Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 27, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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One mar Mil the sea and
that men of affairs, who
Hor the Inclination, whether
medicine which cause excessive purgstlo and then leave the Internal
- organ In constipated condition. Brrup of Figs la not built on those
lines. It acts naturally, act effectively, cleanses, sweetens and strengthens
the Internal ore ans and leaves them In a healthy condition. ,
If In need of a laiatlve remedy the most excellent Is Sjmip of Figs, bat
when anything more than ft laxative Is required the safe and scientific plan
Is to consnlt ft competent physician and not to resort to those medicines
which claim to cure all manner of diseases.
t .' The California Fig Syrup Co. was the flrst to manufacture a laxative remedy
Which would give satisfaction to all; ft laxative which physicians could
sanction and one friend recommend to another ; so that today its sale probably
exceed all other laxatives combined. In some places considerable quantities of
. old-time cathartics and modern Imitations are still sold, but with the general
diffusion of knowledge, as to the best medicinal agents, Syrup of rigs has come
Into general use with the well-informed, because It Is a remedy of known value
and ever beneficial action.
.- The quality of Syrup of Figs la due not only to the excellent combination of
the laxative and carminative principles of plants, known to act mosj beneficially
on the system, with agreeable and refreshing aromatic liquids, bnt 'also to the
' orgtnal method of manufacture. In order to get the genuine and its beneficial
effect on should always note the full name of the Company -California rig
. Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package.
aW -aw . ..JF-
First Wife Takes Glamour Off Seoond Mar-
. riagfl of Dr. Hargent,
aya the Doctor Never Kaew Mr.
Boat laitll Bb Cam to Soath
Dakota om Dtvore
The glamour of romance that has been
thrown In th newspaper around th re
cent marrlag of Dr. C. W. Hargena of Hot
Bprlnf. 8. D.. and Mr. Peart Carley Hunt
of Nnw York City is hardly warranted by
the fact tn th caa. according to tha flrat
wif of Dr. Hargans, who la residing tem
porarily with her two boy at Council
Blufla. ,
"The newapaper'torle," says Mrs. Har
gtns, "ar not only misleading, but calcu
lated to reflect on me. Most of them would
leave th reader to bellev that Dr. Har
gena had never befor been married and
that b waa perfectly (re to pursue hi at
tachment with Mra. Hunt to a marriage.
A a matter of tact. Instead of being former
acquaintance. and old ' achoolmatea. who
ver reviving a youthful love. Dr. Hargena
never met Mrs. Hunt antll so cam to
South Dakota two year ago. She cam
there Ilk many others, for the express
purpose ot getting a dtvore, although giv
ing It out that she was there for bar
health, and the doctor waa called In to at
tend' her to mak plausible lb pretense
tbui. she waa an Invalid. Th result was
th breaking up of our family, although w
had for more than twelve year led a con
tented aad happy married life. The doctor
and myself had been achool teachers to
gether at Little Sioux, whir we wer mar
ried, and later moved to Hot Spring. We
never bad any trouble whatever befor th
arrival of MrsT Hunt, and except for her
probably would be living together now. Jt
has bees represented in some of th papers
that I a as persuaded to release th doctor
tr procuring a divorce, but I did ao only
after protesting for eight months against
hi desertion of hi family, and then upon
Colds and "Grip"
' Thousands of Cure Yean ot
Successful Tests
Powders "head off"
Colds and Grip Cure advanced and
Stubborn Cases under Simple Directions.
. apalella, Portland. Ind , writes- "I am
SMlgbud wuh ibe ra.ia.u,inad troSTangiJ?
-,,.r:ou"M t"Mnia aad tblrteea c.a ol
A. rrawr, Th unisons, B.O..wrlte:
Um'mtul r?"4 ra a oiSTot.
' wwaer amis: Xjrangaiaa' worka
hae a eharm to che.k si eolda.' 'u
eW kalpad a.y euld like Jagle
U14 k Omggittt la 10. t J ana 80c PMkai,
1 l-TJlffVl IV
visit every land and everywhere will And,
are. well Informed, hare neither the time
on pleasure bent or business, to aae thote
J i.
Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body
Stomach' and brain affect each other. A sick stomach sours the disposition and pre
vents sleep and brain rest, and a sick brain sours the stomach and clogs the bowels.
Men of sedentary habits, brain workers who don't get much exercise, have sick stom
achs and bowels, and wear out their brains and nerves.
I work In the nffles and don't re much
eierclse M I should, and whsn I feel bad Ijaat
Cearl which always nekee ne feel
J. C. Bohan, 4). C. Rout, Creseent, Ky.
"I Bad a torpid llTerfor months. I bought a
bot of Cescareta la Washington and have not
only been put la parfeet health, but hT
(alaad aoaalderabla In weight.'1
Harry Hodg.on. RockviUe. Md.
"Cueareta were the only medicine I had with
w when 1 beat tha world'a record at "Cham
pion Cora Hneker of America," hueklnf V
baihela la M konre."
I. E. Klmbarlla, La Harpa, IU.
A man who keeps his bowels regular with Cascarets Candy Cathartic, that
is without strain or violence, can keep strong and healthy without much
exercise. A famous orofessor in Jefferson - Medical Cntltce tiarl tn
' advise his students: "Trust in
v vu " iduMiu, i j i wucu l iic uuwcis are irvuim sini (no aigoSTion
strong and healthy, then the system is safe and the brain and nerves
will have inexhaustible elasticity and life.
realizing that he had thrown me and his
children aside for good.
"The story 1 equally without foundation
about Dr. Hargena being a chum and
schoolmate of Mr. Vanderbllt. He never
even saw Vanderbllt until he stopped at
Hot Springs to pay a visit to Mr. Hunt
while ahe wa waiting there to get her di
vorce. Whether ahe ever had a chance to
marry Mr. Vanderbllt or not. as has been
so carefully advertised of late, was not dis
closed at that time. There was certainly
no romance whatever about th second
marrlag of either party to th Hargen
Hunt affair. Had they been satisfied to
carry out their plana without seeking by
all this publicity to cover up It real char
acter, I would not even take the trouble to
contradict the exaggerations and false
hoods." When the breath la foul and th appetite
disordered. Prickly Ash Bitter 1 th
remedy needed. It purifies tha stomach,
liver and bowels, aweetena th breath, pro
mote vigor and cheerfulness.'
Sabataatlal Retarn Are Reaped from
Coniblaatloa gale of Thor
. . onghbreda.
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 26. Good prices
wer obtained today at th combination.
sale of thoroughbred Hereforda at the live
atock pavilion. The beet sales:
Slllcla. cow. owned bv Overfnn Harrla.
Harris, Mo., sold to J. A. Funkhouser,
Pluttxburg. Mo., S450.
Lilac, cow, owned by Steward &
Hutcheon. Greenwood. Mo., sold to Mra.
C. 8. Cross, Emporia, Kan., $360.
winsome, cow, owned Dy uudgell &
filmon, lndexndence. Mo., sold to J. A.
t unanouser,
Glandollne lath, cow. owned by Gudfcell
& Blmpson. sold to U. 8. Campbell, Bates
City. MO., 1300.
UuhIU 14th ftomr rt k V, u fli,,ln.ll a.
f filmUHun. sold to G. It. Allendornh. Santa
Ke., N. M., MOO.
Modesty 2d. row. owned bv Gudcell A:
Simpson, sold to U. Harris, :U6.
Hoyalty Java, owned Dy Mrs. l. 8. Cross,
aold to C. J. Uabhart, Dearborns, Mo., ttioU.
UIdsv I. arte, cow, owned by Guditell A
Simpson, old to Clem Gravea, Bunker Hill,
Ilia., soau.
Iroquois, cow, owned by O. Harrla. sold
to Clem Graves, touO.
Spartucu, bull, owned . by Gudgell V
Simpson, sold to William Hunter, Ontario,
Canada, $611).
Lily, cow, owned by Steward A Hutcheon,
Greenwood, Mo., aold to 8. J. Gubhart. toUO.
Gwendoline, cow, owned by Gudgell &
Simpson, sold to C. H. Allendorph, Santa
r e.. N. M , 6fl0.
oaslderabl Kalltaa; Off la Marketlag;
of Hosts, bat Wlater Total
how Advaace.
CINCINNATI, Feb. 28. (Special Tele
gram.) The Price Current notea a consider
able falling off In th marketing of hogs.
Th total western packing la 610,000, com
pared with 603.000 th preceding week and
(35.000 th corresponding week last year.
Bine November 1 tha total la 10,140,000,
against 1,009,000 a year ago. Prominent
placca compar a follows:
l"2. ln.
Chicago J.w.on) i.sao.ouo
rvanaas tuy l.Mj.Wi l.Mi.lX)
I'NArl A n;J,(0 ,oo,(J
et. Joaepn 7H7.t) E'jo.unJ
Bi. lxiuia oV.ois)
iniiiunaimiis 47j.(. tag issi
Bloux City Kl.ouO !&;.miu
Milwaukee XiiOi.) o.ui0
St. I'aul I.iso is.ouo
Ottumwa :to.uiaj
t lm Iniiati S-.' ,541.wi
'dar Kapida ISw.vur H,uuu
':----.-:';--:Svv :
,' ,' i i i
'Soma time ajrn. wbllo T w .. M vtllM-n
Pa . Mr. Preok, tha landlord, was afflicted with
pains in tna etomecn.
sad a
-Chas. K. Condon. Mlflllabarc. Pa.
"Cascareta sored ma radleally of dyspepsia
and headache and my weight whieh before was
IM Is now 1M lhs."-B. Navarro, Blloal, Miss.
"I Snd Casearata banaSelal after a spell of
hard work, clearin the brain aa wall as tha
bowels, and also working off eolds la good
ahapa."-K. C. Blokes, Philadelphia, Pa.
God and keep yon r bowels open! " That's "
I a I
severe pains m tna siomaca. 1 insisted ttpo
his taklnc a Casnarat before foinf to bed an
next mornlns ha passed S la. of a tapa-worm.
He bought a box of Cescereta and a tajaa-worm
l feat lone earaa from him head and all."
Best for tha Bowels. All drugg lata, ise, tse, sac. Navar
aold in bulk. Tha fenulna tablet atampaefC C C. Ouar
ntecd to cur or your money back. Sample and booklet
free. Address Sterling: Remedy Co., Chica or N. Y. tn
Collector of Customs at Sitka Refuses to
Obey Secretary,
Interprets Shaw' Actios a Fear of
Trooble with British aad Hold
. Bias Up to RldU
WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Some time ago
the secretary of the treasury received un
official Information to the effect that J. W.
Ivey, collector of customs at Sitka, had In
structed hi deputy at Unalaaka not to per
mit Canadian vessels, presumably about to
engage In pelagic aealing, to obtain supplies
at that port. Th collector wa directed to
end a statement of the facta to th de
partment and waa Informed that if uch or
der had been given they must be rescinded.
Today tha department received a telegram
from Ivey saying:
My Instructions were not against vessels
enfraged In alleged legal fishing, but against
Canadian vessels actually engaged in pe
lagic sealing, which Is Illegal and criminal
when committed within the marine juris
diction of the United Statea. If there 1
an ancient treaty between the United Statea
and Great Britain by which British sub
ject can commit depredations, destroying
American property and depleting our reve
nue of tens of thousands of dollars an
nually, while our own cltiaena are denied
these privileges, the sooner uch treaty 1
abrogated the better.
Your solicitude regarding International
complication with Great Britain need
cause you no uneasiness, a the poaching
season la not yet opened. Your new col
lector will arrive In time to enforce your
order. My Americanism will not allow me
to rescind an order which glvea British
subjects privileges within our marine Juris
diction which are denied our own people.
There la another matter that may attract
your attention. I have recently Issued
orders to th deputy at Skagway, a copy
of which baa been sent you, which has put
the Canadian officers located there out of
business and aent them to their own terri
tory. You ar aware of th fact that this
officer became ao offensive that he inter-
lerea witn American omcers In tbe dis
charge of their official duties, orx-nert
l nlted States customs mall, dominated over
the railway officials, discriminated In the
order of shipment In the favor of Canadian
mercnanaise against mat snlooed from
Seattle, established a Canadian quarantine
at Skagway, collected moneys and rxr-
tormed other acta of British sovereignly
In a port of the United States, such a
hoisting with bravado tha cross of St.
George from tha flagstaff of hla custom
house. I have sent the concern, bag, bag
gage, flag and other paraphernalia flying
out of the country. You may (ear th
shadow of International complications and
rescind thia order, but a Heed, an Olney
or a dame wouiu noi.
Saacbes' Frleads Ar Kot Satlafled
with Acquittal Verdict Readered
by Jaetlr Adasaa.
PIERRE. S. D.. Feb. it. (Special Tel
gram.) Som ot th friend of Sd Sanches.
not being satisfied with th result of th
hearing of Robert Adama, charged with
hla murder, demanded a further hearing.
which wa givn by Judg Gaffy of th
circuit court at Fort Plerr today, and
Adama waa bound over to answer in court
lo the charge On th first hearing be
for a justlc Adama waa dismissed.
Th family that keeps on band and use
occasionally th celebrated Prickly Ash
Blttsrs la always a well-regulated family.
State Inspector Eiji Beappoints J. L,
Houston and Others. -
thief Oasa Wardea Slmaklas Will
lasae No More 8ealasT Permit
Bask of Mesnphl Get
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 26. (Special.) All ap
prehension as to the Immediate fat of the
deputy atate oil Inspector wa removed
today when J. E. Hay announced officially
that all ot them would be reappointed. The
removal of Deputy Fred Alderman last
week gave rise to the aupposltlon that
further changes would be mad in the per
sonnel of the inspecting corpa, but Mr.
Hays declared today that all deputies
would be retained during his term as chief
Inspector, or at least se long as their
service are satisfactory. They will give
new bonds to Mr. Hays -and their commis
sions will be made to date from March 1.
The deputies wer in Lincoln this after
noon conferring with Inspector Slier and
his recently appointor successor, Mr. Hays,
regarding their work, and at the conclusion
of the meeting he entire staff adjourned
to a photograph gallery, where a group
picture wa taken. Th deputies who will
receive new commission are; J. L. Hous
ton, Omaha; Hugh Glasgow, Odell; Rasmus
Hannibal, St. Paul; S. J. Johnson, Mlnden;
Fred Sonnenscheln, West Point.
Mr. Slier will retire from hla office on
March 1 and on the same day will begin
hla term a postmaster of Lincoln. T. F. A.
William ha been appointed deputy post
master. Aaaeaaora a Statlatlca Gleaaer.
An opinion has been gives in th attorney
general's office holding that assessors may
gather statistic for the State Bureau ot
Labor, notwithstanding no compensation
Is provided for the work. Copies of this
decision, which is made by Norrls Brown,
are being mailed to the clerk of th var
ious counties and Deputy Labor Commis
sioner Watson expects it to be generally
observed. The law provide that at the
time of the assessment not property for tax
atlon for county and state purposes it
hall be the duty of the township and pre
cinct assessors to enroll the names ot all
persons over twenty-one years of age In
their respective districts, together with
their occupations. They must also record
statistics regarding the products of farm
and factories, the number of wage workers,
time they are employed per day and com
peneatton and the time employed during the
last year.
Commissioner Wataon doe not aak the
assessors to enroll the names of inhab
itants, but he insists on having complete
figures regarding labor, products and manu
factures. - In past years all efforts to ob
tain figure as to the population have been
woefully unsuccessful and after consider
ing the matter with tbe attorney general
Mr. Wataon decided to eliminate tht tea
ture of tha work.
In the opinion given today the deputy
attorney general, after quoting the law on
the subject, says;
Under this provision It is the duty of the
assessor to do the thing therein pro
vided and it is not sufficient excuse for
their failure or refusal to do so to eay
that no compensation Is providea.
The supreme court of this state in defln
Inar thn duties of nubile officers has said:
'A nubile officer must perform every
service required of him by law. and he must
look to the statute for hi" compensation.
If It provides none then' the- servlcea are
I gratuitous. ,
. .. - ..
this subject may be found ln the opinion
ot Judge Sullivan in state trgainat oieeerve,
t& Neh. 4H. tn which It Js said:
"A person accepting a nubile office take
It with Ita burdens, and whenever those
become Insufferably oppressive he may re
sort to that excellent and adequate remedy
which a wise legislative foresight baa pro
vided, vis., a letter or resignation
rtroaseri tn tha nroDer authority."
In my judgment an assessor may be com
pelled to perform nia run omciai auiy oy
writ or manaamus.
No More Selnlasr.
Chief Oame Warden Slmpklns has deter
mined to issue no more seining permits,
excepting where the work of drawing the
flan is to be done under the direction of the
state fish commission. Th law provide
that the commissioner at his own discretion
may issue permits to allow persons to seine
for fish of a destructive character, the con
dltlon being that all game fish be returned
to the water. Mr. Slmpklns says that sev
eral permlta have been violated and he pro
poses to entirely discontinue the practice.
The open season for fishing I from April 1
to October SI, and for trout from June 1 to
October 31.
Ready for Welhloar Malls.
Chief Clerk John M. Butler af the railway
mall . eervlce ha received lnctructiona to
prepare for the quadrennial' weighing ot
malls In Ma district. Forty-nine men will
be employed to do the work. Tbe malla
will be weighed on all train and at Omaha,
Lincoln and Pacific Junction. Tha weigh'
lng U for the purpose ot forming a basis
upon which the mall contract may be pre
New laeorporatloa.
Articles of Incorporation of these new
business Institutions were recorded in the
secretary ot state's office:
The Gould Land and Cattle company ot
Fullerton, Nance county; capital stock,
1200,000; incorporators, E. D. Gould, M. J.
Felt, Thomas McPherson.
The Guarantee Fund Life association,
Alliance; Incorporatora, J. W. Wehn. Wil
liam Mitchell, R. W. Hampton, O. W.
Smith and J. C. Buffington.
The Kees Hardware company, Beatrice)
capital atock. $10,000; incorporator, F. D.
Kees, F. E. Kees, R. B. Smith and John A.
Secretary Royce of the State Banking
board today laaued a charter to the Bank
of Memphis Saunders county. The insti
tution is capitalised for $5,000 and it prin
cipal Incorporators are: Floyd Seybolt, W.
B. Berkley. Jr., C, W. Weckbech. W. T.
Auld, R. E. Moore, W. C. Phillips. I. H.
Hatfield and L. D. Dunn.
Many Farmera Meet to Exchange
View aad Hear Lecture Bear-
tmm en Agrlcaltore.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Feb. 26. (Special.)
The Platte County Farmera' Institute
which was held In this city yesterday and
last Bight, waa well attended by the rep
resentatlve farmera of the county, who took
great interest In th topic discussed by
prominent farmer and stock raisers of the
E. V. Forrell ot Kearney, John Bremer of
Tork, Z. D. Btllson of York. C. H. Barnard
ot Table Rock and William Ernat of Graf
wer soms ot th speakers from a distance.
At th afternoon session "Dairying" waa
dlacuaaed, led by Joseph Henggeler of Co
lumbus. William Ernst told how ha raised
eattl oa hla farm and Joba Bremer talked
interestingly on growing alfalfa. Z. D.
Btllson mad an address on "Concerning
Molstur by Cultivation." Several musical
numbers wer given by Prof. Garllch' or
chestra and entertaining recitation were
given by Ned Post and Mis Roi Flynn
Th Institute closed with a lectur by E.
V. Forrell. whose subject waa "Th Ne
braaka School of Agriculture." HI talk
was illustrated by stereoptlcon views.
Aetloa Breaaat to Reeover from Hla
Bos I Heard la Beatrice
District Coart.
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 26. (Special.)
Th caa of Steven against Kyd, aa ac
tion brought by Samuel brother ot this
city to recover from a former berlff'
bond a sum of money the plaintiffs allege
1 due them, was heard In the district
court of Gage county Monday, and th
Jury brought in a verdict In favor ot th
defendant, ex-Sheriff Kyd. Th counsel
for th plaintiff baa filed a motion for a
new trial.
Th fact of tbe case are: Sometime
prior to 1895 th Hamilton Brown Shoe
company of St. Lou I a eold a bill ot goods
to one Samuel Ooldgraber, wb4 then was
engaged tn business at Waboo, in Saunder
county. After shipping th shoe to Oold
graber, tbe ahoe company learned that th
shoe were sent by the consignee to Samuel
brothers for disposal. The ahoe company
Immediately secured a Judgment agalnat
Ooldgraber, and had said Judgment traa
scripted here from Saunder county. Th
Judgment was placed In the hands ot
Sheriff Kyd for collection, who attached
the shoes then In the possession of Samuel
brother, who took no action to estop It
execution. Kyd advertised the goods under
the term prescribed by law, and sold
them for $804.05. It was proven that
Samuel brothers were present at the sal.
bid on the shoes and again offered no re
sistance to th execution of the Judgment.
The ahoe company' Judgment and cost
of sale were paid off by Kyd, and a bal
ance of $183.05 waa left in bis hand. Thia
urn Kyd turned over to Ooldgraber. Samuel
.rothers then brought suit and sought to
recover from Kyd a bond tbe surplus
money of the sale, claiming that th good
wa their property and not th property
of Samuel Ooldgraber.
Iaveatorr la Takea of the Plaat for
Receiver's Aetloa aad Salt
Over Ownership.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Feb. 26. (Spe
cial.) The work of invoicing the Platta-
raouth gaa and electrle plant wa don
today, preparatory to turning It over to
Walter J. White, who ha been appointed
receiver by Judge W. H. Munger, on March
1. The city has been renting the plant
from the New Hampshire Saving bank,
and recently the latter commenced ault In
the federal court to compel tha city to
buy the plant for $30,000. The case 1 set
for hearing next May, at which time it
will probably be decided who own tha
Fall City Official Make Their 4aar
tera la It and Book Ar
Being; Arranged.
FALLS CITT, Neb. Feb. 26. (Special.)
The city council and clerk are now In
stalled in their quarters on th second
floor of the new library building, which is
now completed. The work ot cataloguing
the book for tbe library is progressing
nicely under the supervision of the 11
brarlan, Mrs. A. O. Wanner. The beau
tiful brick library building 1 an ornament
to tbe city and is a gift of the late Lydla
B runner Woods, who bequeathed $10,000
to tbe city for a public library. The site
for the building was donated by Joseph H.
Preliminary Trial of Geore Gould at
' David City Will Resume
DAVID CITT, Neb.. Feb. 26. (Special.)
The preliminary hearing ot George Gould,
charged with being aa accomplice of Amos
H. Gould In wrecking tbe Platte Valley
State bank of Bellwood, which haa been In
progress for the last two days, was last
evening continued until next Friday.
R, C. Oould, assistant cashier of tbe de
funct bank, who has been confined In the
county Jail about three weeka, yesterday
procured a bond and was released until the
next term of tbe district court, which con
venes in May.
Roy McKee I Released TJnoa Prelim'
Inary Examination of the Char
of Larceny of Check.
COLUMBUS, Neb., Feb. 26. (Special.)
Roy McKee, the hotel clerk charged with
tbe larceny of check aggregating $163
taken from letters deposited In th private
mailing box at th Meridian hotel, wa
acquitted upon preliminary examination be
fore County Judge Raterman. i
Farmers' Iaatltat Elect Officer.
HUMBOLDT. Neb., Feb. 26. (Special.)
The two daya' session of the. Farmers' in
atltute closed yesterday afternoon with th
lection of officer for the ensuing year
as follow: President, J. O. Shroyer; vice
preeldent, P. O. Avery; eecretary, C. L.
Hummel; treaaurer. N. C. Campbell; laay
president, Mrs. A. L. Drake.
Front at Beatrice District Court.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. 26. (Special Tel
egram.) Attorrey General Prout attended
court here today and wa looking after
some legal matter In case now pending
in the district court.
Weather Opening; at Harvard.
HARVARD, Neb.. Feb. 26. (Spec!!.)
Conditions now indicate that farmer will
toon be able to begin their wbeat seeding.
The snow haa entirely gone and the roads
are becoming dry.
For a clear complexion, bright sparkling
eye and a vigorous digestion, take Prickly
Ash Bitter. It puts tbe system In per
fect order.
There 's a better way than
medicine to rid your face of
those unsightly blotches
It opens the porei of the
skin, enabling them to throw
off the impurities of the body.
Disectioni. Sosp the
face well, rinse with hot
witer, then with cold. Dry
Thn sisas lauadry, tec;
bath and toilet, jc; aval
toilet, 5C
Thi Cvdahy Packing Co.
Omaha... Kansas City.
Used By Hospitals
To Prove What this Wonderful Remedy Will Do For
YOU, Every Reader of The Bee May Have a Sam-,
pie Bottle Sent Free by Mail.
- VV-H',.'v
.V",. -.l.'-.VJ.
Miss Alice Brown, th well known trained nurse, 1 in a position to apeak wttl
knowledge. Sh waa formerly with th St. Louis Baptist Hospital and ha had manj
trying experience in her arduous vocation. Sh adds her valuable testimony t th
thousand already received by Swamp-Root. Sh ald in a signed interview with a
reporter of the St Louis Star: .
"Although a woman In my position can receive plenty of prescription from phy
Icisns without coat. It was upon tha advice of a well known Weat End Doctor that t
began to take Swamp-Root No, I wtll not tell you hla name, tor he might not like
it But all the aame, I took it when I waa run down from night work In the nick
room. I wa thin and yellow and tired even when I rose from my leep. 8 p
Root gave me a relish for my food and cleared my blood from it stagnant lmpurltlea.
Of counrse I do not pralae Swamp-Root aa a cur, for all trouble, but It 1 pladld
for th kidney, stomach and bowels and relieves female disorders when all ether
remedies bave failed to giv relief. I kno w of many case In tbe hospital cured by '
this wonderful remedy.
161 Sample Ave. St Louis, Mo.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more sickness and suffering than
any other disease, therefore, when through neglect or other cauaes, kidney troubl Is
permitted to. continue, fatal results ar ur to follow. -
W often see a relative, friend, or an acquaintance apparently wall,' but la a
few day wa may be grieved to learn ot their aevere Illness, or sudden death, caused
by that fatal type of kidney trouble Bright' Disease.
Th mild and extraordinary effect of tbe great kidney and bladder remedy, Dr.
Kilmer' Swamp-Root, 1 soon realised. It stand th highest for it wonderful
cure of th most distressing cases. Hospital use it with wonderful success In both
light and severe case. Doctors recommend It to their pstlents and use it In their
own famlllea. because they recognla in Swamp-Root tbe greateat and most successful
remedy. A trial will convince anyone and you may have a sample bottle sent free
by mall. .
EDITORIAL NOTE If you have tbe slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder trou
ble, or if there I a trace of It In your family history, aend at once to Dr. Kilmer
Co., Blngbamton, N. V., who will gladly aend you by mall, Immediately, without cast
to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root and a book telling all about Swamp-Root and
containing many of the thouaanda upon thousand of testimonial letter received front
men and women cured. In writing to Dr. Kilmer Co.. Blnghamton, N. Y., be
aure to say that you read thl generou offer InThe Omaha Dally Bee.
If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root 1 what you need, you can purchase
th regular fifty-cent and one-dollar slie bottles at the drug store everywhere. Don't
make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-Root,
and th address, Blnghamton, N. Y.
keep it up until you are almost crazy. Clear your throat
take a swallow of Anti-Kawf and go to sleep. It's elmple, but it's enough.
No other cough cure will do this. Only 26c a bottle, at the drug store.
Removes Tan, Pimples.
Freckles, Moth Patches.
Rasn and Skla dla
aaaa, and every
blemish ea beauty,
and dense aetec
I n T . t .
tin fcf stunSiii ..
hermleee we taste
tt to be cure 't
le properly made.
Accept ne counter.
rsit ox simllaf
lame. Dr. U. A.
nayre Mid to la
dy of the heut-toa
ta tkatlentll
"A you ladle will uae them. I recom
mend 'OOURAUD'S CREAM' a th least
harmful of all th Skin preparation." For
sal by all Druggist and Fanoy Good
Dealar In th U. 8. and Europe.
avtiiJ. 1. HUi-it.lN, rroaVs,
l Great Joooa St. N. T.
A Model
Doctor's Office
Moat doctor find It convenient
to hav evening or Sunday office
hour. Patient caa hardly walk
up stairs at such time.
The Bee Building
has all Bight aad Ruaday elevator
aerrlc. Water and gaa, a well
a elactiie light ar In each room.
The room ar all light aad our
Dffloee ar mot attractive. Keats
ar no blghar than la Inferior
R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Afeacy,
Grsand Flo, Bee Balldlaf.
rm 3- a. -Jt
trz. vi . sir l
'Wir i mil.
Prescribed By Doctors.
'v ar-
it mM
Goes right to the sore place
in your tnroat. It acts al
most like magic. You wake
up in the night with your
throat full of phlegm, you
cough and swallow and
DR. McGREW(Agi53)
Disease aael IMaortte o( Mast Oaviy.
20 fesrs' Esperloae. IS Tear la
UlDIPnOCI C cured
by a treatment
i nniuuui.i.1. '
which la the QUICKEST.
safest and most natural that ha yet been
discovered. No pain whatever, ne cutting
nd does not Interfere wlla work or busi
ness. Treatment at office or at horn and
permanent cur guaranteed.
Hot Springs Treatment tor Syphilis
And all Blood Dlaeaaea. No "BRUAKINO
OUT" on th akin or lac and ail external
sigo-1 of the disease disappear at ones.
treatment that la mors auoceastul and far
more satlataetory than the "old form" of
treatment and at leaa than HALF THIS
COST. A cur that la guanuiieed to b
permanent for life.
niCQ Ofl ndneaae cured of nervous
UlLn tUiUUU debility, lo of vitality
eu all unnatural weakness ee of ansa.
Stricture, Uieet. Kidney and Bladder Jjla
tasea. Hydrocele, cured nexmanenUy.
Tree, t men t by mxlL P. O. Box 76,
Office over Hi M. lth street, between r
raa and Douglas, 8 la.. OMAHA. XZti.
Evory Woman
aiHieeieaaaeeseqiaeTiew '
u weuaVerfal
makvll WMruaf spray
tbe new vefcel ?., Jniei.
hm. ans saws nasi at.
fmm HH.
i wniHmioyii BSBSJ " '
In A hL, (voov4tto i
riser, but gsmd aumiv tot U
.... V - 1-1 1. ...
fuli pawUruiar and rtlrot oi In to U lia MFIKI ' A.