Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1902, Page 2, Image 3

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ratH the lest of the twwaty-on. gun. waa
Nw York mj4 it urrotiBdlnga hava
rarely bowa to greater advantage than to
ay la the gunlight. with the added bright
Dm that east, from tha glistening eoat
lug of anow, and tba royal vtaltor did Dot
leave the bridge dnrlng tha rut p tba bay.
Ha aald ha waa at laat gratifying an old
ambition Ja visiting N,w Tork and aked
thai tba potnte of Intcraat ba shown him
ad tba geographical bearing explained.
Ha kntw tha Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn
bridge and tba battery and bad hoard tha
fame of tha tall building,. Tha lattar tow
ared high la tha claar light and tha prlnea
viewed them with keen Interaat a Kron
Print awung Into North river. Tha famed
kylla that ahowa ao well from tba Jersey
shore caught bla attention and ha watched
It until a tooting tug claimed a estate.
Welcome la Jfolsy Oae.
Tha f)ret of the Urge crowd, waa met at
tha Battery and from there on tip to Recre
ation pier, where tba largest crowd of all
had gathered. Every pier to which admla
aloa waa not denied waa partly filled. The
number of river raft alto Increased and
the welcome waa a noisy one. The cross
ing, ferryboets sounded their whistles and
tha ever-increasing fleet of tugboats kept
p thalr noise. The big liners in pert were
dressed and tba German colore were dis
played at aeveral points along the harbor
aborts. The prince frequently went to the
aide and aaluted. yTo the Americans pres
ent be expressed his appreciation of tbe
warm welcome extended to him.
The last greeting ra tha run up tha river
waa from tba Imperial yacht Hobensollern,
which is to be tbe home ot the prince
while In New Tork. It wore a full dress ct
flags and Ha white paint, with Ita trimming
of gold, shone In tbe brilliant sun. Its
Jackie, wore new uniforms and atraw hats
and manned tbel sides, while tba officers.
In full-dress uniforms, were drawn up on
deck. The prince smiled at sight of the
yacht tnd, again stepping to the side of the
rail, saluted. The jarklet ot Hohenzollern
gave a lusty cheer and tbe prince smiled
and aaulted again.
Kron Prins was abreast of the pier at
noon and waa quickly warped Into Its
berth, but there was aoma delay In getting
a gangway arranged. There waa no dem
onstration at Recreation pier, for the prince
was not eeea by the great crowd that
choked up the end of West Thirty-fourth
street. Cavalry Squadron A of tha National
Guard of New Tork and a heavy fords ot
police kept tha pier clear.
Dlitmkirki AmU Decoration.
Prince Henry disembarked at 11:S5 p. m.,
at that moment walking down tha decorated
gangway from Kron Print WUhelm Into
tbe elaborately decorated pier. Ha then
passed through an ornamstal gangway and
arch to the gangplank of Hohensollern,
which had been decorated In tba German
colore and waa covered half Its length.
Tha prince waa met at tha bottom of tbe
gangplank by Admiral von fiaudlsain. Com
mander of Hohensollern;" and his officers.
Meanwhile tbe band from Kron Print Wll
helm waa playing- the German national
air. Taking tbe precedence ot bit rank.
Prince Henry walked up the gangplank,
followed by tbe officers of Hohenxollern.
Oa Board Honeasollera.
The first ot hia callers to arrive attar
be had boarded Hohenxollern was General
Brooke, V. 8. A., accompanied by two aldea.
Admiral Barker and bla aide. Captain
West, representing tha United Statea navy,
followed and then came tha German am
bassador at Washington and hia brilliantly
attired aulte of military And naval attaches
and aecretarlea. and the military attache of
tha German embassy at Mexico, Lieutenant
Bartals. Following' the ambassador came
Kum iinviRi rciimeuwiiTn mi presi-
dent of tha Vnlted Statea, headed by Dr.
Hill, flrat assistant secretary of atate, and
Including General Oorbln, Colonel Bingham
and Commander Cow lee, brother-in-law of
tha president.
Captain Nathan Sargent then called an
tha prinoe at the apecial representative of
Admiral Dewey. Tha captain aald ha had
been eent by tha admiral especially to
express to tha prince tha admiral'a regret
at not being able to greet him personally
and to pay bit respects. Tha list of call
are was ended with tbe mayor'fe party,
which Included himself and hia private sec
retary. The German consul general at New York
and hia suite formed a part of tbe German
ambassador'a party. About an hour was
spent by tba prince in receiving hia callers
and making an admiral'a Inspection of tha
crew and Hohensollern. Afterward a luncheon-
waa aerved. Tha prince invited to thla
luncheon those of his American callers who
represented tha navy, and there were on
board besides members of tbe prince's
sure and members of the German em
bassy at Washington At Prince Henry's
right sat the htgheet representative of the
emperor n thia country. Ambassador von
HolUben. and on bla left Admiral Bvan.
Next to Count von Holleben aat Captain
Converse of Illinois, and next to him En
sign Bvans, eon ot Captain Evans.
Waata tea Latest Battleship.
Tha. luncheon, which waa Informal, was
finished about t o'clock; then the prince
announced to hlf guests that he would
repay this afternoon all ot . hia official
visits. Ha told CapUIn Evans he would
be glad to aee the latest built battleship
ot the American navy. - Tbe prince boarded
the tug Nina at I 89 to repay his call.
He was accomoanled by one aide, also
Admiral Evans and -Ensigns Evans and !
Chapln. He visited tbe navy yard first,
called on Admiral Barker, and then Gov
ernors Island, where he called oa General
Brooks. From Oovernor'a Island the tug
proceeded to Illinois, where the prlnea
called oa Admiral Evans and Inspected the
ship. Ho waa received With tbe honors
dua to hia rank. The prince than returned
to tbe pier at Thirty-fourth street and
went oa board Hohensollern.
la tba Haas f tbe iatrlraa Peapla
Mr. gteaaaveM lead, ,MH,t
ta Prlaea Ueary.
WASHINGTON, Ph. It Replying to
tha Marconi cablegram from Prince Henry
off Nantucket, via Slaaconset, President
Roossvslt today aent thla messags:
THJ3 WHITE HOITBK. Feb. St. Prince
Henry of . Prussia, Hohensollern, New
lurk: I
Accept my heartiest greetings on your
safe arrival. 1 thank you fur your mes
sage. In the name of the American peo
ple, I will sea you and I look forward to
tuectlllg you personally tomorrow.
y .
tteraaaaa Get Oat aa Extra.
BERLIN. Feb. II. Emperor ' William re
ceived a cablegram from New Tork while
at breakfast this morning informing him
that Kron Prtns Wllhelm M nearlng Ita
pert la fair weather and that hia brother.
Admiral Prince Henry ot Pruasla, was well.
The Sunday quiet of Berlin waa broken
by tba Uauance of a newspsper extra en
the arrival ef Kron Print WUhelm.' This
la aa unusual thing la German newspaper
dom. Ho QrifioPafa
Or discomfort, no irritation of tba In
Uatlnaa but gentle, prompt, tborourh
analUJul cleansing, when you ule
by ail dugltt 23 oenu.
North Atlantlo Trial in Vain to Send Prinoe
Henry to Bed.
Deaaaerntla Manners aa Board Bbla
Kers) Kveryaae Geaa Kataraa
Dart a Raafbeat at
NEW TORK, Feb. It. -.The north At
lantio served to tha big Kron Print WU
helm five daya of weather that tested
Prince Henry'a tea legt. But the prince
thowed bis sailorly qualities and never
misted a meal. Each afternoon and even
ing found him In the amoklng room and In
spite of wind and wavea and tpray hi
spent hours on the bridge. The voyage
waa without apecial Incident. Prince Henry
waa a most democrstle passenger and the
big company of his fellow voyagers united
In declaring btm an amiable, charming
and unassuming gentleman.
Kron Print WUhelm tailed from Bremer
bavea on Saturday. Sunday afternoon It
touched at Southhampton. From there U
ran to Cherbourg and by f o'clock Sunday
night put to sea.
The thlp waa now beaded for New Tork.
Dinner waa over and the passengers who
came aboard at Southampton and Cher
bourg were all on deck endeavoring to get
a look at Prince Henry. Hia royal high
ness did not keep them waiting long, for
he walked along the deck alone, entered
the smoking room and took a seat at a
table where several of the royal party were
already aeated. Here he drank his coffee
and smoked cigarettes for awhile and then
filled a pipe. He joked and laughed With
his party continually and waa the aoul of
good nature.
Seems Oblivions to Artlsta.
Two American artlsta and a German
artist sketched him . aa he sat for two
hours In the smoking room, but be seemed
oblivious of their penciling. The pas
sengers crowded around the tables near
tha one occupied by tbe prince; and those
of the women who had not actually ven
tured Into tbe smoking room and taken
aeata peered through the windows from
the deck. The attention he attracted, how
ever, did not aeem to annoy hia royal high
ness In the least.
Probably never before waa the amoklng
room of a liner ao frequented by women
passengers aa waa that of Kron Print
WUhelm all the way over. Whenever It
was sought by Prince Henry he was aurs
to find among Its occupants many ot the
fair aex and he aeemed to take their
scrutiny In a good natured way. Some of
them were beard to order the aama kind
of beer the prince was drinking and the
stewards brought It to them exactly the
same aa was being aerved at tbe prlnce'a
table. But the prince, German-like, la a
slow drlnksr, and tha women discovered
that ha aat at the table for tome little time
before a single glass waa exhausted.
Heavy Weather Rncoantered.
This describes the situation on Sunday
and Monday night; but oa Tuesday the
treat hlp began to encounter heavy
weather and the battle between tbe ship
and aea made many of tha passengers seek
their staterooma. This thinned out the
smoking room crowd considerably, but the
prince appeared every day after luncheon
and every bight after dinner, alwaya alt
ting at tba aame table. The heavy aeas
did not affect him In tha least, for he Is
an excellent sailor. While he did not miss
a meal or omit one of his twlce-a-day visile
to the smoking room during the entire
voyage, some of the royal party did fall to
appear at their meals or In the smoking
room. Even Dr. Reich, the staff surgeon ot
the prince, bad a aevere attack of seasick
ness. .
Thlg Indicates the rough weather Kron
Print passed through almost the entire
voyage. But it waa tba strong head winds
and tha fact the propeller were out of
water every few minutes that ao greatly
retarded ita speed. His royal highness and
party occupied a table In a far corner or
sort of wing of the main dining saloon.
A partition ran half way across, hiding a
part of the royal table from a portion of
the main dining room. But the prince re
quested that a greater part of tbe parti
tion be taken down and the wide open
ing thus made waa transformed Into an
arch and decorated. The change made
the prlnce'a corner seem more like a part
of the main dining saloon and the pea-
asngera facing bla corner at meala could
aea him and hit party plainly.
Deallaea ta Inconvenience Others.
Captain Rlchter had offered the prince
the captain's large table In the center of
the grand salon, but bit royal highness
did not cara to eauae tha regular patrons
of tbe liner who had been aaslgned to
those seats any Inconvenience and de
clined the change.
Every morning after breakfast tbe prince
took bla constitutional around the deck
two or three times among the passenger.
In tact, he waa throughout the voyage
thoroughly democratic. An artist for an
Illustrated weekly bad been eent by hit
paper to accompany the prince. Ha wat
passing whsre tha prince aat In the smok
ing room on Tuesday night, when his royal
highness hailed him, took hia band end In
vited him to alt at the table with the
royal party, where ho chatted for nearly
an hour.
Another Incident which showed hia good
fellowship also baa an artist, thla time an
American, aa Ita beneficiary. The prince
heard that the American bad made a aketch
portrait of himself which had attracted a
good deal ot attention among the passen
gers. Hs sent for the artist and after com
plimenting tin work offered to gtve him a
sitting. The artist became so embarrassed
when he began work that he waa unabje te
accomplish anything. Then the prlncs re
marked that "It he did not feel In the
humor for It they would try again another
Dcaaacratla Ways rieaaa All.
His consideration of others and bis dem
ocratic ways gained for the prince the Hk-
tn of every one of bla fellow passengers.
The Amerlcsa passengers particularly were
characteristically enthusisstio ta their
Captain Rlchter. who waa on hie first
voyage aa commander of Kron Prtns Wll
helm, bad hoped te make a record trip,
but the weather waa agalntt htm. He did
not leave the bridge except at short Inter
vale during the entire voyage. Prince
Henry apent much of hia time each day on
tbe bridge. When tbe captain expressed
his disappointment because he could not
reach New York early on Saturday the
prince took occasion to compliment him on
tbe masterful way In which he had han
dled bla ship and the speed he had made
under auch adverse conditions.
Oa Tuesday the prince went on a tour of
Inspection of the ship with tha captain and
the ahlp'a surgeon. He visited the atetrags
tod aecond-class passengers and examined
tbe'r Quarters.
On Wednesday Kron Print spoke the
liner Lucanla, and the captain, crew and
passengers of that abip aent their eompli
neats to the prince in a message by wire
lees telegraphy. Tbe priace answered as
Heartiest thanks to captain, crew snd
passengers ot Lucanta aud good passage.
. . litis it I ur rntoaiA.
Two instruments of the Marconi aystem
were fitted up especially for the we of
the prince, wbose messages had precedence
ever all others.
One of ths most eujoyable features of the
voysge was the excellent music. In addi
tion to the regular band belonging to the
ship the music corps of tbe Second Matro
sen Vlfffen, containing thirty-eight pieces,
waa on board. This ta one of the great
military bands of Germany snd came on
Kron Print to Join Hohenxollern.
Likes "Yankee Doodle" ana l)ile."
On Thursday night at dinner the band ot
tbe kaiser's yacht furnlshsd the music, In
termitting Oermsn and American airs.
"Yankee Doodle" and "Dixie" were played,
rousing great enthusiasm. The roya! party
cheered heartily, ae did all the German
passengers. At the request of Prince
Henry, "Yankee Doodle" was rendered
again and It waa no sooner finished tban
a request came from the asms aoures for
a repetition of "Dixie." One American
wondered If the prince knew the meaning
and history of the two.
"Indeed he does," aald several American
Friday night tbe prince left his own
table In tbe amoklng room early and Joined
that occupied by George A. Armour and
Allison V. Armour of Chlcsgo. Robert Bon
ner and Archie Harman ot New York and
Spencer Eddy of the United States legstlon
at Constantinople. Allison Armour bad
been Introduced to the prince as a yachting
man and this brought ths whole party to
gether on common ground. Prince Henry
sat conversing with this party ot Amer
ican for two hours. He remarked that he
had always desired to hear tome genuine
American plantation aonga and hoped be
would have the opportunity before be re
turned to Germany.
At noon on Friday tbe prince Invited Sir
Charles Cust, a British naval officer, who
la on hia flrat visit to tbe United States,
to Join him in tbe smoking room. Satur
day morning be Invited Mr. Armour and
party, with whom he had spent the even
ing before, to take a look through tbe
ship and he explained every part ot the
machinery to them aa an expert.
Drlaka to Gears Washington.
Not one of tbe party had aald a word
about It being Washlngton'a birthday.
After the tour of Inspection the princs In
vited them to his room, where he opened
champagne. - '
"Now, gentlemen ot America," said he
"let us drink to George Washington."
The storm that atayed with Kron Print
all the way acrosa the Atlantic, on Satur
day morning changed the pitching motion
ot the thlp to a terrible roll. Everything
In the ship that waa loose tumbled about
and It was difficult and dangerous for tbe
passengers to move. At tbe concert after
the captain's dinner on Saturday night
most of the amusement was afforded-by
aeveral member of the band falling over
while they were playing. The piano bad
to be made more secure with ropes and
two men ateadied It. The passengers aat
holding themselves securely in tbe sta
tionary chairs.
Aatoarraphs Ara Aaetloned. -
The prince put hi autograph on - ten
of the concert programa to be. auctioned
off for tbe benefit ot the sailors. Ths
lowest priced one brought 136 and the high,
eat 84. Six hundred and twenty-five dol
lars was the sum raiaed from the eale,
but the auctioneer's energies were all ex
hausted la holding fast rather than in tba
uae ot hi voice.
. The rlnce aat through the concert and
applauded with enthusiasm. Saturday the
prince aent word to the five American
nawspaper men on board that he would aee
them In - the afternoon. "Baron Secktfn
dorff, the prince' chief of staff, made the
presentation and the. prince shook hands
heartily with each ot them. Among other
thlnga he discussed with the newspaper
representatlvea wireless telegraphy and It
development and application in the future.
At that time the ship was nearlng Nan
tucket andwhen communication with that
atatlon was established the prince aent tbe
following telegram:
To President Rooaevelt, Washington:
Hope state of health Master Roosevelt
favorably progressing. Wish speedy recov
ery. Permit me to congratulate you and
American nation on commemoration of
Washington's birthday. Sorry to disap
point you through late arival, caused by
persistent westerly srale, which made
faster progress impossible, even for this
beautiful vessel. Looking forward to meet
ing you.
HENRY, Prince of Prussia.
Royal Gaest Shakes Hands with
Members and Their
NEW YORK, Feb. 21. Prince Henry to
night attended a reception given In hit
honor by the Deutacher Vereln at the club
house of the organisation. He was es
corted through the atreeta from the dock
where Hohenxollern ilea to the -club
house by Squadron A of the National guard,
and attended by hia suite, Rear Admiral
von Baudlssln and hi officers and other
gueata. All tha party were In carrlagea,
while at the head of the Una rode a de
tachment of tbe mounted polloe. In the
prince's carriage rode Rear Admiral Evan
and Aaalatant Secretary of State Hill.
On reaching the clubhouse tbe prince
waa received by President Rudolph Kop
pler and Vice President Otto T. Schuller.
He was ushered Into the reception room,
where were gathered 260 members of tbe
club, with nearly aa many more mem
bers of their families.
The clubrooms were ' decorated with
palms, evergreen and cut flowers, while
on one of the wall on a background ot
American color hung a portrait ot tha
German emperor. -
At tha epeclal request of Prince Henry
the club members and their families were
presented to him. He stood la on of the
rooms with the German ambassador on
hi right and President Koppler on his left,
As they were presented the prince bowed
and shook hands with each of the women.
Tbe whole affair wae over in half an hour.
From ths clubhouse the prince waa driven
to tha Twenty-third atreet ferry of the
Pennsylvania railroad, where he took the
ferryboat Philadelphia for the depot la
Jersey City.
Frtnc Leaves Jersey City ( Wash
laaton at Oa In tha
NEW YORK. Feb. 24. Prince Henry and
hie party reached Jersey City at 11:11 a. m
and walkad to the train through a roped
encloaure, guarded by eighty policeman
under Chief ot Police Murphy of Jerssy
City. The trsln consisted ot eight cars,
the last one bsing Columbus, dsvoted to tbe
uss ot ths prince and two Immediate at
tendants. '
Assistant General Passenger Agent G. W,
Boyd waa In cbargs ot tbs train, the en
gineer being Augustus M. Vandergrlft. In
addition to the police guard en tbe plat
form there were present Csptala Titus ot
ths New York detective bureau and Cap
tain Wllkle of tbe secret esrvtce.
Tbe train left the station at 1 a. m.. the
prince appearing on tbe rear platform ot bis
car and bowing his acknowledgment ot the
cheers of those In the station.
Dinner an tha . Yacht.
NEW YORK, Feb. 23. Prince Henry
gave a dinner lonignt oa Doara mt mi
iiertal yacht Hohemo'.U-rn. His guests In
eluded: lavid J. Hill, ansuitant secretary
of state: Hoar Admiral Hot) ley u. iviiu,
Vfator tiiicrM.l Henry C. Corbln. Colonel
Theodora A. Bln,hm, Commaader Vi
llain vowies.
Captain Von Mueller Telia of Feeling, that
Prompt tbe Kaiser.
II a WiV nf Wlnnlnar Ae
ration, and Emperor Wants
tha Kindliest at Feelings
Betweea tha Nations.
NEW YORK, Feb. 2S. Prior to bis de
parture from Germany It waa officially an
nounced that Prince Henry would not be
Interviewed and today be adhered strictly
to thla determination. Whatever the prinoe
baa to aay for publication will be given
out by a member ot bit staff.
Captain von Mueller, aide-de-camp to tbe
German emperor, wbo la used to spsak not
only for Prince Henry, but in a measure
to voice the emperor'a own views, said
today to an Associated Press representa
tive, in explanation of tbe prlnce'a vtalt:
"When the president, upon the Inquiry
of the German emperor, whether Miss
Roosevelt would perform the ceremony ot
christening bis Amerlcan-bullt yacht, had
given hi consent In a most gracious man
ner, hia majesty resolved to ahow hi re
gard for the president by having himself
represented by a prince of his house on
the occasion of ths launching.
'In contemplating thla courtesy the em
peror remembered the pleasant relations
between Prince Henry and Admiral Dewey
and Rear Admiral Evans, and also recalled
that hia brother, on his return from China,
had expressed' a strong wish to visit the
United States.. This desire, however, could
not be gratified at that time.
Aceaatomed to Win Esteem.
"Moreover, tha emperor was Influenced by
ths fact that Prince Henry, whenever he
waa abroad, bad always won the admira
tion and esteem of those with whom he
waa brought In contact and had always
succeeded In bringing a tone of kindness,
bssed on mutual etteeem, In the Interna
tional relatione.
'Thla, I think, will indicate the feeling
that actuated the emperor In the choice of
his brother aa hia representative on this
pleasant oocaslon.
, "The prince Is grateful that tha emperor
selected him for this mission. He is de
lighted to make the acquaintance of the
great American nation at last, and enjoy
tbe honor of meeting the excellent man at
the head of It. It had been only the stern
command of duty which prevented" him from
visiting the new world after hit return
from East Alia." -
New Version of Dewey Incldeat,
When Captain von Mueller' attention was
called to the various reports regarding the
friction which . It wat alleged had arisen
between Prince Henry and Admiral Dewey
at a dinner gtvaa by the former in Hong
Kong, he laughingly replied:
"Oh, well, a good many versions of that
incident, and all of them wrong, have been
printed. I happened to be at that time
the personal aide-de-camp to the prince.
The truth ot the matter la this, And I
speak authoritatively:
"In the harbor of Hong Kong the prince
had tendered a dinner to the commanders
of the vessels ot vsrlous natlona at that
time in the ' port On that occasion the
prince drank to tbe health of the eoverlgnt
and chiefs of ths' nation, the flags of
which were represented by guest. In ths
ordsr of hit toast his first, next to that
to tbe German- . emperor, . - waa to Great
Britain, and th second te Russia, while
the United' States was the laat. The rea
son Great Britain, was named in the first
place was because the dinner happened in
a harbor1 of 'British territory, the acting
governor of which waa one ot the guests.
A woek or so afterward the prince waa in
formed by' the German consul, Hsrr Yon
Loper, who Is now -In Valparaiso, that the
representative of the United States, namely
Admiral Dewey,- was pained because the
prince had not put the United States at
tha bead of hit toastt, contrary to tbe In
ternational usage which demands the order
ot the toast on such occasion. Thia
usage is that the toast shall be given in
the order of seniority of commission of the
officers present. - Dewey was. In fact, In
that respect the senior among the guest.
Dewey Accepts Apoloay,
"The "prince did not hesitate to seek an
open, frank talk on the question of etiquette
with bis American comrade, whom he
highly esteemed1. ' When visiting tbe flag
ship Olympla' he frankly told Dewey that
be had convinced himself that he wat
jrrong, and that Dewey waa right. And
Dewey' reply was this: 'Well, air, X thank
you for your apology. I may aay that 1
liked you before this, but after what you
have told me Juat now, I think I like you
better, and this le eaying a great deal.' It
la readily to be seen that this settlement
ot a question of etiquette could only eerve
to strengthen the friendly relatione be
tween them, and that Prince Henry It
keeping the worda of hia American friend
in grateful remembrance.
"Prince Henry," continued Captain von
Mueller; "Is a sailor with atl hU heart
and soul.' He takes prldo In maneuvering
hia ship and hi aquadron. Everything be
longing to engineering baa his especial
Interest- He is always thoroughly ac
quainted with tbe engines in the ships un
der his command and at the aame time
alwaya glvea bis attention to the personal
welfare of tha men In the englae rooms,
whose work b.e appreciates.
"As a sportsman he- 1 versatile. Like
all tha prince ot the royal houae, he ta a
devoted hunter, end hs loves ths sailing
sport, having owned aeveral yachts, hit
last en being the cruising yacht L'Esper
ance, bought In England, which he called
himself from Southampton to Kiel. He Is
a fine horseman, aa ha haa often had Occa-
aioa to show by participating In polo
game, and he Is a bicyclist and k golf
player, too."'
Prlne a a Sea Conniattr.
Of Priace Henry as a sailor and sea com
mander, Captain voa Mueller said-
"The prince entered the' naval service
In 187T, like any other cadbu Hia first
long trip being one around the, world, he
made from . 1871 to 1888, on -board the
frigate Prlnea Adalbert. Hia first trip in
tbe cspaclty ot a watch officer on board
of the corvette Olga la the yeara of us!
to 1884 brought him to the West Indies
snd South America. In the aummer ef
1887, when be wae 25 year of age, be acted
for tbe first time s a commanded and
waa made the chief of a torpedo division
with which he eventually aallad to Eng
land en ths oocaslon of tbe Jubilee of Queen
Victoria. Later he was plaoed In command
consecutively, of the royal yacht Hohen
sollern, the cruiser Irene, so chrtstensd
after bla wife, the coaat armored ehlp
Beowulf, and tha- battleships Sachssa and
Woerth. When commander of the last
named ship la the fall of 1I9 he wat pro
moted to the rank of real admiral, being
at that time only IS year ot age. His com
rades looked upon hia rapid promotion
without eavy because they knew him
worthy of It.
"In 18 tor the first time he hoisted his
flag aa chief of ths second division of tba
home squadron, and In 1897 bla Imperial
brother, abowlng thereby bla great con
fidence In him, ordered blm to lead rein
foroementa to tbs cruising squadron In
Chinas watsrs. which was. owing to the
political eamplieatlooa at that time, rather
exposed, and te take the oomuiaad of the
newly formed eecond division of the cruis
ing squadron.
"When ths prince started for the Orient,
warlike entanglements with China were
geflerally expected. While, however, events
took a different course, the prince fulfilled
an important political mission for his coun
try by elevating the standing of tbe Ger
man empire la the east by tightening. In
an excellent way, the tiee between the
Germans residing In tne esst Aslatle places
and tbe Fatherland. To express his thanks
for these achievements of hit brother, the
emperor made htm, in the aprlng of 1899,
chief of the cruising squadron, and pro
moted blm, six months later, to the rank of
a vice admiral. In the beginning of tbe
year 1900 Prince Henry returned home,
after an absence of over two years.
"After his teturn from China tbe prince
waa entitled to a longer furlough, but,
through the unexpected retirement of a
senior admiral, he waa obliged, at early
at the tall of 1900, to take an active com
mand at chief of the First squadron. This
Is the heart of the German navy and the
war high school, a tecond admiral serving
snder the chief. The aquadron consists of
the battleships Kalaer Frederlch III, which
la the prince' flagship; Kaiser Wllhelm III,
Kaiser Wllhelm der Orosse, Kaiser Bar-
ba rests, Kaiser Karl Grosae, Brsndenburg
and Welssenburg, the big cruiser Victoria
Louise and the email cruisers Amaton,
Niobe and Hela. Aa chief of this squadron
Prince Henry, after the fall manuerer, was
promoted to the rank of a full admiral.
rnostentatlotfa Home Mfe.
"Of Prince Henry'e home life 1 may
tell you that It la unostentatious. His res
idence Is the royal castle In Kiel. During
the summer, if duty does not call him to
sea, he lives at his country seat, Hemmel-
mark, and that In a atyle similar to and
easier than many a noble country equire.
When in Berlin, where he la attending oc
casionally to the court festivltlee, he makes
his abode In a wing of the royal achloss.
Beside Hemmelmark he owns several
Country properties In the province of Bran
denburg and Posen."
Prince Henry Is rather tall and ot slen
der ttature, looking In hia general appear
ance much like his father, tbe late Em
peror Frederick. He wean tbort-trlmmed
whiskers and the expression ot his face Is
generally serene,
Captala McClelland gaffers Fraetare
of Left Lea; by Fall of
His Horse.
' CUSTER. S. D., Feb. 23. (Special.) Cap.
tain Paul D. McClelland received a fracture
of a bone ot the left leg. a dislocation ot
the anklo and other bruise by having a
horse fail on him while rounding up a
bunch of horset near Custer. He had roped
ohe of tbe animals and the horse he wst
riding waa thrown, etching the captaln'a
leg In the fs'.i. Captain McClelland waa
In command of Company I, Forst South
Dakota volunteers, and participated in the
worst of the battlea In tha Philippines
After the Insurrection. Sluce hia return
from the Philippines he hat been engaged
In tba mercantile business at Custer.
Flaadreaa Cttlscns to Hold aa Elec-
tie. Sec-re I.e.rpara.
tloa's nishts.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Feb. 23. (Special.)
A apecial election will be held tomorrow
at Flandreaa for the purpose of voting upon
the question of Incorporating the village
aa a city. Under the 4aws of South Da
kota town,- in. order . to become a city,
meat have a population of at least 1,000.
Flandreau can more than All thla require
ment, at it ha a population of nearly
2,000. The tentlment ot the vote 1 over
whelmingly In favor of Incorporating, and
the question, it Is expected, will carry
with comparatively few dissenting votes.
Cheyenne Dissolves Bnslaess Men's
Association: and Organises
New Body.
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Feb. 21 (Special.)
A meeting of the Cheyenne Business Men's
association waa held Saturday night. The
association waa dissolved and the Chey
enne Board of Trade organised. Several
nratter pertaining to tbe affair of the
city were discussed. A committee was
appdlnted to Investigate the project of
building a pressed-brtck plant here. A
company of local capitalists wilL be or
ganised and if the money can be ratted
the plant will be established during ths
coming Summer.
i .
Fonr Mea Wanted for Crimea ta
Other Localities Arrested ta r
Wyoming. . (
LARAMIE. Wyo., Fab. 23. The police of
this city today arrested four men charged
with crime committed In other localities.
W. F. Bradshaw, who, It Is alleged, hat
erred time In Ohio, admits having passed
forged ebfeks In Amarlllo, Tex., and Fort
Collins and Loveland, Colo. B." L. King,
John Campbell and Ed Raymond were ar
rested on tbe charge ot holding up Arthur
Newland of Wood lawn. Ia.
Westward's Captnrers to Reeelva
1,000 ta Ba Divided Amon
Theaa, .
CASPER, Wyo., Feb. 23. (Special.) The
county commissioners have aent a check
for 11,000 to the sheriff at Billings, Mont..
a a reward for the capture ot Charles
Woodward, ths murdsrer ot Sheriff Richer.
Tha reward will ba divided among the
t her Iff and Owent and Berkbetmer, the
ranchmen who effected hia capture.
nth Dakota laoorporatloas.
PIERRE. 8. D., Feb. rl. (Special.)
These article ot incorporation nave oeen
Beacon Oil company at Pierre, with a
capital of $100,000. Incorporators, George
w . uannoiemew, jonu x . jiiorouyu auu
O. V.. Pryce.
rl.luraJo-Idaho Vllnlna- and -Oil com
pany at Bloux Falls, with a capital ot
sftiO.uw. incorporators. v.nanes ta. nr
riann. A. I Crala and Charles R. Dixon.
Turner County Farmers' Land company
at Vlborg, witn a capital or soo.iaw. in
corporators, A. W. Harper, C. M. Boron
son, K. B. Stoddard and others.
Vermillion Hotel company at Vermil
lion, with a capital of iau.OM. Incorpora
tors, D. M. Ionian, Alfred Helgeaon. Ole
Ivarson, E. D. Brookman and I T. Bwee-
Edg-erton Telephone company at Alex
andria, with a capital of fe.OiiO. Incorpo
rators. W. A. Caldwell, Frank L. Bond,
M. Pitts, I. a, riper ana &. n- cara.
Mueller Chemical company at Pierre,
with a capital of h,ka. Incorporators, C.
U. Mueller. H. J. Werst. U U Rtephens
Bath OIL company at Pierre, with a cap
ital fjf taOO.OtiO. Incorporators. H. M. Boa
worth, M. C. Alford and U L.' Stephens.
Magnetic Electric rompanv at Pierre,
with a capital of t5.0W.uu0. Incorporators,
John T. Horn, Smith M. Weed and Oscar
Worst aa Clnb Hans ta Bala lass,
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Fsb. 23 (Speclsl.)
Word from Omaha atatea that work on
the 175,000 clubhouss for employes to be
built by the Union Pacific here will be
commenced Just as soon as tha frost is
out ef the ground. It Is Intended to nave
tha building- ready for occupaaay next
tall. .
Condition of Spanish Labor Troubles Re
ported Improving.
Captala Cieaeral Mays' Kn Anxiety Is
Frit at That Iolnt Hopes Men
Will Return to Work
MADRID. Feb. -23. A council of min
isters Is In session bers tonight to discuss
mesns to mslntain public order. The gen
eral situation is greatly Improved. Several
libor societies here have declined to Join
the atrlke. Official telegrams that order
prevails everywhere In ths province have
been received. More troops have been
drafted to Barcelona, but it is hoped that
the worst of tbe trouble la now over.
The strikers at Barcelona have demanded
payment In full of their wages for tbe
pant week. The employers have refused
these demands, except In a few esses
where tbey were seceded to In the hope
of conciliating tbe men.
Following the advice of the captain gen
eral, many factories at Barcelona have
agreed to atart their Area, though It Is
doubtful If the mon will resume work. The
refusal of the authorities to liberate ths
arrested atrlke leaders Is causing resent
ment. Isolated riots are still reported.
At Sarria, a village near Barcelona, some
men were arrested tor experimenting with
explosives. Ons of these men fired upon
the police and a fight ensued In which one
policeman and one workman were killed
and two men were wounded.
At Pedralbea two strikers were killed la
conflict with the police.
El Libersl of Madrid publishes an Inter
view with the captain general of Barcelona,
in which he said he had toured the town
and that he had been well received every
where. He said he hoped the strikers would
resume work next Monday and charact
erised tbe Sarria affair as unimportant.
The captain general declared tbe situa
tion at Barcelona did not Inspire him with
Call lir Not Meeting; with Favor Among;
the Workmen Some Riotlaar
' Occor.
TURIN, Italy. Feb. 23. Only a few
workmen here have responded to the call
for a general strike. Some rioting has
occurred. In which two policemen were in
jured. The prefect of the city has forbid
den public meetings.
On tbe road between Turin and Beinsaco
the bodies were found last night of two
carbineers, who had been murdered by 'a
band of criminals infesting that neighbor
Neckar Conveys Boston Boat, with
Propeller Loose, Toward --Halifax.
BREMEN, Feb. 23. It Is announced here
that the North German Lloyd steamer
Neckar, which left Bremen January 18, ha
been aeen towing the Leyland line steamer
Philadelphia, Captain Treat, which left
Liverpool Jaunary 17 for Boston, toward
Halifax. '
The ateamer Georgio, from Liverpool re
ports that on February 3 it tell In with the
Phlladelphlan with a propeller loose. Geor
glc took Phlladelphlan in tow, but the
hawser parted. Owing to a heavy gale and
aea Georgio waa obliged to leave Phlladel
phlan and proceed.
An Accepted Fact
Original Methods
have had much to do
with the unpreceden
ted success of these
brews. Not a bottle
of Blats Beer leaves
?J t t,ry'i the plant that has not
been thoroughly ma-.
tured and sterilised.
(Non-Intoxicant) Tonlo. Drugglsta
or direct.
Canto more death than
bullet. Their ymptoma
are sot alarming, htnet
the 7 are neglected and
quickly become dangerous.
I a kidney medicine of
great value; it strengthen
tbe kidney, allay inflam
mation, ease backache and
arrest the progress of the
diaeate. It it a honest
remedy that can be depend
ed on.
PRICE, $1-00.
9 ' TkUstgnatare Is oa every bos of Ute aaaaiae
fVT fJU Laxative Bromo-yuinine Taw.
Vi VCVrartthe really that aawe
kills, not necessarily suddenly,
but SURELY. It preyt upon the
intellectual powers more than
we realize. It consumes the
vitality faster than nature can
replenish it, and we cannot tell
just what moment temporary
or complete aberration of the
mind will result. Headache and
pain should be promptly re
movedbut properly. Many
pain cures are more harmful
than the pain. Beware. If
you would be safe, take
M?r.v Pain Pills.
"At a result of neuralgia I lost the
sight of my right eye, and the pain I
have Buffered is incomprehensible, be
ing obliged to take opiates almost con
tinually. A friend gave me one of Dr.
Miles' Pain Pills and it promptly re
lieved me. I then purchased a box and
now my trouble is gone. They hsv
also cured my daughter of nervous
headache, and I heartily recommend
them to others." W. J. CoRLEY. Bre
mond, Texas.
Sold by Druggist. 85 Doses, 25c.
Dr. Mile Medloal Co., Elkhart, nd.
DR. McGREW(Agi53)
Diseases aad Ulsoraers at Man Oaly,
88 Years' Experience. IB Years la
If 1 DlPftPCI C cured by treatment
VAmUUUClX which Is the QUICKEST,
safest and most natural that haa yet been
discovered. No pain whatever, no cutting
and does not interfere witn work or bust
nees Treatment at office or at homo and
a permanent cure guaranteed.
Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And all Blood Diseases. NO "BREAKING!
OUT" on the skin or face and all external
sign of the aiseass disappear at 'once. A
treatment that la more successful and far
more satisfactory than the "old form" of
treatment and at less tban HAL1T THIS
COST. A cure that la guaranteed to be
permanent for life.
hlfCO Oft finn oases cured of nervous '
UVtfl ZUiUUU debility, loss of vitality
mi.u, all unnatural weaknesses of men.
Stricture, Oleet. Kidney and Bladder Xl-
Uvflriuwl Aurtd ttArmnn t i V
Treatment by milL P. O. Bo 7ML
Office over 215 S. lth atreet, between Fax
ram and Douglas ata.. OMAHA. NEB.
A Model
Doctor's Office
Most doctor find tt convenlsnt
to have evening or Sunday offloe
hours. Patients oaa hardly walk
up stairs at such time.
The Bee Building
ba all night and Bunday elevator
service. Water and gae, a wall
as slectric light are In each room.
The rooms are all light and our
offices are most attractive. Rent
are no higher than la Inferior
R. C. Peters & Ca,
Rental Afency,
Ground Floor, Bee Bolldtn.
teputy sjtata TetseiuaiTam
Food Inapaetor.
H. L. RftKACCiOTTI, D. V. S.
(MDoe and Infirmary, ttth and
k TalasAOtMt esa
ar va- DVTVG
The Cowboy
Tho Lady
Prices 25o to $1.00.
Prices-Mat., 25c, 60c, 75c. Night, 26o to tl.OO.
Telephone lbGI.
Matinees, Wed., Sat. and Sun., 2:1b. Every
night this week, :15. ,
Louis Blmon, Grace Gardner A Co.; Doo
ley and Kent, the Six Blackbirds. Raymond
and Klrkamp. Hill and Whltaker. Alt
Holt, Dick and Alice McAvoy and the
Kinodrome, Prices, 10c, 25c and sou.
4 OU) People Yesterday to Res Burlesque
u a ran av a." L. i.'aaaa A I ska sftgftal 9Ut.
. EtiKBgement Closea Frldiy Evenini
The talk of the town Select araudavllle
Comedians XXX-Handome Women
Two shows dally. Evening prices, 10c-Ao-l0o
Hmnke If You Like
Next Sunday Mat., Wine, Woman and Song
, L .