Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1902, PART I, Page 9, Image 9
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: ' SUNDAY, FE11IIUABY 23, 1902. 9 BOOST FOR WESTERN LEAGUE Omaha Will Siti that Brand of Ease Ball Another Season. ROURKE PROMISES A BETTER TEAM Clreatt Tat Compltl Ceae aalHee Oalat aa to What Praa- peeta Eilit for Fllllaa . ' tha Vaeaaeles. Boost. mat it xam mina u, u. It a a eincn that If wa h avi i any sass j nan la Omaha thia aaaaon It will be furnished by tha Wee torn leagua. Thia may not ba Just what wa Want, but It's what we'll gat, and wa might aa wall meet It with a emtio. "Papa Bill" Rourke will ba manager of tha team. It mattere not how much wa may differ with him aa to hie judgment la re maining In tha Western whan ha had a chanee to get Into tha American, now that tha course haa been decided tha loyal sup port of tha fans ahould be given tha game. Mr. Rourke promleee to give good ball dur- In a the summer. In order to do this he muet have tha support of tha patrons of tha game. Omaha haa tha reputation of being a good ball town. It haa stood for two aeatona of Western leagua ball, and can probably .get through another. What tha people here want Is a team ,that will tna narmia n ptyb want isa m i Min insL win i creditably represent the city. Manager Rourke understands that,, and gives his a .v.. . .in h.Mn m VVau luca-a, uis tta iu warns aa w v v-m a.aeaaeiai tha race. He says hs haa aeventeen men under contract, but declines to name them tor reasons that, are apparent Conse quently the fanatics will have to be content ..- . ... ik. . - - i ... r""" " I r.rremkabwVa.rin iSTuu TSS 7n Xh7Zl Lemor..e : clrcuT cetbe. br Oenln. and -VE ntl&m K,.J.rL!lB.a. r.n. it . ...ha weakness of the 7 ' Zu,T TV,.'.,..n th , ii,;.. hi. ,w. '. hU wnes. 'wmd t--. m- i.i.. ih. h. h.. .a in- a.M .. .. I,.. 1Itfl.,d Md m,.a. uo , - - T' I .ho a.M .llh Ihnlr fcaniU and I r,. .i.. . ...i.,n. ., ... .i.v. .v. i.nvi,.i ' n.t,. i. .n.ui.4 i. . I winTteThU y. and .iT wm hop! that "Pap. Bill" make, good on hi. prom- tees. Omaha will be the head city of tbe West- em league. Thia is admitted by all. Dur- In, the two season, the league ha. been In existence thl. town ha. turned out more people to see game, than any of the others, i-.V th. n.M Emission, aver- a . m.u i h. i noo . th- ma. ...v. " l if a.... . .innln t.m thle vor. thli . . . " . . ,. ' i.. I ugure win w imiiruTiu on. ui.iiviiii- meat over failure to get Into faster com- pany ahould not ba allowed to prevent any from enjoying what U offered. If Manager Rourke will only give ais a winning team, he will aet the natronaae. But he must not expect too much from the people. It is doubtful If Omahane will go very ex- tansivaly to aee a team play when It Is talHna alone behind St. Joseph and Colo- rttdo Rnrlnn In a leaaua raca. That wou d . - . . -j i i. ,v. I V9 low MTr m vcbi, ui ivj" m hj i. -.k i. ,a Rourke la wise he will not nut his popularity rruunr civiu tiriu a w uuiu ivi uiu iu uu it i to such a teat. I - " - I v I So far aa the circuit la concerned, the Ust week haa witnessed no progress in the th. w.t.rn team iTninsa a .7hW: Kansas City will never, make a start can I be called progressiva. ' "Tommy" Burna ot Colorado Springs, who aeema to be the circuit committee of the Western league, continues ta give out assurances that Kan aaa City aad Milwaukee will both be on the Hat, but It is hardly poaaible that Tommy bellevea thia himself. No one elae doea. Milwaukee never waa a Western league possibility, let alone "a. probability. At one time It looked like Manning might do aomethlng In Kanaaa City. Even now ' he baa grounds leaaed for a park,, and haa plana drawn for a magnificent baaa ball plant Lata word from there, hough, la to tha effect that he is doing absoie'ely nothing and that people have lost all coa fldence in tha story that he Intends to put in a team to compete with ' the American association. Mr. Rourke saya be does not know what the circuit committee is doing other than what is In the papers. All the pa para that can ba reached by Burna ara full of hie fulmlnatlona, but the publlo no longer pays any attention to him. Presi dent Whitfield must have gone to work. At any rata ha has quit talking. It is up to. him to make good right soon now. He has whllrd away tha long winter in telling what be Intended to do, and doing nothing. With tha playing aeason only two months off, ae-flnda himself the head of a league with only four certain starters and good towns a carter than hens' teeth. ' It's sure a ease of hustle for him now. Here's hop. lag ha. will accomplish something definite Sent Free v jo len. Ft Trial Paekag ot thia New Dia . covary mailed to tvery nan Sending Nam and Addreea Quickly Keatorea Strength and Viaor. Wee trial paekaa of a moat remark et!e remedy ara bnlng mailed to aU whs writ tha State UedToal Institute, They ttr4 e aaany tarn a who had battled toe A. t lOBlSON. M.D.CM, MeJIcal Director raara aaaiuat tha mental and physical auf- rliig ct luat manhood that the Inatltute daoldad to Oi. tribute lre trial packer S to ail who write. It la a home treat ment and all man who auffar with any form of axuai weakneae resulting froia youthful lolly, prematura loaa ot strength hod memory, weak back, varicocele, or emaciation of paria can now cure them- aiva at noma Taa raikedv haa a naoullarl retaedy haa a peculiarly "gratarul ef f warrath and aeema to act direct fat ef warrath and aeome to act direct tha daairad location airing alrength and vtlaomuil luat hra it la nalad. It euraa all tha Ilia and treublaa that corns trout years of Bulsuaa of the natural func tions and haa bea an absolute auccesa la all as aaa A raaoaat ta lha Htata MaillcaJ InsUiula, 770 lUktroa Bul'idlng, Ft. Wayne Ind., stating that you daaire one ef their frae trial Laokagaa will ba oompliad with rrasnptly. The lnatltuta is daslroua of aachlng that great class of men who ara unable to leave home to ba treated and tha free aamula will anabla Ih.m Ia aaa how easy It la to ba cured of arsual weak Itaaa whan lha proper remedies are am tlars ona id. The Institute makae no rsatrto- ona Aav Btaji who writes will ba sent a fra sanu'la, carefully adod la a Dial a baukaga ao that its raclplcnt need hava aar or awbai-asauieat or publtclr. II ta ij tus are fanw-u-wiaia i-Luut fitat. I ioob, and tell us some btwi wo eu rsly I on. People m Omaha are tired of being I fed on fair atorlea and ara getting anxloue I ! to know In what compear tha Oata City I will ta found thia raw. Natlonal league affaire ahow no elgn of I clearing up. On tha other hand, a new I complication baa arisen la tha ahapa of tha I players, who have becoma uneasy over tha I unsettled conditions and want to know I something definite about their prospects of employment. , It la a rara ' condition. In deed, to find tha parent organisation of baaa ball within two month t of the begin- nlng of tha playing season without any certain knowledga of what It la going to do. Thia la tha natural reault of tha de velopment of tha commercial aapect of tha gnme without reference to tta existence aa , Jn condlUol the magnates cow find themselves, they can thank their avarlca alone. It la possible that tha total wrack of the National leagua may be averted, but' Us lost prestige can never be) revived. Talk of a four-club circuit baa been I rife during tha last two weeks. Spalding I - ... , haa offered to resign It the magnates will only get together long enough to acoept hie resignation. Aalda fra tntbta there is nothing doing. Omaha lovers of the sport ara consider ably Interested In tha team Fran Selee baa gathered together. Many of the wlaa onea ei Dress tha onlnloa that out of that I bunch of young playera Belee will develop a -team to surprise tha aatlvea. . several I Western lea true namea appear on tha list. - - - Among them I. thatf Bh.efef who jjlayed ' , . , " 7, , TLVk . Za lightning fast on his feet, 'with a good Wa. jm a head and strong both at tha bat and In tha field. Bill Rourke says Selea has a wonder In Shaefcr. Miller, who played In Tebcau's outfleld last summer Is another of the new Remnants. He wss looked en here aa a - vi.. w.i..- .v.i- hth U'a fieli swift and sure. Congalton. who was Mlnneapolla. la touted louder than either of the others, though hi. Omaha per- formance. do not warrant thl. exalUtlon. Ha mar not hava been at hi. best here, but he certainly did not achieve any ape- wonder. S.,ed up with thd bunch. It appear, that tho.a from tha Western league have excellent prospects of making . . . . . . . . -. I UUlCSgO S nauouai league eiuo wr uu. - Xa. Anceles alvea It out with something I of a fiourl.h that Jimmy Toman ... been sned to . play with . it. team. It wa. a a nivii tnat jimmv wouia noL ds in iob I Omaha team another season. His hitting here waa too weak. He fielded well, but day after day he went Into the game and out again wtthout a hit. He wa. popular here. a. he will be-wherever he play, for he 1. quiet and orderly at all times is an earnest player, and haa every qualification neceaaary to win favor from the public. If . . ., ..... . . , i 0 can orace up in ma nuimg do win uo m rri .ervlr to Loa Anaelea. "Duety" w - - Coons is another pf last season's players who will be missed from Omaha, having ined to pitch for tha Louisville team in the American aasociation. Coons waa quite a aucceaa as -a pitcher for Omaha and waa well liked by the public. A telegram from Joaepn mureaay nigni aaya nusa nan reetsiea tne niancuanmenie oi nicaoy. backed , up by a bigger aaiary, ana signed wr anoiner year wun uyrou mcniooen, Data Rur rnt In hla work on UcKlbben'S - - - nltchlnr forca durlne- tha week, aeourlnc r- b - . Charley McDonald, tha eurly-beaded aouth- . . . . m. a paw who was so enecuve at iimea agaansi i tha Omaha tAavm. "BlO-tsl" OttYlS. Whf) WAI I . . . ... a a - I me xiown or me ei. joe team ia.i ye-.r, will be on nrat ror uenver tnis seaaon. NO WONDERS ' , . "' ' ' . ' I.easaa Devoid of Sewaatlowat Perfovmaacea. Clwk BtaadlBse, W. I P.O. High. Tot. Ave Omaha 41 l 28 87 28 28 S3 86 .6X3 7 &:S5 m Clarkson pes 74 647 German ....... .660 .m .460 .414 49,916 831 Gate City Pt. Charles.... Weatern 60.49 841 4!oi4 818 Kru- Park.... 48.443 46, 4tt Sill National ...... 44 .2M 925 High score: Denman (Clarkson), and Wllle (St. Charles), 214. ladlvldaal Slaadlaa. Name and Team. Games. Tot. ... 21 8.763 ... 61 S.091 ... 39 S.9U7 Av, 178 178 177 176 176 176 176 174 173 173 171 171 170 170 170 18 1U8 167 167 . 166 164 16 165 165 165 ins 165 144 144 164 164 163 163 163 163 163 162 163 161 160 160 1S9 1SS 167 lf.6 155 154 148 145 H. Denman, Clarkaon 214 Emery-, Omaha. , Kolls, Clarkson PrIUcher. Bt. Charles.., Read, Omaha Seaman, Gate City , Zarp, Omaha.............. Beseilii, German Tracey, National Southy. St. Charlea.... 218 216 239 57 10,068 38 6.3f.l 67 10,013 66 10.617 61 1,887 37 4,8b3 34 4.158 45 7,700 46 7,876 SO 10.234 24l Z37 J" , 310 Smrad, Omaha...., BoUnelder. St Charlea. Hartley, Gate City Lehman, Omaha Drunks, Clarkson 22 48 8,178 60 10,206 64 9.114 (7 S.6u SO 10,UtS 11 8,023 Al Krue;, uerman Flanagan, St. Charlea. F. Coiirad, Gate City.. Weber. German 214 223 Zi Clarkaon, Clarkaon 69 3,834 Wllle, St. Charlea 37 4.4M3 214 Sheldon, Gate City 30 4.K3 Wlgman, Omaha 45 7,466 Reynolds. Western 61 8,460 luder, Weatern 67 S.4fl Bengele, Krug Park.... 67 9.433 Inches. Clarkson 33 6.455 Rled, Weatern 67 8.3K3 Hopentoon, Grroaa..... 64 - 8.8t8 Conway, Krug 60 S.8f0 Huntington. Gat City.. 64 8,869 Molyneaux. Clarkaon.... 81 6.079 Fogg, Kruc Park 10 l.&tf Swenaon, Weatern 62 6.878 Nlelson. Krug Park 43 6.833 C. Conrad, German 36 6.848 Zitiman. Krug Park.... 64 8.762 Baden, St. Charlea 44 7.4T4 Avers, Weatern 48 f,7M Weymullar, German 48 7,714 Miller, National 48 "7.6vt I.ucaa, Clarkson IS 3,873 Bel leek. Western 45 7.110 O'Brien, Gate City S 1.4)4 Ahrnanson. National. ... 61 .$ Krua. Krur Park 60 T.7fi$ 199 213 216 224 248 243 231 210 228 3 fig awl rs 1?9 213 214 181 171 Alex. Reed, National.... 34 8,707 Sterricker, Gate City... 9 l..VJ Davey, NaUonaJ 47 MH 190 Play has been on the diminuendo la the Omaha Bowling league this week. There waa but one remarkably good score made, either individual or team, alngle game or thirty-frame total, and there were many poor onea. The teams stand la the per - centage column just aa they did a week aaa hut the St. Charles team, br taklns two from the Krug Park men, climbed up to a tie with the Gate Cltya tor fourth nlaca. tha lattar team loatna two to the Weateraa. V Four of tha teams, the Omahas. Ger - mans. Gate Cltra and Krug Parks, hava dropped off in their averages, and the other tour have bettered but a few pine. Not a team ralaed tta high score and only thre games of the twenty-four were bowled above 800, two by the Clarkaons aad one by the Weateraa. These two teams wars tha on It tna that did good rolling. The Clarkaocs led with a respectable total ot 2.473. and averr man on the team waa above the too mark en hU total. Thia team also rolled two good alngle games. 924 and 938 points. Denman was away up, with a total ot 689. and three gamee were the beat seea for some time ln the league contests, being 18C, 214 and 190, an average of Thia waa the only feature ot the week's play. The 214 made King a tie for Individual high with Wllle, a Bt. Charlea maa. The West erne roeanwhUe had three mea above 600, with, another at 48and a total of 2,539, Only alx single games of the 130 thrown by the forty bowlers were 200 or better and taenty-elgbt of them were under ISO. Msaawhlle five team gamee were aader 80O aad five total games ware below I.Ma). Ia the Individual averaaea. maaawhlle. King Deamaa aaa autauipped Eatery aadl1" suift of taoaey which wrested first place from Mm br. traction of a pin, which la H ehowa la tha table. unit thua rota from sixth to first In a I week, and hla treat game Wednesday night I did it. Tha other leadera ara also a little filctr- ranged. Emery ta a oloaa second, while Rolls haa taken, third from Frltscher, who I la fourth. Seaman haa com up patt lerp and Beselln haa riaen two placet. Tha I average! ara shown only In round figures, where aa nearly all of them In reality carry I fractlona. In catea where eeveral playrrs have tha tame batle figure tha namea aral arranged In order of tha fractions, tha largest Drat. Hereafter tha Individual averages only of those playera who rank 166 Plna br bet ter will be printed. That meant a rata of 600 plna or better la three games, and thia dead line Is considered a liberal one. This week such a method would bar Included only the first twenty playera on tha list J shown. Probably tha two beat scores ever made In Omaha In an Individual competitive game were those rolled am tha Gate City alleys last Thursday night by Hartley of the Cate City team and Tracer of the Nationals. While tha Omahas and Oer- mans were playing off their match series these two men started a little game of their own and It proceeded In champion ship form from tha Drat. By the time aech man had atruck out In the tenth irama Hartley had won with 177, while naa zds. me work ..waa, so Phenomenal that It diverted attention from . i tne .e.gue p.ay the rest ef the avealng. Emery of tha Omahas and Beselln of tha Germans wish to challenge through Tha Bee any two-man-team in Nebraska to a series of games at all bowling contests. This announcement will be tha bowling aenaatlon of the hour, aa the challengers Will to back their work with imh a sum. and there ara .-ga-ther bowler. In Omaha and other cltie. in the st.ta who think themselves the best out. Emery and Beselln assert that they are 'beat ai -around bowler. in Nebraska. lnT cnnn this ta tenpins or any ""a game, nut incioae an. The terms of JJJ t all the different mode, of play. ma " Tarletles In all. Emery . liAMin r tMAAti In .tilM . . - -. . ' " -"k ...a". Bt,elm ytrr near the tep. JPta of 800 better at Clrk a a lay. M Hun tlngton J00. - v., iu, xvihk ienman. J. 217, J2I, 204. ill; W. F. Clarkson,. 221, ll 209, 201, 215, 202; M. Z. Forscutt, 107 Bouthy, 228, 207; H. Beselln. 204, 20S, sja. w. arey, i ,uS J. H Hodges, 03. a . C . Frlsble 203; A. O Middleton, 0. J03 W E. Camp, 218; Jw 3 202. F. J. Bengela. 212, 237, 252; R. w- yer, 2U, 224, 202. 22, 232; Tom RnnnHa 9fK nl . A T. ...... ... ... - - -- i, svv. ,0: Baldwin, 200; C. J. Francisco. 200: w-.-i, .- .A. - - Frank Fogg, 204; W. H. Emery. 201. 218. . : 1 61. "0; B. W Christy. 218. 209. 228; ?-.M' 2M-03' f 7!nP",e Seaman. "2. 217. 212. 226 210 205, H. D. Reed, . 200, W. O. Brtrhke. 209. 210, 201; C. "-"son. zxz, 4. Z3S. 204. Tenpin scores of 200 and better at Lents Willlama' alleys: Brunke. 207. 202. o. 201; William Zitiman, 2W, 212, 200, 801, 225, 223. 212; J. Oleason, 207; W. W. Hartley. ... t-- n , ' - Dr- C. C. Impey, 209 Dr. M. M. Bulll 'n. . w: Dad Huntington, 204; Tom Hawnnin 111" a v at St i - si . u. -". w, am oriu. sis; A ft. MlirDfi?. tiff Hr. 11 Tu TtAm oo IaV. a- l aA. y v'' ":":,r. t-nariea Beaman, 211; Mr. Swensen, 202; hm.n.on. 2; Mia. Effle Height. 213; Mr. KoUa, 200; King Den- man, in; ur. u. c. Block, 221; H. P.'Trus- sen, zos; "Billy" McSweaey, 207; Frank uredon, 201; Dick Seemon. 218: Tom Mc. Avoy, 21S; B. J. Nedd. 211: Raymond n.aa. Un, 205 ; Miss Grace Conant, 203; Miss Nell uuua, zos. GARDNER AND SMITH MATCH I - 1 not Little Fellowa Trala Hard for Their Coning Meetlaar, Baek Coafldeat. Local aportlng Interest centers now in the ten-round go of next Friday night between Hatch Smith, the colored featherweight ot omaha, and Eddie Gardner of Wheeling. W. Va., brother of the redoubtable Oscar Gardner of this citr. President Peter Loch I of the Omaha Athletic club Is sparing no 1 trouma or expense to make the affair a success. This match waa arranged two weeks ago and etnee that time each man haa been In constant aad conscientious training. For different reasons each haa been comnelled to work, especially hard to prepare for the contest. In Gardner's case It waa a scratch aa to whether he could make tbe weight at ail. Tha figure aet la 124 pounda. Smith giving a couple for tbe aaka of securing the match. When Gardner started to train two weeks ago he had aot been doing much since his fight with Ole Oleaon of Chicago at south omaha in December. That match. too, was virtually at catch wetghta, ao uaraner am -not wear down In preparation for It to any extent. As a consequence he had fully ten pounds to take off. With ittjonly three weeks to make this reduction, illta possibility has been a great oueaUon I and still another problem haa been how to I do It and not weaken the lighter. Ten pounds is good deal to take off such a I -Mall ....... t . . urn, uuHi, uaruuer -ia a vary earn eat worker, however, and ia alaa aaei ' I nimaell while In training mmA .v. i.- . I reports from South Omaha, where ha Is quartered. Indicate that ha will maka tha necessary weight eafely and still ba in per- leci oonaiiion, wnn no wire edge propensi ties. , It will eost Gardner f 100 on tha start, too. I lt n aka the weight, for that 1a ln amount or tha forfeit that la Boated. miia insisted on a goodly sum. tecauae of tb fct th' e waa going two pounda over U8U1 'Imlt as a gift and tb-e or four 1 pouaas over wnat he can make and be stroag and nw. I " question exists as to Smith making ln" aa he haa net gone over the 1 124-pound mark at any time ln weeka naat. I weruay os weignea Between 123 and half I Pound heavier, and ha will Aht verr I workout for tha Whit- I uk,r flnt ,n January left him la prime .onaltloa "4 he bad not much to attain 10 10,1 airectioa for tha Gardner go. Sta " alao working very hard, and it is be want a to win tha tight. There 00 Question that Gardner ia better thaa I " 01 ln tnen that Smith haa mat ba far tfla tnougn the colored boy'a frlenda hare ""T connoence u hla ability ta continue hu victories, they admit that Eddie Is a nul eraca. ir any amount at work can lncr" hla craft Smith Intends to do it. aad hiel" consequence hla managera Say that he " mlJ ,B ln Physical condition b Ter know. out la alao amarter, I quicker and brighter thaa ever be- I lon- rul oeaiaa thia all hla-natural flght- era duiio. aaa mat terrible right-hand punch, aad he certainly Justifies the pride kl. V - -1- ..... . . uia iwcivri laae lu Aim. BetUng haa already begun on tha eon. I'' nd despite predictions to the con trary, tbe game ia even money ao far. It waa taougnt that Cardner'e weight aad au- penor oxperiance would stake hla a far vorlte from the a tart, but It develooed thai 8mlta had a host of friends who are wiUlag us no a area money. Hla backers thsm. The ttomacb control! ttia man. It (rovrrns him both physically and mentallT. The roan la Just what his stomaob makes blm. Wben the stomach is right, tha man Is all right; ba f eela good, b is happy, ba is cheerful, tha world to blm If all sunshine. Whan the stomach Is wrong tha man Is all wrong-. Hs is out of sorts, lie is nervous, ba Is Irritable, ha Is gloomy and despondent, be Is "cranky''. His general disposition is such that nobody wants to bava anything to do with htm. Tha stomach is tha organ on which tha whole human system must depend for sub- ' alfttence and existence. If tha stomach ftlls, then what is to become of the rest of the body? Where does the force ot life come from? Doesn't it come largely from the food? Tou know that if you stop eating, you will die. But the mere eating of food dots not give life. Food can no more give Ufa with out digestion than coal can give heat with out combustion. It Is not what we eat but what we digest that keeps up the motor force ot the body. Undigested food Is not only useless but harmful, it ferments and decays In the stomach, the evidenoe of which you have In the distress you experience, that feeling of fullness, especially after eating, flatulence (wind on the stomach) belching and vomit A inns an 3s rao sobbo After suffering for several years all the torments Incident to that terrible malady known as dyspepsia or Indigestion, I com menced using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, and from the first dose I could feel relief. I con tinued Its use till 1 had taken several bot tle!. Now I can sleep well and eat almost anything that comes before me without ex periencing those terrible pains and horrible nightmares that follow indigestion. 'The cold and clammy night sweats have disap peared and I am steadily gaining in strength. I take great pleasure In recom mending Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to those af flicted with stomach trouble. George B. Orr, Notary Public, McCutchenville, Ohio. prepares by B.C. OeWItt Co., they wish to lay on their man, besides the $250 aide bet which is posted. Gardner money, too, ia plentiful and alto gether more real sporting Interest attaches to thia event than to any. in months, and It Its considered to promise the best tight in a long time. , Spike Leroy and cnariea Moore are working with Smith, while Gard ner's training Is In the hsnds of his brother Oscar and Frank Collier the welterweight. The Haley-Murray preliminary would on ordinary occasions - be considered a good event for the main go and it will be tbe best ' preliminary ever pulled off here. Haley especially is a tighter of class, which ha has demonstrated by recent mills in Omaha and Kansas City, where he is In good favor. It waa not thought at first that he could be persuaded to go in a prelim inary bout, but he bad no dates ahead, ao consented to make the match with Murray, who ia himself no slouch with the gloves. Tbe club is paying well for this go. One more preliminary of four rounds be tween two ' South - Omaha lads at catch weights and a battle royal .will complete the program. It will be started off promptly at 9 o'clock. The short limit means faat fighting all tha way In the main bout. Local sporting men are planning a bene fit for Oscar Gardner which will undoubt edly be largely attended. The affair Is scheduled for Friday night, March 7, at Washington hall and a good card of ring events la promised. LOCAL INTEREST IN POOL Plana for Chaanploaahla Tosrncy it- Omaha. Twelve champion pool players from all parts ef the United Slates are already en tered tor the world's championship pool tournament, which will begin In Brooklyn on Monday, March S, and . continue two weeks. They are William H. Clearwater ot Philadelphia, Jerome R. Keogh of Buffalo, Grant Eby of New York, Patrick H, Walsh of Nsw York, Irving Long of Boston, H. P. Btofft of Denver, W, E. McCune or Boston, John Daly of Chicago, William Wearick ot New York, Charlea Weston of Phenix. Aria., W. W. King of San Franciaco and Oeorge F. Smith of Hartford. The first three are former champions. The others ara the crack playera of their cities. The open conditions ot the tourney win, lt Is expected, bring together a larger, mora representative and better class of players thaa any tournament previously held. Though no entries from sbroad are yet received, aeveral are expected. A half dosen ot the most prominent players will compete for the emblem. The playing schedule will cover ten days, with two days more for playing off tlea. - Gamee will be of 150 points, and tbe entrance fees of $50 each will be bunched Into a sweepstakes. The promoters will also add (400 ln cash, to be divided Into four moneys or 1175, $100, $75 and $50. Equipment will be absolutely new and ot the highest grade. It Is expected that many records will ba broken, and several ot the entries hare already signified their Inten tion ot going hard after the alngle rua aoore, which record la now held at 72 by Grant Eby of New York. The fact -that some ot the men who are practicing tor the tournament are already passing this msrk ta practice makes it look shaky. Whiat Scares. Tha following la the scors of tha Omaha Whist club at lta regular meeting W eda ee- day night: NORTH AJMU uuu J l. D.traA-a mnA T ntrt?rm . 19 1M 1W, 4 19 1 171 17 19S 1X3 3 l!)l 3 13 7 ISO -0 Cos and Redlck. ... .' Burreli and Alles LJttleneld and Bushman Ulgutlsr and Erwln JSABT A IN U VY LOT, a rt. mil Mela Ross and Boucher Jordan and C rummer Hardman and Foster fcL Cahn and Dox Traasfer of Title. A Georgia correspoqdent aends the At lanta Coastltutloa the following epitaph aa a deceased real aetata agent: Joshua Jonee His sins torsi van. Latft earls, and own A ,o( lu beaYsa. A ooo - SygyDpD ODD3 ing. These symptoms are simply nature's warnings to yen that something Is wrong and that you should do something. This decayed food poisons the blood, through which the entire system becomes Impure and diseased. When the blood Is bad It Is certain to cause disease of the kld "neys. the liver, the heart, the lungs or any or all organs which It is Intended to nour ish. Properly digested food makes pure healthy blood which lnturn makes a healthy man by making every organ of his body healthy. Now how are we to get perfectly digested food? We are all entitled to this but by Ig noring or abuMng nature's laws we are de rrivea of It unless we make other provisions. We can do this only by taking the remedy .wbicn nature has provided, the remedy which contains a perfect combination of all the elements which make up the digestive fluids as they exist in th human digestive organs. In no other wsy can we perfectly digest all we eat. Such preparation is Kodol Dyspopsla Curo. It actually digests the food itself and pre- Sares it to be taken up by the blood. It oes this with no assistance whatever from the digestive organs or their Juices. Food Before me, L. O. Westfall, notary publlo In and for the county of Big Stone and State of Minnesota, personally came W.'H. Shlpman, who being by me duly sworn according to law, deposes and savs: That be is a resident of the Village of Beardsley and that for the last twenty-live years, here and elsewhere, be has been a constant suf ferer from dyspepsia, that during all ' this time be has tried various doctors, vari ous remedies and all kinds of diet, with lit tle or no relief, until recently when be was Induced by a friend to try Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. One bottle had such a satisfactory effect that he felt encouraged to go on with it and now after taking three bottles he Cllciae. Tie tl.OObottleeaatalaa 254 times OVT OF TUB ORDINARY. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Snyder, who live near Perkersburg, W. Va., have been mar ried only 1 twenty-one years, but- have eighteen children, eight being twina, and all of them being alive and well. There la a parson ln Bristol, Tenn., who claims to have performed 2,000 marriage ceremonies. He is known far and wide aa the friend Of eloping couples. Not only does he tie the knota, but he usea hla in fluence to aoothe the anger ot parents. Thomas O. Gentry, supervising principal of the U. S. Grant school in Philadelphia, has a mania for collecting clocks, of which he haa 225 in hla home. They are of all makes and Rises, native and foreign. Prof. Gentry la the author of several books on bird life and aa a collector of minerals Is well known among specialists. A portrait of the wife and child of Bene dict Arnold haa Just been hung In tbe rooma or the Pennsylvania Historical aociety. Mrs. Arnold followed her husband to Eng land and her eon the one ahown in tne picture became a lieutenant general. Four of ber deacendants aro ln tha British army. A Boston firm of dealera in china and flasaware that haa occupied the same elte or a portion of three renturiee, Its store having first been opened there in 1738, ta Belling at auction lta stock, said to be valued at $300,000, preparatory to moving rurtner up town. ' A Canadian who was Injured in getting off a railroad car at a station before the train had come to a atop obtained a ver dict of $1,000 damagea against the com pany, and tha verdict haa been sustained on appeal, the court holding that the plain tiff waa acting aa a reasonable man would in getting oft the train, ulthough it waa ln motion. Cltlaona of Albemarle county, Virginia, have organlaed the Jefferson Memorial Road association for the purpose of build ing a public boulevard between Charlottes ville and Montlcello, where President Jef ferson lies burled. The road will be two miles long and la expected to cost about tiO.ouo. While the work is going on a na tional good roads convention is to- be held in Charlottesville, to which will be Invited the president and cabinet, the governors or tns states ana the members ot tne na tional senate and house of representatives. ThrouKh the efforts of the health depart ment ot Havana, clgarmakera are no longer nermltted to finish clgnra br wetting the tlps In theJr mouths. They now wet their nngera on a npong ana moisten tne tips with them. The change followed the dis covery of tuberculosis bacilli on cigars. The department haa also induced the read ers employed by the men ln the factories to spend part of their time reading on the subject or hygiene. A still more Important change would be the exclusion from cigar faetorlea or all persona mrectea wun con eumpUon. . - Rheumatic peine ara the cries of protest and distreaa from tortured rnuaclea, aching icriuts and excited nerves. The blood haa been poiscmed by tha accumulation , of waste natter in the system, and can. no longer supply tha pure and health sustain ing food they require. The whole system feels the effect of this add poison ; and not until the blood has been purified and brought back to a Health coaoiuoa will the aches and pains cease. Mrs. Tamea Kelt, of 707 Ninth street, If. Washington, D. C., writes aa 'ollowsi UX few mouths age I had aa stuck fetalis Eheuiaa tiara is iu worst fores. Tha pain waa ao latent that I became completely pros trated. The atuck was aa unusually severe one, aad my coaaltioa waa regard ed aa being very dasgrr oss. I waa attended by oae of the moat able doe tors ia Washington, who ia alao a member ef the fac ulty of a leading medical. college here. He told mai to coutinns hla prcscrip-1 ttsas aad I would set well. After baring It filled twelve timea without receiving the slightest benefit, 1 declined to cout laae tu treatment an; laager. Having Bears si B. . s.tswm sepeaBci recommended for aheamallam, I decided, almost ia despair however, ta give the medicise a trial, and alter I kad Ukea a few bottles I was able te babble arsssd sa crutchaa, and very aosa there aiter had ao aaa for them at all, a. 8. 8. having cared me ecraad end well. All the diatremlcg pains have left me, my appetite haa returned, aad I aaa happy to be agaia restored to perfect health. a the great vegetable I I purifier and tonic, is V X (ha Ideal remedy in all kj J sj 1 rheumatic troubles. There are aa opiates or minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habilsT' We bare prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer frwns Uia paiaful disease should read. It ia the most complete aad ia tar eating book of the klad ia existence. It will be sent f reo te any ewe desiring it. Write oar physi dans fully aaU freely about yosr case, we e sto oherre lor tss1ical aance. laut eexrf trCmf M C, alUaU, ta. Sj3 la tubes 1 digested In our laboratory testa as completely and perfectly aa it would be In the most healthy stomach. Is it fcny won der then that Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is effect tng such seemingly wonderful cures. It can't help but benefit. It's perfectly simple, lust as simple as dissolving a handful of salt la a pall of water, because Kodol Dyspepsia Cur contains all tbe necessary element to digest all kinds of food. When taking this preparation, nothing else Is necessary. You don't have to re strlot your eating to a few "diets". That's . nonsense. Nature demands a variety ot foods. It requires all kinds of food to supply th numerous demands of the body. That's why nature gives us such a generous variety. Eat all your appetite calls for. .That's wbii ' your appetite is for, to let you know what element of nutrition you need and that' why your appetite or desire for different food changes occasionally. Eat all - yon want, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest it and make a new person ot you. It will give you new life, new strength, nsw ambition and a new appetite. It will enable you to enjoy living as you never enjoyed It before. It will make you feel more like living bo enjoy the good things in life. .fran Eiis stomach. feels about cured, can eat what he want with no bad effect whatever, that he sleeps well at night and rises In the morning re freshed and like a new man. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of March, 1900. L. G. Westfall. Notary Public. Big Stone County, Minn. . Gentlemen: -During the last few year my stomach was in such a terrible condition I couldn't retain the food I ate. Two moo tbe ago I commenced ualng Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 have taken four bottles and It has cured me entirely, so that I can now eat and enjoy anything I want. Henry W1V Hams, Boonville, Mo. aassack(yactaalaiaasaramaat;sstSetrlaUliawllc sella lerS9aeaa. 'CURED TO STAY CURED What the afflicted man wanta la not a temporary relief, but a perma nent curs. The beneficial efteota of my treat ment are aa lasting as Ufa I cure to stay cured. When1 once a patient la rescued by aVwaarest Established, Most Sao essafsl aael Reliable Specialists la DlaestsM ( Mea, mm afeelleaa Diplomas, Ueeases aad Hews paper BeeerSs Show. me from the ravagea of disease or weakness oecullar to his sex. he la never again bothered with his former trouble. ' I do not treat all dleeaaea. L but I treat man MEN ONLY and out them to stay cured. ' Varicocele Under my treat mart, which Inoludea no outline; or pain, thia lnsldioua die- ease rapiaiy aisappeers. Pain dlaaDDears almost Instantly. The pools of a tag-nan t blood ara driven from the dilated velna and all soreness snd a welling quickly sub aide. Eivwrv Indication of Varicocele aooa vanishes aad In lta stead oome the pride, the power and the pleasure of parieot neatia aaa restorea mannooa. strictcre My sure for etrtoture Is safe, pain less aad bloodless, and. therefore, free xrom surgery ia any una. It la the only oure that should We charge nothing- for private 00 tjpi 1 sla. 1 to noia lur our procuaaes. gats a oure that has made Pr ir you cannot ur OCloe treat 1 neat by oorreaponalenoe is write alwaya CONSULTATION FREE. OXIlosj Hoars from S , m. to Sp. Stiadsiwa 10 at. m. to I p. as Stat o Electro-nodical Institufs 1308 P.rnaun SC. Botwavaas 13th auad 11th Stav, Oawthc. TTeb. Clark's Bowling Alleys 1313-19 Harney tt. Biggest-Brightesl-Best Evcry Woman at silarsT m4 fm'iiw alL ill ba.raai MtVtL Wklriiaw isrty W ww- bl Ow CiJw ! 4. Nl M.,4 nil fjs tv laiaa ao.t .,.1 n im lajl ji4wi . c . , te. faaL ta atata) he. Boea LJ lillasa aii.Si. it. 2, Eaft . . be' used, and the only one reeora mended by the legions ot men who ' have been restored by It. It dislodges tne Binoiure oompieieuy and removea every obstruction from the urinary paaaage. allaya all In-; flammation, stops every discharge, re duces the prostate gland when en larged, cleanaea and peala the bladder ana Kianeys wnen irnta or con gested, invigorates the organs and re stores health and aoundneae to every part of the body affected by the dis ease.. ( . Contagious Blood Poison My apeolal form of. treatment for speclfla or contagious blood poison la practically the reault of my life work, and is Indorsed by tha best phyaloiana of thia and foreign countries. It contains no dangerous druga or inlurloue medicine of any klndT It goes to the very bottom of the disease and torcee out every partiole ot Impurity. Boon every alarn and symptom ala appear completely and forever. The blood, the tissue, the flesh, tha bonea and the whole system are cleansed, purified and restored to per fect health and the patient prepared anew for the dutlee and pleaeurea at llf e. NerVo-Sexnal Debility My euro for' weak mea doea net stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently. It soon drives away all those dis tressing symptoms which ao con atantly remind eae of hie former telly. It stops every drain of vigor and builda up the rausoular and nervous ystem, purllee and enriohee the blood, cleanses and heals the bladder and kidneys, Invigorates the live, revives the splriU, brightens the In tellect, and, above and beyoad all res tores tha wasted power of mtunoo Reflex Diseases Many ailments . are reflex, ertgtaat lrur from other dissssss. For instance, manly w mi k 11 aaa sometimes cornea from vertoooele ot etrtoture. Innumerable blood and bona diseases aten reault from blood pot aoa taint In the system, or physi oal or mental decline frequently follow toss of manhood. In tniaUal diseases af, any hind I alwaya oure tha effect as well aa tha tinsel, and giro to each patient a LnOAIa Is It net worth your while ta lnveati to multitudes of msnT vsur srmotoeua fun. Dus aiioonasfui. Your Fortune Toll Frea. BY THE ZODIAC. a??S, IK We will eend you a Horoacope Read Irg cf your Ufa and a moat Interest ing Book on Astrology, if you ssad the dale of your birth and a atamp for return postage. Our rsadlnge have trade people happy and full of hope and success. Address MAGAZINE OS MYal'JHiS. U N. William bU M. T. City. EiLCa THSY. PILLS . t at Sv lun Uo only safe as4 raiiaWe Issnale fcesabaieruaTaUUwtiat. Bauovoa siuju $ . Jll arugf uta, or by Ball. Frtoa, SI S-K4 ic tu 'WuaB'Saft(aar4."WUoua steo- wnq ry enrrmsn or wi r- ro-nneil irrus vi a. WJCor. loth and Dodaa fiLs.. CoiaLa.