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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1902)
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, FElUtUAIlY 27, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. REBEL CHIEF CAUGHT General Lukban, Leader of a Filipino Band, ii in Prison. 'TRAPPED BY SCOUTS ON ISLAND OF SAMAR Host Impor''';ti Event in War EinM Cap- I f AiniinaldO. I VtlEUTENANT STrv. ,,ETS THE CREDIT L. ', I Lnib&n il Considered v faring and rerocioui of Waf. X l j MIXTURE OF CHINESE AND FILIPINO STOCK Ha Captare Is Effected by Shrewd Strategic Plots, Every Ordinary Method Being Defied by 'l ; ' Wily Chieftain. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. General Chaf fee today notified the War department that Lieutenant Btrlbler of the Philippines acouts bad captured- General - Lukban on the ?2d Inst. The prisoner Is confined at Laguan. The officials of the War department re gard "the capture of Lukban as the most Important military event since the Agul Baldo capture. He was run down on the Island of Samar.' The place of bis confine ment is a tlnf island In a bay on the north coast of Samar. Lukban is on of the most energetla and ferocious of rebels. He la a half-breed, a mixture of Chines and Filipino stock, and li has been an Irreconcilable from the first. He bad various fastnesses In the mountains of Samar, from which be would descend upon the coast towns, and bis reign of ter ror waa so complete that the entire popu lation f ih. lalanit nalA trihnta tn him as the price of freedom from attack. Ordinary campaign methods failed In hi case, and icmnaon. oecreiary nay bis capture now la believed to b th nat- n" Personally expressed to Mr. Eddy, who ural working out of th system of dividing " now n country, hi appreciation the island Into small squares by military of nl condu and of tho skill and energy garrisons and making It Impossible for the w,tn which be acted In the Initial stages Insurgent t obtain food or shelter. of the attempt to release the captive. Another captur la recorded In th sara Toe department And it impossible at dispatch, namely, that of William Dunston, tnl moment to determine upon the next aid to be a deserter from Company C, "teP to be undertaken in this case. There Eighth infantry, who had in his possession reason to suspect that pledges bars lot of arms and ammunition and all of the been given by Mis Stone and by th res tools necessary for th making of ammunl- cuing agents which will very much com tlon. He waa captured by Second Lleutea- Plicate any efforts to secure the punish ant Pratt, First Infantry, at Caghayan on ment of th brigands. If no such prora ta Island of Samar. Th lieutenant also l"es have been given then the State de destroyed tba Cuartel and th factory and partment will very promptly call upon both killed eleven soldiers, besides capturing all pf Duntton's correspondence. - I lONF TFI I 5 FOUR TflRIF I JUNti l-UUn Wtaeo In Patrick Marder Caa Gives Cart Condletlng 5nr " " rattv. 4 NEW YORK, Feb. 26. In th Patrick wittrder trial today th continued examina tion of Charles F. Jones, th valet, took up toth eete-of 'et an 'was not finished when court adJiiHiei. ,The feature of th day' cross-examination waa th bringing out that Jon had told four storle 1 concerning th death of Millionaire' Rice. Three of these were that Lawyer Patrick had, killed th old man aa to th main point. Th other waa told to I Assistant Attorney Ds boras and waa th am that Jonea told the jury th other day. This was that th witness had killed Mr. Hie by giving him 'chloroform to Inhale. Th testimony brought out that Jonea had I old thla last starr after Mr. Oahorna hi.l told Joae that ha had oroof that Patrick ... ant m th. , h.n nr. ni. ai.a Later Jonea aald Mr. Rlc had been kind him . ..m h. t..n i... . I ntrecv aralnst his benefactor. because of the money Patrick bad promised him. "r ' I SHOOTS WHILE UNDER ARREST ,i Itegro Woman Kill Man and I Mor tally Weanded by Latter' ' . , Brother. ' CROCKETT, Tex., Feb. 26. Whll an officer waa serving papers on Mary Wil liam! a negro woman, she shot and killed Jay Porter, a young whit man who ac companied tba officer.' Tba woman then fled, but waa captured today by tba sheriff. . Fearing trouble, tho officer started to town by a roundabout . tint .. ftl Vnrtmv'm flnplnvi he waa mat by Karl Porter, th. brother i.a .k. .- k.k,. of the dead man, whd shot and probably mortally wounded the woman. Both the Womsn and Porter are In Jail. ROCK ISLAND GETsllEW LINE 23e-a of Berllnctoa Sasall Connecting Link Between Plattabnr;, M., and Kanae City. KANSAS CITY. Feb. Ja. That nart of th Northern Connecting railway aystem from Plattsburg. Mo., south to Kansas City, a dlatanoe of fortv-on mllaa. haa been sold by the Burlington railroad to the Chlcaao. Rock Island A Paelflo rail- road. The latter road Will taka oosaemalan tot th new Una on Aorll 1 and will ab.a. don the use of th Burlinaton track h.. ..n Kansas citv nri r.m.rnn Mn .. noon as nosslbl. and will run Its trains tn and out of Kansas City from and to the at, by th way of Plattsburg. DIES FOR LOVE OF MOTHER Small Boy Commit Baleldo Beennse J of Hi Mamma' I ''( 1 Death. CHICAGO, Feb. 2a. For lov of bla dead toother a 14-year-old boy, Charles Ander son, committed suicide here today by taking toisoa. . "Sine mamma died," he aald la a child- ish scrawl left for his father. "I don"t stem to car to llv. 1 miss her so that I must die too. Ooodbye, father. Th money ah left m you can baft." Th lad's mother died some tlm ago. N0YES BROTHER ARRESTED Alaokaa Ei-Jadge'a Helatlv I 4c. need of Farcin HI Mother' 'r Nam. ST. PAUL. Mlna., Feb. 26. A Baraboo, IWls., special to the Dispatch says: D. W. Noyea waa arrested today, charged with forging bl mother's name t a not for 1SO0, and getting it cashed at th First National bank. H was tormarly a Justice of th peac and Is a brother to Arthur H. Noyos, who today, lost hla position as i9U4r. la AjsAiAf - MISS STONE STARTS AT ONCE Liberated Missionary Will Go to Ceastnnttnonle Wltaoat Delay. SALONICA, Roumanla, Feb. 26. Mist Ellen M. Stone and Mme. Tsllka will start without delay from Strumltsa. Macedonia, for Constantinople. In the meanwhile the missionary headquarters, where they are receiving toe congratulations of their col- leagues. Miss Stone aaya the brigand swore both of their captives to absolute secrecy aerdlng any Information calculated to re- to es- location of the places where they were' con- eealed, or other facts likely to compromise ineir capiora. as a mailer oi xaci me prisoners themselves were very uncertain regarding many details of their wander- ings. They did not know when tbev were re leased, in what section of the country they were. An arrangement bad been made to release them nesr Seres, where Drago man Oarglulo and Mr. House were waiting for them, but the brlganda declared It was too difficult to , carry out the plan, and brought their captives, after a bard night march, within one and a half miles of Strumitis. The two women were left under the shelter of a tree at 1:30 In the morning of February 23. The bandits pointed out the direction of the Tillage and ordered the captives to report themselves to the vil lage elder, who on learning their Identity would provide for them. The brigands turned bsck and disappeared among the bills. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. The State de partment today received a cablegram fiom Minister Lelcbmann at Constantinople con taining the first official announcement it has of Miss Stone's release. Now that the captive is returned the State department does not hesitate to an nounce its full approval of all that has been done toward effecting the release by Minister Lelshmann and Spencer Eddy, the 8cret'r' of etloii charge, and by Turkey and Bulgaria to pursue these brigands to th point of extermination. LONDON, Feb. 27. A dispatch to the DatI Expres from Vienna aays that Mlsa ston will go to th Unlte(1 states next GERMANY'S GRAIN DUTIES Tarlal Committee Adopt Compromise Amendment Agalnat Strong Government Oppositions BERLIN, Feb. 26. Th tariff committee of . the Reichstag today adopted the com promise amendment to the new tariff bill regarding the corn duties In spit of stren uous opposition by the government mem- Dor- Tna Tot ott tn amendment waa 14 " "a iu ids discussion preceding mo voie on th amendment waa very bitter. Count von Schwerin-Loewlta (conservative) in supporting the amendment, declared that threats of a dissolution of the Reichstag bad no terrors for the conservatives. It Sovernment declined to meet the rights, it is said that the latter wou,d re,UM to onlie .their ob ligation to conclude commercial treat ie' Th government wa acting In aj i antagonism to the majority of the Reich stag and 'of the Diets, and, theerfore, the ministers were responsible for the conse quences. The minister of commerce, Herr Moeller, in reply, appealed to the commit tee to trust in the government at thla highly critical moment. The government waa the beet judge of what waa possible of achievement. Ita attitude waa not based on fear of th foreigner, but on recogni tion of the necessity for maintaining the national export trade. Any failure to reach an understanding would barm agriculture immensely. The compromise amendment passed by he tariff committee reducea the minimum and maximum ratea on wheat and corn to ( and 1 mark per 1.000 kilograms reepeo- t,Te!f- "M"1'"1 br,e' to " ' Imrk P' LOW kllograma respectively. PRINCESS RADZIWELL JAILED Arrested Vpon the Charge of Forcing Cecil Rhodes' Name to Promis sory Hote. CAPETOWN, Feb. 28. Princess Radil- wlli waa arrested today on the charge of forgery and waa admitted to ball la L000. Tbb Information wan sworn to by Dr. Bcbolta and waa aupported by an affidavit trom Cecil Rhodes, the charge being the forgery of the latter' name te promissory notes. ne princes was remanaea. waa announced from Capetown Febrn ary 13 that Prlnc Radstwlll that day paid th Judgment for 1,150 obtained against her October 13 last by Thomas I merchant of that city, for money advanced on a not for C 3,000, said t hav been endorsed by Cecil Rhodes, but which th latter repudiated DEVLIN GOES JO PARLIAMENT Irish Leader, at Present la United States, Elected to Hoase ot Common. DUBLIN, Feb. 26. Joseph' Devlin has been elected without opposition to repre sent north Kilkenny In the House ot Corn on t0 : Patrick McDermott. vtho resigned his seat on hla appointment aa steward and bailiff of the Manor of North- stead. Mr. Devlin is at present tn the United States in the Interest of th United Irish league. BOERS CAPTURE WAGON TRAIN Sever FIghtlnat with Convey R. ported, knt Kitchener Baa K Details. LONDON, Feb. 16. A dispatch from Lord Kitchener, made public today, aays A convoy of empty wsgons waa attacked and raplured ty the Boers, southwest of Klerkmioro (Transvaal colony February H. Th escort consisted of a force of the Imperial yeomanry, three companies of th Northumberland fuslleers and two guna. a. Th fighting was aevac. but hav REDUCES ARMY IN ISLANDS Secretary Boot Orders Homo Thirteen Thousand Philippine Troops. LEAVES THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND ABROAD Movement of Treopa Will Be Made Slowly and Regiment Will Itetnrn la Order of Seniority la Foreign Service. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Secretary Root in conformity with assurance recently made to various committees of congress has arranged for a gradual reduction of th military tore in th Philippines to about 32.000 men. Orders have been sent to General Chaffee, commanding th di vision of the Philippine, to arrange to send home all the regiment under bis com mand that were sent to the Philippines in 1890. About 13,000 troops are affected by these orders. The movement will b mad very alowly, a regiment at a time, in the order in which they arrived in the Philippines, and in each case only when the regiment can be spared without embarrassment and with out impairing the military control of the situation. All the troop aent out in 1893 already hav been recalled to the United States with the exception of those who retnllsted for service in the archipelago. When all the fresh troopa In the United State under orders to the Philippines have arrived there it is calculated that General Chaffee will' have an effective fighting force of nearly 32,000 men, ex clusive of the regiments of 1890, which are to be brought borne at hie earliest convenience. It is not believed thai it will be possible for the first of these troops to leave the Philippines for at least three months. yVITH HEADQUARTERS IN OMAHA Senator Millard Plan New Western Division of Rnrnl Free Dellv- ' ery Department. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 26. (Special Tele gram.) Senators Dietrich and Millard had an interview with President Roosevelt to day relative to matters of a political char acter and Incidentally aounded the presi dent on the likelihood of securing more appolntmenta for Nebraska. The president was not enthusiastic, so far as could be learned, for the reason that he believe tba state ha been pretty well token care since his Inauguration, and aa the offices at bis disposal are necessarily limited, be would like to spread them over aa large a territory as possible. "We talked with the president about some appointments," said 8enator Millard, 'but aa they are in the future it would not be proper to aay anything about our talk at thla time." Senator Dietrich was equally non-com' munlcatlve. It la known, however, that Senator Millard is seeking to secure a new division of rural free delivery with head quarters at Omaha, and in which be haa th support of Senator Dietrich. It la pro posed to put ' NebrawkY, North and Sotitk Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa m a new di vision, the present Western' division, Which Include thirteen states and territories, is too large. Senator Quarlea and the Wis consin .delegation, however, have 'another scheme, that of placing Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota antt Michigan with Wisconsin and creating a new division of those states, with headquarters at Milwaukee. Superintendent Machen of the rural fret delivery service is in favor of making a new division, but baa not made up his mind which states should be Included. Representatives Burke, and Martin of South Dakota today presented Mr. and Mrs. Chambers Kellar of Deadwood and Judge J, K. Breedon of Pierre to the president. O. M. Lambertson of Lincoln returned from New York today, accompanied by. Mra. Lambertaon. They are guests at th New Wlllaxd. Benator Millard had a conference with Commissioner Jones this afternoon on mat' tera connected with th Omaha and Winn' bago agency. He waa accompanied by Agent Mathewson and E. A. Wlltse of Pender. No conclusions were reached. Adams McMullen of Wymore, secretary to Senator Dietrich, haa passed the district bar examination here, standing among the highest of those fortunate enough to pas. First Lieutenant Henry C. Evans, jr.. of the artillery corps, now at San Fran clsco, baa been 'ordered to' Omaha for gen eral recruiting duty. Contract Surgeon Clarence A. Warwick, now at Keokuk, la., haa been ordered to duty in the Philippines. First Lieutenant James R. Goodal, Twenty-second Infantry, will proceed to Fort Crook for duty. Dr. W. K. Clark baa been appointed pension examining surgeon at Niobrara, Neb. Dr. W. E. Messenger has been appointed examining surgeon at Corning, la. Dr. C. W. Bandera and Dr. 8. A. Spll man, pension examining aurgeons at Mason City and Ottumwa, la., respectively, have resigned. B. J. Woody 1 appointed postmaster at Cedar, Mahaska county, la. A postofflc haa been established at Rome, Big Horn county, Wyoming, with Frank Hall postmaster. Reserve agent approved: Corn Exchange National of Chicago tor Grundy County National of Grundy Center, and First Na tlonal ef Indlanola, la. URGES REGULAR ARMY POSTS Governor Taft Say Permanent Mil. Itary Station Ar Heeded In Philippine. WASHINGTON. Feb. 26. Governor Taft continued hla statement today before the Insular committee of the house. Referring to the tariff, he advocated a reduction ot TS per cent on tobacco, sugar and hemp. He emphasized the need of Increasing the appropriation, for permanent military posts as the present system ot using churches. schools and private houses, as soldiers' quarters did not assist toward traaqulllty. At times, too, he said the officers took th best houses for their quarters and occa sionally there were delays In paying the rent for the native quarters. He said there should be a thousand mora American teachers In the island. In ex plaining the queatloa of th friar lands. Governor Taft said it would b desirable to guarantee the bonds to be issued tor th purchase ot these lands, aa it would secure a low rate of interest. Wisconsin Man Get Dan lei a' Place. ' WASHINGTON. Feb. 26. The president had decided to appoint Myron McCord, former member of the bouse of representa tive from Wisconsin, marshal ot Arizona, 1 p,"c" ol Jnn uaaieia. tn plac of Benjamin Daalels, who com, MURDER AN ENTIRE FAMILY Six Earl the VlTtlrJ aa Awfal Crime In Loalslan Rabbcrr the Motive. WELSH, La., Feb. 2fc Buslnes baa been practically suspended in this little town, owing to the murder of six member of th Earl family. Tba body of L. 8. Earl, father of the murdered boys, had been found in a ditch near bla home with the throat cut and the body far gone In putrlflcatlon. There la every evidence' that the murders were committed a part of a prearranged plot. Th borne ef Ward Earl, three mile from here, was om distance from that of his father. , Evidence goes to show that Ward Earl was first murdered and that his father -waa then summoned from his home and murdered. Mrs. Earl left a piece of aewlng on the machine In her home when aha left the" house and the three children had scattered the cards with which they were plsyinr about the Door. When the bodies were found they had been piled in a heap, with the excep tion of that of L. 8. Earl. The only pos sible motive which can be eeneelved waa robbery. Mlsa Maude Earl t In a critical condition. Her mind aeeems to be affected by the shock to such, an extent that she cannot realise the extent of the tragedy. The reported arrest of the suspected man In Missouri has not been confirmed as yet. The funerals of the alx victims will take place this afternoon. . PRINCETON, Mo.. Feb. 28.-rA. E. Bataon, wanted for alleged complicity In tba mur der, at Welsh, La., of alx members of the Earl family, who was arrested here late yesterday by Sheriff Cook,- la being held In the county jail. Batson formerly lived in thla vicinity and it wsa expected that he would make a visit to his mother, Mrs. F. J. Payne, who lives four miles southeast of Splkard, in the next cunty. The au thorities of both counties kept a close watch for' hlm, 4n response to instructions from the Louisiana officer. Bataon cam into Princeton late yesterday after a visit to bla mother and was arrested as' he wsa leaving the city. He made no resistance. Today he refused to talk about the crime with which he is charged, but stated that he would return to Louisiana without requisition. Batson waa a hired man on the Earl place. - During the day Batson consented to talk. He made a rambling story, during which he declared repeatedly that he waa Innocent of any connection with the murders. He admitted having worked for the Earl fam ily up to within a few daya ago, when. he aays, he waa discharged, but insisted that he left the place en the best terms. Batson aeserta that the aona quarreled con tinually with the elder Bates and that on the day be left the premises one of the boys waa in a drunken stupon, - KEEP THE OLD CONSTITUTION Rational Bdneator Defer Action New Rnlea Until Kelt . Meeting. , ' CHICAGO, Feb. 26. At today'a aession of (ha department ot superintendent ef the National Education association it waa de cided to poatpene till next yea the vol on th proposed new eonstltj'MM. . This ac tiatt 1 wae dte to ' the alffenvdo M opinio. which arose over a clause which arevided that only active members allowed to vote and hold office. The speakers of the forenoon were Dr. W. H. Payne of the University of Michigan and Dr. W. T. Harris, United States com mlssloner of education. Dr. Payne," in dls cussing "The Ideal Normal School," de clared that specialists were a menace to any school where teachers were taught. The specialist, he aald, could Instruct, but he could not educate. "He can," said the professor, "teach chemistry, but he cannot make chemists." Superintendent Greenwood of the Kansaa City schools arose and in answer to this as sertlon declared that it a specialist could not make a chemist be did not know who could. "Take a staff of specialists ' in a school and where is your ordinary teacher then?" be asked. Dr. Harris' subject, which he discussed In lucid style, was, "The Danger of Using Biological Analogies in Reasoning on Edu catlonal Subjects." It was decided to hold aext year'a meeting In New Orleans. SENT TO FEDERAL PRISON Crasy Sank aad Xlne Follower Oct Term at Lenven ( worth. MUSKOGEE. I. T., Feb. 26. Chltto Hargo, .r Crasy Snake, and nine ot hla followers were today in the federal court here sei.t,incd to the United States pent tentlary si Fort Leavenworth, Kan., for two years anil each waa lined $5,000 on a charge ot conspiring against the govern ment. They constltuta the leader of what la known as the Snake gang of Indiana who have sought to resist the allotment of lands by the Dawes commission in the Creek nation and prevent the settlement of af fairs by the government in th Indian Territory. Crasy Snake over a year ago started an uprising that mad it necessary to call out troop from Fort Sill and be and hla followers were arrested last week for again inciting the Indiana to violence. The names of th leadera besides Craiy Snake aentenced today are: Gilbert John son, Chotka Jamea, Abraham Mcintosh, Louis Mitchell, Louis Harjo, Squirrel, John Timothy, George Simmon and Little Tiger, COMPROMISE ON COLOR LINE Women's Clnb Presidents of Mnsaa chasett Taka Initiative In Old Controversy. e ' BOSTON. Feb. 26. By an Informal vote the Women'a club presidents of Mass chusetts have declared themselves in favor ot a compromise on the question of th admission of colored organization to th General Federation of Women'a Clubs. The compromise leavea the matter to the ddcislon ot each state. The executive board of the federation has rejected the compromise, but the presidents have asked th executive board to reoonslder the de clslon. REFUSES TO DRAW COLOR LINE Maryland Honso of Delegate Defeat BUI far Separate Car for Kegroe. ANNAPOLIS, Md.. Feb. 26. Th house ef delegatea today voted down tha bill requlr lng railroad companies In this state to pro vide separate cart or compartmenta for colored people. The bill te appropriate $3,000 for a bronz bust of Rear Admiral Schley was passed and only wait tha signature at tha got JjXaei aft JUfcflaui 4 Ja, w SAVAGE nEADS THE CONGRESS Nebraska'! Governor Preiidei Qver Inter state Irrigation Convention. DECLARES PLAN AS OLD AS EDEN Urge that Piatt Valley Re Made to Blossom and Yield a Fraltfnlly Maxwell Argsei for Forestry. STERLING, Colo., Feb. 26. (Special Telegram.) At tbe opening session of the Interstate Irrigation congress her today Governor Savage of Nebraska was elected president and J. D. St Ires of Nebraska secretary. In making bla opening address Governor Savage said be cam not as a teacher, but as a pupil of Irrigation. He was a willing sympathizer In the educa tional movement along that line and be lieved that tbe work don by this copgress would epread to all parts of the glob and result in much good. Many were preju diced agatnet Irrigation, he aald, thinking that ft was some new-fangled notion. He cited the garden of Eden as having ex isted under a system of Irrigation, and that by proper system ot canals and reservoirs the great Platte valley would be anotber garden of Eden. t George H. Maxwell, legislative chairman of tbe National Irrigation association, ad dressed the convention for two hours. He contended that tbe preservation of the for eats was tbe foundation of all Irrigation, and predicted that unless the forests of Colorado were preserved all Irrigation de velopment would eventually come to naught, because tbe water supply would decrease and gradually fall if the forest were destroyed. He drew a strong and graphic picture of the desolation that had resulted in other parts of the world from forest destruction. Mr. Maxwell referred to the president's message ot confirmation of his contention that forest preservation meant the best ub of the forests, and not their withdrawal from use, and that they should be properly administered as a business proposition for the benefit of the whole people and not sac rificed for tbe greed of the few. Wyoming and Nebraska. Represented Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska ar represented In the Irrigation congress, which met at the opera house this after noon. There are about seventy-five dele gates, mciuaing uovernor savage and a large delegation from Nebraska. George H. Maxwell, executive chairman of the National Irrigation association, de livered an address. He commended tbe idea of promoting by such a convention, a harmonious aentlment between tbe three states of Colorado, Wyoming and Ne braska. He aald that one state could not accomplish as much for' ita own benefit by acting aolely from a aelBsh standpoint aa it could by working along broad lines that would consider and embrace whatever waa best for the welfare of all ot them. He Impressed upon the convention the fact that tha national Irrigation movement waa not planned, nor was It being carried out with Any Idea of interfering -In. any way with - private enterprises. On th eon tttJVl.'id.,latta.fh pttrpoctt ot th National association to aid and stimulate sound and legitimate, enterprises which could be carried out . without gov ernment. aid or intervention. Ha aald that tha purposa was to get the government to build only such works ' aa were reasonably practicable for private enterprise. 1 Present Condition Enconraglng, He commented on the local conditions In the region about Sterling, and aald that the fact that the existing irrigation ditches wera controlled by co-operative companies. owned by the landowners themselves, was an encouraging fact, because such systems had everywhere tended to a larger and more permanent prosperity. "It there are anywhere within your reach," said Mr. Maxwell, "opportunities to Increase or make more certain th water aupply for your ditches, by all meana or ganize your local people and build the reservoirs. ' Do not wait for tha govern. ment to help you." A letter from Governor Orman of Colo rado, who was unable to attend th con vention, waa read. It said: It appears to me It would be a wise plan on the part or the government lor tne nresent at least to confine itself to the systematic study of the streems and water sources, obtain and collect reliable Infor mation and data as to the capacity oi tne stream, both during high and low water periods, tne amount or waste at unusea seasons, me rjesi location sor me construc tion or reservoirs to conserve tne waters taking into consideration the best points ot vantage tor its aiairiouiion ana uuniauon. When this has been determined, then, no doubt. If the government does not care to take further sttns in the matter there would be sufficient reliable data at hand to enable private individuals and corporations to proceea Wltn tne project, Knowing mat ultimately success awuuea mem. UTAH IRRIGATORS MEET Assemble la Responae to Governor' Call Advising Thorough Or. SALT LAKE, Utah, Feb. 26. Fully 100 representative irrigator from all parta of Utah met in this city today in response to a call recently Issued by Governor Wells. Th object ot th convention 1 to hav thorough discussion ot th needs of th stat in th matter ot irrigation, the con sideratlon ot tha advisability of a thorough and active organisation of irrigators an tbe Initiation of such action, both in a loci. and national way. In tbe interest ot irriga tion, as may be deemed advisable. ' The meeting was called to order by Gov ernor Wells, who outlined th nature of tha wrk before th body and spoke of tbe great Importance of irrigation to th arid laada of the west. STATE WILL FOOT THE BILL Mlnneaota Legislator Makes Appro . prlatlon to Pay Eapeaae of Caao Agalast Railroad Merger. 8T. PAUL, Feb. 25. Tbe house today passed tba aenate bill appropriating $25,000 to pay the expenses of th stat of Minne sota against th Northern Securities com pany aad the so-called merger of Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroads. As the bill was introduced on the request ot the governor bis approval is regarded as certain.- CARRIES ON MARRIAGE BUREAU Cheyenne Attorney Arrested for Mia aalng th Mall la th Con. dact of HI Baslnes. CHEYENNE, Wye. Feb. 26. J. T. Nor ton. an attorney of Cheyenne, was arrested today by federal officials. He Is charged with fraudulently using the malls, having aarrted on a matrimonial bureau for over a year. Ha waa cashing meaty order when. Aft VM-ftXMlta , CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Rain and Colder Thursday Rain Friday; Norlhaeet Wlnus. Temperatare at Omaha Yesterdayi Hoar. De. Hoar. Dra. B a. aa. 42 4A 41 4a 1 p. m. St p. as. 3 p. ns. 4 p. ns. B4 B3 BT BT e) a. m . T a- an. N a. m . 9 a. sr. 44 B p. ra Bl p. m 83 T p. m BO a p. na 4M 9 p. m...... 45 10 a. m 4H 11 a. mm 4 111 m ,. BO ECHO OF TILLMAN EPISODE Llentenaat Governor of Soath Caro lina Ask President Roosevelt to Withdraw Aeceptaace. -AUGUSTA, Ga., Feb. 26. Lieutenant Gov ernor James H. Tillman of South Carolina, wbo is in this city, says that today. In deference to requests by wire from the subscriber to th fund for the sword al luded to. he telecrarjhed as follows to President Roosevelt: A ahnrl s-hH am T hnd the honor to address your excellency a letter requesting that on the occasion of your visit to Charleston you present a sword to Major Mioah. jenklna ot tne first unuea oiaiea volunteer .svalrv. of whose aallant serv ices you spoke so highly, your words being engraved o;- the scabbard. You accepted the invitation, for which we thank you. I am now requested by contributors to the sword's fund to ask that you withdraw said acceptance. JAMES II. TIUL.MAN. it. r-ninn.i Vlr.t Smith Carolina Volun teer Infantry-and lieutenant uovernor oi South Carolina. In explaining the sending of the talegram, Lieutenant Governor Tillman said: it ) with much res-ret that I am directed or rather required to have sent the tele gram 1 did, especially In view of the fact that I am so cloaely related to one who but a few daya ago was subjected to an .irrnni hlh was seeinlnslv. or at least the people who contributed to the purchase of the swora mm a, unwarromeu. TWO DEAD IN TRAIN WRECK Coif Other Are Inlnred in .oi- llalon of Pnaa'enger and Freight. YOUNGSTOWN. O., Feb. 26. Two fast Pittsburg ft Western freight trains collided half a mile east ot Girard, O., tonight, re sulting In the death of two men, tha fatal Injury of two and less serious injury to two others. The dead: ENGINEER RAYMONY ANTIONES ot Elwood City, Pa. BRAKEMAN EDWARD COFFEY of Akron. O. Fatally injured: Frank Harming ot Newcastle Junction, Pa. Conductor William H. Noss. Less seriously hurt: F. A. Stalk of Cugo Junction, O.; S. A. Corey of Cortland, O. The trains, heavily loaded, met head on. Tbe collision waa probably the result of a misunderstanding of orders. MINNESOTA TAKES THE LEAD First State to Arrange for Exhibit at St. Leal World's . -: i BT. LOUIS, Mo., Feb. 26. Minnesota la : the first atate In the union to taka ateps 1 toward tbe Installation ot Ita exhibit ' at the Louisiana Purchase exposition, to be held In BU Louis in 1903. J. I. Bernard ot Pipestone, Minn., who was superin tendent ' of the Minnesota exhibit at the Pan-American exposition, arrived in the city today with two carloads of material for tha atate'a exhibit. He haa made ar rangements to otore the goods until th exposition buildings are ready. The material waa taken from the Min nesota exhibit at tba Pan-American ex position and Include only the beat part ot it. Word was received at world's fair bead quarters today to the effect that Canada would be represented at tbe Louisiana Purchase exposition with a creditable building and exhibit. FOUND GUILTY OF "BRIBERY Promoter I Convicted aa Coaaplrator . to Borden City with Enor naoao Contrast.- GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Feb. 26. Henry A. Taylor of . New York waa found guilty of conspiracy to bribe by the Jury In the superior court tonight. ' This la tha sec ond conviction aa a result ot the recent investigation of the city water acandal. Taylor furnished the money with which It was proposed to aaddle upon th city a water aupply contract of several million dollars. His home I in Mllford, Conn. Judge Newnbam permitted him to go under hla $5,000 until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Thla la the second conviction as the result of tha reseat grand Jury In vestigation ot the water worka acandal. Ex-City Attorney L. K. Salsbury was re cently found guilty of an attempt to bribe city officials while he waa in tha office and hla case has been prosecuted on error to the supreme court. ST. JOSEPH WOMAN ARRESTED Charged with Violating Pension Law by Secrotly Marrying After Getting Claim. ST. JOSEPH. Ho., Feb. 26. An officer of the pension department today caused tba arrest of Mrs. Battle Hanlon, an old resi dent of this city, and her two aons, W. J. Hanlon and G. A. Crouse. Mrs. Hanlon waa granted a pension on the death ot her first husband and continued to draw th pension up to th present time, al though she was secretly married again aome time ago. Her two aona are alleged to have made false affidavit concerning the pension a few days sines to a speclsl aaent of the pension department. All are well known. Movement r'. Ocean Veasels, Feb. 26. At New York Arrfved Oceanic, from T.ivernAnl. Hailed Georgia, for Liverpool St. Louis, for (Southampton; Frlealand, for Antwerp; Teutonic, for Liverpool. At Hhanahal Arrived Pine Suey. from Tacoma. via Yokohama, for Hong Kong. At 1'lraeua Arrivea jeiuc, lor jsew Vnrlc. At Rotterdam Arrived Marsdam, from Boulogne. At London Arrived Minneapolis, from New York. At Oueenstown Arrived Waesland, from Philadelphia, for Liverpool- At Yokohama Sailed Empress of India, for Hone KuiK. At Plymouth Balled Pretoria, from Hamburg, for New York. At Liverpool Sailed Sylvanla, for Bos ton. At Southampton Sailed Deutchland, from tiamourg, tor ntw xora, via cner bourg At Philadelphia Arrived Rhynland, from Liverpool, via Queenstown. At Genoa Arrived Commonwealth, from RnaiAn. for Naples and Alexandria. At Brow Head Passed Germanic . for Oueenstown and Llveroool. ' At Klnsale Paaaed-eorgla, from KW ZOravioc adivarjBVOJt . PRINCE ATBANQUETS Eojal Guest Dines with Editors tad CapUini of Industry. BOTH FUNCTIONS ON ELABORATE SCALE Hundreds of American Journalist Preiant at Evening Dinner. SEND GREETINGS TO EMPEROR AT BERLIN Kings of United States Commerce Gather in Large Numbers. PRINCE MAKES ADDRESS AT NIGHT I Greeted with Kathnalastle An- lanae, la Which Band'a Olacoorso of National Air la Mcely Mingled. NEW YORK. Feb. 26. Prince Henry of Prussia dined tonight with 1,000 of the men who make Amtrtctn newspapers. He waa the special guest ot Herman Rldder, proprietor of th New Yorker Staata Zeltung, who gathered at his table a majority of the leading figures In American Journalism. Tbey cam from tbe four quarters ot the country and made tbe most noteworthy gathering of their profession ever assembled In tbe United States. There wsa fellcltloua exchange of greet- . ings between Prince Henry and tha men who spoke for tbe Journalists craft and the affair claim rank aa on of tb notable Incidents of the American tour of the Prince. The affair was given In, the grand hall room of the Waldorf-Astoria hotel, hut that Immense room waa not large enough to accommodate tbe guests, and tba Astor gallery waa also uaed. Th two rooms were splendidly decorated. Mr. Ridder and th special guests aat -at an elevated table, above wbloh were ' the American and German flags. Tha ' stave wer. crossed and tb banner, draped fan-like, reached out Ilk the wings of a -huge butterfly. Abov them was tha Prus sian eagle done In incandescent lights. From the boxes bung clinging vines and set in on tbe ledge were hundreds of palms. Each table carried boquets of American beauty roses, around which wera candelabra shaded In red. Demonstration I Cordial. As th diners took their places, tha ladle ot many ot the party appeared In the boxes which wall th room. Prince Henry, attended by the members of hla suite, drove to the hotel under escort of cavalry and mounted police. Tha demon stration in the streets leading to tbe hotel waa the most cordial of any that haa so ar marked the appearance in publle. Great crowds lined tb way and pressed against the police guard that had been thrown around tha Thirty-third street en trance to the hotel. They cheered Then th prince came in eight and he frequently raised hla. hand to- hi, cap In axknewiedg- ' ment of the demonstration. Tha rlhc . ' reached, tha hotel at 1:20 o'clock and .waa received by Mr. Rldder. They h0ok hands warmly and while 'they paused for a brief talk tha member Of tha suite and tb delegate of President Roosevelt filed up to the banquet hall, . The band played the American national anthem aa the first of tha uniformed Staff entered and the crowd ot guests . arose. There was a great cheer aa th prince tp- ' peered and another when he took his place at the side of Mr. Rldder St the special table. Those who occupied Seata With the host and chief guest were: Llat of Attendants. 'v Edward P. Call. Lieutenant - flnvarnnr Wood tuff, Consul General Buente. Melville r. stone. Admiral tvans. Captain von Mueller. Mayor Low. Admiral vbn Rack. endorff, Aaefatant Secretary Hill, Frank a. Moves. General von Pleasen. Austrian minister; Blxhop Potter, Whltelaw Reld, German Ambassado.' von Holleben. Ed ward Uhl, Archblahop Corrlgan, Admiral von Tlrplta, Senator Lodge, Admiral von Eisendecher, ' Charles Emory Smith, Ben- ..." ...j. iio.wi muvir. Anmirsi Count von BaudlMsIn, Charles W. Knapp, Captain von Grumme General Corbtn, the xiev. ut. uounein ana wuuam J, )ryam. Editor Cablo to Emperor. The editor aent a cablegram ot greeting to tha Kaiser Wilhelm. It was submitted by Melville E. Stone, and after cordial In dorsement by tbe guests, was forwarded. It read as follows: To the German EmDeror: The edltdra of the dally, newspapers of the United States l.OuO In number. In honor of your Illustrious brother, send you cordial greet ings and all good wishes for a long and proitpvroua reign. We hall the presence of Prince Henry In this country as an omen of even closer ties of amity and heartily reciprocate all of the splendid and re pea lea overtures or rrienasnip you have been grafclmmly pleased to extend. MELVILLE E. STONE, Secretary. As the prince took hla scat tha elaotric light waa flashed Into tha Prussian acgl above him on the southern wall and the power was also Increased in every on of tbe 2,600 Incandescent light that burned in .the room. It gave Special brilliancy to an already attractive seen. Bishop Potter (Oarera Graa. Mr. Ridder called upon Bishop Potter, who offered a brief grace. Aa the evening proceeded thousands of handsomely gowned women filled th boxes above the dining hall. An orchestra high up In tbe aecond tier of boxes played na tional music, which, when it caught tha . - ' . V. A . 1. aA Ul IU VIVWU, IUO HU IL. UIW Wacbt am die Rhine," caused tha crowd to. arise, and after singing lustily there was loud chetra. "America" got the same treatment. Tbe excellent moulded statuet tes of Prince Henry were distributed aa souvenirs. - At 10:25 Mr- Rldder, rapping for atten tion, proposed the health of th prttldent of tb United States and Kaiser Wilhelm and called on Whltelaw Reld to respond. Mr. Rldder aald: Whltelaw Reld Speak. Your Royal Highness, and Gentlemen: I have the pleasure and the honor of offering the health of the president of the United Slates and the German emperor, which I ask you to rise and drink, and I couple with this sentiment the name of the Hon. Whltelaw Rem, tne aistinguisnea eauor or the New York Tribune. Mr. Raid's address waa followed by that ot Mr. Rldder. Prince Henry waa then introduced. . 'Aa ha stood up the crowd burst lata tha aoag: "Hoch Boll Er Leben Mai Hoch." After that they sang "For He U a Jolly Good Fellow." Before beginning his aet speech tha prlnc said: "This is tha largest Interview I ever had." H then aald: Mr. Toastmaster and Gentlemen: I am fully aware of the fact that I am the guest and In the preaonoe of tho repraeautauvea of tha Dress of tho United bla tea and In lajUoulax lbs guest fit lb 2 eve Xorhx