Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Wnw4romptIy Treated, Will Rav
Mlt Fatally-It Can ba
' Pnavraoiila to a treacherous 4lwtM and
often bafflea tha a kill of physician; an.'l-
fiuprni are prolonged cm II.
t4ftOni. aecomnanled bv nauM& m.nA
Vomiting . Unless promptly cheeked, mit
uuium iniiuu IklfLUT. Meior IM lmp
torn devalop Duffy Malt Whisks? ahould
Gentlemen!- ' It id with' treat' Blur
tbat I writ no, tnforrrr you mat I hvs
usea eight nottla of your Fur Malt Whla-
i wouia cot nave Been her today
Settlement of Tillman-McLaurin Cose Still
Fending in Senate.
Reaabllean Waat Tlllmaa Mare 8e
varaly Paalaaed Tham Mia Colo
ieacae, Aralaat Which l)rm
aerate Protest.
wonderful medicine.
i but
and I couah
I did not know of your whlakay before.
very little
lor your
Used all klnda of couah avruoa am
under tha car of doctor. I have had threa
aevara suaea of grip and pneumonia,
which latt ma with a bad couah and waaJt
haart. I am (7 years old. It has toned uo
my system and stopped tha hemorrhage
i oniy regret
:y before. 1
cannot express what It has dona lor me.
i Dec to remain your respectiuuy.
Nor. U. itGl. Nashua CltyN. H.
' buffy' pur Male' whlMkey cures con
sumption, general debility, la grippe, colds,
bronchitis, malaria, low fever. avsoec-ila.
depression and weakness from whatever
It bul'ds up and nourishes tha bod v. It
InrlgoratM the brain, tone up the heart
gad prolongs life.
A leading New T
Pur Malt Whiek
Tni.1l mmlA 'T" .
Vhiakav la a. farm af taaA mlm
assay aigeetea.
NO njBKt. Oil
- PR KB Two frarne counters
stiohre, eto.; send 4 oeatk In
Dovr postage.
for whist,
stamp t
CAUTION: Xary'a Pure Malt Whlslrw
Is sold In saai bottles-only. If offered
In bulk it la a fraud Be e.lre you get the
genuine. It Is the only whiskey recognised
- f r tha government as a medtetn. All
irngrtsta and greoara, or direct, 11.00 a bot
tle. Medical- booklet sent free, Oufly Malt
wniaaey uo., nooaanar, i.
very day during the months of March
Md April, 1902, the UNION PACIFIC will
tell Colonist one-way tickets at the follow
ing rates:
To Ogdcn and Salt
Lako City.
(To .i Butts, Anaconda
and luisiisi -
To Spokane.
y ' J
..To Points on the Great
Northern Rv.. Spo.
tkaneto Wenatofaaertnc, vla- llupt'
ington and bpokane. . : "
Q05 flfl To pollt" ou Great
VhUiUU Northern Ry., weat
of Wenatchec, via iluntlngton and
. spokane.
To Portland,, Tacoma
and Seattle.
PrJPJ ff To Ashland, Oregon,
MfaUiUU " and Intermediate
Points. Including Branch Lines on
S. P. south ol Portland, via Port
Afl To San Francisco, Los
UfcUiUU Angeles and Other
California Points. .
City Ticket Office , Union Station
Phone M l , "' ' 'Phone 29
"The Magazine That's Different."
The brightesi-rjthe clev
erest Mflgazitip In
America '"-r"'.'
YORK." A stirring arMcle with many
exclusive lUu.UUoi. -
"BILLY KKA.Y. U. H. A." The flrst-of
aeries of thvUling. sturla with a young
United titales soiuicr as a hero, uuua
View with 4he..ex-clergyman, who says that
money only counts m society..
trated.) ' '
FLAYBOK THH MOSTH. (Illustrated.)
TIIK IIOMTON GIHL," who and what
she ie,-wlth pictures o( several ot the most
beautiful and typical lion ton girls.
(This department is -conducted monthly by
Carolyn iwery, one oi
WAsmisQTON, Feb. 26. The meeting
of the senate committee on privileges and
elections today . did not result in
supplying any solution of the difficulty that
the senate la In, In connection with the
Tlllman-McLaurln, matter. The republican
members of . the committee frankly con'
fessed that they had not been able to
formulate a scheme which would relieve
the situation, and after lees than an hour'a
discussion they asked that the committee
adjourn until t o'clock this afternoon, the
understanding being tbat the senate ehould
adjourn after a brief session, and thus give
the committee an opportunity to fully dis
cuss this Important question, which most
senators look upon In Its present shape as
a stumbling block In the way of all other
Again today the galleries of the senate
were thronged wita spectators wnen tne
body convened. All were anticipating a
reopening of the discussion of the contro
versy respecting the right 'of Senators Mc-
Laurln and Tillman to participate In the
proceedings of the body while under the
baa i ot contempt. Immediately after the
chaplain had pronounced the Invocation Mr.
Foraker ot Ohio waa recognized. He said
that on account of the McKinley memorial
exercises, which were to be held In the hall
of the bouse of representatives at or about
12 o'clock tomorrow, he moved tbat when
the senate adjourns today It be to 11:45 a
En. toinorrow. The motion was agreed to.
Good Feellaa Exists.
The meeting of the committee was marked
by the best of feeling on the part ot all the
members and all agreed readily to parlia
mentary suggestions by Chairman Burrows,
that the question should be considered from
a non-partisan point because of Its general
Importance. It was evident, however, tbat
the democrats were Inclined to apprehend
some effort at political advantage on the
part of the republicans and the channel
through Which they eipected this manifee
tatlon soon became evident when Senator
Foraker made the suggestion ' that there
ahould be a severer degree of punishment
meted out to Senator Tillman than to Sen
ator McLaurtn. Senator Dubois met this
auggestion with a positive negative, and
when the suggestion waa afterward made
tbat Senator Tillman should be called upon
to prove before tha committee that the
charge which he had repeated In the aenate
that his colleague had yielded to undue in
fluence there waa a bint that If thla matter
ahould be entered upon aome aenatora would
Insist upon the reopening of the chargea on
m In the committee in connection with the
election of other senators, which charges
have never been disposed ot.
Waat Wo Discrimination.
During the morning meeting of the com'
mtttea Senator Bailey notified the repub
lican membera that the democrats would
not submit to the adoption of a resolution
suspending the South Carolina senators.
He laid he agreed that they should be
punished for their breach of the peace in
the presence of the aenate, but waa
satisfied tbat the democrats , would not
submit to any proceeding which would de
prtve a .state ot representation. Some of
the republican' membera ot the oommlttee
replied that they agreed aa to the unwisdom
and Impracticability of proceedings by way
of suspension. While no positive statement
of policy waa made from the republican
ldo there waa enough said to lead to the
conclusion that the proposed resolution for
suspension has -been abandoned and that the
punishment suggested will be In the form of
cenaur. Indeed, aome of the republican
membera of the committee aay that this is
practically the only course open to them.
The repablloana, however, will contend for
more severe rebuke to Mr. Tillman than
shall be administered to Mr. McLaurln, and
the democrats will resist this discrimina
tion. That la now the point of greatest
No Deelaloa Reached.
The afternoon session laated three hours
and after the democratic ' membera ' took
their departure at 6 o'clock the republicans
continued tha sitting. ' The meeting of th
full committee waa devoted to a general
exchange of vlewa. No vote waa taken on
any proposition; Indeed, no proposition
waa mad ekher by the majority or by the
minority. There waa entire harmony on
th one point that both th South Carolina
aenatora ahould be punlabed, but there was
disagreement on the detaila of punishment
aa well aa on the degree ot It.
Proceedings were not ot a character to
permit of any definite conclusions as to
what tha result would be, though so far
aa they want they Indicated censure aa . ths
form, of punishment, most likely to be rec
ommended. Some of the republicans, how
ever, are holding out for a more pronounced
rebuke to Senator Tillman than could be
given In any verbal reprimand.
The sub-committee appointed la com
posed of Senators Burrows, Hoar and For
aker, republicans, nd Senators Pettua and
Bailey, democrats. This sub-committee
will meet tomorrow afternoon and make an
effort to frame a resolution for the action
ot tha full . committee, which will meet
again Friday. . .
Houaa Onposea Senate Act.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. The house to
day aent the Philippine tariff bill to con
ference, non-concurring In all the senate
amendment. The democrata sought to
amend the amendments by reducing the
rate of duty and declaring that the United
States should renounce all claim to the
archipelago, but all propositions were defeated.
Mr. Tawney of Minnesota made a per
sonal explanation regarding Governor
Toole of Montana, saying that In formerly
classing the governor aa an opponent of
Governor Van Sant In the railroad merger
case he had been under a misapprehension.
Mr. Payne asked unanimous consent that
the senate amendments to the Philippine
tariff bill be dies greed to and that a con
ference with the senate be asked for. To
thla Mr. Richardson, the minority leader,
objected. He demanded the regular order,
which required the consideration of these
amendments In the house, making the point
of order that the amendments must be first
considered In the committee of the whole.
Take t'n Amendment.
Mr. Payne controverted the point of or
der, but admitted that one of the amend
ment, at leas:, waa subject to the point
of order. But aa Mr. Richardson disclaimed
any Intention ot a desire to use obstructive
tactics and agreed that the debate should
proceed under the flve-mlnute rule on Mr.
Payne's motion, the house went Into com
mittee of the whole and took up the amend
ment seriatim. Mr. Payne moved that the
committee recommended non-concurrence
In the first amendment to reduce the rates
on goods coming Into the United States
from the Philippines to 75 per cent of the
Dlngley rates, while Mr. McClellan of New
York moved non-concurrence with an
amendent to reduce the duties to 25 per
cent of the Dlngley rates. Mr. Payne In
dicated a willingness to concede 25 per
cent reduction of the aenate, but he urged
non-concurrence in order to simplify the
Mr. McClellan aald he would be glad to
see free trade with the Philippines, and
his amendment waa designed to improve a
bad bill by adopting the tariff regulations
urged by Governor Taft. Mr. McClellan'
motion waa lost, 84 to 107.
' Richardson's Motion Lost.
Mr. Richardson moved non-concurrence
with an amendment to remove all duties
on goods coming Into the United States
from the Philippine. On a rising vote the
amendment prevailed, 69 to 67, but , when
tellers were demanded the amendment was
lost, 95 to 109.
Mr. Mltchen of North Carolina proposed
a broadening of the clause exempting cer
tain persona from prosecution for treason
by exempting any person falling to give
Information against another. After debate
the amendment was lost, 86 to 112.
Mr. Kicnarason of. Tennessee ottered a
proviso to the last senate amendment that
the United States relinquish all clalma to
sovereignty over the Philippines, and that
hereafter the archipelago shall be consid
ered as foreign territory, that all foreign
trade between the United States and the
Philippines shall be free; that the United
Statea shall protect the Islands and their
inhabitants while they are forming a eait
able government and that thereafter the
United States shall withdraw from control
of the archipelago, retaining only coaling
and naval stations.
Tha amendment waa declared to be out of
order by tfee chairman, at the Instance of
Mr. ' Payne.
The measure waa then reported to the
bouse. '
On motion of Mr. Payne the house no
concurred In the senate amendments, and
aaked for a conference. Messrs. Payne
of New York, Daliell of Pennsylvania and
Richardson of Tennessee being named aa
conferee. . '
The house then, at 2:05 p. m.t adjourned.
' America's Goad Taste ,,
la again strikingly illustrated. Bonfort's
Wine and Spirit Circular polnta out that
the Moet. ft Chandon Champagne la 1901
exceeds, the 1900 record by 252,432 bottles,
an increase, more than 100 per oent greater
than that of all tha other champagne
bouses put together. Moet 6 Chandon
"White . Seal," Bparnay, France, la pro
nounced perfection. Adv.'
tracting great attention. Manager Onptlll
of Gardner raid he would ninke weight all
right, and fimlth la esally bdow It. The
ten-round limit inoures fast work. The
referee has not been chosen. Washington
hall is the scene.
Program af SOO Tatsret I C arried Oat
id Twneaa of Omaha
Scare 1KB.
CARROI.U la.. Feb. M fSpeclal Tele
gram.) Sixty shooters entered the tourna
ment today. A program or targets was
shot, Gilbert making th highest ernre, 198:
Tavlor of Merkllna. 8. D.. 190: White of
Schaller, la.. 186: Townsend of Omaha, 1S5.
Budd arrived today ami will snot in tne
live bird race tomorrow." The pYogram to-
live bird race, will close the tournament.
Gate City Take Two.
In a league game last night at Clark's
the Gate Cltys took, two from the Na
tions Is. Score:
1st. !d. 3d. Total.
Huntington 174 . It 148 4W)
Hartley 178 141 1.18 4.9
F. Cmirad 190 t 158 bll
Sterrlcker 133 1X5 . 179 4!7
Seaman 190 180 174 544
Totals ...............865 845 "97 2,507
' 1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Ahmnnnon 142 148 179 469
Forscutt IfiS 18 210 647
A. C. Reed 141 143 146 4!0
Davey ..123 116 17 4'W
Tracy 16a 179 155 502
Totals .....'.7m 7S4 857 '2.354
Nebraska City Defeats Frcmonf.
NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. 26 (Special
Telegram.) The Nebraska .Olty Otoen beat
the Fremont Kagles at tenplna tonight by
the following score:
Cornult 625Dlets 549
Hayward 543Kelm 4W
Dlckaon 5W Qlldden 483
Garver olS Yount bi'J
Tyson 543McGee 512
Total .2,638 Total ....... ;:;.2,583
Gil Lawaon Makes Speed.
ATLANTA. Ga.. Feb. 26. The seven
teams who are riding here for the twelve
uour championship of America, added 44
miles l lap to tneir creaii tonigm, in a
vain struggle to break the tie for first
place in tha race which has been held by
each team since the opening night. To
nights race makes the score for the first
six hours of the race 113 miles 8 lnps. Gus
Lawson, "the Terrible Swede." rode a mile
motorcycle exhibition In 1:24 4-5.
One Very Common Cause, General
ly Over-Looked.
Headache is a symptom, an. Indication of
derangement or disease In some organ,-and
the cause of the headache Is .difficult
to locate, because so many diseases have
headache aa a prominent symptom; de
rangement of the stomach and liver, heart
trouble, kidney disease, lung trouble, eye
strain or 111-flttlng glasses, all produce
headache, and If we could always locate the
organ which is at fault, the cure ot .obsti
nate headaches would be a much simpler
matter. .
However, for that form of headache called
frontal headache, pain back of the eyes and
in forehead, the cause is now known to be
catarrh of the head and. throat; when the
headache la located lb back of head and
neck It la often caused from catarrh of the
stomach or liver. "
At any rate, catarrh is the most common
cause ot such headache and the cure of
the catarrh causes a prompt, disappearance
of. the headaches. .:,.
There i at present no treatment for ca
tarrh so convenient and effective as Stuart's
Catarrh Tablets, a new Internal remedy In
tablet form; composed ot,: antiseptics like
eucalyptol, gualacol and blood root, which
act upon the blood and cause the elimina
tion of the catarrhal poison from, the sys
tem through the natural channels.
Jake Holtman In Poor Form
Other Notable Are Left
at Post.
known dramatic writers.
Tb New York Clubman's E-
penses," -Child Phataaraahy," "li
Uarirarte," Weaia of Uralas and I
Beanty," -"Broadway by Mahf (Ulna.
trated), "Tha Man .on Broadway,'
Talc from Hcwttqaartere, .
OIK IKtSt'A, OFFKRi If you will
send ut 1.0u for a year's subscription to
BROADWAY MAGAZ1NK. we will send
you free: 11 nanel uurtralts (siie
famoua actres h (nut 'mora half-tone ra-
Droductlcinsl. Thev are In the shaiie Of
large pan si pictures, and art .studies that
def duplication.. They are print of orig
inal irtiotugraphs from poses by the moat
popular stage ravonies or me aay'tmaen
especially for BROADWAY MAGAZINE.
If you will send ua 25 cents we will send
you a' three-'rnonths' trial subucrlptlon and
will lead V6u free our beautif uL 1'2 Art
Calendar- xe au .colors), .iUrc ec through
your aawbOeaier.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar Signature) of
aa FesvWsslla Wrapper Bilsaw
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 26. The racing
at Oakland today was marred by bad start
ing, j axe Monman Doing in poor iorm.
Gavlota and Dun Blane were left at the
post In their races and In the mile event
Oallanthus carried the barrier with him.
Jerold beat the gate In the third race,
while Bard Burns, the favorite, got away
poorly. Dorian, a horse that raced In the
east about six vears and has since been re
tired, made his reappearance on the turf
in the first race. He was played from 16 to
1 to 10 to 1. and. well ridden bv O'Connor.
beat Phil Archibald half a length. Results:
First race. Ave furlonas and a half, sell
ing: Dorian won, Phil Archibald second,
Edlnborough third., lime: 1:124.
Second race, four furlongs, nurse: Qeoraie
West won. Orosius second, Horatus third.
Time: 0:52H.
Third race, six furlongs, selling. 4-vear-
old and upward: Jerold won, Bard Burns
second, Parsifal third. Time: 1:20.
Fourth race, one mile, selling. 4-vear-olda
and upward: Qallanthns won. Urchin sec
ond, Formero third. Time: 1:48.
Fifth race, seven furlongs, 2-year-olds:
Wyoming won, Bragg second, Tower of
Candies tnira. Time: 1:33.
Sixth race. Futurity course, selling, 3-rear-olds:
Evandei won. Quiet second.
Saint Phlllpplna third. Time: l:l5Vs-
Ladles' Day at Exposition.
CHARLESTON. 8. C. Feb. 26,-Thl was
ladles' day at the Exposition track. The
weather was ideal and quite a large crowd
waa out. King Along and Bettle B II were
the winning favorites. Weather fine and
track heavy. Results: .
First race, selling, four furlongs and a
half: Times-Star won, Hano second, Henry
Hammond third. Xlme: im. ,
Second race, aeiung, six turiongs: Doctor
Worth won. Jim Scanlon second. Hattie
David third. Time: 1:23.
Third race, handicap, one mile, ever
eight hurdles: King Alonr won. Haco sec
ond, Megoncio tnira. rime: i:dsv4.
Fourth race, Handicap, six furlongs:
Bettle B II won. Ham Lasarua Esquire
second, Delllsa third. Time: 1:20.
Fifth race, selling, six furlongs and a
half: By George won, Also Ran II second.
Domlnls third. Time: 1:27.
Sixth race, selling, seven furlongs: Ellis
won, Fred urart second, Economio third.
Time: 1:36V,. -
Two Horse Rein
1K West 42 Street. NKW VOHK,
V BIJ lor nBDstural
BMnuMd la trmtiiuea r iiwhww
rIOlM, Bot
u Cwiuw rtmiaas, an soft i
tMUtCNtat.t ft ' oaa
hm ay Swwearattfc
v H 4ataisr am aa SjiaVi
Vary esaall aa aa aaay
to take aaaafaa,
roi Dim mi.
rot uuoumts. -
rcitiuow ten.
man aaoaaia"iij- nt
Ma rvs-T-r' I
bert and Kafllr were the winning favorite
today. The stewards nave reinstated the
horses Advertisement and Fallela. Re.
First race, one mile: Grey Morn won.
Tros second, Emily third. Time: 1:44V.
Second race, selling, six furlongs: Saint
Cuthbert won, Automaton second, Lady
Kent third. Time: 1:14V.
Third race, steeplechase handicap, short
course: l ey ion won. Mister Rose second.
fiarve n imru. nme; a. if.
rounn race. nuiiuii-Hi, one mue ana a
sixteenth: Albert F Dewey won. Circus
second, Malay tnira. Time: i:4M.
Fifth race, selling, one mile and three.
sixteenths: Star Catton won, Ben Chance
second, Little r.iKin tnira. Time:
Sixth race, one mile: Kartir won. Prowl
second, josie r' tnira. Time: i:4:h.
Spectators of Gardner-Smith Fl(kt
Will Be in Time t Ride If
They Have Prle Left.
"If the Oardner-8mlth fl ght of next Frt-
dsy night Is not finished before the street
cara stop running we will give tha patrons
Data men- money. sum president Peter
Loch of the Omaha Athletic club, under
the auspice of which organisation the con
test will be neid.
"I know that a great many people were
mrrea to aia nome arter ine tsmltn
Whittaker fight February 1. aome to South
Omalla, and this will not happen again.
We have just three events, one of ten
rounds, another six and another four, and
we will be nnlahed before midnight.
thlnxa will be atarted Dromotly at
o'cln. k." r . ...
The s-ij between Gardner and Smith la at
iMA ilk
" ! " Tv
sL p aMM LLy
AQiD mi (Bute
m . . 1 ..I 1
x.rtmtntii1g. IM waitirij yoir I tora at
Wiontj tffletj.
painful aril .merits .ptntloit. Yoi tlmpl;
H IM tttfiStorti BBY EQfi.ft0I Of PYR
m v w ar i a - --'
la G.XE, t?w R Morsilfi la.tai . erhitt cf
leaitsigt! win.
Poaltlvmly Curad mf your Horn,
Falttng Hair iA til .fTaninni of tw
Hall and Sclp prt'ly curtd only wUk
my tclfntilSc tmtmantt, tpwUHr I"
paml for rM rl... Full InfnrmMtofi
rilh honk f.M. Call or frlK. JOHN H.
WlHiriHI'tV f 1.. iMS!MSt..Chlniro.
rnwiwrnasTat1 tm ; r a
Miss Cora Alnsley, prominent school
teacher In one of our normal schools, speaks
of her experience with catarrhal headaches
and eulogises Stuart's Catarrh Tablet as a
cure for them. She saya: - "I suffered
dally from severe frontal headache and pain
in back ot the eyes, at times so intensely
as to Incapacitate me in my dally duties
had Buffered from catarrh more or less for
years, but never tnougnt it waa tne causa
ot my headaches, but finally became con'
vlnced that auch was the case, because the
headaches were alwaya worse whenever
bad a cold or fresh attack; of catarrh.
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets were highly
recommended to me aa a aafe and pleasant
catarrh cure, and after using a few flfty-
cent boxes which I procured from my drag'
gists, I was surprised and delighted to find
that both the catarrh and headaches had
cone for good."
Stuart'a Catarrh Tablets are aold by drug
gist at Sfty centa per package, under the
guarantee of th proprietors tbat they eon
tain absolutely no cocaine (round . in so
many catarrh cures), no opium (so common
In cheap cough cures), nor any harmful
drug. They contain simply the wholesome
antiseptics necessary to destroy and drive
from the system the germs of catarrhal dis
Aa Old Soldier Say Abont Cramer'
Kidney and Liver Care Sot a
Single Pais Since.
Omaha, July 16, 1900.
Qentlefen: I have been afflicted for the
aet five years with kidney trouble and
ried every remedy that could be found
with no permanent relief. My .case was
getting serious. I could get no sleep, waa
reatleaa ana nervous, my sirengm was
leaving me and I had no desire to work,
I felt bad ait tne time in Tact, was so
discouraged to think there was no relief
for me whatever l ota ana i naa no faith
In medicines; seeing so many good tes
timonial!, from Omaha people about Cra
mer Kidney Cure. I called on one and
asked what ne thought. He told me that
It was the himt medicine in the world, and
advised me to try It. I bought a bottle
and after taking about one-half of it I
began to feel better and stronger and
after taking four potties, i am today i
well man, and cannot say too auroni
words for this wonderful medicine, an'
should I ever again be a sufferer from
kidney trouble, I wouldn't be without It
if 1 bad to pay so a bottle tor it.
Cramer's 'Kidney Cur comes In two
slsea 5oc and 1 all druggists. Bend for
frea sample to the
Cramer Chemical Co.
Albany, N. Y.
If you want shoes buy now, our treaiieiid
ous sales have left us with some broken lines
which we offer at unheard of prices
Women's shoes, the highest art, stylish
kind, in hand welts and turns, including en
amels, patent vici; and vici kid, $6, $5 and
$4 vSalues, go at half price. r
Men's shoes, all leathers, all styles and
sizes, nobby up-to-date footwear, all go at
less -than wholesale prices. .This includes
Hanan's, Net tletons, Regals and other stand
ard makes Entire stock must be cashed to
meet creditors,
jwiEWifillf III (
Creditors' and Bankrupt Sale
l5I5--Douglas Sfrcct-1515
Fraaldant Milwaukaa North End Frauan-Vareln.
PHYSICIAN with a large practice
undertakes too much. He cannot
make a specialty of any one disease.
So it is only natural that the family physi
cian's treatment is not alwava thorough.
He has 'no time to devote himself to the
study of the. disease peculiar to women.
He often does not tell the patient what is the
cause of her headache, Vackache and the
long list of ills peculiar to women. Ha
calls it "indigestion", kidney or liver trou
ble or simply "female weakness". His
treatment may help the trouble for a wbila
but it usually returns. Thousands of wo
men have been treated for liver and kidney
trouble when they are suffering with dis
ordered menses. Under this treatment
they suffer patiently for years. In the mean
time becoming physical wrecks, they give
up in discouragement. Then they near
the doctor's suggestion of "operation".
In thousands of cases Wine of Cardui
has worked a cure where doctors have
failed. Wine of Cardui is known all over
the world aa a medicine which accurately
regulates menstruation. Disordered men
struation destroys the vitality by wasting
tha blood. Nerrous prostration and con
gumption result. With these derangements
started tha sufferer who lets them run on is
on the road to the asylum or the grave, and
all because of torn little menstrual dis
order that Wine of Caidui will cure.
Mrs. C. Blau, who lives at No. 710 Syc
amore Street, Milwaukee, Wis., was saved
from a life of suffering by taking Wine of
Cardui. She suffered fc ten year before
ihe gave Wine of Cardui a trial. Doctor
tried to cure her but they cculd not. Mrs.
Blau is a woman of culture and intelli
gence. She is the President of the North
End Frauen-Verein, an influential organ
isation of German-American women at Mil
waukee. This is what the lays f Wine
of Cardui:
M I suffered for nearly ten year wltK general
weakness and debility, also severs bearhtg-down
pains and splitting headache. Doctors told
me that I had female trouble and that my kid.'
neys were affected. They did their but te rure
me, but somehow I did not seem to impreve,
and with my other troubles my appetite and lU
gertioa failed me. Several members of th
Fraucn-Vcrcia took so highly of the help they
had received from McElrte'l Win of Cardui
that I decided to try It Imagine my great oy
to find I felt better wlthla a week after I started
to um It And sine weeks after I was In per.
feet health. I gladly praise your medicine."
You mar get th same relief Mrs. Blau
secured it you will only' take Wine of
Cardui as she did. If you are suffering
from female disease no matter bow long
yoa have suffered or bow many doctor you
have had Wine of Cardui will bring jo
relief. This pure Wine has relieved tha
most obstinate cases of menstrual disorder.
These troubles,! which are simply irregu
larities at first, quickly involve every organ
and function of the body the nerves, tho
digestion, the blood circulation and respi-
ration. Any sort of disease may develop
in a body that is run down and wrecked in
health in all quarters. A disease that has
run for ten years it aenerally regarded as
chronic. Wine of Cardui could have re- '
lieyed Mrs. Blau years ago but the Wina
relieves 10 many thousand cases of irregu ,
larities in their early stages that this case
would hardly have been noticed. This case
is referred to today to show all hopeless .
discouraged sufferers what a reliable, ef- '.
fective medicine Wine of Cardui ii. No
woman has ever, to our knowledge, taken,
this medicine and not been benefited by it.
To cure Mrs. Hlau who had suffered ten
years, was an- achievement. If you need
the relief Wine of Cardui brought to Mrs. ,.
Blau, go to your druggist and buy a dollar
bottle of Wino of Cardui. If you wish
advice write to The Ladies' Advisory De
partment, The Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn. Describe your symp
toms as correctly as you can and a letter of
advice will be sent you. The treatment is
taken in tha nrivarv of tha hnma and tAm
is one of the features that commend it to
suffering women. Two or three doses a
day in your room there is no private ex
amination. Relief begins immediately.