Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1902, Image 1

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Via Stone, limn, Tsllia and Latter' Baby
Eoleaaed by Brigands.
In Suoo. Good Health that Ha Esoort Is
Heeded on Jonrncv
Yankee missionary reaches
tfobody to Greet Her, at Her Arrivi f
Onl-neerel Plckinaea Officially
Notified of the Release hy the
American Vle Coaaal at
't. "eloalcn, 1 . ,
CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 22. Miss ET.len
H. Stone, tbe American missionary, who,
lth Mme. Tellka, was captured by bri
gands in ths district of -Saloatca Septem
ber t last, has been released, and arrived
at Strumitis, Macedonia, at S o'clock this
Nobody was at Strumitza to greet Mtas
Clone, as ths brigands had given co Indi
cation where they proposed to release tha
prisoner. Mme. Tsilka and her baby wera
also released at the same time. They are
all well. Miss Stone Immediately made
herself known to ths authorities at Stru
mitis. ,
The flret news of Miss Stone's release was
contained in a telegram received by Mr.
TJickinson, (he American consul general at
Constantinople,, from the American vlca
eousul at Balcnlca. Tha telegram glvea no
details of the release.
As Strumitza is near the Salonlca-Uskub
railroad, Miss Stone will proceed to Salon
lea without delay.
, Mother Informed of Safety.
BOSTON. Feb. 23. Dr. Judson Smith,
one of fce secretaries of tba American
board, cuiied at tbs residence of Mrs. Ben
jamin Stone, mother of Miss Ellen M.
Stone, tha missionary, in Chelsea this after
noon, bringing a cablegram, dated Sslonlca,
February S3, .containing the one word.
Safe," signed "Haskell."
Dr. Smith understands this dispatch to
indicate that Miss Stone, Mme. Tslik and
ths latter's bshy have been delivered into
tha hands of the American representatives
at Sere, Macedonia.
Tha cablegram Is from Edward B. Has
kell, ona of the missionaries of tha Amer
ican board stationed-at 8alonlca, 1
Regards News as Aathentle.
Secretary Barton of ths American board
lias received the following cablegram, con
firmatory of the Associated Press dispatch
announcing the release of Miss Stone. It
was dated Salonica and Is unsigned:
"Both Miss Stone and Mine. Tsilka and
child released from confinement, in good
physical eor.d'.tlca an! good spirits."
-iu;; ,aii.,iit!, , . . iiiu j..tMionartua
u( the board bud been given instructions
to send no cablegrams based on mere re
ports, but to wait until positive Informa
tion could b given.
Goea to Macedonian Committee.
LONDON, Feb. 23. Cabling from Con
stantinople, the correspondent of the Dally
Chronicle nays be understands that, owing
to the necessity of protecting tha Innocent
persons who 'assisted them, the American
delegates will never divulge where and how
tha ransom money for the release of Miss
Etons was paid. ,
The correspondent learns, however, that
tbs rims of tilling the moneybag with lead
after tba raosom bad bees paid, with a
view of making it appear that tba mission
to pay the ransom bad failed, was com
pletely successful.' It Is practically certain
that the random money goes to tha Mace
donian committee.
ills Stone, continues the correspondent.
Is certainly innocent of tha plot to kidnap
her, but strong suspicions are entertained
about sotti EulftrU.ns who accompanied
her party or remained behind.
kidnapingXpolitisal move
Macedonians Detiava tha Raasoaa Will
Help Taena Tar Freedom.
I from Tarhlah Rata.
NEW TORK, '. Feb. 23. Spencer Eddy,
first secretary cf tba Vailed States lega
tion at Constantinople, who had charge of
the neeotiatlocs for ths release of Miss
Ellen M. Stone and Mme. Tsilka, arrived
here today oo Kror Prlns Wllhelm. In an
Interview he said ths brigands captured
an Auivrtuau uiiiur thau auy oluvr lula
Siouary, because they believed the Ameri
cans bad ths most money and would be
likely to pay the ransom.
"Did the brigands want the money for
themselves?" Mr. Eddy was asked.
"No, ttey did not, and that is where tha
jeop!e in America do not understand this
It Is entirely a political matter, and
all the people in Macedonia are la sym
pathy Wilis lbs kidnaping, for they believe
It is a step toward freeing Macedonia from
Turkish rule, the it rue aa Bulgaria has
bean, ssd the money they demanded, 1100.
K'0, was intended fur tha Macedonian
"If we bed been dealing with tba pro
fessional brigands who wanted money pure
and simple, iimi&d of the political ones.
!!'.: f tons would have .been released long
. ago. It is likely teat thla capture waa do.
liberated, upon for a long time, and tbs
victims selected were considered ths best
to strve th cause, when compared with
ttoe cf otbur c&tlCJaatiea."
Ho t'umlty Toward Missionaries,
"Do tbe Macd'n!ans hsve any feeling ef
enjilty towards lbs ntinstonaries?"
"No. Tby are rathor friendly to them
than otherwise, Tbey deslrsd to attract
tha artoQtloa of tbs world to their csuaa
and incidentally to get soma much needed
zuoney. I have svery reason to believe
tbey bsve given UUs Stone and her com
psuloa In cfc)Hvity tbe best of treatment.
Wfcea V. lie. Taliks's baby waa bora she
received the kindest of treatment front all
ws caa learn.
"I have Lad five letters from Miss Stone
Written in Bulgarian, so bar captors could
read them, snd they were masterpieces In
clsvsrusis in diplomacy. Miss Stone la
courageous woman."
"Won't Turkey attempt to punUh ths
"Turkey will havs a problem on bar
hands U It does, fur tha Macedonians hava
risen up as ooe man in their determina
tion to be freed from Turkey, and this
klduaplog of tba two American missionaries
tuy ba called chapter one In their plaa
lor liberty."
Mr. L-lcr will Washington on of
tela! business sud thsa proceed to hla
further hviue, CU Iwf a IwiU
nineteen lie 4 Ira Await Action hy
(r(ifr, Who la Ready for
NEW TORK. Feb. 13 ScphU Beach, t
years of sge, a guest of the Par Avenue
botel, who wt burned about ths face and
body Saturday morning, died in Bellevue
toepltal today. This makes the nine
teenth victim. All the, other Ore Victims
In the different hospitals will probably re
cover. Rev. William Bosrdmao of Norwalk,
Conn., who la suffering from burns about
tha face, baoda and body. Improved Some
what, toriav. Tha uvlv rtf tha nnlriantfflaA
Simau , at the morgue wa recognised aa
of .-hlsjrife, Julia.
ner flolden Kram will bewln hla of
"I'SIrr into the lose of life toroor-
rov .baa summoned a large number
of thv snoata.
Tba rulna of the Seventy-first regiment
armory and tha scorched tipper stories of
the Park Avenue botel were Raxed at to
day by thousands. A single firs engine sent
a atream of water on on spot of the ar
mory rulna, where wers stored (0,000
rounds of cartridges arid a small quantity
of powder. Tba beat of tha fire did not
explode this ammunition, for it was in a
sub-cellar packed in steel boxes. The
other ammunition in tba armory was all
exploded while the Are burned.
. 8o great was tha crowd seeking admit
tance, to the hotel that police guards wers
placed at the entrance. District Attor
ney Ocrome arrived at tha hotel In the
morning, accompanied by half a dozen of
his county detectives and Firs Chief
Croker. They examined the burned portion
of tbs hotel and talked with Mr. Read,
tba proprietor. Then the elevator shaft
was examined and in the basement was
found ons hand fire extinguisher, empty.
It was the only one the chief found in tbs
hotel. '
One of the assistants told the visitors
there was no way in which firs could have
gotten to the elevator shaft without some
one deliberately placing it there. The of
ficers gave no opinion of the origin of tha
hotel fire, if they had formed one.
During the day tha walls of the armory.
which remain standing' were shored up by
men from the city building department.
Thlaks National Clvle Federation
Will Minimise possibility
of Strtkea.
INDIANAPOUS. Feb. 23. President
Mitchell of tha United Mlna Workers of
America discussed today the meeting of
the executive committee of the National
Clvlo federation at 'New York, from which
ha haa Just returned. 1 '
Tha executive committee waa appointed
to consider ways and means of bringing
labor and capital Into closer relationship.
Tha committee adopted a constitution and
by-laws and hereafter will meat onca each
year, unless called together by an emer
gency. President Mitchell firmly believes
that the object for which tha comnJttee
waa appointed will be aehleved and points
to tbe settling of the big strike tt gar
ment worhra. in flew .York roceruiyJln
wnich oyer . persons were out, aa
one of the results already obtained.
Tha agreement In thlp strike was reached
entirely through the instrumentality of
members 'of the Committee, the garment
workers being granted a shorter working
day, from nine to eight hours and a half.
Said President Mitchell: "While It will.
of course, not avert all strikes, it will re
duce them materially and minimise tbe
possibility of long-drawn-out struggles In
which vaitt sums of money are lost both
to the employers and their men. Tha com
mittee will act whenever it is requested to
do ao and whera the opportunity presents
itself will offer Its services voluntarily.
It will not attempt to arbitrate differences,
of course, unless there Is a request from
both sides and then only when It is agreed
to abide by Its decision."
Trowhla at St. Petcrsburar Theater.
la Which Many ot tha Tovihs
Are Hart.
LONDON, reb.,24. The St. Petersburg
correspondent of tha Dally Express says
that the police, learning that COO students
had arranged a meeting to be held In a
certain theater Thursday sight ' quietly
filled the galleries of tba theater with
1.000 Dvorntcks. After the performance had
ended at midnight tha students remained
In the pit, tha Dvornlcks still la ths gal
lery. . '
At t o'clock la tha morning, at a given
signal, the Dvorntcks suddenly descended
and attacked tha students, beating them
with clubs la a most brutal manner. Tbe
studafits' arms, ribs and bead a were broken
snd some were killed. Many of them have
been sent to hospitals, while others have
been Imprisoned.
Disposes of Col a aa-Par rot Gnsf to
Amalgamated or Aaavcoada
CIUCAOO, Feb. . A dispatch, -to the
Record-Herald from Butte, Mont., says
United States Senator W. A. Clark haa
sold hla Colusa-Parrot group of nines to
tbo Amalgamated or Anaconda company.
Tbe consideration la withheld from tha pub
lic, but the price is understood to ba in the
millions. Tha purchase by the company
waa made as a, settlement cf litigation be
tween the "Anaconda and Senator Clark's
Colusa-Parrot company. Tbo Oreat Ana lode waa Involved In ths contro
versy, it having been charged that there
waa a union between that vein and the
Colusa-Parrot t vein and that the Anaconda
bad been mining on( the Colusa-Parrot
property. N
. Jaaraal Outeel Annoanees Mini
4 mam' Tax on Imports from
. Catted States
PARIS, Feb. 21. La Journal Offlcel pub
lishes a decree continuing for six months
from February 24 tbe application ot tba
minimum tariff to colonial products Im
ported from the United Statea, Porto Rico
and certain other countries.
International Reciprocity.
CHICAOO, Feb. 21-Wlthln the net few
dnys a conference will a he id here for
the purpona of launching a movement to
furs' coiiKreaal'Mial a tiuci on international
reciprocity. Tha Wratern Kechirocli y
leuKue. of which Ooven.or W. K. 8tanli-y
of Kr.eaa la president ajid Jumna Iw-ern:
of t'tikano vice priiirtit, will arranne the
conference. A. B. Hull of T"tx-Ka. err.
reiary of ths lettg-ue. Is in I'tut-ago lur
thla puryoec. Turin cotieeaMtona to Cut.
will be only one of tha !-. ii demands.
1 he application cf tha principle of reci
procity to i.'.a relatluns between tola
country suil ail Ivr:au avwxuuits la
KatiTe Constabulary .Apprehend This Im
portant Filipino in Eis Pen.
Coatrlhatlag Kk Help te the Gov.
ernment la Sappreselng tha Ite
belllon aa Maintaining
Feaeo la Frovlncea.
MANILA, Feb. JS. A forea of native con
stabulary at Santa Crux, province ot La
gun a, .Aison, haa capttfred Cortes, second
In command to General Malvar, and turned
him over to the military authorities.
Cortes was in fancied security In a suburb
of Santa Cms. known as Allplt, and waa
raising funds ' for tha Insurrection. A
frlentjy native Informed Inspector Soren
sen of this fact and the captura of Cortes
followed. r
Few insurgents remain In the province
of Batangas and Laguna. General J.
Franklin Bell accomplished his Intended
purpose cf ridding tbla district of Insur
gents, though for the present the civil com
mission consider It Inadvisable to declare
tha provinces In question to be pacified.
Tba large number of Insurgents who have
been driven from BaUngas and Laguna
hava Joined tha ladrones In the neighbor
ing province of Cavlte, whera the native
constabulary are hounding them from placa
to place. General Trias, the present gov
ernor of Cavlte province, who formerly
bitterly opposed tba Americans In that
diatrlct, has given proof of his true friend
liness and la using every effort to run down
and captura tha Csvhe ladronea. Ha Is
sending volunteer rampanlep of bolomen to
assist the constabulary to. suppress dis
order. Tba natives of Cavlte province,
provoked at the continued disorder cre
ated by tha ladrones, sr spontaneously
offering themselves In large numbers to
assist tha authorities . In maintaining tha
peace In the provinoe. The civil commis
sion recognises this attitude to ba largely
due . to the Influence . ot General Trias. .
Washlnartoa'a Birthday la Ohaerved
by tha American Clafc with
MANILA, Feb. 23. The American club
here celebrated Washington's blrthdsy with
a reception and banquet. Acting Civil Gov
ernor Wright, General Chaffee and Colonel
Charles A. Woodruff, head of tha subsist
ence department at Manila, made speeches,
in which It waa advocated that all Amer
icana work together for tha future good
of tha Philippine Islands. Twelve hundred
Americans attended tba recaption.
Act taa; Civil Governor Wright Favors
ModtAcntloa of Present Order
Affecting- Immigration. '
M AKILA, 3-cb:' S..-JAi!Uiig Ct'HI 6ti uor
Wright, replying to a question addressed
him by the American Chamber ot Com
merce, said that tba United 8 tales Phil
ippine commission unsnimously favored a
modification of tbe present order prohibit
ing Chinese from entering tha Philippines.
Attorney General Knox Finds Alaskan
Judge Gnllty of Mia
eoadact. WASHINGTON. Feb.x 23. Attorney Gen
eral Knox-haa delivered to the president
his findings In the matter ot the charges
filed against Arthur H. Noyea. Judge of the
second division ot the United States court
for Alaska. . Tha charges allege incom
petency and corruption, although the at
torney general says tha charge of dis
honesty wss not pressed. After reviewing
tha casa at length tha attorney general
concludes bis report aa follows:
Such waa the end of thla Nome litiga
tion, out of Which has sprung so much
complaint, bitterness and public scandal.
After review it remains that tba actual
consequences of thuae prooeedliifis In the
Alaska district court were to bring that
court into dlcrespect, and to impair publio
confidence In Its wise and Impartial admin
istration of Justice.
In view of the foregoing, and after the
most careful consideration. I hava con-clti-led:
First That tha appointment of a re
ceiver In the rases referred to, without no
tice to the defendants, and the refusal
upon hearing to discharge the receiver,
S-nd. the consequent dlHpoaaesslon of the
defendants ot their property, were not
justined under the facts, the pleadings and
the principles of equity.
Second That tin-re is no Justification
shown for the reruanl by Judg Noya to
settle a Mil of ckctititlwiiS at ti. li.tuc
of the defendants and for tha retusul to
allow them an appeal. V
Third That aftr an appeal had been
allowed by the circuit court of appeals,
and after a writ of supersedeas hid been
served on Judge Noyea, the plaintiffs and
the receiver. Judge Noyejr attitude toward
the writ was one of hostility and obstruc
tion, whU-h waa totally inconsistent with
his Judicial duty toward a superior court
and toward the litigants, seeking through
that court reversal of hla Judicial action.
Konrth That J mice Nvs should forth
with ba removed from ottlce,
Tba president will approve of these find
ings and promptly dismiss Judge Noyea from
Government Will Issao n Publication
Betting Forth tha Wealth
ot tha Islands. -
WASHINGTON. Feb. 23. Tha United
States geological survey Is about to Isuue
a "Osxetter of Cuba," compllod under tbs
direction of Henry Gannett, the geographer.
The publication contains comprehensive
data regarding tbe geography, resources,
climate, people, occupations, civil divisions,
etc., of tha lalsnd and Is Illustrated by
maps and plates, showing distribution of
population and products.
It snys tbe mineral resources, so far as
developed, constat almost entirely of hema
tite ore, which haa been mined for many
years a few miles east of Santiago. Nearly
all tbe ore, which contains about 63 per
csnt of iron, is shipped to tbe United
States. Asphalt also has bt-en found In
several places.
There were in 1899 60.711 farms with an
average siss ot 141 acres and aa average
eultlvatsd area of thirteen acres. Matan
saa and Habana provinces are tha moat
highly cultivated parts cf tha Island. Ot
the cultivated, or less than 60 per cent.
was owned by Its occupant. Sugar cane
occupies 47 per cent of tbe cultivated landa
Tbere were la Cuba In lbs 2u7 sugar
mills or centrals, producing daily (1.407
baga of sugar. There were also eigbty-nvs
stills, with a dally capacity of 141,761 gal
loo. For transportation ths Island de
pends on vary poor wagon, rwada aad L1U0
o-lisa of railways.
German Llentenant with Prince Will
fpead n Year Traveling Threngh
the Contlneat.
NEW YORK. Feb. 2S. A passenger on
Kron Print Wllhelm was Lieutensnt Com
mander von Relstorff of the Fortieth Im
perial German artillery. He is on leave of
absence for one year, specially granted
him by tha k a leer. Commnndor Reletorfl
waa at tha head of an African expedition
for tha emperor. Tbo party consisted ot
two German officers, besides himself, and
sixty native or black soldiers. Three
French officers accompanied for tba pur
pose of arriving at a settlement ot tha
boundary dispute between French Congo
and the German possenslon r.djolnlng and
for exploration. '
Commander von Relstorff miring hla two
yeara In the Jungles ot tropical Africa
had tbe fever eight times, one of bis staff
died and the other re turn 1 boma an in
valid. The three French, cetera fared al
moet aa badly.
Commander Relstorff will travel in tha
United States with Prince lieury'a party,
but Is not officially a member f the party.
Afterward he will make aa extended trip
throughout the eastern states. Then he
will go to South America, touching first at
Rio de Janeiro. From ths re he will go
to Para, acend the full ler.. h ot the Ama
on river by steanwhlp end steamboat,
nearly 2.000 miles. Then be lit tske a row
boat. Ha will be convoyed by a detach
ment of the Peruvian army.
After tbe boats are left CTnsniler' Rels
torff will cross tbe Andc-! t?n muleback,
until ha reaches the rn!) hv, when he
Will proceed to Lima. He U1 then travel
northward along tbe coast 1? steamer and
atfer traveling in Mexico l. r a abort time
will go by rati to San Fran. ;-o. The early
part ot next year ha will I, ,z3 la Alaska
and British Columbia, after which be will
return to Germany.
Find of . f 40,fX0 In Pre"los Stones
on Paaaeoger of Kron Prlna -.
NEW YORK. Feb. 23. S. ed In five
small compartments in a Ivlt of red flan
nel nearly (40,000 worth o! iiel diamonds
were, it ia alleged, smuggled. Into this coun
try by a passenger who came in today n
the Kron Prlns Wllhelm. The pasaengir
gave his name as Mlcbne Ke'nkran, VI
years of aga and said ha lit 1 In ibis city.
Ha was arrested by Special Treasury Agent
Theobold and locked up in a police statios.
Ha wllbe arraigned tomorrow befpra
United States Commissioner Shields.
Tbe treasury ageut was on the watch
for Kelnkran, aa a month ago he received
information that a smugllnK would be at
tempted. The prisoner sailed from here
a month ago and sas be was given tba
belt in Bremen by a straufjtjr, told him
to take it to a relative fc He dis
claimed all knowledge of it tntiinnta. '
pajrHlehnian ti Fno8 Arrest
Yorav .. '
NEW YORK, Feb. 23.--Willlam Wild, a
young Englishman, arrived here today on
Kron Prlna Wllhelm and a few hours after
landing gava himself up to the police, say
ing that ha had robbed the Birmingham
(England) firm of Walsh, Levitt ft Co. ot
Jewelry valued at 15,000. After tbe robbery
he fled to London and then to tbls country.
When searched ha had in his clothing
thirteen large diamond rings, some other
Jewelry and $251 In American money, be
sides a faw t"rrre'cs- He declared that
his lonesoMMuess on finding himself in
America depresseed him so that he thought
tha best thing to do waa to give him
self up.
ays tha Democratlo Organisation
Should Snpporl the Party Onee I
More to Attest Its Loyalty.
TOLEDO. O.. Feb. 23. William J. Bryan
was in tha city a abort time tonight. When
asked to give his views on the Manhattan
club meeting in New York last night he re
plied: 'The Manhattan club will nave to sup
port the democratlo- ticket at least once
before it will take an active pert in the
policy of that party. In tha campaign of
1894 the Manhattan club mareneo. witn a
band . to the republican headquarters as
evidence of Its sympathy with that party In
that campaign."
When asked what be thQUgnt ot Henry
Watterson's opinion that the question of
dealing with trusts would be the principal
plank In tbe next national democratic plat
form Mr. Bryan said: "It will be Inn
possthle to write a plstfonn until Issues
develop, but It ought not to ba a matter
of doubt that democratic principles will be
applied to all the issues, and, that the
planka will be written by those whose ley
alty to the party Is not under suspicion." .
COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 23. W. J. Bryan
arrived here tonight and is the guest of
Colonel James Kllbourne, who was candi
date for governor on tbe democratic ticket
last fall. Colonel Kllbourne has arranged
a conference tomorrow afternoon between
Mr, Bryan and the democratlo leaders ot
the state. Mr. Bryan declined to be In
terviewed tonight concerning the confer
ence. It Is understood, however, that mat
ters relating to organisation and ths pol
icy of tbe party will be discussed.
Confession of Negro Throws Light
Upon Heath ot Chinese x.ann. -drymcn
at Dnlnth.
DULUTH, Minn. Feb. 23. Tbe mystery
of the death of Charley Yim, a Superior
laundryman, who was killed Christmas
night, was cleared tip late last night when
Charles Woods, ths negro arrested In St.
Paul Friday, confessed. Woods says Yim
wss murdered with a piece of gas pipe by
Peter Jackson, a negro, with Woods as an
accomplice, for $7.50. Jackson enured ths
Chlaaman'a place at midnight while be was
cooking a meal. At a favorable moment
he atruck htm on the head, but several
blows were needed to quiet him. Woods
and Jackson then hurriedly searched ths
place and found only $7.60. overlooking
1 125 in Ylm's pocket. Jackson was ar
rested la Superior yesterday, wbsrs he has
been since ths crime. He denies k sow ledge
of It.
Charged with low oaaterfeltlag.
ST. JOSEPH. Feb. H Three men v. ho
are rhferired Hith being members of a smg
of counterfeiters lh r. has been cpt-rHtiriK
in Iowa and ltng-aan!ed, w-ie captured
at King t ity. Mo., today, 'i ho men un
der arrest are JauufS htt-iey, C'linrU-a Arm
strong and Jerry buliivan. C onsiderHbte
counterfeit CoUl has iiU fJuc4 lit iiig
Dcliborata Action to Decirlo on Measures
1 gainst Carolina lighten.
Farther Apologies Are Reejnlred to
Be Snhmltted In Writing Before
Belligerents Are Pnrged of
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. The topic ot
chief interest, In senatorial circles today,
and, la fact, everywhere In official Washing
ton, was the fight in the senate yesterday
between Senatora Tillman and McLaurln
of Sonth Carolina. Numerous conferences
hava been held among senators as to what
should ba done to preserve tha dignity of
the senate and to manifest Its sentiment
with reference to tbe two senators who
violated Its traditions. While no plan ot
procsdure has been agreed upon. It ta
learned that there will be deliberate action
and it Is likely It will not ba less than
thirty days before tbe South Carolina sen
ators are restored to their full power at
senators, thla deliberation on their casa
being la tbe nature of a punishment, since
they will not ha allowed to 'address tbe
senate nor to vote until no longer In
contempt cf the senate.
Senator Burrows la chairman of tha com
mittee oa privileges and elections, and to
night ha. said that In advance of any meet
ing ot tbe committee he could not say
what would ba done, but he added that
tha matter Is ot such serious Import that
it must receive careful consideration. It
will be a day or two before the committee
meet to take up tba resolution referred
to it by the senata.
Rcqalre Farther Apologies.
It Is understood the conferences among
senatora have shown that tha South Caro
lina senatora have not been sufficiently pun
ished, and that the committee wll require
further apologlea to be submitted to ' it
In writing, -with the assurance that such
apology will ba msde to the senata, before
the aenstors hava been sufficiently purged
of tha contempt. t
Tha whole matter, as stated In tbe sen
ate report yesterday, is without precedent,
and the senate is now to make a precedent
in the matter of punishment and In re
quiring sufficient apology. The conferences
today developed the fact that the senators
regard, the matter with all the aeriousness
with which they dealt with It yesterday,
and that they intend to take such action
as will prevent, if possible, similar epi
sodes occurring In tha future.
Tillman end MeLanrla Reticent.
Neither Senators TiHrnan or McLaurln
were disposed to enter into any discussion
today regarding tha happenings In tba
senata yesterday. Senator Tillman, how
ever, did say, in reply to questions as to
whether there had been any developments
In the caae, that nothing haa occurred.
Ke said: "So far as my own. purposes
are concerned, I am simply awaiting de
velopments, and will act in accordance with
my Judgment aa' tbey unfold themselves. "
,ir. Jaktwriu-as;Upe tw&tiW-V92e-ment.
t ' . '
Even tha ' Prince's Visit Is Rot to
Interfere with Vote on
Tariff BUI.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. In accordance
with the agreement heretofore reached, tha
senata will begin voting at 4 o'clock tomor
row on the Philippine tariff bill. All the
time of ths day's aesslon previous to that
hour will ba devoted ta speeches for and
against tbe bill, tha time to be divided
between tha supporters and tha opponents
of the bill.
The opinion has been advanced that yes
terday's episode between Senators Tillman
and McLaurln might hava the effect of
causing a postponement of tha time for
taking the vote in order to permit those
senators to speak who have desired to do
ao, but there is no probability of any
change of program. The senate regards a
unanimous consent agreement sacredly and
never allows anything to Interfere with It.
According to the present program. Prince
Henry will be a witness of a part of ths
ceremony ot tallying the vote on tha first
bill, and ha will ba allowed to observe It
either from tbe floor ot the senate or from
the gallery, as he may prefer. Probably
all ot ths members will be presented to
him, but It Is not Intended that his pres
ence shall Interfere In any way with tha
prosecution ot tbe business ot tha senate.
The Irrigation bill now holds the -place
of vantage on the senate calendar, next to
the Philippine bill, and probably will re
ceive tha attention of tbe senata after tbe
rtiilUiplii bill Is out of tha way. There la.
however, some impatience on ths part ot
tba friends of the ship subsidy bill over the
present arrangement, and . If the irriga
tion bill should consume a great deal ot
time there may be an effort to displace It.
All will depend upon tbe action of tha re
publican steering committee.
Tha bill mrklng appropriations for con
gress and the different departments of the
government will be reported to the senata
during the week and probably will be taken
up for action tha next day after It Is re
On Thursday the senate will unite with
tha house In tha ceremonies in honor of tha
memory of President McKiniey.
Prince Henry Not Ukely te Find
Much of Interest In Hepre
sentatlvea Work.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. Ths McKiniey
memorial exercises In the hall of represent
atives on Thursday ovsrshadew tbe program
In the house this rict. Tomorrow, when
Prince Henry 'ilslts . the cspitol, to look
down on the two bouses of congress, ha
will witness probably an Uninteresting
spectacle, so far as tbe popular branch ia
concerned, aa tbe houae will be working
on District of Columbia business. The
remainder of tbe week will be devoted to
appropriation bills, two of which are on
ths cslendar, the postofflce and consular
Craay tasks Indians Threaten Town'
' and Cltlsens Orgaals for
, Protection.
GUTHRIE. Ok! . Feb. 21. Squads of
minute men have been organised at We
tumka to protect tbe towa from the Crasy
Snaks Indisns. The squads srs on guard
alternately after night and runners are
sent in all directions from tbe town on the
lookout tor the hostile Indiana' The stores
have supplied all able-boCled eMUea With
rifled a&d shotguns,
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Monday and
iueeo .Northwest Winds.
Tesifirstsrs nt Oman Yesterday i
nr. Dec. Honr. Den-.
1 n. m T
...... 83 a p. m
...... at Mp. m
a. n
a. ..... Sit
a. m 84
a. m ..... .
n. m. . . . . . 8t
as 44'
4 n. sn OS
g p. a DO
p. a 4
T p. m 41
ft p. m.......
O p. na......
Falls Into an Opening In Cathedral
Left Uncovered ."hy
NEW YORK. Feb. 23. It haa Just been
made publio that Archbishop Coriigan is
confined to his room with painful Injuries
which he received Thursdsy evening at
St. Patrick's cathedral. .
Worklngmen btve been erecting a wooden
partition in the rear of tha building prior
to tearing out the permanent wall and
preparatory to Joining the cathedral to the
Kelly memorial, which is being erected. It
Is the archbishop's custom to enter tbe
cathedral for private - devotion about
o'clock in the evening.'
On .the day when ha received hla In
juries workmen had left unguarded a big
hole In tbe floor. Tbe archbishop stumbled
into this. Ha caught himself when ha bad
slipped through tbs floor, up to his arms.
Few persons were lu tbe cathedral at tha
time. The arcbhjshop managed to get back
to bis residence. He wss badly bruised and
shaken and his physician waa called.
Tbe right ankle had been badly wronched.
There were also soma ugly scratches on
his body. The archbishop could not offi
ciate at say of the services at tba cstbedrsl
today. He has been forbidden to leave the
houae until Tuesday. ,
One Man Killed and Twe Injnred on
Grand Trask Line Rear
f . ' Chicago. '
CHICAGO, Feb. 21 One man was allied
and two others injured today, when a
Grand Trunk wrecking train plunged over
an embankment while speeding through
Evergreen park on its wsy to the relief ot
a disabled freight train four miles beyond
that point. Dead:
PETER MATHIAS, caught beneath the
wreckage and Instantly crushed to death.
Injured: 1
Caspar Snyder, light leg broken and
bsdly cut and bruised about the body.
Oscar Rundqulst, right arm fractured and
body bruised.
The wreck waa due to the .spreading of
rails, aa the result of loots spikes.
Two Hundred School Traehers Leave
to the Philippine Islands to
Teach tha Natives. -
KJ5W YOItK, Feb, 23. Tha TTnlted States
.r.r.frt V nicHim, wh!"h left' tin
dot- jtt:iu.y and anchored lo. the bay
for the night, put to aea this afternoon,
passing by Quarantine at 3:80 o'clock on
Its voyage to Manila by way ot Gibraltar
and tbe Sues canal. On board McClellan
are 200 school teachers, most of whom
come from tha middle states and the south
and west.
The vessel also carries a quantity of aup-
plies to the quartermaster's department at
Manila. It is expected McClellan, if It
meets with favorable weather on tbe voy
age, will reach' the Philippines some time
during the second week in April. ,
Head-End Collision Between Freight
Trains on Korthwestern
Road. I
MILWAUKEE., Feb. 23. A special to the
Sentinel from Antlgo, Wis., says: A head
end collision between freight trains oc
curred late Saturday night near Summit
Lake on the Northweatern road, sixteen
miles north of this alty.
Fred Lyons and Roy Mlddaugh. brake-
men, and Bert NlghUer, fireman, were In
stantly killed, and Harry Hogan, engineer,
was badly hurt.
Twenty cars of lumber, logs and mer
chandise were piled high in one row. No
trains wsre able to get through until Sun
day evening.
Yoaag Man Is Killed In An In pro
voked Aaaaalt by Two
MOUNT VERNON, 111., Feb. 23. Richard
Gilliam, a young man, waa assaulted while
returning from church by two men. one
using a beer bottle and the other firing ff
revolver at hla head, killing htm Instantly.
Henry Stuart, George Hatfield and Albert
Young were arrested, charged with tha
killing. The assault aeems to have been
wholly unprovoked. Stuart is said to have
used the beer ' bottle and Hatfield tbe re
volver. The three men arrested had been
drinking, it Is said, at a "blind tiger."
Stated that " Korea Haa Promised
' Baaala to Held the Island
Ko-Je. .
YOKOHAMA, Feb. 23. It is reported here
from Seoul that a convention has been
concluded between Russia and Korea, un
der the terms of which Korea agrees not
to grant to any state or Individual the
island of Ko-Je, the shore opposite, or auy
part of the coast from that point ta
Ko-Je island Is thirty miles southwest of
Fusan, Korea. .
KIght of aonnd Sleep Restores Vitality
and Bedalde Watchers Are
YALTA, Crimea. Feb. 23. Count Tol
stoi Is revived today as a result of his
sound sleep of last night.
Yonng Theodore Steadily Gains.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. Tha condition
of Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., continues te
Improve and he is progressing steadily
toward complete restoration to health.
Movement of Ocean Vessels, Feh. 23.
: At New York Arrived Campania, from
Liverpool: St. from Southampton;
Kron Prlns Wllhelm, from Bremen.
At Liverpool Arrived '1 auric, from New
At Movllle Bailed Auchurti. from Bre
men lor isew iuw
BeprasfmtatiTa Americana Greet Henry In
Dignified knt Democratic Etjlo.
Frusai&a Eipreraes Delight at Visiting
.' ' Ehoiei of Ires America
Exchanges Sentiments of Entoera with
Army and Navy Men.
Warns Admiration In tha Display oi
Fighting Ships, with Especial
Interest In Illinois and .
Olympta. '.
NEW YORK, Feb. 23. Prmce Henry ot
Frussla, representative of his brother, tbs
emperor of Germany at the launching of
the kaiser's American-built yacbt. rnacbed
New York today and was cordially wclfiimej.
sa a guest of ths nation. Tbe land bat
teries that guard tha outer hxrbor sounded
tbe first greeting in a po:-;-ro" salute of
twenty-one guns, tbe rifles ot a special
n -"al squadron ssseinbled In bis honor re
echoed the sentiment. Tkere were verbal
greetings tram the representatives of Pres
ident Roosevelt, the army, ths nsvy and
the City of New York, and a great crowd
lined tba wsy Into the city to sea and
cheer the aatlor prince of Germany.
Tha great ' storm against which Kron
Prlss Wllhelm had- struggled for days and '
which had glased the Atlantlo coast In an
armor of Ice, had lost its force and rs
signed Its sway to warm sunshine and clear
blue skies, so there waa no regret that tha
royal guest waa a full day lata for. tbe en
tertainment provided for htm.
The genius ot Marconi reached out from
the storm-swept coast and definitely located
the belated liner and made certain the hour
that it would reach Sandy Hook. There
was a curtain oft tbe Hook esrly this morn
ing and It waa after o'clock before tha
watchers caught the shadowy outlines ot tha
cautiously approaching liner.
Evans Goes Forth to Meet Him.
Rear Admiral Rob!?y IX Fcsns, com
mander of the special squadron and hon
orary aide to tbe prince, left tbe flsgtl'lp
Illinois at :40 o'clock, in tbs naval tug
Nina. With him were Csplaln G. A. Con
verse, bis chief ot staff; Flag Lieutenant .
Frederick Chapln, Er.Blgn Frank T. Evans,
aide, and Captain von Rebeur-PftRchwlti,
naval attache at the Washington embassy ot
the German government. They were all la
full dress uniform. Ktca met Kron Frlnis
beyond Fort Wadsworth snd, swinging
around on the starboard side ot the .liner, ,
steamed up the bay..
Frtnce Henry, attired in the uniform of
sn stirniral of the Germfti ravy, end stir-'
r,.!, ,!...! ry hi K4ni ,er.i : v.'nrr fnfl H '
biiuiunt' uu'HoiTnii. swi-u . X,t VrUwo .-af
the liner. ' As the navttl tug drew bearer ta
the side ot tha steamship Prince Henry and
Admiral Evana caught eight ot each other,
and exchanged informal salutes. The dis
tance from steamer to tug waa too great
tor conversation, however.
As -the two vessels with a flotilla ot tugs
and officials moved past Fort Wadsworth tbe
first ot tha salutes ot twenty-one guns was
fired. Aa the first gun Sounded ths prince
advanced to the and of the bridge ot Kron
Prina Wllhelm and stood at attention. '
Prlnco Kalatea American Flag.
Aa he passed the big' American Bag float
ing over tbe fortifications ha touched his
cap in aalute, and ths members ot his suite
did likewise. The flag at tbe Jackstaff of
Kron Prlns waa flipped and tba Carman
naval band accompanying tbs prince played
"The Star Spangled Banner."
Tbe guns of Fort Wadsworth were not
silent before those across the Nsrrowa at
Fort Hamilton boomed out their sslute.
When that ceremony waa over Kron Prlns
was stopped and Nina hauled around to tbe
port side and Admiral Evans and hla staff
boarded the liner.'- The r passengers were
gathered on tha main deck ana tbgra was a
hearty cheer aa tha admiral went Up tha
Admiral Evans was escorted forward at
onca and In tha quarters of Captain A.
Rlchter, master of Kron Prlns, he and tha
prince met The prince came forward and
taking tbe band of lbs naval officer shook
It warmly.
Admiral and Prince Meet. .
"I am very glad to see you, sir," said tba
admiral. "Everybody In the United States
Is waiting to welcome you. It is my pleas
ure, sir, to formally Sittrt ou lu llitir be
half." v
"I thank you, air, and through you tba
people of your country," responded tha
prince. "I am very glad ta be here and on
this splendid day. Tha emperor directed me
to convey bis compliments to you, admiral,
and I do ao with very great pleasure."
Admiral Evans expressed gratification at
the thoughtfulness of tha smperor. Hs pre
sented members ot his stsff and the prlnco
gave each a hearty baa id hake aud a cor
dial word. Tha newspaper errespondents
who are to accompany the prince on his tour
through the country were also introduced
by tbe admiral. Tbe prince, who waa in
excellent spirits, smiled when he fared the
newspaper writers and, after tha formal
part of the presentation, ha said ha wat
sure that tbetr relations would ba tisppy.
After a brief halt tha liner moved ahead
and at 10:50 wss abreast of ths special
squadron off Tompkinsrille. The Gorman
standard waa run to tbe toretop of Kron
Prlns and Its sppearance gave signal to
the American fleet to salute. ,
Admires the o.aadran.
Ssn Francisco. Clnclnnstl, Olympla and
Illinois lay in perfect alignment in tbs order
named and made an attractive picture with .
their crews manning aides, turrets and
tops. -They raised the German naval stand
ard and then opened blank fire. Tbe prince
stood at attention on tbs bridge and back
ot him were Admiral Evana snd hla stall
and tns numerous suite ot ths German vis
itor. Ths prince end bis staff were espe
dally, interested ia Illinois and Olympla
and offered warm congratulations to the
American admiral on ths splendid appsar
ance of his squadron. The prince said ha -was
anxious to visit tbs squsdroa and tbat
he would do this at the earliest moment.
As Kron Prince cleared Tompkloevllle the
flest ot small craft around It Increased and
thev kept tteir whUllee sounding. A
crowded ferryboat joined tba othera and la
responding to the cbeers ot the passengers
ths prince went to the end of the bridge
and touched his cap in saluts. Tbsrs wss
a rush to ths elds of tbe ferryboat that
carried it over on a Hat that looked dan
gerous. When Kron I'rlns cams abreast of
Governor's Island there was another salute
and th praise agala stool f t alUuUod