Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Bitter Tight in Prospect Orer This Feature
of Campaign,
Maalelpal FolltU-s Warn r lata
Lively Contests Clothes af Chll
, area ' la Pallia
Trent a, Staff Correspondent.) ,
" LINCOLN, Feb. . 27. (Special.) Over
1,400 Totfri of Lincoln have signed the
local optUn petition to bar saloons dls-
continued In this city. This la mora than
twice the number required to hare the
question placed upon the official ballot in
the city election in April. The opposing
force are already perfecting their organ
ization and It la aettled that the propoalUon
will be the chief Issue in the municipal
The temparanr. leaders are planning to
bold a series of town meetings for the pur
pose of arousing public Interest In their
cause and H likely he movement will be
given open support by several of the
churches. The local - option petition was
presented to tbe congregation of St. Paul's
'church last Sunday evening and the pastor.
Rev. Fletcher 1 Wharton, spoke briefly In
'its favor, maintaining that with good city
officials it would be well to discontinue the
'saloons. Other clergymen have signified a
willingness to assist lu the fight.
1 For tbe purpose of defraying the expenses
of the anti-saloon fight a $5,000 subscription
fund baa been started, A. O. Wolfenbarger
'being tbe first contributor for $50. The
fund has been steadily Increasing and tbe
'temperance workers are confident that they
will not be handicapped by lack of money.
The opposing element haa been quiet, but
It Is known that an organization has al
read? been formed to combat tbe antl
saloon movement. This element, it Is said,
may also hold town meetings to arouse in
terest la their own cause.
May Aeed Second Primary.
The official canvass of votes cast at the
republican primaries In this city bas re
veeled the fact that it may be necessary to
hold a second primary for the nomination
of one candidate for the school board. Un
der tbe rules of the Lincoln system a ma
jority of air votes cast Is necessary to make
a nomination. J. D. Atwood received mors
votes for the nomination than did any of bis
competitors, bnt he was seventy-two votes
short of having a majority. The republican
city central committee will doubtless try to
effect a compromise by having tbe other
candidates withdraw in Mr. Atwood's favor,
but if unsuccessful, another primary elec
tion will be held next Tuesday, at which
the candidates will be Mr. Atwood and Don
Lk Love, the next highest man.
More than usual interest attaches to the
nomination for .the school board this year
because of the fight that is being made
against Superintendent Gordon. It la gen
erally understood that Mr. Atwood Is an
anti-Gordon man and be naturally has the
opposition of Mr. Gordon's supporters.
Faal'oalsts Coaeeatrate.
The fuslonlsts of Lincoln are already pre
paring to concentrate their energies In the
forthcoming city election against several
of the republican candidates, against whom
there is soms opposition In their own party
The main effort will be made In the Third
ward, where O. H. - Moore, a Burlington
railroad engineer1, was nominated by a ma
jority of twenty , votes for member of tbe
city council. Mayor WInnett waged an open
fight against Mr. Moore In the primaries
and be freelv. ,s,dm4ta ,that be Is dlsap-
polntsd at the nomination. Moore has been
an active worker In the city republican
'machine and has been an Indefatigable
worker in all elections for several years
past. The mayor's candidate was Chris
Rocke. Some of tbe republlcana of that
district Insist that some of Moore's votes
were cast fraudulently, but there Is no de
sire upon the part of any of them to In
stitute an official investigation.
Among the candidates mentioned by tbe
fuslonlsts for the Third ward nomination
are Addison Meese, who was defeated for
the lima nnsltlnn several veara mm mnA
M. J. Wbltmore, formerly national bank ex
amlner for the state. Mr. Whltmore Is a
gold democrat, and while he might receive
some republican votes, would not be espe
cially strong with his own party.
Popallata .Meet Secretly. .
'The populist city central committee held
a meeting behind closed doors tonight and
- dlscuaaed the prospects for capturing some
of the positions In the election, end it was
generally thought that with the co-opera
- tlon of tbe democrats, together with tbe
support -of the - disappointed republicans,
a victory might be accomplished in the
Third and Fourth wards, and possibly in one
or two others.
In tbe Fourth ward tbere is a more sat
Isfled feeling among the republicans, for
John 8. Bishop received mors votes than
tb total of those cast for his two com
petitors. Tbe fuslonlsts, however, are
urging Will Love to try for the position
Mr. - Love is well known throughout the
state as the keeper of records of tbe
Knights of Pythias. , ,
, In response to a question whether chil
dren not provided with proper clothing can
be sampelledr to attend school, under tbe
compulsory law, State Superintendent Fow
ler has ruled aa follow a:
k This is the first time that this question
;baa been asked under our present law.
"You will observe the following provision
In eectlon 1 of sultt law:
"That tbe portion cf this act requiring
'attendance in a public day school ahull not
apply In any case where the child Uvea
mure than two miles distant from the
school by the nearest practicable traveled
'road, pnless free transportation to and
from school la furnjshed to such child."
Bv Implication, therefore- this rienart-
ment will rule that the portion of this act
requiring attendance at a public day school
shall not apply In any case where the par
Alt Evidence
of Quality
The Drlaklnr cf
dispels all doubt as to
its merit. A pronounc
ed Individuality with
every good quality.
Tbe very taste of this
beer 1 a conclusive
proof of its merit.
(!oslMoxlcant) Tonic Druggists
or direct.
leia Dwasrlaa St, Tel. 1M1.
( Vbeer
ents or g-uardlana of children sublect to
ne requirements or tnis act are aneoiuteiv
jnable to provide euch children with proper
rlothlng, unleee free clothing Is furnNhed
to such children. However, such parents
or guardians must make oath before the
proper officer that they are unable to fur
nish the proper clothing to the children
under their care.
Let It be understood, however, that no
American boy or American girl should be
shamed to attend school poorly dressed,
t Is no dishonor to wear patched clothing.
The only requirement that should be made
Is that of cleanliness. This la possible
though tbe clothes are worn and patched.
Gaee ta Iowa t'alveralty.
O. H. Ellsworth will soon resign as su
perintendent of grounds and buildings for'
the University of Nebraska to accept tbe
position of superintendent of maintenance
and construction at the University of Iowa.
Mr. Ellsworth has been connected with tbe
university in bis present capacity con
tinuously during the last seven years. He
began bis work with the construction of
the library building. 8lnce then be has
superintended tbe erection on tbe campus
of Mechanic Arts hall. Soldiers' Memorial
hall, boiler house extension and the steam
main tunnels. At tbe farm he has over
seen the construction of the dairy build
ing, the experiment station power house
and numerous barns and smaller buildings.
lasarssee fsmsaay's Aetloa.
Tbe National Life . Insurance company
has Died a motion in tbe district court
asking that Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald be ad
Judged In contempt of court and committed
to the county Jail, because of her refusal
to file a report of her receivership of the
estate of John Fitzgerald, her husband. It
Is claimed that under tbe terms of the or
der by which she was appointed she was
required to file reports at regular inter
vals. It is claimed that she bas violated
tbe order.
Secarlty Rome Company,
Articles of Incorporation of the Beruritv
Home company of Omaha were recorded
today in the secretary of atata'a office. The
company is capitalized for $30,000. Its in
corporators are George W. Masaon, B. B.
uarung and J. H. Morris.
Comlasi Spring City Eleetloa Brians
Forward Troable aa ta Council,
snanle Representatives.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 87. (Special.)
A problem now confronts tbe city officials
in tbe coming spring election. At last
prlng'a election the city was then com
posed of six wards and was governed by
the old charter, but the last legislature
passed a law annulling the old charters
of cities of this class and reducing them
from sis to four wards. The city council,
In order to comply with the conditions of
the new charter, after several attempts
passed an ordinance reducing this city to
four wards, the Fifth ward being annexed
to tbe First ward and tbe Sixth ward to
the Second ward. This Is the cause of
the trouble. The terms of J. W. Burgess
and J. 8. Rutherford as couhcllmen from
the First and Second wards expire. S.
Young and Dr. Hepperlen, who are mem
bers from the Second ward annexed to the
First and Second wards, were elected last
spring for two years, and the question
now arises whether tbe latter will hold
over because their wards have been an
nexed to the wards of the members whose
term expires or whether the notion of the
council in ,reduclng the wards from six
to four and annexing the agtrda which
they represented legislate them out of
office. The city attorney has been asked
for his opinion on this point and a special
meeting of tbs council will be called to
bear tbs opinion. Tbs time for Issuing
the call for the spring election Is close at
hand and this question must be decided
before -the call can "be Issued. '--
Hr Brick: Balldlnaa Will Be Erected
This Bprlaa;, Home ta Raplaea .
Frame Stractaree.
PIERCE. Neb., Feb. 27. (Special.) Main
street of Pierce Is going to have a build
ing boom this spring. It Is now an as
sured fact that five brick blocks will be
erected and tbe brick and other building
msterial Is now being hauled. M. Inhelder
will erect a fine two-story brick building
on West Main street, adjoining his three
stores fronting on the east. On the oppo
site side of the street Henry Bockelman
will erect another brick building. Mr.
Bockelman lately purchased the John Sturm
blacksmith shop, opposite the opera house,
and wllr tear that building down and erect
a fine two-story brick structure. Herman
and Ernest Peters have purchased tbe old
frame buildings now occupied by Harris'
barbsr shop and Mrs. Radeke's restaurant
and will replace with brick houses. H. C
Miller will ersct a two-store front build
Preelpltatloa Pats Graand la (Seed
Condition for Spring Work nasi
Benedta Crops.
TORK. Neb., Feb. 27. (Special.) Early
this morning rain commenced to fall and
the Indications are that It will rain all day.
With the large fall of snow which laid on
the winter wheat fields for the last two
months and tbs nice rain now falling. Tor k
eounty farmers are assured of another won'
dcrful crop. It also puts the ground In fine
condition for spring work.
GIBBON. Neb.. Feb. 27. (Special.) Rata
began falling here at 11 o'clock last night
sod continued slowly throughout the night.
PIERCE. Neb., Feb. 27. (8peclal Tele
gram.) A fine rain fell here nearly all day.
It Is a great help to put tbe ground In good
shape for spring work.
erlbaer Baslaesa Man Ends Hla life
ta His Itere with
SCRIBNER. Neb., Feb, 27. (Special.)
W. B. Gardner, a hardware merchant of
tbla place, thot himself in his store today.
His body was found by a clerk when be re
turned from dinner. The suicide was ons
of the oldest business men of Scribner.
BlrCeol Craves Raral Rt
M'COOL JUNCTION. Nqb.. Feb. 27. (Spe
cial.) In the Washington dispatches to The
Bee was the first news received here of the
appointment of Charles C. Gregg of this
place as postmaster. Mi. Gregg bss lived
la McCool for a number of years and Is an
employe of the Kansas City A Omaha rail
road. If McCool dors not secure a - mall
route or two the Income of McCool post-
offica will be small. There is now a rura
route from Tork that goes around McCool
another from Fairmont that comes north to
McCool on the south and a proposed route
from Lushton, which will come Into Mc
Cool territory en the west.
Reclster af Deed, la Baay.
BEATRICE. Nab., Feb. 27. (Special.)
Yesterday was ths busiest dsy In Register
of Deeds Reed's office la many months.
Deeds amounting to $71,148 were filed for
record. The bulk of these transfers were
mainly farm property, and among them
was a deed from H. R. Joy at Odell tor
three-quarter section of ths original
Fitzgerald ranch Mb Elm precinct to Frank
). Hubka tor the aunt of $19,000,
Nebraska University Debaters Beady for
Interstate Contest.
tatereolleclata Board at Coatral May
Be Asked ta Settle Dtsaate with
Wlseoasla Badgers Ara
(Trom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 27. (Special Telegram.)
The principal and alternate debaters to
represent the University of Nebraska In
tbe Interstate debates bas been chosen as
follows by the Judges of the recent local
preliminary contest:
To dobate with Colorado: N. M. Cronlng,
Sutton; Charles Kutcher, Sheridan, Wyo.;
T. A. Maxwell, Lincoln. Alternate, J. F.
Tobln, Lincoln.
The men who will meet Missouri are:
C. M. Bracelln, Humboldt; J. C. Doubt,
University Place; S. C. Hawthorne, Ar
cadia. The alternate is G. A. Lee of Hum
boldt. To meet Missouri: C. P, Craft, Aurora;
W. F. Meier, Crete; C. C. North, Lapeer.
The alternate Is F. M. Hunter of Blue
Rsplds, Kan.
It Is likely the Intercollegiate Athlette
Board of Control will be asked to settle the
dispute between the foot ball managers of
Nebraska and Wisconsin universities. It
is claimed here that tbe Wisconsin author
ities have failed to fulfill their agreement
for a game with the Cornhuskers during the
season of 1901. Manager Engel says he
has a memorandum, signed by the Wiscon
sin manager, making this agreement Three
letters to arrange a date Were Ignored
by the Wisconsin manager and finally word
was receivod that all available dates had
been filled.
Tries for Next Year.
Chairman Wler of the University athletic
board will make an effort to secure a game
with tbe Badgers for the season of 1903
on the strength of this agreement, and if
be falls, all diplomatic relations between
the, foot ball teams of tbe two Institutions
will be severed.
The Nebraska aohedule has "been com
pleted and is as follows:
September 20 Lincoln High school at
September 77 uoane college at Lincoln.
October 4--Colorado university at Boulder.
October 11 Grlnnell college at Lincoln.
October 18 Minnesota university at Min
October 25 Missouri university aU' St.
riovemner i nasxeu inniana at uraans,
November 8 Kansas university at Lin
November 16 Knox college at Lincoln.
November 27 Northwestern university at
Trr to Unravel Mystery Sarroaadlna;
Attempts to Ditch Burling
ton Trains.
HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. 27. (Special Tele
gram.) Four Burlington railway detectives
arrived In Hastings yesterday and have
been busy ever since trying to ferret out
the mystery which surrounds two recent
attempts to ditch the Burlington t Mis
souri passenger train No. 8, but are as
much In the dark as when tbey arrived in
tbe city.
Ten days ago a Burlington engine pulling
passenger train No. 8 ran into a pile of
railroad ties' which had been placed across
the B. 4b M. track Just east of town. The
railroad officials Investigated the matter at
the time, but could learn nothing. On
Tuesday night of tbla week the. same. hind
of an incident happened and the engine
cam near being ditched. - Detectives were
put to work, but have not made any dis
Plattsmonth Jad.o Haa Eighty. Two
Cases ta Rear sit the March
PLATTE MOUTH, Neb., Feb. 87. (Spe
cial.) The March term of the district
court will convene In this city next Mon
day, with Judge Pau Jeasen on the bench.
The new docket shows there are for trial
twenty-two law, sixty-one equity and nine
criminal cases. It Is to be a Jury term,
but the Jury will probably not be called
until ths second week.
Oratorical Contest at Pera.
PERU. Neb.. Feb. 27. (Special.) Ths
preliminary oratorical contest Is over and
It was considered one of the most sue
successful ever held at Peru. The debaters
for Kansas were: C. W. Buckley. Frank
Munday and E. O. Gilbert; for Missouri:
W. W. Ray, C. V. Wllllama and J. "U
Chicken Thieves at Paplllton.
PAPILLION, Neb.. Feb. 27. (Special.)
Thlevea entered the poultry yards of O. D.
McClasksy last night and stole alns of his
fancy birds, valued at $15. Mr. McClaskey
has offered a reward for the apprehension
of the thief and return of the birds.
Woman's Work in Club and Charity
Three of the "tens" of th. Women's so
elsty of th. First Baptist church will hold
a Japanese tea and cak. sale at th. homo
of Mra. Howard Baldrtg. on Saturday after
noon. Extensive preparation has been made
and the affair promises to be unique. It la
given In the Interest of ths women's work
of the church.
Mrs. 8. M. Walker has tendered her
resignation as president of the Nebraska '
Womsn's Christian Temperance union, to
take effect June 1. Mra. Walker haa filled
tbla office ably for a number of yeara and
only resigns It to go to Alberta, Canada, to
make her home. Ths duties of the office
will he carried on temporarily by the stats
vie. president, Mrs. D. V. Wheelock of Su
perior, whoee efficient work In the state
haa secured her ths confidence of all.
In compliment to those who have con
tributed to their winter'a lecture course the
members of the English literature depart
ment of th. Woman'a club will give a dinner
at noon on Saturday, March 8, that prom
ises to be on. of the most elaborate affairs
given in the department this winter.
The guests of honor will be Mr. and Mrs.
Edward F. Trefs, Rabbi. and Mrs. Simon,
Miss McHugh, Father Rlgge. Dr. and Mrs.
Hoyt of Bellevue, Prof, and Mrs. Barber,
Prof. Hill and Dr. Sherman of Lincoln. Tbs
only other guests outside of the department
will be Mrs. George Tilden, Mrs. Draper
Smith. Mrs. H. C. Towosend and Mrs.
Frank Haller.
From 11 until M o'clock that morning
Prof. Barber will address tb. department
on "Edward Gibbon" and the dinner will
follow his address.
The members-of the local Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union held a Frances Wll
lard memorial meeting on Wednesday aft
ernoon In tbe parlors of th. Young Women's
Christian association, with a good attend
ance. The program was preaented In th.
form of a responsive service, th. roll being
called and each member responding with
Some quotation or thought trtm Misa WU-
Teeaaieeh Carpenter Commits Balelde
la Front of the Coartaeaee at
Mldalgat, Hoar.
TECUMSEH. Neb., Feb. 27. (Special.)
The citizens of Tecumseh were startled
this morning to leara that at midnight last
night Charlea Shull had taken his own
life. Mr. 8hull was a carpenter by trade,
was aged about 38 years and leaves a wife
and 12-year-old daughter. He was the son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Shull ef this city.
There is no apparent cause as to why he
should have killed himself.
After working all day yesterday ha re
tired early last evening. He was nervous
and could not sleep snd arose at It o'clock,
dressed himself and went uptown. Reach
ing the courtyard, he shot himself In tbe
right temple with an old thlrty-two-call-ber
revolver and fell in a dying condition
on the sidewalk. The shot attracted the
attention of Attorney J. D. Douglas and
he went to the scene, snd, with help,
carried Mr. Shull to an undertaking estab
lishment, where he died thirty minutes
after he fired the shot. He did not regain
A long spell of sickness several years ago
weighed heavily on Shull's physical condi
tion And was a great financial strain to
him, but It was thought he had recovered
in all ways from ths effects of it. He was
a member of the local order of Odd Fel
lows, Modern Woodmen, Highlanders and
United Workmen and carried $6,500 of
fraternal life insurance. The authorities
do not consider It necessary to hold an In
quest. The funeral arrangements are not
yet perfected.
J ad are Mnaajer Hands Down an Opin
ion In tbe Case of Electrle Com
pear Agralnst Plattsmoath.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Feb. 27. (Spe
cial.) In tbe case of the New Hampshire
Savings bank and the New Hampshire
Banking company against the Plattamouth
Gas and Electric Light company in the
United States court yesterday. Judge W.
H. Munger sustained the demurrer to the
petition filed by J. G. Rlchey of this city,
thereby releasing Mr. Richey from sny
personal liability, and also held that the
agreement between the city tf Plattsmouth
and the Plattsmouth Gas and Electric Light
company was a lease and not a sale. This
finding practically settles the controversy
aa to the ownership of the plant. Attor
neys Byron Clark and C. A. Rawla of this
city appeared for J. G. Rlchey:
Mrs. Albert Forest Victim of Aaeaalt
. by aa Unknown Per
son. LEAD. 's. D.. Feb. 27. (Special.) Mrs.
Albert Forest's death occurred Tuesday
night as the result of a blow received on
the head at tbe hands of some unknown
person two weeks ago. Mrs. Forest was
working In her home at the time she was
assaulted and did not get a glimpse of her
assailant. Her husband found her lying
on the . floor insensible when he came
horns In the evening, and near her was the
stick of wood with which the blow had ev
idently been dealt. It was -several hours
before she recovered sufficiently uf tell of
what had happened, and she never got en
tirely over the shock. Her Injuries, coup
led with other complications, produced
death. Sho was 20 years old.'
. Sooth Dakota loeof iterations. "
PIERRE, S. D., Febj 87. (Special.)
These articles of incorporation have been
Cleveland-Lima Oil company, at Huron,
with a capital of I150.0U0. Incorporators:
C. H. Elchlow, M. N. Crlctner and Philip
Kankakee Valley Oil company, at Huron,
with a capital of SoOO.ouO. Incorporators:
James W. Williams, J. S. Heath and Philip
Chicago Home Syndicate,' at Huron, with
a capital of $100,0uu. Incorporators: Joseph
E. Twltt, J. H. Martin and Philip Law
rence. Hochford Cemtery association, at Roch
ford. Trustees: H. C. Dibble, A. C. Swllly,
P. Nelson, James Schick and F. M. Cough
ran. Federal Automobile Company of America,
at Sioux Falls, with a capital of $2,000,00u.
Incorporators: William J. Buckley, Ed
ward F. Wade and J. W. Boyce.
Peever-Gorman Mercantile company, at
Blssetou, with a capital of $30,000. Incor
porators: Thomas H. Peever, Charles W.
Gorham and Charles H. Grant.
Ranchemans' Oil company, at Chamber
lain, with capital of 0,000. Incorpora
tors: C. D. Tidrick. Frank Forde, 8. win
ter, Peter B. Dirks, Sioux K. Grlgsby, Mark
D. Scott and B. C. Huddle.
Knox Oil company, at Sioux Falls, with a
capital of 8200,0u0. Incorporators: John H.
Morgan, M. C. Alford and L. L. Stephens.
Buffalo Valley Oil company, with a cap
ital of $1,000,000. Incorporators: Frank J?.
Casey, J. A. Cooper and L. L. Stephens.
Yale Creamery company, at Yale, Beadle
county, with a capital of $2,600. Incorpora
tors: James Dunlevy, John Dunlevy and
M. J. Daley.
Free Gold Mining and Milling company,
at Deadwood, with a capital of $1,000,000.
Incorporators: A. G. Allen, 8. C. Polley and
W. O. Rice.
Big Four Mining and Milling company,
at Deadwood, with a capital of $1,000,000.
Incorporators: J. W. Dalby, 8. C. Polley
and J. P. Beach.
lard. Among th. special features were a
resdlng of Miss Wlllard's position on
Christian socialism by Mrs. J. P. Row. and
an address by Mrs. Mary O. Andrews upon
the various suggestions Included ta ths re
sponses. Four of the Tenth Street City mission
children from the temperance clubs gave
recitations, after which Mrs. S. M. Walker,
atst. president, read an address by Miss
Wlllard. After a vocal solo by Mrs. Nobis
ths program closed with an Intereatlng ac
count of th. national convention recently
held at Fort Worth, Tex., by Mrs. Walker.
Ths presence of a number of national and
atat. workers, each of which contributed
a thought, waa one of the pleasant features
of the afternoon. Among these were Mra.
W. O. Whltmore of "Valley, vie. president
of Douglas County union.
The Young Women's Christian associa
tion has arranged an Interesting program
for the five Sundaya of March, which la
to Include a study of the hymn writers.
Ths leaders will speak of the lives of th.
writers snd their verses will be -sung. On
March 2 Mrs. George. Hoobler will lead, ber
subject, "Frances Havergal;" March 16.
Mrs. Fannie H. Perry, "Charles Wesley;"
March 23, Mrs. 8. R. Towns. "The Writer
of One Hymn;" March 30, Mrs. Byers,
"Hymns of the Resurrection."
At the last meeting of th. board of di
rectors it was decided that th. regular
monthly meeting sbould be held in future
on th. first Saturday of th. month. This
month's meeting will be held on Satur
day, March 8. "The Omaha association
gymnasium Is to bs well represented at
ths basket ball tournament, to be held
In the Stat, university gym this even
ing and tomorrow afternoon. Miss Edith
Baker is captain of tbs first team, which
will play the High school class team, of
which Miss Cora Evans -is captain. Ths
other competing teams are the Vniver-
aity aeeond and Waboo High school. Th.
wlanlng team will challenge th. First tnl
verslty team for the championship of the
state aad also for th. Ruaalaa amvax.
J. T. Norton, Cheyenne Attorney, Fosei as
Mabel Dundaa,
Gets Prospective Bridegrooms to
Advaaeo Money Till Postal la
speetor Blocks the
CHETENNE. Wyo.. Feb. 27. (Special.)
J. T. Norton, a , well-known attorney of
Cheyenne, who ' was arrested yesterday
morning on a charge of using the malls
for fraudulent purposes, was taken In by
Postofflce Inspector J. E. Bennett, who had
been on Norton's trail for over a month,
and Joe La Fors, deputy United States mar
shal. Norton's arrest was effected quietly and
few people knew anything about the mat
ter until tonight. He was caught In tbe
local postofflce while cashing some money
order.!, received from some of his dupes,
and he was so surprised tbat ' he did not
utter a word. He was In total Ignorance
of the fact that the authorities were watch
ing his movements or that they knew any
thing about his alleged shady transactions,
which have been going on for over a year.
Scheme aa Old One.
Norton's schema wss anything but orig
inal, and one that hundreds of other men
have worked at different times and are
now working In order to make an easy
living. Norton would Insert advertisements
in matrimonial papers, signing the name
of Miss Mabel' Dundas, Cheyenne, Wyo.,
and representing that the woman was
wealthy, young, handsome and desirous of
securing a husband.
Answers were received from all parts of
the country, from Portland, Me., and Port
land, Ore., and from Florida and British
Columbia. Norton bad a private box at
the postofflce, in which all mall addressed
to Miss Mabel Dundas was placed. He
secured - the letters snd answered them,
writing a nice feminine hand, and carrying
on a correspondence for montha at a time
with some of the men that bit at the bait
thrown out In tbe matrimonial papers.
Once In awhile the alleged Miss Dundas
struck a man that was suspicious and
wanted to know more about her. All of
these Miss Dundas would refer to Attorney
J. T. Norton of Cheyenne, with whom she
bad had some legal business, and would be
pleased to tell of her character. In a little
while Norton would receive letters from
the fellows and he would then sit down
and recommend Miss Dundaa.
Bead Money for Traveling Expenses.
The correspondence with the supposed
Miss Dundas would continue and Norton
would advise his dupe to send $45 or $50
for traveling expenses and Miss Dundas
would come on and they would get married.
Many of the fellows sent the money, but
Miss Dundas never appeared. In this man
ner Norton worked a large number of men
throughout the country and It Is believed
that he cleaned up several thousand dol
lars. Norton's record In Wyoming Is said to be
an unenviable one. Some yeara ago, It
is alleged, he was compelled to leave
Lander because of some alleged Irregulari
ties In the courts there. Two years ago.
It Is charged, he played a very Important
part In an alleged blackmailing scheme
here, the Intended victim being a promi
nent and wealthy ranchman of Pine Bluffs,
and for this he was refused admission to
practice in the stats supreme court.
i Is a Married Man. ,
k .
Last December Norton married Mrs.
Rose C. Msrland of 100$ Thirteenth street,
Denver. The ceremony was performed by
Judge S. T. Corn of Cheyenne. At the end
of a week Mrs. Norton returned to Denver
and. It is alleged, has not lived with her
husband since. She Is now at her former
home in Denver. Norton Is about 60 years
of age. He la said to have two children by
a former wife.
Norton will be given his preliminary
hearing this week.
Effect Temporary Orgaalsatloa and
Call Another Meeting for Jane
IS at Cheyenne.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Feb. 27. Repre
sentatlvea of th. several county wool
growers associations in tbe state met here
today for the purpose of organixlng the
Wyoming Wool Growers' association, but,
owing to the absence of a number of ths
leading spirits, the organisation was not
perfected. A temporary organisation was
taken until July 15 next at Cheyenne. A
resolution waa adopted and forwarded to
Washington protesting against the land
leasing bill now pending before congress.
Castoma Reveaees of Cnba.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Th. division of
Insular affairs of the War department gave
out the following publication today, a
statement showing that th. customs rev-
whlchthey won at last year's tournament.
There will ' also be a consolation prlie.
About twenty members ef th. Omaha as
sociation will go down for th. tourna
ment, among them being Misses Rose
Hodges, Alice Harper, Alice Carey, Lil
lian Burgess and Mra. Hoobler.
Mrs. Byers went to Lincoln yesterday to
read Ralph Conner's "The Sky Pilot" for
the Lincoln association and will remain
for tbe basket ball tournament.
On Monday evening th. members of th.
Margaret Fuller literary will entertain
tbe members and friends of the south
branch. Th. committee is planning a very
enjoyable evening.
Mrs. Mary Freeman Gray, ex-president
of the San Francisco Women'a Christian
Temperance union, and now atat. superin
tendent for California of th. ' peace aad
arbitration work, has been in Omaha dur
ing tbe week, while returning to her home
from a tour of New England and the east
In th. interest of the national organisation
Th. Plngre. garden scheme proposed by
tbe Woman's club Is meeting with much
encouragement. W. A. Paxton, Jr., bas
granted the women the us. of th. lot on
th. east of th. public library building, and
at a meeting of tbe club held Thursday
afternoon It was decided to plant the lo
In flowers. A committee of the women
called on the chief of police and the mayor,
who promised to see that the flowers would
not be uprooted by small boys and others.
Ths women also secured the promise of the
Bremen located at Eighteenth and Harney
streets tbat tbey would look after tb.
flowers. The park commissioners hive
promised td assist the women, and Jamea
C. Craig will help plant tb. lot. Th.
women have under consideration several
plots of ground upon which to start ths
potato gardens, though no definite selection
haa been mads. A meeting will be held
next Thursday, at which time a aeleatlon
will likely b. made.
is your uvm
Dispondoncy, Languor, Bockocho, Bilious
ness. Norvousnoss, Hoadacho, Heart
burn, Dyspopsia and Irritabiltity Aro
Caused by Sluggish Liver. ?
Is suffering from
coior i
Does It paaa
gives It
strength and restores the energy that Is or has been wasting under the
suffering of diseased liver and kidneys.
Charles H. Corcoran of Fltchburg, Mass.. tells his experience In the following unso
licited letter: "For ten years 1 suffered with kidney and liver trouble, and, after
trying the best physicians here and In other places, I went to the Massachusetts
Ueneral Hospital and found no relief. I waa then so bad that I had to have injec
tions of opium to relieve me of the pain. I could not sleep nights or work days. I
lost twenty-five pounds. Words cannot describe my feelings. 1 saw Warners Safe
Cure advertisement and asked a physician about It. He said it would do me no good
and left me more of his own medicine, which I did not take, but took Warner's Safe
Cure and six bottles cured me. 1 have regained my twenty-five pounds and feci as
well as I ever did. I cannot say too much in praise of Warner s Safe Cure for
liver and kidney diseases."
Warner's Safe Cure' la now put up in two regular alios and sold by all drug
gist, or direct, at BOc and Sl.OD a Bottle.
Refuse substitutes. There la none "lust as good ss" Wsrner's Safe Cure. It
has cured all forms of liver disease during the lust thirty years. It is now pre
scribed by ail doctors and used In the leading hospitals as the only absolute cure
for all forma of disease of the liver, kidney and bladder. The one great fact that
stands out is that Warner's Safe Cure cures.
To convince eve,'- sufferer from diseases of the kidney, liver, bladder and blood
that Warner s pare cure win cure mem. inai Dome win te sent absolutely free to
anyone who will write Warner s Hale Cure Co.. Rochester, N. Y., and mention hav
ing seen this liberal offer in The Omaha Bee. The genuineness of this offer Is fully
guaranteed. Our doctor will send medical booklet, containing symptoms and treat
ment of eaeh disease and many convincing testimonials, free, to any one who will
Wr WARNER'S SAFE PILLS taken with Warner's Safe Cure, move the bowels and
aid a speedy cure.
Scenic Line
Daily First-class Sleeper Through to San Francisco
via Colorado, passing the Grandest Scenery of the Rockies and Sierra
Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connections to Lbs Angeles. '
City Ticket Office, 1323
enues In Cuba for the calendar year 1901
were $15,626,888, as compared with $16,
099.922 for 1900 and $14,894,374 for 1899.
The duty on exports was abolished April 1,
1901. The customs revenues, exclusive of
export duties, increased in 1901 over the
previous year by $325,031, or 2 per cent,
and over the second preceding year by $1,
228,860, or 9 per cent.
Twa Days af Saaaalae, with Wlads
Varyiasr fraaa Nerta.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. Forecast for
Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska, North Dakota, South Da
kota and Kansas Fair Friday and Satur.
day; northwest winds, becoming variable.
For Wyoming and Colorado Generally
fair Friday and Saturday, except snow In
mountain districts; northwest winds.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Feb. 27. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
1902. 1901. 1900. 1899.
Maximum temperature... 60 44 24 40
Minimum temperature.... 87 17 15 6
Mean temperature 44 80 20 18
Precipitation T .00 .01 .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaba for this day and since March L
Normal temperature...... 28
Excess ror tne any is
Total excess since March 1 V&
Normal precipitation ..i.. .03 Inch
Deficiency ror tne aay 03 men
Total rainfall since March 1 24. 89 inches
Deficiency since March 1.... 6. 77 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1901 46 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period 1900.... 4.74 Inches
Reports fraaa Statloas at T s. as.
H K t)
a 3
3 : S
W 401- T
28 40 T
88 46 T
28 S8 .01
40 42 .00
80 88 T
88 88 .08
88 , 42 . 08
64 'M .16
84 42 .04
46 46 .62
4 44 .30
84 .00
40 44 .00
26 84 .06
6s 72 .00
Omaha, raining
Valentine, snowing
North Platte, cloudy....
Cheyenne, clear
Bait Ltue jiiy, ciouuy.
HanM City, snowing....
Huron, raining
Chicago, raining
Bt. luis, ciouay
8t. Paul, raining
Davenport, raining
Kansas City, cloudy....
Havre, cloudy
Helena, clear
Rlamarck. cloudy
Galveston, clear
Indicates below sero.
T indicates trace of precipitation.
March Averages.
The following data for the month of
March, covering a penoa 01 inirty-one
years, have ben compiled from tbe
weather bureau records at Omaha:
Tsmnerature Mean or normal tempera
ture, 36 degrees: the warmest month was
that of Ibis, witn an average ot s ie
ir.M! the coldest month was that of 18J.
with an average of 27 degrees; the highest
temperature was 86 degrees on March ',
U46' the lowest temperature was 7 de
grees on March 14, 1880; average date on
which first "killing" frost occurred In
ntnmn. Heotember 26: averasa date on
which first "killing" frost occurred In
spring, April 15.
Precipitation Average for tha month. 1.4
Inch; average number of days with 0.01 ot
Any one can determine whether he
er. Is your urine of a reddish
torpid liver.
in small quantity? Doea It rane pain.
panning! ix you feel heavy and depressed? Have you
1arne in your aide and back? Do you wake up with a
ad taate In your mouth? Do you feel a fullness after
eating? If you have any of these symptoms your
liver Is diseased, and It Is caused by the diseased con
dltlon of your kidneys. Oet a bottle of Warner a
Safe Cure at once, as delays ere dangerous.
Violent Cathartics Aro Dangerous.
It Is a common mistake to resort to pow
erful purgatives which exhaust the system
and leaves It in a weakened condition.
Warner's Safe Guro
the action of the liver, and. at the
same time, tones up the system. It Is
purely vegetable, contains no harm
ful druga and Is positive In Its ac
tion; It does not constipate; It Is a
most valuable and effective tonic; It
Is a stimulant to digestion, putting
the patient In the very best receptive
state for the work of the restorer. It
preparea the tlosues, soothes Inflam
mation and Irritation, stimulates the
enfeebled organs and heals at the
same time. It builds tip the body.
Friday and
Farnam St., Omaha.
Is what we talk about, and Its all
new to the prospective Piano buyer.
Some can bay a Piano quicker than
they can pay for It; ' others take
more time buying the instrument
than It takes them to pay for it.
This is the kind that Is looking for
the safe bargain not the cheap bar
gainbut the lasting one.
There are some people who be
lieve a real good Plane can be
bought for about a hundred dollars;
we answer thia by stating that , you
only get $10o worth of i'lano. We
have some of these, Juat for com
parison's sake, or for sale. ' It la well
to look into this and note tha differ
ence; it will show you why It is
cheaper to pay a little more and get
the better piano.
Now when you buy tbe highest
perfection In llano building1. - th.
matchless KNABB PIANO, vou
realize Just what you anticipate THE5
BEST. When buying a KRANICH
A BACH PIANO you will own a Piano
no artist Is ashamed of. When In
vesting in a NEW SCALE KIMBALL
PIANO (the genuine, we mean), you
will have a life-long friend. By
?our neighbor will tell you that Is
he kind grandfather bought, and it
Is still the treasure of the household,
and so we can write paragraphs
without number on the different
qualities of the KRKLL PIANO, the
SCHUMANN PIANO, and no leas
than sixteen others, and If you wish
to save dollars It Is your duty to pay
this house a visit snd learn more
about the easy payment plan with
which a little down and a little every
month puts you In possession of a
Mano that will not be worn out when
;-cur last payment Is made.
A. Hospe,
1513-1515 Douglas Street
an Inch or more, ; th. greatest monthly
precipitation was 4.91 Inches In 1884; the
Uaat monthly precipitation was 0.1s of an
inch In 1811; the greatest amount of pre
cipitation recorded in any twenty-four Con
secutive hours was 1.U7 inch on March 2tf,
lWi; tha greatest amount of snowfall re
corded in any twenty-four conseoutlva
hours (record extending to winter of 1M84-8S
only w&a 3 I no he on March 10, 1901.
Clouds and Weather Average number of
clear days, 8; partly cloudy days, 10; cloudy
days, 13.
Wind Tha prevailing winds have been
from the north; tha highest velocity of tha
wind was 63 mile, fruta th. northwest ou
March ill. UtfX