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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1902)
TTTE OMAHA DAIXT BEE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1002. WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT ? IP SMITH'S GREEN MOUNTAIN RENOVATOR CURES OTHEli PEOPLE HOW CAN IT FAIL TO BE A GOOD T1IINU FOR VOU I We 4om't rMonmtnJ It to job be CMM w are the no agents for It. We are sole agents for it because we know It aod - can rwoiumend It. Up In Vermont, where people place the highest possible estimate upon health aod bodily strength, there isn't a town so small but that yon will find plenty of people in it who hare been cured of blood troubles, nerve troubles or diseases of the storancb, liver and kidneys by the use of Smith's Green Mountain Renovator. In fact, you will be more than likely before Ruing very far to run across people who have been cured by this medicine when all other medicines had failed and doctors bad shaken their beads in dismay. Read this sample testimonial: ' OoxmcnMU BsaKAtrsa, 8M X. Non-U St., Indianapolis, Ind , write: " I feel it my duty to writ snrl ear that your BUTTS'S Grskh Mocstaik aroa hu done nun to gfT m ral natural Tttality and etrenrtb than any mwdlctn I hare rrr taken. In fant. It hat put am oa mr feet. 1 hare uuttxmi from kidney and Mrer troubles for TMn which liar sapped my strength and vitality. I had about rirra op In dpalr. until after taking only on BnttMofth KENOVAVOR I felt bettor. After taking perhaps six bottle I am cured. Kidneys and llror ao longer sluggish stronger, sleep weU." Smith's Green Mountain Renovato. cures because it is compounded of roots and herbs. Nature's own remedies in stead of concoctions of various drugs. Tou certainly ought to keep Smith's Green Mountain Renovator in the house and use it as a general blood purifier, spring medicine and corrector of simple, very-day ills. The first time you have any occasion to use a medicine of this kind, we want yon to try Smith's Green Mountain Renovator. Go and buy it, give it a trial, and come back after your money if yon fail to be benefited. This offer shows how highly we esteem it. Boston Store DRUG DEPT. SOLE AGENCY. I BEAUTIFUL BOMB It ottrnm dItrMd Gray or bad It B inched Htr. Imperial Hair Regenerator wtU remedy this. Any thatte from Black to to Uxhtfwt Ab Itlonrle produced. Oolom are i arable, Paally applied. Ab. eolntelr harmlraa. ftanmleof hair col. oradtrea, CorroepondeDc confidential. Imperial Chemical Co.. Uo YV. 23d Si., et. Y Chronic f CATARRH AND COUGH CURED BY Qnll's Grapb Tonic i The most agreeable and effec ' we health restorer; made or frapes, fruits and herbs. Overcomes La Grippe and its kin dred ailments by destroying the disease germs. Has a soothing enact upon the throat and lungs, allays inflammation of the mucus membrane, assists nature in throw ing off impurities caused by catarrhal conditions, and acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels. Ono Doo Denofltn Ono Do Wo QonvInoB. 60 cents for a large bottle at Shsrnan & UcConnelj Drug Company, . W. Cor 16th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. Mull's Lightning Pain Killer cures neuralgia, tootacbe. rheumatism and 11 pain. Rub it on or drink It tftc Strengthens iwnr Arwn JJJ IIOLDS COAL MINE CLAIMS Governor Bsvsge Tails to Investigate Re ports Submitted. BRIEF IN OMAHA COMMISSION CASE Attaraay General Front libnlli (mtnl la Behalf of Exeeatlte Kebraskaas and Irrlga loa Cosgreti. Ar. recorded In the secretary of state's effles today. Tbe company Is capitalised for 14.000 and Its Incorporators ar Carglll D. Cannon, M. E. MancboS and F. J. Roeder. World Famous -Marian! Tonic It Is found especially usefu In Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia Malaria, Consumption, Oyer work, Indigestion, La Grippe Nervous Prostration, Genera Debility, Tardy Convalescence end Throat and Lung Troubles, ill Druggist. Refuse Substitutes Every Woman frXlt MARVTL Whirls Spray 'JVvSvl ... . 7 v VTl - Iw oal-Vee! Cearaotrnt. Irt year feeestol k, H. "V V- , - If h .enrol epnly In VXa'w'SIri fitr. bul Mr.4 awmu fot f K j itlratait book II (it Vj I ' JT full partl.-uiaraaiki lir:oni la- OJ- Jv ftoam t Times Bldg., N. V. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 14. (Special.) Two ap plications tor reward for the discovery of coal In Nebraska were filed In the gov ernor's office several months ago, but have not yet received official consideration. One claim was presented by farmers residing In the vicinity of Mllford snd tbe other rame from Swedeburg, where a small shaft is already In operation. The appli cations were consigned to a pigeon bole In one of the desks In tbe executive de partment and no steps have been taken to investigate tbe dlsoveries reported. . Inquiry at the governor's office this af ternoon elicited no information regarding tbe claims. Mr. Clancy, private secretary to the governor, said be bad heard nothing of them. The law on the subject reads as follows: "That when It shall be made apparent to the governor of Nebraska by affidavit of the owner or owners thereof that a vein o( coal not less thst twenty-sis Inches In depth and of sufficient capacity to pay to mine, and within paying distance from the surface, ha been discovered, it shall be tb duty of the governor to appoint a suitable person to Investigate tbe same, whose duty it shall be to report the probable extent and capacity of said vein or veins." Mr. Clancy said that so far as ne knew nobody bad been appointed to investigate tbe claims. Omaha Fire a ad Police Comatlaaloa. An extended argument in behalf of thV governor In tbe Omaha fire and police com miselon mandamus case was filed by At torney General Prout In tbe supreme court today. In reciting the Issues the attorney general declares that the state constitu tion divides tbe government Into three dis tinct departments and requires each de partment to act exclusively within Its own sphere. It Is upon this principle that th governor will make his defense In the near .ng before th court on Msrch 4. Summing up his argument Mr. Trout ars: In ' questioning the jurisdiction of this honorable court to in any manner control or coerce the action of the respondent, who Is th chief executive of this state. In the discharge of his duties as such chief execu tive, we do so with a feeling of confidence that neither our position nor motives will be misconstrued or regarded as disrespect ful or defiant. For this court, as the ju dicial branch of the government, the re spondent, who represents the executive branch of that same government, has only the most cordial feeling and the highest respect; and, were this a matter touching only his own personality as an Individual citizen, none would bow In humbler sub mission to even a suggestion from this honorable court touching any line of con duct to be pursued. This Is not a matter personal to the respondent, but Is one which affects the entire future government ot this great commonwealth. It is an at tempt on the part of the relator to hav th courts the Judicial branch of the govern mentcoerce the action of the executive branch: In other words, to make one co ordinate department of the government subordinate and subversive to another. That such condition was never Intended by the framers of our constitution nor by the people who by their votes made that docu ment the supreme law of the state. Is made manifest by the constitution Itself, which provides: "The powers of the a-overnment of this state are divided Into three distinct depart ments:- The legislative, executive and Ju dicial, and no person or collection of per sons, being one of these departments, shall exercise any power properly belonging to either of the others, except as hereinafter expressly directed or permitted." Constitu tion, article n. Therefore, the respondent feels that It is hta duty under the constitution, which he has sworn to uphold, to point out to the court the attempt that Is being made by the relator to subvert tbe above provision of the constitution to further the nersonal or political ends of certain Individual cltl sens represented by the relator and to cite argument and authorities to the court op posing this most pernicious doctrine a doctrine which, If accomplished, would tend to overthrow the constitution and our-free Institutions: a purpose, to the accomplish ment of which, we feel confident this court will never lend Its aid. The exemption of such officers from such coercion by the courts Is not a mere per sonal privilege which the Incumbent of the omce may waive at nis pleasure, but Is a restriction reserved for the public good. State against Pike, 20 Minn. 363. Repabllcaa Primaries. Republican primaries for the nomination of candidates for city and school district offices will be held tomorrow afternoon. Officers to be elected at the forthcoming election are: Police Judge, water commis sioner, city attorney, one councilman from each ward and three members of tb school board. For water commissioner there are two candidates. A. Haydn Meyer and James Tyler. B. C. Strode, present city attorney, will have no opposition for tbe nomlna tlonl Tbe candidates for police Judge ar Walter L. Anderson and P. James Cos grave. There ar contests In five of th seven wards. The nominations will be' made under the Lincoln system. Polling places will be open from 12 m to 7 p. m. Nebraakaas and Irrigation. A delegation of Nebraskans will start to morrow for Sterling, Colo., to attend the Interstate Irrigation congress, which will conven Wednesdsy morning for a two days' session. Among the men of this sts who ar named on tbe. program for speeches ar Governor Savage, Chancellor Andrews, Francis G. Hamer of Kearney, Judge C. E. Stubba, Deputy Attorney General Norris Brown and Secretary Adna Dobson of ths Bosrd of Irrigation. Nearly all of these hav written that they will be unabl to accompany th delegation. Caaae-Harwood Weddlaar. Miss Helen Cook Harwood of this city and Clarence Mellvlll Chase of Boston will be married tomorrow afternoon at tb bom of tb bride, 1(11 L street. Only rela Uvea and close friends ot tb contracting young' people will b present. The brid Is th daughter of the late Nathan 8. Har wood, who was president of th First Na tional bank during th last few years ot bis life. Digestive Jalie Camnaay. Articles of Incorporation ot tbe Cannon Digestive Juice company ot Omaha wer ALLEGED CROOK IS CAUGHT Charred vrlta Paaslaa; a. Farced Draft a Nebraska Baak aad Issalaa; ' Wartaless Cheek. FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. 24. (Speelsl.) Word wss received her today that A. Morse, the man who Is alleged to hav passed a forged draft ot $500 on the Fre mont National bank about a month ago, had been arrested In Oklahoma. Mors claimed to be a steward for a party of men engaged In making a geological survey for tbe government. Tb bank did not credit him with the proceeds of tbe draft, but forwarded It for collection, so they lost nothing. He psld several small bills her with bogus checks drswn on bis alleged account at the Fremont National and In Kansas City he Is reported to bsve worked oft a check oa tb same bsnk, purporting to have been signed by one F. I. Adsms. He also passed some cbecks of tbe same kind, it Is claimed, in Grand Island. The case Is In the hands of th Plnkertoa detective agency. The telegram did not stat whether Morse's arrest waa for the Ft' mont forgeries or some similar work else where. Morse is near 33 years old, flvs feet seven Inches tall, has a dark complex- Ion and a rough face, slightly pitted, and wor a smsll stubby, dark moustache. Tb bank officials think b Is a professional at the business. GASOLINE TANK EXPLODES Tlnmaa Receive Frlghtfal Barns from the Barstlaa; of a Soldering Pot. NIOBRARA, Neb., Feb. 24. (8peclal.) While A. B. Tantls, was soldering som tinware and using an air pressure gasoline fire pot, tbe tank suddenly burst, throwing fire and gasoline all over him. One of his asslstsnts besrlng ths report, went to his assistance, and managed to smotber the fire out receiving bad burns himself. Mr. Tantls was frightfully burned about th fsce and hands. No damage resulted from th fir. ALLEGED CHICKEN THIEVES Two Mia Held la Jail at Hastings Charged with Robbing a Roost. HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special Tel egram.) C, L. Lewis, alias C. L. Williams, and C. B. Mackey, both of Hastings, were placed under arrest her today and are being held for the wholesale robbery of poultry. Mr. Brlgga of Hansen had nearly two dozen chickens stolen from him Satur day night and It Is alleged that Williams and Mackey are tb guilty persons. TABLE ROCK SCHOOL BOARD A. C. Boyd Resigns a a Member and C. I. Norrla la Annotated to Fill Vacancy. TABLE ROCK. Neb., Feb. 24. (Special.) A. C. Boyd, a member of the school board In Tabl Rock, who went during January to his old home In New- York, and has concluded to remain there, has resigned as a member of tbe school board. The resignation has been accepted at a board meeting. C. I. Norris, waa appointed to Oil tbe vacancy. Demar to Original Petition. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Feb. 24. (Spe cial.) Before County Judge J. E. Douglas today in the case of the application to set aside the decree of the adoption of Robert Sampson by Val Burkel and wife, th respondents demurred to the original peti tion and ten days' time was given to plead to relator's amended petition filed therein. Beatrice District Coart. BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special Telegram.) District court convened her this afternoon with Judge Letton presiding. The afternoon wss taken up in calling the docket and assigning cases for trial. The case of Stevens against Kyd, a suit on sher iff's bond, will be heard tomorrow morn-log. CURE T0URSEIF Vm Bis Si for unnatural dtacbarata.lntamaiattoua, Irrllauoct OT alooratlonJ of bimii nuvbranta .m Uuiua PamleM, an eol eattia ltwusCat.iO. ri PMa. V n. a-V . i P wraps. - SB fliasiar ma m ,Ma -)fall4af.J a Ml 1 WtMM f f r, fieltH V" HEADACHE Chronlc-Bilioua -Periodic, Sick Headache Instantly relieved by RESULTS TELL THE BEE WANT ADS PRrmiTrK results. Powdun which Curi thi Cautts Full simple directions in package. wonderful Ibat I aa Mlaa J alia Marlawa wrttaa) 1 MnairiM. VtranMlna tb Vanat remedy (r headache, rata ar latls tbat "WlUiout dmibt the Sneet powiWrs In ttie anrUI tnr neaderbe." J. Jl. aunarawa, uti4. lurau tjorted Ov, kareun. (MiW. Mr. Jaeaaa T. Ike tier, Barratary OirpnraMoa t j..uiALin i.imuni. Mew work Cllv.aere: "I bate Find Oreueelue' an eftertlr car fuf Vtutenl aeeaarhee ot eeral jeare euadlna ..-''. m. 1. Kefcrtdee. ZJd Infantry, Pnrt IWiuaiea, flab. wrtMe: " Dreafeina' Kill nut aiuy rauete eke aeadatrbe bat wut cut IL Sole by Drm oUts la 10. ZS ass SOe PacWagsl. HOTEL CLERK IN TROUBLE Landlord Charges Him with Opening Letter and Stealing Checks. MAIL FOUND IN ROOM HE OCCUPIED He Denies the Charge aad I Held In Jail lo Await Trial Postal A tbarltles Informed Aboat (he Case. . COLUMBUS, Neb., Feb. 24. (Special.) Roy McKee, night clerk at the Meridian hotel for the past three months until re cently, IS In jail here, charged by Land lord Wtsenstlne with stealing two checks, one for 6S and the other for $100, both being the property of John Llnder. A number of letters put into the pri vate mailing bos at th hotel on January 29 failed to reach their destinstlon and complaints were received by Mr. Wisen sttnc, but no explanation could be made until a few days ago, when an emeploye found the missing letters In the eommode drawer of the room occupied by McKee. All the letters had been opened. As th letters had not reached the custody of Unci Sam, It Is not known here what pen alty the postal regulations would attach to the crime, but Inquiry has been made of the department. McKee was found at David City and ar rested. He pleaded not guilty when ar raigned before County Judge Robinson this morning. He was given time to secure counsel and the date for the preliminary hearing has not been set. CAUSES SERIOUS RUN ON BANK Depositor Takes Closing Notice Wnshlngton's Birthday for glga of Catlaps). r DETROIT, Feb. 24. A run was started on tbe Jefferson avenue brancb ot tbe Dime Savings' bsnk about noon today and soon after 2 o'clock It spread to the bank Itself, at the corner of Orlswold and Fort streets. Depositors were paid as fast as the accounts could be checked up and the currency could be counted out. At 8 o'clock, the regular hour for closing the bank. It was crowded with anxious de positors and tbe line of people who wanted to close their accounts extended through the door and some distsnce down Fort street. Instesd of closing the bsnk tbe directors decided to hold It open until 6 o'clock. Th receiving teller and his as sistant dropped their usual work and as sisted in paying the depositors. Until 6 o'clock accounts were closed as rapidly as possible. President Livingston addressed the people from the steps of the bank and said tbat whlls th bank would now close, it would open at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and every depositor would be paid In full. It Is Impossible to learn what was the direct cause of the run. It is said a Polish depositor of the Jefferson Avenue bank saw a sign on the door Ssturday stating the bank was closed on account of Wash ington's birthday. He had circulated the report tbat the bank was closed and fright ened the depositors. The news gradually spread downtown and started the run on the bank Itself. Help was Immediately offered by the other local banks. It was declined, however, the Dime bsnk having plenty of funds In Its own vaults. Tonight President Livingston said: "We have ample funds oh hand, and If necessary could have sufficient money in the bank In forty-eight hours to pay every depositor In full." ... . :. - - DATE OF WOODWARD HANGING Marderer af Sheriff Bicker t Be Eseeated Friday. March Tweaty Elght. CASPER, Wyo., Feb. 24. (Special Tele gram.) Charles Woodward, convicted of the murder of Sheriff William C. Rlcker, tbe Natrona county official who was shot down at Woodward's ranch In th Rattle Snake mountains Isst month, I to be hanged on Friday, March 28. Judg C. W. Bramri passed sentence at 10 o'clock this morning, tb sentence covering several typewritten pages. The closing parsgraph follows: "Listen now, you, Cbsrles Francis Wood ward, are to be taken from hence to the county jail, therein to be confined under proper guard, as provided by law, until March 28, at which time you will be taken to an enclosure specially provided within the jail yard and there hanged by the neck until you ar dead, and may God, whose laws you have broken, and before whoae tribunal you must then appear, have mercy on your soul." Woodward showed no signs of worry and he seems to be resigned to his fate. On the way back to jail he talked and laughed with those about htm. tbe only time h exhibited emotion being when reference waa made to hla wife. DOCTORS ENDORSE SWAMP - R00I To Prove What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver or Bladder Remedy, will do for YOU, Every Reader of The Bee May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. COURT SENTENCES STEVENS Bat Ills- Attorney Stay Its Bzeeatlaa with a Writ af Error froas Snpreme Coart. MITCHELL, S. D.. Feb. 24. (Special Telegram.) Fred L. Stevens, who wss con victed two months ago In the circuit court of this county for having received money In the bank of Planktnton when ha knew the same to bs Insolvent, appeared before Judg Smith this afternoon to receive hla sentence. The court sentenced him to four years and six months. Judge Fellows, attorney of Stevens, pre sented a writ of error and certificate ot prooabl cause from the supreme court, which stays the execution of tbe sentence until the supreme court rules on the ca-: as to whether Stevens shall hav new trial. His ball was fired at 12,00c, which was given at once. The motion for a new trial will likely be argued at th April term of the supreme coui t. State Mllltla at Pyle'a Faneral. PIERRE, 8. D., Feb. 24. (Special Tele gram.) As Attorney General Pyle was judge advocate general of the 8outh Da kota state guard, Adjutant General Conklln has requested the officers of the companies at Aberdeen, Redfield, Clark and Volga to report at Huron with as many men as pos sible to attend tbe funeral. Woanded hy Barstlaa; of Gaa. SUMNER, la., Feb. 24. (Special Tele. gram.) Will Dawson waa fatally wounded by a bursting gun whlls mark shooting. He almost bled to desth before the arrival ot a physician. Nebraska aad Nebraskans. Crete will decide at the spring election whether the city shall own an electric light plant. New machlenry Is being put into the Columbus wooden shoe factory and the output Is to be Increased. Mr.nnok ta the latest mace to have an attack of the oil erase and a company ta to be organised to -sing a test wen. Th Cona-regatlonallsts of Taylor have made the last payment on the debt which has been hanging over tne parsonage. The Friend Telegraph has started In on Its twenty-nfth year and Is still able to express Us editor s Ideas without stutter ing. The comoany which has been organised at Valparaiso to prospect lor coal has decided to go ahead and contract with irwrii ta mit down a core drill to sufficient depth to ascertain whether there Is coal in mac vicinity. EJlsha Ferguson waa brought back from Wnahinrton bv the Custer county author ities on suspicion mat ne was concerned in hoa-stealina episode. His preliminary hearing resulted In acquittal, there being no evidence against him. Chris Burhop, who lives In Custer county, was not so fortunate, but waa bound over to stand trial In the district court. Frank Johnson, of Central City sold a number of hoKS to Button at Harris local livestock dealers. After the sale had been rnnaummatea ana tne money , nam tne dealers became suspicious and instituted an investigation, in is resuitea in tne dis covery that Johnson had stolen the hogs from the dealers and then sold them bark to the owners, jonnson owned up wnen arrested, and as he was only a boy re ceived a sentence to the reform school. gplrltaallssa Deellalag. It has been tb general observation that for som yesrs paat splrttaallsm has been In a gradual decline. This is th law with everything that ta not founded on true merit. Th reason Hostetter's Stomsch Bitters has been recognised as ths leading family medicine during tb past fifty years Is because It is founded on true merit, and baa always been found reliable in cases of Indigestion, dyspepsls, constipation and biliousness. Try a bottle and satisfy your- ssif. BRYAN DENIES THE STORY. Bays He Has Not Eepouaed the Can didacy of David B. Hill. COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 24 William Jen nings Bryan was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by Colonel James Kllbourne at noon at his residence. Prominent dem ocratic leaders were present, and a con ference was held. Colonel Bryan left later for Delaware, O., where he deliver a lecture before the students ot the Ohio Wesleyan university tonight. When asked regarding the truth of the report that he would call on David B. Hill and pledge him his support for the presi dential nomination In 1904, Colonel Bryan said with emphasis: 'I hsve never made any such statement as that ana wnat 1 may hbts to say re garding th presidential nomination two years hence I will ssy in my own way and at a time which I may deem proper." When the breath is foul and the appetite disordered. Prickly Ash Bitters is the remedy needed. It purifies the stomsch. liver and bcwels, sweetens the breath, pro motes vigor and cheerfulness. WANTED BACK IN ARKANSAS Alleaed Baak Bobbers Are Held la Kansas tor Retsrs to Former State. WICHITA. Kan, Feb. 24. The governor of Arkansas hss sent a requisition to Kan sas for John Dunn and George Dunham under arrest here for th robbery of bank at Clarksville, Ark., four weeks ago. Dunn cam to a hospital here ten days ago to have a bullet wound in the groin taken car of. He would give no lnfor matlon about himself except that a jeal ous woman abot him. Tbe wound seemed to be about two weeks old. Dunham followed Dunn her to take care ot him, and was arrested. His attendance upon Dunn aroused suspicion and he was also placed In custody. Commissioner of Deeds Appointed. PIERRE. S. D., Feb. 24. Special Tele gram.) Governor Herreld today Issued a commission to Samuel L. Taylor as com missioner of deeds for South Dakota at Philadelphia. FAIR, WARMER THEN RAIN After the Delage Cornea a Cold Snap, with Wind Shifting- from Soath to North. WASHINGTON. Feb. 24. Forecast: For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Tuesdsy, with warmer In cast and central portions; Wednesday, rain and colder; southeast winds, becoming northwesterly. For Iowa Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; variable winds. For South Dakota Fair Tueaday, warmer In east portion; Wednesday, rain and colder; variable winds. For Missouri Fair Tuesday, with rising temperature; Wednesday, increasing cloud iness; southeast winds. For Wyoming and Colorado Fair In east, rain in west portions Tuesday; Wednesday, fair in west, rain and colder in east por tions; variable winds. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BURHATJ. OMAHA, Feb. 24. Official record of tem perature ana precipitation compared with the corresponding day of th last three years: 1902. 1901. 190ft. 1S99 Maximum temperature... 44 S9 12 26 Minimum temperature.... 81 13 3 10 Mean temperature 38 28 5 18 Precipitation T .00 .00 .00 Record of temperature and DreclDltatlon at Omaha for this day and sine March U 1901: Normal temperature Excess for the day Total excess tlnce March 1 Normal precipitation Deficiency the day Total rainfall since March 1.... Deficiency since March 1 Deficiency lor cor. penoa ivn.... Deficiency for cor. period 19J0... Reports from Motion at -life (A. J. Halle, East Atlanta. Oa., March 1st, 1901. DR. KILMER CO., Blnghsmton, N. T. - Gentlemen: While It hss never been m y habit or inclination to recommend remedies the ingredients of which are n ot all known to me, It seems as If I should make an exception in the case ot Dr. Kll mer's Swamp-Root. My experience, so far as I have tested it In my practice, force s me to tbe conclusion that It Is a rsmedy of the greatest value In all kidney, liver, b ladder and other Inflammatory conditions of the genito-urlnary tract. I now take pie asur In prescribing Swamp-Root in all such esse with a feeling of assurance that my patients will derive great benefit from Its use. I shall continue to prescribe it in other cases in my practice with th expectation of good results Very truly yours. tx Gentlemen: I have prescribed thst wonderful remedy for kidney complaint. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, with most beneficta 1 effect and know ot many cures by Its use. These patients bsd kidney trouble, as diagnosed by other physicians, and treated without benefit. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root effected a cure. I am a liberal man and accept a specific wherever I find It, In an accepted school or out ot It. For desperate cases of kidney complaint under treatment with unsatisfactory results I turn to Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root with most flattering results. I shall continue to prescribe it and from personal observation state that Swamp-Root has great curative properties. Truly yours, (L. Barstow Irish, M. D.) 7 276 9th St.. Borough of S Ar 0 jt " SeptB2O40ni.NY -CW. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and 1 a used in the leading hospitals, recom mended by physician in their private prat tee, and is tsken by doctors themselves who have kidney aliments, because they re cognise in It the greatest and most suc cessful rsmedy for kidney, liver and blad der troubles. EDITORIAL NOTE If you have tbe si ightest symptoms of kidney or blsdder trouble, or if there is a trac of it in your family history, send at one to Dr. Kilmer Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., who will gladly send you by mail, immediately, without cost to you, a sample bottle of 8wamp-Ro ot and a book telling all about Swamp Root and containing many of the thousand a upon thousands ot testimonial letters re ceived from men and women cured. In wrl ting to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Blnghamton, be sure to say that you read this generous off er In The Omaha Morning Bee. If you are already convinced that Swam p-Root la what you need, you can pur chase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar stse bottles at the drug stores everywhere Don't make any mistake, but remember th e name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N. Y. .on every bottle. 30 , ..934 03 Inch 03 Inch 24.89 Inches 6. S3 Inches 36 Inch 4.70 Inches T p. in. CONDITION THE WKATliKPw -3l TV a 3 2 'v off . 9 . c ': 9 ft :. 9 : . n : a Omaha, clear Valentine, clear North Platte, clear Cheyenne, part cloudy.. Salt Lake City, cloudy. Rapid City, clear Huron, cloudy WllliBton, clear Chicago, clear St. Ixuls, clear St. Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear Havre, part cloudy Helena, raining Bismarck, cloudy., Galveston, clear 40 44 .00 44 50 ,fi0 42 62 .00 44 62 .00 M 62 .m 4sl 6H .00 & 42l .00 31 44 .0 841 41 .00 421 4 .00 3H 4i .00 SSI 42 .00 401 44l .00 461 60 .00 48 48 T 3f 421 .00 60 621 .00 B tJEBY LOU . HWi BATES ew- mm t, mm i vv mm mm mmm mm m-mmm - Indicates below zero. T indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official. BRIDE ACCUSED OF MURDER Charged with Polaonlng Her Haabaad After Five Week af Wedded Llf. MARIANA. Ark.. Fb. 24. Mrs. George 1 Woolen, a bride of 0v weeks, is held on $3,000 bond to answer tbe charge of poisoning her husband. The couple lived in tb country. It la said they had a dispute about som prop. arty. Th husband took a drink ot whisky and lay dew to sleep. He never awok. An analysis of th whisky disclosed the presence of a large quantity of strych nin. Gray hairs often stand la the war of advancement for both men and women, socially and in business. Many men are failing to secure good positions iust becsus they look " too old," and no one knows how many women hav been disappointed in life because they hav failed ta preserve that attractiveness which so largely aepenas on in nair. MAY'S HAIR-HEALTH hat kaaa s Utaalag ta thoaaaads. It Is a hair food, aeurUhiSg the roots, forcinf luxuriant growth, corarlag bald apou, rouoruif fraahaeu aad Ufa, ana poaiUTarjr briar back frtf lair la its youUttul kaauiy aad color, nay's Hair-rloaita Is act a , aad it uaa caaaot b aatactad. LAROB goc BOTTLES. AT LEADINO DRUQU1ST5. Frao Soap Offer tii is couDtM ta Aw Am. tmkc It Co any f thm follovtrif 4ruuits n4 th' r win gto yaa s lara bottl of Hay's Hair-Hoalta and a sac cak ot rlarfln rUdtcatod Soap, th tax saan or Hair, Seals. Complexioa, bath aad Toilet, both foe Fifty cant; facularprka.jic. Reooaaae by leading arnggtete everywhere at thalr ahops anly. or br the PfaU Hay gnacioltaaa Cm., aaa Laiaraua M.. Navarlt. N.J.. either with w without soap, by aaprase, prepaid. ia plaia aaaled pacaag oa reteipt of 6oc. aad thi coupoa. K ''PICTO Every day during the months of March and April, 1902, the UNION PA CIFIC will sell one-way Tickets at . the following rates: FROM Missouri River To Ogdcn and Salt Lake. Always patranls the horn article. Spe cially if it's better. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Chajopagn has na usi. GUARANTEE t' c::vHc. baucatca, may aava aia 7 oaua wj uuip.m mim. &raciu.Tta Co.. aaa Lafayette St., Newark. N. J. Addraas Kiuu titituut. Imiut a having Haft Hw-Htitk. Fotlewtaf Drnggtats aapply Hay's HaJr-Hcaitb aad Marti aa Soap la their sheas only I J lilt IHA gHERMAK MeCOXNBLL. 1th aad Dadg; SCHAFER'S DRTJO STltB. tth and Chlrsgo. I I KtciL BM Fr'S MORGAN. 142 Broadway: D'HAVEN, 113 Central Broadway: BROWN, ill V..Ja; WHX.LKY, ill Breadwsy. S20.00 OQfl nfl To Butte, Ana- UfieUiUUcon S22.50 S22.50 conda & Helena To Spokane To Points on the Great Northern Ry., Spokane to We natchee Inc. via. . Huntington and Spokane. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnsm St., Phohc316. S25.00 To Points on Great Northern Ry., West of Wenatchee, via. Huntington and Spokane local over Wenatchee not to ex ceed $25.00 To Portland, Tacoma and" To Ashland, Oregon, and S25.00 Seattle. S25.00 intermediate Points, including Branch Lines on S- P. Co. South of Portland, via Port land. OOC fill To San Fran O&uiUU clsce, Los Angeles and other California Points. Union Station, IQih end Marcy Photid 629. lfCN,r II r MX n SYPIUUS CURED IN 15 TO 33 DAYS. K Qiuwmntmmd Ouwm 00 Mommy RofimdBd. $ I ar aa CHCONDITIOKAL ODABANTII to aSect a ear feel aad ?7 aereianoat oare (ta ail oaaee eeoeptad far reeaeBh ef Coatnea aiood t h Folaoa, whether rSiatary, limn ary or ternary, aad give a le-el saoraaue ta wnuii ao aae eaoua. urwij ef ear m oaa yea waa. ay reoj.ey win the aTerace eaee la S ears aad sradaee heater reaela In It aaye taaa ledtae will a eae year, if yea try mw Woetvuee yea eeraaeee at a abyeletea to prove to yea weal I aay lo tree. eeoeaaery ayaroto (real ahewiag la any eaee eoaaias late aty area eiai ener n snmary tare aereiea. Cstssiuss taaa. '. T - ?r? " " tru-u-i--i-cri-i-tj-i-'-o-tr. a aeaitaiai iiiusn a wafer evauaouas ia smaii. The Mood, the Ink, th hoses and she whole syMii ar el oaaee, eartSad aad restored to hoaieh aad She aetleat areaared aaow for the SaMo aad Blaaaaro of lite. TrrULia east people tor waataea or ylaaeare. I ear yea at heat. Oorroaaeaaoaea eeaa- deenal. Write aaa year eeaataea roily eod yea oul moIts la a lala eavotoao a ooteauaie aad hoaeoS r an p I. r a . 1 . It JO tit TILIOTSON, M. 123 TIIMsm Bollalsf, M DearVara Slrstt, CHICA00. -VSamBBeaaaftYflwaHea. )0HH .0. ""y and eaia Th tartar .peciauat .rTSttliaa. f A RED NOSE If CURED AT YOUR HOME i r r 1 aaa soaltteely ear rod ". rod IM. ABA M II1CB V. BIODI1. . l . pjataer wnal lae aaoac. ioe luiua ia aeraea or L letter IS tree and einotir eoanaaaual. JOB H. woooBUHf , Dorset. la. 11 atale amet, lottate. llowcll'a Dues your bab. hees and cougt nil tnak a nolsi Ilk a y o u n f ooster trying u crow Croup will be the next thing h should hav Anti-Kawf at once. It will elver his throat quickly. Se a bolll at Drug blur. . Anti-Kawf''