ago McKeown repaired th tongue of a buggy belonging to Partridge and charged him M cent for th Job. Partridge did aot hav th money with him at th Mm and McKaowa refused to give up the tongue. Partrldg left his silver watch, valued at $S. as security, but when later h tendered McKeowa th 60 cant th latter declined to surrender the watch unless Partrldg paid a back bill he owed, amounting to $2.60. This Par tridge refused to do, and brought an action In detenu In Justice Bryant' court against McKeowa and deposited th (0 cent In court. ' Th court decided that Partridge wa en titled to hi watch and gave McKeown th half dollar. Tha cost in th esse, which amounted to about $7, wer assessed against McKeowa. Sees for School Interest. Acting under Instruction of the Board of County Supervisors, County Attorney Kill pack Is preparing to Institute foreclosure suit la all case where th Interest on school fund loans has not been paid. A a tarter three such suit wer begun In th district court In th name of Pottawatta mie county for th use of the permanent school fund. Flnley Burke 1 defendant In two suits, one on a loan of $1,000, Issued April 14, 1892, on which no Interest Is said to hav been paid since January 1, 1894, and th second on a loan for a similar amount, mad June II, 1891, on which it I claimed no interest haa been paid sine January 1, 1898. Th loan ar secured by mortgage on block 1 and 2, Burke's ad dition. J. M. Barstow and Flnley Burke ar de fendants In th third suit on a loan of $1,000 made September t. 1888, and on which It la claimed no interest haa been paid sine January I, 1893. That loan I secured by a mortgage on lots I and 4, In block 4, Mynster addition. FI.ed for Aasaaltlagr Wamaa. . Nels Christofferson, who keep a small grocery at Eighth street and Sixteenth avenue, was fined $26 and coats' In police court yesterday morning on a charge of assaulting Mr. Ed Runyon, on of hi customers. Th trouble arose over the purchase of a 6-cent mine pie, which Mr. Runyoo returned, claiming It wa not up to th standard. Mr. Runyon charge! Christofferson with striking and knocking her down. Christoff erson admitted pushing th woman from hi stora, and said ah slipped down, hut de nied striking her. H said that Mr. Runyon called him everything but a gen tleman. 1 When on th witness stand Christofferson was asked to stat how Mr. Runyon fell, and he Illustrated It by slipping from th witness chair with a heavy thud onto the floor, much to th amusement of the court and th large crowd of spectators. Christofferson filed notice of appeal to the district court. Omaha Divorcee Remarries. Joseph B. Shelly and Mr. Frank! Leis ure, both of Omaha, were married In this city yesterday afternoon by Justice Bryant. Mra. Leasure was granted a divorce from Alvln Leaaure la th court in Omaha Wednesday. RECEIVES ANONYMOUS LETTER Esglseer la Threatened with Death If He Falls te Meet Deaaaad fer 3,500. , BOONE, la., Feb. 27. (8peclal.) Engi neer Tom Herecoa is la receipt of a mys terious letter from Clinton, In which tha anonymous writer demand $2,500 undsr penalty of death by (low torture. Th ransom la demanded at once, though a significant feature of th weird proposition Is that no locality Is suggested as to where the money may be placed. The address given 1 1818 Third street. Clinton, and th detectives ar bow making a aaarch f that vicinity. Tom Herecou Is much wrought up ever th matter. He believe tha writer fully Intend to carry his threat Into ex ecution, and while he will aot make the payment exacted, a close watch la to b kapt on th matter with a view of making an arrest. FARMERS AREBEING BUNCOED Government Inspectors Wars Against Grafters Who File Homestead Claims ea Payment af 10. CEDAR FALLS. Ia.. Feb. 17. (Special.) The farmer of thla eounty hav received warning from th government land In spector against grafters who are working Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois among th rural districts, enlisting farmer a proa- pectlv homeseeker In South Dakota. They propose te tie homestead claims oa th payment of $10 down and the securing of a not for $90. The Held In which they pro pose to stake claims Is tha Indian reserva tion of Gregory county, South Dakota. This reservation baa not been opened to settUra, although thsre I now a bill pending in congress. In ca It I opened tha boms seekers can procure It tor $2.60 per acre. SAUSAGE MEAT CAUSES DEATH Foad la Mat Cooked aaaaeleatly aad Whale ramlly la Made III. SIOUX CITT, la., Feb. IT. (8 pec 11 Tele gram.) A a result of a meal at which sausage waa served, three member of th family of D. Wnk. a German farmer, re siding near Wausau. Nsb., are at the Sa maritan hospital here. The daughter, Llssle, aged It years, died today from trichinosis. On of th son also may die. The sauaage was not cooked sufflolently to kill the larvae. The fathsr and tha hired maa are aet seriously affected. Mr. ' Weak snd two sons ar her. Held 1st Illegal Fishing. GLENWOOD, Ia.. Feb. 27. (Bpeelsl ) Two fishermen, Hsrker and Burt, were ar rested by deputy game wardens at Whit Cloud, Mill county, yeaterdsy for Illicit fishing. Th men are charged with fishing with a seine under th 1c ta Nesting river. They are la JalL f JUDGES MAY GET MORE PAY House Passe Bill Increasing Salaries of th District Courts. EQUAL SUrritAfiE BILL DIES IN HOUSE Democrat Protest Against the Beat las; ( Brwee Over Dr. Enrt Mlaera Can Reach Ho Agreement. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE9 MOINE8, Feb. 27. (Special.) The hous of representatives this morning de cided that th district Judge of Iowa ar not sufficiently well paid and ordered an Increase in salaries of $1,000 a year for ach one. The aalary at present Is $2,600 a year. The bar association recommended an Increas to $4,000 a yssr, and Mr. Cum mlngs of Msrshall introduced a bill to that effect. After the house refused to Increase tha salaries of the supreme judge mora than $1,000 a year th bill waa changed In commltte to give the district Judge $3,300 a year each. In th house todsy this was chsnged to $2,600 a year by a vote of 17 to 23, and In thla form th bill was passed 66 to 28. A bill to provide for expense of quar antine wa passed, placing the burden on the county. The Hogue bill to require that railroad companies shall furnish cars to shippers on notice was called up and an effort made to change the committee report so that It would com up for passage. This was sup ported by Messrs. Whiting, Cowles, Cslder wood and Jenks, and opposed by Wise, chairman of the railroad committee. On motion of Elker the bill wa recommitted to th committee, but to retain It place on the calendar. It 1 conceded that the bill will come befor the house in an amended form for action. The railroad men appeared befor the railroad committee and got that committee to report the bill for Indefinite postponement after it had been passed unanimously by the senate. Report oa Contest Cane. The report on the contest from the Cass Shelby district came up in th senate. The committee reported that a recount of th vote showed that James E. Bruce, re publican, had received 4.081 vote, and Dr. J. M. Emmert, democrat, had received 4,01. Th committee, therefore, recom mended the seating of Bruce. The ex pense of the contest were reported at $533.45. The report wa signed by Crossley, Smith and Molsberry, all republicans. With the report was filed a dissenting opinion or report signed by Ballnd Lyons, democrat, in which a contrary opinion wa expressed, and the declaration made that th vote of Pleasant township, Cass county, should not have been counted, be cause of irregularities by the Judgea at the time of counting the vote. The demo erata stated that 'the Judgea In that town ship permitted unauthorized persons to be In the room and handle the ballots, and even , carry aomc of them away, and that aeveral, persons had accesa to all of the ballots before they wer counted by the Judges A controversy arose as to whether or not It waa proper to have the minority report printed In the Journal of the house, and In order that the committee might pre pare a majority report covering ths evl dene in regard "to that particular town- ahlp the whole matter was finally recom mitted, i . Blenalal elections Approved. Harper called up the resolution provid ing for i toll In faror of biennial elec tion. The resolution had been twic tn the hand of committees and no fault had been found with it and he asked that It be taken from the committee and passed, which ia what was done, the vote on the resolu tion being 40 to 6. A bill was passed to appropriate $7,000 for use in paying for clothing and .tent de troyed at the Tama Indian reservation in the cleaning up process after the smallpox epidemic. A report from the governor on thki matter wa received. In the house a bill waa introduced to make an annual ap propriation of $15,000 for auch work. Th reformatory measure waa taken up and discussed until th hour of sdjourn ment at noon, Trewln and Courtright mak Ing argunents against th measure on th ground that it 1 unconstitutional in it present form. Both ar for the measure when It la mad right. Heaae Kill Woman Suffrage Bill. The houae committee on constitutional amendment thla afternoon heard tha repre sentative of the State Woman Suffrage ao clety on th bill to strike the word "male" from th constitution, after which the com mittee voted, I to 8, to report the resolu tion for Indefinite postponement. Aa effort will be made to hav th hous consider th resolution In opposition to this report, but th resolution cannot pas th house. Th following bills were introduced: By Craig, providing for three aasistant 'dairy commissioner at $1,200 a year each; by Blanchard, appropriating $250,000 (for th Louisiana purchase Exposition commission: by Brooks, to permit fidelity insurance com panic ta do a casualty business; by Craw ford, providing tor appointment by th mayors of flrst-claa cities of boards of water works trustee. Ko Mlaera' Agreement. The joint acale committee of th Iowa miner and operator has been In confer' ence here three days, with no agreement, and a prospect that there will be no agree ment at thla meeting. The committee today pent three hour dlacueaing tha proposi tion mad by the operator regarding re imbursement of the operator wher miners lay off for Individual reasons. Th operator held that tha United Mine Workers of America, aa a body, would be responsible for th loss sustained, and the miners' com mittee pointedly refused to stand tor It. Th point is, that in ess a miner atop work to attend a funeral, celebration or other event that la not of a union nature, tha operator should be paid by the local union an' approximate aum that would be th operator' profit in case the miner worked tha time specified. The United Mine Worker of America members of the Joint committee refused to agree to this, but did concede that the union would use It Influence to remedy this matter In some way, also to hold the local union responsi ble for walkout and strike that wer la direct violation of th general agreement. Considerable oratory oa both sides wa fol lowed by a motion to adjourn at 8 p. m. Th miner' committee met at the Morgan houae, their headquarter, at 1 p. m. and re solved to stand by their decision of th forenoon, and from Inquiry with both sides It I believed no settlement of the scale question la possible at this meeting. The cal must be reported oa by this joint committee on March 11, when th general seal committee I to meet In this city. It was hoped that th present meeting would result In framing a scale for eonsidsratloa by th atat convention of th United Mine Workers of America on March 4, but, pro vided It Is ready that convention will imply discuss It, and possibly mak om recommendation to their commutes, to be acted upon March 11. The following paper la Incorporation proceeding wer filed with th secretary of stat todsy: Wayland Investment com pany, capital. $2,200; C. C. Weogrr and others, Westgata Mercantile company, eapftal, $10,000; W. H. Schoontnaher and other, Armstrong Brick and Tile com pany, capital, $10,000; William Stuart and other, Weat Bend Opera Hous company, capital, $5,000; J. M. Borden and other. Death af Sister af Heaalllty. Th death I reported from Ottumwa ot 'Mother Mary," th founder of th order of Sister ot Humility of Mary in Iowa. She waa 74 year old aad was on of four to come to this country from Franc many year ago to estsbllsh th order. There ar eighty ot th members ot th western division who hav been under her care, th mother hous of th order being la Ottumwa. Her relative ar living la France. College Oraterleals. Ths annual atat oratorical conteat among Iowa college will be held her to morrow tight and a larg number of col- legs atudenta and ether arrived today. The annual banquet wa held this even ing, attended by several hundred of th representative ot th twelve college In terested. Among thoss responding to toast at ths banquet were: Jennl Fagen, Drake unlveraity; May Miller, Iowa State college; J. H. Underwood, Western college; J. E. Beebe, Simpson college; W. R. Yard, Central college; Luke Ltndley, Penn college; R. F. Wendel, Mornlngslds college, and F. J. Van Horn, De Molne. Ther will b a bustnesa meeting tomor row and the annual reception. The con- teat proper will be held In the Auditorium. Break lata a Store. Th police thla morning received word from Cambridge that th general ator belonging to C. E. Larson was burglarised at 2 o'clock this morning and $100 in cash taken. The men blew open the safe with gun cotton and after taking all ths cash in sight left foC parts unknown. They walked to O. C. Wilson's home, a short ways west of town, and ther they atole a team of horaea and drov away. It Is thought that they went in a southweaterly direction. Entertain the Eisteddfod. On next New Tear's day Des Moines will entertain the largest number of vocalists sver gathered together In this state. That la the date for the Iowa Welsh Eisteddfod, one of the greatest singing society organ isations in the west.' There will be con teats In singing, for which 11,200 will be given In prises. Th directors hav se cured for general chairman of ths Eis teddfod Hon. Dr. T. C. Edwards of Penn sylvania, a maa peculiarly fitted for aush an Important position. The board Is cor responding - with many noted singers, among them Miss Clara Williams of Min neapolis, and ths prospect is good for an exceptionally large atendance of profes sional snd amateur singers. The directors will meet la this city March 10 to consider Important matters relative to the Eistedd fod. IOWA MEN FILE THE PETITION Joha R. Prime and Others Declare Surety aad Guarantee Trnst Com pany Bsskrspt. CHICAGO. Feb. 27. The Surety Guaran tee and Trust compsny, a concern with an allczed capital of $1,000,000, went Into the hands of a receiver today as a result ot bankruptcy proceeding Instituted before Judge Kohlsaat of the United States dis trict court. Asset amounting to $1,000 were found in th company' office and the receiver. Wells M. Cook, gave a bond to eover that amount. .The petition to have the Surety Guaran tee and Trust company declared bankrupt was filed on behalf of John R. Prime, former adjutant general of Iowa and one ot the most prominent republicans of that state; Richards A Biles and N. H. Wilson, all of Des Moines. The clatma aggregate $1,850, ot which General Primes said that $1,600 was obtained from him by false rep resentation concerning the financial con dition of the company. A recapitulation of the last statement Issued, covering the period between July 1, 1899, to September 30. 1901. la aa follows: Securities negotiated, $2,800,400; commis sions received on bond salea, etc., $280,236; commission paid agenta, $124,400; trvst company's expenses, $24,356. The statement slso contains the informs tlon that Ita available assets or the pro tection of creditors amount to $597,231, of which there are first mortgage loan on Im proved farm and city property aggregating $372,000. SITE FOR ONAWA'S DEPOT Railroad Superintendent aad' Lead Commissioner View the Gronnd, bat Reach No Decision. ONAWA, Ia., Feb. 27. (Special Tele gram.) Land Commissioner Cleveland and Superintendent Hodge of th Chicago Northwestern rsllroad hav both been tn Onawa. looking for a sits for ths new depot. Th matter was discussed with the mayor and council, but no definite arrangements wer msd until the Injunction proceedings are heard, which are expected to come up one day thla week. Th present depot is located In a passenger coach, about 100 feet east of ths old site, snd although it has telephone and telegraph connections, ths quarters are omwbat limited for th transaction of business. TO CONSOLIDATE DEPOTS Btatleaa Rode, Flnley aad St. Jaha Want ta Have Oae Depot at Latter Place. MISSOURI VALLBY. Ia., Feb. 27. (Spe cial.) A petition will soon be presented to th Illinois Central company to have the stations of Rode. Flnley and St. John con solldated into one town at th latter place. Th station In question srs on th new line of th Illinois Central, about three miles from this city. Tbe proposition is aot meeting with universe! approval among tbe farmer of that ectlon. IOWA M0THER KILLS TWO Mardera Children by I'se af Morphine aad Trie Salclde la Vain. HARLAN, la.. Feb. 27. Mra. Anna Raach wife of Andrew Rasch, administered mor- pbln pill to two of her children today, causing their death. Sh then attempted suicide by taking a larg dos of th drug but wa unsuccessful. Far Assaalt aa Yeans; Girl. SHENANDOAH, Ia., Feb. 27. (Special.) -Jess Culver was arrested here today cl-arged with committing aa assault upon Mis Pontius, a IS-year-oM girl. Culver la aot married. H furnished bond for bis appearance la court. ' Saale's Fat la Hand af Jary. SHENANDOAH, Ia.. Fsb. 27. (Special Telegram.) Th Baal murder eas waa given to th Jury at 11 a. m. today. At 7 p. m. no verdict had been reached. Kansas City Repahllraaa. KAN8A8 CITY, Feb. 27 Ths republican city convention today made these nomina tions: Mayor, John J. Green; police Judge, Ben N. Splta: city treasurer, A. J. Splrk; city auditor, A. E. Aatell; for city attorney, Theodor Reroley. THE GREAT PAIN KILLING REMEDY OF THE CENTURY. CURES RHEUMATISM SORENESS STIFFNESS SPRAINS BRUISES $ OUTSIDERS AND FAVORITES Both Classes Share Honora at Oak- land la Day of Ordlnnry Work. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 27. Favorite and outsider divided tha 1 ' nors at Oak land today. The track wi still very heavy and the sport was of an ordinary character. Starter Holtman waa again In bad form, several well played horses get ting away poorly. In the 2-year-old event Hudson was off flying, while High Chan cellor and Dotterel were away badly. Chancellor fell and got up tn time to beat Hudson by almost a length. Woolhurst was tangled up at the start In the mile and fifty yards rsce, but succeeded In winning from Lode Star and Constable. Must & Cruls, owners of Malaise, claimed Constable from Louts Ezell for 2925. Foul Play showed sudden Improvement In the fifth race and won from Larry Wilt and Vassalo. The latter waa favorite, but got away poorly. Results: First race, three-quarters of a mile, sell ing: Eldred won, Phil Archibald second. Young Morello third. Time: 1:194. Second race, one mile, selling: Rashfleld won. Courtier second, Talma third. Time: l:34i. Third race, seven-sixteenths of a mile, selling: High Chancellor won, Hudson second. Len Reno third. Time: 0:44Vi. Fourth race, one mile and fifty yards, selling: WoolhurM won. Lode Rtar sec ond. Constable third. Time: 1:61 Fifth race, three-nuarters of a mile, sell ing: Foul Play won, Larry Wilt second. Vassalo tflrd. Time: 1:18H. Sixth race, futurity course, selling: Bas- senito won, Tyranus second, Ned Dennis third. Time: 1:154. Two Select Ones Lose. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 27. O Hagen and Tragedy were the beaten favorites today. O'Dom rode three winners. In the second race May Allen cllnped a second off the track record. Results: First race, one mile and seventy yards. selling: Van Hoorebeke won. Maple sec ond. Vassal Dance third. Time: 1:48. Second race, three and one-half furlonas: May Allen won, BUI Nixon second. Sua Vlftis third. Time: 0:42. Third race, seven furlongs. selling: Chickadee won, Parnaasua second, O'Hagen third. Time: wssvk. Fourth race, handicap, six furlonas: Tom Klngsley won. Grantor second, Fleuron third. Time: 1:15H. Fifth race, one mile, selling: Tenor won. Dr. Carriok second. Jena third. Time: 1:42. Sixth race, one mile and twenty yards: Lou Rey won, Algle M second, Poynts third. Time: M. Tn of Favorites Win. CHARLESTON. Feb. 27.-Canrobert. Jim Scanlan and Custodian were the winning favorite today at tha exposition track. Results: First race, four and one-half furlongs. selling: Canrobert won, Olve and Take econd. Brahmin third. Time: 0:69. Second race, five and one-half furlongs, selling: Jim Scanlan won. Lady Riley sec ond. Oeorglana third. Time: 1:15. Third race, seven furlongs, selllifg: Cus todian won, Corpolete second, Sylvan Dell third. Time: i:tt. dolph won, Eva'a Darlington second, In tent tnira. Time: i:ut. Fifth race, six furlong: Sir Kenneth II won. Curtain second, Leila, Barr third. Time: 1:19. Slx-Reand Draw. CHICAGO. Feb. 27. The six-round con test tonight between Austin Rice of New London, Conn., and Harry Harris renu'.'ed in a draw. Rice had the better of It in the first three rounds, but Harris showed to better advantage in the last three. Old Pena Come First. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 27. The Univer sity of Pennsylvania won the four-mile race witn raie ana rrinceton tontgnt at the Intercollegiate Indoor meet at the Academy of Music, Princeton waa second and Yale third. Time: 2:40. i is Nature's time for rest; and the man who does not take sufficient time to sleep or who cannot sleep when' he makes the effort, is wearing: out his nervous strength and consuming his vital power. Dr. Miles' Nervine brings sweet, soothing, refreshing sleep. Don't let another night pass. Get it to-day. "I am a dragrlst, so when I was troabled with insomnia a few years ago 1 took Dr. Miles' Nervine and found immediate relief. I hav not been troubled with that disease lince." li. L. Howaadv Madison, Wis. X X Dr. Miles' soothes the nerves, nour ishes the brain, and re freshes the entire organism. Sold by druggists on guarantee. Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart lad, Sleep Q USED FOR 50 YEARS THERE IS NOTHING SO GOOD. IT ACTS LIKE MAGIC St. Jacob Oil has bn granted twslva gold medals at intern Htioiial axhlbitlan for its wonderful power to kill pain. Used la all tbe great hospitals and on board all ships ot war and Atlantic steamships. Sold In 25c and ROc sizes. St. Jacobs Oil, Ltd., Baltimore. DISEASED vinwrvc 11 Cause more deaths thaa bullets. Their symptoms are not alarming, hence ther are neglected and quickly become dangerous. Prickly Ash Bitters Is a kidney medicine of greet value; It strengthens the kidneys, allays inflam mation, eases backache and arrests the progress of the disease. It Is an honest remedy that can be depend ed on. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE, 11.00. STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BRAIN and NERVE WORLD FAMOUS MAR I AN I TONIC Gives Appetite, Produces Refreshing Sleep, ' A Safeguard Against Mental Disease. dose. A small wine-glass full three Urns a day. Sold by all DrsffUts. Kcfusc SsbstHates. DR. McGREVV (Agi 53) SPECIALIST. Dlsasa aaa Uiaasaasa ft Maa Only, te Vaara' Kaprlna. IB Yssri la Omaha. VARICOCELE whlth U)th QUICKESt! aatsat and moat natural that ba yst ba discovered. No pain wbstsver. no cutting ana doss not Intsrter wlta work or bust nsss. Trsstnisnt at offlc or at bom and a lrmaanl cur guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment (or Syp&Uls And sll Blood Diseases. No "BREAKINO OUT" on ths akin or fac and all external algnj of th disease disappear at one. A treatment that Is mor successful and far more satisfactory than the "old form" of iresTment and at less than HALF THS COttT. A cur that Is guarantee to be permanent for life. OVER 20,000d.,J5yr1o.. A VZT, fei.u ell unnatural weakness af Bus, Stricture, Uleet. Kidney and Bladder Iia ases Hydrocele, cured Dermaneniiy. (.HAHbKS LOW. tOftSLXTATlON Kalft Treatment by mVL P. O. Boa 74 Office over tit a. 14th tret. between Faje ram and Dougtaa al.. OlaAJaA. f RESULTS TELL (9 a TlIE BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. a nvfiias' J