Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Tub Says that Would Be Amount of
Electrio Company'! Boyalty.
While H Will Sot May S0 rosltlTvlr.
Maror latlmata,ha' Ha Mar
Veto tifsolotlna Kataad.
Mayor Moor yesterday declined to
Mr 10 o many word that h would veto
th resolution extending the electric Hgbt
log contract, but be dropped leveral bint
thst would lend to that Inference.
"The matter haant come to me ytt,"
aid ha, "and I havea't bad an opportunity
f studying- it. It will probably come, up
some time tbl afternoon, and then I'll
h until net Tuesday to decide what
I II do."
"lan't It a better contract for the city
than tbe old one?" wa asked.
"Tea; there' a reduction of $20 per
lamp, and a royalty of 3 per cent on th
gross earning of the company. To tbl
zteot it 1 better. But the gas company
la paying us a better royalty. I there any
reaaon why the electric light company
houldn't pay aa much?"
Tba gaa company paid to th city In th
form of royalties for 1901 S13.062.33.
r. A. Nash, president of the electric light
company, aaid: "Figuring on the gross
aralng of this company for lt01 as a bast
tbe royalty w would pay to the city would
b about 15,000."
"Then th gross earning of tbe company
for 1301 were 31M.S6C?" he waa asked.
"Not far from that sum,'." waa the an
awer. On of the most enthusiastic supporter
ef th new electrio light contract In the
City council aald: "It will result In giving
tba city are light at $70 per lamp. A flat
reduction of 320 per lamp from the original
prlc of $114.50 1 set out In tbe contract,
and -I think that by the time we deduct
.what wa will receive In the form ot royal
tla w can knock another $20 off tbe
Hla attention waa called to Mr. Nash'
stlmat of $5,000 per year in royalties, to
which ha replied:
"I think It will figure out much more than
that. The business of the electric light
tompany la growing constantly."
, Kla-Yar-Old Francis ornanrd Man-
led by Freight Train on
. Belt Line.
Francla Norgaard, the 9-year-old son of
'Andrew Norgaard, who Uvea at Thlrty
alghth and Leavenworth, died last night
at the county hospital as a result ot fall
ing under a train on the Belt line.
Tba boy, In company with others,
waa returning from South Omaba,
teallng a rid on a freight train. He at
tempted to get off near tbe county hospital
and fell vnder tbe wheels. On leg and tbe
other foot were crushed by the wheels.
Aa lnqt will be held.
Postal Card Written en Arrival at
Pa bo Psge Received by
f Hla Brother.
Lout Helmrod I In receipt of a postal
card written by Hon. George Helmrod on
board tha steamship Ventura on January
S3 last. Tha steamer bad Just entered the
harbor at Pago Pago and the postal card
waa mailed on a steamer just leaving. Mr.
Helmrod write that be and hla daughter
bad a Terr pleasant trip across from San
yspepsia (Suae1
There Is one certain way ot curing indigestion and stomach troubles,
. that la; give your stomach a rest but still eat plenty of Rood food to
keep up the nourishment for your body. You can do this by using
Kodol Dyspepsia Curb because It Is the one preparation which digests
. what you eat without aid from the stomach. Mature will then repair
your worn out digestive organs and restore them to healthy condition.
It relieves that feeling of fullness, belching and distress after eating.
"I suffered with dyspepsia a great many years. I tried many remedies
- without relief until I used Kodol Dyspepsia Curb. My health has
Improved and I now feellikea new man. S. J. Flemming, Murray, Neb."
It can't help but do you good
. Prepared by E. a Do Witt A Co., Chicago. Th SI. bottle contains t times tbe Me. !
Vhen you need a soothing and healing application for piles, and skin dial
taes, use De WITT'S Witch Hazel CALVE. Beware of counterfeits.
Omega Oil
one knows positively, because it is pretty hard to tell
-. sometimes just what causes any kind of pain. One thing is
: certain, however. That is Omega Oil. cures Neuralgia,
It cures by putting the nerves to sleep. It is believed to
; be the only external cure known for Neuralgia. Every
internal neuralgia medicine is strong and dangerous.
Omega Oil cures from the outside, and there is no risk
or danger in using iu "'""'
Frsncisco via Honolulu. The weather waa
warn but murky. They eiperted to trans
fer In the evening to a tblrty-flve-ton
steamer that make regular trips between
Apia and Paeo Paco, hoping to reach their
new horn In a short time.
W. 8. Ileaamer Deelare He I Walk,
la to Win Thonaand Dollar
for Father.
A young man who said hi name la W. 8.
Hexamer and hla bom a Philadelphia
asked Desk Sergeant Havey tor lodging in
th police station last night.
"I am on my way to San Francisco," he
began, "and I must be back In Philadel
phia before August 1 or my father will
lose $1,000.
"How will that happen?" Inquired tba
"My tathtr and a friend got Into a dis
pute about bow easy It is for a young fel
low to go about tbe country without pay
ing railroad farea. Finally father offered
to bet $1,000 that I could do It. Tbe bet
wa accepted and I atartcd. I am allowed
to work as much as I can, only I must not
pay any railroad fare."
"How have ycu succeeded?"
"Arrived In St. Louis about six week
ago. Had earned $45 working on a rail
road." "How I your bank balance now?"
"Haven't got a cent and want a place
to sleep. It' pretty bard on a college
graduate and one who ha been raised in
the lap of luxury to go through what I
have during this trip. I weighed 35v
pound when I left horn and I have left
fifty pound along my journey thus far."
City Treasurer Explains Hla Position
In Regard to Funding;
OMAHA, Feb. 2. To the Editor of Th
Bee: As a misapprehension exist a to my
position on th merit of the ordinance
authorizing th issuance of funding bond
in the um of $100,000, I would, In order
to set aame at rest, submit the following.
On or about February 1, 1901, a atatement
was completed showing In detail that
special taxes aggregating $188,000 had been
declared illegal and void by the court and
In eald amount were embraced district
which had been bonded, such aa Hanscom
park .etc., and where a re-levy would not
lie and no other course except bonding
being open, I favored th icsuanc of fund
ing bonds In such cases, and do ao yet, aa
a renewal bond would not bold water with
financiers, for the reason that no provision
exlsta for Its payment, and In my Judgment
It could not b floated. The ordinance waa
not specific enough to warrant Inveatora
seriously considering a purchase, and If
these bonds would find no purcbaaer the
result would be damaging and far-reacblng
for our city. Again, I am in doubt a to
any paper creating an indebtedness being
legally, passed prior to the outeom of th
question of the 1901 levy. Respectfully,
A. H. HENNINGS, City Treasurer.
Homeaeanera' Excursions.
Tickets to nearly all polnta In tha United
Slatea on sal at all ticket office of th
Chicago Great Western railway on th first
and third Tuesdays of January and Febru
ary at th low rat of on fare plua $2.00
for ' tha round trip. Oood to return In 11
daya from date of aale. For detailed la
formation address any Chicago Great West
ern agent, or J. P. Elmer, Q. P. A., Chi
cago. 111. .
Some Striker Give In. .
CINCINNATI. Feb. 26.-The breweries of
Cincinnati, Covington and Newport hid
over 3(0 non-union men at work today. The
employers told the strikers yesterday that
they would Introduce new men today if
the lockout nf the engineer by the United
Brewery Workmen continued.
what you
Neuralgia is a disease of the
nerves, the doctors say. No
Another Brewery Beady to Locate in North
Part of Town.
Saata Omaha Land torn pa ay Sells
Thre Acre Eastern Men, Who
Art Ready to Commence
Making; Beer.
South Omaba la to have another brewery.
For some tiro negotiation bar been
pending with eastern men of maey and th
South Omaha Lnnd company for tha pur
chase of block 16. The deal wa closed
yesterday and th transfers will be made
Thla block, which contain about tbre
acres of ground, la bounded on th north
by B atreet, on the east by Twenty-ninth
street, on th south by C street and o
the west by th Union Pacific tracka.
Twelve lot, each 60x160 feet, are Included
in th transfer aoon to ba made. Owing
to the location tbe proposed brewery will
be supplied with plenty of trackage fact
titles by tbe Union Pacific and it neces
sary by th Belt line.
It Is expected that within a few daya the
plana of tha company and th alia of th
building to do erected will ba ready for
publication by tba end of th month, or
shortly afterwards. So far only sketches
of the ground have beea mad and rough
plana will be drawn shortly. It la th
Intention of tha company purchasing the
ground to commence building operation
early In tha aprlng. Tha buildings con
templated will cover tha entire tract ef
ground purchaaed.
City Cnnnctl Mreta.
An adjourned meeting of th city council
was held last eight and several matter ot
Importance were disponed of. Owing to
legal errors In former appointments Mayor
Kelly last night appointed hla favorite
library board all over again and tba ap
pointments were confirmed. Th appoint,
menta now will date from tha confirmation,
and the board aa proposed and managed
by Mayor Kelly can meet and organlxa aa
aoon aa It pleaaea after tha records ot tbe
meeting have been placed on file by the
city clerk.
"Reddy" Scott, city bill poater, com
plained that be waa not getting business
enough. He further asserted that certain
bill boards In the city were In danger ot
being carried away for kindling or being
set aflro. Hla little communication waa
carefully aent to the committee on publlo
buildings. Later on In tha session a reso
lution was passed Instructing tbe city
building Inspector to remove all bill boards
now in service In the city which are not
considered atable.
Upon the suggestion of Johnston 'the
council elected to borrow $200 tor the pur
pose ot paying a coupon on a grading dis
trict. Tbla coupon wa not Included la
the general refunding ordinance for tha
reason that nearly all of the fund for the
payment of the Interest la available. Tbe
loan will therefore be a short-time one.
Aa for the acetelyna gaa ordinance. Mar
tin reported that be preferred to let the
matter go before tha entire council for con
slderatlon. Johnaton assorted that the
ordinance was defective In that It had
not been drawn by the city attorney and
that It did not specify the time for the
commencement of tbe work en the pro
posed plant. He therefore moved that all
action on the ordinance be deferred Inde
finitely and thla waa concurred in by all
members except Miller.
A petition tor a fire hydrant at Twenty
seventh and Madiaon streets waa turned
down temporarily for the reaaoa that the
water company haa not 6een able to -cure
pipe for tbe further extenalona ot it
The complaint about tbe half flelda at
Twenty-seventh and R streets wa reported
on by Dworak and the entire matter will
be referred to the sanitary Inspector.
After transacting a little minor busi
ness pertaining mostly to the Improve
ments of streets and sidewalks, tha eoun.
ell adjourned.
Doge Are Property-
Soma daya ago William Bennett caused
the arrest of Lyman Puller for killing a
dog valued at $100. The caae waa tried la
police court yeaterday afternoon before a
Jury and the verdict waa that the defend
ant wa guilty. Th Jury was composed of
Harry Menefee, Max Rosenthal, John Trou
tan, John F. Schults and E. L. How.
After hearing the testimony and In ad
dition the ahowlng that the animal waa
worth not lea than $50, th Jury rendered
a verdict finding Fuller guilty and fixing
the value of the dog at $10.
While Judge King discharged the jury
be eald that he could not go behind the
testimony, which went to show th value
of tha animal, and he therefore entered a
One of $50 agalnat Fuller. Attorney But
ton Immediately filed a motion for the set
ting aside of the decision of tha Jury and
the case will be argued later.
This I the first case of th kind to com
up In police court line tha legislature de
clared that doga were property.
Clnb Members Active.
Members ot tha South Side Improvement
club appear to be taking a great deal of
Interest In tbe opening ot O atreet from
Twenty-fourth atreet fast to Thirteenth
atreet. "There will ba a big fill In the
opening of thla atreet for a couple ot
blocks," eald Dr. McCrann, tha president
of the club, "but we are now circulating
a subscription paper for tbe purpose ot
raising money enough to assist In the
grading of thla big nil. Aa soon a that
can be arranged, which, I am satisfied
will be vsry soon, th grading will ro
forward." What th club want 1 to open
a direct line to tha proposed Burlington
depot, and also a landing for tha ferry
boat caatalla.
Man-I City ftoaalp.
Mr. E. H. Barnutn. Twenty-third and R
trcets. I on th sick list.
Nw mattinn haa been ordered fnr the
city offices and th police court.
Th Norwegian-American Republican
club will meet at Franek'a hall tonight.
A aon has been born to Mr. and Mr a.
Reuben Johnson, Twentieth street and the
county line.
John Cassldy haa commenced the build
ing of a fct.GOO store building at Forty-first
and Q Street.
The nound social clvan bv tha Ronth
Oman Hospital association Tuesday after
noon waa a ueciaea auccess.
A meeting ot the local populists ha been
cauea lor mi evening at tne ocaca of U.
M. Zander in th Pioneer block.
will meet tonight at Workmen hall and
initial a number ot candidates.
The remains of Frank J. Vlctorlne. who
lived at Twentieth and U streets, will ba
taken to Cedar Kaptds. la., for Interment.
Hartley Richards of Ellsworth. Neb.
spoke at the Exchange buildina yesterday
afternoon In favor of leasing public landa
tor in oeneni oi s toe a men.
This afternoon Mrs. C. L. Talbot will en
tertaln 4he past noble granda of tha Omaha
and South Omaha Rebekah lodges. Over
sixty Invitations (or thla event have been
aent out.
A building permit wa Isaued veaterdav
to Dr. W. J. McCrann for th construction
or a two-story frame atore buildina
Thirty-sixth and Q street. Th structure
will cost about 14.UUO.
earnest Offers n Medal.
ATLANTA. Ga.. Fb. M. Andrew Car
negie today wired the secretary of th
American Telegraphers' tournament to offer
a gold medal in his name for th speediest
work in the tournament. The telegram
ram from Ferdlnanda and says: May
tne record t broken. Seventy-three to
all." The tournament will be held Satur-
State Board of Health ena Oat
t Irealar en the
la pursuing It fight against smallpox
th Stat Board of Health la sending out
a circular on th topic of vacctnstlon.
On of the members ot the bosrd ssys:
"Our epidemic of smallpox, from lta very
mildness, become exceedingly difficult to
"One of the greatest surprises, aa well
aa tha greatest difficulties, Is the lack
Of vaccination amoog tba general public,
not aa Jenner taught, that a single at
tempt If aucceeafnl I enough to mak
on permanently immune; not even aa
attack of smallpox will alwaya do that.
"In tba last three years very few vac
ctnated have had smallpox, even in modi
fled form, however muh exposed; and
those few only needed another vacclnatloa
until none would take, to prevent small
pox entirely. Undoubtedly more would
have beea attacked had they come In con
tact with a type of disease a virulent
aa now exiata in aeverat Atlantlo cities,
wher the deaths are some 25 per cent of
the cases, or In London, where for a time
60 per cent of the unvacclnated eaaea were
fatal (more than 600 cases have now beea
"Were thla type of disease to b Im
ported to u directly, a It might be any
day, publlo aenttment would need to arouse
to Tneet It.
"No on can tell us when to look for a
change In type ot disease, ao It la an
ostrich-Ilk foollshnasa to Ignore our epl
demlo until overwhelmed by It. when by
vaccination It might ba wholly atopped
In a month. The city ot Chicago haa very
few case, and had comparatively few last
year; because, particularly since the
World'a fair, vaccination haa been vigor
ously promulgated.
"Below la a copy of the Vaccination
Creed aa recently formulated by Dr. Rey
aolda of Chicago, one of the most vigorous
health commissioner In the country. It
explains Itself. Thl In now being dis
tributed through the school throughout
our state, by th Nebraska State Board of
Health, aa part ot an educational cam
paign." "We, the undersigned, hereby publicly
rrofess our firm belief, based upon posl
ive knowledge, gained through years of
personal experience and study of small
pox and vaccination.
"First. That true vaccination repeated
until it no longer takes always prevent
smallpox. Nothing else does. . ,
"Second. That true vaccination that !.
vaccination properly done on a clean arm
with pure lymph and kept perfectly clean
and unbroken afterward never did and
never wlU make a serious ore.
'Third. That uch a vaccination leaves a
characteristic scar, unlike that from any
other cause, which Is recognisable during
life, and Is the only conclusive evidence ot
a auccessrui vaccination.
"Fourth. That no untoward results ever
follow such vaccination; on the other hand,
thousands of .lives are annually sacrificed
through It neglect a neglect begotten of
want of knowledge.
"CommlKKloner of Health City of Chicago.
"Chief Medical Inspector Department of
Donslna Connty Democrat Will Es.
denvor tn Get It Ont nf n
The bouncing baby piano that haa been
born to th Douglaa County democracy to
gladden lta home at 20 South Fifteenth
atreet and to keep lta neighbor awake la
to be chrlatened tonight with pomp and
ceremony and Dutch 'hropagny" water.
Senator John Llddell propose to unveil
It; Macot Phillip J. AtJJn' to lntroduc It
and Dr. Le Van Camp to wet It down.
William LaVlolette will awaken It, If it
Isn't already awake, and Lysle Abbott will
tell everybody how glad the club la that
tbe aymphonlc youngster I on deck. A. J.
Webb will lead a chorua In alnglng Amer
ica and Charlea J. Emory propoaea to
preach about "A Noble Plea." County
Clerk Harry C. Miller la to administer th
flrat dose of Castorla and incidentally talk
to It of political bosses. County Commis
sioner Richard (VKeelfe ha been Invited
to reflect for five minute and then say
omethlng . warm and pertinent about
'Economy." After the doxology tne or-
cheatra la to Indulge In something that has
been labelled "Grand Climax.
Haa n Tnaale with Offleer nnd Cornea
- Ont with Both Bye
Via Walker, late proprietor of the Mid
way saloon, waa arrested Wedneday aftar-
noon by Officer Martin 8hleld and locked
up, charged with carrying concealed
wcapona and relsting an officer.
Complaint bad been maae to me pone
that Walker had threatened to shoot one
or two parties and that he carried a re
volver for the purpose, yesteraay aner
noon Shields met Walker In a reetaurant
near Twelfth and Dodge etreeta and atarted
to arrest him. Walker, when ba aaw tne
officer approaching, it la aald. attempted
to pull hla revolver. Shlelda grabbed hie
man and the two clinched. Shlelda finally
taking the revolver from Walker. In the
fight Walker waa (truck over th right
er with the muzzle ot the weapon and a
sever gash waa cut. Hla left eye waa also
badly disfigured. Walker a Ognt waa nn
lahed when th revolver waa taken from
him and he went to tbe etatlon In com
pany with the officer without further re
alstance. Dr. Hutton waa called and
dressed hi wound. They are not aerlous.
Walker revolver wa a forty-five cali
ber. Marriage License.
Marriag licenses were Issued yesterday
to the following:
Nam and Residence.' At.
Hassel Osbon. Rushmore. Minn 3i
Carolina A. Benson, Ruehmore, Minn.... 2
John I a. Parker, Omaha
Cora B. Coy. Omaha
Fred L. Othmer, Omaha 24
Freda D. Snyder, Omaha 21
Harry C. Schlosaer. Sioux Falls, S. D ... 24
Lulu J. Phillips, Omaha 23
Joseph Danovich, Omaha 30
Sarah McUurk. omana .2
Nela Graver. Craig. Neb 21
Severine Jensen, Benson, Neb IS
Harry C. Johnston, Newport, Neb !S
Ethel D- Oemmell, Greenfield, U 30
No woman who uses ''Mother's Friend" need fear the suffering
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
good natured. Our book
its weight in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plain f"p rS fl Fp F fl T7?
envelope by addressing application to ( j
Bradfield Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. J UuUlijUuliy
Faiiburj-Herrington Gut-Off BeceWei
Favorable Consideration at Laat.
Short l ino nt Kew Trnrk Wonld Bring
Omnbn n llnndred Mile Kearer
to Bid Feeding; Dis
trict nf Texas.
A railroad cut-off proposition which haa
behind It every Influence of Omaha busi
ness men, Omaba packing interests and th
Omaha Commercial club. Is finally meeting
with favorabl consideration at tbe hand
of th Chicago, Rock Island V Pacific rail
road, which would be the aeat of tha altera
tion. Tbe plan 1 to build a line from Falrbury,
Neb., directly south to Herrlngton, Kan.,
aavlng mora than 100 miles from the Jour
ney as now taken between those point.
Omaha would thus be brought practically
aa cloae to the big feeding districts ot
Texas and the aouth aa la Kansaa City.
That would give thla cltv a chance at the
Immense cattle business emanating from
there, which now goea to Kansas City.
The other phase of the cut-off la that It
would make Omaha an Intermediary point
on the short Una from the northeast. In
cluding Minnesota, Wisconsin and other
atatea to the southwest. At present Omaha
I the long way around and tha Kansaa Qlty
pathway I used the mot. There I consid
erable freight traffic and much passenger
bus'nesa between the northeast and the
southwest, which would then pasa through
Leeda Appears Favorable,
Years ago, when the Rock Island-Denver
line through Omaha and Lincoln and Fair
bury waa first connected up with the line
from Kansaa City to tbe southwest In such
a roundabout manner the prospect now em
phasized waa realized by Omafaans, and the
cut-off urged. President Purdy never fa
vored It. Since the accession of Mr. Leeds
to the presidency efforts have been re
newed. The Commercial club has twice In
the last few weeks written officially to Mr.
Leeds regarding thla matter and favorable
answers have been received.
Th matter 1 now pending personal In
vestigation by President Leeds. A fea
ture ot hla present trip to the southwest
will be an Investigation of Omaha'a chancea
for a good share of the stock shipments
from that territory If the cut-off la built.
Before going south he canvassed the situa
tion In the northeast to see what the Rock
Island would get from there via Omaba,
were tbe route made the short line aa sug
Herrlngton Is exactly south of Falrbury,
about eighty-seven miles distant, through
country which admits ot easy railroad con
struction. At present the Rock Island
run southwest from Falrbury thirty-four
mile on the Denver line to Belleville.
Then It awlnga directly back to the south
east 104V miles to McFarland, on ' the
Kansas City-Denver line. Then It turns
back on the Kansas City-Fort Worth line
to Herrlngton, forty-nine and a half miles
more. The line I thus a complet re
versed Z, aad a pronounced zigzag.
Th total distance I 188 mlla. The cut
off would save 101 miles of this. . Omaha
would then la only fifty mile farther
from the aouthweat than Kansaa City,
where now It la mora than 150 miles tar
ther. The cut-off would also bring Omaha
101 miles nearer El Paao over the new
line Just built.
Anticipating a Shake-t p-
The appointment of Ben Campbell, freight
traffic manager ot tha Oregon Railroad and
Navigation company, as general, traffic
manager of the Harrlman line and a
sistant to Traffic Director Stubbs, has
caused a tremor in the traffic department
at Union Pacific headquarters. It la aald
to presage a general ehaking-up ot traffic
officials here which haa been pending for
aome time. It la admitted by certain ot
these officials that auch a readjustment la
expected, but they aasert that they know
no parttculara yet. It la thought that
some men will be squeezed out, other ad
vanced, and aome position blended.
One Mnn Wants to Get Away from
"Towering- Rage" of HI
Because of the defendant'a alleged cru
elty Judge Read baa granted Frankle
Leasure divorce from Alvln L. Leasure
and given her the custody of their daugh
ter, Irene, enjoining tbe husband from
Anna M. de Plgnet consider that nine
years la a cruelly long time for a husband
to absent himself from a wife and ahe ac
cordingly asks divorce from Placldo Plg
net, to whom she waa married August 1,
In suing for divorce from Katie Swoboda
Joseph Swoboda allege that she used to
get Into a "towering rage" st more or less
frequent intervals and that at auch tlmea
it wa only hi "agility" that aaved him
from the blow that would have killed
father. He aver that aba uaed chaira or
anything else that waa easy to grab and
awing and he wishes to get out of range
permanently. They were married October
16, 1888, at Cedar Hill, Saundera county.
Lucy Alice Hayea was married to Wil
liam Joaeph in Manchester, England, Jan
uary 25, 1876, and they hav a eon, Wil
liam Edwin, aged 24, and a daughter, Lucy
Maud, aged SO. Mrs. Haye alleges In her
petition for divorce that her husband de
serted thl family In June, 1896.
gplrltnnllsm Declining.
It haa been the general observation that
for aome year past spiritualism baa been
In a gradual decline. Thla Is the law with
everything that la not founded on true
merit. The reason Hostetter' 8tomach
Blttera haa been recognized a th leading
family medicine during tbe yast fifty yeara
1 because it is founded on tru merit, and
ba alwaya been found reliable In ease of
Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation and
biliousness. Try a bottle and aatisfy your
self. ,
And many other painful and serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
MOtiiri PrlHl. This great remedy
is a God-send to w omen, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
inn it mm
cures Rheumatism in the only effective '
way by removing the cause.
If you are a sufferer from rheumatism, you must agree
with us, if you think the matter over a little, that you
cannot hope to cure it unloss you remove the cause of it
External appliances and medicines which only give
temporary relief can be of no permanent use to you.
What you want to do is to get rid of the cause and the
rest will take care for itself. Clean up your system and
get a new supply of blood, and vou will soon be all right.
We have the medicine you need.
The way to get rid of the trouble is to take Smith
Green Mountain Ilenorntor. You won't have to take
it very long, but you want to take a good course of it in
order to make sure that you are completely cured and
haven't the slightest trace of blood impurity left.
This famous medicine has cured thousands of people
and it can cure you.
Cuyahoga Falls, u., Mar. 4, '01.
St. Albans Remedy Co.,
St, Albans, Vt.
Gentlemen : I am very thankful I have at last discoveied a remedy to
cure ray rheumatism. I have had rheumatism for twenty years, at.d for
the past fourteen years I have suffered pain constantly from the top of
my head to the tip of my toes, and for the past three years I had been
unable to sleep very much and would be more tired when I would get
up in the morning than when I would retire. After taking Smith's
Green Mountain Renovator three weeks the pain entirely disappeared
and I can now sleep well and feel like a new man. I am very glad to
recommend it to others and give all the information any one desires.
(Signed) Chas. E. Ostrander.
Smith's C3 recti Mountain Renovator has enjoyed a.
large sale for many years, although it has not been ad
vertised until recently. It is a Vermont medicine
known to all Vermonters made of the roots and herbs
of the Green Mountain State. It was formerly the prop
erty of a man who had neither the experience nor the
ambition to introduce it throughout the country, but was
satisfied with its great success In his own vicinity.
Now it is within every body '8 reach.
It is not only the sure cute for rheumatism, but the
best thing in the world for anything due to bad blood or
not enough blood. It also cures liver and kidney troubles
and the long list of dangerous diseases which follow
troubles in those organs.
This medicine is bettor than, anything else for tbe reaaon that it ia a
compound of roots and herbs whose curative properties are absolutely
Drugs soothe and seem to be beneficial.
Nature's own vegetable remedies really cure.
That is the difference and a very important difference it is.
If anybody in your family is weak, siokly or ailing, dragging around
in a half dead condition all the time and not seeming to get any bettor,
you can't be too quick in getting hold of Smith' Green mountain
Renovator. It will do for you what it never fails to do for other
We absolutely guarantee this medicine. This is something we can't
do for anything else ; that is to say, if you stand in need of a medicine
of this character, oome in and buy Smith's Green Mountain BenoTa
tor, and if it fails to benefit you, you can have your money back.
Ijl ''' -
America's Greatest Cigar.
OiwM to
S. Oawcvoaf 1
V 1
r km W Wi " Tar 64 a4 Ska Ml? roomaMnd bf tk Utrloat of aua whs h
iauu ... . kM rMtor Sy It. It laaolTa ta atrlotar oompUKIf aa tami wry
JOHHTILIOTS0N.M.D. aktrMtla treat artaarf MMf., altar all lananouttlM, Mop rr.rr a.
Diaeotarw l autnl liKtuti, ttamm r.t giaa wha aalars, !.. ulbMli
STRICTURE CUKE, tha kiaddar as kJdacra b Irritated r wafMM aa rwtoras haaila aa
Eltaklllht IBM. aouadaaa t mrj aart l ta afaata bj lit alt. .
Corrospondonco Confidential. T?l u TLTt7.
mk soi.aiiM that I lr a UaaraaUt ar rafaa your aionar. Writ m fullr about rour
oaa. Coatultatloa la fraa. a4 la rr 1 vlll air yoa a aolMiiac an opinion la plain nrlop.
JOHN TILLOTSON. M. a. i i. Tlllataoa
A Wise Woman
will try ud pmim mm beauty. A aav
ae4 f kbtvk It m af Us highat cUarma.
Imperial Hair Regenerator
restores Oray or Blcachcri aalr t may
natural ooW or ahaita. It la olan, dur
LAST FOB MONTHS. Bam pi af balr
okirea m eaaa wt rams urn,
Imperial Chemical Co., 1 W. 234 St.. N. T.
Specials Tomorrow $1.48
We Lave quite a number of palra of
men's shoes in tbe aniall alzea 5 Si
6 and lllat w bare always sold at
fl-$3 and ft) that we will close out at
one price $1.48 a pnlr Tbeue are the
Hauau & Clapp ahoea made for im-u
with airmll feet and worth many time
our special price they are In calf aud
vlcl kid plain aud cap toes no auch au
opportunity has ever been offered before
As the supply Is limited you will have
to be prompt if you with to secure one
of these bargains.
Drexel Shoe Co,,
Ik.w Vail latalogu Maw Haa.
taaka't Cp-l-l atamaaw
CIGAR CO. r,5& n.
1067 .
Stay Qmrmd in W Day.
1 Wiajieraiaf F rtra- Mm Cutting mm Fmlm,
Bulldtof, 64 Dcarbora Street CHICA00.