Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1902, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING,' FEBRUARY 28, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COIY FIVE CENTS. NATION PAYS TRIBUTE United Stati, ThiDugh EepfesentatiTes, -Honor Late President McKinley. i . . SECRETARY HAY'S ELOQUENT ADDRESS Jmpresairely , VLife and Labon of we .a. 'atesman. MEMORIAL IN HALL Or "'NTATIVES Attended bj President Booses. Cab inet and Other High Officiau, WINCE HENRY OF PRUSSIA IS PRESENT pevarth Memorial Service for Dead Presidents Held la Hall Wktn McKlnley Achieved Great i. Ms Fan. ' fa WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. At noori todsy in ths greet ball of representatives, in the presence of President Roosevelt, Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of tbe German mperor; tbs members of tbe cabinet, the Justices of tbe supreme court, the general of tbe army and officers of the array and nevy who have received the thanks of con atress, the ambassadors and other diplo matic representatives of foreign countries, the senators and representatives In con gress and a large number of distinguished guests, Hon. John Hay, McKlnley's secre tary of state, pronounced a eulogy upon Ills dead chief. Four times bsfore national tnemortal services, for presidents who haws died la office have been held In this hall, two of them, like this, In commemoration ct chief magistrates who have fallen by the band of assassins. George Bancroft, the historian, pronounced the eulogy on Lincoln, and Blaine was Osrfleld's orator. It was eminently fitting that the last pub lic csremonlal of sorrow for the lamented McKlnley should take place In the forum Which had echoed bis voice, In tbe arena jrhere be won his spurs. By a strange - coincidence today was the twentieth anniversary . of that on which the peerless Blaine, Jn the same - hall, delivered his ulogy upon tbe martyred Garfield, and stranger still, the subject of today's me mortal service was tbe chairman of the committee that had charge of tbe arrange ments on that occasion. Who then could tsve dreamed that the man who escorted the then president of tbe United States and the orator of the day to their place was destined to be honored, like Garfield, with the highest place in tbe gift of hie country, was to meet his sad fate and was himself to be the next martyred president above "whose open grave the nation would bow its ;taeadf Changes of a Tear. Only one year ago, less five days, at tbe ,nead of an Imposing civic and military : procession, McKlnley passed triumphantly .along Pennsylvania avenue for his second ' Inauguration. Bis months later . the , tragedy occurred at, Buffalo and another but different'. eor&at procession tenderly! bore bis body through the streets to tbe i rotunda of tbe capltol, where 'the brief funeral oration wat ? delivered over his ' coffin and the , tributes of the na tions of earth - about bis bier be poke the universal sorrow. Today once in ore, with uncovered head, the nation paid 3ts last tribute of respect and publicly expressed Its living grief. Again the broad avenue was filled with nast crowds, as they were a year ago. Then the streets were a sea of glittering bayonets and waving plumes and the air wss filled . with the hundred-tongued Teepleadent bands. Today all was changed. The procession unorganised. No martial musks likened the feet of the throng. . No cheers were heard. Procession tsSlet and Solemn. The only pageant was the clattering troop sf cavalry escorting Prince Henry and bis party to the capltol and carriages hers and there conveying officers In uni form or diplomats In tourt costume to ths place where the eulogy wss to bo delivered. That was tbs extent of tbs outward spec tacle. To the peopU the event was one of the mind and heart rather than for the eye and ear. But notwithstanding tbe fact srool aimed la advaaoe that admission to the hall of representatives and even to the capital Itself, wag to be restricted to those holding cards, ths people congre gated In unnumbered ' thousands about tbs great marble pile upon the bill. The ticket holders besieged ths great bronse doors to tbs entrance of ths rotunda and overflowed tbe portico and steps leading to It, the crowds, kspt back by lines of blue-coated police, walled Is' the three sides of the broad plaia la front of the capltol. If they could not gain admittance they were . content to be sear the place where the : ceremony was to be held and to catch a . glimpse of the president, whose accession wss mads possible by the death of him 'who the representative oeoDle were assem bling to eommemorats, or to see Prince Henry and the bespsngled diplomats and other dignitaries. The only emblem of mourslng at the oapttol was the flags flut tering at balf-mast above the two wings and great arching dome, i rlloves Claoaly Garneld Exercises. Before the doors were opened for ticket j holders the corridors of tbe capltol were unoccupied save for the guards. Within tbe hall of representatives all was In readi ness. The congressional committee which hsd charge of the arrangements wss fortu nate, not only la the selection of tbe person to whom the honor of pronouncing ths eulogy was committed, but also In tbe minor . details. The precedent In the caae of the ' Garfield memorial exercises was followed . closely. Tbe hall was without decoration of any character. The red-coated Marine band, sixty strong, wss stationed in the, corridor which separstes ths hall from ths rear lobby of the house. At 10 o'clock the doors were opened snd In five minutes ths spacious galleries sur rounding tbs chamber were dense with black rows of people. Even the aislss were filled, but the crowding snd jamming which have marred so many state occasions today was avoided, as the tickets Issued were I limited strictly to the number of seats pro vided. Only ons was given to each senator and repressntative and tbe gathering in tbe t tileries wss a - most distinguished one. Tbe fact that few of the women wore bright gowns wss especially noticeable. They had attired themselves In dark costumes, be fitting ths occasion, snd their white faces were rendered distinct by tbe somberness of their apparel. The doorkeeper announced the gen eral sf the army. Tbe speaksr tapped three times, the members of the house snd the diplomatic body arose and General Miles, resplendent la gold lace, gold epauletts and s broad yellow sash across his breast, and gCocUnued, e Seventh, Fag HOLDS TURKEY RESPONSIBLE Possible Serlons lateraatloaal Com plleatlaas Over the Kld- CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 27. It is un derstood that the United Ststes will soon take atepa to obtain a reimbursement of the sum ($72,500) psld to the brlgsnds as a ransom for Miss Ellen M. Stone snd Msdam Tsllka, holding Turkey responsible, Inas much as the capture of the missionaries wss effected on Turkish soli. This ques tion of responsibility may have serious de velopments, since Turkey emphatically dis claims responsibility and lays the blame on Bulgaria 8ALONICA, Roumella, Feb. 27. Miss Stone's evidence is not likely to prove of much value In fixing the responsibility for an indemnity from Turkey or Bulgaria, since she is not awsre whether she even crossed the boundary, owing to being blind folded and the night marching tactics of the brigands. Soldiers are now pursuing tbe band, but the brigands have a long start. Miss Stone already has received numer ous literary offers, one of them being from an American magaxlne, which offered ber S3t,000 and a royalty for six articles. Miss Stone, la company with M. Gargiulo, the dragoman of the American embassy at Constantinople, left here today tor Con stantinople. She Intends to remain several weeks In Turkey and will then proceed to tbe United States, tb visit her mother. During the captivity of Miss Stone and Mme. Tsllka the women suffered greatly from want of occupation until Mme. Tsilka's baby wss born. After tbe failure of the negotiations at Sofia the women were taken to huts deep in the snow on an almost Inaccessible mountain. They had no communication with ths outside world except on matters relating to their ransom. ' They were only occasionally vouchsafed some Item of In formation, such, for Instance, as the death of President McKlnley. The baby was born after Mme. Tsllka had been riding horseback for ten hours. The mother smothered tbe child's cries for fear the brigands would take It away and kill It. Three days after the birth of the baby all were again on the move. - Mme. Tsilka's training as a hospital nurse and her extraordinary nerve alone saved her life and that of her child. WARM WORDS FROM GERMANY Cordial Comment Is Made by Press of America's Reception to Prlaee Henry. BERLIN, Feb. 27. "One of the most beautiful pages In our International re lations is tbe record of these festivities," says the Cologne Gasette, referring to Prince Henry's visit to the United States. "President Roosevelt, the members of both houses of congress, the ' mayor of New York and representatives of the gov ernment, army snd navy of the United States have ahown the brother of our emperor not only official honors, but have everywhere manifested such open-hearted cordiality that the Impression In Germany Is most agreeable and permanent. Prince Henry's Journey west snd south will un doubtedly . take the same pleasant . somas. "What, deserves most to be emphasised. however. Is the unanimous participation of the American people In the festivities which their highest representatives have given In excellent taste. The inhabitants of tbe imperial city of New York and of Washington, the capital, have shown In their demonstrations In honor of tbe German prince and German people that they feel themselves, to be taking part with the prealdent and' his national ataff In the hospitality which in every respect is worthy a great people. 'We hope that wish of President Roose velt to be a guest some time on a German battleship will be fulfilled In the most pleasant way. If this visit could be made la German waters the German people could take part In honoring that sympathetic personality representing the great Ameri can nation. The president's official duties prevent this. But though even years pass before President Roosevelt, as a private cltlsen, cab visit our country, tbe remem brance of the splendid February days will continue to live within us. May his countrymen living among us carry him tbe impression that tbe German people are equally hospitable and appreciative of international courtesies and honors." HOSPITAL FOR AMERICANS Modern Institution to Bo Ballt In Franco by Wealthy Bostonlan. PARIS, Feb. 17. A splendid gift has been made for tbe benefit of the American colony here and American visitors to Paris by Edward Tuck, a wealthy Bostonlan, who for many years past has resided in this city. Mr. Tuck has decided to defray the en. tire expense of establishing the free Amer lean hospital In Paris, announcement of which has already been made, and the ground for which has already been bought In the Passy quarter. The hospital Is to be named Franklin hospital, snd besides being built on tbe latest American model. It will be managed entirely by American physicians and nurses. Mr. Tuck will not only defray tho ex penses of Installing ths Institution, but he will also donate a sufficient fund to main, tain It permanently without outside help. That the proposed hospital will fill a deeply-felt want here Is shown by tbe fact that tbe services of several American nurses who came here recently have been lo con tinuous demand. Franklin hospital will be situated in one of the most healthful parts of France; it will alao be encloaed In extensive grounds. Dr. Magrnln, a well-known physician, will be the director of the institution. Building will be commenced In a few weeks' time and It Is expected that the hospital will be opened in 1904. NO PROTECTION OF SUBJECTS Baals of Attack by Boelallsts Policy of Aastrlaa Gov ernment. VIENNA. Feb. 17. In the lower house of the Relcbsrath today M. Dasxynskl. leader of the socialists snd deputy from Cracow, attacked the policy of Couut Goluchowski, the Austrian-Hungarian mln later of foreign affairs during the Spanish American war. M. Daasynskl accused M. Goluchowski of pursuing s subservient course to the Haps burg snd of falling to obtain satisfaction for the Austrian subjects murdered dur log tho riots In Haxleton, Pa., In 1897. Referring to the leader of the socialists Dr. Koerber, the premier contended thst the dynastic and people's policies had si ways been Identical and repudiated the charge that Austria had not afforded sde. nUile-preteoUoa to, her. subjects Iava.d SHAW SPEARS OF THE WEST Secretary of Treasury Addresses National Business League. FAVORS EXPANSION AND SHIP SUBSIDY I'rges Satloaal Support of Weetern Irrigation Jadge Gavin Also I'rges Reclamation of Arid Lands. CHICAGO, Feb. 27. Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury, was the principal speaker at the banquet of the National Business league here tonight. His subject was "Commerce and Industries of tbe West'' and bis utterances were received with much attention, it being one of the first public speeches mads by him since his ap pointment to tbe present office. Tbe first set speech on the program wss by John Els of Chicago, who spoke on "The League." He described at length the objects which the league sought to attain, declaring: "Its purpose is to keep the business men throughout the country informed ss to leg islation affecting them and to concentrate their Influence In the promotion of meas ures, favoring business interests generally, as distinguished from special Interests, and, as far as possible, to take business ques tions out of politics. It also seeks so to systematise the machinery of the na tional government ss to put this country on at least an equal footing with other countries in tbe race to capture the world's trade." Following Mr. Els came Secretary Shaw, who spoke as follows: The theme 'assla-ned Is inspiring. Its scope Is limitless, Its natural and necessary subdivisions are many, . while Its compre hensive presentation within the time as signed Is Impossible. Where shall the line oe stretcnea separating tne east irom me west? Mason and Dixon's line at one time supposed to mark the boundary of a sec tion or our country nas oeen so iar oo llterated that to be mentioned except to rejoice at its disappearance is an offense to modern politics and alike to modern commerce. Where shall the freight borne by the Mississippi river and the Illinois Central's double track railway, paralleling: this great waterway on its eastern Dana, oe ciassear The Southern Pacific conveys more than 700 cars per day, 260,000 per annum, of trans continental freight. By your leave, Mr. Chairman, we will classify all this as west ern commerce. Arbitrary thouah It be. I assume for the convenience of the hour that the west Includes Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, Okla homa, Indian Territory and all west of tnese ana all norm ana west or iei. Probably a majority of the people of the United States soeak of Ohio as a western commonwealth, while those who live In states waBhed by the Mississippi realise that they must travel some miles toward the setting sun to reach the line that would bisect the great republic. The eleventh census credited these states with 46 per cent of the farm area, but grave them over 70 per cent of the cultivated lands. The twelfth census, not yet compiled, will probably show a much larger proportion of tilled lands. These states produce more than 2.600,000,000 bushels, more than 70 per cent of the nation's cereals, and 70 per cent of the nation's bay. They contain 60 per cent of the milch cows and 60 per cent of all other cattle, 66 per cent of the swine, 75 per cent of the sheep, and where, gen tlemen, except In the west, would you look for 80 per cent of tho woolt Other Industries Than Farming. Honored, as I am. in being permitted to represent In this presence the great farm- inn cusirict, permit a lew observation tending to show that an ever Increasing ? proportion of the people within the terri ory I have described Is giving well de served attention to Industries other than agriculture. Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa have increased their average annual cereal product less than 9 per cent since w. Lurina the nrecerilnr decade these same states made a fourfold larger increase, in dicating clearly, I think, that the maxi mum capacity, unaer present meinoas oi agriculture, has been nearly attained. In 1H&9 40 per cent of the arable land of Iowa (the proportion actually cropped) produced one nound of cereals per day for every man, woman and child in the United States In round numbers, 11,000,000 tons. This would be quite enough to sustain lire ana more than the average rations enjoyed by the people of the world. If all the arable land of Iowa were put in crops, and that portion not needed to support the teams necessary for Its cultivation, placed on the market, the people of the United States could not consume It, though restricted to a cereal diet. The only way the yield of this unequaled 68.000 square miles of land can be consumed by 80,000.000 people Is to have large quantities of It first manufac tured Into beef and pork and dairy butter. Our Increasing population renders It Im probable, however, that this remarkable snowing can De long continuea, even Dy Iowa, though she may Increase to some extent her cereal production. Plea for National Irrigation. The onlv houe of a material increase In agricultural products is through irrigation of arid lands. There may be, and there are, serious objections sgalnst the employ ment of publio revenues In such ways as contemplate permanent national participa tion In industrial or commercial enterprises. put i see no objection to some provision that will encourage private capital to enter wnat may De made a most lnviunar neia. and It seefna to me this can be done In miirh a way as will jilaee, these lands upon the market at government prices, plus tne cost of Irrigation, and when paid for, per mit the purchasers to become co-operative owners of the irrigation plants. I have little sympatny ana scant patience wltn that provincialism which opposes sny plan of developing any portion of our common country which has Its root in the fear that It will create sectional competition. It ought not to be necessary to quote the record to sustain the proposition, though the record does sustain It. that we are consuming an ever Increasing propor tion of our agricultural products and ex porting an ever-increasing proportion of our manuraciurea proaucts. uex. every indus try be encouraged, let every enterprise be rosterea, let every interest oe conserved; then shall we grow great and symmetrical. and. growing great, shall preserve our In dustrial and commercial independence, snd tnus become .an ever increasing blessing to tne wuriu. Preparation of Food Prodnets. - 1 uo wvei RUl IMIIJT 1 1 U 1 uuu products. w... . u V. put uai no.. a iwvuma ui mean com petitors In their preparation. Minneapolis flour per annum, a carload 60,0u0 pounds) . . I . . . - .. J I 1 n . VfVi; lull Hiuiuir., u&jr iivj lllglll, OVi QRVI In the year. A branch factory In a prairie n Iaw A lAH . 1. , .1 1 . I .unit v. v. I ii u v.uw JUJUiailUn produces 6.UUO.0M) cans of condensed milk per snnum, while the parent plant in Wis consin makes more than double this amount, a portion of which helps to feed the standing armies of Europe and to sup ply the belligerents In South Africa. The Elgin Butter company consumes the cream from 7O,OU0.ftJ0 pounds of milk, manufac tures 3,0M),000 pounds of butter (1.600 tons) .. 4 aw ...-, I.. . . 1 .1 . A I 1 1. I T Cuba, Mexico, South American countries i v A.cwm. a ..".id uiijuuurpuraiea firm In southwest Iowa handled last year ' j . "'" . " . uuuer anu l.uuO.mjU pounds (more than 100 carloads) of ifun.j. in m i;t, tame state marketed In a single year l,600,iu) dosen eggs, sending them to the Atlantic, the Gulf arJ the Fuctllc coast, while a third firm ships dressed poultry, not by carload only, but by tralnload. Parking Honao Progress. The product of packing houses west of the Missouri river sells on the market for an sraount in excess of the postal receipts of the I'nited (Slates, while a single Insti tution, engaged In the preparation of ani mal products, whose parent plant Is In this city, produced last year more than lu.uuO carloads (J0 tons per day) of manufac tured products in addition to its meats The packing houses represented in Chicago yield a larger gross Income than all the custom houses and internal revenue col lectors of the I'nited States, while the live anlnuils sold on a square mile of ground within the limits of this city Is only 16 pr cent less than the gross earnings of all the railroads that enter Chicago. Either of two packers within the territory I rep resent pays more for live animals to the enrichment of the ranchman and the farmer than Is paid In dividends and offi cers' salaries by all the railroads in ths JCoaUaued. en Fifth Paga-X SCHLEY AND HOBSON SPEAK Naval Heroes Address Dangntera of Revolntlon at Charleston Exposition. CHARLESTON, 8. C, Feb. 27. This was a great day for the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution at the exposition. Over whelming plaudits greeted Admiral Schley and Captain Hobson, tbe chief speakers. Both naval heroes are the specisl guests of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion. The services at the auditorium were long and Inspiring, the msln features being the address of Mrs. Charles W. Fairbanks. president general of tbe national organiza tion, on the "Inspiration of Revolutionary Memories," snd the addresses of Admiral Schley snd Captain Hobson. sThe enthu siasm knew no bounds when ths hero of Santiago rose to speak. His address was a brief snd graceful trtbuts to tbe Daughters of the American Revolution and "those sweet grandmothers and great-grandmothers who lived In the times of plainer living and higher think ing." Historic Charleston and Its exposition were warmly prslsed. Captain Hobson's theme was "The Ever Victorious Nsvy," snd the spplause of tbe listening thou sands was as prolonged as thst which greeted Admiral Schley. This wss espe cially so when be referred to the ad miral's services at Santiago as the crown ing Incident In bis splendid' career in the American navy. He said the character of the navy was typified by Dewey in the east and Sampson snd Schley In the west. when they set a new standard for naval warfare in effecting tbe total destruction of the enemy's fleets without loss to tbeir own. Tomorrow Admiral Scbley and Captain Hobson will visit the tea gardens at Sum merville, end on Saturday will maks an excursion to Fort Sumter snd the site of the naval station. , "... ROOSEVELT MAY NOT REPLY President Probably Will Ignore the Letter of Lieutenant Gov ernor Tlllmnn. WASHINGTON. Feb. 27. Although the White House officials are , noncommittal on tbe subject, there Is reason to believe that no response whatever is likely to be made to the letter of Lieutenant Governor Tillman of South Carolina to the prealdent requesting him to withdraw bis acceptance of the Invitation to the presentation ex ercises of a sword to Major Mlcah Jenkins at Charleston. It is believed that this inci dent will result in President Roosevelt not attending the Charleston exposition. The statement was made at tbe White house tonight that the president has not abandoned bis proposed trip to Charleston. CHARLESTON, 8. C, Feb. 27. In re sponse to an Inquiry ss to. what sctlon tbe exposition board would take in regard to Lieutenant Governor Tillman's telegram to President Roosevelt withdrawing the invi tation to present a sword to Major Jenk ins, Captain Wager, president of the expo sition company,' said tonight: "None of the exposition officials has any connection with Colonel Tillman's sctlon aad all look for ward with pleasure ta Uts proposed visit of President Roosevelt.",. v ' ' . . - ' SCORES HIGH SCHOOL SYSTEM G, Stanley Hall Condemns Method -of Teaching Latin and Greek. CHICAGO, Feb. 27. Latin and Greek, ss taught in high schools of the country, came In for a condemnation at the last day's session of the convention of tbe department of superintendents, of the Nalionel Educa tional association. Ths languages were branded "baby Latin and Greek," and were described as a "sanctified relic." The crltio was G. Stanley Hall, president of Clark university. Much that ho said was indorsed by Dr. W. T. Harris, United States commissioner of education, but the commissioner Insisted that tbe study of Latin and Greek in the high schools was of vital importsnce. The convention adjourned to meet again at New Orleans next year. The following officers were chosen, to serve during the following year: President, C. V. Jordan, superintendent of schools, Minneapolis; first vice presl dent, C. F. Carroll, superintendent of schools, Worcester, Mass.; second vice president. Warren Easton, superintendent of schools. New Orleans; secretary, J. N Wllktns, president State Normal school, Emporia, Kan. 0'DONOVAN ROSSA SINKING Noted Irish and Fenian Agitator Pro nounced to Be In Critical Condition. COLORADO SPRINGS, Feb. 27. O' Dono van Rossa, tbe noted Irish agitator and Fenian, is critically ill of blood poisoning at St. Francis hospital in this city snd death may occur any day. A week ago while paring s corn or cal loused spot on his right foot be cut deeper than be Intended. Tbe wound wss slight. but neglect soon developed blood poisoning. For two or three days be has been delirious from fever. Gangrene finally set in. His condition last night was so gravs that City Physician Richardson was called, and be was removed to the hospital. Amputation of tbe leg was advised, but Rosss refused to consent. This morning several important bones were removed from the foot. He Is in a comatose condition tonight with high temperature snd feeble circulation. His brother, John Roesa of Sioux City, la., has been notified. Roesa came here recently from San Fran cisco as an agent of tbe Copper Center Min ing company of Bonora, Mexico. Hs has not prospered, apparently, and is now a charity patient. MERELY A FAMILY MEETING Convention of Brotherhood of Loco motive Engineers Thus Termed by Arthar. DENISON, Tex., Feb. 27. The session of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers today was held behind closed doors. Grand Chief Arthur stated that there was a wrong impression as to the character of the meeting. Tbe biennial meeting of tbe order takes place in May, when there probably will be some action taken for uniform schedules snd the adoption of standard rules for all the railroads in tbe United States will be asked. These mat. ters came up for Informal discussion to gst the Ideas of men slong the lines cen terlng here. Chief Arthur said: "There are forty-seven divisions from seversl states represented here and you might call It a big family meeting. The meeting has no significance further than s thorough understanding of the Interests of tte order snd tbs dutlegt tbs. jueo.' OMAHA REPORT IS READY Special Agent McOomas Beoommends Dismissals from Agency. REMOVAL OF MATHEWSON INCLUDED Snn-Statlon ef Omaha Poatomee to Be Established at Sixteenth and Har ney Streets the Fifteenth t March. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. (Special Tele gram.) The report of Special Agent Mo Comas, who was sent by the Indian office to Investigate conditions on tbe Omaha and Winnebago reservations in Nebraska, bas been received at the department Com missioner Jones refused to mske the re port public, on the ground that It hsd not been considered, nor bad It yet been sent to tbe several branches of the service having jurisdiction over tbe particular ubjects touched upon. It is, however, learned that 8peclal Agent , McComas recommends the dis charge of W. F. Haygood, chief clerk at the sgency, also the discharge of Indian Farmer David St. Cyr. Upon the ques tion of Indian lesses and conduct of tbe agency, tbe report, It is understood, rec ommends tbe abandonment of tbe present mode of leasing and the removal of Agent Mathewson. McComas, It la said, investi gated the leasing question exhaustively and believes tbst some plan could be de vised tbat would bring a larger measure of return to the Indians than at present snd that would do sway with tbe favor itism that is alleged to have existed on the part of the agent toward certain mid dlemen who control large land holdings. It Is Impossible to forecast what Com missioner Jones will do In the premises. although the commissioner stated today that be had heard the speech of Repre sentative Robinson of Nebraska upon the leasing question snd fully approved bis stand snd that the congressman from the Third Nebraska district presented the facts in a clear snd logical manner. Pender Poatofflcs) Contest. The fight over the Pender poetofflce grows In bitterness aa the time for the appointment of a postmaster at that office nears the culmination. While there are several candidates for tbe office, it Is un derstood only two sre being considered by Senator Millard, who will make the ap pointment. They are the present post master, B. F. McDonald, snd J. W. Hunts berger, editor of the Republic, Hunts berger, it is believed, has the endorse ment of many leaders of the party In Pender snd is expected to land the place. Emmett Tinley of Council Bluffs snd A. B. DeLong of Omaha srs in Wsshington and were escorted through the capltol by Representative Smith of the Council Bluffs district. , Tbe senate committee on Indian affairs directed a favorable report on the bill in troduced by Senator Gamble providing for the ratification of the' tresty with the Sioux Indians, ceding to the government several thousand acres of land in Gregory county, - Sou ih Dakota. Mr. Gambls was authorised to maks the report and was di rected to Incorporate several amendments of minor importance. Opens Lands to Settlement. T measure as renorted will provide for v. nnini of the lands to settlement under the free homestead bill. It Is not, how ever, believed that tbe measure can pass congress In its present form, and in all probability it will be so amended as to provide that the settler shall pay the price per sere given to the Indians by the gov ernment, which is SZ.Z5. Mr. Gamble was also directed to report be bill Introduced by Senator Dietrich for Senator Millard, extending tbo time in which to complete the Omaha Northern railway through tbe Omaha snd Winnebago reservation to three years. The bill pro vided for five years' extension, but tbe commissioner of Indian anairs recom ,nantii that the bill be amended so as to give three years' extension, snd this bill was sdopted by tho committee. Mr. Edward Rosewater returned from New York this morning and was among tbe distinguished newspaper men present at the memorial exercises to tbe late Presi dent McKlnley. Sub-Mtation at Omaha. On March 15 substation No. 1 of the Omaha postoffice will be established at Sixteenth snd Harney streets. The office will have all the facilities for tbe trans action of money order snd registry business and the sale of postal supplies. Miss Rosetta C. Maylun of Des Moines was today appointed stenographer snd type writer in the Miles City, Mont., land office. These contracts were swarded today for carrying malls; Nebraska From Marshlsnd to Agate, C. A. Merrick of Crawford; from Plckrell to Townsend, ' James B. Smith of Plckrell. South Dakota From Lynn to Bristol, H. A. Harder of Lynn. Nebraska postmasters sppolntsd: A. R Bradley, Avery, Sarpy county, vice H. T. Smith, resigned; Harrison Pease, Giles Brown county, vice E. Oldhsm, resigned; L. O. Richardson, Orafino, Frontier county. vice S. D. Richardson, deceased. A postoffice has been ordered established at Lawton, Woodbury county, lows, snd John A, Smith has been commissioned post master. These Indian appointments were made to day: Miss Emma P. Perry of Lansing, Mich., teacher in the Indian school at Yankton, S. D.; Miss May Wright of Omaha, principal teacher at the Indian school st Rslny Mountain, Okl.; Zeban C. Sherry of Altamont, Kan., teacher at Pins Ridge, S. D. CATCH DIAMOND SMUGGLERS Officers In East Convlet Some and Sne ceed In Having Others Arrested. BURLINGTON, Vt.. Feb. 2T. U V. John son snd W. H. Dean, both of Alburg, have been indicted by the United States grand jury for alleged complicity In smuggling operations along ths Canadian border. Hlerst Scavltzsky of New York and Wil liam Bradley of Montreal were also In dieted for smuggling diamonds Into this country from Canada. Mr. Bradley is prominent in Montreal. Scavltzsky pleaded guilty today snd was sentenced to serve oue year in the bouse of correction at Rut land. The court ordered the confiscation of diamonds valued at $8,000 which were found on him. Josef Hofmaa In Kansas City, KANSAS CITY. Feb. fT.-Josef Hofman the pianist, made his first apinrance here before a large audience and evoked the same enthusiasm that has greeted his playing in the eastern cities, ths audlturs luulgul pcu-g oigaiy acmo.uairs.uva, CONDITION OFJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair Friday snd Saturday; Northwest Winds, Becoming Variable. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hour. Deg. Hour. Dear. II a. m ar ' 1 p. m -to n. m ar a p. in 40 T a n ST 3 p. ....... 40 H a. m 8 4 p. m 40 O a. m ...... a 5 p. m .an lO n. ra aw tl p. m. It a. m ..... . 3 T p. in ..... . XI 111m 40 sj p. m p. m 38 THEATRICAL TRAIN WRECKED Meets Freight In Fog and Many of the Company Are Hurt. WILMINGTON. Del., Feb 27. A special train, carrying tbe "Florodora" theatrical company from Norfolk, Vs.. to Wilmington, Del., on the New York, Philadelphia Nor folk railroad, was wrecked today at Esst ville, Vs., and several members of the company were seriously Injured. A heavy fog prevented the engineer from observing a freight train ahead and a rear-end col lision occurred. The engine, baggage car and two forward cars of the special train were completely wrecked. W. L. Carleton of the "Florodora" com pany sustained serious Injuries. He Is psr alyxed from the waist down and may not recover. E. C. Herr, manager of the company, and Charles H. Powers are also badly Injured. Others who sustained injuries are: Tony Rooney, Miss Frances Gordon, Miss Ella Henry, Miss Maud Davis, Miss Selma Man tell, Miss Ida Doerde, Miss Libbie Nunn, Miss Llllle Young and Miss Annie Young. Tbe fireman of the specisl, name not ascertained, was badly scalded and will die. There were eighty-seven persons in the theatrical company. The wreckage caught fire after the col Uslon and a bucket brigade formed by the uninjured members of the company suc ceeded in extinguishing the flames. The scenery snd nearly all the baggage was destroyed by fire. The injured were brought here tonight and cared for. RAPID-FIRING GUN COMBINE Amalgamation of Plants, with Over Million Dollars Capital Projected. NEW YORK, Feb. 27. It was announced here today thst tbe plant and business of tho Driggs-Seabury company of Derby, Conn., bas been purchased by Joseph H. Hoadley, president of tbe American com pany. The plant is engaged In tbe manu facture of the Driggs-Seabury rapid-fire gun snd It Is understood this gives the purchasing syndicate the control of the rapid-fire gun, tbe syndicate controlling the Hotchktss, the Driggs-Seabury, Dahlel and latest type of Maxim. The purchase price of the Driggs-Sea bury plant Is said to be about $1,800,000. It Is suthoritatlvely stated that the rapid-firing plsnt will, with other proper ties, eventually smalgamate with the American Ordnance company, the new company to have a 'capitalisation of $10,- 000,000. . . .... ADMITS PURPOSE TO KILL Alleged Anarchist After Arrest Says He Wanted to Assassinate tho Official. CHICAGO, Feb. 27. Assassination of States' Attorney Charles Dennen by an al leged anarchist wss thwarted today by the arrest of Salvo Glovanl. After he was taken into custody Glovanl declared it was bis purpose to take the life of Mr. Dennen, giving ss his reason the charge that the state's sttorney had al lowed him to He eight months in Jail with out cause. With s raior be made a slash at the throat of the policeman who arrested blm. Glovant had been ejected from the office of the state's attorney earlier in the day snd had posted himself at a street corner where he was repeating to a curious crowd the story of bis alleged wrongs snd pro claiming bis purpose to kill the state's at torney. TO ENFORCE ANTI-TRUST LAW Proceeding- Against California Cor poratlons Said to Be) Ordered by President. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Feb. 27. The Ex press says: 'Corporations In California whose com blned capital Is close to tbe billion dollar mark, and who aire alleged to be operating in restraint of trade, contrary to the terms of the Sherman anti-trust law, are to be proceeded against by tbe government. Ru mors to this effect tbat have been in local circulation for several days were today con firmed. "Joseph H. Call, federal attorney, who has prosecuted the suits Involving tbe Southern Pacific and Atlantic & Paclflo land grants, bas been Instructed by Attor ney General Knox, acting by orders of President Roosevelt, to institute the pro posed new litigation. The new suits sre to be filed In tho United States circuit court in San Francisco." TWO WORKMEN KILLED BY GAS Are Overcame While at Work with Crade Oil at Standard Plant. NEW YORK, Feb. 27. Patrick O'Connell is dead snd Jeremiah Murphy Is in a crlt leal condition, and Ave other men bad nar row escapes from death today st the works of the Standard Oil company in Constable Hook, N. J. Ths men were at work around a still in which 600 barrels of crude Texas oil bad been placed to be refined. The gas from the boiling oil settled around the still and the workmen were overcome one by one. Help was summoned and when It arrived O'Connell was dead and Murphy was found to be unconscious. Tbs others did not suf fer so severely. Movements of Ocean Vessels, Feb, ST, At New York Arrived Southwark, from Antwerp; Canadian, from Liverpool; IjLhn, from Naples; Btcllla. from Naples. Salted Ial liampagne, ior navre. At Boston Arrived Ivernla, from Liver At Shanghai Arrived Kalaow, from Liverpool, fur Japan and Seattle. At Havre Arrived La Touraine, from Kew York. At London Arrived Glenroy. from Ta- coma. Balled Menomlne, for New York. At Brisbane SaileoV Aorangi, for Van fnuver. At Antwerp Balled Switzerland, for Philadelphia. At Cherbourg Sailed Deutschland, from Hamburg and Southampton, for New York. At Queenstown Arrived Oermanlc, from New York, tor L.lvenKl. Balled Majestic, from Liverpool, for New York. At Rotterdam Sailed Btatendam, for icw .via oouivgue pur ier MCE AT THE TOMB Bojal German Visitor Views the Baroo- phagxia of Wgshington. . BESTOWS TWO WREATHS AS MEMORIAL ; n ays Visit to the Old Homestead of First President. rLANTS LINDEN TREE ON THE GROUND Prince Henry's Entranoe Into Capital is a Notable Event. CAVALRY TROOPS ESCORT HIM TO EMBASSY After Another Day of Cordial Enter tainment ths Brother of Emperor William Dines Qaletly with President's Family. WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Princs Henry of Prussia journeyed to Mount Vernon this sfternoon snd placed two wreaths on ths tomb of Washington. Ha spproached tbs grave of tho first president with bared bead, snd tbat there might bs nothing irreverent In the ceremony, naked the hold ers of a dozen cameras, who stood around, to refrain from photographing blm. Tbe royal visitor and his psrty were taken to Mount Vernon by special train over the Washington, Arlington Mount Vernon railway. Two large observation cars were provided, and from them thi prince saw tbe long bridge and tbs head- ' lands of northern Virginia, historic to Americans since colonial days. It was 2:30 o'clock when tbe special de parted and the run to Mount Vernon occu pied fifty-five minutes. Princs Henry walked to the Washington borne and waa driven from there down the slops of the hill to tbe tomb. When the Iron gate of the tomb was opened bo removed bis csp and entered. Lays Wreaths on Tomb. Two large-wreaths, made at Washington by his order, had already been sent to tbs tomb, snd, taking them up, bs formally set them in place. A group of over 100 men, who stood in the approach to tbe grave, uncovered and with their silence added to the spirit of solemnity. Fifty feet down the sward tbat falls away from the tomb Prince Henry planted a -linden tree. Tbe tree bad been set in plscs prior to his arrival, snd taking a spade the princs filled the earth In around Hs roots. The princs was taken to tbe old Washing- , ton bouse by Superintendent H. H. Dodge, snd there met a delegstion of the Mount Vernon Ladles' association, beaded by Mrs. Justice Van Rsenssslaer Townsend of New York. He spent a few minutes looking st tbs Wsshington relics and departed for Wssh ington. Large crowds watched bis return to Wsshington. Amaalng Incident Ooenro. Msny of ths people of Alexandrls rolztqpk ' Lieutenant Commander Schmidt von Sen wind.' for the prince and their error led to an amusing Incident. There la Some ' general resemblance between tbe two and when the crowd singled out ths young naval officer snd cheered him the prince was delighted. He called Chief Wllkls of tbe secret service and laughingly gave him this order: Mr. Wilkle, please tell Mr. Schmidt von Schwlnd to be very careful what be does now, for he must remember that I have a reputation to sustain." The lieutenant, commander was embar rassed by tbe enthusiastic attention of the crowd and did not thoroughly appreciate the humor of the prince. . He tried to be unconcerned over the clamor of the crowd and would neither bow or saluts in an swer to the cheers. It was 4:30 when Washington ' was reached on tbe return trip and ths prince was driven st once to tbs German em bassy. Dines with President. Prince Henry, accompanied by Ambassa dor von Holleben, dined st tbs White Houso tonight with President and Mrs. Roosevelt. The dinner wss sntlrely , un official and of a persons! family character snd owing to the McKlnley sxerolses tusk ing this day one of mourning, there were so formal toasts or exchanges, the purpose being to permit a more intimate persoasl exchange than wss possible during tbs for malities of official Interchange last Monday. Others present st ths dinner were: Gen eral von Plessen of ths prince's staff. Mils Roosevelt, Miss Crow snd Senator and Mrs. Lodge. Arrival In Washington. The special train carrying Prince Htnry of Prussia, his suits snd tbe American escort, arrived in Wsshington on schedule Urns. It left Jersey City at 1:30 o'clock this morning and at 9 o'clock rolled Into ths Pennsyl vania depot here. There waa no delay In the flooded districts of New Jersey, but the train waa slowed down whenever there wss a possibility of danger. Admiral Evans, honorary side to Princs Henry, was Indis posed and when be left the train at Wash ington It was with the Intention of resting until tbs southern snd western trip com mences. The prince was met at ths depot by Assistant Secretary of Stats Pierce and Count Quadt of tho German embassy sad, escorted by cavalry snd police, wss driven to tbe embassy. A crowd of several thousand people had gathered st the depot, but there was no cheering. At the German embassy a largs crowd had also gathered. Tbe embassj was again handsomely decorated with thi imperial colors and with garlands of myrtlt snd pine. Troops as JEacort. At 9:10 o'clock the cavalry escort, con slating of troops of the First and Seconf cavalry, galloped up Massachusetts svenut and swung into battalion front facing tht embassy. Prince Henry drove In an opsi carriage, nodding and smiling In recogni tion of the spplauss snd returning sack military aalute. Assistant Becietary o Btsts Hill sat beside him, with Captals Cowles, nsval aide to President Roosevelt, on tbe other seat. The guard of honor oi ten strapping United States sngineeri brought tbelr guns to "present" ss bt steeped inside. On the threshold of tha embassy tbs princs psused, snd facing tht long lines of troopers with saluting saben and the knots of ladles who bad braved tbeir way through the lines, gave a sweep ing bow ss be turned snd went inside. Within tbe embassy the prince bed si bis disposal ths handsome suits of spart ments on tbs first floor. Hers there was opportunity for brief reat from the eon. stant round of festivities there wars nc formalities during the morning. The prince snd bis suits st soon attsndsd ths McKlnley memorial services st tbs cap ltol and at tbelr conclusion mads a flying