Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TUESDAY, FETUlUATtY 25, 1002. SPECIAL UOTiCES Advertisement for these eolasna Mil taada til. 1-1 m, tor ta rmtm rdlilaa ana aattl SO a. am. far maralnB and Sander edltlna. ft mi r a, 1 !- a -word flrat lasertlan. la m word thereafter. NothlBS lakra fa less kaa tor the flrat laser tlsa. These advertltesaeata asast aa eeaseeatlTely. Advertisers, by reaetlaa" lam. itrtl check, eaa bar answers ad dressed fa a aaaatrered letter la ear t Tad Bad. jkiiarn so addressed will aa delivered da areeeatatiea af tad heals aaly. SITUATIONS WANTED. POSITION bv exnorlenoed collector nn (reliable hiuse Al references; bond If da aired. Address U 80, bet. A M574 23 WANTED, a' pnaltlon In an office aa book- keeper, collector or solicitor; city refer encea given. U Bo. Pee. A WW 2T (' .' WANTED UALU help. OOOO messenger, wanted; Increaaed pay. A. D. X. Co.. Hi South istn. U itti STEADY work. Drofltabte work, for neat. energatlo huaUera. U '. Adam Co., Howard. B xft van. A HALT BAY'S WUHK. If you live in tn country or n a email town and have a; good - acquaintance ' among tne larmefs and, stoca raisers la the nomhbornoou you can wake easily by tour or nva hours' wura. Write ua 'and wa wiU a fid your dur proposition. Iwt Publishing Co., boueuois' Aiepu, vuuat, jo.- omi WANTED, a, good man In every county to z take subscriptions ior 'A'he Twentieth Century Farmer. Our egenta niaa good ' wage everywhere, Beierencee required. A duress, - Vwentitrto century Jmraur, Uinaha, Nsb, r ..... t J oi VREE1' i rRL! ' Shave, hair cut, singe, any work In barber Una, dt Moler .College, 1m3 Farnam t., d uoor. Atours, to . b miss ao- FOREMEN of factories, shops, or gentle men ot wide acquaintance can make some extra money without any additional work' or Interference with their regtiutr duties. Address, stating where employed ana position oocupiea,i a va, ewe. r- - i ' ' B-M32S - i , i. WANTED A boy with d borae to deliver The Kventhg liee, outh aide. Call at I be Or&G circulauoh department, i p. in. a. r ,. 4,- - BUliA- til A WEEK for 'responsible men In I each' locality, to make contract for a I live aompany. Koont 701 N. X. L. Bldg. Li : ' ' " ' BE YOUR own boaa. The Elsler Blrn Co. wanta youna . men every where. Addrcaa 41-43 Clinton Ave., St. .Johna, Michigan. . ?. ... . B-Mi8oll6 a : . .., it , , . WANTED, hustllnn salesman for utanle .line. Salary arid cotnmluHlon. , Expehsea paiu. Auami u care zsee. o ool it WANTED an experienced tinner and bicy cle repair man. State' reference and aal- ary. jr. I Iunn, Oaceola, JSeb. , : ..c; - n- . j B-646 18 EOT or young man to work for board. WIS - Doualaa etreat. ' " B M&06 26 Douglaa street. B MWS 25 I WANTED, a first-class tailor at once; teady work. Writ - Julius Winkel, creigntotviNen. ' - b ' WANTED, a, flrst-clasa ' barber. Grand hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa. B Mm 26 THE Moler- Barber college, 1623 Farnam street, wants 100 young men at once to learn the barber trade and be prepared for : aprlng rush only eight weeks required; teady practice, expert .instructions, etc; two years'. apprenticeship saved; splendid wage paid graauates; can earn acnoiar. snip, poara, tools, if uesirea; particular mailed tree; write .today, . B M6U0 2 RAI.RfiMAN to . take ordere from dnnart- nient atorea, druggista, bouaehold articles; ' established everywhere: quick sellers; '. commission id pri cent; aencr references rrom nrm witn marcantue rating. Ainna hau Moth Paper Works, 870 Peark New :'York- .. . ... ... -B Miifl 26 WANTED, by reliable house, salesman who visltsuiti vsmaV . iowna-. thai-Aia gasr t . sen staple article a siae line;- one wno sell, 'to hardware, ga companies: ga. fixtures, etc., preferred; a good profit can ba made by a live man. Address Gas. P. O. box 1692, Philadelphia, I'av B M5K5 26 ' , WANTED rEMALE HELf, .', WANTED.., two young lady student to learn hairdresslng, manicuring and chl . ropody and sclent l!lo massage. Call or write Room 220. bee Blag. C 688 WANTED, .at onoa rirl tor renerai house work: must know now to dp. plain cook ing, call a caiaweu au c bum WANTED, a firat-cldSd lady-cook; must give reference; wagea $6 per week. - Ad . dres C. R. Baldwin, Missouri .Valley, la. ... v, . C 130 t OIRL. for "general.-housework;- family of three, cau nurnuga coo eoutn 2tn. C 5U2 24 WANTED A competent . girl for general housework: no waahlnr: references re- , , quired. Mr. W.'A. :Ay.crlgg 2246 Landon court, jiear ta ot, . . ., . ..v i SPT.RNDID oooortonltv la offered vrtunsr ladea to earn hairdresslng, manicuring or facial masaaga: only tour weea re oulred by our method of practical expe rience; expert Instructions, etc.; complvte outfit ot tools presented each graduate: . . position guaranteed. Call or write Moler " J.'olleire. 162i Farnam St. C M801 2 HELP WANTED. AMATEUR dinger and actor for large play: also large. .chorus; anyone who can reak can learn to alnr with nroner in- . atructlon: call Tuesday, Thursday and uriuay afternoons, vreignton nan. . -M807 26 FOB BENT BOUSES. HOUSES. G. Q. Wallace, Brown block. AJ ITm TO WOVE right vet Omaha Van Storage Co. office lolii Farnam. or Tela. 1 oa I401 IQPQ ln " Pdrtd ot city. The O. Itwuwii'M F. AJdVid co.( B3X Bee Bldg, '... .: - - A JO U0UBE3 and flat. Klngwatt. Barker block. EIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace, 822. O..M. Naltluser, B bldg. 'Phone 46a. TWO I A 8-r. houaea.' Phona A-r,GS. DT44 HOUSES.' etc F. D. Wead, 1W4 Douglas. at HOUSES, atores: Bemls" Paxton block. PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., 801 N. Y. Life. FOa RENT, 211 N. 17th SC. 120, large t tury modern house of 8 rooms also barn. t, 8-rocu buuH at 86th and Decatur He 1 he Omaha Realty Cu Liul Doulas St., . upstairs. D 774 2t4 IIARNEY, 12 -rooms, modern, rant ehddn k I t314 N, 28th Ave, 8 rooma. city water, $12. . mVm Ai7 1, LA) W SWI11 II1UUCI U, I W.-FARNAM. 6M.1TH AjCO 1320 Farnam tjtreei, D 166 FIVE unfurnished rooms, all modern and nrat-claaa. uu aiiami ec A 214 I. 1. 1 , . , . ELEGANT 8-room house, all. modern im-1 provemsnts, corner U4 and Chlcugo. in quire 410 N. WX. D MJ9 26 1'.5 CHICAOO ST., 10 rooms, modern, 830. w.ww.m.- i ) l. r . FOR REffT Eight-room' detdcheJ" modern honks and bacn. lul pierce . D 67 2 VANS and tdlEdg wagons. Tel. lit '.., D-M808 l .' " 1 . . FOat HUNT FlRMSttfcD ROOMS. CS WET European hotel. 13th and Farnam, , -, .- ti ii ONE fumUh.d ronru, with heat, on oat ' 9 ' J 1 ' . I .... I . . I una, lux cia:; u pec tnonta. . av-u FOR RENT, largf aouth- front room, with alcova manful grata and large closec ixai t apuoi Ave, , j jv-jbi THREE furnished or Unfurnished rooms. light housekeeping. 4 fc 24ih st . South Omaha. .b M3T8 28 TWO newly tumfshed rooms," with vr lth- eut Bvara. au uraue tu - js stota Fl'RNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICK home (or young min. T 3. 2Mh Ft F 37 ROOMS and board. Glencalrn, 180$ Douglaa. F rj 8TEAM heated rooma . with board. 110$ Capitol Ave. f est FURNISHED room and board. 2223 Podrs. i r M.V7 26 FOR KENT, nicely furnished, eteam heated rooma, witn or witnnut onara. Miaiana. hotel. 16th and Chicago Bta. F 381 LAROE parlor, single or aulta. The Rose, awiininty, r isi ma- FURNISH KD front rooma, single or an aulta, witn'boara; reference. 3i 8. ztb at. JT MJel sr LA ROB aouth front alcova room, modern. Harney. F I" FOR RENT LNFURNIS1IED ROOMS. FIVE unfurnlahed rooma. 1120 N. 17th. QM100 DESK room space, 88 per month, ground Poor room in ine e ouuoing, lacing Farnam etreet; no expense for light, heat or Janitor eervlce. R. C. Peter Co., i Kentai Agents, uee Dunaing. u ut FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. IOR RENT, the building formerly occu- ?lcd by The bee dt hi farnam m. it naa our atorlea and a raeement which waa ormerly used as The bee press room. This will be rented very reasonaoiy. ti Intereated aunlv at once to C. C. Rol watrr, secretary, room 100, Bad building. FOR RENT, stora In flrst-claa locdtlon ; rent reaaonable. Apply n. u. cetera a .Co., ground floor, bed ttiug. iunt STORE RE ROOM at 16th and Howdrd; rood tr n i,i,i nf hii.inu, innnlra I locaU of Wright t Laabury. 6o South 16th St. I lBijl 1 I FOR RENT (lease or sale) The storeroom at BS N. 16th St.; also ixu ieei; siorstru room back. Inquire of lessee on premise 1 jawo zt' AGENTS AV ANTED. WANTED, canvassing agent In every county to solicit subscriptions to itim TWISNT1ISTH CHiiNXUKI ! Atiaait. Steady employment with assured good Income. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Can vassers make easily 860 to 8100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau. Bta building, omana. "MEDICO LOOT," the best family medical book In tna world; yju other good sellers. W. A. Hlxenbaugn at Co.. auu war Blk.. omana. jiui STORE ROOM at lth and Howard: rood location for any kind of business, inquire of W right Ac Loebury, 608 Ho. lth at. , J-iioil I III ,7 T lin . XTt. A n n sn Ann Board of Trade bldg., corner 16th and Farnam, formerly occupied by James K. Boyd company. Appiy secretary Boara or.iTaoe Biag. J-M576 25 WANTED TO RENT. ROOM and board, or two or three rooms furnlahnri for lliht hnuaalcnenlnr' vnrnil coupfeU bill1 ,OU"8keeK-M'60r WANTED TO BUY. WANTED to buy. a small amount of dry. . good ciack wainut, 1 men and thicker, vui Xougiaa. in-Atn o WANTED, nearly new typewriter. Smith sr tteminrton: wide carriage preierrea; atai price. Address u , Bee. jaisu a WANTED, to buy, second-hand gasoline engine, 4 or e-norse-power. Aaareas u , Bee omce. Answer toaay. b( TWO elevator grader and aome wheelers. Lyman waterman, ueneral Manaa-er t,reaton iuiectxiu xvy., Preston, lowa. WW 20 WANTED, to buy, a second-hand band aw. J. u. Bloraman, cnaerwood, la. . . W Matt ,26' SODA FOUNTAIN, aecond-hand, small, good -condition, cheap; writ particulars. Chas. H. Williams, druggist. Loveland, ia. nwt w UL. ' , .J. ' FOR SALE FURNITURE. , . CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodr. TeL au2u. Mew dnd deconanano, Dougnt, Bold, exenangea. o ttao FOR SALE UORSES, WAGONS, ETC THE BEST in buggled ana wagon dt H. Ji roat a, Attn ana Acavenworta. - f o RUBBER-T1RED coupe, newly painted. to; giuss aiue rocaaway, uo; family carrtagea, o to i eaten; wagons, urura- uioua carriag tu., Asm anu Aiarney. P 6 EXTRA Una new light delivery wagons,. ft usual pnoe. . wm. Burg, lt-te onerman ave. . jr too-naus FOR SALE, horse, buggy and light wagon: also targe ice dox ana seir-compuiing acaies. W. J. Borucit, aiut a St., uoutn Omaha. f A137D 26 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FIR Umbers for houaemovere, etc, 40 to il ic; criuoing ana nog xenc. sua uoug- iaa, w s JDHAJND aafd cheap, Derlght, Hit Farnam. -. - ' W Ml CADET tost, good as new: aUl fit boy 18 or A4 years oiu. - Aaureas aa a, Bee. INDIAN good dnd relied. Ili Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, latest modal Renting. ton, bmitn-A'raniier, Asenamore, replaced uy tne u vy uyjlj . iuw yrice. a, aa. Vv orkman at Co., 1617 Farnam. 'jyiione Mm. W 44 2D HAND aaf cheap. . echwartx, U4 8. Iftb. FOR SALE. Phonography ..upeilor to any Other muaiiai wa l aiuaai, au up. jt n ' Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. 1 1W STYLES trusses, catalogue liee. Shar- man at av-uuuaii vih vo., totn una Dodge, Omana, w-UHi FOR SALE. cholarhlp In dd Omaha shorthaud school, cheap. Inquire 232 be bldg. g-M9taJ SAMPLE piano, eastern manufacture, fully warranteu. at a uaiiwu. nwm tt, mo Cague bldg. mm BEAUTIFUL Chlckerlng upright piano dt 0-M7S1 kk1 vm.K.3. rihonorraoha and auonllea Omaha Bicycio v.c, -or. istn ana ciucago tits. ' . W '! TWO fresh milch cowl tor sale. 3108 Sew ard St. w aitJ au- I FOR SALE, SECOND-HAND LUMBER I 2w),0J0 feet'of second-hand lumber will be I' . . A . . . w i a .111 sold at once at north end of exposition grounds. Inquire- of H. F. Cady Lumber CO. J el. kii. w tut AAA FOR SALE A rood paying saloon with well established trace, in nortnsrn - braska. Atssson. sickness. . U A3, bee. Q 5ns 26 . CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 818 N. Uth. MME. UILMER, gvnuine palmist, 316 8. li. a we ELECTRIC TREATMENT. Mm. Ames, Cumberland bouse, 16th e Cap. ' A 111 AUi MME. SMITH, hatha. U8 N. 14. Id floor, R 8, 'A tot All ronton parlors, t-i n. litn, tut b. A AUj 28 BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatineui, aiutuuauu x) r- lain, r iat A. . , 1 Mtiw M2 MASSAGE, Manicuring. 1618 Howard, flat T-aiiAlMi PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, befor and during oon- nnement; Dauies aaopteo. wu urant Dt, Air, uardcis. AtL f-aaax. u W7 rEIMONAL. DR. ROT. cblropodlat. coma and auperfln oua hair removed by aiectriuity. rv it. Frenaer ill oca. u a HAIRDRESS1NO. manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only, in connection witn The Batbery, net mag. u s MME. SMITH, bath. 118 N. 111. d floor, r 1 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, beat and quickeat. Mra. A. u. Mara, ii aa vougiaa. v IV, CHIROPODT a epeclalty. In connection with The Batbery, rooma Zlf-Z30 bee bldg. Tel. 1718. . U-tit GRAMOPHONES and auppllea, wholesale and retail. Collin Flano Co., 1622 Uoug- laa, u tea i . VI AVI, woman' war to health; rational. wholeaom hom treatment. 148 Eee Bldg. u van GOLDMAN'S, the only perfect pleating piant in trie weat. vm uougia diock. u AltUO wiAwrvuinu ana nfurareaainaj. .c. in connectton with The batnery, zie-z.-u Bat t...!,,!-- iTia i . ,m I """"" - " I RUPTURE permanently cured In 80 to (0 days; aeno lor circular, u. a. vtooo. aa. D 621 New York Ufa Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U-4U1 LJEBEN. theatrical, masquerade costumar. itua arnam. u m towmc. uunio .lauica miuit '"' connnement; adopt bdble. ) Buroett. Airs, liurgeu u mi-tmv I, W. F. STOECKER, by virtue ot tha autnoriry in me. vested, ao, nereoy pro ciaim tnai tne STOECKER 'CIGAR I genuine and of tha beat' quality. It retail at strictly 60 tralgut. Unon n..ri. - 1 I ' W. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO, I , . Uvoa-A, ELITE PARLORS; Ot 8. 18th at.. 2d floor. ldiddlemld, wall paper cleaner, 1408 Jackson, I V loo a-a LADY owning Remington typewriter de sires position; six years experience wnn wholesale house In Omaha as atenoK- ranher and renerai omc assistant; ret- erenced AL U 11 Bee. U 389 24 RUPTURE CURED FOR 8: No pain, no detention from business: Bend lor cir culars. Empire nurture vurq , m N. Y. Life bldg.. Omaha. U-M273 SECRET SERVICE- ., Business, Criminal and Personal. Private Work a Bnectalty. I H. M. BOWKHS. 2611) N. 24th St., Omaha. HONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bond and warrant. Ueorge Sc company, ihui jrarnaj. atreet. 4V PER CENT on business property.. b per cent on resldenoe property. , Option to pay whole or part any urn. Wi B. alkiucua., tui a. uu rc. W 407 . ,ir . .t.u .... , . txr I V.rxS?hmiS i? cilSi FaVnlm'st, W W-408 WANTED, city and form loans; also bonds ana warrant, ji. v. vivi. ca vu., ,iw Farnam Bu. Be Bldg- ' W tod MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lov CO., tvst ooutn u.n. w i FARM dnd city loans, low rate. . W. H. i nnmiii iat Mat. iana isiac .'ivt'iou. W LX VA TO t P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton Blk. , v PRIVATE money. Sherwood. W7 N. Y. U W 41B FOR SALE, FARM AND CITY LOANS. R. C. PETERS at CO.. BEB BG.. OMAHA. , . . W !H M.CQ1 MORTQAQii. a. G. Wdllaoe., Brown Blk, ' w lit PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Dougla ' Vf i 8 PER CENT loan.'' Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. w-tw 8300, 8&00 AND 81,000 private money, L 2, 3 I or year, on eastern rueDraeaa tarms or wen tocateu cottages in umuu. vv. i. i Selb;. board of Trade bldg. W 818 11 11 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WE make loans on Fumltur. Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriage M o and other chattel. W make i SALARY LOANS. ' without mortgage to persona who have Dermanent positions. You can gtt the money on very short notice t-nd pay it back In on month, or Keep It longer, and pay for it only what time you keep It. Wa are N' ' leaders In low ratea. quick and con fidential service ana courteous treat E ment. We invite comparisons of tatea, time, payments, etc We I give you tne tun amount of the LOAN In cash. Wd always "try tu please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trad Bldg. Tel. 2296. (Established U&i.) 30 Sc 16th St. Y A. "47 WB KtfVER REQUIRE SECURITY. SALARY loans on YOUR NOTE. Only leuulrement a ateady position. ni) Mortxare. endorser or publicity. (BMA1L PA XiUiNTS REDUCES COST.) Mr a i tfSt&L, R, R. Men, k.iera, macniiliau, HcboOl Teacnera, boomwiw, ovsnograpners or any employes riven Umt to suit their requirements. ,- -GUARAJNTEJ33 Lowest Rates in Town. VAKI private omcea. iAoiii louud. Telephone 1411 for eve. date. . No charges for Information or nanera. Open Noons, Wedusauay and Saturday jvenniKs. v jwn preierreu. Kl.LIAUl.ti miuu t-VAirAN x, Routn Third Floor, Pa ton block. ' -; X 701 B.,MMa , ,.v,a , J I jjanutoi .YTiS iu aALARlED PEOPLE, merchants, team. aura, poaraing nuuaw, etu., wunout aa nritv; easiest terms: 40 oltlcea ln nrln. clpal cltiea. Tolman, 440 board of Trade biog. a ca FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, ETC., LOANS. "Abeolutely without removing .,dM" Written guarantee alven to thi ertect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room tu, A ax ton oiuca. jw tit HONEY loaned on plain not to salaried people; duiuih. vuiiuuiiiuw wwaai ratal IH paxton block. 'Aha J. A. Hutton Co. A 420 money loaned on furniture.' live stock. jewelry, to aaianra pevpie. sotey ijona jo., auc w wi. iniaar xia. X-874 MONEY loaned on piano, furniture. 4w elry, noraea, vowa, etc w. a. neea, a. IL. A. 424 I LOANS on CHATTELS dnd SALARIES. I f I I1 A V I 1 In, avta BV at sr it rt nlmn lr J. W. TAYLOE. 638 Paxton block. X-MS32 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out Of business call on Wl llama, ttouut tu. atccagu Duuuing. Y-425 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your pusincaa or property quica comniuul. cate w uu uiis woo uu ma vutoruerc J. U- Johnson, Mi N. Y. Life. Phone L-2270, I Adial FOR SALE Millinery store, doing rood tiusiucB, kwu wu tiui.j ivr tor lease sri? te right party), both good locations M. ti. MCDrassa. (.an r wnt twt lite building, Omaha. Y-U4 LAUNDRY business In good location In - r. i . . . city: a aesiraoie proposition' ror making money: re.avu.uaia icriua, mvestigate. J. H. junnaun. ra. x. iii. . x M2J8 7-ROOM brick flat, nicely furnished, fin location, roomers - uuiy. urnlture lor sale reasonable, x-any tsavtng city. J, H. Johnson, N. Y. Life ,. Y M2 FOR SALE, drug stock and fixture, cor. ner Park Ave. and Paclrlc, or building I for rent March L 825 per month; apieudldj place tor a rugs, soaa, news, etc. U. V. ehuies CO., aim m. x. uit. 'lei. tw. Y-M43S 25 FOR 8ALE--Th only hotel (a a thriving k.jmik an .,cM,mnRB. 4iiuirv Of Mia. win. AAiujeua, cisnorn, cen A M t. 2' BUSINESS CHANCE,. MR INVESTOR, BHOW VS A HINOLR 1N8IANCU where there waa ever a cent lost In buying aharee In d 8AI.MHN CAN. jskkt COM pa w i on tne ra-inc coast. If vou can. yon can get a enod reward. When you have fully convinced yourself that thla la a fact why not enl for par ticulars' to the company, who offer you today ONB DOLLAR aharea at IS CENTS ami the next block goea positively to 2S CENTS. A quick Investigation will surely be big money to you by writing to the 1NTKKSTATB FI&HEIUES COMPANr. 9u2-j3 Faclno Block, Seattle, Wash. X 646 BIS FOR BALE, only millinery business In town so miles irnm omana; goou location, large traae. Aaarese u m, xiee, x am x. FOR SALE, or trade, my entire livery stocK, at d Bargain. Anoresa w. u. Utterback, Ogden Uvery, Council blufte. FOR 8ALE, ateam laundry: dverythtng complete; rood jNenrasxa town; only ; half caeh. balance monthly; thla la a, snap; It quick. T. M. cune, ikhi u at., Lin coln, Ieb. I-MS aai.w. . ..II .l.M mtnrl, hard- r," . -7 -V i AT , i. i. 7, ware and some implements; also atore KnllH nv twal insl inn. ( front! wi lt quick. J. F. Wyvel. Alnsworth, Neh. .Y-Mr.7 1 FOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange rood oak wardrobe for , roldlng bed. M 9, be. moiu - nl . Ill ..t,. ttsfl ln , K " Y'-"V,' WVA. 7.nA" a"t sT dnd Taylor Bta., for piano. Address T U. WILL exchange 346 dcrea' good Improved farm land, all under cultivation,, tor mer chandise. Land In Burt county, eastern Nebraska, 2 miles from P. O. Address l W. Newell, Bancroft. Neb. z M& mi EXCHANGE, for rood land. -ory rt-k - hotel: modern. 80 rooms, rood Nebraska I town, population 4.0i; also 4 brick tor I rumna uu laria tivr-ij unni, nu iw atone, in Illinois town, population aiso mercnanoise siocks. aaie ann n- cnange. 10 ret in or out or ouain'sa write T. M. Cllne, 1238 O at., Lincoln. Nb. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE d-room house, eouth front, on Capitol Ave. and 24th. .olty. wdter. sewer rr,, "J.,. ,-.. . ri.. . tn car and achool, lot buxiuo, nne snad treed, right for grade, ail modern, 82,60. I Good rental property In the outhwest part of the city, will net 12 per cent on the Investment. Lot 60x140, house will rent for - 825 rer month, good oarn enaae trees, near ist rind Mason SC. 82.000. Flye-room house and barn, east front, lot 30X1(10,' city water, at in ana a bis., Houtn umina. kssi. ' . V. - ' a.n.,BA 80 apple trees, win max a nne iruu ana chicken farm, 81,200. . J. A. 1AJ VUKCIM, 424 Paxton Block. RE M49&-25 BEAUTIFUL 7-room house and lot; a bar- galn. 2514 Marcy st. , am M&oa M2 PAYNE, BOSTWICK A CO., 801 N. Y. Life.. rtn. raw NKW Snow-Church Co.. 4th floor N. Y. Lire Bldg., omana, reD. Largest law, collection and real eatate agency In the World. ABSOCiate DBJIKB attorneys I real ..tat. broker. In every count in the world. Associate Danks attorneys ana United Stated and cities of foreign coun tries. B1U Ml ALFALFA STOCK FARM. A Quarter section of alfalfa land and I acotlon of pasture adjacent. Adjoining land last year paid over 100 per cent. Will double In valua in five years, A snap at twelve oollars per acre. Easy term. Address Box ft6, Lexington, Neb. KK 366 M7' Kl.ZbO. Mignt exenange tor a gooa noma in council Biuna. vv. it. uaies, did rt. Y. Life. RE M438 28 RANCH and farm land, for said by the Union Paoino Kauroaa company. b. a. McAlleater, land commlasloner, Union Far clno iieadquartera, umana nea,- COLORADO ranch . 4nd. bomesteadd. school aeouon leases,, u, vv. irwin, At- rotv Colo. I 1r Tr HOUSES, lots, frme, rajiclieg, loans! dlso nr insurance. Aeau,a, faxtou,,pioca. .ft.-.,. lXkril ; ; . ' ' .... . i NT5W HOUSE. Weat Farnam District Eight- large rooms, beside reception: hall. - Attto ana tun Biseta tmatunenaj, -. r Ttaautlful Aalt finish tBfid Dollahed.- - Oak' floors down stanrs. .Hulit eapecldlly wen lor a nome. uwner cauea east, and must sell.. Bargain price. 86.0UO. HARRISON & MORTON, N, Y. Lit. r::v: RE 691-24 HM'REft-Harrison A Morton. Tel. SIC - tun nuiti acn" IF' YOU want on of tha nicest 8-room homes in uanscom naeev a wiu give you a bargain. Owner left city. Muat elL J. H. Sherwood. 937 N.. Y. A bldg. . . Ra-M168 T A BARGAIN.:. . Large 7-room house; all modern . con- veniences. witn turnaoeii on oaveu street: good barn; a handsome home. Price I 83,000. V 82, Bee . .j. RE 689r-26 FORTY acre for rent, 4 mile northeast of Omaha; epienaiu garaen- piece; e per acre. W. A. uranam, am Bee Biag. . . . RE-363 27 FOR SALE, forty dcres, four miles north east or omana: mie uuuuui muu auivn did for gardening; loO per' acre. W; T. Graham, 608 Bee bldg. BJS-463 27 WILLIAMSON Charlea St., 1208 arnam atreeu RE 428 PABMHI FARM8I FARMS I For bargalna in farm property go to O JNelll Aieai catat .Aeuc. eoutn Omaha. . - ; RE 426 Corner Lot for $S0. - 228 cash and payments of 88 or 810 a montn. inree niocaa soutnweai, oi tian Boom Park. Convenient to car and acboul; S-'u?", 5'Bni itTcnrn rn.m n i. o t"" " itjr A SNAP. Two houses dnd two lots, two blocka from m HnA nn, of five rooma and ana t.t ihrM rooma. Ic60 for both, THE BYRON REfcD CO., 102 8. 14th St. REM365 27 SNAPS. ; ' . $509, full lot Just -went Of Farnam street car terminus. . .. , . $460, south dnd' east front, ed of '. Dundee. No high city taxes. A $1,260, double front on C. Turner Park, on 80th-ave.- $1,860, 80x100, Harney-near 84th. Big atlr in. thla location.' $738. 48x168, California dt.', just ' east of Lowa ave. Very sightly. - ' II MO. KKxIM. easf front. Mth, near California at. Nothing slghlller. HARRISON V MORTON, N. . Y. IJFB. Itio-acre earpy county A arm, sa.uiM. $18,600 farm mortgage to fell. . 1' RE M 683 21 IMPROVED farm, 800 acre, H mil north 1st Platte, barpy county; eaty terms: price, 868 an acre, Nason, Her Grand hotel. Omaha. Neb. Sf ": Rn vd (Ini i n t v I J " 'J LANDS. March' 4. 1902, We Will take OUr s.,t narfu . lAnlr al flntrH T A.mtw iwaw f' ij ms f-vj v. vuiujr lands. Send in your name at once if I yOU Want tO gO. POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, 4 N. T. LIFE BUII-DING. Tel. 470. OMAHA. NEB. RE Mitt 8 I 810,i0-2-W4 , DougUs, formerly Lsuer I I xros., ur iriii va, , aim avvvn ruuina, tip I i siairs. All, Aa-uniman. B2 pi. st.- I . , IUUM MZi FOR AI. REAL TBSTATfS. ' "" HOl'SES and lot In all parte of cl.y; aleo acre proneriy ana inrm innua. ins u. a. uavia wo., nwni tfuiiain. , a 85. FOR J d-rooro cottages, modern ex cept furnace; l a-room cottage, an in excellent conaumn, m montniy rental, continually oocupled, fine location, on 17th etreet. 10 blocka north K O., owner going to California tor neaun; H cssu, a easy; J. H. Jobnaon. 84S N. Y. life. CHEAPER THAN RENTING. S houses on 8. 20th ave., between Farnam and Douglas, I rooms each, modern, fur nace and fireplace; only l-i.rtHA, half cash, balance 6 years,, 8 per cent. Stringer, Paxton block. KK M.:.; MEDICAL. bR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseased of Woman In Omaha, wouia can tna attention or. aunerina ladlea to hi unsurpassed accommodations before and during connnement, and but treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cauae. Call or aduresa, with eiamp, Dr. Prtee, Arlington block, l&tf Dodga, omana. VACUUM organ developers for small and Bill lJ fYT 1 VI f fl ra, prAUdl TV t an, I l7rra, tctii- cocele, loflfles mnd lack of vigor; &lno lec- Isln rtalla a k ltnntf 1 1 as ae it) tl ildur Imii. bles, lam back and rheumatism; will call k., . .. .i.i n,.nM.M niture of the gooda we wish to Introduce. l he iseorasKa vacuum CO., uuuo i, Douglaa block, Omaha. Neb. -MU7 25 1 L. . . .. . LADIES! Chichester a Kng lien Pennyroyal Fills ar the best. Safe, re' lab!-. Take no other. Send 4c stamp for particular. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Aak your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Phlladelpnia, Fa. FURNlTtRB REPAIRING. " " - j,:i Cuml; ' Tal ImI. da. D. vvaikiin, uu cunu&aT ox. I ' . , 54 I ' pmtnra pi nrmairn I , - i INSURANCE policies, old-line companies. purcnaaeo. Loans ou policies, call on or write The Putnam Co., fH- N. Y. Lit bldg., Omaha, Ne. Hi STORAGE. PACIFIC Stordge dnd Warehouae Co., l- w t'tj atorag and forwarding. 0w van. Utor Co lr.i i u Fira. ti i&f,jm UM" v,n- utor' co- rriu T,l' FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age aa well mm lire. t.niu'Ter mvinMra irM. e.rt .n. lara trorn, Frank Roaewater. supreme I manager, zzz Be Bias. 724 LOST. LOST, at Unity dance at Metropolitan hall, - ou, h.i W iifiii. uiuv tica BilBLWI. na wara for return 10 u w. o. w. Bldg. Loat 3U 2 L08T English setter, yellow and white; collar with two tags, Reward. Return to ini d ieatn bu Lost 688 W SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. ... GREGG Shorthand. Cm. C. CoL, 18th 4k Doug 434 A. C. VAN SA-NT'S school. 717 N. Y. Lite. BOYLES Collego, court reporter principal r. x . xjita. NEB. Bu.lnes A Shorthand College. Boyd's A neater. 437 BICYCLES. WHY not ret th beat! The Tribune picvcie cannot re excelled. 1901 modela dt bargains while they last. Gas mantle, burners, chimneys, shades, gasoline tampa. . iouia i) teacner, itux capitoi ave. i Alois All OSTEOPATHY. am B. A ALICE JOHNSON, oalmnatha. ..JIUlim OU -iX.- X, Mi mug. Aeu,iK.. '-836 DR. A, T. HUNT, 813 McCdgue Bids. TeL . - -. . ' , 4 DR. MR MU8ICK. Douglaa Blk. Tel. ItM. ... MS COAL. . MONROE Coal and Feed Co. Phone STL 44 467 F28 STAStSIERINO AAD STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 420 Ranur Bldg. . toll FLORISTS. . L. HENDERSON, 11 Farnam. Tel. 1268. AUCTIONEER. IN Neb. dnd Iowa. 2512 N, South Omaha. tWil F2 VOICE. CLEMENT B. SHAW, Volcd, 612 Sheely building. 1 Ad-Ad STAMPS, COINS, ETC BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co.. 208 S. 13th. ' ' tel FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repdireo. um. at una t aciory, i dJ Farnam. . 441 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Offlc. reliable, accommodat ing; all buatneaa coniidenual. U01 Dougiag ANNOUNCEMENTS. i i . . .. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tel. pnon 21DU. fell Boutn Tturteenth street. FURYaHJESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 B. Uth. Ml TREES. FRUIT, shade dnd ornamental tree, vines. dnruDa, roMte, amaii iruiis, etc Auoruas Omaha XMursery. A'apiiuon. msd. 868 M14 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING tn families 0 at horn Mlsa Sturdy, 8041 Farnam. 467 F2 NICKEL P LATIN Q. OMAHA Plating Co.. Bee bldg. Tel. I&SS. Main KALal TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tl Co., 8U North 16th. toe FURNITURE REPAIRING. GLOBE COUCH CO-, 1618 Leavenworth. lei. ki.i. hi sait LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; oollaxd, Ac; tiuos, c aim i-eaveuworuu. A si. MAN UFACTUHIUa. P. MELCHOIB, Uth : and Howard, ma. cbinists. Mii CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. I ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly .attended ta J. T, Ochiltree, i utn and JLAkd dlreets. WM. EVERITT. Special rated to real as- tate man; weather strips put on. xut leavenwortn. WANTED TO BORROW. WANT to borrow 11.200 from private party. ample security: want privilege of paying aivi or Kiiy multiple at Shuy tutervat uay, U II, Ilea, Sll i q: n p There are many people that consider their teeth worth but d half d dollar apiece.- To thos we would say, "be warned In time, for you will svirely find out before ymir teeth are all gone that they are as priceless a, the largest diamond." Bailey the Dentist, Hid I'aiii'ii Mlxon, Iftb dnd Farnam ate. ' Lady attendant. Phone I1. i a ta a LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVER'S NOTICB. In the District Court In and lor Douglas County, Nebraska. winiom ft. Madden. nlalntlfT. vs. Ne braska Fire Insurance Company, t at, de tendantS. To all creditor or Meoraska Fire insur ance Company; Xou and ea:n oi you are nereny notinea that In purauance of an order of the dls tMct court of Dourlaa county, made Janu ry 17th, loi. d dividend of two V.. ..v.t.,. v.. .... lT . .ln ,rJl,;nJr,. h t?Z Ii ' t, ki u t .h. "'7 Vw:r,r,v"i.: Omaha, and that payment thereof must be demanded at my cllUe, and unless such demand be made ty April itn, itu, you and each of you will be forever barred fmm anv rlaht to Dartlcipate in the fund Appropriated for said dividend. rjucn ciaima must oe praeentea at tna ofnc of the undersigned, receiver. In the brown block. In the city ot Omaha, Doug- laa county, Nebraska, or t him t that address bv mall. ransmuiea to Dated thla 13th day ot February, A. D. 1902. v. u . it t min. Receiver or tne- ieDra r ire insurance company. ' ian NOTICB OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice la hereby given that tne regular annual meeting of the tookholders of the South Piattd land company win oe neia at the office of said company. In Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m.. on the 8th day of Marcn, A. u., iwjz. by order or tne noarn or uweciora. Lincoln, Nebraaka. Feb. 1, C H. MORRILL, President. F2 d80t ' - A. B. MINOR. Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of stockholders In The Bee Publishing company will be held at their office In the city of Omaha on Mon day, March 8. 1902, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpoae of electing a board ot directors and such other business aa may properly come before uch meeting. By order of the president. UttUBAitt B. liat , Secretary. Febl8 lot MAE GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES. Office of Purchasing Commls- i-ary, Omaha, Neb., February 21, liJ2. MRled nronnsidls. In trinllcate. for furnlsh- I lng hams, dry salt cure. In tierces, will be receivea at inia omce ana i ine oniiTa ui the purchasing commissary, U. b. army, at ivanaaa v.ity, uu., anu v.iiicuko, ah., uuwi 11 o'clock a. m. Tuesday, March 4th, 1902. at wnicn time ana places tney win db puuuciy opened. Articles of domestlo production or ., Hniiita m uuiimuu piuum ura manufacture will preferred to those of foreign origin, cost and quality being equal. Specifications aa to quantities, date and place of delivery, Diana proposals anu further information furnished on applica tion to either office. Envelopea containing proposals should be indorsed, "Promisala for Substatence Store, to be Opened March 4. 19112." and addressed to C. R. KrauthofT, major, commissary, purcnasing commis sary, Chicago, 111.; to w. IC bean, captain. commissary, purchasing commissary, ivun aa City. Mo., or to William R. Grove, cap tain, commissary, purchasing commissary. Omaha, p eb. WILLIAM H. unuvt, Captain, commissary. F21-22-24-26-26-27 POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Bhould be read dally by all Interested. as changed mdy oocur dt any umt.) Foreign mail tor th week ending March 1, 1 1902, will ' close (PROMPTLY 111 all case) at the General Pofitoiflce to follOWSS TAKt-rJLH rUOf MAILS ClOU ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time howrt below: Parcels Post mulls for Gen many close at 80 pv'rn. Wednesday, per s. Aiecar, ana A noay per s. s. i-aiatia 'Regular and' Supplementary malls close at Foreign Branch half hour later than closing time shown below (except that Buuulemeniary Mails for Europe and Cen tfal America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Brancnj. ' Traneatlaatle Mails. TUESDAY At 8:30 a. m. for ITALY dl rect, per s. . Cltta dl Mllano (mall must be directed "per a. . Cltta dl Mllano") WEDNESDAY At $.80 a. m. for EUROPE, ?er . . St. Louis, via Southampton (mall or Ireland must be directed "per a. s. St. Louis' ): at 8:80 a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per a. a. Teu tonic, via yueenstown; at tu a. m. tor BELGIUM direct, per s. a Frlesland (mail muat De airectea per a. s. Dries- 'lnniVV THURSDAY At 7 d. m. for FRANCE DI111 blUltAAn A- A-'. AJ-dUA. A V1VI t V'l a rrYTYs iv l v irnvof fio vrPL1 uui'Muii 83 liriT'7 L' O I A AT It I 1" A I V IK 1 li rI' I Ml I . 1 LnrvciXa aju t t a . uaaulcu. J'(t( iit INDIA and LORENZO MARQUEZ. per s. s. La Champagne, via Havre (man for other parts of Europe must be directed "ner a. a. LA Lnamuarne I. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE. Der d. d. Campania, via uueenstown: a 7 a. m. for ITALY direct, per s. . Lahn (mall muat be directed "per a. a Lahn ) at 7:80 a. rn. for NETHERLANDS dl rect, per a. a. -Rotterdam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Roj:terdam"); at 9:30 a. ra. tor ni-uiiJAnu uiroui. ir . a. Astoria (mail must be directed "per a. a. A Ulllft ... PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes printed Matter, commercial Pa pera and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts of Kurope win not re sent Dy thla ahlp tiniesa eoarially directed by It. After tha closing of the Supplementary - Transatlantic Mans aDove named, ad ditional Supplementary Alalia are opened on the piera of tn American, English, rencn ana uerman steamers, ana re main open until withht Ten Minute of - tha hour Of sailing ot steamer. Mails for Soatk sad Central America, Weat ladles, Kto. TUESDAY At :$A a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) tor CENTRAL AMERICA (except Coata BleaJ and HOUTH PA C1F1U POK18. . per s. a Alliance, vl Colon (mall for Guatemala must be dl reeled "per a. s. Alllanca"): at 6:30 D m. for JAMACIA, ' per b. t. Admlrsi BAHAMAS, . pr tettmr from Ml mi WEDNESDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA. per . s. Pretoria; at ll:so p. is.' tor JAMACIA. per s. s. Admiral Sampson, from f ni aaeiDnia. THURSDAY-At 8 a. m. for CUBA. TIT n. a, an it w w a smvaaaj, a-wu ax a iu CHIAPAS, per s, s. Monterey- (mall for other parts or Mexico muat oe directed 'per a. s. Monterey j; at id m. tor AR GENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY tier a. a. Merchant prince. FRIDAY At 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAM) direct, pes -a. a. Benedict; at 11 m. for MEXICO, per a. a. Seneca, via Tamplco (mall muat oe directed "per a. . sn.''- . t it m in, r.tiiiii.'rii'Pii' MARTINIQUE, BARBADOS. BRITISH TlllTOH AND FHEC1I GUIANA, nap a. s. Talisman (mail must be directed "per a. a. Talisman"); at 11:80 p. m. for Bahamas, per steamer from Miami, Fla. SATURDAY At a. m. for Porto Rico, per . a. nan iuan; at a. m. tsuppiementary SO a. m.) for CURACAO and VENK- 2.US.LA. per b. s. .uua (man . ioi Savanllla and Cartagena must be (11 rected "per a. a. auna- ji; at :w a. m for INAUUA and HAITI. rsr a. a Lauenburg; at 8:3u a m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDB, and BRITISH DUTCH ana r ritisci-f ul iana. per a. a. Koran a (mall for Grenada and Trini dad muat be directed "per a. s. Korona"); at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10 Jo a. m.) for FORTUNK 1HLANU, JAMAICA. S A VANILLA, CARTAGENA and GREY TOWN, per a a. Athoa (mall for Costa Rica muat be directed "per . a. Athoa"); at 10 a. ra. for CUBA, per s. a Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per e. a. Maraval; at 12.30 p. ro. (supplementary I p. m.) for TURKS Island and iominican republic. per a. a. New York. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North tsyaney. ana tneno Dy steamer, close at this oltlaa dally dt 6:30 p. m. (con necting cloas here every Monday, Wedneaday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and tbence by steamer, eios st this office dally at 8 30 p. in. Malls for Cubs, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatched dally, final eonnectlsg eloasa, for dispatcU via Port Tampa, on Sun- rOSTOFFHE NOTICE. days at 4:.W a. m. Wednesdaya and . KrhlHVt, Si a. i ) tor dispatch via Miami, on Mondays and Fridays at 11 uK p. m. Mails for Meli-o City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch bv stekmer, ose at thla office dally ex cept Si.rday at 1:30 p. ra. and 11:.W p. m., Sundays St 1:01) p. m. dnd ll:l i. m. Mails for Costa Rica, belli, Puerto Corte aid Ouatemaln, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this office dsllv except Sunday at !: p. m , 8jndys at 1:00 p. m. (con necting close her Monday for Bells, Puerto Corte add Guatemala, and Tties. days for Costa Rica). Uglstered mall closea at t:uo p, in. previous day. Transpacific. Malta. Malls for Hawaii, China Japan and Phil- ippine islands, via aan l ranciseo, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to February 2sth. Inclusive, for despatch per a. a. Peru. Malls tor Australia (except Weat Australia, which goes via Europe and New Zealand, which goes via Han Francisco), and FIJI islands, via Vancouver, close here dully at 8:30 p. m. after February 22 and up to March Inclusive, for dispatch per t. . Mlnwera (supple mentary mails, via Seattle and Victo ria, close here at 8:30 p. m. March 2). Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to March J, inclusive, for dlapatch per a. d. Ala meda. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islaikla, via San Francisco, close her dally a. 6:30 p. m. up to March 8. Inclusive, for despatch per a. . . Coptic. Mails for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here' daily at 8:30 p. m. up to March 12, inclusive, for dlapatch per s. . Australia Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which la forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Frnnclsco, close here dally at 8:30 . m. after March J and up to March 15. Inclusive, or on arrival of a. a. Etruria, due at New York March lb. for despatch per s. a. Ventura. Malls for China and Japan, via Vancou ver, close here dally at :30 p. m. up to March 18, inclusive, for despatch, per 8. a. Empress of India (registered mall must be directed 'vla Vancouver". Mer. chamllse for the V. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) Transpacific mall are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the achedule of clos ing 1 arranged 4 the presumption of their tnlnterrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 8:00 p. m. previous da v. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. ostofltce, New York, N. Y.. Feb. 21, IMS RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION lOTIl AND MAttCi. Illnola Central. Leave. Arrive, a 6 JO pm Chicago Express .a 7:20 am CnlcuMO. Mluneabolla & sc raui Limited a t:bu pm d i:ud dm Minneapoila u St. Paul Expresa b 7:20 am blO:SS pm Chicago Express dlOUIft pm LniuHBo i Aorthweatera. 'The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special. .a 7:10 am all:?0 urn Cnicuao r assenger..., tastoni express ,,a t:i pm a i:W am ..alv:w am a t;ue pm ..a t:ua pm a 4:uo pm ..a k.uo pm a :) jim ..a i .to put a V:sv am a 8:30 am tax tern bpeulai f ast Alan Omsha-cnicago Ltd Kait Mail ivimr Ttaolua Paaa... a 6:30 pm Twin City u-x press a :u am aiu:- pin win City Limited t i:wpi a s:iv am bioux cny A-ocai a h:l am a ;ao pui imoH atll'i. Overland Limited. ...... .a 8:40 ami d 7:30 pm aal Mali a a:uu am a 4.2 Caiaoinia express a :2o pm fiauuio ji-xprt-ea ail: pm B.astern express a :m pm iiMtitm i--xoreas a i :w am Lincoiii-Struinsourg tux.O 4rt)5 pm olx:i p... Utand laiatiu uici o :i pin u :m am iticatu, Aimauaca w st. rati, Chicago Limited a S:oo pm a 8:u6 im Cnicuso a uiuana cx.,u i:ts am u liua .Ita.ttfl a-aaltMC. St. Louis Express al0:0o am a 9:!i pm Av. C. at dlU A a.xpresa.al0:4) put a :iu uiu a..aluaata, Atobtk ts.aaaa a. a.",aia-av. EAJtT. Des Moines and tv. .... eiiporl Local ....a V:SJ am a K:3i pm Cmcago axpiess oll:i am a a:tw put ii-a juoines Acai a put auwi m Cmcaso .at .c.Aprea..a : ut a :- put itm atoinea, AtOva. ., A- v tanu sou cicso....a i.w pm u s:x pm VVdiBT. Uncolrt.' fcMo. Spuiias. . . . . Aeiiver, ruatiu auu West a 1:80 pm s iii- put Cy-oisdo. oaiaiiomd ac' - Aexas - lyer .......a a.M uin s m.ri am walaasft. St. Louis "Cannon Ball"' lixureaa , ... a i.ia pm a :ai ant Si. iuui. Local, counoil tiiuns am aiu;jii pin BLRLINGTON SlAA.JN-10TH at MASON Ihlcago, Uurlinatun Jt Ualaey. Leave. Arrive. Chicago 8peclal tiiittm alu:20 pm Cnicdgo Vestiuuled Ex. a t:ui) pm a 7:44 am Chicago Local a 8:30 am a 4:u put cnicuso Liroiteu ,.a i.uu pm a i.ta uin Fast Mall a 2:40 pm buriiaston fc Mlaaoarl River. Wymoro,. Btatrlci and Lincoln j a 8:40 am b 11:66 dm Neoraska Express a k:to am a 7:3a pm Denver Limited a t.2u pm a 8:vo pm Biuuk Hiils and Puget Sound d '(K) pm a :td am Lincoln Fast Mall......o 3:oo psi a :17 am ort Crook and Platts- mouth , b 8:20 pm bll:0S dm Believue 4k Paclrlc Jet, .a 7:40 pm a 8:20 aiu Bellevue tfc Paciuo Jot. .a 8:v0 am Kaasas City, St. Josepk a Coaaeli Blarls. Kansas City Day Ex.... d 8:20 dm d 6:06 pm Kansas City Might Ex..aio;3u pm a e:is am BU Louis Flyer... ....... d 8:W pm aU:li dm WEBSTER DEPOT AOTH a WEHSTEH Fremont. Elkhorn dt Mlaaoarl Valley. LedVd. Arrlvd Black Hills. Deadwood. . Hot Springs a j:w pro at:oupm. Wyoming, Casper and Douglaa a ;vu pm s.w pm Hastings, York. David , City, Buperior. ueneva, Exeter and Seward.. ..b 8:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont ,..o i:Jam ciu;2S am Fremont Local o 7:30 am Mlaaoarl PaolSo. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping water ..a :iu pm aiuitoam Chiuaao, St. Panl, Mtaaeapoli dk Omaha, Twin City passenger.. a 6:80 am a 1:18 pm Sioux City Passenger. .a 2:46 pm all. 20 am Lmerson t-vca, o a:w pm o :to am n.llv. b Dally except Sunday, a Sun day only, d Dally exoept Saturday. Dally except Monday. . i:clu::d.!:erica li:;e New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne, 8. M. New Twin-Screw s. s. ot 18,Oj0 ton register. TSffi?" Rotterdam M---MA-- Steamer AMSTERDAM. March 810 A. M. t'eam3:? St3tend3RI Mar. IS, 10 AM. Apply to Harry Moores. 1416 Farnam street; J. S McNally, 1328 Farnam atreet; 11 8. Jonea, lju2 Farnam street, Omaha. APPOINTMENT IS CONFIRMED Nasnla f Brows as Geaeral Saaerla teadeat at Hcsltit Central Rail, road Id Officially Aaaoaaeed. ST. PAUL, Fes. 24. Th sppolntiodst of Edward, L. Brown at general auperlntendeot of the Montand Central, with headquarter In Gretl Fail, wad officially dnaovioced by circular toddy. Sines thd abdorptiea of the St. Paul ft Duluth by tha Nortberd PdOlno Mr. Browa has been superintendent tor th latter company dt thd htad ot tb Ukt. Ha succeedd Georg T. Ross, who goes t'j thd MUtourl Paclfle. Vataattost la Pat rt est vase. NEW YORK. Feb 24.-Tsere wa no session Of court today In the trial of Al bert T. Patrick, who Is accused ot tha murder of William M. Rice. The ddjourn ment wad ordered by Recorder Ooft In order to permit Fred B. House, one of thd counsel for the defense, to dttend thd fu neral of bid father-in-law. I.aeky baldwla derteaaly III. NEW YORK, Feb. 24.-B. J- (Luckv Baldwin 1 reported seriously 111 st his Santa Anita ranch, says a Los Angelas, ( al., dispatch to thd Journal. Ha had aa attack of tha grip about two weeka ago, whioii atevaloped Into pneumonia. As he la 74 years old. his cbdnued fur (cOOVary are regarded a noor. I